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Associated Diseases
Simplified Overview
Dr./ Sahar H. Mostafa
Elmataria Teaching Hospital-Cairo-Egypt
• ACE-Is: angiotensin converting enzyme
• ACR: albumin/creatinine ratio
• ANCA: anti-neutrophilic cytoplasmic
• ARBs: angiotensin-receptor blockers
• CS: corticosteroids
• FSGS: focal and segmental
• GBM: glomerular basement membrane
• GN: glomerulonephritis
• HTN: hypertension
• MCD: minimal change disease
• MCGN: mesangiocappillary GN
• MGN: membranous GN
• MPGN: membranoproliferative GN
• PSGN: poststreptococcal GN
• RA: rheumatoid arthritis
• RVD: renovascular disease
• RVT: renal vein thrombosis
• UAER: urinary albumin excretion rate
• UFH: unfractionated heparin
• VUR: vesicoureteric reflux
Clinical background
• Glomerulonephritis is broadly defined as inflammatory;
o No inflammation in MCD
o Other diseases exist which do not involve GN(ex: diabetic
• Inflammation leads to proliferation of cellular
structures(mesangial/endothelial/epithelial) &/or
• It may be:
o Idiopathic (1ry)
o 2ry to systemic diseases, drugs, ..
• Immune dysregulation:
a. Inappropriate response to “self”-Ag (ex: anti-GBM disease,
ANCA +ve vasculitis)
b. Ineffectual response to “foreign”-Ag (ex: MGN 2ry to HBV)
• Response:
a. Circulating immune complexes are deposited in glomeruli
(ex: SLE)
b. In-situ formation of immune complexes within glomeruli (ex:
anti-GBM disease)
• Dipstick for proteinuria (± 24-H quantification)
• Dipstick for hematuria (with urine microscopy for red
cells and casts)
• Assess for hypertension
Clinical Outcome
• It depends upon severity of tubulo-interstitial
damage rather than the extent of glomerular injury
• Control of BP (target < 130/80)
• ACE-Is / ARBs:
i. Decrease proteinuria
ii. Ameliorate progressive scarring
Definition of Common Renal Syndromes:
Asymptomatic proteinuria (< 3 gm/d)
Nephritic Syndrome (C.C. by HTN, hematuria and edema)
Nephrotic syndrome (> 3 gm proteinuria/d, S. albumin <2.5 gm/dl,
edema and hypercholestrolemia)
Hematuria (Microscopic/Macroscopic)
Acute and Chronic Renal Failure
Common Rare
 1ry GN
 DM
 BM nephropathy (e.g. Alport’s)
 Infections (e.g. Leprosy, malaria,
hepatitis B)
 Preeclampsia
 Accelerated HTN
 Myeloma
 Amyloidosis
 Drugs: Gold, penicillamine,
captopril, NSAIDs, Hg
 C.T. Diseases (e.g. SLE)
 Constrictive pericarditis
 Sickle cell disease
 Allergies (e.g. Bee-sting,
 Hereditary GN (e.g.
Finnish-type nephrotic
Classification of GN / Syndrome Presentation
Proteinuria Nephrotic Nephritic Hematuria ARF CRF
MCD + +++ - - - -
MGN +++ ++ - ± - ++
FSGS ++ ++ ± - ± ++
+ + + +++ ± ++
MCGN ++ ++ + + + +
ve GN
+ ± +++ ++ ++ +
+++ ++ - - - +++
+ ± +++ ++ +++ +
ve GN
+ ++ ++ ++ ++ +
1- MCD
• Nephrotic presentation (80% in children & 28% in adults)
• Highly selective proteinuria (Ig G/transferrin <0.1)
• Renal function: Normal
• L/M: Normal
• E/M: Podocytes fusion
• Steroid-sensitive (short courses of high-dose prednisolone)
• Excellent prognosis
• Relapses (10%):
i. Cyclophosphamide (oral in children and pulsed iv in adults)
ii. If > 2-4 times/year: Cyclosporin (to avoid long-term steroid side
2- MGN
• Commonest in adults (mid 20s & >60Ys)
• Presentation: nephrotic/asymptomatic proteinuria/CRF
• Histology: Granular Ig G deposits + Complement on GBM
(Sub-epithelial “spikes” with silver stain)
• Progression:
i. 1/3: CRF  ESRD
ii. 1/3: response to cytotoxic regimes (Ponticelli regime: chlorambucil alternating
with CS)
iii. 1/3: spontaneous remission
• RVT: in 5%, if s. albumin is < 2gm/dl, give prophylactic dose of
UFH or enoxaparin
• It may be:
i. 1ry
ii. 2ry (Malignancy/Chronic infections/CT diseases/Drugs)
1ry 2ry
<10% in children & elderly
Up to 20% in young adults
Presentation: proteinuria &/or
In children: identical to MCD
Ig M deposits
Ttt: moderate-dose steroids
for 3-6 Ms
? relapses
Heroin abuse
Reduced functioning renal
mass (ex: after nephrectomy)
RVD (hemodynamic stress /
ischemic changes)
Ttt: optimal BP control with
ACE-inhibitors, or ARBs (no
4- Ig A nephropathy
• Commonest 1ry GN in adults
• Presentation: Hematuria
o Macroscopic or recurrent microscopic
o Synpharyngitic
• ↑ S. Ig A (50%)
• ? Associations: cirrhosis/dermatitis herpetiformis/coeliac disease/mycosis
• Mesangial proliferation with Ig A deposits ± Crescents (similar to Henoch-
Schonlein nephritis)
• Ttt: Optimal BP control with ACE-Is or ARBs / Alternate-Day steroid for 6
Ms / omega-3 FAs
• Outcome:
o 25 %: progression to ESRD over 20 Ys
o Better prognosis: if < 1 gm proteinuria/day at time of presentation
 Idiopathic
 Cryoglob
 Shunt
 Ig A
 Wegner’s
 Microscopic PAN
 Malignant HTN
 IN
 Sclerosis crisis
 Atheroembolic disease
 Toxemia
C3 LOW Normal Normal Normal Normal
ANCA Negative Negative Negative POSITIVE Negative
Anti-GBM Abs Negative Negative POSITIVE Negative Negative
I/F Granular Ig and C3 Linear Ig G and
Sparse/Absent Ig and C3
D.D. of nephritic syndromes
5- MCGN (or MPGN)
• Presentation:
i. microscopic hematuria + low grade proteinuria
ii. Nephrotic syndrome (35%)
iii. CRF
iv. Rapidly deteriorating renal function (10%)
• 3 Types:
i. Type I and III: subendothelial & mesangial deposits ± mixed cryoglobulinemia
/ ? Association: HCV, HBV, SBE, SLE, Sjogren's, SCA, CLL, ..
ii. Type II: dense deposit in mesangium: double-contour of GBM / usually
familial and ? Associated with lipodystrophy or with factor H deficiency /↓
serum Complement, presence of circulating C3-nephritic factor
• Prognosis: Poor with 50 % progression to ESRD
• Ttt: steroids ? effective
6- diffuse proliferative GN (or PSGN)
• Children/young adults are most often affected
• Presentation: nephritic syndrome/ARF
• Diffuse proliferation within glomeruli
• ? Preceeded by sore throat / impetigo
• Can be seen in SLE or Goodpasture's syndrome
• Serum C3 is low
• Spontaneous recovery, with restoration of full renal function, in
post-streptococcal cases
7- Diabetic Nephropathy
• Higher prevalence in type II > type I
• Persistent albuminuria > 300 mg/24-Hs. = Total proteinuria >
500 mg/24-Hs)
• Screening: ACR of > 2.5 is taken as the Cut-off for
microalbuminuria in an early morning specimen
• Excess risk of mortality (microalbuminuria represents the renal
manifestation of generalized vascular endothelial dysfunction)
• Association with retinopathy (common basement membrane
• Prevention:
o Tight glycemic control
o ACE-Is (Type I) / ARBs (Type II): renoprotective, independent
of HTN control
8- RPGN (or Crescentic GN)
• RPGN: clinical description
• Crescentic GN: histological counterpart
• All age groups are affected
• Presentation: ARF / acute nephritic syndrome
• Causes:
I. Idiopathic (1ry)
II. 2ry: Goodpasture’s / ANCA +ve vasculitis / SLE
• Ttt: Aggressive chemotherapy ± plasma exchange
I. Induction therapy: pulsed iv methylprednisolone 1 gm/d/3-consecutive Ds;
followed by 1 mg/kg/d to be tappered over 6 Ms to 10-20 mg/d + 7 x 4 L.
plasma exchanges (in 1st 10-14 Ds) + iv pulsed cyclophosphamide 0.5-1
g/month for 6 Ms
II. Maintenance therapy: low-dose steroid + azathioprine, for 12-18 Ms
GN With Hypocomplementemia
§ SLE membranous/proliferative/crescentic)
§ Shunt nephritis (FSGS/MCGN), associated with coagulase-negative
staph. infection of ventriculo-atrial shunt
§ 1ry Complement deficiency (C1q / C2/ C4 deficiency)
§ Endocarditis (FS proliferative GN)
§ Cryoglobulinemia, especially Type II
 Good-Pasture Syndrome
 ANCA-positive diseases;
mandatory if severe
pulmonary hemorrhage
 Dialysis-requiring ARF
 Idiopathic crescentic GN
 Cryoglobulinemia
 Myeloma; cases with
o SLE-nephritis (severe)
o Henoch-Schonlein
o Myeloma; cases with
ARF due to cast
Self assessment
Question 1:
Which one of the following is true of renal involvement in
HIV infection?
a. Antiviral therapy is of little benefit in HIV-associated
b. HIV-associated nephropathy is indistinguishable
histologically from FSGS
c. HIV-associated nephropathy typically presents with
nephrotic-range proteinuria
d. Hypernatremia is common in HIV infection
e. Renal involvement is common in AIDS
Answer 1:
Which one of the following is true of renal involvement in
HIV infection
a. Antiviral therapy is of little benefit in HIV-associated
b. HIV-associated nephropathy is indistinguishable
histologically from FSGS .. (focal/global collapse of
c. HIV-associated nephropathy typically presents with
nephrotic-range proteinuria
d. Hypernatremia is common in HIV infection ..(hypo)
e. Renal involvement is common in AIDS .. (rare)
Question 2:
A 32-Y-old man has a 15-Y-history of diabetes; serum
creatinine is 2.3 mg/dl. A diagnosis of diabetic
nephropathy is established by renal biopsy
Which of the following is/are true of this patient?
a. ACE-Inhibitors are unlikely to help this condition at
this time
b. He has a less than 30% chance of having HTN at this
c. He has a 50% chance of having the nephrotic
syndrome at this time
d. Because of his age, nephropathy is likely to be his
only major organ system diabetic complication to
e. He is likely to experience ESRD requiring dialysis
within the next 4-Ys
Answer 2:
A 32-Y-old man has a 15-Y-history of diabetes; serum
creatinine is 2.3 mg/dl. A diagnosis of diabetic
nephropathy is established by renal biopsy
Which of the following is/are true of this patient?
a. ACE-Inhibitors are unlikely to help this condition at
this time
b. He has a less than 30% chance of having HTN at this
time .. (almost all)
c. He has a 50% chance of having the nephrotic
syndrome at this time .. (most)
d. Because of his age, nephropathy is likely to be his
only major organ system diabetic complication to
date .. (also retinopathy and other macrovascular
e. He is likely to experience ESRD requiring dialysis
within the next 4-Ys
Question 3:
A 23-Y-old medical student develops a viral URT infection
and notices that his urine becomes very dark. Dipstick
urinalysis shows blood+3, but no protein. BP is 124/74.
Examination is unremarkable and all routine
investigations are normal.
What is the most likely diagnosis?
a. Henoch-Schonlein syndrome
b. Mesangial IgA disease
c. ATN
d. Rhabdomyolysis
e. Membranous GN
Answer 3:
A 23-Y-old medical student develops a viral URT infection
and notices that his urine becomes very dark. Dipstick
urinalysis shows blood+3, but no protein. BP is 124/74.
Examination is unremarkable and all routine
investigations are normal.
What is the most likely diagnosis?
a. Henoch-Schonlein syndrome … (purpura preceeded by
abdominal pain, ..)
b. Mesangial IgA disease
c. ATN … (no hematuria)
d. Rhabdomyolysis … (myoglobinuria, impaired KFTs)
e. Membranous GN … (proteinuria, almost never hematuria)
Question 4:
A 36-Y-old man on polychemotherapy for a relapse of stage IIIb
Hodgkin presents with increasing shortness of breath. O/E:
Bilateral basal crackles and pitting edema of lower legs and
hepatosplenomegaly were found.
Na=132 mmol/l, K=5.1 mmol/l, Albumin=28 gm/l, Urea=13.6
mmol/l, Creatinine=197 µmol/l
CXR: Widened mediastinum, cardiomegaly and interstitial
pulmonary edema
Abdominal U/S: Hepatosplenomegaly and large kidneys without
evidence of obstruction
What is the likely diagnosis?
a. Renal lymphoma
b. Membranous GN
c. Cytostatic-induced Cardiomyopathy
d. Reactive amyloidosis
e. Renal vein thrombosis
Answer 4:
A 36-Y-old man on polychemotherapy for a relapse of stage IIIb
Hodgkin presents with increasing shortness of breath. O/E:
Bilateral basal crackles and pitting edema of lower legs and
hepatosplenomegaly were found.
Na=132 mmol/l, K=5.1 mmol/l, Albumin=28 gm/l, Urea=13.6
mmol/l, Creatinine=197 µmol/l
CXR: Widened mediastinum, cardiomegaly and interstitial
pulmonary edema
Abdominal U/S: Hepatosplenomegaly and large kidneys without
evidence of obstruction
What is the likely diagnosis?
a. Renal lymphoma
b. Membranous GN
c. Cytostatic-induced Cardiomyopathy
d. Reactive amyloidosis
e. Renal vein thrombosis
Question 5:
A 15-Y-old boy presented with arthralgia, skin rash and
hematuria. Renal biopsy showed focal necrotizing GN with
diffuse Mesangial IgA deposits
The most likely diagnosis is:
a. SLE
b. Henoch-Schonlein Purpura
c. Juvenile RA
d. Post-streptococcal GN
e. Goodpasture’s syndrome
Answer 5:
A 15-Y-old boy presented with arthralgia, skin rash and
hematuria. Renal biopsy showed focal necrotizing GN with
diffuse Mesangial IgA deposits
The most likely diagnosis is:
a. SLE
b. Henoch-Schonlein Purpura
c. Juvenile RA
d. Post-streptococcal GN
e. Goodpasture’s syndrome
Question 6:
A 20-Y-old hairdresser complains of having seen “blood in
his urine”. He relates that with an URT infection
Which one of the following findings is most likely to suggest
a non-glomerular source of bleeding?
a. Crenated (dysmorphic) RBCs
b. Red blood casts
c. Lipiduria
d. Proteinuria > 1 gm/24 Hs with hematuria
e. Eosinophils in the urine
Answer 6:
A 20-Y-old hairdresser complains of having seen “blood in
his urine”. He relates that with an URT infection
Which one of the following findings is most likely to suggest
a non-glomerular source of bleeding?
a. Crenated (dysmorphic) RBCs
b. Red blood casts
c. Lipiduria
d. Proteinuria > 1 gm/24 Hs with hematuria
e. Eosinophils in the urine
Question 7:
A 32-Y-old man presents with marked ankle swelling. BP is
168/90. Examination is otherwise unremarkable. Dipstick
testing of urine demonstrates: protein +++, with no
hematuria. Investigations demonstrate: plasma creatinine
of 164 µmol/l, albumin 16 gm/l and 24-H urinary protein
excretion of 8 gm.
Which one of the following statements is correct?
a. Barium enema should be performed to exclude carcinoma
of the colon
b. The renal lesion is characterized by subendothelial deposits
on biopsy
c. Male sex, hypertension and renal impairment at
presentation are poor prognostic indicators
d. There is a recognized association with hepatitis C
e. The natural history of this condition is characterized by a
rapid decline of renal function
Answer 7:
A 32-Y-old man presents with marked ankle swelling. BP is
168/90. Examination is otherwise unremarkable. Dipstick
testing of urine demonstrates: protein +++, with no
hematuria. Investigations demonstrate: plasma creatinine
of 164 µmol/l, albumin 16 gm/l and 24-H urinary protein
excretion of 8 gm.
Which one of the following statements is correct?
a. Barium enema should be performed to exclude carcinoma
of the colon .. (patient is young)
b. The renal lesion is characterized by subendothelial deposits
on biopsy .. (subepithelial)
c. Male sex, hypertension and renal impairment at
presentation are poor prognostic indicators
d. There is a recognized association with hepatitis C .. (HBV)
e. The natural history of this condition is characterized by a
rapid decline of renal function
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Glomerulonephritis-associated diseases

  • 1. Glomerulonephritis- Associated Diseases Simplified Overview Dr./ Sahar H. Mostafa Elmataria Teaching Hospital-Cairo-Egypt
  • 2. Abbreviations • ACE-Is: angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors • ACR: albumin/creatinine ratio • ANCA: anti-neutrophilic cytoplasmic antibody • ARBs: angiotensin-receptor blockers • CS: corticosteroids • FSGS: focal and segmental glomerulosclerosis • GBM: glomerular basement membrane • GN: glomerulonephritis • HTN: hypertension • MCD: minimal change disease • MCGN: mesangiocappillary GN • MGN: membranous GN • MPGN: membranoproliferative GN • PSGN: poststreptococcal GN • RA: rheumatoid arthritis • RVD: renovascular disease • RVT: renal vein thrombosis • UAER: urinary albumin excretion rate • UFH: unfractionated heparin • VUR: vesicoureteric reflux
  • 3. Clinical background • Glomerulonephritis is broadly defined as inflammatory; however: o No inflammation in MCD o Other diseases exist which do not involve GN(ex: diabetic nephropathy) • Inflammation leads to proliferation of cellular structures(mesangial/endothelial/epithelial) &/or scarring) • It may be: o Idiopathic (1ry) o 2ry to systemic diseases, drugs, ..
  • 4. Pathogenesis • Immune dysregulation: a. Inappropriate response to “self”-Ag (ex: anti-GBM disease, ANCA +ve vasculitis) b. Ineffectual response to “foreign”-Ag (ex: MGN 2ry to HBV) • Response: a. Circulating immune complexes are deposited in glomeruli (ex: SLE) b. In-situ formation of immune complexes within glomeruli (ex: anti-GBM disease)
  • 5. Screening • Dipstick for proteinuria (± 24-H quantification) • Dipstick for hematuria (with urine microscopy for red cells and casts) • Assess for hypertension
  • 6. Clinical Outcome • It depends upon severity of tubulo-interstitial damage rather than the extent of glomerular injury • Control of BP (target < 130/80) • ACE-Is / ARBs: i. Decrease proteinuria ii. Ameliorate progressive scarring
  • 7. Definition of Common Renal Syndromes: Asymptomatic proteinuria (< 3 gm/d) Nephritic Syndrome (C.C. by HTN, hematuria and edema) HTN Nephrotic syndrome (> 3 gm proteinuria/d, S. albumin <2.5 gm/dl, edema and hypercholestrolemia) Hematuria (Microscopic/Macroscopic) Acute and Chronic Renal Failure
  • 8. CAUSES Of NEPHROTIC SYNDROME Common Rare  1ry GN  DM  BM nephropathy (e.g. Alport’s)  Infections (e.g. Leprosy, malaria, hepatitis B)  Preeclampsia  Accelerated HTN  Myeloma  Amyloidosis  Drugs: Gold, penicillamine, captopril, NSAIDs, Hg  C.T. Diseases (e.g. SLE)  VUR  Constrictive pericarditis  Sickle cell disease  Allergies (e.g. Bee-sting, penicillin)  Hereditary GN (e.g. Finnish-type nephrotic syndrome)
  • 9. Classification of GN / Syndrome Presentation Proteinuria Nephrotic Nephritic Hematuria ARF CRF MCD + +++ - - - - MGN +++ ++ - ± - ++ FSGS ++ ++ ± - ± ++ Mesangial IgA + + + +++ ± ++ MCGN ++ ++ + + + + Diffuse proliferati ve GN + ± +++ ++ ++ + Diabetic glomerulo -sclerosis +++ ++ - - - +++ Crescentic nephritis + ± +++ ++ +++ + FS proliferati ve GN + ++ ++ ++ ++ +
  • 10. 1- MCD • Nephrotic presentation (80% in children & 28% in adults) • Highly selective proteinuria (Ig G/transferrin <0.1) • Renal function: Normal • L/M: Normal • E/M: Podocytes fusion • Steroid-sensitive (short courses of high-dose prednisolone) • Excellent prognosis • Relapses (10%): i. Cyclophosphamide (oral in children and pulsed iv in adults) ii. If > 2-4 times/year: Cyclosporin (to avoid long-term steroid side effects)
  • 11. 2- MGN • Commonest in adults (mid 20s & >60Ys) • Presentation: nephrotic/asymptomatic proteinuria/CRF • Histology: Granular Ig G deposits + Complement on GBM (Sub-epithelial “spikes” with silver stain) • Progression: i. 1/3: CRF  ESRD ii. 1/3: response to cytotoxic regimes (Ponticelli regime: chlorambucil alternating with CS) iii. 1/3: spontaneous remission • RVT: in 5%, if s. albumin is < 2gm/dl, give prophylactic dose of UFH or enoxaparin • It may be: i. 1ry ii. 2ry (Malignancy/Chronic infections/CT diseases/Drugs)
  • 12. 3- FSGS 1ry 2ry <10% in children & elderly Up to 20% in young adults Presentation: proteinuria &/or CRF In children: identical to MCD Ig M deposits Ttt: moderate-dose steroids for 3-6 Ms ? relapses Heroin abuse HIV Obesity Reduced functioning renal mass (ex: after nephrectomy) RVD (hemodynamic stress / ischemic changes) Ttt: optimal BP control with ACE-inhibitors, or ARBs (no immunosuppressives)
  • 13. 4- Ig A nephropathy • Commonest 1ry GN in adults • Presentation: Hematuria o Macroscopic or recurrent microscopic o Synpharyngitic • ↑ S. Ig A (50%) • ? Associations: cirrhosis/dermatitis herpetiformis/coeliac disease/mycosis fungoides • Mesangial proliferation with Ig A deposits ± Crescents (similar to Henoch- Schonlein nephritis) • Ttt: Optimal BP control with ACE-Is or ARBs / Alternate-Day steroid for 6 Ms / omega-3 FAs • Outcome: o 25 %: progression to ESRD over 20 Ys o Better prognosis: if < 1 gm proteinuria/day at time of presentation
  • 14. PATHOLOGY ICGN Anti-GBM Disease PAUCI-IMMUNE GN OTHERS CLINICAL DISEASES  Idiopathic  PSGN  SLE  Cryoglob ulinemia  SBE  Shunt nephritis  Ig A nephropa thy  HSP Goodpasture's Syndrome  Wegner’s granulomatosis  Microscopic PAN  Malignant HTN  HUS  TTP  IN  Sclerosis crisis  Atheroembolic disease  Toxemia C3 LOW Normal Normal Normal Normal ANCA Negative Negative Negative POSITIVE Negative Anti-GBM Abs Negative Negative POSITIVE Negative Negative I/F Granular Ig and C3 Linear Ig G and C3 Sparse/Absent Ig and C3 D.D. of nephritic syndromes
  • 15. 5- MCGN (or MPGN) • Presentation: i. microscopic hematuria + low grade proteinuria ii. Nephrotic syndrome (35%) iii. CRF iv. Rapidly deteriorating renal function (10%) • 3 Types: i. Type I and III: subendothelial & mesangial deposits ± mixed cryoglobulinemia / ? Association: HCV, HBV, SBE, SLE, Sjogren's, SCA, CLL, .. ii. Type II: dense deposit in mesangium: double-contour of GBM / usually familial and ? Associated with lipodystrophy or with factor H deficiency /↓ serum Complement, presence of circulating C3-nephritic factor • Prognosis: Poor with 50 % progression to ESRD • Ttt: steroids ? effective
  • 16. 6- diffuse proliferative GN (or PSGN) • Children/young adults are most often affected • Presentation: nephritic syndrome/ARF • Diffuse proliferation within glomeruli • ? Preceeded by sore throat / impetigo • Can be seen in SLE or Goodpasture's syndrome • Serum C3 is low • Spontaneous recovery, with restoration of full renal function, in post-streptococcal cases
  • 17. 7- Diabetic Nephropathy • Higher prevalence in type II > type I • Persistent albuminuria > 300 mg/24-Hs. = Total proteinuria > 500 mg/24-Hs) • Screening: ACR of > 2.5 is taken as the Cut-off for microalbuminuria in an early morning specimen • Excess risk of mortality (microalbuminuria represents the renal manifestation of generalized vascular endothelial dysfunction) • Association with retinopathy (common basement membrane pathology) • Prevention: o Tight glycemic control o ACE-Is (Type I) / ARBs (Type II): renoprotective, independent of HTN control
  • 18. 8- RPGN (or Crescentic GN) • RPGN: clinical description • Crescentic GN: histological counterpart • All age groups are affected • Presentation: ARF / acute nephritic syndrome • Causes: I. Idiopathic (1ry) II. 2ry: Goodpasture’s / ANCA +ve vasculitis / SLE • Ttt: Aggressive chemotherapy ± plasma exchange I. Induction therapy: pulsed iv methylprednisolone 1 gm/d/3-consecutive Ds; followed by 1 mg/kg/d to be tappered over 6 Ms to 10-20 mg/d + 7 x 4 L. plasma exchanges (in 1st 10-14 Ds) + iv pulsed cyclophosphamide 0.5-1 g/month for 6 Ms II. Maintenance therapy: low-dose steroid + azathioprine, for 12-18 Ms
  • 19. GN With Hypocomplementemia § SLE membranous/proliferative/crescentic) § Shunt nephritis (FSGS/MCGN), associated with coagulase-negative staph. infection of ventriculo-atrial shunt § 1ry Complement deficiency (C1q / C2/ C4 deficiency) § Endocarditis (FS proliferative GN) § PSGN § MCGN § Cryoglobulinemia, especially Type II
  • 20. PLASMA EXCHANGE IN RENAL DISEASES AGREED BENEFIT UNCERTAIN BENEFIT  Good-Pasture Syndrome  ANCA-positive diseases; mandatory if severe pulmonary hemorrhage  Dialysis-requiring ARF  Idiopathic crescentic GN  Cryoglobulinemia  Myeloma; cases with hyperviscosity  HUS  TTP o SLE-nephritis (severe) o Henoch-Schonlein nephritis o Myeloma; cases with ARF due to cast nephropathy
  • 22. Question 1: Which one of the following is true of renal involvement in HIV infection? a. Antiviral therapy is of little benefit in HIV-associated nephropathy b. HIV-associated nephropathy is indistinguishable histologically from FSGS c. HIV-associated nephropathy typically presents with nephrotic-range proteinuria d. Hypernatremia is common in HIV infection e. Renal involvement is common in AIDS
  • 23. Answer 1: Which one of the following is true of renal involvement in HIV infection a. Antiviral therapy is of little benefit in HIV-associated nephropathy b. HIV-associated nephropathy is indistinguishable histologically from FSGS .. (focal/global collapse of capillaries) c. HIV-associated nephropathy typically presents with nephrotic-range proteinuria d. Hypernatremia is common in HIV infection ..(hypo) e. Renal involvement is common in AIDS .. (rare)
  • 24. Question 2: A 32-Y-old man has a 15-Y-history of diabetes; serum creatinine is 2.3 mg/dl. A diagnosis of diabetic nephropathy is established by renal biopsy Which of the following is/are true of this patient? a. ACE-Inhibitors are unlikely to help this condition at this time b. He has a less than 30% chance of having HTN at this time c. He has a 50% chance of having the nephrotic syndrome at this time d. Because of his age, nephropathy is likely to be his only major organ system diabetic complication to date e. He is likely to experience ESRD requiring dialysis within the next 4-Ys
  • 25. Answer 2: A 32-Y-old man has a 15-Y-history of diabetes; serum creatinine is 2.3 mg/dl. A diagnosis of diabetic nephropathy is established by renal biopsy Which of the following is/are true of this patient? a. ACE-Inhibitors are unlikely to help this condition at this time b. He has a less than 30% chance of having HTN at this time .. (almost all) c. He has a 50% chance of having the nephrotic syndrome at this time .. (most) d. Because of his age, nephropathy is likely to be his only major organ system diabetic complication to date .. (also retinopathy and other macrovascular complications) e. He is likely to experience ESRD requiring dialysis within the next 4-Ys
  • 26. Question 3: A 23-Y-old medical student develops a viral URT infection and notices that his urine becomes very dark. Dipstick urinalysis shows blood+3, but no protein. BP is 124/74. Examination is unremarkable and all routine investigations are normal. What is the most likely diagnosis? a. Henoch-Schonlein syndrome b. Mesangial IgA disease c. ATN d. Rhabdomyolysis e. Membranous GN
  • 27. Answer 3: A 23-Y-old medical student develops a viral URT infection and notices that his urine becomes very dark. Dipstick urinalysis shows blood+3, but no protein. BP is 124/74. Examination is unremarkable and all routine investigations are normal. What is the most likely diagnosis? a. Henoch-Schonlein syndrome … (purpura preceeded by abdominal pain, ..) b. Mesangial IgA disease c. ATN … (no hematuria) d. Rhabdomyolysis … (myoglobinuria, impaired KFTs) e. Membranous GN … (proteinuria, almost never hematuria)
  • 28. Question 4: A 36-Y-old man on polychemotherapy for a relapse of stage IIIb Hodgkin presents with increasing shortness of breath. O/E: Bilateral basal crackles and pitting edema of lower legs and hepatosplenomegaly were found. Na=132 mmol/l, K=5.1 mmol/l, Albumin=28 gm/l, Urea=13.6 mmol/l, Creatinine=197 µmol/l CXR: Widened mediastinum, cardiomegaly and interstitial pulmonary edema Abdominal U/S: Hepatosplenomegaly and large kidneys without evidence of obstruction What is the likely diagnosis? a. Renal lymphoma b. Membranous GN c. Cytostatic-induced Cardiomyopathy d. Reactive amyloidosis e. Renal vein thrombosis
  • 29. Answer 4: A 36-Y-old man on polychemotherapy for a relapse of stage IIIb Hodgkin presents with increasing shortness of breath. O/E: Bilateral basal crackles and pitting edema of lower legs and hepatosplenomegaly were found. Na=132 mmol/l, K=5.1 mmol/l, Albumin=28 gm/l, Urea=13.6 mmol/l, Creatinine=197 µmol/l CXR: Widened mediastinum, cardiomegaly and interstitial pulmonary edema Abdominal U/S: Hepatosplenomegaly and large kidneys without evidence of obstruction What is the likely diagnosis? a. Renal lymphoma b. Membranous GN c. Cytostatic-induced Cardiomyopathy d. Reactive amyloidosis e. Renal vein thrombosis
  • 30. Question 5: A 15-Y-old boy presented with arthralgia, skin rash and hematuria. Renal biopsy showed focal necrotizing GN with diffuse Mesangial IgA deposits The most likely diagnosis is: a. SLE b. Henoch-Schonlein Purpura c. Juvenile RA d. Post-streptococcal GN e. Goodpasture’s syndrome
  • 31. Answer 5: A 15-Y-old boy presented with arthralgia, skin rash and hematuria. Renal biopsy showed focal necrotizing GN with diffuse Mesangial IgA deposits The most likely diagnosis is: a. SLE b. Henoch-Schonlein Purpura c. Juvenile RA d. Post-streptococcal GN e. Goodpasture’s syndrome
  • 32. Question 6: A 20-Y-old hairdresser complains of having seen “blood in his urine”. He relates that with an URT infection Which one of the following findings is most likely to suggest a non-glomerular source of bleeding? a. Crenated (dysmorphic) RBCs b. Red blood casts c. Lipiduria d. Proteinuria > 1 gm/24 Hs with hematuria e. Eosinophils in the urine
  • 33. Answer 6: A 20-Y-old hairdresser complains of having seen “blood in his urine”. He relates that with an URT infection Which one of the following findings is most likely to suggest a non-glomerular source of bleeding? a. Crenated (dysmorphic) RBCs b. Red blood casts c. Lipiduria d. Proteinuria > 1 gm/24 Hs with hematuria e. Eosinophils in the urine
  • 34. Question 7: A 32-Y-old man presents with marked ankle swelling. BP is 168/90. Examination is otherwise unremarkable. Dipstick testing of urine demonstrates: protein +++, with no hematuria. Investigations demonstrate: plasma creatinine of 164 µmol/l, albumin 16 gm/l and 24-H urinary protein excretion of 8 gm. Which one of the following statements is correct? a. Barium enema should be performed to exclude carcinoma of the colon b. The renal lesion is characterized by subendothelial deposits on biopsy c. Male sex, hypertension and renal impairment at presentation are poor prognostic indicators d. There is a recognized association with hepatitis C e. The natural history of this condition is characterized by a rapid decline of renal function
  • 35. Answer 7: A 32-Y-old man presents with marked ankle swelling. BP is 168/90. Examination is otherwise unremarkable. Dipstick testing of urine demonstrates: protein +++, with no hematuria. Investigations demonstrate: plasma creatinine of 164 µmol/l, albumin 16 gm/l and 24-H urinary protein excretion of 8 gm. Which one of the following statements is correct? a. Barium enema should be performed to exclude carcinoma of the colon .. (patient is young) b. The renal lesion is characterized by subendothelial deposits on biopsy .. (subepithelial) c. Male sex, hypertension and renal impairment at presentation are poor prognostic indicators d. There is a recognized association with hepatitis C .. (HBV) e. The natural history of this condition is characterized by a rapid decline of renal function