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Digital Storytelling
Providing New Insights Into What Students’
           Know and Can Do

                                  Sid de Haan
                           Consulting Services
Changes in society and
technology have affected, and
  will continue to affect, the
  ways in which people use
     language to think, to
 communicate and to learn.

Viewing and representing are
  integral parts of contemporary
 life. These skills allow students
to understand the ways in which
    images and language may be
used to convey ideas, values and

Many of the comprehension
processes involved in reading, such
  as previewing, predicting and
  making inferences, may also be
         used in viewing.

 Representing enables students to
  communicate information and
ideas through a variety of media.
“If people aren’t taught the language
of sound and images, shouldn’t they
be considered as illiterate as if they
left college without being able to read
or write?”
                     ~ George Lucas

Learning Goals
• Explore the power of story/digital expression
• Develop a shared understanding of the term
  digital storytelling
• Investigate two methods of digital expression
• Discuss ways of formatively & summatively
  assessing these projects & products

“Humans are not ideally set up to understand logic;
            they are ideally set up to understand stories.”

      ~ Roger C. Shank, cognitive scientist

“Humans are not ideally set up to understand logic;
        they are ideally set up to understand stories.”

       ~ Roger C. Shank, cognitive scientist

The Importance of Story
Stories go beyond fact; they delve into the richness of
details and emotion, and provide a context for our words.

E.M. Forester observed that a fact is “The queen
died and the king died.”

A story is “The queen died and the king died of a
broken heart.”

That’s the difference.

As Don Norman puts it in his book Things
That Make Us Smart, “Stories are important
cognitive events, for they encapsulate, into
one compact package, knowledge, context,
and emotion.”

The story - from Rumplestiltskin to War and
Peace - is one of the basic tools invented by
the human mind for the purpose of
understanding. There have been great
societies that did not use the wheel, but
there have been no societies that did not tell
                          ~ Ursula K. Le Guin

For sale: Baby shoes. Never worn.

1.Reflect on your first year of teaching. Try
  to summarize that experience in 10 words
  or less (shoot for 6!).
2. Next, jot down some images or music that
   you could possibly use to add to your
   words to communicate this “story” to a

What is Digital
Digital storytelling is using 21st century
technology to tell our stories. Often this
involves combining story, images, and audio to
maximize emotional impact and effect.

What is Digital
“Digital Storytelling is the modern expression
of the ancient art of storytelling. Digital
stories derive their power by weaving
images, music, narrative and voice together,
thereby giving deep dimension and vivid color
to characters, situations, experiences, and
                 --Leslie Rule, Center for Digital Storytelling

What is Digital
  Typically a digital story is personal
  Can also refer to interactive stories– games,
hypertext, personal blogging, etc.
  “conversational media”

My Grandma

Brain Dump

What “worked” in the story
   you just watched?

Why Might I Use Digital
Storytelling in my Classroom?
Digital Storytelling can be a very powerful medium, and one in
which our students have a lot of experience and feel very

Why Might I Use Digital
Storytelling in my Classroom?
The current generation has grown up in a rich environment of
image and sound. Communicating in this way is natural for
them, and digital storytelling provides students with a
“modern” way of telling their stories.

Why Might I Use Digital
Storytelling in my Classroom?
Students are engaged through the use of technology and
empowered by their ability to create a quality product.

Why Might I Use Digital
Storytelling in my Classroom?
 Digital storytelling is also powerful because it
 gives all students an equal voice. Students who
 tend to be marginalized or overlooked in
 literate, story rich settings are able to tell their
 stories – to feel valued and heard.

The 21st Century
Digital storytelling is a classic case of integrating
technology in the classroom; it extends the
writing and takes it to a place where it could not
go alone. Students develop a keen sense of voice,
audience, pacing, economy, and the interplay
between story, image and audio.

The 21st Century
Students begin to develop visual literacy skills and
they begin to think critically about the media they
produce and consume. But most of all, they tell
their stories.



Digital Storytelling:
 6 Key Elements
•   Story
•   Use of Voice
•   Economy
•   Pacing
•   Use of Images
•   Music

We live in an era of high velocity media,
which creates the illusion of energy &
vitality. Much of the content we encounter
is malnourished (which is why it needs a
barrage of image and audio).

But well crafted stories DO NOT use
malnourished content; rather, well crafted
stories are rich and engaging. When
crafting a strong digital story, we can slow
down because we have strong content.

Stories that are crafted strive to bring the
audience to a place where their primary
awareness is of the story. The author
intentionally leaves “spaces” for the
audience to fill in. In so doing, the audience
becomes an active participant in the story
(not a passive “recipient”).

Use of Voice
We can enhance the effectiveness of a digital
story through the use of voice.

Technology allows us to rehearse and edit our
voice for maximum effect (something oral
storytellers did not have the luxury of!).

Pauses are very powerful when used properly.
Make room for silence.
Less is more. Leave spaces which require
closure from the audience.

Allow the audience to use their imagination
and to interact with the story to generate
an understanding of it.

Digital storytelling is like taking your audience
on a journey. The preparation of your digital
story is like packing for the trip. The delivery
of your story is like unpacking.

Unpacking the story slowly is like allowing the
audience to relish the contents of the suitcase
one item at a time. This is called pacing.

Use of Images
Let the images do some of the talking for you.

Try to use images that will engage the

In a 2 minute digital story, you should use +/-
10 images. Less is more.

The temptation is to have a soundtrack
thundering through from beginning to end.

To be effective, background music should only
be used in one or two places. The music
should never drown out the narrator. Your
words are the focal point and the digital story
shouldn’t make sense without your voice.

Things to Keep In Mind
Be cautious when using flashy transitions
between images. “Overdone” transitions pull
the viewer out of the story and into the
“Oooh!” factor.

Things to Keep In Mind
A transition’s job is to be invisible. You always
want the focus to remain on the story and the
audio. Use only cross dissolve and maybe fade
in/fade out.

Things to Keep In Mind
Avoid the use of sound effects (they sound
“cheesy”), dramatic digital transitions, and an
overenthusiastic soundtrack.

Street Hockey


Digital Storytelling
The process of digital storytelling can be
broken into a series of steps.
• Steps 1-3 are done in the classroom
• Steps 4-5 are done in a computer lab
• Step 6 can occur in the classroom, or any
  other venue, including online

Step One:
• Generating an idea for a story is the first
• Thinking maps or other graphic organizers
  are helpful

Step Two:
• The most effective digital stories have
  their genesis in good writing
• Emphasize multiple drafts

Step Three:
The Storyboard:
• Visual map of the story
• Contains text + visuals + any other
  information necessary (camera angle,
• Essential step for making the connection
  between communicating meaning and for
  locating visuals
Step Four:
Locating Multimedia:
• In this step, students use search tools to
  locate still frame pictures or video
• Students may also use their own content
  (digital pictures, video footage, scanned
• Copyright needs to be discussed prior to
  locating media

Step Five:
Creating the Digital Story:
• Demo the software to the class (+/- 40
• Students learn quickly
• Online tutorials
   • MS Moviemaker
   • Photostory 3
   • iMovie
Step Six:
• This is a crucial step
• Students are generally immensely proud of
  their creations
• Can strengthen classroom relationships
• Can be uploaded/shared globally
   • FOIP considerations
Digital Storytelling Rubric
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   *When work is judged limited or insufficient, the teacher makes decisions about appropriate interventions to help the student improve.

Music Video Project:

Expressing Understanding of
the Text Using Visual Images



*Unable to post student video due to FOIP and/
           or copyright restrictions

Where Were You When The World
      Stopped Turning?*

*Unable to post student video due to FOIP and/
           or copyright restrictions

Music Video Project:
      Scope & Sequence
1. Introduce project
  • discuss communicating understanding in a
    variety of ways
  • share an exemplar
  • discuss what works/what doesn’t
  • build criteria

Music Video Project:
       Scope & Sequence
2.Model the process

   • Choose a song and work through from start
       to finish
   •   Ballads with a clear story work well, as well as
       lyrics centered around a clear event, theme or
   •   Discuss how mood is conveyed in music and
       how this affects the message; connect mood
       of music to mood of images used
Music Video Project:
       Scope & Sequence
3.Classroom work

   • Find a suitable song; print off lyics
   • Read through lyrics several times. Determine
       theme, message, purpose, and identify
       figurative language.
   •   Deconstruct lyrics and brainstorm images

Music Video Project:
       Scope & Sequence
4.Meet with peers (small group)

   • Share ideas and receive feedback on
       project work
   •   Students provide feedback that deals with
       criteria only
   •   All comments must be phrased positively
       (ie. “If this were my project, I might...”)

Music Video Project:
       Scope & Sequence

   • Create a storyboard that matches images with
       lyrics (MS Powerpoint)
   •   Teacher/student conference to determine if
       ready for next step

Music Video Project:
      Scope & Sequence
6. Computer Lab
    • search for images on reputable sites where
      copyright restrictions are clearly posted (ie.,
    • download appropriate images
    • “rip” music from cd and save to network
    • Use video editing software to create video
      (MS Moviemaker, MS Photostory 3, iMovie,
Follow Up:
Question: How has your understanding of the
song changed as a result of the work you did
on this project?

Follow Up:
Answer: "My understanding of this song has
changed because when I listened to the song I
didn't understand most of the questions in the
song. When I researched it I understanded it like
when Common (rapper) asked why is Bush
acting like he's looking for Osama, we should
impeach him and elect Obama.

I didn't understand this question then I thought
of it and asked myself why is Bush in Iraq instead
of Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan and the part of
the line where it says we should impeach him and
elect Obama.I didn't know who he was so I
searched his name and found out he was a
senator of the USA. In conclusion, if I didn't do
the project I wouldn't have understanded the

Follow Up:
"I have gotten a much better understanding of the
song and lyrics, thanks to the work with the
storyboards. Breaking down the song line by line
made it easier to understand. I also found out that
words or phrases may have double meanings. "I'll give
a little bit of my life for you" may not be talking about
just sacrificing yourself for a family member or friend.
It may mean something like donating blood. I also
can't get this song out of my head because I
memorized and listened to it almost everyday for a
The End of War*

*Unable to post student video due to FOIP and/
           or copyright restrictions

Digital Storytelling
        Sid de Haan’s Blog:


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Digital storytelling slideshow

  • 1. Digital Storytelling Providing New Insights Into What Students’ Know and Can Do Sid de Haan Consulting Services EPSB 1
  • 2. Speaking Listening Reading Writing Viewing Representing 2
  • 3. 3
  • 4. Changes in society and technology have affected, and will continue to affect, the ways in which people use language to think, to communicate and to learn. 4
  • 5. Viewing and representing are integral parts of contemporary life. These skills allow students to understand the ways in which images and language may be used to convey ideas, values and beliefs. 5
  • 6. Many of the comprehension processes involved in reading, such as previewing, predicting and making inferences, may also be used in viewing. Representing enables students to communicate information and ideas through a variety of media. 6
  • 7. Think-Pair-Share “If people aren’t taught the language of sound and images, shouldn’t they be considered as illiterate as if they left college without being able to read or write?” ~ George Lucas 7
  • 8. Learning Goals • Explore the power of story/digital expression • Develop a shared understanding of the term digital storytelling • Investigate two methods of digital expression • Discuss ways of formatively & summatively assessing these projects & products 8
  • 9. “Humans are not ideally set up to understand logic; they are ideally set up to understand stories.” ~ Roger C. Shank, cognitive scientist 9
  • 10. “Humans are not ideally set up to understand logic; they are ideally set up to understand stories.” ~ Roger C. Shank, cognitive scientist 10
  • 11. The Importance of Story Stories go beyond fact; they delve into the richness of details and emotion, and provide a context for our words. 11
  • 12. E.M. Forester observed that a fact is “The queen died and the king died.” A story is “The queen died and the king died of a broken heart.” That’s the difference. 12
  • 13. As Don Norman puts it in his book Things That Make Us Smart, “Stories are important cognitive events, for they encapsulate, into one compact package, knowledge, context, and emotion.” 13
  • 14. The story - from Rumplestiltskin to War and Peace - is one of the basic tools invented by the human mind for the purpose of understanding. There have been great societies that did not use the wheel, but there have been no societies that did not tell stories. ~ Ursula K. Le Guin 14
  • 15. For sale: Baby shoes. Never worn. 15
  • 16. 16
  • 17. Activity: 1.Reflect on your first year of teaching. Try to summarize that experience in 10 words or less (shoot for 6!). 2. Next, jot down some images or music that you could possibly use to add to your words to communicate this “story” to a partner. 17
  • 18. What is Digital Storytelling? Digital storytelling is using 21st century technology to tell our stories. Often this involves combining story, images, and audio to maximize emotional impact and effect. 18
  • 19. What is Digital Storytelling? “Digital Storytelling is the modern expression of the ancient art of storytelling. Digital stories derive their power by weaving images, music, narrative and voice together, thereby giving deep dimension and vivid color to characters, situations, experiences, and insights.” --Leslie Rule, Center for Digital Storytelling 19
  • 20. What is Digital Storytelling? Typically a digital story is personal Can also refer to interactive stories– games, hypertext, personal blogging, etc. “conversational media” 20
  • 22. Brain Dump What “worked” in the story you just watched? 22
  • 23. Why Might I Use Digital Storytelling in my Classroom? Digital Storytelling can be a very powerful medium, and one in which our students have a lot of experience and feel very comfortable. 23
  • 24. Why Might I Use Digital Storytelling in my Classroom? The current generation has grown up in a rich environment of image and sound. Communicating in this way is natural for them, and digital storytelling provides students with a “modern” way of telling their stories. 24
  • 25. Why Might I Use Digital Storytelling in my Classroom? Students are engaged through the use of technology and empowered by their ability to create a quality product. 25
  • 26. Why Might I Use Digital Storytelling in my Classroom? Digital storytelling is also powerful because it gives all students an equal voice. Students who tend to be marginalized or overlooked in literate, story rich settings are able to tell their stories – to feel valued and heard. 26
  • 27. The 21st Century Classroom Digital storytelling is a classic case of integrating technology in the classroom; it extends the writing and takes it to a place where it could not go alone. Students develop a keen sense of voice, audience, pacing, economy, and the interplay between story, image and audio. 27
  • 28. The 21st Century Classroom Students begin to develop visual literacy skills and they begin to think critically about the media they produce and consume. But most of all, they tell their stories. 28
  • 29. movies/ 29
  • 30. movies/ 30
  • 31. Digital Storytelling: 6 Key Elements • Story • Use of Voice • Economy • Pacing • Use of Images • Music 31
  • 32. Story We live in an era of high velocity media, which creates the illusion of energy & vitality. Much of the content we encounter is malnourished (which is why it needs a barrage of image and audio). 32
  • 33. Story But well crafted stories DO NOT use malnourished content; rather, well crafted stories are rich and engaging. When crafting a strong digital story, we can slow down because we have strong content. 33
  • 34. Story Stories that are crafted strive to bring the audience to a place where their primary awareness is of the story. The author intentionally leaves “spaces” for the audience to fill in. In so doing, the audience becomes an active participant in the story (not a passive “recipient”). 34
  • 35. Use of Voice We can enhance the effectiveness of a digital story through the use of voice. Technology allows us to rehearse and edit our voice for maximum effect (something oral storytellers did not have the luxury of!). Pauses are very powerful when used properly. Make room for silence. 35
  • 36. Economy Less is more. Leave spaces which require closure from the audience. Allow the audience to use their imagination and to interact with the story to generate an understanding of it. 36
  • 37. Pacing Digital storytelling is like taking your audience on a journey. The preparation of your digital story is like packing for the trip. The delivery of your story is like unpacking. Unpacking the story slowly is like allowing the audience to relish the contents of the suitcase one item at a time. This is called pacing. 37
  • 38. Use of Images Let the images do some of the talking for you. Try to use images that will engage the audience. In a 2 minute digital story, you should use +/- 10 images. Less is more. 38
  • 39. Music The temptation is to have a soundtrack thundering through from beginning to end. To be effective, background music should only be used in one or two places. The music should never drown out the narrator. Your words are the focal point and the digital story shouldn’t make sense without your voice. 39
  • 40. Things to Keep In Mind Be cautious when using flashy transitions between images. “Overdone” transitions pull the viewer out of the story and into the “Oooh!” factor. 40
  • 41. Things to Keep In Mind A transition’s job is to be invisible. You always want the focus to remain on the story and the audio. Use only cross dissolve and maybe fade in/fade out. 41
  • 42. Things to Keep In Mind Avoid the use of sound effects (they sound “cheesy”), dramatic digital transitions, and an overenthusiastic soundtrack. 42
  • 43. Street Hockey docid=-8642912020527176466&hl=en 43
  • 45. Digital Storytelling Process The process of digital storytelling can be broken into a series of steps. • Steps 1-3 are done in the classroom • Steps 4-5 are done in a computer lab • Step 6 can occur in the classroom, or any other venue, including online 45
  • 46. Step One: Prewriting: • Generating an idea for a story is the first step • Thinking maps or other graphic organizers are helpful 46
  • 47. Step Two: Writing: • The most effective digital stories have their genesis in good writing • Emphasize multiple drafts 47
  • 48. Step Three: The Storyboard: • Visual map of the story • Contains text + visuals + any other information necessary (camera angle, transitions…) • Essential step for making the connection between communicating meaning and for locating visuals 48
  • 49. Step Four: Locating Multimedia: • In this step, students use search tools to locate still frame pictures or video • Students may also use their own content (digital pictures, video footage, scanned images…) • Copyright needs to be discussed prior to locating media 49
  • 50. Step Five: Creating the Digital Story: • Demo the software to the class (+/- 40 minutes) • Students learn quickly • Online tutorials • MS Moviemaker • Photostory 3 • iMovie 50
  • 51. Step Six: Sharing: • This is a crucial step • Students are generally immensely proud of their creations • Can strengthen classroom relationships • Can be uploaded/shared globally • FOIP considerations 51
  • 52. Digital Storytelling Rubric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hen work is judged limited or insufficient, the teacher makes decisions about appropriate interventions to help the student improve. 52
  • 53. Music Video Project: Expressing Understanding of the Text Using Visual Images 53
  • 54. Examples 54
  • 55. Imagine* *Unable to post student video due to FOIP and/ or copyright restrictions 55
  • 56. Where Were You When The World Stopped Turning?* *Unable to post student video due to FOIP and/ or copyright restrictions 56
  • 57. Music Video Project: Scope & Sequence 1. Introduce project • discuss communicating understanding in a variety of ways • share an exemplar • discuss what works/what doesn’t • build criteria 57
  • 58. Music Video Project: Scope & Sequence 2.Model the process • Choose a song and work through from start to finish • Ballads with a clear story work well, as well as lyrics centered around a clear event, theme or emotion • Discuss how mood is conveyed in music and how this affects the message; connect mood of music to mood of images used 58
  • 59. Music Video Project: Scope & Sequence 3.Classroom work • Find a suitable song; print off lyics • Read through lyrics several times. Determine theme, message, purpose, and identify figurative language. • Deconstruct lyrics and brainstorm images 59
  • 60. Music Video Project: Scope & Sequence 4.Meet with peers (small group) • Share ideas and receive feedback on project work • Students provide feedback that deals with criteria only • All comments must be phrased positively (ie. “If this were my project, I might...”) 60
  • 61. Music Video Project: Scope & Sequence 5.Storyboard • Create a storyboard that matches images with lyrics (MS Powerpoint) • Teacher/student conference to determine if ready for next step 61
  • 62. Music Video Project: Scope & Sequence 6. Computer Lab • search for images on reputable sites where copyright restrictions are clearly posted (ie., • download appropriate images • “rip” music from cd and save to network drive • Use video editing software to create video (MS Moviemaker, MS Photostory 3, iMovie, etc.) 62
  • 63. Follow Up: Self-Reflection Question: How has your understanding of the song changed as a result of the work you did on this project? 63
  • 64. Follow Up: Self-Reflection Answer: "My understanding of this song has changed because when I listened to the song I didn't understand most of the questions in the song. When I researched it I understanded it like when Common (rapper) asked why is Bush acting like he's looking for Osama, we should impeach him and elect Obama. 64
  • 65. I didn't understand this question then I thought of it and asked myself why is Bush in Iraq instead of Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan and the part of the line where it says we should impeach him and elect Obama.I didn't know who he was so I searched his name and found out he was a senator of the USA. In conclusion, if I didn't do the project I wouldn't have understanded the song." 65
  • 66. Follow Up: Self-Reflection "I have gotten a much better understanding of the song and lyrics, thanks to the work with the storyboards. Breaking down the song line by line made it easier to understand. I also found out that words or phrases may have double meanings. "I'll give a little bit of my life for you" may not be talking about just sacrificing yourself for a family member or friend. It may mean something like donating blood. I also can't get this song out of my head because I memorized and listened to it almost everyday for a month." 66
  • 67. The End of War* *Unable to post student video due to FOIP and/ or copyright restrictions 67
  • 68. Digital Storytelling Resources Sid de Haan’s Blog: 68