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Driving Growth Through Email
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Elements of a Compelling Email Subject Line
1) Use Actionable Language
- use verbs like “take”, “download”, “reserve”, “ask”, “buy”, etc.
- e.g. OpenTable: “Take Mum to Brunch”
Elements of a Compelling Email Subject Line
2) Subject Lines Must be Brief, Clear and Can be Catchy (<35 characters)
- subject line has to be clear first and catchy second
- e.g. UrbanDaddy: A Hotel in the Middle of the Ocean.
Keep it Short The First 2 Words are Crucial
Elements of a Compelling Email Subject Line
3) Align Subject Line Copy and Email Copy
- what your email subject line promises, the email message has to deliver
- for example:
- 54 New Data Slides for Your Marketing Decks → CTR of 26% (very
specific subject line with clear promise)
- Get Key Marketing Trends From the Marketing Data Box → CTR of 10.4%
(vague and less accurate subject line)
Elements of a Compelling Email Subject Line
4) Personalise When Possible:
- list segmentation and targeting have enormous effects on email marketing
performance metrics
Elements of a Compelling Email Subject Line
5) Establish Relevancy
- remind the reader why they are receiving this email
Elements of a Compelling Email Message
6) Write in the Second Person
- writing in the second person means you orient the copy towards the reader, not
Elements of a Compelling Email Message
7) Talk About Benefits, Not Features
- explain to your recipients exactly how they can benefit from a new feature
Elements of a Compelling Email Message
Email Body Copywriting Checklist
● Does it provide value to the recipient?
○ Is it going to add more knowledge to my subscriber?
○ Is it going to solve their most pressing problems?
○ Is it worth the time reading?
● Can I scan it in 3-4 seconds?
● Do I understand the benefits, rather than just features?
Persuasive Copywriting - Examples
Use Actionable Language in Your CTA
- having a strong CTA is crucial to every email; it needs to be easy to identify and
Elements of a Compelling Call to Action
Improve Deliverability
1. Use double opt-in
2. Purge hard bounces after one bounce
3. Purge subscribers who haven’t opened or clicked in a while
4. Do not include attachments
5. Avoid spam words (e.g. free, weekdays, %, etc.)
6. Keep message size to 40KB or less
7. Avoid purchased lists
8. Use a consistent, recognisable sender name and email
Spam Test Tool: Email Spam Test
On-Page Opt-In Form
Pop-Up Opt-In
Pop-Up Opt-In Tool: Popup Domination
Pop-Up Opt-In Tool: Optinmonster
Opt-in Bar
Opt-in Bar Tool: Hello Bar
Slide-Up Form
Slide-Up Form Tool: Unpop
Discount Tabs
Targeting Popups via Personalisation
Shopping Cart Abandonment Popups
Abandonment Popup Tool: SumoMe
Webinars and Courses
Webinars and Courses Tool: Unbounce
Email My Shopping Cart
Contests Tool:
Twitter Lead Gen Cards
Survey Tool: Qualaroo
Facebook Opt-In
Sweepstakes Tool: Woobox
Content Upgrades
Facebook Ads + Landing Page
Step 1: Create Valuable Content
Content can be:
● Case Study
● Whitepaper
● Free Live Training
● Webinar
● etc.
TIP: post content on social
networks to see which “lead
magnet” is the most popular
Step 2: Define Target Audiences
Target Audiences:
1) Website visitors
2) Website visitors lookalike audience (1%)
3) Facebook fans
4) Facebook fans lookalike audience (1%)
5) Email list lookalike audience
6) Friends of people who have liked the Fan
TIP: make sure to exclude your existing email list
since they have already opted in.
Insert Conversion Pixel:
Step 3: Create Landing Page
Recommended Tool: Lander
Best Practices:
1) Clear value proposition
2) Image
3) Clear Call to action
4) List of Benefits
5) Social Proof
FUNNEL: See Ad > Click Link > Go to Landing Page > Enter Your Email > Get the Promised Bonus
Step 5: Create Email Sequence
Email #1: To every subscriber
Subject: The thing you asked for
Thanks for checking out Videofruit! Here is the [insert name] bonus that you asked
for:[insert link to bonus]
Looking forward to helping you get started with [insert subject of bonus].
Quick question…
What is the #1 thing you are struggling with on [subject of bonus]? Hit reply and let
me know. Would love to help you out!
PS: The absolute most important thing to [insert desired outcome] is growing your
email list. Install my free list-building app to help you do that.
[insert link to list goal]
Email #2: To everyone who didn’t
install List Goal within a day
Subject: About your email list
Yesterday you downloaded the [insert bonus name]. Good first
step to [insert desired outcome]. However, the #1 most
important thing you need to do is to start growing your email list.
Check out what you’re able to do with even a tiiiiiiny email list.
Your homework for today is two-fold…
Action Item #1: Read the story linked above.
Action Item #2: Pick your list goal for the next 60 days.
Action Item #2: Download List Goal and use it to help you hit
your goal. Capisce?
Holler back at me if you hit any roadblocks.
TIP: Experiment with different subject lines & copies.
Step 6: Create Campaign
1 Campaign
6 Ad Sets (1 per audience)
1 Ad per Ad Set
Step 7: Create Campaign
ACTION ITEM #2: Create the Ad (1 per Ad Set)
TIP: Make sure to remember Facebook’s 20% text rule in images.
Why Segmentation?
Why Segmentation?
How to do Segmentation?
Females interested in Mexico travel deals, age 24-54, with
$35,000+ income, that opened our emails but never clicked::
Segmentation Criteria Characteristic
Personal interests Subscribers interested in
travel deals to Mexico
Demographics Subscribers with:
● Gender = female
● Age between 24-
● Income >
Past Behaviour Subscribers that have opened
their emails at least once but
have never clicked on links
● Opens ≥ 1
● Clicks = 0
Example: Gender
Example: Clarks
Example: Interest
Example: Buzzfeed
Created lists for each different section of the website,
● Food
● Animals
● Books
● Parents
Set up separate subscribe opportunities for each list
that get shown in different areas of the website. So, for
example: If you go to our Animals page or a view a
post in the Animals category, you’ll see an opt-in for
the Animals newsletter.
Readers are self-selecting the content they are
interested in.
Following on from that baseline, they’ve since
launched a number of more sub-categorical lists
around popular topics.
Step 1: Pick a company of your choice
Step 2: Develop 2 detailed list building strategies
(e.g. what pop-up to use, where to place it, what lead magnet to create, how to
collect segmented data, etc.)
Step 2: Create 4 highly targeted segments
Shape Customer Journey with Triggered Emails
Welcome Email
Goal = Educate recipient about how to use the product and upgrade them from free to paying
Getting Started Email
Goal = Educate recipient about how to use the product and upgrade them from free to paying
Status Email
Status Email
Goal = Educate recipient about how to use the product and upgrade them from free to paying
Re-Engagement Email
Re-Engagement Email
Goal = Educate recipient about how to use the product and upgrade them from free to paying
Welcome Workflow Example
Case Study: Hootsuite’s Welcome Workflow
GOAL: to take someone who expressed interest in your products and gets them to make a purchase,
with the idea that they will become a returning shopper.
Case Study: Hootsuite’s Welcome Workflow
Assistance Email Product Email Product Boost EmailWHAT
3 days after
2 weeks after
3 days after
product email
Coupon Email
3 weeks after
product boost
Case Study: Hootsuite’s Welcome Workflow
Welcome & Assistance Email
Case Study: Hootsuite’s Welcome Workflow
Products Email
Case Study: Hootsuite’s Welcome Workflow
Product Booster Email
Case Study: Hootsuite’s Welcome Workflow
Coupon Offer Email
Step 1: Use the same company as in Exercise #1
Step 2: Choose a goal
(e.g. upsell customers, welcome workflow, upgrade customers, educate
customers, etc.)
Step 3: Develop a 3-email workflow
Behavioural Emails
What is Behavioural Targeting?
1) Build up an individual profile for each of your subscribers
2) Behavioural email campaigns are based on the actions that your customers do (or
do not take) when interacting with your business. This allows you to send emails that
truly matter to each individual recipient
3) The information you should use when creating a behavioral campaign is everything
from basic customer attributes (age, location, last time on your site) to their most
recent actions on your website (signed in, viewed product X, used feature Y,
completed checkout)
Case Study:
User Journey
Landing Page Category Page Product Page Cart Checkout Thank You
Category Email Category Email Cart Abandonment
Abandonment Email
WHEN 11.30am on day
11.30am on day
48 hours after
24 hours after
Case Study:
Category Email
Email Layout:
● Product image
● "Thank you" message
● "Shop now" button
● Options to shop
Case Study:
Category Email - Results
Email was sent to anyone who has provided an email address, spent
at least four minutes shopping, and failed to complete a purchase.
● Open rate: 44.28%
● Clickthrough rate: 7.08%
● Conversion rate: 21.33%
Case Study:
Shopping Cart Abandonment Email
Email Layout:
● Product image
● "Thank you" message
● "Shop now" button
● Options to shop
Email Layout:
● Headline + relevant image
● Call-to-action
● Products
Case Study:
Shopping Cart Abandonment Email - Results
A shopper who abandons items in a shopping cart on the site without
buying receives an email from about 48 hours later.
● Open rate: 38.01%
● Clickthrough rate: 24.71%
● Conversion rate: 40.00%
Case Study:
Checkout Abandonment Email
Email Layout:
● Headline + relevant image
● Call-to-action
● Products
Case Study:
Checkout Abandonment Email - Results
Email was sent to anyone who has provided an email address, spent
at least four minutes shopping, and failed to complete the checkout.
This campaign also sends two reminders to shoppers who do not
convert. These are very similar to the first message with slight
● Open rate: 39.24%
● Clickthrough rate: 18.18%
● Conversion rate: 33.93%
Behavioural Emails: Examples
Lifecycle Emails
These emails are designed to spark very
specific actions in the customer lifecycle —
anything from completing a profile to adding
team members.
Transactional Emails
Re-Engagement EmailsUpselling Emails
Transactional emails — receipts, invoices,
notifications, reports, etc. — are opened at up to
8x the rate as compared to promotional emails.
Did you know that just 25% of free trial users
actually convert to paying customers?
That’s where upselling emails come in: last-
ditch efforts to engage an inactive user or
expiring free trial.
It’s important to understand that customer inactivity
comes in different flavors:
● Initial inactivity, where a customer hasn’t
completed your onboarding process
● Partial inactivity, where a customer is only
using part of your app or service
● Complete inactivity, where a customer isn’t
engaged at all
Behavioural Emails: Examples
Lifecycle Emails
Milestone Email Browsing History Email
Behavioural Emails: Examples
Transactional Emails
Report Email Notification Email
Behavioural Emails: Examples
Upselling Emails
Behavioural Emails: Examples
Re-Engagement Emails
Initial Inactivity Partial Inactivity
Behavioural Emails: Examples
Re-Engagement Emails
Complete Inactivity
Trigger Tool
Trigger Tool
Step 1: Use the same company as in Exercise #1 & 2
Step 2: Choose a goal
(e.g. increase purchase completions, increase sign-up completions, etc.)
Step 3: Develop 2 trigger emails
5 Steps to Determine to Optimal Email Frequency
Step 1: Establish your hypotheses For example: “Increasing our email frequency from
once a week to three times a week will increase our
click-through-rate by 35%”
Step 2: Choose a list segment Select one segment that you will test and make
sure it’s sizeable enough to provide meaningful
Step 3: Establish baseline metrics Establish your current performance metrics for the
sample you are testing with
Step 4: Create and schedule your test emails Create and schedule emails based on general
email marketing best practices. Do not experiment
with subject lines, etc. as this would skew the
Step 5: Measure and analyse results Measure your results against the hypotheses you
established and the baseline metrics.
Email Strategy Development (SaaS)
Email Strategy Development - “Warm up” Leads
Facebook Custom Audience
Email Strategy Development - “Warm up” Leads
Facebook Custom Audience
Email Strategy Development - “Warm up” Leads
Facebook Custom Audience
Email Strategy Development - “Warm up” Leads
Twitter List Audience
Email Strategy Development - “Warm up” Leads
Twitter List Audience
Email Strategy Development - “Warm up” Leads
Key Metrics
Delivery Rate
90 - 98%
7 - 30%
0.2 - 3.2%
0.5 - 2.2%
0.45 - 0.13%
What to Optimise
● Subject Lines
● Sender Name
● Personalisation / Salutation
● Body Copy
● Image
● Call-to-Action
● Mobile Optimisation
What to Optimise
Subject Lines
Subject Line Subject Line
V.1 Free Internet Marketing
Free Internet Marketing
18.7% 3.1%
V.2 Invitation to Internet
Marketing Webinar
Internet Marketing
21.8% 4.4%
V.3 Special Invitation to
Expert Marketing
Internet Marketing
21.4% 3.3%
What to Optimise
Subject Lines
What to Optimise
Sender Name
What to Optimise
● A: [Vero] The free trial ending email that works
● B: The free trial ending email that converts
The word 'converts' resonates more with Vero’s (conversion rate optimization)-focused audience
and resulted in a 15% increase in opens and a 50% increase in clicks,.
What to Optimise
Personalisation / Salutation
What to Optimise
Body Copy
Version 1: 1.6% Conversion Rate
Version 2: 3.2% Conversion Rate
Body Copy Variants to Test
● Shorter versus longer
● Bullet points
● Numbered list
● Question and answer
● Only one sentence and a
call to action
What to Optimise
Body Copy
Tool: Hemingway Editor
What to Optimise
After A/B testing these two, click through
rates increased by 378%
The changes they made in the second
campaign helped Unhaggle achieve a
massive 32.4% click through rate.
Image Variants to Test:
● One versus multiple images
● Text on image
● Screenshot of a video
● Call to action incorporated in
image versus call to action
separate of image
● Animated GIF
What to Optimise
The second (30-day Free Trial) CTA increased signups by 110%.
Mailchimp A/B Testing
Step 1: Use the same company as in Exercise #1 -3
Step 2: Choose an email element to A/B test
Step 3: Create content A & B
Driving Growth Through Email Marketing

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Driving Growth Through Email Marketing

  • 1. @Growthhackasia (Growth Hacking Asia) Driving Growth Through Email Marketing Brought to you by:
  • 2. @Growthhackasia (Growth Hacking Asia) “Flipping the success rate of Asian startups from 1/10 to 9/10”
  • 3. @Growthhackasia (Growth Hacking Asia) • Growth Hacking ConsultingGrowth Labs • Growth Hacking TrainingsGH Academy • Monthly events for inspiration and experience and knowledge exchange GH Events
  • 10. Stats
  • 11. Stats
  • 13. Elements of a Compelling Email Subject Line
  • 14. WRITE A COMPELLING EMAIL SUBJECT LINE 1) Use Actionable Language - use verbs like “take”, “download”, “reserve”, “ask”, “buy”, etc. - e.g. OpenTable: “Take Mum to Brunch” Elements of a Compelling Email Subject Line
  • 15. WRITE A COMPELLING EMAIL SUBJECT LINE 2) Subject Lines Must be Brief, Clear and Can be Catchy (<35 characters) - subject line has to be clear first and catchy second - e.g. UrbanDaddy: A Hotel in the Middle of the Ocean. Keep it Short The First 2 Words are Crucial Elements of a Compelling Email Subject Line
  • 16. WRITE A COMPELLING EMAIL SUBJECT LINE 3) Align Subject Line Copy and Email Copy - what your email subject line promises, the email message has to deliver - for example: - 54 New Data Slides for Your Marketing Decks → CTR of 26% (very specific subject line with clear promise) - Get Key Marketing Trends From the Marketing Data Box → CTR of 10.4% (vague and less accurate subject line) Elements of a Compelling Email Subject Line
  • 17. WRITE A COMPELLING EMAIL SUBJECT LINE 4) Personalise When Possible: - list segmentation and targeting have enormous effects on email marketing performance metrics Elements of a Compelling Email Subject Line
  • 18. WRITE A COMPELLING EMAIL MESSAGE 5) Establish Relevancy - remind the reader why they are receiving this email Elements of a Compelling Email Message
  • 19. WRITE A COMPELLING EMAIL MESSAGE 6) Write in the Second Person - writing in the second person means you orient the copy towards the reader, not yourself Elements of a Compelling Email Message
  • 20. WRITE A COMPELLING EMAIL MESSAGE 7) Talk About Benefits, Not Features - explain to your recipients exactly how they can benefit from a new feature Elements of a Compelling Email Message
  • 21. Email Body Copywriting Checklist ● Does it provide value to the recipient? ○ Is it going to add more knowledge to my subscriber? ○ Is it going to solve their most pressing problems? ○ Is it worth the time reading? ● Can I scan it in 3-4 seconds? ● Do I understand the benefits, rather than just features? Persuasive Copywriting - Examples
  • 22. CALL-TO-ACTION Use Actionable Language in Your CTA - having a strong CTA is crucial to every email; it needs to be easy to identify and understand Elements of a Compelling Call to Action
  • 23. Improve Deliverability 1. Use double opt-in 2. Purge hard bounces after one bounce 3. Purge subscribers who haven’t opened or clicked in a while 4. Do not include attachments 5. Avoid spam words (e.g. free, weekdays, %, etc.) 6. Keep message size to 40KB or less 7. Avoid purchased lists 8. Use a consistent, recognisable sender name and email address
  • 24. Spam Test Tool: Email Spam Test
  • 29. Pop-Up Opt-In Tool: Popup Domination
  • 30. Pop-Up Opt-In Tool: Optinmonster
  • 32. Opt-in Bar Tool: Hello Bar
  • 34. Slide-Up Form Tool: Unpop
  • 36. Targeting Popups via Personalisation
  • 38. Abandonment Popup Tool: SumoMe
  • 40. Webinars and Courses Tool: Unbounce
  • 52. Facebook Ads + Landing Page
  • 53. Step 1: Create Valuable Content Content can be: ● Case Study ● Whitepaper ● Free Live Training ● Webinar ● etc. TIP: post content on social networks to see which “lead magnet” is the most popular
  • 54. Step 2: Define Target Audiences Target Audiences: 1) Website visitors 2) Website visitors lookalike audience (1%) 3) Facebook fans 4) Facebook fans lookalike audience (1%) 5) Email list lookalike audience 6) Friends of people who have liked the Fan Page TIP: make sure to exclude your existing email list since they have already opted in. Insert Conversion Pixel:
  • 55. Step 3: Create Landing Page Recommended Tool: Lander Best Practices: 1) Clear value proposition 2) Image 3) Clear Call to action 4) List of Benefits 5) Social Proof FUNNEL: See Ad > Click Link > Go to Landing Page > Enter Your Email > Get the Promised Bonus
  • 56. Step 5: Create Email Sequence Email #1: To every subscriber Subject: The thing you asked for Thanks for checking out Videofruit! Here is the [insert name] bonus that you asked for:[insert link to bonus] Looking forward to helping you get started with [insert subject of bonus]. Quick question… What is the #1 thing you are struggling with on [subject of bonus]? Hit reply and let me know. Would love to help you out! -Bryan PS: The absolute most important thing to [insert desired outcome] is growing your email list. Install my free list-building app to help you do that. [insert link to list goal] Email #2: To everyone who didn’t install List Goal within a day Subject: About your email list Yesterday you downloaded the [insert bonus name]. Good first step to [insert desired outcome]. However, the #1 most important thing you need to do is to start growing your email list. Why? Check out what you’re able to do with even a tiiiiiiny email list. Your homework for today is two-fold… Action Item #1: Read the story linked above. Action Item #2: Pick your list goal for the next 60 days. Action Item #2: Download List Goal and use it to help you hit your goal. Capisce? Holler back at me if you hit any roadblocks. -Bryan TIP: Experiment with different subject lines & copies.
  • 57. Step 6: Create Campaign ACTION ITEM #1: SET UP TARGETING 1 Campaign 6 Ad Sets (1 per audience) 1 Ad per Ad Set
  • 58. Step 7: Create Campaign ACTION ITEM #2: Create the Ad (1 per Ad Set) TIP: Make sure to remember Facebook’s 20% text rule in images.
  • 59. SETUP
  • 63. How to do Segmentation? Females interested in Mexico travel deals, age 24-54, with $35,000+ income, that opened our emails but never clicked:: Segmentation Criteria Characteristic Personal interests Subscribers interested in travel deals to Mexico Demographics Subscribers with: ● Gender = female ● Age between 24- 54 ● Income > $35,000 Past Behaviour Subscribers that have opened their emails at least once but have never clicked on links ● Opens ≥ 1 ● Clicks = 0
  • 65. Example: Interest Example: Buzzfeed Created lists for each different section of the website, including: ● Food ● DIY ● Animals ● Books ● Parents Set up separate subscribe opportunities for each list that get shown in different areas of the website. So, for example: If you go to our Animals page or a view a post in the Animals category, you’ll see an opt-in for the Animals newsletter. Readers are self-selecting the content they are interested in. Following on from that baseline, they’ve since launched a number of more sub-categorical lists around popular topics.
  • 66. EXERCISE #1: Step 1: Pick a company of your choice Step 2: Develop 2 detailed list building strategies (e.g. what pop-up to use, where to place it, what lead magnet to create, how to collect segmented data, etc.) Step 2: Create 4 highly targeted segments
  • 68.
  • 69. Shape Customer Journey with Triggered Emails
  • 70. Welcome Email Goal = Educate recipient about how to use the product and upgrade them from free to paying user
  • 71. Getting Started Email Goal = Educate recipient about how to use the product and upgrade them from free to paying user
  • 72. Status Email Status Email Goal = Educate recipient about how to use the product and upgrade them from free to paying user
  • 73. Re-Engagement Email Re-Engagement Email Goal = Educate recipient about how to use the product and upgrade them from free to paying user
  • 75. Case Study: Hootsuite’s Welcome Workflow GOAL: to take someone who expressed interest in your products and gets them to make a purchase, with the idea that they will become a returning shopper.
  • 76. Case Study: Hootsuite’s Welcome Workflow Assistance Email Product Email Product Boost EmailWHAT WHEN 3 days after signup 2 weeks after signup 3 days after product email Coupon Email 3 weeks after product boost email
  • 77. Case Study: Hootsuite’s Welcome Workflow Welcome & Assistance Email
  • 78. Case Study: Hootsuite’s Welcome Workflow Products Email
  • 79. Case Study: Hootsuite’s Welcome Workflow Product Booster Email
  • 80. Case Study: Hootsuite’s Welcome Workflow Coupon Offer Email
  • 81. EXERCISE #2: Step 1: Use the same company as in Exercise #1 Step 2: Choose a goal (e.g. upsell customers, welcome workflow, upgrade customers, educate customers, etc.) Step 3: Develop a 3-email workflow
  • 83. Behavioural Emails What is Behavioural Targeting? 1) Build up an individual profile for each of your subscribers 2) Behavioural email campaigns are based on the actions that your customers do (or do not take) when interacting with your business. This allows you to send emails that truly matter to each individual recipient 3) The information you should use when creating a behavioral campaign is everything from basic customer attributes (age, location, last time on your site) to their most recent actions on your website (signed in, viewed product X, used feature Y, completed checkout)
  • 84. Case Study: User Journey Landing Page Category Page Product Page Cart Checkout Thank You Category Email Category Email Cart Abandonment Email Checkout Abandonment Email WHAT WHEN 11.30am on day after abandonment 11.30am on day after abandonment 48 hours after abandonment 24 hours after abandonment
  • 85. Case Study: Category Email Email Layout: ● Product image ● "Thank you" message ● "Shop now" button ● Options to shop
  • 86. Case Study: Category Email - Results Recipients: Email was sent to anyone who has provided an email address, spent at least four minutes shopping, and failed to complete a purchase. RESULTS ● Open rate: 44.28% ● Clickthrough rate: 7.08% ● Conversion rate: 21.33%
  • 87. Case Study: Shopping Cart Abandonment Email Email Layout: ● Product image ● "Thank you" message ● "Shop now" button ● Options to shop Email Layout: ● Headline + relevant image ● Call-to-action ● Products
  • 88. Case Study: Shopping Cart Abandonment Email - Results Recipients: A shopper who abandons items in a shopping cart on the site without buying receives an email from about 48 hours later. RESULTS ● Open rate: 38.01% ● Clickthrough rate: 24.71% ● Conversion rate: 40.00%
  • 89. Case Study: Checkout Abandonment Email Email Layout: ● Headline + relevant image ● Call-to-action ● Products
  • 90. Case Study: Checkout Abandonment Email - Results Recipients: Email was sent to anyone who has provided an email address, spent at least four minutes shopping, and failed to complete the checkout. This campaign also sends two reminders to shoppers who do not convert. These are very similar to the first message with slight changes. RESULTS ● Open rate: 39.24% ● Clickthrough rate: 18.18% ● Conversion rate: 33.93%
  • 91. Behavioural Emails: Examples Lifecycle Emails These emails are designed to spark very specific actions in the customer lifecycle — anything from completing a profile to adding team members. Transactional Emails Re-Engagement EmailsUpselling Emails Transactional emails — receipts, invoices, notifications, reports, etc. — are opened at up to 8x the rate as compared to promotional emails. Did you know that just 25% of free trial users actually convert to paying customers? That’s where upselling emails come in: last- ditch efforts to engage an inactive user or expiring free trial. It’s important to understand that customer inactivity comes in different flavors: ● Initial inactivity, where a customer hasn’t completed your onboarding process ● Partial inactivity, where a customer is only using part of your app or service ● Complete inactivity, where a customer isn’t engaged at all
  • 92. Behavioural Emails: Examples Lifecycle Emails Milestone Email Browsing History Email
  • 93. Behavioural Emails: Examples Transactional Emails Report Email Notification Email
  • 95. Behavioural Emails: Examples Re-Engagement Emails Initial Inactivity Partial Inactivity
  • 96. Behavioural Emails: Examples Re-Engagement Emails Complete Inactivity
  • 99. EXERCISE #3: Step 1: Use the same company as in Exercise #1 & 2 Step 2: Choose a goal (e.g. increase purchase completions, increase sign-up completions, etc.) Step 3: Develop 2 trigger emails
  • 100.
  • 101. Timing
  • 102. Timing
  • 103.
  • 105. Frequency 5 Steps to Determine to Optimal Email Frequency Step 1: Establish your hypotheses For example: “Increasing our email frequency from once a week to three times a week will increase our click-through-rate by 35%” Step 2: Choose a list segment Select one segment that you will test and make sure it’s sizeable enough to provide meaningful data. Step 3: Establish baseline metrics Establish your current performance metrics for the sample you are testing with Step 4: Create and schedule your test emails Create and schedule emails based on general email marketing best practices. Do not experiment with subject lines, etc. as this would skew the results. Step 5: Measure and analyse results Measure your results against the hypotheses you established and the baseline metrics.
  • 108. Email Strategy Development - “Warm up” Leads Facebook Custom Audience
  • 109. Email Strategy Development - “Warm up” Leads Facebook Custom Audience
  • 110. Email Strategy Development - “Warm up” Leads Facebook Custom Audience
  • 111. Email Strategy Development - “Warm up” Leads Twitter List Audience
  • 112. Email Strategy Development - “Warm up” Leads Twitter List Audience
  • 113. Email Strategy Development - “Warm up” Leads
  • 115. Key Metrics METRICS Delivery Rate Open Clicks Bounce Unsubscribe Spam GENERIC BENCHMARKS 90 - 98% 7 - 30% 0.2 - 3.2% 0.5 - 2.2% 0.45 - 0.13% 0.027%
  • 116. What to Optimise ● Subject Lines ● Sender Name ● Personalisation / Salutation ● Body Copy ● Image ● Call-to-Action ● Mobile Optimisation
  • 117. What to Optimise Subject Lines Subject Line Subject Line % Open Rate % Click Rate % Conversion V.1 Free Internet Marketing Webinar Free Internet Marketing Webinar 18.7% 3.1% V.2 Invitation to Internet Marketing Webinar Internet Marketing Webinar 21.8% 4.4% V.3 Special Invitation to Expert Marketing Webinar Internet Marketing Webinar 21.4% 3.3%
  • 120. What to Optimise Salutation ● A: [Vero] The free trial ending email that works ● B: The free trial ending email that converts The word 'converts' resonates more with Vero’s (conversion rate optimization)-focused audience and resulted in a 15% increase in opens and a 50% increase in clicks,.
  • 122. What to Optimise Body Copy Version 1: 1.6% Conversion Rate Version 2: 3.2% Conversion Rate Body Copy Variants to Test ● Shorter versus longer ● Bullet points ● Numbered list ● Question and answer format ● Only one sentence and a call to action
  • 125. What to Optimise Images After A/B testing these two, click through rates increased by 378% The changes they made in the second campaign helped Unhaggle achieve a massive 32.4% click through rate. Image Variants to Test: ● One versus multiple images ● Text on image ● Screenshot of a video ● Call to action incorporated in image versus call to action separate of image ● Animated GIF
  • 126. What to Optimise Call-to-Action The second (30-day Free Trial) CTA increased signups by 110%.
  • 128. EXERCISE #4: Step 1: Use the same company as in Exercise #1 -3 Step 2: Choose an email element to A/B test Step 3: Create content A & B