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Floods In Pakistan Essay
Crafting an essay on the topic of "Floods in Pakistan" presents a unique set of challenges,
requiring a careful balance of empathy, factual accuracy, and a comprehensive understanding of
the subject matter. The complexity of the issue demands not only an exploration of the
immediate consequences but also an in-depth analysis of the root causes and potential solutions.
Researching reliable sources to gather pertinent information is crucial, as floods in Pakistan
involve a myriad of factors, including geography, climate change, infrastructure, and government
Understanding the historical context and the recurring nature of floods in the region is essential
for providing a well-rounded perspective. Furthermore, the emotional aspect of the topic
necessitates a delicate approach to convey the human impact, stories of resilience, and the urgent
need for humanitarian efforts.
Constructing a cohesive essay requires organizing information logically, ensuring a smooth flow
from one idea to the next. It is vital to strike a balance between the technical aspects of the issue
and its human dimension, creating a narrative that engages the reader while imparting essential
knowledge. Additionally, maintaining an objective tone is crucial to present the facts without
bias or sensationalism.
In conclusion, writing an essay on "Floods in Pakistan" demands meticulous research, thoughtful
analysis, and a compassionate narrative. It is not merely a compilation of data but a sincere
attempt to shed light on the complexities of the situation, aiming to inform and inspire action.
For those seeking assistance with similar essays or other academic writing, professional services
like offer a range of options to ease the process and ensure a well-crafted
final product.
Floods In Pakistan Essay Floods In Pakistan Essay
The Narrative Of The Life Of Frederick Douglass
Whipped, beaten and bloodied until there was no more energy left to give. African
American slaves in the early American world had to endure and struggle through
some of the most gruesome punishments and on occasion, it was for no reason at
all. In the Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, Douglass displays some
occasions where he, even as a young boy, was subjected to some of these terrible
events. Douglass plays on the pathos of his readers right from the beginning by
tugging at our emotions with the story of his Aunt Hester. Does Douglass portray
his violence to be over the top? Some might say yes, but even if it s over the top, it
is because it s accurate. Some punishments that the slaves endured were whipping,
hanging, beating, burning, branding, shackling and imprisonment (Boundless).
Many of the plantations that housed slaves used these forms of brutality. Slaves
could earn a one way ticket to a punishment by trying to run away, a form of
disobedience or sometimes just because their master felt like it. One of the most
violent forms of these brutal acts was the whipping. When a slave is whipped, they
are literally stripped of their clothes and dignity and flogged with a rope, piece of
leather or even cow skin with prongs. Depending on the slave master, the number of
lashes changes. However, some masters just decide to whipuntil they grow tired or
fatigued. In Douglass s book, he talks about these horrific ordeals in great detail
because he witnessed some of
Fellowship Of The Ring Vs. The Two Towers
I remember when I first watched this epic trilogy. I was blown away by The
Fellowship of the Ring, and The Two Towers is my favorite book, so I expected
only bigger and better things from this film. In my younger years, I liked this
movie better than its predecessor simply because of The Battle of Helm s Deep.
Now, however, I see that while The Two Towers is still a great movie, though it
falls short of The Fellowship of the Ring. After a brief scene showing Gandalf s
(Ian McKellen) fight with the Balrog in the first movie, The Two Towers opens
where the previous movie left off. Frodo (Elijah Wood) and Sam (Sean Astin) have
left their friends to take the One Ring to Mordor on their own. Meanwhile, Aragorn
(Viggo Mortensen), Legolas... Show more content on ...
He wasn t given a ton to do in The Fellowship of the Ring, but now that he gets the
chance he shines. He once again embodies the courage, loyalty and love that define
Sam, but this time he takes everything up a notch. Another performer who has
improved, though he was still great in the previous film, is Mortensen as Aragorn.
His character has all but embraced his destiny, and Mortensen shows us that.
Heroism and leadership seem to surround him because of this performance, making
it charismatic and commanding. As in The Fellowship of the Ring, the supporting
actors all turn in fine work here, too. Orlando Bloom is even better as Legolas,
providing more depth to the character as his friendship with Aragorn and Gimli
grows. Speaking of which, Rhys Davies is brilliant as Gimli, making his character
more endearing and nailing his comedic moments. He s also great as the voice of
Treebeard, an Ent, making him sound suitably ancient and wise. McKellen once
again embodies Gandalf, carrying himself with more confidence and authority now
given his character s promotion. Brad Dourif is great as the slimy, sniveling
Wormtongue. Lastly, Bernard Hill excels as Theoden, conveying a certain sense of
desperation and regality in his
German Economy Essay
The German economy is the largest in Europe and worldwide Germany has the
fifth largest economy ( World fact book , n.d.). It is clear that the German
economy holds a key position in the world marketplace. Gross domestic product
(GDP) growth is an important consideration for foreign investment as it speaks to
the overall health of an economy. GDP growth can be attributed to spending and
investments both on and from imports and exports ( What is GDP , 2005). In 2014
the reported GDP growth rate in Germany was 1.4%, up .9 % from the prior year (
World fact book n.d.). The Eurozone was deeply affected by a recession stemming
from the US and made worse by poor economic conditions in Greece and Spain,
among other countries in ... Show more content on ...
In 2014 trade as share of GDP was 70.8 percent, down less than three percent from
the two years prior ( Merchandise trade , n.d.). This is one of those areas in which
only time will tell whether Germany will continue to prosper and be the financial
backbone of the Eurozone.
GDP per capita is also an important indicator of economic health. GDP per capita
takes the total output of a country and divides it by the number of people in a
countries population; this indicated the buying power of individuals. GDP per
capita in Germany as reported for 2014 was slightly over 47,000 USD ( Countries
with the largest , n.d.). Looking at GDP per capita when compared to other
countries in the Eurozone Germany is not fairing so well. Luxembourg leads the
world wide GDP per capita and that of the Eurozone with a high rate of 116,750 USD
( Countries with the largest , n.d.). Worldwide Germany ranks 16th in the Eurozone,
Germany was beat out by Austria, Finland, Ireland, Luxembourg and the Netherlands
in GDP per capita ( Countries with the largest , n.d.). While the GDP per capita rate in
Germany is stronger than many other countries it is not competitive with other
countries which have economies comparable in size to Germany nor economies
centrally located in the Eurozone.
A low inflation rate averaging .91 percent for 2014 should help to increase purchases
in Germany. This is because consumers can get more for the
Dickens Use of Symbolism in A Christmas Carol Essay
Dickens Use of Symbolism in A Christmas Carol
Charles Dickens wrote a large number of novels but this particular novella was very
popular as it told the story of a typical Christmas in Victorian times. The word
Scrooge derives from the character Scrooge in this novella, which proves that
Dickens story really did make an impact on the reading public. In A ChristmasCarol
there are three main themes that would have been influenced by the times when
Dickens was writing, the themes are: Poverty, ignorance and happiness (Christmas
spirit). In the following paragraphs I am going to study the themes and see what
symbolism is used.
I am going to write about the symbols as I go through the ... Show more content on ...
Later when Scrooge gets back to his lodging he is visited by the ghost of Jacob
Marley who was wearing a massive chain made up of cashboxes , keys and some
padlocks. This symbolises the slave labour that was going on at that time and how
Scrooge s money making is what is weighing him down. Jacob tells Scrooge that if
he does not change his ways and mix with people in life then he must travel among
them after death. He also warns him that he too wears a chain larger than his and
that he will be visited by three spirits who will try to help him change his ways
before it is too late.
When Scrooge is visited by the first spirit (Christmas Past) he is shown things that
had happened in his own past. The first thing he is shown is when he was a boy at
boarding school and the second is when Scrooge is a young apprentice for Mr
Fezziwig. Mr Fezziwig is described as: a large kind man whose jollity is infectious.
He is best judged by the company he keeps almost every deserving poor person is
welcome at his ball. This symbolises the happiness felt for other people when
Christmas comes around. Scrooge also tells us how Mr Fezziwig has the power to
make people feel happy or unhappy. Scrooge has the same power but he and
Fezziwig use it in opposite ways.
PTSD Research Paper
Taela Butler
Miss. Sykes
English III Honors
7 April 2014
Living with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Today, hundreds of thousands of service men and women and recent military
veterans have seen combat. Many have been shot at, seen their buddies killed, or
witnessed death up close. These are types of events that can lead to Post Traumatic
Stress Disorder ( Post Traumatic Stress Disorder PTSD: A Growing Epidemic. )
Anyone that has gone through a traumatic event can be diagnosed with PTSD but
research shows, military men and women are more susceptible to having PTSD
(PTSD: A Growing Epidemic.) And, with little help from the US, many Veterans do
not get the help they need or get treated for PTSD. Military men and women begin to
... Show more content on ...
About 30% of the men and women who have spent time in war zones experience
PTSD. (Military.) The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs estimates that PTSD
afflicts almost 31% of Vietnam veterans, as any as 10% of Gulf War veterans, 11%
of veterans of the war in Afghanistan, and 20% of Iraqi war veterans. An additional
20 to 25 percent of all military men and women have had partial PTSD at some point
in their lives (Military.)
People with PTSD often have anger issues and emotional problems. It is likely for
them to have thoughts of suicide and feel completely disconnected from their lives
and from other people. They have lived through a drastic trauma that is hard to
overcome and go on with their lives. PTSD effects everyday interactions and
feelings. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder affects the daily lives of the people
suffering from it. Some may need accommodations at work depending on their
personal severance of the disorder. People with PTSD miss more days at work and
work less efficiently than people without PTSD (PTSD Effects.) Certain symptoms
of PTSD, such as difficulties concentrating and problems sleeping may make it
difficult for a person with PTSD to pay attention at work, stay organized, or make it
to work on time. People with PTSD also have higher rates of unemployment than
people without PTSD. (Military)
As you
Girl, Interrupted, By Susanna Kaysen
Girl, Interrupted is a memoir written by Susanna Kaysen who was admitted to a
mental institution as a young girl. She was diagnosed with borderline personality
disorder due to some her depressive and crazy behavior. Throughout the memoir, we
are able to see the realizations that Kaysen has regarding the treatment of young
women and mental patients. She touches on some of the stigmatizations that she
witnessed herself and of others around her. Some of her experiences surrounding her
stay at the institution were positive and some were negative due to the way she was
treated. Nonetheless, not only were the views on mental illness often negative, but
the way certain illnesses were diagnosed due to views on the way women act were
also a... Show more content on ...
After her experiences during her two year confinement at the mental institution,
Kaysen was able to get a clear sense of how people are diagnosed. She realized that
we need to protect women and social norms when diagnosing because of her own
experience and the experiences of those around her. Normal behaviors of women at
this time were often seen as things that needed treatment and medical help. When
she was first being seen by doctors, it was a time when mental illness and cognitive
impairment were seen as basically the same thing. Women were particularly targeted
when discussing mental illness, even though their symptoms did not match up.
Women s rash behavior was often categorized as a mental illness. For example,
hysteria in women was seen as them being over dramatic and having attention
seeking behavior. Charles A. Reed did a study of women s nervous systems and
concluded that were controlled by their bodies and reproductive system, not their
mind. Women s behavior at this time was often dismissed as a mental illness, even if
it was a normal personality trait they showed.
According to the DSM IV TR borderline personality disorder is a pervasive pattern of
instability in relationships, self image and affects, and marked impulsivity. Another
symptom is affective instability due to marked reactivity of mood such as intense
episodic dysphoria, irritability or anxiety lasting only a few hours
Essay on Othello as a Black Man in a White Society
Othello as a Black Man in a White Society
Shakespeare s play,Othello, explores themes of love and passion, otherness ,
jealousy, revenge and order vs. Chaos, which all revolve mainly around the
protagonist, Othello. Surrounded by Venetians within a white society, Othello begins
to realise his otherness thus his insecurities as an outside and a Moor increase. The
deceptive Iago uses these dangerous blemishes in Othello s personality to manipulate
the moral Othello, using his one fatal flaw, jealousy.
During the 16th Century, the Elizabethan audiences attentiveness and familiarity of
the thin line between order and chaos would have added to the tragic story of
Othello. This was due to the ... Show more content on ...
What he meant by this is that Othello is a foreigner to all, because of his blackness
he can never fit in. However, this is ironic as the people of Venice accepted Othello
as a righteous and valiant general in the army, due to his brave act of protecting the
Venetians from the evil grasp of the Turkish people.
Interestingly enough, these Venetians don t compare Othello to the supposedly
iniquitous Turks because he had defeated them, so they placed him higher up in
the hierarchy of racial and social class. Iago expresses his own opinion that Othello
is an erring barbarian which is very ironic as Othello has the status of a shielding
warrior, a generous being that is a strong part of the army. Roderigo calls him the
lascivious Moor and tends to see Othello s black colour as a sign of dirtiness and
obscenity. The characters in Othello may possible have felt that Othello was a threat
due to his otherness in his appearance, such as his thick lips .
Othello s character is overtly and crudely sexualised, which is also a disadvantage to
Othello as other characters begin to believe that he is aggressive and sadistic. Black
people, during the time of Shakespeare, were mysterious to the white society.
Venetians were not used to seeing and living with people of other races and feared
them because they were not familiar with
Brown And Levinson s Theory Of Politeness
The theory of politeness is based on the notion of face. From the perspective of
politeness, face is categorized into two types in opinion of Goffman (1967);
positive face, which expresses a desire by an individual to be amenable, liked and
appreciated, and negative face, which expresses a desire to remain autonomous, not
to be imposed upon and not to disobey upon others. Certain conventions, practices
and rules in a language guide individuals in order to achieve a positive or negative
face. Both in isolation and in context, that is not easy to differentiate these two types
of politeness. Due to this, there are some rules and criteria that help the user of each
language reach these sorts of politeness. Watts (2005) view to politeness is a bit
positive and consider politeness as human behavior and a moral concept, which is in
a dynamic state. He proposes that based on context and time a linguistic digit could
be interpreted as polite or impolite and linguistic forms could not be inherently polite
or impolite. This view implies that... Show more content on ...
Studying and working on politeness theory, Brown and Levinson (1987) include
politeness in two categories. First, there is positive politeness, which leads to
closeness and affiliation. It is the wish for being liked and appreciated and consists of
acts such as complementing others and showing interest for them. Second, there is
negative politeness, which leads distance and formality. In negative face, there is a
wish for being autonomous. Brown and Levinson (1987) claim that politeness must
be maintained, enhanced, and permanently attended to interaction. A threat to a
person s face is termed a face threatening act and they discuss that such acts in general
need an extenuating statement or repair otherwise a collapse of interaction will
Evaluation Of Alfred Hitchcock, Dial
Evaluation of Alfred Hitchcock, Dial M for Murder.
Validity as an auteur can be found belief that true auteurs set the standard and
change the way we view film. More so, an auteur has the incredible responsibility of
changing the way we look at the world and that is their greatest goal.
Alfred Hitchcock is a director and artist in his own right as he needs little
introduction to most moviegoers. His work as a creative entrepreneur during his
time in the budding age of film has created a series of classics that continue to
define a standard in crime, thriller and suspense cinema. As many early critics of film
were skeptic of their authenticity as an art form, Hitchcock proceeded to build upon
the groundwork set before him by exploring methods with which lured the audience
into emotional involvement in film. Over time, his mastered technique often
reflected in his plot developments as he proceeded to sway the interest, attention and
opinion of his audience to his liking. Such manipulations would cause the audience
to bend the rules of conventional morality. Such technique had been previously
unparalleled and proceeds to be the standard of good film making today. Even in his
early films such as The Man Who Knew Too Much, Hitchcock s ability to evoke and
conflict emotional attachments in his audience was quite apparent as it was not
uncommon for a quintessential bad guy in his film to transition into a protagonist
simply based on plot and character development as you cannot
neon Essay
Did you know that neon is a Greek word that means quot;new quot;? Neon is the
element that I am most interested in. I chose to do neon because I found out what
many uses it has in our daily life. Neon is the element that allows you to watch TV.
Without neon we would never see the cool flashing signs outside of diners and bars.
In my essay I am going to tell you about neon and its many uses.
First, I m going to tell you about the history and uses of neon. Neon was discovered
by Sir William Ramsay, a Scottish chemist, and Morris M. Travers, an English
chemist, shortly after their discovery of the element krypton in 1898. Neon is one of
the most amusing elements used today. Neon mixed with some other elements ...
Show more content on ...
Neon is found in the atmosphere. Neon is 0.002% of the atmosphere. Also, stars
produce neon during the later stages of nuclear fusion.
All there is to talk about neon now is about how it integrates into our life. To show
you the integration in our society I will demonstrate a situation in which neon comes
into play. Imagine walking around in Las Vegas with your friends looking to have a
good time before your business meeting the next day. You look up and see giant signs
that flash and move around advertising casinos and restaurants. Those signs are
discharge tubes holding the active ingredients of our friend neon and his buddy
mercury. You decide to walk into the casino with the biggest, coolest sign that says
quot;MGM quot;. You walk into the casino wondering what to do first, so you
walk over to the nearest craps table. You play craps for a couple hours and decide to
cash in and go out to eat with all the money you won. You walk into a sports bar to
get a drink and you notice a TV with the Lakers game on. You look up at the TV
and notice they are losing 84 to 36. The television has a tube in it that holds neon to
project things onto the glass screen you see, without neon you wouldn t be able to
watch any of your favorite shows. When you are finished eating your friends ask if
you want to go to the Smithsonian observation museum about 10 miles away from
downtown Las Vegas. You agree and pile into your rented Mercedes Benz SRX. As
your driving on the
RMS Test Question Paper
The Nielsen Company (Hong Kong) Limited
Client Service Assessment
Question Paper
Time Allowed: 2 hours
Please do not take away the question paper.
Candidate Name:
Start Time:
Stop Time:
Instructions: Solve each problem using the workspace provided. Record your
answers on the answer sheet provided. You are welcome to use a calculator for your
International Juice Inc. plans to introduce a new line of fruit juices with three
different flavors: cherry, grape and apple. 50% of buyers will buy cherry, 20% will
buy grape, and 30% will buy apple. Cherry buyers will buy an average of
1.2 cans at a time, grape purchasers 1.4, and apple purchasers 1.6. Given this
information, what percent of the total ... Show more content on ...
b. What is the probability of failing on the first 2 trials and passing on the third? c.
What is the probability of failing on all 3 attempts?
Ninety percent of the population in Woodville has carpeted rooms in their home. A
marketer of carpet cleaner learned that, last year, 10% of the population with carpet
purchased Foamy carpet cleaner and 9.5% of the total population purchased it. What
percentage of the population without carpeted rooms in their home purchased Foamy
last year?
A market research firm needs to find 100 people who regularly purchase orange
juice to complete a survey on a new line of frozen orange juice. After talking to a
random sample of 500 people, 75 orange juice buyers have been found. Based upon
this information, how many additional people in a random sample do they need to
interview to reach an expected total of 100 people who regularly purchase orange
As a Client Service Executive at Nielsen, you are assigned to work on Sudsy
Soap Company s client team. Your key contact at Sudsy Soap has come to you with
a new product idea called UNISOAP and you have been requested to review the
information provided and prepare a summary of your hypotheses regarding the
product s strengths and weaknesses. This summary shall be sent to the Marketing
Director by email and to invite him for a face to face discussion afterwards. Please
compose an email response on the pages
Who Is Hermia In A Midsummer Night s Dream
In the book, A Midsummer Night s Dream, by William Shakespeare, Hermia is a
strong willed woman who wants to be free to marry her true love Lysander. She
cannot marry him, because her father, Egeus, is making her marry Demetrius. She
has two other choices, to either become a nun or die. She is not happy with his
decision and feels he is being unfair. Lysander and Hermiaplan to run away with each
other to escape her father and the Athenian law. Hermia s friend, Helena, may stop
those plans though, because she is in lovewith Demetrius. She hopes to win
Demetrius back by foiling Hermia s plans. We will hear more about this intriguing
story in just a bit. Hermia will make an appearance on the show, Talking with the
Athenians, where we will interview her on her ideas of love.... Show more content on ...
Egeus says; As she is mine, I may dispose of her, which shall be either to this man
or to her death, according to the Athenian law (1.1.43 45). My father is saying that
he can decide who I shall marry. He has gotten this idea from the Athenian law and
Theseus, who is forcing Hippolyta to marry him. If he decides who I marry, that
will make me less likely to love them. If there is not love in a marriage then you
should have no marriage at all. When I marry someone, it will because I love them. It
will not be because my father has chosen that
The On Fossil Fuels And The Amish
As we continue to consume fossil fuels on a scale never seen in human history, we
are faced with the nagging but not imminent question: what is going to happen
when we run out? It s the same question any addict asks themselves, and the way
they respond can affect the rest of their life. It is impossible to forget 2008:
gasoline rose to nearly $4 a gallon, the stock market plummeted, millions lost their
jobs, and Americans and foreigners alike responded in a way that only the fear of
spending more money can motivate. Why are we as a global society so hooked on
fossil fuels? Put simply, we can t live without it. Few people outside of aspiring
reality TV stars and the Amish would be willing to give up their precious electronics
and... Show more content on ...
Mansueto Ventures, LLC, 13 Nov. 2014. Web. 04 June 2015.) we would not only
outgrow the earth s resource limits, but we would need 5.4 earths to sustain
humanity. Without access to fuel, industry is hindered. The time it takes to travel
from point a to point b increases tremendously if there is a limit to the amount of
fuel that one has access to. In the 1970 s during an oil crisis , gas stations limited
customers to 10 gallons each. The need to stop at more gas stations more often will
increase shipping time, decrease productivity, and hinder new nations in their
development and entrance into the postmodern marketplace. The origin of the
energy crisis stems from the days of the industrial revolution. Coal and Oil were
more efficient than wood, and seemingly abundant across the globe. At one point,
the ash from factories in Great Britain was so profuse that it turned the bark of trees
a different color and caused the species of peppered moth to alter their coloration in
fast paced phenotypic evolution. Expand the scenario where human energy
consumption and the subsequent alteration of climate exceeds the rate at which
animals and biomes can adapt is a terrifying and very real one. A growing disparity
between rich nations and poorer developing countries due to the rate at which
technology is being adopted and economic maneuvering power No matter how hard
we try, the effects of pollution are everywhere. From major catastrophes like the
Security Cameras Dbq
Have you ever thought of the idea that someone is watching over you at school
without knowing it? With today s modern technology, there are schools that use
cameras for various reasons. Otherwise known as Closed Circuit Television (CCTV).
It is a TV System in which signals are not publicly distributed but are monitored,
primarily for surveillanceand securitypurposes (Prompt). However, what you might
not be aware of is that you are not given as much privacyat school than at home.
Schools should have security cameras, because they are a useful entity to protect
civilians on campus, could serve as deterrents for those bad teachers, and create an
overall better learning environment for everyone.
Primarily, security cameras are only one of the many pieces of technology that
schools use as a security system to prevent intruders. As quoted in Source 2,
Tragedies such as the school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut in 2012 have raised
alarms for increased school security ; cameras could have been a useful tool in this
situation. On the other hand, many opponents would support the cost issue.
Conversely, ... Show more content on ...
Reports from students may be enough to stop a corrupt teacher, but cameras are
revolutionary way to keep an eye on them. As cited from Source 2, Advocates have
also argued that cameras could serve as deterrents to those bad teachers who do
exist, particularly in special needs classrooms where students may have difficulty
communicating instances of abuse to their parents . Despite, how corrupt some
teachers may be, cameras can be a pressurizing factor on teachers as communicated
in Source 3, Of the teachers who feel that keeping cameras out of the school
classroom is the best policy, most fear an invasion of the teacher pupil relationship .
While, some teachers worry that it s an invasion, others agree that cameras increase
security to protect everyone on the campus including the
Gun History Essay
Gun History/Development:
What is the history of guns and gun building throughout the world?
Over 43% of Americans own a gun for either sporting or protection ( 21
unbelieveable ). Guns have been improved throughout many years and there are still
many people making many improvements yet today. The history and evolution of
guns improved by the creators who made them and how the improvements better
helped the gun overall are some of the things you will find in this paper. Some
background of gunpowder started with a man named Berthold Schwarz. He was a
German monk who was the first to make gunpowder around the 1300s. He also
invented the first gun which wasn t technically a gun but a huge heavy cannon which
used gunpowder to fire (Kevin 4). ... Show more content on ...
After people got tired of dragging around a huge heavy cannon they then made a
smaller handled cannon but it was still very hard to aim because you had to hold it
with one hand and light it with the other (Supica, Jim). The Arquebuses were the first
handheld gun that didn t need to be lit by match or fuse. Also with the Arquebuse
being able to be held with two hands and not having to lit by hand made it way more
accurate than earlier guns (14). The Arquebuse also greatly helped to create the
musket which had a better more advanced ignition system. The musket first began
to be used during the 1400s. Then muskets helped to design the flintlock (14). Also
by the mid 1400s people began to develope handguns or pistols. By the 1500s
people were able to make pistol effective to about four feet. One bad thing was how
long the pistols took to reload so they then began to design and create the revolver
(18). Then around 1833 the very first breech loader was created. A breech loader is
loaded from the back of the gun instead of the front making it a lot quicker and
easier to reload. Then shortly after in around 1840 they began to mass produce the
first revolver called the pepperbox (Supica,
Perception, Perception And Perception
Learning is defined as the process of gaining knowledge of something or how to do
something. As human beings, we tend to learn different things in the society we live
in. learning is essential in the development of both physical and mental growth of
human beings. Learning in human beings is based on what we are able to retain
about the new aspect that we have learnt. According to Thomas leahey human beings
can forget 78% of whatever they have leant in 6 days if they do not review it in the
within the six day of learning. Learning is related to other aspects of life such as
perception behavior motivation cognition among others. Human beings learn through
both conditional learning and operant learning. When we learn something, ... Show
more content on ...
If perception is inaccurate, incorrect or altered in any way problems with reading,
spelling, handwriting, math and comprehension occur. Visual perceptual skills
involve the ability to organize and interpret the information that is seen and give it
meaning. The importance of visual perceptual skills in academic success is agreed
upon by many, acknowledging reading would not be possible without adequate visual
perception. (
Without accurate visual perceptual processing, a student would have difficulty
learning to read, give or follow directions, copy from the whiteboard, visualize
objects or past experiences, have good eye hand coordination, integrate visual
information with other senses to do things like ride a bike, play catch, shoot baskets
when playing basketball, or hear a sound and visualize where it is coming from (like
the siren on a police
Ursula LeGuin s The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas
Ursula LeGuin s The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas
Utopia is any state, condition, or place of ideal perfection. In Ursula LeGuin s
short story The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas the city of Omelas is
described as a utopia. The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas presents a challenge
of conscience for anyone who chooses to live in Omelas.
Omelas is described by the narrator as the story begins. The city appears to be very
likable. At times the narrator does not know the truth and therefore guesses what
could be, presenting these guesses as often essential detail. The narrator also lets the
reader mold the city. The narrator states the technology Omelas could have and then
says or they could have none of that: it doesn t ... Show more content on ...
But there are some who walk away from Omelas. These are few, but they are the
ones that have guilt. They could not live in a place, no matter how perfect, that
thrives off a child s torment.
All of the narrator s questions invite the reader to place ;himself in the position of
the people of Omelas. Do you need this to make you happy? Then you may have it.
Once the reader begins to enjoy the city and begins to see its happiness as a good
thing, then the reader, like the adolescents in the story, must be shown that on which
the happiness depends. Readers must face the question of what they would be
willing to sacrifice for happiness. In Omelas, the people have no guilt so they are
able to sacrifice the child for their happiness with no remorse because they are happy.
The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas is an attempt to explain the problem of evil
Collins writes the narrative justifies or makes sense of a painful aspect of theodicy
(527). The question of the problem of evil is summed up in three statements: God is
good, God is omnipotent and omniscient, and there is evil. The existence of evil is
usually accepted as a given. If God is good, but not omnipotent, he wants to stop evil,
but cannot. If God is omnipotent, but not good, he could stop evil, but would not. In
Christianity, however, God is understood to be both good and omnipotent,
Song Of Innocence In William Blake s Songs Of Experience
In Songs of Experience Blake immediately creates imagery by using the image of
the speaker talking a child who is covered in soot and crying in the snow. There is
a contrast of misery being understood using the color black and a sense of
innocence using white. The speaker demands that the child tells him where his
parents are and he expresses how they are in the church. Similar to Songs of
Innocence, in line 8 the metaphor And taught me to sing the notes of woe. shows
this child was also forced to be a chimney sweeper. This also shows his experience
and how he learned sadness instead of happiness. But, unlike that version, he was
once happy. In line 7, They clothed me in the clothes of death, the theme of death
arises again as a metaphor that can refer to chimney sweeping outfit or an outfit to
wear once you die. This image also applies to experience because he knew that he
would die eventually from doing this job. Nevertheless, these two images are
almost the same because chimney sweeping resulted in death at some point. In both
Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience, the parents are responsible for their
children s unhappiness for forcing them to be chimney sweepers. Line 12 Who
make up a heaven of our misery. in Songs of Experience, Blake is directly shaming
the government and society including the church and parents. He questions how
parents can be praising God while their children are working and living in deadly
conditions. In both pieces the society is
Wwii Impact
The impact that WWii had on the United States(U.S.) made a huge change . From
the amount of money that the U.S. made by creating the bombs and guns that were
used, to the amounts of immigration that was going on. WWii brought many
opportunities for the U.S. and here are some. World War 2 was a war that lasted 6
dreadful years. It all started, September 1,1939, when Adolf Hitlerstarted putting jews
in concentration camps. Then he moved on by taking over many parts of Germany
and Europe. The U.S. did not get involved until the day that the japanese struck
Pearl Harbor with a bomb on , December 7,1941. The U.S.started sending their
young boys and adult men to Germany to help free jews and stop Hitler. They
finally did on, September 2,1945. The technology advances during 6 years were
incredible. The amount of work that was put on... Show more content on ...
Because of the guns and bombs that were being sold to our allies and the U.S.
buying supplies that were needed to make the guns and bombs the U.S. was getting
richer, with the amount of money the U.S. made it recovered from The Great
Depression quickly. But not everything was so great because the taxes on the basic
things that a person needed went up and some of America s personal money was
being use. In just 6 years of being in the war the United States purchased about $186
billion dollars worth of war bonds.
So not everything was in America s favor, but it did impact the United States in
many different ways. WWii made America come together and work as one nation.
With the military technology advances the U.S. had more of an advantage during the
war. More People wanted to come to America because of the job opportunites. So in
conclusion because of WWii America became more technologically advanced, a
worldwide immigration spot, and got in debt with some countries. WWii impacted
the United States in many surprising
Student Reflection
The past four years of high school have been full of change, development, and
discovery. I have grown into a more conscientious, outgoing, and considerate young
women who is now ready to face the next chapter in her life college. My high
school experiences challenging classes that have taught me to precisely express my
thoughts, extracurricular activities where I am able to expand and express my ideas,
and a social action trip in Chicago have helped shape my intellectual and personal
outlook, creating a strong foundation for my career as a student at La Salle University.
In my Freshman Honors English class, the teacher assigned the daunting task of
writing a one page, double spaced paper on how to live a purposeful life. This
assignment seemed impossible at first, but upon further reflection it became quite
clear. To quote from my paper, Living a purposeful life includes finding something
you can love and excel in, and sharing that skill with the world. Writing this paper
showed me the value of being concise, and the importance of having a passion in
life and using it to help others. Four years later, this concept has become the
guiding principle of my life, and it has encouraged me to bring light to other
people s lives by earning a degree in speech pathology. Through this class I
discovered that I have a great appreciation for classes in which my preconceived
notions are challenged. The Honors Triple at La Salle University attracted me from
the beginning
Risk Mitigation Using Joint Venture Agreement in the...
SODE ADESOJI O. (51124473)
A Dissertation Presented In Partial Fulfillment Of The Requirements For The Degree
MSc. International Business Energy And Petroleum
The University Of Aberdeen
I declare that this thesis has been composed by myself, that it has not been accepted
in any previous application for a degree, that the work of which it is a record has
been done by myself, and that all quotations have been distinguished appropriately
and the source of information specifically acknowledged.
Date: ... Show more content on ...
ting Risk through Joint VentureAgreements
2.10Case Study 1
SUCCESSFUL STARTUP EXPERIENCE 2.10.1Structure of Joint Venture
2.10.2Partner Selection amp; Choice 2.10.3Contractual Terms 2.10.4Venture related
Risks 2.10.5Learning Highlights
2.11Case Study 2
PRODUCTION JOINT VENTURE 2.11.1Structure of the Joint Venture 2.11.2Venture
related Risks 2.11.3Exploration amp; Production/ Conoco Corporation s Withdrawal
2.11.4Economic, Financial amp; Political Setbacks 2.11.5YPF South America
Intervention 2.11.6Learning Highlights
Chapter 3Data, Methodology amp; Modelling
3.2General Parameters
3.3Field Parameters
3.4Methodology 3.4.1Scenario 1 (NOC amp; Investor) 3.4.2 Scenario 1 Monte Carlo
Simulation 3.4.3Scenario 2 (NOC, Investor and other partners) 3.4.4 Scenario 2
Monte Carlo Simulation 3.4.5Scenario 3 (Budget Allocation) 3.4.6 Scenario 3 Monte
Carlo Simulation
Chapter 4Model Results, Limitations amp; Discussion
4.2Scenario 1 Analysis 4.2.1Appraisal Result 4.2.2Simulation Result 4.2.3Sensitivity
4.3Scenario 2 Analysis 4.3.1Appraisal Result 4.3.2Simulation Result 4.3.3Sensitivity
4.4Scenario 2 Analysis 4.4.1Appraisal Result 4.4.2Simulation Result 4.4.3Sensitivity
4.5Assumption Limitations
El Nino Fidencio the Mythical Curandero
El Nino Fidencio The Mythical Curandero Throughout the book Curanderismo:
Mexican American Folk Healing Trorrer and Chavira make mention of el NiГ±o
Fidencio in countless areas of the book. It is mentioned that one of the most
important spiritualist movement is based on the life teaching, and the spirit of a
famous young folk healer (now dead) from northern Mexicoel NiГ±o Fidencio
(1997:35). Even today el NiГ±o is an important figure in many aspects of the belief
system and practice associated with the Curanderismo folk healing. History plays a
major role in culture when it comes to establishing religion and medical practices,
which in the case of the Mexican Curanderos many times martyrs or perhaps people
with supernatural or mythical... Show more content on ...
This has created a sort of sub culture or cult in which those who have the ability to
become a medium sometimes choose to spend their lives living and working in such
The centros are staffed by trance mediums who, often... go into trance, and (in their
words) let the spirit of el Nino descend on them, their bodies forming a link between
the material and spiritual realms of existence. Through this linkage, the immortal
spirit of el Nino performs cure, does consultations, even predicts the outcome of
future events for members of his cult (1997: 35).
Followers of Fidencio and other spirits tend to have much more religious beliefs due
to the fact that they are wholly focused on doing their work through the guidance,
protection and possession by that saint. Although it is interesting to note that people
consider the curenderos to be a saints because of the connection that they have with
the seen unseen realms associated with the gifts that mediums possess. Not all
mediums choose to become part of a cult dedicating themselves and their work to the
will of a saint who will ultimately work through them. Others might choose to work
alone, some for profit and some solely for personal growth knowledge and
gratification as is mentioned in chapter six
The Ethical Benefits Of Wellness Tourism
Wellness tourism , have you ever thought of this type of tourism. We need to think of
what exactly is wellness tourism. Wellness tourism can go under many definitions.
For example, Wellness tourism can be defined as travelling with the underlying goal
of promoting overall health and enhancing personal well being. Basically, wellness
tourism has to deal with quality of life. Ideally, the benefits of wellness tourism will
deliver a product that leaves the consumer feeling healthier and more relaxed; revived
physically, mentally and spiritually. Wellness involves several comfort dimensions
including mental, educational, social, physical, spiritual, financial, and ethical
dimensions. Wellness tourism has many forms, best example and the mostly... Show
more content on ...
A good relaxation massage relieves stress and tension in your muscles and will
leave you oozing with a sense of well being. Relaxation massage achieves this
because of the general benefits of a massage which is improving your circulation;
therefore your organs and skin get more oxygen which is very good for anyone s
skin and body. A relaxation massage helps your body to digest its food, and get rid
of its toxins. It will help you to sleep better. A massage will also help in healing any
muscles; soothe aches and sprains, also to encourage the skin to heal. It is a natural
instinct to rub or cuddle someone to give them comfort; a relaxation massage takes
that instinct and runs with it. A relaxation massage is a whole body hands on
treatment that uses pressure, stroking and rubbing of your skin to help you relax.
Most massage treatments will relax you, among other things. With a relaxation
massage, relaxing you is the only aim. For this reason, it is one of the most complete
and indulgent massages anyone can have. A relaxation massage is usually a full body
treatment that involves soft music, soft lighting and aromatherapy oils. You will have
a long, luxurious massage which will use all kinds of techniques including long
strokes, gentle kneading and rolling of skin and
Persuasive Essay On Tobacco Products
One of the most prevalent topics in our twenty first century world is that of health.
Now more than ever, a healthy lifestyle, whether that be through diet, exercise, or
mental strength, is being promoted, especially by the younger generation. But,
several unhealthy habits are left to be. The use of cigarettes is among these unhealthy
habits. Despite the well known adverse effects of cigarettesmoke, it continuous to be
a norm for all people alike. The possession and purchase of tobaccoproducts should
be limited to citizens twenty one years and older because of the widespread deaths
caused by tobacco products, the unfair manipulation of youths, and the ill effects that
those who choose not to partake are still subject to, due to others choices.
With tobacco products available and easily accessible to youth and minors,
Healton and associates argue that teenagers social learning process has become
unusual, and adolescents believe tobacco products cannot be too bad if it is sold
like anything else. According to a 1990 study, Americans under 18 years old smoke
947 million packs of cigarettes annually (103). The fight against the tobacco
industry appealing to youth as consumers started over two decades ago. According
to Feighery, Borzekowski, Schooler, and Flora, when the U.S. Food and Drug
Association (FDA) made the decision in 1996 to issue regulations designed to limit
tobacco sales to young people, it was acting on citizen concern about tobacco use in
teenagers (123).
Pretty Woman Essay
very moody, bad tempered, and demanding at times. In My Fair Lady, Colonel
Pickering, another linguistic professor, a friend of Higgins, helps Eliza by treating
her like a lady, showing that not all men are like Higgins. In Pretty Woman, the
hotel owner helps Vivian buy dresses and teaches her proper table manners, almost
acting like he has forgotten what her profession is, by not look down on her even
though he knows she is a prostitute. Both women obtain lady like manners from these
caring gentlemen. Just as Eliza has a drunken, and dependent father, Vivian also has
a roommate who is a drug addict, taking advantage of their new wealth and money
for their own benefit. There are many scenes in both movies in which the women
show behaviour... Show more content on ...
To begin with, Eliza and Vivian, both female characters of the stories, are
portrayed so differently. The first difference is their jobs, Vivian was a street
prostitute, while Eliza was a street flower seller. Although both low class jobs,
Eliza s job was more noble than Vivian s. Another difference is that during the
course of the story, Eliza didn t enjoy being trained to be a upper class lady, and
would usually resisted it, while Vivian was fairly happy about the shopping trips
and being seen in public with Edward, which was part of her training to be a lady.
Although the image of the characters are the same idea, the slight differences in
their attitude goes a long way with how the stories are illustrated. Another
difference that we will next look at is the plot. The motive that Higgins possesses
when taking Eliza in is for the bet his friend made. He is in some form using her for
his own gain. In Pretty Woman, Edward brings Vivian out into society just like
Higgins does with Eliza , but the contrast between them is that Edward really does
enjoy Vivian s company, and wishes to spend time with her, not that he has an ulterior
Essay On Judaism
In order for the humans in early history to create a successful civilization, they
needed a few main key components. First, these people needed a good food source
so they can sustain a growing population in their community. Next, they needed a
strong army to survive wars between other civilizations and each other. Finally, they
needed a powerful leader to create laws for the civilians. The Hebrews, a civilization
in Canaan, did not have all of these key factors. Although, they were still famous for
their religion, Judaism. Judaism was unique compared to other religions in the region
because it focused on morality, gave the freedom to choose, and it was monotheistic.
All of the empires near the Hebrews were very warlike people. They had strong
armies, weapons such as iron weapons and horse drawn chariots, and some of these
empires were very conquerors, such as Persia. The Hebrews were not warlike people.
Instead, they were a very ... Show more content on ...
Monotheism is a religion that believes in one God. The Hebrews were the only
civilization in their area that were monotheistic. Most of the other civilizations in the
area, such as the Persians, Babylonians, and Egyptians, were polytheistic, which is
the belief in many gods. Instead of having one god for the universe, these polytheistic
religions had gods of nature for different parts of nature. For example, in ancient
Egypt, the god Osiris was the god of the Nile river. These civilizations near the
Hebrew civilization had hundred or thousands of gods they all believed in, or only
city states in the area believed in. Because of these other civilizations beliefs, they did
not like the Hebrew s monotheistic religion. They got conquered by civilizations near
them such as the Assyrians and later on, the Babylonians. Since the Hebrews were
the only civilization that weren t war like, they got conquered easily by these
civilizations. Although, the Hebrew s monotheism is what made them
Unit 10 Operating Systems P2
Operating Systems(P2)
In this assignment i will be explaining looking at operating systems and their features.
Operating systems are vital to the use of computers, they tell the machine what it is,
what language, where the programs are, when things are stored, how to do things, the
instruction codes to do everything. The system is in charge of security such as
ensuring that unauthorised users do not access the system. There are many types of
operating systems, a few are listed below:
Windows is one of the biggest operating systems in the world and was created in
1981 by chase bishop. The purpose of windows is to improve on previous systems
and make them all better. This operating system is a graphical ... Show more content
on ...
Customisation: there are many ways to customise windows, customising windows
can be done through your own interface. Users can do many things to customise their
windows as it has developed over the years. On windows you are able to find more
themes, backgrounds, gadgets, mouse pointers, user images,etc.
There are a few ways in you can
Connectivity on operating systems can vary to what the user wants the system to
connect to. This means that the user is able to connect the system to any device
which they may require. If the user wanted to connect a printer to the Pc or Mac then
they user can do that. Many devices are able to connect to the computer via a
Wireless and bluetooth connection, this would save space and save the user using
cables around the computer system.
Mac and windows both cost and amount about ВЈ70 and this is not cheap. Linux is
free but people do not use this because it is very difficult to use. Many people prefer
windows as it is the easiest to use and they will pay more to make their life
Different And Important Elements Within Graphics Design
Introduction: I will discuss several different and important elements within
graphics design. Specifically speaking, I will provide a discussion on the hardware
and software and how these have an impact on graphic work. E.g.: A graphics card,
PaintShop, memory digital camera drivers and much more. Additionally, I will
explain the different file formats (using examples) as well as their features and
limitations; I will come to a conclusion to which of these suit certain graphical
products. Adding on from this report, I will compare the limitations of hardware
/software where I will select two graphic related hardware devices and compare their
limitations the limitations of raster will also be compared. With the final point
adding, I will... Show more content on ...
Furthermore, images on a monitor are made up of pixels (very tiny dots) the
processor works closely together with several software s and eventually sends data
/information about an image to the graphics card. What the graphics card does next
is it decides how to use pixels on a monitor to create and actually make the image
visible (all this information is sent through a video cable, directly to the monitor). As
a result, a graphics card impacts graphical work because it is used to display image
contents on the monitor and process changes in graphics. в—¦ RAM = This is an
acronym for Random Access Memory which is the internal memory within a
computer. RAM is a container which holds applications/programs, documents and
files every time they re at run or graphic files that have been opened. When a user
insists on opening any type of file, there is a process that is used each time this
happens. E.g.: When a software application is at run, the program is copied
directly to the hard disk of the computer. This is then copied to RAM and, very
quickly, it travels through to the processor. While saying that, the more RAM is
available, the better, as Flash and ROM take up a lot of space. Roughly about 128
256MB (or more) is needed to for the best performances. It is often confused that a
brand new computer may resolve the issue of a computer
Google Case Study Essay
Caroline Graham
Assignment Title/Brief: Case Not Bring Evil: Google
The case study will provide a brief history of Google and will seek to outline the
struggle by Google and the challenges faced by them to abide by their informal
corporate motto Don t be Evil . The purpose of the report is to utilise a real life
example to illustrate theories of human behaviour at work. In addition, this case study
will encourage the reader to think critically about the issues and debates it outlines.
The structure of the report will be a clear layout and will demonstrate the influence of
individuals, leaders and groups on organisational performance.
1.Overall Approach, Organisational Development of Google:
Google has evolved into a Matrix Structure from its initial beginnings as a Team
A Matrix Structure will ... Show more content on ...
Removing unnecessary layers of management.
Lower overall costs.
Increased resolution times for decision making and responses.
The company s development has stemmed from a Matrix Structure.
A cross functional organizational structure i.e. a matrix organizational structure such
as Google could typically have three main characteristics:
Function based
Product based
Function would be used as a basis to group employees together for example grouping
together Sales, Engineering Design teams and Product Managers.
Staff could be group for a specific task such as the development of their Nexus
Google s structure because of its open source cultural core resulted in it seeking out
bright recruits who can think quickly, imaginatively and unconventionally.
Their structure also evolved to allow teams to effectively bypass middle management
and report directly up to and including their CEO.
2.Doing no Evil
The main challenges which Google faces in attempting to Do no Evil as it expands
into new and unfamiliar territories and markets are:
Analysis Of MSNBC And Fox News
The last and final difficult conversation was a constructive and mind opening
experience on the premise of watching and receiving news. During this
conversation, my group watched 20 minutes of both MSNBC and Fox News and
from there we collectively discussed it. Our first showing was watching Fox News
and for me personally it felt like I was watching the tabloids or some might say a
reality show. The reasoning behind my viewpoint of it was of them, the newscaster,
talking for a like a good 10 minutes about donuts and their relationship between the
struggle of the acting directors of Mike Mulvaney and Leandra English of the
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. In addition, the newscasters are still
reporting about President Trump s comment... Show more content on
The only solution that I could think of voiding these differences is either through the
elimination and recreation of new news channel or the moderation of current news
channels. Yet, this will probably not happen because no news channel or person
would be the one that blinks first; everyone, no matter their demographics or
background always wants to be right in some way.
The reflection period out of this conversation was for me shocking. As an engaged
political person, I at least try to be engaged with the news. I find that CBS and New
York Times are the most reliable news corporationout there with little to no bias at
all, all facts. However, my colleagues find that the current mainstream news media
are becoming either gossip, tabloid, or fake news channels. Respectively, I take
offense to their beliefs on the basis that the news today is fake. Throughout history, it
has been the news and investigative journalism that led to the many stories that
transformed this nation into many shapes and forms. Without the news, a society
will be at worst an anarchist society where nobody trusts each other or a tyrannical
society where the populace will fall for anything that the state displays. It has been
an American right of having open news sources, do Americans want to disregard this
right in favor of being handed a silver platter of information from bias sources?
Anyways, going back to
Hillary Swank Essay
Freedom writers is a story about struggles and will to make a change that debuted
in 2007. The lead actress in this film was Hillary swank who plays Erin Gruwell.
Her impersonator acting style made her a more effective actress because not only
does she portrays the character accurately, she becomes the character. With that being
said, she seems to be the perfect person for the role. This statement is proven many
times throughout the film. In the beginning of the film she enters a chaotic classroom
not knowing what to do or how to handle everything that has been thrown at her. This
portrayal of the character was so convincing that you started to believe she is a shy
first time teacher. In another scene her character stood against the school system to...
Show more content on ...
The emotion she conveyed was so powerful you would think she really is a teacher
fighting for what she wants. With these points in line I will restate my position of
Hillary swank being quite effective as an actress portraying the role.
The protagonist of the film is Erin Gruwell, a first time teacher with the thirst for
change. The film begins with her interview to become a new teacher for a high
school in the projects. The film follows her journey from a new teacher that was
timid with a class not wanting to learn, to a confident teacher with a class full of
students who thirst for knowledge. The antagonist of the film is Margret camp,
because she does everything in her power to stop Erin from progressing with her
students. This opposition includes refusing to give the students the required books
she asked for and permission to go on a field trip with the students. The foil of the
film was Brian Gelford who was the juniors teacher, because he was pessimistic
toward the students academic outcome compared to Erin s optimism. This statement
is shown through the discussion the two had in the teachers lounge,
What Are The Different Weighting Methods Used For...
This section describes some of the different weighting methods for combining effect
sizes across studies when conducting meta analysis. This section will focus on
methods used for binary outcome data and effect measures such as relative risks and
odds ratios. The section will first introduce fixed effect and random effects analyses.
It will then describe weighting methods that can be used for these analytic approaches.
Fixed effect versus random effects analyses
Fixed effect and random effects models are the two most common approaches used
when conducting a meta analysis (Borenstein, Hedges, Higgins, Rothstein, 2010).
The distinction between these approaches is both conceptual and statistical in nature.
The fixed effect model ... Show more content on ...
Although both fixed effect and random effects models will generally give more
weight to larger studies with lower variance estimates, the weights will be relatively
more balanced with a random effects model because it assumes that each of the effect
sizes in the analysis are estimating a different true effect (Borenstein, Hedges,
Rothstein, 2007). Thus, random effects models will give more weight to smaller
studies with higher variance estimates compared to fixed effect models.
In contrast, the weights for a fixed effect model will be more extreme than those of a
random effects model because it is assumed that the best estimate of the effect size
will be from the largest study with the lowest variance (Borenstein et al., 2007).
Consequently, compared to a random effects model, the pooled or summary effect
for a fixed effect model will be closer to the effect obtained from the largest study
with the lowest variance. With respect to the variance estimates of the pooled or
summary effect, random effects model will result in higher variances than fixed
effect models because of the added between study variability assumed to be present.
The assumptions in a fixed effect analysis may only be appropriate in a limited
number of situations. For example, if studies included in a meta analysis were
conducted using a similar methodology by recruiting participants in a similar manner
Sister Carrie Character Analysis
In Sister Carrie, Dreiser uses very detailed descriptions of characters and their
appearance. These are not empty descriptions, each description of the clothes is so
convincing that it plays with the readers senses allowing them to visualize a
dynamic cinematic picture (Stankovic 79). For example, Carrie s total outfit
consisted of a small trunk, a cheap imitation alligator skin satchel, a small lunch in
a paper box, and a yellow leather snap purse, containing her ticket, a scrap piece of
paper with her sister s address in Van Buren Street, and four dollars in money
(Dreiser 1). Such a description describes a person who is leaving in a rush with
little money and only a scribbled address, but someone who longs for more, as the
imitation alligator skin satchel suggests. She wants to convey a bit of wealth in
her appearance and impression even though the bag is imitation. Each of these
men become the lovers of Carrie in the novel, and she was drawn to each of them
by her impressions of their appearance, but first impressions can be wrong and
appearances can be falsely portrayed. Carrie first succumbs to Drouet, becoming his
mistress acting falsely as his wife. She is later drawn to Hurstwood because of his
appearance. When Carrie meets her lover Drouet, and later Hurstwood, she compares
them, measuring their financial situation by looking at their clothes (Stanovic 81).
Notice that Carrie describes Drouet s business look as appealing, but Hurstwood s
includes the
Lady Of Shalott
The Lady of Shalott This is a marvelous piece, which has been renewed and revised
a countless amount of times. The earliest story, which relates to this poem, is
Shrek. The reason why it is related is because, in The Lady of Shalott the lady is
trapped in the tower and can t get out (or the curse that is put on her will be
unleashed). In Shrek, Fiona (which is the lady in the movie) must stay in the
tower until her true love comes to her rescue (orders from her dad). Fiona is
guarded by a dragon and she s locked up in a tall tower which is surrounded by
lava, so someone has to build up enough courage to deal with all that hoopla. She is
also cursed though, when dawn hits and until the sun comes up, she turns into an
ogre. So these stories, which are very different at parts, are so similar in others. The
author of The Lady of Shalottis Mr. Tennyson (Alfred, Tennyson). He also wrote In
Memoriam, A.H.H. , Tears, Idle Tears , and a passage we have already been through
Ulysses . This is an extremely important author of his time, even our time. He wanted
to show what was wrong with not just ourselves, but society. He also wanted to
comfort... Show more content on ...
She wants to see the world and wants to go to the town in the distance where
Lancelot is from. She wants Lancelot, the world, the town, etc. She is just sick of
looking from a mirror so, when she looks out the window, the mirror cracks. Right
when the mirror cracks, she knows that she messed up and couldn t take back what
she started. She had to hurry because she was in trouble so she jumped out the
tower and started running into town. She was on her way and then got in a boat to
make her trip faster, kind of knowing that her time was limited now. When she gets
to the town, everyone comes to see the marvelously beautiful woman who no one
has seen or conquered . When they go to see her, Lancelot is there as well, she is
The Evolution of High Heels Essay
Evolution suggests that life began as relatively small and simple organism and
developed into various complex organisms today. Charles Darwin proposed his
Theory of Evolution, forming the foundation of evolutionary biology. He suggested
that the origins of new life and evolution are caused by natural selection over
successive generations. It allows differential reproduction of genotypes. There are
five principles drawn upon the observation and assumption of evolution, which are
reproductive potential, constancy of number, struggle for existence, individual
differences and inheritance of traits. According to Darwin s Theory of Evolution,
differences in species are caused by continuous and accumulative small changes over
... Show more content on ...
court heeled shoes
1920sInvention of high heels with fastening strap; Maximum of 75 cm heel made
1930sInvention of comfortable flat soled shoes upon demanding of women
1940sInvention of luxury shoes, e.g. leather shoes
Invention of wooden heels and wedge heels
1950sDevelopment of high heels with slender heels, narrowing toe box and sheer
Emphasizing the sexuality of high heels
1955Invention of Stiletto heel
1960sInventions of high heeled boots
1970sWave of platform shoes
1980s 1990sHigh heels were becoming popular among grassroots groups
2000sEmphasizing the well shaped and good looking to legs.
A wide variety of high heeled shoes are avaliable
Reproductive Potential
High heels have definite life cycle as usual goods, varying from several months to
years. High heel are trashed when the heels are worn out or crooked, the straps (if
any) are broken, the shoes are scuffed and the insole is deformed after repeating
loading, etc. These lead to replacement of not wearable high heels. Besides, when
fashion trend and occasion changes, people are willing to purchase new high heels in
different design to match their needs. Although the prolonged wearing of high heels
causes foot ache, many women are still fascinated by the
Surveillance In Big Brother
Privacy and Protection In George Orwell s 1984, Big Brother uses surveillance to
spy on everything from people s everyday actions to thoughts in their mind s
privacy. The government controls much of the citizens, and this book has left a
horrifying image to its readers for the future of government surveillance. As much as
it sounds extreme, this could be the near future of Americans if surveillance
programs continue to grow. Due to the many findings of Edward Snowden on the
flaws of surveillance programs, changes must be made to the NSA Domestic
Surveillance Programs. Many different intelligence agencies, private and government
run, serve to keep America safe. Some of the best known of these are the CIA or the
FBI, which commonly appear in films. The topic of surveillance, however, mostly...
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Also, not to say anything bad about Snowden, but think about it. The people in the
surveillance industry are like Snowden, people like you and me, who have the same
temptations. Although they themselves live under surveillance and they are careful
not to do anything, monkeys fall off their trees. There aren t just a few people
handling our private info; there are millions! Who knows what they could do with
our information? The government also fails the trust factor with its lies. In The
Domestic Surveillance Lie, Eddlem tells how the government misrepresented the
issues about the collection and misuse of personal data (Eddlem). The recurring
denial and acknowledgment of the truth creates nihilism and doubt among citizens. If
the government keeps trying to hide things from its citizens, the relationship that they
are trying to create is going to be destroyed. It is easy to get carried away with
authority, but the government must make a conscious change in that. In conclusion,
NSA s current Domestic Surveillance Program must go through adjustments to meet
the requirements of the
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., A Political Icon Essay
There are a select few individuals who have come variously to be called great or
brilliant because they and their accomplishments have forever changed society and
the world. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was one of those individuals. Martin Luther
King s contributions to history place him in this inimitable position. One of the great
figures in the march of human history, Martin Luther King Jr., like Gandhi before
him, lived by a heroic credo of non violence. More than two decades since his death,
Martin Luther King ideas; his call for racial equality, his faith in the ultimate triumph
of justice, and his insistence on the power of nonviolent struggle to bring about a
major transformation of American society are as vital and timely as... Show more
content on ...
King, quickly realized that the best strategy to liberate African Americans and gain
them rights was to use nonviolent forms of protest. He recognized that nonviolence
was strategically the only realistic option for oppressed African Americans to
achieve justice as well as the fact that violence would simply polarize the races and
make true justice and reconciliation impossible (King, 1983). This gave King, like
Mohandas Gandhi, the stature of being both a great moral leader and a brilliant
political strategist (Cone, 1969). King organized marches, speeches, and much more
to motivate the Africans of America to fight for their rights. His political philosophy
and strong beliefs helped lead a nation to the racial justice it has today.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a great speaker, a role model, and a man who wasn t
afraid to dream . Black Americans needed a Martin Luther King, but above all the
world needed him. The significant qualities of this special man cannot be
underestimated nor taken for granted. Within a span of thirteen years from 1955 to
his death in 1968 he was able to expound, expose, and extricate America from many
wrongs (Cone, 1969). Martin Luther King was such an inspirational leader because
he appealed to not only the black population, but he appealed to all people who
believed in equality and freedom. King, not only spoke with
Theories Of Determinism
To my knowledge freedom and responsibility go hand in hand. Determinism states
that every event has a set of causes that determine their effects. However the things
people do can be labeled cause with a equal effect as well. Everyone has a set of
choices that leads us to act. However these choices may depend on a different set of
circumstances. Deciding how we should act and if thus action is by our free will. I
like Aristotle believe that these actions be they voluntary or involuntary are a
reflection of our morals based on our feelings and actions.
Case One After a night of drinking Caleb refuses to be driven home. Because he is
driving under the influence. Hence causing for the car to run off of the bridge
resulting in the death ... Show more content on ...
While under gun point he is told to commit unlawful acts or his brother will be
shot for his noncompliance. During one of these unlawful acts, with his brother s
life in mind Jesse was forced to run down a police officer, in result killing him. The
act is Jesse running down the police officer. Jean Paul Sartre expressed that as an
individual we have both the freedom and responsibility to choose to act or not to
act. thus there are no accidents in life.. could always get out of it by suicide or
desertion; these ultimate possible are those which must always be present for us
when there is a question of envisaging a situation. (Sartre 660 661). What he does
cover is what if there is someone else life in danger. For example, a loved one.
Aristotle believes that sometimes our actions may also be involuntary. But if it is to
save the life of himself and his mates, any sensible person would do it. (Aristotle
647). Its these complications that allowed Jesse to selflessly go against his nature and
voluntarily and involuntarily commit these acts. It s a fine line to say he freely
committed the acts. When there were extenuating circumstances such as being held at
gunpoint that inhibited his freedom and the freedom of others. In my opinion from a
moral stand point, because Jesse made choices based on external complications
morally he s responsible for the death of the cop. but on a higher standpoint the
robber is more morally responsible than
Design And The Technologies Used
In depth defense network design.
пѓ Design a defense in depth network. Research the latest technology such as
firewalls, IDS, IPS, VPN, Virus Protection, and Malware Protection. Describe your
design and the technologies used. Defend your design and provide a logical diagram
of the system.
When it comes to network defense, there is never a safe zone where a network is
prone to attacks, which is why it is always a good idea to make use of the in depth
strategic defense. This is a coordinated use of multiple security countermeasures to
protect the integrity of the information assets in an enterprise. This type of defense
makes it difficult for an enemy to get into, because of its complex and multilayered
defense system (Rouse, 2007). Defense in depth minimizes the probability that the
efforts of malicious hackers will succeed. A well designed strategy of this kind can
also help system administrators and security personnel identify people who attempt to
compromise a computer, server, proprietary network. Some of the things that make up
a defense in depth are antivirus software, firewalls, anti spyware, strong passwords,
intrusion detecttion, biometrics and much more (Rouse, 2007).
The first thing that comes to mind in designing an in depth defense network is access
control and authentications. Which means that we will be dealing with firewalls,
which will be used to protect the servers, segments and subnets. This first step will
establish an industrial demilitarization zone,
Essay on An Experience in My Lfe
An Experience in My Life December 31, 2004, while everyone else was celebrating
New Year s, my family and I were moving from one city to another. It was hard for
me to move another city because I was leaving behind the town where I was born
and all my friends. This was one of the biggest impacts that I have experience in my
life. Moving from one townto another was like moving to another world where I did
not know anyone. But the hardest part of moving for me was moving to another
school where I did not know anyone and I did not know what to expect. Moving from
a place I grew up and lived my whole life was really difficult to adapt to the new
place. The sun shined on my face and I opened my eyes. It was my first time waking
up in... Show more content on ...
The first class ended and I had to go to the next classes I didn t know where they
were so I asked my way around all day. During lunch time I didn t know where to
go so I sat by myself thinking what my friends in my old school where doing.
Finally at 2:30 School ended and the first day in a new school ended. I got home
and there was nothing to do, I was used to getting home and play soccer with my
neighbors but I didn t know anyone no more. I wish it was all just a dream and that
I would wake up back to my old friends and home. The reality was that it was never
going to happen. The days passed and I stared to get to know people in school. I
joined the school soccer team and that s where I made my friends. After I made
new friends they started inviting me to places and showing me around the town.
Can you show specific examples of how things changed for you? They introduced
me to their friends and I felt more comfortable in the new town. I met new people
and I stated to feel like at home. As the time past the feeling of not being at home
started to fade away. I started to get familiar with all the stores,streets, and
restaurants. I started to give the town a chance and the result were positive. The
getting familiar with the town was not the only difficulty for me. What took me more
time to get used to was the weather. The new town had warmer weather than my
hometown. I was used to cold weather and for me the
Steve Jobs Character Analysis
In the article The story of Steve Jobs: An inspiration or a cautionary tale , by Ben
Austen, the author claims that damaging norms of social or business collaboration
that stands amongst you and what you want was Jobs most important lesson. A few
entrepreneurs from all over the world now see Jobs and his ways of running a
successful business as a holy scripture. In many ways Steve Jobscan be seen as a
good influence when it comes to entrepreneurship because of the outcome of his
business. On the other hand, some may disagree with him due to his private life and
actions while running apple. Ben Austen explains the sides and opinions of the
opposing sides known as the acolytes and the rejectors. This is where bosses around
the world share their stories and experiences they had with Steve Jobs.
Entrepreneurs who have used Jobs as a role model in business to become more
aggressive as visionaries, competitors, and above all as bosses are known as
acolytes. Many people talk about the influence given to them from Steve Jobs
accomplishments in his business. For example, Steve Davis a CEO of TwoFour
mentioned the impact Jobs had on him when he said We re willing to fail. Look at
jobs. he got knocked down, and kept going. He s totally unconventional, driving on
his particular path. Either you join him or get out of the way (Austen 4). This shows
that Jobs is a hard worker and even through obstacles he is able to overcome them
and stay successful. An iphone software developer;
Analysis Of The Chronicle Of High Education, Evildoers
The unprecedented events of September 11, 2001 changed the way many Americans
view American Muslims. The events brought Muslims into the national and
international spotlight but with a new intensity. From the outside, the new intensity
of the post 9/11 public pressures reinforced the already existing differences between
the Western World and the Islamic World. This self and collective soul searching
raised many questions: How have American Muslims managed their identities as
Muslims and Americans? How is American Muslim identities being articulated and
received by non Muslim Americans at numerous levels of society? To what extent are
the processes that have to do with identity, giving way to a critical engagement of
religious pluralism... Show more content on ...
More specifically, Patel focus is on the religious identities of young people in a
world made up of many religious identities and secular outlooks and argues that
religious programs and people can make a difference. These programs can be the
right influence for today s youth in a significantly positive way. On page 12 of the
book Patel writes: How does one ordinary young person s commitment to a religion
turn into a suicide mission and other ordinary young person s commitment to that
same faith become an organization devoted to pluralism? The answer, I believe, lies
in the influences young people have, the programs and people who shape their
religious identities. (Acts of Faith Patel page 12)
From the reading, Patel sets out to not only convince people that programs and
personal can shape student s lives of all ages but also to give the reader some insight
into the ways that programs and initiatives can be successful. In the book Patel
presents his own life story, which focuses on his development of faith during his
childhood, college years, teaching experience, and the founding of the Interfaith
Youth Core. Patel s stories are interwoven and are reflective reactions to the world
around him trying to puzzle through the challenges and struggles in order to balance
and harmonize with the incompatible relations among his personal, family, social,
and most importantly his religious identities that are no doubt linked to his growing
Domestic Violence And Its Effects On Society
Domestic violence can be described as authority misused by one person in a
relationship to control the other. It is the establishment of fear and control in one s
relationship through violence and other forms of abuse. Domestic violence can be in
a form of physical assault, sexual assault, social abuse, psychological abuse, and
financial abuse. The occurrence of the violencecan be sometimes on and off,
occasional or long lasting. Many may confuse the term domestic violenceas a simple
argument, but that is not true. Domestic violence is a pattern of using threats and
force to make someone do something. Many abusers use threats, physical and sexual
violence, emotional insults and economic deprivation as a way to dominate their...
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Wife beating was similar to rape or abortion back then, it was viewed as a private
and shameful act, that s why only a few women discussed their issue.
Men hit women with immunity until feminist activists renamed wife beating as
domestic violence, and described its victims as battered women. Many women
searched for help all around, they needed protection. Activists created a system of
shelters for women who tried to escape, often with their children, because the
violence threatened by their spouse.
Congressional passage of violence against women act was ultimately spurred on by
decades of growing unease over the rising violent crime rate and a focus on women as
crime victims. Beginning in the 1960s, the violent crime rate rose steadily, igniting
concern from both the public and the federal government. Supplementing the concern
for the nation s rising violent crime rate was the concern for violence against women.
In the 1970s, grassroots organizations began to stress the need for attitudinal change
regarding violence against women. These organizations sought a change in attitude
among both the public as well as the law enforcement community.
During the 1970 s, feminists tried to reach out and teach women that violence was
wrong and that they had the right to be free from it. We will not be beaten became
the slogan of the
Case Study On Hotel Glorious
Hotel Glorious is a small family run hotel located in a famous sunny Alpine ski
village of Leysin, Switzerland. It has 40 well equipped guest rooms, a restaurant
providing traditional Swiss cuisine and a small spa. After the great recession
between 2008 and 2009 followed by the strong and stable Swiss Franc, its business
was affected to a considerable extend.
The influences of the great recession and the strong Swiss Franc on Switzerland,
Switzerland s tourism industry and Hotel Glorious itself will be analyzed critically in
this report. Strategic advice on how to maintain its occupancy along with the
advantages and disadvantages of the recommended approach will also be given at the
end. ... Show more content on ...
The value of Swiss Franc has increased significantly against the majority of
currencies such as US Dollar and British Pound since the breakdown of the Bretton
Woods system in 1973. Furthermore, since the inception of the Euro in 1999, the
Swiss Franc marked appreciation against the Euro (Danthine, 2011). However,
according to Imogen Foulkes s report on BBC News, Swiss economists worried
that the strong Swiss Franc risks would push Switzerland into recession. The
country s traditionally strong and stable economy has been depending on its
important exports. More than 50% of its products are sold overseas. In the past 18
months of 2011 the Swiss Franc had increased 25% against the Euro and the US
Dollar, making its products much more expensive abroad. On the other hand, with
the Swiss Franc at its high record, the Swiss shoppers have started to abandon local
business due to the relatively high prices of the products. They would prefer to
shop in the neighboring countries with lower prices such as Germany where they
can also be able to get a refund of 19% value added tax (VAT) charged on almost
every German good (Pidd, 2011). As a consequence, not only the export industry is
suffering, but also the local

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  • 1. Floods In Pakistan Essay Crafting an essay on the topic of "Floods in Pakistan" presents a unique set of challenges, requiring a careful balance of empathy, factual accuracy, and a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter. The complexity of the issue demands not only an exploration of the immediate consequences but also an in-depth analysis of the root causes and potential solutions. Researching reliable sources to gather pertinent information is crucial, as floods in Pakistan involve a myriad of factors, including geography, climate change, infrastructure, and government response. Understanding the historical context and the recurring nature of floods in the region is essential for providing a well-rounded perspective. Furthermore, the emotional aspect of the topic necessitates a delicate approach to convey the human impact, stories of resilience, and the urgent need for humanitarian efforts. Constructing a cohesive essay requires organizing information logically, ensuring a smooth flow from one idea to the next. It is vital to strike a balance between the technical aspects of the issue and its human dimension, creating a narrative that engages the reader while imparting essential knowledge. Additionally, maintaining an objective tone is crucial to present the facts without bias or sensationalism. In conclusion, writing an essay on "Floods in Pakistan" demands meticulous research, thoughtful analysis, and a compassionate narrative. It is not merely a compilation of data but a sincere attempt to shed light on the complexities of the situation, aiming to inform and inspire action. For those seeking assistance with similar essays or other academic writing, professional services like offer a range of options to ease the process and ensure a well-crafted final product. Floods In Pakistan Essay Floods In Pakistan Essay
  • 2. The Narrative Of The Life Of Frederick Douglass Whipped, beaten and bloodied until there was no more energy left to give. African American slaves in the early American world had to endure and struggle through some of the most gruesome punishments and on occasion, it was for no reason at all. In the Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, Douglass displays some occasions where he, even as a young boy, was subjected to some of these terrible events. Douglass plays on the pathos of his readers right from the beginning by tugging at our emotions with the story of his Aunt Hester. Does Douglass portray his violence to be over the top? Some might say yes, but even if it s over the top, it is because it s accurate. Some punishments that the slaves endured were whipping, hanging, beating, burning, branding, shackling and imprisonment (Boundless). Many of the plantations that housed slaves used these forms of brutality. Slaves could earn a one way ticket to a punishment by trying to run away, a form of disobedience or sometimes just because their master felt like it. One of the most violent forms of these brutal acts was the whipping. When a slave is whipped, they are literally stripped of their clothes and dignity and flogged with a rope, piece of leather or even cow skin with prongs. Depending on the slave master, the number of lashes changes. However, some masters just decide to whipuntil they grow tired or fatigued. In Douglass s book, he talks about these horrific ordeals in great detail because he witnessed some of
  • 3. Fellowship Of The Ring Vs. The Two Towers I remember when I first watched this epic trilogy. I was blown away by The Fellowship of the Ring, and The Two Towers is my favorite book, so I expected only bigger and better things from this film. In my younger years, I liked this movie better than its predecessor simply because of The Battle of Helm s Deep. Now, however, I see that while The Two Towers is still a great movie, though it falls short of The Fellowship of the Ring. After a brief scene showing Gandalf s (Ian McKellen) fight with the Balrog in the first movie, The Two Towers opens where the previous movie left off. Frodo (Elijah Wood) and Sam (Sean Astin) have left their friends to take the One Ring to Mordor on their own. Meanwhile, Aragorn (Viggo Mortensen), Legolas... Show more content on ... He wasn t given a ton to do in The Fellowship of the Ring, but now that he gets the chance he shines. He once again embodies the courage, loyalty and love that define Sam, but this time he takes everything up a notch. Another performer who has improved, though he was still great in the previous film, is Mortensen as Aragorn. His character has all but embraced his destiny, and Mortensen shows us that. Heroism and leadership seem to surround him because of this performance, making it charismatic and commanding. As in The Fellowship of the Ring, the supporting actors all turn in fine work here, too. Orlando Bloom is even better as Legolas, providing more depth to the character as his friendship with Aragorn and Gimli grows. Speaking of which, Rhys Davies is brilliant as Gimli, making his character more endearing and nailing his comedic moments. He s also great as the voice of Treebeard, an Ent, making him sound suitably ancient and wise. McKellen once again embodies Gandalf, carrying himself with more confidence and authority now given his character s promotion. Brad Dourif is great as the slimy, sniveling Wormtongue. Lastly, Bernard Hill excels as Theoden, conveying a certain sense of desperation and regality in his
  • 4. German Economy Essay Economics The German economy is the largest in Europe and worldwide Germany has the fifth largest economy ( World fact book , n.d.). It is clear that the German economy holds a key position in the world marketplace. Gross domestic product (GDP) growth is an important consideration for foreign investment as it speaks to the overall health of an economy. GDP growth can be attributed to spending and investments both on and from imports and exports ( What is GDP , 2005). In 2014 the reported GDP growth rate in Germany was 1.4%, up .9 % from the prior year ( World fact book n.d.). The Eurozone was deeply affected by a recession stemming from the US and made worse by poor economic conditions in Greece and Spain, among other countries in ... Show more content on ... In 2014 trade as share of GDP was 70.8 percent, down less than three percent from the two years prior ( Merchandise trade , n.d.). This is one of those areas in which only time will tell whether Germany will continue to prosper and be the financial backbone of the Eurozone. GDP per capita is also an important indicator of economic health. GDP per capita takes the total output of a country and divides it by the number of people in a countries population; this indicated the buying power of individuals. GDP per capita in Germany as reported for 2014 was slightly over 47,000 USD ( Countries with the largest , n.d.). Looking at GDP per capita when compared to other countries in the Eurozone Germany is not fairing so well. Luxembourg leads the world wide GDP per capita and that of the Eurozone with a high rate of 116,750 USD ( Countries with the largest , n.d.). Worldwide Germany ranks 16th in the Eurozone, Germany was beat out by Austria, Finland, Ireland, Luxembourg and the Netherlands in GDP per capita ( Countries with the largest , n.d.). While the GDP per capita rate in Germany is stronger than many other countries it is not competitive with other countries which have economies comparable in size to Germany nor economies centrally located in the Eurozone. A low inflation rate averaging .91 percent for 2014 should help to increase purchases in Germany. This is because consumers can get more for the
  • 5. Dickens Use of Symbolism in A Christmas Carol Essay example Dickens Use of Symbolism in A Christmas Carol Charles Dickens wrote a large number of novels but this particular novella was very popular as it told the story of a typical Christmas in Victorian times. The word Scrooge derives from the character Scrooge in this novella, which proves that Dickens story really did make an impact on the reading public. In A ChristmasCarol there are three main themes that would have been influenced by the times when Dickens was writing, the themes are: Poverty, ignorance and happiness (Christmas spirit). In the following paragraphs I am going to study the themes and see what symbolism is used. I am going to write about the symbols as I go through the ... Show more content on ... Later when Scrooge gets back to his lodging he is visited by the ghost of Jacob Marley who was wearing a massive chain made up of cashboxes , keys and some padlocks. This symbolises the slave labour that was going on at that time and how Scrooge s money making is what is weighing him down. Jacob tells Scrooge that if he does not change his ways and mix with people in life then he must travel among them after death. He also warns him that he too wears a chain larger than his and that he will be visited by three spirits who will try to help him change his ways before it is too late. When Scrooge is visited by the first spirit (Christmas Past) he is shown things that had happened in his own past. The first thing he is shown is when he was a boy at boarding school and the second is when Scrooge is a young apprentice for Mr Fezziwig. Mr Fezziwig is described as: a large kind man whose jollity is infectious. He is best judged by the company he keeps almost every deserving poor person is welcome at his ball. This symbolises the happiness felt for other people when Christmas comes around. Scrooge also tells us how Mr Fezziwig has the power to make people feel happy or unhappy. Scrooge has the same power but he and Fezziwig use it in opposite ways. The
  • 6. PTSD Research Paper Taela Butler Miss. Sykes English III Honors 7 April 2014 Living with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Today, hundreds of thousands of service men and women and recent military veterans have seen combat. Many have been shot at, seen their buddies killed, or witnessed death up close. These are types of events that can lead to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder ( Post Traumatic Stress Disorder PTSD: A Growing Epidemic. ) Anyone that has gone through a traumatic event can be diagnosed with PTSD but research shows, military men and women are more susceptible to having PTSD (PTSD: A Growing Epidemic.) And, with little help from the US, many Veterans do not get the help they need or get treated for PTSD. Military men and women begin to ... Show more content on ... About 30% of the men and women who have spent time in war zones experience PTSD. (Military.) The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs estimates that PTSD afflicts almost 31% of Vietnam veterans, as any as 10% of Gulf War veterans, 11% of veterans of the war in Afghanistan, and 20% of Iraqi war veterans. An additional 20 to 25 percent of all military men and women have had partial PTSD at some point in their lives (Military.) People with PTSD often have anger issues and emotional problems. It is likely for them to have thoughts of suicide and feel completely disconnected from their lives and from other people. They have lived through a drastic trauma that is hard to overcome and go on with their lives. PTSD effects everyday interactions and feelings. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder affects the daily lives of the people suffering from it. Some may need accommodations at work depending on their personal severance of the disorder. People with PTSD miss more days at work and work less efficiently than people without PTSD (PTSD Effects.) Certain symptoms of PTSD, such as difficulties concentrating and problems sleeping may make it difficult for a person with PTSD to pay attention at work, stay organized, or make it to work on time. People with PTSD also have higher rates of unemployment than people without PTSD. (Military) As you
  • 7. Girl, Interrupted, By Susanna Kaysen Girl, Interrupted is a memoir written by Susanna Kaysen who was admitted to a mental institution as a young girl. She was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder due to some her depressive and crazy behavior. Throughout the memoir, we are able to see the realizations that Kaysen has regarding the treatment of young women and mental patients. She touches on some of the stigmatizations that she witnessed herself and of others around her. Some of her experiences surrounding her stay at the institution were positive and some were negative due to the way she was treated. Nonetheless, not only were the views on mental illness often negative, but the way certain illnesses were diagnosed due to views on the way women act were also a... Show more content on ... After her experiences during her two year confinement at the mental institution, Kaysen was able to get a clear sense of how people are diagnosed. She realized that we need to protect women and social norms when diagnosing because of her own experience and the experiences of those around her. Normal behaviors of women at this time were often seen as things that needed treatment and medical help. When she was first being seen by doctors, it was a time when mental illness and cognitive impairment were seen as basically the same thing. Women were particularly targeted when discussing mental illness, even though their symptoms did not match up. Women s rash behavior was often categorized as a mental illness. For example, hysteria in women was seen as them being over dramatic and having attention seeking behavior. Charles A. Reed did a study of women s nervous systems and concluded that were controlled by their bodies and reproductive system, not their mind. Women s behavior at this time was often dismissed as a mental illness, even if it was a normal personality trait they showed. According to the DSM IV TR borderline personality disorder is a pervasive pattern of instability in relationships, self image and affects, and marked impulsivity. Another symptom is affective instability due to marked reactivity of mood such as intense episodic dysphoria, irritability or anxiety lasting only a few hours
  • 8. Essay on Othello as a Black Man in a White Society Othello as a Black Man in a White Society Shakespeare s play,Othello, explores themes of love and passion, otherness , jealousy, revenge and order vs. Chaos, which all revolve mainly around the protagonist, Othello. Surrounded by Venetians within a white society, Othello begins to realise his otherness thus his insecurities as an outside and a Moor increase. The deceptive Iago uses these dangerous blemishes in Othello s personality to manipulate the moral Othello, using his one fatal flaw, jealousy. During the 16th Century, the Elizabethan audiences attentiveness and familiarity of the thin line between order and chaos would have added to the tragic story of Othello. This was due to the ... Show more content on ... What he meant by this is that Othello is a foreigner to all, because of his blackness he can never fit in. However, this is ironic as the people of Venice accepted Othello as a righteous and valiant general in the army, due to his brave act of protecting the Venetians from the evil grasp of the Turkish people. Interestingly enough, these Venetians don t compare Othello to the supposedly iniquitous Turks because he had defeated them, so they placed him higher up in the hierarchy of racial and social class. Iago expresses his own opinion that Othello is an erring barbarian which is very ironic as Othello has the status of a shielding warrior, a generous being that is a strong part of the army. Roderigo calls him the lascivious Moor and tends to see Othello s black colour as a sign of dirtiness and obscenity. The characters in Othello may possible have felt that Othello was a threat due to his otherness in his appearance, such as his thick lips . Othello s character is overtly and crudely sexualised, which is also a disadvantage to Othello as other characters begin to believe that he is aggressive and sadistic. Black people, during the time of Shakespeare, were mysterious to the white society. Venetians were not used to seeing and living with people of other races and feared them because they were not familiar with
  • 9. Brown And Levinson s Theory Of Politeness The theory of politeness is based on the notion of face. From the perspective of politeness, face is categorized into two types in opinion of Goffman (1967); positive face, which expresses a desire by an individual to be amenable, liked and appreciated, and negative face, which expresses a desire to remain autonomous, not to be imposed upon and not to disobey upon others. Certain conventions, practices and rules in a language guide individuals in order to achieve a positive or negative face. Both in isolation and in context, that is not easy to differentiate these two types of politeness. Due to this, there are some rules and criteria that help the user of each language reach these sorts of politeness. Watts (2005) view to politeness is a bit positive and consider politeness as human behavior and a moral concept, which is in a dynamic state. He proposes that based on context and time a linguistic digit could be interpreted as polite or impolite and linguistic forms could not be inherently polite or impolite. This view implies that... Show more content on ... Studying and working on politeness theory, Brown and Levinson (1987) include politeness in two categories. First, there is positive politeness, which leads to closeness and affiliation. It is the wish for being liked and appreciated and consists of acts such as complementing others and showing interest for them. Second, there is negative politeness, which leads distance and formality. In negative face, there is a wish for being autonomous. Brown and Levinson (1987) claim that politeness must be maintained, enhanced, and permanently attended to interaction. A threat to a person s face is termed a face threatening act and they discuss that such acts in general need an extenuating statement or repair otherwise a collapse of interaction will
  • 10. Evaluation Of Alfred Hitchcock, Dial Evaluation of Alfred Hitchcock, Dial M for Murder. Validity as an auteur can be found belief that true auteurs set the standard and change the way we view film. More so, an auteur has the incredible responsibility of changing the way we look at the world and that is their greatest goal. Alfred Hitchcock is a director and artist in his own right as he needs little introduction to most moviegoers. His work as a creative entrepreneur during his time in the budding age of film has created a series of classics that continue to define a standard in crime, thriller and suspense cinema. As many early critics of film were skeptic of their authenticity as an art form, Hitchcock proceeded to build upon the groundwork set before him by exploring methods with which lured the audience into emotional involvement in film. Over time, his mastered technique often reflected in his plot developments as he proceeded to sway the interest, attention and opinion of his audience to his liking. Such manipulations would cause the audience to bend the rules of conventional morality. Such technique had been previously unparalleled and proceeds to be the standard of good film making today. Even in his early films such as The Man Who Knew Too Much, Hitchcock s ability to evoke and conflict emotional attachments in his audience was quite apparent as it was not uncommon for a quintessential bad guy in his film to transition into a protagonist simply based on plot and character development as you cannot
  • 11. neon Essay Did you know that neon is a Greek word that means quot;new quot;? Neon is the element that I am most interested in. I chose to do neon because I found out what many uses it has in our daily life. Neon is the element that allows you to watch TV. Without neon we would never see the cool flashing signs outside of diners and bars. In my essay I am going to tell you about neon and its many uses. First, I m going to tell you about the history and uses of neon. Neon was discovered by Sir William Ramsay, a Scottish chemist, and Morris M. Travers, an English chemist, shortly after their discovery of the element krypton in 1898. Neon is one of the most amusing elements used today. Neon mixed with some other elements ... Show more content on ... Neon is found in the atmosphere. Neon is 0.002% of the atmosphere. Also, stars produce neon during the later stages of nuclear fusion. All there is to talk about neon now is about how it integrates into our life. To show you the integration in our society I will demonstrate a situation in which neon comes into play. Imagine walking around in Las Vegas with your friends looking to have a good time before your business meeting the next day. You look up and see giant signs that flash and move around advertising casinos and restaurants. Those signs are discharge tubes holding the active ingredients of our friend neon and his buddy mercury. You decide to walk into the casino with the biggest, coolest sign that says quot;MGM quot;. You walk into the casino wondering what to do first, so you walk over to the nearest craps table. You play craps for a couple hours and decide to cash in and go out to eat with all the money you won. You walk into a sports bar to get a drink and you notice a TV with the Lakers game on. You look up at the TV and notice they are losing 84 to 36. The television has a tube in it that holds neon to project things onto the glass screen you see, without neon you wouldn t be able to watch any of your favorite shows. When you are finished eating your friends ask if you want to go to the Smithsonian observation museum about 10 miles away from downtown Las Vegas. You agree and pile into your rented Mercedes Benz SRX. As your driving on the
  • 12. RMS Test Question Paper The Nielsen Company (Hong Kong) Limited Client Service Assessment Question Paper Time Allowed: 2 hours Please do not take away the question paper. Candidate Name: Date: Start Time: Stop Time: TASK 1 NUMERIC TEST Instructions: Solve each problem using the workspace provided. Record your answers on the answer sheet provided. You are welcome to use a calculator for your analyses. 1. International Juice Inc. plans to introduce a new line of fruit juices with three different flavors: cherry, grape and apple. 50% of buyers will buy cherry, 20% will buy grape, and 30% will buy apple. Cherry buyers will buy an average of 1.2 cans at a time, grape purchasers 1.4, and apple purchasers 1.6. Given this information, what percent of the total ... Show more content on ... b. What is the probability of failing on the first 2 trials and passing on the third? c. What is the probability of failing on all 3 attempts? 9. Ninety percent of the population in Woodville has carpeted rooms in their home. A marketer of carpet cleaner learned that, last year, 10% of the population with carpet purchased Foamy carpet cleaner and 9.5% of the total population purchased it. What percentage of the population without carpeted rooms in their home purchased Foamy last year? 10. A market research firm needs to find 100 people who regularly purchase orange juice to complete a survey on a new line of frozen orange juice. After talking to a random sample of 500 people, 75 orange juice buyers have been found. Based upon this information, how many additional people in a random sample do they need to interview to reach an expected total of 100 people who regularly purchase orange juice?
  • 13. TASK 2 UNISOAP CASE As a Client Service Executive at Nielsen, you are assigned to work on Sudsy Soap Company s client team. Your key contact at Sudsy Soap has come to you with a new product idea called UNISOAP and you have been requested to review the information provided and prepare a summary of your hypotheses regarding the product s strengths and weaknesses. This summary shall be sent to the Marketing Director by email and to invite him for a face to face discussion afterwards. Please compose an email response on the pages
  • 14. Who Is Hermia In A Midsummer Night s Dream In the book, A Midsummer Night s Dream, by William Shakespeare, Hermia is a strong willed woman who wants to be free to marry her true love Lysander. She cannot marry him, because her father, Egeus, is making her marry Demetrius. She has two other choices, to either become a nun or die. She is not happy with his decision and feels he is being unfair. Lysander and Hermiaplan to run away with each other to escape her father and the Athenian law. Hermia s friend, Helena, may stop those plans though, because she is in lovewith Demetrius. She hopes to win Demetrius back by foiling Hermia s plans. We will hear more about this intriguing story in just a bit. Hermia will make an appearance on the show, Talking with the Athenians, where we will interview her on her ideas of love.... Show more content on ... Egeus says; As she is mine, I may dispose of her, which shall be either to this man or to her death, according to the Athenian law (1.1.43 45). My father is saying that he can decide who I shall marry. He has gotten this idea from the Athenian law and Theseus, who is forcing Hippolyta to marry him. If he decides who I marry, that will make me less likely to love them. If there is not love in a marriage then you should have no marriage at all. When I marry someone, it will because I love them. It will not be because my father has chosen that
  • 15. The On Fossil Fuels And The Amish As we continue to consume fossil fuels on a scale never seen in human history, we are faced with the nagging but not imminent question: what is going to happen when we run out? It s the same question any addict asks themselves, and the way they respond can affect the rest of their life. It is impossible to forget 2008: gasoline rose to nearly $4 a gallon, the stock market plummeted, millions lost their jobs, and Americans and foreigners alike responded in a way that only the fear of spending more money can motivate. Why are we as a global society so hooked on fossil fuels? Put simply, we can t live without it. Few people outside of aspiring reality TV stars and the Amish would be willing to give up their precious electronics and... Show more content on ... Mansueto Ventures, LLC, 13 Nov. 2014. Web. 04 June 2015.) we would not only outgrow the earth s resource limits, but we would need 5.4 earths to sustain humanity. Without access to fuel, industry is hindered. The time it takes to travel from point a to point b increases tremendously if there is a limit to the amount of fuel that one has access to. In the 1970 s during an oil crisis , gas stations limited customers to 10 gallons each. The need to stop at more gas stations more often will increase shipping time, decrease productivity, and hinder new nations in their development and entrance into the postmodern marketplace. The origin of the energy crisis stems from the days of the industrial revolution. Coal and Oil were more efficient than wood, and seemingly abundant across the globe. At one point, the ash from factories in Great Britain was so profuse that it turned the bark of trees a different color and caused the species of peppered moth to alter their coloration in fast paced phenotypic evolution. Expand the scenario where human energy consumption and the subsequent alteration of climate exceeds the rate at which animals and biomes can adapt is a terrifying and very real one. A growing disparity between rich nations and poorer developing countries due to the rate at which technology is being adopted and economic maneuvering power No matter how hard we try, the effects of pollution are everywhere. From major catastrophes like the
  • 16. Security Cameras Dbq Have you ever thought of the idea that someone is watching over you at school without knowing it? With today s modern technology, there are schools that use cameras for various reasons. Otherwise known as Closed Circuit Television (CCTV). It is a TV System in which signals are not publicly distributed but are monitored, primarily for surveillanceand securitypurposes (Prompt). However, what you might not be aware of is that you are not given as much privacyat school than at home. Schools should have security cameras, because they are a useful entity to protect civilians on campus, could serve as deterrents for those bad teachers, and create an overall better learning environment for everyone. Primarily, security cameras are only one of the many pieces of technology that schools use as a security system to prevent intruders. As quoted in Source 2, Tragedies such as the school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut in 2012 have raised alarms for increased school security ; cameras could have been a useful tool in this situation. On the other hand, many opponents would support the cost issue. Conversely, ... Show more content on ... Reports from students may be enough to stop a corrupt teacher, but cameras are revolutionary way to keep an eye on them. As cited from Source 2, Advocates have also argued that cameras could serve as deterrents to those bad teachers who do exist, particularly in special needs classrooms where students may have difficulty communicating instances of abuse to their parents . Despite, how corrupt some teachers may be, cameras can be a pressurizing factor on teachers as communicated in Source 3, Of the teachers who feel that keeping cameras out of the school classroom is the best policy, most fear an invasion of the teacher pupil relationship . While, some teachers worry that it s an invasion, others agree that cameras increase security to protect everyone on the campus including the
  • 17. Gun History Essay Gun History/Development: What is the history of guns and gun building throughout the world? Over 43% of Americans own a gun for either sporting or protection ( 21 unbelieveable ). Guns have been improved throughout many years and there are still many people making many improvements yet today. The history and evolution of guns improved by the creators who made them and how the improvements better helped the gun overall are some of the things you will find in this paper. Some background of gunpowder started with a man named Berthold Schwarz. He was a German monk who was the first to make gunpowder around the 1300s. He also invented the first gun which wasn t technically a gun but a huge heavy cannon which used gunpowder to fire (Kevin 4). ... Show more content on ... After people got tired of dragging around a huge heavy cannon they then made a smaller handled cannon but it was still very hard to aim because you had to hold it with one hand and light it with the other (Supica, Jim). The Arquebuses were the first handheld gun that didn t need to be lit by match or fuse. Also with the Arquebuse being able to be held with two hands and not having to lit by hand made it way more accurate than earlier guns (14). The Arquebuse also greatly helped to create the musket which had a better more advanced ignition system. The musket first began to be used during the 1400s. Then muskets helped to design the flintlock (14). Also by the mid 1400s people began to develope handguns or pistols. By the 1500s people were able to make pistol effective to about four feet. One bad thing was how long the pistols took to reload so they then began to design and create the revolver (18). Then around 1833 the very first breech loader was created. A breech loader is loaded from the back of the gun instead of the front making it a lot quicker and easier to reload. Then shortly after in around 1840 they began to mass produce the first revolver called the pepperbox (Supica,
  • 18. Perception, Perception And Perception Introduction Learning is defined as the process of gaining knowledge of something or how to do something. As human beings, we tend to learn different things in the society we live in. learning is essential in the development of both physical and mental growth of human beings. Learning in human beings is based on what we are able to retain about the new aspect that we have learnt. According to Thomas leahey human beings can forget 78% of whatever they have leant in 6 days if they do not review it in the within the six day of learning. Learning is related to other aspects of life such as perception behavior motivation cognition among others. Human beings learn through both conditional learning and operant learning. When we learn something, ... Show more content on ... If perception is inaccurate, incorrect or altered in any way problems with reading, spelling, handwriting, math and comprehension occur. Visual perceptual skills involve the ability to organize and interpret the information that is seen and give it meaning. The importance of visual perceptual skills in academic success is agreed upon by many, acknowledging reading would not be possible without adequate visual perception. ( Without accurate visual perceptual processing, a student would have difficulty learning to read, give or follow directions, copy from the whiteboard, visualize objects or past experiences, have good eye hand coordination, integrate visual information with other senses to do things like ride a bike, play catch, shoot baskets when playing basketball, or hear a sound and visualize where it is coming from (like the siren on a police
  • 19. Ursula LeGuin s The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas Essay Ursula LeGuin s The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas Utopia is any state, condition, or place of ideal perfection. In Ursula LeGuin s short story The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas the city of Omelas is described as a utopia. The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas presents a challenge of conscience for anyone who chooses to live in Omelas. Omelas is described by the narrator as the story begins. The city appears to be very likable. At times the narrator does not know the truth and therefore guesses what could be, presenting these guesses as often essential detail. The narrator also lets the reader mold the city. The narrator states the technology Omelas could have and then says or they could have none of that: it doesn t ... Show more content on ... But there are some who walk away from Omelas. These are few, but they are the ones that have guilt. They could not live in a place, no matter how perfect, that thrives off a child s torment. All of the narrator s questions invite the reader to place ;himself in the position of the people of Omelas. Do you need this to make you happy? Then you may have it. Once the reader begins to enjoy the city and begins to see its happiness as a good thing, then the reader, like the adolescents in the story, must be shown that on which the happiness depends. Readers must face the question of what they would be willing to sacrifice for happiness. In Omelas, the people have no guilt so they are able to sacrifice the child for their happiness with no remorse because they are happy. The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas is an attempt to explain the problem of evil . Collins writes the narrative justifies or makes sense of a painful aspect of theodicy (527). The question of the problem of evil is summed up in three statements: God is good, God is omnipotent and omniscient, and there is evil. The existence of evil is usually accepted as a given. If God is good, but not omnipotent, he wants to stop evil, but cannot. If God is omnipotent, but not good, he could stop evil, but would not. In Christianity, however, God is understood to be both good and omnipotent,
  • 20. Song Of Innocence In William Blake s Songs Of Experience In Songs of Experience Blake immediately creates imagery by using the image of the speaker talking a child who is covered in soot and crying in the snow. There is a contrast of misery being understood using the color black and a sense of innocence using white. The speaker demands that the child tells him where his parents are and he expresses how they are in the church. Similar to Songs of Innocence, in line 8 the metaphor And taught me to sing the notes of woe. shows this child was also forced to be a chimney sweeper. This also shows his experience and how he learned sadness instead of happiness. But, unlike that version, he was once happy. In line 7, They clothed me in the clothes of death, the theme of death arises again as a metaphor that can refer to chimney sweeping outfit or an outfit to wear once you die. This image also applies to experience because he knew that he would die eventually from doing this job. Nevertheless, these two images are almost the same because chimney sweeping resulted in death at some point. In both Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience, the parents are responsible for their children s unhappiness for forcing them to be chimney sweepers. Line 12 Who make up a heaven of our misery. in Songs of Experience, Blake is directly shaming the government and society including the church and parents. He questions how parents can be praising God while their children are working and living in deadly conditions. In both pieces the society is
  • 21. Wwii Impact The impact that WWii had on the United States(U.S.) made a huge change . From the amount of money that the U.S. made by creating the bombs and guns that were used, to the amounts of immigration that was going on. WWii brought many opportunities for the U.S. and here are some. World War 2 was a war that lasted 6 dreadful years. It all started, September 1,1939, when Adolf Hitlerstarted putting jews in concentration camps. Then he moved on by taking over many parts of Germany and Europe. The U.S. did not get involved until the day that the japanese struck Pearl Harbor with a bomb on , December 7,1941. The U.S.started sending their young boys and adult men to Germany to help free jews and stop Hitler. They finally did on, September 2,1945. The technology advances during 6 years were incredible. The amount of work that was put on... Show more content on ... Because of the guns and bombs that were being sold to our allies and the U.S. buying supplies that were needed to make the guns and bombs the U.S. was getting richer, with the amount of money the U.S. made it recovered from The Great Depression quickly. But not everything was so great because the taxes on the basic things that a person needed went up and some of America s personal money was being use. In just 6 years of being in the war the United States purchased about $186 billion dollars worth of war bonds. So not everything was in America s favor, but it did impact the United States in many different ways. WWii made America come together and work as one nation. With the military technology advances the U.S. had more of an advantage during the war. More People wanted to come to America because of the job opportunites. So in conclusion because of WWii America became more technologically advanced, a worldwide immigration spot, and got in debt with some countries. WWii impacted the United States in many surprising
  • 22. Student Reflection The past four years of high school have been full of change, development, and discovery. I have grown into a more conscientious, outgoing, and considerate young women who is now ready to face the next chapter in her life college. My high school experiences challenging classes that have taught me to precisely express my thoughts, extracurricular activities where I am able to expand and express my ideas, and a social action trip in Chicago have helped shape my intellectual and personal outlook, creating a strong foundation for my career as a student at La Salle University. In my Freshman Honors English class, the teacher assigned the daunting task of writing a one page, double spaced paper on how to live a purposeful life. This assignment seemed impossible at first, but upon further reflection it became quite clear. To quote from my paper, Living a purposeful life includes finding something you can love and excel in, and sharing that skill with the world. Writing this paper showed me the value of being concise, and the importance of having a passion in life and using it to help others. Four years later, this concept has become the guiding principle of my life, and it has encouraged me to bring light to other people s lives by earning a degree in speech pathology. Through this class I discovered that I have a great appreciation for classes in which my preconceived notions are challenged. The Honors Triple at La Salle University attracted me from the beginning
  • 23. Risk Mitigation Using Joint Venture Agreement in the... RISK MITIGATION USING VENTURE AGREEMENTS IN THE UPSTREAM INDUSTRY (A CASE STUDY AND MODELLING APPROACH) BY SODE ADESOJI O. (51124473) AUGUST 2012 A Dissertation Presented In Partial Fulfillment Of The Requirements For The Degree Of MSc. International Business Energy And Petroleum At The University Of Aberdeen DECLARATION I declare that this thesis has been composed by myself, that it has not been accepted in any previous application for a degree, that the work of which it is a record has been done by myself, and that all quotations have been distinguished appropriately and the source of information specifically acknowledged. Signed:................................................................. Name:................................................................. Date: ... Show more content on ... ting Risk through Joint VentureAgreements 2.10Case Study 1 CONOCO POLAR LIGHTS JOINT VENTURE IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATIONA SUCCESSFUL STARTUP EXPERIENCE 2.10.1Structure of Joint Venture 2.10.2Partner Selection amp; Choice 2.10.3Contractual Terms 2.10.4Venture related Risks 2.10.5Learning Highlights 2.11Case Study 2 ECUADOR ORIENTE BASIN BLOCK 16: AN EXPLORATION AND PRODUCTION JOINT VENTURE 2.11.1Structure of the Joint Venture 2.11.2Venture related Risks 2.11.3Exploration amp; Production/ Conoco Corporation s Withdrawal 2.11.4Economic, Financial amp; Political Setbacks 2.11.5YPF South America Intervention 2.11.6Learning Highlights Chapter 3Data, Methodology amp; Modelling 3.1Introduction 3.2General Parameters 3.3Field Parameters
  • 24. 3.4Methodology 3.4.1Scenario 1 (NOC amp; Investor) 3.4.2 Scenario 1 Monte Carlo Simulation 3.4.3Scenario 2 (NOC, Investor and other partners) 3.4.4 Scenario 2 Monte Carlo Simulation 3.4.5Scenario 3 (Budget Allocation) 3.4.6 Scenario 3 Monte Carlo Simulation Chapter 4Model Results, Limitations amp; Discussion 4.1Introduction 4.2Scenario 1 Analysis 4.2.1Appraisal Result 4.2.2Simulation Result 4.2.3Sensitivity Analysis 4.3Scenario 2 Analysis 4.3.1Appraisal Result 4.3.2Simulation Result 4.3.3Sensitivity Analysis 4.4Scenario 2 Analysis 4.4.1Appraisal Result 4.4.2Simulation Result 4.4.3Sensitivity Analysis 4.5Assumption Limitations 4.6
  • 25. El Nino Fidencio the Mythical Curandero El Nino Fidencio The Mythical Curandero Throughout the book Curanderismo: Mexican American Folk Healing Trorrer and Chavira make mention of el NiГ±o Fidencio in countless areas of the book. It is mentioned that one of the most important spiritualist movement is based on the life teaching, and the spirit of a famous young folk healer (now dead) from northern Mexicoel NiГ±o Fidencio (1997:35). Even today el NiГ±o is an important figure in many aspects of the belief system and practice associated with the Curanderismo folk healing. History plays a major role in culture when it comes to establishing religion and medical practices, which in the case of the Mexican Curanderos many times martyrs or perhaps people with supernatural or mythical... Show more content on ... This has created a sort of sub culture or cult in which those who have the ability to become a medium sometimes choose to spend their lives living and working in such temples. The centros are staffed by trance mediums who, often... go into trance, and (in their words) let the spirit of el Nino descend on them, their bodies forming a link between the material and spiritual realms of existence. Through this linkage, the immortal spirit of el Nino performs cure, does consultations, even predicts the outcome of future events for members of his cult (1997: 35). Followers of Fidencio and other spirits tend to have much more religious beliefs due to the fact that they are wholly focused on doing their work through the guidance, protection and possession by that saint. Although it is interesting to note that people consider the curenderos to be a saints because of the connection that they have with the seen unseen realms associated with the gifts that mediums possess. Not all mediums choose to become part of a cult dedicating themselves and their work to the will of a saint who will ultimately work through them. Others might choose to work alone, some for profit and some solely for personal growth knowledge and gratification as is mentioned in chapter six
  • 26. The Ethical Benefits Of Wellness Tourism Wellness tourism , have you ever thought of this type of tourism. We need to think of what exactly is wellness tourism. Wellness tourism can go under many definitions. For example, Wellness tourism can be defined as travelling with the underlying goal of promoting overall health and enhancing personal well being. Basically, wellness tourism has to deal with quality of life. Ideally, the benefits of wellness tourism will deliver a product that leaves the consumer feeling healthier and more relaxed; revived physically, mentally and spiritually. Wellness involves several comfort dimensions including mental, educational, social, physical, spiritual, financial, and ethical dimensions. Wellness tourism has many forms, best example and the mostly... Show more content on ... A good relaxation massage relieves stress and tension in your muscles and will leave you oozing with a sense of well being. Relaxation massage achieves this because of the general benefits of a massage which is improving your circulation; therefore your organs and skin get more oxygen which is very good for anyone s skin and body. A relaxation massage helps your body to digest its food, and get rid of its toxins. It will help you to sleep better. A massage will also help in healing any muscles; soothe aches and sprains, also to encourage the skin to heal. It is a natural instinct to rub or cuddle someone to give them comfort; a relaxation massage takes that instinct and runs with it. A relaxation massage is a whole body hands on treatment that uses pressure, stroking and rubbing of your skin to help you relax. Most massage treatments will relax you, among other things. With a relaxation massage, relaxing you is the only aim. For this reason, it is one of the most complete and indulgent massages anyone can have. A relaxation massage is usually a full body treatment that involves soft music, soft lighting and aromatherapy oils. You will have a long, luxurious massage which will use all kinds of techniques including long strokes, gentle kneading and rolling of skin and
  • 27. Persuasive Essay On Tobacco Products One of the most prevalent topics in our twenty first century world is that of health. Now more than ever, a healthy lifestyle, whether that be through diet, exercise, or mental strength, is being promoted, especially by the younger generation. But, several unhealthy habits are left to be. The use of cigarettes is among these unhealthy habits. Despite the well known adverse effects of cigarettesmoke, it continuous to be a norm for all people alike. The possession and purchase of tobaccoproducts should be limited to citizens twenty one years and older because of the widespread deaths caused by tobacco products, the unfair manipulation of youths, and the ill effects that those who choose not to partake are still subject to, due to others choices. With tobacco products available and easily accessible to youth and minors, Healton and associates argue that teenagers social learning process has become unusual, and adolescents believe tobacco products cannot be too bad if it is sold like anything else. According to a 1990 study, Americans under 18 years old smoke 947 million packs of cigarettes annually (103). The fight against the tobacco industry appealing to youth as consumers started over two decades ago. According to Feighery, Borzekowski, Schooler, and Flora, when the U.S. Food and Drug Association (FDA) made the decision in 1996 to issue regulations designed to limit tobacco sales to young people, it was acting on citizen concern about tobacco use in teenagers (123).
  • 28. Pretty Woman Essay very moody, bad tempered, and demanding at times. In My Fair Lady, Colonel Pickering, another linguistic professor, a friend of Higgins, helps Eliza by treating her like a lady, showing that not all men are like Higgins. In Pretty Woman, the hotel owner helps Vivian buy dresses and teaches her proper table manners, almost acting like he has forgotten what her profession is, by not look down on her even though he knows she is a prostitute. Both women obtain lady like manners from these caring gentlemen. Just as Eliza has a drunken, and dependent father, Vivian also has a roommate who is a drug addict, taking advantage of their new wealth and money for their own benefit. There are many scenes in both movies in which the women show behaviour... Show more content on ... To begin with, Eliza and Vivian, both female characters of the stories, are portrayed so differently. The first difference is their jobs, Vivian was a street prostitute, while Eliza was a street flower seller. Although both low class jobs, Eliza s job was more noble than Vivian s. Another difference is that during the course of the story, Eliza didn t enjoy being trained to be a upper class lady, and would usually resisted it, while Vivian was fairly happy about the shopping trips and being seen in public with Edward, which was part of her training to be a lady. Although the image of the characters are the same idea, the slight differences in their attitude goes a long way with how the stories are illustrated. Another difference that we will next look at is the plot. The motive that Higgins possesses when taking Eliza in is for the bet his friend made. He is in some form using her for his own gain. In Pretty Woman, Edward brings Vivian out into society just like Higgins does with Eliza , but the contrast between them is that Edward really does enjoy Vivian s company, and wishes to spend time with her, not that he has an ulterior
  • 29. Essay On Judaism In order for the humans in early history to create a successful civilization, they needed a few main key components. First, these people needed a good food source so they can sustain a growing population in their community. Next, they needed a strong army to survive wars between other civilizations and each other. Finally, they needed a powerful leader to create laws for the civilians. The Hebrews, a civilization in Canaan, did not have all of these key factors. Although, they were still famous for their religion, Judaism. Judaism was unique compared to other religions in the region because it focused on morality, gave the freedom to choose, and it was monotheistic. All of the empires near the Hebrews were very warlike people. They had strong armies, weapons such as iron weapons and horse drawn chariots, and some of these empires were very conquerors, such as Persia. The Hebrews were not warlike people. Instead, they were a very ... Show more content on ... Monotheism is a religion that believes in one God. The Hebrews were the only civilization in their area that were monotheistic. Most of the other civilizations in the area, such as the Persians, Babylonians, and Egyptians, were polytheistic, which is the belief in many gods. Instead of having one god for the universe, these polytheistic religions had gods of nature for different parts of nature. For example, in ancient Egypt, the god Osiris was the god of the Nile river. These civilizations near the Hebrew civilization had hundred or thousands of gods they all believed in, or only city states in the area believed in. Because of these other civilizations beliefs, they did not like the Hebrew s monotheistic religion. They got conquered by civilizations near them such as the Assyrians and later on, the Babylonians. Since the Hebrews were the only civilization that weren t war like, they got conquered easily by these civilizations. Although, the Hebrew s monotheism is what made them
  • 30. Unit 10 Operating Systems P2 Operating Systems(P2) In this assignment i will be explaining looking at operating systems and their features. Operating systems are vital to the use of computers, they tell the machine what it is, what language, where the programs are, when things are stored, how to do things, the instruction codes to do everything. The system is in charge of security such as ensuring that unauthorised users do not access the system. There are many types of operating systems, a few are listed below: Windows Linux Mac OS/OSX Windows Windows is one of the biggest operating systems in the world and was created in 1981 by chase bishop. The purpose of windows is to improve on previous systems and make them all better. This operating system is a graphical ... Show more content on ... Customisation: there are many ways to customise windows, customising windows can be done through your own interface. Users can do many things to customise their windows as it has developed over the years. On windows you are able to find more themes, backgrounds, gadgets, mouse pointers, user images,etc. There are a few ways in you can Connectivity: Connectivity on operating systems can vary to what the user wants the system to connect to. This means that the user is able to connect the system to any device which they may require. If the user wanted to connect a printer to the Pc or Mac then they user can do that. Many devices are able to connect to the computer via a Wireless and bluetooth connection, this would save space and save the user using cables around the computer system. Cost: Mac and windows both cost and amount about ВЈ70 and this is not cheap. Linux is free but people do not use this because it is very difficult to use. Many people prefer windows as it is the easiest to use and they will pay more to make their life
  • 31. Different And Important Elements Within Graphics Design Introduction: I will discuss several different and important elements within graphics design. Specifically speaking, I will provide a discussion on the hardware and software and how these have an impact on graphic work. E.g.: A graphics card, PaintShop, memory digital camera drivers and much more. Additionally, I will explain the different file formats (using examples) as well as their features and limitations; I will come to a conclusion to which of these suit certain graphical products. Adding on from this report, I will compare the limitations of hardware /software where I will select two graphic related hardware devices and compare their limitations the limitations of raster will also be compared. With the final point adding, I will... Show more content on ... Furthermore, images on a monitor are made up of pixels (very tiny dots) the processor works closely together with several software s and eventually sends data /information about an image to the graphics card. What the graphics card does next is it decides how to use pixels on a monitor to create and actually make the image visible (all this information is sent through a video cable, directly to the monitor). As a result, a graphics card impacts graphical work because it is used to display image contents on the monitor and process changes in graphics. в—¦ RAM = This is an acronym for Random Access Memory which is the internal memory within a computer. RAM is a container which holds applications/programs, documents and files every time they re at run or graphic files that have been opened. When a user insists on opening any type of file, there is a process that is used each time this happens. E.g.: When a software application is at run, the program is copied directly to the hard disk of the computer. This is then copied to RAM and, very quickly, it travels through to the processor. While saying that, the more RAM is available, the better, as Flash and ROM take up a lot of space. Roughly about 128 256MB (or more) is needed to for the best performances. It is often confused that a brand new computer may resolve the issue of a computer
  • 32. Google Case Study Essay Caroline Graham Assignment Title/Brief: Case Not Bring Evil: Google Introduction: The case study will provide a brief history of Google and will seek to outline the struggle by Google and the challenges faced by them to abide by their informal corporate motto Don t be Evil . The purpose of the report is to utilise a real life example to illustrate theories of human behaviour at work. In addition, this case study will encourage the reader to think critically about the issues and debates it outlines. The structure of the report will be a clear layout and will demonstrate the influence of individuals, leaders and groups on organisational performance. 1.Overall Approach, Organisational Development of Google: (a) Google has evolved into a Matrix Structure from its initial beginnings as a Team Structure. A Matrix Structure will ... Show more content on ... Removing unnecessary layers of management. Lower overall costs. Increased resolution times for decision making and responses. (b) The company s development has stemmed from a Matrix Structure. A cross functional organizational structure i.e. a matrix organizational structure such as Google could typically have three main characteristics: Function based Product based Openness Function would be used as a basis to group employees together for example grouping together Sales, Engineering Design teams and Product Managers. Staff could be group for a specific task such as the development of their Nexus devices. Google s structure because of its open source cultural core resulted in it seeking out bright recruits who can think quickly, imaginatively and unconventionally. Their structure also evolved to allow teams to effectively bypass middle management and report directly up to and including their CEO. 2.Doing no Evil (a) The main challenges which Google faces in attempting to Do no Evil as it expands into new and unfamiliar territories and markets are:
  • 34. Analysis Of MSNBC And Fox News The last and final difficult conversation was a constructive and mind opening experience on the premise of watching and receiving news. During this conversation, my group watched 20 minutes of both MSNBC and Fox News and from there we collectively discussed it. Our first showing was watching Fox News and for me personally it felt like I was watching the tabloids or some might say a reality show. The reasoning behind my viewpoint of it was of them, the newscaster, talking for a like a good 10 minutes about donuts and their relationship between the struggle of the acting directors of Mike Mulvaney and Leandra English of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. In addition, the newscasters are still reporting about President Trump s comment... Show more content on ... The only solution that I could think of voiding these differences is either through the elimination and recreation of new news channel or the moderation of current news channels. Yet, this will probably not happen because no news channel or person would be the one that blinks first; everyone, no matter their demographics or background always wants to be right in some way. The reflection period out of this conversation was for me shocking. As an engaged political person, I at least try to be engaged with the news. I find that CBS and New York Times are the most reliable news corporationout there with little to no bias at all, all facts. However, my colleagues find that the current mainstream news media are becoming either gossip, tabloid, or fake news channels. Respectively, I take offense to their beliefs on the basis that the news today is fake. Throughout history, it has been the news and investigative journalism that led to the many stories that transformed this nation into many shapes and forms. Without the news, a society will be at worst an anarchist society where nobody trusts each other or a tyrannical society where the populace will fall for anything that the state displays. It has been an American right of having open news sources, do Americans want to disregard this right in favor of being handed a silver platter of information from bias sources? Anyways, going back to
  • 35. Hillary Swank Essay Freedom writers is a story about struggles and will to make a change that debuted in 2007. The lead actress in this film was Hillary swank who plays Erin Gruwell. Her impersonator acting style made her a more effective actress because not only does she portrays the character accurately, she becomes the character. With that being said, she seems to be the perfect person for the role. This statement is proven many times throughout the film. In the beginning of the film she enters a chaotic classroom not knowing what to do or how to handle everything that has been thrown at her. This portrayal of the character was so convincing that you started to believe she is a shy first time teacher. In another scene her character stood against the school system to... Show more content on ... The emotion she conveyed was so powerful you would think she really is a teacher fighting for what she wants. With these points in line I will restate my position of Hillary swank being quite effective as an actress portraying the role. The protagonist of the film is Erin Gruwell, a first time teacher with the thirst for change. The film begins with her interview to become a new teacher for a high school in the projects. The film follows her journey from a new teacher that was timid with a class not wanting to learn, to a confident teacher with a class full of students who thirst for knowledge. The antagonist of the film is Margret camp, because she does everything in her power to stop Erin from progressing with her students. This opposition includes refusing to give the students the required books she asked for and permission to go on a field trip with the students. The foil of the film was Brian Gelford who was the juniors teacher, because he was pessimistic toward the students academic outcome compared to Erin s optimism. This statement is shown through the discussion the two had in the teachers lounge,
  • 36. What Are The Different Weighting Methods Used For... Results This section describes some of the different weighting methods for combining effect sizes across studies when conducting meta analysis. This section will focus on methods used for binary outcome data and effect measures such as relative risks and odds ratios. The section will first introduce fixed effect and random effects analyses. It will then describe weighting methods that can be used for these analytic approaches. Fixed effect versus random effects analyses Fixed effect and random effects models are the two most common approaches used when conducting a meta analysis (Borenstein, Hedges, Higgins, Rothstein, 2010). The distinction between these approaches is both conceptual and statistical in nature. The fixed effect model ... Show more content on ... Although both fixed effect and random effects models will generally give more weight to larger studies with lower variance estimates, the weights will be relatively more balanced with a random effects model because it assumes that each of the effect sizes in the analysis are estimating a different true effect (Borenstein, Hedges, Rothstein, 2007). Thus, random effects models will give more weight to smaller studies with higher variance estimates compared to fixed effect models. In contrast, the weights for a fixed effect model will be more extreme than those of a random effects model because it is assumed that the best estimate of the effect size will be from the largest study with the lowest variance (Borenstein et al., 2007). Consequently, compared to a random effects model, the pooled or summary effect for a fixed effect model will be closer to the effect obtained from the largest study with the lowest variance. With respect to the variance estimates of the pooled or summary effect, random effects model will result in higher variances than fixed effect models because of the added between study variability assumed to be present. The assumptions in a fixed effect analysis may only be appropriate in a limited number of situations. For example, if studies included in a meta analysis were conducted using a similar methodology by recruiting participants in a similar manner and
  • 37. Sister Carrie Character Analysis In Sister Carrie, Dreiser uses very detailed descriptions of characters and their appearance. These are not empty descriptions, each description of the clothes is so convincing that it plays with the readers senses allowing them to visualize a dynamic cinematic picture (Stankovic 79). For example, Carrie s total outfit consisted of a small trunk, a cheap imitation alligator skin satchel, a small lunch in a paper box, and a yellow leather snap purse, containing her ticket, a scrap piece of paper with her sister s address in Van Buren Street, and four dollars in money (Dreiser 1). Such a description describes a person who is leaving in a rush with little money and only a scribbled address, but someone who longs for more, as the imitation alligator skin satchel suggests. She wants to convey a bit of wealth in her appearance and impression even though the bag is imitation. Each of these men become the lovers of Carrie in the novel, and she was drawn to each of them by her impressions of their appearance, but first impressions can be wrong and appearances can be falsely portrayed. Carrie first succumbs to Drouet, becoming his mistress acting falsely as his wife. She is later drawn to Hurstwood because of his appearance. When Carrie meets her lover Drouet, and later Hurstwood, she compares them, measuring their financial situation by looking at their clothes (Stanovic 81). Notice that Carrie describes Drouet s business look as appealing, but Hurstwood s includes the
  • 38. Lady Of Shalott The Lady of Shalott This is a marvelous piece, which has been renewed and revised a countless amount of times. The earliest story, which relates to this poem, is Shrek. The reason why it is related is because, in The Lady of Shalott the lady is trapped in the tower and can t get out (or the curse that is put on her will be unleashed). In Shrek, Fiona (which is the lady in the movie) must stay in the tower until her true love comes to her rescue (orders from her dad). Fiona is guarded by a dragon and she s locked up in a tall tower which is surrounded by lava, so someone has to build up enough courage to deal with all that hoopla. She is also cursed though, when dawn hits and until the sun comes up, she turns into an ogre. So these stories, which are very different at parts, are so similar in others. The author of The Lady of Shalottis Mr. Tennyson (Alfred, Tennyson). He also wrote In Memoriam, A.H.H. , Tears, Idle Tears , and a passage we have already been through Ulysses . This is an extremely important author of his time, even our time. He wanted to show what was wrong with not just ourselves, but society. He also wanted to comfort... Show more content on ... She wants to see the world and wants to go to the town in the distance where Lancelot is from. She wants Lancelot, the world, the town, etc. She is just sick of looking from a mirror so, when she looks out the window, the mirror cracks. Right when the mirror cracks, she knows that she messed up and couldn t take back what she started. She had to hurry because she was in trouble so she jumped out the tower and started running into town. She was on her way and then got in a boat to make her trip faster, kind of knowing that her time was limited now. When she gets to the town, everyone comes to see the marvelously beautiful woman who no one has seen or conquered . When they go to see her, Lancelot is there as well, she is
  • 39. The Evolution of High Heels Essay Introduction Evolution suggests that life began as relatively small and simple organism and developed into various complex organisms today. Charles Darwin proposed his Theory of Evolution, forming the foundation of evolutionary biology. He suggested that the origins of new life and evolution are caused by natural selection over successive generations. It allows differential reproduction of genotypes. There are five principles drawn upon the observation and assumption of evolution, which are reproductive potential, constancy of number, struggle for existence, individual differences and inheritance of traits. According to Darwin s Theory of Evolution, differences in species are caused by continuous and accumulative small changes over ... Show more content on ... court heeled shoes 1920sInvention of high heels with fastening strap; Maximum of 75 cm heel made 1930sInvention of comfortable flat soled shoes upon demanding of women 1940sInvention of luxury shoes, e.g. leather shoes Invention of wooden heels and wedge heels 1950sDevelopment of high heels with slender heels, narrowing toe box and sheer height. Emphasizing the sexuality of high heels 1955Invention of Stiletto heel 1960sInventions of high heeled boots 1970sWave of platform shoes 1980s 1990sHigh heels were becoming popular among grassroots groups 2000sEmphasizing the well shaped and good looking to legs. A wide variety of high heeled shoes are avaliable Reproductive Potential High heels have definite life cycle as usual goods, varying from several months to years. High heel are trashed when the heels are worn out or crooked, the straps (if any) are broken, the shoes are scuffed and the insole is deformed after repeating loading, etc. These lead to replacement of not wearable high heels. Besides, when fashion trend and occasion changes, people are willing to purchase new high heels in different design to match their needs. Although the prolonged wearing of high heels causes foot ache, many women are still fascinated by the
  • 40. Surveillance In Big Brother Privacy and Protection In George Orwell s 1984, Big Brother uses surveillance to spy on everything from people s everyday actions to thoughts in their mind s privacy. The government controls much of the citizens, and this book has left a horrifying image to its readers for the future of government surveillance. As much as it sounds extreme, this could be the near future of Americans if surveillance programs continue to grow. Due to the many findings of Edward Snowden on the flaws of surveillance programs, changes must be made to the NSA Domestic Surveillance Programs. Many different intelligence agencies, private and government run, serve to keep America safe. Some of the best known of these are the CIA or the FBI, which commonly appear in films. The topic of surveillance, however, mostly... Show more content on ... Also, not to say anything bad about Snowden, but think about it. The people in the surveillance industry are like Snowden, people like you and me, who have the same temptations. Although they themselves live under surveillance and they are careful not to do anything, monkeys fall off their trees. There aren t just a few people handling our private info; there are millions! Who knows what they could do with our information? The government also fails the trust factor with its lies. In The Domestic Surveillance Lie, Eddlem tells how the government misrepresented the issues about the collection and misuse of personal data (Eddlem). The recurring denial and acknowledgment of the truth creates nihilism and doubt among citizens. If the government keeps trying to hide things from its citizens, the relationship that they are trying to create is going to be destroyed. It is easy to get carried away with authority, but the government must make a conscious change in that. In conclusion, NSA s current Domestic Surveillance Program must go through adjustments to meet the requirements of the
  • 41. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., A Political Icon Essay There are a select few individuals who have come variously to be called great or brilliant because they and their accomplishments have forever changed society and the world. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was one of those individuals. Martin Luther King s contributions to history place him in this inimitable position. One of the great figures in the march of human history, Martin Luther King Jr., like Gandhi before him, lived by a heroic credo of non violence. More than two decades since his death, Martin Luther King ideas; his call for racial equality, his faith in the ultimate triumph of justice, and his insistence on the power of nonviolent struggle to bring about a major transformation of American society are as vital and timely as... Show more content on ... King, quickly realized that the best strategy to liberate African Americans and gain them rights was to use nonviolent forms of protest. He recognized that nonviolence was strategically the only realistic option for oppressed African Americans to achieve justice as well as the fact that violence would simply polarize the races and make true justice and reconciliation impossible (King, 1983). This gave King, like Mohandas Gandhi, the stature of being both a great moral leader and a brilliant political strategist (Cone, 1969). King organized marches, speeches, and much more to motivate the Africans of America to fight for their rights. His political philosophy and strong beliefs helped lead a nation to the racial justice it has today. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a great speaker, a role model, and a man who wasn t afraid to dream . Black Americans needed a Martin Luther King, but above all the world needed him. The significant qualities of this special man cannot be underestimated nor taken for granted. Within a span of thirteen years from 1955 to his death in 1968 he was able to expound, expose, and extricate America from many wrongs (Cone, 1969). Martin Luther King was such an inspirational leader because he appealed to not only the black population, but he appealed to all people who believed in equality and freedom. King, not only spoke with
  • 42. Theories Of Determinism Intro To my knowledge freedom and responsibility go hand in hand. Determinism states that every event has a set of causes that determine their effects. However the things people do can be labeled cause with a equal effect as well. Everyone has a set of choices that leads us to act. However these choices may depend on a different set of circumstances. Deciding how we should act and if thus action is by our free will. I like Aristotle believe that these actions be they voluntary or involuntary are a reflection of our morals based on our feelings and actions. Case One After a night of drinking Caleb refuses to be driven home. Because he is driving under the influence. Hence causing for the car to run off of the bridge resulting in the death ... Show more content on ... While under gun point he is told to commit unlawful acts or his brother will be shot for his noncompliance. During one of these unlawful acts, with his brother s life in mind Jesse was forced to run down a police officer, in result killing him. The act is Jesse running down the police officer. Jean Paul Sartre expressed that as an individual we have both the freedom and responsibility to choose to act or not to act. thus there are no accidents in life.. could always get out of it by suicide or desertion; these ultimate possible are those which must always be present for us when there is a question of envisaging a situation. (Sartre 660 661). What he does cover is what if there is someone else life in danger. For example, a loved one. Aristotle believes that sometimes our actions may also be involuntary. But if it is to save the life of himself and his mates, any sensible person would do it. (Aristotle 647). Its these complications that allowed Jesse to selflessly go against his nature and voluntarily and involuntarily commit these acts. It s a fine line to say he freely committed the acts. When there were extenuating circumstances such as being held at gunpoint that inhibited his freedom and the freedom of others. In my opinion from a moral stand point, because Jesse made choices based on external complications morally he s responsible for the death of the cop. but on a higher standpoint the robber is more morally responsible than
  • 43. Design And The Technologies Used In depth defense network design. пѓ Design a defense in depth network. Research the latest technology such as firewalls, IDS, IPS, VPN, Virus Protection, and Malware Protection. Describe your design and the technologies used. Defend your design and provide a logical diagram of the system. When it comes to network defense, there is never a safe zone where a network is prone to attacks, which is why it is always a good idea to make use of the in depth strategic defense. This is a coordinated use of multiple security countermeasures to protect the integrity of the information assets in an enterprise. This type of defense makes it difficult for an enemy to get into, because of its complex and multilayered defense system (Rouse, 2007). Defense in depth minimizes the probability that the efforts of malicious hackers will succeed. A well designed strategy of this kind can also help system administrators and security personnel identify people who attempt to compromise a computer, server, proprietary network. Some of the things that make up a defense in depth are antivirus software, firewalls, anti spyware, strong passwords, intrusion detecttion, biometrics and much more (Rouse, 2007). The first thing that comes to mind in designing an in depth defense network is access control and authentications. Which means that we will be dealing with firewalls, which will be used to protect the servers, segments and subnets. This first step will establish an industrial demilitarization zone,
  • 44. Essay on An Experience in My Lfe An Experience in My Life December 31, 2004, while everyone else was celebrating New Year s, my family and I were moving from one city to another. It was hard for me to move another city because I was leaving behind the town where I was born and all my friends. This was one of the biggest impacts that I have experience in my life. Moving from one townto another was like moving to another world where I did not know anyone. But the hardest part of moving for me was moving to another school where I did not know anyone and I did not know what to expect. Moving from a place I grew up and lived my whole life was really difficult to adapt to the new place. The sun shined on my face and I opened my eyes. It was my first time waking up in... Show more content on ... The first class ended and I had to go to the next classes I didn t know where they were so I asked my way around all day. During lunch time I didn t know where to go so I sat by myself thinking what my friends in my old school where doing. Finally at 2:30 School ended and the first day in a new school ended. I got home and there was nothing to do, I was used to getting home and play soccer with my neighbors but I didn t know anyone no more. I wish it was all just a dream and that I would wake up back to my old friends and home. The reality was that it was never going to happen. The days passed and I stared to get to know people in school. I joined the school soccer team and that s where I made my friends. After I made new friends they started inviting me to places and showing me around the town. Can you show specific examples of how things changed for you? They introduced me to their friends and I felt more comfortable in the new town. I met new people and I stated to feel like at home. As the time past the feeling of not being at home started to fade away. I started to get familiar with all the stores,streets, and restaurants. I started to give the town a chance and the result were positive. The getting familiar with the town was not the only difficulty for me. What took me more time to get used to was the weather. The new town had warmer weather than my hometown. I was used to cold weather and for me the
  • 45. Steve Jobs Character Analysis In the article The story of Steve Jobs: An inspiration or a cautionary tale , by Ben Austen, the author claims that damaging norms of social or business collaboration that stands amongst you and what you want was Jobs most important lesson. A few entrepreneurs from all over the world now see Jobs and his ways of running a successful business as a holy scripture. In many ways Steve Jobscan be seen as a good influence when it comes to entrepreneurship because of the outcome of his business. On the other hand, some may disagree with him due to his private life and actions while running apple. Ben Austen explains the sides and opinions of the opposing sides known as the acolytes and the rejectors. This is where bosses around the world share their stories and experiences they had with Steve Jobs. Entrepreneurs who have used Jobs as a role model in business to become more aggressive as visionaries, competitors, and above all as bosses are known as acolytes. Many people talk about the influence given to them from Steve Jobs accomplishments in his business. For example, Steve Davis a CEO of TwoFour mentioned the impact Jobs had on him when he said We re willing to fail. Look at jobs. he got knocked down, and kept going. He s totally unconventional, driving on his particular path. Either you join him or get out of the way (Austen 4). This shows that Jobs is a hard worker and even through obstacles he is able to overcome them and stay successful. An iphone software developer;
  • 46. Analysis Of The Chronicle Of High Education, Evildoers And... The unprecedented events of September 11, 2001 changed the way many Americans view American Muslims. The events brought Muslims into the national and international spotlight but with a new intensity. From the outside, the new intensity of the post 9/11 public pressures reinforced the already existing differences between the Western World and the Islamic World. This self and collective soul searching raised many questions: How have American Muslims managed their identities as Muslims and Americans? How is American Muslim identities being articulated and received by non Muslim Americans at numerous levels of society? To what extent are the processes that have to do with identity, giving way to a critical engagement of religious pluralism... Show more content on ... More specifically, Patel focus is on the religious identities of young people in a world made up of many religious identities and secular outlooks and argues that religious programs and people can make a difference. These programs can be the right influence for today s youth in a significantly positive way. On page 12 of the book Patel writes: How does one ordinary young person s commitment to a religion turn into a suicide mission and other ordinary young person s commitment to that same faith become an organization devoted to pluralism? The answer, I believe, lies in the influences young people have, the programs and people who shape their religious identities. (Acts of Faith Patel page 12) From the reading, Patel sets out to not only convince people that programs and personal can shape student s lives of all ages but also to give the reader some insight into the ways that programs and initiatives can be successful. In the book Patel presents his own life story, which focuses on his development of faith during his childhood, college years, teaching experience, and the founding of the Interfaith Youth Core. Patel s stories are interwoven and are reflective reactions to the world around him trying to puzzle through the challenges and struggles in order to balance and harmonize with the incompatible relations among his personal, family, social, and most importantly his religious identities that are no doubt linked to his growing
  • 47. Domestic Violence And Its Effects On Society Domestic violence can be described as authority misused by one person in a relationship to control the other. It is the establishment of fear and control in one s relationship through violence and other forms of abuse. Domestic violence can be in a form of physical assault, sexual assault, social abuse, psychological abuse, and financial abuse. The occurrence of the violencecan be sometimes on and off, occasional or long lasting. Many may confuse the term domestic violenceas a simple argument, but that is not true. Domestic violence is a pattern of using threats and force to make someone do something. Many abusers use threats, physical and sexual violence, emotional insults and economic deprivation as a way to dominate their... Show more content on ... Wife beating was similar to rape or abortion back then, it was viewed as a private and shameful act, that s why only a few women discussed their issue. Men hit women with immunity until feminist activists renamed wife beating as domestic violence, and described its victims as battered women. Many women searched for help all around, they needed protection. Activists created a system of shelters for women who tried to escape, often with their children, because the violence threatened by their spouse. Congressional passage of violence against women act was ultimately spurred on by decades of growing unease over the rising violent crime rate and a focus on women as crime victims. Beginning in the 1960s, the violent crime rate rose steadily, igniting concern from both the public and the federal government. Supplementing the concern for the nation s rising violent crime rate was the concern for violence against women. In the 1970s, grassroots organizations began to stress the need for attitudinal change regarding violence against women. These organizations sought a change in attitude among both the public as well as the law enforcement community. During the 1970 s, feminists tried to reach out and teach women that violence was wrong and that they had the right to be free from it. We will not be beaten became the slogan of the
  • 48. Case Study On Hotel Glorious Introduction Hotel Glorious is a small family run hotel located in a famous sunny Alpine ski village of Leysin, Switzerland. It has 40 well equipped guest rooms, a restaurant providing traditional Swiss cuisine and a small spa. After the great recession between 2008 and 2009 followed by the strong and stable Swiss Franc, its business was affected to a considerable extend. The influences of the great recession and the strong Swiss Franc on Switzerland, Switzerland s tourism industry and Hotel Glorious itself will be analyzed critically in this report. Strategic advice on how to maintain its occupancy along with the advantages and disadvantages of the recommended approach will also be given at the end. ... Show more content on ... The value of Swiss Franc has increased significantly against the majority of currencies such as US Dollar and British Pound since the breakdown of the Bretton Woods system in 1973. Furthermore, since the inception of the Euro in 1999, the Swiss Franc marked appreciation against the Euro (Danthine, 2011). However, according to Imogen Foulkes s report on BBC News, Swiss economists worried that the strong Swiss Franc risks would push Switzerland into recession. The country s traditionally strong and stable economy has been depending on its important exports. More than 50% of its products are sold overseas. In the past 18 months of 2011 the Swiss Franc had increased 25% against the Euro and the US Dollar, making its products much more expensive abroad. On the other hand, with the Swiss Franc at its high record, the Swiss shoppers have started to abandon local business due to the relatively high prices of the products. They would prefer to shop in the neighboring countries with lower prices such as Germany where they can also be able to get a refund of 19% value added tax (VAT) charged on almost every German good (Pidd, 2011). As a consequence, not only the export industry is suffering, but also the local