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Floppy Infant
Kareem Alnakeeb P a g e | 1
Neurology 2018
Generalized hypotonia due to insult during fetal or neonatal period.
A. Abnormal postures:
1- Frog leg position:
- lies supine with full abduction and external rotation of legs & flaccid extension of
- It denotes → Hypotonia of limb muscles.
2-Rag doll position:
- Holding the infant in horizontal (Ventral) suspension→ the back hangs over the
examiner's hand, and the limbs and head hang loosely.
- It denotes → Hypotonia of trunk muscles.
B. movements:
 Diminished resistance to passive movement
 Abnormal range of peripheral joint movement
1- Pull to Sit Maneuver:
- Pulling the infant from the supine to sitting position → the head lags & continues
to lag when the sitting position is reached.
- It denotes → Hypotonia of neck muscles.
2- Scarf sign:
- Put the child in a supine position and hold one of the infant’s hands.
- Try to put it around the neck as far as possible around the opposite shoulder.
- Observe how far the elbow goes across the body.
- In normal infant, the elbow does not quite reach the mid sternum
- In a floppy infant, the elbow easily crosses the midline.
3- Slip-through on vertical suspension:
- Holding the infant under the arms → the legs will be extended; decreased tone of
the shoulder girdle allows the infant to slip through the examiner's hands.
Floppy Infant
I. Hypotonia:
A. Abnormal postures
B. Abnormal range of peripheral joint movement
C. Diminished resistance to passive movement
II. Delay in motor milestones
Floppy Infant
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Neurology 2018
Floppy Infant
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Neurology 2018
I. Central / Cerebral hypotonia (UMNL)
Atonic Cerebral Palsy
Cerebral insult:
- Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy (HIE)
- Intracranial Hemorrhage
- Chronic non-progressive encephalopathy
- Cerebral malformation
- Perinatal distress
- Postnatal disorders
Chromosome disorders :
- Down syndrome (Trisomy 21)
- Prader-Willi syndrome
Peroxisomal disorders
- Cerebro-hepato-renal syndrome
(Zellweger syndrome)
- Neonatal adreno-leukodystrophy
Other genetic defects
- Familial dysautonomia
- Oculo-cerebro-renal syndrome
(Lowe syndrome)
Neuro-metabolic disorders
- Acid maltase deficiency
(Pompe disease)
- Infantile GM1 gangliosidosis
Benign congenital hypotonia
II. Peripheral hypotonia (LMNL)
1. Spinal cord
2. Peripheral motor
3. NMJ 4. Muscle
- Infantile Spinal
muscle atrophy
“Werdnig Hoffman”
- Congenital
neuropathy (CHN)
- Giant axonal
- Hereditary motor
sensory neuropathy
(HMSN) e.g.
- Acquired:
- Familial
- Transient
- Infantile
Muscular Dystrophies
- Bethlem myopathy
- Congenital
- Congenital muscular
- Congenital myotonic
Congenital Myopathies
- Nemaline (rod)
- Central core disease
- Myotubular
- Congenital fiber-type
Metabolic Myopathies
- Acid maltase deficiency
- Cytochrome-c oxidase
Floppy Infant
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Neurology 2018
Figure: Anatomical-clinical correlation illustrating differential diagnosis of hypotonia in infancy
Floppy Infant
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Neurology 2018
I. History :
Family history • Affected parents or Siblings
• Consanguinity
• Stillbirths
• Childhood deaths
Maternal disease • Diabetes
• Epilepsy
• Myotonic dystrophy
Pregnancy & delivery History
( Obstetric History )
• Drug or teratogen exposure
• Decreased fetal movements
• Abnormal presentation e.g. Breech delivery
• Amount of amniotic fluid (Polyhydramnios/
• Apgar scores
• Resuscitation requirements
• Cord gases
Since delivery History
( Developmental & Dietetic
History )
• Respiratory effort
• Ability to feed
• Level of alertness
• Level of spontaneous activity
• Character of cry
II. Identification of hypotonia
• Holding the infant in horizontal suspension – the back hangs over the examiner's hand, and
the limbs and head hang loosely. (Rag doll position)
• Passive extension of the legs at the knees – no resistance is met.
• Pulling the infant from the supine to sitting position – the head lags and continues to lag
when the sitting position is reached. (Pull to Sit Maneuver)
• Holding the infant under the arms – the legs will be extended; decreased tone of the
shoulder girdle allows the infant to slip through the examiner's hands.
(Slip-through on vertical suspension)
Floppy Infant
Kareem Alnakeeb P a g e | 6
Neurology 2018
III. Physical Examination
Central AHCs Peripheral Nerves NMJ Muscle
Muscle power Normal Weakness
(distal > proximal)
(face, eyes, bulbar)
(proximal > distal)
Deep tendon
reflex ( DTR )
Normal /↑ / absent  Normal /   / Absent
Fasciculations Absent Prominent Absent Absent Absent
 Clues & Pitfalls :
1- Localize cause of hypotonia :
Central “ UMNL “
(brain/spinal cord)
Peripheral “ LMNL “
(AHCs, peripheral nerve, NMJ, muscle)
Muscle mass • Normal bulk • Decreased bulk “muscle atrophy”
Muscle power • Normal/mild weakness “floppy
• Predominant axial weakness
• Weakness is uncommon
Except in the acute stages
• Marked weakness “floppy weak “
• Weak antigravitational limb muscles
Deep tendon reflex
( DTR )
• normal/increased reflexes • decreased reflexes
Plantar reflex • Plantar Extension “ + ve Babinski “ • Plantar Flexion
Dysmorphic features • Dysmorphisms • No dysmorphisms
CNS features • Encephalopathy, microcephaly
• Early onset seizures
• Depressed level of consciousness
• Global developmental delay
• Sustained Ankle clonus
• Scissoring on vertical suspension
• Awake, Alert
• Low-pitched weak cry
• Preserved social interaction
• Selective motor delay
• Paradoxical chest movements
• Tongue fasciculations
2- Clues to specific diagnosis :
Clues Diagnosis
Hepatosplenomegaly Storage disorders
Congenital infections
Renal cysts, high forehead, wide fontanelles Zellweger’s syndrome “cerebro-hepato-renal”
Hepatomegaly, retinitis pigmentosa Neonatal adrenoleukodystrophy
Abnormal odour metabolic disorders
Hypopigmentation, undescended testes Prader Willi
Examination of the mother Congenital myotonic dystrophy
Myasthenia gravis
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Neurology 2018
IV. Investigations:
By History and examination
► Hypotonia + a degree of strength: Central cause is most likely
► Hypotonia + weakness: Peripheral cause is possible
Central Causes Peripheral causes
o Neuroimaging
 Ultrasound scan in the first instance
 MRI for structural abnormality
 EEG: if seizures suspected
o Genetics review
(if any dysmorphic features present)
o Karyotype (if any dysmorphic features present)
o DNA methylation studies or FISH
for Prader-Willi syndrome
(if clinically indicated after a genetics review)
o TORCH screen
o Metabolic work up
o Early review by the neurology service
o Molecular genetics – CTG repeats, deletions
in SMN gene
o Nerve conduction studies
o Creatine kinase: If elevated in an early
sample, repeat after a few days.
o Muscle biopsy
-Depending on clinical situation
-May be delayed until around 6 months of age
as neonatal results are difficult to interpret
1. Atonic Cerebral Palsy
2. Infantile Botulism
3. Werdnig-Hoffman disease (SMA I)
4. Myasthenia gravis
5. Metabolic Myopathies
Common causes of floppy infant
Floppy Infant
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Neurology 2018
1. Atonic cerebral palsy
- Mostly atonic diplegia
- Many are mentally retarded
- Near normal strength of upper limbs
- Hypotonia
- Brisk reflexes
 Associated with:
• lethargy, lack of alertness, poor feeding
• Mental retardation
• poor Moro’s reflex, and seizures during the neonatal period.
2. Infantile Botulism
- Acute onset descending weakness,
- cranial neuropathies, ptosis,
- unreactive pupils, dysphagia
- Isolation of organism from stool
- Presence of toxin in the stool
 Forster sign:
Vertical suspension while held under the arm → flex legs at the hip.
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Neurology 2018
3. Spinal Muscle Atrophy type 1 (SMA 1)
“Werdnig-Hoffman disease”
•AR trait • AD or XR in few cases
- Degenerative disease of motor units beginning in the fetus and progressing into
infancy; denervation of muscle and atrophy
-Deletion in SMN gene on chromosome 5q13  degeneration of AHCs in spinal cord &
motor nuclei in the lower brainstem  progressive muscle weakness and atrophy.
* SMA 1 presents in early infancy with:
1) Thin muscle mass, Progressive hypotonia, generalized weakness;
Infant is flaccid, has little movement & poor head control, No independent sitting
2) Absent DTRs
3) Fasciculations of the tongue (13)
4) Contractures in 10-20%.
5) Feeding difficulty: Child is alert, poor feeding and cry
6) Respiratory insufficiency
7) Normal Intelligence, cognition & facial expressions; Typically appear brighter than
others of same age
 Molecular genetics: deletion in SMN gene → Simplest, most effective diagnosis
 EMG—fibrillation potential and other signs of denervation
 Muscle biopsy: shows neurogenic type of atrophy “perinatal denervation”
Death occurs by 2-4 years of age
SMA TYPE I Before birth to 6 months AR - Generalized muscle
- No independent sitting
- Progress rapidly
- Death usually by
age 2
SMA TYPE II 6 to 18 months AR - muscle weakness
- BUT many sit
- Variable
- Most survive to
or 3rd
SMA TYPE III Childhood to
AR - Some muscle weakness
- BUT most ambulate
- Slow Progression
- Normal lifespan
Floppy Infant
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Neurology 2018
4. Myasthenia gravis
- It is an autoimmune disorder.
- Commonest cause is antibody to post synaptic acetylcholine receptors
Clinical feature frequency
Feeding/swallowing difficulties 100 %
Generalized weakness 70 %
Respiratory difficulty 66 %
Weak cry / facial weakness 60 %
Mechanical ventilation 30 %
Eye movements abnormalities 10 %
Reflexes Present
Arthrogryposis, pulmonary hypoplasia Rare
1) Congenital 2) Transient neonatal
- Not autoimmune
- It may be familial (AR) with reduced
number of Ach receptors
- Rare
- Familial disorder is permanent.
- In infant born to myasthenic mother
(10-20% affected mothers)
- Appearing within few hours: 3 days after
- After antibodies wane, they are normal and
have no risk for disease
* Characterized by:
- Generalized muscle weakness
- marked hypotonia
- poor feeding
- pooling of oral secretions
- feeble cry
Treatable (Cholinesterase inhibitors) Good response to Cholinesterase inhibitors
Floppy Infant
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Neurology 2018
5. Metabolic Myopathies
Mitochondrial - Biopsy Shows: Ragged red fibers
- lactic acidosis
- systemic symptoms
Glycogen storage - Liver disease
- GSD type II “Pompe disease” or “acid maltase deficiency”;
1. profound hypotonia with progressive muscle weakness
2. Cardiomegaly
3. Macroglossia “large Tongue “
Lipid Metabolism - Hypoglycemia with low ketones
- Coma
- high NH3
• Regular physiotherapy → prevent contractures.
• Occupational therapy →facilitate daily activities .
• Annual orthopedic review is required to monitor for scoliosis and to exclude hip
• Vigorous treatment of respiratory infections is indicated.
• Annual flu vaccination is necessary.
• Feeding intervention by nasogastric tube or gastrostomy For the undernourished child.
• Maintenance of ideal weight as excessive weight gain will exacerbate existing weakness.
• Children with neuromuscular disorders deserve special attention when it comes to anesthesia;
 The anesthetist should be forewarned about the possibility of an underlying muscle disease
( even if the child has very mild or non-existing symptoms)
 Muscle relaxants should only be used if essential
because of their more profound and prolonged effect in myopathic children.
• A family history of muscle disease or mild hyperkalemia may be of importance.
Floppy Infant
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Neurology 2018
( Mainly supportive , physiotherapy )
• They require a multidisciplinary team approach with the involvement of several specialties
including: ”pediatrics, neurology, genetics, orthopedics, physiotherapy, and occupational therapy “
• Physiotherapy is mainly preventative to avoid contractures and wasting
(But will NOT increase muscle tone).
• Counseling the families about potentially preventable disorders is very important
• Consanguinity needs to be strongly discouraged to prevent inherited causes in our region.
During the health supervision visit for a 6-week-old boy, his father expresses concern that his son
“doesn’t look like” his other children.
Growth parameters are normal except for a head circumference of 35.5 cm (<5th percentile).
On PE, you note that the infant does not appear to fixate or track your face visually. There is a “slip
through” on vertical suspension and “draping over” on horizontal suspension. DTRs are brisk. Moro
reflex is present and brisk.
* Of the following, the MOST likely cause of this infants hypotonia is:
a) AHC disease
b) Congenital brain malformation
c) Congenital myasthenic syndrome
d) Congenital myopathy
e) Spinal cord disease
B. Congenital brain malformation
- Hypotonia +
- Localize! UMN vs. LMN signs
- Take into account growth parameters, especially head circumference & features such as
* Regarding other choices:
A. anterior horn cell disease – wouldn't cause microcephaly or increased reflexes
C. Congenital myasthenic syndrome – wouldn't cause microcephaly or brisk reflexes
D. Congenital myopathy – no microcephaly or poor visual tracking
E. Spinal cord disease – wouldn't cause microcephaly or poor visual tracking

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Floppy infant; Pediatrics 2018

  • 1. Floppy Infant Kareem Alnakeeb P a g e | 1 Neurology 2018 Generalized hypotonia due to insult during fetal or neonatal period. A. Abnormal postures: 1- Frog leg position: - lies supine with full abduction and external rotation of legs & flaccid extension of arms - It denotes → Hypotonia of limb muscles. 2-Rag doll position: - Holding the infant in horizontal (Ventral) suspension→ the back hangs over the examiner's hand, and the limbs and head hang loosely. - It denotes → Hypotonia of trunk muscles. B. movements:  Diminished resistance to passive movement  Abnormal range of peripheral joint movement 1- Pull to Sit Maneuver: - Pulling the infant from the supine to sitting position → the head lags & continues to lag when the sitting position is reached. - It denotes → Hypotonia of neck muscles. 2- Scarf sign: - Put the child in a supine position and hold one of the infant’s hands. - Try to put it around the neck as far as possible around the opposite shoulder. - Observe how far the elbow goes across the body. - In normal infant, the elbow does not quite reach the mid sternum - In a floppy infant, the elbow easily crosses the midline. 3- Slip-through on vertical suspension: - Holding the infant under the arms → the legs will be extended; decreased tone of the shoulder girdle allows the infant to slip through the examiner's hands. Floppy Infant Definition: Manifestations: I. Hypotonia: A. Abnormal postures B. Abnormal range of peripheral joint movement C. Diminished resistance to passive movement II. Delay in motor milestones
  • 2. Floppy Infant Kareem Alnakeeb P a g e | 2 Neurology 2018 .
  • 3. Floppy Infant Kareem Alnakeeb P a g e | 3 Neurology 2018 I. Central / Cerebral hypotonia (UMNL) Atonic Cerebral Palsy Cerebral insult: - Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy (HIE) - Intracranial Hemorrhage - Chronic non-progressive encephalopathy - Cerebral malformation - Perinatal distress - Postnatal disorders Chromosome disorders : - Down syndrome (Trisomy 21) - Prader-Willi syndrome Peroxisomal disorders - Cerebro-hepato-renal syndrome (Zellweger syndrome) - Neonatal adreno-leukodystrophy Other genetic defects - Familial dysautonomia - Oculo-cerebro-renal syndrome (Lowe syndrome) Neuro-metabolic disorders - Acid maltase deficiency (Pompe disease) - Infantile GM1 gangliosidosis Benign congenital hypotonia II. Peripheral hypotonia (LMNL) 1. Spinal cord (AHCs) 2. Peripheral motor nerves 3. NMJ 4. Muscle - Infantile Spinal muscle atrophy “Werdnig Hoffman” - Congenital hypomyelination neuropathy (CHN) - Giant axonal neuropathy - Hereditary motor sensory neuropathy (HMSN) e.g. Charcot–Marie–Tooth disease - Acquired: Guillain-Barré Syndrome - Familial infantile myasthenia - Transient acquired neonatal myasthenia - Infantile botulism Muscular Dystrophies - Bethlem myopathy - Congenital dystrophinopathy - Congenital muscular dystrophy - Congenital myotonic dystrophy Congenital Myopathies - Nemaline (rod) - Central core disease - Myotubular (centronuclear) - Congenital fiber-type disproportion Metabolic Myopathies - Acid maltase deficiency - Cytochrome-c oxidase deficiency Etiology:
  • 4. Floppy Infant Kareem Alnakeeb P a g e | 4 Neurology 2018 Figure: Anatomical-clinical correlation illustrating differential diagnosis of hypotonia in infancy
  • 5. Floppy Infant Kareem Alnakeeb P a g e | 5 Neurology 2018 I. History : Family history • Affected parents or Siblings • Consanguinity • Stillbirths • Childhood deaths Maternal disease • Diabetes • Epilepsy • Myotonic dystrophy Pregnancy & delivery History ( Obstetric History ) • Drug or teratogen exposure • Decreased fetal movements • Abnormal presentation e.g. Breech delivery • Amount of amniotic fluid (Polyhydramnios/ oligohydramnios) • Apgar scores • Resuscitation requirements • Cord gases Since delivery History ( Developmental & Dietetic History ) • Respiratory effort • Ability to feed • Level of alertness • Level of spontaneous activity • Character of cry II. Identification of hypotonia • Holding the infant in horizontal suspension – the back hangs over the examiner's hand, and the limbs and head hang loosely. (Rag doll position) • Passive extension of the legs at the knees – no resistance is met. • Pulling the infant from the supine to sitting position – the head lags and continues to lag when the sitting position is reached. (Pull to Sit Maneuver) • Holding the infant under the arms – the legs will be extended; decreased tone of the shoulder girdle allows the infant to slip through the examiner's hands. (Slip-through on vertical suspension) Diagnosis
  • 6. Floppy Infant Kareem Alnakeeb P a g e | 6 Neurology 2018 III. Physical Examination Central AHCs Peripheral Nerves NMJ Muscle Muscle power Normal Weakness (Generalized) Weakness (distal > proximal) Weakness (face, eyes, bulbar) Weakness (proximal > distal) Deep tendon reflex ( DTR ) Normal /↑ / absent  Normal /   / Absent Fasciculations Absent Prominent Absent Absent Absent  Clues & Pitfalls : 1- Localize cause of hypotonia : Central “ UMNL “ (brain/spinal cord) Peripheral “ LMNL “ (AHCs, peripheral nerve, NMJ, muscle) Muscle mass • Normal bulk • Decreased bulk “muscle atrophy” Muscle power • Normal/mild weakness “floppy strong“ • Predominant axial weakness • Weakness is uncommon Except in the acute stages • Marked weakness “floppy weak “ • Weak antigravitational limb muscles Deep tendon reflex ( DTR ) • normal/increased reflexes • decreased reflexes Plantar reflex • Plantar Extension “ + ve Babinski “ • Plantar Flexion Dysmorphic features • Dysmorphisms • No dysmorphisms CNS features • Encephalopathy, microcephaly • Early onset seizures • Depressed level of consciousness • Global developmental delay • Sustained Ankle clonus • Scissoring on vertical suspension • Awake, Alert • Low-pitched weak cry • Preserved social interaction • Selective motor delay • Paradoxical chest movements • Tongue fasciculations 2- Clues to specific diagnosis : Clues Diagnosis Hepatosplenomegaly Storage disorders Congenital infections Renal cysts, high forehead, wide fontanelles Zellweger’s syndrome “cerebro-hepato-renal” Hepatomegaly, retinitis pigmentosa Neonatal adrenoleukodystrophy Abnormal odour metabolic disorders Hypopigmentation, undescended testes Prader Willi Examination of the mother Congenital myotonic dystrophy Myasthenia gravis
  • 7. Floppy Infant Kareem Alnakeeb P a g e | 7 Neurology 2018 IV. Investigations: By History and examination ► Hypotonia + a degree of strength: Central cause is most likely ► Hypotonia + weakness: Peripheral cause is possible Central Causes Peripheral causes o Neuroimaging  Ultrasound scan in the first instance  MRI for structural abnormality  EEG: if seizures suspected o Genetics review (if any dysmorphic features present) o Karyotype (if any dysmorphic features present) o DNA methylation studies or FISH for Prader-Willi syndrome (if clinically indicated after a genetics review) o TORCH screen o Metabolic work up o Early review by the neurology service o Molecular genetics – CTG repeats, deletions in SMN gene o Nerve conduction studies o Creatine kinase: If elevated in an early sample, repeat after a few days. o Muscle biopsy -Depending on clinical situation -May be delayed until around 6 months of age as neonatal results are difficult to interpret 1. Atonic Cerebral Palsy 2. Infantile Botulism 3. Werdnig-Hoffman disease (SMA I) 4. Myasthenia gravis 5. Metabolic Myopathies Common causes of floppy infant
  • 8. Floppy Infant Kareem Alnakeeb P a g e | 8 Neurology 2018 1. Atonic cerebral palsy - Mostly atonic diplegia - Many are mentally retarded - Near normal strength of upper limbs - Hypotonia - Brisk reflexes  Associated with: • lethargy, lack of alertness, poor feeding • Mental retardation • poor Moro’s reflex, and seizures during the neonatal period. 2. Infantile Botulism - Acute onset descending weakness, - cranial neuropathies, ptosis, - unreactive pupils, dysphagia - Isolation of organism from stool - Presence of toxin in the stool C/P: Investigations:  Forster sign: Vertical suspension while held under the arm → flex legs at the hip.
  • 9. Floppy Infant Kareem Alnakeeb P a g e | 9 Neurology 2018 3. Spinal Muscle Atrophy type 1 (SMA 1) “Werdnig-Hoffman disease” •AR trait • AD or XR in few cases - Degenerative disease of motor units beginning in the fetus and progressing into infancy; denervation of muscle and atrophy -Deletion in SMN gene on chromosome 5q13  degeneration of AHCs in spinal cord & motor nuclei in the lower brainstem  progressive muscle weakness and atrophy. * SMA 1 presents in early infancy with: 1) Thin muscle mass, Progressive hypotonia, generalized weakness; Infant is flaccid, has little movement & poor head control, No independent sitting 2) Absent DTRs 3) Fasciculations of the tongue (13) 4) Contractures in 10-20%. 5) Feeding difficulty: Child is alert, poor feeding and cry 6) Respiratory insufficiency 7) Normal Intelligence, cognition & facial expressions; Typically appear brighter than others of same age  Molecular genetics: deletion in SMN gene → Simplest, most effective diagnosis  EMG—fibrillation potential and other signs of denervation  Muscle biopsy: shows neurogenic type of atrophy “perinatal denervation” Death occurs by 2-4 years of age AGE OF ONSET MODE OF INHERITANCE C/P PROGRESSION SMA TYPE I Before birth to 6 months AR - Generalized muscle weakness - No independent sitting - Progress rapidly - Death usually by age 2 SMA TYPE II 6 to 18 months AR - muscle weakness - BUT many sit independently - Variable - Most survive to 2nd or 3rd decade SMA TYPE III Childhood to adolescence AR - Some muscle weakness - BUT most ambulate independently - Slow Progression - Normal lifespan Definition: Pathology: C/P: Investigations: Prognosis:
  • 10. Floppy Infant Kareem Alnakeeb P a g e | 1 0 Neurology 2018 4. Myasthenia gravis - It is an autoimmune disorder. - Commonest cause is antibody to post synaptic acetylcholine receptors Clinical feature frequency Feeding/swallowing difficulties 100 % Generalized weakness 70 % Respiratory difficulty 66 % Weak cry / facial weakness 60 % Mechanical ventilation 30 % Eye movements abnormalities 10 % Reflexes Present Arthrogryposis, pulmonary hypoplasia Rare 1) Congenital 2) Transient neonatal - Not autoimmune - It may be familial (AR) with reduced number of Ach receptors - Rare - Familial disorder is permanent. - In infant born to myasthenic mother (10-20% affected mothers) - Appearing within few hours: 3 days after birth. - After antibodies wane, they are normal and have no risk for disease * Characterized by: - Generalized muscle weakness - marked hypotonia - poor feeding - pooling of oral secretions - feeble cry Treatable (Cholinesterase inhibitors) Good response to Cholinesterase inhibitors C/P: Types
  • 11. Floppy Infant Kareem Alnakeeb P a g e | 1 1 Neurology 2018 5. Metabolic Myopathies Mitochondrial - Biopsy Shows: Ragged red fibers - lactic acidosis - HSM - systemic symptoms Glycogen storage - Liver disease - GSD type II “Pompe disease” or “acid maltase deficiency”; 1. profound hypotonia with progressive muscle weakness 2. Cardiomegaly 3. Macroglossia “large Tongue “ Lipid Metabolism - Hypoglycemia with low ketones - Coma - high NH3 • Regular physiotherapy → prevent contractures. • Occupational therapy →facilitate daily activities . • Annual orthopedic review is required to monitor for scoliosis and to exclude hip dislocation/subluxation. • Vigorous treatment of respiratory infections is indicated. • Annual flu vaccination is necessary. • Feeding intervention by nasogastric tube or gastrostomy For the undernourished child. • Maintenance of ideal weight as excessive weight gain will exacerbate existing weakness. • Children with neuromuscular disorders deserve special attention when it comes to anesthesia;  The anesthetist should be forewarned about the possibility of an underlying muscle disease ( even if the child has very mild or non-existing symptoms)  Muscle relaxants should only be used if essential because of their more profound and prolonged effect in myopathic children. • A family history of muscle disease or mild hyperkalemia may be of importance. MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT:
  • 12. Floppy Infant Kareem Alnakeeb P a g e | 1 2 Neurology 2018 ( Mainly supportive , physiotherapy ) • They require a multidisciplinary team approach with the involvement of several specialties including: ”pediatrics, neurology, genetics, orthopedics, physiotherapy, and occupational therapy “ • Physiotherapy is mainly preventative to avoid contractures and wasting (But will NOT increase muscle tone). • Counseling the families about potentially preventable disorders is very important • Consanguinity needs to be strongly discouraged to prevent inherited causes in our region. Treatment: Question During the health supervision visit for a 6-week-old boy, his father expresses concern that his son “doesn’t look like” his other children. Growth parameters are normal except for a head circumference of 35.5 cm (<5th percentile). On PE, you note that the infant does not appear to fixate or track your face visually. There is a “slip through” on vertical suspension and “draping over” on horizontal suspension. DTRs are brisk. Moro reflex is present and brisk. * Of the following, the MOST likely cause of this infants hypotonia is: a) AHC disease b) Congenital brain malformation c) Congenital myasthenic syndrome d) Congenital myopathy e) Spinal cord disease Answer B. Congenital brain malformation - Hypotonia + - Localize! UMN vs. LMN signs - Take into account growth parameters, especially head circumference & features such as tracking * Regarding other choices: A. anterior horn cell disease – wouldn't cause microcephaly or increased reflexes C. Congenital myasthenic syndrome – wouldn't cause microcephaly or brisk reflexes D. Congenital myopathy – no microcephaly or poor visual tracking E. Spinal cord disease – wouldn't cause microcephaly or poor visual tracking