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RAOMAL PERERA | @raomal @LeanDisruptor |
How to Build a Startup – Introduction
 Serial Entrepreneur
 ISOCOR (NASDAQ: icor) & Network365/Valista (Intel)
 Adjunct Professor of Entrepreneurial Studies
 INSEAD, IE Business School, UCD, UCC
 Innovation, Lean Startup, Leadership, Business Planning &
Fund Raising
 Consultant
 Clients include MSD, Alltech, Darley Flying Start,
MoneyMate, HP, ResMed …
 Accolades
 Finalist Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year
 Tech Pioneer World Economic Forum
 ISA Award for Outstanding Software Achievement
 Blog:
Twitter: @raomal
Offer $237m
I exit to setup N365
I exited Valista
d by
Merged with
B round €15m
Acquired iPin
payments Offers to
• Diaspora Matters
• The importance of identifying the problem first
before defining the solution.
• Getting an introduction to the Lean Startup
methodology used by Startups.
• Understand the basic components of a Business
model and explore the process of business model
innovation and experimentation in the context of
Customer Development.
• Focus on understanding the ‘job to be done’
• Get into the shoes of your customer so that you
can understand their needs. 6
• Kingsley Aikins – Diaspora
Tap into the huge potential that is in
the Sri Lankan diaspora.
You have the awesome solution
“Your Solution Is Not My Problem”
Source: Dave McClure
…. to a problem that does not exist.
• Find the Gap; How to find opportunities that
others don’t see. - Amy Wilkinson
• Network (Effectual Entrepreneurship) –
Saras Sarasvathy
• Join the Dots – Steve Jobs
Lean Startup Dublin Meetup – launched Jan 2012
– now have over 1,000 members.
Workshops run by Ash Maurya, John Mullins,
Brant Cooper, Mary Cronin & Raomal Perera
Talks on Lean Startup, Social Media, Agile, Fund
Raising, How to build a Startup, Lego Serious
Play, Lean in Corporates, Crowd Funding,
Cartier Women’s Initiative Award (CWIA).
Lean Startup Dublin Meetup
Lean Launchpad programme – (elements)
Playing Lean – The Board Game
How breakthrough ideas emerge from small
Creative thinkers practice a set of simple but
ingenious experimental methods
• failing quickly to learn fast
• tapping into the genius of play
• engaging in highly immersed
Free their minds, opening them up to making
unexpected connections and perceiving
invaluable insights.
Design thinking on innovation stimulation
Three core elements—observation, experimentation and
• You have to start with observation because it's the only way
to illuminate the subtle nuances about how people actually
get things done, or don't get things done, and it's these
deep insights that lead to powerful new ideas.
• Intellectual experimentation is equally critical because
there's no way to generate real breakthroughs unless
people are willing to explore a lot of options in a divergent
• Finally, rapid and inexpensive prototyping is the most
efficient way to move an idea from concept to reality.
- Tim Brown, CEO of IDEO
Most successful
entrepreneurs don’t begin
with brilliant ideas – they
discover them
Solution Fit
Market Fit
The 3 steps
the Problem
Key Question: Do I have a problem worth solving?
 Who has the problem?
 What is the top problem?
 How is it solved today?
 Where do they have the problem or in what context do
they have a problem? (milkshake example)
 When do they have the problem?
 Why is it a problem? (root cause analysis. Why is the
single best word for creating value in a start-up and an
established business) - It is not possible to know what
the top problem is without knowing where, when and
why they have a problem. Also the questions may not be
answered in sequence e.g. will we find the problem and
the person with the problem at the same time?
Identify the Problem
Take a stab at defining the solution
Build a demo (MVP)
Test it with assumed customers
Will the solution work? (can the proposed
solution create customer value that exceeds the
cost to produce and deliver the solution to the
Who it the early adopter?
Does the pricing model work?
Define the Solution
 Build an MVP
 Soft launch to early adopters
 Do they realise the unique value proposition
 How will you find enough early adopters to support
 Are you getting paid?
 Analysis: There needs to be a bit of intuitive thinking
around the MVP. We need to ask and then guess how we
can create the most unique customer value in the
shortest amount of time with the least resources. With a
bit of thinking and an equal amount of action we have a
chance of appropriating real value in the short term
Validate Qualitatively
Launch your refined product to a larger audience
Have you built something people want?
How will you reach customers at scale
Do you have a viable business?
Analysis: A refined product needs to test both
qualitatively and quantitatively in order to find out
why the refined product creates customers’ value and
how large is the market potential?
Can this business produce (organically or through
investment) enough cash in the short term in order
that customers value - cost to produce = profit
Validate Quantitavely
“Product/market fit means
being in a good market with
a product that can satisfy
that market”
- Marc Andreessen
Key Question: Have I built something people
*Achieving this is the first significant
milestone of a start up
Product-Market Fit
Key Question: How do I accelerate growth?
Scale / Business Model Fit
Product Market
Focus: Validated
Experiments: Pivots
Focus: Growth
Change in
of a
learning –
Eric Ries
A cycle
around the
Traction is a measure of your product’s
engagement with its market. Investors care about
traction over everything else.- Nivi and Nival, Venture hacks
time to
Lean Canvas
Cost Structure
Customer Acquisition costs
Distribution costs
People, etc.
Revenue Streams
Revenue Model
Life Time Value
Gross Margin
Top 3 problems
Top 3 features
Key Metrics
Key activities you
Unique Value
Single, clear,
compelling message
that states why you are
different and worth
paying attention
Unfair Advantage
Can’t be easily copied
or bought
Path to customers
Target customers
“Studies comparing successful and
unsuccessful innovation have found that the
primary discriminator was the degree to
which the user needs were fully
– David Garvin, Harvard Business School
Often (first-time) entrepreneurs feel
that step 1 involves writing a
business plan/building a slide deck
and getting funded!
What is a business model?
A business model describes the rationale
of how an organisation Creates, Delivers
and Captures value
Use of BMC in Established Companies
IMPROVE ----------------------------------INVENT
Know Problem/Know Solution -Unknown Problem/Unknown
------EXECUTE -------------------------SEARCH------------
Customer Development
Finding the Problem is the Hard Part
– Kevin Systrom & Mike Krieger (Instagram
Instagram Co-Founder Kevin Systrom believes building
solutions for most problems is the easy part; the hard part is
finding the right problem to solve. Here he opens up about
how he and fellow Co-Founder Mike Krieger identified the
problems they wanted to solve around sharing photos through
mobile devices. He also reminds entrepreneurs to embrace
simple solutions, as they can often delight users and
THE BANK 121314
You may have jumped to the
“ABC” or “12 13 14” or “financial
CONSIDERING alternatives!
I force you to use your
rational brain only?
What is 17x24?
Our subjective judgements are
biased: we are far too willing to
believe research findings based
on inadequate evidence and
prone to collect too few
observations in our own
Has become the biggest bookseller in
the world even though it doesn’t own a
single brick-and-mortar store.
Is the largest music retailer even though
it doesn’t sell CDs.
Is the world’s largest coffeehouse chain
to sell standardised coffee products at
premium prices.
Reinvented video rental despite not
owning a single physical shop
“It is not the strongest of the
species that survive, nor the
most intelligent, but the one
most responsive to change.”
- Charles Darwin
Business Model Canvas explained
Nespresso’s Business Model
What is Nespresso’s Business Model? What
made them so successful?
Hypotheses or guesses
• The canvas is a set of Hypotheses. i.e.
• It helps us to organize our thinking! It is
not about functional organisation but
about the business.
• The real question is How do we change
those guesses into FACTS?
Customer development process
Post it to the Wall
- Create the canvas
- Make it Visible
- Use Yellow Post-It
notes with your
Get Out of the Building and Test your hypotheses.
There are NO FACTS here. Talk to Customers,
Partners, Vendors. Design experiments, run tests, get
#1 Target
market new
set of
• Who are your
• What are
• What jobs do
they want
you to get
done for
Customer Segments
Customer Persona/Archetypes
• Position/Title
• Age/Sex
• Role
• Discretionary budget
• Motivations
• Role models
•Who are you?
•How do you buy?
•What matters to you?
•Who influences you?
Customer Archetypes
Meet Paul, Sheetal and Barbara
• 20 – 45
• Aim to maintain and
track active lifestyle
• Looking for
inspiration on diet &
exercise regimes
• Gets a buzz from
• 30 – 55
• Already follows a
healthy lifestyle
• Interested in
• Believes eating well
is as important as
• 30 +
• Yo-yo dieter, has
tried many of the fad
diets but never stuck
to one
• Needs tips and
motivation to keep
up a healthy lifestyle
• Irregular or
infrequent exerciser
Clayton Christensen
“If you understand the job, how to
improve the product becomes just
Clay Christensen
The Environment
–Diaspora Matters
–First Identify the problem and then define the
solution. Not the other way around.
–Find the Gap
–If you understand the job, how to improve the
product becomes obvious
–The BMC is a shared language for business
modelling. Use the template to change your
guesses to FACTS.
–Never underestimate the power of
networking 59
“There are no
shortcuts to any
place worth going”
– Beverly Sills
Strategy and Business Models – DIT PM Module 1 | @raomal @LeanDisruptor |
Relevant Blogs
Alex Osterwalder -
Business Model Generation
Steve Blank –
Ash Maurya –
Eric Ries -
John Mullins –
Raomal Perera –
Additional Resources
What Customers Want – Using Outcome-
Driven Innovation to Create Breakthrough
Products and Services – Ulwick
Lean Analytics – Croll & Yoskowitz
Additional Resources
BMC Online Tools:
Strategyzer (free tool)
BMC tool for educators:
Launchpad Central offers end-to-end solutions to
validate business hypotheses, testing for value and
accelerating time to market.
Additional Resources
Stattys Notes;
- A new generation of adhesive notes with a unique "Write
and Slide" function.
Mapping the business model design space
Additional Resources
Video creation tool: Videoscribe
Business Modelling card decks:
Business Model Canvas explained
“No one cares how much you know, until
they know how much you care”
– Theodore Roosevelt
“People buy products and services to get jobs
done. As people complete these jobs, they
have certain measurable outcomes that they
are attempting to achieve. It links a company's
value creation activities to customer-defined
metrics.” - Ulwick
Key Value Proposition Questions
• Problem Statement: What is the problem?
• Ecosystem: For whom is this relevant?
• Competition: What do customers do
• Technology / Market Insight: Why is the
problem so hard to solve?
• Market Size: How big is this problem?
• Product: How do you do it? 73
• Problem Statement: Net security without a CTO
• Ecosystem: Small banks under FDIC pressure
• Competition: Expensive, Custom or DIY
• Technology / Market Insight: Small Companies
without Big Resources…Fines getting bigger
• Market Size: 9000 little banks, 5000 + more
• Product:
© 2004 Valista Ltd. confidential information.75
Through what
will your service
(product) be
delivered to your
How will we GET,
Customers? How will I
get the Value
to my
How best to
e to each
Channels & Customer Relationships
Two Critical Channel Questions
How do you want to sell your product?1
is subtle, but more important than the first:
How does your customer want to buy your
Physical Channels
© 2012 Steve Blank
Web Channels
© 2012 Steve Blank
Customer Relationships
Physical & Web Mobile Are Different
© 2012 Steve Blank
© 2012 Steve Blank
© 2012 Steve Blank 82
© 2012 Steve Blank 83
© 2012 Steve Blank 84
© 2012 Steve Blank 85
A Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is
“that product which has just those
features and no more that allows you
to ship a product that early adopters
see and, at least some of whom
resonate with, pay you money for, and
start to give you feedback on”
MVP #1 Explainer video
Explainer video is a short video that explains
what your product does and why people should
buy it.
A simple, 90 seconds animation is sufficient.
e.g. Dropbox
How to make an explainer video
MVP #2 A Landing Place
A landing page is a web page where
visitors “land” after clicking a link from
an ad, e-mail or another type of a
MVP #2 A Landing Page
• Craft your Landing Page
• Set up a Google AdWord campaign and drive traffic
to your new landing page. Even here you can let the
AdWord engine rotate different messages and test
what works best on your prospects
• Set up Google Analytics. The most important thing to
measure is conversions – percent of visitors that sign
up (or perform another desired action)
• Set up a chat to make it easy for the visitors to raise
• Set up a service like Qualaroo to survey your visitors
MVP #3 Wizard of Oz
A “Wizard of Oz” MVP is when you put up a
front that looks like a real working product, but
you manually carry out product functions. It’s
also known as “Flinstoning”.
Zappos shoes is the biggest online shoe
retailer, with annual sales exceeding $1 billion.
In his Lean Startup book, Eric Ries describes
how the founder started with a Wizard of Oz
MVP #4 The Concierge MVP
Instead of providing a product, you start
with a manual service. But not just any
service! The service should consist of
exactly the same steps people would go
through with your product.
MVP #5 Piecemeal MVP
This strategy is a blend between the “Wizard
of Oz” and “Concierge” approaches. Again,
you emulate the steps people would go
through using your product – as you envision
MVP #5 Crowd Funding
Sell it before you build it.
The basic idea is simple: launch a crowd
funding campaign on platforms such as
Kickstarter or IndieGoGo. Not only will you
validate if customers want to buy your product,
but you will also raise money.
Strategy and Business Models – DIT PM Module 1 | @raomal @LeanDisruptor |

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How to build a startup SLASSSCOM Talk Aug 2015

  • 1. RAOMAL PERERA | @raomal @LeanDisruptor | How to Build a Startup – Introduction #LEANSTARTUP #SLASSCOM
  • 2.  Serial Entrepreneur  ISOCOR (NASDAQ: icor) & Network365/Valista (Intel)  Adjunct Professor of Entrepreneurial Studies  INSEAD, IE Business School, UCD, UCC  Innovation, Lean Startup, Leadership, Business Planning & Fund Raising  Consultant  Clients include MSD, Alltech, Darley Flying Start, MoneyMate, HP, ResMed …  Accolades  Finalist Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year  Tech Pioneer World Economic Forum  ISA Award for Outstanding Software Achievement  Blog: RAOMAL PERERA 2
  • 5. 1999 2013 2003 I exited Valista Acquire d by Merged with 2008 2009 B round €15m Acquired iPin 2000 Mobile commerce Mobile payments Offers to acquire Valista 2007 5
  • 6. Synopsis • Diaspora Matters • The importance of identifying the problem first before defining the solution. • Getting an introduction to the Lean Startup methodology used by Startups. • Understand the basic components of a Business model and explore the process of business model innovation and experimentation in the context of Customer Development. • Focus on understanding the ‘job to be done’ • Get into the shoes of your customer so that you can understand their needs. 6
  • 7. DIASPORA Matters • Kingsley Aikins – Diaspora Matters Tap into the huge potential that is in the Sri Lankan diaspora. 7
  • 8. You have the awesome solution “Your Solution Is Not My Problem” Source: Dave McClure …. to a problem that does not exist. 8
  • 10. • Find the Gap; How to find opportunities that others don’t see. - Amy Wilkinson • Network (Effectual Entrepreneurship) – Saras Sarasvathy • Join the Dots – Steve Jobs Action 10
  • 11. Lean Startup Dublin Meetup – launched Jan 2012 – now have over 1,000 members. Workshops run by Ash Maurya, John Mullins, Brant Cooper, Mary Cronin & Raomal Perera Talks on Lean Startup, Social Media, Agile, Fund Raising, How to build a Startup, Lego Serious Play, Lean in Corporates, Crowd Funding, Cartier Women’s Initiative Award (CWIA). LeanCamp Lean Startup Dublin Meetup 11
  • 12. Lean Launchpad programme – (elements) 12
  • 13. Playing Lean – The Board Game 13
  • 14. How breakthrough ideas emerge from small discoveries Creative thinkers practice a set of simple but ingenious experimental methods • failing quickly to learn fast • tapping into the genius of play • engaging in highly immersed observation Free their minds, opening them up to making unexpected connections and perceiving invaluable insights. 14
  • 15. Discovery Behaviors Cognitive Process AssociatingNetworking Creative Idea Questioning Observing Experimenting THE INNOVATOR’S DNA MODEL - FIVE “DISCOVERY SKILLS” SEPARATE TRUE INNOVATORS FROM THE REST OF US 15
  • 16. Design thinking on innovation stimulation Three core elements—observation, experimentation and prototyping: • You have to start with observation because it's the only way to illuminate the subtle nuances about how people actually get things done, or don't get things done, and it's these deep insights that lead to powerful new ideas. • Intellectual experimentation is equally critical because there's no way to generate real breakthroughs unless people are willing to explore a lot of options in a divergent way. • Finally, rapid and inexpensive prototyping is the most efficient way to move an idea from concept to reality. - Tim Brown, CEO of IDEO 16
  • 17. Most successful entrepreneurs don’t begin with brilliant ideas – they discover them 17
  • 18. 18
  • 21. Key Question: Do I have a problem worth solving?  Who has the problem?  What is the top problem?  How is it solved today?  Where do they have the problem or in what context do they have a problem? (milkshake example)  When do they have the problem?  Why is it a problem? (root cause analysis. Why is the single best word for creating value in a start-up and an established business) - It is not possible to know what the top problem is without knowing where, when and why they have a problem. Also the questions may not be answered in sequence e.g. will we find the problem and the person with the problem at the same time? Identify the Problem 21
  • 22. Take a stab at defining the solution Build a demo (MVP) Test it with assumed customers Will the solution work? (can the proposed solution create customer value that exceeds the cost to produce and deliver the solution to the customer) Who it the early adopter? Does the pricing model work? Define the Solution 22
  • 23.  Build an MVP  Soft launch to early adopters  Do they realise the unique value proposition  How will you find enough early adopters to support learning?  Are you getting paid?  Analysis: There needs to be a bit of intuitive thinking around the MVP. We need to ask and then guess how we can create the most unique customer value in the shortest amount of time with the least resources. With a bit of thinking and an equal amount of action we have a chance of appropriating real value in the short term VALIDATE THE QUALITATIVELY Validate Qualitatively 23
  • 24. Launch your refined product to a larger audience Have you built something people want? How will you reach customers at scale Do you have a viable business? Analysis: A refined product needs to test both qualitatively and quantitatively in order to find out why the refined product creates customers’ value and how large is the market potential? Can this business produce (organically or through investment) enough cash in the short term in order that customers value - cost to produce = profit Validate Quantitavely 24
  • 25. “Product/market fit means being in a good market with a product that can satisfy that market” - Marc Andreessen 25
  • 26. Key Question: Have I built something people want? *Achieving this is the first significant milestone of a start up Product-Market Fit 26
  • 27. Key Question: How do I accelerate growth? Scale / Business Model Fit 27
  • 29. BUILD PRODUCT MEASURE DATA LEARN IDEAS Pivot: Change in direction of a startup while staying grounded in learning – Eric Ries Experiment: A cycle around the validated learning loop. 29
  • 30. Traction is a measure of your product’s engagement with its market. Investors care about traction over everything else.- Nivi and Nival, Venture hacks Problem/Solution Fit Product/Market Fit Scale Ideal time to raise money 30
  • 31. Lean Canvas Cost Structure Customer Acquisition costs Distribution costs Hosting People, etc. Revenue Streams Revenue Model Life Time Value Revenue Gross Margin Problem Top 3 problems Solution Top 3 features Key Metrics Key activities you measure Unique Value Proposition Single, clear, compelling message that states why you are different and worth paying attention Unfair Advantage Can’t be easily copied or bought Channels Path to customers Customer Segments Target customers PRODUCT MARKET 31
  • 32. “Studies comparing successful and unsuccessful innovation have found that the primary discriminator was the degree to which the user needs were fully understood.” – David Garvin, Harvard Business School 32
  • 33. Often (first-time) entrepreneurs feel that step 1 involves writing a business plan/building a slide deck and getting funded! 33
  • 34. What is a business model? A business model describes the rationale of how an organisation Creates, Delivers and Captures value 34
  • 35. Use of BMC in Established Companies IMPROVE ----------------------------------INVENT Know Problem/Know Solution -Unknown Problem/Unknown Solution ------EXECUTE -------------------------SEARCH------------ 35
  • 37. 37 Finding the Problem is the Hard Part – Kevin Systrom & Mike Krieger (Instagram Co_Founders) Instagram Co-Founder Kevin Systrom believes building solutions for most problems is the easy part; the hard part is finding the right problem to solve. Here he opens up about how he and fellow Co-Founder Mike Krieger identified the problems they wanted to solve around sharing photos through mobile devices. He also reminds entrepreneurs to embrace simple solutions, as they can often delight users and customers.
  • 39. You may have jumped to the “ABC” or “12 13 14” or “financial institution” Conclusions Without EVEN KNOWING or CONSIDERING alternatives! 39
  • 40. I force you to use your rational brain only? 40
  • 42. Our subjective judgements are biased: we are far too willing to believe research findings based on inadequate evidence and prone to collect too few observations in our own research 42
  • 43. 43
  • 44. Has become the biggest bookseller in the world even though it doesn’t own a single brick-and-mortar store. Is the largest music retailer even though it doesn’t sell CDs. Is the world’s largest coffeehouse chain to sell standardised coffee products at premium prices. Reinvented video rental despite not owning a single physical shop 44
  • 45. 45 “It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.” - Charles Darwin
  • 46. Business Model Canvas explained 46
  • 47. 47
  • 48. Nespresso’s Business Model What is Nespresso’s Business Model? What made them so successful? 4848
  • 49. Hypotheses or guesses • The canvas is a set of Hypotheses. i.e. Guesses. • It helps us to organize our thinking! It is not about functional organisation but about the business. • The real question is How do we change those guesses into FACTS? 49
  • 50. Customer development process Post it to the Wall - Create the canvas - Make it Visible - Use Yellow Post-It notes with your guesses Get Out of the Building and Test your hypotheses. There are NO FACTS here. Talk to Customers, Partners, Vendors. Design experiments, run tests, get data 50
  • 51. #1 Target customer segment #2 Customer segment also overseas market new set of customers • Who are your most important customers? • What are their archetype? • What jobs do they want you to get done for them? Customer Segments 51
  • 52. Customer Persona/Archetypes Profile • Position/Title • Age/Sex • Role • Discretionary budget • Motivations • Role models 52 •Who are you? •How do you buy? •What matters to you? •Who influences you?
  • 53. Customer Archetypes Meet Paul, Sheetal and Barbara Paul-RegularExerciser • 20 – 45 • Aim to maintain and track active lifestyle • Looking for inspiration on diet & exercise regimes • Gets a buzz from exercising Sheetal-SpiritualHealth • • 30 – 55 • Already follows a healthy lifestyle • Interested in alternative medicines/ treatments • Believes eating well is as important as exercise Barbara-On-OffDieter • • 30 + • Yo-yo dieter, has tried many of the fad diets but never stuck to one • Needs tips and motivation to keep up a healthy lifestyle • Irregular or infrequent exerciser 53
  • 54. 54
  • 55.
  • 57. “If you understand the job, how to improve the product becomes just obvious” Clay Christensen 57
  • 59. Review –Diaspora Matters –First Identify the problem and then define the solution. Not the other way around. –Find the Gap –If you understand the job, how to improve the product becomes obvious –The BMC is a shared language for business modelling. Use the template to change your guesses to FACTS. –Never underestimate the power of networking 59
  • 60. “There are no shortcuts to any place worth going” – Beverly Sills
  • 61. Strategy and Business Models – DIT PM Module 1 | @raomal @LeanDisruptor | RAOMAL PERERA THANK YOU!
  • 63. Relevant Blogs Alex Osterwalder - Business Model Generation  Steve Blank – Ash Maurya – Eric Ries - John Mullins – Raomal Perera –
  • 64. Additional Resources 64 Books: What Customers Want – Using Outcome- Driven Innovation to Create Breakthrough Products and Services – Ulwick Lean Analytics – Croll & Yoskowitz
  • 65. Additional Resources 65 BMC Online Tools: Strategyzer (free tool) BMC tool for educators: Launchpad Central offers end-to-end solutions to validate business hypotheses, testing for value and accelerating time to market.
  • 66. Additional Resources 66 Stattys Notes; - A new generation of adhesive notes with a unique "Write and Slide" function. Mapping the business model design space
  • 67. Additional Resources 67 Video creation tool: Videoscribe Business Modelling card decks:
  • 68. Business Model Canvas explained 68
  • 69. 69
  • 70. “No one cares how much you know, until they know how much you care” – Theodore Roosevelt EMPATHY MAPS 70
  • 71. 71 71
  • 72. “People buy products and services to get jobs done. As people complete these jobs, they have certain measurable outcomes that they are attempting to achieve. It links a company's value creation activities to customer-defined metrics.” - Ulwick OUTCOME-DRIVEN INNOVATION 72
  • 73. Key Value Proposition Questions • Problem Statement: What is the problem? • Ecosystem: For whom is this relevant? • Competition: What do customers do today? • Technology / Market Insight: Why is the problem so hard to solve? • Market Size: How big is this problem? • Product: How do you do it? 73
  • 74. • Problem Statement: Net security without a CTO • Ecosystem: Small banks under FDIC pressure • Competition: Expensive, Custom or DIY • Technology / Market Insight: Small Companies without Big Resources…Fines getting bigger • Market Size: 9000 little banks, 5000 + more • Product: Example 74
  • 75. © 2004 Valista Ltd. confidential information.75
  • 76. Through what mechanism will your service (product) be delivered to your client? How will we GET, KEEP and GROW Customers? How will I get the Value to my Customers? How best to communicat e to each customer segment Channels & Customer Relationships 76
  • 77. Two Critical Channel Questions How do you want to sell your product?1 is subtle, but more important than the first: How does your customer want to buy your product? 2 77
  • 78. Physical Channels © 2012 Steve Blank 78
  • 79. Web Channels © 2012 Steve Blank 79
  • 80. Customer Relationships Physical & Web Mobile Are Different © 2012 Steve Blank 80
  • 81. © 2012 Steve Blank 81
  • 82. © 2012 Steve Blank 82
  • 83. © 2012 Steve Blank 83
  • 84. © 2012 Steve Blank 84
  • 85. © 2012 Steve Blank 85
  • 86. MVP A Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is “that product which has just those features and no more that allows you to ship a product that early adopters see and, at least some of whom resonate with, pay you money for, and start to give you feedback on” 86
  • 87. MVP #1 Explainer video Explainer video is a short video that explains what your product does and why people should buy it. A simple, 90 seconds animation is sufficient. e.g. Dropbox How to make an explainer video 87
  • 88. MVP #2 A Landing Place A landing page is a web page where visitors “land” after clicking a link from an ad, e-mail or another type of a campaign. 88
  • 89. MVP #2 A Landing Page • Craft your Landing Page • Set up a Google AdWord campaign and drive traffic to your new landing page. Even here you can let the AdWord engine rotate different messages and test what works best on your prospects • Set up Google Analytics. The most important thing to measure is conversions – percent of visitors that sign up (or perform another desired action) • Set up a chat to make it easy for the visitors to raise questions • Set up a service like Qualaroo to survey your visitors 89
  • 90. MVP #3 Wizard of Oz A “Wizard of Oz” MVP is when you put up a front that looks like a real working product, but you manually carry out product functions. It’s also known as “Flinstoning”. Zappos shoes is the biggest online shoe retailer, with annual sales exceeding $1 billion. In his Lean Startup book, Eric Ries describes how the founder started with a Wizard of Oz product. 90
  • 91. MVP #4 The Concierge MVP Instead of providing a product, you start with a manual service. But not just any service! The service should consist of exactly the same steps people would go through with your product. 91
  • 92. MVP #5 Piecemeal MVP This strategy is a blend between the “Wizard of Oz” and “Concierge” approaches. Again, you emulate the steps people would go through using your product – as you envision it. 92
  • 93. MVP #5 Crowd Funding Sell it before you build it. The basic idea is simple: launch a crowd funding campaign on platforms such as Kickstarter or IndieGoGo. Not only will you validate if customers want to buy your product, but you will also raise money. 93
  • 94. Strategy and Business Models – DIT PM Module 1 | @raomal @LeanDisruptor | RAOMAL PERERA THANK YOU!