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Essay on Management
Subject terms: Project, Situational Leadership Model, leadership behavior
Introduction: Projects have become a key strategic working form and it has been shown that all industries can benefit from project–based working.
Each project is unique and present different challenges to managers, which requires good project management skills in order to face these challenges.
These skills are referred to as the science and art of project management. The science consists of skills in using different tools and techniques and the
artistry refers to skills in practising leadership, which some researchers argue is the most important quality for managers to posses. Since each project
is a new situation, project manager s needs to be able more content...
This has lead to a widespread use and application of project–based management (Turner, 2003). The management form has gained recognition in a
wide range of organisations and is increasingly being perceived as a fundamental skill of managing in these times of constant change. The flexible
skills for developing and managing projects have overshadowed the old managerial skills needed for supervising daily and repetitive activities in
companies (Dinsmore, 1999). The flexible skills are highly relevant as all projects are unique and thus present different challenges to managers.
Great project management skills are needed in order to face these challenges, skills that are referred to as the science and art of project management.
The science consists of skills in using different tools and techniques and the artistry refers to the practise of leadership
(Heerkens, 2001). Forsberg, Mooz and Cotterman (2000) argue that having leadership skills is the most important for any project manager. The
essence of leadership has however often been regarded in individualistic term where leaders are characterised by their personality, features or values.
Leadership is in reality embedded within a much larger process that looks beyond the individual leader and focuses on the interaction with other
resources, most notably the members in the company and their
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What is Management? Essay
Essay 1: What is Management?
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the role and function of management in society and the workforce and to look into how it is implemented.
Three main questions will be discussed, outlining, "What is management? aWhat do managers do? And what skills do managers need?" We will define
management as a profession, look into what managers undertake and deliver in their daily output of work, different levels of management, and what
skills managers need in order to produce the desired beneficial outcome for their organization.
What is Management?
To begin with lets look at management through the last 30 years. In 1980 management was defined by Dale S. Beach, The management of people at
work (1980, p5), as ' more content...
It could be said that the idea of having both of these methods is both ineffective and inefficient as they clash on how a manager should go about his
/her job, but Mintzberg's model is a more in depth version of Fayol's model, that takes into consideration the wide variety of daily activities a manager
must perform, not just a basic input/output/review scheme. A Study from the University of Nebraska by Fred Luthans challenges both Fayol's and
Mitzberg's models and puts forward a new concept. This concept being that there are 4 main roles a manager must undertake, those being
Communication, Traditional management, human resource management and networking (Luthans, 1988). Looking at all three of these models we can
depict some similarities; that being that all models include the basic premise of planning, organizing and implementing, leading and motivating
subordinates and then reviewing progress of both the project as a whole and employee output and work satisfaction. Depending on a manager's
responsibilities held, there are different levels of management; top manager, middle manager and first level (front line) manager. In relation to what
each of these levels of manager do, front line managers will automatically be more involved in leading and motivating as their main purpose is to
supervise and make sure the job is being done. Middle managers will be heavily involved in organizing and implementing as they will delegate to the
front line managers what must be done
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Management Planning Essay
The best way to understand the meaning of planning in the perspective of scientific management, is to follow Taylor (1998, p.17): "The work of
every workman is fully planned out by the management at least one day in advance, and each man receives in most cases complete written
instructions, describing in detail the task which he is to accomplish, as well as the means to be used in doing the work. And the work planned in
advance in this way constitutes a task which is to be solved, as explained above, not by the workman alone, but in almost all cases by the joint effort of
the workman and the management. This task specifies not only what is to be done but how it is to be done and the exact time allowed for doing it". more content...
Assuming a correct execution of the task by the worker, the efficiency of the final result depends heavily on the planning activity. That explains the
vision of Taylor that in performing any activity there is always one best way, and the task of management is to find this one best way to do the task
(Taylor, 1998). Henry Fayol enriched the meaning of planning by considering it one of the five basic functions of management, at the company level.
Changing the level of operation changes the span of time, from several days to several months, up to one year. Planning became a complex process
which integrates at the level of organization all activities plans, and is based on the whole company resources and objectives. Yet, planning remains a
deterministic process, implemented as a definite way to perform all activities related to the given objevtives.
The planning process
Planning is a process which integrates activities for setting objectives, specifying how to achieve them, implementing the plan and evaluating the
results (Boddy, 2005; Robbins and DeCenzo, 2005). Objectives are definite formulations of goals, which reflect desired future states of the
organization. Goals act as attractors for the whole energy and creativity of the organization, and it is the role of management to design plans in order to
attain them. A plan is a written document which contains one or more
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Management And Leadership Essay example
Management and Leadership
Management and leadership, two words that are considered synonymous and are often used in the same context, yet they do not mean the same
thing and they describe two different concepts. According to the dictionary, management is 1) The act, manner or practice of managing; handling,
supervision, or control; 2) The person or persons who control or direct a business or other enterprise; 3) Skill in managing; executive ability; where as
leadership is 1) The position or office of a leader; 2) Capacity or ability to lead; 3) A group of leaders; 4) Guidance; direction. In many organizations,
management is a job description; leadership is a positive trait. Managers tend to think incrementally, while leaders more content...
Management normally consists of people, who are experienced in their field, and have worked their way up the company. A manager knows how
each layer of the system works and may also possess a good technical knowledge. Managers are "principally administrators ¬– they write business
plans, set budgets and monitor progress." Additional tasks handled by managers are problem–solving and facilitating meetings. Managers usually
achieve their position through experience and understanding, and obtain authority through time and loyalty.
In business, leadership is "the ability to influence employees to voluntarily pursue organizational goals." Leadership is one of the many assets a
successful manager should possess. While management is considered a position, leadership is considered a relationship. Thus, leadership is the
connection between the leader and their subordinates that makes management successful. This connection can strengthen an organization and make the
work more focused and effective. Leadership is the ability to get people to willingly follow. A person who exhibits the traits of leadership is called a
leader. The role of a leader is to ensure that the desired tasks and guidelines are implemented throughtout the team. Since managers can not be
everywhere at the same time, leaders are put into place to bridge the gap while echoing managements requirements. Because leaders are the link
between the
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Management : Management And Management Essay
According to Henri Fayol, managers perform five basic functions; planning, organizing, leading, commanding, and controlling. Managers also adapt to
assuming multiple roles, enabling them to comfortably transition between being a Monitor, a liaison, a disseminator, a resource allocator, and more.
Successful managers do not simply dictate orders, they apply multiple disciplines, embrace the organization as a living breathing entity which has
differing moods, requirements and needs, and they understand strive to create a challenging and satisfying work environment, one which promotes
innovation, employee dedication and high productivity. To create this type of environment, managers need to understanding their greatest asset are the
people whom they manage. A successful manager fosters trust with their subordinates, empowers them to grow and learn, and becomes a dependable
resource the employees can count on no matter what struggle may stand before them. Pete Aranda, a Lockheed Martin employee, is the engineering
manager of the Networked Training Center, (NTC), program, an F–16 combat aircraft simulator. Mr. Aranda manages an engineering team comprised
of three Software Engineers, two Hardware System Engineers, a CAD/CAD Design Engineer and a Configuration Specialist. The Engineering Team is
tasked with designing, testing and implementing upgrades to the simulator 's software and hardware to replicate the continual upgrades occurring to
the aircraft pilots fly during
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Essay on management
Chapter 10
1. Make a list of Starbucks' goals. Describe what type of goal each is. Then, describe how that stated goal might affect how the following employees
do their jobs: Open 1200 new stores.
Revenue growth of 10 to 13 percent.
Earnings per share growth of 15 to 20 percent
Develop new coffee products
Stay true to its global social responsibilities
a) A part–time store employee, a barista in Omaha
A part time Barista has to contribute to keeping the quality and value of the drinks and food they are serving. They have to serve drinks that are just
as good as the other stores around the world. That's what makes Starbuck's better than everybody else is because they have a high standard for what
they serve. The Barista more content...
They focused on their primary business by expanding more outlets each year. Diversification StrategyStarbucks used both related and unrelated
diversification. The example of relateddiversification is when it entered from coffee beans to food items, flavored coffee ice cream,ready to drink
beverage. And the example for unrelated diversification is when it launchedprepaid cards, launch of music cafГ©, cobranded with yahoo, a breakfast
product with Kelloggand magazine called Joe with Time.
7. Describe Howard Schultz as a strategic leader.
Howard Schultz since he bought Starbucks back in 1987 has played the role of a Strategic Leader for Starbucks. His passion for coffee business and his
vision translates into what Starbucks is now. Since the day he visited the Italian Espresso bar, the community life that Schultz witnessed there continues
to shape the culture of Starbucks. In his own words:
оЂ‚ Being a great leader means finding the balance between celebrating success and not embracing the status quo, identifying the path we need to go
down and creating enough confidence in our people so that they follow it. The art of leadership is making sure we don't Allow the scale and size of
company to
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Essay on Leadership and Management
The terms leadership and management are often used interchangeably. While some writers argue that there is a clear distinction between leadership and
management, others argue that leadership is simply a function of management. Which view do you feel is the most relevant in the context of your
industry and why?
According to Ricketts (2009) in today's world effective leadership and management is essential in order to archive success. Terms of leadership and
management are being seen as synonyms and often used interchangeably. Some writers such as Zeleznik, Kotter think that there is no close relationship
between leadership and management, while others persuade us that leadership is simply one of the characteristic of the manager. more
According to Drucker (2006, as cited by Mullins 2007) management is about making people capable of working toward a common goal. He states that
management is the fundamental part of organisation. As it is with leadership management had many interpretations. Zeleznik believes (1989, as cited
by McCrimmon 2006) managers are task orientated, cold, lacking of empathy. Furthermore, Armstrong (2008) says that management is to achieve
goals using all available resources such as people, money, information, knowledge etc. On the other hand Mullins (2007) tries to answer the question
whether managers are born or made. According to him neither is an answer, it is rather combination of both, he explains that even though there are
certain innate characteristics of good manager they must be encourage, developed and trained. One of the key characteristic of the manager is that they
are to ensure that the job gets done. They are also responsible for planning, introducing new policies, resolving problem. Airline and airport industry is
very changeable, where profits are marginal and losses are common. Management must act quickly implicating new policies, change the companies
aims, within this industry it can be matter be or not to be for companies.
So how does one distinguish between leadership and management? Although these terms are frequently used interchangeably and
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Leadership vs. Management Essay
Leadership vs. Management Much has been written about the difference between management and leadership. In the past, competent management
staffs ran effective companies. In light of our ever–changing world, however, most companies have come to realize that it is much more important to
lead than to manage. In today's world the old ways of management no longer work. One reason is that the degree of environmental and competitive
change we are experiencing is extreme. Although exciting, the world is also very unstable and confused. In an article entitled What's the Difference
between Your Hospital and the Other? Gary Campbell states that the difference between a manager and a leader is that the manager "finds himself quite
willing more content...
One idea for creating and maintaining a healthy organizational culture is simply to ensure that there are processes in place to select and develop the
best people available. A great deal of money and resources should be devoted to carefully screen job applicants, identifying those few whose values
closely match the company's. To be selected to fill a leadership position in the company, a person would have to possess the passion and skills
necessary to keep the culture alive and healthy. In addition to the resources necessary to ensure optimal staff selection, the company must be focused
on continual employee development. A leader's skills must be fed and cultivated. The leader must be given this consistent message: change is good...
change is vital. According to a leadership article found on, "The operative assumption today is that someone, somewhere, has a
better idea; and the operative compulsion is to find out who has that better idea, learn it, and put it into action – fast". I believe that Allstate attempts to
abide by this theory but due to its size is probably not always successful. There are many positions to be filled on a daily basis and it is probably not
practical to think that this large corporation could be selective enough to make sure that each employee selected fully embodies the company culture.
Another key area that should be considered when maintaining a healthy
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Essay on Management vs. Leadership
Management and Leadership are two concept that are often used interchangeably; however, they actually describe two different concepts. The power
available to managers tends to arise from their position, whereas for leaders it often comes from within (Naylor, 2004). Capowski supports this theory
suggesting that the contrasts between management and leadership are that one stems from the head and the other the heart (Capowski, 1994). However
these roles differ, it remains that both have "the potential to influence behaviour of others" (Naylor, 2004). This essay will attempt to explain how
someone may possess the ability to be one and not the other, or both, and how this influences their roles. Leader not a manager
According to Boddy, more content...
A leader can be identified as someone who provides inspiration, risk taking, creativity and change (Naylor, 2004). You don't have to necessarily be a
manager to have these qualities as "Leadership is a phenomenon, not a position. It has absolutely nothing to do with hierarchy" (Senge, 1996).
Furthermore, Senge believes that within organisations leaders should emerge from among empowered teams of middle managers, criticizing that if
exercised from the top only, leadership could be fatal (Kofman, Fred, Senge, Peter, 1993).
Figure 3 illustrates the different qualities a leader and a manager should possess. Figure 3:–Qualities of the leader and the manager (Naylor,2004)
Manager and not a leader
According to Fayol (J.Mullins, 2005) managerial activities can be divided into five skills that are required in order to be effective: organising,
planning, co–ordination, control and command. From analysing these activities it is apparent that leadership skills would not be necessary in order to
implement them in an organisation. For example, within a company, planning will involve examining the future and deciding what needs to be
achieved and then developing a plan of action. Tasks such as these do not require leadership skills and so could be carried out by somebody else in
the organisation. Managers see themselves more as conservators and regulators of the existing order of affairs with which they identify, and from
which they gain rewards (Zaleznik,
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Business Management Essays
Business Management The world of business has undergone radical and dramatic changes in the last decade changes that present extraordinary
challenges for the contemporary manager. A manager is an organizational member who is responsible for planning, organizing, leading, and controlling
the activities of the organization so that the goals can be achieved. According to a widely referenced study by Henry Mintzberg, managers serve three
primary roles: interpersonal, informational, and decision–making. Management is process of administrating and coordinating resources effectively and
efficiently in an effort to achieve the goals of the organization. The concept of management within an organization typically occurs in more
Controlling is monitoring the performance of the organization, identifying deviations between planned and actual results, and taking corrective action
when necessary. With all these four functions that are involved in the process of management, if all are followed correctly the organization will be
properly ran and will have few complications. In every organization there are managers, and every manager is classed on different levels in terms of
the skills they need and the activities they are involved in. Managers exist at various levels in the organization hierarchy. A small organization may
have one layer of management, where as a large organization may have several. In most organizations there are three level of managers. The three
level of managers are, first line manager, middle manager, and finally the top–level manager. Managers at different job levels have different job
responsibilities and therefor require different skills. First–line managers supervise the individuals who are directly responsible for producing the
organization's product or delivering its service. They carry titles such as production supervisor, line manager, section chief, or account manager.
First–line managers along with all the other managers are involved in three skills conceptual, human, and technical. In each three different levels of
management, each one of these
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Essay on Management Communication Skills
Managers gain their notoriety through the dedication to their job, reinforcing and implementing all job expectancies, and making sure they are aware
of the influence they have on others. Managers need to be self assured and confident in taking on the lead role by following through with directives
and being able to give directives. Managers need to have a strong personality and assertion when the opportunity arises. Being able to come together
with upper management shows strength. Excellent coaching abilities are necessary because that will be a large portion of the duties. Most managers are
taught to focus on results more than methods. Communication and dialogue are the most effective methods to have in order to know what is going on in more content...
Keeping the morale of your subordinates high, ensuring that they have a clear understanding of the company objectives. Motivating subordinates,
insisting that they are confident in their work ethics and values, and to ensure pride among each worker are more of the qualities that makes you a
confident manager. In an effort to promote confidence it is important to let your subordinates know that being unsuccessful in the business in not
acceptable and if one becomes despondent then others will follow. Coaching your staff the importance of communication is mandatory to be successful
in any business. All forms of communication transmit attitudes as well as ideas and information. Your customers assess and evaluate your company's
attitudes and values about service and quality through the methods and details of your communications. You can't overestimate the importance of
communication that takes place over the phone. Customers are won over usually by how they are treated over the phone and in person.
Communicating is like a two–way radio. On one side you have a manager who is transmitting, and on the other side a subordinate who is receiving. At
any time; however, the roles can be reversed, with the subordinate transmitting and the manager receiving. Proper reception of communication means
that the receiver not only understands what has been communicated to him but also accepts it. Staff must know that the first priority is to ensure
customer satisfaction. Service skills in
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Essay on Management and Leadership
Successful organizations have strong leaders and managers that develop, support and encourage employee longevity within a company. There is a
significant difference between leadership and management however both skills have to be used collectively and both are important to a profitable
organization. Leadership is a notion of communicating an organization's vision, whereas management is more of the implementation of the
organization's vision. The manager typically carries out the responsibilities written by the organization and has a good team underneath them to carry
out the duties and meet the goals. Most companies have a mission statement that mirrors and supports a company's vision. When referring leadership
and management, the more content...
According to Hersey and Blanchard (1998), there are three areas required for effective leadership. Technical skills, which includes clinical expertise
and knowledge as it pertains to nursing. Secondly, human skills, which is the ability and judgment to work with people in leadership roles. And
lastly, conceptual skills which is the ability to understand the complexities of overall organization and figure out how and where one's own strengths
of management fits into the overall organization (Cherry, Jacob 2011). Leadership is unique compared to any other role because of its responsibility
for people. Good leaders are followed merely because they have gained people's trust and respect.
Management involves the tactical aspect of day to day functions and who keeps control of the work environment to make sure the organization is
moving forward and in the same direction of the company's vision. Managers are faced with many responsibilities each day, one of which is
managing people. The goal of a successful manager is to achieve the highest productivity of the organization by way of the people he/she manages. A
manager is more of a problem solver and takes care of work areas relating to people management, time management, decision making etc.
According to Lewin (1951) and White & Lippit (1960), there are three prevalent management behavior styles: Authoritarian, democratic and
laissez–fare (Cherry,
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Essay On Operations Management
Detail of operations management
Explain why businesses give importance to the operation (1.1)
Operations management (OM) is that phase of an organization where inputs are put into operations to acquire required output (services) without
compromising on quality. In other words operations management is also described as combining and transforming various resources in the operations
sub–system into value added services in line with formulated policies of the organization. (Kumar and Suresh, 2009)
Operations Management explores the way organizations produce and distribute goods and services. Everything you wear, eat, sit on, use or read comes
to you courtesy of more content...
Operations management is based on short term planning and objectives, utilizing resources of the company upto optimum level e.g proper employment
of human resources, material and other fixed non–current assets. Above mentioned methods are being put into practice at McDonald?s to achieve the
desired goals and objectives both long term and short term.
In strategic management only top level managers participate in formulation of long term planning and objectives, whereas top to bottom managers
participate in operation management to achieve the set goals and objectives in line with decisions taken in strategic management. Only effective
implementation of operations management can ensure achievement of long term goals and objectives. McDonald?s has effectively employed different
skills and techniques for the achievement of long term as well as short term goals and objectives chalked out in their strategic management and
operations management. That is what makes McDonald?s a vibrant and large profit earning
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Essay on Organizational Management
Managing Changes В– Renewing Organizational Structure and Culture
In their 2005 book, Understanding and Managing: Organizational Behavior, Jennifer George and Gareth Jones define organizational structure as "the
formal system of task and reporting relationships that controls, coordinates, and motivates employees so that they cooperate and work together to
achieve an organization's goals." A logical consequence to an organization's structure is the resulting culture, which George and Jones further define as
"the set of shared values, beliefs, and norms that influences the way employees think, feel, and behave toward each other and toward people outside the
organization." Finding the right structure for one's organization is vital to more content...
FMC Aberdeen and FMC Green River, both in the northern mid–west of the United States, share a common В‘parent company', corporate guidelines
and image, and similar operating values and systems. Their management teams, however, have several obvious differences. Organizational strategy,
structure, and culture are among the more striking distinctions between the two sister plants. Green River is a multi–facility entity where management
is very structured and hierarchical, and produces multiple products for multiple customers. Green River's transactional management model lacks an
ability to share information, share decision–making responsibilities, and does not encourage teamwork. Conversely, Aberdeen's participatory
management model, single product, and single customer design sets itself apart not only from Green River, but from any other FMC facility. Bob
Lancaster, Aberdeen's pioneering transformational leader held the belief that an organization cannot exist in an environment of fear, and that universal
trust and respect are the foundation of a successful company, and the key to organizational commitment. Aberdeen and Green River face unique
challenges, which necessitate distinct approaches tailored specifically to each organization.
Organizational Structure
Ken Dailey, the Green River Plant Manager has observed and researched the structure, strategy and culture at the Aberdeen facility. He
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Management Essay examples
CHAPTER 1– Pg. 26 1. Identify and describe a great manager. What makes him or her stand out from the crowd?
I believe a great manager is someone who can deal with any situation in a professional manner and at the same time make sure his workers are taken
care of. What I believe makes a great manager stick out from the crowd, is their personality and their relationship with their subordinates. If you see that
the workers are happy, then that says something about their management. 2. Have you ever seen or worked for an ineffective manager? Describe the
causes and the consequences of the ineffectiveness
I have personally worked with an ineffective manager. I believe the manager did not care about his more content...
Once the customer is sold, they speak with a personal banker to get set up.
5. Name a great organization. How do you think management contributes to making it great?
A great organization I feel is 24 Hour Fitness. I feel that the management allows their trainers to do what they do best, thus making happy workers and
happy customers 6. Name an ineffective organization. What can management do to improve it?
Walmart to me seems to be an ineffective organization, just because the people who work there do not seem happy. I feel like people in general shop
there because it's inexpensive, but I feel management should care more about their workers. Maybe a pay increase, or more breaks.
PAMS– Pg. 27–29
My total score was 1,068. I feel that I need some improvement on my management skills. I need to learn to be more assertive and not so lenient when
it comes to completing tasks on time.
APPENDIX A– Pg. 40 1. How does today's business world compare with the one of 40 years ago? What is the difference about today, and what is not
so different?
We are far more advance in today's business world than 40 years ago. One major difference in today's business world, is that women are in high
positions and CEO's of companies. That was rare 40 years ago. 2. What is scientific management? How might today's organization use it?
Scientific management was an approach to see what were people's strengths
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Essay on Philosophy of Management
Every manager must have a set of principles, values, and core beliefs that he must follow. These principles, values, and beliefs make up his
philosophy of management. Webster defines philosophy as "the most basic beliefs, concepts, and attitudes of an individual or group." (Webster) I
will be discussing the principles, values, and beliefs I as a manager will have to do my job efficiently. I will also discuss the different biblical beliefs
that support my management style. I believe in a directive and conceptual decision style. When there is a small problem that requires a quick
solution, I would use the directive decision style. This would be similar to a problem that I would have already dealt with in the past. For larger more content...
A manager is not a babysitter to his staff, and he should not shadow his employees. If there is a dispute between two employees at the workplace,
the manager should let the employees resolve it themselves. If that dispute fails to get resolved and starts to affect the performance of others, then
the manager needs to resolve the dispute for them. This may entail firing the employees involved in the dispute. Adults at the workplace should be
able to resolve disputes themselves without any intervention from the employer. I am going to provide a scenario and what the manager should
do in the scenario. Scenario: A long time employee, Fred, with a perfect attendance record suddenly doesn't show up to work for an entire week.
Fred doesn't notify the employer of the reason for his absence. The employer tries to contact Fred without any success. The employer then
promotes one of his other employees, Mark, to the position that Fred had. After a week Fred returns back to work only to find out that Mark is
doing his job. Fred tries to explain to the manager that his father died and he was too devastated to answer the manager's calls to him. What should
the manager do now? In this scenario, the manager should let Mark keep his promotion and give Fred Mark's old job. Fred should have notified his
manager of his leave if he wanted to keep his position. It would be hard to remove Mark's promotion
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Essay on Business and Management: A Career for Me
Business and Management is a course I believe that I have the qualities and skills to create a successful career in this area. Ever since I can
remember, I recall always wanting to organise everyone and give them certain tasks to do. In fact, even when I was just playing with my friends. I
remember how I used to organise all the plays and concerts that we did. I have been inspired by my own Father a director of a successful business
organization which has been managed by him over years and also supporting him is a team of well qualified marketers who really know how to
move the margins of the companies supply and demand of goods worldwide. This is a field which we encounter in our everyday life which involves
with the buying, selling, more content...
Also, I have worked for my dad during the holidays, which I partook in specialised positions in the organisation like; going to the warehouse to
check or count stock, managing a sector of the business if I was assigned to, helped in the sales, delivery and also the marketing of the goods. But, I
feel the most important points I discovered so far from the time I've spent working with/for my dad is firstly the ability to understand what drives a
business, and the processes needed to help resolve any barriers to continued growth and profitability. Secondly being able to look beyond the numbers
to the business trends and drivers, and thirdly being able to work to deadlines and handle pressure.
I am indeed a social person, and always like to be involved or be a part of my local community, where I help out in the anchoring, hosting and
management of events both the non–profit and profit based events. Also been involved with a charity organisation by which I was involved in both the
marketing and the management of the event.
I am now looking for an opportunity to further my personal development and career progression by enrolling with a reputable university on a business
management degree course. I want to learn more about the
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Essay on Leadership vs. Management
This essay will focus on the meaning of leadership and management, also which view is the most relevant to the Tourism Industry. In order to answer
those question, it is necessary define the two terms providing evidences and arguments from different authors about the characteristics, roles,
similarities and difference. In conclusion after looking all the different points of view, the importance of each view will be evaluated in the context of
Airline and Airport Industry. The leadership andmanagement are often used interchangeably because there is a close relationship between the two
terms, however some authors in their point of view, they recognise a very clear difference between the two concepts Rayner and Adam–Smith (2009). more content...
There are certain qualities or characteristics that people recognise or see in leaders. Leaders take carer and give support to staff in organisation.
Similarly they have the responsibility on the communication between managers and staff. Gill (2006 b) has argued that a leadership must to have the
skill to learn and adapt to changes in organisation, using their logic and intuition to address to staff the organisation aim. In addition Gill (2006 c: p6)
state that "leadership include stimulating and encouraging empowerment, innovation and creativity." Management can be understood in different
views, and represent an important role on the development of an organisation. Furthermore the manger is responsible for control, organise, planning
and ensure the organisation achieve their objectives within a target time set. The managers normally running staff recruitment process and have the
responsibility for look after the team (Mackrory, 2009).
Similarly Mullins (2006a) explains that management is about following the organisation procedures and systems and ensure staffs make an effort to
achieve the organisation goals. According to Mullins (2006 b: p56) supported the views of Crainer (1998) "Management is active, not theoretical. It is
about changing behaviour, developing people, working with them, reaching objectives, achieving results and making things happen."
Many authors have different point of view about the
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Essay on Management and Organization
Introduction The management and organizational approaches that are used by various firms play a critical role in their performance. The adopted
management approach is important due to the fact that it determines the efficiency with which activities are performed. The organizational structure of
the firm on the other hand determines the delegation and application of authority. The organizational structure is developed by themanagement. The
structure facilitates effective interaction among employees and helps in directing resources towards achieving the goals of the organization. The
behavior of employees is also influenced by the management and organizational approach (Mullins 3). Thus a firm will only be successful if it adopts
the more content...
First, it is based on the assumption that firms operate in a capitalist economy that is associated with "a free market system" (Perterson 47) in which
transactions are facilitated by money. Thus the most important objective of the firms is profit maximization and improving efficiency levels. Second,
the workers are expected to be rational. This means that they are supposed to work–hard in order to maximize their earnings. Besides, they are
expected to prioritize the goals and objectives of the organization. Finally, organizations are supposed to increase their production capacities in order
to enjoy the benefits of "division of labor and specialization of tasks" (Daft 56).
The principles of the theory The scientific management theory is based on four principles. The principles form the basis for designing processes,
managing workers and improving productivity. Thus an organization that uses the scientific management approach will improve its efficiency and
productivity if it follows the principles correctly. The principles are as follows.
Developing a Science for Every Element of Work According to this principle, the old rule–of–thump should be replaced by clear–cut procedures. Such
procedures can be developed through a careful study of the various processes within the organization in order to "develop the one best way to do
everything" (Cook and Hunsacker 45). In order to identify
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Essay On Management

  • 1. Essay on Management Subject terms: Project, Situational Leadership Model, leadership behavior Abstract Introduction: Projects have become a key strategic working form and it has been shown that all industries can benefit from project–based working. Each project is unique and present different challenges to managers, which requires good project management skills in order to face these challenges. These skills are referred to as the science and art of project management. The science consists of skills in using different tools and techniques and the artistry refers to skills in practising leadership, which some researchers argue is the most important quality for managers to posses. Since each project is a new situation, project manager s needs to be able more content... This has lead to a widespread use and application of project–based management (Turner, 2003). The management form has gained recognition in a wide range of organisations and is increasingly being perceived as a fundamental skill of managing in these times of constant change. The flexible skills for developing and managing projects have overshadowed the old managerial skills needed for supervising daily and repetitive activities in companies (Dinsmore, 1999). The flexible skills are highly relevant as all projects are unique and thus present different challenges to managers. Great project management skills are needed in order to face these challenges, skills that are referred to as the science and art of project management. The science consists of skills in using different tools and techniques and the artistry refers to the practise of leadership (Heerkens, 2001). Forsberg, Mooz and Cotterman (2000) argue that having leadership skills is the most important for any project manager. The essence of leadership has however often been regarded in individualistic term where leaders are characterised by their personality, features or values. Leadership is in reality embedded within a much larger process that looks beyond the individual leader and focuses on the interaction with other resources, most notably the members in the company and their Get more content on
  • 2. What is Management? Essay Essay 1: What is Management? The purpose of this paper is to analyze the role and function of management in society and the workforce and to look into how it is implemented. Three main questions will be discussed, outlining, "What is management? aWhat do managers do? And what skills do managers need?" We will define management as a profession, look into what managers undertake and deliver in their daily output of work, different levels of management, and what skills managers need in order to produce the desired beneficial outcome for their organization. What is Management? To begin with lets look at management through the last 30 years. In 1980 management was defined by Dale S. Beach, The management of people at work (1980, p5), as ' more content... It could be said that the idea of having both of these methods is both ineffective and inefficient as they clash on how a manager should go about his /her job, but Mintzberg's model is a more in depth version of Fayol's model, that takes into consideration the wide variety of daily activities a manager must perform, not just a basic input/output/review scheme. A Study from the University of Nebraska by Fred Luthans challenges both Fayol's and Mitzberg's models and puts forward a new concept. This concept being that there are 4 main roles a manager must undertake, those being Communication, Traditional management, human resource management and networking (Luthans, 1988). Looking at all three of these models we can depict some similarities; that being that all models include the basic premise of planning, organizing and implementing, leading and motivating subordinates and then reviewing progress of both the project as a whole and employee output and work satisfaction. Depending on a manager's responsibilities held, there are different levels of management; top manager, middle manager and first level (front line) manager. In relation to what each of these levels of manager do, front line managers will automatically be more involved in leading and motivating as their main purpose is to supervise and make sure the job is being done. Middle managers will be heavily involved in organizing and implementing as they will delegate to the front line managers what must be done Get more content on
  • 3. Management Planning Essay The best way to understand the meaning of planning in the perspective of scientific management, is to follow Taylor (1998, p.17): "The work of every workman is fully planned out by the management at least one day in advance, and each man receives in most cases complete written instructions, describing in detail the task which he is to accomplish, as well as the means to be used in doing the work. And the work planned in advance in this way constitutes a task which is to be solved, as explained above, not by the workman alone, but in almost all cases by the joint effort of the workman and the management. This task specifies not only what is to be done but how it is to be done and the exact time allowed for doing it". more content... Assuming a correct execution of the task by the worker, the efficiency of the final result depends heavily on the planning activity. That explains the vision of Taylor that in performing any activity there is always one best way, and the task of management is to find this one best way to do the task (Taylor, 1998). Henry Fayol enriched the meaning of planning by considering it one of the five basic functions of management, at the company level. Changing the level of operation changes the span of time, from several days to several months, up to one year. Planning became a complex process which integrates at the level of organization all activities plans, and is based on the whole company resources and objectives. Yet, planning remains a deterministic process, implemented as a definite way to perform all activities related to the given objevtives. The planning process Planning is a process which integrates activities for setting objectives, specifying how to achieve them, implementing the plan and evaluating the results (Boddy, 2005; Robbins and DeCenzo, 2005). Objectives are definite formulations of goals, which reflect desired future states of the organization. Goals act as attractors for the whole energy and creativity of the organization, and it is the role of management to design plans in order to attain them. A plan is a written document which contains one or more Get more content on
  • 4. Management And Leadership Essay example Management and Leadership Management and leadership, two words that are considered synonymous and are often used in the same context, yet they do not mean the same thing and they describe two different concepts. According to the dictionary, management is 1) The act, manner or practice of managing; handling, supervision, or control; 2) The person or persons who control or direct a business or other enterprise; 3) Skill in managing; executive ability; where as leadership is 1) The position or office of a leader; 2) Capacity or ability to lead; 3) A group of leaders; 4) Guidance; direction. In many organizations, management is a job description; leadership is a positive trait. Managers tend to think incrementally, while leaders more content... Management normally consists of people, who are experienced in their field, and have worked their way up the company. A manager knows how each layer of the system works and may also possess a good technical knowledge. Managers are "principally administrators ¬– they write business plans, set budgets and monitor progress." Additional tasks handled by managers are problem–solving and facilitating meetings. Managers usually achieve their position through experience and understanding, and obtain authority through time and loyalty. In business, leadership is "the ability to influence employees to voluntarily pursue organizational goals." Leadership is one of the many assets a successful manager should possess. While management is considered a position, leadership is considered a relationship. Thus, leadership is the connection between the leader and their subordinates that makes management successful. This connection can strengthen an organization and make the work more focused and effective. Leadership is the ability to get people to willingly follow. A person who exhibits the traits of leadership is called a leader. The role of a leader is to ensure that the desired tasks and guidelines are implemented throughtout the team. Since managers can not be everywhere at the same time, leaders are put into place to bridge the gap while echoing managements requirements. Because leaders are the link between the Get more content on
  • 5. Management : Management And Management Essay According to Henri Fayol, managers perform five basic functions; planning, organizing, leading, commanding, and controlling. Managers also adapt to assuming multiple roles, enabling them to comfortably transition between being a Monitor, a liaison, a disseminator, a resource allocator, and more. Successful managers do not simply dictate orders, they apply multiple disciplines, embrace the organization as a living breathing entity which has differing moods, requirements and needs, and they understand strive to create a challenging and satisfying work environment, one which promotes innovation, employee dedication and high productivity. To create this type of environment, managers need to understanding their greatest asset are the people whom they manage. A successful manager fosters trust with their subordinates, empowers them to grow and learn, and becomes a dependable resource the employees can count on no matter what struggle may stand before them. Pete Aranda, a Lockheed Martin employee, is the engineering manager of the Networked Training Center, (NTC), program, an F–16 combat aircraft simulator. Mr. Aranda manages an engineering team comprised of three Software Engineers, two Hardware System Engineers, a CAD/CAD Design Engineer and a Configuration Specialist. The Engineering Team is tasked with designing, testing and implementing upgrades to the simulator 's software and hardware to replicate the continual upgrades occurring to the aircraft pilots fly during Get more content on
  • 6. Essay on management Chapter 10 1. Make a list of Starbucks' goals. Describe what type of goal each is. Then, describe how that stated goal might affect how the following employees do their jobs: Open 1200 new stores. Revenue growth of 10 to 13 percent. Earnings per share growth of 15 to 20 percent Develop new coffee products Stay true to its global social responsibilities a) A part–time store employee, a barista in Omaha A part time Barista has to contribute to keeping the quality and value of the drinks and food they are serving. They have to serve drinks that are just as good as the other stores around the world. That's what makes Starbuck's better than everybody else is because they have a high standard for what they serve. The Barista more content... They focused on their primary business by expanding more outlets each year. Diversification StrategyStarbucks used both related and unrelated diversification. The example of relateddiversification is when it entered from coffee beans to food items, flavored coffee ice cream,ready to drink beverage. And the example for unrelated diversification is when it launchedprepaid cards, launch of music cafГ©, cobranded with yahoo, a breakfast product with Kelloggand magazine called Joe with Time. 7. Describe Howard Schultz as a strategic leader. Howard Schultz since he bought Starbucks back in 1987 has played the role of a Strategic Leader for Starbucks. His passion for coffee business and his vision translates into what Starbucks is now. Since the day he visited the Italian Espresso bar, the community life that Schultz witnessed there continues to shape the culture of Starbucks. In his own words: оЂ‚ Being a great leader means finding the balance between celebrating success and not embracing the status quo, identifying the path we need to go down and creating enough confidence in our people so that they follow it. The art of leadership is making sure we don't Allow the scale and size of company to
  • 7. Get more content on
  • 8. Essay on Leadership and Management The terms leadership and management are often used interchangeably. While some writers argue that there is a clear distinction between leadership and management, others argue that leadership is simply a function of management. Which view do you feel is the most relevant in the context of your industry and why? According to Ricketts (2009) in today's world effective leadership and management is essential in order to archive success. Terms of leadership and management are being seen as synonyms and often used interchangeably. Some writers such as Zeleznik, Kotter think that there is no close relationship between leadership and management, while others persuade us that leadership is simply one of the characteristic of the manager. more content... According to Drucker (2006, as cited by Mullins 2007) management is about making people capable of working toward a common goal. He states that management is the fundamental part of organisation. As it is with leadership management had many interpretations. Zeleznik believes (1989, as cited by McCrimmon 2006) managers are task orientated, cold, lacking of empathy. Furthermore, Armstrong (2008) says that management is to achieve goals using all available resources such as people, money, information, knowledge etc. On the other hand Mullins (2007) tries to answer the question whether managers are born or made. According to him neither is an answer, it is rather combination of both, he explains that even though there are certain innate characteristics of good manager they must be encourage, developed and trained. One of the key characteristic of the manager is that they are to ensure that the job gets done. They are also responsible for planning, introducing new policies, resolving problem. Airline and airport industry is very changeable, where profits are marginal and losses are common. Management must act quickly implicating new policies, change the companies aims, within this industry it can be matter be or not to be for companies. So how does one distinguish between leadership and management? Although these terms are frequently used interchangeably and Get more content on
  • 9. Leadership vs. Management Essay Leadership vs. Management Much has been written about the difference between management and leadership. In the past, competent management staffs ran effective companies. In light of our ever–changing world, however, most companies have come to realize that it is much more important to lead than to manage. In today's world the old ways of management no longer work. One reason is that the degree of environmental and competitive change we are experiencing is extreme. Although exciting, the world is also very unstable and confused. In an article entitled What's the Difference between Your Hospital and the Other? Gary Campbell states that the difference between a manager and a leader is that the manager "finds himself quite willing more content... One idea for creating and maintaining a healthy organizational culture is simply to ensure that there are processes in place to select and develop the best people available. A great deal of money and resources should be devoted to carefully screen job applicants, identifying those few whose values closely match the company's. To be selected to fill a leadership position in the company, a person would have to possess the passion and skills necessary to keep the culture alive and healthy. In addition to the resources necessary to ensure optimal staff selection, the company must be focused on continual employee development. A leader's skills must be fed and cultivated. The leader must be given this consistent message: change is good... change is vital. According to a leadership article found on, "The operative assumption today is that someone, somewhere, has a better idea; and the operative compulsion is to find out who has that better idea, learn it, and put it into action – fast". I believe that Allstate attempts to abide by this theory but due to its size is probably not always successful. There are many positions to be filled on a daily basis and it is probably not practical to think that this large corporation could be selective enough to make sure that each employee selected fully embodies the company culture. Another key area that should be considered when maintaining a healthy Get more content on
  • 10. Essay on Management vs. Leadership Management and Leadership are two concept that are often used interchangeably; however, they actually describe two different concepts. The power available to managers tends to arise from their position, whereas for leaders it often comes from within (Naylor, 2004). Capowski supports this theory suggesting that the contrasts between management and leadership are that one stems from the head and the other the heart (Capowski, 1994). However these roles differ, it remains that both have "the potential to influence behaviour of others" (Naylor, 2004). This essay will attempt to explain how someone may possess the ability to be one and not the other, or both, and how this influences their roles. Leader not a manager According to Boddy, more content... A leader can be identified as someone who provides inspiration, risk taking, creativity and change (Naylor, 2004). You don't have to necessarily be a manager to have these qualities as "Leadership is a phenomenon, not a position. It has absolutely nothing to do with hierarchy" (Senge, 1996). Furthermore, Senge believes that within organisations leaders should emerge from among empowered teams of middle managers, criticizing that if exercised from the top only, leadership could be fatal (Kofman, Fred, Senge, Peter, 1993). Figure 3 illustrates the different qualities a leader and a manager should possess. Figure 3:–Qualities of the leader and the manager (Naylor,2004) Manager and not a leader According to Fayol (J.Mullins, 2005) managerial activities can be divided into five skills that are required in order to be effective: organising, planning, co–ordination, control and command. From analysing these activities it is apparent that leadership skills would not be necessary in order to implement them in an organisation. For example, within a company, planning will involve examining the future and deciding what needs to be achieved and then developing a plan of action. Tasks such as these do not require leadership skills and so could be carried out by somebody else in the organisation. Managers see themselves more as conservators and regulators of the existing order of affairs with which they identify, and from which they gain rewards (Zaleznik, Get more content on
  • 11. Business Management Essays Business Management The world of business has undergone radical and dramatic changes in the last decade changes that present extraordinary challenges for the contemporary manager. A manager is an organizational member who is responsible for planning, organizing, leading, and controlling the activities of the organization so that the goals can be achieved. According to a widely referenced study by Henry Mintzberg, managers serve three primary roles: interpersonal, informational, and decision–making. Management is process of administrating and coordinating resources effectively and efficiently in an effort to achieve the goals of the organization. The concept of management within an organization typically occurs in more content... Controlling is monitoring the performance of the organization, identifying deviations between planned and actual results, and taking corrective action when necessary. With all these four functions that are involved in the process of management, if all are followed correctly the organization will be properly ran and will have few complications. In every organization there are managers, and every manager is classed on different levels in terms of the skills they need and the activities they are involved in. Managers exist at various levels in the organization hierarchy. A small organization may have one layer of management, where as a large organization may have several. In most organizations there are three level of managers. The three level of managers are, first line manager, middle manager, and finally the top–level manager. Managers at different job levels have different job responsibilities and therefor require different skills. First–line managers supervise the individuals who are directly responsible for producing the organization's product or delivering its service. They carry titles such as production supervisor, line manager, section chief, or account manager. First–line managers along with all the other managers are involved in three skills conceptual, human, and technical. In each three different levels of management, each one of these Get more content on
  • 12. Essay on Management Communication Skills Managers gain their notoriety through the dedication to their job, reinforcing and implementing all job expectancies, and making sure they are aware of the influence they have on others. Managers need to be self assured and confident in taking on the lead role by following through with directives and being able to give directives. Managers need to have a strong personality and assertion when the opportunity arises. Being able to come together with upper management shows strength. Excellent coaching abilities are necessary because that will be a large portion of the duties. Most managers are taught to focus on results more than methods. Communication and dialogue are the most effective methods to have in order to know what is going on in more content... Keeping the morale of your subordinates high, ensuring that they have a clear understanding of the company objectives. Motivating subordinates, insisting that they are confident in their work ethics and values, and to ensure pride among each worker are more of the qualities that makes you a confident manager. In an effort to promote confidence it is important to let your subordinates know that being unsuccessful in the business in not acceptable and if one becomes despondent then others will follow. Coaching your staff the importance of communication is mandatory to be successful in any business. All forms of communication transmit attitudes as well as ideas and information. Your customers assess and evaluate your company's attitudes and values about service and quality through the methods and details of your communications. You can't overestimate the importance of communication that takes place over the phone. Customers are won over usually by how they are treated over the phone and in person. Communicating is like a two–way radio. On one side you have a manager who is transmitting, and on the other side a subordinate who is receiving. At any time; however, the roles can be reversed, with the subordinate transmitting and the manager receiving. Proper reception of communication means that the receiver not only understands what has been communicated to him but also accepts it. Staff must know that the first priority is to ensure customer satisfaction. Service skills in Get more content on
  • 13. Essay on Management and Leadership Successful organizations have strong leaders and managers that develop, support and encourage employee longevity within a company. There is a significant difference between leadership and management however both skills have to be used collectively and both are important to a profitable organization. Leadership is a notion of communicating an organization's vision, whereas management is more of the implementation of the organization's vision. The manager typically carries out the responsibilities written by the organization and has a good team underneath them to carry out the duties and meet the goals. Most companies have a mission statement that mirrors and supports a company's vision. When referring leadership and management, the more content... According to Hersey and Blanchard (1998), there are three areas required for effective leadership. Technical skills, which includes clinical expertise and knowledge as it pertains to nursing. Secondly, human skills, which is the ability and judgment to work with people in leadership roles. And lastly, conceptual skills which is the ability to understand the complexities of overall organization and figure out how and where one's own strengths of management fits into the overall organization (Cherry, Jacob 2011). Leadership is unique compared to any other role because of its responsibility for people. Good leaders are followed merely because they have gained people's trust and respect. Management: Management involves the tactical aspect of day to day functions and who keeps control of the work environment to make sure the organization is moving forward and in the same direction of the company's vision. Managers are faced with many responsibilities each day, one of which is managing people. The goal of a successful manager is to achieve the highest productivity of the organization by way of the people he/she manages. A manager is more of a problem solver and takes care of work areas relating to people management, time management, decision making etc. According to Lewin (1951) and White & Lippit (1960), there are three prevalent management behavior styles: Authoritarian, democratic and laissez–fare (Cherry, Get more content on
  • 14. Essay On Operations Management OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT Introduction: Detail of operations management TASK 1 Explain why businesses give importance to the operation (1.1) Operations management (OM) is that phase of an organization where inputs are put into operations to acquire required output (services) without compromising on quality. In other words operations management is also described as combining and transforming various resources in the operations sub–system into value added services in line with formulated policies of the organization. (Kumar and Suresh, 2009) IMPORTANCE OF OM Operations Management explores the way organizations produce and distribute goods and services. Everything you wear, eat, sit on, use or read comes to you courtesy of more content... Operations management is based on short term planning and objectives, utilizing resources of the company upto optimum level e.g proper employment of human resources, material and other fixed non–current assets. Above mentioned methods are being put into practice at McDonald?s to achieve the desired goals and objectives both long term and short term. In strategic management only top level managers participate in formulation of long term planning and objectives, whereas top to bottom managers participate in operation management to achieve the set goals and objectives in line with decisions taken in strategic management. Only effective implementation of operations management can ensure achievement of long term goals and objectives. McDonald?s has effectively employed different skills and techniques for the achievement of long term as well as short term goals and objectives chalked out in their strategic management and operations management. That is what makes McDonald?s a vibrant and large profit earning Get more content on
  • 15. Essay on Organizational Management Managing Changes В– Renewing Organizational Structure and Culture In their 2005 book, Understanding and Managing: Organizational Behavior, Jennifer George and Gareth Jones define organizational structure as "the formal system of task and reporting relationships that controls, coordinates, and motivates employees so that they cooperate and work together to achieve an organization's goals." A logical consequence to an organization's structure is the resulting culture, which George and Jones further define as "the set of shared values, beliefs, and norms that influences the way employees think, feel, and behave toward each other and toward people outside the organization." Finding the right structure for one's organization is vital to more content... FMC Aberdeen and FMC Green River, both in the northern mid–west of the United States, share a common В‘parent company', corporate guidelines and image, and similar operating values and systems. Their management teams, however, have several obvious differences. Organizational strategy, structure, and culture are among the more striking distinctions between the two sister plants. Green River is a multi–facility entity where management is very structured and hierarchical, and produces multiple products for multiple customers. Green River's transactional management model lacks an ability to share information, share decision–making responsibilities, and does not encourage teamwork. Conversely, Aberdeen's participatory management model, single product, and single customer design sets itself apart not only from Green River, but from any other FMC facility. Bob Lancaster, Aberdeen's pioneering transformational leader held the belief that an organization cannot exist in an environment of fear, and that universal trust and respect are the foundation of a successful company, and the key to organizational commitment. Aberdeen and Green River face unique challenges, which necessitate distinct approaches tailored specifically to each organization. Organizational Structure Ken Dailey, the Green River Plant Manager has observed and researched the structure, strategy and culture at the Aberdeen facility. He Get more content on
  • 16. Management Essay examples DROP BOX ASSIGNMENT #1 CHAPTER 1– Pg. 26 1. Identify and describe a great manager. What makes him or her stand out from the crowd? I believe a great manager is someone who can deal with any situation in a professional manner and at the same time make sure his workers are taken care of. What I believe makes a great manager stick out from the crowd, is their personality and their relationship with their subordinates. If you see that the workers are happy, then that says something about their management. 2. Have you ever seen or worked for an ineffective manager? Describe the causes and the consequences of the ineffectiveness I have personally worked with an ineffective manager. I believe the manager did not care about his more content... Once the customer is sold, they speak with a personal banker to get set up. 5. Name a great organization. How do you think management contributes to making it great? A great organization I feel is 24 Hour Fitness. I feel that the management allows their trainers to do what they do best, thus making happy workers and happy customers 6. Name an ineffective organization. What can management do to improve it? Walmart to me seems to be an ineffective organization, just because the people who work there do not seem happy. I feel like people in general shop there because it's inexpensive, but I feel management should care more about their workers. Maybe a pay increase, or more breaks. PAMS– Pg. 27–29 My total score was 1,068. I feel that I need some improvement on my management skills. I need to learn to be more assertive and not so lenient when it comes to completing tasks on time. APPENDIX A– Pg. 40 1. How does today's business world compare with the one of 40 years ago? What is the difference about today, and what is not so different? We are far more advance in today's business world than 40 years ago. One major difference in today's business world, is that women are in high positions and CEO's of companies. That was rare 40 years ago. 2. What is scientific management? How might today's organization use it? Scientific management was an approach to see what were people's strengths
  • 17. Get more content on
  • 18. Essay on Philosophy of Management Every manager must have a set of principles, values, and core beliefs that he must follow. These principles, values, and beliefs make up his philosophy of management. Webster defines philosophy as "the most basic beliefs, concepts, and attitudes of an individual or group." (Webster) I will be discussing the principles, values, and beliefs I as a manager will have to do my job efficiently. I will also discuss the different biblical beliefs that support my management style. I believe in a directive and conceptual decision style. When there is a small problem that requires a quick solution, I would use the directive decision style. This would be similar to a problem that I would have already dealt with in the past. For larger more content... A manager is not a babysitter to his staff, and he should not shadow his employees. If there is a dispute between two employees at the workplace, the manager should let the employees resolve it themselves. If that dispute fails to get resolved and starts to affect the performance of others, then the manager needs to resolve the dispute for them. This may entail firing the employees involved in the dispute. Adults at the workplace should be able to resolve disputes themselves without any intervention from the employer. I am going to provide a scenario and what the manager should do in the scenario. Scenario: A long time employee, Fred, with a perfect attendance record suddenly doesn't show up to work for an entire week. Fred doesn't notify the employer of the reason for his absence. The employer tries to contact Fred without any success. The employer then promotes one of his other employees, Mark, to the position that Fred had. After a week Fred returns back to work only to find out that Mark is doing his job. Fred tries to explain to the manager that his father died and he was too devastated to answer the manager's calls to him. What should the manager do now? In this scenario, the manager should let Mark keep his promotion and give Fred Mark's old job. Fred should have notified his manager of his leave if he wanted to keep his position. It would be hard to remove Mark's promotion Get more content on
  • 19. Essay on Business and Management: A Career for Me Business and Management is a course I believe that I have the qualities and skills to create a successful career in this area. Ever since I can remember, I recall always wanting to organise everyone and give them certain tasks to do. In fact, even when I was just playing with my friends. I remember how I used to organise all the plays and concerts that we did. I have been inspired by my own Father a director of a successful business organization which has been managed by him over years and also supporting him is a team of well qualified marketers who really know how to move the margins of the companies supply and demand of goods worldwide. This is a field which we encounter in our everyday life which involves with the buying, selling, more content... Also, I have worked for my dad during the holidays, which I partook in specialised positions in the organisation like; going to the warehouse to check or count stock, managing a sector of the business if I was assigned to, helped in the sales, delivery and also the marketing of the goods. But, I feel the most important points I discovered so far from the time I've spent working with/for my dad is firstly the ability to understand what drives a business, and the processes needed to help resolve any barriers to continued growth and profitability. Secondly being able to look beyond the numbers to the business trends and drivers, and thirdly being able to work to deadlines and handle pressure. I am indeed a social person, and always like to be involved or be a part of my local community, where I help out in the anchoring, hosting and management of events both the non–profit and profit based events. Also been involved with a charity organisation by which I was involved in both the marketing and the management of the event. I am now looking for an opportunity to further my personal development and career progression by enrolling with a reputable university on a business management degree course. I want to learn more about the Get more content on
  • 20. Essay on Leadership vs. Management This essay will focus on the meaning of leadership and management, also which view is the most relevant to the Tourism Industry. In order to answer those question, it is necessary define the two terms providing evidences and arguments from different authors about the characteristics, roles, similarities and difference. In conclusion after looking all the different points of view, the importance of each view will be evaluated in the context of Airline and Airport Industry. The leadership andmanagement are often used interchangeably because there is a close relationship between the two terms, however some authors in their point of view, they recognise a very clear difference between the two concepts Rayner and Adam–Smith (2009). more content... There are certain qualities or characteristics that people recognise or see in leaders. Leaders take carer and give support to staff in organisation. Similarly they have the responsibility on the communication between managers and staff. Gill (2006 b) has argued that a leadership must to have the skill to learn and adapt to changes in organisation, using their logic and intuition to address to staff the organisation aim. In addition Gill (2006 c: p6) state that "leadership include stimulating and encouraging empowerment, innovation and creativity." Management can be understood in different views, and represent an important role on the development of an organisation. Furthermore the manger is responsible for control, organise, planning and ensure the organisation achieve their objectives within a target time set. The managers normally running staff recruitment process and have the responsibility for look after the team (Mackrory, 2009). Similarly Mullins (2006a) explains that management is about following the organisation procedures and systems and ensure staffs make an effort to achieve the organisation goals. According to Mullins (2006 b: p56) supported the views of Crainer (1998) "Management is active, not theoretical. It is about changing behaviour, developing people, working with them, reaching objectives, achieving results and making things happen." Many authors have different point of view about the Get more content on
  • 21. Essay on Management and Organization Introduction The management and organizational approaches that are used by various firms play a critical role in their performance. The adopted management approach is important due to the fact that it determines the efficiency with which activities are performed. The organizational structure of the firm on the other hand determines the delegation and application of authority. The organizational structure is developed by themanagement. The structure facilitates effective interaction among employees and helps in directing resources towards achieving the goals of the organization. The behavior of employees is also influenced by the management and organizational approach (Mullins 3). Thus a firm will only be successful if it adopts the more content... First, it is based on the assumption that firms operate in a capitalist economy that is associated with "a free market system" (Perterson 47) in which transactions are facilitated by money. Thus the most important objective of the firms is profit maximization and improving efficiency levels. Second, the workers are expected to be rational. This means that they are supposed to work–hard in order to maximize their earnings. Besides, they are expected to prioritize the goals and objectives of the organization. Finally, organizations are supposed to increase their production capacities in order to enjoy the benefits of "division of labor and specialization of tasks" (Daft 56). The principles of the theory The scientific management theory is based on four principles. The principles form the basis for designing processes, managing workers and improving productivity. Thus an organization that uses the scientific management approach will improve its efficiency and productivity if it follows the principles correctly. The principles are as follows. Developing a Science for Every Element of Work According to this principle, the old rule–of–thump should be replaced by clear–cut procedures. Such procedures can be developed through a careful study of the various processes within the organization in order to "develop the one best way to do everything" (Cook and Hunsacker 45). In order to identify Get more content on