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Trend 2014
what we were expected 
In the 9th lesson of the last year course we previewed that in 2013: 
• mobile access would increase 
• social media would play an increasingly important role in our lives 
• we would use the internet in a more “professional” and “private” manner 
• the internet would be “content” oriented 
• innovative forms of communication would include digital and traditional techniques 
and so it was. 
But now let’s see how this prediction has been evolving in 2014. 
As the digital world is constantly evolving, in this lesson we will see what are the trends predicted for 
the next few months. 
We will start by looking at macro trends, based on the socio-economic scenario suggested by 
Like they say “these are key developments and disruptions that will transform the globe over the next 
12 months.” 
A common thread running through the civil disobedience periodically afflicting cities worldwide? 
That unrest is increasingly led by ‘transformers’, millennials agitating for justice, equality, and 
empowerment. Via crowd platforms and citizen journalism, their challenge of ‘old’ social structures 
won’t go away any time soon. 
The Internet of things. 3D printing. Google Glass. 
It’s too soon to tell if (or exactly how) 2014’s hot technologies will break through into mainstream use 
in the coming months. What is certain is that everyday tech will become more intuitive, omnipresent, 
social, emotionally responsive and ultimately essential for consumers. 
2013 saw promising (if early-stage) medical developments in bioengineering, genome analysis, mobile 
health monitoring and yes, even 3D organ printing. Bottom line? More reliable, affordable, widespread 
access to palliative and life-saving solutions. 
legal & environmental 
As revelations emerge of the Nsa’s cyber-espionage, 2014 will see growing demand for privacy 
guarantees and tougher anti- surveillance laws. Can intelligence agencies be trusted to police their 
own activities? Should whistleblowers (Assange, Snowden etc.) be better protected? And is our 
private information ever truly secure? 
Global resource scarcity is ongoing. Confidence in nuclear energy is low (the ghost of Fukushima), 
arctic oil exploration holds promise but also ravage natural landscapes. Food shortages? In May, the 
UN Food & Agricultural Organization proposed edible insect farms. But global appetites are strangely 
it’s not easy being green... 
… but we’re getting there, slowly. 
In 2013, even as Beijing faced ‘airpocalypse’ (record-breaking air pollution), smart green design gave 
us building facades that ‘eat’ pollution, countless urban farming initiatives, and more. Meanwhile 
sharing communities, upcycling and reshoring are all evidence of continued opportunities for 
sustainable solutions. 
trends 2014 
Keeping in mind this macro 
trends that describe the world’s 
status, this lesson will discover 
trends and some examples of 
brand and businesses that are 
already putting them into 
The trends analyzed in this 
lesson are: 
digital you Vs Phubbing 
target centering 
corporate shared value 
experience is everything 
digital you 
The technological innovation, the multitude of the connected devices and the evolution of the 
distribution world of the media let an increase of the consumption of media through different screen 
at home, at work, in the streets and in retail 
Today internet is an “everyday tool”, it has become necessary and integrated in our life. Most of time 
we don’t even realize we are using it. It’s called the internet of things. 
digital you
digital you 
We are moving toward Industry 4.0 (the 4th industrial revolution) a world with a full integration of man, 
machine and system. Connectivity is a fundamental and irreversible driver of change. 
In 2014 the pervasiveness of technology is ramping up further: new technologies reach and transform 
an ever-wider array of everyday objects, and any remaining geographical tech boundaries dissolve. 
it’s a fertile world 
In 2013 80 “things” per second were connecting to the internet. This year that number is reaching 
almost 100 per second, and by 2020, more than 250 things will connect each second. 
Penetration of connected objects in total “things” is expected to reach 2.7% in 2020 from 0.6% in 2012 
2012 2013 2020 
8.7 Bn 
connected objects 
11.2 Bn 
connected objects 
50.1 Bn 
connected objects 
Cisco 2013
nike - fuelband 
The Nike+ FuelBand is an activity tracker 
that is worn on the wrist. 
The new Nike+ FuelBand SE now tracks not 
only how much, but also how often and how 
intensely you move. And it gives you real-time 
feedback, reminders and insights to 
help you move more and move better. 
Surpassing its Indiegogo crowdfunding 
target in February 2014, Atheer One 
smart glasses integrate augmented 
reality and gesture control features. The 
spectacles connect to a cellphone via a 
USB connection, and project a 26-inch 
‘floating’ tablet screen in front of the 
wearer’s eyes. 
atheer one
The CuffLinc is a small, waterproof black 
device embedded with an accelerometer 
offering a Bluetooth link to your smartphone. 
On the Cuff app for iOS, the wearer can set 
the device's internal button to send out an 
alert to a friend or family member in case of 
the cufflinc
"The more you know about the health, the 
smarter you can be about how to approach 
it. The same should apply to dental care and 
oral care hasn't been updated in years." 
After downloading the app and connecting it 
to the toothbrush via Bluetooth, each brush 
stroke is recorded. The data sync to the app 
and reveals if you brushed long enough and 
effectively. The app works with several 
toothbrushes, so a whole family can 
participate. It also rewards improvement and 
gives a score to encourage both adults and 
kids to improve. 
kolibree smart toothbrush
the babolat play 
The Babolat Play connected tennis racket 
allows every tennis player to experience, 
understand and share their game to improve 
themselves and comprare to others.
simultaneously is evolving a new, opposite trend: 
what is phubbing?
coca cola 
And some brands are already 
riding this trend, like Coca-Cola 
that invented the Social Media 
the content evolution 
2012 2013 2014 
Content is 
Content is 
King, Queen 
and the entire court 
Content is 
a quality King
the year of good writing 
Good writing is the foundation of all 
good content, whether that content is 
a 140-character tweet or the product 
pages of your website or your content 
marketing infographic. 
Ann Handley 
Chief Content Officer at Marketing Profs, 
Co-Author of Content Rules 
Words matter and we can talk about storytelling, status stories and brand 
journalism but the importance is that the quality of a brand is strictly connected to 
the quality of its worlds. 
General Electric 
The goal was to capture the imagination of the 
child and also of the viewer in talking about the 
company’s roots. 
“In the past we’ve told great stories in creative 
ways, but always more discreet,” GE Global 
Creative Director Andrew Goldberg says. “In a 
sense, only a child can describe it and then 
visualize it in a way that’s unique and totally 
heineken - the candidate 
Standard questions. Prepared answers. If job 
interviews are all the same, how to find the 
right talent among 1734 applicants? 
guinness basketball 
"The choices we make reveal the true nature of our 
What's exceptional about the ad is how it presents the 
characters' sensitivity hand-in-hand with their physical 
strength and love for contact sports, implying that a 
Guinness drinker can love his friends as much as he loves 
his favorite beer and his favorite sport. 
"Trace Your Road" sees Trulli driving 
along on a series of improvised 
racetracks, which were created in 
real-time by 10 contest winners, who 
traced the road on a tablet device. 
lexus - trace your road
target centering 
target relevancy and curation 
Customers are harder to please but easier to 
target thanks to the technologies available. By 
delivering unique experiences custom to them and 
their interests, digital marketers will deliver a more 
relevant experience which will likely drive more 
profitable ones. 
Jason Falls 
VP at CafePress, Founder/Chief Instigator at Social Media Explorer 
the right process 
Observe society Define your target 
Set your 
to that specific 
anar foundation 
ANAR Foundation, a Spanish child welfare organization, 
launch an anti-abuse campaign featuring posters which 
could only be viewed by kids. Anyone taller than a child 
simply saw a message explaining that “child abuse is only 
visible to the child suffering from it”. 
estimote beacons 
Estimote Beacons deliver context and 
micro-location to phones and other 
smart devices. 
By placing beacons in any physical 
world venue like retail store, 
developers are able to trigger 
contextual actions based on proximity. 
No more QR codes and NFC. It just 
works magically appearing on 
consumer phones in smart retail 
novo nordisk gulf 
Qatar has the 8th highest rate of diabetes 
globally, where 1 in the 3 people don’t even 
know they have it. 
Most of them are too frightened to take the 
test because they have fear of needles. 
Novo Nordisk Gulf wanted to create 
awareness on the screening event and 
encourage people in Qatar to get tested. 
Integration technologies are leading to a ‘modular economy’, in which business processes are being 
broken down into small elements that can be combined and recombined across organizational and 
national boundaries (like software applications). 
This process lets users choose services and products following their needs and avoiding waste. 
total boox 
Total Boox is a service that lets users 
download books or bookshelves of 
Unlike other similar services, users 
don’t need to pay for downloading a 
book: as they read, the proportional 
value of the pages is deducted from 
users’ balance. 
These pages are owned by users, they 
can access them anytime. 
Unveiled in September 2013 by Dutch designer Dave 
Hakkens, Phonebloks is a fully customizable smartphone 
that can be upgraded with replacement components, with 
the aim of reducing electronic waste. 
Following a successful social media campaign to 
encourage large mobile manufacturers to develop the 
product, Motorola announced that it was working with the 
Phoneblok community on Project Ara, a similar open-source, 
modular cellphone. 
project cristine 
Project Christine is a revolutionary new concept design that 
allows users to build and customize PCs in any configuration 
without any prior technical knowledge. 
Users can choose any module on-the-fly in any combination, 
whether it’s the CPU, memory, graphics card, storage or 
power supply module, and simply plug it in. The PCI-Express 
architecture of Project Christine automatically syncs the 
The modularity of Project Christine makes it perpetually 
customizable, helping eliminate the need to replace entire 
corporate shared value 
corporate shared value 
“Shared value” is a management strategy focused 
on companies creating measurable business value 
by identifying and addressing social problems that 
intersect with their business. 
From corporate social responsibility to corporate 
shared value. 
unilever project sunlight 
We believe there has never been a better time 
to create a better future for our children, a 
world where everyone has enough food to eat 
and no child goes to bed hungry. 
Project Sunlight is a movement that has 
already started. It’s made up of a growing 
community of people who believe it is possible 
to build a world where everyone lives well and 
lives sustainably. 
The Every Drop Counts campaign 
encouraged consumers to make small 
changes everyday to save water, with the 
aim of saving one million gallons of water 
over a one-month period. 
The beauty and skincare brand also 
pledged to donate 10% from sales of the 
Naturals Purifying Cleanser to the US 
environmental nonprofit. 
ikea no empty chairs at christmas 
At IKEA, we believe that noone should be 
lonely over Christmas if they don't want to be. 
So, whether your family is abroad, you are a 
single mum or dad, grandma or grandad or you 
are simply single, somewhere there is a place 
for you and people who would love to celebrate 
with you. 
We have created this platform so that you can 
find one another. On your own and looking for a 
place to celebrate? Or perhaps you have seats 
you can offer on your celebration day?Then 
take part in "No Empty Chairs at Christmas" 
and become part of a unique Christmas 
celebration that you will certainly remember for 
years to come. 
The more we digitalize our life, the more we need security systems. Passwords and access codes are 
becoming more complex and articulate and often users don’t trust internet security process. 
Now we can see an evolution of this situation thanks to biometric technologies. Our body, voice and 
odors are the new key for security password, letting users avoid the frustration of the log-in. 
PulseWallet is a credit card terminal with a built-in 
biometric palm reader. 
PulseWallet users can manage their account via 
an accompanying mobile app. 
According to PulseWallet, the average 
acceptance rate for a scanned palm vein pattern 
is 99.99992%. 
banco de brasil 
Banco do Brasil piloted advanced ATM terminals. 
The ATMs recognize clients via a combination of 
facial, iris and vocal scanners before allowing them 
to carry out transactions. 
The terminals can be controlled with vocal 
commands, although sensitive information is 
entered by touchpad. 
Nymi is a wristband that uses the wearer’s unique 
electrocardiogram to facilitate identity 
Developed by Toronto-based biometrics company 
Bionym, the wristband is embedded with a sensor 
that can connect with smart devices to facilitate 
unlocking or cashless payments, for example. 
the value of identification 
Watching people allows you to learn from them and establish relationships with them. 
Understanding problems and insights has been always important but this year will be essentials to 
create empathy and use identification. This is the first step to target relationship. 
apotek hjärtat 
To introduce a new line of hair products, the 
pharmacy Apotek Hjärtat decided to give the 
subway commuters in Stockholm a bit of a 
surprise equipping the digital screens on the 
platform with ultra sonic sensors - smart little 
devices that abled us to monitor the train's 
Upon arrival the short filmclip on the screen 
changed, from beauty pic to hair blowing in the 
SOS children’s village 
What would you do if you saw a 
freezing child? 
SOS Barnebyer Norge set up a hidden 
camera and placed Johannes at a bus 
stop, in Oslo, Norway. 
The film is made to raise awareness on 
the situation of children in Syria, and to 
raise funds to SOS Children's Villages 
is their winter-campaign. Children in 
Syria are freezing and you can help by 
experience is everything 
experience is everything 
Experience is the key that let overcome the 
indifference of target 
One directional communication is not as exciting as involving people and in this immersive way the 
message will remain stronger in users’ mind because they experiment and “learn” it. 
ELmstas 3000 
To get members to sign up for the horror film 
festival Elmstas 3000, the agency took to sending 
creepy text messages. 
Staying true to the festival’s theme of ‘Home Invasion,’ 
the agency sent a message from an unknown number 
and attached a photo taken outside the receiver’s 
house. All the members who were contacted signed 
up within two hours.!zbscC 
lg - upgrade your phone 
LG Upgrade your Phone is a campaign for 
the new model LG G2. 
The installation challenges people to 
improve their smartphone while the 
evolution of the story take an unexpected 
mini - salutes you 
MINI launches the “NOT NORMAL” 
NOT NORMAL utilizes traditional media – 
like print, film and outside advertising – as 
well as digital media, to broadcast 
emotionally charged images of the MINI 
brand and MINI models paired with the 
slogan “NOT NORMAL.” 
google - ingress 
Ingress is a near-real time, augmented 
reality, massively multiplayer, online, 
pervasive game created by Niantic Labs, a 
start up within Google. 
The multi-player, map-based game revolves 
around energy forces; users are required to 
choose a side and ‘battle’ in the real world by 
linking energy hotspots to create protected 
so, what do we expect in the near future? 
• The digitalizing process will be more and more integrated in our lives 
• Values will be the fundamental ingredient of every action or message 
• People want to be more listened and involved 
• The link between simple use and security will be necessary 
NEXT: We explore the ‘internet of things’ world! 
See how it has changed the way we are living! 
For questions or suggestions please write to:

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Digital trends of 2014

  • 2. what we were expected In the 9th lesson of the last year course we previewed that in 2013: • mobile access would increase • social media would play an increasingly important role in our lives • we would use the internet in a more “professional” and “private” manner • the internet would be “content” oriented • innovative forms of communication would include digital and traditional techniques and so it was. But now let’s see how this prediction has been evolving in 2014. 2
  • 3. Scenario As the digital world is constantly evolving, in this lesson we will see what are the trends predicted for the next few months. We will start by looking at macro trends, based on the socio-economic scenario suggested by Like they say “these are key developments and disruptions that will transform the globe over the next 12 months.” 3
  • 4. social CROWD POWER A common thread running through the civil disobedience periodically afflicting cities worldwide? That unrest is increasingly led by ‘transformers’, millennials agitating for justice, equality, and empowerment. Via crowd platforms and citizen journalism, their challenge of ‘old’ social structures won’t go away any time soon. 4
  • 5. tech THE PURSUIT OF APP-INESS The Internet of things. 3D printing. Google Glass. It’s too soon to tell if (or exactly how) 2014’s hot technologies will break through into mainstream use in the coming months. What is certain is that everyday tech will become more intuitive, omnipresent, social, emotionally responsive and ultimately essential for consumers. IN GOOD HEALTH 2013 saw promising (if early-stage) medical developments in bioengineering, genome analysis, mobile health monitoring and yes, even 3D organ printing. Bottom line? More reliable, affordable, widespread access to palliative and life-saving solutions. 5
  • 6. legal & environmental WHO’S AFRAID OF WHISTLEBLOWERS & WIKILEAKS? As revelations emerge of the Nsa’s cyber-espionage, 2014 will see growing demand for privacy guarantees and tougher anti- surveillance laws. Can intelligence agencies be trusted to police their own activities? Should whistleblowers (Assange, Snowden etc.) be better protected? And is our private information ever truly secure? MORE AND MORE, LESS AND LESS Global resource scarcity is ongoing. Confidence in nuclear energy is low (the ghost of Fukushima), arctic oil exploration holds promise but also ravage natural landscapes. Food shortages? In May, the UN Food & Agricultural Organization proposed edible insect farms. But global appetites are strangely unmoved. 6
  • 7. it’s not easy being green... … but we’re getting there, slowly. In 2013, even as Beijing faced ‘airpocalypse’ (record-breaking air pollution), smart green design gave us building facades that ‘eat’ pollution, countless urban farming initiatives, and more. Meanwhile sharing communities, upcycling and reshoring are all evidence of continued opportunities for sustainable solutions. 7
  • 8. trends 2014 Keeping in mind this macro trends that describe the world’s status, this lesson will discover trends and some examples of brand and businesses that are already putting them into practice. The trends analyzed in this lesson are: digital you Vs Phubbing quality-telling target centering modularization corporate shared value bodylicious identification experience is everything 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
  • 9. digital you vs Phubbing 9
  • 10. The technological innovation, the multitude of the connected devices and the evolution of the distribution world of the media let an increase of the consumption of media through different screen everywhere: at home, at work, in the streets and in retail Today internet is an “everyday tool”, it has become necessary and integrated in our life. Most of time we don’t even realize we are using it. It’s called the internet of things. 10 digital you
  • 11. digital you We are moving toward Industry 4.0 (the 4th industrial revolution) a world with a full integration of man, machine and system. Connectivity is a fundamental and irreversible driver of change. In 2014 the pervasiveness of technology is ramping up further: new technologies reach and transform an ever-wider array of everyday objects, and any remaining geographical tech boundaries dissolve. 11
  • 12. it’s a fertile world In 2013 80 “things” per second were connecting to the internet. This year that number is reaching almost 100 per second, and by 2020, more than 250 things will connect each second. Penetration of connected objects in total “things” is expected to reach 2.7% in 2020 from 0.6% in 2012 2012 2013 2020 8.7 Bn 12 connected objects 11.2 Bn connected objects 50.1 Bn connected objects Cisco 2013
  • 13. nike - fuelband The Nike+ FuelBand is an activity tracker that is worn on the wrist. The new Nike+ FuelBand SE now tracks not only how much, but also how often and how intensely you move. And it gives you real-time feedback, reminders and insights to help you move more and move better. 13
  • 14. Surpassing its Indiegogo crowdfunding target in February 2014, Atheer One smart glasses integrate augmented reality and gesture control features. The spectacles connect to a cellphone via a USB connection, and project a 26-inch ‘floating’ tablet screen in front of the wearer’s eyes. 14 atheer one
  • 15. The CuffLinc is a small, waterproof black device embedded with an accelerometer offering a Bluetooth link to your smartphone. On the Cuff app for iOS, the wearer can set the device's internal button to send out an alert to a friend or family member in case of emergency. 15 the cufflinc
  • 16. "The more you know about the health, the smarter you can be about how to approach it. The same should apply to dental care and oral care hasn't been updated in years." After downloading the app and connecting it to the toothbrush via Bluetooth, each brush stroke is recorded. The data sync to the app and reveals if you brushed long enough and effectively. The app works with several toothbrushes, so a whole family can participate. It also rewards improvement and gives a score to encourage both adults and kids to improve. 16 kolibree smart toothbrush
  • 17. 17 the babolat play The Babolat Play connected tennis racket allows every tennis player to experience, understand and share their game to improve themselves and comprare to others.
  • 18. simultaneously is evolving a new, opposite trend: phubbing 18
  • 19. 19 what is phubbing?
  • 20. coca cola And some brands are already riding this trend, like Coca-Cola that invented the Social Media Guard 20
  • 22. the content evolution 2012 2013 2014 22 Content is King Content is King, Queen and the entire court Content is a quality King
  • 23. the year of good writing Good writing is the foundation of all good content, whether that content is a 140-character tweet or the product pages of your website or your content marketing infographic. Ann Handley Chief Content Officer at Marketing Profs, Co-Author of Content Rules 23
  • 24. Words matter and we can talk about storytelling, status stories and brand journalism but the importance is that the quality of a brand is strictly connected to the quality of its worlds. 24
  • 25. General Electric The goal was to capture the imagination of the child and also of the viewer in talking about the company’s roots. WHEN YOU LOOK AT WHAT GE DOES THROUGH A CHILD’S EYES, YOU SEE BRILLIANCE. “In the past we’ve told great stories in creative ways, but always more discreet,” GE Global Creative Director Andrew Goldberg says. “In a sense, only a child can describe it and then visualize it in a way that’s unique and totally different.” 25
  • 26. heineken - the candidate Standard questions. Prepared answers. If job interviews are all the same, how to find the right talent among 1734 applicants? 26
  • 27. guinness basketball "The choices we make reveal the true nature of our character." What's exceptional about the ad is how it presents the characters' sensitivity hand-in-hand with their physical strength and love for contact sports, implying that a Guinness drinker can love his friends as much as he loves his favorite beer and his favorite sport. 27
  • 28. "Trace Your Road" sees Trulli driving along on a series of improvised racetracks, which were created in real-time by 10 contest winners, who traced the road on a tablet device. 28 lexus - trace your road
  • 30. target relevancy and curation Customers are harder to please but easier to target thanks to the technologies available. By delivering unique experiences custom to them and their interests, digital marketers will deliver a more relevant experience which will likely drive more profitable ones. Jason Falls VP at CafePress, Founder/Chief Instigator at Social Media Explorer 30
  • 31. the right process Observe society Define your target 31 Set your communication to that specific target
  • 32. anar foundation ANAR Foundation, a Spanish child welfare organization, launch an anti-abuse campaign featuring posters which could only be viewed by kids. Anyone taller than a child simply saw a message explaining that “child abuse is only visible to the child suffering from it”. 32
  • 33. estimote beacons Estimote Beacons deliver context and micro-location to phones and other smart devices. By placing beacons in any physical world venue like retail store, developers are able to trigger contextual actions based on proximity. No more QR codes and NFC. It just works magically appearing on consumer phones in smart retail environment. 33
  • 34. novo nordisk gulf Qatar has the 8th highest rate of diabetes globally, where 1 in the 3 people don’t even know they have it. Most of them are too frightened to take the test because they have fear of needles. Novo Nordisk Gulf wanted to create awareness on the screening event and encourage people in Qatar to get tested. 34
  • 36. modularization Integration technologies are leading to a ‘modular economy’, in which business processes are being broken down into small elements that can be combined and recombined across organizational and national boundaries (like software applications). This process lets users choose services and products following their needs and avoiding waste. 36
  • 37. total boox Total Boox is a service that lets users download books or bookshelves of interest. Unlike other similar services, users don’t need to pay for downloading a book: as they read, the proportional value of the pages is deducted from users’ balance. These pages are owned by users, they can access them anytime. 37
  • 38. phoneblocks Unveiled in September 2013 by Dutch designer Dave Hakkens, Phonebloks is a fully customizable smartphone that can be upgraded with replacement components, with the aim of reducing electronic waste. Following a successful social media campaign to encourage large mobile manufacturers to develop the product, Motorola announced that it was working with the Phoneblok community on Project Ara, a similar open-source, modular cellphone. 38
  • 39. project cristine Project Christine is a revolutionary new concept design that allows users to build and customize PCs in any configuration without any prior technical knowledge. Users can choose any module on-the-fly in any combination, whether it’s the CPU, memory, graphics card, storage or power supply module, and simply plug it in. The PCI-Express architecture of Project Christine automatically syncs the components. The modularity of Project Christine makes it perpetually customizable, helping eliminate the need to replace entire systems. 39
  • 41. corporate shared value “Shared value” is a management strategy focused on companies creating measurable business value by identifying and addressing social problems that intersect with their business. From corporate social responsibility to corporate shared value. 41
  • 42. unilever project sunlight We believe there has never been a better time to create a better future for our children, a world where everyone has enough food to eat and no child goes to bed hungry. Project Sunlight is a movement that has already started. It’s made up of a growing community of people who believe it is possible to build a world where everyone lives well and lives sustainably. 42
  • 43. neutrogena The Every Drop Counts campaign encouraged consumers to make small changes everyday to save water, with the aim of saving one million gallons of water over a one-month period. The beauty and skincare brand also pledged to donate 10% from sales of the Naturals Purifying Cleanser to the US environmental nonprofit. 43
  • 44. ikea no empty chairs at christmas At IKEA, we believe that noone should be lonely over Christmas if they don't want to be. So, whether your family is abroad, you are a single mum or dad, grandma or grandad or you are simply single, somewhere there is a place for you and people who would love to celebrate with you. We have created this platform so that you can find one another. On your own and looking for a place to celebrate? Or perhaps you have seats you can offer on your celebration day?Then take part in "No Empty Chairs at Christmas" and become part of a unique Christmas celebration that you will certainly remember for years to come. 44 ” “
  • 46. bodylicious The more we digitalize our life, the more we need security systems. Passwords and access codes are becoming more complex and articulate and often users don’t trust internet security process. Now we can see an evolution of this situation thanks to biometric technologies. Our body, voice and odors are the new key for security password, letting users avoid the frustration of the log-in. 46
  • 47. pulsewallet PulseWallet is a credit card terminal with a built-in biometric palm reader. PulseWallet users can manage their account via an accompanying mobile app. According to PulseWallet, the average acceptance rate for a scanned palm vein pattern is 99.99992%. 47
  • 48. banco de brasil Banco do Brasil piloted advanced ATM terminals. The ATMs recognize clients via a combination of facial, iris and vocal scanners before allowing them to carry out transactions. The terminals can be controlled with vocal commands, although sensitive information is entered by touchpad. 48
  • 49. nymi Nymi is a wristband that uses the wearer’s unique electrocardiogram to facilitate identity authentication. Developed by Toronto-based biometrics company Bionym, the wristband is embedded with a sensor that can connect with smart devices to facilitate unlocking or cashless payments, for example. 49
  • 51. the value of identification Watching people allows you to learn from them and establish relationships with them. Understanding problems and insights has been always important but this year will be essentials to create empathy and use identification. This is the first step to target relationship. 51
  • 52. apotek hjärtat To introduce a new line of hair products, the pharmacy Apotek Hjärtat decided to give the subway commuters in Stockholm a bit of a surprise equipping the digital screens on the platform with ultra sonic sensors - smart little devices that abled us to monitor the train's arrival. Upon arrival the short filmclip on the screen changed, from beauty pic to hair blowing in the wind. 52
  • 53. SOS children’s village What would you do if you saw a freezing child? SOS Barnebyer Norge set up a hidden camera and placed Johannes at a bus stop, in Oslo, Norway. The film is made to raise awareness on the situation of children in Syria, and to raise funds to SOS Children's Villages is their winter-campaign. Children in Syria are freezing and you can help by donating. 53
  • 55. experience is everything Experience is the key that let overcome the indifference of target One directional communication is not as exciting as involving people and in this immersive way the message will remain stronger in users’ mind because they experiment and “learn” it. 55
  • 56. ELmstas 3000 To get members to sign up for the horror film festival Elmstas 3000, the agency took to sending creepy text messages. Staying true to the festival’s theme of ‘Home Invasion,’ the agency sent a message from an unknown number and attached a photo taken outside the receiver’s house. All the members who were contacted signed up within two hours.!zbscC 56
  • 57. lg - upgrade your phone LG Upgrade your Phone is a campaign for the new model LG G2. The installation challenges people to improve their smartphone while the evolution of the story take an unexpected change. 57
  • 58. mini - salutes you MINI launches the “NOT NORMAL” Campaign. NOT NORMAL utilizes traditional media – like print, film and outside advertising – as well as digital media, to broadcast emotionally charged images of the MINI brand and MINI models paired with the slogan “NOT NORMAL.” 58
  • 59. google - ingress Ingress is a near-real time, augmented reality, massively multiplayer, online, pervasive game created by Niantic Labs, a start up within Google. The multi-player, map-based game revolves around energy forces; users are required to choose a side and ‘battle’ in the real world by linking energy hotspots to create protected zones. 59
  • 60. so, what do we expect in the near future? • The digitalizing process will be more and more integrated in our lives • Values will be the fundamental ingredient of every action or message • People want to be more listened and involved • The link between simple use and security will be necessary 60
  • 61. 61 THANK YOU NEXT: We explore the ‘internet of things’ world! See how it has changed the way we are living! For questions or suggestions please write to: