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  ●   Energy is the ability to do work.
  ●   Both living and non-living systems need to function.

                       FORMS OF ENERGY

Potential    Kinetic     Light    Heat    Electrical   Sound
 energy      energy     energy   energy    energy      energy
Potential energy
Potential energy is the energy that is stored in a body
         as a result of its position/condition.
                                   There are 4 different
                                    forms of potential
                                   (a) gravitational
                                     potential energy
                                   (b) elastic potential
                                   (c) chemical energy
                                   (d) nuclear energy
Gravitational Potential Energy
   Gravitational potential energy is the energy that is
   stored in a body as a result of its elevated position.

                             When a wreck ball is raised
                             above the ground, it stores
                             energy due to its elevated
                             (raised) position in the air.
(a) Same Height, Different Mass
The greater the mass of an object and its height from the
 ground, the greater the gravitational potential energy
Higher gravitational                       Lower gravitational
 potential energy                           potential energy

                    If both of the trees
                      are at the same
                   height, a coconut has
                    higher gravitational
                      potential energy
                   compared to an apple
                    because the mass is
(b) Same Mass, Different Height

  Higher gravitational
   potential energy       An apple of the same
                         mass falling from a high-
                         rise building has higher
                          gravitational potential
                         energy compared to the
                             lower buildings.

                             Lower gravitational
                              potential energy
elastic Potential Energy
Elastic potential energy is the energy that is stored in a
 object (an elastic object) when it is pushed or pulled.

                                    Spring is an example
                                   of elastic object. It can
                                   be pulled down when
                                  a weight is attached to
                                    it and spring back to
Spring                            its original shape when
                                  the weight is removed.
When an elastic object is pushed or pulled, it stores
   energy which can be released to do work.
          ❶ When the bow is stretched, the string of the
            bow stores some elastic potential energy.

                                     ❷ Once he releases
                                        the string, the
                                     energy stored in the
                                     string will push the
                                      arrow forward and
                                         work is done.
Chemical Energy
Chemical energy is the energy that is
stored in food, fuels and electric cells,
which holds the atoms and molecules
     of the substances together
Oxygen   Sugar   Carbon    Water       Energy

                                       Energy is
                                   released when
                                      our food is
                                    broken down
                                     into smaller
nuclear Energy
Nuclear energy is the energy that is stored in the nucleus
  of an atom and is released during nuclear reactions.

                           A lot of nuclear energy is needed to
                         hold the protons and neutrons together
                          in the nucleus of an atom. Thus, large
                           amount of energy is released during
                                     nuclear reactions.

Solid        Liquid         Gas
kinetic energy
 Kinetic energy is an energy that a body possesses due to its
motion. All the things that are moving possess kinetic energy.
The Effect of Mass and Speed

             High speed, high kinetic energy
  Kinetic energy depends on speed. The faster an object
 moves, the greater the kinetic energy. That's why high-
speed crashes are more severe and more likely to be fatal.
Truck                           Car
    Mass: 10,000 kg                  Mass: 500 kg
    Speed: 100 km/h                Speed: 100 km/h

            High mass, high kinetic energy
  If two objects are traveling at the same speed, the
object with a larger mass will have larger kinetic energy.
   Thus, a truck has more kinetic energy than a car
light energy
Light energy is a form of energy which enables us to see.

                                        The Sun is our main
                                           source of light.
                                         Plants trap energy
                                         in the sunlight to
                                           make food in a
                                           process called
Solar cells collects light
        energy from the Sun and
        convert it into electrical
          energy to operate the

heat energy
Heat energy is a form of energy which flows from a region
 of higher temperature to a region of lower temperature.

                           • When an object gains heat, its
                             temperature increases.
                           • When an object loses heat, its
                             temperature falls
                            25 oC

                        Heat flows from
                          the container
       CONTAINER         (hotter) to the
HEAT        oC   HEAT
         70                surrounding
                            25 oC

                        Heat flows from
       CONTAINER         (hotter) into
HEAT        oC   HEAT
         10               container
electrical energy
 Electrical energy is a form of energy made available by
the flow of electrical charges such as electrons and ions.

      Many modern devices, machines and lightings
              run on electrical energy

          Electrical cells

                                     Power point

Electrical cells and power points are main sources
of electrical energy. The electrical energy from the
     power point comes from power stations.
sound energy
Sound energy is a form of energy produced by
 vibrations which can be detected by our ears
Types of energy
Renewable Energy           Non-renewable Energy
●   Sources that can be    ●   Sources that cannot be
    replenished in short       replenished in short
    period of time             period of time.
●   Example:               ●   Example:
    - solar                    - petroleum and gas
    - wind                     - nuclear
    - geothermal
    - hydroelectric
    - biomass
Solar energy

       ●   A form of energy that
           uses light from the
           Sun and convert it into
           electrical energy in
           order to operate the
           electrical appliances.
       ●   The Sun is the main
           source of solar energy.
Solar Power Plant
Light energy from the Sun is converted to electrical
      energy in large scale to run a small town
Solar Car

        Solar panel on top
        of the car absorbs
       sunlight and change
        the light energy to
         electrical energy
       that is to be used to
        operate the car or
           stored in the
          battery supply.
Solar heater absorbs
sunlight and heats up
  the cool water to
 provide water into
     the shower
                              WATER HEATING

                Sunlight (heat energy)

Cool water in

                                         Warm water out
Water pipe
Solar lamp
Solar   Solar lamp post
Solar flashlight
Solar calculator
Solar mobile phone
How does it work?

                    Photovoltaic cells
Solar panel          that use the light
                   energy from the Sun
                  to produce electricity.
Energy Conversion

              (from the Sun)

             Electrical energy
            (conversion by the
            photovoltaic cells)
Mechanisms of Solar
 Energy Production

               Photovoltaic cells
              absorbs light energy
                 from the Sun
Light energy frees
  the electrons in the
   photovoltaic cells

Free electrons
  a flow
That flow generates
 the electricity and
  light up the bulb
Advantages of Solar     Disadvantages of Solar
         Energy                     Energy
• free energy from the   • electricity to be stored in
  Sun                      batteries
• clean because no       • not produced at night
  pollutants produced    • only for countries that
                           receive a lot of sunlight
wind energy
    ●   A form of energy which uses
        wind to generate electricity by
        kinetic energy produced when
        the blades are turned.
    ●   The main source of wind
        energy is the wind.
The Largest Wind Farm:
Roscoe Wind Farm, Texas, USA
Offshore Wind
Wind Farm in Thailand:
 Koh Larn, Chonburi
How big is the
wind turbine?
Energy Conversion

         Kinetic energy
        (the strong wind
        turns the blades
           the turbine)

        Electrical energy
          (converted by
         the generator)
Mechanisms of Wind
 Energy Production
  Blade         Wind blows and
               turns the turbines

 Generator   The moving blades then
              moves the generator

             The generator converts
              the kinetic energy to
                electrical energy
Advantages of Wind        Disadvantages of Wind
       Energy                      Energy

• free energy from the     • wind does not blow all
  wind                       the time
• clean because no         • loud noise made by the
  pollutants produced        spinning turbines
• renewable resource
  - it cannot be used up
Geothermal energy
          ●   A form of energy which
              uses the heat from the
              Earth to create steam
              which will eventually
              turn the turbine and
              generator to create
              electrical energy.
          ●   The main source of
              geothermal energy are
              the hot spring or hot
The Largest Geothermal Power Plant:
  Cerro Prieto Power Plant, Mexico
Geothermal Power Plant in Thailand:
        Fang, Chiang Mai
Energy Conversion

Hot water

                   Cold water in

       Heat          Kinetic energy       Electrical energy
(from the center    (hot vapor spins       (conversion by
   of the Earth)      the turbine)           generator)

Hot water

                  Cold water in

 Cold waters are pumped            Hot rocks or magma
    under hot rocks or            heats up the water are
   surface of the Earth             pumped up again
Hot water                               Turbine

                     Cold water in

   The steams turn                   The generator converts
     turbines and                     the kinetic energy to
    generators too                      electrical energy
Advantages of           Disadvantages of
  Geothermal Energy        Geothermal Energy
• free energy from the • only certain parts of the
  Earth's center          Earth where hot rocks
• clean because no        can be found
  pollutants produced
• renewable resource
   - it cannot be used up
hydroelectric energy
           ●   A form of energy that
               uses the gravitational
               potential energy of
               water to spin the
               turbine and generator
               to produce electricity.
           ●   It is built at the base of
               a reservoir.
           ●   Water is the main
               source of this energy.
The Largest Hydroelectric Plant:
   Three Gorges Dam, China
The Largest Dam in Thailand :
     Bhumibol Dam, Tak
Energy Conversion
   Gravitational potential

                                        Electrical energy

                                               Kinetic energy

  Gravitational            Kinetic                Electrical
potential energy           energy                  energy
 (water coming          (water spins           (conversion by
 down the pipe)         the turbines)            generator)

❶ Water moving fast
                               ❸ Turns the
down the narrow pipe
                              generator too

                                  ❷ Water turns
                                   the turbine
Advantages of           Disadvantages of
  Hydroelectric Energy     Hydroelectric Energy
• cheap because no fuel • reservoir take up large
  needed to run the plant spaces and it will
• clean because no         destroy the countryside
  pollutants produced    • can only built in hilly
• renewable resource       areas with large water
  - water can be replaced source
    when it rains
Biomass energy
         ●   A form of energy that
             uses animals and
             plants' wastes to
             produce methane
             (natural gas) which
             can be use to run
             vehicles or to burn in
             order to produce
         ●   The main source of
             this energy is animal
             and plant's wastes.
The Largest Biomass Power Plant:
  Prenergy plant, South Wales
(a) Dead animals & plants
When animals and plants rot in the absences of
   air, a mixture of biogas (methane) will be
 produced. Methane is then burn to produced
  heat and eventually to generate electricity.
(b) Alcohol
   Ethanol, a type of
alcohol is, corn or other
   sugar based plants
through a process called

Ethanol is used as a fuel
to run motor vehicles or
 burn it to produce heat
and electricity produced
    when sugarcane
(c) Wastes
Household waste such
as food waste can be
  burnt to produce
energy. It can also be
 buried and allowed
  the production of
 methane, that will
 eventually use as a
fuel to generate heat
     or electricity
Energy Conversion

Chemical       Heat      Kinetic energy   Electrical energy
 energy       energy      (steam turns     (conversion by
(wastes)   (the steam)       turbine)        generator)

The wastes   The steam turns    Generator converts kinetic
are burned     the turbine     energy into electrical energy
Advantage of Biomass    Disadvantage of Biomass
• cheap because wastes • the gas produced from
  are readily available  combustion of methane
                         will cause global warming
Fossil fulled energy
                 CRUDE OIL


                    Fossil fuels are rich in
                 carbon and hydrogen. They
                  burn in the air to produce
                    heat and light energy.
Fossil fuels are widely
  used as sources of
 energy in transport,
homes and industries.
Many vehicles run on
  petrol and diesel,
  which is obtained
   from crude oil.
Formation of Coal
      SWAMP                    WATER
300 million years ago    100 million years ago

Before the dinosaurs,   Over millions of years,   Heat and pressure
 many giant plants      the plants were buried     turned the dead
   died in swamps        under water and dirt.      plants into coal
Formation of Crude Oil
       OCEAN                   OCEAN
 300 million years ago   100 million years ago

  Tiny sea plants and    Over millions of years, Today we drill down
animals died and were the remains were buried through layers of sand,
 buried on the ocean deeper and deeper. The silt and rock to reach
 floor. Over time they    enormous heat and      the rock formations
    were covered by      pressure turned them that contain oil and gas
layers of silt and sand.    into oil and gas           deposits
Energy Conversion
                         Hot steam



           Burning coal                       Cool water

Chemical       Heat          Kinetic energy       Electrical energy
 energy       energy          (steam turns         (conversion by
  (coal)   (the steam)           turbine)            generator)
                    Hot steam



           Burning coal             Cool water

  The burning        The steam     The turbine turns
 coal heats up        turns the     the generator to
the cold water         turbine     produce electricity
Advantages of Fossil     Disadvantages of Fossil
       Fuels Energy               Fuels Energy
• can produce large       • nonrenewable – it will
  amount of energy          finish after using it up.
• power station can be    • production of harmful
  build anywhere            pollutants, examples
                            carbon dioxide, carbon
                            monoxide, nitrogen
                            oxide and etc
                          • the mining of fossil fuels
                            causes damage to the
Mexican Gulf Oil Spill
Mexican Gulf oil ring has spilled between 17 and 39 million
  gallons, making it the worst spill in American history.
The National Wildlife Federation reports that already
  more than 150 threatened or endangered sea
 turtles are dead. And 316 sea birds, mostly brown
pelicans and northern gannets, have been found dead.
Honkeiko Colliery, China
April 26, 1942, the worst mining disaster of all time, 1,549
  miners died in a mine operated in Japanese occupied
 Manchuria. China has a horrible history of mine safety.
Nuclear energy
Nuclear energy is made when uranium is split with accelerated
   neutron and a huge amount of heat energy is produced.

   Accelerated neutrons

                                                    + HEAT

    Uranium 235                        Neutron
Chernobyl Disaster
            It occurred on 26 April
          1986 and it is considered
               the worst nuclear
           power plant accident in

            It is estimated that 56
             people died from the
            direct explosion and a
          total of 4,000 deaths due
           to increased cancer risk.
Energy Conversion
       fission                                    Generator

Nuclear energy    Heat energy    Kinetic energy    Electrical energy
  (energy in     (from nuclear    (steam turns      (conversion by
   uranium)          fission)        turbine)         generator)
       Nuclear                                      Generator

Nuclear fission   As a result,    The heat turns        Generator
 reactor splits      large        the water into         converts
 the nuclei of    amount of        steam which        kinetic energy
  uranium or        heat is      eventually turns      to electrical
  plutonium        produced        the turbines           energy
Advantages of Nuclear Disadvantages of Nuclear
        Energy                 Energy
• clean because no         • nonrenewable – it will
  pollutants produced        finish after using it up.
• uranium used in nuclear • produces radioactive
  reactors is inexpensive waste, which needs to
  compared to the            be carefully handled and
  amount of electricity it   stored.
  can produce
Conversion of energy
              Laws of conversion of energy
“ Energy cannot be created and destroyed only change from
                   one type to another ”

  Chemical energy          Light energy     Heat energy
    (fuel or coal)             (fire)          (hot)
Electrical Appliances

Electrical          Electrical   Kinetic
 energy              energy      energy
Kinetic                Sound +
Electrical              Electrical
             energy +                 Light +
 energy                  energy
              sound                    Heat
Solar Cells

         (from the Sun)

         Electrical energy
        (conversion by the
        photovoltaic cells)

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  • 1. energy ● Energy is the ability to do work. ● Both living and non-living systems need to function. FORMS OF ENERGY Potential Kinetic Light Heat Electrical Sound energy energy energy energy energy energy
  • 2. Potential energy Potential energy is the energy that is stored in a body as a result of its position/condition. There are 4 different forms of potential energy: (a) gravitational potential energy (b) elastic potential energy (c) chemical energy (d) nuclear energy
  • 3. Gravitational Potential Energy Gravitational potential energy is the energy that is stored in a body as a result of its elevated position. When a wreck ball is raised above the ground, it stores energy due to its elevated (raised) position in the air.
  • 4. (a) Same Height, Different Mass The greater the mass of an object and its height from the ground, the greater the gravitational potential energy Higher gravitational Lower gravitational potential energy potential energy If both of the trees are at the same height, a coconut has higher gravitational potential energy compared to an apple because the mass is greater.
  • 5. (b) Same Mass, Different Height Higher gravitational potential energy An apple of the same mass falling from a high- rise building has higher gravitational potential energy compared to the lower buildings. Lower gravitational potential energy
  • 6. elastic Potential Energy Elastic potential energy is the energy that is stored in a object (an elastic object) when it is pushed or pulled. Spring is an example of elastic object. It can be pulled down when a weight is attached to it and spring back to Spring its original shape when the weight is removed.
  • 7. When an elastic object is pushed or pulled, it stores energy which can be released to do work. ❶ When the bow is stretched, the string of the bow stores some elastic potential energy. ❷ Once he releases the string, the energy stored in the string will push the arrow forward and work is done.
  • 8. Chemical Energy Chemical energy is the energy that is stored in food, fuels and electric cells, which holds the atoms and molecules of the substances together
  • 9. Oxygen Sugar Carbon Water Energy dioxide Energy is released when our food is broken down into smaller molecules.
  • 10. nuclear Energy Nuclear energy is the energy that is stored in the nucleus of an atom and is released during nuclear reactions. A lot of nuclear energy is needed to Nucleus hold the protons and neutrons together in the nucleus of an atom. Thus, large amount of energy is released during nuclear reactions. Solid Liquid Gas
  • 11. kinetic energy Kinetic energy is an energy that a body possesses due to its motion. All the things that are moving possess kinetic energy.
  • 12. The Effect of Mass and Speed High speed, high kinetic energy Kinetic energy depends on speed. The faster an object moves, the greater the kinetic energy. That's why high- speed crashes are more severe and more likely to be fatal.
  • 13. Truck Car Mass: 10,000 kg Mass: 500 kg Speed: 100 km/h Speed: 100 km/h High mass, high kinetic energy If two objects are traveling at the same speed, the object with a larger mass will have larger kinetic energy. Thus, a truck has more kinetic energy than a car
  • 14. light energy Light energy is a form of energy which enables us to see. The Sun is our main source of light. Plants trap energy in the sunlight to make food in a process called photosynthesis.
  • 15. Solar cells collects light energy from the Sun and convert it into electrical energy to operate the calculator. Solar cells
  • 16. heat energy Heat energy is a form of energy which flows from a region of higher temperature to a region of lower temperature. • When an object gains heat, its temperature increases. • When an object loses heat, its temperature falls
  • 17. ENVIRONMENT 25 oC Heat flows from the container CONTAINER (hotter) to the HEAT oC HEAT 70 surrounding (cooler)
  • 18. ENVIRONMENT 25 oC Heat flows from surrounding CONTAINER (hotter) into HEAT oC HEAT 10 container (cooler)
  • 19. electrical energy Electrical energy is a form of energy made available by the flow of electrical charges such as electrons and ions. Many modern devices, machines and lightings run on electrical energy
  • 20. Power point Electrical cells Power point Electrical cells and power points are main sources of electrical energy. The electrical energy from the power point comes from power stations.
  • 21. sound energy Sound energy is a form of energy produced by vibrations which can be detected by our ears
  • 22. Types of energy Renewable Energy Non-renewable Energy ● Sources that can be ● Sources that cannot be replenished in short replenished in short period of time period of time. ● Example: ● Example: - solar - petroleum and gas - wind - nuclear - geothermal - hydroelectric - biomass
  • 23. Solar energy ● A form of energy that uses light from the Sun and convert it into electrical energy in order to operate the electrical appliances. ● The Sun is the main source of solar energy.
  • 24. Solar Power Plant Light energy from the Sun is converted to electrical energy in large scale to run a small town
  • 25. Solar Car Solar panel on top of the car absorbs sunlight and change the light energy to electrical energy that is to be used to operate the car or stored in the battery supply.
  • 26.
  • 27.
  • 28. Solar Heater Solar heater absorbs sunlight and heats up the cool water to provide water into the shower
  • 29. SOLAR PANEL FOR WATER HEATING Sunlight (heat energy) Cool water in Warm water out Water pipe
  • 31. Solar Solar lamp post light
  • 34. How does it work? Photovoltaic cells Solar panel that use the light energy from the Sun to produce electricity.
  • 35. Energy Conversion Light (from the Sun) Electrical energy (conversion by the photovoltaic cells)
  • 36. Mechanisms of Solar Energy Production Photovoltaic cells absorbs light energy from the Sun
  • 37. Light energy frees the electrons in the photovoltaic cells Free electrons
  • 38. Creating a flow of electrons
  • 39. That flow generates the electricity and light up the bulb
  • 40. Advantages of Solar Disadvantages of Solar Energy Energy • free energy from the • electricity to be stored in Sun batteries • clean because no • not produced at night pollutants produced • only for countries that receive a lot of sunlight
  • 41. wind energy ● A form of energy which uses wind to generate electricity by kinetic energy produced when the blades are turned. ● The main source of wind energy is the wind.
  • 42. The Largest Wind Farm: Roscoe Wind Farm, Texas, USA
  • 43. Offshore Wind Farm: Copenhagen, Denmark
  • 44. Wind Farm in Thailand: Koh Larn, Chonburi
  • 45. How big is the wind turbine?
  • 46.
  • 47.
  • 48. Energy Conversion Kinetic energy (the strong wind Blade turns the blades the turbine) Electrical energy (converted by the generator)
  • 49. Mechanisms of Wind Energy Production Blade Wind blows and turns the turbines Turbine Generator The moving blades then moves the generator The generator converts the kinetic energy to electrical energy
  • 50. Advantages of Wind Disadvantages of Wind Energy Energy • free energy from the • wind does not blow all wind the time • clean because no • loud noise made by the pollutants produced spinning turbines • renewable resource - it cannot be used up
  • 51. Geothermal energy ● A form of energy which uses the heat from the Earth to create steam which will eventually turn the turbine and generator to create electrical energy. ● The main source of geothermal energy are the hot spring or hot rock.
  • 52. The Largest Geothermal Power Plant: Cerro Prieto Power Plant, Mexico
  • 53. Geothermal Power Plant in Thailand: Fang, Chiang Mai
  • 54. Energy Conversion Turbine Hot water out Cold water in Generator Heat Kinetic energy Electrical energy (from the center (hot vapor spins (conversion by of the Earth) the turbine) generator)
  • 55.
  • 56. Mechanisms Turbine Hot water out Cold water in Generator Cold waters are pumped Hot rocks or magma under hot rocks or heats up the water are surface of the Earth pumped up again
  • 57. Hot water Turbine out Cold water in Generator The steams turn The generator converts turbines and the kinetic energy to generators too electrical energy
  • 58. Advantages of Disadvantages of Geothermal Energy Geothermal Energy • free energy from the • only certain parts of the Earth's center Earth where hot rocks • clean because no can be found pollutants produced • renewable resource - it cannot be used up
  • 59. hydroelectric energy ● A form of energy that uses the gravitational potential energy of water to spin the turbine and generator to produce electricity. ● It is built at the base of a reservoir. ● Water is the main source of this energy.
  • 60. The Largest Hydroelectric Plant: Three Gorges Dam, China
  • 61.
  • 62. The Largest Dam in Thailand : Bhumibol Dam, Tak
  • 63. Energy Conversion Gravitational potential energy Electrical energy Kinetic energy Gravitational Kinetic Electrical potential energy energy energy (water coming (water spins (conversion by down the pipe) the turbines) generator)
  • 64. Mechanisms ❶ Water moving fast ❸ Turns the down the narrow pipe generator too ❷ Water turns the turbine
  • 65. Advantages of Disadvantages of Hydroelectric Energy Hydroelectric Energy • cheap because no fuel • reservoir take up large needed to run the plant spaces and it will • clean because no destroy the countryside pollutants produced • can only built in hilly • renewable resource areas with large water - water can be replaced source when it rains
  • 66. Biomass energy ● A form of energy that uses animals and plants' wastes to produce methane (natural gas) which can be use to run vehicles or to burn in order to produce electricity. ● The main source of this energy is animal and plant's wastes.
  • 67. The Largest Biomass Power Plant: Prenergy plant, South Wales
  • 68. (a) Dead animals & plants When animals and plants rot in the absences of air, a mixture of biogas (methane) will be produced. Methane is then burn to produced heat and eventually to generate electricity.
  • 69. (b) Alcohol Ethanol, a type of alcohol is, corn or other sugar based plants through a process called fermentation. Ethanol is used as a fuel to run motor vehicles or burn it to produce heat and electricity produced when sugarcane
  • 70. (c) Wastes Household waste such as food waste can be burnt to produce energy. It can also be buried and allowed the production of methane, that will eventually use as a fuel to generate heat or electricity
  • 71. Energy Conversion Chemical Heat Kinetic energy Electrical energy energy energy (steam turns (conversion by (wastes) (the steam) turbine) generator)
  • 72. Mechanisms The wastes The steam turns Generator converts kinetic are burned the turbine energy into electrical energy
  • 73. Advantage of Biomass Disadvantage of Biomass • cheap because wastes • the gas produced from are readily available combustion of methane will cause global warming
  • 74. Fossil fulled energy CRUDE OIL NATURAL GAS Fossil fuels are rich in carbon and hydrogen. They burn in the air to produce heat and light energy. COAL
  • 75. Fossil fuels are widely used as sources of energy in transport, homes and industries. Many vehicles run on petrol and diesel, which is obtained from crude oil.
  • 76. Formation of Coal SWAMP WATER 300 million years ago 100 million years ago Before the dinosaurs, Over millions of years, Heat and pressure many giant plants the plants were buried turned the dead died in swamps under water and dirt. plants into coal
  • 77. Formation of Crude Oil OCEAN OCEAN 300 million years ago 100 million years ago Tiny sea plants and Over millions of years, Today we drill down animals died and were the remains were buried through layers of sand, buried on the ocean deeper and deeper. The silt and rock to reach floor. Over time they enormous heat and the rock formations were covered by pressure turned them that contain oil and gas layers of silt and sand. into oil and gas deposits
  • 78. Energy Conversion Hot steam Turbine Generator Burning coal Cool water Chemical Heat Kinetic energy Electrical energy energy energy (steam turns (conversion by (coal) (the steam) turbine) generator)
  • 79. Mechanisms Hot steam Turbine Generator Burning coal Cool water The burning The steam The turbine turns coal heats up turns the the generator to the cold water turbine produce electricity
  • 80. Advantages of Fossil Disadvantages of Fossil Fuels Energy Fuels Energy • can produce large • nonrenewable – it will amount of energy finish after using it up. • power station can be • production of harmful build anywhere pollutants, examples carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide and etc • the mining of fossil fuels causes damage to the environment
  • 81. Mexican Gulf Oil Spill Mexican Gulf oil ring has spilled between 17 and 39 million gallons, making it the worst spill in American history.
  • 82.
  • 83.
  • 84. The National Wildlife Federation reports that already more than 150 threatened or endangered sea turtles are dead. And 316 sea birds, mostly brown pelicans and northern gannets, have been found dead.
  • 85. Honkeiko Colliery, China April 26, 1942, the worst mining disaster of all time, 1,549 miners died in a mine operated in Japanese occupied Manchuria. China has a horrible history of mine safety.
  • 86. Nuclear energy Nuclear energy is made when uranium is split with accelerated neutron and a huge amount of heat energy is produced. Accelerated neutrons Lighter element Neutron + HEAT Lighter element Uranium 235 Neutron
  • 87. Chernobyl Disaster It occurred on 26 April 1986 and it is considered the worst nuclear power plant accident in history. It is estimated that 56 people died from the direct explosion and a total of 4,000 deaths due to increased cancer risk.
  • 88.
  • 89. Energy Conversion Steam Turbine Nuclear fission Generator Nuclear energy Heat energy Kinetic energy Electrical energy (energy in (from nuclear (steam turns (conversion by uranium) fission) turbine) generator)
  • 90. Mechanisms Steam Turbine Nuclear Generator fission Nuclear fission As a result, The heat turns Generator reactor splits large the water into converts the nuclei of amount of steam which kinetic energy uranium or heat is eventually turns to electrical plutonium produced the turbines energy
  • 91. Advantages of Nuclear Disadvantages of Nuclear Energy Energy • clean because no • nonrenewable – it will pollutants produced finish after using it up. • uranium used in nuclear • produces radioactive reactors is inexpensive waste, which needs to compared to the be carefully handled and amount of electricity it stored. can produce
  • 92. Conversion of energy Laws of conversion of energy “ Energy cannot be created and destroyed only change from one type to another ” Chemical energy Light energy Heat energy (fuel or coal) (fire) (hot)
  • 93. Electrical Appliances Electrical Electrical Kinetic Heat energy energy energy
  • 94. Kinetic Sound + Electrical Electrical energy + Light + energy energy sound Heat
  • 95. Solar Cells Light (from the Sun) Electrical energy (conversion by the photovoltaic cells)