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Afnan Bielal
Sarah Hani
Maryam Jamila
Fracture of Proximal Femur
Intracapsular: Femoral neck fractures/NOF
Extracapsular: Intertrochanteric, Subtrochanteric fractures
•Longest and strongest bone
•3 parts:
• Proximal: head and neck, and
two bony processes – the
greater and lesser
• The shaft
• Distal - medial and lateral
Anterior surface of proximal right
Posterior surface proximal right
Muscles of Thigh
• Largest and most powerful in the human
• Three compartments, each associated
with nerves and vessels.
• Anterior compartment: Sartorius,
• Posterior compartments: Biceps
femoris, Semitendinosus,
• Adductor compartment: Gracilis,
Adductor longus, Adductor brevis,
Adductor magnus
Blood Supply of Head and Neck of Femur
•Retinacular arteries
(branch of medial and
lateral circumflex
•Artery in ligamentum teres
(branch of obturator artery)
•Nutrient artery ( branch of
femoral artery)
Fracture Neck of Femur
• Increasingly common due to aging population
• Women > men
• High energy in young patients
• Low energy falls in older patients
• Impacted and stress fractures
• Slight pain in the groin (lateral
and below femoral artery
• Pain referred along the medial
side of
the thigh and knee
• Displaced fractures:
• Pain in the entire hip region
Physical exam
• Impacted and stress fractures
• No obvious clinical deformity due
to intracapsular
• Minor discomfort with active or
passive hip range of motion,
muscle spasms at extremes of
• Pain with percussion over
greater trochanter
• Displaced fractures:
• Leg in external rotation and
abduction, with shortening
• AP, Cross-table lateral, Full-length
• Shenton line: imaginary curved line
drawn along the inferior border of
superior pubic ramus (superior
border of the obturator foramen)
along the inferomedial border of the
neck of femur
• Disruption:
• Developmental dysplasia of
the Hip (DDH)
• Neck of femur fracture
• Dislocation of hip joint
• CT scan
• Displacement and degree of comminution
• To rule out occult fracture
• Not helpful in reliably assessing viability of femoral head after
•Initial treatment
• Pain-relieving measures - analgesia and
a femoral nerve block
•Skin traction, or the application of a
Thomas splint - an adjunct to pain
relief and nursing care.
•Non-operative treatment of hip fractures
is limited to those patients who would
not survive the surgical
Young patient
•Preserve the femoral head
•Fix the fracture
•Reduction and fixation of
fractures is not recommended
• Re-operation
• Nonunion
• Osteonecrosis of the femoral
•Consideration:Undisplaced and
stable fracture patterns
without comminution
• Young Patients (less than 60)
• Open-reduction internal fixation
• Elderly Patients
• Non-displaced (Garden Type 1 and 2)
• Percutaneous cannulated screws or sliding hip screw
• Displaced (Garden Type 3 and 4)
• Hemiarthroplasty-less active patients
• Total hip arthroplasty-active patients
• Fixation not indicated because of high risk of non-union (due to blood
supply) and AVN
•General complications in elderly:
• Thromboembolism, pneumonia, bed sores, UTI (associated with
prolonged bed rest)
•AVN of femoral Head
•Secondary osteoarthritis: From subarticular bone necrosis or femoral
head collapse
Extracapsular Fractures
• Intertrochanteric fractures
• Subtrochanteric fractures
Intertrochanteric fractures
•Elderly, osteoporotic women
•Unite quite easily
•Seldom cause avascular necrosis.
•Mechanism Of Injury:
• Fall directly onto the greater trochanter or by indirect twisting
• Younger individuals: high-energy injury (MVA, fall from a height)
• Elderly : simple fall
Clinical Features
•History of fall followed by
• Pain
• Swelling (more obvious compared
to neck of femur fracture; not
limited by capsule)
• Loss of function (unable to stand)
• Obvious deformity due to
extracapsular(shortening of limb,
external rotation)
Physical Examination
• Tenderness: Greater trochanter,
exacerbated by passive attempts
at hip flexion or rotation.
• Shortening of the extremity
and deformity of rotation in
resting position
Classifications (Evans classification)
• AP pelvis
• AP of hip, cross table lateral
• Full length femur
•CT or MRI
•Non-weight bearing with early out of bed to chair
• Indications
• Non ambulatory patients
• High risk for perioperative mortality
• High rates of pneumonia, urinary tract infections,
decubiti, and DVT
•Sliding hip compression screw (Dynamic hip screw)
• Indications
• Stable intertrochanteric fractures
• Outcomes
• Equal outcomes when compared to intramedullary hip screws for
stable fracture patterns
• More cost-effective
Intramedullary hip screw
(cephalomedullary nail/ proximal
femoral nail)
• Unstable fracture patterns
• Reverse obliquity fractures
• Subtrochanteric extension
• Lack of integrity of femoral wall
• Severely comminuted fractures
• Preexisting symptomatic
degenerative arthritis
• Osteoporotic bone that is
unlikely to hold internal fixation
• Salvage for failed internal
•General: Thromboembolism, pneumonia, bed sores.
•Malunion - varus and external deformities
•Failure of fixation
•Anterior perforation of the distal femur
Subtrochanteric Fracture
● Fractures between the inferior margin of
the lesser trochanter and 5 cm below this
point. (more distal are considered femoral
shaft fractures).
● Highly unstable.
● In elderly patients with osteoporosis,
osteomalacia, Paget’s Disease.
● Blood loss is greater than femoral next or
trochanteric fractures.
Mechanism of Injury
1. Young patients
• High-energy mechanism (MVA)
2. Elderly patients
• Low-energy mechanism (ground level falls)
3. Rule out pathologic or atypical femur fracture
• Denosumab or bisphosphonate use, particularly
alendronate, can be risk factor
○ long history of bisphosphonate or denosumab
○ history of thigh pain before trauma occurred
○ hip and thigh pain
○ inability to bear weight
Physical exam
○ pain with motion
○ typically associated with obvious deformity (shortening and varus
○ flexion of proximal fragment may threaten overlying skin
● Fracture is thorough or below the lesser
● Frequently comminuted
Warning sign on X-Ray:
● Communition, with extension into
piriform fossa.
● Displacement of medial fragment include
● Lytic lesions in the femur
Based on integrity of the piriformis fossa.
Designed to guide treatment of intramedullary nails using a piriformis
fossa starting
● Type I- intact piriformis fossa
○ A- lesser trochanter attached to proximal fragment
○ B- lesser trochanter detached from proximal fragment
● Type II- fracture extends into piriformis fossa
○ A- stable posterior-medial buttress
○ B-comminution of lesser trochanter
● Manipulation and reduction under X-Ray.
● Internal fixation with PFNA(Proximal femoral nail antirotation;
form of intramedullary
nailing) or fixation with locking plate.
● Postoperative partial weight-bearing with crutches until union is
● Malunion - Varus and rotational malunions are fairly common. This can be
prevented by careful attention to accurate reduction before internal fixation
is applied
● Non-union - This occurs in about 5 per cent of cases; it will require
operative correction of any deformity, renewed fixation and bone
Fracture Shaft of Femur
● Fracture of femoral diaphysis occur between 5cm distal
to lesser trochanter and 5cm proximal to adductor
● Mechanism of injury
○ Most commonly due to high energy trauma in young
○ Spiral fracture: usually caused by a fall in which the
foot is anchored
○ Twisting fracture: the force is transmitted to the
○ Transverse and oblique fractures: more often due to
angulation or direct violence.
○ Comminuted or segmental fractures:severe violence
1. Pain
2. Swelling and deformity of the limb
3. Shortening of the lower limb
4. Complete external rotation deformity
5. Severe blood loss up to 1500 mL
6. Shock features - unconscious , pallor, tachycardia, cold
and clammy
skin, hypotension
Clinical features
Radiographic evaluation
● AP and lateral views of the whole femur
● The knee and hip joint must be included in the
x-rays film.
● Fracture pattern should be evaluated
Emergency treatment
a. Set up an IV line
b. Cross-match blood and check Haemoglobin
c. If there is other injuries: give 2 units of blood
d. Wound debridement (pack the wound and treat by
delayed primary
e. Antibiotic and anti tetanus for open fracture
Femoral shaft fracture treatment
1. Traction, bracing, spica cast
a. Main indication for traction:
i. Femoral shaft fracture in children
ii. Contraindication to anaesthesia/surgery
iii. Lack of facilities for internal fixation
2. Plate and screw fixation
a. Main indication:
i. Fractures of either end of the femoral shaft
ii. Shaft fracture in growing child
iii. Fracture with a vascular injury which requires open repair
3. Intramedullary nailing
a. Method of choice as the complication rate is low
b. Cannot be applied to growing child, only indicated for adults. This is
because the intramedullary nail will pass through the growth plate
4. External fixation
a. Main indications:
i. Treatment of severe openinjuries
ii. Management of patient with multiple injuries
iii. The need to deal with severe bone loss by the
technique of bone
Early complications
Fat embolism
Femoral artery injury
Sciatic nerve injury
Late complications
Delayed union
Non union
Joint stiffness
Refracture and implant
fracture of Femur
Seen in:
● Young adults – high-energy trauma
● Elderly – low energy, often fall from
standing, in osteoporotic bone
Mechanism of Injury:
● Caused by direct trauma
● The fracture line is just above the condyles
but may extend between them.
● In the worst cases the fracture is severely
Supracondylar and Intercondylar fracture of Femur
Clinical features
● Knee – Swollen due to hemarthrosis
● Restriction of movement due to severe pain
● Distal pulses should always be checked to
ensure popliteal artery was not injured in
the fracture
Deforming forces
● Due to muscle pull, it can
result in deformity
● Quadriceps = Shortening
● Adductors muscle = Varus
● Gastrocnemius = recurvatum
(hyperextension of knee)
Gastrocnemius, arising from the posterior
surface of the distal femur, will tend to pull
the distal segment into extension, thus
risking injury to the popliteal artery
Muller AO Classifications
Type A
have no articular splits and
are truly ‘supracondylar’
Type B
are simply shear fractures of
one of the condyles
Type C
have supracondylar and
intercondylar fissures
Muller AO Classifications
● The fracture types are further subdivided describing
the degree of comminution and other characteristics.
● Further subdivision of type B fractures includes
○ Bl (sagittal, lateral condyle)
○ B2 (sagittal, medial condyle)
○ B3 (frontal, Hoffa type)
● Fracture type C is divided
○ C1 (articular simple, metaphyseal simple)
○ C2 (articular simple, metaphyseal
○ C3 (multifragmentary)
● The entire femur should be X-rayed so as not
to miss a proximal fracture or dislocated hip.
● Of importance are:
○ whether there is a fracture into the
joint and if it is comminuted
○ the size of the distal segment
○ whether the bone is osteo-porotic.
● These factors influence the type of internal
fixation required.
● CT is often used as an adjunct to fully describe
the pattern of the fracture and aid surgical
decision making (any intra-articular extension).
● Conservative treatment (slightly displaced & extra-articular fracture)
○ Skeletal traction through proximal tibia with cradled on
Thomas’ splint with a knee flexion piece - to encourage
○ If distal fragment is displaced by gastrocnemius pull, put a
second pin above the knee and do vertical traction
○ At 4-6 weeks,replace traction with cast brace and allow patient up
and partially weight bearing with crutches.
Operative treatment - ORIF
1. Locked intramedullary nails
a. Introduced retrograde through
intercondylar notch
2. Plates
a. Applied to lateral surface of femur:
95° condylar screw plate
b. In severely comminuted type C: newer
plate design with locking screw
3. Simple lag screw
a. Type B
b. Inserted in parallel( screw heads buried
within articular cartilage to avoid abrading
the opposing joint surface)
1. Patella
● Patella dislocation
● Patella fracture
● knee dislocation
2. Proximal tibia
● Avulsion fracture of ACL & PCL
● tibial plateau
3. Mid shaft of tibia & fibula
•The knee joint is the largest joint in the body
•Type: Complex Hinge
•Movement: Flexion, Extension, Medial rotation,
Lateral rotation
•Consists of 3 joints:
-Medial condylar joint – between the femoral medial
condyle and tibial medial condyle
-Lateral condylar joint – between the femoral lateral
condyle and tibial lateral condyle
-Patellofemoral joint: between patella and patellar
surface of the femur
-Patellar tendon
-Medial collateral
-Lateral collateral
-Oblique popliteal
-Anterior cruciate
-Posterior cruciate
Knee Surface Anatomy
2: Patella: triangular sesamoid bone on the anterior aspect
of knee
3: Ligamentum patellae tendon: extend from apex of patella
to the tibial tuberosity - Edges of tendon palpable on knee
4: Tibial tuberosity: bony prominence on proximal end of
anterior tibial border & the insertion of ligamentum patellae
5: Tibial plateau: medial and lateral to it is knee joint line
6: Head of fibula: round bony prominence on lateral aspect
of the leg, on a level with tibial tuberosity
8: lateral epicondyle of femur
Bursae of the Knee
Found wherever skin, muscle or tendon rubs against bone.The
main function: to reduce friction between adjacent moving
Anterior Bursae
➢ Suprapatellar bursa
➢ Prepatellar bursa
➢ Superficial infrapatellar bursa
➢ Deep infrapatellar bursa
Posterior Bursae
➢ Popliteal bursa
➢ Semimembranosus bursa
➢ Remaining bursae are related to the tendon of the biceps
femoris; sartorius,gracilis & semitendinosus muscles
Normal X-ray of Knee Joint
Knee joint is innervated by
branches from :
1. Obturator nerve
2. Femoral Nerve
3. Tibial Nerves
4. Common Peroneal
❖ 5 genicular branches of the popliteal
artery (main supply):
● Medial and lateral Superior Genicular
Arteries encircle the femoral condyle
● Medial and lateral Inferior Genicular
Arteries encircle tibial condyle
● Middle Genicular Artery supplies ACL and
❖ Descending branch of the lateral circumflex
femoral artery
❖ Descending genicular branch of the femoral
❖ Circumflex fibular branches of the posterior
tibial artery
❖ Anterior and posterior recurrent branches of the
anterior tibial artery
Normal active knee range of motion is:
➔ Knee Flexion: 135° i.e. fully bent
➔ Knee Extension: 0° i.e. fully straight
➔ Internal Knee Rotation: 10°
➔ External Knee Rotation: 30-40°
Normal passive knee ROM is:
➔ Passive Knee Flexion: up to 150°, depending on the size of the leg – the
limit is the calf pushing onto the back of the thigh
➔ Passive Knee Extension: up to 10° hyperextension is considered normal
1. Flexion
★ Biceps femoris, Semitendinosus,
Semimembranosus, Gracilis, Sartorius, Popliteus
2. Extension
★ Quadriceps femoris
3. Medial Rotation
★ Sartorius, Gracilis, Semitendinosus
4. Lateral Rotation
★ Biceps femoris
•Complete disruption of the integrity of
tibiofemoral articulation
•Resulting in multi-ligament knee injury,
commonly rupture to at least 2 major knee
ligament structures
➢ Half of them are secondary to motor
vehicle accidents
(high-velocity dislocations)
➢ One-third are sport injuries
(low-velocity dislocations)
➢ 10% are from simple falls
(ultra-low-velocity dislocations)
Severe bruising and swelling :
● due to rupture of the joint capsule and leads to leak of hemarthrosis
Test of distal sensation and movement:
● popliteal artery may be torn or obstructed
Acute ischemia
● Surgical emergency
● Ankle brachial pressure index (ABPI): suspect
vascular injury
● If ABPI < 0.9, vascular imaging should be done (CT angiography)
•Patients who sustain
vascular injuries associated
with a knee dislocation need
immediate transport to a
trauma hospital, rapid
assessment and diagnosis at
presentation, and
•Ischemia time >8 hours has
amputation rates as high as
➔ Must be reduced as soon as possible and held with brace, plaster or
external fixator
➔ Hyperextension must be avoided because of danger to popliteal
➔ Surgical intervention should be performed early (within 2 to 3 weeks)
for better outcomes
➔ Surgical techniques such as:
- Primary repair
- Repair and augmentation
- Reconstruction
➔ Above knee cast applied after swelling subsides (for 4-12 weeks)
➔ Quadriceps muscle exercises
➔ Early
★ Arterial damage : popliteal artery damage
★ Common peroneal nerve injury: weak or absent ankle
➔ Late
★ Joint instability
★ Stiffness : loss of movement, due to prolonged immobilization
Direct Injury
-Usually a fall onto the knee or
a blow against the car’s
-Either an undisplaced crack
or a comminuted (stellate)
Indirect Injury
-Occurs when someone
catches the foot against a
solid obstacle and to avoid
falling, the quadriceps muscle
contract forcefully
-Transverse fracture with a
gap between fragments
•Swollen and painful knee
•Patella is tender and sometimes gap can be felt
•Active knee extension should be tested. IF patient CAN LIFT the
straight leg, quadriceps mechanism still intact
The x-ray may show:
➢ One or more fine fracture lines
without displacement
➢ Multiple fracture lines with
irregular displacement
➢ A transverse fracture with gap
between the fragments
➢ Patella fractures are classified as:
- Transverse
- Longitudinal
- Polar
- Comminuted (stellate)
➢ May be undisplaced or displaced
★ The extensor mechanism is generally intact and treatment is mainly
to protect
★ A plaster cylinder or an extension brace holding the knee
straight should be worn for 3 to 4 weeks
★ Quadriceps exercise should be practised every day
★ Patient may be able to lift the leg but the undersurface of the
patella is irregular and has a serious, risk of damage to the
patellofemoral joint
★ Open reduction and internal fixation should be done
★ The lateral expansion are torn and entire
extensor mechanism is disrupted
★ The fragments are reduced and transfixed
with two stiff K-wires (flexible wire is then
looped tightly around the protruding
K-wires and over the patella)
(more common)
-sudden, severe contraction of the
quadriceps muscle while the knee
is stretched in valgus and external
-occurs in field sports when a
runner dodges to one side
-direct force while knee is flexed and the
quadriceps muscle relaxed
-patella dislocates laterally
-medial patellofemoral ligament and
retinacular fibres may be torn
➢ Tearing sensation
➢ Feeling that the knee has gone ‘out of joint’
➢ Remains unreduced:
○ Obvious deformity; the displaced patella seated on the lateral side of knee
○ Active or passive movement is not possible
❖ Reduced spontaneously:
➢ Knee may be swollen
➢ Bruising and tenderness on the medial side
● Episode characterized by acute pain with knee stuck in flexion and patella displaced
● Patellar apprehension test positive
★ If unreduced, dislocations can be pushed back into place without much difficulty
★ No need for immobilization or bracing
★ Non-operative therapy
★ To reduce swelling and increase the range of movement of knee
★ Include muscle-strengthening exercise, physiotherapy such as closed chain exercises
and vastus medialis oblique (VMO) strengthening
★ Should be considered when the conservative treatment have failed and recurrent
nature of disease has resulted in functional impairment
Avulsion fracture of ACL and PCL
Tibial plateau fracture
● The second-largest bone in the body
● The tibia's main function in the leg is to
bear weight.
● Important proximal tibia landmark.
○ Lateral and medial condyles
(articulation with femur–knee joint)
○ Tibial plateau
○ Anterior and posterior
intercondylar areas
○ Tibial tuberosity
Avulsion fracture of ACL
● Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) avulsion
fractures contribute most of the injuries around
the knee joint and commonly occurred in
● They are caused by forceful hyperextension of
the knee or by a direct blow over distal end of
femur with the knee flexed.
Avulsion fracture of
● Standard imaging for ACL avulsion
fractures include anteroposterior and
lateral radiographs.
● The fracture is best seen on the lateral
● An MRI is useful to determine the site of
origin of the bone fragment and to
assess the associated soft tissue
● Type I can be managed
● Types II–IV needs open
reduction and internal fixation
The Meyers and
McKeever classification
of ACL avulsion
Avulsion fracture of PCL
● The posterior cruciate ligament
(PCL) is an important structure for
stabilizing the knee joint.
● Avulsion fracture of the PCL will
directly lead to backward
instability of the knee joint, which
will lead to an increase in
articular cartilage pressure and
eventual degenerative changes in
the joint
● These injuries are commonly seen
in motorcycle or car accidents
(dashboard injuries) in which
posteriorization forces occur
against the tibia in a exed knee.
● Type 1
treatment may be suggested
● Type 2 and 3
Open reduction and fixation
should be considered.
The Meyers and McKeever
classification of PCL
Tibial plateau fracture
● The knee is swollen and may be
○ The tissue feels ‘doughy’ due
to hemarthrosis
● On examination:
○ Usually tender and may have
medial or lateral instability
○ Identify any signs of vascular
or neurological injury
■ Popliteal artery injury
■ Common peroneal nerve
injury (foot drop)
Mechanism of injury
1. Low energy - commonly seen in older
female due to osteoporotic bone changes
2. High energy - commonly due to motor
vehicle accident, falls or sport related
3. Caused by a varus or valgus force
combined with axial loading or weight
bearing knee
a. A car striking a pedestrian‘s fixed
knee (bumper fracture)
b. Fall from a height in which the knee is
forced into varus or valgus
Clinical features
AP, lateral, oblique X-rays
● Location of main fracture lines
● The areas of the portion of condyle that is
● The position of major parts of articular
surface that have been displaced
CT scan
● Amount of comminution
● Degree of plateau depression
● Extent and degree of
Schatzker Classification
● A vertical split of the lateral
● May be undisplaced, or the
condylar fragment may be
pushed inferiorly and tilted
● Undisplaced:
○ A hinged cast-brace or ROM
brace is used to allow early
immobilization (after pain
and swelling have
● Displaced:
○ Should be treated with open
reduction internal fixation
○ Lag screws alone or in
combination with plate are
used for fixation
Type 1 Management
A simple split of lateral
Schatzker Classification
● A vertical split of the
lateral condyle combined
with depression of an
adjacent load-bearing part
of the condyle
● Condylar fragment is
displaced laterally and the
joint is widened
● If depression is less than 5 mm or
the patient is old with
osteoporotic bone:
○ treat conservatively aim to
regain mobility and function
● In younger patient with
depression more than 5 mm
○ open reduction internal
fixation is required and bone
graft may be needed
Type 2 Management
Type 1 + a more central
area of depression
● Depression of the
articular surface with an
intact condylar rim
● No vertical split of lateral
condyle and the joint is
usually stable
● The depressed fragments may
need to be elevated
● The elevated fragments can be
supported with bone graft and the
whole segment is held with ‘raft’
Type 3 Management
Depression of the lateral
condyle + intact rim
Schatzker Classification
● Fracture of the medial
tibial condyle
● Can cause rupture of the
lateral collateral ligament
and a traction injury of the
peroneal nerve
● Stable fixation of medial side is
● Assess for any ligament injury
Type 4 Management
A fracture of the medial
Schatzker Classification
● Both condyles are split but
there is a column of the
metaphysis wedged in
between that remains in
continuity with the tibial
● Fixation is most commonly done
using combination of screws
with locking plates with bone
graft as required.
● Use circular external fixator to
stabilize and hold the
metaphysis to shaft.
Type 5 Management
Fracture of both condyles but
with the central portion of the
metaphysis still connected to
the tibial shaft.
Schatzker Classification
● This is a high-energy
injury that may result in
severe comminution.
● The tibial shaft is
effectively disconnected
from the tibial condyles.
● Fixation is most commonly done
using combination of screws
with locking plates with bone
graft as required
● Use circular external fixator to
stabilize and hold the
metaphysis to shaft
Type 6 Management
Combined condylar and
subcondylar fractures
Neurovascular injury:
a. Popliteal artery injury
b. Common peroneal nerve injury (foot drop)
1. Malunion
2. Joint stiffness
3. Deformity
Complications of Tibial Plateau Fracture
1. Compartment syndrome
-Bleeding and swelling in type 4 or 5
-Any sign of disproportionate pain on
passive stretching of muscle
Fracture shaft
of tibia and
Fracture shaft of tibia and fibula
● Tibia is more commonly fractured
because of its subcutaneous
● Fractures of the tibia generally are
associated with fibula, because the
force is transmitted along the
interosseous membrane to the fibula.
● The skin and subcutaneous tissue are
very thin over the anterior and medial
tibia → usually open fracture
● In closed fractures, the thin soft tissue
can become compromised.
Mechanism of Injury
● Twisting force causes spiral fracture of
both leg bones at different levels
● An angulatory force produces transverse
or short oblique fractures, usually at the
same level
● Indirect injury is usually low-energy; with a
spiral or long oblique fracture one of the
bone fragments may pierce the skin from
● Direct injury crushes or splits the skin over
the fracture; this is usually a high-energy
injury and the most common cause is a
motorcycle accident.
Fracture of both tibia and fibula
● The behaviour of these injuries, and therefore the choice of treatment
will depend on the following factors :
a. The state of the soft tissue
■ The risk of complications and the progress to fracture
healing are directly related to the amount and type of
soft-tissue damage.
■ Closed fractures are best described using Tscherne’s method
■ Open injuries, Gustilo’s grading is more useful
b. The severity of the bone injury
c. The stability of the fracture
d. The degree of contamination
e. Patient factors
Clinical features
1. Pain/ swelling in lower leg area
2. Obvious deformity or uneven leg lengths
3. Inability to stand/ walk (More likely
happen with tibia, less likely if only the
bula is broken)
4. Limited range of motion in the knee or
ankle area
5. Bruising/ discoloration (May indicate
damage to blood vessels)
Radiological findings (X-ray)
● The entire length of the tibia and
fibula, as well as the knee and ankle
joints, must be seen.
● The type of fracture, its level and the
degree of angulation and displacement
are recorded
● Rotational deformity can be gauged by
comparing the width of the tibiofibular
interspace above and below the
Tscherne’s classification of skin
lesions in closed fractures
Gustilo’s classification of open
For close fracture
● If undisplaced / minimally displaced
○ Immobilise with full length cast from upper
thigh to metatarsal neck apply with the knee
slightly flexed and ankle at right angle
● If fracture is displaced
○ ORIF with intramedullary nails
For open fracture
1. Antibiotics
2. Debridement
3. Stabilization
4. Prompt soft tissue cover
5. Rehabilitation

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  • 1. FRACTURES OF LOWER LIMB Afnan Bielal Sarah Hani Maryam Jamila
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  • 50. Fracture of Proximal Femur Intracapsular: Femoral neck fractures/NOF Extracapsular: Intertrochanteric, Subtrochanteric fractures
  • 51. •Longest and strongest bone •3 parts: • Proximal: head and neck, and two bony processes – the greater and lesser trochanters • The shaft • Distal - medial and lateral condyles Anterior surface of proximal right femur Posterior surface proximal right femur
  • 52. Muscles of Thigh • Largest and most powerful in the human body. • Three compartments, each associated with nerves and vessels. • Anterior compartment: Sartorius, Quadriceps • Posterior compartments: Biceps femoris, Semitendinosus, Semimembranosus • Adductor compartment: Gracilis, Adductor longus, Adductor brevis, Adductor magnus
  • 53. Blood Supply of Head and Neck of Femur •Retinacular arteries (branch of medial and lateral circumflex artery) •Artery in ligamentum teres (branch of obturator artery) •Nutrient artery ( branch of femoral artery)
  • 55. •Incidence • Increasingly common due to aging population •Demographics • Women > men •Mechanism • High energy in young patients • Low energy falls in older patients
  • 56. Symptoms • Impacted and stress fractures • Slight pain in the groin (lateral and below femoral artery pulsation) • Pain referred along the medial side of the thigh and knee • Displaced fractures: • Pain in the entire hip region Physical exam • Impacted and stress fractures • No obvious clinical deformity due to intracapsular • Minor discomfort with active or passive hip range of motion, muscle spasms at extremes of motion • Pain with percussion over greater trochanter • Displaced fractures: • Leg in external rotation and abduction, with shortening
  • 57.
  • 58. Imaging Radiographs • AP, Cross-table lateral, Full-length femur • Shenton line: imaginary curved line drawn along the inferior border of the superior pubic ramus (superior border of the obturator foramen) and along the inferomedial border of the neck of femur • Disruption: • Developmental dysplasia of the Hip (DDH) • Neck of femur fracture • Dislocation of hip joint
  • 59. • CT scan • Displacement and degree of comminution • MRI • To rule out occult fracture • Not helpful in reliably assessing viability of femoral head after fracture
  • 60. Management •Initial treatment • Pain-relieving measures - analgesia and a femoral nerve block •Skin traction, or the application of a Thomas splint - an adjunct to pain relief and nursing care. •Non-operative treatment of hip fractures is limited to those patients who would not survive the surgical
  • 61. Young patient •Preserve the femoral head •Fix the fracture Elderly •Reduction and fixation of fractures is not recommended • Re-operation • Nonunion • Osteonecrosis of the femoral head •Consideration:Undisplaced and stable fracture patterns without comminution
  • 62. • Young Patients (less than 60) • Open-reduction internal fixation • Elderly Patients • Non-displaced (Garden Type 1 and 2) • Percutaneous cannulated screws or sliding hip screw • Displaced (Garden Type 3 and 4) • Hemiarthroplasty-less active patients • Total hip arthroplasty-active patients • Fixation not indicated because of high risk of non-union (due to blood supply) and AVN
  • 63. Complications •General complications in elderly: • Thromboembolism, pneumonia, bed sores, UTI (associated with prolonged bed rest) •Non-Union •AVN of femoral Head •Secondary osteoarthritis: From subarticular bone necrosis or femoral head collapse
  • 64. Extracapsular Fractures • Intertrochanteric fractures • Subtrochanteric fractures
  • 66. •Elderly, osteoporotic women •Unite quite easily •Seldom cause avascular necrosis. •Mechanism Of Injury: • Fall directly onto the greater trochanter or by indirect twisting injury. • Younger individuals: high-energy injury (MVA, fall from a height) • Elderly : simple fall
  • 67. Clinical Features •History of fall followed by • Pain • Swelling (more obvious compared to neck of femur fracture; not limited by capsule) • Loss of function (unable to stand) • Obvious deformity due to extracapsular(shortening of limb, external rotation) Physical Examination • Tenderness: Greater trochanter, exacerbated by passive attempts at hip flexion or rotation. • Shortening of the extremity and deformity of rotation in resting position
  • 69. Imaging •X-Ray • AP pelvis • AP of hip, cross table lateral view • Full length femur •CT or MRI
  • 70. Management Nonoperative •Non-weight bearing with early out of bed to chair • Indications • Non ambulatory patients • High risk for perioperative mortality • High rates of pneumonia, urinary tract infections, decubiti, and DVT
  • 71. Operative •Sliding hip compression screw (Dynamic hip screw) • Indications • Stable intertrochanteric fractures • Outcomes • Equal outcomes when compared to intramedullary hip screws for stable fracture patterns • More cost-effective
  • 72. Intramedullary hip screw (cephalomedullary nail/ proximal femoral nail) •Indications • Unstable fracture patterns • Reverse obliquity fractures • Subtrochanteric extension • Lack of integrity of femoral wall Arthroplasty •Indications • Severely comminuted fractures • Preexisting symptomatic degenerative arthritis • Osteoporotic bone that is unlikely to hold internal fixation • Salvage for failed internal fixation
  • 73. Complications •General: Thromboembolism, pneumonia, bed sores. •Malunion - varus and external deformities •Failure of fixation •Anterior perforation of the distal femur •Non-union
  • 74.
  • 76. ● Fractures between the inferior margin of the lesser trochanter and 5 cm below this point. (more distal are considered femoral shaft fractures). ● Highly unstable. ● In elderly patients with osteoporosis, osteomalacia, Paget’s Disease. ● Blood loss is greater than femoral next or trochanteric fractures.
  • 77. Mechanism of Injury 1. Young patients • High-energy mechanism (MVA) 2. Elderly patients • Low-energy mechanism (ground level falls) 3. Rule out pathologic or atypical femur fracture • Denosumab or bisphosphonate use, particularly alendronate, can be risk factor
  • 78. Presentations History ○ long history of bisphosphonate or denosumab ○ history of thigh pain before trauma occurred Symptoms ○ hip and thigh pain ○ inability to bear weight Physical exam ○ pain with motion ○ typically associated with obvious deformity (shortening and varus alignment) ○ flexion of proximal fragment may threaten overlying skin
  • 79. Imaging ● Fracture is thorough or below the lesser trochanter ● Frequently comminuted Warning sign on X-Ray: ● Communition, with extension into piriform fossa. ● Displacement of medial fragment include lesser trochanter ● Lytic lesions in the femur
  • 80. Classifications Based on integrity of the piriformis fossa. Designed to guide treatment of intramedullary nails using a piriformis fossa starting point. ● Type I- intact piriformis fossa ○ A- lesser trochanter attached to proximal fragment ○ B- lesser trochanter detached from proximal fragment ● Type II- fracture extends into piriformis fossa ○ A- stable posterior-medial buttress ○ B-comminution of lesser trochanter
  • 81. Treatment ● Manipulation and reduction under X-Ray. ● Internal fixation with PFNA(Proximal femoral nail antirotation; form of intramedullary nailing) or fixation with locking plate. ● Postoperative partial weight-bearing with crutches until union is secure.
  • 82. Complications ● Malunion - Varus and rotational malunions are fairly common. This can be prevented by careful attention to accurate reduction before internal fixation is applied ● Non-union - This occurs in about 5 per cent of cases; it will require operative correction of any deformity, renewed fixation and bone grafting.
  • 84. ● Fracture of femoral diaphysis occur between 5cm distal to lesser trochanter and 5cm proximal to adductor tubercle. ● Mechanism of injury ○ Most commonly due to high energy trauma in young adults. ○ Spiral fracture: usually caused by a fall in which the foot is anchored ○ Twisting fracture: the force is transmitted to the femur ○ Transverse and oblique fractures: more often due to angulation or direct violence. ○ Comminuted or segmental fractures:severe violence
  • 85. 1. Pain 2. Swelling and deformity of the limb 3. Shortening of the lower limb 4. Complete external rotation deformity 5. Severe blood loss up to 1500 mL 6. Shock features - unconscious , pallor, tachycardia, cold and clammy skin, hypotension Clinical features
  • 86. Radiographic evaluation ● AP and lateral views of the whole femur ● The knee and hip joint must be included in the x-rays film. ● Fracture pattern should be evaluated
  • 87. Treatment Emergency treatment a. Set up an IV line b. Cross-match blood and check Haemoglobin c. If there is other injuries: give 2 units of blood d. Wound debridement (pack the wound and treat by delayed primary suture) e. Antibiotic and anti tetanus for open fracture
  • 88. Femoral shaft fracture treatment 1. Traction, bracing, spica cast a. Main indication for traction: i. Femoral shaft fracture in children ii. Contraindication to anaesthesia/surgery iii. Lack of facilities for internal fixation
  • 89. 2. Plate and screw fixation a. Main indication: i. Fractures of either end of the femoral shaft ii. Shaft fracture in growing child iii. Fracture with a vascular injury which requires open repair 3. Intramedullary nailing a. Method of choice as the complication rate is low b. Cannot be applied to growing child, only indicated for adults. This is because the intramedullary nail will pass through the growth plate
  • 90. 4. External fixation a. Main indications: i. Treatment of severe openinjuries ii. Management of patient with multiple injuries iii. The need to deal with severe bone loss by the technique of bone transport
  • 91. Complications Early complications Shock Fat embolism ARDS Femoral artery injury Sciatic nerve injury Infection Late complications Delayed union Non union Malunion Joint stiffness Refracture and implant failure
  • 92. Supracondylar and Intercondylar fracture of Femur Seen in: ● Young adults – high-energy trauma ● Elderly – low energy, often fall from standing, in osteoporotic bone Mechanism of Injury: ● Caused by direct trauma ● The fracture line is just above the condyles but may extend between them. ● In the worst cases the fracture is severely comminuted.
  • 93. Supracondylar and Intercondylar fracture of Femur Clinical features ● Knee – Swollen due to hemarthrosis ● Restriction of movement due to severe pain ● Distal pulses should always be checked to ensure popliteal artery was not injured in the fracture Deforming forces ● Due to muscle pull, it can result in deformity ● Quadriceps = Shortening ● Adductors muscle = Varus ● Gastrocnemius = recurvatum (hyperextension of knee) Gastrocnemius, arising from the posterior surface of the distal femur, will tend to pull the distal segment into extension, thus risking injury to the popliteal artery
  • 94. Muller AO Classifications Type A have no articular splits and are truly ‘supracondylar’ Type B are simply shear fractures of one of the condyles Type C have supracondylar and intercondylar fissures
  • 95. Muller AO Classifications ● The fracture types are further subdivided describing the degree of comminution and other characteristics. ● Further subdivision of type B fractures includes ○ Bl (sagittal, lateral condyle) ○ B2 (sagittal, medial condyle) ○ B3 (frontal, Hoffa type) ● Fracture type C is divided ○ C1 (articular simple, metaphyseal simple) ○ C2 (articular simple, metaphyseal multifragmentary) ○ C3 (multifragmentary)
  • 96. Imaging ● The entire femur should be X-rayed so as not to miss a proximal fracture or dislocated hip. ● Of importance are: ○ whether there is a fracture into the joint and if it is comminuted ○ the size of the distal segment ○ whether the bone is osteo-porotic. ● These factors influence the type of internal fixation required. ● CT is often used as an adjunct to fully describe the pattern of the fracture and aid surgical decision making (any intra-articular extension).
  • 97. Management ● Conservative treatment (slightly displaced & extra-articular fracture) ○ Skeletal traction through proximal tibia with cradled on Thomas’ splint with a knee flexion piece - to encourage movement ○ If distal fragment is displaced by gastrocnemius pull, put a second pin above the knee and do vertical traction ○ At 4-6 weeks,replace traction with cast brace and allow patient up and partially weight bearing with crutches.
  • 98. Management Operative treatment - ORIF 1. Locked intramedullary nails a. Introduced retrograde through intercondylar notch 2. Plates a. Applied to lateral surface of femur: 95° condylar screw plate b. In severely comminuted type C: newer plate design with locking screw 3. Simple lag screw a. Type B b. Inserted in parallel( screw heads buried within articular cartilage to avoid abrading the opposing joint surface)
  • 99. KNEE 1. Patella ● Patella dislocation ● Patella fracture ● knee dislocation 2. Proximal tibia ● Avulsion fracture of ACL & PCL ● tibial plateau 3. Mid shaft of tibia & fibula
  • 100. ANATOMY OF KNEE •The knee joint is the largest joint in the body •Type: Complex Hinge •Movement: Flexion, Extension, Medial rotation, Lateral rotation •Consists of 3 joints: -Medial condylar joint – between the femoral medial condyle and tibial medial condyle -Lateral condylar joint – between the femoral lateral condyle and tibial lateral condyle -Patellofemoral joint: between patella and patellar surface of the femur
  • 101. ANATOMY OF KNEE LIGAMENTS •Extracapsular -Patellar tendon -Medial collateral ligament -Lateral collateral ligament -Oblique popliteal ligament •Intracapsular -Anterior cruciate ligament -Posterior cruciate ligament
  • 102. Knee Surface Anatomy 2: Patella: triangular sesamoid bone on the anterior aspect of knee 3: Ligamentum patellae tendon: extend from apex of patella to the tibial tuberosity - Edges of tendon palpable on knee flexion 4: Tibial tuberosity: bony prominence on proximal end of anterior tibial border & the insertion of ligamentum patellae 5: Tibial plateau: medial and lateral to it is knee joint line 6: Head of fibula: round bony prominence on lateral aspect of the leg, on a level with tibial tuberosity 8: lateral epicondyle of femur
  • 103. Bursae of the Knee Found wherever skin, muscle or tendon rubs against bone.The main function: to reduce friction between adjacent moving structures. Anterior Bursae ➢ Suprapatellar bursa ➢ Prepatellar bursa ➢ Superficial infrapatellar bursa ➢ Deep infrapatellar bursa Posterior Bursae ➢ Popliteal bursa ➢ Semimembranosus bursa ➢ Remaining bursae are related to the tendon of the biceps femoris; sartorius,gracilis & semitendinosus muscles
  • 104. Normal X-ray of Knee Joint
  • 105. ANATOMY OF KNEE INNERVATION OF THE KNEE Knee joint is innervated by branches from : 1. Obturator nerve 2. Femoral Nerve 3. Tibial Nerves 4. Common Peroneal Nerve
  • 106. ANATOMY OF KNEE BLOOD SUPPLY OF THE KNEE ❖ 5 genicular branches of the popliteal artery (main supply): ● Medial and lateral Superior Genicular Arteries encircle the femoral condyle ● Medial and lateral Inferior Genicular Arteries encircle tibial condyle ● Middle Genicular Artery supplies ACL and PCL ❖ Descending branch of the lateral circumflex femoral artery ❖ Descending genicular branch of the femoral artery ❖ Circumflex fibular branches of the posterior tibial artery ❖ Anterior and posterior recurrent branches of the anterior tibial artery
  • 107. ANATOMY OF KNEE MOVEMENTS OF THE KNEE Normal active knee range of motion is: ➔ Knee Flexion: 135° i.e. fully bent ➔ Knee Extension: 0° i.e. fully straight ➔ Internal Knee Rotation: 10° ➔ External Knee Rotation: 30-40° Normal passive knee ROM is: ➔ Passive Knee Flexion: up to 150°, depending on the size of the leg – the limit is the calf pushing onto the back of the thigh ➔ Passive Knee Extension: up to 10° hyperextension is considered normal
  • 108. ANATOMY OF KNEE MUSCLES INVOLVED IN MOVEMENTS 1. Flexion ★ Biceps femoris, Semitendinosus, Semimembranosus, Gracilis, Sartorius, Popliteus 2. Extension ★ Quadriceps femoris 3. Medial Rotation ★ Sartorius, Gracilis, Semitendinosus 4. Lateral Rotation ★ Biceps femoris
  • 110. •Complete disruption of the integrity of tibiofemoral articulation •Resulting in multi-ligament knee injury, commonly rupture to at least 2 major knee ligament structures ➢ Half of them are secondary to motor vehicle accidents (high-velocity dislocations) ➢ One-third are sport injuries (low-velocity dislocations) ➢ 10% are from simple falls (ultra-low-velocity dislocations)
  • 112. CLINICAL FEATURES Severe bruising and swelling : ● due to rupture of the joint capsule and leads to leak of hemarthrosis Test of distal sensation and movement: ● popliteal artery may be torn or obstructed Acute ischemia ● Surgical emergency ● Ankle brachial pressure index (ABPI): suspect vascular injury ● If ABPI < 0.9, vascular imaging should be done (CT angiography)
  • 113. •Patients who sustain vascular injuries associated with a knee dislocation need immediate transport to a trauma hospital, rapid assessment and diagnosis at presentation, and revascularization •Ischemia time >8 hours has amputation rates as high as 86%
  • 114. TREATMENT ➔ Must be reduced as soon as possible and held with brace, plaster or external fixator ➔ Hyperextension must be avoided because of danger to popliteal vessels ➔ Surgical intervention should be performed early (within 2 to 3 weeks) for better outcomes ➔ Surgical techniques such as: - Primary repair - Repair and augmentation - Reconstruction ➔ Above knee cast applied after swelling subsides (for 4-12 weeks) ➔ Quadriceps muscle exercises
  • 115. COMPLICATION S ➔ Early ★ Arterial damage : popliteal artery damage ★ Common peroneal nerve injury: weak or absent ankle dorsiflexion ➔ Late ★ Joint instability ★ Stiffness : loss of movement, due to prolonged immobilization
  • 117. MECHANISM OF INJURY Direct Injury -Usually a fall onto the knee or a blow against the car’s dashboard -Either an undisplaced crack or a comminuted (stellate) fracture Indirect Injury -Occurs when someone catches the foot against a solid obstacle and to avoid falling, the quadriceps muscle contract forcefully -Transverse fracture with a gap between fragments
  • 118. CLINICAL FEATURES •Swollen and painful knee •Haemarthrosis •Patella is tender and sometimes gap can be felt •Active knee extension should be tested. IF patient CAN LIFT the straight leg, quadriceps mechanism still intact
  • 119. IMAGING The x-ray may show: ➢ One or more fine fracture lines without displacement ➢ Multiple fracture lines with irregular displacement ➢ A transverse fracture with gap between the fragments
  • 120. CLASSIFICATIO N ➢ Patella fractures are classified as: - Transverse - Longitudinal - Polar - Comminuted (stellate) ➢ May be undisplaced or displaced
  • 121. TREATMENT ➢ UNDISPLACED OR MINIMAL DISPLACED FRACTURES ★ The extensor mechanism is generally intact and treatment is mainly to protect ★ A plaster cylinder or an extension brace holding the knee straight should be worn for 3 to 4 weeks ★ Quadriceps exercise should be practised every day ➢ COMMINUTED (STELLATE) FRACTURE ★ Patient may be able to lift the leg but the undersurface of the patella is irregular and has a serious, risk of damage to the patellofemoral joint ★ Open reduction and internal fixation should be done
  • 122. TREATMENT ➢ DISPLACED TRANSVERSE FRACTURES ★ The lateral expansion are torn and entire extensor mechanism is disrupted ★ The fragments are reduced and transfixed with two stiff K-wires (flexible wire is then looped tightly around the protruding K-wires and over the patella)
  • 124. MECHANISM OF INJURY INDIRECT FORCE (more common) -sudden, severe contraction of the quadriceps muscle while the knee is stretched in valgus and external rotation -occurs in field sports when a runner dodges to one side DIRECT FORCE -direct force while knee is flexed and the quadriceps muscle relaxed -patella dislocates laterally -medial patellofemoral ligament and retinacular fibres may be torn
  • 125. CLINICAL FEATURES ‘FIRST-TIME’ DISLOCATIONS ➢ Tearing sensation ➢ Feeling that the knee has gone ‘out of joint’ ➢ Remains unreduced: ○ Obvious deformity; the displaced patella seated on the lateral side of knee ○ Active or passive movement is not possible ❖ Reduced spontaneously: ➢ Knee may be swollen ➢ Bruising and tenderness on the medial side RECURRENT DISLOCATIONS ● Episode characterized by acute pain with knee stuck in flexion and patella displaced laterally ● Patellar apprehension test positive
  • 126.
  • 127. TREATMENT CONSERVATIVE TREATMENT ★ If unreduced, dislocations can be pushed back into place without much difficulty ★ No need for immobilization or bracing ★ Non-operative therapy ★ To reduce swelling and increase the range of movement of knee ★ Include muscle-strengthening exercise, physiotherapy such as closed chain exercises and vastus medialis oblique (VMO) strengthening OPERATIVE TREATMENT ★ Should be considered when the conservative treatment have failed and recurrent nature of disease has resulted in functional impairment
  • 128. Proximal Tibia Avulsion fracture of ACL and PCL Tibial plateau fracture
  • 129. ● The second-largest bone in the body ● The tibia's main function in the leg is to bear weight. ● Important proximal tibia landmark. ○ Lateral and medial condyles (articulation with femur–knee joint) ○ Tibial plateau ○ Anterior and posterior intercondylar areas ○ Tibial tuberosity PROXIMAL TIBIA
  • 130. Avulsion fracture of ACL ● Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) avulsion fractures contribute most of the injuries around the knee joint and commonly occurred in children. ● They are caused by forceful hyperextension of the knee or by a direct blow over distal end of femur with the knee flexed.
  • 131. Avulsion fracture of ACL ● Standard imaging for ACL avulsion fractures include anteroposterior and lateral radiographs. ● The fracture is best seen on the lateral radiograph. ● An MRI is useful to determine the site of origin of the bone fragment and to assess the associated soft tissue injuries.
  • 132. Management ● Type I can be managed conservatively ● Types II–IV needs open reduction and internal fixation The Meyers and McKeever classification of ACL avulsion
  • 133. Avulsion fracture of PCL ● The posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) is an important structure for stabilizing the knee joint. ● Avulsion fracture of the PCL will directly lead to backward instability of the knee joint, which will lead to an increase in articular cartilage pressure and eventual degenerative changes in the joint ● These injuries are commonly seen in motorcycle or car accidents (dashboard injuries) in which posteriorization forces occur against the tibia in a exed knee.
  • 134. Management ● Type 1 Non-operative/conservative treatment may be suggested ● Type 2 and 3 Open reduction and fixation should be considered. The Meyers and McKeever classification of PCL avulsion
  • 135. Tibial plateau fracture ● The knee is swollen and may be deformed ○ The tissue feels ‘doughy’ due to hemarthrosis ● On examination: ○ Usually tender and may have medial or lateral instability ○ Identify any signs of vascular or neurological injury ■ Popliteal artery injury ■ Common peroneal nerve injury (foot drop) Mechanism of injury 1. Low energy - commonly seen in older female due to osteoporotic bone changes 2. High energy - commonly due to motor vehicle accident, falls or sport related injury 3. Caused by a varus or valgus force combined with axial loading or weight bearing knee a. A car striking a pedestrian‘s fixed knee (bumper fracture) b. Fall from a height in which the knee is forced into varus or valgus Clinical features
  • 136. Imaging AP, lateral, oblique X-rays ● Location of main fracture lines ● The areas of the portion of condyle that is depressed ● The position of major parts of articular surface that have been displaced CT scan ● Amount of comminution ● Degree of plateau depression ● Extent and degree of displacement
  • 137. Schatzker Classification ● A vertical split of the lateral condyle ● May be undisplaced, or the condylar fragment may be pushed inferiorly and tilted ● Undisplaced: ○ A hinged cast-brace or ROM brace is used to allow early immobilization (after pain and swelling have subsided) ● Displaced: ○ Should be treated with open reduction internal fixation (ORIF) ○ Lag screws alone or in combination with plate are used for fixation Type 1 Management A simple split of lateral condyle
  • 138. Schatzker Classification ● A vertical split of the lateral condyle combined with depression of an adjacent load-bearing part of the condyle ● Condylar fragment is displaced laterally and the joint is widened ● If depression is less than 5 mm or the patient is old with osteoporotic bone: ○ treat conservatively aim to regain mobility and function ● In younger patient with depression more than 5 mm ○ open reduction internal fixation is required and bone graft may be needed Type 2 Management Type 1 + a more central area of depression
  • 139. Schatzker Classification ● Depression of the articular surface with an intact condylar rim ● No vertical split of lateral condyle and the joint is usually stable ● The depressed fragments may need to be elevated ● The elevated fragments can be supported with bone graft and the whole segment is held with ‘raft’ screws Type 3 Management Depression of the lateral condyle + intact rim
  • 140. Schatzker Classification ● Fracture of the medial tibial condyle ● Can cause rupture of the lateral collateral ligament and a traction injury of the peroneal nerve ● Stable fixation of medial side is needed ● Assess for any ligament injury Type 4 Management A fracture of the medial condyle
  • 141. Schatzker Classification ● Both condyles are split but there is a column of the metaphysis wedged in between that remains in continuity with the tibial shaft. ● Fixation is most commonly done using combination of screws with locking plates with bone graft as required. ● Use circular external fixator to stabilize and hold the metaphysis to shaft. Type 5 Management Fracture of both condyles but with the central portion of the metaphysis still connected to the tibial shaft.
  • 142. Schatzker Classification ● This is a high-energy injury that may result in severe comminution. ● The tibial shaft is effectively disconnected from the tibial condyles. ● Fixation is most commonly done using combination of screws with locking plates with bone graft as required ● Use circular external fixator to stabilize and hold the metaphysis to shaft Type 6 Management Combined condylar and subcondylar fractures
  • 143. Neurovascular injury: a. Popliteal artery injury b. Common peroneal nerve injury (foot drop) 1. Malunion 2. Joint stiffness 3. Deformity Late Complications of Tibial Plateau Fracture Early 1. Compartment syndrome -Bleeding and swelling in type 4 or 5 fractures -Any sign of disproportionate pain on passive stretching of muscle
  • 144. Fracture shaft of tibia and fibula
  • 145. Fracture shaft of tibia and fibula ● Tibia is more commonly fractured because of its subcutaneous position. ● Fractures of the tibia generally are associated with fibula, because the force is transmitted along the interosseous membrane to the fibula. ● The skin and subcutaneous tissue are very thin over the anterior and medial tibia → usually open fracture ● In closed fractures, the thin soft tissue can become compromised. Mechanism of Injury ● Twisting force causes spiral fracture of both leg bones at different levels ● An angulatory force produces transverse or short oblique fractures, usually at the same level ● Indirect injury is usually low-energy; with a spiral or long oblique fracture one of the bone fragments may pierce the skin from within. ● Direct injury crushes or splits the skin over the fracture; this is usually a high-energy injury and the most common cause is a motorcycle accident.
  • 146. Fracture of both tibia and fibula ● The behaviour of these injuries, and therefore the choice of treatment will depend on the following factors : a. The state of the soft tissue ■ The risk of complications and the progress to fracture healing are directly related to the amount and type of soft-tissue damage. ■ Closed fractures are best described using Tscherne’s method ■ Open injuries, Gustilo’s grading is more useful b. The severity of the bone injury c. The stability of the fracture d. The degree of contamination e. Patient factors
  • 147. Clinical features 1. Pain/ swelling in lower leg area 2. Obvious deformity or uneven leg lengths 3. Inability to stand/ walk (More likely happen with tibia, less likely if only the bula is broken) 4. Limited range of motion in the knee or ankle area 5. Bruising/ discoloration (May indicate damage to blood vessels)
  • 148. Radiological findings (X-ray) ● The entire length of the tibia and fibula, as well as the knee and ankle joints, must be seen. ● The type of fracture, its level and the degree of angulation and displacement are recorded ● Rotational deformity can be gauged by comparing the width of the tibiofibular interspace above and below the fracture.
  • 149. Tscherne’s classification of skin lesions in closed fractures
  • 151. Managemen t For close fracture ● If undisplaced / minimally displaced ○ Immobilise with full length cast from upper thigh to metatarsal neck apply with the knee slightly flexed and ankle at right angle ● If fracture is displaced ○ ORIF with intramedullary nails
  • 152. For open fracture 1. Antibiotics 2. Debridement 3. Stabilization 4. Prompt soft tissue cover 5. Rehabilitation