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By Debbie Marques, Maria Younes and Milka Erko

    • This film was             •This film is inspirational
    inspirational because       because it basically relates to
    this good family girl was   out opening sequence about
    influenced into a life      HIV.
    which was not her and at    •The kids are irresponsible
    the end is actually         about drinking, drugs and
    shocked by the outcome.     partying and one of the girls
    •This relates to our        end up having HIV.
    opening sequence as         •This inspired our opening
    the same thing              sequence as our actor was
    happened to the actor.      irresponsible in the way she
                                was drinking and partying.

                      •This movie is inspiring as it
                      shows 4 different girls from
                      different backgrounds
                      •It inspired our opening
                      sequence as there was a good
                      posh girl who was very clever,
                      was destructed by the likeness
                      of a guy and ended up
                      sleeping together.
                      •The party scene where the
                      girl was drinking and the guy
                      was touching her, also inspired
                      us for our opening sequence.

                   The lighting in Thirteen uses
                   the form that when drugs
                   are being used, everything
                   is disoriented.
                   Also that when you take
                   drugs you become very
                   mellow and calm. The blue
                   lighting portrays the fact that
                   she is feeling calm.
               •The slow motion at the beginning
               challenges the form that
               teenagers that are in big gangs
               are innocent.

               •However the pace changed and it
               becomes faster and the music
               becomes very fast too. This then uses
               the convention that teenagers who
               are in big gangs are intimidating and
               trouble-makers. - FORMS

                  The editing here where all four
                  girls are shown together going
                  their separate ways challenges
                  the formthat all girls who have
                  different lifestyles are seen as
                  equal and hang around each
                  other. By showing them
                  separately is also develops the
                  convention that everyone has a
                  personal life outside their public

 In our opening sequence, when the
 actor finds out that she has blood test
 results waiting for her, the pace
 suddenly goes much faster and there
 are a lot more cuts to emphasis this.
 This uses the form that when something
 bad happens the cuts go much faster
 and everything goes faster as this puts
 the audience at the edge of their seat
 and shows them that there is something
 wrong-Makes them feel uncomfortable.
 Such as in KIDS where everything was
 good in the beginning and then
 suddenly girls were getting raped and
 there was drugs involved.

                     • In they use the convention
                       of character development because
                       you see what they are going
                       through and also at the end when
                       everything is going to be ok and
                       they have all become friends
                     • They challenge the convention
                       because they include a posh white
                       rich girl who you do not expect to
                       have any problems in her life.

                 This uses the convention of real-life
                 In Thirteen teenage girls can relate
                 to it as they all go through a phase
                 where they want to fit in with
                 everyone and where they would go
                 to extreme lengths to fit in.
                 However this also develops the
                 convention that all girls do this
                 because not every girl has to do
                 drugs or pierce their tongues to fit
            Kids uses the convention of real life
            and also challenges it too.
            As in the film a 17-year old forces a
            12-year old to have sex with him. This
            develops the real life situation as not
            everyday you see this happen.
            Also it uses the real life convention as
            in reality a lot of people get HIV and
            STDs for being irresponsible and also
            being raped.

Our opening sequence develops the
conventions that good girls that revise
and good girls who are very responsible,
get into a big irresponsible mess.
The girl in out opening sequence is
portrayed as innocent and responsible
as she is revising and getting on with her
work. However the audience then are
shocked with the fact she has HIV.
This is similar to thirteen where the
blonde girl is seen as responsible and a
family girl, but then she is influenced by
this one girl who changes her life
   Our narrative structure is linear as at the beginning the
    girl is introduced
   Then in the middle it is clear to the audience that she
    has HIV
   Then at the end, she has to come to some sort of
   We used TODOROVS theory of disequilibrium,
    equilibrium and new equilibrium.
   The flash backs that we used were similar to the ones
    used in as they go back to see how they got to
    hat place they are now.
   Such as in our opening sequence when she found out
    she had HIV we kept going back to different flashbacks
    that lead up to the point she got HIV.

   At first the girl is being represented as innocent
    however by the time she finds out she has HIV her
    representation changes to being rebelling.

   The boy is represented as a player due to the fact
    that he passed on the virus to the innocent girl and
    didn’t even tell her. He also took advantage of her
    because of her vulnerability

The type of social groups we are targeting to:
 Represent young adults and mainly girls.

 Having drama as a genre, we would like to have a
  little meaning or teaching at the end of the
 as it’s all reality based this would be for girls so
  They could learn something from this situation at
  the end
How did you represent the character (or social groups)
  in a particular way?
 The setting was in a working class house, as the main
  character is also working class,
 shown by the way she dressed
 her working hard for a long time and stuyding shows she
  wants to be succesful.
 We represented her as dull, so we made her wear dark
  clothes while at home, which shows a different side of
 In the flash backs she looks more confident and cocky.
 The guy is also working class but isn't humble as the girl
  but aggressive and more dominant
Positive or negative representation? Why?

The main girl is represented as quite and sort of a
 geek, as she loves to revise and stays at home
 but we see her friend (who loves partying)
 persuades her to come to a party were she gets
 HIV, this shows that she is easily influenced into
 bad things.
5. Is it a stereotypical convention? Why?
I don’t believe our opening squence has stereotypical
   convention as you would expect the girl to said no
   and carry on with her work, but it developed the
   conventions by her saying yes and also going home
   with the guy as she looked short of stubborn at the
6. How does the representation relate to the target
This representations related to yhe target audience was the
  class and status as both actors and target audience are
  both working class as we show a regular girl just doing
  her work on a normal Saturday morning, this gives the
  audience a short of comfortable feeling as the all do the
  same to, the age we are targeting for is young adults,
  and the actor is one so they could relate to that as well.
7. Is it a fair or accurate representation? Why?
Yes, I do consider that it is an accurate representation
  as the class and age we targeted it wit is the same
  with the people in the film, so they could relate to it,
  as it is a drama, it is more realistic, so they could
  narrate to that in a way.
8.Why did you represent this social group? (what is the
We represented this social group because it goes with our
  targeted age and also could relate to the actors in the
  sequence, as they are young adults in it to (same as we
 Age : 15-20
 Gender : mostly females

 Location : United Kingdom

 Social class : Middle class, working class

 Ethnicity/Nationality : British

 Lifestyle/ Hobbies : going out with friends, having
  fun, going cinema, enjoy partying, etc
 Morals/ beliefs: It is acceptable to have a one off
  and not think that the worse can happen.

   Relates to our idea
•   Average age group that start their sexual life
•   This particular age group are still finding out about
•   Suitable moral message for them to be careful with
    what they do.
•   Age that start to go to night clubs therefore should
    be aware
•   Second largest number of HIV diagnoses was from
    the ages 20-25 therefore teenagers should start
    being aware of this virus.
   Relates to Genre through conventions
•   Sends out a moral message
•   Theme/concept very popular in contemporary UK
•   Realistic situation
•   Use of conflict which is her being HIV positive
•   Using emphasise of emotion
•   Has a calm start and builds up tension for climax
    which is when girl finds out she has HIV.
Our film is PG

This rating link to our target audience because:
• Target audience will be legal to watch it
• Easy to watch in cinema as no ID will be needed
• There will probably be a range of ages wanting to watch
• Can send out the message that a one off can have an
impact in your future.


• They are a British Film Company
• Universal now owns them
• They made drama films such as:
         Four Weddings and a Funeral
         Shaun of the Dead
• Their budget for four weddings and a funeral was £3,500,000
• The amount they made for the movie was: £25,532,239 just in
  the UK.
• As their audience was not happy that they were not sticking to
  their English roots they decided to make a Working Title 2


• Warp films is a independent British film production company.
• They mostly produce British drama movies
• They appeal to a British audience however, This Is England went to
  America and did very well.
• They have been nominated for three BAFTAs


• Columbia is an American distribution production company
• They are owned by Sony pictures entertainment
• They distribute mostly drama films
• Their budget is very high and they are very successful in the film
• They made produced big films such as: Jumanji


• They are a British film distributing production company
•The reason we chose this company was because they mostly produced
drama-related films
•Their target audience was mostly teenagers, which is like ours
•Also their budget is not that big such as in Four Lions their budget was
•They have a target audience in Britain which is what we are also focused
• Without iMovie and editing skills we would not have been able to construct
  a proper opening sequence
• Editing helped us to make it continuous
The technology we used for researching are:
 Computers
 Phone
 Laptop
 PowerPoint
 Google
 Wikipedia
 Internet
Internet: we used the internet to find lots of information for
are research; one of websites we got the most of are
information from is Wikipedia.
PowerPoint: we all got together and did a PowerPoint for
our research planning and made simple bullet point then
put photos and labelled them
The technology we used for the
brainstorming/planning are:
 PowerPoint

 Computer

 Internet

 Google

 Student room
The technology we used for the Blog is:
 Computer

 PowerPoint

 Slidshare


 YouTube

 Gmail

 Camera
 The technology we used for the preliminary task
 IMovie

 USB cable

 Camera

 Mac computer

 Apple mouse

 Apple keyboard
The technology we used for all are drafts are:
 HD Camera

 IMovie

 YouTube

 Free sound

 USB cable

 Mac computer

 Apple mouse

 Apple keyboard
•   Correct way of using match on action
•   Better knowledge of the variety of shots
•   Correct way of using 180 degree rule
•   Knowledge of how to use imovie
•   Editing is crucial to make it continuous
•   Pay close attention to lighting before choosing the setting/place
•   Only use slow motion and fast forward where needed
•   There must be a reason behind each shot
We graded ourselves

                                 •A level : 2A

                                 •Overall grade of : D/C

   WWW / EBI
• we kept the rule of 180
•Pay more attention to framing
•Use a wider variety of shots
•Use more match on action
•Lighting was poor at times
Overall level : 1B/ 1A
                             Why we got this
                             grade :
Overall mark : 19 (to all)

     What we learnt          • story was very
•Pay more attention to       • need to build up
framing                      more emotion
•Make more appropriate       •Framing was poor
choices of transitions       •Use a wider range
•Not make the opening        of shot distances
sequence too basic
•Opening sequence was too
•Not to use fast forward
when it is not needed.
•Use the same transition
throughout the opening
Why we got this grade :

                              •Framing was not very good
                              •Didn’t send as much
 Overall level : 2B           information to the audience
                              as we should of
 Overall mark : 31            • character needs to look
                              more ill
What we learnt:               •Have a wider variety of
• Pay close attention to mise-•Use match on action more
en-scene                      effectively
• meets genre conventions
•Slow motion used effectively
•Music needs to be more
•Editing was appropriate for
the task set
Overal level : 2B

What we learnt :                  Why we got this grade:

• Transitions that would make     •didn’t improve from draft 2
the flashbacks more effective     •Framing still needs working
•Using black and white for the    on
flashbacks was effective          • character needs to look more
• have a wider variety of shots   ill
at the party                      •Use more match on action
•When showing a long text you     •Have more flashbacks
have to give audience enough      •Letter and text messages too
time to read it                   long.
•Show how drunk character is
by using point of view shot.
Overall grade:

  What we learnt :               Why we got this grade:

• Titles and credits have to     •Framing could have been a
be ain a particular order.       lot better.
•Use a wider variety of shots.   •Party scene should have
•Pay attention to timing when    more shots.
showing a long text.             •Mise-en-scene could be
•Use more eye-line matching      improved
•Mise-en-scene is crucial to     •Show more details of the
create a representation of a     flashbacks
 We used the fact that young teenagers nowadays
  are becoming more irresponsible and one little night
  can change your whole life
 As our opening sequence is aimed at teenagers,
  we attracted them to the fact that they all have
  exams and they all revise, have normal lives,
  however they do have a private life.
The genre that we used which
was drama, attracted our target
audience because the
conventions normally used in
dramas are real-life situations.
Teenagers usually want
something they can relate to as it
is a tough time in life where you
want to fit in with society.
So having a film they can relate
to would attract out target
audience even more.
•Our target audience will also like out
linear structure as teenagers always want
relief at the end of a drama film.
Having relief at the end of a drama film
when something bad has happened to the
actors life, will give hope to those who can
relate to the film.
•If a drama film ended badly, the target
audience will change and therefore it will
ruin the convention of real life situations
and that teenagers can relate to it and find
light at the end of the tunnel.
   We learnt different editing skills such as cropping a shot
    where the framing was not as good.
   We learnt how to do better match on action.
   We learnt to match the music with what was going on.
   How we could have a more steady camera.
   Better mise-en-scene such as the make up and the
   Wider variety of shots makes audience more engaged.
   When showing an important scene do not put any
   Using the right transitions are very important to inform
    the audience of things like time passing.
   Filming techniques
   Make sure the camera is always steady
   Wider variety of shots
   Make sure we use the tripod at all times
   The framing could be improved
   Make sure the camera was always straight
   Have some more shots of the party flashback from
    different angles
   Have a shot of girl’s face when she is going to check the
   Have girl looking out the window and then going back to


• They are a British Film Company
• Universal now owns them
• They made drama films such as:
         Four Weddings and a Funeral
         Shaun of the Dead
• Their budget for four weddings and a funeral was £3,500,000
• The amount they made for the movie was: £25,532,239 just in
  the UK.
• As their audience was not happy that they were not sticking to
  their English roots they decided to make a Working Title 2


• Warp films is a independent British film production company.
• They mostly produce British drama movies
• They appeal to a British audience however, This Is England went to
  America and did very well.
• They have been nominated for three BAFTAs


• Columbia is an American distribution production company
• They are owned by Sony pictures entertainment
• They distribute mostly drama films
• Their budget is very high and they are very successful in the film
• They made produced big films such as: Jumanji


• They are a British film distributing production company
•The reason we chose this company was because they mostly produced
drama-related films
•Their target audience was mostly teenagers, which is like ours
•Also their budget is not that big such as in Four Lions their budget was
•They have a target audience in Britain which is what we are also focused
 We used the fact that young teenagers nowadays
  are becoming more irresponsible and one little night
  can change your whole life
 As our opening sequence is aimed at teenagers,
  we attracted them to the fact that they all have
  exams and they all revise, have normal lives,
  however they do have a private life.
The genre that we used which
was drama, attracted our target
audience because the
conventions normally used in
dramas are real-life situations.
Teenagers usually want
something they can relate to as it
is a tough time in life where you
want to fit in with society.
So having a film they can relate
to would attract out target
audience even more.
•Our target audience will also like out
linear structure as teenagers always want
relief at the end of a drama film.
Having relief at the end of a drama film
when something bad has happened to the
actors life, will give hope to those who can
relate to the film.
•If a drama film ended badly, the target
audience will change and therefore it will
ruin the convention of real life situations
and that teenagers can relate to it and find
light at the end of the tunnel.

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Evaluation questions planning

  • 1. EVALUATION QUESTIONS PLANNING By Debbie Marques, Maria Younes and Milka Erko
  • 2.
  • 3. INSPIRATIONAL FILMS • This film was •This film is inspirational inspirational because because it basically relates to this good family girl was out opening sequence about influenced into a life HIV. which was not her and at •The kids are irresponsible the end is actually about drinking, drugs and shocked by the outcome. partying and one of the girls •This relates to our end up having HIV. opening sequence as •This inspired our opening the same thing sequence as our actor was happened to the actor. irresponsible in the way she was drinking and partying.
  • 4. INSPIRATIONAL FILMS •This movie is inspiring as it shows 4 different girls from different backgrounds •It inspired our opening sequence as there was a good posh girl who was very clever, was destructed by the likeness of a guy and ended up sleeping together. •The party scene where the girl was drinking and the guy was touching her, also inspired us for our opening sequence.
  • 5. THIRTEEN - FORMS The lighting in Thirteen uses the form that when drugs are being used, everything is disoriented. Also that when you take drugs you become very mellow and calm. The blue lighting portrays the fact that she is feeling calm.
  • 6. KIDS - FORMS •The slow motion at the beginning challenges the form that teenagers that are in big gangs are innocent. •However the pace changed and it becomes faster and the music becomes very fast too. This then uses the convention that teenagers who are in big gangs are intimidating and trouble-makers.
  • 7. - FORMS The editing here where all four girls are shown together going their separate ways challenges the formthat all girls who have different lifestyles are seen as equal and hang around each other. By showing them separately is also develops the convention that everyone has a personal life outside their public life.
  • 8. OPENING SEQUENCE- FORMS In our opening sequence, when the actor finds out that she has blood test results waiting for her, the pace suddenly goes much faster and there are a lot more cuts to emphasis this. This uses the form that when something bad happens the cuts go much faster and everything goes faster as this puts the audience at the edge of their seat and shows them that there is something wrong-Makes them feel uncomfortable. Such as in KIDS where everything was good in the beginning and then suddenly girls were getting raped and there was drugs involved.
  • 9. THIRTEEN - CONVENTIONS • In they use the convention of character development because you see what they are going through and also at the end when everything is going to be ok and they have all become friends again. • They challenge the convention because they include a posh white rich girl who you do not expect to have any problems in her life.
  • 10. THIRTEEN - CONVENTIONS This uses the convention of real-life situations. In Thirteen teenage girls can relate to it as they all go through a phase where they want to fit in with everyone and where they would go to extreme lengths to fit in. However this also develops the convention that all girls do this because not every girl has to do drugs or pierce their tongues to fit in.
  • 11. KIDS – CONVENTIONS Kids uses the convention of real life and also challenges it too. As in the film a 17-year old forces a 12-year old to have sex with him. This develops the real life situation as not everyday you see this happen. Also it uses the real life convention as in reality a lot of people get HIV and STDs for being irresponsible and also being raped.
  • 12. OPENING SEQUENCE- CONVENTIONS Our opening sequence develops the conventions that good girls that revise and good girls who are very responsible, get into a big irresponsible mess. The girl in out opening sequence is portrayed as innocent and responsible as she is revising and getting on with her work. However the audience then are shocked with the fact she has HIV. This is similar to thirteen where the blonde girl is seen as responsible and a family girl, but then she is influenced by this one girl who changes her life completely.
  • 13. NARRATIVE STRUCTURE  Our narrative structure is linear as at the beginning the girl is introduced  Then in the middle it is clear to the audience that she has HIV  Then at the end, she has to come to some sort of resolution.  We used TODOROVS theory of disequilibrium, equilibrium and new equilibrium.  The flash backs that we used were similar to the ones used in as they go back to see how they got to hat place they are now.  Such as in our opening sequence when she found out she had HIV we kept going back to different flashbacks that lead up to the point she got HIV.
  • 14.
  • 15. WHO IS BEING REPRESENTED ?  At first the girl is being represented as innocent however by the time she finds out she has HIV her representation changes to being rebelling.  The boy is represented as a player due to the fact that he passed on the virus to the innocent girl and didn’t even tell her. He also took advantage of her because of her vulnerability
  • 16. WHAT TYPE OF SOCIAL GROUP ARE YOU REPRESENTING? WHY? The type of social groups we are targeting to:  Represent young adults and mainly girls.  Having drama as a genre, we would like to have a little meaning or teaching at the end of the sequence,  as it’s all reality based this would be for girls so They could learn something from this situation at the end
  • 17. How did you represent the character (or social groups) in a particular way?  The setting was in a working class house, as the main character is also working class,  shown by the way she dressed  her working hard for a long time and stuyding shows she wants to be succesful.  We represented her as dull, so we made her wear dark clothes while at home, which shows a different side of her,  In the flash backs she looks more confident and cocky.  The guy is also working class but isn't humble as the girl but aggressive and more dominant
  • 18. Positive or negative representation? Why? The main girl is represented as quite and sort of a geek, as she loves to revise and stays at home but we see her friend (who loves partying) persuades her to come to a party were she gets HIV, this shows that she is easily influenced into bad things.
  • 19. 5. Is it a stereotypical convention? Why? I don’t believe our opening squence has stereotypical convention as you would expect the girl to said no and carry on with her work, but it developed the conventions by her saying yes and also going home with the guy as she looked short of stubborn at the beginning.
  • 20. 6. How does the representation relate to the target audience? This representations related to yhe target audience was the class and status as both actors and target audience are both working class as we show a regular girl just doing her work on a normal Saturday morning, this gives the audience a short of comfortable feeling as the all do the same to, the age we are targeting for is young adults, and the actor is one so they could relate to that as well.
  • 21. 7. Is it a fair or accurate representation? Why? Yes, I do consider that it is an accurate representation as the class and age we targeted it wit is the same with the people in the film, so they could relate to it, as it is a drama, it is more realistic, so they could narrate to that in a way.
  • 22. 8.Why did you represent this social group? (what is the purpose?) We represented this social group because it goes with our targeted age and also could relate to the actors in the sequence, as they are young adults in it to (same as we targeted).
  • 23.  Age : 15-20  Gender : mostly females  Location : United Kingdom  Social class : Middle class, working class  Ethnicity/Nationality : British  Lifestyle/ Hobbies : going out with friends, having fun, going cinema, enjoy partying, etc  Morals/ beliefs: It is acceptable to have a one off and not think that the worse can happen.
  • 24. WHY WE ARE TARGETING THIS SPECIFIC AUDIENCE ?  Relates to our idea • Average age group that start their sexual life • This particular age group are still finding out about life. • Suitable moral message for them to be careful with what they do. • Age that start to go to night clubs therefore should be aware • Second largest number of HIV diagnoses was from the ages 20-25 therefore teenagers should start being aware of this virus.
  • 25. WHY WE ARE TARGETING THIS SPECIFIC AUDIENCE ?  Relates to Genre through conventions • Sends out a moral message • Theme/concept very popular in contemporary UK • Realistic situation • Use of conflict which is her being HIV positive • Using emphasise of emotion • Has a calm start and builds up tension for climax which is when girl finds out she has HIV.
  • 27. BBFC RATING This rating link to our target audience because: • Target audience will be legal to watch it • Easy to watch in cinema as no ID will be needed • There will probably be a range of ages wanting to watch it • Can send out the message that a one off can have an impact in your future.
  • 29. WORKING TITLE LOGO • They are a British Film Company • Universal now owns them • They made drama films such as: Four Weddings and a Funeral Shaun of the Dead • Their budget for four weddings and a funeral was £3,500,000 • The amount they made for the movie was: £25,532,239 just in the UK. • As their audience was not happy that they were not sticking to their English roots they decided to make a Working Title 2
  • 30. WARP FILMS LOGO • Warp films is a independent British film production company. • They mostly produce British drama movies • They appeal to a British audience however, This Is England went to America and did very well. • They have been nominated for three BAFTAs
  • 31. COLUMBIA LOGO • Columbia is an American distribution production company • They are owned by Sony pictures entertainment • They distribute mostly drama films • Their budget is very high and they are very successful in the film industry • They made produced big films such as: Jumanji
  • 32. FILM4- CHOSEN DISTRIBUTING COMPANY LOGO • They are a British film distributing production company •The reason we chose this company was because they mostly produced drama-related films •Their target audience was mostly teenagers, which is like ours •Also their budget is not that big such as in Four Lions their budget was £608,608 •They have a target audience in Britain which is what we are also focused on.
  • 33. • Without iMovie and editing skills we would not have been able to construct a proper opening sequence • Editing helped us to make it continuous
  • 34. RESEARCH The technology we used for researching are:  Computers  Phone  Laptop  PowerPoint  Google  Wikipedia  Internet Internet: we used the internet to find lots of information for are research; one of websites we got the most of are information from is Wikipedia. PowerPoint: we all got together and did a PowerPoint for our research planning and made simple bullet point then put photos and labelled them
  • 35. BRAINSTORMING/PLANNING The technology we used for the brainstorming/planning are:  PowerPoint  Computer  Internet  Google  Student room
  • 36. BLOGS The technology we used for the Blog is:  Computer  PowerPoint  Slidshare  USB  YouTube  Gmail  Camera
  • 37. PRELIMINARY:  The technology we used for the preliminary task is:  IMovie  USB cable  Camera  Mac computer  Apple mouse  Apple keyboard
  • 38. DRAFT 1/DRAFT 2/DRAFT 3/DRAFT 4 The technology we used for all are drafts are:  HD Camera  IMovie  YouTube  Free sound  USB cable  Mac computer  Apple mouse  Apple keyboard
  • 39. Correct way of using match on action • Better knowledge of the variety of shots • Correct way of using 180 degree rule • Knowledge of how to use imovie • Editing is crucial to make it continuous • Pay close attention to lighting before choosing the setting/place • Only use slow motion and fast forward where needed • There must be a reason behind each shot
  • 40. We graded ourselves •A level : 2A •Overall grade of : D/C WWW / EBI • we kept the rule of 180 degrees •Pay more attention to framing •Use a wider variety of shots •Use more match on action •Lighting was poor at times
  • 41. Overall level : 1B/ 1A Why we got this grade : Overall mark : 19 (to all) What we learnt • story was very basic •Pay more attention to • need to build up framing more emotion •Make more appropriate •Framing was poor choices of transitions •Use a wider range •Not make the opening of shot distances sequence too basic •Opening sequence was too long •Not to use fast forward when it is not needed. •Use the same transition throughout the opening sequence
  • 42. Why we got this grade : •Framing was not very good •Didn’t send as much Overall level : 2B information to the audience as we should of Overall mark : 31 • character needs to look more ill What we learnt: •Have a wider variety of shots • Pay close attention to mise-•Use match on action more en-scene effectively • meets genre conventions •Slow motion used effectively •Music needs to be more serious •Editing was appropriate for the task set
  • 43. Overal level : 2B What we learnt : Why we got this grade: • Transitions that would make •didn’t improve from draft 2 the flashbacks more effective •Framing still needs working •Using black and white for the on flashbacks was effective • character needs to look more • have a wider variety of shots ill at the party •Use more match on action •When showing a long text you •Have more flashbacks have to give audience enough •Letter and text messages too time to read it long. •Show how drunk character is by using point of view shot.
  • 44. Overall grade: 2A/3C What we learnt : Why we got this grade: • Titles and credits have to •Framing could have been a be ain a particular order. lot better. •Use a wider variety of shots. •Party scene should have •Pay attention to timing when more shots. showing a long text. •Mise-en-scene could be •Use more eye-line matching improved •Mise-en-scene is crucial to •Show more details of the create a representation of a flashbacks character.
  • 45. HOW DID YOU ATTRACT YOUR AUDIENCE?  We used the fact that young teenagers nowadays are becoming more irresponsible and one little night can change your whole life  As our opening sequence is aimed at teenagers, we attracted them to the fact that they all have exams and they all revise, have normal lives, however they do have a private life.
  • 46. The genre that we used which was drama, attracted our target audience because the conventions normally used in dramas are real-life situations. Teenagers usually want something they can relate to as it is a tough time in life where you want to fit in with society. So having a film they can relate to would attract out target audience even more.
  • 47. •Our target audience will also like out linear structure as teenagers always want relief at the end of a drama film. Having relief at the end of a drama film when something bad has happened to the actors life, will give hope to those who can relate to the film. •If a drama film ended badly, the target audience will change and therefore it will ruin the convention of real life situations and that teenagers can relate to it and find light at the end of the tunnel.
  • 48. We learnt different editing skills such as cropping a shot where the framing was not as good.  We learnt how to do better match on action.  We learnt to match the music with what was going on.  How we could have a more steady camera.  Better mise-en-scene such as the make up and the costume.  Wider variety of shots makes audience more engaged.  When showing an important scene do not put any titles/credits.  Using the right transitions are very important to inform the audience of things like time passing.
  • 49. Filming techniques  Make sure the camera is always steady  Wider variety of shots  Make sure we use the tripod at all times  The framing could be improved  Make sure the camera was always straight  Have some more shots of the party flashback from different angles  Have a shot of girl’s face when she is going to check the post.  Have girl looking out the window and then going back to revision.
  • 51. WORKING TITLE LOGO • They are a British Film Company • Universal now owns them • They made drama films such as: Four Weddings and a Funeral Shaun of the Dead • Their budget for four weddings and a funeral was £3,500,000 • The amount they made for the movie was: £25,532,239 just in the UK. • As their audience was not happy that they were not sticking to their English roots they decided to make a Working Title 2
  • 52. WARP FILMS LOGO • Warp films is a independent British film production company. • They mostly produce British drama movies • They appeal to a British audience however, This Is England went to America and did very well. • They have been nominated for three BAFTAs
  • 53. COLUMBIA LOGO • Columbia is an American distribution production company • They are owned by Sony pictures entertainment • They distribute mostly drama films • Their budget is very high and they are very successful in the film industry • They made produced big films such as: Jumanji
  • 54. FILM4- CHOSEN DISTRIBUTING COMPANY LOGO • They are a British film distributing production company •The reason we chose this company was because they mostly produced drama-related films •Their target audience was mostly teenagers, which is like ours •Also their budget is not that big such as in Four Lions their budget was £608,608 •They have a target audience in Britain which is what we are also focused on.
  • 55. HOW DID YOU ATTRACT YOUR AUDIENCE?  We used the fact that young teenagers nowadays are becoming more irresponsible and one little night can change your whole life  As our opening sequence is aimed at teenagers, we attracted them to the fact that they all have exams and they all revise, have normal lives, however they do have a private life.
  • 56. The genre that we used which was drama, attracted our target audience because the conventions normally used in dramas are real-life situations. Teenagers usually want something they can relate to as it is a tough time in life where you want to fit in with society. So having a film they can relate to would attract out target audience even more.
  • 57. •Our target audience will also like out linear structure as teenagers always want relief at the end of a drama film. Having relief at the end of a drama film when something bad has happened to the actors life, will give hope to those who can relate to the film. •If a drama film ended badly, the target audience will change and therefore it will ruin the convention of real life situations and that teenagers can relate to it and find light at the end of the tunnel.