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V.S.Rashmi Priyem
ULTRA’S BEST Dental Science College
 Comprises Primary Sex Organs andAccessory
Sex Organs.
Are a Pair of Ovaries, which Produce Eggs or Ova and Secrete Female Sex
Hormones, the Estrogen and Progesterone.
 Ovaries are FlattenedOvoid Bodies with
Dimensions of 4 cm in Length, 2 cm inWidth
and 1 cm inThickness.
 On Cross Section, each Ovary showsTwo
 1. Medulla
 2. Cortex
 Otherwise known as Zona vasculosa.
 Inner Portion of the Ovary.
 Has the Stroma of Loose ConnectiveTissues.
 Contains BloodVessels, Lymphatics, Nerve
Fibers and Bundles of Smooth Muscle Fibers
near the Hilum.
 Outer Broader Portion.
 Has Compact Cellular Layers.
 Cortex is lined by the Germinal Epithelium underneath a Fibrous
Layer known asTunica albuginea.
 Cortex consists of Ovarian Follicles at Different Stages, Connective
Tissue and Interstitium.
 In the Intrauterine Life, the Outer Part of Cortex contains Germinal
Epithelium, which is derived from the Germinal Ridges.
 When the Fetus develops, the Germinal Epithelium gives rise to a
Number of Primordial Ova.
 The Primordial Ova move towards the Inner Substance of Cortex.
 A layer of Granulosa Cells from the Ovarian Stroma surround the
 The Primordial Ovum along with Granulosa Cells is called the
Primordial Follicle.
 At 7th or 8th Month of Intrauterine Life, about 6 million
Primordial Follicles are found in the Ovary.
 At the time of Birth, only 1 million Primordial Follicles are
seen in Both the Ovaries and, the Rest of the Follicles
 At theTime of Puberty, the Number Decreases further to
about 3,00,000 to 4,00,000.
 After Menarche, during every Menstrual Cycle, one of the
Follicles Matures and Releases its Ovum.
 During Every Menstrual cycle, only One Ovum is Released
from Any One of the Ovaries.
 During Every Cycle, many of the Follicles Degenerate and
become Atretic Follicles which Disappear without leaving
any Scar.
 1. Secretion of Female Sex Hormones
 2. Oogenesis
 3. Menstrual Cycle
 1. A System of Genital Ducts that includes
FallopianTubes, Uterus, Cervix andVagina.
 2. External Genitalia which are Labia majora,
Labia minora and Clitoris.
 The Mammary Glands.
 A Hollow Muscular Organ with aThickWall.
 It lies in the Pelvic Cavity in between Rectum and Urinary bladder on
its Posterior Side.
 The Central Cavity of Uterus opens intoVagina throughCervix.
 On Either Side at its Upper Part, the FallopianTubes Open.
 Uterus communicates with Peritoneal Cavity through FallopianTubes.
 The Dome-Shaped Part of the Body is known as the Fundus.
 There is a Constriction almost at the Middle of Uterus called Isthmus.
 It Divides the Uterus intoTwo Portions:
 1. Portion above the Isthmus called Body of Uterus.
 2. Portion below the Isthmus called Cervix.
 Uterus is made up of 3 Layers:
 1. Outer Serous Layer derived from Peritoneum
 2. Middle Muscular Layer or Myometrium made
up of Smooth Muscle Fibers
 3. Inner Mucus Layer or Endometrium made up of
Ciliated Columnar Epithelial Cells, Connective
Tissue and Uterine Glands
 Cervix is the Lower Constricted Part of
 It is Divided intoTwo Portions:
 1. Upper Supravaginal Portion which
communicates with Body of Uterus through
Internal Os (Orifice) of Cervix.
 2. LowerVaginal Portion which
communicates withVagina through External
Os (Orifice) of Cervix.
 A ShortTubular Organ.
 Lined by Mucous Membrane which is formed
by Stratified EpithelialCells.
 Ovary secretes
 Female Sex Hormones
▪ Estrogen
▪ Progesterone
 Inhibin
 Relaxin
 Androgens(Small Amts.)
 In a Normal Non-pregnant Female, Estrogen is
secreted in Large Quantity byTheca interna Cells of
Ovarian Follicles and in Small Quantity by Corpus
luteum of the Ovaries.
 A Small Quantity of Estrogen is also Secreted by
Adrenal Cortex.
 In Pregnancy, a Large Amount of Estrogen is secreted
by the Placenta.
 Estrogen is a C18 Steroid and it is present inThree
forms in Plasma:
 1. β Estradiol
 2. Estrone
 3. Estriol
 The Quantity and Potency of β Estradiol are
more than those of Estrone and Estriol.
 The Plasma Level of Estrogen in Females at
Normal Reproductive Age varies during
Different Phases of Menstrual Cycle.
 In Follicular Phase, In Normal Adult
 Female Estrogen Level is 30 to 200 pg/mL.
 Male Estrogen Level is 12 to 34 pg/mL.
 Promote Cellular Proliferation andTissue
Growth in the Sexual Organs and in other
Tissues related to Reproduction.
 Promotes the Growth of Ovarian Follicles by
increasing the Proliferation of the Follicular
 Increases the Secretory Activity of Theca
 i. Enlargement of Uterus (Double-Childhood
Size) by the Proliferation of Endometrial
 ii. Increase in the Blood Supply to
 iii. Deposition of Glycogen and Fats in
 iv. Proliferation and Dilatation of Blood vessels
of Endometrium.
 v. Proliferation and Dilatation of the
Endometrial Glands.
 vi. Increase in the Spontaneous Activity of the
Uterine Muscles and their Sensitivity to
 vii. Increase in the Contractility of the Uterine
Muscles due to Increase inActomyosin
 i. Acts on the Mucosal Lining of the Fallopian
Tubes and Increases the Number and Size of the
Epithelial Cells, especially the Ciliated Epithelial
Cells lining the FallopianTubes.
 ii. Increases the Activity of the Cilia, Movement of
the Ovum in the FallopianTube is Facilitated.
 iii. Enhances the Proliferation of GlandularTissues
in FallopianTubes.
 i. Changes theVaginal Ep. from Cuboidal into
 The Stratified Ep. is More Resistant toTrauma and
 ii. Increases the Layers of theVaginal Epithelium
by Proliferation.
 iii. Reduces the pH ofVagina making it More
 Necessary for Prevention of Vaginal Infections such
as Gonorrheal vaginitis.
 Infections can be Cured by Administration of
 i. Hair Distribution:
 Hair develops in the Pubic Region and Axilla.
 Body Hair Growth is Less.
 Scalp Hair Grows Profusely.
 ii. Skin:
 Renders Softness and Smoothness to the Skin.
 Increases theVascularity of the Skin.
 iii. Body Shape:
 Shoulders become Narrow, Hip Broadens,Thighs Converge and Arms
 iv. Pelvis:
 Broadening of Pelvis with IncreasedTransverse Diameter.
 v.Voice:
 The Larynx remains in Prepubertal Stage, which produces High Pitch
 Causes:
 i. Development of StromalTissues of Breasts
 ii.Growth of an Extensive Ductile System
 iii. Deposition of Fat in the Ductile System
 All these Effects prepare the Breasts for
 Estrogen increases Osteoblastic Activity.
 At theTime of Puberty, the Growth Rate Increases
 At the SameTime, Estrogen causes Early Fusion of the
Epiphysis with the Shaft.
 This Effect is Much Stronger in the Females than that of
Testosterone in Males.
 Growth of the Females Ceases Earlier than in the Males.
 In Old Age, the Estrogen is Not Secreted or it Becomes
 It leads to Osteoporosis in which the Bones become Extremely
Weak and Fragile.
 The Bones are Highly Susceptible for Fractures.
 i. On Protein Metabolism:
 Estrogen induces Anabolism of Proteins by which
it Increases theTotal Body Protein.
 ii. On Fat Metabolism:
 Estrogen causes Deposition of Fat in the
SubcutaneousTissues, Breasts, Buttocks and
 Estrogen causes Sodium andWater Retention
from the RenalTubules.
 This Effect is Normally Insignificant but in
Pregnancy, it becomes More Significant.
 Estrogen Acts through Genes.
 The Secretion of Estrogen is regulated by FSH
released from Anterior Pituitary.
 The Release of FSH is stimulated by
Gonadotropic Releasing Hormone (GnRH)
secreted from Hypothalamus.
 FSH stimulates the SecretoryActivities ofTheca
and Granulosa Cells.
 Estrogen inhibits Secretion of FSH and GnRH by
Negative Feedback.
 Inhibin secreted by Granulosa Cells Decreases
Estrogen Secretion by Inhibiting Secretion of
FSH and GnRH.
 Small Quantity of Progesterone is secreted
byTheca interna Cells of Ovaries during
Follicular Stage.
 Large Quantity of Progesterone is secreted
during Secretory Phase by the Corpus
 SmallAmount of Progesterone is secreted
from Adrenal Cortex also.
 During Pregnancy,
 LargeAmount of Progesterone is secreted by the
Corpus luteum in the FirstTrimester.
 In the SecondTrimesterCorpus luteum Degenerates.
 Placenta secretes LargeQuantity of Progesterone in
Second andThirdTrimesters.
 Progesterone is a C21 Steroid.
 In Follicular Phase, In Normal Adult
 Female Progesterone Lvl is 0.9 ng/mL.
 Male Progesterone Lvl is 0.3 ng/mL.
 Concerned mainly with the Final Preparation
 The Uterus for Pregnancy.
 The Breasts for Lactation.
 Progesterone promotes Secretory Activities
of Mucosal Lining of the FallopianTubes.
 The Secretions of FallopianTubes are
necessary for Nutrition of the FertilizedOvum
Since it is in FallopianTube before
 i. Increases theThickness of the Endometrium by
Increasing the Number and Size of the Cells.
 ii. Increases the Size of Uterine Glands.
 iii. Increases SecretoryActivities of Epithelial Cells of
Uterine Glands.
 iv. Increases the Deposition of Lipid and Glycogen in
the Stromal Cells of Endometrium .
 v. Increases the Blood Supply to Endometrium.
 vi. Decreases the Frequency of Uterine Contractions
during Pregnancy.
▪ Because of this, the Expulsion of the Implanted Ovum is
 Progesterone IncreasesThickness of Cervical
Mucosa and thereby InhibitsTransport of
Sperm into Uterus.
 This Effect is Utilized in the Contraceptive
Actions of Mini Pills.
 Progesterone Promotes the Development of
the Lobules andAlveoli of the Mammary
Glands by Proliferating and Enlarging the
Alveolar Cells.
 It makes the Breasts Secretory in Nature.
 It makes the Breasts to Swell by Increasing
the Secretory Activity and FluidAccumulation
in the SubcutaneousTissue.
 Progesterone Inhibits the Release of LH from
Hypothalamus through Feedback Effect.
 This Effect is Utilized for its Contraceptive
 Progesterone Increases the Body
TemperatureAfter Ovulation.
 It is Suggested that Progesterone Increases
the BodyTemperature by Acting on
HypothalamicCenters forTemperature
 During Luteal Phase of Menstrual Cycle and
During Pregnancy, Progesterone Increases
theVentilation via RespiratoryCenter.
 Results in Decreased PCO2 in the Alveoli.
 Progesterone Increases Reabsorption of
Sodium andWater from the RenalTubules.
 Progesterone in Large Doses causes
Excretion of Sodium andWater.
 This may be Due to an Indirect Effect, i.e.
Progesterone Combines with the Same
Receptors, which Bind withAldosterone.
 The Action of Aldosterone is Blocked leading
to Excretion of Sodium andWater.
 Progesterone Acts through Genes.
 LH from Anterior Pituitary activates the
Corpus luteum to Secrete Progesterone.
 Secretion of LH is influenced by the
Gonadotropic Releasing Hormone secreted in
 Progesterone inhibits Release of LH from
Anterior Pituitary by Negative Feedback.
 Climacteric is the Period in Old Age when
Reproductive System undergoes Changes
due to the Decreased Secretion of Sex
Hormones, Estrogen and Progesterone.
 It Occurs at the Age of 45 to 55Years.
 In Females, Climacteric is accompanied by
 Menopause is defined as the Period
characterized by the Permanent Cessation of
 It Occurs at the Age of 45 to 55Years.
 Group of Symptoms thatAppear inWomen
ImmediatelyAfter Menopause.
 Symptoms Appear Soon after the Ovaries
Stop Functioning.
 Cause - Lack of Estrogen and Progesterone.
 BestWorkingTreatment is Psychotherapy.
 If it Fails, Hormone ReplacementTherapy is

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Female Reproductive System

  • 1. V.S.Rashmi Priyem ULTRA’S BEST Dental Science College
  • 2.  Comprises Primary Sex Organs andAccessory Sex Organs.
  • 3. Are a Pair of Ovaries, which Produce Eggs or Ova and Secrete Female Sex Hormones, the Estrogen and Progesterone.
  • 4.  Ovaries are FlattenedOvoid Bodies with Dimensions of 4 cm in Length, 2 cm inWidth and 1 cm inThickness.  On Cross Section, each Ovary showsTwo Zones:  1. Medulla  2. Cortex
  • 5.  Otherwise known as Zona vasculosa.  Inner Portion of the Ovary.  Has the Stroma of Loose ConnectiveTissues.  Contains BloodVessels, Lymphatics, Nerve Fibers and Bundles of Smooth Muscle Fibers near the Hilum.
  • 6.
  • 7.  Outer Broader Portion.  Has Compact Cellular Layers.  Cortex is lined by the Germinal Epithelium underneath a Fibrous Layer known asTunica albuginea.  Cortex consists of Ovarian Follicles at Different Stages, Connective Tissue and Interstitium.  In the Intrauterine Life, the Outer Part of Cortex contains Germinal Epithelium, which is derived from the Germinal Ridges.  When the Fetus develops, the Germinal Epithelium gives rise to a Number of Primordial Ova.  The Primordial Ova move towards the Inner Substance of Cortex.  A layer of Granulosa Cells from the Ovarian Stroma surround the Ova.  The Primordial Ovum along with Granulosa Cells is called the Primordial Follicle.
  • 8.
  • 9.  At 7th or 8th Month of Intrauterine Life, about 6 million Primordial Follicles are found in the Ovary.  At the time of Birth, only 1 million Primordial Follicles are seen in Both the Ovaries and, the Rest of the Follicles Degenerate.  At theTime of Puberty, the Number Decreases further to about 3,00,000 to 4,00,000.  After Menarche, during every Menstrual Cycle, one of the Follicles Matures and Releases its Ovum.  During Every Menstrual cycle, only One Ovum is Released from Any One of the Ovaries.  During Every Cycle, many of the Follicles Degenerate and become Atretic Follicles which Disappear without leaving any Scar.
  • 10.
  • 11.  1. Secretion of Female Sex Hormones  2. Oogenesis  3. Menstrual Cycle
  • 12.
  • 13.  1. A System of Genital Ducts that includes FallopianTubes, Uterus, Cervix andVagina.  2. External Genitalia which are Labia majora, Labia minora and Clitoris.  The Mammary Glands.
  • 14.  A Hollow Muscular Organ with aThickWall.  It lies in the Pelvic Cavity in between Rectum and Urinary bladder on its Posterior Side.  The Central Cavity of Uterus opens intoVagina throughCervix.  On Either Side at its Upper Part, the FallopianTubes Open.  Uterus communicates with Peritoneal Cavity through FallopianTubes.  The Dome-Shaped Part of the Body is known as the Fundus.  There is a Constriction almost at the Middle of Uterus called Isthmus.  It Divides the Uterus intoTwo Portions:  1. Portion above the Isthmus called Body of Uterus.  2. Portion below the Isthmus called Cervix.
  • 15.
  • 16.  Uterus is made up of 3 Layers:  1. Outer Serous Layer derived from Peritoneum  2. Middle Muscular Layer or Myometrium made up of Smooth Muscle Fibers  3. Inner Mucus Layer or Endometrium made up of Ciliated Columnar Epithelial Cells, Connective Tissue and Uterine Glands
  • 17.  Cervix is the Lower Constricted Part of Uterus.  It is Divided intoTwo Portions:  1. Upper Supravaginal Portion which communicates with Body of Uterus through Internal Os (Orifice) of Cervix.  2. LowerVaginal Portion which communicates withVagina through External Os (Orifice) of Cervix.
  • 18.
  • 19.  A ShortTubular Organ.  Lined by Mucous Membrane which is formed by Stratified EpithelialCells.
  • 20.
  • 21.  Ovary secretes  Female Sex Hormones ▪ Estrogen ▪ Progesterone  Inhibin  Relaxin  Androgens(Small Amts.)
  • 22.
  • 23.  In a Normal Non-pregnant Female, Estrogen is secreted in Large Quantity byTheca interna Cells of Ovarian Follicles and in Small Quantity by Corpus luteum of the Ovaries.  A Small Quantity of Estrogen is also Secreted by Adrenal Cortex.  In Pregnancy, a Large Amount of Estrogen is secreted by the Placenta.  Estrogen is a C18 Steroid and it is present inThree forms in Plasma:  1. β Estradiol  2. Estrone  3. Estriol
  • 24.  The Quantity and Potency of β Estradiol are more than those of Estrone and Estriol.  The Plasma Level of Estrogen in Females at Normal Reproductive Age varies during Different Phases of Menstrual Cycle.  In Follicular Phase, In Normal Adult  Female Estrogen Level is 30 to 200 pg/mL.  Male Estrogen Level is 12 to 34 pg/mL.
  • 25.  Promote Cellular Proliferation andTissue Growth in the Sexual Organs and in other Tissues related to Reproduction.
  • 26.
  • 27.  Promotes the Growth of Ovarian Follicles by increasing the Proliferation of the Follicular Cells.  Increases the Secretory Activity of Theca cells.
  • 28.  i. Enlargement of Uterus (Double-Childhood Size) by the Proliferation of Endometrial Cells.  ii. Increase in the Blood Supply to Endometrium.  iii. Deposition of Glycogen and Fats in Endometrium.
  • 29.  iv. Proliferation and Dilatation of Blood vessels of Endometrium.  v. Proliferation and Dilatation of the Endometrial Glands.  vi. Increase in the Spontaneous Activity of the Uterine Muscles and their Sensitivity to Oxytocin.  vii. Increase in the Contractility of the Uterine Muscles due to Increase inActomyosin Concentration.
  • 30.  i. Acts on the Mucosal Lining of the Fallopian Tubes and Increases the Number and Size of the Epithelial Cells, especially the Ciliated Epithelial Cells lining the FallopianTubes.  ii. Increases the Activity of the Cilia, Movement of the Ovum in the FallopianTube is Facilitated.  iii. Enhances the Proliferation of GlandularTissues in FallopianTubes.
  • 31.  i. Changes theVaginal Ep. from Cuboidal into Stratified.  The Stratified Ep. is More Resistant toTrauma and Infection  ii. Increases the Layers of theVaginal Epithelium by Proliferation.  iii. Reduces the pH ofVagina making it More Acidic.  Necessary for Prevention of Vaginal Infections such as Gonorrheal vaginitis.  Infections can be Cured by Administration of Estrogen.
  • 32.  i. Hair Distribution:  Hair develops in the Pubic Region and Axilla.  Body Hair Growth is Less.  Scalp Hair Grows Profusely.  ii. Skin:  Renders Softness and Smoothness to the Skin.  Increases theVascularity of the Skin.  iii. Body Shape:  Shoulders become Narrow, Hip Broadens,Thighs Converge and Arms Diverge.  iv. Pelvis:  Broadening of Pelvis with IncreasedTransverse Diameter.  v.Voice:  The Larynx remains in Prepubertal Stage, which produces High Pitch Voice.
  • 33.  Causes:  i. Development of StromalTissues of Breasts  ii.Growth of an Extensive Ductile System  iii. Deposition of Fat in the Ductile System  All these Effects prepare the Breasts for Lactation.
  • 34.  Estrogen increases Osteoblastic Activity.  At theTime of Puberty, the Growth Rate Increases enormously.  At the SameTime, Estrogen causes Early Fusion of the Epiphysis with the Shaft.  This Effect is Much Stronger in the Females than that of Testosterone in Males.  Growth of the Females Ceases Earlier than in the Males.  In Old Age, the Estrogen is Not Secreted or it Becomes Scanty.  It leads to Osteoporosis in which the Bones become Extremely Weak and Fragile.  The Bones are Highly Susceptible for Fractures.
  • 35.
  • 36.  i. On Protein Metabolism:  Estrogen induces Anabolism of Proteins by which it Increases theTotal Body Protein.  ii. On Fat Metabolism:  Estrogen causes Deposition of Fat in the SubcutaneousTissues, Breasts, Buttocks and Thighs.
  • 37.  Estrogen causes Sodium andWater Retention from the RenalTubules.  This Effect is Normally Insignificant but in Pregnancy, it becomes More Significant.
  • 38.  Estrogen Acts through Genes.
  • 39.  The Secretion of Estrogen is regulated by FSH released from Anterior Pituitary.  The Release of FSH is stimulated by Gonadotropic Releasing Hormone (GnRH) secreted from Hypothalamus.  FSH stimulates the SecretoryActivities ofTheca and Granulosa Cells.  Estrogen inhibits Secretion of FSH and GnRH by Negative Feedback.  Inhibin secreted by Granulosa Cells Decreases Estrogen Secretion by Inhibiting Secretion of FSH and GnRH.
  • 40.
  • 41.
  • 42.  Small Quantity of Progesterone is secreted byTheca interna Cells of Ovaries during Follicular Stage.  Large Quantity of Progesterone is secreted during Secretory Phase by the Corpus luteum.  SmallAmount of Progesterone is secreted from Adrenal Cortex also.
  • 43.  During Pregnancy,  LargeAmount of Progesterone is secreted by the Corpus luteum in the FirstTrimester.  In the SecondTrimesterCorpus luteum Degenerates.  Placenta secretes LargeQuantity of Progesterone in Second andThirdTrimesters.  Progesterone is a C21 Steroid.  In Follicular Phase, In Normal Adult  Female Progesterone Lvl is 0.9 ng/mL.  Male Progesterone Lvl is 0.3 ng/mL.
  • 44.  Concerned mainly with the Final Preparation of  The Uterus for Pregnancy.  The Breasts for Lactation.
  • 45.
  • 46.  Progesterone promotes Secretory Activities of Mucosal Lining of the FallopianTubes.  The Secretions of FallopianTubes are necessary for Nutrition of the FertilizedOvum Since it is in FallopianTube before Implantation.
  • 47.  i. Increases theThickness of the Endometrium by Increasing the Number and Size of the Cells.  ii. Increases the Size of Uterine Glands.  iii. Increases SecretoryActivities of Epithelial Cells of Uterine Glands.  iv. Increases the Deposition of Lipid and Glycogen in the Stromal Cells of Endometrium .  v. Increases the Blood Supply to Endometrium.  vi. Decreases the Frequency of Uterine Contractions during Pregnancy. ▪ Because of this, the Expulsion of the Implanted Ovum is Prevented.
  • 48.  Progesterone IncreasesThickness of Cervical Mucosa and thereby InhibitsTransport of Sperm into Uterus.  This Effect is Utilized in the Contraceptive Actions of Mini Pills.
  • 49.  Progesterone Promotes the Development of the Lobules andAlveoli of the Mammary Glands by Proliferating and Enlarging the Alveolar Cells.  It makes the Breasts Secretory in Nature.  It makes the Breasts to Swell by Increasing the Secretory Activity and FluidAccumulation in the SubcutaneousTissue.
  • 50.
  • 51.  Progesterone Inhibits the Release of LH from Hypothalamus through Feedback Effect.  This Effect is Utilized for its Contraceptive Action.
  • 52.  Progesterone Increases the Body TemperatureAfter Ovulation.  It is Suggested that Progesterone Increases the BodyTemperature by Acting on HypothalamicCenters forTemperature Regulation.
  • 53.  During Luteal Phase of Menstrual Cycle and During Pregnancy, Progesterone Increases theVentilation via RespiratoryCenter.  Results in Decreased PCO2 in the Alveoli.
  • 54.  Progesterone Increases Reabsorption of Sodium andWater from the RenalTubules.  Progesterone in Large Doses causes Excretion of Sodium andWater.  This may be Due to an Indirect Effect, i.e. Progesterone Combines with the Same Receptors, which Bind withAldosterone.  The Action of Aldosterone is Blocked leading to Excretion of Sodium andWater.
  • 55.  Progesterone Acts through Genes.
  • 56.  LH from Anterior Pituitary activates the Corpus luteum to Secrete Progesterone.  Secretion of LH is influenced by the Gonadotropic Releasing Hormone secreted in Hypothalamus.  Progesterone inhibits Release of LH from Anterior Pituitary by Negative Feedback.
  • 57.
  • 58.  Climacteric is the Period in Old Age when Reproductive System undergoes Changes due to the Decreased Secretion of Sex Hormones, Estrogen and Progesterone.  It Occurs at the Age of 45 to 55Years.  In Females, Climacteric is accompanied by Menopause.
  • 59.  Menopause is defined as the Period characterized by the Permanent Cessation of Menstruation.  It Occurs at the Age of 45 to 55Years.
  • 60.  Group of Symptoms thatAppear inWomen ImmediatelyAfter Menopause.  Symptoms Appear Soon after the Ovaries Stop Functioning.  Cause - Lack of Estrogen and Progesterone.  BestWorkingTreatment is Psychotherapy.  If it Fails, Hormone ReplacementTherapy is Given.