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journal rubric                   EXPERT                     PRACTITIONER                         APPRENTICE                        NOVICE             SCALE

                                                                                 Posts show limited       Posts are superficial
                         Posts deeply reflect on Posts reflect on student's                                                                           E(15)
                                                                            reflection on student's role retelling of student's
   Clarity and          student's role in process, role in process, and                                                                               P(10)
                                                                            in process, and sometimes role in process, and do
  depth of posts        and show student intent sometimes show student                                                                                A(7)
                                                                               show limited student     not show student future
                         for future project work    future work intent                                                                                N(3)
                                                                                 future work intent           work intent

                                                                                  Visually disorganized, uses
                         High quality; neat and            Neat but somewhat                                                                          E(15)
                                                                                  American Standard English      Entries discourage
Quality of work          clean, uses American               disorganized, uses                                                                        P(10)
                                                                                    with numerous errors,     reader, uses mostly TXT
  presented              Standard English with             American Standard                                                                          A(7)
                                                                                      mixes in TXT or IM          or IM language
                           little to no errors           English with some errors                                                                     N(3)

                   Posts flow well and      Posts flow and shows                               Posts flow and structure                               E(15)
                                                                   Posts flow and structure is
 Cohesiveness of shows structure; process limited structure; shows                                  is random and                                     P(10)
                                                                    choppy; difficulty seeing
  information     makes sense and create a complete product after                              disconnected; unable to                                A(7)
                                                                       complete product
                   a complete product               review                                      see complete product                                  N(3)

                                                                                               One-to-two posts               One-to-two posts        E(15)
                         Three or more posts
  Timeliness of                                            Two posts completed              completed each week             completed every few       P(10)
                       completed each week on                                                                                                                 SCORE:
     posts                                                  each week on time               within 1 day of the due         weeks; student unable     A(7)
                       time or before due dates
                                                                                                    date(s)                  to follow due dates      N(3)

Standards Covered:
LA - Benchmark 6-8.LA.S5.B5: Integrate content, style, and structure for of writing for a specific audience / purpose.                                             60
LA - Benchmark 6-8.LA.S5.B6: Write personal responses to literature in a variety of formats.
SS - Benchmark 6-8.SS.S8.B1: Explain concepts of individual development and patterns of interactions between individuals, groups, and institutions.
Habits of the Mind: Questining and Posing Problems, Applying Past Knowledge to New Situations, Imagining, Thinking Independently, Learning
Wagner's Seven Survival Skills for Teens Today: Effective Oral and Written Communication

Rubric for asynchronous web activity                                                 Name:
Ites - documentary

group rubric                   8               7           6               5               4                 3                2              1
                                                          Student has 2+ postings of     Students has 1 posting of new Student posts 1 new piece of
                       Student has 3+ postings of new
weekly information                                      new information / follows lead       information / only posts       info incompletely or
                      information / breaks project down
     posting                                            of another in breaking info into    information to complete     inaccurately / does not post
                            into digestible chunks
                                                                    chunks                         assignment                      new info
                           Communicates with others                                             Limited communication with
                                                              Communicates with others /
                      effectively, clearly, and respectfully                                    others / re-words or repeats          Makes limited effort to
                                                             respectfully references at least
                          / attempts to motivate group                                            others' posts or does not        engage with the group / may
  group dialogue                                              1 colleague; does not disrupt
                       interaction with new and creative                                           reference any specific          post off-topic / no references
                                                                flow of group discussion /
                        approaches / uses text support                                          colleagues / little to no text                 to text
                                                               limited use of text support
                                where appropriate                                                          support

                                                            Several errors in G.U.M. / post                                          Extensive errors in G.U.M.
                       Few errors in G.U.M. / post is of                                        Many errors in G.U.M. / word
                                                              is of inappropriate length /                                         interfere with meaning / word
  mechanics and       appropriate length / effective word                                        choice & sentence structure
                                                              word choice and sentence                                              choice & sentence structure
      style           choice & sentence structure gives                                         show little variety, diminishing
                                                               structure contribute to an                                             interfere with meaning /
                           unique individual voice                                                      sense of voice
                                                             appropriate & effective voice                                             voice is overly informal
                                                                                                                              post is late; format obscures
 organization and      post is on time and helps format     post is on time and organized         post is late or somewhat
                                                                                                                              or prevents understanding of
      timing             organization of discussions                   in format                    organized in format
 individual rubric                   14 - 12                             11 - 8                            7-4                               3-0
                                                               Uses supports to present                                           Limited presentation of
                       Uses strong supports to present                                         Presentation information
                                                            accurate and understandable                                        information; consistently off
  weekly reviews      information clearly and accurately;                                        somewhat confused or
                                                              information; sometimes off                                      task/ does not participate in
                      addresses only the topic(s) at hand                                       muddled; often off task
                                                                          task                                                             reviews
                                                                                                                                 Individual puts forth little
                        Individual efforts lead directly to
                                                            Individual efforts assist group Individual efforts toward project      effort toward project
                      solution of group problem / project;
Individual support                                          project completion; individual    completion vary; individual      completion; individual does
                            individual does all efforts
 to group project                                            puts forth effort most of the efforts appear more for self that only assigned self work and
                       necessary for successful project
                                                                         time.                     project completion           puts forth no effort toward
                                                                                                                                       group project

                     Created by Colleen Ites with sections taken from "Sample Blog Post Rubric" by Stacy Kitsis, English Journal, November 2008 (34).

Standards covered:
IL: Benchmark 6-8. Info.S2.B1: Identify major areas of the media center and demonstrate understanding of their purpose.
IL: Benchmark 6-8. Info.S2.B2: Identify ways technology can be used as an aid in gathering information.
IL: Benchmark 6-8. Info. S3.B2: Utilize various technological tools to gather and interpret data.
IL: Benchmark 6-8. Info. S4.B1: Use information accurately in an end product.
SCANS skills: WORKPLACE SKILLS: Resources, Interpersonal Skills, Information, and Technology
SCANS skills: FOUNDATION COMPETENCIES Basic Skills, Thinking Skills, Personal Qualities
SCANS skills: The Seven C's: Thinking-and-Doing, Creativity, Collaboration, Communication, Computing
SCANS skills: enGAUGE 21st Century Skills: Digital Age Literacy, Effective Communication
SCANS skills: HABITS OF THE MIND: Persisting, Managing Impulsivity, Striving for Accuracy and Precision, Questioning and Posing Problems, Applying
  Past Knowledge to New Situations, Creating, Imagining, and Innovating, Taking Responsible Risks, Thinking Independently, Learning Continuously
SCANS skills: THE SIX A's: Authenticity, Academic Rigor, Applied Learning, Active Exploration, Adult Connections, Assessment Practices
Wagner's Seven Survival Skills for Teens Today: Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving, Collaboration across Networks and Leading by Influence,
   Agility and Adaptability, Effective Oral and Written Communication, Accessing and Analyzing Information, Curiosity and Imagination.
Ites documentary         GROUP WORK                                                   Name:
chosen assessments

Your group will use your running records and any other information you have gathered during your reading.
You will be assessed equally based on the following rubric, but you need to complete a second rubric showing exactly each group member's role
  in the completion of the assessments. The assessment is worth 50 points.

documentary rubric       EXPERT                PRACTITIONER APPRENTICE                        NOVICE                 SCALE SCORES
Correctness of facts     2 or less errors in   3 errors in facts      4 errors in facts       5+ errors in facts        P(12)
used                     facts presented       presented              presented               presented                 A(9)
                                                                      Limited quality and
                         High quality; neat                                                   Low quality, lack of      E(15)
                                                Good quality, limited neatness, efforts of
Quality of work          and clean, shows                                                     neatness, no              P(12)
                                                neatness, shows       individuals seem
presented                individualized efforts                                               individualized stamp      A(9)
                                                individual efforts    mechanical or
                         in completing whole                                                  of each member            N(6)

                                              Information shows       Information             Information
                        Information flows     flow and basic          somewhat muddled        confusing or out of
Cohesiveness of
                        well and shows        structure, group        and structure shaky;    order / no structure; E(10) P(8)
information; ability to
                        structure; group able works with 1-2          group works with 3      4+ reminders for      A(6) N(4)
work as a group         to work as one        reminders to work       reminders to work       group to work
                                              together                together                together

                         Extremely creative in Somewhat creative in Limited creativity in     Little or no creativity
Creativity in ideas or                                                                                                E(10) P(8)
                         ideas and             ideas and            ideas and                 in ideas and
presentation                                                                                                          A(6) N(4)
                         presentation          presentation         presentation              presentation

Digital Storytelling Rubric                                      Name:_____________________________________

 CATEGORY           20 - 16                   15 - 11                    10 - 6                  5-0

                 Establishes a    Establishes a purpose    There are a few                 It is difficult to
  Point of
             purpose early on and early on and maintains lapses in focus, but              figure out the
   View -
               maintains a clear   focus for most of the the purpose is fairly             purpose of the
              focus throughout.            story.               clear.                           story.

                                                                  Tries to use pacing
                                        Occasionally speaks       (rhythm and voice
               The pace (rhythm
                                        too fast or too slowly   punctuation), but it is    No attempt to
                   and voice
                                       for the story line. The   often noticeable that match the pace of
  Voice -     punctuation) fits the
                                         pacing (rhythm and      the pacing does not the storytelling to
  Pacing      story line and helps
                                        voice punctuation) is       fit the story line.  the story line or the
              the audience really
                                      relatively engaging for       Audience is not           audience.
              "get into" the story.
                                            the audience.              consistently

               Images create a        Images create an
                                                                An attempt was
             distinct atmosphere     atmosphere or tone
                                                             made to use images Little or no attempt
             or tone that matches    that matches some
                                                                  to create an   to use images to
             different parts of the parts of the story. The
  Images                                                    atmosphere/tone but       create an
              story. The images          images may
                                                            it needed more work.     appropriate
              may communicate           communicate
                                                                Image choice is  atmosphere/tone.
              symbolism and/or        symbolism and/or
                  metaphors.              metaphors.

                 Audio creates          Audio and chosen
                                                                Audio elements       Audio added
                excellent tone of          sounds add
                                                             confusing based on detracts from story;
  Non-text      story, music and       appropriate tone to
                                                               text of story; can   chosen sounds
   Audio       sound effects add       story and emotional
                                                             distract reader from remove reader from
              depth and layers of     aspect to text; chosen
                                                                the overall story    tone of story
                emotion to story         audio is logical.

             The story is told with The story composition
                exactly the right     is typically good,          The story seems to     The story needs
                amount of detail     though it seems to          need more editing. It extensive editing. It
 Economy      throughout. It does    drag somewhat OR            is noticeably too long is too long or too
              not seem too short     need slightly more           or too short in more      short to be
             nor does it seem too    detail in one or two           than one section.       interesting.
                     long.                 sections.

             Grammar and usage Grammar and usage                                   Repeated errors in
                                                            Grammar and usage
             were correct (for the were typically correct                            grammar and
                                                            were typically correct
 Grammar     dialect chosen) and (for the dialect chosen)                           usage distracted
                                                            but errors detracted
             contributed to clarity   and errors did not                            greatly from the
                                                                 from story.
                   and style.       detract from the story.                              story.
CATEGORY                     15 - 12                         11 - 8                          7-4                         3-0

                                                           Influence of mentor        Little to no
             Influence of mentor   Influence of mentor
                                                             author difficult to influence of mentor
              author obvious and          author
Influence of                                                    find, chosen         author found;
                shown, chosen        understandable,
   mentor                                                  aspect(s) of author’s chosen aspect(s) of
             aspect(s) of author’s chosen aspect(s) of
   author                                                   writing evident at     author’s writing
                writing evident   author’s writing evident
                                                             times throughout      barely evident in
               throughout story        across story
                                                                    story                 story

             All materials used in                                                                                  Legality of
                                      Follows legal and
             an appropriate and                               Materials used                                    materials used and
Legality and                       copyright rules most of
                  legal manner                             breaks copyright and                                 appropriateness of
appropriaten                       the time, most content
                 (copyright); all                           appropriateness of                                   content covered
   ess of                            appropriate to story
             content appropriate                             content covered                                     breaks copyright,
  material                             type and school
               to story type and                               questionable                                       story type, and
              school regulations                                                                                school regulations


Standards Covered:                                  (for the documentary)
LA: Benchmark 6-8.LA.S1.B2:Use a variety of strategies to define and extend understanding of word meaning.
LA: Demonstrate knowledge of text structure in nonfiction.
LA: Benchmark 6-8.LA.S3.B2: Write a series of working drafts that format or organize prewriting strategies into a formal draft.
LA: Benchmark 6-8.LA.S5.B1: Analyze and write expository composition.
LA: Benchmark 6-8.LA.S5.B1: Integrate content, style, and structure of writing for a specific audience/purpose
LA: Benchmark 6-8.LA.S7.B1: Generate questions to give direction to research.
LA: Benchmark 6-8.LA.S7.B2: Classify information sources as useful and appropriate to development of a particular topic.
LA: Benchmark 6-8.LA.S7.B3: Cite all resources used in research in an appropriate format.
SS: Benchmark 6-8.SS.S6.B1:Identify & explain the role of key events and historical figures in the development of civilizations.
SS: Benchmark 6-8.SS.S8.B1:Explain concepts of individual development and patterns of interactions between individuals,
    groups, and institutions.
SS: Benchmark 6-8.SS.S9.B1:Identify and explain historical and current global connections.
IL: Benchmark 6-8. Info.S1.B1: Practice responsible use of equipment, software, and print materials.
IL: Benchmark 6-8. Info.S1.B2: Exhibit respect for authorship and copyright.
IL: Benchmark 6-8. Info.S2.B1: Identify major areas of the media center and demonstrate understanding of their purpose.
IL: Benchmark 6-8. Info.S2.B2: Identify ways technology can be used as an aid in gathering information.
IL: Benchmark 6-8. Info. S3.B2: Utilize various technological tools to gather and interpret data.
IL: Benchmark 6-8. Info. S4.B1: Use information accurately in an end product.
SCANS skills & competencies:
 WORKPLACE SKILLS: Resources, Interprersonal Skills, Information, and Technology
 FOUNDATION COMPETENCIES: Basic Skills, Thinking Skills, Personal Qualities
 Critical Thinking-and-Doing, Creativity, Collaboration, Communication, Computing

 THE enGAUGE 21ST-CENTURY SKILLS Digital Age Literacy, Effective Communication
 HABITS OF THE MIND: Persisting, Managing Impulsivity, Striving for Accuracy and Precision, Questioning and Posing Problems,
   Applying Past Knowledge to New Situations, Creating, Imagining, and Innovating, Taking Responsible Risks,
    Thinking Independently, Learning Continuously
SCANS skills: THE SIX A's: Authenticity, Academic Rigor, Applied Learning, Active Exploration, Adult Connections,
    Assessment Practices
Wagner's Seven Survival Skills for Teens Today: Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving, Collaboration across
   Networks and Leading by Influence, Agility and Adaptability, Effective Oral and Written Communication,
Accessing and Analyzing Information, Curiosity and Imagination.


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Plan the assessment ii rubrics ites final

  • 1. Name:____________________________________________ Name: summative journal rubric EXPERT PRACTITIONER APPRENTICE NOVICE SCALE Posts show limited Posts are superficial Posts deeply reflect on Posts reflect on student's E(15) reflection on student's role retelling of student's Clarity and student's role in process, role in process, and P(10) in process, and sometimes role in process, and do depth of posts and show student intent sometimes show student A(7) show limited student not show student future for future project work future work intent N(3) future work intent work intent Visually disorganized, uses High quality; neat and Neat but somewhat E(15) American Standard English Entries discourage Quality of work clean, uses American disorganized, uses P(10) with numerous errors, reader, uses mostly TXT presented Standard English with American Standard A(7) mixes in TXT or IM or IM language little to no errors English with some errors N(3) language Posts flow well and Posts flow and shows Posts flow and structure E(15) Posts flow and structure is Cohesiveness of shows structure; process limited structure; shows is random and P(10) choppy; difficulty seeing information makes sense and create a complete product after disconnected; unable to A(7) complete product a complete product review see complete product N(3) One-to-two posts One-to-two posts E(15) Three or more posts Timeliness of Two posts completed completed each week completed every few P(10) completed each week on SCORE: posts each week on time within 1 day of the due weeks; student unable A(7) time or before due dates date(s) to follow due dates N(3) Standards Covered: LA - Benchmark 6-8.LA.S5.B5: Integrate content, style, and structure for of writing for a specific audience / purpose. 60 LA - Benchmark 6-8.LA.S5.B6: Write personal responses to literature in a variety of formats. SS - Benchmark 6-8.SS.S8.B1: Explain concepts of individual development and patterns of interactions between individuals, groups, and institutions. Habits of the Mind: Questining and Posing Problems, Applying Past Knowledge to New Situations, Imagining, Thinking Independently, Learning Continuously Wagner's Seven Survival Skills for Teens Today: Effective Oral and Written Communication COMMENTS:
  • 2. Rubric for asynchronous web activity Name: Ites - documentary group rubric 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Student has 2+ postings of Students has 1 posting of new Student posts 1 new piece of Student has 3+ postings of new weekly information new information / follows lead information / only posts info incompletely or information / breaks project down posting of another in breaking info into information to complete inaccurately / does not post into digestible chunks chunks assignment new info Communicates with others Limited communication with Communicates with others / effectively, clearly, and respectfully others / re-words or repeats Makes limited effort to respectfully references at least / attempts to motivate group others' posts or does not engage with the group / may group dialogue 1 colleague; does not disrupt interaction with new and creative reference any specific post off-topic / no references flow of group discussion / approaches / uses text support colleagues / little to no text to text limited use of text support where appropriate support Several errors in G.U.M. / post Extensive errors in G.U.M. Few errors in G.U.M. / post is of Many errors in G.U.M. / word is of inappropriate length / interfere with meaning / word mechanics and appropriate length / effective word choice & sentence structure word choice and sentence choice & sentence structure style choice & sentence structure gives show little variety, diminishing structure contribute to an interfere with meaning / unique individual voice sense of voice appropriate & effective voice voice is overly informal post is late; format obscures organization and post is on time and helps format post is on time and organized post is late or somewhat or prevents understanding of timing organization of discussions in format organized in format post individual rubric 14 - 12 11 - 8 7-4 3-0 Uses supports to present Limited presentation of Uses strong supports to present Presentation information accurate and understandable information; consistently off weekly reviews information clearly and accurately; somewhat confused or information; sometimes off task/ does not participate in addresses only the topic(s) at hand muddled; often off task task reviews Individual puts forth little Individual efforts lead directly to Individual efforts assist group Individual efforts toward project effort toward project solution of group problem / project; Individual support project completion; individual completion vary; individual completion; individual does individual does all efforts to group project puts forth effort most of the efforts appear more for self that only assigned self work and necessary for successful project time. project completion puts forth no effort toward completion group project Created by Colleen Ites with sections taken from "Sample Blog Post Rubric" by Stacy Kitsis, English Journal, November 2008 (34). COMMENTS:
  • 3. Standards covered: IL: Benchmark 6-8. Info.S2.B1: Identify major areas of the media center and demonstrate understanding of their purpose. IL: Benchmark 6-8. Info.S2.B2: Identify ways technology can be used as an aid in gathering information. IL: Benchmark 6-8. Info. S3.B2: Utilize various technological tools to gather and interpret data. IL: Benchmark 6-8. Info. S4.B1: Use information accurately in an end product. SCANS skills: WORKPLACE SKILLS: Resources, Interpersonal Skills, Information, and Technology SCANS skills: FOUNDATION COMPETENCIES Basic Skills, Thinking Skills, Personal Qualities SCANS skills: The Seven C's: Thinking-and-Doing, Creativity, Collaboration, Communication, Computing SCANS skills: enGAUGE 21st Century Skills: Digital Age Literacy, Effective Communication SCANS skills: HABITS OF THE MIND: Persisting, Managing Impulsivity, Striving for Accuracy and Precision, Questioning and Posing Problems, Applying Past Knowledge to New Situations, Creating, Imagining, and Innovating, Taking Responsible Risks, Thinking Independently, Learning Continuously SCANS skills: THE SIX A's: Authenticity, Academic Rigor, Applied Learning, Active Exploration, Adult Connections, Assessment Practices Wagner's Seven Survival Skills for Teens Today: Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving, Collaboration across Networks and Leading by Influence, Agility and Adaptability, Effective Oral and Written Communication, Accessing and Analyzing Information, Curiosity and Imagination.
  • 4. Ites documentary GROUP WORK Name: chosen assessments Your group will use your running records and any other information you have gathered during your reading. You will be assessed equally based on the following rubric, but you need to complete a second rubric showing exactly each group member's role in the completion of the assessments. The assessment is worth 50 points. documentary rubric EXPERT PRACTITIONER APPRENTICE NOVICE SCALE SCORES E(15) Correctness of facts 2 or less errors in 3 errors in facts 4 errors in facts 5+ errors in facts P(12) used facts presented presented presented presented A(9) N(6) Limited quality and High quality; neat Low quality, lack of E(15) Good quality, limited neatness, efforts of Quality of work and clean, shows neatness, no P(12) neatness, shows individuals seem presented individualized efforts individualized stamp A(9) individual efforts mechanical or in completing whole of each member N(6) obvious Information shows Information Information Information flows flow and basic somewhat muddled confusing or out of Cohesiveness of well and shows structure, group and structure shaky; order / no structure; E(10) P(8) information; ability to structure; group able works with 1-2 group works with 3 4+ reminders for A(6) N(4) work as a group to work as one reminders to work reminders to work group to work together together together Extremely creative in Somewhat creative in Limited creativity in Little or no creativity Creativity in ideas or E(10) P(8) ideas and ideas and ideas and in ideas and presentation A(6) N(4) presentation presentation presentation presentation COMMENTS:
  • 5. Digital Storytelling Rubric Name:_____________________________________ CATEGORY 20 - 16 15 - 11 10 - 6 5-0 Establishes a Establishes a purpose There are a few It is difficult to Point of purpose early on and early on and maintains lapses in focus, but figure out the View - maintains a clear focus for most of the the purpose is fairly purpose of the Purpose focus throughout. story. clear. story. Tries to use pacing Occasionally speaks (rhythm and voice The pace (rhythm too fast or too slowly punctuation), but it is No attempt to and voice for the story line. The often noticeable that match the pace of Voice - punctuation) fits the pacing (rhythm and the pacing does not the storytelling to Pacing story line and helps voice punctuation) is fit the story line. the story line or the the audience really relatively engaging for Audience is not audience. "get into" the story. the audience. consistently engaged. Images create a Images create an An attempt was distinct atmosphere atmosphere or tone made to use images Little or no attempt or tone that matches that matches some to create an to use images to different parts of the parts of the story. The Images atmosphere/tone but create an story. The images images may it needed more work. appropriate may communicate communicate Image choice is atmosphere/tone. symbolism and/or symbolism and/or logical. metaphors. metaphors. Audio creates Audio and chosen Audio elements Audio added excellent tone of sounds add confusing based on detracts from story; Non-text story, music and appropriate tone to text of story; can chosen sounds Audio sound effects add story and emotional distract reader from remove reader from depth and layers of aspect to text; chosen the overall story tone of story emotion to story audio is logical. The story is told with The story composition exactly the right is typically good, The story seems to The story needs amount of detail though it seems to need more editing. It extensive editing. It Economy throughout. It does drag somewhat OR is noticeably too long is too long or too not seem too short need slightly more or too short in more short to be nor does it seem too detail in one or two than one section. interesting. long. sections. Grammar and usage Grammar and usage Repeated errors in Grammar and usage were correct (for the were typically correct grammar and were typically correct Grammar dialect chosen) and (for the dialect chosen) usage distracted but errors detracted contributed to clarity and errors did not greatly from the from story. and style. detract from the story. story.
  • 6. CATEGORY 15 - 12 11 - 8 7-4 3-0 Influence of mentor Little to no Influence of mentor Influence of mentor author difficult to influence of mentor author obvious and author Influence of find, chosen author found; shown, chosen understandable, mentor aspect(s) of author’s chosen aspect(s) of aspect(s) of author’s chosen aspect(s) of author writing evident at author’s writing writing evident author’s writing evident times throughout barely evident in throughout story across story story story All materials used in Legality of Follows legal and an appropriate and Materials used materials used and Legality and copyright rules most of legal manner breaks copyright and appropriateness of appropriaten the time, most content (copyright); all appropriateness of content covered ess of appropriate to story content appropriate content covered breaks copyright, material type and school to story type and questionable story type, and regulations school regulations school regulations COMMENTS: Standards Covered: (for the documentary) LA: Benchmark 6-8.LA.S1.B2:Use a variety of strategies to define and extend understanding of word meaning. LA: Demonstrate knowledge of text structure in nonfiction. LA: Benchmark 6-8.LA.S3.B2: Write a series of working drafts that format or organize prewriting strategies into a formal draft. LA: Benchmark 6-8.LA.S5.B1: Analyze and write expository composition. LA: Benchmark 6-8.LA.S5.B1: Integrate content, style, and structure of writing for a specific audience/purpose LA: Benchmark 6-8.LA.S7.B1: Generate questions to give direction to research. LA: Benchmark 6-8.LA.S7.B2: Classify information sources as useful and appropriate to development of a particular topic. LA: Benchmark 6-8.LA.S7.B3: Cite all resources used in research in an appropriate format. SS: Benchmark 6-8.SS.S6.B1:Identify & explain the role of key events and historical figures in the development of civilizations. SS: Benchmark 6-8.SS.S8.B1:Explain concepts of individual development and patterns of interactions between individuals, groups, and institutions. SS: Benchmark 6-8.SS.S9.B1:Identify and explain historical and current global connections. IL: Benchmark 6-8. Info.S1.B1: Practice responsible use of equipment, software, and print materials. IL: Benchmark 6-8. Info.S1.B2: Exhibit respect for authorship and copyright. IL: Benchmark 6-8. Info.S2.B1: Identify major areas of the media center and demonstrate understanding of their purpose. IL: Benchmark 6-8. Info.S2.B2: Identify ways technology can be used as an aid in gathering information. IL: Benchmark 6-8. Info. S3.B2: Utilize various technological tools to gather and interpret data. IL: Benchmark 6-8. Info. S4.B1: Use information accurately in an end product. SCANS skills & competencies: WORKPLACE SKILLS: Resources, Interprersonal Skills, Information, and Technology FOUNDATION COMPETENCIES: Basic Skills, Thinking Skills, Personal Qualities THE SEVEN C’S: Critical Thinking-and-Doing, Creativity, Collaboration, Communication, Computing THE enGAUGE 21ST-CENTURY SKILLS Digital Age Literacy, Effective Communication HABITS OF THE MIND: Persisting, Managing Impulsivity, Striving for Accuracy and Precision, Questioning and Posing Problems, Applying Past Knowledge to New Situations, Creating, Imagining, and Innovating, Taking Responsible Risks, Thinking Independently, Learning Continuously SCANS skills: THE SIX A's: Authenticity, Academic Rigor, Applied Learning, Active Exploration, Adult Connections, Assessment Practices Wagner's Seven Survival Skills for Teens Today: Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving, Collaboration across Networks and Leading by Influence, Agility and Adaptability, Effective Oral and Written Communication,
  • 7. Accessing and Analyzing Information, Curiosity and Imagination.
  • 8. ___________ Score