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SPV Incharge :
dr. Liana Karliasari, SpRad(K)
SPV Advisor :
dr. Dini Rachma Erawati, SpRad(K)
Residents : dr. Han, dr. Zul, dr. Wan, dr. Son
“Menjadi Institusi Pendidikan Dokter Spesialis Radiologi, Pelopor, Dan Pembaharu,
Dengan Reputasi Internasional Untuk Menghasilkan Lulusan Unggul Di Bidang Deteksi
Dini Penyakit Dan Komplikasinya”
1. Menyelenggarakan Pendidikan, Penelitian, Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Di Bidang
Radiologi Terintegrasi Berstandar Internasional Yang Menghasilkan Lulusan Yang
Beriman Dan Bertakwa Kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, Serta Memiliki Moral Dan Budi
Pekerti Yang Luhur, Mandiri, Profesional, Dan Inovatif.
2. Menyelenggarakan Program Studi Sebagai Agen Pengembang Dan Penyebar Ilmu
Radiologi Dengan Berdasar Nilai Kearifan Lokal Yang Luhur Untuk Perbaikan Kualitas
3. Menyelenggarakan Tata Kelola Program Studi Di Perguruan Tinggi Yang Unggul,
Berkeadilan, Dan Berkelanjutan.
4. Merintis Dan Menjadi Pioner Pendidikan, Penelitian, Dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Di
Bidang Radiologi Terkini Dan Bermutu Dengan Keunggulan Bidang Deteksi Dini Penyakit
FNK : 63 CT SCAN : 8
USG : 1
TIME : 90%
Tn. AN/
20 tahun
CF Tibia
Fibula L
Genu D AP/ Lat
Cruris D AP/ Lat
Pedis D AP/ Oblique
CTA Ekstremitas Inferior
• Pasien datang dengan keluhan nyeri dan luka terbuka pada tungkai bawah kiri, luka
babras pada kaki kiri, disertai rasa kebas pada bagian belakang tungkai bawah dan
telapak kaki setelah tungkai bawah terjepit mesin cor.
• Riwayat pingsan (-), muntah (-), kejang (-)
• GCS 456, TD : 136/ 87 mmHg, HR : 98 x/m, RR : 20x/m, SpO2 : 98%
• Lateralisasi (-)
• Status Lokalis Regio Left Lower Leg :
 L : swelling (+), rotational deformity (+), bruise (+), open wound (+) at posterolateral
side, size 2x2 cm, bone based
 F : tenderness (+), parasthesia no posterior side lower leg (+)
 M : ROM limited
• Status Lokalis Regio Left Foot :
 L : multiple vulnus abrasion (+), dorsal side, size 3 x 0,4 cm, 0,6 x 0,6 cm, 2 x 0,4 cm
with nail loss
 F : tenderness (+), parasthesia on plantar side foot (+)
 M : ROM limited
• Pulsasi a. Tibialis Posterior (-), a. Dorsalis Pedis (-)
• Saturation of all L toes (-)
Genu S
AP/ Lat
Cruris S
AP/ Lat
Pedis S
AP/ Oblique
• Split fraktur pada medial tibial plateu melibatkan intraartiular os tibia
kiri sesuai Fraktur Tibial Plateu tipe IV (Schatzer classification)
• Fraktur avulsi head os fibula sinistra
• Fraktur oblique komplit pada 1/3 distal os tibia dan os fibula sinistra
dengan displacement dan shortening
• Tidak tampak fraktur pada radiografi pedis sinistra
• Soft tissue swelling regio genu, cruris (dengan defek), dan pedis
• Lipohemarthrosis suprapatellar recess kiri
Dekstra Sinistra
Kaliber ± 8 mm. Tidak tampak
stenosis/ kalsifikasi/ trombus
A. Illiaca Communis Kaliber ± 8 mm. Tidak tampak
stenosis/ kalsifikasi/ trombus
Kaliber ± 8 mm. Tidak tampak
stenosis/ kalsifikasi/ trombus
A. Illiaca Eksterna Kaliber ± 8 mm. Tidak tampak
stenosis/ kalsifikasi/ trombus
Kaliber ± 5 mm. Tidak tampak
stenosis/ kalsifikasi/ thrombus
A. Illiaca Interna Kaliber ± 8 mm. Tidak tampak
stenosis/ kalsifikasi/ trombus
Kaliber ± 8 mm. Tidak tampak
stenosis/ kalsifikasi/ thrombus
A. Communis Femoralis Kaliber ± 8 mm. Tidak tampak
stenosis/ kalsifikasi/ trombus
Kaliber ± 5 mm. Tidak tampak
stenosis/ kalsifikasi/ thrombus
A. Superfisialis Femoralis Kaliber ± 5 mm. Tidak tampak
stenosis/ kalsifikasi/ thrombus
Kaliber ± 4 mm. Tidak tampak
stenosis/ kalsifikasi/ thrombus
A. Profunda Femoralis Kaliber ± 4 mm. Tidak tampak
stenosis/ kalsifikasi/ thrombus
Kaliber ± 4 mm. Tidak tampak
stenosis/ kalsifikasi/ thrombus
A. Poplitea Kaliber ± 4 mm. Tampak cut off
pada distal a. poplitea setinggi
metafisis os tibia sepanjang 3,4 cm
Kaliber ± 3 mm. Tidak tampak
stenosis/ kalsifikasi/ thrombus
A. Tibialis Anterior Kaliber ± 5 mm. Tidak tampak
stenosis/ kalsifikasi/ thrombus
Kaliber ± 3 mm. Tidak tampak
stenosis/ kalsifikasi/ thrombus
A. Tibialis Posterior Kaliber ± 1,5 mm. Tampak cut off
pada 1/3 tengah PTA sepanjang 10
cm. Tampak opasifikasi kontras
pada 1/3 distal PTA (mendapat dari
Kaliber ± 2 mm. Tidak tampak
stenosis/ kalsifikasi/ thrombus
A. Peroneal Kaliber ± 2,0 mm. Tidak tampak
stenosis/ kalsifikasi/ thrombus
Kaliber ± 1 mm. Tidak tampak
stenosis/ kalsifikasi/ thrombus
A. Dorsalis Kaliber ± 1,5 mm. Tidak tampak
stenosis/ kalsifikasi/ thrombus
Kaliber ± 1 mm. Tidak tampak
stenosis/ kalsifikasi/ trombus
A. Plantaris Kaliber ± 1 mm. Tidak tampak
stenosis/ kalsifikasi/ trombus
Observasi General :
● Tampak split fraktur pada lateral
tibial plateu hingga metafisis
melibatkan intraarticular tibial
plateru sisi lateral-media pada os
tibia kiri dengan displace fragmen
fraktur ke lateral sejuah 5 mm, dan
ke inferior sejauh 9 mm
● Tampak fraktur avulsi pada head os
fibula kiri dengan displace fragmen
fraktur ke superior sejauh 6 mm
● Tampak fraktur transverse komplit pada 1/3 distal os tibia sinistra dengan
displace fragmen fraktur ke anterior sejauh 1,8 cm, dan shortening 3 cm,
disertai hematome pada m. gastrocnemius kiri dan vaskular injury
● Tampak fraktur transverse komplit pada 1/3 distal os fibula sinistra dengan
displace fragmen fraktut ke posterior sejauh 2,7 cm dan shortening 2.5 cm,
dengan muskular hematome dan defek soft tissue pada distal regio cruris
kiri sisi posterior. Tidak tampak injury pada tendon achiles
• Tampak fluid collection pada suprapatelar recess kiri
membentuk gambaran triple layer densitas darah,
cairan dan densitas lemak.
• Tidak tampak injury pada ACL,PCL, MCL, LCL
• Tampak fat stranding luas dengan edema cutis subcutis
regio cruris kiri
• Multifokal vascular injury extremities inferior sinistra regio cruris :
 Total oklusi a. poplitea sinistra sepanjang 3,4 cm
 Total oklusi pada 1/3 tengah PTA sinistra sepanjang 10 cm
 Total oklusi pada 1/3 proximal a. peroneal sepanjang 2 cm dan pada 1/3 distal a.
peroneal sinistra
• Split fraktur pada medial tibial plateu melibatkan intraartiular os tibia kiri sesuai Fraktur
Tibial Plateu tipe IV (Schatzer classification) dengan kecurigaan injury pada nervus
peroneus communis
• Fraktur oblique komplit pada 1/3 distal os tibia dan pada 1/3 distal os fibula sinistra
dengan displacement dan shortening
• Fraktur avulsi head os fibula sinistra
• Soft tissue swelling regio cruris sinistra dengan muskular hematome pada m.
gastrocnemius, m. tibialis anterior, dan defek soft tissue
Klasifikasi Schatzker membagi fraktur tibia plateau menjadi enam tipe :
• Type 1:
lateral plateau fracture tanpa depresi
• Type 2:
lateral plateau fracture dengan depresi
• Type 3:
fraktur kompresi dari tibia plateau lateral
(A) atau central (B).
• Type 4:
fraktur medial plateau
• Type 5:
fraktur bicondylar plateau
• Type 6:
fraktur plateau dengan diskontinuitas
Type I fracture
A type I fracture is a wedge-shaped pure cleavage fracture of the lateral tibial plateau, with a
displacement or depression less than 4mm. They are caused by the lateral femoral condyle being driven
into the articular surface of the tibial plateau.
Type II
Type II is a fracture with a combined cleavage and compression of the lateral tibial plateau, a type I
fracture with a depressed component. There is a depression greater than 4mm.
Type III fracture
A Schatzker type III fracture is a pure compression fracture of the lateral tibial plateau in which the
articular surface of the tibial plateau is depressed and driven into the lateral tibial metaphysis by
axial forces.
Type III fractures are divided into two subgroups: those with lateral depression (type IIIA) and those
with central depression (type IIIB).[3]
Type IV
Type IV is a medial tibial plateau fracture with a split or depressed component. These fractures occur
as a result of varus forces combined with axial loading in a hyperflexed knee. Type IV fractures have the
worst prognosis.[3]
Type VI
Type VI is a tibial plateau fracture with a dislocation of the metaphysis from the diaphysis. This
pattern results from high-energy trauma and diverse combinations of forces.[1] [3]
► Penatalaksanaan fraktur tipe I, II, dan III berpusat
pada evaluasi dan perbaikan kartilago artikular.
► Mekanisme fraktur-dislokasi fraktur tipe IV
meningkatkan kemungkinan cedera pada saraf
peroneal atau pembuluh poplitea.
► Pada fraktur tipe V dan VI, lokasi cedera jaringan
lunak menentukan pendekatan pembedahan dan
derajat soft tissue swelling jaringan lunak
menentukan waktu operasi definitif dan kebutuhan
akan stabilisasi sementara dengan fiksator
● Hemarthrosis is hemorrhage into a joint space and can be regarded as a
subtype of a joint effusion.
● Trauma is by far the most common cause of a hemarthrosis. Other
causes include bleeding disorders, anticoagulation, neurological deficits,
arthritis, tumors and vascular damage.
of synovial
Patophysiology of hemarthrosis
Radiographic features
● Hemarthrosis displaces normal
structures, for example in an elbow,
anterior and posterior fat pads may
be elevated or visible
respectively. In the knee, there may
be anterior displacement of the
patella and quadriceps tendon. In
the shoulder, the humerus may be
inferiorly displaced, mimicking a
Hemarthrosis in a 40-year-old woman; standing lateral radiograph of the
right knee. Fluid density is present behind the patellar tendon and around
patella tip (arrows); note patella tilting (arrowhead) due to abundant
Hemarthrosis and Lipohemarthrosis (illustrations)
results from an intra-articular fracture with escape of fat and blood from the bone
marrow into the joint, and is most frequently seen in the knee, associated with
a tibial plateau fracture or distal femoral fracture; rarely a patellar fracture. They
have also been described in hip, shoulder, elbow and wrist fractures
Plain radiograph
The fat-fluid level is seen on any horizontal beam radiograph, such that the beam is tangential to
the fat-blood interface. In the knee this is best achieved with a cross-table horizontal lateral view,
where a long horizontal line is seen in the suprapatellar pouch. Ideally the patient has been lying
in that position for ~5 minutes to allow the fat and blood to adequately separate
In patients with a prominent suprapatellar plica, a double fat-fluid level may be seen
It is important to remember that up to 64% of tibial plateau fractures do not have an x-ray visible
lipohemarthrosis, but rather a simple hemarthrosis 1, thus absence of the finding does not exclude
an intra-articular fracture.
It is also important to remember that a simple hemarthrosis can separate into serum and red cells
(hematocrit effect) and create a subtle fluid-fluid level. This should not be mistaken for a
lipohemarthrosis 2. In some cases, all three layers can be seen, a so-called
lipohydrohaemathrosis. This tri-level appearance is sometimes known as parfait sign.
CT and MRI
CT and MRI having much higher
sensitivity to density differences are not
only very sensitive at identifying intra-
articular fat, but also identify a hematocrit
effect, with three layers visible
(fat above, serum/synovial fluid middle,
red blood cells below)
The upper layer will follow fat on all
sequences and saturate on fat-saturated
Artery Of Lower Limb
20XX 45
20XX 48
Schematic diagram of the arterial
and venous anatomy of the lower
extremity showing important
related anatomic landmarks.
Radiographic features
◈ Another noninvasive technique is CTA, which utilizes intravenous contrast medium
injection to opacify the arterial lumen and detect any change in the caliber.
◈ Assessment of the stenosis, occlusion and collateral circulation can be done using
multislice thin axial cuts followed by multiplanar reconstruction. Maximum intensity
projections (MIP) and volume rendering techniques (VRT) can also be used in the
assessment of the vessels.
20XX 52
20XX 53
CTA of Lower Extremities Protocol
▪ The patient is placed feet first and supine on the scanner table, with feet and
ankle joints in neutral position.
▪ The typical field-of-view (FOV) extends from the lower thorax (diaphragm) to
the toes, with an average scan length of 110–130 cm.
▪ A scanning protocol for peripheral CTA should always include (1) a scout
image, (2) a test bolus or bolus triggering acquisition (based on the operator’s
preference), and (3) CTA acquisition during the arterial contrast phase.
▪ A second late CTA acquisition of the distal territories may be prescribed in case
of inadequate pedal opacification during the arterial CTA.
▪ An entire peripheral CTA study may be easily performed in 10–15 minutes.
Contrast Injection
◈ Intravenous contrast medium is injected by using a power injection into an
antecubital vein (20–22 gauge cannula).
◈ The time the contrast takes to travel from the injection site to the aorta (transit
time) is variable between patients.
◈ In addition, the transit time of intravenous contrast agents traveling from the aorta
to the popliteal artery has also been shown to vary significantly between patients
in relation to the severity of atherosclerotic disease.
◈ Empirically, a contrast bolus length of at least 30 s should be used to enable all
patients to be imaged.
Contrast Injection
◈ When the bolus chase technique is employed, 100–120 ml of contrast (with an
iodine concentration between 320 and 370 mg/ml) are administered at a rate of 4
◈ When an automated bolus detection algorithm is used, the region of interest is set
up in the aorta immediately below the level of the diaphragm.
◈ A repetitive monitor acquisition (120kV, 10 mAs, 1 s interscan delay) is started 10
s after contrast injection begins.
◈ The actual peripheral CTA acquisition is then started when the contrast
enhancement reaches a prespecified level (typically set between 150 and 200
Hounsfield units (HU).
◈ In general, the use of 370 mg/ml contrast agents yields excellent results.
Fraktur Tibia Plateu.pptx
Fraktur Tibia Plateu.pptx
Fraktur Tibia Plateu.pptx
Fraktur Tibia Plateu.pptx

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Fraktur Tibia Plateu.pptx

  • 1. JAGA MALAM SPV Incharge : dr. Liana Karliasari, SpRad(K) SPV Advisor : dr. Dini Rachma Erawati, SpRad(K) Residents : dr. Han, dr. Zul, dr. Wan, dr. Son
  • 2. VISI & MISI VISI : “Menjadi Institusi Pendidikan Dokter Spesialis Radiologi, Pelopor, Dan Pembaharu, Dengan Reputasi Internasional Untuk Menghasilkan Lulusan Unggul Di Bidang Deteksi Dini Penyakit Dan Komplikasinya” MISI: 1. Menyelenggarakan Pendidikan, Penelitian, Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Di Bidang Radiologi Terintegrasi Berstandar Internasional Yang Menghasilkan Lulusan Yang Beriman Dan Bertakwa Kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, Serta Memiliki Moral Dan Budi Pekerti Yang Luhur, Mandiri, Profesional, Dan Inovatif. 2. Menyelenggarakan Program Studi Sebagai Agen Pengembang Dan Penyebar Ilmu Radiologi Dengan Berdasar Nilai Kearifan Lokal Yang Luhur Untuk Perbaikan Kualitas Hidup 3. Menyelenggarakan Tata Kelola Program Studi Di Perguruan Tinggi Yang Unggul, Berkeadilan, Dan Berkelanjutan. 4. Merintis Dan Menjadi Pioner Pendidikan, Penelitian, Dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Di Bidang Radiologi Terkini Dan Bermutu Dengan Keunggulan Bidang Deteksi Dini Penyakit
  • 4. IDENTITAS PASIEN Tn. AN/ 20 tahun 11577315 CF Tibia Fibula L Genu D AP/ Lat Cruris D AP/ Lat Pedis D AP/ Oblique CTA Ekstremitas Inferior ANAMNESIS • Pasien datang dengan keluhan nyeri dan luka terbuka pada tungkai bawah kiri, luka babras pada kaki kiri, disertai rasa kebas pada bagian belakang tungkai bawah dan telapak kaki setelah tungkai bawah terjepit mesin cor. • Riwayat pingsan (-), muntah (-), kejang (-)
  • 5. PEMERIKSAAN FISIK • GCS 456, TD : 136/ 87 mmHg, HR : 98 x/m, RR : 20x/m, SpO2 : 98% • Lateralisasi (-) • Status Lokalis Regio Left Lower Leg :  L : swelling (+), rotational deformity (+), bruise (+), open wound (+) at posterolateral side, size 2x2 cm, bone based  F : tenderness (+), parasthesia no posterior side lower leg (+)  M : ROM limited • Status Lokalis Regio Left Foot :  L : multiple vulnus abrasion (+), dorsal side, size 3 x 0,4 cm, 0,6 x 0,6 cm, 2 x 0,4 cm with nail loss  F : tenderness (+), parasthesia on plantar side foot (+)  M : ROM limited • Pulsasi a. Tibialis Posterior (-), a. Dorsalis Pedis (-) • Saturation of all L toes (-)
  • 10. KESIMPULAN • Split fraktur pada medial tibial plateu melibatkan intraartiular os tibia kiri sesuai Fraktur Tibial Plateu tipe IV (Schatzer classification) • Fraktur avulsi head os fibula sinistra • Fraktur oblique komplit pada 1/3 distal os tibia dan os fibula sinistra dengan displacement dan shortening • Tidak tampak fraktur pada radiografi pedis sinistra • Soft tissue swelling regio genu, cruris (dengan defek), dan pedis sinistra • Lipohemarthrosis suprapatellar recess kiri
  • 12. Dekstra Sinistra Kaliber ± 8 mm. Tidak tampak stenosis/ kalsifikasi/ trombus A. Illiaca Communis Kaliber ± 8 mm. Tidak tampak stenosis/ kalsifikasi/ trombus Kaliber ± 8 mm. Tidak tampak stenosis/ kalsifikasi/ trombus A. Illiaca Eksterna Kaliber ± 8 mm. Tidak tampak stenosis/ kalsifikasi/ trombus Kaliber ± 5 mm. Tidak tampak stenosis/ kalsifikasi/ thrombus A. Illiaca Interna Kaliber ± 8 mm. Tidak tampak stenosis/ kalsifikasi/ trombus Kaliber ± 8 mm. Tidak tampak stenosis/ kalsifikasi/ thrombus A. Communis Femoralis Kaliber ± 8 mm. Tidak tampak stenosis/ kalsifikasi/ trombus Kaliber ± 5 mm. Tidak tampak stenosis/ kalsifikasi/ thrombus A. Superfisialis Femoralis Kaliber ± 5 mm. Tidak tampak stenosis/ kalsifikasi/ thrombus Kaliber ± 4 mm. Tidak tampak stenosis/ kalsifikasi/ thrombus A. Profunda Femoralis Kaliber ± 4 mm. Tidak tampak stenosis/ kalsifikasi/ thrombus Kaliber ± 4 mm. Tidak tampak stenosis/ kalsifikasi/ thrombus A. Poplitea Kaliber ± 4 mm. Tampak cut off pada distal a. poplitea setinggi metafisis os tibia sepanjang 3,4 cm Kaliber ± 3 mm. Tidak tampak stenosis/ kalsifikasi/ thrombus A. Tibialis Anterior Kaliber ± 5 mm. Tidak tampak stenosis/ kalsifikasi/ thrombus Kaliber ± 3 mm. Tidak tampak stenosis/ kalsifikasi/ thrombus A. Tibialis Posterior Kaliber ± 1,5 mm. Tampak cut off pada 1/3 tengah PTA sepanjang 10 cm. Tampak opasifikasi kontras pada 1/3 distal PTA (mendapat dari kolateral) Kaliber ± 2 mm. Tidak tampak stenosis/ kalsifikasi/ thrombus A. Peroneal Kaliber ± 2,0 mm. Tidak tampak stenosis/ kalsifikasi/ thrombus Kaliber ± 1 mm. Tidak tampak stenosis/ kalsifikasi/ thrombus A. Dorsalis Kaliber ± 1,5 mm. Tidak tampak stenosis/ kalsifikasi/ thrombus Kaliber ± 1 mm. Tidak tampak stenosis/ kalsifikasi/ trombus A. Plantaris Kaliber ± 1 mm. Tidak tampak stenosis/ kalsifikasi/ trombus
  • 13.
  • 14.
  • 15. Observasi General : ● Tampak split fraktur pada lateral tibial plateu hingga metafisis melibatkan intraarticular tibial plateru sisi lateral-media pada os tibia kiri dengan displace fragmen fraktur ke lateral sejuah 5 mm, dan ke inferior sejauh 9 mm ● Tampak fraktur avulsi pada head os fibula kiri dengan displace fragmen fraktur ke superior sejauh 6 mm
  • 16. ● Tampak fraktur transverse komplit pada 1/3 distal os tibia sinistra dengan displace fragmen fraktur ke anterior sejauh 1,8 cm, dan shortening 3 cm, disertai hematome pada m. gastrocnemius kiri dan vaskular injury disekitarnya ● Tampak fraktur transverse komplit pada 1/3 distal os fibula sinistra dengan displace fragmen fraktut ke posterior sejauh 2,7 cm dan shortening 2.5 cm, dengan muskular hematome dan defek soft tissue pada distal regio cruris kiri sisi posterior. Tidak tampak injury pada tendon achiles
  • 17. • Tampak fluid collection pada suprapatelar recess kiri membentuk gambaran triple layer densitas darah, cairan dan densitas lemak. • Tidak tampak injury pada ACL,PCL, MCL, LCL • Tampak fat stranding luas dengan edema cutis subcutis regio cruris kiri
  • 18. KESIMPULAN • Multifokal vascular injury extremities inferior sinistra regio cruris :  Total oklusi a. poplitea sinistra sepanjang 3,4 cm  Total oklusi pada 1/3 tengah PTA sinistra sepanjang 10 cm  Total oklusi pada 1/3 proximal a. peroneal sepanjang 2 cm dan pada 1/3 distal a. peroneal sinistra • Split fraktur pada medial tibial plateu melibatkan intraartiular os tibia kiri sesuai Fraktur Tibial Plateu tipe IV (Schatzer classification) dengan kecurigaan injury pada nervus peroneus communis • Fraktur oblique komplit pada 1/3 distal os tibia dan pada 1/3 distal os fibula sinistra dengan displacement dan shortening • Fraktur avulsi head os fibula sinistra • Soft tissue swelling regio cruris sinistra dengan muskular hematome pada m. gastrocnemius, m. tibialis anterior, dan defek soft tissue
  • 20. Klasifikasi Schatzker membagi fraktur tibia plateau menjadi enam tipe : • Type 1: lateral plateau fracture tanpa depresi • Type 2: lateral plateau fracture dengan depresi • Type 3: fraktur kompresi dari tibia plateau lateral (A) atau central (B). • Type 4: fraktur medial plateau • Type 5: fraktur bicondylar plateau • Type 6: fraktur plateau dengan diskontinuitas diafisis
  • 21. Type I fracture A type I fracture is a wedge-shaped pure cleavage fracture of the lateral tibial plateau, with a displacement or depression less than 4mm. They are caused by the lateral femoral condyle being driven into the articular surface of the tibial plateau.
  • 22. Type II Type II is a fracture with a combined cleavage and compression of the lateral tibial plateau, a type I fracture with a depressed component. There is a depression greater than 4mm.
  • 23. Type III fracture A Schatzker type III fracture is a pure compression fracture of the lateral tibial plateau in which the articular surface of the tibial plateau is depressed and driven into the lateral tibial metaphysis by axial forces. Type III fractures are divided into two subgroups: those with lateral depression (type IIIA) and those with central depression (type IIIB).[3]
  • 24. Type IV Type IV is a medial tibial plateau fracture with a split or depressed component. These fractures occur as a result of varus forces combined with axial loading in a hyperflexed knee. Type IV fractures have the worst prognosis.[3]
  • 26. Type VI Type VI is a tibial plateau fracture with a dislocation of the metaphysis from the diaphysis. This pattern results from high-energy trauma and diverse combinations of forces.[1] [3]
  • 27.
  • 28. ► Penatalaksanaan fraktur tipe I, II, dan III berpusat pada evaluasi dan perbaikan kartilago artikular. ► Mekanisme fraktur-dislokasi fraktur tipe IV meningkatkan kemungkinan cedera pada saraf peroneal atau pembuluh poplitea. ► Pada fraktur tipe V dan VI, lokasi cedera jaringan lunak menentukan pendekatan pembedahan dan derajat soft tissue swelling jaringan lunak menentukan waktu operasi definitif dan kebutuhan akan stabilisasi sementara dengan fiksator eksternal.
  • 29. Hemarthrosis ● Hemarthrosis is hemorrhage into a joint space and can be regarded as a subtype of a joint effusion. ● Trauma is by far the most common cause of a hemarthrosis. Other causes include bleeding disorders, anticoagulation, neurological deficits, arthritis, tumors and vascular damage.
  • 31. Radiographic features ● Hemarthrosis displaces normal structures, for example in an elbow, anterior and posterior fat pads may be elevated or visible respectively. In the knee, there may be anterior displacement of the patella and quadriceps tendon. In the shoulder, the humerus may be inferiorly displaced, mimicking a dislocation. Hemarthrosis in a 40-year-old woman; standing lateral radiograph of the right knee. Fluid density is present behind the patellar tendon and around patella tip (arrows); note patella tilting (arrowhead) due to abundant effusion.
  • 33. Lipohemarthosis results from an intra-articular fracture with escape of fat and blood from the bone marrow into the joint, and is most frequently seen in the knee, associated with a tibial plateau fracture or distal femoral fracture; rarely a patellar fracture. They have also been described in hip, shoulder, elbow and wrist fractures
  • 34. 4 2 Lipohemarthrosis Plain radiograph The fat-fluid level is seen on any horizontal beam radiograph, such that the beam is tangential to the fat-blood interface. In the knee this is best achieved with a cross-table horizontal lateral view, where a long horizontal line is seen in the suprapatellar pouch. Ideally the patient has been lying in that position for ~5 minutes to allow the fat and blood to adequately separate In patients with a prominent suprapatellar plica, a double fat-fluid level may be seen It is important to remember that up to 64% of tibial plateau fractures do not have an x-ray visible lipohemarthrosis, but rather a simple hemarthrosis 1, thus absence of the finding does not exclude an intra-articular fracture. It is also important to remember that a simple hemarthrosis can separate into serum and red cells (hematocrit effect) and create a subtle fluid-fluid level. This should not be mistaken for a lipohemarthrosis 2. In some cases, all three layers can be seen, a so-called lipohydrohaemathrosis. This tri-level appearance is sometimes known as parfait sign.
  • 35. 4 3 Lipohemarthrosis CT and MRI CT and MRI having much higher sensitivity to density differences are not only very sensitive at identifying intra- articular fat, but also identify a hematocrit effect, with three layers visible (fat above, serum/synovial fluid middle, red blood cells below) The upper layer will follow fat on all sequences and saturate on fat-saturated sequences
  • 36. Artery Of Lower Limb 20XX 45
  • 37.
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  • 39. 20XX 48 Schematic diagram of the arterial and venous anatomy of the lower extremity showing important related anatomic landmarks.
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  • 42. Radiographic features CT ◈ Another noninvasive technique is CTA, which utilizes intravenous contrast medium injection to opacify the arterial lumen and detect any change in the caliber. ◈ Assessment of the stenosis, occlusion and collateral circulation can be done using multislice thin axial cuts followed by multiplanar reconstruction. Maximum intensity projections (MIP) and volume rendering techniques (VRT) can also be used in the assessment of the vessels. 51
  • 45. CTA of Lower Extremities Protocol ▪ The patient is placed feet first and supine on the scanner table, with feet and ankle joints in neutral position. ▪ The typical field-of-view (FOV) extends from the lower thorax (diaphragm) to the toes, with an average scan length of 110–130 cm. ▪ A scanning protocol for peripheral CTA should always include (1) a scout image, (2) a test bolus or bolus triggering acquisition (based on the operator’s preference), and (3) CTA acquisition during the arterial contrast phase. ▪ A second late CTA acquisition of the distal territories may be prescribed in case of inadequate pedal opacification during the arterial CTA. ▪ An entire peripheral CTA study may be easily performed in 10–15 minutes.
  • 46. Contrast Injection ◈ Intravenous contrast medium is injected by using a power injection into an antecubital vein (20–22 gauge cannula). ◈ The time the contrast takes to travel from the injection site to the aorta (transit time) is variable between patients. ◈ In addition, the transit time of intravenous contrast agents traveling from the aorta to the popliteal artery has also been shown to vary significantly between patients in relation to the severity of atherosclerotic disease. ◈ Empirically, a contrast bolus length of at least 30 s should be used to enable all patients to be imaged.
  • 47. Contrast Injection ◈ When the bolus chase technique is employed, 100–120 ml of contrast (with an iodine concentration between 320 and 370 mg/ml) are administered at a rate of 4 ml/s. ◈ When an automated bolus detection algorithm is used, the region of interest is set up in the aorta immediately below the level of the diaphragm. ◈ A repetitive monitor acquisition (120kV, 10 mAs, 1 s interscan delay) is started 10 s after contrast injection begins. ◈ The actual peripheral CTA acquisition is then started when the contrast enhancement reaches a prespecified level (typically set between 150 and 200 Hounsfield units (HU). ◈ In general, the use of 370 mg/ml contrast agents yields excellent results.