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Habitat Meeting Reflection
What are the three most important things you learned about the specific issue/challenge you
discussed in committee?
This conference was filled with opportunities and growth. There were many challenges discussed in
Habitat III, including building resident cities while promoting risk reduction strategies, creating a
new urban agenda on adequate housing, and fostering socially inclusive solutions to housing issues.
Although I did not participate in the committee as a delegate representing one nation, but rather
represented all member states in a staff position, I learned just as much as the other delegates. I
learned in depth how Habitat works: the frequency, the mission, and the duties the committee has in
the United Nations. I also learn about ... Show more content on ...
It is important to consider this for next conference to continue building team spirit and making
everyones experience more comfortable and enjoyable. I am also a big fan of ice breakers. I thinking
they create a better sense of unity and make everyone more comfortable around each other.
Given these challenges and solutions many of you proposed to address your topic in committee, did
you find that certain stakeholders, (i.e., specific countries) made it difficult to adequately address the
challenge at hand? Please explain:
From my point of view, the delegation of Brazil was very hostile and made it challenging for
informal caucus to be the collaborative effort that it should be. They seem to intimidate the other
countries and not let them speak their minds. When I would walk around to talk to each coalition
that had formed, they did not let anyone else speak on behalf of the group.
What particular negotiation skills or strategies did your team use to try to achieve your goals? How
effective do you think they were? What were your team goals? Did they change during the
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What Will It Take To Prevent A Security Decline In Mosul?
Providing security in the middle east has been a priority and also a challenge for the international
community, especially within the last two decades. Through this time period the middle east as a
region, despite its wealth of natural resources, has experienced severe conflict caused by corruption,
religious tensions, and the disenfranchisement of local citizens just to highlight a few crucial issues.
Because of these issues the Middle East has been a hotbed for instability. My article, "What Will It
Take to Prevent a Security Decline in Mosul" is a briefing by two RAND Corporation security
fellows Shelly Culbertson and Linda Robinson. In their briefing they discuss main challenges the
international community must prioritize addressing in ... Show more content on ...
In order to provide stabilization within Mosul it would require the collective action of many actors,
not just one. Cooperation to help provide stability to Mosul and prevent it from backsliding would
be costly, and as noted above, the implications of an unstable middle east region, specifically Mosul
in this case, is a transnational issue, an issue that affects many countries. By this logic, one country
on it's own would not be able to feasibly finance the peacebuilding operation, and because it's a
global issue that affects many, it should require the collective action of several countries, not just
To best solve this problem, the main international organization that countries can work through
would be the United Nations. In chapter 1 of its Charter, the UN specifically outlines its mission
stating, "The purposes of the UN are: To maintain international peace and security, and to that end:
to take effective collective measures for the prevention and removal of threats to the peace, and for
the suppression of acts of aggression or other breaches of the peace, and to bring about by peaceful
means, and in conformity with the principles of justice and international law, adjustment or
settlement of international disputes or situations which might lead to a breach of the peace."
Specifically within the UN the
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Is It Difficult To Prevent Genocides Essay
According to Daniel Goldhagen, genocides are constantly being underestimated, which causes the
never ending realities of the past repeating itself. From high officials to ordinary citizens, people
often overlook the pattern and causes of these systematic killings. One of these includes the UN,
which was created to prevent another World War, and to protect the rights of sovereignty of member
states. This organization serves to solve international issues, but has failed and continues to fail to
prevent genocides. Even though this group signed in 1948 a UN document, Convention on the
Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, which punished and still punishes people
guilty of genocide, not one life was ever saved from that declaration. The reason is because most at
first want to deny that these extreme situations could happen ever again. Sadly, ... Show more
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If nations knew that there would be consequences to their calculations of profit from the genocide,
that would cause them to lean towards the right and not the wrong. Taking away the benefits of any
alliance or trade, to the ones that cause genocide would intensify the seriousness of their atrocities.
Together, every member of all diplomatic nations, must have the right to intervene in military
interventions. Solving the issue before it happened would have been helpful when the Serbians
manipulated Bosnians by feeding the children cookies, and assuring them not to be afraid. The
United Nations should have not been deceived by these actions, nor abandoned 25,000 Bosnians
gathering in a United Nations base, wanting protection. Not only did the Unite Nations ignore this
situation, but they claimed to not have any information about the Rwandan genocide that cause the
deaths of 800,000 individuals. Therefore, we must hold our leaders accountable to their promises to
alleviate the issues, otherwise they should be denied not to hold that
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Two Forms Of Communism
I would say none of the above, I would say it was a conflict of two ideologies. One was not better
than another, in a moral sense. They are just two different forms of government. Although
Capitalism did last longer and most of the Capitalist countries did not collapse like most of the
Communist countries did like the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the Socialist Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia, and the German Democratic Republic. The clash of ideologies model here
really does apply. Communism, as least as the United States of America and the North Atlantic
Treaty Organization saw it, wanted to take the world for its own, and Capitalism, as the Union of
Soviet Socialist Republics and the Treaty of Friendship, Co–operation, and Mutual Assistance
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Oxford International Model United Nations
Oxford International Model United Nations 9 November 2014 FAO Agenda Item: Local Energy
Solutions to a Lack of Universal Access to Energy Sponsors: Bolivia, China, France, Russian
Federation Signatories: Albania, Austria, Iran, Israel, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway The Food and
Agricultural Organization, Deeply concerned about the lack of universal access to energy in many
developing countries, specifically in rural areas, Recognizing the UN decade of sustainable energy
for all 2014–2024 (SE4ALL) and underscoring its importance in creating awareness, Emphasizing
the importance of a comprehensive approach to address the interconnectedness of the challenge of
universal energy access with issues of ecological degration, water management, food security,
Reaffirming the framework established by the FAO 'energy–smart food for people and climate' in
order to Fully aware of the superior aim of counterbalancing climate change, reducing poverty;
Realizing that there are significant untapped market opportunities in the clean energy sector in
developing countries Education and awareness raising 1. Encourages member states to increase
general awareness about efficient and sustainable energy consumption and production by
implementing educational programs to ensure that local communities know how to use and harness
renewable sources of energy, looking to the following successful examples for inspiration; 2. Calls
upon academic and scientific institutions to set up exchange programs
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The Legacy Of The Lincoln
Lincoln Motor Co, is a U.S. brand of luxury and classic cars, recognizes the significant work and
influence of Latin women in different fields. Every year, the Lincoln brand nominates two women
who are examples of success and which share their characteristics of what the Lincoln brand
represent. These two women great example of personal effort, uniqueness and outstanding success.
They are contributing back to the community and building bridges between cultures in their specific
roles, not only by being role models, but they also represent the hard work of a Latin woman in
society. This 2015, Lincoln brand nominated Albania Rosario founder and creator of Uptown
Fashion Week and Mariela Dabbah, CEO of Red Shoe Movement as the Damas de Lincoln 2015.
Albania Rosario, Dama de Lincoln 2015. Lincoln is an synonym of luxury design and inspiration, a
brand which represents a unique style and achieved greatness. Albania Rosario is a woman who has
achieved greatness and personifies a perfect model of what women can be and what women can
achieve in the world. She 's a founder and creator of " Uptown Fashion Week ", a fashion company
that provides designers from Latin America an opportunity to showcase our talent during the
celebrated New York City Fashion Week, a company that is showing the
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Terrorism : Terrorism And Terrorism
Terrorism in Sudan In the past, Sudan had been designated as a State Sponsor of Terrorism
regarding support for international terrorist groups. However, Sudan has changed its approach ever
since the 9/11 attacks has been aiding the United States in diminishing the pervasiveness of terrorist
groups in Sudan, and in the world. Recently, Sudan has remained cooperative with the United States
in its war on counter terrorism. Sudan has taken many preventive measures to keep these terrorist
groups out of Sudan, and we are currently attempting to limit their influence and use of Sudan as a
base for their operations. Currently, unfortunately, Sudan is plagued with terrorist groups who are
seeping in, but there are limitations being placed and we are in the process of eliminating these
terrorist groups once and for all.
IMPACT: Terrorism is still prevalent in Sudan, however (a) Sudan is taking preventive measures
against terrorism and (b) the advocacy for gradually eliminating these terrorist groups is strong in
Past actions against terrorism Sudan has placed many policies to reduce the imminence of terrorism.
Sudan believes that the best way to end terrorism is through blockade, and ending the financing of
these terrorist organizations will leave them powerless. To name a few policies that Sudan has taken
to reduce the financing of terrorist groups, the Anti–Money Laundering Act, the Combating
Terrorism Finance Act, and the UN Convention Against Corruption are all past
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Predicting Life Expectancy
The quest to prolong our youth continues today, though not through lengthy field explorations, but
through improvements in health, nutrition, and medicine. A healthy diet, regular exercise, and
vaccinations can greatly improve an individual's life expectancy, while an outbreak of disease,
malnutrition, and social unrest can drastically lower an individual's life expectancy.
But how are life expectancies affected on a national level?
While these factors are central to living longer, they alone cannot be the only facets. The social and
economic conditions of each country will undoubtedly affect its citizens, their lifestyles and
decisions. Citizens of wealthier countries have access to modern medicine and medical facilities, the
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. * Malnutrition (X3) – This measures the percentage of children under the age of 5 who are
underweight. * Drinking water (X4) – This measures the percentage of the population that drinks
from a healthy water source. * Income level (X5 and X6) – This is a categorical variable that
categorizes per capita income for each country as high, middle, or low. X5 is 1 if the country is
categorized as low. Otherwise, it is 0. X6 is 1 if the country is categorized as medium. Otherwise, it
is 0.
To determine the best model, I used the standard regression equation:
Y=α+ β1X1 +β2X2+β3X3+ ....+ β6X6
I check that the data is independent and identically distributed with a mean that follows the
regression equation above, and a constant variance.
Using the F test and partial F test, I drop input variables from the model that do not provide much
additional information over the other variables. Finally, I determine a model that has only significant
variables and a reasonable R–squared. R–squared is a measure of how well the model explains the
response variable. For example, if R–squared is 99%, then 99% of the variation in the response
variable can be explained by variation in the input variables.
First, I regress Y on all of the input variables, which produces the following output:
Overall, this model does provide some information that can be used to
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What Was The Role Of The United Nations In Canada
"The Charter of the United Nations expresses the noblest aspirations of man: abjuration of force in
the settlement of disputes between states; the assurance of human rights and fundamental freedoms
for all without distinction as to race, sex, language or religion; the safeguarding of international
peace and security" – Haile Selassie (BrainyQuote). During the repercussion of World War 2, the
United Nations was formed in order to provide and maintain international security and peace.
Canada's involvement with the United Nations played a key role in the establishment of the U.N
Charter of Human Rights. The United Nations is an intergovernmental organization that promotes
international cooperation. The United Nations officially came into existence on October 24, 1945.
The United Nations replaced the League of Nations, which had been created by the Treaty of
Versailles in 1919. The name "'United Nations", coined by United States President Franklin D.
Roosevelt was first used in the Declaration by United Nations of January 1942, during the second
world war, when representatives of 26 nations pledged their Governments to continue fighting
together against the axis powers" (History of the United Nations | United Nations). The Allied
Powers agreed that a new organization was needed that would replace the League of Nations.
American President Roosevelt, ... Show more content on ...
During the post–war, Canada has proven its importance internationally by becoming one of the
founding members of the United Nations and the drafting of one of the most important documents in
today's society. In conclusion, the UN has proved to influence Canadian policies and it international
involvement. Together as a nation, one must learn to defend, support and respect the declarations
that were put in place for the benefit of the country as a
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Naked Economics
First and foremost, market is inherently composed of government part as a policy–maker. Some
ideal economist may argue that a free market without the existence of government will optimize the
social utility and make every single person better off. However, the model of supply and demand is
just simply a model which merely provides us with theoretic research and a murky outlook to a
piece of complicated and cruel real world. For instance, a lot of African countries are suffered from
pain of war and economic depression, stuck into the chaotic vortex and lacked of the ability to
escape away. The essence behind this phenomenon is quite astonishing. According to a United
Nations development program's report which places much poverty on bad government, ... Show
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Take a case as copyright, which is an effective protection of people's creative thoughts; you are
probably not willing to see a thief plagiarizing and publishing your industrious composition which
took you a whole summer vocation to intimately stay with your secretaire and think over the
creative ideas. Plus, based on the example in Naked Economics, the patent is an interesting case
which is always misunderstood. In the United States of American, Pfizer, the patent owner of
Viagra, produces the medicine with ingredients cost only pennies while selling at the price of seven
dollar, gaining a large amount of economic profits. However, the huge gap is often described as
social injustice perpetrated by rapacious companies, but why does the government allow this
monopoly to extract exceedingly huge profits from consumers?The reason behind it is the
investment and research that Pfizer did to promote a kind of technological advancement which gave
birth to the new medicine. The large gap between ingredients cost and price can be considered as a
kind of compensation to supplement the expense of technological research which overwhelmingly
outweighs the cost of ingredients. By allowing the existence of monopoly in terms of patent, the
government means to stimulate the incentive to be competitive and creative among all sorts of
companies. Admittedly, even though it
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The At The Last Model United Nations Conference
At the last Model United Nations conference we attended, I had the opportunity to sit down for
coffee with an advisor from one of the local public high schools. This particular advisor and I have
forged a strong connection in several years of chaperoning events together for our learners. He is
versed in Attic philosophy and how we approach learning. Throughout the course of our friendship
we have periodically emailed each other articles on education, learner preparedness for career and
college, and public versus private education. All of this back and forth has led to an incredibly rich
dialogue about learning.
Our most recent conversation had us revisiting a September 2015 article from the Washington Post
(linked below) that I had ... Show more content on ...
In the rush to cover everything that might be tested, teachers and students miss the chance to create
and explore."
A new definition of success–"Almost from birth, our kids absorb society's image of success. And it's
a narrow one: score the highest, run the fastest, get into the most prestigious college, and get on your
way to a high–income career and a high–status life. Too many young people mortgage their
childhoods to get there, fearing anything less will be failure."
We spent several minutes going back and forth about how these concepts can be incorporated into
various communities and what possible results might by seen. My public school counterpart,
knowing that the Attic embraces and employs many of the above–mentioned six components, posed
the following question to me. He asked, "Because your program implements these principles that
look so different from the norm and are largely untested or unused in mainstream American
education, what are the actual learning outcomes for your students?"
First, I responded that while our core values and philosophy might be new to many people, the Attic
has been practicing them continually for 18 years. In that time, hundreds of children have passed
through our doors. In many more traditional educational settings, children often spend the bulk of
their time either doing work that is little more than teaching to a test or flying through curriculum
that they do not understand for the sake of meeting
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The Creation Of The United Nations
The creation of the United Nations (UN), the largest organization in the world introduced a new
reform for collective security around the world after the failure of the League of Nations. Such a
reform is vital for the international community as it zealously promotes concord and security, which
is the most important goal in the 21st century. Thus, has the UN been successful in promoting
international peace and security? To an extent, they have been when it comes to certain economical,
humanitarian and environmental conflicts that occur within particular situations. However, one must
take into account that the UN has failed in promoting such an itinerary when it came to the nuclear
proliferation, the failure to uphold amity in Sri Lanka, Rwanda and Srebrenica Massacre.
The failure of the League of Nations caused the establishment of the United Nations after the
Second World War in 1945. "After the establishment of the UN in 1945, the world became divided
ideologically into two camps, whose leaders the USSR and the US treated each other in total
suspicion and appeared to oppose each other on every major issue."(Diel Latif) It was impossible to
create international peace and security when the world has been divided into two camps who
distrusted and oppose each other.
As a matter of fact, when Ceylon was under the rule of the British they imported labors from the
southern state of India, Tamil Nadu. After the British colonial rule ended, Ceylon was given
independence in
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Immanuel Wallerstein's World Systems Theory
Two theories of Globalisation that explain it relatively effectively are Immanuel Wallerstein 's
World–Systems theory and John W. Meyer 's World Polity Theory. Contrary to the tendency of
classical sociologists to focus on society within the nation–state, World–systems theory portrays
nation–states as units within the larger world system. Wallerstein described the "world System" as
an international class system based on countries as units instead of individual people. He thought
there are three main categories of countries, the core, semi–periphery and periphery. The Core
countries have much greater control over the means of production and capital and are thus much
wealthier, whilst the periphery counrtries are exploited for their resources and cheap labour. Such a
system perpetuates socio–economic inequality, however the system is somewhat dynamic and states
can gradually shift between categories. This system allows certain countries to achieve hegemony
over the others, in this manner the United States dominated the globe in the 20th Century. World–
Polity theory was developed in response to the world systems theory. In this explanation the world
has a global culture or "global polity" that greatly influences how nation–states, international
organisations and individual people are formed and evolve. The global polity helps define the
purpose, identity, behaviour and nature of these social units. The concept of a nation–state itself is
only a relatively new concept introduced
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Globalization Is The Process By Which People, Cultures,
Globalization is the process by which people, cultures, ideas, and goods are spread across the world,
stimulating the synergy and assimilation of world economies and governments. It references a
global economy built on free trade and the use of foreign labor markets to capitalize on revenue,
along with the movement of people, ideas, and knowledge from sea to shining sea. The study of
history shows us that globalization is not a new phenomenon, rather it has been occurring for
centuries. Whether one looks at trade routes such as the Silk Road, or the colonization of countries
in the Middle East by European superpowers, they will see that these were all routes to spread
economic and governing systems. With the increased availability to ... Show more content on ...
The past few years have been highlighted by terrorist attacks, war, and humanitarian disasters,
making the need for international cooperation ever increasing. Political globalization's classic
example is the United Nations, which was incepted to maintain world peace and foster an
environment of cooperation between nations, in order to solve economic, cultural, and humanitarian
issues. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights for example is regarded as, "A milestone
document in the history of human rights," according to the United Nations. It ensures the rights to
life, liberty, and education, and proclaims that, "No one shall be held in slavery or servitude." But
what happens when members of the UN General Assembly violate these declarations? What
happens when the United Nations turns a blind eye to genocide, torture, and mass exodus? The
Holocaust, for example, was largely ignored by the international community for much of the Second
World War. Western nations even denied fleeing Jews entrance into their countries. As the War came
to an end and the dust settled, the international community turned its attention to Nazi Germany's
human rights violations, and the United Nations vowed, "Never again." That promise was an empty
one, as genocides would erupt in Rwanda, Kosovo, Bosnia, and Syria. Syria, in particular, is the
most immediate case of the
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A Hero's Journey In Managua Summary
In February, the man from the UNHRC was checking out a story. In Managua. Over thirty refugees,
from throughout the world, had been located by a civil rights organization called ACNUR, or the
Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados, held in prisons in Managua.
ACNUR was contacted immediately, since it was part of the United Nations program that helped
people forced to flee their homes and seek safety in another country.
The refugees were discovered, hidden in the bowels of the Dirección General de Migración y
Extranjería detention center in Managua, Nicaragua. The refugees had been held incommunicado, in
the feces and urine infested rotting prison there. Each one, instructed to pay bribes if they ever
wanted to see freedom again. ... Show more content on ...
"My neighbors are well–educated. Nicaraguans on a projected career path towards success."
"That's great!"
"Yeah. One is a pharmaceutical salesman. The son of one of the most famous doctors in the country.
His dad studied in Russia."
"How about the rest?"
"There is a model for a Nicaraguan rum. She's a student." He paused. "And the son of a retired CEO
of a pharmaceutical company who now invests in real estate, for income. All of them are Nicaraguan
born and raised!"
For a brief moment, an odd feeling overtook her. There was something about the way he had spoken
of the model. Something in his tone that seemed familiar. But, she had dismissed it.
She thought about it now and felt twice deceived. Damn it! If they were going to kill her, why not
just get it over? She felt her pants falling off of her hips. Had she lost that much weight?
The Director's staff fended off inquiries, by her parents and the UNHRC. Suggesting her father
should send money for her 'legal expenses.' That was –– only when calls finally got through the
socialist gate keepers. He had his minions who played receptionist for the Director de Migración y
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Examples Of Portfolio Reflection On College
College Unit Portfolio Reflections
Overview of the College Process The college process is a stressful meatgrinder that, at the same
time, crushes and fulfills the dreams of millions upon millions of students each year. Never before
have I seen such a calculated and corrupt system. For instance, universities have set up a
monopolistic empire that is free to price discriminate at will, and society, along with our
government, perpetuates this standard along with other equally revolting standards. Why have we
supported it? Because the job market now stipulates that every new employee must have a shiny
college degree regardless of the job's actual qualifications. Furthermore, colleges seem to have little
regard for their prospective students. Each institution demands three or more essays, and they act as
if students are not taking classes at the same time. Next year I will be, most likely, taking seven
advanced placement classes because that is necessary for admission into this nation's most
prestigious universities, yet my studies are hampered by the same question stated in an infinite
amount of ways, "What makes you right for our school?" This is not how the college process should
be, but we are all too busy writing 250–500 word meaningless essays, essays that simply answer
cliche questions that could be asked in an interview and answered in two to three sentences, to see
what the college process could be. My Personal Goals My dream school is Georgetown University,
but it
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Role of International Relations
The political world has evolved and reshaped itself greatly throughout the history of mankind, with
its most important and distinctive change occurring during the period of 1945, the end of the Second
World War and 1989 which marked the end of the Cold War. The interaction of nation–states is
center of politics on the international level, where the relationships of different nations dictates what
events occur in regards to, but not limited to war, peace, economic agreements, and foreign aide
involvement. These international interactions are becomingly progressively more distinguished by
non–government actors such as the World Bank, and International Monetary Fund, a lesser need for
military power and in the decline in the power of the ... Show more content on ...
Since 1945 the world has evolved immensely, with great power changes and ever–changing
economies. Economic activity, in regards to expanded global trade and monetary policies being
formed, with the increased communication technology and globalization, has created a widespread
global interdependence. Nations rely more now than ever on other nation–states for trade purposes
to maintain a consistent cohesion of their economies. With increased global interdependence came a
need for institutions to manage and control the actions between nation–states and expand economies
into other outlets globally that were seen as foreign such as Asia and some parts of Europe . Liberal
Institutionalism, with the concept of higher need for such organizations as North American Free
Trade Agreement (NAFTA), IMF, and the World Bank, has became far more important than any
need for security and military needs that were seen at the beginning of our time scope of 1945–1989.
The Second World War was devastating to almost the entire world populace and had a crippling
effect on the world economies. It was only by the time of the Cold War that many of the nations
involved in the Second World War were beginning to reform and strengthen their economies.
Germany since the war has rebounded economically and become a strong economic powerhouse
within Europe. In Asia, countries such as Japan, Taiwan, China and Singapore have seen prosperity
and opened their trading to the global
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Reflection On The Odyssey
Odyssey Reflection POLI 283: Model United Nations was the most fulfilling Odyssey project that I
have experienced during my time at Hendrix, on both a personal and academic basis. Preparing for
the AMUN conference using a semester's worth of simulations and research has facilitated growth in
multiple areas of my life, and the experiential component in Chicago was highly rewarding in its
own right. Serving as a representative from the Republic of Indonesia to the Economic and Social
Commission for Asia and the Pacific vastly improved my ability to work with a partner and to
organize large groups of people. This Odyssey experience also increased my confidence as a public
speaker, broadened my area of study within the International Relations department, and has
introduced me into a close–knit group of teammates who share my interests and passions. While my
studies have often required me to work with my peers toward the completion of a project over
complex issues such as the Syrian refugee crisis and time travel, nothing I experienced prior to
Model UN forced me to truly work in synthesis with others. In my former pursuits, the nature of my
assignments has allowed me to compartmentalize the work that needed to be completed and divvy it
up between those involved. Unlike in those projects, Madyson and I attempted to work as a single
delegation and share responsibility throughout the semester, and especially while in simulation at
AMUN. Working on our Internal Position Papers and their presentation revealed to me how useful
informed and dedicated partnerships can be. Without working as a team to complete the required
research and draft academic language, it would have been impossible for us to complete the course's
assignments as expected. I haven't been in such a situation before, and learning to trust Madyson
and her work was a process I truly value. In addition, working on a report–writing body at AMUN
allowed me to put leadership skills to use that have lain dormant since beginning my studies at
Hendrix. In high school I spent a large portion of my free time participating in extra–curricular
activities that I led or helped lead, but have focused on developing personal interests and keeping
my scholarships
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Public Service Admissions Essay
A career in public service appeals to me because I believe it is my duty as a citizen to give back to
the country that has given much to me. Working in public service, like John F. Kennedy stated is
about asking what can you do for your country, rather than what your country can do for you.
Therefore, working in public service at the Agency implies I can protect my fellow citizens, ensure
that families do not have to worry about the threat of terrorism, and give back to my community for
all the opportunities that I have had the privilege to experience. Working in public service means I
can use my skills and connections to make sure that our nation and its citizens are safe from all
enemies foreign and domestic. Additionally, I wish to serve in the Directorate of Operations because
it will allow me to develop advanced interpersonal skills, work with team members as well as
individually to provide intelligence to keeping families safe. Serving as a Directorate of Operations
will give me the opportunity to help and ensure that future have the chance to have to attain an
education and a better life without having to fear being attacks such as 911 by foreign enemies and
provides a challenge where I am to be tested both mentally and physically to taking the necessary
means to ensure that missions are accomplished, lives are saved, and enemies defeated.
Furthermore, I desire to become an attorney specializing in several areas such as criminal defense,
civil litigation and work as
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European Security Strategy
The establishment of the European Union (EU) solidified a united political, economic, and
defensive front creating a Supranational Organization (Lucas, 1999, no page). With the assistance of
the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the United States, the EU has developed a
comprehensive security strategy responsible for leading the coalition's objectives for mutual
solidarity, global stabilization, and defense. To address security threats both regionally and globally
set forth by the European Security Strategy (ESS), considerations were developed which encompass
both cultural domains of geography and development.
The integration of independent states through organizations such as the United Nations, the EU and
NATO have ... Show more content on ...
The EU recognizes that developmental efforts applied to individual cultural entities induce stability
and a pro–western belief system (CS L2, 2013, 17). This framework serves to foster the integration
of international partnerships with neighboring states and global partnerships with international
powers such as the United States, Russia, the African Union, and the United Nations to pursue
global stability through political, financial, and military efforts. The EU has also developed plans to
invest and integrate with international organizations such as the World Trade Organization (WTO),
Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), Association of Southeast Asian
Nations (ASEAN), (MERCOSER) and, Interpol to provide assistance in the foundation and
continuance of an effective law and order structure, as well as fair trade principles within emerging
democracies, and to assist recovering states with re–establishing financial and governmental
integrity. These results will lead to an enhanced strategic position and level of security for the EU
and its allies
The ESS has recognized regional stability as a top priority for the EU. Conflicts in the Balkans, the
persistent threat of war between Israel and Palestine, cultural revolutions along the Mediterranean's
southern shores, and fierce conflicts along the EU's border all play an integral role in the
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Hammarskjöld What Is The Driving Force Behind The Un
Xander McIntosh
The King's College
Founder's Competition
17 November 2016
The United Nations: An Internship Like No Other
"The United Nations was not created to lead mankind to heaven, but to save humanity from hell."
Dag Hammarskjöld , former United Nations Secretary–General
The kinds of hell Dag Hammarskjöld referred to are not difficult to imagine in a world ravished by
World War II and terrified by the threat of nuclear war. Hammarskjöld is known today as the second
Secretary–General of the United Nations (UN) and widely regarded as a man of unimpeachable
character. His career at the UN was remarkable, in that he was completely uninterested in the
bureaucratic politics many at the United Nations engage in, choosing to lead projects from the
command tent instead of the corner office. He was the first and only Secretary–General to be chosen
unanimously and is largely regarded as the greatest leader of the United Nations in history. John F.
Kennedy once said about Hammarskjöld, "I realize now, in comparison to him I am a small man. He
was the greatest statesman of our century." (Cite) The question then begs to be asked: what is the
driving force behind this man's impeccable integrity? As we know now, it was his passionate and
private Christian faith. His compassion for his fellow man manifested itself in the form of service to
millions through the United Nations. In addition, a collection of vivid personal Christian reflections,
hailed by many as one of the most
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Ethical Considerations
Ethical Considerations The United Nations has suggested numerous policies for companies to
implement to ensure the human rights of all people are upheld, especially with regards to minority
groups like women. The "Protect, Respect, and Remedy" Policy Framework can be utilized to
ensure gender equality in our organization. The policy framework includes:
"A policy statement articulating the company's commitment to respecting human rights and
providing guidance as to the specific actions to be taken to give this commitment meaning; Periodic
assessment of actual and potential human rights impacts of company activities and relationships;
Integration of these commitments into internal control and oversight systems; Tracking of
performance; Public ... Show more content on ...
The Center for American Progress has suggested a few changes companies can act upon to make a
difference in the workplace, including: raising the minumum wage, supporting fair scheduling
practices, supporting the end to pay transparancy, investing in affordable high quality early child
daycare or education, fixing the broken career pipeline, increasing paid sick days, and creating
additional paid family or medical leave insurance programs. The multifaceted solutions, when
implemented properly together, ensure that women in the workplace are valued and treated fairly.
However, the company must be willing to make difficult decision to achieve the ideal outcome
regardless of
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The Un Security Council Is The Primary Subsidy For...
Since its establishment, the United Nations has played a vital role in total global development. As
stated by the UN, their roles and responsibilities consist of maintaining international peace and
security through the prevention of conflict and coming up with solutions if ever in conflicting
scenarios through peacekeeping efforts. Their UN Security Council is the primary subsidy for
international peace and security; promoting sustainable development by working to bridge social,
economic, or cultural disparities, and "promoting and encouraging respect for human rights and for
fundamental freedoms for all" (What we do, United Nations); protecting human rights and making
such a key aspect and value of the Organization; upholding international law through the usage of
courts, multilateral treaties, and tribunals to ensure that international law is being upheld; and to
deliver humanitarian aid, which is one of the main principles the UN was founded on: "to achieve
international co–operation in solving international problems of an economic, social, cultural, or
humanitarian character" (What we do, United Nations).
Let's give a scenario that outlines the role of the United Nations for clarification. If say tension with
importers and exporters of The Gambia and Senegal would arise, which it has, given the river that
divides the country–it would be in the role of the United Nations to sit representatives of both
nations down and to establish an agreement so both parties leave
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Freedom Of Speech : The Standard Law For Freedom Of Speech
All around the world people have a right to freedom of speech, this right is changed in small ways
throughout different religions, countries and ages. When asked if I knew what freedom of speech
was, I was unable to answer. This got me thinking on what is the standard law for freedom of
speech?, is freedom of speech applied the same for all age groups?, and do different countries have
different freedom of speech? These questions will help for people to understand freedom of speech
and how it's different for different people.
There isn't really a standard law for freedom of speech but there are guidelines. There isn't a
standard law because there a small variations everywhere making it hard to cover everything in a
Freedom of speech is the concept of the inherent human right to voice one's opinion publicly
without fear of censorship or punishment. "Speech" is not limited to public speaking and is
generally taken to include other forms of expression. The right is preserved in the United Nations
Universal Declaration of Human Rights and is granted formal recognition by the laws of most
nations. Nonetheless the degree to which the right is upheld in practice varies greatly from one
nation to another. In many nations, particularly those with relatively authoritarian forms of
government, overt government censorship is enforced. Censorship has also been claimed to occur in
other forms (see propaganda model) and there are different approaches to issues such as hate speech,
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Observations of Realists Essay
Minor Essay Trimester 1, 2013 1) Are the observations of Realists, such as Hans Morgenthau,
accurate in respect to their assessment of the importance of international law in contemporary world
politics? Realists such as Hans Morgenthau and more recently Lloyd Gruber, base their theories on
the assumption individuals, and hence states, act rationally to protect their own interests, the
national interest. They believe states exist in a world of anarchy without an over arching authority.
While this may be the case and it certainly is for some states, it is a theory that requires review
within the context of the modern world and international law. In the world of bi–polar power during
the Cold War, Morgenthau's views interpreted ... Show more content on ...
An argument by Social Constructionist such as Barnett and Finnemore is that IGOs have the real
power. As I will show later using the US invasion of Iraq, governments still have the final say on
their actions, although IGOs, NGOs and MNCs play a very large role in influencing them. Having
stated this, one may counter argue this implies it is still a state verses state environment (Realism),
however, the world has still evolved into government verses government verses IGOs, NGOs and
MNCs, henceforth realism cannot not explain the actions of governments alone and must consider
the external influences. Constructivism does so, but places the power into the hands of IGOs and the
like. An alternative needs to be sought. Alternatives such as the European Union, which remains
"...the most successful experiment in political institution–building since the Second World War."
Andrew Moravcsik goes on to say the EU cannot replace or aspire to the democratic status of nation
states, yet their role remains embedded in monitoring accountability and extensive checks and
balances upon its member states. Emerging actors such as the EU again demonstrate the changing
environment and clearly indicate realist theories, must by reconsidered. Focusing on the institutions
such as the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, we can cite several occasions in
which their influence has shaped global politics, whether for selfish or selfless motivations. The
concept of poverty alleviation
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Human Trafficking And The Trade Of Human Sex Trafficking...
Between the time periods of 2005 and 2008, 10 countries in the region introduced new anti–
trafficking laws or modified old ones. The United Nations has also picked up the fight against
ending all forms of modern slavery including human sex trafficking. The U.N implemented the a
protocol that focuses on "(1) prevention and combat of trafficking persons, paying particular
attention to women and children; (2) to protect and assist the victims of such trafficking, with full
respect for their human rights; and (3) to promote cooperation among States Parties in order to meet
those objectives." (UN Trafficking Protocol ) Europe, Asia, Africa, the U.N., the United States, and
other nations are fighting and implementing policies to contest to the world's organized crime
networks and combat the trade of human sex trafficking.
The U.S. needs to continue being more proactive concerning human trafficking and the end of
slavery. Some may ask how does human sex trafficking affect the U.S or its foreign policy? Perhaps
others ask if policies are already intact dealing with this issue what more can we do? Well, one of
the most basic but fundamental ways human sex trafficking affects the foundation of this nation and
any U.S foreign policies deals with democracy. This nation was founded on the fundamental beliefs
and constitutional principles of our core democratic values. These core democratic values are what
constitutes the United States and provides a model as a superpower for the world.
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Essay About Asg
What other responsibilities do you anticipate having next year, and how will they affect your
schedule and availability? Keeping in mind of my Junior year schedule and the challenges that
entails the 11th grade, I will be taking the SAT and ACT exams in the fall as well. This may impact
my availability on select weekends throughout the school year. In addition, I have several school
club leadership responsibilities, which may slightly impact my schedule. I have maintained a regular
shift as a volunteer at the Sharp Memorial Hospital, and will spend several hours a week in regards
to that commitment. However, I can easily accommodate future meetings and work in order to
promote SDRJMUN. My other responsibilities vary, but I have no other ... Show more content on ...
I have been involved in JMUN/MUN since the 8th grade, and had the opportunity to attend several
conferences since then. As a delegate, I have attended JMUN twice, Laguna Beach MUN, and
Bishop's Knights MUN, This experience provided me with the capability and maturity to take on
other roles. I was honored to be a Page for the United Nations Environment Programme of
SDRJMUN XL. As a part of UNEP, I was given the opportunity to take charge of the committee for
a segment of the conference. Being able to Head and Vice Chair was an rewarding, exhilarating
experience. Since my first conference, I have received several awards, including Special Rapporteur,
Outstanding Delegate, Research Award, and Gavel/Best Delegate. The addition, these awards
emphasize my ability to communicate with others. In addition, they represent a form of leadership,
through my ability to be the front of a conversation and discussion. I realize that awards are not a
reflection of success, but rather my abilities in committee. I was able to further expand my
involvement with MUN through staffing. After realizing the pertinence of early education and
giving middle schoolers opportunities to expand their thinking, this conference became more
important to me. MUN/JMUN has became an essential part of my life, and greatly contributes to the
person I am today. Please describe three of your best qualities and how they will be employed as an
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Animal Testing And The Cosmetic Industry
Synthesis paper
In this paper there are three main topics that are going to be covered. They are alternatives to animal
testing, animal testing in cosmetics, and the news in the cosmetic industry related to animal testing.
For this paper there were four sources that were evaluated. All of them had a few things in common
and through that it was easy to link them together through three different subtopics that will be
evaluated later in this paper. The first source that I will be using is "The Science of Dermocosmetics
and Its Role in Dermatology". This article was written by Dreno, B., E. Araviiskaia, E. Berardesca,
T. Bieber, J. Hawk, M. Sanchez– Viera, and P. Wolkenstein. The second article that will be effective
in this essay is "New ... Show more content on ...
They are the chemico approach, the vitro approach, the silico approach, computer simulator, and
using humans to test called the human patch test (Vandebriel, Loveren 1). Most if not all of the
articles discuss the vitro testing to some degree. Vitro testing involves using cellular/culture based
toxicity tests to see how it would affect humans and other living organisms that might be exposed to
the product (Mone, 2). As more research is being done on this method of testing it is becoming more
evident among companies that are making the transition from animal testing to this method. In the
Korean Cosmetics company article it included a section about a Norwegian and UK collaboration
that wanted to further the research vitro testing. Another method that is becoming popular is silico
testing. Silico testing is type of modelization (Dreno Et. Al.1). It is pretty similar to vitro testing but
focuses more on the different pathogens that are involved and can pass through the vitro testing.
The second topic that is going to be covered is animal testing in cosmetics. There are different tests
that are performed on animals when they are being tested on. These tests often include sensitization
tests to see how the active ingredients react with skin (Dreno etc. 2). When the animals are tested the
research team looks for signs of redness or irritation among other things. When animals are being
tested there are certain guidelines that have to be followed to ensure the animal
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Global Governance Is A Set Of Coercive Norms, Principles,...
Global governance is a set of coercive norms, principles, rules and decisions–making procedures
existing over and above the level of nations–states which have to comply with them. In the realm of
international migration in which individuals opt voluntarily to cross countries boundaries in order to
stay in the host state for a minimum of length of time, it appears that that the need of global
governance has become unavoidable by the mid twentieth century. Effectively, states struggle to
control international migration. Indeed, history demonstrated that migration has often been
uncontainable and unrestricted in most countries, at start of the twentieth century, despite the
rejection of foreigners due to national security concerns, racial discriminations, public health
considerations rather than economic objectives, as per S. Dajajié (2001: P. XV). Even if the border
control remain the permanent right of the sovereign states, the rapid increase of the globalisation
process, in the second half of the twentieth century, has majored and accelerated migration through
out the world. According to S. Djajié, the twentieth century witnessed a strong income differential
between workers of rich and poor nations. This was due to the fact that workers in the advanced
market economies witnessed enormous improvements in their economic, social and political status
(this workers were enjoying high labour standards, collective bargaining and welfare state).
However, the same level of
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British Military Intervention Sierra Leone
This paper focuses on the British military intervention that occurred in Sierra Leone, on May 7
2000. As well as the effect of the intervention's contribution towards ending the war and
implementing peace–building strategies. The intervention was successful in the short term, however,
it is questionable whether it was based on encouraging development. The other participants include
the United Nations, President Kabbah and the remaining rebel armies of West Africa. One of the
main rebel armies involved, the Revolutionary United Front, were known for their violence that
spread amongst neighbouring countries. The participants were known for a negotiation, called the
Lome Peace Agreement, resulting in the United Nation unsuccessfully peacekeeping.
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The Relations Of Democratic Peace
The interactions between nation states compose the framework of the modern world. The world's
affairs are shaped by the diplomatic engagements of nations with one another, with each country
playing on its own interests and concerns on the global stage. While no tangible system of
international law rigidly regulates diplomacy, philosophies exist attempting to describe and even
predict the interactions between countries. Among these is the notion of "democratic peace," that
which predicts a largely pacifist interaction between states, particularly democracies. Democratic
peace plays on an optimistic view of democracies shaping their diplomatic practices with one
another in an amicable manner as it provides that democracies inherently respect each other and
their corresponding ways, while also listening to their inherent accountability to their people. While
ideal, democratic peace fails to describe historical exchanges between democratic states, even in
those instances in which tense dealings did not result in warfare. An opposing thought is provided as
the reason why such an ideal fails, and it follows that "realist" interactions between nations is based
largely on the very survival of the states involved. As such, factors like international prestige, and
perceived strength come into play, and given these factors strong link to a demonstration of strength
through potential warfare, democratic peace fails to be an accurate representation of present
diplomatic practice given
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Sustainability And The Current Global Development Model
"Resilient People, Resilient planet" is a report that was released by the United Nations Panel on
Global sustainability in January 2012, which encourages sustainable actions. Moreover, this report
advises people to use their human rights to pursue sustainability and encourages governments to
take the proper initiatives to resolve current day issues. Currently, social issues such as, poverty,
deforestation, global hunger, and climate changes are all leading factors of our failing environment.
This report along with other sources portray sustainability as a social solution involving human
rights and social justice by encouraging people and their governments to pursue a political and
social lifestyle influenced by sustainable choices.
One ... Show more content on ...
" (264) This quote describes the difficulties and flaws in our current model by predicting the growth
of our needs in 2030 and its relationship with social problems. Rebuilding our global development
model is a very important concern but by empowering people to make sustainable choices we can
also achieve sustainability.
Sustainable development is fundamentally an option for the people to influence their future by
revolutionizing their lifestyles. Democratic governance allows its people to use their human rights to
implement their decisions and ideas within society. By implementing our sustainable lifestyles
within our human rights we can establish and develop new democratic governance that focuses on
sustainable choices. The report supports this by stating, "Democratic governance and full respect for
human rights are key prerequisites for empowering people to make sustainable choices." (264) This
quote elucidates the affiliation between human rights and sustainable choices, which can lead to
prominent developments in sustainability. Moreover, people should be active in the development of
a sustainable future by encouraging others to pursue sustainability. Sustainability does not have to
be implemented in the form government; it can also be encouraged in everyday choices through
local communities. In the report it states, "At the same time, local communities must be encouraged
to participate actively
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European Security Strategy
The establishment of the European Union (EU) solidified a united political, economic, and
defensive front creating a Supranational Organization (Lucas, 1999, no page). With the assistance of
the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the United States, the EU has developed a
comprehensive security strategy responsible for leading the coalition's objectives for mutual
solidarity, global stabilization, and defense. To address security threats both regionally and globally
set forth by the European Security Strategy (ESS), considerations were developed which encompass
both cultural domains of geography and development.
The integration of independent states through organizations such as the United Nations, the EU and
NATO have ... Show more content on ...
The EU recognizes that developmental efforts applied to individual cultural entities induce stability
and a pro–western belief system (CS L2, 2013, 17). This framework serves to foster the integration
of international partnerships with neighboring states and global partnerships with international
powers such as the United States, Russia, the African Union, and the United Nations to pursue
global stability through political, financial, and military efforts. The EU has also developed plans to
invest and integrate with international organizations such as the World Trade Organization (WTO),
Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), Association of Southeast Asian
Nations (ASEAN), (MERCOSER) and, Interpol to provide assistance in the foundation and
continuance of an effective law and order structure, as well as fair trade principles within emerging
democracies, and to assist recovering states with re–establishing financial and governmental
integrity. These results will lead to an enhanced strategic position and level of security for the EU
and its allies
The ESS has recognized regional stability as a top priority for the EU. Conflicts in the Balkans, the
persistent threat of war between Israel and Palestine, cultural revolutions along the Mediterranean's
southern shores, and fierce conflicts along the EU's border all play an integral role in the
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The League Of Nations And Modern Day Regulations
To understand the concept of a world society fully, we must first look at the historical evidence
leading up to modern day regulations. The league of nations came into affect after the end of world
war one. The league of nations was set up in order to stop such a war from every occurring again. It
was the idea of American president Woodrow Wilson. The outcome of this league created one of the
first circumstances in which "Universalistic models of the state, society, and the individual were
debated and conventionalized on a world wide scale" (Elliot. 2014:412). The leagues main aims
were to, encourage co–operation amongst the worlds countries in order to prevent any future wars.
Secondly, disarmament, the idea was to try and disarm the ... Show more content on
This can be evident in the league of nations as consequently, another world war started twenty years
later. This created a lot of critical responses to the league and often condemning it, as it failed to
achieve its aims. It could be said that the league of nations was not incredibly competent. After the
war, "it was increasingly understood that this older world of corporate nationalism had created two
world wars, a massive depression, enormous moral violations including a Holocaust, and
unsustainably unjust inequalities of racism and colonialism" (Meyer 2010). The league did not have
any army which contributed to its many weaknesses. Therefore, had no powerful means to enforce
visions. Because the league of nations was deemed ineffectual. This steered way to the development
of the United Nations (UN). The idea of the United Nations was comprised in 1943 but officially
declared as an organisation in 1945. In modern times the number of countries that have joined the
UN has vastly increased. The UN is charged with upholding international laws and human rights as
well as ensuring world wide security, economic development and social advancement. Over the
following years this has increased the amount of rights an individual has. As more and more
countries joined the UN in order to be a part of universal; "models and prescriptions about how to
organise national populations on the basis of individual citizenship, further delegitimising the
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Model United Nations Cmunce Conference 2017. Representing:
Model United Nations CMUNCE Conference 2017
Representing: Dmitry Ustinov Delegate Name: Laurel Butterworth
Committee: Space Race JCC (Soviet) School: Boulder High School
I, Dmitry Ustinov, am firstly a politician, set to oversee and manage the Ministry of Defense
Industry, the product of the merged Ministry of Armaments Production and Ministry of Aviation
Industry. Within this duty, that many would call simply a political rearrangement for the
advancement of the military and political animal, I can assure this department that I am wholly
devoted to the scientists, research, and goals of defence industry. At this pivotal moment, history has
its eyes on the CCCP, and we must keep our eyes on our goals, both in the stars and on our own ...
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I now oversee the creation of magnificent rockets and missiles, which have increased the CCCP's
military might, such as the R–5 and later the R–7 rockets. Created by the OKB–1, these rockets
boast of intercontinental ballistic capabilities that could revolutionize modern warfare and
atmospheric and astronomical science. Since my youth, I have acted forcefully, decisively, and
intelligently to advance the CCCP's scientific understanding of space and rocket technology,
something I plan to continue to do as this new technological age emerges. While the extension of
this field to advanced scientific ballistics research took some convincing by Korolev, the launching
of Sputnik clearly displayed to the world the immense power of the ICBM, simultaneously
broadening the horizon of scientific progress and military prowess. The Ministry of Defense
Industry will no doubt play a very important role in the future of the CCCP and the broadening of
mankind's knowledge. I see it as a great honor, then, to be the strong leader of this ministry and to
protect it from those who ignorantly dismiss the importance of scientific research along with
military development. For these accomplishments, such as the launching of the Sputnik satellite, has
not only allowed us to gain valuable knowledge, but also displayed the CCCP's superior
technological capabilities, with the
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My First Diplomatic Experience
Just a few days away from my first diplomatic experience and I had no clue of what I was going to
do, or what I had/supposed to do. Didn't even know anything about the country I was supposed to be
representing. Let me explain how I got here, back to the beginning. Wake up. Brush my teeth. Get in
the shower. Change to the same boring clothes. Get breakfast and go to school. The same monotony,
over and over again, living a "normal" life within the standards of this wrecked society, without
knowing that I was missing something. My day began just as normal, with my daily routine, and it
was around third period in school when the teacher told us that there's a visitor that is going to talk
us about something that I have never heard before and ... Show more content on ...
One normal routinely day someone told me about NYDRMUN and I wanted to go, but there was a
problem, my school was not going. I moved heavens and earth to see what I could do, called
everyone that could know anything. FUNGLODE contacted me with the Saint Thomas School,
where I studied for months to go that Model UN, we spent entire days preparing ourselves and it
was a lot of sacrificed. But it was worth it, because in that moment in the salon of the general
ssambley in the headquarters of the UN, when they called the "delegation of Denmark" to be
Delegation of Honor, all those days where totally worth
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The Un : Founding Principles
Recommiting the UN to its Founding Principles
William Andel Hello, everyone. I am William Andel, representing the United States of America on a
important matter. Many people feel the need for a change. This is not just a simple change,either; it
is an international change. Everywhere in the world, people are ravaged by war and suffering.
Everyone would like to snuff that out, I'm sure, but the UN is at the forefront of this change. Why
have we ignored the countries that have reached out to help?
People have ignored the cries of the weak, innocent, and forgotten for too long. We have a civil and
moral duty to not let these cries go unheard. Who are we, if not the peacekeepers of the world? What
are we, if not a body of nations, working ... Show more content on ...
Quoting Clinton from October 1, 2012: "These challengers don 't respect international orders,
whether it 's a global financial crisis or climate change or transnational crime. And none of these
problems can be solved by three or four big countries sitting around the table. We need partnerships
from large and small nations alike." Further showing the desperate changes that need to be
implemented, current Secretary of State John Kerry commented:
"We all have a responsibility, a universally endowed responsibility, to ensure that a history of
violence is not going to be followed by a future of vengeance. The only way to properly honor the
millions of lives lost is through peace, and the only way to achieve that peace is for the United
Nations... and all of the countries with the capacity to step up and help show the way forward." And
these comments are justified. With Kerry's perspective in mind, we need to strive for peace. Not just
peace, either, but security of peace. Peace means nothing if the world doesn't have a secure era of
peace and justice for all humans, not just the ones that are privileged.
Now the US has policies to keep the foreign adversaries of human rights in check, such as: Holding
governments accountable to their obligations under universal human rights norms and international
human rights instruments. Promoting greater respect for human rights, including freedom from
torture, freedom of expression, press freedom, women 's rights,
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The Purpose of the African Union Mission in Somalia...
The African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) on the surface is an effective fighting force in
Somalia; however, the success of AMISOM is contingent upon Ugandan participation. The
existence of AMISOM is due to a long Somali history of political / economic instability and the
current struggle against the Somalia based terrorist organization, Al–Shabaab. The overall objective
within Somalia is to eliminate or at a minimum contain the Al–Shabaab threat. The creation of
AMISOM assists the Somalian Transitional Federal Government (TFG) and its allies to effectively
target Al–Shabaab while using the United Nations (UN), European Union (EU), and African Union
(AU) backed AMISOM as an umbrella organization.
From the UN standpoint, Somalia has ... Show more content on ...
Next, the EU, like the UN, is assisting with the famine issue plaguing Somalia, as well as paying the
total of AMISOM troop salaries. Currently, members of the EU are considering the amount to which
that financial backing can be increased, given that the Union is already financially burdened with
several projects in the region, and the funds initially reserved for AMISOM will not be enough to
cover the costs sustained by the increasing troop ceiling. The new EU Resolution 2036 (2012) states,
"It is therefore vital, as stated in the resolution, that new contributors pledge to join the European
Union in providing financial support." The EU is active with the UN on international initiatives set
out by the UN Security Council Resolutions on eliminating piracy off the coast of Somalia. Piracy
acts have been occurring simultaneously with the instability in Somalia, further strengthening the
motives for a stable Somalia.
The AU operates AMISOM with the approval of the UN and is headquartered in Ethiopia. They face
many tasks which include health issues (AIDS/HIV epidemic), famine, intermediating in civil wars;
and improving the standard of living. According to their website, one of the objectives of the AU is
to promote peace, security, and stability on the continent. This objective directly aligns with
eliminating the threat posed by Al–Shabaab.
Due to these instabilities within Somalia, it was essential for the UN, EU, and AU to combine their
efforts and form an
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History Of Westminster Students At Model United Nations
Westminster Students At Model UN
With their name placards held high and their western business attire well–tailored, 36 students from
Westminster took off into the ever–changing world of foreign policy. From November 18–21, the
students were tasked with representing the United States of America, Guam, and the Maldives in the
American Model United Nations conference in Chicago, Illinois. The aim for the delegates at the
conference is to accurately represent the foreign policy of their nation in one of several committees
and councils modeled after the actual United Nations in New York City.
The committees ranged in purview from the United Nations Security Council to the Conference of
the States Parties of the Organization for the ... Show more content on ...
The Suez crisis refers to an event that occurred in October of 1956 where the Egyptian government
led by nationalist president Abdul Gamal Nasser nationalized at took over the Suez Canal which was
owned by a joint corporation between the United Kingdom and France. The U.K. and France then
responded with a military counter attack with Israeli troops that took the world to the brink of
nuclear war.
In the 1994 council, Bakewell and Keich debated the issues of the Bosnian civil war and the
dissolution of Yugoslavia and the Rwandan Genocide. The Rwandan Genocide was an event that
occurred in the spring of 1994 which involved the slaughter of ethnic Tutsis by the Hutu majority in
Rwanda as a result of the civil war that had occurred throughout the 1990s between the Hutu
majority Rwandan government and the Tutsi dominated Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF), the
casualties of which were upwards of 800,000 men, women, and children.
The conference was not completely a good time had by all, as it had been reported that one of the
delegations had been in a major auto accident after leaving AMUN in Chicago. Several students
from Missouri Southern State University were injured and one was killed following an eight car
accident that occurred Thursday on I–55. Sophomore Vivian Wu was killed after representing
Iceland at the same conference in Chicago. The Model UN program issued the following statement:
"It is with deep sadness that we pass along the news
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Habitat Meeting Reflection

  • 1. Habitat Meeting Reflection What are the three most important things you learned about the specific issue/challenge you discussed in committee? This conference was filled with opportunities and growth. There were many challenges discussed in Habitat III, including building resident cities while promoting risk reduction strategies, creating a new urban agenda on adequate housing, and fostering socially inclusive solutions to housing issues. Although I did not participate in the committee as a delegate representing one nation, but rather represented all member states in a staff position, I learned just as much as the other delegates. I learned in depth how Habitat works: the frequency, the mission, and the duties the committee has in the United Nations. I also learn about ... Show more content on ... It is important to consider this for next conference to continue building team spirit and making everyones experience more comfortable and enjoyable. I am also a big fan of ice breakers. I thinking they create a better sense of unity and make everyone more comfortable around each other. Given these challenges and solutions many of you proposed to address your topic in committee, did you find that certain stakeholders, (i.e., specific countries) made it difficult to adequately address the challenge at hand? Please explain: From my point of view, the delegation of Brazil was very hostile and made it challenging for informal caucus to be the collaborative effort that it should be. They seem to intimidate the other countries and not let them speak their minds. When I would walk around to talk to each coalition that had formed, they did not let anyone else speak on behalf of the group. What particular negotiation skills or strategies did your team use to try to achieve your goals? How effective do you think they were? What were your team goals? Did they change during the ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. What Will It Take To Prevent A Security Decline In Mosul? Providing security in the middle east has been a priority and also a challenge for the international community, especially within the last two decades. Through this time period the middle east as a region, despite its wealth of natural resources, has experienced severe conflict caused by corruption, religious tensions, and the disenfranchisement of local citizens just to highlight a few crucial issues. Because of these issues the Middle East has been a hotbed for instability. My article, "What Will It Take to Prevent a Security Decline in Mosul" is a briefing by two RAND Corporation security fellows Shelly Culbertson and Linda Robinson. In their briefing they discuss main challenges the international community must prioritize addressing in ... Show more content on ... In order to provide stabilization within Mosul it would require the collective action of many actors, not just one. Cooperation to help provide stability to Mosul and prevent it from backsliding would be costly, and as noted above, the implications of an unstable middle east region, specifically Mosul in this case, is a transnational issue, an issue that affects many countries. By this logic, one country on it's own would not be able to feasibly finance the peacebuilding operation, and because it's a global issue that affects many, it should require the collective action of several countries, not just one. To best solve this problem, the main international organization that countries can work through would be the United Nations. In chapter 1 of its Charter, the UN specifically outlines its mission stating, "The purposes of the UN are: To maintain international peace and security, and to that end: to take effective collective measures for the prevention and removal of threats to the peace, and for the suppression of acts of aggression or other breaches of the peace, and to bring about by peaceful means, and in conformity with the principles of justice and international law, adjustment or settlement of international disputes or situations which might lead to a breach of the peace." Specifically within the UN the ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Is It Difficult To Prevent Genocides Essay According to Daniel Goldhagen, genocides are constantly being underestimated, which causes the never ending realities of the past repeating itself. From high officials to ordinary citizens, people often overlook the pattern and causes of these systematic killings. One of these includes the UN, which was created to prevent another World War, and to protect the rights of sovereignty of member states. This organization serves to solve international issues, but has failed and continues to fail to prevent genocides. Even though this group signed in 1948 a UN document, Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, which punished and still punishes people guilty of genocide, not one life was ever saved from that declaration. The reason is because most at first want to deny that these extreme situations could happen ever again. Sadly, ... Show more content on ... If nations knew that there would be consequences to their calculations of profit from the genocide, that would cause them to lean towards the right and not the wrong. Taking away the benefits of any alliance or trade, to the ones that cause genocide would intensify the seriousness of their atrocities. Together, every member of all diplomatic nations, must have the right to intervene in military interventions. Solving the issue before it happened would have been helpful when the Serbians manipulated Bosnians by feeding the children cookies, and assuring them not to be afraid. The United Nations should have not been deceived by these actions, nor abandoned 25,000 Bosnians gathering in a United Nations base, wanting protection. Not only did the Unite Nations ignore this situation, but they claimed to not have any information about the Rwandan genocide that cause the deaths of 800,000 individuals. Therefore, we must hold our leaders accountable to their promises to alleviate the issues, otherwise they should be denied not to hold that ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Two Forms Of Communism I would say none of the above, I would say it was a conflict of two ideologies. One was not better than another, in a moral sense. They are just two different forms of government. Although Capitalism did last longer and most of the Capitalist countries did not collapse like most of the Communist countries did like the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, and the German Democratic Republic. The clash of ideologies model here really does apply. Communism, as least as the United States of America and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization saw it, wanted to take the world for its own, and Capitalism, as the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the Treaty of Friendship, Co–operation, and Mutual Assistance ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Oxford International Model United Nations Oxford International Model United Nations 9 November 2014 FAO Agenda Item: Local Energy Solutions to a Lack of Universal Access to Energy Sponsors: Bolivia, China, France, Russian Federation Signatories: Albania, Austria, Iran, Israel, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway The Food and Agricultural Organization, Deeply concerned about the lack of universal access to energy in many developing countries, specifically in rural areas, Recognizing the UN decade of sustainable energy for all 2014–2024 (SE4ALL) and underscoring its importance in creating awareness, Emphasizing the importance of a comprehensive approach to address the interconnectedness of the challenge of universal energy access with issues of ecological degration, water management, food security, Reaffirming the framework established by the FAO 'energy–smart food for people and climate' in order to Fully aware of the superior aim of counterbalancing climate change, reducing poverty; Realizing that there are significant untapped market opportunities in the clean energy sector in developing countries Education and awareness raising 1. Encourages member states to increase general awareness about efficient and sustainable energy consumption and production by implementing educational programs to ensure that local communities know how to use and harness renewable sources of energy, looking to the following successful examples for inspiration; 2. Calls upon academic and scientific institutions to set up exchange programs ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. The Legacy Of The Lincoln Lincoln Motor Co, is a U.S. brand of luxury and classic cars, recognizes the significant work and influence of Latin women in different fields. Every year, the Lincoln brand nominates two women who are examples of success and which share their characteristics of what the Lincoln brand represent. These two women great example of personal effort, uniqueness and outstanding success. They are contributing back to the community and building bridges between cultures in their specific roles, not only by being role models, but they also represent the hard work of a Latin woman in society. This 2015, Lincoln brand nominated Albania Rosario founder and creator of Uptown Fashion Week and Mariela Dabbah, CEO of Red Shoe Movement as the Damas de Lincoln 2015. Albania Rosario, Dama de Lincoln 2015. Lincoln is an synonym of luxury design and inspiration, a brand which represents a unique style and achieved greatness. Albania Rosario is a woman who has achieved greatness and personifies a perfect model of what women can be and what women can achieve in the world. She 's a founder and creator of " Uptown Fashion Week ", a fashion company that provides designers from Latin America an opportunity to showcase our talent during the celebrated New York City Fashion Week, a company that is showing the ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Terrorism : Terrorism And Terrorism Terrorism in Sudan In the past, Sudan had been designated as a State Sponsor of Terrorism regarding support for international terrorist groups. However, Sudan has changed its approach ever since the 9/11 attacks has been aiding the United States in diminishing the pervasiveness of terrorist groups in Sudan, and in the world. Recently, Sudan has remained cooperative with the United States in its war on counter terrorism. Sudan has taken many preventive measures to keep these terrorist groups out of Sudan, and we are currently attempting to limit their influence and use of Sudan as a base for their operations. Currently, unfortunately, Sudan is plagued with terrorist groups who are seeping in, but there are limitations being placed and we are in the process of eliminating these terrorist groups once and for all. IMPACT: Terrorism is still prevalent in Sudan, however (a) Sudan is taking preventive measures against terrorism and (b) the advocacy for gradually eliminating these terrorist groups is strong in Sudan. Past actions against terrorism Sudan has placed many policies to reduce the imminence of terrorism. Sudan believes that the best way to end terrorism is through blockade, and ending the financing of these terrorist organizations will leave them powerless. To name a few policies that Sudan has taken to reduce the financing of terrorist groups, the Anti–Money Laundering Act, the Combating Terrorism Finance Act, and the UN Convention Against Corruption are all past ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Predicting Life Expectancy The quest to prolong our youth continues today, though not through lengthy field explorations, but through improvements in health, nutrition, and medicine. A healthy diet, regular exercise, and vaccinations can greatly improve an individual's life expectancy, while an outbreak of disease, malnutrition, and social unrest can drastically lower an individual's life expectancy. But how are life expectancies affected on a national level? While these factors are central to living longer, they alone cannot be the only facets. The social and economic conditions of each country will undoubtedly affect its citizens, their lifestyles and decisions. Citizens of wealthier countries have access to modern medicine and medical facilities, the ... Show more content on ... . * Malnutrition (X3) – This measures the percentage of children under the age of 5 who are underweight. * Drinking water (X4) – This measures the percentage of the population that drinks from a healthy water source. * Income level (X5 and X6) – This is a categorical variable that categorizes per capita income for each country as high, middle, or low. X5 is 1 if the country is categorized as low. Otherwise, it is 0. X6 is 1 if the country is categorized as medium. Otherwise, it is 0. Methodology To determine the best model, I used the standard regression equation: Y=α+ β1X1 +β2X2+β3X3+ ....+ β6X6 I check that the data is independent and identically distributed with a mean that follows the regression equation above, and a constant variance. Using the F test and partial F test, I drop input variables from the model that do not provide much additional information over the other variables. Finally, I determine a model that has only significant variables and a reasonable R–squared. R–squared is a measure of how well the model explains the response variable. For example, if R–squared is 99%, then 99% of the variation in the response variable can be explained by variation in the input variables. Results First, I regress Y on all of the input variables, which produces the following output:
  • 16. Overall, this model does provide some information that can be used to ... Get more on ...
  • 17.
  • 18. What Was The Role Of The United Nations In Canada "The Charter of the United Nations expresses the noblest aspirations of man: abjuration of force in the settlement of disputes between states; the assurance of human rights and fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex, language or religion; the safeguarding of international peace and security" – Haile Selassie (BrainyQuote). During the repercussion of World War 2, the United Nations was formed in order to provide and maintain international security and peace. Canada's involvement with the United Nations played a key role in the establishment of the U.N Charter of Human Rights. The United Nations is an intergovernmental organization that promotes international cooperation. The United Nations officially came into existence on October 24, 1945. The United Nations replaced the League of Nations, which had been created by the Treaty of Versailles in 1919. The name "'United Nations", coined by United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt was first used in the Declaration by United Nations of January 1942, during the second world war, when representatives of 26 nations pledged their Governments to continue fighting together against the axis powers" (History of the United Nations | United Nations). The Allied Powers agreed that a new organization was needed that would replace the League of Nations. American President Roosevelt, ... Show more content on ... During the post–war, Canada has proven its importance internationally by becoming one of the founding members of the United Nations and the drafting of one of the most important documents in today's society. In conclusion, the UN has proved to influence Canadian policies and it international involvement. Together as a nation, one must learn to defend, support and respect the declarations that were put in place for the benefit of the country as a ... Get more on ...
  • 19.
  • 20. Naked Economics First and foremost, market is inherently composed of government part as a policy–maker. Some ideal economist may argue that a free market without the existence of government will optimize the social utility and make every single person better off. However, the model of supply and demand is just simply a model which merely provides us with theoretic research and a murky outlook to a piece of complicated and cruel real world. For instance, a lot of African countries are suffered from pain of war and economic depression, stuck into the chaotic vortex and lacked of the ability to escape away. The essence behind this phenomenon is quite astonishing. According to a United Nations development program's report which places much poverty on bad government, ... Show more content on ... Take a case as copyright, which is an effective protection of people's creative thoughts; you are probably not willing to see a thief plagiarizing and publishing your industrious composition which took you a whole summer vocation to intimately stay with your secretaire and think over the creative ideas. Plus, based on the example in Naked Economics, the patent is an interesting case which is always misunderstood. In the United States of American, Pfizer, the patent owner of Viagra, produces the medicine with ingredients cost only pennies while selling at the price of seven dollar, gaining a large amount of economic profits. However, the huge gap is often described as social injustice perpetrated by rapacious companies, but why does the government allow this monopoly to extract exceedingly huge profits from consumers?The reason behind it is the investment and research that Pfizer did to promote a kind of technological advancement which gave birth to the new medicine. The large gap between ingredients cost and price can be considered as a kind of compensation to supplement the expense of technological research which overwhelmingly outweighs the cost of ingredients. By allowing the existence of monopoly in terms of patent, the government means to stimulate the incentive to be competitive and creative among all sorts of companies. Admittedly, even though it ... Get more on ...
  • 21.
  • 22. The At The Last Model United Nations Conference At the last Model United Nations conference we attended, I had the opportunity to sit down for coffee with an advisor from one of the local public high schools. This particular advisor and I have forged a strong connection in several years of chaperoning events together for our learners. He is versed in Attic philosophy and how we approach learning. Throughout the course of our friendship we have periodically emailed each other articles on education, learner preparedness for career and college, and public versus private education. All of this back and forth has led to an incredibly rich dialogue about learning. Our most recent conversation had us revisiting a September 2015 article from the Washington Post (linked below) that I had ... Show more content on ... In the rush to cover everything that might be tested, teachers and students miss the chance to create and explore." A new definition of success–"Almost from birth, our kids absorb society's image of success. And it's a narrow one: score the highest, run the fastest, get into the most prestigious college, and get on your way to a high–income career and a high–status life. Too many young people mortgage their childhoods to get there, fearing anything less will be failure." We spent several minutes going back and forth about how these concepts can be incorporated into various communities and what possible results might by seen. My public school counterpart, knowing that the Attic embraces and employs many of the above–mentioned six components, posed the following question to me. He asked, "Because your program implements these principles that look so different from the norm and are largely untested or unused in mainstream American education, what are the actual learning outcomes for your students?" First, I responded that while our core values and philosophy might be new to many people, the Attic has been practicing them continually for 18 years. In that time, hundreds of children have passed through our doors. In many more traditional educational settings, children often spend the bulk of their time either doing work that is little more than teaching to a test or flying through curriculum that they do not understand for the sake of meeting ... Get more on ...
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  • 24. The Creation Of The United Nations The creation of the United Nations (UN), the largest organization in the world introduced a new reform for collective security around the world after the failure of the League of Nations. Such a reform is vital for the international community as it zealously promotes concord and security, which is the most important goal in the 21st century. Thus, has the UN been successful in promoting international peace and security? To an extent, they have been when it comes to certain economical, humanitarian and environmental conflicts that occur within particular situations. However, one must take into account that the UN has failed in promoting such an itinerary when it came to the nuclear proliferation, the failure to uphold amity in Sri Lanka, Rwanda and Srebrenica Massacre. The failure of the League of Nations caused the establishment of the United Nations after the Second World War in 1945. "After the establishment of the UN in 1945, the world became divided ideologically into two camps, whose leaders the USSR and the US treated each other in total suspicion and appeared to oppose each other on every major issue."(Diel Latif) It was impossible to create international peace and security when the world has been divided into two camps who distrusted and oppose each other. As a matter of fact, when Ceylon was under the rule of the British they imported labors from the southern state of India, Tamil Nadu. After the British colonial rule ended, Ceylon was given independence in ... Get more on ...
  • 25.
  • 26. Immanuel Wallerstein's World Systems Theory Two theories of Globalisation that explain it relatively effectively are Immanuel Wallerstein 's World–Systems theory and John W. Meyer 's World Polity Theory. Contrary to the tendency of classical sociologists to focus on society within the nation–state, World–systems theory portrays nation–states as units within the larger world system. Wallerstein described the "world System" as an international class system based on countries as units instead of individual people. He thought there are three main categories of countries, the core, semi–periphery and periphery. The Core countries have much greater control over the means of production and capital and are thus much wealthier, whilst the periphery counrtries are exploited for their resources and cheap labour. Such a system perpetuates socio–economic inequality, however the system is somewhat dynamic and states can gradually shift between categories. This system allows certain countries to achieve hegemony over the others, in this manner the United States dominated the globe in the 20th Century. World– Polity theory was developed in response to the world systems theory. In this explanation the world has a global culture or "global polity" that greatly influences how nation–states, international organisations and individual people are formed and evolve. The global polity helps define the purpose, identity, behaviour and nature of these social units. The concept of a nation–state itself is only a relatively new concept introduced ... Get more on ...
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  • 28. Globalization Is The Process By Which People, Cultures, Globalization is the process by which people, cultures, ideas, and goods are spread across the world, stimulating the synergy and assimilation of world economies and governments. It references a global economy built on free trade and the use of foreign labor markets to capitalize on revenue, along with the movement of people, ideas, and knowledge from sea to shining sea. The study of history shows us that globalization is not a new phenomenon, rather it has been occurring for centuries. Whether one looks at trade routes such as the Silk Road, or the colonization of countries in the Middle East by European superpowers, they will see that these were all routes to spread economic and governing systems. With the increased availability to ... Show more content on ... The past few years have been highlighted by terrorist attacks, war, and humanitarian disasters, making the need for international cooperation ever increasing. Political globalization's classic example is the United Nations, which was incepted to maintain world peace and foster an environment of cooperation between nations, in order to solve economic, cultural, and humanitarian issues. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights for example is regarded as, "A milestone document in the history of human rights," according to the United Nations. It ensures the rights to life, liberty, and education, and proclaims that, "No one shall be held in slavery or servitude." But what happens when members of the UN General Assembly violate these declarations? What happens when the United Nations turns a blind eye to genocide, torture, and mass exodus? The Holocaust, for example, was largely ignored by the international community for much of the Second World War. Western nations even denied fleeing Jews entrance into their countries. As the War came to an end and the dust settled, the international community turned its attention to Nazi Germany's human rights violations, and the United Nations vowed, "Never again." That promise was an empty one, as genocides would erupt in Rwanda, Kosovo, Bosnia, and Syria. Syria, in particular, is the most immediate case of the ... Get more on ...
  • 29.
  • 30. A Hero's Journey In Managua Summary In February, the man from the UNHRC was checking out a story. In Managua. Over thirty refugees, from throughout the world, had been located by a civil rights organization called ACNUR, or the Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados, held in prisons in Managua. ACNUR was contacted immediately, since it was part of the United Nations program that helped people forced to flee their homes and seek safety in another country. The refugees were discovered, hidden in the bowels of the Dirección General de Migración y Extranjería detention center in Managua, Nicaragua. The refugees had been held incommunicado, in the feces and urine infested rotting prison there. Each one, instructed to pay bribes if they ever wanted to see freedom again. ... Show more content on ... "My neighbors are well–educated. Nicaraguans on a projected career path towards success." "That's great!" "Yeah. One is a pharmaceutical salesman. The son of one of the most famous doctors in the country. His dad studied in Russia." "How about the rest?" "There is a model for a Nicaraguan rum. She's a student." He paused. "And the son of a retired CEO of a pharmaceutical company who now invests in real estate, for income. All of them are Nicaraguan born and raised!" For a brief moment, an odd feeling overtook her. There was something about the way he had spoken of the model. Something in his tone that seemed familiar. But, she had dismissed it. She thought about it now and felt twice deceived. Damn it! If they were going to kill her, why not just get it over? She felt her pants falling off of her hips. Had she lost that much weight? . The Director's staff fended off inquiries, by her parents and the UNHRC. Suggesting her father should send money for her 'legal expenses.' That was –– only when calls finally got through the socialist gate keepers. He had his minions who played receptionist for the Director de Migración y ... Get more on ...
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  • 32. Examples Of Portfolio Reflection On College College Unit Portfolio Reflections Overview of the College Process The college process is a stressful meatgrinder that, at the same time, crushes and fulfills the dreams of millions upon millions of students each year. Never before have I seen such a calculated and corrupt system. For instance, universities have set up a monopolistic empire that is free to price discriminate at will, and society, along with our government, perpetuates this standard along with other equally revolting standards. Why have we supported it? Because the job market now stipulates that every new employee must have a shiny college degree regardless of the job's actual qualifications. Furthermore, colleges seem to have little regard for their prospective students. Each institution demands three or more essays, and they act as if students are not taking classes at the same time. Next year I will be, most likely, taking seven advanced placement classes because that is necessary for admission into this nation's most prestigious universities, yet my studies are hampered by the same question stated in an infinite amount of ways, "What makes you right for our school?" This is not how the college process should be, but we are all too busy writing 250–500 word meaningless essays, essays that simply answer cliche questions that could be asked in an interview and answered in two to three sentences, to see what the college process could be. My Personal Goals My dream school is Georgetown University, but it ... Get more on ...
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  • 34. Role of International Relations The political world has evolved and reshaped itself greatly throughout the history of mankind, with its most important and distinctive change occurring during the period of 1945, the end of the Second World War and 1989 which marked the end of the Cold War. The interaction of nation–states is center of politics on the international level, where the relationships of different nations dictates what events occur in regards to, but not limited to war, peace, economic agreements, and foreign aide involvement. These international interactions are becomingly progressively more distinguished by non–government actors such as the World Bank, and International Monetary Fund, a lesser need for military power and in the decline in the power of the ... Show more content on ... Since 1945 the world has evolved immensely, with great power changes and ever–changing economies. Economic activity, in regards to expanded global trade and monetary policies being formed, with the increased communication technology and globalization, has created a widespread global interdependence. Nations rely more now than ever on other nation–states for trade purposes to maintain a consistent cohesion of their economies. With increased global interdependence came a need for institutions to manage and control the actions between nation–states and expand economies into other outlets globally that were seen as foreign such as Asia and some parts of Europe . Liberal Institutionalism, with the concept of higher need for such organizations as North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), IMF, and the World Bank, has became far more important than any need for security and military needs that were seen at the beginning of our time scope of 1945–1989. The Second World War was devastating to almost the entire world populace and had a crippling effect on the world economies. It was only by the time of the Cold War that many of the nations involved in the Second World War were beginning to reform and strengthen their economies. Germany since the war has rebounded economically and become a strong economic powerhouse within Europe. In Asia, countries such as Japan, Taiwan, China and Singapore have seen prosperity and opened their trading to the global ... Get more on ...
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  • 36. Reflection On The Odyssey Odyssey Reflection POLI 283: Model United Nations was the most fulfilling Odyssey project that I have experienced during my time at Hendrix, on both a personal and academic basis. Preparing for the AMUN conference using a semester's worth of simulations and research has facilitated growth in multiple areas of my life, and the experiential component in Chicago was highly rewarding in its own right. Serving as a representative from the Republic of Indonesia to the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific vastly improved my ability to work with a partner and to organize large groups of people. This Odyssey experience also increased my confidence as a public speaker, broadened my area of study within the International Relations department, and has introduced me into a close–knit group of teammates who share my interests and passions. While my studies have often required me to work with my peers toward the completion of a project over complex issues such as the Syrian refugee crisis and time travel, nothing I experienced prior to Model UN forced me to truly work in synthesis with others. In my former pursuits, the nature of my assignments has allowed me to compartmentalize the work that needed to be completed and divvy it up between those involved. Unlike in those projects, Madyson and I attempted to work as a single delegation and share responsibility throughout the semester, and especially while in simulation at AMUN. Working on our Internal Position Papers and their presentation revealed to me how useful informed and dedicated partnerships can be. Without working as a team to complete the required research and draft academic language, it would have been impossible for us to complete the course's assignments as expected. I haven't been in such a situation before, and learning to trust Madyson and her work was a process I truly value. In addition, working on a report–writing body at AMUN allowed me to put leadership skills to use that have lain dormant since beginning my studies at Hendrix. In high school I spent a large portion of my free time participating in extra–curricular activities that I led or helped lead, but have focused on developing personal interests and keeping my scholarships ... Get more on ...
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  • 38. Public Service Admissions Essay A career in public service appeals to me because I believe it is my duty as a citizen to give back to the country that has given much to me. Working in public service, like John F. Kennedy stated is about asking what can you do for your country, rather than what your country can do for you. Therefore, working in public service at the Agency implies I can protect my fellow citizens, ensure that families do not have to worry about the threat of terrorism, and give back to my community for all the opportunities that I have had the privilege to experience. Working in public service means I can use my skills and connections to make sure that our nation and its citizens are safe from all enemies foreign and domestic. Additionally, I wish to serve in the Directorate of Operations because it will allow me to develop advanced interpersonal skills, work with team members as well as individually to provide intelligence to keeping families safe. Serving as a Directorate of Operations will give me the opportunity to help and ensure that future have the chance to have to attain an education and a better life without having to fear being attacks such as 911 by foreign enemies and provides a challenge where I am to be tested both mentally and physically to taking the necessary means to ensure that missions are accomplished, lives are saved, and enemies defeated. Furthermore, I desire to become an attorney specializing in several areas such as criminal defense, civil litigation and work as ... Get more on ...
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  • 40. European Security Strategy The establishment of the European Union (EU) solidified a united political, economic, and defensive front creating a Supranational Organization (Lucas, 1999, no page). With the assistance of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the United States, the EU has developed a comprehensive security strategy responsible for leading the coalition's objectives for mutual solidarity, global stabilization, and defense. To address security threats both regionally and globally set forth by the European Security Strategy (ESS), considerations were developed which encompass both cultural domains of geography and development. The integration of independent states through organizations such as the United Nations, the EU and NATO have ... Show more content on ... The EU recognizes that developmental efforts applied to individual cultural entities induce stability and a pro–western belief system (CS L2, 2013, 17). This framework serves to foster the integration of international partnerships with neighboring states and global partnerships with international powers such as the United States, Russia, the African Union, and the United Nations to pursue global stability through political, financial, and military efforts. The EU has also developed plans to invest and integrate with international organizations such as the World Trade Organization (WTO), Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), (MERCOSER) and, Interpol to provide assistance in the foundation and continuance of an effective law and order structure, as well as fair trade principles within emerging democracies, and to assist recovering states with re–establishing financial and governmental integrity. These results will lead to an enhanced strategic position and level of security for the EU and its allies The ESS has recognized regional stability as a top priority for the EU. Conflicts in the Balkans, the persistent threat of war between Israel and Palestine, cultural revolutions along the Mediterranean's southern shores, and fierce conflicts along the EU's border all play an integral role in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 42. Hammarskjöld What Is The Driving Force Behind The Un Xander McIntosh The King's College Founder's Competition 17 November 2016 The United Nations: An Internship Like No Other "The United Nations was not created to lead mankind to heaven, but to save humanity from hell." Dag Hammarskjöld , former United Nations Secretary–General The kinds of hell Dag Hammarskjöld referred to are not difficult to imagine in a world ravished by World War II and terrified by the threat of nuclear war. Hammarskjöld is known today as the second Secretary–General of the United Nations (UN) and widely regarded as a man of unimpeachable character. His career at the UN was remarkable, in that he was completely uninterested in the bureaucratic politics many at the United Nations engage in, choosing to lead projects from the command tent instead of the corner office. He was the first and only Secretary–General to be chosen unanimously and is largely regarded as the greatest leader of the United Nations in history. John F. Kennedy once said about Hammarskjöld, "I realize now, in comparison to him I am a small man. He was the greatest statesman of our century." (Cite) The question then begs to be asked: what is the driving force behind this man's impeccable integrity? As we know now, it was his passionate and private Christian faith. His compassion for his fellow man manifested itself in the form of service to millions through the United Nations. In addition, a collection of vivid personal Christian reflections, hailed by many as one of the most ... Get more on ...
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  • 44. Ethical Considerations Ethical Considerations The United Nations has suggested numerous policies for companies to implement to ensure the human rights of all people are upheld, especially with regards to minority groups like women. The "Protect, Respect, and Remedy" Policy Framework can be utilized to ensure gender equality in our organization. The policy framework includes: "A policy statement articulating the company's commitment to respecting human rights and providing guidance as to the specific actions to be taken to give this commitment meaning; Periodic assessment of actual and potential human rights impacts of company activities and relationships; Integration of these commitments into internal control and oversight systems; Tracking of performance; Public ... Show more content on ... The Center for American Progress has suggested a few changes companies can act upon to make a difference in the workplace, including: raising the minumum wage, supporting fair scheduling practices, supporting the end to pay transparancy, investing in affordable high quality early child daycare or education, fixing the broken career pipeline, increasing paid sick days, and creating additional paid family or medical leave insurance programs. The multifaceted solutions, when implemented properly together, ensure that women in the workplace are valued and treated fairly. However, the company must be willing to make difficult decision to achieve the ideal outcome regardless of ... Get more on ...
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  • 46. The Un Security Council Is The Primary Subsidy For... Since its establishment, the United Nations has played a vital role in total global development. As stated by the UN, their roles and responsibilities consist of maintaining international peace and security through the prevention of conflict and coming up with solutions if ever in conflicting scenarios through peacekeeping efforts. Their UN Security Council is the primary subsidy for international peace and security; promoting sustainable development by working to bridge social, economic, or cultural disparities, and "promoting and encouraging respect for human rights and for fundamental freedoms for all" (What we do, United Nations); protecting human rights and making such a key aspect and value of the Organization; upholding international law through the usage of courts, multilateral treaties, and tribunals to ensure that international law is being upheld; and to deliver humanitarian aid, which is one of the main principles the UN was founded on: "to achieve international co–operation in solving international problems of an economic, social, cultural, or humanitarian character" (What we do, United Nations). Let's give a scenario that outlines the role of the United Nations for clarification. If say tension with importers and exporters of The Gambia and Senegal would arise, which it has, given the river that divides the country–it would be in the role of the United Nations to sit representatives of both nations down and to establish an agreement so both parties leave ... Get more on ...
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  • 48. Freedom Of Speech : The Standard Law For Freedom Of Speech All around the world people have a right to freedom of speech, this right is changed in small ways throughout different religions, countries and ages. When asked if I knew what freedom of speech was, I was unable to answer. This got me thinking on what is the standard law for freedom of speech?, is freedom of speech applied the same for all age groups?, and do different countries have different freedom of speech? These questions will help for people to understand freedom of speech and how it's different for different people. There isn't really a standard law for freedom of speech but there are guidelines. There isn't a standard law because there a small variations everywhere making it hard to cover everything in a Freedom of speech is the concept of the inherent human right to voice one's opinion publicly without fear of censorship or punishment. "Speech" is not limited to public speaking and is generally taken to include other forms of expression. The right is preserved in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and is granted formal recognition by the laws of most nations. Nonetheless the degree to which the right is upheld in practice varies greatly from one nation to another. In many nations, particularly those with relatively authoritarian forms of government, overt government censorship is enforced. Censorship has also been claimed to occur in other forms (see propaganda model) and there are different approaches to issues such as hate speech, ... Get more on ...
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  • 50. Observations of Realists Essay Minor Essay Trimester 1, 2013 1) Are the observations of Realists, such as Hans Morgenthau, accurate in respect to their assessment of the importance of international law in contemporary world politics? Realists such as Hans Morgenthau and more recently Lloyd Gruber, base their theories on the assumption individuals, and hence states, act rationally to protect their own interests, the national interest. They believe states exist in a world of anarchy without an over arching authority. While this may be the case and it certainly is for some states, it is a theory that requires review within the context of the modern world and international law. In the world of bi–polar power during the Cold War, Morgenthau's views interpreted ... Show more content on ... An argument by Social Constructionist such as Barnett and Finnemore is that IGOs have the real power. As I will show later using the US invasion of Iraq, governments still have the final say on their actions, although IGOs, NGOs and MNCs play a very large role in influencing them. Having stated this, one may counter argue this implies it is still a state verses state environment (Realism), however, the world has still evolved into government verses government verses IGOs, NGOs and MNCs, henceforth realism cannot not explain the actions of governments alone and must consider the external influences. Constructivism does so, but places the power into the hands of IGOs and the like. An alternative needs to be sought. Alternatives such as the European Union, which remains "...the most successful experiment in political institution–building since the Second World War." Andrew Moravcsik goes on to say the EU cannot replace or aspire to the democratic status of nation states, yet their role remains embedded in monitoring accountability and extensive checks and balances upon its member states. Emerging actors such as the EU again demonstrate the changing environment and clearly indicate realist theories, must by reconsidered. Focusing on the institutions such as the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, we can cite several occasions in which their influence has shaped global politics, whether for selfish or selfless motivations. The concept of poverty alleviation ... Get more on ...
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  • 52. Human Trafficking And The Trade Of Human Sex Trafficking... Between the time periods of 2005 and 2008, 10 countries in the region introduced new anti– trafficking laws or modified old ones. The United Nations has also picked up the fight against ending all forms of modern slavery including human sex trafficking. The U.N implemented the a protocol that focuses on "(1) prevention and combat of trafficking persons, paying particular attention to women and children; (2) to protect and assist the victims of such trafficking, with full respect for their human rights; and (3) to promote cooperation among States Parties in order to meet those objectives." (UN Trafficking Protocol ) Europe, Asia, Africa, the U.N., the United States, and other nations are fighting and implementing policies to contest to the world's organized crime networks and combat the trade of human sex trafficking. The U.S. needs to continue being more proactive concerning human trafficking and the end of slavery. Some may ask how does human sex trafficking affect the U.S or its foreign policy? Perhaps others ask if policies are already intact dealing with this issue what more can we do? Well, one of the most basic but fundamental ways human sex trafficking affects the foundation of this nation and any U.S foreign policies deals with democracy. This nation was founded on the fundamental beliefs and constitutional principles of our core democratic values. These core democratic values are what constitutes the United States and provides a model as a superpower for the world. ... Get more on ...
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  • 54. Essay About Asg What other responsibilities do you anticipate having next year, and how will they affect your schedule and availability? Keeping in mind of my Junior year schedule and the challenges that entails the 11th grade, I will be taking the SAT and ACT exams in the fall as well. This may impact my availability on select weekends throughout the school year. In addition, I have several school club leadership responsibilities, which may slightly impact my schedule. I have maintained a regular shift as a volunteer at the Sharp Memorial Hospital, and will spend several hours a week in regards to that commitment. However, I can easily accommodate future meetings and work in order to promote SDRJMUN. My other responsibilities vary, but I have no other ... Show more content on ... I have been involved in JMUN/MUN since the 8th grade, and had the opportunity to attend several conferences since then. As a delegate, I have attended JMUN twice, Laguna Beach MUN, and Bishop's Knights MUN, This experience provided me with the capability and maturity to take on other roles. I was honored to be a Page for the United Nations Environment Programme of SDRJMUN XL. As a part of UNEP, I was given the opportunity to take charge of the committee for a segment of the conference. Being able to Head and Vice Chair was an rewarding, exhilarating experience. Since my first conference, I have received several awards, including Special Rapporteur, Outstanding Delegate, Research Award, and Gavel/Best Delegate. The addition, these awards emphasize my ability to communicate with others. In addition, they represent a form of leadership, through my ability to be the front of a conversation and discussion. I realize that awards are not a reflection of success, but rather my abilities in committee. I was able to further expand my involvement with MUN through staffing. After realizing the pertinence of early education and giving middle schoolers opportunities to expand their thinking, this conference became more important to me. MUN/JMUN has became an essential part of my life, and greatly contributes to the person I am today. Please describe three of your best qualities and how they will be employed as an ... Get more on ...
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  • 56. Animal Testing And The Cosmetic Industry Synthesis paper In this paper there are three main topics that are going to be covered. They are alternatives to animal testing, animal testing in cosmetics, and the news in the cosmetic industry related to animal testing. For this paper there were four sources that were evaluated. All of them had a few things in common and through that it was easy to link them together through three different subtopics that will be evaluated later in this paper. The first source that I will be using is "The Science of Dermocosmetics and Its Role in Dermatology". This article was written by Dreno, B., E. Araviiskaia, E. Berardesca, T. Bieber, J. Hawk, M. Sanchez– Viera, and P. Wolkenstein. The second article that will be effective in this essay is "New ... Show more content on ... They are the chemico approach, the vitro approach, the silico approach, computer simulator, and using humans to test called the human patch test (Vandebriel, Loveren 1). Most if not all of the articles discuss the vitro testing to some degree. Vitro testing involves using cellular/culture based toxicity tests to see how it would affect humans and other living organisms that might be exposed to the product (Mone, 2). As more research is being done on this method of testing it is becoming more evident among companies that are making the transition from animal testing to this method. In the Korean Cosmetics company article it included a section about a Norwegian and UK collaboration that wanted to further the research vitro testing. Another method that is becoming popular is silico testing. Silico testing is type of modelization (Dreno Et. Al.1). It is pretty similar to vitro testing but focuses more on the different pathogens that are involved and can pass through the vitro testing. The second topic that is going to be covered is animal testing in cosmetics. There are different tests that are performed on animals when they are being tested on. These tests often include sensitization tests to see how the active ingredients react with skin (Dreno etc. 2). When the animals are tested the research team looks for signs of redness or irritation among other things. When animals are being tested there are certain guidelines that have to be followed to ensure the animal ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. Global Governance Is A Set Of Coercive Norms, Principles,... Global governance is a set of coercive norms, principles, rules and decisions–making procedures existing over and above the level of nations–states which have to comply with them. In the realm of international migration in which individuals opt voluntarily to cross countries boundaries in order to stay in the host state for a minimum of length of time, it appears that that the need of global governance has become unavoidable by the mid twentieth century. Effectively, states struggle to control international migration. Indeed, history demonstrated that migration has often been uncontainable and unrestricted in most countries, at start of the twentieth century, despite the rejection of foreigners due to national security concerns, racial discriminations, public health considerations rather than economic objectives, as per S. Dajajié (2001: P. XV). Even if the border control remain the permanent right of the sovereign states, the rapid increase of the globalisation process, in the second half of the twentieth century, has majored and accelerated migration through out the world. According to S. Djajié, the twentieth century witnessed a strong income differential between workers of rich and poor nations. This was due to the fact that workers in the advanced market economies witnessed enormous improvements in their economic, social and political status (this workers were enjoying high labour standards, collective bargaining and welfare state). However, the same level of ... Get more on ...
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  • 60. British Military Intervention Sierra Leone This paper focuses on the British military intervention that occurred in Sierra Leone, on May 7 2000. As well as the effect of the intervention's contribution towards ending the war and implementing peace–building strategies. The intervention was successful in the short term, however, it is questionable whether it was based on encouraging development. The other participants include the United Nations, President Kabbah and the remaining rebel armies of West Africa. One of the main rebel armies involved, the Revolutionary United Front, were known for their violence that spread amongst neighbouring countries. The participants were known for a negotiation, called the Lome Peace Agreement, resulting in the United Nation unsuccessfully peacekeeping. ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. The Relations Of Democratic Peace The interactions between nation states compose the framework of the modern world. The world's affairs are shaped by the diplomatic engagements of nations with one another, with each country playing on its own interests and concerns on the global stage. While no tangible system of international law rigidly regulates diplomacy, philosophies exist attempting to describe and even predict the interactions between countries. Among these is the notion of "democratic peace," that which predicts a largely pacifist interaction between states, particularly democracies. Democratic peace plays on an optimistic view of democracies shaping their diplomatic practices with one another in an amicable manner as it provides that democracies inherently respect each other and their corresponding ways, while also listening to their inherent accountability to their people. While ideal, democratic peace fails to describe historical exchanges between democratic states, even in those instances in which tense dealings did not result in warfare. An opposing thought is provided as the reason why such an ideal fails, and it follows that "realist" interactions between nations is based largely on the very survival of the states involved. As such, factors like international prestige, and perceived strength come into play, and given these factors strong link to a demonstration of strength through potential warfare, democratic peace fails to be an accurate representation of present diplomatic practice given ... Get more on ...
  • 63.
  • 64. Sustainability And The Current Global Development Model "Resilient People, Resilient planet" is a report that was released by the United Nations Panel on Global sustainability in January 2012, which encourages sustainable actions. Moreover, this report advises people to use their human rights to pursue sustainability and encourages governments to take the proper initiatives to resolve current day issues. Currently, social issues such as, poverty, deforestation, global hunger, and climate changes are all leading factors of our failing environment. This report along with other sources portray sustainability as a social solution involving human rights and social justice by encouraging people and their governments to pursue a political and social lifestyle influenced by sustainable choices. One ... Show more content on ... " (264) This quote describes the difficulties and flaws in our current model by predicting the growth of our needs in 2030 and its relationship with social problems. Rebuilding our global development model is a very important concern but by empowering people to make sustainable choices we can also achieve sustainability. Sustainable development is fundamentally an option for the people to influence their future by revolutionizing their lifestyles. Democratic governance allows its people to use their human rights to implement their decisions and ideas within society. By implementing our sustainable lifestyles within our human rights we can establish and develop new democratic governance that focuses on sustainable choices. The report supports this by stating, "Democratic governance and full respect for human rights are key prerequisites for empowering people to make sustainable choices." (264) This quote elucidates the affiliation between human rights and sustainable choices, which can lead to prominent developments in sustainability. Moreover, people should be active in the development of a sustainable future by encouraging others to pursue sustainability. Sustainability does not have to be implemented in the form government; it can also be encouraged in everyday choices through local communities. In the report it states, "At the same time, local communities must be encouraged to participate actively ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. European Security Strategy The establishment of the European Union (EU) solidified a united political, economic, and defensive front creating a Supranational Organization (Lucas, 1999, no page). With the assistance of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the United States, the EU has developed a comprehensive security strategy responsible for leading the coalition's objectives for mutual solidarity, global stabilization, and defense. To address security threats both regionally and globally set forth by the European Security Strategy (ESS), considerations were developed which encompass both cultural domains of geography and development. The integration of independent states through organizations such as the United Nations, the EU and NATO have ... Show more content on ... The EU recognizes that developmental efforts applied to individual cultural entities induce stability and a pro–western belief system (CS L2, 2013, 17). This framework serves to foster the integration of international partnerships with neighboring states and global partnerships with international powers such as the United States, Russia, the African Union, and the United Nations to pursue global stability through political, financial, and military efforts. The EU has also developed plans to invest and integrate with international organizations such as the World Trade Organization (WTO), Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), (MERCOSER) and, Interpol to provide assistance in the foundation and continuance of an effective law and order structure, as well as fair trade principles within emerging democracies, and to assist recovering states with re–establishing financial and governmental integrity. These results will lead to an enhanced strategic position and level of security for the EU and its allies The ESS has recognized regional stability as a top priority for the EU. Conflicts in the Balkans, the persistent threat of war between Israel and Palestine, cultural revolutions along the Mediterranean's southern shores, and fierce conflicts along the EU's border all play an integral role in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 68. The League Of Nations And Modern Day Regulations To understand the concept of a world society fully, we must first look at the historical evidence leading up to modern day regulations. The league of nations came into affect after the end of world war one. The league of nations was set up in order to stop such a war from every occurring again. It was the idea of American president Woodrow Wilson. The outcome of this league created one of the first circumstances in which "Universalistic models of the state, society, and the individual were debated and conventionalized on a world wide scale" (Elliot. 2014:412). The leagues main aims were to, encourage co–operation amongst the worlds countries in order to prevent any future wars. Secondly, disarmament, the idea was to try and disarm the ... Show more content on ... This can be evident in the league of nations as consequently, another world war started twenty years later. This created a lot of critical responses to the league and often condemning it, as it failed to achieve its aims. It could be said that the league of nations was not incredibly competent. After the war, "it was increasingly understood that this older world of corporate nationalism had created two world wars, a massive depression, enormous moral violations including a Holocaust, and unsustainably unjust inequalities of racism and colonialism" (Meyer 2010). The league did not have any army which contributed to its many weaknesses. Therefore, had no powerful means to enforce visions. Because the league of nations was deemed ineffectual. This steered way to the development of the United Nations (UN). The idea of the United Nations was comprised in 1943 but officially declared as an organisation in 1945. In modern times the number of countries that have joined the UN has vastly increased. The UN is charged with upholding international laws and human rights as well as ensuring world wide security, economic development and social advancement. Over the following years this has increased the amount of rights an individual has. As more and more countries joined the UN in order to be a part of universal; "models and prescriptions about how to organise national populations on the basis of individual citizenship, further delegitimising the ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. Model United Nations Cmunce Conference 2017. Representing: Model United Nations CMUNCE Conference 2017 Representing: Dmitry Ustinov Delegate Name: Laurel Butterworth Committee: Space Race JCC (Soviet) School: Boulder High School I, Dmitry Ustinov, am firstly a politician, set to oversee and manage the Ministry of Defense Industry, the product of the merged Ministry of Armaments Production and Ministry of Aviation Industry. Within this duty, that many would call simply a political rearrangement for the advancement of the military and political animal, I can assure this department that I am wholly devoted to the scientists, research, and goals of defence industry. At this pivotal moment, history has its eyes on the CCCP, and we must keep our eyes on our goals, both in the stars and on our own ... Show more content on ... I now oversee the creation of magnificent rockets and missiles, which have increased the CCCP's military might, such as the R–5 and later the R–7 rockets. Created by the OKB–1, these rockets boast of intercontinental ballistic capabilities that could revolutionize modern warfare and atmospheric and astronomical science. Since my youth, I have acted forcefully, decisively, and intelligently to advance the CCCP's scientific understanding of space and rocket technology, something I plan to continue to do as this new technological age emerges. While the extension of this field to advanced scientific ballistics research took some convincing by Korolev, the launching of Sputnik clearly displayed to the world the immense power of the ICBM, simultaneously broadening the horizon of scientific progress and military prowess. The Ministry of Defense Industry will no doubt play a very important role in the future of the CCCP and the broadening of mankind's knowledge. I see it as a great honor, then, to be the strong leader of this ministry and to protect it from those who ignorantly dismiss the importance of scientific research along with military development. For these accomplishments, such as the launching of the Sputnik satellite, has not only allowed us to gain valuable knowledge, but also displayed the CCCP's superior technological capabilities, with the ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. My First Diplomatic Experience Just a few days away from my first diplomatic experience and I had no clue of what I was going to do, or what I had/supposed to do. Didn't even know anything about the country I was supposed to be representing. Let me explain how I got here, back to the beginning. Wake up. Brush my teeth. Get in the shower. Change to the same boring clothes. Get breakfast and go to school. The same monotony, over and over again, living a "normal" life within the standards of this wrecked society, without knowing that I was missing something. My day began just as normal, with my daily routine, and it was around third period in school when the teacher told us that there's a visitor that is going to talk us about something that I have never heard before and ... Show more content on ... One normal routinely day someone told me about NYDRMUN and I wanted to go, but there was a problem, my school was not going. I moved heavens and earth to see what I could do, called everyone that could know anything. FUNGLODE contacted me with the Saint Thomas School, where I studied for months to go that Model UN, we spent entire days preparing ourselves and it was a lot of sacrificed. But it was worth it, because in that moment in the salon of the general ssambley in the headquarters of the UN, when they called the "delegation of Denmark" to be Delegation of Honor, all those days where totally worth ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. The Un : Founding Principles Recommiting the UN to its Founding Principles William Andel Hello, everyone. I am William Andel, representing the United States of America on a important matter. Many people feel the need for a change. This is not just a simple change,either; it is an international change. Everywhere in the world, people are ravaged by war and suffering. Everyone would like to snuff that out, I'm sure, but the UN is at the forefront of this change. Why have we ignored the countries that have reached out to help? People have ignored the cries of the weak, innocent, and forgotten for too long. We have a civil and moral duty to not let these cries go unheard. Who are we, if not the peacekeepers of the world? What are we, if not a body of nations, working ... Show more content on ... Quoting Clinton from October 1, 2012: "These challengers don 't respect international orders, whether it 's a global financial crisis or climate change or transnational crime. And none of these problems can be solved by three or four big countries sitting around the table. We need partnerships from large and small nations alike." Further showing the desperate changes that need to be implemented, current Secretary of State John Kerry commented: "We all have a responsibility, a universally endowed responsibility, to ensure that a history of violence is not going to be followed by a future of vengeance. The only way to properly honor the millions of lives lost is through peace, and the only way to achieve that peace is for the United Nations... and all of the countries with the capacity to step up and help show the way forward." And these comments are justified. With Kerry's perspective in mind, we need to strive for peace. Not just peace, either, but security of peace. Peace means nothing if the world doesn't have a secure era of peace and justice for all humans, not just the ones that are privileged. Now the US has policies to keep the foreign adversaries of human rights in check, such as: Holding governments accountable to their obligations under universal human rights norms and international human rights instruments. Promoting greater respect for human rights, including freedom from torture, freedom of expression, press freedom, women 's rights, ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. The Purpose of the African Union Mission in Somalia... The African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) on the surface is an effective fighting force in Somalia; however, the success of AMISOM is contingent upon Ugandan participation. The existence of AMISOM is due to a long Somali history of political / economic instability and the current struggle against the Somalia based terrorist organization, Al–Shabaab. The overall objective within Somalia is to eliminate or at a minimum contain the Al–Shabaab threat. The creation of AMISOM assists the Somalian Transitional Federal Government (TFG) and its allies to effectively target Al–Shabaab while using the United Nations (UN), European Union (EU), and African Union (AU) backed AMISOM as an umbrella organization. From the UN standpoint, Somalia has ... Show more content on ... Next, the EU, like the UN, is assisting with the famine issue plaguing Somalia, as well as paying the total of AMISOM troop salaries. Currently, members of the EU are considering the amount to which that financial backing can be increased, given that the Union is already financially burdened with several projects in the region, and the funds initially reserved for AMISOM will not be enough to cover the costs sustained by the increasing troop ceiling. The new EU Resolution 2036 (2012) states, "It is therefore vital, as stated in the resolution, that new contributors pledge to join the European Union in providing financial support." The EU is active with the UN on international initiatives set out by the UN Security Council Resolutions on eliminating piracy off the coast of Somalia. Piracy acts have been occurring simultaneously with the instability in Somalia, further strengthening the motives for a stable Somalia. The AU operates AMISOM with the approval of the UN and is headquartered in Ethiopia. They face many tasks which include health issues (AIDS/HIV epidemic), famine, intermediating in civil wars; and improving the standard of living. According to their website, one of the objectives of the AU is to promote peace, security, and stability on the continent. This objective directly aligns with eliminating the threat posed by Al–Shabaab. Due to these instabilities within Somalia, it was essential for the UN, EU, and AU to combine their efforts and form an ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. History Of Westminster Students At Model United Nations Westminster Students At Model UN With their name placards held high and their western business attire well–tailored, 36 students from Westminster took off into the ever–changing world of foreign policy. From November 18–21, the students were tasked with representing the United States of America, Guam, and the Maldives in the American Model United Nations conference in Chicago, Illinois. The aim for the delegates at the conference is to accurately represent the foreign policy of their nation in one of several committees and councils modeled after the actual United Nations in New York City. The committees ranged in purview from the United Nations Security Council to the Conference of the States Parties of the Organization for the ... Show more content on ... The Suez crisis refers to an event that occurred in October of 1956 where the Egyptian government led by nationalist president Abdul Gamal Nasser nationalized at took over the Suez Canal which was owned by a joint corporation between the United Kingdom and France. The U.K. and France then responded with a military counter attack with Israeli troops that took the world to the brink of nuclear war. In the 1994 council, Bakewell and Keich debated the issues of the Bosnian civil war and the dissolution of Yugoslavia and the Rwandan Genocide. The Rwandan Genocide was an event that occurred in the spring of 1994 which involved the slaughter of ethnic Tutsis by the Hutu majority in Rwanda as a result of the civil war that had occurred throughout the 1990s between the Hutu majority Rwandan government and the Tutsi dominated Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF), the casualties of which were upwards of 800,000 men, women, and children. The conference was not completely a good time had by all, as it had been reported that one of the delegations had been in a major auto accident after leaving AMUN in Chicago. Several students from Missouri Southern State University were injured and one was killed following an eight car accident that occurred Thursday on I–55. Sophomore Vivian Wu was killed after representing Iceland at the same conference in Chicago. The Model UN program issued the following statement: "It is with deep sadness that we pass along the news ... Get more on ...