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Maturitus,    8 (1986) 229-237                                                                                           229

MAT 00399

          Effects of different dopamine agonists
      and antagonists on post-menopausal hot flushes
      L. Zichella ‘ P. Falaschi *, P. Fioretti 3, G.B. Melis 3, A. Cagnacci 3,
                       M. Gambacciani 3 and S. Mancini 3
                     ’I   Clinicu Ostetrica e Ginecologica ‘L.u Sapienra ‘ Policlinico
                                                                          ,                    Umberto J,
                                   Department     of Obstetrics and Gynaecologv I, and
                            ’ Department    of Internal   Medicine   V, Unioersitv of Rome; and
                 -’Department     of Obstetrics and Qnaecologv,        Unioersiti     degli Studi, Pisu. Jta!v

             (Received    14 May 1985; revision received 30 December               1985; accepted    13 June 1986)

     The dopaminergic    system seems to be involved in both pulsatile luteinizing hormone (LH) secretion
and hot flushes in post-menopausal      women. With the aim of further clarifying its role, the effectiveness
of dopaminergic    and antidopaminergic    drugs in the treatment of hot flushes was studied. Self-assessed
scores for vasomotor symptoms were evaluated in 5 groups of 15 patients treated for 20 days with one of
the following agents: placebo; the dopamine receptor agonist, bromocriptine;        the indirect dopaminergic
agent, Liposom:     the antidopaminergic     drug, veralipride  or the peripheral     antidopaminergic       agent,
domperidone.    All of these treatment regimens were effective in alleviating hot flushes, but the pharmaco-
logical agents proved to be more effective than the placebo. A direct dopaminergic        action is hypothesized
in the case of bromocriptine    and Liposom, while the antidopaminergic      drugs might act through different
indirect mechanisms such as the short-loop feedback exerted by hyperprolactinaemia            on tuberoinfundib-
ular dopamine (TIDA) neurons with a secondary dopamine-like            activity, or stimulation     of the opioid

(Key words:     Dopamine,     Agonists,    Antagonists,    Hot flushes)


    Hot flushes are perhaps the most common           of all the vasomotor    symptoms
experienced by post-menopausal       women, occurring in about 80% of cases. They are
described as an intense feeling of heat centred on the upper body, often associated
with a visible reddening of the face and neck. This feeling of heat rapidly becomes
generalised, and is accompanied     by palpitations and profuse sweating.
    It has been established  objectively that there is a clear correlation between hot
flushes and an elevation    of finger temperature,     as well as a reduction    in skin
resistance [ 1,2].

Correspondence to: Dr. G.B. Melis. Clinica           Ostetrica   e Ginecologica,      Universita    degii Studi, via Roma 37.
56100 Pisa, Italy.

0378-5122/86/$03.50          0 1986 Elsevier Science Publishers        B.V. (Biomedical        Division)

    Various neuroendocrine      changes have also been observed during hot flushes [3],
but the main accompanying          neuroendocrine     event manifests      itself as luteinizing
hormone (LH) pulses [4,5]. Pulsatile LH secretion is enhanced in post-menopausal
women and almost 85% of pulses correlate                temporally    with hot flushes [5,6].
However, it has been clearly established         that LH pulses alone cannot induce hot
flushes, but are more probably the hormonal expression of the altered neurotrans-
mitter functions within the hypothalamus        which are mainly responsible for vasomo-
tor symptoms in post-menopausal         subjects [7,8].
    Modifications    in the hypothalamic    neurotransmitter     system are present in hypo-
gonadal animals [9,10] and, in particular,        an increased norepinephrine/dopamine
(NE/DA)       ratio has been reported in the hypothalamus         of ovariectomised     rats [ll].
Despite the conflicting      data [12,13], dopamine        and dopaminergic        drugs would
appear to reduce LH pulsatility and secretion in both animals and humans [14,15].
Although a pituitary site of action cannot be completely excluded in humans, this
effect is probably exerted on hypothalamic          LH releasing factor (LHRF) secreting
cells, as has been demonstrated      in animals [14,15].
    These data suggest that a reduction in endogenous             dopaminergic     tone may be
one .of the possible mechanisms          involved in both the enhanced            pulsatile    LH
secretion and the pathogenesis      of hot flushes in post-menopausal         women.
    Some investigators,    however, maintain that the intrahypothalamic           dopaminergic
tone is enhanced in post-menopausal         women, suggesting that the administration            of
antidopaminergic      drugs could be useful in the treatment of hot flushes [16].
    In view of these conflicting data, we evaluated the clinical changes in vasomotor
symptoms which follow pharmacological           manipulation     of the dopaminergic       system
with both agonist and antagonist drugs.

Subjects and methods

    Twenty-five     women aged 45-55 yr volunteered           to participate  in the study. The
patients had all undergone physiological          menopause     l-2 yr before the start of the
study and were experiencing         severe vasomotor      symptoms. They had not received
endocrinologically      active drugs for at least the preceding 6 mth.
    The patients were randomly divided into 5 groups of 15 subjects and received
either placebo or drug treatment         for 20 days. The following drugs were adminis-
tered: bromocriptine        (BCT, 3.75 mg/day       per OS) as a direct dopamine        receptor
agonist [15]; Liposom (40 mg/day            intramuscularly),      an extract of hypothalamic
phospholipids,     as an indirect dopamine receptor stimulating agent [17,18]; veralipride
(VER, 100 mg/day          per OS), as a specific dopamine        receptor blocking agent with
central effects [16]; and domperidone           (DOM, 10 mg/day           per OS), as a specific
dopamine receptor blocking agent with no central effects, since it does not cross the
blood-brain    barrier [19].
    The severity of the vasomotor          symptoms     was self-assessed     before and after
treatment. The patients were required to fill in a chart reporting both the frequency
and intensity of hot flushes, scored from O-3 according to the scheme shown in


SCORING   SCHEME      FOR THE EVALUATION   OF THE                      FREQUENCY           AND     INTENSITY    OF

                           Hot flushes

                           Frequency                                      Intensity
                           0                                              0
                            < S/day                                       Slight
                           > 5, < lo/day                                  Moderate
                           > lo/day                                       Severe

Table I. The values for both frequency        and intensity     were totalled   and the
pretreatment     mean was compared with that after each treatment       using Student’s
t-test for paired data.
    The differences between the pharmacological     treatments   and the placebo were
also evaluated by means of the r-test. In addition, the statistical significance of the
differences between the efficacy of the drug treatments and that of the placebo were
evaluated using the Fisher test.

   The mean vasomotor        symptom    scores computed  for each group of patients
before and after treatment       are set out in Table II. No significant    differences
between the groups were detected before treatment.      A significant improvement       in
the mean vasomotor      score was observed in all groups at the end of treatment
(P < 0.05  with placebo, P -c   0.001 with BCT, Liposom, VER and DOM). However,
comparison    of the scores at the end of the treatment  revealed that all drugs used
had reduced the scores more than the placebo (P -c    0.05).


MEAN VASOMOTOR   SYMPTOMS                 SCORES   BEFORE         AND    AFTER        TREATMENT          WITH   DIF-

Compound       a          Before                   After                               Significance
                                                                                       (paired f-test)

Placebo                   3.0+0.2                  2.4     +O.l                        P   <   0.05
BCT                       3.4 f 0.4   *            0.85    +O.l   **                   P   <   0.001
Liposom                   3.0+0.3     *            1.0     kO.1   **                   P   i   0.001
VER                       3.5*0.3     *            1.2     +0.1   **                   P   <   0.001
DOM                       3.6kO.5     *            1.2     io.3   **                   P   i   0.001

 * No significant difference in relation to placebo group.
** P i 0.05 in relation to placebo group.
 a BCT, bromocriptine;     VER, veralipride: DOM, domperidone.


Compound        ’        Number    of patients                               Significance

                         Improvement                No improvement           (Fisher test)

Placebo                   6                         9                        _
BCT                      14                         1                        P   i   0.01
Liposom                  13                         2                        P   <   0.05
VER                      14                         1                        P   <   0.01
DOM                      13                         2                        P   <   0.05

a BCT, bromocriptine;   VER, veralipride;    DOM, domperidone.

    Moreover, a significantly    greater number of patients experienced an improvement
in vasomotor symptoms after pharmacological         treatment than after placebo admin-
istration (P < 0.01 with BCT and VER, P < Cr.05 with Liposom and DOM) (Table
III). Indeed, the placebo was completely ineffective in 9 patients, even though it
markedly     reduced hot flushes in 3 patients       and completely    abolished    them in
another 3 (Table III). BCT and VER, on the other hand, were each ineffective in
only one patient, and Liposom and DOM in only two.
     Complete disappearance      of hot flushes was observed in 6 subjects treated with
Liposom or DOM, in 5 patients treated with BCT and in 3 patients treated with
VER. The remaining patients experienced a marked reduction in vasomotor symp-
toms (9 on BCT, 7 on Liposom, 11 on VER and 7 on DOM) (Table III).
     No side-effects were reported with either the placebo or Liposom. BCT induced
nausea, constipation     and hypotension     in 13 patients, but these side-effects disap-
peared in all but two of the patients within the first week of treatment.        DOM and
VER caused mastodynia         in 6 and 10 patients, respectively, while galactorrhoea   was
observed in 2 patients after VER treatment.


    Hot flushes are a common symptom caused by reduced oestrogen secretion in
women mainly after the menopause [20]. Although oestrogen replacement           therapy is
the most effective treatment     for this complaint    [20], other drugs are also able to
alleviate or to abolish hot flushes [l&21-23].      Indeed, some investigators   maintain
that placebos are more effective in the treatment of vasomotor symptoms than in
other conditions [21,22].
    Current data confirms these results and it has been shown in a group of 15
post-menopausal     subjects that placebo treatment      induced a slight but significant
decrease in the intensity and frequency of hot flushes. It is difficult to explain the
so-called placebo effect completely,      but some data clearly demonstrate         that a
placebo exerts its effects, or at least its analgesic effect, through an increase in
endogenous    opioid activity [24].

     It has also been shown that clonidine treatment improves neurovegetative symp-
toms in post-menopausal women [21]. Although clonidine’ main pharmacological
action seems to be its alpha-receptor blocking activity, its therapeutic effect might
also be explained through the enhancement of endogenous opioid activity that it
produces [20,21,25,26].
     These observations led some workers to formulate the opioid-adrenergic explana-
tion of the origin of hot flushes [20].
     The involvement of opioids in the control of the thermoregulatory system has
been demonstrated in animals [27-291. Opioid or opiate administration reduces
thermic sensitivity in animals [27,29]. The acute morphine withdrawal syndrome
induced by naloxone administration is followed by changes in skin temperature and
conductance similar to those observed during hot flushes [28]. On the other hand,
there are many similarities between the clinical manifestations of heroin withdrawal
syndrome in humans and the neurovegetative post-menopausal syndrome [20,30].
     A direct correlation exists between peripheral and central opioid levels and
circulating oestrogen levels in both animals and humans [31-331. In post-menopausal
women peripheral opioid levels are low, as is central opioid activity [33-351. In
hypogonadal subjects, exogenous steroid administration can increase peripheral
opioid levels, restore central opioid activity and alleviate subjective hot flushes
     All these data suggest that hot flushes could be the main symptom of oestrogen
withdrawal and the consequent endogenous opioid withdrawal that this causes [20].
 Different neuroactive drugs that are able to influence the central opioid system
 might therefore be effective in the treatment of hot flushes.
     We have shown that antidopaminergic drugs, such as VER or DOM, are able to
 relieve vasomotor symptoms in post-menopausal subjects. Their efficacy was found
 to be significantly greater than that of placebo, as indeed had previously been
 shown by ourselves and other investigators [16,22]. Antidopaminergic drugs are able
 to increase plasma levels and hypothalamic concentrations of opioid peptides when
 injected into animals [37,38]. They also increase circulating opioid levels in humans
 [40,41]. This action could be exerted through direct blocking of the dopamine
 receptors present in hypothalamic-pituitary     opiodergic cells [41], but an indirect
 effect exerted through hyperprolactinaemia has been reported to enhance central
 opioid tonus in animals [42-441. Increased opioid neuroendocrine activity has also
 been demonstrated in women suffering from hyperprolactinaemia due to pituitary
 adenoma [45].
      All these findings may explain how the hyperprolactinaemia induced by VER
 and DOM administration is in itself able to increase endogenous opioid tonus in
 post-menopausal subjects and consequently to reduce neurovegetative symptoms,
  these effects being similar to what is seen during treatment with oestrogens
      On the basis of these data it may be postulated that pharmacological hyperpro-
  lactinaemia may correct the endogenous opioid withdrawal syndrome that results
  from oestrogen lack in post-menopausal women [20,42-441. Similarly, in other
  hypo-oestrogenic conditions, such as those in patients with amenorrhoea or pitui-

tary adenoma, the presence of hyperprolactinaemia                could explain the absence of hot
flushes even though the levels of circulating oestrogens are very low [45]. Another
possible explanation       of the efficacy of antidopaminergic             drugs in the treatment of
hot flushes that merits consideration            could be a pharmacological           effect mediated
through the blocking of central dopaminergic               receptors.
     Buvat et al., who maintain         that hot flushes are due to the increase in central
dopaminergic      tone that follows the decrease in oestrogen concentrations,                    claimed
that VER might reduce dopaminergic              tone at the anterior hypothalamic           level, where
the main thermoregulatory          centres are located [16]. This explanation            is at variance
with the fact that castration            has been shown to reduce rather than increase
hypothalamic      dopaminergic      activity in rats [46,47]. In addition, VER should exert a
central action at the brain level and it is known that benzamides                     easily cross the
blood-brain     barrier [16]. Moreover, DOM is also able to exert therapeutic                      effects
similar to those obtained with VER even though its antidopaminergic                           activity is
only peripheral [19]. All these data suggest that the therapeutic effect of these drugs
is not mediated through their central antidopaminergic                  properties.
     However, it cannot be completely excluded that antidopaminergic                       drugs might
paradoxically     exert a dopaminergic        action indirectly;      hyperprolactinaemia        induced
by peripherally-acting       antidopaminergic       drugs might increase TIDA neuron-activity
via a short-loop       feedback mechanism          [23,48]. Previous studies in ovariectomised
women have demonstrated            that BCT, which exerts direct and potent dopaminergic
effects, is able to reduce pulsatile LH secretion-the                  main endocrine event corre-
lated with hot flushes [4-8,151. Since the major thermoregulatory                     nucleus and the
medial preoptic area involved in pulsatile LRF secretion are closely related anatomi-
cally within the hypothalamus            and can be affected by the same neurotransmitter
alterations, it has been hypothesised that the reduction in hypothalamic                  dopaminergic
tone might also be involved in the pathogenesis                of hot flushes [6,10]. The present
study shows that the administration           of dopaminergic      drugs such as BCT or Liposom
is able to reduce vasomotor symptoms.
     These findings confirm previous results obtained                 in our laboratory       with BCT
showing that this drug was more effective than placebo in improving                           vasomotor
 symptoms in a group of post-menopausal                women [22,23]. Moreover, in a previous
cross-over study in which we analyzed endocrine and clinical responsiveness                       to BCT
and VER administration           in 10 post-menopausal         women, we observed that the two
drugs have opposite endocrine effects [23]. BCT reduces prolactin plasma levels to
values lower than 5 ng/ml            and decreases pulsatile LH secretion from about 1.8
pulses/h     to about 1.1 pulses/h.         In constrats,     VER markedly increases prolactin
levels to values of about 120 ng/ml after 3 weeks of treatment, but has no effect on
 LH secretion. Paradoxically,         both drugs show similar therapeutic              efficacy in the
 treatment of hot flushes [23].
     It is known that BCT has some alphalytic properties and it has been suggested
 that it might influence        LH secretion and hot flushes by directly decreasing                     the
 activity of the noradrenergic           system [49]. The present data indicate                 that this
hypothesis     seems very unlikely.         Indeed, the administration            of Liposom,       which
increases the activity of the endogenous dopaminergic                  system and has no alphalytic

action, also alleviates vasomotor symptoms [17,18]. It is accordingly       suggested that
the fall in steroid plasma levels in hypogonadal      subjects induces a reduction in the
hypothalamic     dopaminergic     tone which is responsible   for both increased pulsatile
LH secretion and hot flushes [10,14,15].
    In conclusion,    it is suggested that the fall in steroid plasma levels in post-
menopausal     women may induce a reduction in both the hypothalamic         dopaminergic
tone and the opioidergic       tone. These neurotransmitter     changes are probably     in-
volved in the pathogenesis      of hot flushes. We consider that any drug that is able to
substitute or restore dopamine and opioid activity is also capable of alleviating the
post-menopausal     vasomotor syndrome.


    This research was supported by the Cons&ho Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR)
through the ‘  Endocrinology  Group’ and the ‘Mechanisms of Ageing’ project.
    We also wish to thank Emilio Madrigali, Gino Narducci and Silvano Orcesi for
their technical assistance.


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Effetto dell’applicazione di diversi agonisti ed antagonisti della dopamina nelle vampate post-menopausali

  • 1. Maturitus, 8 (1986) 229-237 229 Elsevier MAT 00399 Effects of different dopamine agonists and antagonists on post-menopausal hot flushes L. Zichella ‘ P. Falaschi *, P. Fioretti 3, G.B. Melis 3, A. Cagnacci 3, , M. Gambacciani 3 and S. Mancini 3 ’I Clinicu Ostetrica e Ginecologica ‘L.u Sapienra ‘ Policlinico , Umberto J, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecologv I, and ’ Department of Internal Medicine V, Unioersitv of Rome; and -’Department of Obstetrics and Qnaecologv, Unioersiti degli Studi, Pisu. Jta!v (Received 14 May 1985; revision received 30 December 1985; accepted 13 June 1986) The dopaminergic system seems to be involved in both pulsatile luteinizing hormone (LH) secretion and hot flushes in post-menopausal women. With the aim of further clarifying its role, the effectiveness of dopaminergic and antidopaminergic drugs in the treatment of hot flushes was studied. Self-assessed scores for vasomotor symptoms were evaluated in 5 groups of 15 patients treated for 20 days with one of the following agents: placebo; the dopamine receptor agonist, bromocriptine; the indirect dopaminergic agent, Liposom: the antidopaminergic drug, veralipride or the peripheral antidopaminergic agent, domperidone. All of these treatment regimens were effective in alleviating hot flushes, but the pharmaco- logical agents proved to be more effective than the placebo. A direct dopaminergic action is hypothesized in the case of bromocriptine and Liposom, while the antidopaminergic drugs might act through different indirect mechanisms such as the short-loop feedback exerted by hyperprolactinaemia on tuberoinfundib- ular dopamine (TIDA) neurons with a secondary dopamine-like activity, or stimulation of the opioid system. (Key words: Dopamine, Agonists, Antagonists, Hot flushes) Introduction Hot flushes are perhaps the most common of all the vasomotor symptoms experienced by post-menopausal women, occurring in about 80% of cases. They are described as an intense feeling of heat centred on the upper body, often associated with a visible reddening of the face and neck. This feeling of heat rapidly becomes generalised, and is accompanied by palpitations and profuse sweating. It has been established objectively that there is a clear correlation between hot flushes and an elevation of finger temperature, as well as a reduction in skin resistance [ 1,2]. Correspondence to: Dr. G.B. Melis. Clinica Ostetrica e Ginecologica, Universita degii Studi, via Roma 37. 56100 Pisa, Italy. 0378-5122/86/$03.50 0 1986 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (Biomedical Division)
  • 2. 230 Various neuroendocrine changes have also been observed during hot flushes [3], but the main accompanying neuroendocrine event manifests itself as luteinizing hormone (LH) pulses [4,5]. Pulsatile LH secretion is enhanced in post-menopausal women and almost 85% of pulses correlate temporally with hot flushes [5,6]. However, it has been clearly established that LH pulses alone cannot induce hot flushes, but are more probably the hormonal expression of the altered neurotrans- mitter functions within the hypothalamus which are mainly responsible for vasomo- tor symptoms in post-menopausal subjects [7,8]. Modifications in the hypothalamic neurotransmitter system are present in hypo- gonadal animals [9,10] and, in particular, an increased norepinephrine/dopamine (NE/DA) ratio has been reported in the hypothalamus of ovariectomised rats [ll]. Despite the conflicting data [12,13], dopamine and dopaminergic drugs would appear to reduce LH pulsatility and secretion in both animals and humans [14,15]. Although a pituitary site of action cannot be completely excluded in humans, this effect is probably exerted on hypothalamic LH releasing factor (LHRF) secreting cells, as has been demonstrated in animals [14,15]. These data suggest that a reduction in endogenous dopaminergic tone may be one .of the possible mechanisms involved in both the enhanced pulsatile LH secretion and the pathogenesis of hot flushes in post-menopausal women. Some investigators, however, maintain that the intrahypothalamic dopaminergic tone is enhanced in post-menopausal women, suggesting that the administration of antidopaminergic drugs could be useful in the treatment of hot flushes [16]. In view of these conflicting data, we evaluated the clinical changes in vasomotor symptoms which follow pharmacological manipulation of the dopaminergic system with both agonist and antagonist drugs. Subjects and methods Twenty-five women aged 45-55 yr volunteered to participate in the study. The patients had all undergone physiological menopause l-2 yr before the start of the study and were experiencing severe vasomotor symptoms. They had not received endocrinologically active drugs for at least the preceding 6 mth. The patients were randomly divided into 5 groups of 15 subjects and received either placebo or drug treatment for 20 days. The following drugs were adminis- tered: bromocriptine (BCT, 3.75 mg/day per OS) as a direct dopamine receptor agonist [15]; Liposom (40 mg/day intramuscularly), an extract of hypothalamic phospholipids, as an indirect dopamine receptor stimulating agent [17,18]; veralipride (VER, 100 mg/day per OS), as a specific dopamine receptor blocking agent with central effects [16]; and domperidone (DOM, 10 mg/day per OS), as a specific dopamine receptor blocking agent with no central effects, since it does not cross the blood-brain barrier [19]. The severity of the vasomotor symptoms was self-assessed before and after treatment. The patients were required to fill in a chart reporting both the frequency and intensity of hot flushes, scored from O-3 according to the scheme shown in
  • 3. 231 TABLE I SCORING SCHEME FOR THE EVALUATION OF THE FREQUENCY AND INTENSITY OF POST-MENOPAUSAL VASOMOTOR SYMPTOMS Hot flushes Frequency Intensity 0 0 < S/day Slight > 5, < lo/day Moderate > lo/day Severe Table I. The values for both frequency and intensity were totalled and the pretreatment mean was compared with that after each treatment using Student’s t-test for paired data. The differences between the pharmacological treatments and the placebo were also evaluated by means of the r-test. In addition, the statistical significance of the differences between the efficacy of the drug treatments and that of the placebo were evaluated using the Fisher test. The mean vasomotor symptom scores computed for each group of patients before and after treatment are set out in Table II. No significant differences between the groups were detected before treatment. A significant improvement in the mean vasomotor score was observed in all groups at the end of treatment (P < 0.05 with placebo, P -c 0.001 with BCT, Liposom, VER and DOM). However, comparison of the scores at the end of the treatment revealed that all drugs used had reduced the scores more than the placebo (P -c 0.05). * TABLE II MEAN VASOMOTOR SYMPTOMS SCORES BEFORE AND AFTER TREATMENT WITH DIF- FERENT COMPOUNDS Compound a Before After Significance (paired f-test) Placebo 3.0+0.2 2.4 +O.l P < 0.05 BCT 3.4 f 0.4 * 0.85 +O.l ** P < 0.001 Liposom 3.0+0.3 * 1.0 kO.1 ** P i 0.001 VER 3.5*0.3 * 1.2 +0.1 ** P < 0.001 DOM 3.6kO.5 * 1.2 io.3 ** P i 0.001 * No significant difference in relation to placebo group. ** P i 0.05 in relation to placebo group. a BCT, bromocriptine; VER, veralipride: DOM, domperidone.
  • 4. 232 TABLE III COMPARISON OF THE EFFICACY OF DIFFERENT DRUGS AND PLACEBO IN THE TREAT- MENT OF POST-MENOPAUSAL HOT FLUSHES Compound ’ Number of patients Significance Improvement No improvement (Fisher test) Placebo 6 9 _ BCT 14 1 P i 0.01 Liposom 13 2 P < 0.05 VER 14 1 P < 0.01 DOM 13 2 P < 0.05 a BCT, bromocriptine; VER, veralipride; DOM, domperidone. Moreover, a significantly greater number of patients experienced an improvement in vasomotor symptoms after pharmacological treatment than after placebo admin- istration (P < 0.01 with BCT and VER, P < Cr.05 with Liposom and DOM) (Table III). Indeed, the placebo was completely ineffective in 9 patients, even though it markedly reduced hot flushes in 3 patients and completely abolished them in another 3 (Table III). BCT and VER, on the other hand, were each ineffective in only one patient, and Liposom and DOM in only two. Complete disappearance of hot flushes was observed in 6 subjects treated with Liposom or DOM, in 5 patients treated with BCT and in 3 patients treated with VER. The remaining patients experienced a marked reduction in vasomotor symp- toms (9 on BCT, 7 on Liposom, 11 on VER and 7 on DOM) (Table III). No side-effects were reported with either the placebo or Liposom. BCT induced nausea, constipation and hypotension in 13 patients, but these side-effects disap- peared in all but two of the patients within the first week of treatment. DOM and VER caused mastodynia in 6 and 10 patients, respectively, while galactorrhoea was observed in 2 patients after VER treatment. Discussion Hot flushes are a common symptom caused by reduced oestrogen secretion in women mainly after the menopause [20]. Although oestrogen replacement therapy is the most effective treatment for this complaint [20], other drugs are also able to alleviate or to abolish hot flushes [l&21-23]. Indeed, some investigators maintain that placebos are more effective in the treatment of vasomotor symptoms than in other conditions [21,22]. Current data confirms these results and it has been shown in a group of 15 post-menopausal subjects that placebo treatment induced a slight but significant decrease in the intensity and frequency of hot flushes. It is difficult to explain the so-called placebo effect completely, but some data clearly demonstrate that a placebo exerts its effects, or at least its analgesic effect, through an increase in endogenous opioid activity [24].
  • 5. 233 It has also been shown that clonidine treatment improves neurovegetative symp- toms in post-menopausal women [21]. Although clonidine’ main pharmacological s action seems to be its alpha-receptor blocking activity, its therapeutic effect might also be explained through the enhancement of endogenous opioid activity that it produces [20,21,25,26]. These observations led some workers to formulate the opioid-adrenergic explana- tion of the origin of hot flushes [20]. The involvement of opioids in the control of the thermoregulatory system has been demonstrated in animals [27-291. Opioid or opiate administration reduces thermic sensitivity in animals [27,29]. The acute morphine withdrawal syndrome induced by naloxone administration is followed by changes in skin temperature and conductance similar to those observed during hot flushes [28]. On the other hand, there are many similarities between the clinical manifestations of heroin withdrawal syndrome in humans and the neurovegetative post-menopausal syndrome [20,30]. A direct correlation exists between peripheral and central opioid levels and circulating oestrogen levels in both animals and humans [31-331. In post-menopausal women peripheral opioid levels are low, as is central opioid activity [33-351. In hypogonadal subjects, exogenous steroid administration can increase peripheral opioid levels, restore central opioid activity and alleviate subjective hot flushes 120,361. All these data suggest that hot flushes could be the main symptom of oestrogen withdrawal and the consequent endogenous opioid withdrawal that this causes [20]. Different neuroactive drugs that are able to influence the central opioid system might therefore be effective in the treatment of hot flushes. We have shown that antidopaminergic drugs, such as VER or DOM, are able to relieve vasomotor symptoms in post-menopausal subjects. Their efficacy was found to be significantly greater than that of placebo, as indeed had previously been shown by ourselves and other investigators [16,22]. Antidopaminergic drugs are able to increase plasma levels and hypothalamic concentrations of opioid peptides when injected into animals [37,38]. They also increase circulating opioid levels in humans [40,41]. This action could be exerted through direct blocking of the dopamine receptors present in hypothalamic-pituitary opiodergic cells [41], but an indirect effect exerted through hyperprolactinaemia has been reported to enhance central opioid tonus in animals [42-441. Increased opioid neuroendocrine activity has also been demonstrated in women suffering from hyperprolactinaemia due to pituitary adenoma [45]. All these findings may explain how the hyperprolactinaemia induced by VER and DOM administration is in itself able to increase endogenous opioid tonus in post-menopausal subjects and consequently to reduce neurovegetative symptoms, these effects being similar to what is seen during treatment with oestrogens [16,20,22,23]. On the basis of these data it may be postulated that pharmacological hyperpro- lactinaemia may correct the endogenous opioid withdrawal syndrome that results from oestrogen lack in post-menopausal women [20,42-441. Similarly, in other hypo-oestrogenic conditions, such as those in patients with amenorrhoea or pitui-
  • 6. 234 tary adenoma, the presence of hyperprolactinaemia could explain the absence of hot flushes even though the levels of circulating oestrogens are very low [45]. Another possible explanation of the efficacy of antidopaminergic drugs in the treatment of hot flushes that merits consideration could be a pharmacological effect mediated through the blocking of central dopaminergic receptors. Buvat et al., who maintain that hot flushes are due to the increase in central dopaminergic tone that follows the decrease in oestrogen concentrations, claimed that VER might reduce dopaminergic tone at the anterior hypothalamic level, where the main thermoregulatory centres are located [16]. This explanation is at variance with the fact that castration has been shown to reduce rather than increase hypothalamic dopaminergic activity in rats [46,47]. In addition, VER should exert a central action at the brain level and it is known that benzamides easily cross the blood-brain barrier [16]. Moreover, DOM is also able to exert therapeutic effects similar to those obtained with VER even though its antidopaminergic activity is only peripheral [19]. All these data suggest that the therapeutic effect of these drugs is not mediated through their central antidopaminergic properties. However, it cannot be completely excluded that antidopaminergic drugs might paradoxically exert a dopaminergic action indirectly; hyperprolactinaemia induced by peripherally-acting antidopaminergic drugs might increase TIDA neuron-activity via a short-loop feedback mechanism [23,48]. Previous studies in ovariectomised women have demonstrated that BCT, which exerts direct and potent dopaminergic effects, is able to reduce pulsatile LH secretion-the main endocrine event corre- lated with hot flushes [4-8,151. Since the major thermoregulatory nucleus and the medial preoptic area involved in pulsatile LRF secretion are closely related anatomi- cally within the hypothalamus and can be affected by the same neurotransmitter alterations, it has been hypothesised that the reduction in hypothalamic dopaminergic tone might also be involved in the pathogenesis of hot flushes [6,10]. The present study shows that the administration of dopaminergic drugs such as BCT or Liposom is able to reduce vasomotor symptoms. These findings confirm previous results obtained in our laboratory with BCT showing that this drug was more effective than placebo in improving vasomotor symptoms in a group of post-menopausal women [22,23]. Moreover, in a previous cross-over study in which we analyzed endocrine and clinical responsiveness to BCT and VER administration in 10 post-menopausal women, we observed that the two drugs have opposite endocrine effects [23]. BCT reduces prolactin plasma levels to values lower than 5 ng/ml and decreases pulsatile LH secretion from about 1.8 pulses/h to about 1.1 pulses/h. In constrats, VER markedly increases prolactin levels to values of about 120 ng/ml after 3 weeks of treatment, but has no effect on LH secretion. Paradoxically, both drugs show similar therapeutic efficacy in the treatment of hot flushes [23]. It is known that BCT has some alphalytic properties and it has been suggested that it might influence LH secretion and hot flushes by directly decreasing the activity of the noradrenergic system [49]. The present data indicate that this hypothesis seems very unlikely. Indeed, the administration of Liposom, which increases the activity of the endogenous dopaminergic system and has no alphalytic
  • 7. 235 action, also alleviates vasomotor symptoms [17,18]. It is accordingly suggested that the fall in steroid plasma levels in hypogonadal subjects induces a reduction in the hypothalamic dopaminergic tone which is responsible for both increased pulsatile LH secretion and hot flushes [10,14,15]. In conclusion, it is suggested that the fall in steroid plasma levels in post- menopausal women may induce a reduction in both the hypothalamic dopaminergic tone and the opioidergic tone. These neurotransmitter changes are probably in- volved in the pathogenesis of hot flushes. We consider that any drug that is able to substitute or restore dopamine and opioid activity is also capable of alleviating the post-menopausal vasomotor syndrome. Acknowledgements This research was supported by the Cons&ho Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) through the ‘ Endocrinology Group’ and the ‘Mechanisms of Ageing’ project. We also wish to thank Emilio Madrigali, Gino Narducci and Silvano Orcesi for their technical assistance. References 1 Meldrum DR. Shamonky IM, Frumar AR, Tataryn IV, Chang RJ, Judd HL. Elevation in skin temperature of finger as an objective index of postmenopausal hot flushes: standardization of the technique, Am J Obstet Gynecol 1979; 135: 713. 2 Tataryn IV, Lomax P, Meldrum DR, Bajorex JG, Chesarex W, Judd HL. Objective technique for the assessment of postmenopausal hot flushes, Obstet Gynecol 1981; 57: 340. 3 Meldrum DR, Tataryn IV, Frumar AM, Erlik YE, Lu JKH, Judd HL. Gonadotropins, estrogens and adrenal steroids during the menopause hot flashes, J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1980; 50: 685. 4 Casper RF, Yen SSC, Wilkes MM. Menopausal hot flushes: a neuroendocrine link with pulsatile luteinizing hormone secretion. Science 1979; 205: 823. 5 Ravnikar V, Elkind-Hirsch K, Schiff I, Ryan KJ, Tulchinsky D. Vasomotor flushes and the release of peripheral immunoreactive luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone in postmenopausal women. Fertil Steril 1984; 41: 881. 6 Tataryn IV, Meldrum DR. Lu JKH, Frumar AR, Judd HL. LH, FSH and skin temperature during menopausal hot flush. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1979; 49: 152. 7 Mulley G, Mitchell JRA, Tatterall RB. Hot flushes after hypophysiectomy. Br Med J 1977; ii: 1062. 8 Casper RF, Yen SSC. Menopausal flushes: effect of pituitary gonadotropin densensitization by a potent LH releasing factor agonist. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1981; 53: 1056. 9 Lofstram A. Catecholamine turnover alterations in discrete areas of the median eminence of the 4 and the 5 day cycling rats. Brain Res 1977; 120: 113. 10 Fuxe K, Hokfelt T, Nilsson 0. Castration sex hormones and tuberoinfundibula dopamine neurons. Neuroendocrinology 1969; 5: 107. 11 Lofstrom A, Eneroth P, Gustaffson YA, Skett T. Effect of estradiol benzoate on catecholamines levels in discrete areas of the median eminence and the limbic forebrain and serum LH, FSH and PRL concentrations in the ovariectomized female rats, Endocrinology 1977; 101: 1559. 12 Schneider HPG, McCann SM. Possible role of DA as transmitter to promote discharge of LH releasing factor. Endocrinology 1969; 85: 121.
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