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                                                                                                    What is Earthquake?
                                                                                                                        An earthquake is the
                                                                                                                        sudden, rapid shaking or
                                                                                                                        rolling of the Earth.
                                                                      Group 8                                           Earthquakes happen
                                                                                                                        when rocks break or slip
                                                                                                                        along fault lines in the
                                                                                                                        Earth’s crust, releasing
                                                                                                                        energy that causes the
                                                                                                                        ground to move.

     Department of water resource engineering Faculty of engineering Kasetsart university

                                             Earth                                                  Large plates include.
                                                                                            • The Africa: the continent of Africa as a continent.
                                                                                            • Antarctic Plate, covering Antarctica is a continent.
                                                                                            • Australian Plate, covering Australia (To pages linked to
                                                                                              India, about 50-55 million years ago) was the continents.
                                                                                            • Eurasian plate, covering Asia and Europe as a continent.
                                                                                            • North American plate, covering North America and
                                                                                              northeastern Siberia, is inserted continent.
                                                                                            • South American plate, a sheet covering North America.
                                                                                            • The Pacific: the Pacific Ocean. As the ocean.
                                                                                            • There are also smaller than the plate, including the
                                                                                              Indian, the S series, the Caribbean, in the Juan de Fu, in
                                                                                              a nice car, the Philippines and the Scotia.



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       What Causes Earthquake                                                                          WHAT IS A FAULT?
                                                                                             Earthquakes occur on faults.
                                                                                     A fault is a thin zone of crushed rock
                                                                                     between two blocks of rock , and
                                                                                     can be any length, from centimeters
                                                                                     to thousands of kilometers. When
                                                                                     an earthquake occurs on one of
                                                                                     these faults, the rock on one side of
                                      science/chapter1_3.html                        the fault slips with respect to the
           The sudden slip at the fault causes                                       other. The fault surface can be
      the earthquake a violent shaking of the                                        vertical, horizontal, or at some
                                                                                     angle to the surface of the earth.
      Earth when large elastic strain energy
                                                                                     The slip direction can also be at any
      released spreads out through seismic                                           angle. We classify these into two
      waves that travel through the body and                                         basic cases: strike slip and dip-slip
      along the surface of the Earth.                                                motion.

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  Large EQ (>7.5)
  Shallow EQ – at or near
   the seafloor (< 50 km)
  Subduction zones

  Sudden displacement
  moves overlying column
  of water generating wave


                                                                                         Measuring the shaking
                    Magnitude is a measurement of the energy
              produced by the earthquake and is not what you feel
              during the event. What you feel is very complex-- hard
              or gentle, long or short, jerky or rolling--and not
              describable with one number.

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The world's first earthquake
 detector ;science museum

                                                                  รายชื่ อสถานี ตรวจแผ่ นดินไหว         Network Code Station Code    LON        LAT      ELEV    velocity sensor
                                                                  เขื่อนคีรีธาร จ.จันทบุรี                  TM          CHBT        102.3297   12.7526    4      Trillium120 sec
                                                                  ดอยสุเทพ จ.เชียงใหม่                      TM          CMMT        98.9476    18.8128   399.7   Trillium120 sec
                                                                  เขื่อนวชิราลงกรณ์ จ.กาญจนบุรี             TM          KHLT        98.5893    14.797    164     Trillium 40 sec
                                                                  เขื่อนลาพระเพลิง จ.นครราชสีมา             TM          KRDT        104.8442   14.5905   266     Trillium 40 sec
                      IP ADDRESS
                                                                  ด่านตรวจคนเข้ าเมื อง จ.แม่ ฮ่องสอน       TM           MHIT       97.9632    19.3148   270     Trillium120 sec
                                                                  สถานีอุตุนิยมวิ ทยาแม่ สะเรี ยง จ.
                                                                  แม่ ฮ่องสอน                               TM          MHMT         97.931    18.1764   164     Trillium 40 sec
                                                                  เขาค้ อ จ.เพชรบูรณ์                       TM           PBKT       100.9687   16.5733    8      Trillium120 sec
     สถานี ตรวจแผ่นดินไหวต่างจังหวัด                              เขื่อนบางวาด จ.ภู เก็ต                    TM           PKDT        98.335     7.892     53     Trillium 40 sec
                                                                  ระนอง                                     TM          RNTT        98.4778    9.3904     38     Trillium 40 sec
                                        INTERNET                  สงขลา                                     TM           SKLT       100.6188   7.1735    14.5    Trillium120 sec
                                                                  เขื่อนศรี นคริ นทร์ จ.กาญจนบุรี           TM           SRDT       99.1212    14.3945   122     Trillium 40 sec
                                                                  เขื่อนรัชประภา จ.สุราษฏร์ ธานี            TM           SURT        98.795    8.9577     26     Trillium 40 sec
                                              กรมอุตนิ ยมวิทยา    เขื่อนปากมู ล จ.อุบลราชธานี                                       105.4695   15.2773   120
                                                                                                            TM           UBPT                                    Trillium120 sec
                                                                  เขื่อนน ้าพุง จ.สกลนคร                    TM           SKNT       103.9815   16.9742   254     Trillium 40 sec
                                                                  เขื่อนท่างิ ้วจ.ตรัง                      TM           TRTT       99.6912    7.8362     71     Trillium 40 sec

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                          Wave Equation

       M = earthquake magnitude (Richter).
       A = the height of seismic waves as high as possible.
       A0 = height of seismic waves at the center.

                                   ตัวอย่างที่ 1                                                              ตัวอย่างที่ 2
      จงหาขนาดของแผ่นดินไหวที่มีความสูงของคลื่นที่สูงทีสุด 10 มิลลิเมตรระยะทาง
                                                       ่                          จงหาขนาดของแผ่นดินไหวที่มีความสูงของคลื่นทีสูงที่สุด 20 มิลลิเมตรที่ระยะทาง
      100 กิโลเมตรจากจุดศูนย์กลาง                                                100 กิโลเมตรจากจุดศูนย์กลาง
            วิธีทา M = log - logA0                                                   วิธีทา   M = log20 - log0.001

                         = log10       - log0.001                                                  = 1.3 - (-3)

                         = 1       - (-3)                                                          = 4.3          หน่วยริคเตอร์

                         = 4 หน่วย ริคเตอร์

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      Aspects of the motion are described by the
peak velocity (how fast the ground is moving),
peak acceleration (how quickly the speed of the
ground is changing), the frequency (energy is
released in waves and these waves vibrate at
different frequencies just like sound waves), and
the duration (how long the strong shaking lasts).
Three factors primarily determine what you feel in
an earthquake. These are:

                         1) magnitude
                         2) distance from the fault
                         3) local soil conditions

      When scientists refer to a “Great“
 earthquake, they do not mean the
 earthquake was fabulous, they mean it was
 huge. Informally, earthquakes are classified
 according to their magnitude

 size: under 5 small
       5 - 6 moderate 6 - 7 large
       7 - 7.8 major 7.8 or above great

                    Intensity                                  How the Ground Shakes?
       Intensity is a qualitative measure of the actual
shaking at a location during an earthquake, and is        Seismic Waves
assigned as Roman Capital Numerals. There are                    Large strain energy released during an
many intensity scales. Two commonly used ones are
                                                           earthquake travels as seismic waves in all
the Modified Marcella Intensity (MMI) Scale and the
                                                           directions through the Earth’s layers, reflecting
       Scale. Both scales are quite similar and range      and refracting at each interface. These waves
from I- (least perceptive) to XII- (most severe). The      are of two types -body waves and surface
intensity scales are                                       waves; the latter are restricted to near the
           based on three features of shaking.             Earth’s surface Body waves consist of Primary
         • perception by people and animals,
                                                           Waves (P-waves)
            • performance of buildings, and
           • changes to natural surroundings.              and Secondary Waves (S-waves), and surface
                                                           waves consist of Love waves and Rayleigh



          Seismic Waves Equation           Primary wave equation
   Primary wave equation

       Secondary wave equation

            Primary wave equation       Secondary wave equation

          Secondary wave equation   Focal Pont

                                          The point on the fault where slip starts is
                                    the Focus or Hypocenter, and the point
                                    vertically above this on the surface of the
                                    Earth is the Epicenter. The depth of focus from
                                    the epicenter, called as Focal Depth, is an
                                    important parameter in determining the

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      What are the Seismic effects on

     How Building Twist during the Earthquake?


      Hazard Vulnerability in Gujarat

     100% of land vulnerable to Earthquakes

     11 % of Land liable to severe earthquake( Intensity
     MSK VIIXmore)-Kachchh Area

     9 % of Land liable to severe earthquake(Intensity
     MSK V-VIII)Banaskantha, jam nagar,Surendranagar

     79.2 % of Land liable to severe earthquake( Intensity
             MSK III-VI)

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  The formula to calculate earthquakes.                                                               Design Code

       Standards used to design buildings to resist                                      V = Z I K C S Wd                          V = a Wt
earthquakes (Design Code) is an American UBC Code
(Uniform Building Code), which are many ways to
calculate earthquakes. But how convenient and                                                          V= Total base shear
                                                                                                       Z = Seismic zoning factor
widely used in building work is to Lateral Load                                                        I = Occupancy important factor (1.0 - 1.5)
Analysis or Base Shear Analysis by converting seismic                                                  K = Frame factor
                                                                                                       C = Coefficient that depends on the period
(Dynamic Load) in the form of shear forces acting at                                                   (Period), the swing of the building.
the base of the building Static Load, which can be                                                     S = Soil factor (1.0 - 1.5)
obtained from formula                                                                                  Wd = Total dead loads of structure
                                                                                                       WT = Total dead loads and live loads of
                                                                                                       a = Base shear coefficient

            The earthquake                                     วัน เดื อน ปี                  ศูนย์กลาง/        ขนาด/
                                                                                                           ตาแหน่งที่ รู้สึก
                                                                                                                               บันทึ กเหตุ การณ์
                                                                                                                               ความรุ นแรง
                                                               624 ปี กอน ค.ศ.
                                                                           ่                โยนก           VI MM               ยามรุ งแจ้ง แผ่นดิ นไหว ฟ้ าร้อง
                                                               วันพฤหัสฯ เดื อน 10
                                                               623 ปี กอน ค.ศ.
                                                                             ่              โยนก           VI MM               แผ่นดิ นไหว ฟ้ าร้อง ฝนตก
                                                               วันศุกร์ เดื อน 8
                                                               594 ปี กอน ค.ศ. ่            โยนก           VI MM               ยามค่อนรุ ง แผ่นดิ นไหว ฟ้ าร้อง
                                                               วันจันทร์ เดื อน 10
                                                               589 ปี กอน ค.ศ.   ่          โยนก           VI MM               ยามเช้า แผ่นดิ นไหว ฟ้ าร้อง
                                                               ขึ้ น 14 ค่ า เดื อน 8
                                                               พ.ศ. 1003                    โยนก           XII MM              แผ่นดิ นไหวสนั่นหวันไหว ครั้งหนึ่ งก็หายไป
                                                               วันเสาร์ เดื อน 7                                               ถึ งสามหน ทาให้โยนกนครยุบจมลงเกิดเป็ น
                                                               แรม 7 ค่ า กลางคื น                                             หนองน้ าใหญ่
                                                               พ.ศ. 1077                    โยนก           VIII MM             ยามเช้า แผ่นดิ นไหว ยอดเจดี ยหัก 4 แห่ง
                                                               ขึ้ น 8 ค่ า เดื อน 7
                                                               พ.ศ. 1905                    สุโขทัย        VI MM               แผ่นดิ นไหว มีเสียงดัง
                                                               แรม 8 ค่ า เดื อน 12
                                                               พ.ศ. 1909                    สุโขทัย        V MM                แผ่นดิ นไหวทั่วทุ กทิ ศ
                                                               แรม 8 ค่ า เดื อน 11

power fault or Active Fault current is as follows.               power fault or Active Fault current is as follows.

     Chang san fault. The length of the                              Mae Tha fault. Is curved along the Mae Wang
channel, about 130 kilometers from Mae                        River. And the river in Mae Tha, Chiang Mai and
Chan to the east. The Mae Chan. It cuts                       Lamphun. The total length is about 55 kilometers of
across the south of the district County to the                intensive studies in the year 2521, there were several
east along the north side of Chiang Khong                     small earthquakes.
Navy ships.
     Mae Chan fault length of about 130 km
from the years 2521 and> 3 on the Richter
scale occurred along the fault is 10 times / 3
times the size of> 4.5 on the Richter scale was
only on September 1, 2521 are> 4.9 on the
Richter scale.                                

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                                                      Statistics of earthquakes felt in the country
                                                           since 2550 - present.( in Thailand )

                                                           12 Sep 2550 in South Sumatra and 8.4 on the
                                                    Richter scale was felt on the high-rise building in
                                                           13 Sep 2550 the area south of the Sumatra quake
                                                    of 7.1 on the Richter scale was felt in some of the
                                                           12 May 2551 in Sichuan province of China, and
                                                    7.8 on the Richter scale shaking the feel of the tallest
                                                    building in Bangkok. And China has killed about 20,000
                                                           30 Sep 2552 in the middle of the island of Sumatra
                                                    was 7.9 on the Richter scale was the tallest building in
                                                    Bangkok. Indonesia has killed about 1,000 people.

    Statistics of earthquakes                            Statistics of earthquakes
                    (world Record)                                         (world Record)

     9.5 Richter scale earthquake on 5 May 1960        9.1 Richter scale earthquake that we all
 on the southern coast of Chile. As a result,       remember well. I was born on 26 Dec 2004 at
 more than 1,600 people have died and 2             sea in Indonesia. As a result, the tsunami is
 million homeless.                                  widespread in many coastal countries in the
                                                    Indian Ocean. More than 220,000 people lost
    9.2 Richter scale earthquake on 27 Mar          their lives.
 1964 Alaska to the United States, the tsunami         9.0 Richter scale earthquake on 4 Nov 1952
 claimed 128 lives and destroyed "in the neck,      at the Russian coast of the peninsula to the
 Anchorage" (Anchorage), the largest city in        Income Support values ​(Kamchatka) Russia's Far
 the state.                                         East. As a result, a large tsunami in the Pacific
                                                    Rim. However, no reports of damage.

    Statistics of earthquakes                            Statistics of earthquakes
                    (world Record)                                         (world Record)

   9.0 Richter scale earthquake on 13 Aug 1868          8.9 Richter scale earthquake that occurred
in North America, the port area. We are part of     just recently on 11 Mar 2011 earthquake under
Peru. But as of Chillicothe. When an earthquake     the sea to the southeast coast of Japan. Result in
occurs. Feel the vibration as far as 1,400 miles.   a 10-meter high tsunami swept into the flood. The
   9.0 Richter scale earthquake on 26 Jan 1700      damage is being reported to the periodic
in North America. Along the west coast. Tsunami         8.8 Richter scale earthquake on 27 Feb 2010
across the Pacific. Destruction of villages along   at the coast of Chile. Earthquakes along the
the coast of Japan.                                 beach to play in the U (Maule) away from the
                                                    capital Santiago, only 500 km in the tsunami that
                                                    has killed about 500.



           Statistics of earthquakes
                                     (world Record)

           8.8 Richter scale earthquake on 31 Jan 1906
       in Ecuador, shaking the central coast of South
       America to Ecuador and Colombia. I feel
       almost as far as the North American continent
       at San Francisco.
           8.7 Richter scale earthquake on 4 Feb 1965
       at Ballarat Island (Rat Islands) miles away from
       Alaska. The tsunami wave height of 10 meters.

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Earth quake

  • 1. 31/07/55 D3 What is Earthquake? An earthquake is the sudden, rapid shaking or rolling of the Earth. Group 8 Earthquakes happen when rocks break or slip along fault lines in the Earth’s crust, releasing energy that causes the ground to move. Department of water resource engineering Faculty of engineering Kasetsart university Earth Large plates include. • The Africa: the continent of Africa as a continent. • Antarctic Plate, covering Antarctica is a continent. • Australian Plate, covering Australia (To pages linked to India, about 50-55 million years ago) was the continents. • Eurasian plate, covering Asia and Europe as a continent. • North American plate, covering North America and northeastern Siberia, is inserted continent. • South American plate, a sheet covering North America. • The Pacific: the Pacific Ocean. As the ocean. • There are also smaller than the plate, including the Indian, the S series, the Caribbean, in the Juan de Fu, in a nice car, the Philippines and the Scotia. plates WU1 Thailand 1
  • 2. Slide 1 D3 DPM, 18/7/2555 Slide 5 WU1 + Windows User, 25/7/2555
  • 3. 31/07/55 แผ่นดินไหวในภูมิภาคเอเซียตะวันออกเฉียงใต้ WU2 What Causes Earthquake WHAT IS A FAULT? Earthquakes occur on faults. A fault is a thin zone of crushed rock between two blocks of rock , and can be any length, from centimeters to thousands of kilometers. When an earthquake occurs on one of these faults, the rock on one side of science/chapter1_3.html the fault slips with respect to the The sudden slip at the fault causes other. The fault surface can be the earthquake a violent shaking of the vertical, horizontal, or at some angle to the surface of the earth. Earth when large elastic strain energy The slip direction can also be at any released spreads out through seismic angle. We classify these into two waves that travel through the body and basic cases: strike slip and dip-slip along the surface of the Earth. motion. 2
  • 4. Slide 9 WU2 + Windows User, 25/7/2555
  • 5. 31/07/55 TSUNAMIS GENERATED BY EARTHQUAKES Large EQ (>7.5) Shallow EQ – at or near the seafloor (< 50 km) Subduction zones Sudden displacement moves overlying column of water generating wave WU4 Measuring the shaking Magnitude is a measurement of the energy produced by the earthquake and is not what you feel during the event. What you feel is very complex-- hard or gentle, long or short, jerky or rolling--and not describable with one number. ht t p: / / geophys i s . s c. m ahi ol ac. t h/ w dpr es s / w c d . or p- cont ent / upl ads / % B8% B% E0 % % % 0% B8 % % % % 3% E0% B9 % % % 8% AB % % % 9% 0% B9 % % % 8% 7% E0% B8 % % % 8% B8 % % % 9% 0% B8 % % % 9% 8C % % % % 0% B8% A5 % % % B2% E0 % % % % 9% 81 % % % C% 0% B9 % % % % 9% 0% B8 % % % % B4% E0 % % % % 9% 84 % % % B% E0% B8 % pdf o E0% A B8 B2 E 95 E0 B8 B 81 E0 B E0 B8 9 E 88 E0 B 8 A8 E0 B E0 B8 9 E A2 E0 B E0 B8 81 E E0 B8 B8 87 E0 B E0 B8 9 E 88 E0 B8 9 E 94 E0 B8 B8 99 E0 B E0 B8 A A7. 3
  • 6. Slide 18 WU4 Windows User, 25/7/2555
  • 7. 31/07/55 WU3 The world's first earthquake detector ;science museum รายชื่ อสถานี ตรวจแผ่ นดินไหว Network Code Station Code LON LAT ELEV velocity sensor เขื่อนคีรีธาร จ.จันทบุรี TM CHBT 102.3297 12.7526 4 Trillium120 sec ดอยสุเทพ จ.เชียงใหม่ TM CMMT 98.9476 18.8128 399.7 Trillium120 sec เขื่อนวชิราลงกรณ์ จ.กาญจนบุรี TM KHLT 98.5893 14.797 164 Trillium 40 sec เขื่อนลาพระเพลิง จ.นครราชสีมา TM KRDT 104.8442 14.5905 266 Trillium 40 sec IP ADDRESS ด่านตรวจคนเข้ าเมื อง จ.แม่ ฮ่องสอน TM MHIT 97.9632 19.3148 270 Trillium120 sec สถานีอุตุนิยมวิ ทยาแม่ สะเรี ยง จ. แม่ ฮ่องสอน TM MHMT 97.931 18.1764 164 Trillium 40 sec เขาค้ อ จ.เพชรบูรณ์ TM PBKT 100.9687 16.5733 8 Trillium120 sec สถานี ตรวจแผ่นดินไหวต่างจังหวัด เขื่อนบางวาด จ.ภู เก็ต TM PKDT 98.335 7.892 53 Trillium 40 sec ระนอง TM RNTT 98.4778 9.3904 38 Trillium 40 sec INTERNET สงขลา TM SKLT 100.6188 7.1735 14.5 Trillium120 sec เขื่อนศรี นคริ นทร์ จ.กาญจนบุรี TM SRDT 99.1212 14.3945 122 Trillium 40 sec เขื่อนรัชประภา จ.สุราษฏร์ ธานี TM SURT 98.795 8.9577 26 Trillium 40 sec กรมอุตนิ ยมวิทยา เขื่อนปากมู ล จ.อุบลราชธานี 105.4695 15.2773 120 TM UBPT Trillium120 sec USER เขื่อนน ้าพุง จ.สกลนคร TM SKNT 103.9815 16.9742 254 Trillium 40 sec เขื่อนท่างิ ้วจ.ตรัง TM TRTT 99.6912 7.8362 71 Trillium 40 sec 4
  • 8. Slide 20 WU3 Windows User, 25/7/2555
  • 9. 31/07/55 WU5 Wave Equation M = earthquake magnitude (Richter). A = the height of seismic waves as high as possible. A0 = height of seismic waves at the center. ตัวอย่างที่ 1 ตัวอย่างที่ 2 จงหาขนาดของแผ่นดินไหวที่มีความสูงของคลื่นที่สูงทีสุด 10 มิลลิเมตรระยะทาง ่ จงหาขนาดของแผ่นดินไหวที่มีความสูงของคลื่นทีสูงที่สุด 20 มิลลิเมตรที่ระยะทาง ่ 100 กิโลเมตรจากจุดศูนย์กลาง 100 กิโลเมตรจากจุดศูนย์กลาง วิธีทา M = log - logA0 วิธีทา M = log20 - log0.001 = log10 - log0.001 = 1.3 - (-3) = 1 - (-3) = 4.3 หน่วยริคเตอร์ = 4 หน่วย ริคเตอร์ 5
  • 10. Slide 27 WU5 Windows User, 25/7/2555
  • 11. 31/07/55 Aspects of the motion are described by the peak velocity (how fast the ground is moving), peak acceleration (how quickly the speed of the ground is changing), the frequency (energy is released in waves and these waves vibrate at different frequencies just like sound waves), and the duration (how long the strong shaking lasts). Three factors primarily determine what you feel in an earthquake. These are: 1) magnitude 2) distance from the fault 3) local soil conditions MAGNITUDE When scientists refer to a “Great“ earthquake, they do not mean the earthquake was fabulous, they mean it was huge. Informally, earthquakes are classified according to their magnitude size: under 5 small 5 - 6 moderate 6 - 7 large 7 - 7.8 major 7.8 or above great Intensity How the Ground Shakes? Intensity is a qualitative measure of the actual shaking at a location during an earthquake, and is Seismic Waves assigned as Roman Capital Numerals. There are Large strain energy released during an many intensity scales. Two commonly used ones are earthquake travels as seismic waves in all the Modified Marcella Intensity (MMI) Scale and the MSK directions through the Earth’s layers, reflecting Scale. Both scales are quite similar and range and refracting at each interface. These waves from I- (least perceptive) to XII- (most severe). The are of two types -body waves and surface intensity scales are waves; the latter are restricted to near the based on three features of shaking. Earth’s surface Body waves consist of Primary • perception by people and animals, Waves (P-waves) • performance of buildings, and • changes to natural surroundings. and Secondary Waves (S-waves), and surface waves consist of Love waves and Rayleigh waves. 6
  • 12. 31/07/55 WU6 WU7 Seismic Waves Equation Primary wave equation Primary wave equation Secondary wave equation Primary wave equation Secondary wave equation Secondary wave equation Focal Pont The point on the fault where slip starts is the Focus or Hypocenter, and the point vertically above this on the surface of the Earth is the Epicenter. The depth of focus from the epicenter, called as Focal Depth, is an important parameter in determining the damaging 7
  • 13. Slide 37 WU6 Windows User, 25/7/2555 WU7 Windows User, 25/7/2555
  • 14. 31/07/55 What are the Seismic effects on structures? How Building Twist during the Earthquake? D2 Hazard Vulnerability in Gujarat 100% of land vulnerable to Earthquakes 11 % of Land liable to severe earthquake( Intensity MSK VIIXmore)-Kachchh Area 9 % of Land liable to severe earthquake(Intensity MSK V-VIII)Banaskantha, jam nagar,Surendranagar 79.2 % of Land liable to severe earthquake( Intensity MSK III-VI) 8
  • 15. Slide 48 D2 DPM, 18/7/2555
  • 16. 31/07/55 WU8 The formula to calculate earthquakes. Design Code Standards used to design buildings to resist V = Z I K C S Wd V = a Wt earthquakes (Design Code) is an American UBC Code (Uniform Building Code), which are many ways to calculate earthquakes. But how convenient and V= Total base shear Z = Seismic zoning factor widely used in building work is to Lateral Load I = Occupancy important factor (1.0 - 1.5) Analysis or Base Shear Analysis by converting seismic K = Frame factor C = Coefficient that depends on the period (Dynamic Load) in the form of shear forces acting at (Period), the swing of the building. the base of the building Static Load, which can be S = Soil factor (1.0 - 1.5) obtained from formula Wd = Total dead loads of structure WT = Total dead loads and live loads of structure a = Base shear coefficient เหตุการณ์แผ่นดินไหวที่มีผลกระทบต่อประเทศไทย The earthquake วัน เดื อน ปี ศูนย์กลาง/ ขนาด/ ตาแหน่งที่ รู้สึก บันทึ กเหตุ การณ์ ความรุ นแรง 624 ปี กอน ค.ศ. ่ โยนก VI MM ยามรุ งแจ้ง แผ่นดิ นไหว ฟ้ าร้อง ่ วันพฤหัสฯ เดื อน 10 623 ปี กอน ค.ศ. ่ โยนก VI MM แผ่นดิ นไหว ฟ้ าร้อง ฝนตก วันศุกร์ เดื อน 8 594 ปี กอน ค.ศ. ่ โยนก VI MM ยามค่อนรุ ง แผ่นดิ นไหว ฟ้ าร้อง ่ วันจันทร์ เดื อน 10 589 ปี กอน ค.ศ. ่ โยนก VI MM ยามเช้า แผ่นดิ นไหว ฟ้ าร้อง ขึ้ น 14 ค่ า เดื อน 8 พ.ศ. 1003 โยนก XII MM แผ่นดิ นไหวสนั่นหวันไหว ครั้งหนึ่ งก็หายไป ่ วันเสาร์ เดื อน 7 ถึ งสามหน ทาให้โยนกนครยุบจมลงเกิดเป็ น แรม 7 ค่ า กลางคื น หนองน้ าใหญ่ พ.ศ. 1077 โยนก VIII MM ยามเช้า แผ่นดิ นไหว ยอดเจดี ยหัก 4 แห่ง ์ ขึ้ น 8 ค่ า เดื อน 7 พ.ศ. 1905 สุโขทัย VI MM แผ่นดิ นไหว มีเสียงดัง แรม 8 ค่ า เดื อน 12 พ.ศ. 1909 สุโขทัย V MM แผ่นดิ นไหวทั่วทุ กทิ ศ แรม 8 ค่ า เดื อน 11 power fault or Active Fault current is as follows. power fault or Active Fault current is as follows. Chang san fault. The length of the Mae Tha fault. Is curved along the Mae Wang channel, about 130 kilometers from Mae River. And the river in Mae Tha, Chiang Mai and Chan to the east. The Mae Chan. It cuts Lamphun. The total length is about 55 kilometers of across the south of the district County to the intensive studies in the year 2521, there were several east along the north side of Chiang Khong small earthquakes. Navy ships. Mae Chan fault length of about 130 km from the years 2521 and> 3 on the Richter scale occurred along the fault is 10 times / 3 times the size of> 4.5 on the Richter scale was only on September 1, 2521 are> 4.9 on the Richter scale. 9
  • 17. Slide 50 WU8 Windows User, 25/7/2555
  • 18. 31/07/55 WU9 WU10 10
  • 19. Slide 55 WU9 Windows User, 25/7/2555 WU10 Windows User, 25/7/2555
  • 20. 31/07/55 Statistics of earthquakes felt in the country since 2550 - present.( in Thailand ) 12 Sep 2550 in South Sumatra and 8.4 on the Richter scale was felt on the high-rise building in Bangkok. 13 Sep 2550 the area south of the Sumatra quake of 7.1 on the Richter scale was felt in some of the buildings. 12 May 2551 in Sichuan province of China, and 7.8 on the Richter scale shaking the feel of the tallest building in Bangkok. And China has killed about 20,000 people. 30 Sep 2552 in the middle of the island of Sumatra was 7.9 on the Richter scale was the tallest building in Bangkok. Indonesia has killed about 1,000 people. Statistics of earthquakes Statistics of earthquakes (world Record) (world Record) 9.5 Richter scale earthquake on 5 May 1960 9.1 Richter scale earthquake that we all on the southern coast of Chile. As a result, remember well. I was born on 26 Dec 2004 at more than 1,600 people have died and 2 sea in Indonesia. As a result, the tsunami is million homeless. widespread in many coastal countries in the Indian Ocean. More than 220,000 people lost 9.2 Richter scale earthquake on 27 Mar their lives. 1964 Alaska to the United States, the tsunami 9.0 Richter scale earthquake on 4 Nov 1952 claimed 128 lives and destroyed "in the neck, at the Russian coast of the peninsula to the Anchorage" (Anchorage), the largest city in Income Support values ​(Kamchatka) Russia's Far the state. East. As a result, a large tsunami in the Pacific Rim. However, no reports of damage. Statistics of earthquakes Statistics of earthquakes (world Record) (world Record) 9.0 Richter scale earthquake on 13 Aug 1868 8.9 Richter scale earthquake that occurred in North America, the port area. We are part of just recently on 11 Mar 2011 earthquake under Peru. But as of Chillicothe. When an earthquake the sea to the southeast coast of Japan. Result in occurs. Feel the vibration as far as 1,400 miles. a 10-meter high tsunami swept into the flood. The 9.0 Richter scale earthquake on 26 Jan 1700 damage is being reported to the periodic in North America. Along the west coast. Tsunami 8.8 Richter scale earthquake on 27 Feb 2010 across the Pacific. Destruction of villages along at the coast of Chile. Earthquakes along the the coast of Japan. beach to play in the U (Maule) away from the capital Santiago, only 500 km in the tsunami that has killed about 500. 11
  • 21. 31/07/55 WU11 Statistics of earthquakes (world Record) 8.8 Richter scale earthquake on 31 Jan 1906 in Ecuador, shaking the central coast of South America to Ecuador and Colombia. I feel almost as far as the North American continent at San Francisco. 8.7 Richter scale earthquake on 4 Feb 1965 at Ballarat Island (Rat Islands) miles away from Alaska. The tsunami wave height of 10 meters. 12
  • 22. Slide 67 WU11 Windows User, 25/7/2555
  • 23. 31/07/55 13