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Detecting the presence of gas or smoke bazar
to send drums and SMS to alert.
A. H. M. Abu Faisal Naeem
Department of CSE
Daffodil International University
Toushik Paul
Department of CSE
Daffodil International University
Sedul Islam Rahad
Department of CSE
Daffodil International University
SK.Farhanul Islam
Department of CSE
Daffodil International University
Abstract— Gas and smoke use every day ofourlife.
A big number of accident happen today everyday
life from the gas and smoke. A huge number of loss
occur from gas and smoke in our everyday life. Gas
and smoke speared so quickly that an accident
happen so quickly and gas line Liquezer one of the
problem in our household works. Gas line Liquezer
can create a huge problem and loss become big
amount. Last few big accident happen in our county
most of the faire. If we identify the licage or some as
early as possible we can reduce the loss. There also
an added option that notifier, it will make a call or
send sms for person who take charge of this
department. So the fair or smoke identity early and
the loss are reduce. Take necessary steps as early as
possible for accruing accident from gas and smoke,
take step so quickly we make this project. Simkit a
tool which plays notifayer role. By using simkit we
can make a call or sms by given mobile number. So
after detracting the gas Liquezer or smoke, it will
send the authority so that they can take step as early
as possible.
The liquezer is often awashin gas lines. The use
of gas sensors or ' sneefer ' can reduce the
amount of damage. Various hospitals and
candidacies in cool controlled smoking.
Because the fire of cigarettes is not just an
environment pollution, it can happen like an
accident. So, the smack Sensor is used in these
In this experimented we will build a gas/smack
detector in Arduino. We will send an SMS to a
given mobile and a predefined mobile number
in the sharp sound of gas detectorgas or smoke.
There sim-kit play the notifiyar role. It send sms
or make a call. Call or sms send as early as
possible the necessary step will take as early as
possible. A smoke detector is a device that
senses smoke, typically as an indicator of fire.
Smoke detect by buzzer and sending here, smoke detect suppose gas
leakage or in company occurs like this then this
machine works very fluent and protect human
and by using this we protect our life and others
who works in any risky place.
Sometimes this risky major issue occurs.
Another it will messaging to us for alert.
Suppose in one smoke detect and alert us then
we will conscious about this.
While household smoke detectors, also known
as smoke alarms, generally issue a local audible
or visual alarm from the detector itself.
Sometimes it uses in battery and sometimes it
usesin has too much powerto detectthe
In central AC house or company any smoker
smoke then the buzzer will knocking. Also in
area where smoking is there it will
very helpful for protecting.
Not only cigarette smoke it can detect any
smoke which really harmful for human being.
In previous real CH4 gas uses and some gas
pipe use in major place. Suppose in there we
keepand detectany smoke it cannotify. For this
that means for real gas very residential area and
houses using this we can protect them.
Smoke detectors are housed in plastic
enclosures, typically shaped like a disk about
150 millimeters (6 in) in diameter and 25
millimeters (1 in) thick, but shape and size vary.
The US National Fire Protection Association
reports 0.53 deaths per 100 fires in homes with
working smoke alarms compared to 1.18 deaths
in homes without (2009-2013)
In our project we use Smoke Sensor MQ-2,
Buzzer, Bread-Board, Arduino Uno R3, Sim
900A kit, 12V 2A power adapter, Bread-Board
Power Supply Stick, Male to Female jumper
and Male to Male jumper, Mobile Sim. Just use
this instrument for our small project.
No need any other thing for this. If we will
bigger than this then we add big or other sensor.
But right now it’s enough for this project.
Just by using this we can make a strong smoke
detector sensor and it can use in any house and
any factory where they can use and in central
AC room or office. Today’s world in every
office it use for safety.
By chance fire throughout by smoke then it’s
too working for safety for any human life.
Instrument & introduction:
To make a project, instrument plays main role.
Some instrument needed for our project. The
number of instrument is needed is given bellow
in the table:
Arduino UNO R3 1
Breadboard power
supply stick
SIM900A kit 1
TSB smoke sensor
12V 2A power
Buzzer 1
Breadboard 1
Male to female
Amount of Needed
Male to male jumper Amount of Needed
Mobile sim 1
Arduino UNO:
The Arduino Uno R3 is a microcontroller board
based on a removable, dual-inline-package
(DIP) ATmega328 AVR microcontroller. It has
20 digital input/output pins (of which 6 can be
used as PWM outputs and 6 can be used as
analog inputs).
It has his own memory. The size of the memory
is 32K.
12V 2A power Adapter:
It is mainly use for power supply. We can
change our power 5v to 3.3v. It will provide
12v (we use in our project). But it can
convert 12 to 5v or which one we needed
for the project.
Breadboard power supply stick:
For external power supply we use it. The
power supply is needed some time because
for extra module add in the project. This is a
very simple board that takes a 6-12V input
voltage and outputs a selectable 5V or 3.3V
regulated voltage. All headers are 0.1" pitch for
simple insertion into a breadboard.
Input power can be supplied to either the DC
barrel jack or the two pin header labeled + and
-. Output power is supplied to the pins labeled
GND and VCC. Board has both an On/Off
switch and a voltage select switch (3.3V/5V).
In our project we use a sim-kit. For safety and
variation for voltage we use this module. We
can give the power by adapter or usb port.
Sometime it will prevent the huge follow of
voltage and we can differ the voltage level.
SIM900A kit:
Sim-kit, the main notifiyar in this project. It
can make a call and send sms. There is
tower for and sim point for sim.
Tower use for the sim which one is use in the
port, to get network. There is power supply 5v
and 3.3v. We can vary the voltage.
TSB smoke sensor MQ-2:
TSB smoke sensor which detect the gas or
smoke. The sensor had 4 pin which one connect
with 5v and GND.
Other 2 port for digital input/output pin and
other one in ana-log supported pin. In our
project we don’t use digital i/o pin.
Buzzer is an output device.
A buzzer or beeper is an audio signaling
device, which may
be mechanical, electromechanical,
or piezoelectric (piezo for short). Typical uses
of buzzers and beepers include alarm
devices, timers, and confirmation of user input
such as a mouse click or keystroke. To generate
we use it. This one generates a continuous
beep usually when supplied with power. It
works like alarm. Buzzer had 2 pin. One pin
for positive and other for negative. To
easily identify positive and negative, the
positive leg is bigger than the negative.
A breadboard is a solder less device for
temporary prototype with electronics and test
circuit designs. Most electronic components in
electronic circuits can be interconnected by
inserting their leads or terminals into the holes
and then making connections through wires
where appropriate
Circuit connection:
TSB smoke sensor MQ-2 setup with
Aurdino uno.
Arduino UNO TSB smoke sensor
5V 5V
We does not use the digital i/o pin.
We use male to female ware to connect sensor
with Aurdino uno.
Arduino to Buzzer:
Buzzer Arduino
+ Digital I/O
In our project buzzer work like alarm. When
gas is detected will sound out. So negative part
connect with GND and positive part will
connect with digital input output pin. We
connect with digital i/o because it is output
Aurdino with sim kit:
We can use sim-kit for notifayer. We can set up
different ways. There is Tx, Rx. We can
connect with aurdino’s Rx, Tx.
SIM900A Kit
Tx Rx
Rx Tx
We can use SoftwareSerial a library function to
connect with digital input/output pin. There is a
serial communication between them.
SIM900A Kit
10 5vt
11 5vr
We need voltage. Connection is
power supply
5v 5v
Now we will join all of them. We will get the
final circuit.
After all the set, we will give the power. We
will give power aurdino by pc and simkit by
internal ways. We can vary the voltage by the
Breadboard power supply stick. In
Breadboard power supply stick, there is গে
5v and 3.3v. Which one we need we make
connect with sim-kit.
Working principal:
The TSB Smoke sensor MQ-2 is designed to be
based on the MQ-2 sensor. The MQ-2 can
detect Propen, I-butene, alcohol, methane, LPG
and smoke. With the presence and density of
these gasor smoke, the analog output of sig pins
is changed. Sig Pinke Ordinaire We can detect
the presence of gas or smoke by connecting
with one of the analogue pins. In our program
analog pins are shown in the value serial
monitor. If the analogue value exceedsa certain
value, Bazar will be usage warning by sending
drums and SMS. In our code below this value is
300. We used to experimenter a cigarette. If
there is no gas or smoke, the sig pins value
around 150. This value increases to 700 by the
sensors in front of the gas with lighters. The
analogue value of our Experimented exceeds
300 and will go to a precautionary SMS and the
alarming. Smart smoke detectors operate much
like traditional smoke detectors, sounding an
alarm when smoke or fire is detected and
providing as much warning as possible to get
out safely in the event of a house fire.
Where smart smoke detectors have an edge is
their ability to send a notification to your phone
when the alarm is triggered–even if you are
away from home. Smart smoke detectors also
notify you when the battery gets low or if there
is a problem with the sensors in the unit.
These two capabilities alone have the ability to
save the lives of you and your family.
The easiest way to understand how smart
smoke detectors work is to think of them as
Wi-Fi smoke detectors. When an alarm is
triggered, the smart smoke detectors
use Wi-Fi or similar communication
technology to connect to your smart home
hub (if you have one) and an app on
your smartphone.
If you just accidentally burned a batch of
peanut butter cookies while watching the
Broncos game and it's a simple false alarm,
you can use the phone app to silence the
If you have multiple smart smoke detectors
synced up, all of them will sound alarms
even if only one is triggered. Additionally,
the notification you receive on your phone
or communications from your smart home
hub can help you determine which alarm
has been triggered to help you find the
problem. If you are away from home and
receive a notification that is concerning,
you can notify emergency services quickly
and potentially avoid serious property
Sometimes some house LP gas. Sometimes it
becomes risky, if they use this and the gas
cylinder leakage then it will notify its very
helpful for them for protecting their life. It has
a equation and this is.
For example, the equation is in here:
∑iMj(Ai)=1 under the map 2Θ
→ [0, 1]; Mj is
called a basic.
In our country basically not in our country it’s
needed in everywhere. If everyone use this then
they protect form every fire. Every year many
people die by fire burn just only for careless. If
they use this at least fire burn people will be
decreased.Ourcountry specialist also say about
this and use this. It’s needed also in residential.
Fire is mostly dangerous thing. Anybody can’t
protest from that. Today’s world this is a way
to protect their life. Everyone has to use this.
This is mandatory. Everybody fear about this.
So we have protect ourselves and protect our
family and country. That should be our priority.
If we see majority of burn fire occurs in south
Asia. Because of unconsciousness. It’s really
very pathetic for express.
If this device use in there then it will be
decreased and human being will be happy and
satisfied. Our world day by day temperature is
growing and any time fire can burn so in that
time it will very helpful.
In smoke detector stay physical reaction and
chemical reaction so its combination. The
emitting smoke detector high speed. Its hit
molecules in the air and ions.
And the another function is: Bel: 2Θ → [0, 1]
The probability and sharpen combination is
written by this:
M2( Bj ), C ≠ϕ⎫⎭⎬⎪⎪
In the another Commutability and
Associability is:
a.m1 ⊕ m2 = m2 ⊕ m1,
b.m1 ⊕ (m2 ⊕ m3) = (m1 ⊕ m2) ⊕ m3
And the next equation is:
m(oi) = ∑oi∩oj=o∏1≤s≤Nmks(oj)1−k
And every sensor is working in here
according to this equation.
There are also some equation for recovery this.
But use this just only for efficiency. Every
equation depend on their project and their work here gas factor is mainly focused so
that’s why O2 and CO2 try to include in here.
Gas detect so gas is that’s why gas
is needed when this gas will be detected just for
test. This test will be happen when everything
will be right and every setup right.
Use of our project:
We can use our project in all over the place
where the gas and smoke are use. He use it in
our house and office. In our house, we kept in
our kitchen where the gas linkage is occurred.
We kept it in our room for find smokers are
smoking in the house. In recent years, number
of big accident is occur in office and huge
number of people died and loss big amount of
property by faire. If they take necessary step
quickly, they can reduce their damage.
Advantages/Disadvantages of this project:
A detector that is part of a fully integrated Smart
Home is always safer, more practical, and more
highly efficient than a standalone old school smoke
or fire detector. Updates in technology have led to
increased safety so you can act quickly in case of
emergencies. Here are three things to look for in a
smart smoke detector.
Automatic Emergency Services:
Alerts Fire and smoke detectors play a large
role in not only your safety, but the safety of
your community. During anemergency,a smart
smoke detector that contacts emergency
services means they will get there as soon as
possible and give you one less thing to worry
about. Also, if you are away from your home
during an emergency, this guarantees that
emergencyservices will be contactedbefore the
fire can spread.
A Wi-Fi-Dependent Smoke Detector Is a Risk:
Loss of internet service, power outages, and an
unreliable Wi-Fi signal can mean that your
device won’t be able to send emergency alerts
when you need them most. As many types of
natural disasters and incidents can potentially
disrupt Wi-Fi, depending on it in this way is a
risk. Detectors in essential areas may not
function if they happen to be in Wi-Fi signal
weak spots.
Smart Smoke Detectors Work Best as Part of a
Connected Home System:
Standalone devices only understand a single
part of your home, which can be a potentially
costly situation. A fully integrated smart home
uses information from both within and without
a number of partsof the home, which empowers
your home to take the right action if an
emergency occurs. It will match with or home
very well and it is very easy to make.
Quick response:
We can get quick response by this. Because
within a second we will send the sms or make a
call. So we can get quick response so quickly.
Quick response help the responsible person to
take the decision as early as possible.
Reduce loss:
we get so quickly response by simkit and also
alarm will ring so quickly. So people will come
out. If the accident is big they will call fire
service and other necessary step needed to
reduce loss.
Everything has bad side also. We get some
good side of our project but there is some bad
side of our project. Discuss about this is given
False alarms:
There is an alarm in our project. The tone of our
alarm will ring when gas in detected. But false
alarms triggered and often could cause folks to
ignore a real alarm.
Some smoke detector prices are very high, so
every person cannot buy. There is sim kit also
that price are high and other instrument use in
this project some are expensive.
Sim kit which play notifayer role in our project.
So there is sim for sms or call. So sim need
connect with the network. Sometime network
antenna creates problem. So network signal
plays important role.
When it comes to fire safety,it's best to have a
smoke detector in every bedroom and hallway,
as well as on every floor in your home. With so
many smoke detectors, you can rest assured
your home is protected from the unthinkable.
oard/ 8.
SK.Farhanul Islam
Student of Daffodil International University ID:
142-15-3660 was born on January 16, 1994 in
Rajshahi,Bangladesh. He is now studying B.Sc.
in computer science & engineering at Daffodil
International University in Bangladesh. He
received the SSC and HSC degrees from
Rajshahi University School & College with
GPA 4.56 & 5.00, in 2011 and 2013,
respectively. His main wish to join Bangladesh
Air Force (BAF) after completing HSC, so he
give an admission test on Bangladesh Air Force
(BAF) and selected for Air Traffic Control
(ATC) branch. But unfortunately some reason
he missed the opportunity to serve the nation
and finally continued to study CSE at Daffodil
International University. Recently he has done
a Graphics Design course with corresponding’s
certificate. His activities currently focus on
smoke detecting and notification system.
Toushik Paul Student
of Daffodil International University ID:143-15-
4497, was born in Dhaka, Bangladesh in
1994.He is receiving the B.Sc degrees from
Daffodil International University in 2018.In
2011 he ended his high school form St.
Gregory’s High School and College. Then in
2013, he ended his college life from Kabi
Nazrul Government College & University. He
likes to learn new thing, traveling around the
world, Cycling. He is too much interested in
web developing and Networking. In his varsity
life he completed a lot of seminar, workshop
and training on networking, cyber security, web
developing and free lancing courses.
Sidul Islam Rahad
Student of Daffodil International University
ID:143-15-4487 wasborn on August 9,1994.he
receiving B.Sc degree in Daffodil International
University, in 2014 and 2018, respect. He is a
student of Computer Science and Engineering.
He started his primary in 2000 get talent pull
greed scholarship in class 5. In 2006 he started
high school, ended high school from Zillah
School and got Golden A+ in S.S.C. Then
started college life and get Gpa-4.30. In college
life started programming so, that’s why he is
too much interested in programming. In varsity
semester he started ACM class and in 6th
semester he went in National Collegiate
Programming contest and also attend in another
contest. In 10th semester he completed his C# Course from BITM. And after
completing the course he was selected for
Intern on and Angular 4. Now he is
continuing this and his varsity life.
Faisal Naeem Student of
Daffodil International University ID:143-15-
4473 was born in 22th November 1995 in
Rajshahi. He started his early life in
Dayarampur. He started is primary school
Fahana Kinder Garden School. After
completing primary Level, He admitted in
Qadirabad Cantonment Public School in 2006.
In 2011 he passes S.S.C with GPA 5.00. In
2011, he admitted Qadirabad Cantonment
Sapper Collage. In 2013 he passed H.S.C with
GPA 5.00. In 2014, he admitted Daffodil
International University on subject in
Computer Science and Engineering. In 2018 he
may complete his Graduation. Now he is
focusing on smoke detecting and notification
system and he also work in Star IT Limited as
part of his internship. After completing B.Sc. in
CSE he planned M.Sc. from foreign university.

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Gas & smoke detector Report

  • 1. Detecting the presence of gas or smoke bazar to send drums and SMS to alert. A. H. M. Abu Faisal Naeem Department of CSE Daffodil International University Email: Toushik Paul Department of CSE Daffodil International University Email: Sedul Islam Rahad Department of CSE Daffodil International University SK.Farhanul Islam Department of CSE Daffodil International University Abstract— Gas and smoke use every day ofourlife. A big number of accident happen today everyday life from the gas and smoke. A huge number of loss occur from gas and smoke in our everyday life. Gas and smoke speared so quickly that an accident happen so quickly and gas line Liquezer one of the problem in our household works. Gas line Liquezer can create a huge problem and loss become big amount. Last few big accident happen in our county most of the faire. If we identify the licage or some as early as possible we can reduce the loss. There also an added option that notifier, it will make a call or send sms for person who take charge of this department. So the fair or smoke identity early and the loss are reduce. Take necessary steps as early as possible for accruing accident from gas and smoke, take step so quickly we make this project. Simkit a tool which plays notifayer role. By using simkit we can make a call or sms by given mobile number. So after detracting the gas Liquezer or smoke, it will send the authority so that they can take step as early as possible. Introduction: The liquezer is often awashin gas lines. The use of gas sensors or ' sneefer ' can reduce the amount of damage. Various hospitals and candidacies in cool controlled smoking. Because the fire of cigarettes is not just an environment pollution, it can happen like an accident. So, the smack Sensor is used in these builds. In this experimented we will build a gas/smack detector in Arduino. We will send an SMS to a given mobile and a predefined mobile number in the sharp sound of gas detectorgas or smoke. There sim-kit play the notifiyar role. It send sms or make a call. Call or sms send as early as possible the necessary step will take as early as possible. A smoke detector is a device that senses smoke, typically as an indicator of fire. Smoke detect by buzzer and sending here, smoke detect suppose gas leakage or in company occurs like this then this machine works very fluent and protect human and by using this we protect our life and others who works in any risky place. Sometimes this risky major issue occurs. Another it will messaging to us for alert. Suppose in one smoke detect and alert us then we will conscious about this. While household smoke detectors, also known as smoke alarms, generally issue a local audible or visual alarm from the detector itself. Sometimes it uses in battery and sometimes it
  • 2. usesin has too much powerto detectthe smoke. In central AC house or company any smoker smoke then the buzzer will knocking. Also in area where smoking is there it will very helpful for protecting. Not only cigarette smoke it can detect any smoke which really harmful for human being. In previous real CH4 gas uses and some gas pipe use in major place. Suppose in there we keepand detectany smoke it cannotify. For this that means for real gas very residential area and houses using this we can protect them. Smoke detectors are housed in plastic enclosures, typically shaped like a disk about 150 millimeters (6 in) in diameter and 25 millimeters (1 in) thick, but shape and size vary. The US National Fire Protection Association reports 0.53 deaths per 100 fires in homes with working smoke alarms compared to 1.18 deaths in homes without (2009-2013) In our project we use Smoke Sensor MQ-2, Buzzer, Bread-Board, Arduino Uno R3, Sim 900A kit, 12V 2A power adapter, Bread-Board Power Supply Stick, Male to Female jumper and Male to Male jumper, Mobile Sim. Just use this instrument for our small project. No need any other thing for this. If we will bigger than this then we add big or other sensor. But right now it’s enough for this project. Just by using this we can make a strong smoke detector sensor and it can use in any house and any factory where they can use and in central AC room or office. Today’s world in every office it use for safety. By chance fire throughout by smoke then it’s too working for safety for any human life. Instrument & introduction: To make a project, instrument plays main role. Some instrument needed for our project. The number of instrument is needed is given bellow in the table: Necessary equipment Quantity Arduino UNO R3 1 Breadboard power supply stick 1 SIM900A kit 1 TSB smoke sensor MQ-2 1 12V 2A power Adapter 1 Buzzer 1 Breadboard 1 Male to female jumper Amount of Needed Male to male jumper Amount of Needed Mobile sim 1 Arduino UNO: The Arduino Uno R3 is a microcontroller board based on a removable, dual-inline-package (DIP) ATmega328 AVR microcontroller. It has 20 digital input/output pins (of which 6 can be used as PWM outputs and 6 can be used as analog inputs). It has his own memory. The size of the memory is 32K. 12V 2A power Adapter: It is mainly use for power supply. We can change our power 5v to 3.3v. It will provide 12v (we use in our project). But it can convert 12 to 5v or which one we needed for the project.
  • 3. Breadboard power supply stick: For external power supply we use it. The power supply is needed some time because for extra module add in the project. This is a very simple board that takes a 6-12V input voltage and outputs a selectable 5V or 3.3V regulated voltage. All headers are 0.1" pitch for simple insertion into a breadboard. Input power can be supplied to either the DC barrel jack or the two pin header labeled + and -. Output power is supplied to the pins labeled GND and VCC. Board has both an On/Off switch and a voltage select switch (3.3V/5V). In our project we use a sim-kit. For safety and variation for voltage we use this module. We can give the power by adapter or usb port. Sometime it will prevent the huge follow of voltage and we can differ the voltage level. SIM900A kit: Sim-kit, the main notifiyar in this project. It can make a call and send sms. There is tower for and sim point for sim. Tower use for the sim which one is use in the port, to get network. There is power supply 5v and 3.3v. We can vary the voltage. TSB smoke sensor MQ-2: TSB smoke sensor which detect the gas or smoke. The sensor had 4 pin which one connect with 5v and GND. Other 2 port for digital input/output pin and other one in ana-log supported pin. In our project we don’t use digital i/o pin. Buzzer: Buzzer is an output device. A buzzer or beeper is an audio signaling device, which may be mechanical, electromechanical, or piezoelectric (piezo for short). Typical uses of buzzers and beepers include alarm devices, timers, and confirmation of user input such as a mouse click or keystroke. To generate we use it. This one generates a continuous beep usually when supplied with power. It works like alarm. Buzzer had 2 pin. One pin for positive and other for negative. To easily identify positive and negative, the positive leg is bigger than the negative. Breadboard: A breadboard is a solder less device for temporary prototype with electronics and test circuit designs. Most electronic components in electronic circuits can be interconnected by inserting their leads or terminals into the holes and then making connections through wires where appropriate
  • 4. Circuit connection: TSB smoke sensor MQ-2 setup with Aurdino uno. Arduino UNO TSB smoke sensor MQ-2 5V 5V GND GND A0 SIG We does not use the digital i/o pin. We use male to female ware to connect sensor with Aurdino uno. Arduino to Buzzer: Buzzer Arduino UNO - GND + Digital I/O In our project buzzer work like alarm. When gas is detected will sound out. So negative part connect with GND and positive part will connect with digital input output pin. We connect with digital i/o because it is output device. Aurdino with sim kit: We can use sim-kit for notifayer. We can set up different ways. There is Tx, Rx. We can connect with aurdino’s Rx, Tx. Arduino UNO SIM900A Kit Tx Rx Rx Tx We can use SoftwareSerial a library function to connect with digital input/output pin. There is a serial communication between them. Arduino UNO SIM900A Kit 10 5vt 11 5vr
  • 5. We need voltage. Connection is Breadboard power supply stick SIM900A Kit 5v 5v GND GND Final: Now we will join all of them. We will get the final circuit. After all the set, we will give the power. We will give power aurdino by pc and simkit by internal ways. We can vary the voltage by the Breadboard power supply stick. In Breadboard power supply stick, there is গে 5v and 3.3v. Which one we need we make connect with sim-kit. Working principal: The TSB Smoke sensor MQ-2 is designed to be based on the MQ-2 sensor. The MQ-2 can detect Propen, I-butene, alcohol, methane, LPG and smoke. With the presence and density of these gasor smoke, the analog output of sig pins is changed. Sig Pinke Ordinaire We can detect the presence of gas or smoke by connecting with one of the analogue pins. In our program analog pins are shown in the value serial monitor. If the analogue value exceedsa certain value, Bazar will be usage warning by sending drums and SMS. In our code below this value is 300. We used to experimenter a cigarette. If there is no gas or smoke, the sig pins value around 150. This value increases to 700 by the sensors in front of the gas with lighters. The analogue value of our Experimented exceeds 300 and will go to a precautionary SMS and the alarming. Smart smoke detectors operate much like traditional smoke detectors, sounding an alarm when smoke or fire is detected and providing as much warning as possible to get out safely in the event of a house fire. Where smart smoke detectors have an edge is their ability to send a notification to your phone when the alarm is triggered–even if you are away from home. Smart smoke detectors also notify you when the battery gets low or if there is a problem with the sensors in the unit. These two capabilities alone have the ability to save the lives of you and your family. The easiest way to understand how smart smoke detectors work is to think of them as Wi-Fi smoke detectors. When an alarm is triggered, the smart smoke detectors use Wi-Fi or similar communication technology to connect to your smart home hub (if you have one) and an app on your smartphone. If you just accidentally burned a batch of peanut butter cookies while watching the Broncos game and it's a simple false alarm, you can use the phone app to silence the alarm. If you have multiple smart smoke detectors synced up, all of them will sound alarms even if only one is triggered. Additionally, the notification you receive on your phone or communications from your smart home hub can help you determine which alarm has been triggered to help you find the problem. If you are away from home and receive a notification that is concerning, you can notify emergency services quickly and potentially avoid serious property damage. Equations: Sometimes some house LP gas. Sometimes it becomes risky, if they use this and the gas
  • 6. cylinder leakage then it will notify its very helpful for them for protecting their life. It has a equation and this is. For example, the equation is in here: ∑iMj(Ai)=1 under the map 2Θ → [0, 1]; Mj is called a basic. In our country basically not in our country it’s needed in everywhere. If everyone use this then they protect form every fire. Every year many people die by fire burn just only for careless. If they use this at least fire burn people will be decreased.Ourcountry specialist also say about this and use this. It’s needed also in residential. Fire is mostly dangerous thing. Anybody can’t protest from that. Today’s world this is a way to protect their life. Everyone has to use this. This is mandatory. Everybody fear about this. So we have protect ourselves and protect our family and country. That should be our priority. If we see majority of burn fire occurs in south Asia. Because of unconsciousness. It’s really very pathetic for express. If this device use in there then it will be decreased and human being will be happy and satisfied. Our world day by day temperature is growing and any time fire can burn so in that time it will very helpful. In smoke detector stay physical reaction and chemical reaction so its combination. The emitting smoke detector high speed. Its hit molecules in the air and ions. And the another function is: Bel: 2Θ → [0, 1] Bel(A)=∑B⊆AM(B) The probability and sharpen combination is written by this: M(C)=⎧⎩⎨⎪⎪0,C=ϕ11−K∑Ai∩Bj=CM1(Ai) M2( Bj ), C ≠ϕ⎫⎭⎬⎪⎪ In the another Commutability and Associability is: a.m1 ⊕ m2 = m2 ⊕ m1, b.m1 ⊕ (m2 ⊕ m3) = (m1 ⊕ m2) ⊕ m3 And the next equation is: m(oi) = ∑oi∩oj=o∏1≤s≤Nmks(oj)1−k And every sensor is working in here according to this equation. There are also some equation for recovery this. But use this just only for efficiency. Every equation depend on their project and their work here gas factor is mainly focused so that’s why O2 and CO2 try to include in here. Gas detect so gas is that’s why gas is needed when this gas will be detected just for test. This test will be happen when everything will be right and every setup right. Use of our project: We can use our project in all over the place where the gas and smoke are use. He use it in our house and office. In our house, we kept in our kitchen where the gas linkage is occurred. We kept it in our room for find smokers are smoking in the house. In recent years, number of big accident is occur in office and huge number of people died and loss big amount of property by faire. If they take necessary step quickly, they can reduce their damage. Advantages/Disadvantages of this project: Advantages: A detector that is part of a fully integrated Smart Home is always safer, more practical, and more highly efficient than a standalone old school smoke or fire detector. Updates in technology have led to increased safety so you can act quickly in case of emergencies. Here are three things to look for in a smart smoke detector. Automatic Emergency Services: Alerts Fire and smoke detectors play a large role in not only your safety, but the safety of your community. During anemergency,a smart smoke detector that contacts emergency services means they will get there as soon as possible and give you one less thing to worry about. Also, if you are away from your home during an emergency, this guarantees that emergencyservices will be contactedbefore the fire can spread. A Wi-Fi-Dependent Smoke Detector Is a Risk: Loss of internet service, power outages, and an unreliable Wi-Fi signal can mean that your device won’t be able to send emergency alerts
  • 7. when you need them most. As many types of natural disasters and incidents can potentially disrupt Wi-Fi, depending on it in this way is a risk. Detectors in essential areas may not function if they happen to be in Wi-Fi signal weak spots. Smart Smoke Detectors Work Best as Part of a Connected Home System: Standalone devices only understand a single part of your home, which can be a potentially costly situation. A fully integrated smart home uses information from both within and without a number of partsof the home, which empowers your home to take the right action if an emergency occurs. It will match with or home very well and it is very easy to make. Quick response: We can get quick response by this. Because within a second we will send the sms or make a call. So we can get quick response so quickly. Quick response help the responsible person to take the decision as early as possible. Reduce loss: we get so quickly response by simkit and also alarm will ring so quickly. So people will come out. If the accident is big they will call fire service and other necessary step needed to reduce loss. Disadvantage: Everything has bad side also. We get some good side of our project but there is some bad side of our project. Discuss about this is given bellow: False alarms: There is an alarm in our project. The tone of our alarm will ring when gas in detected. But false alarms triggered and often could cause folks to ignore a real alarm. Expensive: Some smoke detector prices are very high, so every person cannot buy. There is sim kit also that price are high and other instrument use in this project some are expensive. Network: Sim kit which play notifayer role in our project. So there is sim for sms or call. So sim need connect with the network. Sometime network antenna creates problem. So network signal plays important role. Conclusion: When it comes to fire safety,it's best to have a smoke detector in every bedroom and hallway, as well as on every floor in your home. With so many smoke detectors, you can rest assured your home is protected from the unthinkable. Reference: 1). 2. 3152dd-mb102-modulo-de-alimentacao-para- protoboard-3-3v-5v.html 3. board-ATmega328- Robokart/dp/B010SI9WBG 4 sim900a-v4-0-kit-wireless-extension-module- arduino-compatible-onetolink-179265493- 2017-07-Sale-P.htm 5. p/products_id/23902 6. breadboard-850-points-online-hyderabad 7. oard/ 8. categories/arduino/143/-techshop-bangladesh 9. SMShield 10. shield-2-integrated-antenna 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. rev3 19. 20. is-an-arduino 21. categories/eval-board/2041/sim900a-kit- techshop-bangladesh 22. the-Sim900sim900A-mini-module-with- Arduino-U/ 23. 24.
  • 8. 25. categories/buzzers/177/buzzer-techshop- bangladesh 26. 27. 10804 SK.Farhanul Islam Student of Daffodil International University ID: 142-15-3660 was born on January 16, 1994 in Rajshahi,Bangladesh. He is now studying B.Sc. in computer science & engineering at Daffodil International University in Bangladesh. He received the SSC and HSC degrees from Rajshahi University School & College with GPA 4.56 & 5.00, in 2011 and 2013, respectively. His main wish to join Bangladesh Air Force (BAF) after completing HSC, so he give an admission test on Bangladesh Air Force (BAF) and selected for Air Traffic Control (ATC) branch. But unfortunately some reason he missed the opportunity to serve the nation and finally continued to study CSE at Daffodil International University. Recently he has done a Graphics Design course with corresponding’s certificate. His activities currently focus on smoke detecting and notification system. Toushik Paul Student of Daffodil International University ID:143-15- 4497, was born in Dhaka, Bangladesh in 1994.He is receiving the B.Sc degrees from Daffodil International University in 2018.In 2011 he ended his high school form St. Gregory’s High School and College. Then in 2013, he ended his college life from Kabi Nazrul Government College & University. He likes to learn new thing, traveling around the world, Cycling. He is too much interested in web developing and Networking. In his varsity life he completed a lot of seminar, workshop and training on networking, cyber security, web developing and free lancing courses. Sidul Islam Rahad Student of Daffodil International University ID:143-15-4487 wasborn on August 9,1994.he receiving B.Sc degree in Daffodil International University, in 2014 and 2018, respect. He is a student of Computer Science and Engineering. He started his primary in 2000 get talent pull greed scholarship in class 5. In 2006 he started high school, ended high school from Zillah School and got Golden A+ in S.S.C. Then started college life and get Gpa-4.30. In college life started programming so, that’s why he is too much interested in programming. In varsity 2nd semester he started ACM class and in 6th semester he went in National Collegiate Programming contest and also attend in another contest. In 10th semester he completed his C# Course from BITM. And after completing the course he was selected for Intern on and Angular 4. Now he is continuing this and his varsity life. Faisal Naeem Student of Daffodil International University ID:143-15- 4473 was born in 22th November 1995 in Rajshahi. He started his early life in Dayarampur. He started is primary school Fahana Kinder Garden School. After completing primary Level, He admitted in Qadirabad Cantonment Public School in 2006. In 2011 he passes S.S.C with GPA 5.00. In 2011, he admitted Qadirabad Cantonment Sapper Collage. In 2013 he passed H.S.C with GPA 5.00. In 2014, he admitted Daffodil International University on subject in Computer Science and Engineering. In 2018 he
  • 9. may complete his Graduation. Now he is focusing on smoke detecting and notification system and he also work in Star IT Limited as part of his internship. After completing B.Sc. in CSE he planned M.Sc. from foreign university.