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A handy look at irregular verbs
frequently used in today’s English,
including their usage, pronunciation,
and definition
The Conclusive List of the Most Important
Used in Modern-Day English
Un regard pratique sur les verbes irréguliers fréquemment utilisés dans l’anglais
d'aujourd'hui, y compris leur utilisation, prononciation et définition
Útil recopilación de los verbos irregulares más usados en el inglés actual, inclu-
yendo su uso, pronunciación y definición
Un’utile guida ai verbi irregolari usati di frequente nell’inglese quotidiano, con
uso, pronuncia e significato
Uma abordagem prática dos verbos irregulares mais frequentes no inglês con-
temporâneo, incluindo seu uso, pronúncia e significado
Eine praktische Übersicht der im heutigen Englisch häufig verwendeten unregel-
mäßigen Verben, inklusive ihrer Nutzung, Aussprache und Definition
Liste Finale Des
La Lista Definitiva De Los
La Lista Definitiva Dei Più Importanti
A Lista Definitiva Dos
Die Endgültige Liste Der Wichtigsten
Il y a plus de 370 verbes irréguliers utilisés dans l’an-
glais d'aujourd'hui. Les verbes irréguliers sont parmi
les plus difficiles à apprendre, car ils sont uniques et
doivent être mémorisés. La majorité des verbes an-
glais utilisent le participe passé et le passé avec le
format « -ed », par exemple « played, worked, liste-
ned ». Cependant, les verbes irréguliers ne suivent
pas le même modèle. Nous avons créé cet e-book
des verbes irréguliers les plus couramment utilisés
pour rendre le processus de leur apprentissage aus-
si facile que possible! Prenez bien le temps de les
apprendre tout en vous servant de l’appli MosaLin-
gua Anglais pour que votre expérience d'apprentis-
sage soit aussi efficace que possible.
There are over 370 irregular verbs used in today’s
English language. Irregular verbs are some of the
hardest to learn, as they are unique and must be
memorized. The majority of verbs in English use the
past participle and past tense in –ed form. For exam-
ple, “played, worked, and listened.” However, irregu-
lar verbs do not follow the same pattern. We’ve put
together this E-book of the most commonly used
irregular verbs to make the process of learning them
as easy as possible! Make sure that you take the
time to review them along with using Mosalingua’s
English language app to make your learning experi-
ence as effective as possible.
Existen más de 370 verbos irregulares en inglés.
Los verbos irregulares son los más difíciles para
aprender, ya que son únicos y deben memorizarse.
La mayoría de los verbos irregulares usan el partici-
pio y el pasado con la fórmula -ed. Por ejemplo,
“played, worked, and listen.” Aún así, no todos los
verbos irregulares siguen el mismo patrón. Por esto,
hemos reunido en este ebook los verbos irregulares
más comunes para que tu proceso de aprendizaje
sea lo más fácil posible. Asegúrate que tienes tiem-
po de revisar los verbos con la app MosaLingua In-
glés para que tu experiencia de aprendizaje sea
más efectiva.
Ci sono più di 370 verbi irregolari in uso oggi nella
lingua inglese. I verbi irregolari sono una delle cose
più difficili da apprendere, perché non seguono uno
schema e devono essere imparati a memoria. La
maggior parte dei verbi in inglese ha il participio pas-
sato e il tempo passato nella forma –ed. Ad esem-
pio, played, worked e listened. Tuttavia, i verbi irrego-
lari non seguono lo stesso schema, appunto. In
questo ebook abbiamo raccolto per te i verbi irrego-
lari più comunemente usati per rendere il processo
di apprendimento più facile possibile! Assicurati di
dedicare loro il tempo necessario per ripassarli con
l’app MosaLingua Inglese, affinché tu possa
memorizzarli nel modo più efficace
Es gibt über 379 unregelmäßige Verben, die in der engli-
schen Sprache von heute verwendet werden. Unregel-
mäßige Verben sind schwer zu lernen, da sie einzigartig
sind und somit auswendig gelernt werden müssen. Die
Mehrheit der Verben im englischen Sprachgebrauch
verwenden das Partizip Perfekt und die Vergangenheits-
form in „-ed“-Form. Beispielsweise „played“, „worked“,
und „listened“. Unregelmäßige Verben folgen hingegen
nicht dem gleichen Muster. Wir haben deshalb dieses
E-Book mit den am häufigsten verwendeten unregelmä-
ßigen Verben zusammengestellt, um ihr Lernen zu ver-
einfachen! Vergewissern Sie sich, diese neben der Nut-
zung von MosaLingua Englich lernen App für effektive-
res Lernen zu überarbeiten.
Mais de 370 verbos irregulares são usados hoje no
idioma inglês. Verbos irregulares são um dos conteú-
dos mais difíceis de aprender, uma vez que são úni-
cos, e têm que ser memorizados. A maior parte dos
verbos em inglês usa o “past participle” (particípio
passado) e o “past tense” (pretérito perfeito) com a
terminação “-ed”. Por exemplo: “played, worked
and listen”. Entretanto, os verbos irregulares não
seguem o mesmo padrão. Por isso, criamos este e-
book com os verbos irregulares mais usados para
facilitar ao máximo sua aprendizagem! Reserve al-
gum tempo para revisá-los usando o app MosaLin-
gua para aprender Inglês e aprimore ainda mais sua
experiência de aprendizagem.
Français English Español
Italiano Deutsch Português
List of Irregular Verbs
English English Definition Español Français Italiano Deutsch Português
to be
[was/were, been]
Used to define the state,
location, quality, etc., of a
person, object, animal, etc.
estar être essere (trovarsi, stare)
sein [ist, war, ist
to be
[was/were, been]
- Used to form the
continuous tenses (e.g. the
man is driving the car)
- Used to form passive
constructions (e.g. the car
was driven by the man)
ser o estar être essere (trovarsi, stare)
sein [ist, war, ist
ser ou estar
to become
[became, become]
To start to be volverse (convertirse) devenir diventare
werden [wird, wurde, ist
to begin
[began, begun]
to start
To do the first part of
comenzar, empezar commencer iniziare
beginnen [beginnt,
begann, hat begonnen],
anfangen [fängt an, fing
an, hat angefangen]
começar, iniciar
to bite
[bit, bitten]
To insert something in
between the top and bottom
teeth and use pressure to
cause harm to what was
inserted, possibly until
morder mordre mordere
beißen [beißt, biss, hat
to blow
[blew, blown]
- To breath out using the
mouth in order to cause air
- (done by the wind) air
soplar souffler soffiare
wehen, blasen [bläst,
blies, hat geblasen]
English English Definition Español Français Italiano Deutsch Português
to break
[broke, broken]
to smash
To divide into separate
pieces something because
of improper handling
causing it to stop, at least
partially, its intended
quebrar, romper casser, briser rompere, sfasciare
[zerschlägt, zerschlug,
hat zerschlagen];
zerbrechen [zerbricht,
zerbrach, hat
zerbrochen]; kaputt
machen (ugs.)
to bring
[brought, brought]
To take an object or person
to a specific place
traer apporter, amener portare, apportare
bringen [bringt,
brachte, hat gebracht]
to build
[built, built]
To construct something by
putting pieces of the same
or different material together
construir construire (un bâtiment) costruire bauen construir
to burn
[burnt, burnt]
-To consume, at least
partially, a flammable
material with fire
-To injure or cause damage
to something with a hot
quemar brûler bruciare
verbrennen [verbrennt,
verbrannte, ist
to burst
[burst, burst]
To explode or crack
something violently due to
internal pressure or a hit
reventar (un globo…) crever (un ballon...)
far scoppiare (un
platzen lassen [lässt
platzen, ließ platzen,
hat platzen gelassen]
(ein Luftballon...)
to buy
[bought, bought]
to purchase
To attain something by
giving money in exchange
comprar acheter comprare, acquistare (ein)kaufen comprar
to carry, to take
[took, taken]
To take something in one's
arm/hands/back, not
allowing it to touch anything
transportar, llevar transporter, emmener portare
(mit)nehmen [nimmt
(mit), nahm (mit), hat
carregar (transportar),
English English Definition Español Français Italiano Deutsch Português
to choose
[chose, chosen]
to pick
To physically or mentally
pick out something or
someone from at least one
other alternative
elegir, escoger choisir scegliere (aus)wählen, aussuchen escolher
to close, to lock,
to shut
[shut, shut]
To put an object in the way
of an access point in order
to hinder entrance or exit
cerrar fermer chiudere
(ab)schließen [schließt
(ab), schloss (ab), hat
fechar, trancar
to come
[came, come]
To go from one place to
where the speaker is
venir venir venire
kommen [kommt, kam,
ist gekommen]
to cost
[cost, cost]
The monetary value of an
costar coûter costare kosten custar
to dig
[dug, dug]
To make a hole in the
ground, usually soil or sand
cavar creuser scavare
graben [gräbt, grub, hat
to do
[did, done]
to make
[made, made]
To do - To carry out a task
which already existed before
accomplishing it (e.g. to do
(aux) - Used to form the
simple tenses
hacer faire fare machen fazer
to do
[did, done]
to make
[made, made]
To make - To build an
object, to create, to bring
something into existence
(e.g. to make a table, to
make a mistake, etc.)
hacer faire fare machen fazer
English English Definition Español Français Italiano Deutsch Português
to draw
[drew, drawn]
- To use a pencil, pen, or the
like to produce a picture,
drawing, or something of
similar nature
- To take something out of a
certain place
dibujar dessiner disegnare zeichnen desenhar
to dream
- The thoughts feeling and
images that come to mind
when sleeping
- An ideal set up by
soñar rêver sognare träumen sonhar
to drink
[drank, drunk]
To swallow a liquid beber (E) / tomar (AL) boire bere
trinken [trinkt, trank, hat
beber, tomar
to drive
[drove, driven]
To cause and control a
motor-powered vehicle such
as a car or a truck
conducir conduire guidare (un veicolo)
fahren [fährt, fuhr, ist
to eat
[ate, eaten]
To chew and swallow solid
comer manger mangiare
essen [isst, aß, hat
to fall
[fell, fallen]
To go from up to down
uncontrollably and by
accident, usually due to
caer tomber cadere
fallen [fällt, fiel, ist
to feed
[fed, fed]
To give food to an animal or
a person unable to do so by
dar de comer nourrir
dare da mangiare a,
füttern, ernähren alimentar, dar de comer
English English Definition Español Français Italiano Deutsch Português
to feel
[felt, felt]
- To perceive something
happening to one's body
- To think
- To have an impression or
opinion about a certain
sentirse se sentir sentirsi sich fühlen sentir-se
to fight
[fought, fought]
to struggle
- To use violence against a
person, animal or situation
either physically or verbally
- To push on through when
against a tough situation
pelear, luchar se battre, lutter combattere
sich schlagen [schlägt,
schlug, hat
geschlagen]; kämpfen
brigar, lutar
to find
[found, found]
To find the location of
something which was lost
until this point
encontrar trouver, retrouver trovare
(wieder)finden [findet
(wieder), fand (wieder),
hat (wieder-)gefunden]
to fly
[flew, flown]
To move in the air while
controlling the speed and
volar voler (dans le ciel) volare
fliegen [fliegt, flog, ist
to fold, to bend
[bent, bent]
To bend a usually flat sheet
until one part covers the
other, either partially or fully
doblar, curvar plier, courber piegare, piegarsi
falten; biegen [biegt,
bog, hat gebogen]
dobrar, curvar
to forbid
To completely prohibit
someone from doing
prohibir interdire vietare, proibire
verbieten [verbietet,
verbot, hat verboten]
to forget
[forgot, forgotten]
To not remember something olvidar oublier dimenticare
vergessen [vergisst,
vergaß, hat vergessen]
English English Definition Español Français Italiano Deutsch Português
to forgive
[forgave, forgiven]
To stop any resentment from
persisting against a person
who has done something
perceived as wrong
perdonar pardonner perdonare
verzeihen [verzeiht,
verzieh, hat verziehen];
vergeben [vergibt,
vergab, hat vergeben]
to freeze
[froze, frozen]
- (a liquid) freezes when it
becomes so cold that it
- To put something in a very
cold place to preserve its
congelar geler congelarsi
gefrieren [gefriert,
gefror, ist gefroren]
gelar, congelar
to get
[got, gotten (US) /
got (UK)]
to obtain
-To obtain, to receive, to buy
(e.g. I got a loaf of bread = I
bought a load of bread)
-Verb which can be used to
replace many others –
especially ones that
describe a change of state
(e.g. I don't get it = I
understand / I got there late
= I arrived there late / I got
angry = I became angry)
conseguir, obtener obtenir ottenere
erlangen; erhalten
[erhält, erhielt, hat
erhalten]; bekommen
[bekommt, bekam, hat
conseguir, obter
to give
[gave, given]
To transfer a belonging from
one person to another
without money being
dar donner dare
geben [gibt, gab, hat
to go
[went, gone]
To leave from one place to
ir aller andare
gehen [geht, ging, ist
to go up, to rise
[rose, risen]
To go from a lower level to a
higher one
subir monter salire
steigen [steigt, stieg, ist
gestiegen]; hochgehen
[geht hoch, ging hoch,
ist hochgegangen]
to grow
[grew, grown]
To become bigger,
especially taller
crecer grandir crescere
wachsen [wächst,
wuchs, ist gewachsen];
English English Definition Español Français Italiano Deutsch Português
to guide, to lead
[led, led]
To show the way to
guiar, llevar guider, mener guidare, accompagnare führen, leiten guiar, conduzir
to hang
[hung, hung]
- To put a picture/painting
on a wall
- To suspend something
using just a rope, string or
the like
colgar accrocher, pendre appendere (auf)hängen pendurar
to have
[had, had]
- To posess, to own
- (aux) Used to form the
perfect tenses (e.g. I have
not seen the dog)
haber avoir (aux.) avere (aus.)
haben [hat, hatte, hat
ter (auxiliar)
to hear
[heard, heard]
To perceive a sound with the
oír, escuchar entendre sentire, udire hören ouvir, escutar
to hide
[hid, hidden]
To go behind or in an object
or place in order not to be
seen by others
esconder cacher
verstecken esconder
to hit
[hit, hit]
to beat
[beat, beaten]
To violently bring something
into contact with something
pegar, golpear frapper, battre
colpire, battere,
schlagen [schlägt,
schlug, hat
geschlagen]; hauen
bater, golpear
to hold
[held, held]
To keep something or
someone in one's hands or
arms, in order for it or them
not to rest on anything else
or run away
agarrar , coger tenir tenere (con la mano)
halten [hält, hielt, hat
English English Definition Español Français Italiano Deutsch Português
to keep
[kept, kept]
To take an object in
mantener , quedarse
mantenere, conservare,
behalten [behält,
behielt, hat behalten];
beibehalten; bewahren
manter, ficar com
to know
[knew, known]
- To be aware or have
knowledge of something
- To have learned a certain
- To know how to (do
something) - To have
learned a particular skill
saber (conocer) savoir (connaître) sapere (conoscere)
wissen [weiß, wusste,
hat gewusst] (kennen)
saber (conhecer)
to learn
[learnt, learnt (UK) /
learned, learned
To acquire an information or
aprender apprendre imparare lernen aprender
to leave
[left, left]
To go somewhere else irse partir, s'en aller andarsene
weggehen [geht weg,
ging weg, ist
sair, partir
to let
[let, let]
to leave
[left, left]
- To allow
- To give a property
temporarily in exchange of
dejar laisser lasciare
lassen [lässt, ließ, hat
to lie
[lied, lied]
- To communicate false
information purposefully
- To be in a horizontal
mentir mentir mentire
lügen [lügt, log, hat
gelogen]; schwindeln
English English Definition Español Français Italiano Deutsch Português
to look for, to
search, to seek
[sought, sought]
To try to find an object or
buscar chercher cercare suchen procurar
to lose
[lost, lost]
To misplace an object or
perder perdre perdere
verlieren [verliert, verlor,
hat verloren]
to mean
[meant, meant]
- To try to convey a meaning
- To try to make something
significar signifier significare bedeuten significar
to meet
[met, met]
To see and talk with a
person, whether casually or
planned for
encontrar(se) (se) rencontrer incontrare
(sich) treffen [trifft (sich),
traf (sich), hat (sich)
to put
[put, put]
To place something
poner mettre mettere (hin)legen colocar, pôr
to ring
[rang, rung]
- To make noise using a bell
or the like
- To call someone on their
sonar sonner suonare klingeln, (tönen) tocar, soar
to run
[ran, run]
To use one's legs and feet in
order to move faster than
walking, not allowing both
feet to touch the floor and
making small jumps
correr courir correre
rennen [rennt, rannte,
ist gerannt], laufen
[läuft, lief, ist gelaufen]
English English Definition Español Français Italiano Deutsch Português
to say
[said, said]
To tell, to communicate
information to someone
decir dire dire sagen dizer
to see
[saw, seen]
To perceive surrounding light
with the eyes
ver voir vedere
sehen [sieht, sah, hat
to sell
[sold, sold]
To give an object or service
in exchange for money
vender vendre vendere verkaufen vender
to send
[sent, sent]
To make something go from
one place to another using
an object, animal or another
enviar, mandar envoyer inviare, mandare senden enviar, mandar
to shake
[shook, shaken]
To move an object in
opposing direction with
strong, jerky movements
agitar agiter agitare schütteln agitar
to shine
[shone, shone]
To produce or reflect bright
brillar briller brillare
glänzen, scheinen
[scheint, schien, hat
to shoot
[shot, shot]
To use a device which
propels a bullet, arrow or the
disparar, tirar tirer (ex. avec un fusil) sparare
schießen [schießt,
schoss, hat
disparar, atirar
English English Definition Español Français Italiano Deutsch Português
to show
[showed, shown]
To make people see
mostrar montrer mostrare zeigen mostrar
to shrink
[shrank, shrunk]
To become smaller reducir, encoger réduire, rétrécir ridurre, restringere
schrumpfen; eingehen
to sing
[sang, sung]
To use one's voice to make
music, usually accompanied
with words
cantar chanter cantare
singen [singt, sang, hat
to sit down
[sat, sat]
To sit down - To go from a
standing position and rest
one's buttocks on a surface
To sit up - To go from a lying
position and rest one's
buttocks on a surface
sentarse s'asseoir sedersi sich (hin)setzen sentar-se
to sleep
[slept, slept]
To rest, usually at night and
for several hours, with one's
eyes closed, muscles
relaxed and with the
consciousness of
surroundings mostly
dormir dormir dormire
schlafen [schläft,
schlief, hat geschlafen]
to slide
[slid, slid]
to slip
Slide- To move on a smooth
surface while remaining in
Slip - To move on a smooth
surface uncontrollably
deslizarse, resbalar glisser scivolare
rutschen, gleiten
[gleitet, glitt, ist
to smell
To move on a smooth
surface uncontrollably
oler sentir (une odeur)
emettere un odore,
odorare, puzzare
riechen [riecht, roch,
hat gerochen]
English English Definition Español Français Italiano Deutsch Português
to speak
[spoke, spoken]
to talk
To talk, to use one's voice to
convey meaning
hablar parler parlare
sprechen [spricht,
sprach, hat
to spell
[spelt/spelled, spelt/
To say or write each letter of
a word
deletrear épeler
fare lo spelling,
pronunciare lettera per
buchstabieren soletrar
to split
[split, split]
to divide
To cause an object to
become two or more pieces
quebrar, dividir fendre, diviser spaccarsi, dividere (auf)teilen, spalten partir, dividir
to spread
[spread, spread]
To open or put something to
cover a more of an area
untar, extender étaler spalmare ausbreiten, verteilen passar
to steal
[stole, stolen]
to rob
To take one's possessions
without consent of the
robar voler, dérober rubare
stehlen [stiehlt, stahl,
hat gestohlen]; klauen
to stick
[stuck, stuck]
To cause something to stay
onto something else
pegar coller incollare, attaccare kleben grudar, colar
to sting
[stung, stung]
To use a sharp object in
order to pierce flesh, usually
used by insects or animals
to insert venom
picar piquer pungere, pizzicare
stechen [sticht, stach,
hat gestochen]
English English Definition Español Français Italiano Deutsch Português
to swear
[swore, sworn]
to promise
- To give one's word that
they something is as they
- To say something which is
considered very rude
jurar, prometer jurer, promettre giurare, promettere
schwören (schwört,
schwor, hat
[verspricht, versprach,
hat versprochen]
jurar, prometer
to take
[took, taken]
- To take To move an object
from a particular place using
one's hands
tomar (una cosa),
prendre prendere
nehmen [nimmt, nahm,
hat genommen]
pegar (veículo)
to take
[took, taken]
to catch
[caught, caught]
- To catch To take
something moving across
the air or moving quickly
coger, atrapar prendre, attraper prendere
nehmen [nimmt, nahm,
hat genommen]; fangen
[fängt, fing, hat
pegar, embarcar em
to teach
[taught, taught]
To teach - To help someone
acquire information about a
specific subject
To teach how to - To help
someone acquire a specific
enseñar enseigner insegnare unterrichten, beibringen ensinar
to tear
[tore, torn]
To divide, at least partially,
an object by pulling two
sides apart
rasgar déchirer strappare
(zer)reißen [(zer-)reißt,
(zer-)riss, hat zerrissen]
to tell
[told, told]
To say, To give someone
contar, confiar raconter raccontare, dire erzählen, berichten contar
to think
[thought, thought]
- To use one's mind to
resolve a problem or make
an idea.
- To believe something
pensar penser pensare
denken [denkt, dachte,
hat gedacht]
English English Definition Español Français Italiano Deutsch Português
to throw
[threw, thrown]
To quickly release something
in order for it to move away
in the air
tirar, lanzar jeter, lancer gettare, lanciare
werfen [wirft, warf, hat
jogar, lançar
to understand
To assimilate the meaning of
a particular information or
entender, comprender comprendre capire
verstehen [versteht,
verstand, hat
entender, compreender
to wear
[wore, worn]
- To have clothes or
jewellery on oneself
- To break something due to
friction or overuse
vestir, llevar,
porter (un vêtement),
indossare, portare
tragen [trägt, trug, hat
getragen] (Kleidung),
sich anziehen [zieht
sich an, zog sich an,
hat sich angezogen]
to win
[won, won]
(a game...),
to earn (money)
- To be in first place in a
- To make money
ganar gagner
vincere (una partita),
guadagnare (soldi)
(ein Spiel) gewinnen
[gewinnt, gewann, hat
gewonnen]; (Geld)
to write
[wrote, written]
To use a pen, pencil or the
like and spell words on a
escribir écrire scrivere
schreiben [schreibt,
schrieb, hat
Et voilà, c’était notre liste des verbes irréguliers! J'e-
spère que vous l’avez trouvée utile. Si c’est le cas,
vous pouvez exprimer votre soutien en nous suivant
sur Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest
et Google+. De plus, consultez nos techniques de
mémorisation pour arriver à vous souvenir de ces
verbes irréguliers difficiles et n’oubliez pas d'utiliser
en même temps votre application MosaLingua
Anglais. Surtout, n’oubliez pas de vous amuser avec
votre processus d'apprentissage de langue!
Bien à vous,
L’équipe de MosaLingua
There you have it for our list of irregular verbs! I
hope you found it useful. If you did, you can show
your support by following us on Facebook, Twitter,
YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest and Google+. Addi-
tionally, check out our memorization techniques to
help you remember these difficult irregular verbs and
don’t forget to use your Mosalingua English app
alongside it. Above all, remember to have fun with
your language learning process!
All the Best,
The MosaLingua Team
¡Hasta aquí acaba nuestra lista de verbos irregu-
lares! Espero que te haya resultado útil. Si te ha gus-
tado, muéstranos tu apoyo y síguenos en Face-
book, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest y Goo-
gle+. Además, te sugerimos que revises nuestras
técnicas de memorización para ayudarte a retener
todos los verbos irregulares y que repases todo lo
aprendido con la app de MosaLingua Inglés. ¡No
olvides disfrutar del proceso de aprendizaje!
Te deseamos todo lo mejor,
El equipo de MosaLingua
Sei arrivato alla fine della nostra lista dei verbi irrego-
lari! Spero l’avrai trovata utile. Se è così, mostraci il
tuo supporto seguendoci su Facebook Twitter, You-
Tube, Instagram, Pinterest e Google+. Inoltre, dai
un’occhiata al nostro post per apprendere senza
troppe difficoltà i verbi irregolari inglesi e non dimenti-
care di usare la tua app MosaLingua Inglese. E soprat-
tutto, ricordati di divertirti mentre impari una lingua!
Un abbraccio,
il Team MosaLingua
All the Best,
The MosaLingua Team
Nun haben Sie also unsere Liste der unregelmäßigen
Verben! Ich hoffe, Sie fanden sie nützlich. Wenn dem
so war, dann können Sie uns gerne unterstützen, in
dem Sie uns auf Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Insta-
gram, Pinterest und Google+ folgen. Ergänzend kön-
nen Sie auch gerne ein Auge auf unsere Tipps zum
Auswendiglernen werfen, die Ihnen beim Einprägen der
schwierigen unregelmäßigen Verben sicherlich behilflich
sein werden und vergessen Sie nicht, unsere MosaLin-
gua Englich lernen App dabei zu nutzen. Aber vor allem
denken Sie daran, beim Lernen Spaß zu haben!
Aí está nossa lista de verbos irregulares! Espero que
ela lhe seja útil. Nesse caso, você pode nos apoiar
seguindo MosaLingua no Facebook, Twitter, You-
Tube, Instagram, Pinterest e Google+. Além disso,
dê uma olhada em nossas técnicas de memorização
para ajudá-lo(a) a lembrar dos verbos irregulares e
não esqueça de usar também o app MosaLingua
para aprender Inglês. E… acima de tudo, lembre-se
de se diverter enquanto aprende!
Equipe MosaLingua
Français English Español
Italiano Deutsch Português

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En irregular verbscopy

  • 1. A handy look at irregular verbs frequently used in today’s English, including their usage, pronunciation, and definition The Conclusive List of the Most Important Used in Modern-Day English
  • 2. 1 Un regard pratique sur les verbes irréguliers fréquemment utilisés dans l’anglais d'aujourd'hui, y compris leur utilisation, prononciation et définition Útil recopilación de los verbos irregulares más usados en el inglés actual, inclu- yendo su uso, pronunciación y definición Un’utile guida ai verbi irregolari usati di frequente nell’inglese quotidiano, con uso, pronuncia e significato Uma abordagem prática dos verbos irregulares mais frequentes no inglês con- temporâneo, incluindo seu uso, pronúncia e significado Eine praktische Übersicht der im heutigen Englisch häufig verwendeten unregel- mäßigen Verben, inklusive ihrer Nutzung, Aussprache und Definition Liste Finale Des VERBES IRRÉGULIERSLES PLUS IMPORTANTS UTILISÉS DANS L’ANGLAIS MODERNE La Lista Definitiva De Los VERBOS IRREGULARESMÁS IMPORTANTES Y MÁS UTILIZADOS EN EL INGLÉS DE HOY EN DÍA La Lista Definitiva Dei Più Importanti VERBI IRREGOLARIUSATI NELL’INGLESE DI OGGI A Lista Definitiva Dos VERBOS IRREGULARESMAIS IMPORTANTES DO INGLÊS CONTEMPORÂNEO Die Endgültige Liste Der Wichtigsten UNREGELMÄßIGEN VERBENDES ENGLISCHEN SPRACHGEBRAUCHS VON HEUTE
  • 3. 2 Introduction Il y a plus de 370 verbes irréguliers utilisés dans l’an- glais d'aujourd'hui. Les verbes irréguliers sont parmi les plus difficiles à apprendre, car ils sont uniques et doivent être mémorisés. La majorité des verbes an- glais utilisent le participe passé et le passé avec le format « -ed », par exemple « played, worked, liste- ned ». Cependant, les verbes irréguliers ne suivent pas le même modèle. Nous avons créé cet e-book des verbes irréguliers les plus couramment utilisés pour rendre le processus de leur apprentissage aus- si facile que possible! Prenez bien le temps de les apprendre tout en vous servant de l’appli MosaLin- gua Anglais pour que votre expérience d'apprentis- sage soit aussi efficace que possible. Introduction There are over 370 irregular verbs used in today’s English language. Irregular verbs are some of the hardest to learn, as they are unique and must be memorized. The majority of verbs in English use the past participle and past tense in –ed form. For exam- ple, “played, worked, and listened.” However, irregu- lar verbs do not follow the same pattern. We’ve put together this E-book of the most commonly used irregular verbs to make the process of learning them as easy as possible! Make sure that you take the time to review them along with using Mosalingua’s English language app to make your learning experi- ence as effective as possible. Introducción Existen más de 370 verbos irregulares en inglés. Los verbos irregulares son los más difíciles para aprender, ya que son únicos y deben memorizarse. La mayoría de los verbos irregulares usan el partici- pio y el pasado con la fórmula -ed. Por ejemplo, “played, worked, and listen.” Aún así, no todos los verbos irregulares siguen el mismo patrón. Por esto, hemos reunido en este ebook los verbos irregulares más comunes para que tu proceso de aprendizaje sea lo más fácil posible. Asegúrate que tienes tiem- po de revisar los verbos con la app MosaLingua In- glés para que tu experiencia de aprendizaje sea más efectiva. Introduzione Ci sono più di 370 verbi irregolari in uso oggi nella lingua inglese. I verbi irregolari sono una delle cose più difficili da apprendere, perché non seguono uno schema e devono essere imparati a memoria. La maggior parte dei verbi in inglese ha il participio pas- sato e il tempo passato nella forma –ed. Ad esem- pio, played, worked e listened. Tuttavia, i verbi irrego- lari non seguono lo stesso schema, appunto. In questo ebook abbiamo raccolto per te i verbi irrego- lari più comunemente usati per rendere il processo di apprendimento più facile possibile! Assicurati di dedicare loro il tempo necessario per ripassarli con l’app MosaLingua Inglese, affinché tu possa memorizzarli nel modo più efficace Einführung Es gibt über 379 unregelmäßige Verben, die in der engli- schen Sprache von heute verwendet werden. Unregel- mäßige Verben sind schwer zu lernen, da sie einzigartig sind und somit auswendig gelernt werden müssen. Die Mehrheit der Verben im englischen Sprachgebrauch verwenden das Partizip Perfekt und die Vergangenheits- form in „-ed“-Form. Beispielsweise „played“, „worked“, und „listened“. Unregelmäßige Verben folgen hingegen nicht dem gleichen Muster. Wir haben deshalb dieses E-Book mit den am häufigsten verwendeten unregelmä- ßigen Verben zusammengestellt, um ihr Lernen zu ver- einfachen! Vergewissern Sie sich, diese neben der Nut- zung von MosaLingua Englich lernen App für effektive- res Lernen zu überarbeiten. INTRODUÇÃO Mais de 370 verbos irregulares são usados hoje no idioma inglês. Verbos irregulares são um dos conteú- dos mais difíceis de aprender, uma vez que são úni- cos, e têm que ser memorizados. A maior parte dos verbos em inglês usa o “past participle” (particípio passado) e o “past tense” (pretérito perfeito) com a terminação “-ed”. Por exemplo: “played, worked and listen”. Entretanto, os verbos irregulares não seguem o mesmo padrão. Por isso, criamos este e- book com os verbos irregulares mais usados para facilitar ao máximo sua aprendizagem! Reserve al- gum tempo para revisá-los usando o app MosaLin- gua para aprender Inglês e aprimore ainda mais sua experiência de aprendizagem. Français English Español Italiano Deutsch Português
  • 4. List of Irregular Verbs 3 English English Definition Español Français Italiano Deutsch Português to be [was/were, been] Used to define the state, location, quality, etc., of a person, object, animal, etc. estar être essere (trovarsi, stare) sein [ist, war, ist gewesen] estar to be [was/were, been] (aux) - Used to form the continuous tenses (e.g. the man is driving the car) - Used to form passive constructions (e.g. the car was driven by the man) ser o estar être essere (trovarsi, stare) sein [ist, war, ist gewesen] ser ou estar to become [became, become] To start to be volverse (convertirse) devenir diventare werden [wird, wurde, ist geworden] tornar-se to begin [began, begun] to start To do the first part of something comenzar, empezar commencer iniziare beginnen [beginnt, begann, hat begonnen], anfangen [fängt an, fing an, hat angefangen] começar, iniciar to bite [bit, bitten] To insert something in between the top and bottom teeth and use pressure to cause harm to what was inserted, possibly until separation morder mordre mordere beißen [beißt, biss, hat gebissen] morder to blow [blew, blown] - To breath out using the mouth in order to cause air flow - (done by the wind) air current soplar souffler soffiare wehen, blasen [bläst, blies, hat geblasen] soprar
  • 5. 4 English English Definition Español Français Italiano Deutsch Português to break [broke, broken] to smash To divide into separate pieces something because of improper handling causing it to stop, at least partially, its intended function quebrar, romper casser, briser rompere, sfasciare zerschlagen [zerschlägt, zerschlug, hat zerschlagen]; zerbrechen [zerbricht, zerbrach, hat zerbrochen]; kaputt machen (ugs.) quebrar to bring [brought, brought] To take an object or person to a specific place traer apporter, amener portare, apportare bringen [bringt, brachte, hat gebracht] trazer to build [built, built] To construct something by putting pieces of the same or different material together construir construire (un bâtiment) costruire bauen construir to burn [burnt, burnt] -To consume, at least partially, a flammable material with fire -To injure or cause damage to something with a hot substance quemar brûler bruciare verbrennen [verbrennt, verbrannte, ist verbrannt] queimar to burst [burst, burst] To explode or crack something violently due to internal pressure or a hit reventar (un globo…) crever (un ballon...) far scoppiare (un pallone) platzen lassen [lässt platzen, ließ platzen, hat platzen gelassen] (ein Luftballon...) estourar to buy [bought, bought] to purchase To attain something by giving money in exchange comprar acheter comprare, acquistare (ein)kaufen comprar to carry, to take [took, taken] To take something in one's arm/hands/back, not allowing it to touch anything else transportar, llevar transporter, emmener portare (mit)nehmen [nimmt (mit), nahm (mit), hat (mit-)genommen]; tragen carregar (transportar), levar
  • 6. 5 English English Definition Español Français Italiano Deutsch Português to choose [chose, chosen] to pick To physically or mentally pick out something or someone from at least one other alternative elegir, escoger choisir scegliere (aus)wählen, aussuchen escolher to close, to lock, to shut [shut, shut] To put an object in the way of an access point in order to hinder entrance or exit cerrar fermer chiudere (ab)schließen [schließt (ab), schloss (ab), hat (ab-)geschlossen], zumachen fechar, trancar to come [came, come] To go from one place to where the speaker is venir venir venire kommen [kommt, kam, ist gekommen] vir to cost [cost, cost] The monetary value of an object costar coûter costare kosten custar to dig [dug, dug] To make a hole in the ground, usually soil or sand cavar creuser scavare graben [gräbt, grub, hat gegraben] cavar to do [did, done] to make [made, made] To do - To carry out a task which already existed before accomplishing it (e.g. to do homework). (aux) - Used to form the simple tenses hacer faire fare machen fazer to do [did, done] to make [made, made] To make - To build an object, to create, to bring something into existence (e.g. to make a table, to make a mistake, etc.) hacer faire fare machen fazer
  • 7. 6 English English Definition Español Français Italiano Deutsch Português to draw [drew, drawn] - To use a pencil, pen, or the like to produce a picture, drawing, or something of similar nature - To take something out of a certain place dibujar dessiner disegnare zeichnen desenhar to dream [dreamt/dreamed, dreamt/dreamed] - The thoughts feeling and images that come to mind when sleeping - An ideal set up by someone soñar rêver sognare träumen sonhar to drink [drank, drunk] To swallow a liquid beber (E) / tomar (AL) boire bere trinken [trinkt, trank, hat getrunken] beber, tomar to drive [drove, driven] To cause and control a motor-powered vehicle such as a car or a truck conducir conduire guidare (un veicolo) fahren [fährt, fuhr, ist gefahren] dirigir to eat [ate, eaten] To chew and swallow solid food comer manger mangiare essen [isst, aß, hat gegessen] comer to fall [fell, fallen] To go from up to down uncontrollably and by accident, usually due to gravity. caer tomber cadere fallen [fällt, fiel, ist gefallen] cair to feed [fed, fed] To give food to an animal or a person unable to do so by themselves dar de comer nourrir dare da mangiare a, nutrire füttern, ernähren alimentar, dar de comer
  • 8. 7 English English Definition Español Français Italiano Deutsch Português to feel [felt, felt] - To perceive something happening to one's body - To think - To have an impression or opinion about a certain situation sentirse se sentir sentirsi sich fühlen sentir-se to fight [fought, fought] to struggle - To use violence against a person, animal or situation either physically or verbally - To push on through when against a tough situation pelear, luchar se battre, lutter combattere sich schlagen [schlägt, schlug, hat geschlagen]; kämpfen brigar, lutar to find [found, found] To find the location of something which was lost until this point encontrar trouver, retrouver trovare (wieder)finden [findet (wieder), fand (wieder), hat (wieder-)gefunden] encontrar to fly [flew, flown] To move in the air while controlling the speed and direction volar voler (dans le ciel) volare fliegen [fliegt, flog, ist geflogen] voar to fold, to bend [bent, bent] To bend a usually flat sheet until one part covers the other, either partially or fully doblar, curvar plier, courber piegare, piegarsi falten; biegen [biegt, bog, hat gebogen] dobrar, curvar to forbid [forbade/forbad, forbidden] To completely prohibit someone from doing something prohibir interdire vietare, proibire verbieten [verbietet, verbot, hat verboten] proibir to forget [forgot, forgotten] To not remember something olvidar oublier dimenticare vergessen [vergisst, vergaß, hat vergessen] esquecer
  • 9. 8 English English Definition Español Français Italiano Deutsch Português to forgive [forgave, forgiven] To stop any resentment from persisting against a person who has done something perceived as wrong perdonar pardonner perdonare verzeihen [verzeiht, verzieh, hat verziehen]; vergeben [vergibt, vergab, hat vergeben] perdoar to freeze [froze, frozen] - (a liquid) freezes when it becomes so cold that it solidifies - To put something in a very cold place to preserve its properties congelar geler congelarsi gefrieren [gefriert, gefror, ist gefroren] gelar, congelar to get [got, gotten (US) / got (UK)] to obtain -To obtain, to receive, to buy (e.g. I got a loaf of bread = I bought a load of bread) -Verb which can be used to replace many others – especially ones that describe a change of state (e.g. I don't get it = I understand / I got there late = I arrived there late / I got angry = I became angry) conseguir, obtener obtenir ottenere erlangen; erhalten [erhält, erhielt, hat erhalten]; bekommen [bekommt, bekam, hat bekommen] conseguir, obter to give [gave, given] To transfer a belonging from one person to another without money being involved dar donner dare geben [gibt, gab, hat gegeben] dar to go [went, gone] To leave from one place to another ir aller andare gehen [geht, ging, ist gegangen] ir to go up, to rise [rose, risen] To go from a lower level to a higher one subir monter salire steigen [steigt, stieg, ist gestiegen]; hochgehen [geht hoch, ging hoch, ist hochgegangen] subir to grow [grew, grown] To become bigger, especially taller crecer grandir crescere wachsen [wächst, wuchs, ist gewachsen]; aufwachsen crescer
  • 10. 9 English English Definition Español Français Italiano Deutsch Português to guide, to lead [led, led] To show the way to somewhere guiar, llevar guider, mener guidare, accompagnare führen, leiten guiar, conduzir to hang [hung, hung] - To put a picture/painting on a wall - To suspend something using just a rope, string or the like colgar accrocher, pendre appendere (auf)hängen pendurar to have [had, had] <br/>(aux.) - To posess, to own - (aux) Used to form the perfect tenses (e.g. I have not seen the dog) haber avoir (aux.) avere (aus.) haben [hat, hatte, hat gehabt] ter (auxiliar) to hear [heard, heard] To perceive a sound with the ear oír, escuchar entendre sentire, udire hören ouvir, escutar to hide [hid, hidden] To go behind or in an object or place in order not to be seen by others esconder cacher nascondere, nascondersi verstecken esconder to hit [hit, hit] to beat [beat, beaten] To violently bring something into contact with something else pegar, golpear frapper, battre colpire, battere, picchiare schlagen [schlägt, schlug, hat geschlagen]; hauen bater, golpear to hold [held, held] To keep something or someone in one's hands or arms, in order for it or them not to rest on anything else or run away agarrar , coger tenir tenere (con la mano) halten [hält, hielt, hat gehalten] segurar
  • 11. 10 English English Definition Español Français Italiano Deutsch Português to keep [kept, kept] To take an object in possession mantener , quedarse con garder mantenere, conservare, tenere behalten [behält, behielt, hat behalten]; beibehalten; bewahren manter, ficar com to know [knew, known] - To be aware or have knowledge of something - To have learned a certain skill - To know how to (do something) - To have learned a particular skill saber (conocer) savoir (connaître) sapere (conoscere) wissen [weiß, wusste, hat gewusst] (kennen) saber (conhecer) to learn [learnt, learnt (UK) / learned, learned (US)] To acquire an information or skill aprender apprendre imparare lernen aprender to leave [left, left] To go somewhere else irse partir, s'en aller andarsene weggehen [geht weg, ging weg, ist weggegangen]; losgehen sair, partir to let [let, let] to leave [left, left] - To allow - To give a property temporarily in exchange of money dejar laisser lasciare lassen [lässt, ließ, hat gelassen] deixar to lie [lied, lied] - To communicate false information purposefully - To be in a horizontal position mentir mentir mentire lügen [lügt, log, hat gelogen]; schwindeln mentir
  • 12. 11 English English Definition Español Français Italiano Deutsch Português to look for, to search, to seek [sought, sought] To try to find an object or person buscar chercher cercare suchen procurar to lose [lost, lost] To misplace an object or person perder perdre perdere verlieren [verliert, verlor, hat verloren] perder to mean [meant, meant] - To try to convey a meaning - To try to make something happen significar signifier significare bedeuten significar to meet [met, met] To see and talk with a person, whether casually or planned for encontrar(se) (se) rencontrer incontrare (sich) treffen [trifft (sich), traf (sich), hat (sich) getroffen] encontrar-se to put [put, put] To place something somewhere poner mettre mettere (hin)legen colocar, pôr to ring [rang, rung] - To make noise using a bell or the like - To call someone on their telephone sonar sonner suonare klingeln, (tönen) tocar, soar to run [ran, run] To use one's legs and feet in order to move faster than walking, not allowing both feet to touch the floor and making small jumps correr courir correre rennen [rennt, rannte, ist gerannt], laufen [läuft, lief, ist gelaufen] correr
  • 13. 12 English English Definition Español Français Italiano Deutsch Português to say [said, said] To tell, to communicate information to someone decir dire dire sagen dizer to see [saw, seen] To perceive surrounding light with the eyes ver voir vedere sehen [sieht, sah, hat gesehen] ver to sell [sold, sold] To give an object or service in exchange for money vender vendre vendere verkaufen vender to send [sent, sent] To make something go from one place to another using an object, animal or another person enviar, mandar envoyer inviare, mandare senden enviar, mandar to shake [shook, shaken] To move an object in opposing direction with strong, jerky movements agitar agiter agitare schütteln agitar to shine [shone, shone] To produce or reflect bright light brillar briller brillare glänzen, scheinen [scheint, schien, hat geschienen] brilhar to shoot [shot, shot] To use a device which propels a bullet, arrow or the like disparar, tirar tirer (ex. avec un fusil) sparare schießen [schießt, schoss, hat geschossen] disparar, atirar
  • 14. 13 English English Definition Español Français Italiano Deutsch Português to show [showed, shown] To make people see something mostrar montrer mostrare zeigen mostrar to shrink [shrank, shrunk] To become smaller reducir, encoger réduire, rétrécir ridurre, restringere schrumpfen; eingehen [textil.] encolher to sing [sang, sung] To use one's voice to make music, usually accompanied with words cantar chanter cantare singen [singt, sang, hat gesungen] cantar to sit down [sat, sat] To sit down - To go from a standing position and rest one's buttocks on a surface To sit up - To go from a lying position and rest one's buttocks on a surface sentarse s'asseoir sedersi sich (hin)setzen sentar-se to sleep [slept, slept] To rest, usually at night and for several hours, with one's eyes closed, muscles relaxed and with the consciousness of surroundings mostly suspended dormir dormir dormire schlafen [schläft, schlief, hat geschlafen] dormir to slide [slid, slid] to slip Slide- To move on a smooth surface while remaining in control Slip - To move on a smooth surface uncontrollably deslizarse, resbalar glisser scivolare rutschen, gleiten [gleitet, glitt, ist geglitten] deslizar to smell [smelt/smelled, smelt/smelled] To move on a smooth surface uncontrollably oler sentir (une odeur) emettere un odore, odorare, puzzare riechen [riecht, roch, hat gerochen] cheirar
  • 15. 14 English English Definition Español Français Italiano Deutsch Português to speak [spoke, spoken] to talk To talk, to use one's voice to convey meaning hablar parler parlare sprechen [spricht, sprach, hat gesprochen] falar to spell [spelt/spelled, spelt/ spelled] To say or write each letter of a word deletrear épeler fare lo spelling, pronunciare lettera per lettera buchstabieren soletrar to split [split, split] to divide To cause an object to become two or more pieces quebrar, dividir fendre, diviser spaccarsi, dividere (auf)teilen, spalten partir, dividir to spread [spread, spread] To open or put something to cover a more of an area untar, extender étaler spalmare ausbreiten, verteilen passar to steal [stole, stolen] to rob To take one's possessions without consent of the owner robar voler, dérober rubare stehlen [stiehlt, stahl, hat gestohlen]; klauen roubar to stick [stuck, stuck] To cause something to stay onto something else pegar coller incollare, attaccare kleben grudar, colar to sting [stung, stung] To use a sharp object in order to pierce flesh, usually used by insects or animals to insert venom picar piquer pungere, pizzicare stechen [sticht, stach, hat gestochen] picar
  • 16. 15 English English Definition Español Français Italiano Deutsch Português to swear [swore, sworn] to promise - To give one's word that they something is as they say - To say something which is considered very rude jurar, prometer jurer, promettre giurare, promettere schwören (schwört, schwor, hat geschworen); versprechen [verspricht, versprach, hat versprochen] jurar, prometer to take [took, taken] - To take To move an object from a particular place using one's hands tomar (una cosa), agarrar prendre prendere nehmen [nimmt, nahm, hat genommen] pegar (veículo) to take [took, taken] to catch [caught, caught] - To catch To take something moving across the air or moving quickly coger, atrapar prendre, attraper prendere nehmen [nimmt, nahm, hat genommen]; fangen [fängt, fing, hat gefangen] pegar, embarcar em to teach [taught, taught] To teach - To help someone acquire information about a specific subject To teach how to - To help someone acquire a specific skill enseñar enseigner insegnare unterrichten, beibringen ensinar to tear [tore, torn] To divide, at least partially, an object by pulling two sides apart rasgar déchirer strappare (zer)reißen [(zer-)reißt, (zer-)riss, hat zerrissen] rasgar to tell [told, told] To say, To give someone information contar, confiar raconter raccontare, dire erzählen, berichten contar to think [thought, thought] - To use one's mind to resolve a problem or make an idea. - To believe something pensar penser pensare denken [denkt, dachte, hat gedacht] pensar
  • 17. 16 English English Definition Español Français Italiano Deutsch Português to throw [threw, thrown] To quickly release something in order for it to move away in the air tirar, lanzar jeter, lancer gettare, lanciare werfen [wirft, warf, hat geworfen] jogar, lançar to understand [understood, understood] To assimilate the meaning of a particular information or situation entender, comprender comprendre capire verstehen [versteht, verstand, hat verstanden] entender, compreender to wear [wore, worn] - To have clothes or jewellery on oneself - To break something due to friction or overuse vestir, llevar, porter (un vêtement), s'habiller indossare, portare tragen [trägt, trug, hat getragen] (Kleidung), sich anziehen [zieht sich an, zog sich an, hat sich angezogen] vestir to win [won, won] (a game...), to earn (money) - To be in first place in a competition - To make money ganar gagner vincere (una partita), guadagnare (soldi) (ein Spiel) gewinnen [gewinnt, gewann, hat gewonnen]; (Geld) verdienen ganhar to write [wrote, written] To use a pen, pencil or the like and spell words on a surface escribir écrire scrivere schreiben [schreibt, schrieb, hat geschrieben] escrever
  • 18. 17 Conclusions Et voilà, c’était notre liste des verbes irréguliers! J'e- spère que vous l’avez trouvée utile. Si c’est le cas, vous pouvez exprimer votre soutien en nous suivant sur Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest et Google+. De plus, consultez nos techniques de mémorisation pour arriver à vous souvenir de ces verbes irréguliers difficiles et n’oubliez pas d'utiliser en même temps votre application MosaLingua Anglais. Surtout, n’oubliez pas de vous amuser avec votre processus d'apprentissage de langue! Bien à vous, L’équipe de MosaLingua Conclusions There you have it for our list of irregular verbs! I hope you found it useful. If you did, you can show your support by following us on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest and Google+. Addi- tionally, check out our memorization techniques to help you remember these difficult irregular verbs and don’t forget to use your Mosalingua English app alongside it. Above all, remember to have fun with your language learning process! All the Best, The MosaLingua Team Conclusiones ¡Hasta aquí acaba nuestra lista de verbos irregu- lares! Espero que te haya resultado útil. Si te ha gus- tado, muéstranos tu apoyo y síguenos en Face- book, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest y Goo- gle+. Además, te sugerimos que revises nuestras técnicas de memorización para ayudarte a retener todos los verbos irregulares y que repases todo lo aprendido con la app de MosaLingua Inglés. ¡No olvides disfrutar del proceso de aprendizaje! Te deseamos todo lo mejor, El equipo de MosaLingua Conclusione Sei arrivato alla fine della nostra lista dei verbi irrego- lari! Spero l’avrai trovata utile. Se è così, mostraci il tuo supporto seguendoci su Facebook Twitter, You- Tube, Instagram, Pinterest e Google+. Inoltre, dai un’occhiata al nostro post per apprendere senza troppe difficoltà i verbi irregolari inglesi e non dimenti- care di usare la tua app MosaLingua Inglese. E soprat- tutto, ricordati di divertirti mentre impari una lingua! Un abbraccio, il Team MosaLingua All the Best, The MosaLingua Team FAZIT Nun haben Sie also unsere Liste der unregelmäßigen Verben! Ich hoffe, Sie fanden sie nützlich. Wenn dem so war, dann können Sie uns gerne unterstützen, in dem Sie uns auf Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Insta- gram, Pinterest und Google+ folgen. Ergänzend kön- nen Sie auch gerne ein Auge auf unsere Tipps zum Auswendiglernen werfen, die Ihnen beim Einprägen der schwierigen unregelmäßigen Verben sicherlich behilflich sein werden und vergessen Sie nicht, unsere MosaLin- gua Englich lernen App dabei zu nutzen. Aber vor allem denken Sie daran, beim Lernen Spaß zu haben! CONCLUSÃO Aí está nossa lista de verbos irregulares! Espero que ela lhe seja útil. Nesse caso, você pode nos apoiar seguindo MosaLingua no Facebook, Twitter, You- Tube, Instagram, Pinterest e Google+. Além disso, dê uma olhada em nossas técnicas de memorização para ajudá-lo(a) a lembrar dos verbos irregulares e não esqueça de usar também o app MosaLingua para aprender Inglês. E… acima de tudo, lembre-se de se diverter enquanto aprende! Saudações, Equipe MosaLingua Français English Español Italiano Deutsch Português