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Strategy and Business Models – DIT PM Module 1
RAOMAL PERERA | @raomal @LeanDisruptor |
Using Business Model Innovation
 Serial Entrepreneur
 ISOCOR (NASDAQ: icor) & Network365/Valista (Intel)
 Adjunct Professor of Entrepreneurial Studies
 Business Model Innovation, Lean Startup, Leadership &
Fund Raising
 Consultant
 Clients include: MSD (Merck), HP (Hewlett Packard), IFB
(Irish Film Board), HSE (Health Service Executive), Arvato
(Bertelsman), Resmed, Openet, Glandore, SEI (Social
Entrepreneurs Ireland), DJEI (Dept of Jobs, Entreprise and
Innovation), CWIA (Cartier Women’s Initiative Awards) …
 Accolades
 Finalist Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year
 Tech Pioneer World Economic Forum
 ISA Award for Outstanding Software Achievement
 Blog: 2
Learning Outcomes
• Identify the Problem/Need first before
defining the Solution.
• To introduce you to the key tools and
techniques to help you build a
successful startup or at least reduce
the risk of failure
• Learn to invent design and build
powerful new business models using a
set of business model innovation tools.
• Understand the environment in which
you operate
What is the 1 single
most important thing
you want to take
away by the end of
this module?
Take 2 minutes to write down the
PROBLEM/NEED you are addressing
• Introduce yourself
• What is the problem/need that you
solve with your product idea
Google Trends
Find the Gap
How to find
opportunities that others
don’t see.
- Amy Wilkinson
How breakthrough ideas emerge from
small discoveries
Creative thinkers practice a set of simple but
ingenious experimental methods
• failing quickly to learn fast
• tapping into the genius of play
• engaging in highly immersed
Free their minds, opening them up to making
unexpected connections and perceiving
invaluable insights.
Design thinking is a different way of knowing
It helps us explore questions that are crucial to
the future of our business.
Without design thinking, our past becomes our
Design Thinking
Design Thinking – Stanford
Design thinking on innovation stimulation
Three core elements—observation, experimentation and
• You have to start with observation because it's the only
way to illuminate the subtle nuances about how people
actually get things done, or don't get things done, and
it's these deep insights that lead to powerful new ideas.
• Intellectual experimentation is equally critical because
there's no way to generate real breakthroughs unless
people are willing to explore a lot of options in a
divergent way.
• Finally, rapid and inexpensive prototyping is the most
efficient way to move an idea from concept to reality.
- Tim Brown, CEO of IDEO18
Most successful entrepreneurs
don’t begin with brilliant ideas
– they discover them
Often (first-time) entrepreneurs feel that
step 1 involves writing a business
plan/building a slide deck and getting
Finding the Problem is the Hard Part
– Kevin Systrom & Mike Krieger (Instagram
Instagram Co-Founder Kevin Systrom believes building
solutions for most problems is the easy part; the hard part is
finding the right problem to solve. Here he opens up about
how he and fellow Co-Founder Mike Krieger identified the
problems they wanted to solve around sharing photos through
mobile devices. He also reminds entrepreneurs to embrace
simple solutions, as they can often delight users and
Customer Development
Solution Fit
Market Fit
The 3 Steps
Key Question: Do I have a problem worth solving?
Who has the problem?
What is the top problem?
How is it solved today?
Where do they have the problem or in what context do
they have a problem? (milkshake example)
When do they have the problem?
Why is it a problem? (root cause analysis. Why is the
single best word for creating value in a start-up and an
established business) - It is not possible to know what the
top problem is without knowing where, when and why
they have a problem. Also the questions may not be
answered in sequence e.g. will we find the problem and
the person with the problem at the same time?
Identify the Problem
Take a stab at defining the solution
Build a demo (MVP)
Test it with assumed customers
Will the solution work? (can the proposed
solution create customer value that exceeds the
cost to produce and deliver the solution to the
Who it the early adopter?
Does the pricing model work?
Define the Solution
Build an MVP
Soft launch to early adopters
Do they realise the unique value proposition
How will you find enough early adopters to support
Are you getting paid?
Analysis: There needs to be a bit of intuitive thinking
around the MVP. We need to ask and then guess how we
can create the most unique customer value in the shortest
amount of time with the least resources. With a bit of
thinking and an equal amount of action we have a chance
of appropriating real value in the short term
Validate Qualitatively
Launch your refined product to a larger audience
Have you built something people want?
How will you reach customers at scale
Do you have a viable business?
Analysis: A refined product needs to test both
qualitatively and quantitatively in order to find out
why the refined product creates customers’ value
and how large is the market potential?
Can this business produce (organically or through
investment) enough cash in the short term in order
that customers value - cost to produce = profit
Validate Quantitavely
THE BANK 121314
You may have jumped to the
“ABC” or “12 13 14” or “financial
CONSIDERING alternatives!
I force you to use your
rational brain only?
What is 17x24?
Our subjective judgements are
biased: we are far too willing to
believe research findings based
on inadequate evidence and
prone to collect too few
observations in our own
Knowledge is having the right answer.
Intelligence is asking the right questions
The Art of Customer Interviewing
What is a Startup?
A TEMPORARY organisation
Business Models
Startups are NOT just SMALLER versions of a LARGE
Strategy for Startups
• Planning before the Plan
• Use the Osterwalder Canvas to do two things:
– Organise our thinking
– Get out of the Building to turn the hypothesis into
• SEARCH for the Business Model First and then
Write it Up (Business Plan)
Customer vs. Product Development
• More startups fail from a lack of
customers than from a failure of Product
• We have all the processes to manage the
Engineering Risk
• No processes to manage the Customer
What is a business model?
A business model describes the rationale
of how an organisation Creates, Delivers
and Captures value
Why we need a shared language for
business models?
Note: You may need to license the online learning tool on Strategyzer to
view this clip from Osterwalder
Use of BMC in Established Companies
IMPROVE ----------------------------------INVENT
Know Problem/Know Solution -Unknown Problem/Unknown
------EXECUTE -------------------------SEARCH------------
Business Model Innovation
Business Model Innovation
“It is not the strongest of the
species that survive, nor the
most intelligent, but the one
most responsive to change.”
- Charles Darwin
Getting from Business Idea to Business Model
Nespresso’s Business Model
What is Nespresso’s Business Model? What
made them so successful?
Business Model Canvas
Helps you create value for
your business
Business Modelling Tools
Value Proposition Canvas
Helps you create value for
your customer
Business Modelling Tools – Zoom In
Environment Map
Helps you understand the
context in which you create
your business
Business Modelling Tools – Zoom Out
St. Gallen Business Model
Navigator (Patterns)
Helps you innovate your
business model(s)
Business Modelling Tools – Zoom Around!
Getting started with the canvas
Best Practices
Group Exercise: 20 Mins
Develop a BMC for a cinema using an
A1 canvas poster.
Hypotheses or Guesses
• The canvas is a set of Hypotheses. i.e. Guesses.
• It helps us to organize our thinking! It is not
about functional organisation but about the
• The real question is How do we change those
guesses into FACTS?
Customer Development Process
Post it to the Wall
- Create the canvas
- Make it Visible
- Use Yellow Post-It notes
with your guesses
Get Out of the Building and Test your hypotheses. There are NO
FACTS here. Talk to Customers, Partners, Vendors. Design
experiments, run tests, get data
What I learned…
 getting an interview right is not an easy task
 while I wanted to solve one problem I discovered another more
relevant one
 if you have a good relationship with people and you offer a proven
service they will give you a chance
 I discovered that my initial business idea was not the best idea
 through customer interviews I redefined my idea
 patience is important…I am still trying to get in touch with some of my
potential key partners
 people in our industry like to play safe where they can
Pay every 6 months rather than every month
Use tangible gifts as “hooks”
Choose some major race meetings to start with
Tips and information on races and racetracks worldwide
Limit the number of TC membership to ensure the service quality
and to create a sense of exclusiveness
Consultancy, not translation or travel agency
3 job offers, 3 want to join the business, 1 willing to invest
Exercise: 20 Mins
Develop a BMC for your idea using an A1
canvas poster. Work in groups of 2 and
pick one of the projects.
“Studies comparing successful and
unsuccessful innovation have found that the
primary discriminator was the degree to
which the user needs were fully
– David Garvin, Harvard Business School
#1 Target
market new
set of
• Who are your
• What are
• What jobs do
they want
you to get
done for
Customer Segments
Customer Persona/Archetypes
• Position/Title
• Age/Sex
• Role
• Discretionary budget
• Motivations
• Role models
•Who are you?
•How do you buy?
•What matters to you?
•Who influences you?
Customer Archetypes
Meet Paul, Sheetal and Barbara
• 20 – 45
• Aim to maintain and
track active lifestyle
• Looking for
inspiration on diet &
exercise regimes
• Gets a buzz from
• 30 – 55
• Already follows a
healthy lifestyle
• Interested in
• Believes eating well
is as important as
• 30 +
• Yo-yo dieter, has
tried many of the fad
diets but never stuck
to one
• Needs tips and
motivation to keep
up a healthy lifestyle
• Irregular or
infrequent exerciser
For Whom is it Relevant?
Customer Types
 Saboteurs
 Intermediaries (OEM’s and resellers)
Q: Consider Selling Business Intelligence
Software into a large business. Which types
of customers are the following?
1. CFO
2. CIO
3. Report Users
4. Line of Business
5. Business Intelligence Group
inside IT
a. Economic byer
b. Influencer
c. Recommender
d. Decision maker
e. Saboteur
Q: Consider Selling Business Intelligence
Software into a large business. Which types
of customers are the following?
1. CFO
2. CIO
3. Report Users
4. Line of Business
5. Business Intelligence
Group inside IT
a. Economic byer
b. Influencer
c. Recommender
d. Decision maker
e. Saboteur
Buyer/Payer (e.g. Google)
Two sided markets – Buyers/Payees
1.Workers/Recruiters - LinkedIn
2.Banks/Merchants - Visa
3.Sellers/Buyers - eBay
4.Readers/Advertisers - New York Times
Each has its own value proposition
Each has its own revenue streams
One segment cannot exist without the other
Corporate? Consumer?
 Business to Business (B to B)
–Use or buy inside a company
 Business to Consumer (B to C)
–Use or buy for themselves
 Business to Business to Consumer (B to B
to C)
–Sell a business to get to a consumer
–Other Multi-sided Markets with multiple
© 2004 Valista Ltd. confidential information.77
 top up
my phone
 subscribe to a
 book a flight
a report
 book a hotel
pay a bill
 cancel a check
 top-up kid’s
 vote online
 top-up my phone
 download a
new game
 buy an MP3
 download
a voucher
 change my ringtone
 play the lottery
 check my
phone credit
on the move at home
at play at work
premium services for subscribers
about Valista
“No one cares how much you know, until
they know how much you care”
– Theodore Roosevelt
Value proposition
• Which of our
problems are we
helping to solve?
• Which Customer
needs are we
• What are the key
features of our
product that match
What jobs do
they want done
, what's a good
outcomes for
What are
options and
how do I
over others
Through what
will your service
(product) be
delivered to your
How will we GET,
Customers? How will I
get the Value
to my
How best to
e to each
Channels & Customer Relationships
Two Critical Channel Questions
How do you want to sell your product?1
is subtle, but more important than the first:
How does your customer want to buy your
Physical Channels
© 2012 Steve Blank
Web Channels
© 2012 Steve Blank
Customer Relationships
Physical & Web Mobile Are Different
© 2012 Steve Blank
Customer Relationships
Physical Products – Get/Keep/Grow
© 2012 Steve Blank
Customer Relationships
Web/Mobile Products Get/Keep/Grow
© 2012 Steve Blank
CR – Facebook & Twitter
© 2012 Steve Blank
How Many Will You Sell?
• How many can your channel sell?
• How much will the channel cost?
• How many customer activations?
• Revenue? Churn/Attrition rate?
• How much will it cost to acquire a
• How many units will they buy from
each of these efforts?
Where Is The Money Coming From?
Revenue Model Choices
Web Physical
 Direct Sales
 Products
 Subscription
 Upsell/Next Sell
 Ancillary Sales:
• Referral revenue
• Affiliate revenue
• E-mail list rentals
• Back-end offers
 Direct Sales
 Products
 Service
 Upsell/Next Sell
 Referrals
 Leasing
 Direct Sales
 Products
 Subscription
 Add-on services
 Upsell/Next Sell
 Referrals
“Direct” Revenue Models
 Sales: Product, app, or service sales
 Subscriptions: SAAS, games, monthly
 Freemium: use the product for free:
 Pay-per-use: revenue on a “per use” basis
 Virtual goods: selling virtual goods
 Advertising sales: unique and/or large
“Ancillary” Revenue Models
 Referral revenue: pay for referring traffic/customers
to other web or mobile sites or products.
 Affiliate revenue: finder’s fees/commissions from
other sites for directing customers to make
purchases at the affiliated site
 E-mail list rentals: rent your customer email lists to
advertiser partners
 Back-end offers: add-on sales items from other
companies as part of their registration or purchase
confirmation processes, or “sell” their existing traffic
to a company that strives to monetize it and share
the resulting revenue
the tactics you use to set the
price in each customer
Pricing Model
How Do We Price The Product?
Pricing Model Choices
How Do We Price The Product?
 Product-based pricing
 Competitive pricing
 Volume pricing
 Value pricing
 Portfolio pricing
 The “razor/razor blade” model
 Subscription
 Time/Hourly Billing
 Leasing
Pricing Models - Physical
How Do We Price The Product?
 Product-based pricing
 Subscriptions
 Freemium
 Pay-per-use
 Virtual goods
 Advertising sales
Pricing Models – Web/Mobile/Cloud
Other Words We Use In The Place Of Price
 Fee
 Commission
 Subscription
 Toll
 Interest
 Rent
 Tax
 Shipping
© 2012 Steve Blank 100
© 2012 Steve Blank 101
© 2012 Steve Blank 102
© 2012 Steve Blank 103
Exercise: 20 Mins
Develop a BMC for your idea using an A1
canvas poster. Work in groups of 2 and
pick the second of the projects.
Clayton Christensen
Jobs to be Done
“If you understand the job,
how to improve the product
becomes just obvious”
“People buy products and services to get jobs
done. As people complete these jobs, they
have certain measurable outcomes that they
are attempting to achieve. It links a company's
value creation activities to customer-defined
metrics.” - Ulwick
Exercise: 20 Mins
Develop a VP canvas for Airbnb. Assume
you are the Owner of the Apartment
Work in groups of 2.
Exercise: 20 Mins Each
Develop a VP canvas for a CS in your
Work in groups of 2.
© 2004 Valista Ltd. confidential information.120
A Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is
“that product which has just those
features and no more that allows you
to ship a product that early adopters
see and, at least some of whom
resonate with, pay you money for, and
start to give you feedback on”
MVP #1 Explainer video
Explainer video is a short video that explains
what your product does and why people should
buy it.
A simple, 90 seconds animation is sufficient.
e.g. Dropbox
How to make an explainer video
MVP #2 A Landing Place
A landing page is a web page where
visitors “land” after clicking a link from
an ad, e-mail or another type of a
MVP #2 A Landing Page
• Craft your Landing Page
• Set up a Google AdWord campaign and drive traffic
to your new landing page. Even here you can let the
AdWord engine rotate different messages and test
what works best on your prospects
• Set up Google Analytics. The most important thing to
measure is conversions – percent of visitors that sign
up (or perform another desired action)
• Set up a chat to make it easy for the visitors to raise
• Set up a service like Qualaroo to survey your visitors
MVP #3 Wizard of Oz
A “Wizard of Oz” MVP is when you put up a
front that looks like a real working product, but
you manually carry out product functions. It’s
also known as “Flinstoning”.
Zappos shoes is the biggest online shoe
retailer, with annual sales exceeding $1 billion.
In his Lean Startup book, Eric Ries describes
how the founder started with a Wizard of Oz
MVP #4 The Concierge MVP
Instead of providing a product, you start
with a manual service. But not just any
service! The service should consist of
exactly the same steps people would go
through with your product.
MVP #5 Piecemeal MVP
This strategy is a blend between the “Wizard
of Oz” and “Concierge” approaches. Again,
you emulate the steps people would go
through using your product – as you envision
MVP #6 Crowd Funding
Sell it before you build it.
The basic idea is simple: launch a crowd
funding campaign on platforms such as
Kickstarter or IndieGoGo. Not only will you
validate if customers want to buy your product,
but you will also raise money.
Case Study: Owlet
Owlet Infant Health Tracker Takes The Wearable
Revolution Into The Crib
Note: You may need to license the online learning tool on
Strategyzer to view this clip from Osterwalder
Environment Map
Helps you understand the
context in which you create
your business
Business Modelling Tools – Zoom Out
The Environment
Technology Trends
Regulatory Trends
Societal & Cultural Trends
Socioeconomic Trends
Technology Trends
Identifies technology trends that could threaten
your business model or enable it to evolve or
•What are the major technology trends both inside
and outside your market?
•Which technologies represent important
opportunities or disruptive threats?
•Which emerging technologies are peripheral
customer adopting?
Regulatory Trends
Describes regulations and regulatory trends that
influence your business model
•Which regulatory trends influence your market?
•What rules may affect your business model?
•Which regulations and taxes affect customer
Socioeconomic Trends
Outlines major socioeconomic trends relevant to
your business model
•What are the key demographic trends?
•How would you characterize income and wealth
distribution in your market?
•How high are disposable incomes?
•Describe spending patterns in your market (e.g.
housing, healthcare, entertainment, etc.)?
•What portion of the population lives in urban
areas as opposed to rural settings? 136
Societal and Cultural Trends
Identifies major societal trends that may influence
your business model
•Describe key societal trends. Which shifts in
cultural or societal values affect your business
•Which trends might influence buyer behavior?
Market Issues
Market Segments
Needs & Demands
Switching Costs
Revenue Attractiveness
Market Issues
Identifies key issues driving and transforming your
market from Customer and Offer perspectives
•What are the crucial issues affecting the
customer landscape?
•Which shifts are underway?
•Where is the market heading?
Market Segments
Identifies the major market segments, describes
their attractiveness and seeks to spot new
•What are the most important Customer
•Where is the biggest growth potential?
•Which segments are declining?
•Which peripheral segments deserve attention?
Needs & Demands
Outlines market needs and analyzes how well
they are served
•What do Customers Need?
•Where are the biggest unsatisfied Customer
•What do Customers’ really want to get done?
•Where is demand increasing?
Switching Costs
Describes elements related to customers
switching business to competitors
•What binds customers to a company and its
•What switching costs prevent customers from
defecting to competitors?
•Is it easy for customers to find and purchase
similar offers?
•How important is brand?
Revenue Attractiveness
Identifies elements related to revenue
attractiveness and pricing power
•What are customers really willing to pay for?
•Where can the largest margins be achieved?
•Can customers easily find and purchase cheaper
products and services?
Global Market Conditions
Capital Markets
Commodities and Other Resources
Economic Infrastructure
Global Market Conditions
Outlines current overall conditions from a
macroeconomic perspective
•Is the economy in a boom or bust phase?
•Describe general market sentiment.
•What is the GDP growth rate?
•How high is the unemployment rate?
Capital Markets
Describes current capital market conditions as
they relate to your capital needs
•What is the state of the capital markets?
•How easy is it to obtain funding in your particular
•Is seed capital, venture capital, public funding,
market capital or credit readily available?
•How costly is it to procure funds?
Commodities and Other Resources
Highlights current prices and price trends for
resources required for your business model
•Describe the current status of markets for
commodities and other resources essential to
your business (e.g. oil prices and labor costs).
•How easy is it to obtain the resources needed to
execute your business model? (e.g. attract prime
•How costly are they?
•Where are prices headed? 147
Economic Infrastructure
Describes the economic infrastructure of the
market in which your business operates
•How good is the (public) infrastructure in your
•How would you characterize transportation,
trade, school quality and access to suppliers and
•How high are individual and corporate taxes?
•How good are public services for organizations?
•How would you rate the quality of life?
Competitors (Incumbents)
New entrants (Insurgents)
Substitute Products & Services
Suppliers & other Value Chain Actors 149
Competitors (Incumbents)
Identifies incumbent competitors and their relative strengths
•Who are your competitors?
•Who are the dominant players in our particular sector?
•What are their competitive advantages and disadvantages?
•Describe their main offers.
•Which Customer Segments are they focusing on?
•What is their Cost Structure?
•How much influence do they exert on our Customer
Segments, Revenue Streams, and Margins?
New Entrants (Insurgents)
Identifies new insurgent players and determines whether they
compete with a business model different from yours
•Who are the new entrants in your market?
•How are they different?
•What competitive advantages or disadvantages do they
•Which barriers must they overcome?
•What are their Value Propositions?
•Which Customer Segments are they focused on?
•What is their cost structure?
•To what extent do they influence your Customer Segments,
Revenue Streams and Margins?
Substitute Products and Services
Describes potential substitutes for your offers-
including those from other markets and industries
•Which products or services could replace ours?
•How much do they cost compared to ours?
•How easy it is for customers to switch to these
•What business model traditions do these substitute
products stem from (e.g. high-speed trains versus
airplanes, mobile phones versus cameras, Skype
versus long-distance telephone companies)?
Specifies which actors influence your organization
and business model
•Which stakeholders might influence your
business model?
•How influential are shareholders? Workers? The
government? Lobbyists?
Suppliers and other Value Chain Actors
Describes Potential substitutes for your offers-
including those from other markets and industries
•Who are the key players in your industry value
•To what extent does your business model
depend on other players?
•Are peripheral players emerging?
•Which are most profitable?
“Pattern in architecture is the idea of
capturing architectural design ideas
as archetypical and reusable
– Christopher Alexander, Architect
St. Gallen Business Model
Navigator (Patterns)
Helps you innovate your
business model(s)
Business Modelling Tools – Zoom Around!
Prepare to cannibalize your Business Model
“if you don’t cannibalize
yourself, someone else
will. Don’t protect your
products …. Protect the
customer experience and
your customer
relationships” – Steve Jobs
3 Challenges in Business Model Innovation
1. Overcoming the dominant Industry
2. Thinking in Business Models and not in
Technology and/or Products
3. Lack of Systematic Tools
Review: Customer Development Process
Post it to the Wall
- Create the canvas
- Make it Visible
- Use Yellow Post-It notes
with your guesses
Get Out of the Building and Test your hypotheses. There are NO
FACTS here. Talk to Customers, Partners, Vendors. Design
experiments, run tests, get data
Strategy and Business Models – DIT PM Module 1 | @raomal @LeanDisruptor |
Fit for Purpose UCD @raomal
Additional Resources: Books
Additional Resources Books
Key Strategy Tools – 80+ tools for every
manager to build a winning strategy
The Business Model Navigator – The 55
Models that will revolutionize your business
– Gassmann, Frankenberger & Csik
What Customers Want – Using Outcome-
Driven Innovation to Create Breakthrough
Products and Services – Ulwick
Additional Resources
BMC Online Tools:
Strategyzer (free tool)
Stattys Notes;
- A new generation of adhesive notes with a unique "Write
and Slide" function.
Additional Resources
Card decks:
BMI Pattern Cards
Mapping the Business
Model Design Space Card
Strategy and Business Models – DIT PM Module 1 | @raomal @LeanDisruptor |

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How to build a startup

  • 1. Strategy and Business Models – DIT PM Module 1 RAOMAL PERERA | @raomal @LeanDisruptor | HOW TO BUILD A STARTUP Using Business Model Innovation
  • 2. RAOMAL PERERA  Serial Entrepreneur  ISOCOR (NASDAQ: icor) & Network365/Valista (Intel)  Adjunct Professor of Entrepreneurial Studies  INSEAD & UCD  Business Model Innovation, Lean Startup, Leadership & Fund Raising  Consultant  Clients include: MSD (Merck), HP (Hewlett Packard), IFB (Irish Film Board), HSE (Health Service Executive), Arvato (Bertelsman), Resmed, Openet, Glandore, SEI (Social Entrepreneurs Ireland), DJEI (Dept of Jobs, Entreprise and Innovation), CWIA (Cartier Women’s Initiative Awards) …  Accolades  Finalist Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year  Tech Pioneer World Economic Forum  ISA Award for Outstanding Software Achievement  Blog: 2
  • 3. 3
  • 5. 5
  • 6. 6
  • 7. Learning Outcomes 7 • Identify the Problem/Need first before defining the Solution. • To introduce you to the key tools and techniques to help you build a successful startup or at least reduce the risk of failure • Learn to invent design and build powerful new business models using a set of business model innovation tools. • Understand the environment in which you operate
  • 8. 8 What is the 1 single most important thing you want to take away by the end of this module?
  • 9. Your SOLUTION is NOT my PROBLEM 9 Take 2 minutes to write down the PROBLEM/NEED you are addressing
  • 10. Introduction • Introduce yourself • What is the problem/need that you solve with your product idea 10
  • 13. Find the Gap How to find opportunities that others don’t see. - Amy Wilkinson 13
  • 14. How breakthrough ideas emerge from small discoveries Creative thinkers practice a set of simple but ingenious experimental methods • failing quickly to learn fast • tapping into the genius of play • engaging in highly immersed observation Free their minds, opening them up to making unexpected connections and perceiving invaluable insights. 14
  • 15. 15
  • 16. Design thinking is a different way of knowing It helps us explore questions that are crucial to the future of our business. Without design thinking, our past becomes our future Design Thinking 16
  • 17. Design Thinking – Stanford 17
  • 18. Design thinking on innovation stimulation Three core elements—observation, experimentation and prototyping: • You have to start with observation because it's the only way to illuminate the subtle nuances about how people actually get things done, or don't get things done, and it's these deep insights that lead to powerful new ideas. • Intellectual experimentation is equally critical because there's no way to generate real breakthroughs unless people are willing to explore a lot of options in a divergent way. • Finally, rapid and inexpensive prototyping is the most efficient way to move an idea from concept to reality. - Tim Brown, CEO of IDEO18
  • 19. Most successful entrepreneurs don’t begin with brilliant ideas – they discover them 19
  • 20. Often (first-time) entrepreneurs feel that step 1 involves writing a business plan/building a slide deck and getting funded! 20
  • 21. 21 Finding the Problem is the Hard Part – Kevin Systrom & Mike Krieger (Instagram Co_Founders) Instagram Co-Founder Kevin Systrom believes building solutions for most problems is the easy part; the hard part is finding the right problem to solve. Here he opens up about how he and fellow Co-Founder Mike Krieger identified the problems they wanted to solve around sharing photos through mobile devices. He also reminds entrepreneurs to embrace simple solutions, as they can often delight users and customers.
  • 25. 25
  • 26. Key Question: Do I have a problem worth solving? Who has the problem? What is the top problem? How is it solved today? Where do they have the problem or in what context do they have a problem? (milkshake example) When do they have the problem? Why is it a problem? (root cause analysis. Why is the single best word for creating value in a start-up and an established business) - It is not possible to know what the top problem is without knowing where, when and why they have a problem. Also the questions may not be answered in sequence e.g. will we find the problem and the person with the problem at the same time? Identify the Problem 26
  • 27. Take a stab at defining the solution Build a demo (MVP) Test it with assumed customers Will the solution work? (can the proposed solution create customer value that exceeds the cost to produce and deliver the solution to the customer) Who it the early adopter? Does the pricing model work? Define the Solution 27
  • 28. Build an MVP Soft launch to early adopters Do they realise the unique value proposition How will you find enough early adopters to support learning? Are you getting paid? Analysis: There needs to be a bit of intuitive thinking around the MVP. We need to ask and then guess how we can create the most unique customer value in the shortest amount of time with the least resources. With a bit of thinking and an equal amount of action we have a chance of appropriating real value in the short term VALIDATE THE QUALITATIVELY Validate Qualitatively 28
  • 29. Launch your refined product to a larger audience Have you built something people want? How will you reach customers at scale Do you have a viable business? Analysis: A refined product needs to test both qualitatively and quantitatively in order to find out why the refined product creates customers’ value and how large is the market potential? Can this business produce (organically or through investment) enough cash in the short term in order that customers value - cost to produce = profit Validate Quantitavely 29
  • 30.
  • 33. You may have jumped to the “ABC” or “12 13 14” or “financial institution” Conclusions Without EVEN KNOWING or CONSIDERING alternatives! 33
  • 34. I force you to use your rational brain only? 34
  • 36. Our subjective judgements are biased: we are far too willing to believe research findings based on inadequate evidence and prone to collect too few observations in our own research 36
  • 37. 37
  • 38. 38
  • 39. 39 Knowledge is having the right answer. Intelligence is asking the right questions The Art of Customer Interviewing
  • 40. What is a Startup? A TEMPORARY organisation DESIGNED to SEARCH ……. For REPEATABLE and SCALABLE Business Models Startups are NOT just SMALLER versions of a LARGE Company 40
  • 41. Strategy for Startups • Planning before the Plan • Use the Osterwalder Canvas to do two things: – Organise our thinking – Get out of the Building to turn the hypothesis into facts • SEARCH for the Business Model First and then Write it Up (Business Plan) 41
  • 42. Customer vs. Product Development • More startups fail from a lack of customers than from a failure of Product Development. • We have all the processes to manage the Engineering Risk • No processes to manage the Customer Risk. 42
  • 44. What is a business model? A business model describes the rationale of how an organisation Creates, Delivers and Captures value 44
  • 45. Why we need a shared language for business models? 45 e/business-models-that-work-and- value-propositions-that-sell/1/1 Note: You may need to license the online learning tool on Strategyzer to view this clip from Osterwalder
  • 46. Use of BMC in Established Companies IMPROVE ----------------------------------INVENT Know Problem/Know Solution -Unknown Problem/Unknown Solution ------EXECUTE -------------------------SEARCH------------ 46
  • 49. 49 “It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.” - Charles Darwin
  • 50. Getting from Business Idea to Business Model 50
  • 51. 51
  • 52. Nespresso’s Business Model What is Nespresso’s Business Model? What made them so successful? 5252
  • 53. 53 Business Model Canvas Helps you create value for your business Business Modelling Tools
  • 54. 54 Value Proposition Canvas Helps you create value for your customer Business Modelling Tools – Zoom In
  • 55. 55 Environment Map Helps you understand the context in which you create your business Business Modelling Tools – Zoom Out
  • 56. 56 St. Gallen Business Model Navigator (Patterns) Helps you innovate your business model(s) Business Modelling Tools – Zoom Around!
  • 57. Getting started with the canvas 57
  • 59. Group Exercise: 20 Mins Develop a BMC for a cinema using an A1 canvas poster. 59
  • 60. Hypotheses or Guesses • The canvas is a set of Hypotheses. i.e. Guesses. • It helps us to organize our thinking! It is not about functional organisation but about the business. • The real question is How do we change those guesses into FACTS? 60
  • 61. Customer Development Process Post it to the Wall - Create the canvas - Make it Visible - Use Yellow Post-It notes with your guesses Get Out of the Building and Test your hypotheses. There are NO FACTS here. Talk to Customers, Partners, Vendors. Design experiments, run tests, get data 61
  • 62. What I learned…  getting an interview right is not an easy task  while I wanted to solve one problem I discovered another more relevant one  if you have a good relationship with people and you offer a proven service they will give you a chance  I discovered that my initial business idea was not the best idea  through customer interviews I redefined my idea  patience is important…I am still trying to get in touch with some of my potential key partners  people in our industry like to play safe where they can
  • 63. Result Pay every 6 months rather than every month Use tangible gifts as “hooks” Choose some major race meetings to start with Tips and information on races and racetracks worldwide Limit the number of TC membership to ensure the service quality and to create a sense of exclusiveness Consultancy, not translation or travel agency 3 job offers, 3 want to join the business, 1 willing to invest
  • 64. Exercise: 20 Mins Develop a BMC for your idea using an A1 canvas poster. Work in groups of 2 and pick one of the projects. 64
  • 65. 65
  • 66. “Studies comparing successful and unsuccessful innovation have found that the primary discriminator was the degree to which the user needs were fully understood.” – David Garvin, Harvard Business School 66
  • 67. #1 Target customer segment #2 Customer segment also overseas market new set of customers • Who are your most important customers? • What are their archetype? • What jobs do they want you to get done for them? Customer Segments 67
  • 68. Customer Persona/Archetypes Profile • Position/Title • Age/Sex • Role • Discretionary budget • Motivations • Role models 68 •Who are you? •How do you buy? •What matters to you? •Who influences you?
  • 69. Customer Archetypes Meet Paul, Sheetal and Barbara Paul-RegularExerciser • 20 – 45 • Aim to maintain and track active lifestyle • Looking for inspiration on diet & exercise regimes • Gets a buzz from exercising Sheetal-SpiritualHealth • • 30 – 55 • Already follows a healthy lifestyle • Interested in alternative medicines/ treatments • Believes eating well is as important as exercise Barbara-On-OffDieter • • 30 + • Yo-yo dieter, has tried many of the fad diets but never stuck to one • Needs tips and motivation to keep up a healthy lifestyle • Irregular or infrequent exerciser 69
  • 70. 70
  • 71. For Whom is it Relevant? 71
  • 72. Customer Types  Saboteurs  Intermediaries (OEM’s and resellers) 72
  • 73. Q: Consider Selling Business Intelligence Software into a large business. Which types of customers are the following? 1. CFO 2. CIO 3. Report Users 4. Line of Business Management 5. Business Intelligence Group inside IT a. Economic byer b. Influencer c. Recommender d. Decision maker e. Saboteur 73
  • 74. Q: Consider Selling Business Intelligence Software into a large business. Which types of customers are the following? 1. CFO 2. CIO 3. Report Users 4. Line of Business Management 5. Business Intelligence Group inside IT a. Economic byer b. Influencer c. Recommender d. Decision maker e. Saboteur 74
  • 75. MULTI-SIDED MODEL Buyer/Payer (e.g. Google) Two sided markets – Buyers/Payees 1.Workers/Recruiters - LinkedIn 2.Banks/Merchants - Visa 3.Sellers/Buyers - eBay 4.Readers/Advertisers - New York Times Each has its own value proposition Each has its own revenue streams One segment cannot exist without the other 75
  • 76. Corporate? Consumer?  Business to Business (B to B) –Use or buy inside a company  Business to Consumer (B to C) –Use or buy for themselves  Business to Business to Consumer (B to B to C) –Sell a business to get to a consumer –Other Multi-sided Markets with multiple customers 76
  • 77. © 2004 Valista Ltd. confidential information.77  top up my phone  subscribe to a newspaper  book a flight download a report  book a hotel pay a bill  cancel a check  top-up kid’s phones  vote online  top-up my phone  download a new game  buy an MP3  download a voucher  change my ringtone  play the lottery  check my phone credit 12 6 39 1 2 4 57 8 10 11 on the move at home at play at work premium services for subscribers about Valista
  • 78. “No one cares how much you know, until they know how much you care” – Theodore Roosevelt EMPATHY MAPS 78
  • 79. Value proposition • Which of our customer’s problems are we helping to solve? • Which Customer needs are we satisfying? • What are the key features of our product that match customers problem/need? What jobs do they want done , what's a good outcomes for them What are competitive options and how do I differentiate over others 79
  • 80. 80 80
  • 81. Through what mechanism will your service (product) be delivered to your client? How will we GET, KEEP and GROW Customers? How will I get the Value to my Customers? How best to communicat e to each customer segment Channels & Customer Relationships 81
  • 82. Two Critical Channel Questions How do you want to sell your product?1 is subtle, but more important than the first: How does your customer want to buy your product? 2 82
  • 83. Physical Channels © 2012 Steve Blank 83
  • 84. Web Channels © 2012 Steve Blank 84
  • 85. Customer Relationships Physical & Web Mobile Are Different © 2012 Steve Blank 85
  • 86. Customer Relationships Physical Products – Get/Keep/Grow © 2012 Steve Blank 86
  • 87. Customer Relationships Web/Mobile Products Get/Keep/Grow © 2012 Steve Blank 87
  • 88. 88
  • 89. CR – Facebook & Twitter
  • 90. © 2012 Steve Blank 90
  • 91. How Many Will You Sell? • How many can your channel sell? • How much will the channel cost? • How many customer activations? • Revenue? Churn/Attrition rate? customers/? • How much will it cost to acquire a customer? • How many units will they buy from each of these efforts? 91
  • 92. Where Is The Money Coming From? Revenue Model Choices Bits Physical Product Web Physical Channel  Direct Sales  Products  Subscription  Upsell/Next Sell  Ancillary Sales: • Referral revenue • Affiliate revenue • E-mail list rentals • Back-end offers  Direct Sales  Products  Service  Upsell/Next Sell  Referrals  Leasing  Direct Sales  Products  Subscription  Add-on services  Upsell/Next Sell  Referrals 92
  • 93. “Direct” Revenue Models  Sales: Product, app, or service sales  Subscriptions: SAAS, games, monthly subscription  Freemium: use the product for free: upsell/conversion  Pay-per-use: revenue on a “per use” basis  Virtual goods: selling virtual goods  Advertising sales: unique and/or large audience 93
  • 94. “Ancillary” Revenue Models  Referral revenue: pay for referring traffic/customers to other web or mobile sites or products.  Affiliate revenue: finder’s fees/commissions from other sites for directing customers to make purchases at the affiliated site  E-mail list rentals: rent your customer email lists to advertiser partners  Back-end offers: add-on sales items from other companies as part of their registration or purchase confirmation processes, or “sell” their existing traffic to a company that strives to monetize it and share the resulting revenue 94
  • 95. the tactics you use to set the price in each customer segment Pricing Model 95
  • 96. How Do We Price The Product? Pricing Model Choices 96
  • 97. How Do We Price The Product?  Product-based pricing  Competitive pricing  Volume pricing  Value pricing  Portfolio pricing  The “razor/razor blade” model  Subscription  Time/Hourly Billing  Leasing Pricing Models - Physical 97
  • 98. How Do We Price The Product?  Product-based pricing  Subscriptions  Freemium  Pay-per-use  Virtual goods  Advertising sales Pricing Models – Web/Mobile/Cloud 98
  • 99. Other Words We Use In The Place Of Price  Fee  Commission  Subscription  Toll  Interest  Rent  Tax  Shipping 99
  • 100. © 2012 Steve Blank 100
  • 101. © 2012 Steve Blank 101
  • 102. © 2012 Steve Blank 102
  • 103. © 2012 Steve Blank 103
  • 104. 104104
  • 105. Exercise: 20 Mins Develop a BMC for your idea using an A1 canvas poster. Work in groups of 2 and pick the second of the projects. 105
  • 107. 107
  • 109. Clayton Christensen 109 Jobs to be Done “If you understand the job, how to improve the product becomes just obvious”
  • 110. “People buy products and services to get jobs done. As people complete these jobs, they have certain measurable outcomes that they are attempting to achieve. It links a company's value creation activities to customer-defined metrics.” - Ulwick OUTCOME-DRIVEN INNOVATION 110
  • 111. Exercise: 20 Mins Develop a VP canvas for Airbnb. Assume you are the Owner of the Apartment Work in groups of 2. 111
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  • 119. Exercise: 20 Mins Each Develop a VP canvas for a CS in your BMC Work in groups of 2. 119
  • 120. © 2004 Valista Ltd. confidential information.120
  • 121. MVP A Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is “that product which has just those features and no more that allows you to ship a product that early adopters see and, at least some of whom resonate with, pay you money for, and start to give you feedback on” 121
  • 122. MVP #1 Explainer video Explainer video is a short video that explains what your product does and why people should buy it. A simple, 90 seconds animation is sufficient. e.g. Dropbox How to make an explainer video 122
  • 123. MVP #2 A Landing Place A landing page is a web page where visitors “land” after clicking a link from an ad, e-mail or another type of a campaign. 123
  • 124. MVP #2 A Landing Page • Craft your Landing Page • Set up a Google AdWord campaign and drive traffic to your new landing page. Even here you can let the AdWord engine rotate different messages and test what works best on your prospects • Set up Google Analytics. The most important thing to measure is conversions – percent of visitors that sign up (or perform another desired action) • Set up a chat to make it easy for the visitors to raise questions • Set up a service like Qualaroo to survey your visitors 124
  • 125. MVP #3 Wizard of Oz A “Wizard of Oz” MVP is when you put up a front that looks like a real working product, but you manually carry out product functions. It’s also known as “Flinstoning”. Zappos shoes is the biggest online shoe retailer, with annual sales exceeding $1 billion. In his Lean Startup book, Eric Ries describes how the founder started with a Wizard of Oz product. 125
  • 126. MVP #4 The Concierge MVP Instead of providing a product, you start with a manual service. But not just any service! The service should consist of exactly the same steps people would go through with your product. 126
  • 127. MVP #5 Piecemeal MVP This strategy is a blend between the “Wizard of Oz” and “Concierge” approaches. Again, you emulate the steps people would go through using your product – as you envision it. 127
  • 128. MVP #6 Crowd Funding Sell it before you build it. The basic idea is simple: launch a crowd funding campaign on platforms such as Kickstarter or IndieGoGo. Not only will you validate if customers want to buy your product, but you will also raise money. 128
  • 129. Case Study: Owlet Owlet Infant Health Tracker Takes The Wearable Revolution Into The Crib 129 Note: You may need to license the online learning tool on Strategyzer to view this clip from Osterwalder
  • 131. 131 Environment Map Helps you understand the context in which you create your business Business Modelling Tools – Zoom Out
  • 133. KEY TRENDS Technology Trends Regulatory Trends Societal & Cultural Trends Socioeconomic Trends 133
  • 134. Technology Trends Identifies technology trends that could threaten your business model or enable it to evolve or improve •What are the major technology trends both inside and outside your market? •Which technologies represent important opportunities or disruptive threats? •Which emerging technologies are peripheral customer adopting? 134
  • 135. Regulatory Trends Describes regulations and regulatory trends that influence your business model •Which regulatory trends influence your market? •What rules may affect your business model? •Which regulations and taxes affect customer demand? 135
  • 136. Socioeconomic Trends Outlines major socioeconomic trends relevant to your business model •What are the key demographic trends? •How would you characterize income and wealth distribution in your market? •How high are disposable incomes? •Describe spending patterns in your market (e.g. housing, healthcare, entertainment, etc.)? •What portion of the population lives in urban areas as opposed to rural settings? 136
  • 137. Societal and Cultural Trends Identifies major societal trends that may influence your business model •Describe key societal trends. Which shifts in cultural or societal values affect your business model? •Which trends might influence buyer behavior? 137
  • 138. Market Issues Market Segments Needs & Demands Switching Costs Revenue Attractiveness MARKET FORCES 138
  • 139. Market Issues Identifies key issues driving and transforming your market from Customer and Offer perspectives •What are the crucial issues affecting the customer landscape? •Which shifts are underway? •Where is the market heading? 139
  • 140. Market Segments Identifies the major market segments, describes their attractiveness and seeks to spot new segments •What are the most important Customer Segments? •Where is the biggest growth potential? •Which segments are declining? •Which peripheral segments deserve attention? 140
  • 141. Needs & Demands Outlines market needs and analyzes how well they are served •What do Customers Need? •Where are the biggest unsatisfied Customer Needs? •What do Customers’ really want to get done? •Where is demand increasing? Declining? 141
  • 142. Switching Costs Describes elements related to customers switching business to competitors •What binds customers to a company and its offer? •What switching costs prevent customers from defecting to competitors? •Is it easy for customers to find and purchase similar offers? •How important is brand? 142
  • 143. Revenue Attractiveness Identifies elements related to revenue attractiveness and pricing power •What are customers really willing to pay for? •Where can the largest margins be achieved? •Can customers easily find and purchase cheaper products and services? 143
  • 144. MACRO ECONOMIC FORCES Global Market Conditions Capital Markets Commodities and Other Resources Economic Infrastructure 144
  • 145. Global Market Conditions Outlines current overall conditions from a macroeconomic perspective •Is the economy in a boom or bust phase? •Describe general market sentiment. •What is the GDP growth rate? •How high is the unemployment rate? 145
  • 146. Capital Markets Describes current capital market conditions as they relate to your capital needs •What is the state of the capital markets? •How easy is it to obtain funding in your particular market? •Is seed capital, venture capital, public funding, market capital or credit readily available? •How costly is it to procure funds? 146
  • 147. Commodities and Other Resources Highlights current prices and price trends for resources required for your business model •Describe the current status of markets for commodities and other resources essential to your business (e.g. oil prices and labor costs). •How easy is it to obtain the resources needed to execute your business model? (e.g. attract prime talent)? •How costly are they? •Where are prices headed? 147
  • 148. Economic Infrastructure Describes the economic infrastructure of the market in which your business operates •How good is the (public) infrastructure in your market? •How would you characterize transportation, trade, school quality and access to suppliers and customers? •How high are individual and corporate taxes? •How good are public services for organizations? •How would you rate the quality of life? 148
  • 149. INDUSTRY FORCES Competitors (Incumbents) New entrants (Insurgents) Substitute Products & Services Stakeholders Suppliers & other Value Chain Actors 149
  • 150. Competitors (Incumbents) Identifies incumbent competitors and their relative strengths •Who are your competitors? •Who are the dominant players in our particular sector? •What are their competitive advantages and disadvantages? •Describe their main offers. •Which Customer Segments are they focusing on? •What is their Cost Structure? •How much influence do they exert on our Customer Segments, Revenue Streams, and Margins? 150
  • 151. New Entrants (Insurgents) Identifies new insurgent players and determines whether they compete with a business model different from yours •Who are the new entrants in your market? •How are they different? •What competitive advantages or disadvantages do they have? •Which barriers must they overcome? •What are their Value Propositions? •Which Customer Segments are they focused on? •What is their cost structure? •To what extent do they influence your Customer Segments, Revenue Streams and Margins? 151
  • 152. Substitute Products and Services Describes potential substitutes for your offers- including those from other markets and industries •Which products or services could replace ours? •How much do they cost compared to ours? •How easy it is for customers to switch to these substitutes? •What business model traditions do these substitute products stem from (e.g. high-speed trains versus airplanes, mobile phones versus cameras, Skype versus long-distance telephone companies)? 152
  • 153. Stakeholders Specifies which actors influence your organization and business model •Which stakeholders might influence your business model? •How influential are shareholders? Workers? The government? Lobbyists? 153
  • 154. Suppliers and other Value Chain Actors Describes Potential substitutes for your offers- including those from other markets and industries •Who are the key players in your industry value chain? •To what extent does your business model depend on other players? •Are peripheral players emerging? •Which are most profitable? 154
  • 156. “Pattern in architecture is the idea of capturing architectural design ideas as archetypical and reusable descriptions” – Christopher Alexander, Architect Patterns 156
  • 157. 157 St. Gallen Business Model Navigator (Patterns) Helps you innovate your business model(s) Business Modelling Tools – Zoom Around!
  • 158. Prepare to cannibalize your Business Model 158 “if you don’t cannibalize yourself, someone else will. Don’t protect your products …. Protect the customer experience and your customer relationships” – Steve Jobs
  • 159. 159 3 Challenges in Business Model Innovation 1. Overcoming the dominant Industry logic 2. Thinking in Business Models and not in Technology and/or Products 3. Lack of Systematic Tools
  • 160.
  • 161.
  • 162. Review: Customer Development Process Post it to the Wall - Create the canvas - Make it Visible - Use Yellow Post-It notes with your guesses Get Out of the Building and Test your hypotheses. There are NO FACTS here. Talk to Customers, Partners, Vendors. Design experiments, run tests, get data 162
  • 163. Strategy and Business Models – DIT PM Module 1 | @raomal @LeanDisruptor | RAOMAL PERERA THANK YOU!
  • 164. Fit for Purpose UCD @raomal 164 APPENDIX
  • 166. Additional Resources Books 166 Books: Key Strategy Tools – 80+ tools for every manager to build a winning strategy The Business Model Navigator – The 55 Models that will revolutionize your business – Gassmann, Frankenberger & Csik What Customers Want – Using Outcome- Driven Innovation to Create Breakthrough Products and Services – Ulwick
  • 167. Additional Resources 167 BMC Online Tools: Strategyzer (free tool) Stattys Notes; - A new generation of adhesive notes with a unique "Write and Slide" function.
  • 168. Additional Resources 168 Card decks: BMI Pattern Cards Mapping the Business Model Design Space Card Deck
  • 169. Strategy and Business Models – DIT PM Module 1 | @raomal @LeanDisruptor | RAOMAL PERERA THANK YOU!