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Paediatric Orthopaedics

A Self-directed Learning
Mater Children’s Emergency
Brady / Reilly updated 2011
Fractures in Children
• Children’s fractures are unique due to their immature
• This module will take you through some common and
  important fractures, helping you to recognise and
  describe them.
• You will also learn about fractures and conditions that
  are less common, but very important not to miss.
Common Fractures
The sites of the most common fractures
vary with each age group.
[Pictures from Thornton, Gill
“Children’s Fractures”
Saunders 1999]
Parts of a Long Bone
You will need to know these for describing fractures in children.

                                                      Epiphyseal plate (Physis)


Salter-Harris Classification
Describing Fractures
When describing a fracture, follow the following formula:

1. open or closed
2. bone/s involved
3 .part of bone involved – midshaft/distal third/metaphysis/epiphysis
4. type of fracture –bowing
                  -greenstick (with or w/o cortical or periosteal breach)
5. displacement – direction of displacement of distal fragment relative
    to proximal fragment eg palmar or volar/dorsal, anterior/posterior
6. angulation – the angle the distal fragment makes with the main axis
    of the bone eg ‘distal fragment angulated 20 degrees posteriorly’
7. Presence or absence of associated dislocation
8. Presence or absence of associated neurovascular injury
For example…
This is a closed greenstick-type fracture of the distal radius with minimal
displacement and 10 degrees of dorsal angulation of the distal fragment.

Example 2

            30   This is a closed transverse fracture of
                 the distal third of the radius and ulna.
                 The distal fragment of the ulnar fracture
                 is displaced dorsally and both distal
                 fragments are angulated to
                 approximately 30 degrees.

                 Remember that displacement and
                 angulation are different – displacement
                 means that there is lateral translation or
                 distraction or shortening of the two
                 fracture fragments relative to one
                 another, angulation means they are bent!
Example 3

Dislocations without fractures are
described in a similar way, but instead
of the bone, it is the involved joint that
is described.
This is a closed dislocation of the
metacarpophalangeal joint of the
thumb with dorsal displacement of the
distal fragment/proximal phalanx.
Upper Limb Fractures

We will now work through the most important
  upper limb fractures:
• Supracondylar fracture
• Dislocated elbow
• Medial epicondyle fracture
• Fractured radius and ulna
• Distal radial fracture
• Fractured metacarpals
• Fractured scaphoid
• Monteggia fracture-dislocation
Supracondylar Fracture

• Unique to children under 10, rare in adults
• Most common elbow fracture in children
• Caused by a fall on the outstretched hand, with
  hyperextension of the elbow
• The fracture is at the lower end of the humerus,
  above the medial and lateral epicondyles
• May be radiologically subtle
• Missed fractures may result in permanent
  neurovascular injuries or elbow deformity
Supracondylar fractures
• Supracondylar fractures are important because of the
  associated high incidence of nerve and vessel injury
• The brachial artery and the median, radial and ulnar
  nerves can all be kinked or torn by the fracture fragment
  as they run in front of and behind the elbow joint
• All must be clinically evaluated and documented in every
• Brachial artery injury may manifest as delayed capillary
  refill, a cold pale hand or absent pulses at the wrist
• Median nerve injury (most common) may manifest as
  inability to flex the interphalangeal joint of the thumb or
  sensory loss
• To diagnose a supracondylar fracture it is important to
  know the Elbow Rules
Cubital fossa nerves and artery

Radial N S: dorsal forearm
  M: Finger gun gesture
Median N S: radial palm
  M: OK gesture
Ulnar N S: ulnar forearm
  M: Cross fingers
Brachial A: radial and ulnar
  pulses and hand
Elbow Rule #1
A line drawn through the radial head always intersects the
   capitellum in both AP and lateral views

                                   Radial head

Every time you see an elbow xray, just think to yourself:
radial headcapitellum, radial headcapitellum.

                          Radial head
Elbow Rule #2
A line drawn along the anterior aspect of the humerus (the
Anterior Humeral Line) should intersect the middle third of the

Elbow Rule #3
 A posterior fat pad (a black lucency posterior to the distal
 humerus), if visible in a true lateral film, indicates a fracture.

No fat pad                          Posterior fat pad

 Normal elbow                                           Supracondylar fracture
Radiographic Findings

In most supracondylar fractures, the
anterior humeral line does not pass
through the middle third of the
capitellum, but anterior to it.
In addition, there is a visible
posterior fat pad

The radial head and the capitellum
are usually still aligned, because the
fracture is above this level
In this fracture there is posterior
angulation and displacement of the
distal fragment
Supracondylar Fracture
This xray shows a suprandylar fracture with posterior displacement, angulation
and rotation of the distal fragment.

                                                Anterior humeral line
Dislocated Elbow
Generally, this is not a tricky diagnosis clinically or radiologically. The xray
shows a dislocation of the right elbow joint with posterior displacement of the
radius and ulna.
Medial Epicondyle Injuries
•The medial epicondyle is the third ossification centre in the
elbow, becoming visible at around 6 years of age.
•Injuries usually occur when the elbow is forcibly abducted, and
the medial epicondyle is pulled away from the lower end of the
humerus by the ulnar collateral ligament.
•On AP view, the medial epicondyle should lie within 3mm of the
distal humerus. If it is further away than this, it is likely to have
been avulsed.
•On lateral view the medial epicondyle should not be visible, as it
is obscured by the capitellum. If you can see it in a true lateral,
it’s not in the right place.
•If in doubt, xray the opposite side to compare
Medial epicondyle fracture

      Medial epicondyle
Medial Epicondyle Fracture

                  Extensive soft tissue
                  swelling Gap >3mm
                  Avulsed medial epicondyle

       Normal elbow
       Gap less than 3mm
Fractured Radius and Ulna
These fractures may be very obvious clinically and radiologically. This
  xray shows fractures of the mid-shaft of the radius and ulna with
  dorsal angulation of 80 degrees with minimal displacement of the
  distal fragments because the dorsal cortex and periosteum of the
  bones are still intact.

These fractures can also be very subtle – shown here is a greenstick fracture
of the distal radius with ulnar bowing – a fracture type unique to children.

                                   Radial greenstick fracture

                                 Ulnar bowing

                                           Radial greenstick fracture
Distal Radial Fracture
      Again, these fractures may be very obvious, as shown at left, or
      just a subtle buckle (torus) fracture
Fractured Fifth Metacarpal

                Epiphyseal plate

Fractured Scaphoid
Scaphoid fractures are uncommon in
When they do occur, it is in the more
skeletally mature child (usually greater
than 10 years)

 Fracture across waist of scaphoid
Monteggia Fracture-dislocation
In its most common variant, this is a fracture of the distal ulna associated with a
dislocation of the radial head at the elbow. This is an uncommon injury, but the
radial head dislocation is often missed, making it important to know what to
look for.
Generally, the ulnar fracture is obvious. Due to the close relationship between
radius and ulna, the resultant shortening should prompt a search for a balancing
radial defect.
The radial head dislocation becomes apparent if you follow the ‘radial
headcapitellum’ rule.
This particular fracture-dislocation is usually treated with closed reduction
under general anaesthesia. Other variations of disruption/dislocation occur.
Monteggia Fracture-dislocation

              Radial head


             Ulnar fracture
Lower Limb Fractures

•   Fractured femur
•   Fractured tibial spine
•   Fractured tibia
•   Ankle fractures
•   Slipped upper femoral epiphysis (SUFE)
Fractured Femur
This is usually an unequivocal diagnosis. This xray shows a transverse fracture
of the midshaft of the left femur with lateral displacement of the distal fragment,
but with minimal angulation. That is, the distal fragment has moved sideways
from the fracture site but has not angled away from the long axis of the bone.
Fractured Tibial Spine
This fracture is the paediatric equivalent of the anterior cruciate ligament tears seen in
adults. Because ligaments have maximal tensile strength in childhood, the bone at the
site of insertion fractures (or avulses) first. Because these fractures are subtle on AP
view, they can be missed. However, as with all joints, an effusion after trauma in the
paediatric population usually indicates significant, often bony disruption and should
always be referred to the orthopaedic team.

                              Fracture line just
                              visible on AP view

                               Fracture line more
                               apparent on lateral
Fractured Tibia
                  Spiral fractures of the tibia are relatively
                  common in toddlers as they are learning to
                  walk. As the child gets older, however,
                  considerably more force is required to
                  fracture the tibia.
                  Note that the fracture is quite difficult to
                  see on the lateral film. Remember all
                  fractures require a minimum of two views,
                  and the joints above and below need to be
Ankle Fractures
                  With all ankle fractures, remember
                  that the tibia and fibula often fracture
                  together (like the radius and ulna) and
                  a fracture in one should prompt a
                  thorough search for a fracture in the
                  The fibula in particular may fracture at
                  a site distant from the site of the tibial
                  fracture. The entire length of the fibula
                  needs to be xrayed so as not to miss
                  This fracture is described on the next
Ankle Fractures
                                               This fracture looks difficult to
                                               describe, but if you follow the formula
                                               it makes it easier.
                                               This is a closed fracture of the distal
Tibial fracture
                                               left tibia and fibula. The tibial fracture
                                               extends through the epiphyseal plate
                       Fibular fracture        and into the metaphysis of the tibia
                                               (Salter Harris type II fracture). The
                                               distal fragment is displaced laterally
                                               and is angulated to 30 degrees.
                                          30   The fibula shows two greenstick
                                               fractures of the distal shaft. The
                                               fractures are not displaced but are
                                               angulated to 30 degrees.
Ankle Fractures
                        This is a Tillaux fracture of the
                        ankle –the adolescent
                        equivalent of an avulsion
                        fracture of the medial malleolus
                        in a child (again, as the
                        ligaments are so strong the bone
                        fractures first).
             Fracture   Without knowing the
             line       eponymous name for it though,
                        you could describe it as a closed
                        fracture of the medial distal left
                        tibial epiphysis with minimal
                        displacement and no angulation.
                        The fracture line extends from
                        the epiphyseal plate to the tibio-
            epiphysis   talar joint space.
Slipped Upper Femoral
Epiphysis = SUFE
Slipped upper femoral epiphysis is a condition where the there is
   displacement of the femoral head relative to the femoral neck
   through the epiphyseal plate. The underlying multi-factorial
   vulnerability to shear stress may cause gradual cumulative
   slippage, or the epiphysis may slip acutely. It is the most common
   hip problem of adolescence.
This disorder is important because early diagnosis improves outcome.
   Initial missed diagnosis is the rule, with the average time to
   diagnosis of 6 to 10 months.
SUFE eventually occurs in the opposite hip in 60% of patients.
Obese adolescent boys are most at risk, but SUFE can occur in any
   adolescent (8-15 years).
Clinically there will be hip, knee or groin pain with or without a history
   of trauma. In some 50% of patients, hip pain never develops and
   the primary symptom is isolated knee pain referred from the hip.
The radiologic findings can be subtle but become more obvious when the correct views
are obtained. While the AP can appear normal, the head should “mushroom” out over
the neck. As you can see in this case the frog-leg lateral clearly shows the slippage of
the femoral head t the level of the epiphyseal plate.

     AP view                                      Frog-leg lateral view
Cervical Spine Injuries

You will learn about:
• How to assess xrays of the cervical spine
• Teardrop fracture
• Jefferson fracture
Cervical Spine - 7 bones
  and 3 views
A minimum of three views showing all seven cervical vertebra is the minimum
requirement for an adequate assessment of the cervical spine. The three views are
AP, lateral down to C7/T1 junction, and an open mouth peg view.






Cervical Spine Imaging
Note that for optimal neutral positioning in the supine
position, children under 10 with suspected spinal
injury must have a foam thoracic elevation device
(TED) inserted as part of routine spinal
immobilisation [to counter-balance their large heads].
Without this, hyperflexion and false positive
radiological findings, such as increased prevertebral
soft tissue thickening and pseudo-subluxation, are
more common.
Pandie et al 2010 BMJ
Cervical Spine- the 4 lines
 Start with the lateral. Trace the 4 lines below, looking for any part of the vertebrae
 that are out of alignment. The lines become more curved as you go from anterior to
Spino-laminar line                                              Anterior vertebral line

Spinous process line

                                                               Posterior vertebral line
Cervical spine – the soft
              Next look at the soft tissues.
              The maximal allowable width of the pre-
              vertebral soft tissue space is:
              - one half the vertebral body width from C1
              to C4
              - one whole vertebral body width from C4
              to C7
              Increased width of the pre-vertebral space
              of a properly positioned cervical spine
              suggests swelling, eg from a fracture or
              ligamentous injury.
Cervical Spine – vertebral
              The next step is to trace around individual
              vertebral bodies in turn, looking for
              irregularities in the usual rectangular shape.
              Look particularly for wedge or
              compression fractures, with irregular loss
              of height, or teardrop fractures of the
              anterior inferior corner of the vertebral
              body. These are important because
              although small, they indicate significant
              ligamentous injury and hence potential
Teardrop Fracture
The next thing to assess on a lateral film is the pre-dental space – that is, the space
between the anterior border of the peg, and the anterior arch of C1. Anything greater
than 5mm (child or adult) is abnormal and suggests instability of the transverse
Cervical spine - AP

             Next assess the AP view.
             The main things to look for in this
             view are:
             -that the spinous processes line up
             -that the vertebral bodies are
             symmetrical and have no obvious
             -that the vertebrae are evenly spaced
Cervical Spine - peg
Lastly assess the peg view. Look for a well-centred film with the peg lining up
with the gap between the front incisors. This film is slightly rotated.
Next look at the space either side of the peg – this should be symmetrical.
Then look at the outside edge of the lateral masses of C1 – this should line up
with the outside edge of C2.
                                 Lateral masses of C1

Body of C2                                                              Odontoid
C1/C2 Fracture
Note that the anterior and posterior vertebral lines are abnormal, and
the soft tissue spaces very widened. The peg has fractured and has
tilted forward, as has the anterior arch of C1. This will cause
angulation and compression of the spinal cord at the level of C2.
Jefferson Fracture

              A Jefferson fracture is a burst
              fracture of C1. Think of C1 as
              peppermint lifesaver – it is
              impossible to break it in only one
              place. The ring will always break
              in at least 2 places. This fracture
              occurs due to compression – a
              fall from a height, or hitting the
              head on the roof of the car in a
              motor vehicle accident. This film
              shows a widened pre-dental space
              from an associated ligamentous
Jefferson Fracture
On the peg view, it is apparent that the space either side of the peg is
widened and asymmetrical. In addition, the lateral masses do not
align with the lateral borders of C2 – they have been laterally
Well done! You’re finished.

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Do it-yourself-paeds-ortho (Paediatric Orthopaedics for beginners)

  • 1. Paediatric Orthopaedics A Self-directed Learning Package Mater Children’s Emergency Department Brady / Reilly updated 2011
  • 2. Fractures in Children • Children’s fractures are unique due to their immature skeleton. • This module will take you through some common and important fractures, helping you to recognise and describe them. • You will also learn about fractures and conditions that are less common, but very important not to miss.
  • 3. Common Fractures The sites of the most common fractures vary with each age group. [Pictures from Thornton, Gill “Children’s Fractures” Saunders 1999]
  • 4. Parts of a Long Bone You will need to know these for describing fractures in children. Epiphysis Epiphyseal plate (Physis) Metaphysis Diaphysis
  • 6. Describing Fractures When describing a fracture, follow the following formula: 1. open or closed 2. bone/s involved 3 .part of bone involved – midshaft/distal third/metaphysis/epiphysis 4. type of fracture –bowing -buckle -greenstick (with or w/o cortical or periosteal breach) -transverse -oblique -spiral -comminuted 5. displacement – direction of displacement of distal fragment relative to proximal fragment eg palmar or volar/dorsal, anterior/posterior 6. angulation – the angle the distal fragment makes with the main axis of the bone eg ‘distal fragment angulated 20 degrees posteriorly’ 7. Presence or absence of associated dislocation 8. Presence or absence of associated neurovascular injury
  • 7. For example… This is a closed greenstick-type fracture of the distal radius with minimal displacement and 10 degrees of dorsal angulation of the distal fragment. 10
  • 8. Example 2 30 This is a closed transverse fracture of the distal third of the radius and ulna. The distal fragment of the ulnar fracture is displaced dorsally and both distal fragments are angulated to approximately 30 degrees. Remember that displacement and angulation are different – displacement means that there is lateral translation or distraction or shortening of the two fracture fragments relative to one another, angulation means they are bent!
  • 9. Example 3 Dislocations without fractures are described in a similar way, but instead of the bone, it is the involved joint that is described. This is a closed dislocation of the metacarpophalangeal joint of the thumb with dorsal displacement of the distal fragment/proximal phalanx.
  • 10. Upper Limb Fractures We will now work through the most important upper limb fractures: • Supracondylar fracture • Dislocated elbow • Medial epicondyle fracture • Fractured radius and ulna • Distal radial fracture • Fractured metacarpals • Fractured scaphoid • Monteggia fracture-dislocation
  • 11. Supracondylar Fracture • Unique to children under 10, rare in adults • Most common elbow fracture in children • Caused by a fall on the outstretched hand, with hyperextension of the elbow • The fracture is at the lower end of the humerus, above the medial and lateral epicondyles • May be radiologically subtle • Missed fractures may result in permanent neurovascular injuries or elbow deformity
  • 12. Supracondylar fractures • Supracondylar fractures are important because of the associated high incidence of nerve and vessel injury • The brachial artery and the median, radial and ulnar nerves can all be kinked or torn by the fracture fragment as they run in front of and behind the elbow joint • All must be clinically evaluated and documented in every patient • Brachial artery injury may manifest as delayed capillary refill, a cold pale hand or absent pulses at the wrist • Median nerve injury (most common) may manifest as inability to flex the interphalangeal joint of the thumb or sensory loss • To diagnose a supracondylar fracture it is important to know the Elbow Rules
  • 13. Cubital fossa nerves and artery Radial N S: dorsal forearm M: Finger gun gesture Median N S: radial palm M: OK gesture Ulnar N S: ulnar forearm M: Cross fingers Brachial A: radial and ulnar pulses and hand perfusion
  • 14. Elbow Rule #1 A line drawn through the radial head always intersects the capitellum in both AP and lateral views Radial head capitellum
  • 15. Every time you see an elbow xray, just think to yourself: radial headcapitellum, radial headcapitellum. capitellum Radial head
  • 16. Elbow Rule #2 A line drawn along the anterior aspect of the humerus (the Anterior Humeral Line) should intersect the middle third of the capitellum. Capitellum
  • 17. Elbow Rule #3 A posterior fat pad (a black lucency posterior to the distal humerus), if visible in a true lateral film, indicates a fracture. No fat pad Posterior fat pad Normal elbow Supracondylar fracture
  • 18. Radiographic Findings In most supracondylar fractures, the anterior humeral line does not pass through the middle third of the capitellum, but anterior to it. In addition, there is a visible posterior fat pad The radial head and the capitellum are usually still aligned, because the fracture is above this level In this fracture there is posterior angulation and displacement of the distal fragment
  • 19. Supracondylar Fracture This xray shows a suprandylar fracture with posterior displacement, angulation and rotation of the distal fragment. Anterior humeral line
  • 20. Dislocated Elbow Generally, this is not a tricky diagnosis clinically or radiologically. The xray shows a dislocation of the right elbow joint with posterior displacement of the radius and ulna.
  • 21. Medial Epicondyle Injuries •The medial epicondyle is the third ossification centre in the elbow, becoming visible at around 6 years of age. •Injuries usually occur when the elbow is forcibly abducted, and the medial epicondyle is pulled away from the lower end of the humerus by the ulnar collateral ligament. •On AP view, the medial epicondyle should lie within 3mm of the distal humerus. If it is further away than this, it is likely to have been avulsed. •On lateral view the medial epicondyle should not be visible, as it is obscured by the capitellum. If you can see it in a true lateral, it’s not in the right place. •If in doubt, xray the opposite side to compare
  • 22. Medial epicondyle fracture Medial epicondyle
  • 23. Medial Epicondyle Fracture Extensive soft tissue swelling Gap >3mm Avulsed medial epicondyle Normal elbow Gap less than 3mm
  • 24. Fractured Radius and Ulna These fractures may be very obvious clinically and radiologically. This xray shows fractures of the mid-shaft of the radius and ulna with dorsal angulation of 80 degrees with minimal displacement of the distal fragments because the dorsal cortex and periosteum of the bones are still intact. 80
  • 25. These fractures can also be very subtle – shown here is a greenstick fracture of the distal radius with ulnar bowing – a fracture type unique to children. Radial greenstick fracture Ulnar bowing Radial greenstick fracture
  • 26. Distal Radial Fracture Again, these fractures may be very obvious, as shown at left, or just a subtle buckle (torus) fracture
  • 27. Fractured Fifth Metacarpal Epiphyseal plate Fracture
  • 28. Fractured Scaphoid Scaphoid fractures are uncommon in children When they do occur, it is in the more skeletally mature child (usually greater than 10 years) Fracture across waist of scaphoid
  • 29. Monteggia Fracture-dislocation In its most common variant, this is a fracture of the distal ulna associated with a dislocation of the radial head at the elbow. This is an uncommon injury, but the radial head dislocation is often missed, making it important to know what to look for. Generally, the ulnar fracture is obvious. Due to the close relationship between radius and ulna, the resultant shortening should prompt a search for a balancing radial defect. The radial head dislocation becomes apparent if you follow the ‘radial headcapitellum’ rule. This particular fracture-dislocation is usually treated with closed reduction under general anaesthesia. Other variations of disruption/dislocation occur.
  • 30. Monteggia Fracture-dislocation Radial head Capitellum Ulnar fracture
  • 31. Lower Limb Fractures • Fractured femur • Fractured tibial spine • Fractured tibia • Ankle fractures • Slipped upper femoral epiphysis (SUFE)
  • 32. Fractured Femur This is usually an unequivocal diagnosis. This xray shows a transverse fracture of the midshaft of the left femur with lateral displacement of the distal fragment, but with minimal angulation. That is, the distal fragment has moved sideways from the fracture site but has not angled away from the long axis of the bone.
  • 33. Fractured Tibial Spine This fracture is the paediatric equivalent of the anterior cruciate ligament tears seen in adults. Because ligaments have maximal tensile strength in childhood, the bone at the site of insertion fractures (or avulses) first. Because these fractures are subtle on AP view, they can be missed. However, as with all joints, an effusion after trauma in the paediatric population usually indicates significant, often bony disruption and should always be referred to the orthopaedic team. Fracture line just visible on AP view Fracture line more apparent on lateral
  • 34. Fractured Tibia Spiral fractures of the tibia are relatively common in toddlers as they are learning to walk. As the child gets older, however, considerably more force is required to fracture the tibia. Note that the fracture is quite difficult to see on the lateral film. Remember all fractures require a minimum of two views, and the joints above and below need to be visualised.
  • 35. Ankle Fractures With all ankle fractures, remember that the tibia and fibula often fracture together (like the radius and ulna) and a fracture in one should prompt a thorough search for a fracture in the other. The fibula in particular may fracture at a site distant from the site of the tibial fracture. The entire length of the fibula needs to be xrayed so as not to miss this. This fracture is described on the next slide.
  • 36. Ankle Fractures This fracture looks difficult to describe, but if you follow the formula it makes it easier. This is a closed fracture of the distal Tibial fracture line left tibia and fibula. The tibial fracture extends through the epiphyseal plate Fibular fracture and into the metaphysis of the tibia sites (Salter Harris type II fracture). The distal fragment is displaced laterally and is angulated to 30 degrees. 30 30 The fibula shows two greenstick fractures of the distal shaft. The fractures are not displaced but are angulated to 30 degrees.
  • 37. Ankle Fractures This is a Tillaux fracture of the ankle –the adolescent equivalent of an avulsion fracture of the medial malleolus in a child (again, as the ligaments are so strong the bone fractures first). Fracture Without knowing the line eponymous name for it though, you could describe it as a closed fracture of the medial distal left tibial epiphysis with minimal displacement and no angulation. The fracture line extends from the epiphyseal plate to the tibio- epiphysis talar joint space.
  • 38. Slipped Upper Femoral Epiphysis = SUFE Slipped upper femoral epiphysis is a condition where the there is displacement of the femoral head relative to the femoral neck through the epiphyseal plate. The underlying multi-factorial vulnerability to shear stress may cause gradual cumulative slippage, or the epiphysis may slip acutely. It is the most common hip problem of adolescence. This disorder is important because early diagnosis improves outcome. Initial missed diagnosis is the rule, with the average time to diagnosis of 6 to 10 months. SUFE eventually occurs in the opposite hip in 60% of patients. Obese adolescent boys are most at risk, but SUFE can occur in any adolescent (8-15 years). Clinically there will be hip, knee or groin pain with or without a history of trauma. In some 50% of patients, hip pain never develops and the primary symptom is isolated knee pain referred from the hip.
  • 39. SUFE The radiologic findings can be subtle but become more obvious when the correct views are obtained. While the AP can appear normal, the head should “mushroom” out over the neck. As you can see in this case the frog-leg lateral clearly shows the slippage of the femoral head t the level of the epiphyseal plate. AP view Frog-leg lateral view
  • 40. Cervical Spine Injuries You will learn about: • How to assess xrays of the cervical spine • Teardrop fracture • Jefferson fracture
  • 41. Cervical Spine - 7 bones and 3 views A minimum of three views showing all seven cervical vertebra is the minimum requirement for an adequate assessment of the cervical spine. The three views are AP, lateral down to C7/T1 junction, and an open mouth peg view. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
  • 42. Cervical Spine Imaging Note that for optimal neutral positioning in the supine position, children under 10 with suspected spinal injury must have a foam thoracic elevation device (TED) inserted as part of routine spinal immobilisation [to counter-balance their large heads]. Without this, hyperflexion and false positive radiological findings, such as increased prevertebral soft tissue thickening and pseudo-subluxation, are more common. Pandie et al 2010 BMJ
  • 43. Cervical Spine- the 4 lines Start with the lateral. Trace the 4 lines below, looking for any part of the vertebrae that are out of alignment. The lines become more curved as you go from anterior to posterior. Spino-laminar line Anterior vertebral line Spinous process line Posterior vertebral line
  • 44. Cervical spine – the soft tissues Next look at the soft tissues. The maximal allowable width of the pre- vertebral soft tissue space is: - one half the vertebral body width from C1 to C4 - one whole vertebral body width from C4 to C7 Increased width of the pre-vertebral space of a properly positioned cervical spine suggests swelling, eg from a fracture or ligamentous injury.
  • 45. Cervical Spine – vertebral bodies The next step is to trace around individual vertebral bodies in turn, looking for irregularities in the usual rectangular shape. Look particularly for wedge or compression fractures, with irregular loss of height, or teardrop fractures of the anterior inferior corner of the vertebral body. These are important because although small, they indicate significant ligamentous injury and hence potential instability.
  • 47. The next thing to assess on a lateral film is the pre-dental space – that is, the space between the anterior border of the peg, and the anterior arch of C1. Anything greater than 5mm (child or adult) is abnormal and suggests instability of the transverse ligament
  • 48. Cervical spine - AP Next assess the AP view. The main things to look for in this view are: -that the spinous processes line up -that the vertebral bodies are symmetrical and have no obvious fracture -that the vertebrae are evenly spaced
  • 49. Cervical Spine - peg Lastly assess the peg view. Look for a well-centred film with the peg lining up with the gap between the front incisors. This film is slightly rotated. Next look at the space either side of the peg – this should be symmetrical. Then look at the outside edge of the lateral masses of C1 – this should line up with the outside edge of C2. Lateral masses of C1 Body of C2 Odontoid process
  • 50. C1/C2 Fracture Note that the anterior and posterior vertebral lines are abnormal, and the soft tissue spaces very widened. The peg has fractured and has tilted forward, as has the anterior arch of C1. This will cause angulation and compression of the spinal cord at the level of C2.
  • 51. Jefferson Fracture A Jefferson fracture is a burst fracture of C1. Think of C1 as peppermint lifesaver – it is impossible to break it in only one place. The ring will always break in at least 2 places. This fracture occurs due to compression – a fall from a height, or hitting the head on the roof of the car in a motor vehicle accident. This film shows a widened pre-dental space from an associated ligamentous instability.
  • 52. Jefferson Fracture On the peg view, it is apparent that the space either side of the peg is widened and asymmetrical. In addition, the lateral masses do not align with the lateral borders of C2 – they have been laterally displaced.
  • 53. Well done! You’re finished.

Editor's Notes

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