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Assignment 11- Similar products,
 conventions and channel time.
            Luara Pires
         Deborah Marques
           Maria Younes
          Kauana Labaldi
                      View from
  Views from          people
  transsexuals        judging?
                                                                                                             Man being more
                                  Muslim catholic     Judaism               countries
         How does it feel to
         be confronted?                                         Laws set up to
                                      Views within the
                                                                help or to go                            Transsphobia
How do they decide                                              against.
to show their identity.
How does it
                            sexism                                                      views
feel to
                                                                                                            False opinions
society ?                                     How are transsexuals                       aggressive
                                              seen in society?
                                                                                                    Afraid of
                                                                                 offensive          speech
   Are people
   truthful with
   their opinion?                           freedom             confusion                    Attention
                     independence               Free
Watched together

                      Luara                                     Debbie


Lifers                                                        full
                                         TV                                       in class            19/09
1 born every minute
                                         TV                   full                TV – channel 4      10/08
My Big fat gipsy wedding                                      1 episode
                                         TV                                       channel 4 real      23/09
4.                                       TV                   1 episode           TV-channel 4        Currently
Tool Academy                                                                                          watching.

5.                                       TV                   1 episode           TV-                 30/09
Body Shock
                                                                                  Channel 4
6.                                       TV                   1 episode           Channel 4           22/09
The unDatables
7.                                       TV                   Just he beggining   Channel 4           23/09
Out in a Limo
Similar product list
                         TV or           HOW       WHERE/HOW
                                 GENRE   MUCH
                                                   WATCHED     DATE

                         TV              1 hr. On TV   1st November
1. The human                                   channel
mannequin                                      4

2. 24 hours in A&E               FLY     1 hr.
                         TV      ON                on TV   last watched
                                 THE               channel 15th of
                                 WAL               4       November

3. My tattoo addiction   TV              1 hr. On TV
                                               channel 20th november
                                                                                  AUDIENCE?                  CHANNEL IS IT   WATCH IT? How?   TIM
(WHAT ABOUT)                                                                                                                                  ON
                                                                                  Why?                       ON?

My big fat gypsy wedding.               18 February 2010 (2010-02-18) – Present   16-25                      channel 4       Yes.             9p
                                                                                  •   The time people        Availaale to    On tv or on
                                                                                      are getting            watch online.   Channel 4
This is a Tv documentary about
                                                                                      married.                               realplayer
young Irish gypsy girls getting
married. It shows how big their                                                   •   The content
dress is, the whole preparation a and                                                 interests young
then the wedding.                                                                     people.

The Body Shock                          2003 - Present                            16+                        Channel 4       Yes. On tv and   9p
                                                                                  •   Age where people       Available to    on channel 4
This is a TV documentary about                                                        start to               watch online.   realplayer
people with extraordinary types of                                                    understand more
bodies. The one I watched is about                                                    about mature
the shortest man on earth.                                                            topics.

Out in a Limo                           05march 2012                              15-30                      Channel 4       Yes,on channel   9p
This is a tv documentary, where a                                                 •   This kind of content   Available to    4OD
limo company has a documentary of                                                     interests young        watch online
what goes on inside their limo. This                                                  people, but after a
episode that I watched was about a                                                    certain age our
                                                                                      intrests change.
                                                                                  •   This episode shows
                                                                                      about marriage.
DOCUMNTARY                IT SHOWN?   AUDIENCE ?                      (ONLINE ?)                    WATCH IT NOW
                                      WHY ?                                                         ?

1 born every minute       JUNE        20-30                           Channel 4                     Yes             9:00
•    Show women                       •   mothers or thinking of                                                    •   Time target
     giving birth
                                                                      Available on 4oD
                                          becoming a mother/          •   Contemporary topic                            audience have
•    Interviews with                      pregnant women                                                                free time to
     nurses                                                                                                             watch tv
•    Show emotion of
     a child being

Tool academy              OCTOBER     16-25                           E4                            Yes             10:00
•    Couples go there                 •   Starting to care about                                                    •   Time target
     to save their
                                                                      Available online
                                          having good relationships   •   Link to target audience                       audience are in
     relationships                    •   Looking for tips for                                                          bed watching tv
•    Boys learn to be                     themselves
     better                           •   They can relate to it
•    Girls learn to be
     better girlfriends

24 hours at A&E           August      18-30                           Channel 4                     Yes             9:00
•    Show what                        •   Interest for nursing                                                      •   Link to target
     happens at A&E
                                                                      Available online
                                      •   Link to career              •   Contemporary topic                            audience being
•    Job of a nurse                   •   Curiosity                                                                     available to
                                                                      •   Real life issues
                                                                                                                        watch it.
The human mannequin
WHEN WAS                           WHAT          CAN YOU          WHAT TIME IS IT
BRIEF                                   WHO IS                                             ON?
                         IT SHOWN                           CHANNEL IS IT STILL WATCH
DESCRIPTION                             TARGET                                             Why?
                         ORIGINALLY                         ON?           IT? How?
                                        AUDIENCE?           Why?
OF DOC                   ?              Why?
•   It is about a girl   Thursday 1st   The target          It is on channel   Yes, you    It is on
    who has a rare       of             audience would      4 because
                                                            channel 4
                                                                               can watch   9pm
    condition which      November       be females                             it on the   because it
                                                            mostly targets
    locks all her        2012           from the ages       at a young         channel 4   may have
    bones into place                    of 16-20            audience just
•   She wants to try                    working class. It                      website     scenes
                                                            like this
    and break into                      would also be       documentary.       on 4od.     that people
    the fashion                         for those who       You can also                   may feel
    world                               are into fashion    watch it online.               upset by.
•   The                                 as this is mostly
    documentary                         about how you
    follows her life                    can break in to
    and how she                         it.
    tries to contact
    the fashion
24 hours in A&E
(WHAT ABOUT)               SHOWN ORIGINALLY?   Why?                      Why?                                IT? How?              Why?
                                                                         List if you can watch on line too

• This               11th may                  The target                It is on channel 4                  Yes it is             It is on at
                                               audience varies           as they broadcast
  documentary        2011                      from different
                                                                                                             on 4od                9pm as
  follows kings                                                          a lot of different fly              demand                children
                                               episodes. As
                                                                         on the wall
  college hospital                             sometimes they                                                on the                will be
                                               broadcast about           documentaries and
  staff in A&E                                                           they have a lot of                  channel 4             asleep
                                               teenagers so it
  showing the                                  could be                  documentaries                       website.              and also
  different types of                           targeted at               concerning                                                there will
  incidents they                               parents and               peoples health                                            be
                                               teenagers from
  get everyday                                 ages of 16-20.
  and how they                                 also doctors                                                                        that
  deal with them.                              may want to                                                                         people
                                               watch this to                                                                       may not
                                               see different
                                               experiences.                                                                        want to
My tattoo addiction
                                                                                        IT? How?              Why?
DOC                    SHOWN          AUDIENCE?         Why?
(WHAT ABOUT)           ORIGINALLY?    Why?              List if you can watch on line

•   This               18th October   The target        It was on channel 4             Yes, you can          It is on 10pm as
    documentary        2012           audience would    because channel 4               watch it on           there it includes
    is about                          be mostly males   usually shows                   4od demand            content which is
    people who                        25-30 as the      documentaries which                                   not for younger
    have an                           people in the     are quite fun to watch                                audience and
    addiction for                     documentary       and one that would                                    also swearing.
    getting                           are quite older   follow a persons life.
    unique/weird                      people and
    tattoos.                          male.
                                      People who are
                                      addicted to
                                      tattoos or
                                      maybe people
                                      who do not
                                      really like
Conventions of TV Documentaries.
-Handheld camera                         -Interviews with the public
-Voice over                              -Titles
-Commercial intervals                    -Supportive images
-Archival footage                         -Experts Interview
-Steady cam                              -Natural Lighting
-Background music                        -Point of view shot
-Clear aim of documentary                -Quotes material
-Presenter                               -Purpose of the doc. (edu,per,info)
-Style (participatory or conservative)
-Talking head                            -Establishing shot
-Special effects                         -Statistics
-Ambient sound                           -Preview before break
-Structure                               -Montage editing
Conventions of documentaries
•   Interviews
•   Fly on the wall
•   Hand-held camera
•   Voice-over
•   Reconstruction
•   Use of texts and titles
•   Visual coding
                              Talking heads
•   Exposition
•   Real footage
•   Location shooting

                              Archival footage

    Fly on the wall
CONVENTION         USE       DEVELOP   CHALLENGE   DESCRIPTION          Example from real TV
Lifers                                             Here they used
interview with                                     experts interview,
experts                  x                         to talk about each
                                                   person inside the

My big Fat
gyspy wedding            x                         They use the
Natural lighting                                   natural lighting,
                                                   so tahat peple can
                                                   see this is a real

Body shock                                         They used
Intervals/breaks                                   intervals to
                                                   separate each
                         x                         subtopic they are

Out in a limo                                      Voice over here to
                                                   explain about
voice over               x                         each person
                                                   inside the limo,
                                                   and to give review
                                                   of last episode.
                      • These include EXPERT
                        interviews (get more
                        scientific explanations)

                      • RANDOM PEOPLE interviews
                        (see the view people may
                        have on the topic)

                      • PEOPLE WHO HAVE GONE
                        THROUGH IT interviews (get
                        a more in depth picture
                        about the topic)

                     • Used to INFORM the

                     • Make it more CLEAR
                       where the documentary
                       is taking place
                   • INFORM audience
                     who is talking

                   • NOT CONFUSE the

                   • CLEAR title of

                   • GUIDE the
CONVENTION     USE          DEVELOP            CHALLENGE        DESCRIPTION   Example from real TV

Talking        They have                                                      My tattoo addiction
heads          different
               people who
               do tattoos
               talking to
                            They develop                                      The human
Voice over                  this by having a                                  mannequin at the
                            voice over if                                     beginning you hear
                            someone does
                            not want to
                                                                              her voice but you do
                            show their face.                                  not see her.

                                               The titles for                 My tattoo addiction
                                               my tattoo
Use of texts                                   addiction is
and titles                                     like a tattoo
CONVENTION         USE     DEVELOP   CHALLENGE   DESCRIPTION                                  Example from real
                                                                                              TV documentary

interview with         x                         we are going to use interview with           x
experts                                          experts, to know more about the scientific
                                                 side of being a transgender.

                   x                             We are going to have a presenter, so that
Presenter                                        the documentary is more clear as the
                                                 presenter will specify things.
CONVENTION         USE     DEVELOP   CHALLENGE   DESCRIPTION                                  Example from real
                                                                                              TV documentary
Natural Lighting
                       x                         we are going to use natural lighting         x
                                                 because we want to make it realistic as it
                                                 is to do with a serious topic.

                   x                             We are going to have establishing shots,
Establishing                                     because we want to show places we are
shots                                            going, and make it clear to the audience.
CONVENTION   USE                  DEVELOP   CHALLENGE   DESCRIPTION       Example from real TV documentary

Archival     We want to           n/a       n/a         We can get
footage      show different                             different clips
             footage from                               from YouTube
             history how it                             how society has
             changed.                                   protested for
                                                        and against
             The presenter    n/a                       The presenter
visual       will be casually               n/a         would wear
coding       dressed to                                 casual clothing
             make the                                   so the person
             people feel                                she will be
             comfortable and                            interviewing
             at ease.                                   will not feel
                                                        and would feel
                                                        at ease.

             In Soho we will
location     film as there will   n/a       n/a
shooting     be many
             different people
             we can
What channel would it be put on and why?

• We would choose channel 4 because
  their documentaries are usually aimed
    at an audience who are aged 16+
• Also their documentaries are mostly
    participatory and informative and
          that’s what our one is
What time would it be on and why?
• The time we would be showing it at would be
  9 o’clock as there would be explicit content
  and a subject that may be too much for
  people aged under 16
• Also children who come back from school
  would normally watch from 4-7 so they would
  be asleep for when this documentary would
  be showing.

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Assignment 11 similar products, conventions and channel- my part

  • 1. Assignment 11- Similar products, conventions and channel time. By: Luara Pires Deborah Marques Maria Younes Kauana Labaldi
  • 2. FINAL CHOSEN TOPIC View from Views from people transsexuals judging? Different Man being more Muslim catholic Judaism countries against. How does it feel to be confronted? Laws set up to Views within the help or to go Transsphobia religion. How do they decide against. to show their identity. Countries How does it sexism views feel to False opinions confront society ? How are transsexuals aggressive seen in society? discrimination Afraid of offensive speech Are people acceptanc truthful with e their opinion? freedom confusion Attention seeker independence Free choice
  • 3. Watched together Luara Debbie NAME OF DOCUMENTARY TV or FILM GENRE HOW MUCH WATCHED WHERE/HOW WATCHED DATE 1. Lifers full TV in class 19/09 2. 1 born every minute TV full TV – channel 4 10/08 3. My Big fat gipsy wedding 1 episode TV channel 4 real 23/09 player 4. TV 1 episode TV-channel 4 Currently Tool Academy watching. 5. TV 1 episode TV- 30/09 Body Shock Channel 4 6. TV 1 episode Channel 4 22/09 The unDatables realplayer 7. TV Just he beggining Channel 4 23/09 Out in a Limo realplayer
  • 4. Similar product list TV or HOW WHERE/HOW NAME OF DOCUMENTARY FILM GENRE MUCH WATCHED DATE WATCHED TV 1 hr. On TV 1st November 1. The human channel mannequin 4 2. 24 hours in A&E FLY 1 hr. TV ON on TV last watched THE channel 15th of WAL 4 November L 3. My tattoo addiction TV 1 hr. On TV channel 20th november 4
  • 5. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF DOC WHEN WAS IT SHOWN ORIGINALLY? WHO IS TARGET WHAT CAN YOU STILL WH AUDIENCE? CHANNEL IS IT WATCH IT? How? TIM (WHAT ABOUT) ON Why? ON? Wh Why? My big fat gypsy wedding. 18 February 2010 (2010-02-18) – Present 16-25 channel 4 Yes. 9p • The time people Availaale to On tv or on are getting watch online. Channel 4 This is a Tv documentary about married. realplayer young Irish gypsy girls getting married. It shows how big their • The content dress is, the whole preparation a and interests young then the wedding. people. The Body Shock 2003 - Present 16+ Channel 4 Yes. On tv and 9p • Age where people Available to on channel 4 This is a TV documentary about start to watch online. realplayer people with extraordinary types of understand more bodies. The one I watched is about about mature the shortest man on earth. topics. Out in a Limo 05march 2012 15-30 Channel 4 Yes,on channel 9p This is a tv documentary, where a • This kind of content Available to 4OD limo company has a documentary of interests young watch online what goes on inside their limo. This people, but after a episode that I watched was about a certain age our intrests change. wedding. • This episode shows about marriage.
  • 6. SIMILAR PRODUCTS OF INSISPIRATION DESCRIPTION OF WHEN WAS WHO IS THE TARGET WHAT CHANNEL IS IT ON ? CAN YOU STILL WHAT TIME IS IT ON ? DOCUMNTARY IT SHOWN? AUDIENCE ? (ONLINE ?) WATCH IT NOW WHY ? ? 1 born every minute JUNE 20-30 Channel 4 Yes 9:00 • Show women • mothers or thinking of • Time target giving birth Available on 4oD becoming a mother/ • Contemporary topic audience have • Interviews with pregnant women free time to nurses watch tv • Show emotion of a child being born Tool academy OCTOBER 16-25 E4 Yes 10:00 • Couples go there • Starting to care about • Time target to save their Available online having good relationships • Link to target audience audience are in relationships • Looking for tips for bed watching tv • Boys learn to be themselves better • They can relate to it boyfriends • Girls learn to be better girlfriends 24 hours at A&E August 18-30 Channel 4 Yes 9:00 • Show what • Interest for nursing • Link to target happens at A&E Available online • Link to career • Contemporary topic audience being • Job of a nurse • Curiosity available to • Real life issues watch it.
  • 8. WHEN WAS WHAT CAN YOU WHAT TIME IS IT BRIEF WHO IS ON? IT SHOWN CHANNEL IS IT STILL WATCH DESCRIPTION TARGET Why? ORIGINALLY ON? IT? How? AUDIENCE? Why? OF DOC ? Why? (WHAT ABOUT) • It is about a girl Thursday 1st The target It is on channel Yes, you It is on who has a rare of audience would 4 because channel 4 can watch 9pm condition which November be females it on the because it mostly targets locks all her 2012 from the ages at a young channel 4 may have bones into place of 16-20 audience just • She wants to try working class. It website scenes like this and break into would also be documentary. on 4od. that people the fashion for those who You can also may feel world are into fashion watch it online. upset by. • The as this is mostly documentary about how you follows her life can break in to and how she it. tries to contact the fashion world
  • 10. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF DOC WHEN WAS IT WHO IS TARGET AUDIENCE? WHAT CHANNEL IS IT ON? CAN YOU STILL WATCH WHAT TIME IS IT ON? (WHAT ABOUT) SHOWN ORIGINALLY? Why? Why? IT? How? Why? List if you can watch on line too • This 11th may The target It is on channel 4 Yes it is It is on at audience varies as they broadcast documentary 2011 from different on 4od 9pm as follows kings a lot of different fly demand children episodes. As on the wall college hospital sometimes they on the will be broadcast about documentaries and staff in A&E they have a lot of channel 4 asleep teenagers so it showing the could be documentaries website. and also different types of targeted at concerning there will incidents they parents and peoples health be teenagers from get everyday ages of 16-20. scenes and how they also doctors that deal with them. may want to people watch this to may not see different experiences. want to see.
  • 12. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF WHEN WAS IT WHO IS TARGET WHAT CHANNEL IS IT ON? CAN YOU STILL WATCH WHAT TIME IS IT ON? IT? How? Why? DOC SHOWN AUDIENCE? Why? (WHAT ABOUT) ORIGINALLY? Why? List if you can watch on line too • This 18th October The target It was on channel 4 Yes, you can It is on 10pm as documentary 2012 audience would because channel 4 watch it on there it includes is about be mostly males usually shows 4od demand content which is people who 25-30 as the documentaries which not for younger have an people in the are quite fun to watch audience and addiction for documentary and one that would also swearing. getting are quite older follow a persons life. unique/weird people and tattoos. male. People who are addicted to tattoos or maybe people who do not really like tattoos.
  • 13. Conventions of TV Documentaries. -Handheld camera -Interviews with the public -Voice over -Titles -Commercial intervals -Supportive images -Archival footage -Experts Interview -Steady cam -Natural Lighting -Background music -Point of view shot -Clear aim of documentary -Quotes material -Presenter -Purpose of the doc. (edu,per,info) -Style (participatory or conservative) -Talking head -Establishing shot -Special effects -Statistics -Ambient sound -Preview before break -Structure -Montage editing
  • 14. Conventions of documentaries • Interviews • Fly on the wall • Hand-held camera • Voice-over • Reconstruction • Use of texts and titles • Visual coding Talking heads • Exposition • Real footage • Location shooting Archival footage Fly on the wall
  • 15. SIMILAR PRODUCTS AND THEIR CONVENTIONS CONVENTION USE DEVELOP CHALLENGE DESCRIPTION Example from real TV documentary Lifers Here they used interview with experts interview, experts x to talk about each person inside the prison My big Fat gyspy wedding x They use the Natural lighting natural lighting, so tahat peple can see this is a real documentary. Body shock They used Intervals/breaks intervals to separate each x subtopic they are doing Out in a limo Voice over here to explain about voice over x each person inside the limo, and to give review of last episode.
  • 16. CONVENTIONS INTERVIEWS • These include EXPERT interviews (get more scientific explanations) • RANDOM PEOPLE interviews (see the view people may have on the topic) • PEOPLE WHO HAVE GONE THROUGH IT interviews (get a more in depth picture about the topic)
  • 17. CONVENTIONS ESTABLISHING SHOTS • Used to INFORM the audience • Make it more CLEAR where the documentary is taking place
  • 18. CONVENTIONS TITLES • INFORM audience who is talking (interviews) • NOT CONFUSE the audience • CLEAR title of documentary • GUIDE the audience
  • 19. CONVENTION USE DEVELOP CHALLENGE DESCRIPTION Example from real TV documentary Talking They have My tattoo addiction heads different people who do tattoos talking to the cameras. They develop The human Voice over this by having a mannequin at the voice over if beginning you hear someone does not want to her voice but you do show their face. not see her. The titles for My tattoo addiction my tattoo Use of texts addiction is and titles like a tattoo on someone's hand.
  • 20. CONVENTION USE DEVELOP CHALLENGE DESCRIPTION Example from real TV documentary interview with x we are going to use interview with x experts experts, to know more about the scientific side of being a transgender. x x We are going to have a presenter, so that Presenter the documentary is more clear as the presenter will specify things. CONVENTION USE DEVELOP CHALLENGE DESCRIPTION Example from real TV documentary Natural Lighting x we are going to use natural lighting x because we want to make it realistic as it is to do with a serious topic. x x We are going to have establishing shots, Establishing because we want to show places we are shots going, and make it clear to the audience.
  • 21. CONVENTION USE DEVELOP CHALLENGE DESCRIPTION Example from real TV documentary Archival We want to n/a n/a We can get footage show different different clips footage from from YouTube history how it how society has changed. protested for and against transsexuals The presenter n/a The presenter visual will be casually n/a would wear coding dressed to casual clothing make the so the person people feel she will be comfortable and interviewing at ease. will not feel intimidated and would feel at ease. In Soho we will location film as there will n/a n/a shooting be many different people we can interview.
  • 22. What channel would it be put on and why? • We would choose channel 4 because their documentaries are usually aimed at an audience who are aged 16+ • Also their documentaries are mostly participatory and informative and that’s what our one is
  • 23. What time would it be on and why? • The time we would be showing it at would be 9 o’clock as there would be explicit content and a subject that may be too much for people aged under 16 • Also children who come back from school would normally watch from 4-7 so they would be asleep for when this documentary would be showing.