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Healthy Crossword Puzzles
Extracted from and
               Adapted by Ms. LoPi

                       SUGAR – THREADERS – BRUSHING – BACTERIA
                            FLUORIDE – PLAQUE -- FLOSSING

Across Clues                                       Down Clues

2. food particles. needs to be brushed and         1. is in mouth rinse and in most water
flossed away                                       systems. help keep teeth strong
4. causes cavities and always present in the       3. should be done at a 45 degree angle
mouth                                              6. if not brushed off can lead to decay
5. help to floss teeth with braces
7. should be done in a c-shape form

                                      What Causes Bad Breath?

If you're concerned about bad breath, make sure you're taking care of your teeth and mouth properly.
Some sugar-free gums and mints temporarily mask odors. Bad breath, or halitosis, can be a major
problem, especially when you're about to snuggle with your sweetie or whisper a joke to your friend.
The good news is that bad breath can often be prevented with some simple steps.
Bad breath is caused by odor-producing bacteria that grow in the mouth. When you don't brush and
floss regularly, bacteria accumulate on the bits of food left in your mouth and between your teeth. The
sulfur compounds released by these bacteria make your breath smell.

Certain foods, especially ones like garlic and onions that contain pungent oils, can contribute to bad
breath because the oils are carried to your lungs and out through your mouth. Smoking is also a
major cause of bad breath.

There are lots of myths about taking care of bad breath. Here are three things you may have heard
about bad breath that are not true:

Myth #1: Mouthwash will make bad breath go away.

Mouthwash only gets rid of bad breath temporarily. If you do use mouthwash, look for an antiseptic
(kills the germs that cause bad breath) and plaque-reducing one with a seal from the American Dental
Association (ADA). When you're deciding which dental products to toss into your shopping cart, it's
always a good idea to look for those that are accepted by the ADA. Also, ask your dentist for

Myth #2: As long as you brush your teeth, you shouldn't have bad breath.

The truth is that most people only brush their teeth for 30 to 45 seconds, which just doesn't cut it. To
sufficiently clean all the surfaces of your teeth, you should brush for at least 2 minutes at least twice a
day. Remember to brush your tongue, too — bacteria love to hang out there. It's equally important to
floss because brushing alone won't remove harmful plaque and food particles that become stuck
between your teeth and gums.

Myth #3: If you breathe into your hand, you'll know when you have bad breath.

Wrong! When you breathe, you don't use your throat the same way you do when you talk. When you
talk, you tend to bring out the odors from the back of your mouth (where bad breath originates),
which simply breathing doesn't do. Also, because we tend to get used to our own smells, it's hard for
a person to tell if he or she has bad breath.

If you're concerned about bad breath, make sure you're taking care of your teeth and mouth properly.
Some sugar-free gums and mints can temporarily mask odors, too.

If you brush and floss properly and visit your dentist for regular cleanings, but your bad breath
persists, you may have a medical problem like sinusitis or gum disease. Call your doctor or dentist if
you suspect a problem. They can figure out if something else is behind your bad breath and help you
take care of it.


Across Clues                                   Down Clues

2. quality of your character; how you act      1. reliability or dependability
when no one's looking                          3. commitment to hard work; endurance
4. understanding of emotional state, feeling
someone’s pain
5. power to make up your own mind on how
to act
6. should be a natural response, concern for
a harmonious relationship with society
7. training that one gives themselves to
accomplish a task
8. recognizing another’s state of mind or
emotion, walking a mile in their shoes

As you grow older, you'll be faced with some challenging decisions. Some don't have a clear right or
wrong answer. Making decisions on your own is hard enough, but when other people get
involved and try to pressure you one way or another it can be even harder. People who are
your age, like your classmates, are called peers. When they try to influence how you act, to get you to
do something, it's called peer pressure. Let's talk about how to handle it.

Peers influence your life, even if you don't realize it, just by spending time with you. You learn from
them, and they learn from you. It's only human nature to listen to and learn from other people in your
age group. Peers can have a positive influence on each other. Sometimes peers influence each other
in negative ways.

Some kids give in to peer pressure because they want to be liked, to fit in, or because they worry that
other kids may make fun of them if they don't go along with the group. Others may go along because
they are curious to try something new that others are doing. The idea that "everyone's doing it" may
influence some kids to leave their better judgment, or their common sense, behind.

It is tough to be the only one who says "no" to peer pressure, but you can do it. Paying attention to
your own feelings and beliefs about what is right and wrong can help you know the right thing to do.
Inner strength and self-confidence can help you stand firm, walk away, and resist doing
something when you know better.

It can really help to have at least one other peer, or friend, who is willing to say "no," too. This takes a
lot of the power out of peer pressure and makes it much easier to resist. It's great to have friends
with values similar to yours who will back you up when you don't want to do something.

You've probably had a parent or teacher advise you to "choose your friends wisely." Peer pressure is a
big reason why they say this. If you choose friends who don't use drugs, cut class, smoke cigarettes,
or lie to their parents, then you won't do these things either, even if other kids do. Try to help a friend
who's having trouble resisting peer pressure. It can be powerful for one kid to join another by simply
saying, "I'm with you - let's go."

Peer pressure is not always a bad thing. For example, positive peer pressure can be used to pressure
bullies into acting better toward other kids. If enough kids get together, peers can pressure each
other into doing what's right!


Across Clues                                     Down Clues

1. if we eat well and exercise we will be        2. Healthy living involves keeping -- (moving
considered----                                   about)
3. Oranges and apples are types of ------?       5. Substances in food needed for growth,
4. A person who eats only food of plant origin   repair and energy
7. we need water to stay-------?                 6. Remove wastes and toxins from the body
8. this helps move food through the digestive    11. Fish is rich in this fatty acid -3
9. Process by which body breaks down food
10. helps in the growth and repair of the
muscle tissues
12. When food is labeled unsweetened it has
no added -----?
    Though they have a bad reputation among some kids, vegetables can be delicious. The trick to
    eating more of them is to try different types prepared in different ways. Don't like green beans?
    Have you had them drizzled with lemon butter or topped with crunchy almonds? Would you like to dip
    one in ketchup? Go ahead and try it.

    Some kids find it easier to fit in some fruit, but many still aren't having enough. If you'd like to
    boost fruit in your diet, try to find a new one to like. Cruise the grocery store or go to a farmer's
    market with your mom or dad. What looks good to you? Just ask your mom or dad to buy one. If you
    like it, you can buy more next time. For fruit that's easier to eat, check out prepackaged fruits at the
    store. That's an easy way to buy a single serving of a fruit — and it's sealed tight so you can toss it in
    your backpack or lunchbox.

    Why are grown-ups always pushing the fruits and veggies? Because they contain vitamins,
    minerals, and fiber — all of which keep you healthy and growing just the way you should. Did you
    eat any fruits and vegetables today? If so, how many?

•   Breakfast is good for everyone. After a long night of snoozing, your body needs some fuel to

•   start the day.

    Kids aren't just deciding what to eat; they're choosing drinks, too. Drinks count, just like food, so it's
    important to choose the best ones. Water and milk are the best drinks for kids and lots of kids choose

    Other kids choose sports drinks, soda, pop, or a fruit-flavored drink. These can be once-in-a-while
    drinks, but they're not good for every day. Why? They have a lot of sugar, which means a lot of
    calories. Remember, water has 0 calories! These sweet drinks also may lack the vitamins and minerals
    found in milk and 100% juice.

    We wonder why some kids are interested in eating healthy and other kids aren't. It turns out that kids
    eat more fruits and vegetables if their families talked to them about healthy eating. That makes
    sense. When parents are interested in nutritional choices for their family, they will make it
    easier for their kids to eat fruits and vegetables. The truth is that this works best when
    kids and parents share the responsibility of eating healthy.

    So keep on choosing healthy foods and consider going on a taste adventure. What's a taste
    adventure? When you try a new food!

                  TOOTHBRUSH – STINK – CLEAN -- SHAMPOO

Across Clues                                  Down Clues

1. what goes on your toothbrush               1. used to clean your teeth at least twice per
3. what goes under your arms                  day
4. what you should do at least once per day   2. string used between your teeth
7. what you do to your face                   5. taking care of your body - keeping clean
8. another name for sweat                     6. what happens when you don't take a
10. what you should put on every day          shower
12. you can do this or shower                 8. small openings on your skin
14. what you use in the shower with           9. how you feel if you take care of your body
shampoo                                       10. how you look if you take care of your
                                              11. used to wash your hair
                                              13. blemishes on your skin
                                              14. what happens when you work hard
Hygiene Basics

Puberty causes all kinds of changes in your body. Your skin and scalp may suddenly get oily very
easily. Every day it seems you have new hair growing in different places. At times, you seem to sweat
for no reason — and you may notice there are odors where you never had them before. What should
you do about it? These bodily changes are a normal part of becoming an adult. Read below for
information on some hygiene basics — and learn how to deal with greasy hair, perspiration, and body

Oily Hair

Washing your hair every day or every other day can help control oily hair. Dozens of shampoos are
available in drugstores and supermarkets for you to choose from — most brands are pretty similar,
although you might want to try one that is specially formulated for oily hair. Use warm water and a
small amount of shampoo to work up a lather. Don't scrub or rub too hard — this doesn't get rid of oil
any better and can irritate your scalp or damage your hair. After you've rinsed, you can follow up with
a conditioner if you like; again, one for oily hair might work best.

When you're styling your hair, pay close attention to the products you use. Some styling gels or
lotions can add extra grease to your hair, which defeats the purpose of washing it in the first place!
Look for formulas that say "greaseless" or "oil free.”

Sweat and Body Odor

The best way to keep clean is to bathe or shower every day using a mild soap and warm water. This
will help wash away any bacteria that contribute to the smells. Wearing clean clothes, socks, and
underwear each day can also help you to feel clean. If you sweat a lot, you might find that shirts, T-
shirts, socks, and underwear made from cotton or other natural materials will help absorb sweat more

If you're concerned about the way your underarms smell, you can try using a deodorant or deodorant
with antiperspirant. Deodorants get rid of the odor of sweat by covering it up, and antiperspirants
actually stop or dry up perspiration. They come in sticks, roll-ons, gels, sprays, and creams and are
available at any drugstore or supermarket.


Across Clues                                  Down Clues

2. Eating them makes your skin and eyes       1. a bacteria often found in eggs and chicken
healthier.                                    which can make you sick
3. Vegetable rich in calcium, which is good   5. grows on vines, used in salads but is really
for your bones.                               a fruit
4. Rich in nutrients and fiber and comes      7. You will be cranky, tired and unable to
from roots, leaves, and stems.                learn if you don't get enough.
6. Provide protein and build up your body     8. Food grown without fertilizers, hormones
8. Healthy hot breakfast food which gives     and other harmful chemicals.
you fiber
Eating Well While Eating Out

Tips for Eating At a Restaurant

Most restaurant portions are way larger than the average serving of food at home. Ask for half
portions, share an entrée with a friend, or take half of your dish home.

Here are some other restaurant survival tips:

       •   Ask for sauces and salad dressings on the side and use them sparingly.

       •   Use salsa and mustard instead of mayonnaise or oil.

       •   Ask for olive or canola oil instead of butter, margarine, or shortening.

       •   Use nonfat or low fat milk instead of whole milk or cream.

       •   Order baked, broiled, or grilled (not fried) lean meats including turkey, chicken, seafood, or
           sirloin steak.

       •   Salads and vegetables make healthier side dishes than French fries. Use a small amount of
           sour cream instead of butter if you order a baked potato.

       •   Choose fresh fruit instead of sugary, high-fat desserts.

Tips for Eating At the Mall or Fast-Food Place

It's tempting to pig out while shopping, but with a little planning, it's easy to eat healthy foods at the
mall. Here are some choices:

       •   a single slice of veggie pizza
       •   grilled, not fried, sandwiches (for example, a grilled chicken breast sandwich)
       •   deli sandwiches on whole-grain bread
       •   a small hamburger
       •   a bean burrito
       •   a baked potato
       •   a side salad
       •   frozen yogurt
Choose the smaller sizes, especially when it comes to drinks and snacks if you have a craving for
something unhealthy, try sharing the food you crave with a friend.


                    OATMEAL – AVACADO -- YOGURT

Across Clues                                        Down Clues

1. a healthy breakfast food made from               2. full of good fat
grains                                              3. these are very bad for you; no matter what
6. full of antioxidants, made on thanksgiving       it is
8. a serving size is an ear                         4. served at picnics, pink and fruity
10. a very good greasy substance                    5. this fruit has a lot of vitamin c
12. a vegetable that has no calories                7. this food contains 70% fat and is not
14. fruit that looks like a banana                  healthy
15. you make salad with this                        8. a meat full of protein
                                                    9. full of calcium, good for your bones
                                                    11. a fruit full of fiber
13. a healthy dairy you can mix fruit with

                                  5 Ways to Get Your 5 a Day

You may have heard that you should eat 5 servings of fruit and vegetables a day — which works out
to a total of about 2½ cups. But there are no limits on the quantities of tasty fruits and veggies you
can enjoy — unless, of course, you load 'em up with butter or dressing, or deep-fry them! But many of
us still find it hard to fit fruit and veggies into our meals.

Here are some ideas to help you get into the 5-a-day (or more!) habit:

       1.   Start with the first meal of the day. Plan to eat a serving or two of fruit with breakfast
            every day. Mix it up so you don't get bored. Half a grapefruit, an apple, or a handful of
            berries on your cereal are all good choices. Orange juice counts too — but only if you drink
            one small glass of 100% juice. Continue this pattern by eating vegetables at lunch and at

       2.   Get extra energy from fruit or vegetable snacks. The carbohydrates in fruit and
            vegetables are great sources of energy. Combine them with a serving of protein — such as
            a piece of cheese, a cup of yogurt, or a tablespoon of peanut butter, and you get staying
            power too. Ants on a log, anyone?

       3.   Double up on fruit and veggie servings. Recommended servings of fruit and veggies
            can be small. Unlike other foods, it's OK to double the serving size of fruit or vegetables.
            Serve yourself a 1-cup portion of broccoli or tomatoes instead of the standard serving of ½

       4.   Use fruit and vegetables as ingredients. Enjoy bread? Bake up a batch of zucchini
            bread and get your veggies along with your grains! Use applesauce instead of oil in your
            baked goods. Chop up veggies (peppers, carrots, celery) and toss them into your favorite
            chili recipe. If you don't like vegetables much, sneak them into foods you do enjoy (like
            grating carrots into tomato sauce or, again, zucchini into bread). It's a great way to get
            your veggies without having to taste them!
5.   Try a new fruit, vegetable, or recipe each week. Our bodies like variety. So set a goal
           to try something different each week. You may find a new favorite. One good way to get
           variety is to eat the fruit and veggies that are in season in your area. They usually taste
           better than the bland fruit salad or shriveled apples you're used to seeing in the cafeteria!


                         BONES – VEGETABLES – QUIET – NINE

Across Clues                                         Down Clues

3. ___________ is great to keep you                  1. Cereal is a great breakfast food and
hydrated.                                            belongs to the _________ food group.
4. We can find out how healthy a food is by          2. 100% ____________ is a great healthy
looking at the _________ label.                      drink.
8. Following all 7 Daily Healthy Habits keeps        3. The healthiest type of grains is ________
me ___________.                                      grains.
9. The best sleeping environment is cool,            5. My favorite teacher is ___________. :)
dark, and ______.                                    6. We need 3 servings of ___________ each
11. The meat and beans group is best                 day.
known for ______, which help build strong       7. We need __________ minutes of physical
muscles.                                        activity.
12. Calcium helps to build strong teeth and     10. This is the most important meal of the
________.                                       day.
14. This healthy drink is loaded with           13. We need at least ________ hours of sleep
calcium.                                        each night.
15. Eggs belong to the _________ food

                  5 Ways to Reach (& Maintain) a Healthy Weight

Diets aren't the way to go when it comes to losing weight. That's because they create
temporary eating patterns — and, therefore, temporary results. Most dieters gain back any
lost weight when they go back to their old eating habits. So what's the best way to drop
excess weight? Create a new normal!

Weight loss is most likely to be successful when people change their habits, replacing old,
unhealthy ones with new, healthy behaviors. Here are 5 ways to make that happen:

      1. Exercise. Regular physical activity burns calories and builds muscle — both of
          which help you look and feel good and keep weight off. Walking the family dog,
          cycling to school, and doing other things that increase your daily level of activity
          can all make a difference. If you want to burn more calories, increase the
          intensity of your workout and add some strength exercises to build muscle. The
          more muscle you have, the more calories you burn, even when you aren't

      2. Reduce screen time. One reason people get less exercise these days is because
          of an increase in "screen time" — the amount of time spent watching TV, looking
          at the computer, or playing video games. Limit recreational screen time to less
          than 2 hours per day. If you're with friends at the mall, you're getting more
          exercise than if you're IMing them from your room.

      3. Watch out for portion distortion. Serving sizes have increased over the past
          10 years, and these extra calories contribute to obesity. Another key factor in
          weight gain is that more people drink sugary beverages, such as sodas, juice
          drinks, and sports drinks. So choose smaller portions (or share restaurant
          portions) and go for water or low-fat milk instead of soda.

      4. Eat 5 servings of fruits and veggies a day. Fruits and veggies are about more
          than just vitamins and minerals. They're also packed with fiber, which means they
          fill you up. And when you fill up on fruits and veggies, you're less likely to overeat
          when it comes to high-calorie foods like chips or cookies.
5. Don't skip breakfast. Breakfast kick-starts your metabolism, burning calories
          from the get-go and giving you energy to do more during the day. People who
          skip breakfast often feel so hungry that they eat more later on. So they get more
          calories than they would have if they ate breakfast. In fact, people who skip
          breakfast tend to have higher BMIs than people who eat breakfast.



Across Clues                                   Down Clues

2. This beverage is critical for bone growth   1. These crunchy snacks help lower
and strength.                                  cholesterol.
6. This fruit reduces inflammation and         3. These rank among the most powerful of
promotes a healthy heart.                      fruits.
7. This vegetable is good for the eyes.        4. This beverage improves memory and
9. This food contains omega-3 fats which       learning abilities.
boost brain development and reduce heart              5. This food promotes intestinal health and
disease.                                              boosts immunity.
                                                      7. This spice aids in digestion.
                                                      8. This food helps prevent cavity formation.

                                                       BE A FIT KID

Being fit is a way of saying a person eats well, gets a lot of physical activity (exercise), and has a
healthy weight. If you're fit, your body works well, feels good, and can do all the things you want to
do, like run around with your friends.

Eat a Variety of Foods, Especially Fruits and Vegetables

You may have a favorite food, but the best choice is to eat a variety. If you eat different foods, you're
more likely to get the nutrients your body needs. Taste new foods and old ones you haven't tried for a
while. Some foods, such as green veggies, are more pleasing the older you get. Shoot for at least five
servings of fruits and vegetables a day — two fruits and three vegetables.

Drink Water and Milk Most Often

When you're really thirsty, cold water is the No. 1 thirst-quencher. And there's a reason your school
cafeteria offers cartons of milk. Kids need calcium to build strong bones, and milk is a great source of
this mineral.

You probably will want something other than milk or water once in a while, so it's OK to have 100%
juice, too. But try to limit sugary drinks, like sodas, juice cocktails, and fruit punches. They contain a
lot of added sugar. Sugar just adds calories, not important nutrients.

Listen to Your Body

What does it feel like to be full? When you're eating, notice how your body feels and when your
stomach feels comfortably full. Sometimes, people eat too much because they don't notice when they
need to stop eating. Eating too much can make you feel uncomfortable and, over a period of time; can
lead to unhealthy weight gain.
Be Active

One job you have as a kid — and it's a fun one — is that you get to figure out which activities you like
best. Not everyone loves baseball or soccer. Maybe your passion is karate, or kickball, or dancing. Ask
your parents to help you do your favorite activities regularly. Find ways to be active every day. You
might even write down a list of fun stuff to do, so you can refer to it when your mom or dad says it's
time to stop watching TV or playing computer games.

      WORD CHOICES for the CROSSWORD PUZZLE on Just Say No

Across Clues                                         Down Clues

3. Cigarette smoking reduces your ability to         1. _______ slows down the brain and body.
_____ deeply.                                        2. These drugs, given to us by our doctor are
5. Damages the delicate tissues of your              okay.
mouth.                                                4. Sniffing glue, paint thinners and gasoline
8. Drinking too much can cause you to make            fumes.
bad ____________.                                     5. _______ causes lung cancer, heart disease,
10. Marijuana, cocaine, heroin are examples           and other sickness.
of ___ drugs.                                         6. Smoking stains your _______ and fingers.
12. We NEVER ______ drugs given to us by              7. Drinking can effect your vision and cause
our doctor with anyone else.                          you to lose you ________.
                                                      9. ____ may irritate eyes, making them sore.
                                                      11. ______ are substances that are toxic to
                                                      our bodies.

                  Why People Take Drugs or Alcohol

And just as there are many kinds of drugs available, there are as many reasons for trying them or
starting to use them regularly. People take drugs just for the pleasure they believe they can bring.
Often it's because someone tried to convince them that drugs would make them feel good or that
they'd have a better time if they took them.

Some teens believe drugs will help them think better, be more popular, stay more active, or become
better athletes. Others are simply curious and figure one try won't hurt. Others want to fit in. A few
use drugs to gain attention from their parents.

Many teens use drugs because they're depressed or think drugs will help them escape their problems.
The truth is, drugs don't solve problems — they simply hide feelings and problems. When a drug
wears off, the feelings and problems remain, or become worse. Drugs can ruin every aspect of a
person's life.


The oldest and most widely used drug in the world, alcohol is a depressant that alters perceptions,
emotions, and senses.

How It's Used: Alcohol is a liquid that is drunk.

Effects & Dangers:

        •   Alcohol first acts as a stimulant, and then it makes people feel relaxed and a bit sleepy.

        •   High doses of alcohol seriously affect judgment and coordination. Drinkers may have
            slurred speech, confusion, depression, short-term memory loss, and slow reaction times.
•      Large volumes of alcohol drunk in a short period of time may cause alcohol poisoning.

Addictiveness: Teens who use alcohol can become psychologically dependent upon it to feel good,
deal with life, or handle stress. In addition, their bodies may demand more and more to achieve the
same kind of high experienced in the beginning. Some teens are also at risk of becoming physically
addicted to alcohol. Withdrawal from alcohol can be painful and even life threatening. Symptoms
range from shaking, sweating, nausea, anxiety, and depression to hallucinations, fever, and

                       MEDITATION – RESOLUTION – BEHAVIOR

Across Clues                                          Down Clues

1. Holding a grudge against someone                   2. To reflect or contemplate
because of something they've done                     4. These are feelings-oriented and allow you
3. Anger turned inward                                to tell someone what you want directly
6. Ideas you think that help keep you calm            5. An essential part of letting go of anger and
9. Finding ways to keep from getting                  moving on with someone
unnecessarily angry                                   7. Ideas you think to yourself that instantly
11. Settling a problem                                get you angry
14. Relaxation __________                             8. The actions or reactions of a person
15. Leaving a situation before you do                 10. An unhealthy way of getting someone
something aggressive: "Taking a _______"              back
                                                      12. Anger is a ______; you can decide to give
                                                      in to it or not
                                                      13. An emotion that can co-exist with, or lead
                                                      to, anger

                          The Five-Step Approach to Managing Anger

If something happens that makes you feel angry, this approach can help you manage your reaction.
It's called a problem-solving approach because you start with the problem you're mad about. Then
you weigh your choices and decide what you'll do. Each step involves asking yourself a couple of
questions, and then answering them based on your particular situation.

1) Identify the problem (self-awareness). Start by noticing what you're angry about and
why. Put into words what's making you upset so you can act rather than react. Ask yourself: What's
got me angry? What am I feeling and why? You can do this either in your mind or out loud, but it
needs to be clear and specific.

2) Think of potential solutions before responding (self-control). This is where you stop
for a minute to give yourself time to manage your anger. It's also where you start thinking of how you
might react — but without reacting yet. Ask yourself: What can I do? Think of at least three things.

3) Consider the consequences of each solution (think it through). This is where you
think about what is likely to result from each of the different reactions you came up with. Ask
yourself: What will happen for each one of these options?

4) Make a decision (pick one of your options). This is where you take action by choosing
one of the 3 things you could do. Look at the list and pick the one that is likely to be most effective.
Ask yourself: What's my best choice? Once you choose your solution, then it's time to act.
5) Check your progress. After you've acted and the situation is over, spend some time thinking
about how it went. Ask yourself: How did I do? Did things work out as I expected? If not, why not?
Am I satisfied with the choice I made?

Taking some time to reflect on how things worked out after it's all over is a very important step. It
helps you learn about yourself and it allows you to test which problem-solving approaches work best
in different situations.

Give yourself a pat on the back if the solution you chose worked out well. If it didn't, go back through
the five steps and see if you can figure out why. These five steps are pretty simple when you're calm,
but are much tougher to work through when you're angry or sad. So it helps to practice over and
over again.


                     DRUGS – PHYSIOLOGICAL -- PRESSURE

Across Clues                                         Down Clues
5. This is another category of stress (hint:         1. Stress is referred to as _____.
Your ____)                                           2. Snapping at people is a ___ symptom of
6. _____ is a relaxation technique.                  stress.
10. All stress is bad (true or false).               3. Feeling rejected is an ______symptom of
11. ____ is an example of a social stressor.         stress.
12. A change is appetite may be a _____              4. This is a category of stress.
symptom of stress.                                   7. Alcohol and ____ may cause problems and
13. A stress management plan should first            lead to more stress.
include a ____.                                      8. ___ is an example of Environmental
                                                     9. Stress is an automatic reaction to a
                                                     demand or ____.
                                                     12. Developing a Stress Management ____
                                                     helps to bring stress under control.

                                        Keep Stress Under Control

What can you do to deal with stress overload or, better yet, to avoid it in the first place? The most
helpful method of dealing with stress is learning how to manage the stress that comes along with any
new challenge, good or bad. Here are some things that can help keep stress under control:

•   Be realistic. Don't try to be perfect — no one is. If you need help on something, like schoolwork,
    ask for it.

•   Get a good night's sleep. Getting enough sleep helps keep your body and mind in top shape,
    making you better equipped to deal with any negative stressors. Because the biological "sleep
    clock" shifts during adolescence, many teens prefer staying up a little later at night and sleeping a
    little later in the morning. But if you stay up late and still need to get up early for school, you may
    not get all the hours of sleep you need.

•   Learn to relax. The body's natural antidote to stress is called the relaxation response. It's
    your body's opposite of stress, and it creates a sense of well-being and calm. The chemical
    benefits of the relaxation response can be activated simply by relaxing. You can help trigger the
    relaxation response by learning simple breathing exercises and then using them when you're
    caught up in stressful situations. And ensure you stay relaxed by building time into your schedule
    for activities that are calming and pleasurable: reading a good book or making time for a hobby,
    spending time with your pet, or just taking a relaxing bath.

•   Treat your body well. Experts agree that getting regular exercise helps people manage stress.
    And eat well to help your body get the right fuel to function at its best. It's easy when you're
stressed out to eat on the run or eat junk food or fast food. But under stressful conditions, the
    body needs its vitamins and minerals more than ever.

•   Watch what you're thinking. Your outlook, attitude, and thoughts influence the way you see
    things. A healthy dose of optimism can help you make the best of stressful circumstances. Even if
    you're out of practice, or tend to be a bit of a pessimist, everyone can learn to think more
    optimistically and reap the benefits.

•   Solve the little problems. Learning to solve everyday problems can give you a sense of control.
    But avoiding them can leave you feeling like you have little control and that just adds to stress.
    Develop skills to calmly look at a problem, figure out options, and take some action toward a
    solution. Feeling capable of solving little problems builds the inner confidence to move on to life's
    bigger ones — and it and can serve you well in times of stress.

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  • 3. Bad breath is caused by odor-producing bacteria that grow in the mouth. When you don't brush and floss regularly, bacteria accumulate on the bits of food left in your mouth and between your teeth. The sulfur compounds released by these bacteria make your breath smell. Certain foods, especially ones like garlic and onions that contain pungent oils, can contribute to bad breath because the oils are carried to your lungs and out through your mouth. Smoking is also a major cause of bad breath. There are lots of myths about taking care of bad breath. Here are three things you may have heard about bad breath that are not true: Myth #1: Mouthwash will make bad breath go away. Mouthwash only gets rid of bad breath temporarily. If you do use mouthwash, look for an antiseptic (kills the germs that cause bad breath) and plaque-reducing one with a seal from the American Dental Association (ADA). When you're deciding which dental products to toss into your shopping cart, it's always a good idea to look for those that are accepted by the ADA. Also, ask your dentist for recommendations. Myth #2: As long as you brush your teeth, you shouldn't have bad breath. The truth is that most people only brush their teeth for 30 to 45 seconds, which just doesn't cut it. To sufficiently clean all the surfaces of your teeth, you should brush for at least 2 minutes at least twice a day. Remember to brush your tongue, too — bacteria love to hang out there. It's equally important to floss because brushing alone won't remove harmful plaque and food particles that become stuck between your teeth and gums. Myth #3: If you breathe into your hand, you'll know when you have bad breath. Wrong! When you breathe, you don't use your throat the same way you do when you talk. When you talk, you tend to bring out the odors from the back of your mouth (where bad breath originates), which simply breathing doesn't do. Also, because we tend to get used to our own smells, it's hard for a person to tell if he or she has bad breath. If you're concerned about bad breath, make sure you're taking care of your teeth and mouth properly. Some sugar-free gums and mints can temporarily mask odors, too. If you brush and floss properly and visit your dentist for regular cleanings, but your bad breath persists, you may have a medical problem like sinusitis or gum disease. Call your doctor or dentist if you suspect a problem. They can figure out if something else is behind your bad breath and help you take care of it.
  • 4. WORD CHOICES for CROSSWORD PUZZLE ON CHARACTER VALUES EMPATHY – PERSERVERANCE – DETERMINATION – RESPONSIBILITY RESPECT – COMPASSION – SELF DISCIPLINE – INTEGRITY Across Clues Down Clues 2. quality of your character; how you act 1. reliability or dependability when no one's looking 3. commitment to hard work; endurance 4. understanding of emotional state, feeling someone’s pain 5. power to make up your own mind on how to act 6. should be a natural response, concern for a harmonious relationship with society 7. training that one gives themselves to accomplish a task 8. recognizing another’s state of mind or emotion, walking a mile in their shoes
  • 5. IS IT RIGHT OR WRONG? As you grow older, you'll be faced with some challenging decisions. Some don't have a clear right or wrong answer. Making decisions on your own is hard enough, but when other people get involved and try to pressure you one way or another it can be even harder. People who are your age, like your classmates, are called peers. When they try to influence how you act, to get you to do something, it's called peer pressure. Let's talk about how to handle it. Peers influence your life, even if you don't realize it, just by spending time with you. You learn from them, and they learn from you. It's only human nature to listen to and learn from other people in your age group. Peers can have a positive influence on each other. Sometimes peers influence each other in negative ways. Some kids give in to peer pressure because they want to be liked, to fit in, or because they worry that other kids may make fun of them if they don't go along with the group. Others may go along because they are curious to try something new that others are doing. The idea that "everyone's doing it" may influence some kids to leave their better judgment, or their common sense, behind. It is tough to be the only one who says "no" to peer pressure, but you can do it. Paying attention to your own feelings and beliefs about what is right and wrong can help you know the right thing to do. Inner strength and self-confidence can help you stand firm, walk away, and resist doing something when you know better. It can really help to have at least one other peer, or friend, who is willing to say "no," too. This takes a lot of the power out of peer pressure and makes it much easier to resist. It's great to have friends with values similar to yours who will back you up when you don't want to do something. You've probably had a parent or teacher advise you to "choose your friends wisely." Peer pressure is a big reason why they say this. If you choose friends who don't use drugs, cut class, smoke cigarettes, or lie to their parents, then you won't do these things either, even if other kids do. Try to help a friend who's having trouble resisting peer pressure. It can be powerful for one kid to join another by simply saying, "I'm with you - let's go." Peer pressure is not always a bad thing. For example, positive peer pressure can be used to pressure bullies into acting better toward other kids. If enough kids get together, peers can pressure each other into doing what's right!
  • 6. WORD CHOICES for CROSSWORD PUZZLE on HEALTHY LIVING OMEGA – PROTEIN – KIDNEYS -- DIGESTION – NUTRIENTS -- HYDRATED ACTIVE – FIBRE -- SUGAR – VEGETARIAN – HEALTHY -- FRUIT Across Clues Down Clues 1. if we eat well and exercise we will be 2. Healthy living involves keeping -- (moving considered---- about) 3. Oranges and apples are types of ------? 5. Substances in food needed for growth, 4. A person who eats only food of plant origin repair and energy 7. we need water to stay-------? 6. Remove wastes and toxins from the body 8. this helps move food through the digestive 11. Fish is rich in this fatty acid -3 tract 9. Process by which body breaks down food 10. helps in the growth and repair of the muscle tissues 12. When food is labeled unsweetened it has no added -----?
  • 7. EAT AND DRINK GOOD STUFF Though they have a bad reputation among some kids, vegetables can be delicious. The trick to eating more of them is to try different types prepared in different ways. Don't like green beans? Have you had them drizzled with lemon butter or topped with crunchy almonds? Would you like to dip one in ketchup? Go ahead and try it. Some kids find it easier to fit in some fruit, but many still aren't having enough. If you'd like to boost fruit in your diet, try to find a new one to like. Cruise the grocery store or go to a farmer's market with your mom or dad. What looks good to you? Just ask your mom or dad to buy one. If you like it, you can buy more next time. For fruit that's easier to eat, check out prepackaged fruits at the store. That's an easy way to buy a single serving of a fruit — and it's sealed tight so you can toss it in your backpack or lunchbox. Why are grown-ups always pushing the fruits and veggies? Because they contain vitamins, minerals, and fiber — all of which keep you healthy and growing just the way you should. Did you eat any fruits and vegetables today? If so, how many? • Breakfast is good for everyone. After a long night of snoozing, your body needs some fuel to • start the day. Kids aren't just deciding what to eat; they're choosing drinks, too. Drinks count, just like food, so it's important to choose the best ones. Water and milk are the best drinks for kids and lots of kids choose them. Other kids choose sports drinks, soda, pop, or a fruit-flavored drink. These can be once-in-a-while drinks, but they're not good for every day. Why? They have a lot of sugar, which means a lot of calories. Remember, water has 0 calories! These sweet drinks also may lack the vitamins and minerals found in milk and 100% juice. We wonder why some kids are interested in eating healthy and other kids aren't. It turns out that kids eat more fruits and vegetables if their families talked to them about healthy eating. That makes sense. When parents are interested in nutritional choices for their family, they will make it easier for their kids to eat fruits and vegetables. The truth is that this works best when kids and parents share the responsibility of eating healthy. So keep on choosing healthy foods and consider going on a taste adventure. What's a taste adventure? When you try a new food!
  • 8. WORD CHOICES for the CROSSWORD on PERSONAL HYGIENE SWEAT – BATHE – ACNE – CLEANCLOTHES – HEALTHY – PERSPIRATION – PORES WASH – HYGIENE – SHOWER – FLOSS – DEODORANT – SOAP -- TOOTHPASTE TOOTHBRUSH – STINK – CLEAN -- SHAMPOO Across Clues Down Clues 1. what goes on your toothbrush 1. used to clean your teeth at least twice per 3. what goes under your arms day 4. what you should do at least once per day 2. string used between your teeth 7. what you do to your face 5. taking care of your body - keeping clean 8. another name for sweat 6. what happens when you don't take a 10. what you should put on every day shower 12. you can do this or shower 8. small openings on your skin 14. what you use in the shower with 9. how you feel if you take care of your body shampoo 10. how you look if you take care of your body 11. used to wash your hair 13. blemishes on your skin 14. what happens when you work hard physically
  • 9. Hygiene Basics Puberty causes all kinds of changes in your body. Your skin and scalp may suddenly get oily very easily. Every day it seems you have new hair growing in different places. At times, you seem to sweat for no reason — and you may notice there are odors where you never had them before. What should you do about it? These bodily changes are a normal part of becoming an adult. Read below for information on some hygiene basics — and learn how to deal with greasy hair, perspiration, and body hair. Oily Hair Washing your hair every day or every other day can help control oily hair. Dozens of shampoos are available in drugstores and supermarkets for you to choose from — most brands are pretty similar, although you might want to try one that is specially formulated for oily hair. Use warm water and a small amount of shampoo to work up a lather. Don't scrub or rub too hard — this doesn't get rid of oil any better and can irritate your scalp or damage your hair. After you've rinsed, you can follow up with a conditioner if you like; again, one for oily hair might work best. When you're styling your hair, pay close attention to the products you use. Some styling gels or lotions can add extra grease to your hair, which defeats the purpose of washing it in the first place! Look for formulas that say "greaseless" or "oil free.” Sweat and Body Odor The best way to keep clean is to bathe or shower every day using a mild soap and warm water. This will help wash away any bacteria that contribute to the smells. Wearing clean clothes, socks, and underwear each day can also help you to feel clean. If you sweat a lot, you might find that shirts, T- shirts, socks, and underwear made from cotton or other natural materials will help absorb sweat more effectively. If you're concerned about the way your underarms smell, you can try using a deodorant or deodorant with antiperspirant. Deodorants get rid of the odor of sweat by covering it up, and antiperspirants actually stop or dry up perspiration. They come in sticks, roll-ons, gels, sprays, and creams and are available at any drugstore or supermarket.
  • 10. WORD CHOICES for the CROSSWORD PUZZLE on Your Food & You OATMEAL – SLEEP – MEATS – TOMATOES – BROCCOLI SALMONELLA – ORGANIC – VEGETABLES -- CARROTS Across Clues Down Clues 2. Eating them makes your skin and eyes 1. a bacteria often found in eggs and chicken healthier. which can make you sick 3. Vegetable rich in calcium, which is good 5. grows on vines, used in salads but is really for your bones. a fruit 4. Rich in nutrients and fiber and comes 7. You will be cranky, tired and unable to from roots, leaves, and stems. learn if you don't get enough. 6. Provide protein and build up your body 8. Food grown without fertilizers, hormones 8. Healthy hot breakfast food which gives and other harmful chemicals. you fiber
  • 11. Eating Well While Eating Out Tips for Eating At a Restaurant Most restaurant portions are way larger than the average serving of food at home. Ask for half portions, share an entrée with a friend, or take half of your dish home. Here are some other restaurant survival tips: • Ask for sauces and salad dressings on the side and use them sparingly. • Use salsa and mustard instead of mayonnaise or oil. • Ask for olive or canola oil instead of butter, margarine, or shortening. • Use nonfat or low fat milk instead of whole milk or cream. • Order baked, broiled, or grilled (not fried) lean meats including turkey, chicken, seafood, or sirloin steak. • Salads and vegetables make healthier side dishes than French fries. Use a small amount of sour cream instead of butter if you order a baked potato. • Choose fresh fruit instead of sugary, high-fat desserts. Tips for Eating At the Mall or Fast-Food Place It's tempting to pig out while shopping, but with a little planning, it's easy to eat healthy foods at the mall. Here are some choices: • a single slice of veggie pizza • grilled, not fried, sandwiches (for example, a grilled chicken breast sandwich) • deli sandwiches on whole-grain bread • a small hamburger • a bean burrito • a baked potato • a side salad • frozen yogurt
  • 12. Choose the smaller sizes, especially when it comes to drinks and snacks if you have a craving for something unhealthy, try sharing the food you crave with a friend. WORD CHOICES for the CROSSWORD PUZZLE on HEALTHY FOODS LETTUCE – APPLE -- PLANTAIN – CHICKEN – CELERY -- BACON – OLIVE OIL ORANGES – CORN – WATERMELON – CREANBERRIES – FRIED FOODS – MILK OATMEAL – AVACADO -- YOGURT Across Clues Down Clues 1. a healthy breakfast food made from 2. full of good fat grains 3. these are very bad for you; no matter what 6. full of antioxidants, made on thanksgiving it is 8. a serving size is an ear 4. served at picnics, pink and fruity 10. a very good greasy substance 5. this fruit has a lot of vitamin c 12. a vegetable that has no calories 7. this food contains 70% fat and is not 14. fruit that looks like a banana healthy 15. you make salad with this 8. a meat full of protein 9. full of calcium, good for your bones 11. a fruit full of fiber
  • 13. 13. a healthy dairy you can mix fruit with 5 Ways to Get Your 5 a Day You may have heard that you should eat 5 servings of fruit and vegetables a day — which works out to a total of about 2½ cups. But there are no limits on the quantities of tasty fruits and veggies you can enjoy — unless, of course, you load 'em up with butter or dressing, or deep-fry them! But many of us still find it hard to fit fruit and veggies into our meals. Here are some ideas to help you get into the 5-a-day (or more!) habit: 1. Start with the first meal of the day. Plan to eat a serving or two of fruit with breakfast every day. Mix it up so you don't get bored. Half a grapefruit, an apple, or a handful of berries on your cereal are all good choices. Orange juice counts too — but only if you drink one small glass of 100% juice. Continue this pattern by eating vegetables at lunch and at dinner. 2. Get extra energy from fruit or vegetable snacks. The carbohydrates in fruit and vegetables are great sources of energy. Combine them with a serving of protein — such as a piece of cheese, a cup of yogurt, or a tablespoon of peanut butter, and you get staying power too. Ants on a log, anyone? 3. Double up on fruit and veggie servings. Recommended servings of fruit and veggies can be small. Unlike other foods, it's OK to double the serving size of fruit or vegetables. Serve yourself a 1-cup portion of broccoli or tomatoes instead of the standard serving of ½ cup. 4. Use fruit and vegetables as ingredients. Enjoy bread? Bake up a batch of zucchini bread and get your veggies along with your grains! Use applesauce instead of oil in your baked goods. Chop up veggies (peppers, carrots, celery) and toss them into your favorite chili recipe. If you don't like vegetables much, sneak them into foods you do enjoy (like grating carrots into tomato sauce or, again, zucchini into bread). It's a great way to get your veggies without having to taste them!
  • 14. 5. Try a new fruit, vegetable, or recipe each week. Our bodies like variety. So set a goal to try something different each week. You may find a new favorite. One good way to get variety is to eat the fruit and veggies that are in season in your area. They usually taste better than the bland fruit salad or shriveled apples you're used to seeing in the cafeteria! WORD CHOICES for the CROSSWORD PUZZLE on HEALTHY HABITS REVIEW MEATANDBEANS – BREAKFAST – MILK – SIXTY – PROTEIN – COACHCONOR HEALTHY – WHOLE – NUTRITIONFACTS – FRUITJUICE – WATER – GRAINS BONES – VEGETABLES – QUIET – NINE Across Clues Down Clues 3. ___________ is great to keep you 1. Cereal is a great breakfast food and hydrated. belongs to the _________ food group. 4. We can find out how healthy a food is by 2. 100% ____________ is a great healthy looking at the _________ label. drink. 8. Following all 7 Daily Healthy Habits keeps 3. The healthiest type of grains is ________ me ___________. grains. 9. The best sleeping environment is cool, 5. My favorite teacher is ___________. :) dark, and ______. 6. We need 3 servings of ___________ each 11. The meat and beans group is best day.
  • 15. known for ______, which help build strong 7. We need __________ minutes of physical muscles. activity. 12. Calcium helps to build strong teeth and 10. This is the most important meal of the ________. day. 14. This healthy drink is loaded with 13. We need at least ________ hours of sleep calcium. each night. 15. Eggs belong to the _________ food group. 5 Ways to Reach (& Maintain) a Healthy Weight Diets aren't the way to go when it comes to losing weight. That's because they create temporary eating patterns — and, therefore, temporary results. Most dieters gain back any lost weight when they go back to their old eating habits. So what's the best way to drop excess weight? Create a new normal! Weight loss is most likely to be successful when people change their habits, replacing old, unhealthy ones with new, healthy behaviors. Here are 5 ways to make that happen: 1. Exercise. Regular physical activity burns calories and builds muscle — both of which help you look and feel good and keep weight off. Walking the family dog, cycling to school, and doing other things that increase your daily level of activity can all make a difference. If you want to burn more calories, increase the intensity of your workout and add some strength exercises to build muscle. The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn, even when you aren't exercising. 2. Reduce screen time. One reason people get less exercise these days is because of an increase in "screen time" — the amount of time spent watching TV, looking at the computer, or playing video games. Limit recreational screen time to less than 2 hours per day. If you're with friends at the mall, you're getting more exercise than if you're IMing them from your room. 3. Watch out for portion distortion. Serving sizes have increased over the past 10 years, and these extra calories contribute to obesity. Another key factor in weight gain is that more people drink sugary beverages, such as sodas, juice drinks, and sports drinks. So choose smaller portions (or share restaurant portions) and go for water or low-fat milk instead of soda. 4. Eat 5 servings of fruits and veggies a day. Fruits and veggies are about more than just vitamins and minerals. They're also packed with fiber, which means they fill you up. And when you fill up on fruits and veggies, you're less likely to overeat when it comes to high-calorie foods like chips or cookies.
  • 16. 5. Don't skip breakfast. Breakfast kick-starts your metabolism, burning calories from the get-go and giving you energy to do more during the day. People who skip breakfast often feel so hungry that they eat more later on. So they get more calories than they would have if they ate breakfast. In fact, people who skip breakfast tend to have higher BMIs than people who eat breakfast. WORD CHOICES for the CROSSWORD PUZZLE on HEALTHY NUTRITION CHEESE – CARROTS – CINNAMON – RED GRAPES – BERRIES – MILK ALMONDS – TUNA FISH – GREEN TEA – YOGURT Across Clues Down Clues 2. This beverage is critical for bone growth 1. These crunchy snacks help lower and strength. cholesterol. 6. This fruit reduces inflammation and 3. These rank among the most powerful of promotes a healthy heart. fruits. 7. This vegetable is good for the eyes. 4. This beverage improves memory and 9. This food contains omega-3 fats which learning abilities.
  • 17. boost brain development and reduce heart 5. This food promotes intestinal health and disease. boosts immunity. 7. This spice aids in digestion. 8. This food helps prevent cavity formation. BE A FIT KID Being fit is a way of saying a person eats well, gets a lot of physical activity (exercise), and has a healthy weight. If you're fit, your body works well, feels good, and can do all the things you want to do, like run around with your friends. Eat a Variety of Foods, Especially Fruits and Vegetables You may have a favorite food, but the best choice is to eat a variety. If you eat different foods, you're more likely to get the nutrients your body needs. Taste new foods and old ones you haven't tried for a while. Some foods, such as green veggies, are more pleasing the older you get. Shoot for at least five servings of fruits and vegetables a day — two fruits and three vegetables. Drink Water and Milk Most Often When you're really thirsty, cold water is the No. 1 thirst-quencher. And there's a reason your school cafeteria offers cartons of milk. Kids need calcium to build strong bones, and milk is a great source of this mineral. You probably will want something other than milk or water once in a while, so it's OK to have 100% juice, too. But try to limit sugary drinks, like sodas, juice cocktails, and fruit punches. They contain a lot of added sugar. Sugar just adds calories, not important nutrients. Listen to Your Body What does it feel like to be full? When you're eating, notice how your body feels and when your stomach feels comfortably full. Sometimes, people eat too much because they don't notice when they need to stop eating. Eating too much can make you feel uncomfortable and, over a period of time; can lead to unhealthy weight gain.
  • 18. Be Active One job you have as a kid — and it's a fun one — is that you get to figure out which activities you like best. Not everyone loves baseball or soccer. Maybe your passion is karate, or kickball, or dancing. Ask your parents to help you do your favorite activities regularly. Find ways to be active every day. You might even write down a list of fun stuff to do, so you can refer to it when your mom or dad says it's time to stop watching TV or playing computer games. WORD CHOICES for the CROSSWORD PUZZLE on Just Say No SHARE – BALANCE – ILLEGAL – TEETH – DECISIONS – INHALANTS – SMOKE – DRUGS -- CHEWING TOBACCO – PRESCRIPTION – BREATHE – ALCOHOL -- CIGARETTES Across Clues Down Clues 3. Cigarette smoking reduces your ability to 1. _______ slows down the brain and body. _____ deeply. 2. These drugs, given to us by our doctor are 5. Damages the delicate tissues of your okay.
  • 19. mouth. 4. Sniffing glue, paint thinners and gasoline 8. Drinking too much can cause you to make fumes. bad ____________. 5. _______ causes lung cancer, heart disease, 10. Marijuana, cocaine, heroin are examples and other sickness. of ___ drugs. 6. Smoking stains your _______ and fingers. 12. We NEVER ______ drugs given to us by 7. Drinking can effect your vision and cause our doctor with anyone else. you to lose you ________. 9. ____ may irritate eyes, making them sore. 11. ______ are substances that are toxic to our bodies. Why People Take Drugs or Alcohol And just as there are many kinds of drugs available, there are as many reasons for trying them or starting to use them regularly. People take drugs just for the pleasure they believe they can bring. Often it's because someone tried to convince them that drugs would make them feel good or that they'd have a better time if they took them. Some teens believe drugs will help them think better, be more popular, stay more active, or become better athletes. Others are simply curious and figure one try won't hurt. Others want to fit in. A few use drugs to gain attention from their parents. Many teens use drugs because they're depressed or think drugs will help them escape their problems. The truth is, drugs don't solve problems — they simply hide feelings and problems. When a drug wears off, the feelings and problems remain, or become worse. Drugs can ruin every aspect of a person's life. Alcohol The oldest and most widely used drug in the world, alcohol is a depressant that alters perceptions, emotions, and senses. How It's Used: Alcohol is a liquid that is drunk. Effects & Dangers: • Alcohol first acts as a stimulant, and then it makes people feel relaxed and a bit sleepy. • High doses of alcohol seriously affect judgment and coordination. Drinkers may have slurred speech, confusion, depression, short-term memory loss, and slow reaction times.
  • 20. Large volumes of alcohol drunk in a short period of time may cause alcohol poisoning. Addictiveness: Teens who use alcohol can become psychologically dependent upon it to feel good, deal with life, or handle stress. In addition, their bodies may demand more and more to achieve the same kind of high experienced in the beginning. Some teens are also at risk of becoming physically addicted to alcohol. Withdrawal from alcohol can be painful and even life threatening. Symptoms range from shaking, sweating, nausea, anxiety, and depression to hallucinations, fever, and convulsion. WORD CHOICES for the CROSSWORD PUZZLE on ANGER MANAGEMENT TIME OUT – CHOICE – TECHNIQUES – REVENGE – PREVENTION – FEAR -- HOT THOUGHTS COOL THOUGHTS – FORGIVENESS – SELF HATE -- I STATEMENTS – RESENTMENT MEDITATION – RESOLUTION – BEHAVIOR Across Clues Down Clues 1. Holding a grudge against someone 2. To reflect or contemplate because of something they've done 4. These are feelings-oriented and allow you
  • 21. 3. Anger turned inward to tell someone what you want directly 6. Ideas you think that help keep you calm 5. An essential part of letting go of anger and 9. Finding ways to keep from getting moving on with someone unnecessarily angry 7. Ideas you think to yourself that instantly 11. Settling a problem get you angry 14. Relaxation __________ 8. The actions or reactions of a person 15. Leaving a situation before you do 10. An unhealthy way of getting someone something aggressive: "Taking a _______" back 12. Anger is a ______; you can decide to give in to it or not 13. An emotion that can co-exist with, or lead to, anger The Five-Step Approach to Managing Anger If something happens that makes you feel angry, this approach can help you manage your reaction. It's called a problem-solving approach because you start with the problem you're mad about. Then you weigh your choices and decide what you'll do. Each step involves asking yourself a couple of questions, and then answering them based on your particular situation. 1) Identify the problem (self-awareness). Start by noticing what you're angry about and why. Put into words what's making you upset so you can act rather than react. Ask yourself: What's got me angry? What am I feeling and why? You can do this either in your mind or out loud, but it needs to be clear and specific. 2) Think of potential solutions before responding (self-control). This is where you stop for a minute to give yourself time to manage your anger. It's also where you start thinking of how you might react — but without reacting yet. Ask yourself: What can I do? Think of at least three things. 3) Consider the consequences of each solution (think it through). This is where you think about what is likely to result from each of the different reactions you came up with. Ask yourself: What will happen for each one of these options? 4) Make a decision (pick one of your options). This is where you take action by choosing one of the 3 things you could do. Look at the list and pick the one that is likely to be most effective. Ask yourself: What's my best choice? Once you choose your solution, then it's time to act.
  • 22. 5) Check your progress. After you've acted and the situation is over, spend some time thinking about how it went. Ask yourself: How did I do? Did things work out as I expected? If not, why not? Am I satisfied with the choice I made? Taking some time to reflect on how things worked out after it's all over is a very important step. It helps you learn about yourself and it allows you to test which problem-solving approaches work best in different situations. Give yourself a pat on the back if the solution you chose worked out well. If it didn't, go back through the five steps and see if you can figure out why. These five steps are pretty simple when you're calm, but are much tougher to work through when you're angry or sad. So it helps to practice over and over again. WORD CHOICES for the CROSSWORD PUZZLE on STRESS MANAGEMENT GOAL -- DANGER – FINANCES – TRAFFIC – FALSE – EMOTIONAL THOUGHTS -- BEHAVIORAL – PHYSICAL – PLAN – VISUALIZATION DRUGS – PHYSIOLOGICAL -- PRESSURE Across Clues Down Clues
  • 23. 5. This is another category of stress (hint: 1. Stress is referred to as _____. Your ____) 2. Snapping at people is a ___ symptom of 6. _____ is a relaxation technique. stress. 10. All stress is bad (true or false). 3. Feeling rejected is an ______symptom of 11. ____ is an example of a social stressor. stress. 12. A change is appetite may be a _____ 4. This is a category of stress. symptom of stress. 7. Alcohol and ____ may cause problems and 13. A stress management plan should first lead to more stress. include a ____. 8. ___ is an example of Environmental stressor. 9. Stress is an automatic reaction to a demand or ____. 12. Developing a Stress Management ____ helps to bring stress under control. Keep Stress Under Control What can you do to deal with stress overload or, better yet, to avoid it in the first place? The most helpful method of dealing with stress is learning how to manage the stress that comes along with any new challenge, good or bad. Here are some things that can help keep stress under control: • Be realistic. Don't try to be perfect — no one is. If you need help on something, like schoolwork, ask for it. • Get a good night's sleep. Getting enough sleep helps keep your body and mind in top shape, making you better equipped to deal with any negative stressors. Because the biological "sleep clock" shifts during adolescence, many teens prefer staying up a little later at night and sleeping a little later in the morning. But if you stay up late and still need to get up early for school, you may not get all the hours of sleep you need. • Learn to relax. The body's natural antidote to stress is called the relaxation response. It's your body's opposite of stress, and it creates a sense of well-being and calm. The chemical benefits of the relaxation response can be activated simply by relaxing. You can help trigger the relaxation response by learning simple breathing exercises and then using them when you're caught up in stressful situations. And ensure you stay relaxed by building time into your schedule for activities that are calming and pleasurable: reading a good book or making time for a hobby, spending time with your pet, or just taking a relaxing bath. • Treat your body well. Experts agree that getting regular exercise helps people manage stress. And eat well to help your body get the right fuel to function at its best. It's easy when you're
  • 24. stressed out to eat on the run or eat junk food or fast food. But under stressful conditions, the body needs its vitamins and minerals more than ever. • Watch what you're thinking. Your outlook, attitude, and thoughts influence the way you see things. A healthy dose of optimism can help you make the best of stressful circumstances. Even if you're out of practice, or tend to be a bit of a pessimist, everyone can learn to think more optimistically and reap the benefits. • Solve the little problems. Learning to solve everyday problems can give you a sense of control. But avoiding them can leave you feeling like you have little control and that just adds to stress. Develop skills to calmly look at a problem, figure out options, and take some action toward a solution. Feeling capable of solving little problems builds the inner confidence to move on to life's bigger ones — and it and can serve you well in times of stress.