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Leadership And Management Essays
What is the difference between leadership and management? Not many people understand what the
"leadership" or "management" term means. Many people thing that they are similar or
interchangeable. I was one of those a few years ago. Honestly, it was not easy to understand and
recognize the roles of a leader and of a manager because both exist within the same department or
organization. In fact, the leadership and management roles need to be differentiated and clarified.
The roles' clarification not only helps the employees to address their concerns to the appropriate
higher–level "boss", but also is crucial in making the organization's strategies successful. This paper
presents the historical definition of leadership and management as more content...
However, it depends on the views of the followers that the leaders could be heroes or devils because
these leaders have the ability to move or convince the reluctant followers into their ways of doing or
thinking. Examples of these leaders are Napoleon, Gandhi, Martin Luther, and many others.
According to the "puppet" theory, the leadership came from the inevitable development of social
institutions through many stages of the history. Those stages started with the primitive groups in the
human–being history, then, were led to the tribal chief leadership, to feudalism, capitalism, and
socialist democracy. Leaders "are not the true causes of these historical events". They "respond to
the forces" of each stage. In other words, the forces of history shape what the leaders do. The
"Totem" theory symbolizes the leaders as group leaders who are seen as "carrying the royal line or
genetic perfection of that group (i.e. monarch descendants) or maybe the "reincarnation of a dead
anchestors (i.e. the Dalai Dama or other spiritual leaders). Finally, Dr Bean explains that the last
theory, Cybernetic, suggests the "leadership is major part of the control system group, a kind of
guidance system." Those leaders lead the groups on the track what they have pointed out and guide
the group members to succeed the adaptability and survivability (Bean, 2001). "Aristocratic thinkers
have postulated that leadership depends on one's blue blood or genes" (Gerotaxas, 2007). Tim Barnett
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Leadership and Management Essay
ILM Level 3 Award in Leadership and Management:
|Centre Number: |R31609 |
|Centre Name: |Leeds Metropolitan Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM) Centre |
|Student Name: |Alexandra Hunt |
|Leeds Met Student ID: |33251825 |
|Student Date of Birth: |15/01/ more content...
|A con of paternalistic leadership is that the selling only lasts as long as you are on the phone or are
around for, and some candidates/people are not easy|
|selling targets, you also may waste your time persuading them without gaining any commitment –
which came across me time and time again when working as a |
|recruitment consultant. |
| |
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Management and Leadership Essay
Management and Leadership As a Naval Officer I had the opportunity to experience both leadership
and management. Today's Navy operates with fewer people and resources than before. Therefore,
leadership and management are more important than ever. Very early in my career I was taught
leadership and as I advanced through the ranks I experienced management. There are numerous
distinctions between management and leadership. Good managers are sometimes leaders; good
leaders are sometimes managers. The distinction is primarily between action and enabling. I see
management as a function. Examples of management include, planning, budgeting, evaluating, and
facilitating. Examples of leadership include, a relationship, more content...
Leadership Leadership is a facet of management. It is just one of the many assets a successful
manager must possess. The main aim of a manager is to maximize the output of the organization
through administrative implementation. To achieve this managers must undertake the four
functions of management: planning, organization, leading and controlling. In some cases leadership
is just one important component of the leading function. Predpall (1994) said, "Leaders must let
vision, strategies, goals, and values be the guide–post for action and behavior rather than attempting
to control others". In some circumstances, leadership is not required. For example, self–motivated
groups may not require a single leader and may find leaders dominating. The fact that a leader is
not always required proves that leadership is just an asset and is not essential. To create and
maintain a healthy organizational culture is a trait of an effective leader. To be an effective leader
requires certain skills. I will identify six skills effective leaders have in common. Followership,
concern for subordinates, development of others, communication, high standards of performance
and loyalty to the organization. Navy Leader Development Program (1990) suggest that "To lead
you must first be able to follow: For without followers, there can be no leaders". One thing that is
often overlooked concerning successful leaders is they were successful followers before they
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Leadership versus Management Essay
Is every good manager a good leader? Is every leader a good manager? Leadership and management
are often used in similar perspectives, yet they do not share the same meaning. Leaders are exactly
what the name says – they lead team members to success. Managers, like leaders, have the meaning
referenced in the name. Managers manage over employees, striving for success. The two titles can
be used simultaneously with one person, but this is a rare occurrence.
According to MSN Encarta Dictionary, the term manage has several meanings. One of the
explanations state that to manage is to "administer or run something – to be in charge...and be
responsible for its smooth running and for any personnel" (Encarta, 2008). MSN Encarta Dictionary more content...
A leader guides his or her employees in the right direction so that they as a team achieve positive
results. A leader helps employees to know the correct methods used in performing daily tasks. A
leader focuses on training the employees and assisting them in furthering their knowledge of the
industry. Employees look up to leaders and trust that the leaders are guiding them along the correct
What are the differences between managers and leaders? "The biggest difference between
managers and leaders is the way they motivate the people who work or follow them, and this sets
the tone for most other aspects of what they do" (Changing Minds, 2008). Managers hire people to
work underneath them to accomplish tasks for a common goal. These people are considered
subordinates. Leaders have followers. These followers are considered employees. Leaders are
passionate about something and bring this level of understanding and emotion to others around
them. Managers deal with the physical aspect of the position, whereas leaders deal with the personal
aspect of the position.
Do all managers have leadership skills? The majority of managers possesses management skills but
lacks the leadership skills that are needed to be an accomplished person in charge. A manager is
someone with a title, who has subordinates that are paid to obey and complete assignments. A
leader is someone who people choose to follow. Leaders are not always managers. Any person
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Management And Leadership Essay example
Management and Leadership
Management and leadership, two words that are considered synonymous and are often used in the
same context, yet they do not mean the same thing and they describe two different concepts.
According to the dictionary, management is 1) The act, manner or practice of managing;
handling, supervision, or control; 2) The person or persons who control or direct a business or other
enterprise; 3) Skill in managing; executive ability; where as leadership is 1) The position or office of
a leader; 2) Capacity or ability to lead; 3) A group of leaders; 4) Guidance; direction. In many
organizations, management is a job description; leadership is a positive trait. Managers tend to think
incrementally, while leaders more content...
Management normally consists of people, who are experienced in their field, and have worked
their way up the company. A manager knows how each layer of the system works and may also
possess a good technical knowledge. Managers are "principally administrators ¬– they write
business plans, set budgets and monitor progress." Additional tasks handled by managers are
problem–solving and facilitating meetings. Managers usually achieve their position through
experience and understanding, and obtain authority through time and loyalty.
In business, leadership is "the ability to influence employees to voluntarily pursue organizational
goals." Leadership is one of the many assets a successful manager should possess. While
management is considered a position, leadership is considered a relationship. Thus, leadership is the
connection between the leader and their subordinates that makes management successful. This
connection can strengthen an organization and make the work more focused and effective.
Leadership is the ability to get people to willingly follow. A person who exhibits the traits of
leadership is called a leader. The role of a leader is to ensure that the desired tasks and guidelines are
implemented throughtout the team. Since managers can not be everywhere at the same time, leaders
are put into place to bridge the gap while echoing managements requirements. Because leaders are
the link between the
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Essay on Management and Leadership
Successful organizations have strong leaders and managers that develop, support and encourage
employee longevity within a company. There is a significant difference between leadership and
management however both skills have to be used collectively and both are important to a profitable
organization. Leadership is a notion of communicating an organization's vision, whereas management
is more of the implementation of the organization's vision. The manager typically carries out the
responsibilities written by the organization and has a good team underneath them to carry out the
duties and meet the goals. Most companies have a mission statement that mirrors and supports a
company's vision. When referring leadership and management, the more content...
According to Hersey and Blanchard (1998), there are three areas required for effective leadership.
Technical skills, which includes clinical expertise and knowledge as it pertains to nursing.
Secondly, human skills, which is the ability and judgment to work with people in leadership roles.
And lastly, conceptual skills which is the ability to understand the complexities of overall
organization and figure out how and where one's own strengths of management fits into the overall
organization (Cherry, Jacob 2011). Leadership is unique compared to any other role because of its
responsibility for people. Good leaders are followed merely because they have gained people's trust
and respect.
Management involves the tactical aspect of day to day functions and who keeps control of the
work environment to make sure the organization is moving forward and in the same direction of
the company's vision. Managers are faced with many responsibilities each day, one of which is
managing people. The goal of a successful manager is to achieve the highest productivity of the
organization by way of the people he/she manages. A manager is more of a problem solver and
takes care of work areas relating to people management, time management, decision making etc.
According to Lewin (1951) and White & Lippit (1960), there are three prevalent management
behavior styles: Authoritarian, democratic and laissez–fare (Cherry,
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Essay on Managemente and Leadership
Management and Leadership
Are you a manager or a leader? This is a question that has been asked from consultants to
corporations. An organization needs both management and leadership. It is good for a corporation to
understand the differences between the both. I think Leaders and Managers have very clear and
distinct qualities but highly interconnect together. Skilled set management and leadership are needed
to achieve organizational goals. Depending on the size of an organization, management and
leadership roles may be carried out by the same person, or by multiple managers who carry out the
two roles.
I believe that a leader is one who guides people in a certain direction to accomplish a certain goal.
Every business needs more content...
Managers have a position of authority vested in them by the company, and their subordinates work
for them and largely do as they are told. Ideally, you will develop managers that can lead andleaders
that can manage. Most successful managers are also successful leaders. Many leaders, even the
brightest, figure out what has to happen with things in the company, tell people what is needed for
the desired results and then expect things to happen–a gross simplification of the process. An
organization that uses work teams has a leader whose task is to bring everyone together to work
as a team. Every one shares the same vision and wants to accomplish the same task. With out a
leader, employees can be distracted and misled as to the mission that affects the company as a
whole. Motivation is a key factor which both leadership and management must possess; with out
this, employees have nothing to look forward to. Their motivation would have to rise above the
average and take personal responsibility for the outcome of the task.
It is good to have a participate leader that likes to receive input from others and aims for balance.
This leader feels that by involving others in the decision making process will help alleviate conflicts
in the workplace. In my organization, there seems to be both types of leaders. In my particular
department, there is the participate leader who likes to get everyone's involvement and
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Leadership vs. Management Essay
Leadership vs. Management Much has been written about the difference between management and
leadership. In the past, competent management staffs ran effective companies. In light of our
ever–changing world, however, most companies have come to realize that it is much more
important to lead than to manage. In today's world the old ways of management no longer work.
One reason is that the degree of environmental and competitive change we are experiencing is
extreme. Although exciting, the world is also very unstable and confused. In an article entitled
What's the Difference between Your Hospital and the Other? Gary Campbell states that the
difference between a manager and a leader is that the manager "finds himself quite willing
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One idea for creating and maintaining a healthy organizational culture is simply to ensure that
there are processes in place to select and develop the best people available. A great deal of money
and resources should be devoted to carefully screen job applicants, identifying those few whose
values closely match the company's. To be selected to fill a leadership position in the company, a
person would have to possess the passion and skills necessary to keep the culture alive and healthy.
In addition to the resources necessary to ensure optimal staff selection, the company must be focused
on continual employee development. A leader's skills must be fed and cultivated. The leader must be
given this consistent message: change is good... change is vital. According to a leadership article
found on, "The operative assumption today is that someone, somewhere,
has a better idea; and the operative compulsion is to find out who has that better idea, learn it, and
put it into action – fast". I believe that Allstate attempts to abide by this theory but due to its size is
probably not always successful. There are many positions to be filled on a daily basis and it is
probably not practical to think that this large corporation could be selective enough to make sure
that each employee selected fully embodies the company culture. Another key area that should be
considered when maintaining a healthy
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Leadership and Management Essay
During my coursework learning about the variety of leadership styles, I have been able to take
something positive away from each style. My personal preference is the "participative leadership
style" and the most likely choice for me to use when in a leadership role. For instance, I learned
from each style that there will be something events that would be applicable given the work
environment and situation at hand for the proper style. Because there are instances where
management will have to utilize a combination of leadership styles are necessary to reach a common
objective and goal. Leadership style is the manner and approach of providing direction, implementing
plans, and motivating people. All the different styles–– more content...
And last, but not least, delegating tasks in order to implement the new procedure (delegative).
While involved in this coursework and gaining knowledge in utilizing the different styles, I have
learned to step "outside the comfort zone" and create and/or seize opportunities that will allow me
to apply the difference styles of leadership. In identifying my own leadership style (participative), I
discovered that there where instances that I would have to use a little of all styles.
I think the best way for me to improve my choice of leadership style and to know when to apply
the other styles will be to continuous expose myself and participate in formal and informal education
classes. Moreover, volunteer for additional responsibilities that will place me in a position that
requires me to utilize the knowledge that I have obtain from this coursework.
As I observe and learn from my own senior management and peers through questions, application
and/or coaching; this will provide opportunities for me to constantly improve. As a leader and being
positioned between the demands of management, team and the workers; leadership skills must
include the ability to juggle the various priorities while keeping performance high and cost under
control. The choice of style will have an impact on making juggling easier and more effective. In
turn, the leadership style has time to manage the job and be proactive instead of
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Essay on Leadership vs. Management
This essay will focus on the meaning of leadership and management, also which view is the most
relevant to the Tourism Industry. In order to answer those question, it is necessary define the two
terms providing evidences and arguments from different authors about the characteristics, roles,
similarities and difference. In conclusion after looking all the different points of view, the
importance of each view will be evaluated in the context of Airline and Airport Industry. The
leadership and management are often used interchangeably because there is a close relationship
between the two terms, however some authors in their point of view, they recognise a very clear
difference between the two concepts Rayner and Adam–Smith (2009) more content...
There are certain qualities or characteristics that people recognise or see in leaders. Leaders take
carer and give support to staff in organisation. Similarly they have the responsibility on the
communication between managers and staff. Gill (2006 b) has argued that a leadership must to have
the skill to learn and adapt to changes in organisation, using their logic and intuition to address to
staff the organisation aim. In addition Gill (2006 c: p6) state that "leadership include stimulating and
encouraging empowerment, innovation and creativity." Management can be understood in different
views, and represent an important role on the development of an organisation. Furthermore the
manger is responsible for control, organise, planning and ensure the organisation achieve their
objectives within a target time set. The managers normally running staff recruitment process and
have the responsibility for look after the team (Mackrory, 2009).
Similarly Mullins (2006a) explains that management is about following the organisation procedures
and systems and ensure staffs make an effort to achieve the organisation goals. According to Mullins
(2006 b: p56) supported the views of Crainer (1998) "Management is active, not theoretical. It is
about changing behaviour, developing people, working with them, reaching objectives, achieving
results and making things happen."
Many authors have different point of view about the
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Leadership: Management Essay
Management and leadership are not the same. Explain in detail.
Many different leaders and managers will come and go through out an organizations time, and they
together will create a legacy for the organization. In the book The Leadership Experience, written by
Richard Daft, the difference between leadership and management is described outside the position
that a person may hold. To be a leader means that you help to guide people or groups. The US
Army defines leadership as "influencing people by providing purpose, direction, and motivation
while operating to accomplish the mission and improving the organization." The Army has many
people in what are called leadership positions, yet not all of the people in the positions of leadership more content...
An employee or coworker that doesn't trust a manager is not very likely to work hard or help in a
time of need. If a manager isn't trusted they will not be able to lead a team towards reaching the
goal. Attempting to reach a goal requires a manager to be flexible. A construction site has
deadlines that must be met. From time to time a construction manager must adapt to changes in
weather, accidents, and other circumstances that will affect the job. At the same time a manager
that is so focused on one goal and cannot show the ability to take on more work or stress will
reach a plateau and not be considered for promotion. A manager is responsible for many varying
tasks and duties. Managing the physical tasks of the job is just as important as managing the
psychological tasks as well. Teams that are able to relax under pressure will work better and bond
stronger thus improving the workplace environment. Managers must use their experiences moving
up the ladder in the workplace alongside with the leaders in the workplace to complete the tasks and
reach the goal and continue holding their position, or they will be replaced by another person that
Collis, Rachel (2012). Researching managers success and failure. Retrieved from http:/
* Lacking growth and development in the face of the
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Essays On Leadership And Management

  • 1. Leadership And Management Essays What is the difference between leadership and management? Not many people understand what the "leadership" or "management" term means. Many people thing that they are similar or interchangeable. I was one of those a few years ago. Honestly, it was not easy to understand and recognize the roles of a leader and of a manager because both exist within the same department or organization. In fact, the leadership and management roles need to be differentiated and clarified. The roles' clarification not only helps the employees to address their concerns to the appropriate higher–level "boss", but also is crucial in making the organization's strategies successful. This paper presents the historical definition of leadership and management as more content... However, it depends on the views of the followers that the leaders could be heroes or devils because these leaders have the ability to move or convince the reluctant followers into their ways of doing or thinking. Examples of these leaders are Napoleon, Gandhi, Martin Luther, and many others. According to the "puppet" theory, the leadership came from the inevitable development of social institutions through many stages of the history. Those stages started with the primitive groups in the human–being history, then, were led to the tribal chief leadership, to feudalism, capitalism, and socialist democracy. Leaders "are not the true causes of these historical events". They "respond to the forces" of each stage. In other words, the forces of history shape what the leaders do. The "Totem" theory symbolizes the leaders as group leaders who are seen as "carrying the royal line or genetic perfection of that group (i.e. monarch descendants) or maybe the "reincarnation of a dead anchestors (i.e. the Dalai Dama or other spiritual leaders). Finally, Dr Bean explains that the last theory, Cybernetic, suggests the "leadership is major part of the control system group, a kind of guidance system." Those leaders lead the groups on the track what they have pointed out and guide the group members to succeed the adaptability and survivability (Bean, 2001). "Aristocratic thinkers have postulated that leadership depends on one's blue blood or genes" (Gerotaxas, 2007). Tim Barnett Get more content on
  • 2. Leadership and Management Essay ILM Level 3 Award in Leadership and Management: |Centre Number: |R31609 | |Centre Name: |Leeds Metropolitan Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM) Centre | |Student Name: |Alexandra Hunt | |Leeds Met Student ID: |33251825 | |Student Date of Birth: |15/01/ more content... | |A con of paternalistic leadership is that the selling only lasts as long as you are on the phone or are around for, and some candidates/people are not easy| |selling targets, you also may waste your time persuading them without gaining any commitment – which came across me time and time again when working as a | |recruitment consultant. | | | Get more content on
  • 3. Management and Leadership Essay Management and Leadership As a Naval Officer I had the opportunity to experience both leadership and management. Today's Navy operates with fewer people and resources than before. Therefore, leadership and management are more important than ever. Very early in my career I was taught leadership and as I advanced through the ranks I experienced management. There are numerous distinctions between management and leadership. Good managers are sometimes leaders; good leaders are sometimes managers. The distinction is primarily between action and enabling. I see management as a function. Examples of management include, planning, budgeting, evaluating, and facilitating. Examples of leadership include, a relationship, more content... Leadership Leadership is a facet of management. It is just one of the many assets a successful manager must possess. The main aim of a manager is to maximize the output of the organization through administrative implementation. To achieve this managers must undertake the four functions of management: planning, organization, leading and controlling. In some cases leadership is just one important component of the leading function. Predpall (1994) said, "Leaders must let vision, strategies, goals, and values be the guide–post for action and behavior rather than attempting to control others". In some circumstances, leadership is not required. For example, self–motivated groups may not require a single leader and may find leaders dominating. The fact that a leader is not always required proves that leadership is just an asset and is not essential. To create and maintain a healthy organizational culture is a trait of an effective leader. To be an effective leader requires certain skills. I will identify six skills effective leaders have in common. Followership, concern for subordinates, development of others, communication, high standards of performance and loyalty to the organization. Navy Leader Development Program (1990) suggest that "To lead you must first be able to follow: For without followers, there can be no leaders". One thing that is often overlooked concerning successful leaders is they were successful followers before they Get more content on
  • 4. Leadership versus Management Essay Is every good manager a good leader? Is every leader a good manager? Leadership and management are often used in similar perspectives, yet they do not share the same meaning. Leaders are exactly what the name says – they lead team members to success. Managers, like leaders, have the meaning referenced in the name. Managers manage over employees, striving for success. The two titles can be used simultaneously with one person, but this is a rare occurrence. According to MSN Encarta Dictionary, the term manage has several meanings. One of the explanations state that to manage is to "administer or run something – to be in charge...and be responsible for its smooth running and for any personnel" (Encarta, 2008). MSN Encarta Dictionary more content... A leader guides his or her employees in the right direction so that they as a team achieve positive results. A leader helps employees to know the correct methods used in performing daily tasks. A leader focuses on training the employees and assisting them in furthering their knowledge of the industry. Employees look up to leaders and trust that the leaders are guiding them along the correct path. What are the differences between managers and leaders? "The biggest difference between managers and leaders is the way they motivate the people who work or follow them, and this sets the tone for most other aspects of what they do" (Changing Minds, 2008). Managers hire people to work underneath them to accomplish tasks for a common goal. These people are considered subordinates. Leaders have followers. These followers are considered employees. Leaders are passionate about something and bring this level of understanding and emotion to others around them. Managers deal with the physical aspect of the position, whereas leaders deal with the personal aspect of the position. Do all managers have leadership skills? The majority of managers possesses management skills but lacks the leadership skills that are needed to be an accomplished person in charge. A manager is someone with a title, who has subordinates that are paid to obey and complete assignments. A leader is someone who people choose to follow. Leaders are not always managers. Any person Get more content on
  • 5. Management And Leadership Essay example Management and Leadership Management and leadership, two words that are considered synonymous and are often used in the same context, yet they do not mean the same thing and they describe two different concepts. According to the dictionary, management is 1) The act, manner or practice of managing; handling, supervision, or control; 2) The person or persons who control or direct a business or other enterprise; 3) Skill in managing; executive ability; where as leadership is 1) The position or office of a leader; 2) Capacity or ability to lead; 3) A group of leaders; 4) Guidance; direction. In many organizations, management is a job description; leadership is a positive trait. Managers tend to think incrementally, while leaders more content... Management normally consists of people, who are experienced in their field, and have worked their way up the company. A manager knows how each layer of the system works and may also possess a good technical knowledge. Managers are "principally administrators ¬– they write business plans, set budgets and monitor progress." Additional tasks handled by managers are problem–solving and facilitating meetings. Managers usually achieve their position through experience and understanding, and obtain authority through time and loyalty. In business, leadership is "the ability to influence employees to voluntarily pursue organizational goals." Leadership is one of the many assets a successful manager should possess. While management is considered a position, leadership is considered a relationship. Thus, leadership is the connection between the leader and their subordinates that makes management successful. This connection can strengthen an organization and make the work more focused and effective. Leadership is the ability to get people to willingly follow. A person who exhibits the traits of leadership is called a leader. The role of a leader is to ensure that the desired tasks and guidelines are implemented throughtout the team. Since managers can not be everywhere at the same time, leaders are put into place to bridge the gap while echoing managements requirements. Because leaders are the link between the Get more content on
  • 6. Essay on Management and Leadership Successful organizations have strong leaders and managers that develop, support and encourage employee longevity within a company. There is a significant difference between leadership and management however both skills have to be used collectively and both are important to a profitable organization. Leadership is a notion of communicating an organization's vision, whereas management is more of the implementation of the organization's vision. The manager typically carries out the responsibilities written by the organization and has a good team underneath them to carry out the duties and meet the goals. Most companies have a mission statement that mirrors and supports a company's vision. When referring leadership and management, the more content... According to Hersey and Blanchard (1998), there are three areas required for effective leadership. Technical skills, which includes clinical expertise and knowledge as it pertains to nursing. Secondly, human skills, which is the ability and judgment to work with people in leadership roles. And lastly, conceptual skills which is the ability to understand the complexities of overall organization and figure out how and where one's own strengths of management fits into the overall organization (Cherry, Jacob 2011). Leadership is unique compared to any other role because of its responsibility for people. Good leaders are followed merely because they have gained people's trust and respect. Management: Management involves the tactical aspect of day to day functions and who keeps control of the work environment to make sure the organization is moving forward and in the same direction of the company's vision. Managers are faced with many responsibilities each day, one of which is managing people. The goal of a successful manager is to achieve the highest productivity of the organization by way of the people he/she manages. A manager is more of a problem solver and takes care of work areas relating to people management, time management, decision making etc. According to Lewin (1951) and White & Lippit (1960), there are three prevalent management behavior styles: Authoritarian, democratic and laissez–fare (Cherry, Get more content on
  • 7. Essay on Managemente and Leadership Management and Leadership Are you a manager or a leader? This is a question that has been asked from consultants to corporations. An organization needs both management and leadership. It is good for a corporation to understand the differences between the both. I think Leaders and Managers have very clear and distinct qualities but highly interconnect together. Skilled set management and leadership are needed to achieve organizational goals. Depending on the size of an organization, management and leadership roles may be carried out by the same person, or by multiple managers who carry out the two roles. I believe that a leader is one who guides people in a certain direction to accomplish a certain goal. Every business needs more content... Managers have a position of authority vested in them by the company, and their subordinates work for them and largely do as they are told. Ideally, you will develop managers that can lead andleaders that can manage. Most successful managers are also successful leaders. Many leaders, even the brightest, figure out what has to happen with things in the company, tell people what is needed for the desired results and then expect things to happen–a gross simplification of the process. An organization that uses work teams has a leader whose task is to bring everyone together to work as a team. Every one shares the same vision and wants to accomplish the same task. With out a leader, employees can be distracted and misled as to the mission that affects the company as a whole. Motivation is a key factor which both leadership and management must possess; with out this, employees have nothing to look forward to. Their motivation would have to rise above the average and take personal responsibility for the outcome of the task. It is good to have a participate leader that likes to receive input from others and aims for balance. This leader feels that by involving others in the decision making process will help alleviate conflicts in the workplace. In my organization, there seems to be both types of leaders. In my particular department, there is the participate leader who likes to get everyone's involvement and Get more content on
  • 8. Leadership vs. Management Essay Leadership vs. Management Much has been written about the difference between management and leadership. In the past, competent management staffs ran effective companies. In light of our ever–changing world, however, most companies have come to realize that it is much more important to lead than to manage. In today's world the old ways of management no longer work. One reason is that the degree of environmental and competitive change we are experiencing is extreme. Although exciting, the world is also very unstable and confused. In an article entitled What's the Difference between Your Hospital and the Other? Gary Campbell states that the difference between a manager and a leader is that the manager "finds himself quite willing more content... One idea for creating and maintaining a healthy organizational culture is simply to ensure that there are processes in place to select and develop the best people available. A great deal of money and resources should be devoted to carefully screen job applicants, identifying those few whose values closely match the company's. To be selected to fill a leadership position in the company, a person would have to possess the passion and skills necessary to keep the culture alive and healthy. In addition to the resources necessary to ensure optimal staff selection, the company must be focused on continual employee development. A leader's skills must be fed and cultivated. The leader must be given this consistent message: change is good... change is vital. According to a leadership article found on, "The operative assumption today is that someone, somewhere, has a better idea; and the operative compulsion is to find out who has that better idea, learn it, and put it into action – fast". I believe that Allstate attempts to abide by this theory but due to its size is probably not always successful. There are many positions to be filled on a daily basis and it is probably not practical to think that this large corporation could be selective enough to make sure that each employee selected fully embodies the company culture. Another key area that should be considered when maintaining a healthy Get more content on
  • 9. Leadership and Management Essay During my coursework learning about the variety of leadership styles, I have been able to take something positive away from each style. My personal preference is the "participative leadership style" and the most likely choice for me to use when in a leadership role. For instance, I learned from each style that there will be something events that would be applicable given the work environment and situation at hand for the proper style. Because there are instances where management will have to utilize a combination of leadership styles are necessary to reach a common objective and goal. Leadership style is the manner and approach of providing direction, implementing plans, and motivating people. All the different styles–– more content... And last, but not least, delegating tasks in order to implement the new procedure (delegative). While involved in this coursework and gaining knowledge in utilizing the different styles, I have learned to step "outside the comfort zone" and create and/or seize opportunities that will allow me to apply the difference styles of leadership. In identifying my own leadership style (participative), I discovered that there where instances that I would have to use a little of all styles. I think the best way for me to improve my choice of leadership style and to know when to apply the other styles will be to continuous expose myself and participate in formal and informal education classes. Moreover, volunteer for additional responsibilities that will place me in a position that requires me to utilize the knowledge that I have obtain from this coursework. As I observe and learn from my own senior management and peers through questions, application and/or coaching; this will provide opportunities for me to constantly improve. As a leader and being positioned between the demands of management, team and the workers; leadership skills must include the ability to juggle the various priorities while keeping performance high and cost under control. The choice of style will have an impact on making juggling easier and more effective. In turn, the leadership style has time to manage the job and be proactive instead of Get more content on
  • 10. Essay on Leadership vs. Management This essay will focus on the meaning of leadership and management, also which view is the most relevant to the Tourism Industry. In order to answer those question, it is necessary define the two terms providing evidences and arguments from different authors about the characteristics, roles, similarities and difference. In conclusion after looking all the different points of view, the importance of each view will be evaluated in the context of Airline and Airport Industry. The leadership and management are often used interchangeably because there is a close relationship between the two terms, however some authors in their point of view, they recognise a very clear difference between the two concepts Rayner and Adam–Smith (2009) more content... There are certain qualities or characteristics that people recognise or see in leaders. Leaders take carer and give support to staff in organisation. Similarly they have the responsibility on the communication between managers and staff. Gill (2006 b) has argued that a leadership must to have the skill to learn and adapt to changes in organisation, using their logic and intuition to address to staff the organisation aim. In addition Gill (2006 c: p6) state that "leadership include stimulating and encouraging empowerment, innovation and creativity." Management can be understood in different views, and represent an important role on the development of an organisation. Furthermore the manger is responsible for control, organise, planning and ensure the organisation achieve their objectives within a target time set. The managers normally running staff recruitment process and have the responsibility for look after the team (Mackrory, 2009). Similarly Mullins (2006a) explains that management is about following the organisation procedures and systems and ensure staffs make an effort to achieve the organisation goals. According to Mullins (2006 b: p56) supported the views of Crainer (1998) "Management is active, not theoretical. It is about changing behaviour, developing people, working with them, reaching objectives, achieving results and making things happen." Many authors have different point of view about the Get more content on
  • 11. Leadership: Management Essay Management and leadership are not the same. Explain in detail. Many different leaders and managers will come and go through out an organizations time, and they together will create a legacy for the organization. In the book The Leadership Experience, written by Richard Daft, the difference between leadership and management is described outside the position that a person may hold. To be a leader means that you help to guide people or groups. The US Army defines leadership as "influencing people by providing purpose, direction, and motivation while operating to accomplish the mission and improving the organization." The Army has many people in what are called leadership positions, yet not all of the people in the positions of leadership more content... An employee or coworker that doesn't trust a manager is not very likely to work hard or help in a time of need. If a manager isn't trusted they will not be able to lead a team towards reaching the goal. Attempting to reach a goal requires a manager to be flexible. A construction site has deadlines that must be met. From time to time a construction manager must adapt to changes in weather, accidents, and other circumstances that will affect the job. At the same time a manager that is so focused on one goal and cannot show the ability to take on more work or stress will reach a plateau and not be considered for promotion. A manager is responsible for many varying tasks and duties. Managing the physical tasks of the job is just as important as managing the psychological tasks as well. Teams that are able to relax under pressure will work better and bond stronger thus improving the workplace environment. Managers must use their experiences moving up the ladder in the workplace alongside with the leaders in the workplace to complete the tasks and reach the goal and continue holding their position, or they will be replaced by another person that can. Collis, Rachel (2012). Researching managers success and failure. Retrieved from http:/ / how–promising–managers–sometimes–derail–their–career–and–what–to–do–about–it/ * Lacking growth and development in the face of the Get more content on