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Geography and Geology of
Ancient India
Edited by
Dr. A.S. Nene
Retd. Professor of Civil Engineering,
VNIT Nagpur, India
Vedic literature includes the Vedas,
Upanishads, Brahmans, Aranyakas,
Puranas, epics and Shilpasamhitas etc.
It is now proved that these are
encyclopedias full of scientific and
technical information.
India was called as Jambudweep (Iceland ,shape
of which is like a guava) . India has gigantic
rivers such as Sindhu, Ganga and Bramhaputra in
the northern part and Arabian Sea, Bay of
Bengal and Indian Ocean on other sides.
The ancient names for Arabia and Mesopotamia
were Shalmali Dweep and Shak Dweep
Ancient Indian sages have described
“Bharatavarsh or Bharatakhand” as the land
between Himalaya and Kanyakumari. The land
of India was formed in three different
periods and under different geological
Description of Ancient India
हिमाहिकन्योरंतर्गतो देशस्तु भारत: ॥
सोऽपि देशस्त्स्िधाभभन्नस्तत्तदेशभैगर्ु्णै: ॥
त्रिर्ु्ं तस्त्रिचक्रं च त्रिै्ंच क्रमातस्मृतं ॥
भशल्िररन अ १६
Ancient text “Shilparatna” describes
these three rock formations as shown
in Map 1.
The entire time span was divided into
four Yugas namely Tretayuga,
Krutayuga, Dwaparyuga and Kaliyuga.
Modern geologists call these as Primary,
Secondary, Tertiary and Recent
This land can be classified into three
types according to the three time
spans, three stages or three colors.
Due the different conditions of
formation, the rocks, minerals,
climate, flora and fauna are also of
three types.
1. Land between Himalaya and Vindhya
mountains is formed by sedimentation of soil
2. Land between Vindhya Mountain and
Tungabhandra River is formed of igneous
rocks as a result of cooling of molten magma.
3. Land to the south of Tungabhandra River is
formed of metamorphic rocks.
Ancient texts designate these three land zones
as Saatwik, Raajas and Taamas The texts
describe these zones as below.
आग्नेयापैंध्यसह्याद्या: सौम्यो हिमिर्रेस्तत: ।
अतस्तदोषधानन स्यु: अनुरूिाण् िेतुभभ: ॥
हिमैस्त््दंध्ययोमगध्यं सास्त्रैकं भूतंं स्मृतं ॥
पैंध्यशगंाहदकृ ष्ांतं रजस िररकीनतगतं ।
िुन: कृ ष्ाहदकन्यांतं तामसं भूतंं भैेद्॥
नार्रं सास्त्रैके देशे , रजसे िापैडं भैेद्।
ैेसरं तामसे देशे, क्रमे् िररकीनतगता: ॥ भशल्िररन
अ १६
A-Saatwik land: The hilly area between
Himalaya and Sahyadri mountains
comprises of igneous rocks. The climate
in this area is hot or cold and fruits
are dry or juicy. The rocks do contain
fossils. This land is suitable for Nagar
style of planning and Kashyapa type
B-Rajas Land: The area between Vindhya
mountain to Krishna river is termed as
“Rajas” or “Raja sampanna” (which means
made of fire and ash). This land is
suitable for Nagar style of planning and
Bhrugu type architecture.
C-Tamas land: The land below Krishna
River is termed as “Tamas” (a Shadow
forming land).
This land is suitable for Nagar style of
planning and Maya type architecture.
Ancient Indian lexicon “Bruhan Nighantoo” also
mentions the characteristics of these zones .
Aagneya Zone:
The ground is plane, with little vegetation,
Terrain is Hilly with boulders,
Common trees are Shmee, Karir, Bel ,Pilu, Ber etc,
Common animals are Deers, Bears, Tigers, and Bison
Fruits are sweet and juicy,
Land is full of forests, Windy area.
It is full of oasis, dusty, dry lakes,
Irrigation mainly depends on well water,
There is scarcity of grass hence scarcity of milk.
Rice as main crop, People with angry mood etc.
Soumya region:
Land is full of rivers, lakes, hills,
Lakes are full of lotus plants,
Common birds are swans, Saras,
Karandav,Chakrawak etc,
Common animals are rabbits, pigs, buffalo etc.
Trees are green and full of leaves, flowers and
fruits ,
Common crops are rice and sugarcane.
Rivers are with abundant water,
People suffer from cough or acidity,
Such land is a reclaimed marshy land.
आकाशशुभ्र उच्च्च्च््च ल्ििानायिादि:।
शमीकरीरत्रिल्ैाकग िींुककं धुसंकु ं: ॥
िररनग्र्क्गिृषतर्ोक्गखरसंकु ं: ।
सुस्ैादुफंैांदेशो ैातंो जांर्ं: स्मृत: ॥
खरिुरुषपैशांा: िैगता: कं टकी्ाग: ।
हदभश हदभश मृर्तृष्ा भूरूिा: शी्गि्ाग: ॥
अनतखररपैरस्त््मिांसुसंिू्गभूभम: ।
सरभस रसपैहिन: कू िकारंभकषग: ॥१॥
तदनुपैरससस्यािारर्ो र्ोमहिषय:।
प्रभैनतरसमांसे रुर्क्भाै्च सम्यक्॥
िुनपिग हिमैािं शाभंसस्यं न चेर्क्ु:।
भैनत रुिधरपित्तं कोषमाशु द्युिनत॥२॥ िृिस्त्न्नघंटु
Taamas or SadhaaraN land:
This land is of mixed properties, The soil is neither too
wet nor too dry and non Silty soil, Trees are without
thorns trees,
There is adequate ground water, Climate is neither to
hot nor cold, Main crops are wheat, black gram, Bengal
gram and maize. The land is plain and comfortable.
Physicians term it as average land.
नदीिल्ैंशगंाढ्य: फु ल्ंोरिंकु ंगयुगक्त: ।
िंससारसकारंडच्च्क्रैाकाहदसेपैत: ॥
शशैरािस्त्म्िषरुरुरोहिकु ंाकु ं: ।
Some ancient Indian Sages have classified
the land of India into five types. The
description is as below;
North part: 1-Hilly (Tejas) and 2-Plain
Central part: 3-Hilly (Aapya) and 4-Plain
South Part: 5-Common (Aakashy).
Table 1-Land characteristics
Sn 1 2 3 4 5
Name Parthiv-
Muddy Land
Taijas Vayaveey Aakaashy or
Ground Sandy/
Red rocks-
Black stones
With hills or
Water bodies Big lakes Big rivers Delta region
formed by rivers
Soil particles square Semi circular Triangular
Hexagonal Round or flat,
Trees Yellow flowers Catechu/
Babul /non juicy
Animals Yellow Small dears
Example Malawa Himalaya
foothills/ Kolkata
Belgaon or
Konkan area
Bijapur, Solapur
(places of
उभयर्ु्युतं ैा नानतरुर्क्ं न स्त्स्नग्धं ।
न च खरििुंं ैा नाभभत: कं टकाढ्यं ॥
भैनत जंपैकी्ं नानतशीतं न चोष्ं ।
समप्रकृ नतसमेतं पैस्त्ध्द साधर्ं तत॥
यि्दयोरपि च ंर्क््योननैगश: ।
र्ोधूममाषच्ाभभधयाैनांग: ।
यो रास्त्जत: समजंो जनसौख्यदायी ।
साधार्: सा र्हदतो ऽणखंैगद्यराजग: ॥१॥
Description SadhaaraN land
िीतस्फु र्दंयशकग ररंा्मरम्यं । िीतं यदुत्तममृर्ं चतुरस्िभूतं ॥
प्राय्च िीतकु सुमास्त्न्नतैीरुदाहद।तरिािथगैं कहिनमुद्यदशेषततस्तु
२-आग्नेय प्रदेश
अधगचंिाकृ नत्ैेतकमंाभट्टट्टषस्त्च्च्चतं । नदीनदजंाकी्ं आप्यं
तरर्क्ेिभुच्च्चते ॥
३-तगजस प्रदेश
खहदरहददृमाकी्ं भुररिचिकैे्ुकं । त्रिको्रक्तिाषा्ं र्क्ेिं
तगजसमुच्च्चते ॥
४-ैायैीय प्रदेश
धूम्रस्थंं धूम्रदृषरिरीतं । षटको्कं तू्गमृर्ाैकी्ं ॥
शाकग स्तृ्गरंककतरुैृर्क्कं । प्रकारयेत्तरखंु ैायैीयं ॥
५-आका्य प्रदेश
नानाै्ं ैतुगंं तरप्रशस्तं । प्राय: शुभ्रं िैगताकी्गमुच्च्च्च्यग: ॥
यच्च्च स्थानं िाैनं देैतानां । प्राि: र्क्ेिं त्रिर्क््ं रैांतररर्क्ं ॥
Comparison of ancient and modern geography
A-Kruta Yug is the period in which large geological
transformations took place. The southern part of
India was formed in this period. It never went under
B- Treta Yug was the period in which mountains and
hills were formed due volcanic eruptions. Land of
Maharashtra and Vindhya region was developed in this
C-Dwapar Yug was the periods in which sedimentary
rocks were formed. River basins of Sindhu, Ganges and
Yamuna were formed in this period.
D- Kali Yug is the present period in which no major
geological activities are occurring.
कभं: शयानो भैनत संस्त्जिानस्तु ्दािर: ।
उपत्तषिंस्िेता भैनत कृ त: संिद्यि चरन ्॥
English Sanskrit term
Age Yuga
Primary or
Kruta Yug
1.Ratnachakra (Precious stone
2.Hem Chakra (Gold era)
3.Loh Chakra (Iron era)
Iron Era
Treta Yug
Tershry Dwapar Yug
Recent Kali Yug*
* This has no relation to Kaliyuga mentioned in
the epic Mahabharata.
The growth of vegetation and animals depends upon
the land and the climate thereof. The customs of
people also depend upon local conditions. The
construction practices too depend upon available
building materials of the land. Eighteen styles of
architecture were evolved based on eighteen regions
of ancient India.
Table 2 - Eighteen Kingdoms (states) of ancient India
Sn State Mountain River Tree Ores
1 Yalhik Hemkut Vipasha Pipal Gold
2 Souvir Pariyatra Sindhu Shak Mercury
3 Kaikay Himalaya Shatadru Oudumbar Silver
4 Magadh Gandhamada
Ganga Vat Copper
5 Malav Chitrakut Kalindi Plaksha Lead
6 Anga Uday Gandaki Bilwa Tin
7 Vanga Malyawan Sarayu Tulsi Bairunt*
8 Kalinga Nishadh Shona Amalaksh
9 Kamboj Lokalok Irawati Palash Karkut *
10 Vidarbha Vindhya Narmad Shirish Tin
11 Lat Satpuda Tapti Parijat Bell metal
12 Surashtra Raiwatak Gomati Aamla Lead
13 Aarat Sahyadri Godawari Wood
Lodhra *
14 Ramsrusht
Asta Bhimarathi Ber Blue iron
15 Vishwamit
ra Srushti
Shriparwat Krushna Bakul White iron
16 Padya Nilgiri Kaveri Patli Gold
17 Chola Malay Tamraparn
Chandan Red iron
18 Madra Trikut Dhrutmala Tamarind Gems
A Sanskrit text BruhaNighantu (Worlds first lexicon) describes the
animals, trees and minerals found in these three lands.
Subsequently the thee lands were divided into five lands as below
Thirty-one major rivers of south Asia are mentioned in Nadi-stuti
(praise of rivers) of Rig Veda. The epic Mahabharata contains a
separate chapter devoted to geography of Indian subcontinent and
adjacent countries in central India
Purana means old. One finds mention about Nile River in Skanda
Purana. Puranas which are historical accounts of traditions,
personalities, and their achievements, evolution of crafts, cosmology,
cosmogony, cosmography, regions and people living therein.
Geology: Arthshastra is the earliest Indian text dealing with
the mineralogical characteristics of metallic ores and other
mineral-aggregate rocks. It recognizes ores in the earth, in
rocks, or in liquid form, with excessive color, heaviness and
often-strong smell and taste. The Arthshastra also mentions
several subsidiary types of gems named after their color, luster
or place of origin i.e. Vimalaka, jyotirasaka, lohitaksa, sasyaka
etc. It is surprising that even in the I Millennium BC; Indians had
developed an elaborate terminology for different metals,
minerals and alloys.
Many ancient Indian texts contain references related
to earthquakes. Most of the references contain myths
about the phenomenon of earthquake. But Brihat
Samhita of Varaha Mihira (5–6th century AD) and
Adbhuta Sagara of Ballala Sena (10–11th century AD)
are the only texts which contain some technical
information on earthquakes.
Some myths about earthquakes are listed below.
1. Kashyapa: The earth floats over a big ocean. It moves or
shakes due to the movements of big aquatic creatures.
2. Garga: There are four "Quarter-elephants (Dig-gajas)
supporting the earth on four sides. When they get
exhausted, they heaive a heavy sigh of relief. Hence the
earthquakes and strong devastating winds blow over the
3. Vasistha: When two powerful atmospheric currents
collide and dash against the earth, there is earthquake.
4. Vrddha Garga: The earthquakes are due to some unseen
(adrusta) cause.
5. Parashar: Earthquakes are caused by the solar and lunar
eclipses and by the unnatural changes in plants.
Myths about earthquakes:
Bhishnaparwa of epic Mahabharata contains information
on Animal behavior which may be precursors of
Hawks and vultures, and crows and herons, together
with cranes, are alighting on the tops of trees and
gathering in flocks.
These birds, delighted at the prospect of battle, are
looking down (on the field) before them.
Carnivorous beasts will feed on the flesh of elephants
and steeds.
Fierce herons, foreboding terror, and uttering
merciless cries, are wheeling across the centre towards
the southern region
Precursors of earthquakes:
Kokilas, wood-peckers, water-cocks, parrots,
crows and peacocks utter terrible cries.
At sun-rise flights of insects by hundreds are
The animals are all weeping and their tears are
falling fast.
The 32nd chapter of Brihat Samhita is devoted to
signs of earthquakes and correlates earthquakes with
cosmic and planetary influences, underground water
and undersea activities, unusual cloud formations, and
the abnormal behavior of animals. Varahmihir analyzed
and arranged the details about the earthquakes on
the following points:
•Time of the day. (Muhurta)
•Presiding deity of that period (Devta)
•The asterism assigned to the deity (Nakshyatra)
•Prognostic symptoms of the quake (Yuti of planets)
Ancient: Varahmihir categorizes earthquakes into
different kinds and says that the indications of one
particular kind will appear in the form of unusual cloud
formations a week before its occurrence. Following are
the, indications appearing a week.
"Huge clouds resembling blue lily, bees and collyrium in
color, rumbling pleasantly, and shining with flashes of
lightning, will pour down slender lines of water resembling
sharp clouds. An earthquake of this circle will kill those
that are dependent on the seas and rivers; and it will lead
to excessive rains."
Earthquake prediction using earthquake clouds:
Over the last ten years, Zhonghao Shou, a retired
chemist based near Caltech in California, has been using
satellite imagery and other scientific tools to fine-tune
his theory of "earthquake clouds" as precursors to
earthquakes. According to Shou, earthquake clouds are
formed when underground water is converted into water
vapors by the heat generated in the epicenter area of a
fault rock, which is undergoing constant stress and
Zhou says that earthquake prediction is possible by
identifying such clouds as "an earthquake generally occurs
within 49 days of the first appearance of the cloud.
Details of Zhous work are available on web.
• Adbhuta Sagara by Ballal Sen,ed. Murlidhar
Sen,pub. By Prabhakari & co. Benars.
• Arthshastra by Kautilya, Eng.Translation by
R.P.Kangle, Pub. Motilal Banarasi das , New Delhi.
• Brihat Samhita (of Varah Mihir),Pub. By
Khemraj Shrikrishnadas Mumbai (1945)
• BrihanNighantu (2011) Ed.D.S.Mathur, Pub. By
Khemraj Shrikrishnadas Mumbai (1945)
• Shilparatna (by Shivkumar ) part 1 and 2,Pub.
By Gaikwad Oriental series, Baroda (1924)
References –Ancient
Modern References
•Ali, S.M. (1966),”The geography of India from
•Sircar,(1960),”Studies in geography of
ancient and medieval India” Varanasi.
•Iyengar, R.N (1999),”Earthquakes in ancient
India”, Jr . History of Sciences, New Delhi.
•Nene, A.S.(2011) “Geotechnical Engineering in
ancient India, Pub. Pune Vidyatrhi gruha
prakashan, Pune.
•Vaze.K.V.(1953),”Prachin Hindi Shilpa Shastra
(Marathi), Book published by Varada
prakashan, Pune.
Eighteen States of Ancient India:
Puranas describe various features of the
18 Kingdoms (states) of ancient India.
Shri K.V.Vaze (1924), in his book "Prachin
Hindi Shilpashastra", compiled these
features, such as mountains, rivers, trees,
grains, rainfalls, roof slopes / types, metal
ores, tools etc.
Map 2- Eighteen states of ancient India
Map 3- Rainfall map
Map 4 Wind map
Geography and Geology of ancient India

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Geography and Geology of ancient India

  • 1. Geography and Geology of Ancient India Edited by Dr. A.S. Nene Retd. Professor of Civil Engineering, VNIT Nagpur, India Email-
  • 2. Vedic literature includes the Vedas, Upanishads, Brahmans, Aranyakas, Puranas, epics and Shilpasamhitas etc. It is now proved that these are encyclopedias full of scientific and technical information.
  • 3. India was called as Jambudweep (Iceland ,shape of which is like a guava) . India has gigantic rivers such as Sindhu, Ganga and Bramhaputra in the northern part and Arabian Sea, Bay of Bengal and Indian Ocean on other sides. The ancient names for Arabia and Mesopotamia were Shalmali Dweep and Shak Dweep respectively.
  • 4. Ancient Indian sages have described “Bharatavarsh or Bharatakhand” as the land between Himalaya and Kanyakumari. The land of India was formed in three different periods and under different geological conditions.
  • 5. Description of Ancient India हिमाहिकन्योरंतर्गतो देशस्तु भारत: ॥ सोऽपि देशस्त्स्िधाभभन्नस्तत्तदेशभैगर्ु्णै: ॥ त्रिर्ु्ं तस्त्रिचक्रं च त्रिै्ंच क्रमातस्मृतं ॥ भशल्िररन अ १६
  • 6. Ancient text “Shilparatna” describes these three rock formations as shown in Map 1.
  • 7. The entire time span was divided into four Yugas namely Tretayuga, Krutayuga, Dwaparyuga and Kaliyuga. Modern geologists call these as Primary, Secondary, Tertiary and Recent respectively.
  • 8. This land can be classified into three types according to the three time spans, three stages or three colors. Due the different conditions of formation, the rocks, minerals, climate, flora and fauna are also of three types.
  • 9. 1. Land between Himalaya and Vindhya mountains is formed by sedimentation of soil particles. 2. Land between Vindhya Mountain and Tungabhandra River is formed of igneous rocks as a result of cooling of molten magma. 3. Land to the south of Tungabhandra River is formed of metamorphic rocks.
  • 10. Ancient texts designate these three land zones as Saatwik, Raajas and Taamas The texts describe these zones as below. आग्नेयापैंध्यसह्याद्या: सौम्यो हिमिर्रेस्तत: । अतस्तदोषधानन स्यु: अनुरूिाण् िेतुभभ: ॥ भृर्ुसंहिता हिमैस्त््दंध्ययोमगध्यं सास्त्रैकं भूतंं स्मृतं ॥ पैंध्यशगंाहदकृ ष्ांतं रजस िररकीनतगतं । िुन: कृ ष्ाहदकन्यांतं तामसं भूतंं भैेद्॥ नार्रं सास्त्रैके देशे , रजसे िापैडं भैेद्। ैेसरं तामसे देशे, क्रमे् िररकीनतगता: ॥ भशल्िररन अ १६
  • 11. A-Saatwik land: The hilly area between Himalaya and Sahyadri mountains comprises of igneous rocks. The climate in this area is hot or cold and fruits are dry or juicy. The rocks do contain fossils. This land is suitable for Nagar style of planning and Kashyapa type architecture,
  • 12. B-Rajas Land: The area between Vindhya mountain to Krishna river is termed as “Rajas” or “Raja sampanna” (which means made of fire and ash). This land is suitable for Nagar style of planning and Bhrugu type architecture.
  • 13. C-Tamas land: The land below Krishna River is termed as “Tamas” (a Shadow forming land). This land is suitable for Nagar style of planning and Maya type architecture.
  • 14. Ancient Indian lexicon “Bruhan Nighantoo” also mentions the characteristics of these zones . Aagneya Zone: The ground is plane, with little vegetation, Terrain is Hilly with boulders, Common trees are Shmee, Karir, Bel ,Pilu, Ber etc, Common animals are Deers, Bears, Tigers, and Bison etc. Fruits are sweet and juicy, Land is full of forests, Windy area. It is full of oasis, dusty, dry lakes, Irrigation mainly depends on well water, There is scarcity of grass hence scarcity of milk. Rice as main crop, People with angry mood etc.
  • 15. Soumya region: Land is full of rivers, lakes, hills, Lakes are full of lotus plants, Common birds are swans, Saras, Karandav,Chakrawak etc, Common animals are rabbits, pigs, buffalo etc. Trees are green and full of leaves, flowers and fruits , Common crops are rice and sugarcane. Rivers are with abundant water, People suffer from cough or acidity, Such land is a reclaimed marshy land.
  • 16. आकाशशुभ्र उच्च्च्च््च ल्ििानायिादि:। शमीकरीरत्रिल्ैाकग िींुककं धुसंकु ं: ॥ िररनग्र्क्गिृषतर्ोक्गखरसंकु ं: । सुस्ैादुफंैांदेशो ैातंो जांर्ं: स्मृत: ॥ खरिुरुषपैशांा: िैगता: कं टकी्ाग: । हदभश हदभश मृर्तृष्ा भूरूिा: शी्गि्ाग: ॥ अनतखररपैरस्त््मिांसुसंिू्गभूभम: । सरभस रसपैहिन: कू िकारंभकषग: ॥१॥ तदनुपैरससस्यािारर्ो र्ोमहिषय:। प्रभैनतरसमांसे रुर्क्भाै्च सम्यक्॥ िुनपिग हिमैािं शाभंसस्यं न चेर्क्ु:। भैनत रुिधरपित्तं कोषमाशु द्युिनत॥२॥ िृिस्त्न्नघंटु
  • 17. Taamas or SadhaaraN land: This land is of mixed properties, The soil is neither too wet nor too dry and non Silty soil, Trees are without thorns trees, There is adequate ground water, Climate is neither to hot nor cold, Main crops are wheat, black gram, Bengal gram and maize. The land is plain and comfortable. Physicians term it as average land.
  • 18. नदीिल्ैंशगंाढ्य: फु ल्ंोरिंकु ंगयुगक्त: । िंससारसकारंडच्च्क्रैाकाहदसेपैत: ॥ शशैरािस्त्म्िषरुरुरोहिकु ंाकु ं: ।
  • 19. Some ancient Indian Sages have classified the land of India into five types. The description is as below; North part: 1-Hilly (Tejas) and 2-Plain (Yayas) Central part: 3-Hilly (Aapya) and 4-Plain (Parthiv) South Part: 5-Common (Aakashy).
  • 20. Table 1-Land characteristics Sn 1 2 3 4 5 Name Parthiv- Muddy Land Aagneya Aapya Taijas Vayaveey Aakaashy or Antarikshya Ground Sandy/ gravelly Boulders Gravels Red rocks- laterite Black stones (Trap)/soil With hills or mountains Water bodies Big lakes Big rivers Delta region formed by rivers Soil particles square Semi circular Triangular crystals Hexagonal Round or flat, white Trees Yellow flowers Catechu/ Bamboo Babul /non juicy fruits Animals Yellow Small dears Example Malawa Himalaya foothills/ Kolkata Belgaon or Konkan area Dharwad. Bijapur, Solapur Puri,Kathewad, Rajastan, Tamilnadu (places of pilgrimage)
  • 21. उभयर्ु्युतं ैा नानतरुर्क्ं न स्त्स्नग्धं । न च खरििुंं ैा नाभभत: कं टकाढ्यं ॥ भैनत जंपैकी्ं नानतशीतं न चोष्ं । समप्रकृ नतसमेतं पैस्त्ध्द साधर्ं तत॥ यि्दयोरपि च ंर्क््योननैगश: । र्ोधूममाषच्ाभभधयाैनांग: । यो रास्त्जत: समजंो जनसौख्यदायी । साधार्: सा र्हदतो ऽणखंैगद्यराजग: ॥१॥ िृिस्त्न्नघंटु Description SadhaaraN land
  • 22. १-िािथगैप्रदेश िीतस्फु र्दंयशकग ररंा्मरम्यं । िीतं यदुत्तममृर्ं चतुरस्िभूतं ॥ प्राय्च िीतकु सुमास्त्न्नतैीरुदाहद।तरिािथगैं कहिनमुद्यदशेषततस्तु ॥१॥ २-आग्नेय प्रदेश अधगचंिाकृ नत्ैेतकमंाभट्टट्टषस्त्च्च्चतं । नदीनदजंाकी्ं आप्यं तरर्क्ेिभुच्च्चते ॥ ३-तगजस प्रदेश खहदरहददृमाकी्ं भुररिचिकैे्ुकं । त्रिको्रक्तिाषा्ं र्क्ेिं तगजसमुच्च्चते ॥
  • 23. ४-ैायैीय प्रदेश धूम्रस्थंं धूम्रदृषरिरीतं । षटको्कं तू्गमृर्ाैकी्ं ॥ शाकग स्तृ्गरंककतरुैृर्क्कं । प्रकारयेत्तरखंु ैायैीयं ॥ ५-आका्य प्रदेश नानाै्ं ैतुगंं तरप्रशस्तं । प्राय: शुभ्रं िैगताकी्गमुच्च्च्च्यग: ॥ यच्च्च स्थानं िाैनं देैतानां । प्राि: र्क्ेिं त्रिर्क््ं रैांतररर्क्ं ॥
  • 24. Comparison of ancient and modern geography A-Kruta Yug is the period in which large geological transformations took place. The southern part of India was formed in this period. It never went under water. B- Treta Yug was the period in which mountains and hills were formed due volcanic eruptions. Land of Maharashtra and Vindhya region was developed in this period. C-Dwapar Yug was the periods in which sedimentary rocks were formed. River basins of Sindhu, Ganges and Yamuna were formed in this period. D- Kali Yug is the present period in which no major geological activities are occurring.
  • 25. कभं: शयानो भैनत संस्त्जिानस्तु ्दािर: । उपत्तषिंस्िेता भैनत कृ त: संिद्यि चरन ्॥
  • 26. English Sanskrit term Age Yuga Primary or Arkian Kruta Yug 1.Ratnachakra (Precious stone era 2.Hem Chakra (Gold era) 3.Loh Chakra (Iron era) Secondary Iron Era Treta Yug Tershry Dwapar Yug Recent Kali Yug* * This has no relation to Kaliyuga mentioned in the epic Mahabharata.
  • 27. The growth of vegetation and animals depends upon the land and the climate thereof. The customs of people also depend upon local conditions. The construction practices too depend upon available building materials of the land. Eighteen styles of architecture were evolved based on eighteen regions of ancient India.
  • 28. Table 2 - Eighteen Kingdoms (states) of ancient India Sn State Mountain River Tree Ores 1 Yalhik Hemkut Vipasha Pipal Gold 2 Souvir Pariyatra Sindhu Shak Mercury 3 Kaikay Himalaya Shatadru Oudumbar Silver 4 Magadh Gandhamada n Ganga Vat Copper 5 Malav Chitrakut Kalindi Plaksha Lead 6 Anga Uday Gandaki Bilwa Tin
  • 29. 7 Vanga Malyawan Sarayu Tulsi Bairunt* 8 Kalinga Nishadh Shona Amalaksh a Iron 9 Kamboj Lokalok Irawati Palash Karkut * 10 Vidarbha Vindhya Narmad Shirish Tin 11 Lat Satpuda Tapti Parijat Bell metal 12 Surashtra Raiwatak Gomati Aamla Lead
  • 30. 13 Aarat Sahyadri Godawari Wood apple Lodhra * 14 Ramsrusht i Asta Bhimarathi Ber Blue iron 15 Vishwamit ra Srushti Shriparwat Krushna Bakul White iron 16 Padya Nilgiri Kaveri Patli Gold 17 Chola Malay Tamraparn i Chandan Red iron 18 Madra Trikut Dhrutmala Tamarind Gems
  • 31. A Sanskrit text BruhaNighantu (Worlds first lexicon) describes the animals, trees and minerals found in these three lands. Subsequently the thee lands were divided into five lands as below Thirty-one major rivers of south Asia are mentioned in Nadi-stuti (praise of rivers) of Rig Veda. The epic Mahabharata contains a separate chapter devoted to geography of Indian subcontinent and adjacent countries in central India Purana means old. One finds mention about Nile River in Skanda Purana. Puranas which are historical accounts of traditions, personalities, and their achievements, evolution of crafts, cosmology, cosmogony, cosmography, regions and people living therein.
  • 32. Geology: Arthshastra is the earliest Indian text dealing with the mineralogical characteristics of metallic ores and other mineral-aggregate rocks. It recognizes ores in the earth, in rocks, or in liquid form, with excessive color, heaviness and often-strong smell and taste. The Arthshastra also mentions several subsidiary types of gems named after their color, luster or place of origin i.e. Vimalaka, jyotirasaka, lohitaksa, sasyaka etc. It is surprising that even in the I Millennium BC; Indians had developed an elaborate terminology for different metals, minerals and alloys. Geology
  • 33. Many ancient Indian texts contain references related to earthquakes. Most of the references contain myths about the phenomenon of earthquake. But Brihat Samhita of Varaha Mihira (5–6th century AD) and Adbhuta Sagara of Ballala Sena (10–11th century AD) are the only texts which contain some technical information on earthquakes. Earthquakes
  • 34. Some myths about earthquakes are listed below. 1. Kashyapa: The earth floats over a big ocean. It moves or shakes due to the movements of big aquatic creatures. 2. Garga: There are four "Quarter-elephants (Dig-gajas) supporting the earth on four sides. When they get exhausted, they heaive a heavy sigh of relief. Hence the earthquakes and strong devastating winds blow over the earth. 3. Vasistha: When two powerful atmospheric currents collide and dash against the earth, there is earthquake. 4. Vrddha Garga: The earthquakes are due to some unseen (adrusta) cause. 5. Parashar: Earthquakes are caused by the solar and lunar eclipses and by the unnatural changes in plants. Myths about earthquakes:
  • 35. Bhishnaparwa of epic Mahabharata contains information on Animal behavior which may be precursors of earthquakes. Hawks and vultures, and crows and herons, together with cranes, are alighting on the tops of trees and gathering in flocks. These birds, delighted at the prospect of battle, are looking down (on the field) before them. Carnivorous beasts will feed on the flesh of elephants and steeds. Fierce herons, foreboding terror, and uttering merciless cries, are wheeling across the centre towards the southern region Precursors of earthquakes:
  • 36. Kokilas, wood-peckers, water-cocks, parrots, crows and peacocks utter terrible cries. At sun-rise flights of insects by hundreds are seen. The animals are all weeping and their tears are falling fast.
  • 37. The 32nd chapter of Brihat Samhita is devoted to signs of earthquakes and correlates earthquakes with cosmic and planetary influences, underground water and undersea activities, unusual cloud formations, and the abnormal behavior of animals. Varahmihir analyzed and arranged the details about the earthquakes on the following points: •Time of the day. (Muhurta) •Presiding deity of that period (Devta) •The asterism assigned to the deity (Nakshyatra) •Prognostic symptoms of the quake (Yuti of planets)
  • 38. Ancient: Varahmihir categorizes earthquakes into different kinds and says that the indications of one particular kind will appear in the form of unusual cloud formations a week before its occurrence. Following are the, indications appearing a week. "Huge clouds resembling blue lily, bees and collyrium in color, rumbling pleasantly, and shining with flashes of lightning, will pour down slender lines of water resembling sharp clouds. An earthquake of this circle will kill those that are dependent on the seas and rivers; and it will lead to excessive rains." Earthquake prediction using earthquake clouds:
  • 39. Over the last ten years, Zhonghao Shou, a retired chemist based near Caltech in California, has been using satellite imagery and other scientific tools to fine-tune his theory of "earthquake clouds" as precursors to earthquakes. According to Shou, earthquake clouds are formed when underground water is converted into water vapors by the heat generated in the epicenter area of a fault rock, which is undergoing constant stress and friction. Zhou says that earthquake prediction is possible by identifying such clouds as "an earthquake generally occurs within 49 days of the first appearance of the cloud. Details of Zhous work are available on web. Modern
  • 40. • Adbhuta Sagara by Ballal Sen,ed. Murlidhar Sen,pub. By Prabhakari & co. Benars. • Arthshastra by Kautilya, Eng.Translation by R.P.Kangle, Pub. Motilal Banarasi das , New Delhi. • Brihat Samhita (of Varah Mihir),Pub. By Khemraj Shrikrishnadas Mumbai (1945) • BrihanNighantu (2011) Ed.D.S.Mathur, Pub. By Khemraj Shrikrishnadas Mumbai (1945) • Shilparatna (by Shivkumar ) part 1 and 2,Pub. By Gaikwad Oriental series, Baroda (1924) References –Ancient
  • 41. Modern References •Ali, S.M. (1966),”The geography of India from Puranas” •Sircar,(1960),”Studies in geography of ancient and medieval India” Varanasi. •Iyengar, R.N (1999),”Earthquakes in ancient India”, Jr . History of Sciences, New Delhi. •Nene, A.S.(2011) “Geotechnical Engineering in ancient India, Pub. Pune Vidyatrhi gruha prakashan, Pune. •Vaze.K.V.(1953),”Prachin Hindi Shilpa Shastra (Marathi), Book published by Varada prakashan, Pune.
  • 42. Eighteen States of Ancient India: Puranas describe various features of the 18 Kingdoms (states) of ancient India. Shri K.V.Vaze (1924), in his book "Prachin Hindi Shilpashastra", compiled these features, such as mountains, rivers, trees, grains, rainfalls, roof slopes / types, metal ores, tools etc. Appendix
  • 43. Map 2- Eighteen states of ancient India
  • 45. Map 4 Wind map