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Definition of Digital Marketing.....................................................................1
Types of Digital Marketing.........................................................................2
1. Marketing Platform.............................................................................2
Types of Marketing Platform..............................................................3
2. Social Media Marketing......................................................................5
Types of Social Media Marketing.......................................................5
3. Marketing Technologies.....................................................................11
Types of Marketing Technologies.....................................................12
Definition of Social Media Marketing........................................................21
Elements of Social Media Marketing.....................................................22
Benefits/ Features of Social Media Marketing......................................26
Definition of Mobile Advertising................................................................30
Types of Mobile Advertising....................................................................31
Effective Use of Mobile Advertising.......................................................34
Benefits / Features of Mobile Advertising..............................................36
Table of Contents
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Digital Marketing
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Definition of Digital Marketing
Digital marketing is the marketing of products or services using digital
technologies on the Internet, through mobile phone Apps, display
advertising, and any other digital mediums. Digital marketing channels
are systems based on the Internet that can create, accelerate, and
transmit product value from producer to a consumer terminal, through
digital networks.
For example :
Digital marketing campaigns have become prevalent, employing
combinations of search engine optimization, search engine marketing,
content marketing, influencer marketing, content automation,
campaign marketing, data-driven marketing, e-commerce marketing,
social media marketing, social media optimization, e-mail direct
marketing, display advertising, e-books, and optical disks and games
have become commonplace. Digital marketing extends to non-Internet
channels that provide digital media, such as television, mobile phone,
call back, and on-hold mobile ring tones. The extension to non-Internet
channels differentiates digital marketing from online marketing.
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Types of Digital Marketing
1. Marketing Platform :
In the world of online and social media marketing, new advertising platforms have
emerged to increase revenue for both the major search engines and for new internet
marketing companies. Search engine powerhouses like Google and Yahoo, operating
system platforms like Microsoft, and media and email newsletter and media
marketing giant Vocus have all jumped on the advertising and media marketing train.
For example :
Google offers a variety of advertising technologies, including ranking Page Authority
and Site Authority that continues to revolutionize how people use the Internet and
find what they are looking for, as well as advertising platforms AdSense and
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Types of Marketing Platform
1.1. Digital platforms :
Technology has enabled business models to scale to a global level. The very first
platforms that scaled globally were the credit card companies. However, no one
scaled as quickly or as globally as new technology-focused players such as
Apple, Google, and eBay. Digital marketing platforms are designed to support
an extensible set of requirements within a single neighborhood or two. A digital
marketing platform exposes key elements as standardized services via a
programmed application interface for building custom applications, extensions,
and integrations with other custom and commercial applications and data. The
digital platform is a technology-based platform that involves the interaction
between two.
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1.2. Non-digital platforms :
For thousands of years, markets have been physical and local. Connecting groups of buyers
and sellers have played a huge part in the structure of human society. If there is an
opportunity for interaction, there is a platform. A relationship, for example, is a platform.
The entire concept of networking marketing is built upon relationships. Within this
relationship, which exists for the sake of cooperation, it has been transformed into other
forms of markets. This is what I refer to as a second and third transformation of marketing.
The first fundamental marketing transformation occurred when the market changed from
the seller to the buyer. The second transformation was that of the increased interaction
between the buyer and the seller via the use of technology. The third transformation within
marketing is to turn every form of that interaction to a market.
1.3. Hybrid platforms :
The hybrid platform marketing involves the combination of both digital and
non-digital forms of marketing strategies. A good example of hybrid platform
strategies is where an organization has both online and offline product offerings. The
hybrid platform strategy will define the future of marketing strategy as we know it.
There are several reasons why the hybrid platform strategy is common. In places like
developing countries where it is not easy to establish trust with purely online
platforms, some companies can establish the underground physical platforms, for
example, start the physical office/agents and then optimize the digital platform
afterward. Autorec Japan and BeFoward car exporting companies had to establish the
non-digital platform to build more trust locally.
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2. Social Media Marketing:
Social media platforms create an excellent opportunity for you to connect with interesting
leads, learn more about your audience, and generate sales. There are several types of social
media available, so you must understand all your options to choose the best one.
Types of Social Media Marketing
2.1. Social networks:
One of the most well-known types of social media is social networks. These networks allow
users to connect with people and brands online. Many people call social networks
“relationship platforms” because they allow people to connect and build a relationship. You
can share information, photos, videos, and more through these sites. These platforms focus
on sharing knowledge and connecting with people.
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• Facebook :
With over 2.3 billion monthly active users, Facebook is one of the most popular social
networks available to your business. Many people use these platforms to connect with
family, friends, and brands. For your company, Facebook offers an excellent
opportunity to connect with your audience.
You can share:
• Status updates
• Photos
• Videos
• Links to content
• Polls
Facebook also offers paid advertisements that allow you to attract new followers to
help grow your business.
• Twitter :
Twitter has over 326 million monthly active users. This platform is used similarly to
Facebook, with users posting photos, videos, status updates, links, polls, and more.
The most significant distinction between these social networks is the size of the
message. Twitter’s unique attribute is that you only have 280 characters for each of
your messages. This limit means that you need to get to the point with what you’re
trying to say. Twitter also offers paid advertisements for your business. You can run a
multitude of different ads to gain new followers and earn conversions for your
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• LinkedIn:
LinkedIn boasts over 610 million users in more than 200 million countries and
territories. This social network is a great place for professionals to connect. It’s an
excellent platform for building professional relationships, sharing information,
finding new jobs, and recruiting new candidates. You can also advertise to people
who use LinkedIn. It’s a great place to target professionals interested in your
2.2. Media sharing networks:
If you’re looking for one of the most visual types of social media platforms, media
sharing networks are the answer. You can create different types of social media
campaigns through these media-based sites. Generally, media sharing networks focus
on sharing photos and videos. Many people are visual learners. These media sharing
networks are a great place for your business to share visual content and engage your
• Instagram:
With over 1 billion active monthly users, Instagram is a great place to share photos
and videos. This type of social media platform allows you to give a visual insight into
your business. You can get creative and share inspiring images and videos. Instagram
is great when you’re running different types of social media campaigns. You can
promote your products or services and provide your audience with a great visual
representation of your brand. Instagram offers advertising options for your business,
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too. You can use photos and videos to advertise to interested leads. It’s a great way to
reach people and gain new followers and sales.
• Pinterest :
Pinterest has over 250 million monthly active users that use this visually focused site.
This media sharing network focuses mostly on sharing and pinning photos. Users pin
these photos to their boards and can refer to them later. This media platform is
excellent for sharing creative ideas, as well as your products. You can share photos
that link to blog posts, recipes, DIY ideas, and more. It’s essential to keep in mind that
you’re on a creative platform, so you want to ensure your posts fit the creative theme.
• YouTube :
YouTube has over 1.8 billion monthly logged-in users on its platform. Additionally,
YouTube is the second-largest search engine in the world. People actively search for
videos and watch them on this platform. If you’re looking to engage people through
videos, YouTube is an excellent channel for it. This media platform allows you to
create videos and share them anywhere. It’s a unique opportunity for you to build
brand awareness and engage your audience.
2.3. Social blogging networks :
Blogging networks allow you to publish content for your audience and help them
discover it. They’re a great way to build engagement and get people familiar with
your business. Social blogging networks are one of the more unique types of social
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media because they require creating constant content to publish. While they increase
visibility, brand awareness, and generate leads, they need more work than other social
• Tumblr :
Tumblr is one of the most popular blogging platforms, with over 425.7 million
accounts. Many people use Tumblr to share information, photos, and videos. This
social media site isn’t your typical blogging site, though. While you can post
long-form content, many people use Tumblr to share photos, videos, and other
exciting content. You may need a balance of content on yours to help increase
2.4. Discussion networks :
Discussion networks are another specific type of social media platform. These social
platforms focus on discussing news, information, and opinions. People see content
threads and join them to see what people are commenting or saying. These networks
are an excellent way for you to do market research. You can learn a lot about your
audience by looking at what they say about your brand on these forums. Even if you
have a lesser-known brand, you can still see what people are saying about different
topics in your industry.
• Reddit:
Reddit is a popular discussion network you may want to use. People post about topics
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that vary from finance to politics to funny videos. This forum features communities
known as “subreddits.” Each of these communities covers a different topic. When you
enter each subreddit, you can see information on the subject and see what people are
posting. If you use Reddit, you can monitor different subreddits related to your
business or industry to understand how your customers and audience perceive your
company and market. You can also learn common questions or concerns.
2.5. Review networks :
When you’re running different types of social media campaigns, it’s essential to know
which sites are influenced solely by users. Review networks are a prime example of
social websites that impact your audience but depend 100% on them. Review
networks allow people to find, review, and share information about brands and their
products. When you have good reviews, these platforms can bring positive social
proof to your business and its claims.
• Yelp :
Yelp is a review platform where people can share their opinions and experiences with
a business. This platform allows users to search for any company and find what
people in the community are saying. Businesses can’t pay to remove or alter reviews,
so all positive and negative posts remain on this site. When you’re on this website,
look at the reviews for your company and see what people are saying. It’s a helpful
way for you to understand what your audience thinks of your business. You can use
this as an opportunity for you to improve your audience’s experience.
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3. Marketing Technologies :
Marketing technology is a general term for tech used to assist marketing teams in
their work. The technology is mostly used in the sphere of digital marketing, and also
for the optimization of offline marketing channels.
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Types of Marketing Technologies
3.1. Real-time marketing :
Real-time marketing involved using data reported instantaneously so marketers
can make decisions based on information on what’s happening at that moment.
Instead of creating a marketing plan and executing it according to a fixed
schedule, real-time marketing is creating a strategy focused on current, relevant
trends and immediate feedback from customers. The goal of real-time marketing
is to connect consumers with the product or service that they need now, at the
moment. With constant innovation in social media and other communications
technology, real-time marketing efforts are more effective than ever. With
Facebook, Twitter, and other popular social sites, businesses can gather
up-to-date information on their target audience. Within minutes, they can
convert that information into a marketing message to be shared.
3.2. Programmatic TV :
The word Programmatic TV combines both the fact to target a specific audience
with a specific message that’s what we call “addressable ads” -, and the
automation of TV purchases. The former targets users with anonymised data,
accessible via a connected TV, when the latter allows advertisers to select an
audience thanks to hundreds of criteria, making sure to reach the most qualified
audience possible.
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3.3. Programmatic Direct :
Programmatic direct, an ad transaction or agreement takes place directly between the
publisher and the advertiser through some kind programmatic ad buying system.
Programmatic direct can also contain a variety of programmatic deals such as private
auctions, preferred deals, and guaranteed/non-guaranteed deals. The image below
provides more information. With other programmatic transactions, this would
typically run through an ad exchange and RTB technology would be used to bid on ad
inventory such as an open auction.
3.4. Digital Marketing Hub :
A digital marketing hub is a marketing software solution that analyses the customer’s
transaction and multichannel behavior, in order to help marketers, come up with
customized and effective marketing campaigns that lead to conversions and increased
business. The digital marketing hub merges marketing and big data to deliver
personalized offers and content through the most effective customer touchpoints. The
digital marketing hub allows marketers to fully understand customers by analysing
the multichannel data in order to get deep insights into customers’ behaviours as they
transact or negotiate through a website. This enables organizations to make
insight-driven decisions and take actions based on the customers' and channel
attributes that lead to conversions.
3.5. Data-Driven Marketing :
Data-driven marketing is the process by which marketers glean insights and trends by
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analysing company-generated or market data, then translating these insights into
actionable decisions informed by the numbers. The goal of data-driven marketing is
to optimize marketing processes and strategies to cater to changing trends and the
unique demands of audiences and consumers by leveraging data to gain deeper
insight into what customers want. When brands fully understand the who, what,
where, when, and why of how consumers are engaging with their marketing efforts,
they are able to make better decisions surrounding everything from the timing of
advertising in a given medium to the customization of marketing copy to cater to
specific audience segments.
3.6. Content Marketing :
Content marketing is the marketing and business process for creating and distributing
relevant and valuable content to attract, acquire, and engage a clearly defined and
understood target audience with the objective of driving profitable customer action.
A content marketing strategy can leverage all story channels, be employed at any and
all stages of the buying process, from attention-oriented strategies to retention and
loyalty strategies, and include multiple buying groups. Content marketing is
comparable to what media companies do as their core business, except that in place
of paid content or sponsorship as a measure of success, brands define success by
ultimately selling more products or services.
3.7. Loyalty marketing :
Loyalty marketing is an approach to marketing, based on strategic management, in
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which a company focuses on growing and retaining existing customers through
incentives. Branding, product marketing, and loyalty marketing all form part of the
customer proposition the subjective assessment by the customer of whether to
purchase a brand or not based on the integrated combination of the value they receive
from each of these marketing disciplines. The discipline of customer loyalty
marketing has been around for many years, but expansions from it merely being a
model for conducting business to becoming a vehicle for marketing and advertising
have made it omnipresent in consumer marketing organizations since the mid- to
late-1990s. Some of the newer loyalty marketing industry insiders, such as Fred
Reichheld, have claimed a strong link between customer loyalty marketing and
customer referral. In recent years, a new marketing discipline called "customer
advocacy marketing" has been combined with or replaced by "customer loyalty
marketing." To the general public, many airline miles programs, hotel frequent guest
programs, and credit card incentive programs are the most visible customer loyalty
marketing programs.
3.8. Multichannel Marketing :
Multichannel marketing refers to the practice of interacting with customers using a
combination of indirect and direct communication channels websites, retail stores,
mail order catalogues, direct mail, email, mobile, etc. and enabling customers to take
action in response preferably to buy your product or service using the channel of their
choice. In the most simplistic terms, multichannel marketing is all about choice.
Multichannel marketing is important for the simple reason that you must be where
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your customers are. And they are everywhere. If you need another reason, consider
this: Multichannel customers spend three to four times more than single-channel
customers do.
3.9. Event-Triggered Marketing :
Event-triggered marketing has evolved rapidly over the past five years as a solution
to this very problem. This strategy is defined as marketing efforts that are based on
the measurement of relevant and identifiable changes in an individual customer’s
needs. A simple example of event-triggered marketing is online display ad
retargeting. Person A visits a site to buy baseball cleats but does not purchase. In
future web browsing, Person A notices ads for the store he visited, promoting a
discount possibly on the item he was just looking at. The event that occurred was a
visit to a site; the follow-up marketing that occurred was the additional online ads.
3.10. Real-time bidding :
Real-time bidding is a means by which advertising inventory is bought and sold on a
per-impression basis, via programmatic instantaneous auction, like financial markets.
With real-time bidding, advertising buyers bid on an impression and, if the bid is
won, the buyer's ad is instantly displayed on the publisher's site. Real-time bidding
lets advertisers manage and optimize ads from multiple ad-networks by granting the
user access to a multitude of different networks, allowing them to create and launch
advertising campaigns, prioritize networks and allocate percentages of unsold
inventory, known as backfill. Real-time bidding is distinguishable from static
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auctions by how it is a per-impression way of bidding whereas static auctions are
groups of up to several thousand impressions. RTB is promoted as being more
effective than static auctions for both advertisers and publishers in terms of
advertising inventory sold, though the results vary by execution and local conditions.
RTB replaced the traditional model.
3.11. Data management platform :
A data management platform is a software platform used for collecting and managing
data. They allow businesses to identify audience segments, which can be used to
target specific users and contexts in online advertising campaigns. DMPs may use big
data and artificial intelligence algorithms to process and analyse large data sets about
users from various sources. Some advantages of using DMPs include data
organization, increased insight on audiences and markets, and effective
advertisement budgeting. On the other hand, DMPs often must deal with privacy
concerns due to the integration of third-party software with private data. This
technology is continuously being developed by global entities such as Nielsen and
3.12. Crowdsourcing :
The concept of crowdsourcing has given way to the trend of user-generated
advertisements. User-generated ads are created by people, as opposed to an
advertising agency or the company themselves, often resulting from brand sponsored
advertising competitions. For the 2007 Super Bowl, the Frito-Lays division of
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PepsiCo held the "Crash the Super Bowl" contest, allowing people to create their own
Doritos commercials. Chevrolet held a similar competition for their Tahoe line of
SUVs. This trend has given rise to several online platforms that host user-generated
advertising competitions on behalf of a company. Founded in 2007, Zooppa has
launched ad competitions for brands such as Google, Nike, Hershey's, General Mills,
Microsoft, NBC Universal, Zinio, and Mini Cooper. Crowdsourcing remains
controversial, as the long-term impact on the advertising industry is still unclear.
3.13. Global advertising :
Advertising has gone through five major stages of development: domestic, export,
international, multi-national, and global. For global advertisers, there are four,
potentially competing, business objectives that must be balanced when developing
worldwide advertising: building a brand while speaking with one voice, developing
economies of scale in the creative process, maximising local effectiveness of ads, and
increasing the company's speed of implementation. Born from the evolutionary stages
of global marketing are the three primary and fundamentally different approaches to
the development of global advertising executions: exporting executions, producing
local executions, and importing ideas that travel, Advertising research is key to
determining the success of an ad in any country or region.
3.14. Email Marketing :
From a business perspective, emails are widely used as a cost-effective as well as an
efficient way of acquiring new customers, boosting sales, building up your brand
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awareness, and fostering a sense of trust among your customers. Email marketing has
also shown a better ROI compared to other marketing channels, making them a great
addition to your marketing technology stack. Mailchimp is a very well-known email
marketing tool that integrates with popular apps and services. This tool allows you to
easily sync your data from those services, import content from other sources, and
learn how your campaigns are affecting your business. Along with reports to show
you how well you’re connecting with your audience and how much money you’re
bringing in, Mailchimp gives you tips for improvement. Mailchimp Mobile
Dashboard enables you to check in from anywhere.
3.15. CRM Software :
CRM software now lies at the heart of most marketing and sales operations. These
businesses are trying to avoid silos and make information available to their
employees wherever they are. Plus, it’s proven to be an efficient way of obtaining the
much sought-after ‘360-degree view of the customer’. With this sudden rise in
popularity, a myriad of CRM software providers quickly arrived at the scene,
providing businesses with a wealth of options. SalesForce CRM has the largest share
on the market. The software combines lead management, marketing automation, sales
data, partner management features for a ‘systematic lead-to-conversion approach’. It
has a pretty cool visual workflow as well where you can drag-and-drop things like
deals, discounts, and expenses. Additionally, SalesForce offers a variety of modules
including: Sales Cloud, Sales Performance, Sales Collaboration, Marketing Cloud,
and more.
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3.16. Analytics Tools :
Analytics tools are unfortunately considered an afterthought much of the time. They
are often used to measure the performance and effectiveness of other marketing tools
in this list, rather than as a method of fine-tuning marketing activities. Proper
analytics tools, however, especially with respect to your website can do a lot for
conversions, customer experience, and overall usability of your website. The results
you receive from the collection and analysis of website data will help you identify
what’s working and what isn’t so you can make meaningful changes. Google
Analytics is the most popular of all web analytics tools and for a good reason. This
free Google-powered tool provides a well-rounded dose of prescriptive and
predictive analytics. Google Analytics helps you follow trends and understand user
flows; however, you’ll need to follow a tutorial to use it properly as sometimes it can
be difficult to interpret the data without any prior knowledge of how it works.
3.17. Affiliate Marketing :
Affiliate marketing is one of the popular ways people make money online these days.
If your affiliate program is successful, you might earn quite a decent passive income.
Basically, affiliate marketing is a type of digital marketing where a person partners up
with other businesses in order to receive a commission for the traffics/he generates
for this business. Imagine this: you put a link to an external website on your own blog
or website. Every time a user proceeds to this external website and makes a purchase,
you receive a commission. eBay, The Home Depot, Amazon and other well-known
e-commerce have affiliate programs. The secret of its success is due to the
performance it offers advertisers pay commissions only for the conversions they get,
which means that the sales cycle is financially beneficial to the company.
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Social Media Marketing
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Definition of Social Media Marketing
Social media marketing (SMM) is a form of Internet marketing that utilizes
social networking websites as a marketing tool. The goal of SMM is to produce
content that users will share with their social network to help a company
increase brand exposure and broaden customer reach. One of the key
components of SMM is social media optimization (SMO). Like search engine
optimization (SEO), SMO is a strategy for drawing new and unique visitors to a
website. SMO can be done two ways: adding social media links to content, such
as RSS feeds and sharing buttons or promoting activity through social media by
updating statuses or tweets, or blog posts.
For example :
Social media is one of the most powerful marketing tools in your arsenal. These
days, 90% of young adults use social media to communicate with brands, and if
anything, that’s only likely to increase. SMM helps a company get direct
feedback from customers (and potential customers) while making the company
seem more personable. The interactive parts of social media give customers the
opportunity to ask questions or voice complaints and feel they are being heard.
This aspect of SMM is called social customer relationship management (social
CRM).SMM became more common with the increased popularity of websites
such as Twitter, Facebook, Myspace, LinkedIn, and YouTube.
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Elements of Social Media Marketing
1. Creating an audience persona :
The core of effective social media marketing is about speaking to a specific
audience with your social posts. And unless you have an intuitive idea of who
your target audience really is, you’ll need to create audience personas. Social
Media Marketing gives us scope wherein we keep on reaching new audiences
every day, every minute. Every share & every like can change a potential
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customer into a customer of our brand. As we write blogs that cater to the
interests of the mass audiences and with respect to that we reach our customers
along with the general audience. Therefore, we have a chance of growing our
customer base.
2. Goal-setting and objectives :
Once you've got a good idea of who your audience is, you’ll then need to
identify key goals for your social media marketing efforts. What do you hope to
achieve with your strategy? Goals aren’t terribly useful if you don’t have
specific parameters that define when each is achieved. For example, if one of
your primary goals is generating leads and sales, how many leads and sales do
you have to generate before you consider that goal a success? Marketing
objectives define how you get from Point A (an unfulfilled goal) to Point B (a
successfully fulfilled goal). You can determine your objectives with the
S-M-A-R-T approach: Make your objectives specific, measurable, achievable,
relevant and time-bound.
3. Budgeting :
To budget for social media marketing, look at the tactics you’ve chosen to
achieve your business goals and objectives. Make a comprehensive list of the
tools you need (e.g., social media monitoring, email marketing and CRM),
services you’ll outsource (e.g., graphic design or video production) and any
advertising you’ll purchase. Next to each, include the annual projected cost so
you can have a high-level view of what you’re investing in and how it affects
your marketing budget.
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4. Resourcing/team building :
Research by Simply Measured shows that while developing a social media
strategy is more difficult for small businesses, enterprise companies also face
significant challenges in securing enough internal resources to make it happen.
This is probably because SMBs are more open to the idea of outsourcing to build
their teams. Your big decision here is deciding if your internal staff will head
your social media marketing strategy, or if you’ll outsource the work. You could
utilize a combination of both - it’s easy to find freelancers who will manage your
social accounts on Upwork or Guru. But finding someone who will develop
social campaigns that speak to your target audience is a bigger task.
5. Research :
When it comes to social media marketing, researching your competition not
only keeps you apprised of their activity, it gives you an idea of what’s working
so you can integrate those successful tactics into your own efforts. Start by
compiling a list of at least 3-5 main competitors. Search which social networks
they’re using and analyse their content strategy. Look at their number of fans or
followers, posting frequency and time of day. Also pay attention to the type of
content they’re posting and its context and how they’re responding to their fans.
6. Choosing your platforms :
There are a lot of factors you should consider when choosing the right social
platforms for your business: Consider the purpose of each platform, and how it
relates to your business goals - Facebook's great for building brand loyalty,
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for example, while LinkedIn is best for B2B business development. You’ll also
want to think back to the demographics of your target audience to help decide
which platforms are the most worthwhile.
7. Producing content :
Your social media strategy will require a mix of content to be successful, so
you'll need to develop a process to create this content and maximize its worth.
• Visual - Did you know visual content is 40X more likely to get shared
on social media than other types of content? Including images as part of your
social posts is one of social media marketing’s best practices.
• Emotional - Most brands shy away from sharing something
polarizing or opinionated, but this is the kind of content that resonates most
with people on social media. Create content that evokes awe, excitement, or
amusement to encourage engagement and shares.
• Useful - People like to share content that they think might be
helpful or educational for others. One study found that people like to share
useful content to help others, for self-help, and for social exchange. So,
find a way to offer something of value to your social followers. Create
compelling social content and develop a powerful strategy to promote it.
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8. Tracking analytics :
Analytics tracking is one of the most important things you can do to improve
your social media marketing strategy over time. Tracking analytics gives you a
detailed picture of what kind of content and promotion strategies work - along
with the ones that don’t - enabling you to adjust and improve.
Benefits/ Features of Social Media
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1. Better Customer Satisfaction :
Social media is a networking and communication platform. Creating a voice for
your company through these platforms is important in humanizing your
company. Customers appreciate knowing that when they post comments on your
pages, they will receive a personalized response rather than an automated
message. Being able to acknowledge each comment shows that you are attentive
to your visitors' needs and aim to provide the best experience.
2. Increased Brand Awareness :
Social media is one of the most cost-efficient digital marketing methods used to
syndicate content and increase your business' visibility. Implementing a social
media strategy will greatly increase your brand recognition since you will be
engaging with a broad audience of consumers. To get started, create social
media profiles for your business and begin interacting with others. Get
employees, business partners, and sponsors to "like" and "share" your page.
Simply having people interact with your content will increase brand awareness
and begin building your reputation as a business.
3. More Inbound Traffic :
Without marketing your business on social media, your inbound traffic is
limited to your usual customers. The people familiar with your brand are likely
searching for the same keywords you already rank for. Without utilizing social
media as part of your marketing strategy, you'll have much more difficulty
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reaching anyone outside of your loyal customer circle. Every social media
profile you add to your marketing mix is a gateway to your website, and every
piece of content you post is another opportunity to acquire a new customer.
4. Improved Search Engine Rankings :
Although posting on social media might get your business some site traffic,
more effort than that is required to see significant success. Search engine
optimization is very important for achieving higher page rankings and obtaining
traffic to your business website. While social media doesn't directly increase
search engine rankings, Social Media Examiner states that more than 58% of
marketers who have been using social media for one year or longer still see
improved search engine rankings. Being able to rank in the top positions for
your keywords will revolutionize your traffic and continue to generate positive
results for your business.
5. Higher Conversion Rates :
With increased visibility, your business gains more opportunities for
conversion. Every blog post, image, video, or comment may lead viewers to
your company's website and increase traffic. Social media marketing allows
your business to give a positive impression through a humanization factor.
When brands are interactive by sharing content, commenting, and posting
statuses on social media, it personifies a brand. People prefer to do business
with other people, rather than companies.
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6. Improved Brand Loyalty :
One of the main goals of almost all businesses is developing a loyal customer
base. Considering that customer satisfaction and brand loyalty typically go hand
in hand, it is important to regularly engage with consumers and begin
developing a bond with them. Social media is not just limited to introducing
your brand's products and promotional campaigns. Customers see these
platforms as a service channel where they can communicate directly with the
7. Cost-Effective :
Social media marketing is possibly the most cost-efficient part of an advertising
strategy. Signing up and creating a profile is free for almost all social
networking platforms, and any paid promotions you decide to invest in are a
relatively low cost compared to other marketing tactics. Being cost-effective is
such an advantage because you can see a greater return on investment and retain
a bigger budget for other marketing and business expenses. If you decide to use
paid advertising on social media, always start small to see what you should
expect. As you become more comfortable, fine-tune your strategy and try
increasing your budget.
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Mobile Advertising
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Definition of Mobile Advertising
Mobile advertising is a type of advertising that appears on mobile devices such
as smartphones and tablets that have wireless connections. As a subset of mobile
marketing, mobile advertising can take place as text ads via SMS, or banner
advertisements that appear embedded in a mobile web site, in downloaded apps
or mobile games. Mobile technology used by companies such as Google and
Facebook tailors’ mobile advertisements based on an individual's web browsing
history, geographic location, and data collected by shopping habits. Because
mobile devices typically have smaller screens than computers or laptops, this
form of digital advertising is usually optimized for small displays by being
For example :
Mobile advertising also works hand in hand with mobile marketing, which uses
personal data collected and technology such as location services to personalize
ads based on user preference, habits, or location. Some mobile advertisements
may appear only when a mobile user is near a certain store or service provider.
Mobile ad placement works by way of a programmatic bidding process for ad
placement, in which advertisers bid in real-time for the right to place an ad on a
mobile device. The infrastructure that allows for this process is known as a
demand-side platform. The use of such platforms will enable advertisers to
optimize their performance based on several key performance indicators, such
as effective cost per click and effective cost per action.
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Types of Mobile Advertising
1. In-app ads :
In-app ads are advertisements deployed within a running app. They can
include any of the formats mentioned in this article, but commonly pause
app activity with a full-screen presentation. Smaller banners, click-to-call,
or click-to-download apps are often less effective. In-app ads are the single
most important advertising channel for marketers. Mobile users spend
approximately 89% of their browsing time running apps, making it the most
consistent place where ads can be viewed.
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2. Mobile-web ads :
Mobile web ads are advertisements deployed on web pages that are optimized for
smartphones and tablets. Many ad formats that are traditionally used in a desktop
setting still tend to be effective here, including banner ads. While mobile web pages
are viewed less than apps, that doesn’t mean marketing is ineffective. One study
revealed that 11% of customers interact with mobile web ads, compared to 13% of
in-app ads, even as users spend more time in apps. Roughly 8% and 9% respectively
would proceed to visit a brand website after viewing an advertisement. While
advertising ad spends should be oriented towards in-app marketing, that in no way
means that the mobile web should be ignored.
3. Banner ads :
Banner ads are interactive images placed alongside web or in-app content. When a
banner is clicked, it opens another web page for the product or service being
advertised. In a mobile setting, these links can also redirect to an App Store or similar
storefront. During the height of desktop PC-oriented marketing, banner ads were
king. Its prominence has decreased rapidly in the age of smartphones, thanks to a
limited amount of display screen real estate. The latest reports suggest that only 0.1%
of customers click on banner ads, although strategically deployed banners can be
effective in a mobile web environment.
4. Native ads :
Native ads are a form of advertising designed to reflect the form and function of the
surrounding user experience.
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For example, social media apps like Facebook or Twitter deploy native ads as posts
within regular user feeds. In a mobile game app, native ads might take the form of
themed cosmetic costumes for in-game characters.
5. Interstitial ads :
Interstitial ads are full-screen advertisements that completely cover the host
app’s interface. As such, they are most effectively deployed in-app, as opposed
to web browser interfaces. They tend to encourage engagement during
downtime or natural transition points of an app flow. For example, interstitials
are highly effective when viewed between levels of a mobile game.
6. Mobile video ads:
Mobile video ads are a form of advertising presented as playable videos. They
are typically deployed as in-app interstitials but can also be used within the
interface of a mobile web page. The mobile video currently ranks as one of the
most effective ad formats and is expected to outpace all traditional ad spending
by 2020. One especially promising subset of mobile video ads is rewarded
video. This format is integrated with an app’s SDK to provide benefit when
users watch its ad content. This puts customers in complete control of their user
experience because they can engage with advertisements on their schedule.
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Effective Use of Mobile Advertising
1. The Right Format :
Because of the limited screen size and other mobile-specific qualities,
certain ad formats are especially effective on mobile and some are not. For
instance, you might choose in-app ads because you won’t have to deal with
ad blockers; or native ads because, put in the right place they’ll be seen by
a captive audience. But you might avoid banner ads because they appear so
small that they’re easily ignored or tapped on by accident.
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2. Location :
If you place it where your potential customer is in the frame of mind of
looking for to hire employees, then your ad about your recruiting services
is more likely to hit a chord than if it appeared elsewhere.
3. Simplicity :
Again, given the screen size and that, chances are, the mobile-phone user is
literally in motion, the best ads are uncluttered, with limited but clear and
convincing text and great visuals. Don’t make the user click unnecessarily;
each click should lead to something useful.
4. Social buttons :
As the Google research reports: “Mobile-phone video viewers are 1.4 times
likelier to watch an ad than a desktop and they’re almost twice as likely to
share it. So, make sure relevant social buttons are prominent and that they
5. Irresistible incentives :
Whether you want the user to come into your store, subscribe to your
newsletter, or share your content, it helps to provide perks. Consider
offering discount coupons or a chance to win a prize.
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Benefits / Features of Mobile
1. Mobile Marketing Reaches A Broader Market :
Smartphones and tablets are cheaper, smaller, and more portable than
traditional PCs and laptops. This means that people who previously were
not able to be online are no longer restricted by financial, geographical, or
technological barriers. 36
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2. Instantaneous results :
We always carry our mobile phones. Like our wallet or keys, we never leave
home without them. And, most of the time, our mobile phone is ON, which
means, we receive the message at the very moment it is sent. You can use mobile
tactics to get your marketing message out immediately.
3. Easy to work :
The creation of elements for mobile devices is simpler and less costly compared
to desktops or laptops. This medium also makes it easier to issue promotions and
marketing incentive services to us, the users. We can keep this information
handy until the time we need to use it. For example, we can download a coupon
to our phone, and then show that coupon at checkout without an internet
connection to receive the discount.
4. Convenient to use :
Since the screen size of a mobile phone is small, it limits the scope of content
that can be displayed. This makes it convenient for the creators of the content,
who can keep it basic and simple. Also, simpler content will adapt itself better
to the various mobile platforms.
5. Tracking response :
User response can be tracked almost instantaneously. Mobile marketing is an
effective way to collect user data. Databases that use phone numbers, as unique
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IDs are more effective, since many people generally keep their phone numbers
for a longer period, unlike their email addresses. This helps the mobile
advertiser better understand and analyze user behavior and create buyer
6. Huge viral potential :
Here you have the domino effect. Since mobile content can be easily shared
among users, mobile marketing enhances the potential for virality, or a piece of
content usually a video “going viral.” Users more than likely will share good
information and offers with their friends and family, so companies get a lot more
exposure with no extra effort.
7. Mass communication made easy :
Since a lot more people own mobile phones than desktops or laptops, mobile
marketing helps the marketer reach a far wider and more diverse audience,
either by SMS or push notifications. Mobile marketing also gives the advantage
of targeting capabilities. You can geo-target by sending location-specific
messages to those using GPS and Bluetooth technology, or demographic
targeting, so you can reach the right audience via age and gender information.
8. Microblogging benefits :
Social media platforms such as Instagram and Twitter, have put the power of
influence in the hands of everyday people. From moms to fashion bloggers to
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people who just like pictures of dogs with food, anyone can be an influencer.
You are an influencer to your friends and family on social media, whether you
realize it or not.
Illustrative Example:
These are some of the companies offering solutions and offerings
for Social Media Marketing:
1. Apple
2. Facebook
3. Google
4. Instagram
5. LinkedIn
6. Pinterest
7. The Trade Desk
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  • 1. Digital Marketing Advertisement Email us - Website : IT Shades Engage & Enable
  • 2. IT Shades Engage & Enable For any queries, Please write to has been founded with singular aim of engaging and enabling the best and brightest of businesses, professionals and students with opportunities, learnings, best practices, collaboration and innovation from IT industry. This e-book brings together a set of latest data points and publicly available information relevant for Digital Marketing Advertisement. We are very excited to share this content and believe that readers will benefit from this periodic publication immensely. 1. Publishing of your company’s solutions/ announcements in this document. 2. Subscribe to this and other periodic publications i.e. E-books, I-Bytes, Solution Letters from 3. For placement of your company's click-able logo and advertisements. 4. Feedback for us to improve the content and format of these periodic publications. About Us Who We are Aim of this IByte Reasons to talk to us
  • 3. IT Shades Engage & Enable For any queries, Please write to Definition of Digital Marketing.....................................................................1 Types of Digital Marketing.........................................................................2 1. Marketing Platform.............................................................................2 Types of Marketing Platform..............................................................3 2. Social Media Marketing......................................................................5 Types of Social Media Marketing.......................................................5 3. Marketing Technologies.....................................................................11 Types of Marketing Technologies.....................................................12 Definition of Social Media Marketing........................................................21 Elements of Social Media Marketing.....................................................22 Benefits/ Features of Social Media Marketing......................................26 Definition of Mobile Advertising................................................................30 Types of Mobile Advertising....................................................................31 Effective Use of Mobile Advertising.......................................................34 Benefits / Features of Mobile Advertising..............................................36 Table of Contents
  • 4. IT Shades Engage & Enable For any queries, Please write to Digital Marketing
  • 5. IT Shades Engage & Enable For any queries, Please write to Definition of Digital Marketing Digital marketing is the marketing of products or services using digital technologies on the Internet, through mobile phone Apps, display advertising, and any other digital mediums. Digital marketing channels are systems based on the Internet that can create, accelerate, and transmit product value from producer to a consumer terminal, through digital networks. For example : Digital marketing campaigns have become prevalent, employing combinations of search engine optimization, search engine marketing, content marketing, influencer marketing, content automation, campaign marketing, data-driven marketing, e-commerce marketing, social media marketing, social media optimization, e-mail direct marketing, display advertising, e-books, and optical disks and games have become commonplace. Digital marketing extends to non-Internet channels that provide digital media, such as television, mobile phone, call back, and on-hold mobile ring tones. The extension to non-Internet channels differentiates digital marketing from online marketing. 1
  • 6. IT Shades Engage & Enable For any queries, Please write to Types of Digital Marketing 1. Marketing Platform : In the world of online and social media marketing, new advertising platforms have emerged to increase revenue for both the major search engines and for new internet marketing companies. Search engine powerhouses like Google and Yahoo, operating system platforms like Microsoft, and media and email newsletter and media marketing giant Vocus have all jumped on the advertising and media marketing train. For example : Google offers a variety of advertising technologies, including ranking Page Authority and Site Authority that continues to revolutionize how people use the Internet and find what they are looking for, as well as advertising platforms AdSense and AdWords. 2
  • 7. IT Shades Engage & Enable For any queries, Please write to Types of Marketing Platform 1.1. Digital platforms : Technology has enabled business models to scale to a global level. The very first platforms that scaled globally were the credit card companies. However, no one scaled as quickly or as globally as new technology-focused players such as Apple, Google, and eBay. Digital marketing platforms are designed to support an extensible set of requirements within a single neighborhood or two. A digital marketing platform exposes key elements as standardized services via a programmed application interface for building custom applications, extensions, and integrations with other custom and commercial applications and data. The digital platform is a technology-based platform that involves the interaction between two. 3
  • 8. IT Shades Engage & Enable For any queries, Please write to 1.2. Non-digital platforms : For thousands of years, markets have been physical and local. Connecting groups of buyers and sellers have played a huge part in the structure of human society. If there is an opportunity for interaction, there is a platform. A relationship, for example, is a platform. The entire concept of networking marketing is built upon relationships. Within this relationship, which exists for the sake of cooperation, it has been transformed into other forms of markets. This is what I refer to as a second and third transformation of marketing. The first fundamental marketing transformation occurred when the market changed from the seller to the buyer. The second transformation was that of the increased interaction between the buyer and the seller via the use of technology. The third transformation within marketing is to turn every form of that interaction to a market. 1.3. Hybrid platforms : The hybrid platform marketing involves the combination of both digital and non-digital forms of marketing strategies. A good example of hybrid platform strategies is where an organization has both online and offline product offerings. The hybrid platform strategy will define the future of marketing strategy as we know it. There are several reasons why the hybrid platform strategy is common. In places like developing countries where it is not easy to establish trust with purely online platforms, some companies can establish the underground physical platforms, for example, start the physical office/agents and then optimize the digital platform afterward. Autorec Japan and BeFoward car exporting companies had to establish the non-digital platform to build more trust locally. 4
  • 9. IT Shades Engage & Enable For any queries, Please write to 2. Social Media Marketing: Social media platforms create an excellent opportunity for you to connect with interesting leads, learn more about your audience, and generate sales. There are several types of social media available, so you must understand all your options to choose the best one. Types of Social Media Marketing 2.1. Social networks: One of the most well-known types of social media is social networks. These networks allow users to connect with people and brands online. Many people call social networks “relationship platforms” because they allow people to connect and build a relationship. You can share information, photos, videos, and more through these sites. These platforms focus on sharing knowledge and connecting with people. 5
  • 10. IT Shades Engage & Enable For any queries, Please write to • Facebook : With over 2.3 billion monthly active users, Facebook is one of the most popular social networks available to your business. Many people use these platforms to connect with family, friends, and brands. For your company, Facebook offers an excellent opportunity to connect with your audience. You can share: • Status updates • Photos • Videos • Links to content • Polls Facebook also offers paid advertisements that allow you to attract new followers to help grow your business. • Twitter : Twitter has over 326 million monthly active users. This platform is used similarly to Facebook, with users posting photos, videos, status updates, links, polls, and more. The most significant distinction between these social networks is the size of the message. Twitter’s unique attribute is that you only have 280 characters for each of your messages. This limit means that you need to get to the point with what you’re trying to say. Twitter also offers paid advertisements for your business. You can run a multitude of different ads to gain new followers and earn conversions for your business. 6
  • 11. IT Shades Engage & Enable For any queries, Please write to • LinkedIn: LinkedIn boasts over 610 million users in more than 200 million countries and territories. This social network is a great place for professionals to connect. It’s an excellent platform for building professional relationships, sharing information, finding new jobs, and recruiting new candidates. You can also advertise to people who use LinkedIn. It’s a great place to target professionals interested in your business. 2.2. Media sharing networks: If you’re looking for one of the most visual types of social media platforms, media sharing networks are the answer. You can create different types of social media campaigns through these media-based sites. Generally, media sharing networks focus on sharing photos and videos. Many people are visual learners. These media sharing networks are a great place for your business to share visual content and engage your audience. • Instagram: With over 1 billion active monthly users, Instagram is a great place to share photos and videos. This type of social media platform allows you to give a visual insight into your business. You can get creative and share inspiring images and videos. Instagram is great when you’re running different types of social media campaigns. You can promote your products or services and provide your audience with a great visual representation of your brand. Instagram offers advertising options for your business, 7
  • 12. IT Shades Engage & Enable For any queries, Please write to too. You can use photos and videos to advertise to interested leads. It’s a great way to reach people and gain new followers and sales. • Pinterest : Pinterest has over 250 million monthly active users that use this visually focused site. This media sharing network focuses mostly on sharing and pinning photos. Users pin these photos to their boards and can refer to them later. This media platform is excellent for sharing creative ideas, as well as your products. You can share photos that link to blog posts, recipes, DIY ideas, and more. It’s essential to keep in mind that you’re on a creative platform, so you want to ensure your posts fit the creative theme. • YouTube : YouTube has over 1.8 billion monthly logged-in users on its platform. Additionally, YouTube is the second-largest search engine in the world. People actively search for videos and watch them on this platform. If you’re looking to engage people through videos, YouTube is an excellent channel for it. This media platform allows you to create videos and share them anywhere. It’s a unique opportunity for you to build brand awareness and engage your audience. 2.3. Social blogging networks : Blogging networks allow you to publish content for your audience and help them discover it. They’re a great way to build engagement and get people familiar with your business. Social blogging networks are one of the more unique types of social 8
  • 13. IT Shades Engage & Enable For any queries, Please write to media because they require creating constant content to publish. While they increase visibility, brand awareness, and generate leads, they need more work than other social platforms. • Tumblr : Tumblr is one of the most popular blogging platforms, with over 425.7 million accounts. Many people use Tumblr to share information, photos, and videos. This social media site isn’t your typical blogging site, though. While you can post long-form content, many people use Tumblr to share photos, videos, and other exciting content. You may need a balance of content on yours to help increase engagement. 2.4. Discussion networks : Discussion networks are another specific type of social media platform. These social platforms focus on discussing news, information, and opinions. People see content threads and join them to see what people are commenting or saying. These networks are an excellent way for you to do market research. You can learn a lot about your audience by looking at what they say about your brand on these forums. Even if you have a lesser-known brand, you can still see what people are saying about different topics in your industry. • Reddit: Reddit is a popular discussion network you may want to use. People post about topics 9
  • 14. IT Shades Engage & Enable For any queries, Please write to that vary from finance to politics to funny videos. This forum features communities known as “subreddits.” Each of these communities covers a different topic. When you enter each subreddit, you can see information on the subject and see what people are posting. If you use Reddit, you can monitor different subreddits related to your business or industry to understand how your customers and audience perceive your company and market. You can also learn common questions or concerns. 2.5. Review networks : When you’re running different types of social media campaigns, it’s essential to know which sites are influenced solely by users. Review networks are a prime example of social websites that impact your audience but depend 100% on them. Review networks allow people to find, review, and share information about brands and their products. When you have good reviews, these platforms can bring positive social proof to your business and its claims. • Yelp : Yelp is a review platform where people can share their opinions and experiences with a business. This platform allows users to search for any company and find what people in the community are saying. Businesses can’t pay to remove or alter reviews, so all positive and negative posts remain on this site. When you’re on this website, look at the reviews for your company and see what people are saying. It’s a helpful way for you to understand what your audience thinks of your business. You can use this as an opportunity for you to improve your audience’s experience. 10
  • 15. IT Shades Engage & Enable For any queries, Please write to 3. Marketing Technologies : Marketing technology is a general term for tech used to assist marketing teams in their work. The technology is mostly used in the sphere of digital marketing, and also for the optimization of offline marketing channels. 11
  • 16. IT Shades Engage & Enable For any queries, Please write to Types of Marketing Technologies 3.1. Real-time marketing : Real-time marketing involved using data reported instantaneously so marketers can make decisions based on information on what’s happening at that moment. Instead of creating a marketing plan and executing it according to a fixed schedule, real-time marketing is creating a strategy focused on current, relevant trends and immediate feedback from customers. The goal of real-time marketing is to connect consumers with the product or service that they need now, at the moment. With constant innovation in social media and other communications technology, real-time marketing efforts are more effective than ever. With Facebook, Twitter, and other popular social sites, businesses can gather up-to-date information on their target audience. Within minutes, they can convert that information into a marketing message to be shared. 3.2. Programmatic TV : The word Programmatic TV combines both the fact to target a specific audience with a specific message that’s what we call “addressable ads” -, and the automation of TV purchases. The former targets users with anonymised data, accessible via a connected TV, when the latter allows advertisers to select an audience thanks to hundreds of criteria, making sure to reach the most qualified audience possible. 12
  • 17. IT Shades Engage & Enable For any queries, Please write to 3.3. Programmatic Direct : Programmatic direct, an ad transaction or agreement takes place directly between the publisher and the advertiser through some kind programmatic ad buying system. Programmatic direct can also contain a variety of programmatic deals such as private auctions, preferred deals, and guaranteed/non-guaranteed deals. The image below provides more information. With other programmatic transactions, this would typically run through an ad exchange and RTB technology would be used to bid on ad inventory such as an open auction. 3.4. Digital Marketing Hub : A digital marketing hub is a marketing software solution that analyses the customer’s transaction and multichannel behavior, in order to help marketers, come up with customized and effective marketing campaigns that lead to conversions and increased business. The digital marketing hub merges marketing and big data to deliver personalized offers and content through the most effective customer touchpoints. The digital marketing hub allows marketers to fully understand customers by analysing the multichannel data in order to get deep insights into customers’ behaviours as they transact or negotiate through a website. This enables organizations to make insight-driven decisions and take actions based on the customers' and channel attributes that lead to conversions. 3.5. Data-Driven Marketing : Data-driven marketing is the process by which marketers glean insights and trends by 13
  • 18. IT Shades Engage & Enable For any queries, Please write to analysing company-generated or market data, then translating these insights into actionable decisions informed by the numbers. The goal of data-driven marketing is to optimize marketing processes and strategies to cater to changing trends and the unique demands of audiences and consumers by leveraging data to gain deeper insight into what customers want. When brands fully understand the who, what, where, when, and why of how consumers are engaging with their marketing efforts, they are able to make better decisions surrounding everything from the timing of advertising in a given medium to the customization of marketing copy to cater to specific audience segments. 3.6. Content Marketing : Content marketing is the marketing and business process for creating and distributing relevant and valuable content to attract, acquire, and engage a clearly defined and understood target audience with the objective of driving profitable customer action. A content marketing strategy can leverage all story channels, be employed at any and all stages of the buying process, from attention-oriented strategies to retention and loyalty strategies, and include multiple buying groups. Content marketing is comparable to what media companies do as their core business, except that in place of paid content or sponsorship as a measure of success, brands define success by ultimately selling more products or services. 3.7. Loyalty marketing : Loyalty marketing is an approach to marketing, based on strategic management, in 14
  • 19. IT Shades Engage & Enable For any queries, Please write to which a company focuses on growing and retaining existing customers through incentives. Branding, product marketing, and loyalty marketing all form part of the customer proposition the subjective assessment by the customer of whether to purchase a brand or not based on the integrated combination of the value they receive from each of these marketing disciplines. The discipline of customer loyalty marketing has been around for many years, but expansions from it merely being a model for conducting business to becoming a vehicle for marketing and advertising have made it omnipresent in consumer marketing organizations since the mid- to late-1990s. Some of the newer loyalty marketing industry insiders, such as Fred Reichheld, have claimed a strong link between customer loyalty marketing and customer referral. In recent years, a new marketing discipline called "customer advocacy marketing" has been combined with or replaced by "customer loyalty marketing." To the general public, many airline miles programs, hotel frequent guest programs, and credit card incentive programs are the most visible customer loyalty marketing programs. 3.8. Multichannel Marketing : Multichannel marketing refers to the practice of interacting with customers using a combination of indirect and direct communication channels websites, retail stores, mail order catalogues, direct mail, email, mobile, etc. and enabling customers to take action in response preferably to buy your product or service using the channel of their choice. In the most simplistic terms, multichannel marketing is all about choice. Multichannel marketing is important for the simple reason that you must be where 15
  • 20. IT Shades Engage & Enable For any queries, Please write to your customers are. And they are everywhere. If you need another reason, consider this: Multichannel customers spend three to four times more than single-channel customers do. 3.9. Event-Triggered Marketing : Event-triggered marketing has evolved rapidly over the past five years as a solution to this very problem. This strategy is defined as marketing efforts that are based on the measurement of relevant and identifiable changes in an individual customer’s needs. A simple example of event-triggered marketing is online display ad retargeting. Person A visits a site to buy baseball cleats but does not purchase. In future web browsing, Person A notices ads for the store he visited, promoting a discount possibly on the item he was just looking at. The event that occurred was a visit to a site; the follow-up marketing that occurred was the additional online ads. 3.10. Real-time bidding : Real-time bidding is a means by which advertising inventory is bought and sold on a per-impression basis, via programmatic instantaneous auction, like financial markets. With real-time bidding, advertising buyers bid on an impression and, if the bid is won, the buyer's ad is instantly displayed on the publisher's site. Real-time bidding lets advertisers manage and optimize ads from multiple ad-networks by granting the user access to a multitude of different networks, allowing them to create and launch advertising campaigns, prioritize networks and allocate percentages of unsold inventory, known as backfill. Real-time bidding is distinguishable from static 16
  • 21. IT Shades Engage & Enable For any queries, Please write to auctions by how it is a per-impression way of bidding whereas static auctions are groups of up to several thousand impressions. RTB is promoted as being more effective than static auctions for both advertisers and publishers in terms of advertising inventory sold, though the results vary by execution and local conditions. RTB replaced the traditional model. 3.11. Data management platform : A data management platform is a software platform used for collecting and managing data. They allow businesses to identify audience segments, which can be used to target specific users and contexts in online advertising campaigns. DMPs may use big data and artificial intelligence algorithms to process and analyse large data sets about users from various sources. Some advantages of using DMPs include data organization, increased insight on audiences and markets, and effective advertisement budgeting. On the other hand, DMPs often must deal with privacy concerns due to the integration of third-party software with private data. This technology is continuously being developed by global entities such as Nielsen and Oracle. 3.12. Crowdsourcing : The concept of crowdsourcing has given way to the trend of user-generated advertisements. User-generated ads are created by people, as opposed to an advertising agency or the company themselves, often resulting from brand sponsored advertising competitions. For the 2007 Super Bowl, the Frito-Lays division of 17
  • 22. IT Shades Engage & Enable For any queries, Please write to PepsiCo held the "Crash the Super Bowl" contest, allowing people to create their own Doritos commercials. Chevrolet held a similar competition for their Tahoe line of SUVs. This trend has given rise to several online platforms that host user-generated advertising competitions on behalf of a company. Founded in 2007, Zooppa has launched ad competitions for brands such as Google, Nike, Hershey's, General Mills, Microsoft, NBC Universal, Zinio, and Mini Cooper. Crowdsourcing remains controversial, as the long-term impact on the advertising industry is still unclear. 3.13. Global advertising : Advertising has gone through five major stages of development: domestic, export, international, multi-national, and global. For global advertisers, there are four, potentially competing, business objectives that must be balanced when developing worldwide advertising: building a brand while speaking with one voice, developing economies of scale in the creative process, maximising local effectiveness of ads, and increasing the company's speed of implementation. Born from the evolutionary stages of global marketing are the three primary and fundamentally different approaches to the development of global advertising executions: exporting executions, producing local executions, and importing ideas that travel, Advertising research is key to determining the success of an ad in any country or region. 3.14. Email Marketing : From a business perspective, emails are widely used as a cost-effective as well as an efficient way of acquiring new customers, boosting sales, building up your brand 18
  • 23. IT Shades Engage & Enable For any queries, Please write to awareness, and fostering a sense of trust among your customers. Email marketing has also shown a better ROI compared to other marketing channels, making them a great addition to your marketing technology stack. Mailchimp is a very well-known email marketing tool that integrates with popular apps and services. This tool allows you to easily sync your data from those services, import content from other sources, and learn how your campaigns are affecting your business. Along with reports to show you how well you’re connecting with your audience and how much money you’re bringing in, Mailchimp gives you tips for improvement. Mailchimp Mobile Dashboard enables you to check in from anywhere. 3.15. CRM Software : CRM software now lies at the heart of most marketing and sales operations. These businesses are trying to avoid silos and make information available to their employees wherever they are. Plus, it’s proven to be an efficient way of obtaining the much sought-after ‘360-degree view of the customer’. With this sudden rise in popularity, a myriad of CRM software providers quickly arrived at the scene, providing businesses with a wealth of options. SalesForce CRM has the largest share on the market. The software combines lead management, marketing automation, sales data, partner management features for a ‘systematic lead-to-conversion approach’. It has a pretty cool visual workflow as well where you can drag-and-drop things like deals, discounts, and expenses. Additionally, SalesForce offers a variety of modules including: Sales Cloud, Sales Performance, Sales Collaboration, Marketing Cloud, and more. 19
  • 24. IT Shades Engage & Enable For any queries, Please write to 3.16. Analytics Tools : Analytics tools are unfortunately considered an afterthought much of the time. They are often used to measure the performance and effectiveness of other marketing tools in this list, rather than as a method of fine-tuning marketing activities. Proper analytics tools, however, especially with respect to your website can do a lot for conversions, customer experience, and overall usability of your website. The results you receive from the collection and analysis of website data will help you identify what’s working and what isn’t so you can make meaningful changes. Google Analytics is the most popular of all web analytics tools and for a good reason. This free Google-powered tool provides a well-rounded dose of prescriptive and predictive analytics. Google Analytics helps you follow trends and understand user flows; however, you’ll need to follow a tutorial to use it properly as sometimes it can be difficult to interpret the data without any prior knowledge of how it works. 3.17. Affiliate Marketing : Affiliate marketing is one of the popular ways people make money online these days. If your affiliate program is successful, you might earn quite a decent passive income. Basically, affiliate marketing is a type of digital marketing where a person partners up with other businesses in order to receive a commission for the traffics/he generates for this business. Imagine this: you put a link to an external website on your own blog or website. Every time a user proceeds to this external website and makes a purchase, you receive a commission. eBay, The Home Depot, Amazon and other well-known e-commerce have affiliate programs. The secret of its success is due to the performance it offers advertisers pay commissions only for the conversions they get, which means that the sales cycle is financially beneficial to the company. 20
  • 25. IT Shades Engage & Enable For any queries, Please write to Social Media Marketing
  • 26. IT Shades Engage & Enable For any queries, Please write to Definition of Social Media Marketing Social media marketing (SMM) is a form of Internet marketing that utilizes social networking websites as a marketing tool. The goal of SMM is to produce content that users will share with their social network to help a company increase brand exposure and broaden customer reach. One of the key components of SMM is social media optimization (SMO). Like search engine optimization (SEO), SMO is a strategy for drawing new and unique visitors to a website. SMO can be done two ways: adding social media links to content, such as RSS feeds and sharing buttons or promoting activity through social media by updating statuses or tweets, or blog posts. For example : Social media is one of the most powerful marketing tools in your arsenal. These days, 90% of young adults use social media to communicate with brands, and if anything, that’s only likely to increase. SMM helps a company get direct feedback from customers (and potential customers) while making the company seem more personable. The interactive parts of social media give customers the opportunity to ask questions or voice complaints and feel they are being heard. This aspect of SMM is called social customer relationship management (social CRM).SMM became more common with the increased popularity of websites such as Twitter, Facebook, Myspace, LinkedIn, and YouTube. 21
  • 27. IT Shades Engage & Enable For any queries, Please write to Elements of Social Media Marketing 1. Creating an audience persona : The core of effective social media marketing is about speaking to a specific audience with your social posts. And unless you have an intuitive idea of who your target audience really is, you’ll need to create audience personas. Social Media Marketing gives us scope wherein we keep on reaching new audiences every day, every minute. Every share & every like can change a potential 22
  • 28. IT Shades Engage & Enable For any queries, Please write to customer into a customer of our brand. As we write blogs that cater to the interests of the mass audiences and with respect to that we reach our customers along with the general audience. Therefore, we have a chance of growing our customer base. 2. Goal-setting and objectives : Once you've got a good idea of who your audience is, you’ll then need to identify key goals for your social media marketing efforts. What do you hope to achieve with your strategy? Goals aren’t terribly useful if you don’t have specific parameters that define when each is achieved. For example, if one of your primary goals is generating leads and sales, how many leads and sales do you have to generate before you consider that goal a success? Marketing objectives define how you get from Point A (an unfulfilled goal) to Point B (a successfully fulfilled goal). You can determine your objectives with the S-M-A-R-T approach: Make your objectives specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound. 3. Budgeting : To budget for social media marketing, look at the tactics you’ve chosen to achieve your business goals and objectives. Make a comprehensive list of the tools you need (e.g., social media monitoring, email marketing and CRM), services you’ll outsource (e.g., graphic design or video production) and any advertising you’ll purchase. Next to each, include the annual projected cost so you can have a high-level view of what you’re investing in and how it affects your marketing budget. 23
  • 29. IT Shades Engage & Enable For any queries, Please write to 4. Resourcing/team building : Research by Simply Measured shows that while developing a social media strategy is more difficult for small businesses, enterprise companies also face significant challenges in securing enough internal resources to make it happen. This is probably because SMBs are more open to the idea of outsourcing to build their teams. Your big decision here is deciding if your internal staff will head your social media marketing strategy, or if you’ll outsource the work. You could utilize a combination of both - it’s easy to find freelancers who will manage your social accounts on Upwork or Guru. But finding someone who will develop social campaigns that speak to your target audience is a bigger task. 5. Research : When it comes to social media marketing, researching your competition not only keeps you apprised of their activity, it gives you an idea of what’s working so you can integrate those successful tactics into your own efforts. Start by compiling a list of at least 3-5 main competitors. Search which social networks they’re using and analyse their content strategy. Look at their number of fans or followers, posting frequency and time of day. Also pay attention to the type of content they’re posting and its context and how they’re responding to their fans. 6. Choosing your platforms : There are a lot of factors you should consider when choosing the right social platforms for your business: Consider the purpose of each platform, and how it relates to your business goals - Facebook's great for building brand loyalty, 24
  • 30. IT Shades Engage & Enable For any queries, Please write to for example, while LinkedIn is best for B2B business development. You’ll also want to think back to the demographics of your target audience to help decide which platforms are the most worthwhile. 7. Producing content : Your social media strategy will require a mix of content to be successful, so you'll need to develop a process to create this content and maximize its worth. • Visual - Did you know visual content is 40X more likely to get shared on social media than other types of content? Including images as part of your social posts is one of social media marketing’s best practices. • Emotional - Most brands shy away from sharing something polarizing or opinionated, but this is the kind of content that resonates most with people on social media. Create content that evokes awe, excitement, or amusement to encourage engagement and shares. • Useful - People like to share content that they think might be helpful or educational for others. One study found that people like to share useful content to help others, for self-help, and for social exchange. So, find a way to offer something of value to your social followers. Create compelling social content and develop a powerful strategy to promote it. 25
  • 31. IT Shades Engage & Enable For any queries, Please write to 8. Tracking analytics : Analytics tracking is one of the most important things you can do to improve your social media marketing strategy over time. Tracking analytics gives you a detailed picture of what kind of content and promotion strategies work - along with the ones that don’t - enabling you to adjust and improve. Benefits/ Features of Social Media Marketing 26
  • 32. IT Shades Engage & Enable For any queries, Please write to 1. Better Customer Satisfaction : Social media is a networking and communication platform. Creating a voice for your company through these platforms is important in humanizing your company. Customers appreciate knowing that when they post comments on your pages, they will receive a personalized response rather than an automated message. Being able to acknowledge each comment shows that you are attentive to your visitors' needs and aim to provide the best experience. 2. Increased Brand Awareness : Social media is one of the most cost-efficient digital marketing methods used to syndicate content and increase your business' visibility. Implementing a social media strategy will greatly increase your brand recognition since you will be engaging with a broad audience of consumers. To get started, create social media profiles for your business and begin interacting with others. Get employees, business partners, and sponsors to "like" and "share" your page. Simply having people interact with your content will increase brand awareness and begin building your reputation as a business. 3. More Inbound Traffic : Without marketing your business on social media, your inbound traffic is limited to your usual customers. The people familiar with your brand are likely searching for the same keywords you already rank for. Without utilizing social media as part of your marketing strategy, you'll have much more difficulty 27
  • 33. IT Shades Engage & Enable For any queries, Please write to reaching anyone outside of your loyal customer circle. Every social media profile you add to your marketing mix is a gateway to your website, and every piece of content you post is another opportunity to acquire a new customer. 4. Improved Search Engine Rankings : Although posting on social media might get your business some site traffic, more effort than that is required to see significant success. Search engine optimization is very important for achieving higher page rankings and obtaining traffic to your business website. While social media doesn't directly increase search engine rankings, Social Media Examiner states that more than 58% of marketers who have been using social media for one year or longer still see improved search engine rankings. Being able to rank in the top positions for your keywords will revolutionize your traffic and continue to generate positive results for your business. 5. Higher Conversion Rates : With increased visibility, your business gains more opportunities for conversion. Every blog post, image, video, or comment may lead viewers to your company's website and increase traffic. Social media marketing allows your business to give a positive impression through a humanization factor. When brands are interactive by sharing content, commenting, and posting statuses on social media, it personifies a brand. People prefer to do business with other people, rather than companies. 28
  • 34. IT Shades Engage & Enable For any queries, Please write to 6. Improved Brand Loyalty : One of the main goals of almost all businesses is developing a loyal customer base. Considering that customer satisfaction and brand loyalty typically go hand in hand, it is important to regularly engage with consumers and begin developing a bond with them. Social media is not just limited to introducing your brand's products and promotional campaigns. Customers see these platforms as a service channel where they can communicate directly with the business. 7. Cost-Effective : Social media marketing is possibly the most cost-efficient part of an advertising strategy. Signing up and creating a profile is free for almost all social networking platforms, and any paid promotions you decide to invest in are a relatively low cost compared to other marketing tactics. Being cost-effective is such an advantage because you can see a greater return on investment and retain a bigger budget for other marketing and business expenses. If you decide to use paid advertising on social media, always start small to see what you should expect. As you become more comfortable, fine-tune your strategy and try increasing your budget. 29
  • 35. IT Shades Engage & Enable For any queries, Please write to Mobile Advertising
  • 36. IT Shades Engage & Enable For any queries, Please write to Definition of Mobile Advertising Mobile advertising is a type of advertising that appears on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets that have wireless connections. As a subset of mobile marketing, mobile advertising can take place as text ads via SMS, or banner advertisements that appear embedded in a mobile web site, in downloaded apps or mobile games. Mobile technology used by companies such as Google and Facebook tailors’ mobile advertisements based on an individual's web browsing history, geographic location, and data collected by shopping habits. Because mobile devices typically have smaller screens than computers or laptops, this form of digital advertising is usually optimized for small displays by being concise. For example : Mobile advertising also works hand in hand with mobile marketing, which uses personal data collected and technology such as location services to personalize ads based on user preference, habits, or location. Some mobile advertisements may appear only when a mobile user is near a certain store or service provider. Mobile ad placement works by way of a programmatic bidding process for ad placement, in which advertisers bid in real-time for the right to place an ad on a mobile device. The infrastructure that allows for this process is known as a demand-side platform. The use of such platforms will enable advertisers to optimize their performance based on several key performance indicators, such as effective cost per click and effective cost per action. 30
  • 37. IT Shades Engage & Enable For any queries, Please write to Types of Mobile Advertising 1. In-app ads : In-app ads are advertisements deployed within a running app. They can include any of the formats mentioned in this article, but commonly pause app activity with a full-screen presentation. Smaller banners, click-to-call, or click-to-download apps are often less effective. In-app ads are the single most important advertising channel for marketers. Mobile users spend approximately 89% of their browsing time running apps, making it the most consistent place where ads can be viewed. 31
  • 38. IT Shades Engage & Enable For any queries, Please write to 2. Mobile-web ads : Mobile web ads are advertisements deployed on web pages that are optimized for smartphones and tablets. Many ad formats that are traditionally used in a desktop setting still tend to be effective here, including banner ads. While mobile web pages are viewed less than apps, that doesn’t mean marketing is ineffective. One study revealed that 11% of customers interact with mobile web ads, compared to 13% of in-app ads, even as users spend more time in apps. Roughly 8% and 9% respectively would proceed to visit a brand website after viewing an advertisement. While advertising ad spends should be oriented towards in-app marketing, that in no way means that the mobile web should be ignored. 3. Banner ads : Banner ads are interactive images placed alongside web or in-app content. When a banner is clicked, it opens another web page for the product or service being advertised. In a mobile setting, these links can also redirect to an App Store or similar storefront. During the height of desktop PC-oriented marketing, banner ads were king. Its prominence has decreased rapidly in the age of smartphones, thanks to a limited amount of display screen real estate. The latest reports suggest that only 0.1% of customers click on banner ads, although strategically deployed banners can be effective in a mobile web environment. 4. Native ads : Native ads are a form of advertising designed to reflect the form and function of the surrounding user experience. 32
  • 39. IT Shades Engage & Enable For any queries, Please write to For example, social media apps like Facebook or Twitter deploy native ads as posts within regular user feeds. In a mobile game app, native ads might take the form of themed cosmetic costumes for in-game characters. 5. Interstitial ads : Interstitial ads are full-screen advertisements that completely cover the host app’s interface. As such, they are most effectively deployed in-app, as opposed to web browser interfaces. They tend to encourage engagement during downtime or natural transition points of an app flow. For example, interstitials are highly effective when viewed between levels of a mobile game. 6. Mobile video ads: Mobile video ads are a form of advertising presented as playable videos. They are typically deployed as in-app interstitials but can also be used within the interface of a mobile web page. The mobile video currently ranks as one of the most effective ad formats and is expected to outpace all traditional ad spending by 2020. One especially promising subset of mobile video ads is rewarded video. This format is integrated with an app’s SDK to provide benefit when users watch its ad content. This puts customers in complete control of their user experience because they can engage with advertisements on their schedule. 33
  • 40. IT Shades Engage & Enable For any queries, Please write to Effective Use of Mobile Advertising 1. The Right Format : Because of the limited screen size and other mobile-specific qualities, certain ad formats are especially effective on mobile and some are not. For instance, you might choose in-app ads because you won’t have to deal with ad blockers; or native ads because, put in the right place they’ll be seen by a captive audience. But you might avoid banner ads because they appear so small that they’re easily ignored or tapped on by accident. 34
  • 41. IT Shades Engage & Enable For any queries, Please write to 2. Location : If you place it where your potential customer is in the frame of mind of looking for to hire employees, then your ad about your recruiting services is more likely to hit a chord than if it appeared elsewhere. 3. Simplicity : Again, given the screen size and that, chances are, the mobile-phone user is literally in motion, the best ads are uncluttered, with limited but clear and convincing text and great visuals. Don’t make the user click unnecessarily; each click should lead to something useful. 4. Social buttons : As the Google research reports: “Mobile-phone video viewers are 1.4 times likelier to watch an ad than a desktop and they’re almost twice as likely to share it. So, make sure relevant social buttons are prominent and that they work. 5. Irresistible incentives : Whether you want the user to come into your store, subscribe to your newsletter, or share your content, it helps to provide perks. Consider offering discount coupons or a chance to win a prize. 35
  • 42. IT Shades Engage & Enable For any queries, Please write to Benefits / Features of Mobile Advertising 1. Mobile Marketing Reaches A Broader Market : Smartphones and tablets are cheaper, smaller, and more portable than traditional PCs and laptops. This means that people who previously were not able to be online are no longer restricted by financial, geographical, or technological barriers. 36
  • 43. IT Shades Engage & Enable For any queries, Please write to 2. Instantaneous results : We always carry our mobile phones. Like our wallet or keys, we never leave home without them. And, most of the time, our mobile phone is ON, which means, we receive the message at the very moment it is sent. You can use mobile tactics to get your marketing message out immediately. 3. Easy to work : The creation of elements for mobile devices is simpler and less costly compared to desktops or laptops. This medium also makes it easier to issue promotions and marketing incentive services to us, the users. We can keep this information handy until the time we need to use it. For example, we can download a coupon to our phone, and then show that coupon at checkout without an internet connection to receive the discount. 4. Convenient to use : Since the screen size of a mobile phone is small, it limits the scope of content that can be displayed. This makes it convenient for the creators of the content, who can keep it basic and simple. Also, simpler content will adapt itself better to the various mobile platforms. 5. Tracking response : User response can be tracked almost instantaneously. Mobile marketing is an effective way to collect user data. Databases that use phone numbers, as unique 37
  • 44. IT Shades Engage & Enable For any queries, Please write to IDs are more effective, since many people generally keep their phone numbers for a longer period, unlike their email addresses. This helps the mobile advertiser better understand and analyze user behavior and create buyer personas. 6. Huge viral potential : Here you have the domino effect. Since mobile content can be easily shared among users, mobile marketing enhances the potential for virality, or a piece of content usually a video “going viral.” Users more than likely will share good information and offers with their friends and family, so companies get a lot more exposure with no extra effort. 7. Mass communication made easy : Since a lot more people own mobile phones than desktops or laptops, mobile marketing helps the marketer reach a far wider and more diverse audience, either by SMS or push notifications. Mobile marketing also gives the advantage of targeting capabilities. You can geo-target by sending location-specific messages to those using GPS and Bluetooth technology, or demographic targeting, so you can reach the right audience via age and gender information. 8. Microblogging benefits : Social media platforms such as Instagram and Twitter, have put the power of influence in the hands of everyday people. From moms to fashion bloggers to 38
  • 45. IT Shades Engage & Enable For any queries, Please write to people who just like pictures of dogs with food, anyone can be an influencer. You are an influencer to your friends and family on social media, whether you realize it or not. Illustrative Example: These are some of the companies offering solutions and offerings for Social Media Marketing: 1. Apple 2. Facebook 3. Google 4. Instagram 5. LinkedIn 6. Pinterest 7. The Trade Desk 39
  • 46. IT Shades Engage & Enable Follow us on social media by clickling below: w w w . y o u t u b e . c o m / c h a n n e l / U C m f V P K O Q 2 I M E Q Q W 2 5 P 4 - I h Q w w w . y o u t u b e . c o m / c h a n n e l / U C m f V P K O Q 2 I M E Q Q W 2 5 P 4 - I h Q w w w . y o u t u b e . c o m / c h a n n e l / U C m f V P K O Q 2 I M E Q Q W 2 5 P 4 - I h Q w w w . y o u t u b e . c o m / c h a n n e l / U C m f V P K O Q 2 I M E Q Q W 2 5 P 4 - I h Q w w w . y o u t u b e . c o m / c h a n n e l / U C m f V P K O Q 2 I M E Q Q W 2 5 P 4 - I h Q w w w . y o u t u b e . c o m / c h a n n e l / U C m f V P K O Q 2 I M E Q Q W 2 5 P 4 - I h Q w w w . y o u t u b e . c o m / c h a n n e l / U C m f V P K O Q 2 I M E Q Q W 2 5 P 4 - I h Q w w w . y o u t u b e . c o m / c h a n n e l / U C m f V P K O Q 2 I M E Q Q W 2 5 P 4 - I h Q w w w . y o u t u b e . c o m / c h a n n e l / U C m f V P K O Q 2 I M E Q Q W 2 5 P 4 - I h Q w w w . y o u t u b e . c o m / c h a n n e l / U C m f V P K O Q 2 I M E Q Q W 2 5 P 4 - I h Q w w w . y o u t u b e . c o m / c h a n n e l / U C m f V P K O Q 2 I M E Q Q W 2 5 P 4 - I h Q w w w . y o u t u b e . c o m / c h a n n e l / U C m f V P K O Q 2 I M E Q Q W 2 5 P 4 - I h Q w w w . y o u t u b e . c o m / c h a n n e l / U C m f V P K O Q 2 I M E Q Q W 2 5 P 4 - I h Q w w w . y o u t u b e . c o m / c h a n n e l / U C m f V P K O Q 2 I M E Q Q W 2 5 P 4 - I h Q w w w . y o u t u b e . c o m / c h a n n e l / U C m f V P K O Q 2 I M E Q Q W 2 5 P 4 - I h Q w w w . y o u t u b e . c o m / c h a n n e l / U C m f V P K O Q 2 I M E Q Q W 2 5 P 4 - I h Q w w w . y o u t u b e . c o m / c h a n n e l / U C m f V P K O Q 2 I M E Q Q W 2 5 P 4 - I h Q w w w . y o u t u b e . c o m / c h a n n e l / U C m f V P K O Q 2 I M E Q Q W 2 5 P 4 - I h Q w w w . y o u t u b e . c o m / c h a n n e l / U C m f V P K O Q 2 I M E Q Q W 2 5 P 4 - I h Q w w w . y o u t u b e . c o m / c h a n n e l / U C m f V P K O Q 2 I M E Q Q W 2 5 P 4 - I h Q w w w . y o u t u b e . c o m / c h a n n e l / U C m f V P K O Q 2 I M E Q Q W 2 5 P 4 - I h Q w w w . y o u t u b e . c o m / c h a n n e l / U C m f V P K O Q 2 I M E Q Q W 2 5 P 4 - I h Q w w w . y o u t u b e . c o m / c h a n n e l / U C m f V P K O Q 2 I M E Q Q W 2 5 P 4 - I h Q w w w . y o u t u b e . c o m / c h a n n e l / U C m f V P K O Q 2 I M E Q Q W 2 5 P 4 - I h Q w w w . y o u t u b e . c o m / c h a n n e l / U C m f V P K O Q 2 I M E Q Q W 2 5 P 4 - I h Q w w w . y o u t u b e . c o m / c h a n n e l / U C m f V P K O Q 2 I M E Q Q W 2 5 P 4 - I h Q w w w . y o u t u b e . c o m / c h a n n e l / U C m f V P K O Q 2 I M E Q Q W 2 5 P 4 - I h Q w w w . y o u t u b e . c o m / c h a n n e l / U C m f V P K O Q 2 I M E Q Q W 2 5 P 4 - I h Q w w w . y o u t u b e . c o m / c h a n n e l / U C m f V P K O Q 2 I M E Q Q W 2 5 P 4 - I h Q w w w . y o u t u b e . c o m / c h a n n e l / U C m f V P K O Q 2 I M E Q Q W 2 5 P 4 - I h Q w w w . y o u t u b e . c o m / c h a n n e l / U C m f V P K O Q 2 I M E Q Q W 2 5 P 4 - I h Q w w w . y o u t u b e . c o m / c h a n n e l / U C m f V P K O Q 2 I M E Q Q W 2 5 P 4 - I h Q w w w . y o u t u b e . c o m / c h a n n e l / U C m f V P K O Q 2 I M E Q Q W 2 5 P 4 - I h Q w w w . y o u t u b e . c o m / c h a n n e l / U C m f V P K O Q 2 I M E Q Q W 2 5 P 4 - I h Q w w w . y o u t u b e . c o m / c h a n n e l / U C m f V P K O Q 2 I M E Q Q W 2 5 P 4 - I h Q w w w . y o u t u b e . c o m / c h a n n e l / U C m f V P K O Q 2 I M E Q Q W 2 5 P 4 - I h Q w w w . y o u t u b e . c o m / c h a n n e l / U C m f V P K O Q 2 I M E Q Q W 2 5 P 4 - I h Q w w w . y o u t u b e . c o m / c h a n n e l / U C m f V P K O Q 2 I M E Q Q W 2 5 P 4 - I h Q w w w . y o u t u b e . c o m / c h a n n e l / U C m f V P K O Q 2 I M E Q Q W 2 5 P 4 - I h Q w w w . y o u t u b e . c o m / c h a n n e l / U C m f V P K O Q 2 I M E Q Q W 2 5 P 4 - I h Q w w w . y o u t u b e . c o m / c h a n n e l / U C m f V P K O Q 2 I M E Q Q W 2 5 P 4 - I h Q w w w . y o u t u b e . c o m / c h a n n e l / U C m f V P K O Q 2 I M E Q Q W 2 5 P 4 - I h Q Thank you for reading our Ebook. Please feel free to subscribe to our documents by signing up on