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The Disabled Travelers Guide to the Galaxy 
Frogs, Bicycles, Imo, UD = MC2 and the 
Restaurant at the end of the Universe 
Prepared by Travability Pty. Ltd. Phone 0417 690 533 Email 
Working towards making the world accessible to all 
Advocates for Inclusive Tourism 
The Disabled Travelers Guide to the Galaxy 
Frogs, Bicycles, Imo, UD = MC2 and the 
Restaurant at the end of the Universe 
Well not really but at least I have your attention! 
It would be nice to think that travelers with a disability were free to travel the 
Universe with nothing more than their trusty towel. In reality, travel even to a 
local attraction, is far more difficult than it needs to be. Travel, recreation and 
leisure are all about about the “experience” which ideally should be seamless from 
planning, to arrival back home. Enjoyment comes from those experiences and the 
way they are shared with others. The experience lingers in the memories of those 
who participated. A truly remarkable travel experience leaves the visitor changed in 
some way. 
The reason it is so difficult for people with a disability to travel freely is that industry as a whole has not yet 
recognized that fundamentally a traveler with a disability is no different from any other traveler in their aspirations 
for a remarkable experience. 
To the travel industry Accessible Travel is still about access and not the experience. There is a fundamental 
difference and it stems from a misunderstanding that Universal Design means design for the disabled and not human 
centered design. 
Chapter One - The Universe in Chaos 
Lets look at the Universe 
To understand the slow evolution of the adoption of Accessible Tourism, we must first look at the evolution and 
structure of the tourism universe. 
In a Previous article, Accessibility does not equal Inclusive Tourism, we examined the structure of the industry from 
an operator point of view and explored the disconnect that existed between venue owners/operators, wholesalers and 
the retail network (both online and offline). 
In defining a tourism experience, however, the universe gets more complex. The private sector industry players 
do not act alone, but are part of a greater destination management plan that stems from a national brand value 
proposition. The brand proposition and national branding is a strategic decision that comes from a National 
Tourism Authority. It is filtered down to State/Provincial Authorities. Underlaying those bodies there is normally 
a layer of Regional and then Local Tourism Authorities that develop their own identities, branding and destination 
management plans. The nexus with the national branding is broken at this point unless the particular region is a 
national icon and part of the international marketing plan, e.g. America’s Grand Canyon or Australia’s Great Barrier 
Reef. At a regional and local level the emphasis is on developing the key attributes of the destination for a more 
local market. The influence of the National and State Tourism Authorities becomes more advisory and a source of 
information on global tourism trends. 
The various elements of the Universe can be depicted in the following diagram. 
Universal Design is NOT Design for the Disabled
The pyramid of influence is important as it represents by color the ease with which cultural change can be affected 
depending on the level a strategy change is implemented. Tourism is structured in multiple layers and unless all 
embrace Accessible Tourism as a core pillar of their respective tourism strategies an “Inclusive Experience” will 
never result. 
Who is Imo and what has he got to do with the Universe? 
National Tourism Authority 
International Marketing | National Strategy | Industry Briengs on Emerging Erends 
National Awards | Research 
State/Provincial Tourism Authority 
Interstate Marketing | State Strategy | Industry Toolkits | Industry Training 
Industry Networking | Development of Regional and Local Tourism Authorities 
Regional Tourist Boards 
Intrastate marketing | Regional Destination Development/Management 
Branding | Industry Training | Capacity Building | Advocacy 
Local Tourism Associations 
Visitor Services | Advocacy | Industry Development 
Marketing | Product Development | Stakeholder 
Management | Booking Services | Events 
Tourism Businesses 
Product development 
Destination Promotion 
Customer Experience 
Strategic Direction 
Trend analysis 
Legislative Framework 
Brand Management 
Market Development 
Destination Development 
Destination Management 
Industry Education 
Reward and Recognition 
Product Development 
Customer Experience 
Destination Enhancement 
Capacity Building 
Product packaging 
Framework Required for a Successful Accessible Tourism Strategy Implementation 
Embedded commitment at all levels is essential 
Pyramid of Inuence 
“Imo the monkey has become famous over the years, originally as a result of Robert Ardrey’s wonderful 
work of science popularisation, The Social Contract, first published in 1970. Ardrey had learned of the 
trail-blazing work of Japanese scientists in studying the behaviour in the wild of large, self-contained and 
highly structured monkey 
societies. The scientists had established the practice of ‘provisioning’- providing some of the monkey 
population’s food needs but without distorting the natural pattern of foraging in their island habitat. This 
allowed the observers to study at first hand, and continuously, the patterns of social interaction amongst 
the monkeys and, above all, their learning-the way that intelligence diffused in the social systems. Imo 
excited their attention from the start. When sweet potatoes,which monkeys love, were placed on the 
beach of the tiny islet of Koshima, all the monkeys laboriously picked the grains of sand from the food in 
order to eat it. It was Imo, just 18 months old, who made the mental connection with the little stream that 
crossed the beach not far way. Imo carried the sweet potatoes to the stream and allowed its fresh waters 
quickly to wash away the sand. After a while another youngster copied this method of food preparation 
and then, after a further period, Imo’s mother did so. Very slowly the innovation diffused amongst the
band, mainly amongst the young, and within families. The normal pattern was for the young to make the 
breakthrough, followed by their mothers, and then for new infants to copy their own mothers. 
The point of the story, for observers of human behaviour in organisations, is that the clever new ideas 
never penetrated to the powerful males at the top of the social hierarchy. They never came into contact 
with the young. When caramels were introduced to another band, the pattern was repeated-it took a 
year and a half for the innovation to spread from the juniors to half the entire troop. But, in a parallel 
experiment, the ‘alpha’ (boss) monkey was induced to try another new and delicious food-wheat. The 
alpha female promptly copied him and the entire band of 700 monkeys took to the new food in just 
four hours. Why? Because everybody watches the leader. Nobody much attends to an Imo. By now a 
mature four-year old, Imo devised a method for ‘placer-mining’ the wheat too. Interestingly, the youngest 
monkeys had figured out that it made sense to get downstream of Imo, so as to catch any floating 
grains that escaped the panning process. Something similar occurs near the smartest operators in big 
Intelligent Leadership - Alistair Mant - Allen  Unwin, 1999 
The story of Imo is used a lot in corporate management and leadership training to keep organizations continually 
fresh and new by encouraging a “think tank” process to capture the new and innovative ideas coming out of the 
youngest minds. The best organizations do that successfully and keep innovating and changing. The key to that 
change is to recognize, however, that to get organization wide adoption rapidly to take advantage of the associated 
competitive advantage, the idea has to be owned from the top down. Without that ownership most ideas will be slow 
to evolve or die all together. 
The Social Model of Disability and its effect on the Universe 
The Social model of Disability recognized that society had a responsibility to not exclude people with a disability. 
Around the world the Social Model spawned anti-discrimination acts which were ultimately codified into access 
requirements. The compliance approach to accessible tourism is aimed at the individual tourism businesses and 
specifically at physical infrastructure. It is the least influential part of the pyramid and an infrastructure approach is 
associated with cost with no relation to business, destinational, or product development. Some businesses may see 
the potential of the market or the social implications but often it is limited to those with a personal experience or 
association. It is a model of accommodation - not customer. Codification provides a safe haven and a minimum no 
risk solution to accessibility. 
The Business Case - A Really Big and Expanding Universe, but too big to comprehend at a 
local level. 
In recent years the economics of the Accessible Tourism sector have started to come to the fore. The ground 
breaking research of Dr. Simon Darcy in 2008 put a value on the market of 11% of the total tourism spend. Further 
work by McKinsey on the impact of the Baby Boomers put their proportion of the tourism market at 50% by 2020. 
When the extrapolation of the number of people in the Baby Boomer group who will have an age related disability 
is applied to their purchasing power then the percentage of the total tourism, market that will relate to people with a 
disability climbs to a staggering 25% by 2020. Our article, Inclusive Tourism - An Economic Imperative driven by 
the Baby Boomer Generation, explored in detail the purchasing power of this generation. 
While the business case is strong, it is not tangible to individual business owners and operators. Too often 
presentations concentrate on big numbers, percentages and 20 page checklists and access statements. What
a business owner needs to know is what to do about it, not how big the Universe is. The size of the Universe 
arguments need to be directed at the strategic influencers who’s job it is to translate those trends into tangible action 
Without the national structure embracing Accessible Tourism the emerging trends and business case is never 
translated into regional, local and individual plans that can be effectively implemented. It becomes a Black Hole 
with some isolated and disconnected bright stars. Like Imo, they will each be getting their own satisfaction both 
financially and socially, but the impact on the overall destination will be small and slow. 
National Tourism Authority 
International Marketing | National Strategy | Industry Briengs on Emerging Erends 
National Awards | Research 
State/Provincial Tourism Authority 
Interstate Marketing | State Strategy | Industry Toolkits | Industry Training 
Industry Networking | Development of Regional and Local Tourism Authorities 
Regional Tourist Boards 
Intrastate marketing | Regional Destination Development/Management 
Branding | Industry Training | Capacity Building | Advocacy 
Local Tourism Associations 
Visitor Services | Advocacy | Industry Development 
Marketing | Product Development | Stakeholder 
Management | Booking Services | Events 
Tourism Businesses 
Product development 
Destination Promotion 
Customer Experience 
Legislative Framework 
Building Codes 
Business Case Anti-discrimination 
Global Trends 
Ageing Population 
The Black Hole of Accessible Tourism 
Ostritch Leadership 
Pyramid of NO Inuence 
You can’t shoot for the stars without a systems approach 
Conversely, when there is a well established and sophisticated system, simply bolting on new pieces doesn’t change 
the fundamentals. Those additional pieces are never nourished and never form part of the overall system. They 
simply exist on the edge until, through lack of maintenance, they fade away into oblivion. 
Tourism is an example of a well established and very intricate system 
aimed at delivering a multitude of different experiences to the traveler. 
Those experiences blend together to retain a feel for the destination and 
brand management. The complexity exists both within the destination 
management structure and within the industry that brings together an 
array of components to deliver its overall service. A successful tourism 
product incorporates, transport, accommodation, attractions, sightseeing, 
booking systems, information systems and customer service. Those 
products are bundled and further require the integration of service 
providers, consolidators, tour operators and an extensive retail network 
whether online or offline. 
Over time the system evolves as products change and the tastes of the 
market changes. New products and experiences become available and 
get incorporated into the local and then destination wide management. In some cases the destination plan and value 
proposition evolve over time as a destination sees a competitive advantage in a line travel type. Adventure and 
sustainable tourism are two recent examples. 
Bicycle thinking, where a new product is bolted onto the system invariable fails if it doesn’t fit into the destination 
management plan or isn’t powerful enough to change the plan. 
The approach to Accessible Tourism, has to date, largely been Bicycle thinking. Adding accessibility requirements 
doesn’t fundamentally change a product offering or affect cultural change within a destination. The concept of 
systems thinking in relation to the tourism industry was explored in our paper Accessible Tourism is the Tourism 
Industry’s Bicycle. 
“The essential difference between the frog and the bicycle, viewed as systems, lies in the relationship of 
the parts to the whole. You can take a bicycle completely to pieces on your garage floor, clean and oil 
every single part, and reassemble the lot, confident the the whole thing will work perfectly, as a bike, as 
before. The frog is different. Once you remove a single part, the entire system is affected instantaneously 
and unpredictably for the worse. What’s more, if you go on removing bits the frog will make a series of 
subtle, but still unpredictable, adjustments in order to survive. This sort of system, at the level beneath 
consciousness, wants to survive and will continue for an astonishing length of time to achieve a rough 
equilibrium as bits are excised - until it can do so no longer. At that point, again quite unpredictably, the 
whole system will tip over into collapse. The frog is dead and it won’t help to sew the parts back on.” 
Intelligent Leadership - Alistair Mant - Allen  Unwin, 1999
Defining the Disabled Traveler. 
The Encyclopedia Galactica defines disability as: 
While that definition may be tongue in cheek, it goes a long to explain why Accessible Tourism has not become 
a mainstream part of the tourism product. As we have said earlier tourism is all about creating an experience 
and a memory of a place. It is about engaging people and taking them into a new realm. The ability to transport 
someone to a new sensory level requires an understanding of the person for whom that experience is designed and a 
knowledge of their capabilities to enjoy and appreciate what is going on around them. 
People with a disability are present in all sectors in roughly the same proportion as the general population. They are 
not like the backpackers, adventure tourists, or luxury travelers that can be conveniently put into unique product 
boxes with targeted marketing campaigns. The common misconception is that the needs of all people with a 
disability are the same. In one sense that misconception has been reinforced by the social model of disability which, 
in defining the social barriers, has concentrated on a narrow sub set of physical access requirements largely limited 
to car parks, toilets, building access and hotel rooms. By concentrating on the narrow access requirements the 
industry has effectively created an artificial sector of people with a disability that ignored their actual aspirations. 
A disability, in reality is just a different level of ability. We are not all equal in a number of ways. Physical ability is 
just one element in the total capability set of the human being. 
If we do take physical ability as the cornerstone of the push for greater accessibility then we need to put it into 
context. Looking at the travel industry as a case in point. Travelers vary enormously in their physical capabilities 
and their holiday patterns reflect that diversity. Whether that holiday is climbing a Himalayan peak, walking New 
Zealand’s, Milford Track, visiting the wine region of the Napa Valley or relaxing on a Caribbean Island that is a 
personal choice. The tourism industry is adept at discerning and catering for those wide ranges of choices, however, 
we have categorized a disability, through the medical and now social models as something different and around that 
built a set of preconceptions that shields it from a market view. 
Disability is often regarded as a homogeneous concept. The opposite is true. As with the general population ability is 
on a continuum. 
An arbitrary line drawn to differentiate a segment of the population whose ability 
the majority don’t understand. 
Disability is the only minority group anyone can join in an instant
Continuum of Ability 
Activity Level 
Level of Support 
High High 
Passive Extreme 
Adaptive Equipment is 
opening up a whole range of 
adventure activities to people 
of all abilities 
The arbitrary line defining disability is exactly that, an arbitrary line. The advent of modern alloys and design has 
opened up a vast range of activities including some at the extreme adventure end of the spectrum. People with a 
disability can be found across the full range of sporting and leisure activities. Their tastes and budgets, likewise, 
spread from economy to five star and include the conference and meetings market. The key to developing tourism 
product is to look at the aspirations of potential visitors, the opportunities that exist within a destination and the 
technology available to allow participation by people of all abilities. Customer expectations should drive the product 
From a tourism industry point of view, higher levels of assistance and support are common in the higher adventure 
type tourism activities and in the group tour segments. The industry has a proven capacity to support people to 
achieve stretch goals and aspirations. Accessible Tourism needs to capatalise on that pre-existing skill set by clearly 
defining the customer needs. 
New technology is opening adventure to all - Images available from
Chapter Two - Bringing Order to the Universe with the Force of 
Universal Design 
UD = MC2 
The Encyclopedia Galactica defines Universal Design as: 
Universal Design is at the very core of an inclusive society. In the context of tourism UD must be able to produce 
an experience that meets and exceeds the expectations of all people. Further, as we have said, tourism experiences 
are SHARED experiences hence the design of tourism products is about bringing together people of all abilities, not 
designing specific activities for people with a disability. 
Universal Design is the design of products, services and environments to be 
USABLE by ALL people 
What if the first question we asked was, “What is so unique about this situation that it justifies 
exclusion?” instead of, “How much does it cost to make it accessible?” 
Dr. Scott Rains 
Accessible Product Development 
Universal Design must be Integrated at Every Stage 
The Customer is the Centre of the Universe 
Soft ture 
Universal Design is the Governing Force
The key element in developing tourism product is the incorporation of Universal Design from the first inception of 
the product concept. 
Knowing what the customer, not only wants, but is capable of doing is the foundation for the capacity review. The 
capacity review must look at all of the existing infrastructure and what needs to be altered to accommodate the 
proposed new product. Too often the path of travel is ignored or the simple and inexpensive alterations overlooked 
because a helicopter view is not taken out the outset. 
Product design must be all-encompassing and actively seek out new product innovations. Today venues have a 
great range of new equipment at their disposal from the freewheel wheelchair extension, off road handcycles, road 
handcycles, all abilities sailboats, adaptive fishing equipment, paddle boards designed for wheelchairs, adaptive 
canoes and canoe launchers, in addition to the tradition hearing loops, tactile markers etc. 
In creating built infrastructure it is important to look to the future and the impact the aging population will have on 
anything built today. The Baby Boomer generation will dominate the travel market over the next 20 years. That is 
a big enough tome horizon to justify any capital expenditure. The vision and application should be broad. Why fit 
a toilet seat with a 30% luminosity contrast to just the accessible toilet. The contrast is needed by anyone with low 
vision whether or not they have any mobility issues requiring and accessible toilet. The small things like maximizing 
the accessible paths of travel through garden and bar areas should be part of any infrastructure upgrade. 
In creating a tourism offering the Soft Infrastructure is just as important as the built environment. Accessibility 
information should be plentiful, easily found within the main context of the attraction description and written in the 
same style as any other information. It is, after all, a sales document, not an audit report. Booking systems should 
reflect the experience a visitor wants or expects to have. If there is space for only one companion, then the booking 
information and system needs to talk about where the rest of the party is located, or better still reserve the row in 
front of the accessible seating to accommodate family and friends. Create interactive maps and signage to allow 
easy wayfinding through a venue without the need to search for a step route. Create large print registration forms or 
mobile apps to simplify the process for people of all abilities. In other words every action should be enhancing the 
customer experience and it should blend in with existing forms and presentations and systems. Customers want an 
inviting experience, not one that makes them feel different or puts under pressure. 
In implementing any Accessible Tourism product, it has to be made seamless to the overall visitor experience. 
Transport, arrivals, check-in, dining, drinking, city transfers, sightseeing tours, local accessibility maps all should 
reflect the same level of inclusiveness as the particular product being developed. Rarely does a tourism offering 
exist in isolation to the destination. Partnerships and packaging are critical is staff training, not just in the particular 
product, but all other things a traveler with a disability may want to do. 
Finally there is the marketing. Imagery plays a critical role in saying to a customer from the outset that we want 
your business. It is about positioning potential clients as valued and welcome guests and nothing says that more 
strongly than people with a disability enjoying a venue or activity on offer. That imagery should not just encompass 
the particular product but more generally reflect the destination as whole. 
Universal design is not design for the disabled. It is an all encompassing philosophy to create a culture of inclusion. 
Get the vision right and all else follows with creative and innovative solutions that will attract one of the fastest 
growing markets of any industry. 
Everyone Belongs Outside - Vision Statement of Parks Alberta
The Galactic Road Map to the Accessible Restaurant at the End of the Universe. 
Tourism is complex from its management structure, industry structure and destination and product development. It is 
a system designed and intertwined to create an “experience” for the traveler. 
The industry, and disability advocates have been slow to adopt Accessible Tourism as a valid tourism market mainly 
because the industry as a whole does not understand people with a disability as travelers. 
The Social Model of disability created a community recognition that society as a whole has a collective 
responsibility for people with a disability. The UN CRPD, and in relation to tourism Article 30, goes further with a 
doctrine of equality. The emphasis for the past 25 years has been on physical access and while a great many of those 
barriers have been removed the cultural divide and misunderstandings still prevail. 
The Final Frontier is all about cultural change that will be largely driven by an aging population and increasing 
economics around Accessible Tourism. 
The Business Case alone will not change those attitudes without a rethink by Accessible Tourism advocates on how 
that message is translated to every level of the Tourism Industry. The focus has to now shift to one of education 
about a “new” customer and redefining the misconceptions held by the industry about people with a disability. The 
arbitrary line has to be removed from the continuum to allow for the development of truly inclusive experiences to 
be enjoyed and shared by everyone. 
Someday soon the restaurant at the end of the universe will be accessible to all
About TravAbility. 
TravAbility was founded in 2007 by Bill Forrester and 
Deborah Davis. 
Our mission is to be agents of change; to inspire people 
who have never traveled before to do so, and to inspire 
others to do more. To encourage all cultures of the world to 
see disability as an integral part of life, and to provide the 
motivation and tools to the tourism industry to allow them 
to create accessible environments that enable inclusion in an 
economically sustainable way. 
We offer a range of services to tourism operators and Destination Marketing Boards to enable them to 
take advantage of the growing Accessible Tourism market: 
• Staff and Management Training 
• Marketing Services and Toolkits 
• Industry Presentations and Conference Sessions 
• Property Audits and Universal Design planning 
• Self Audit Tools 
• National/State/Regional Park Guides and Trail Maps 
• Diversity and Inclusion Strategy development 
• Disability Action Plans and Access Statements 
• New Project planning and Development 
• Stock Imagery through PhotoAbility 
• Accommodation listings through TravAbility Properties 
For more information on how you can make your business more attractive to the traveler with a disability 
contact Bill at or Deborah at 
Further references 
Accessible Tourism has to be Customer, not Compliance Focused 
Inclusive Tourism - An Economic Imperative driven by the Baby Boomer Generation 
Accessible Tourism is the Tourism Industry’s Bicycle 
The Economic Model of Inclusive Travel - Changing the demand drivers for the provision of products and services 
in Inclusive Tourism. The Why and How. 
Travel Industry Structure is a barrier to Inclusive Tourism
Inclusive Imagery by PhotoAbility 
TRAVELLERS with disabilities and their families represent a strong and growing trend that can be captured by travel 
properties and service providers. 
PhotoAbility, a new niche stock image site, can help companies demonstrate a commitment to their customers with a 
disability through disability-inclusive imagery incorporated into their websites, advertising and marketing materials. 
Our library specialises in travel and lifestyle related images featuring people with disabilities enjoying travel all 
around the world with their families and friends. Incorporating these types of positive inclusive images within the 
travel sector will give those with disabilities the inspiration and confidence that they too can enjoy the opportunity to 
experience new destinations that can accommodate their accessibility needs. 
The stock image gallery features rights-managed and royalty-free photos and can be searched by destination by 
travel operators, companies, advertisers, marketers, publishers, creatives, and designers whose role is to cater to the 
travel consumer. 
“Customers who have specific access needs are part of every tourism ‘segment’. Their interests are as wide 
as any other group of people. They may be looking for mountain adventures, concert performances or a 
honeymoon hotel. In business terms, they are simply ‘customers’ but they need good access – otherwise, 
they will choose to go elsewhere. They also travel with family and friends so you could not just be losing 
one customer but potentially many more. It is about gaining market share.” Bill Forrester, Co-Founder, 
“Inclusive tourism should be treated the same as any other destination marketing. Accessible facilities are 
one thing, but the right imagery sends a powerful message that ‘we want your business’.” Deborah Davis, 
Co-Founder, PhotoAbility. 
It is no longer about ‘accommodating’ travellers with a disability, but actually about competing to attract this very 
valuable market. 
Increasing the inclusion of people with disabilities in the marketing and advertising medium
The Spirit of Inclusive Travel 
I travel because I want my mind and my heart and my 
soul to overcome the boundaries that my body now feels. 
I travel in spite of the fact that it is “inconvenient” in that 
I am unable to walk onto the plane or to simply stand up 
and use the bathroom when needed, or that I have to spend 
innumerable hours planning and seeking out where I may 
be able to go in a wheelchair; what I will be able to see 
and where will accommodate me once I reach my chosen 
destination. I travel because to do so puts me in the realm 
of saying “HA! Look at me now!” I can do and be and see 
and experience this wonderful world. I CAN taste, smell, 
delight in the people and remarkable sights and win in the 
battle of my body over my spirit. 
I was a dancer and I was 18 when I crashed my car in front of the 
Mormon Chapel on the Maryland beltway. I broke my neck and was told 
I will never move from the neck down again. Yet, I heard a voice as I lay 
alone in the night..- 
”you will not be able to move your legs..but it will not be permanent and 
there is a purpose” 
I accepted this, moved on and regained the use of my arms and hands… 
just like the voice said. 
So I go--and I relish in the next trip--the next challenge that I WILL 
over come. I am not a wheelchair sports jock-never raced in my chair 
or played tennis or rugby or wheelchair basketball. Travel and love is 
how I survive. I take my love and my will with me and I look strangers 
in strange lands in the eye as I roll by and I am saying to myself and 
to everyone who sees me that WE are not pathetic, sad, miserable 
WE are here and we want to share the world with you….it is up to me to 
show you I will come--it is up to you to show me I am welcome. 
Deborah Davis 
As published in the New York Times. 
Having fun in the Everglades 
Deborah in Stockholm
Our Team 
Since 2007, Travability has been developing accessible information on tourist destinations. We have 
continually refined our presentation style and level of detail as a result of continual feedback. We are 
members of SATH (Society for Accessible Travel and Hospitality), ENAT (European Network for 
Accessible Tourism) and Tour Watch the world incubator for Accessible Tourism. We are acknowledged 
as global thought leaders on inclusive tourism and the economic impact the sector will have on the travel 
industry over the next ten years. 
We have presented at international forums including: 
• SATH World Congresses in 2009 and 2011 
• Inaugural Access Tourism New Zealand Conference in October 2010 
• We were a part of the agenda planning committee for Interdependence 2012 in Vancouver, Canada 
• Member of the Scientific Committee for Destinations for all, a Global Summit in Montreal in October 
We have developed the Accessible Information Evaluation Model for Parks Victoria and conducted the 
reviews for 26 major parks. 
Bill Forrester 
Bill was born and raised in Melbourne, Australia. As a child he was fortunate 
to travel to many parts of the world and to learn and appreciate cultures other 
than his own. That passion for learning and understanding has never left him. 
Bill has a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Melbourne and 
spent most of his working life in the corporate field in both senior financial 
and operation roles. He specialised in corporate and cultural change, and 
has extensive experience in facility management, major project delivery, 
stakeholder relations and corporate training programs. He has worked in the 
private, mutual, and government sectors, including Brambles, News Limited, 
RACV and Melbourne Water. 
Recognising that there was a lack of information of accessible tourism 
facilities, in 2007, Bill formed Travability with a mission to change the way 
the tourist industry viewed travellers with disabilities and the way accessible 
information was made available. 
Deborah Davis 
Deborah was born and raised in Maryland and moved to Miami in 1984. 
She was involved in a car accident at the age of 18 sustaining a C6/7 spinal 
cord injury resulting in incomplete quadriplegia. Deborah has a Bachelor 
of Business Administration from the University of Miami and has had a 
successful career in the medical sales field and was the Director of Abilities 
Florida. She has extensive experience in developing and conducting training 
programs on disability awareness and the seamless inclusion of accessible 
facilities. She has a wealth of experience in marketing. She is well travelled 
and enjoys the thrill of discovering new places. As an active and accomplished 
individual she is passionate about our dream of making the world accessible 
to all. 
Deborah is the founding inspiration and co-owner of Travability.

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Developing an Accessible Tourism Strategy - (Disabled Travelers Guide to the Galaxy)

  • 1. 1 The Disabled Travelers Guide to the Galaxy Frogs, Bicycles, Imo, UD = MC2 and the Restaurant at the end of the Universe Prepared by Travability Pty. Ltd. Phone 0417 690 533 Email Working towards making the world accessible to all Advocates for Inclusive Tourism TravAbility T R AVA B I L I T Y. T R AV E L
  • 2. 1 The Disabled Travelers Guide to the Galaxy Frogs, Bicycles, Imo, UD = MC2 and the Restaurant at the end of the Universe Well not really but at least I have your attention! It would be nice to think that travelers with a disability were free to travel the Universe with nothing more than their trusty towel. In reality, travel even to a local attraction, is far more difficult than it needs to be. Travel, recreation and leisure are all about about the “experience” which ideally should be seamless from planning, to arrival back home. Enjoyment comes from those experiences and the way they are shared with others. The experience lingers in the memories of those who participated. A truly remarkable travel experience leaves the visitor changed in some way. The reason it is so difficult for people with a disability to travel freely is that industry as a whole has not yet recognized that fundamentally a traveler with a disability is no different from any other traveler in their aspirations for a remarkable experience. To the travel industry Accessible Travel is still about access and not the experience. There is a fundamental difference and it stems from a misunderstanding that Universal Design means design for the disabled and not human centered design. Chapter One - The Universe in Chaos Lets look at the Universe To understand the slow evolution of the adoption of Accessible Tourism, we must first look at the evolution and structure of the tourism universe. In a Previous article, Accessibility does not equal Inclusive Tourism, we examined the structure of the industry from an operator point of view and explored the disconnect that existed between venue owners/operators, wholesalers and the retail network (both online and offline). In defining a tourism experience, however, the universe gets more complex. The private sector industry players do not act alone, but are part of a greater destination management plan that stems from a national brand value proposition. The brand proposition and national branding is a strategic decision that comes from a National Tourism Authority. It is filtered down to State/Provincial Authorities. Underlaying those bodies there is normally a layer of Regional and then Local Tourism Authorities that develop their own identities, branding and destination management plans. The nexus with the national branding is broken at this point unless the particular region is a national icon and part of the international marketing plan, e.g. America’s Grand Canyon or Australia’s Great Barrier Reef. At a regional and local level the emphasis is on developing the key attributes of the destination for a more local market. The influence of the National and State Tourism Authorities becomes more advisory and a source of information on global tourism trends. The various elements of the Universe can be depicted in the following diagram. Universal Design is NOT Design for the Disabled
  • 3. 2 The pyramid of influence is important as it represents by color the ease with which cultural change can be affected depending on the level a strategy change is implemented. Tourism is structured in multiple layers and unless all embrace Accessible Tourism as a core pillar of their respective tourism strategies an “Inclusive Experience” will never result. Who is Imo and what has he got to do with the Universe? National Tourism Authority International Marketing | National Strategy | Industry Briengs on Emerging Erends National Awards | Research State/Provincial Tourism Authority Interstate Marketing | State Strategy | Industry Toolkits | Industry Training Industry Networking | Development of Regional and Local Tourism Authorities Research Regional Tourist Boards Intrastate marketing | Regional Destination Development/Management Branding | Industry Training | Capacity Building | Advocacy Local Tourism Associations Visitor Services | Advocacy | Industry Development Marketing | Product Development | Stakeholder Management | Booking Services | Events Tourism Businesses Product development Destination Promotion Customer Experience Packaging Service Advocacy Strategic Direction Leadership Trend analysis Policies Legislative Framework Brand Management Market Development Destination Development Destination Management Marketing Research Industry Education Training Reward and Recognition Product Development Customer Experience Destination Enhancement Capacity Building Advocacy Product packaging Framework Required for a Successful Accessible Tourism Strategy Implementation Embedded commitment at all levels is essential Pyramid of Inuence TravAbility T R AVA BILIT Y.TRAV E L “Imo the monkey has become famous over the years, originally as a result of Robert Ardrey’s wonderful work of science popularisation, The Social Contract, first published in 1970. Ardrey had learned of the trail-blazing work of Japanese scientists in studying the behaviour in the wild of large, self-contained and highly structured monkey societies. The scientists had established the practice of ‘provisioning’- providing some of the monkey population’s food needs but without distorting the natural pattern of foraging in their island habitat. This allowed the observers to study at first hand, and continuously, the patterns of social interaction amongst the monkeys and, above all, their learning-the way that intelligence diffused in the social systems. Imo excited their attention from the start. When sweet potatoes,which monkeys love, were placed on the beach of the tiny islet of Koshima, all the monkeys laboriously picked the grains of sand from the food in order to eat it. It was Imo, just 18 months old, who made the mental connection with the little stream that crossed the beach not far way. Imo carried the sweet potatoes to the stream and allowed its fresh waters quickly to wash away the sand. After a while another youngster copied this method of food preparation and then, after a further period, Imo’s mother did so. Very slowly the innovation diffused amongst the
  • 4. 3 band, mainly amongst the young, and within families. The normal pattern was for the young to make the breakthrough, followed by their mothers, and then for new infants to copy their own mothers. The point of the story, for observers of human behaviour in organisations, is that the clever new ideas never penetrated to the powerful males at the top of the social hierarchy. They never came into contact with the young. When caramels were introduced to another band, the pattern was repeated-it took a year and a half for the innovation to spread from the juniors to half the entire troop. But, in a parallel experiment, the ‘alpha’ (boss) monkey was induced to try another new and delicious food-wheat. The alpha female promptly copied him and the entire band of 700 monkeys took to the new food in just four hours. Why? Because everybody watches the leader. Nobody much attends to an Imo. By now a mature four-year old, Imo devised a method for ‘placer-mining’ the wheat too. Interestingly, the youngest monkeys had figured out that it made sense to get downstream of Imo, so as to catch any floating grains that escaped the panning process. Something similar occurs near the smartest operators in big corporations.” Intelligent Leadership - Alistair Mant - Allen Unwin, 1999 The story of Imo is used a lot in corporate management and leadership training to keep organizations continually fresh and new by encouraging a “think tank” process to capture the new and innovative ideas coming out of the youngest minds. The best organizations do that successfully and keep innovating and changing. The key to that change is to recognize, however, that to get organization wide adoption rapidly to take advantage of the associated competitive advantage, the idea has to be owned from the top down. Without that ownership most ideas will be slow to evolve or die all together. The Social Model of Disability and its effect on the Universe The Social model of Disability recognized that society had a responsibility to not exclude people with a disability. Around the world the Social Model spawned anti-discrimination acts which were ultimately codified into access requirements. The compliance approach to accessible tourism is aimed at the individual tourism businesses and specifically at physical infrastructure. It is the least influential part of the pyramid and an infrastructure approach is associated with cost with no relation to business, destinational, or product development. Some businesses may see the potential of the market or the social implications but often it is limited to those with a personal experience or association. It is a model of accommodation - not customer. Codification provides a safe haven and a minimum no risk solution to accessibility. The Business Case - A Really Big and Expanding Universe, but too big to comprehend at a local level. In recent years the economics of the Accessible Tourism sector have started to come to the fore. The ground breaking research of Dr. Simon Darcy in 2008 put a value on the market of 11% of the total tourism spend. Further work by McKinsey on the impact of the Baby Boomers put their proportion of the tourism market at 50% by 2020. When the extrapolation of the number of people in the Baby Boomer group who will have an age related disability is applied to their purchasing power then the percentage of the total tourism, market that will relate to people with a disability climbs to a staggering 25% by 2020. Our article, Inclusive Tourism - An Economic Imperative driven by the Baby Boomer Generation, explored in detail the purchasing power of this generation. While the business case is strong, it is not tangible to individual business owners and operators. Too often presentations concentrate on big numbers, percentages and 20 page checklists and access statements. What
  • 5. 4 a business owner needs to know is what to do about it, not how big the Universe is. The size of the Universe arguments need to be directed at the strategic influencers who’s job it is to translate those trends into tangible action plans. Without the national structure embracing Accessible Tourism the emerging trends and business case is never translated into regional, local and individual plans that can be effectively implemented. It becomes a Black Hole with some isolated and disconnected bright stars. Like Imo, they will each be getting their own satisfaction both financially and socially, but the impact on the overall destination will be small and slow. National Tourism Authority International Marketing | National Strategy | Industry Briengs on Emerging Erends National Awards | Research State/Provincial Tourism Authority Interstate Marketing | State Strategy | Industry Toolkits | Industry Training Industry Networking | Development of Regional and Local Tourism Authorities Research Regional Tourist Boards Intrastate marketing | Regional Destination Development/Management Branding | Industry Training | Capacity Building | Advocacy Local Tourism Associations Visitor Services | Advocacy | Industry Development Marketing | Product Development | Stakeholder Management | Booking Services | Events Tourism Businesses Product development Destination Promotion Customer Experience Packaging Service Advocacy Policies Legislative Framework Building Codes Business Case Anti-discrimination Global Trends Ageing Population The Black Hole of Accessible Tourism Ostritch Leadership Pyramid of NO Inuence TravAbility T R AVA B IL I TY.TRAVEL
  • 6. 5 You can’t shoot for the stars without a systems approach Conversely, when there is a well established and sophisticated system, simply bolting on new pieces doesn’t change the fundamentals. Those additional pieces are never nourished and never form part of the overall system. They simply exist on the edge until, through lack of maintenance, they fade away into oblivion. Tourism is an example of a well established and very intricate system aimed at delivering a multitude of different experiences to the traveler. Those experiences blend together to retain a feel for the destination and brand management. The complexity exists both within the destination management structure and within the industry that brings together an array of components to deliver its overall service. A successful tourism product incorporates, transport, accommodation, attractions, sightseeing, booking systems, information systems and customer service. Those products are bundled and further require the integration of service providers, consolidators, tour operators and an extensive retail network whether online or offline. Over time the system evolves as products change and the tastes of the market changes. New products and experiences become available and get incorporated into the local and then destination wide management. In some cases the destination plan and value proposition evolve over time as a destination sees a competitive advantage in a line travel type. Adventure and sustainable tourism are two recent examples. Bicycle thinking, where a new product is bolted onto the system invariable fails if it doesn’t fit into the destination management plan or isn’t powerful enough to change the plan. The approach to Accessible Tourism, has to date, largely been Bicycle thinking. Adding accessibility requirements doesn’t fundamentally change a product offering or affect cultural change within a destination. The concept of systems thinking in relation to the tourism industry was explored in our paper Accessible Tourism is the Tourism Industry’s Bicycle. “The essential difference between the frog and the bicycle, viewed as systems, lies in the relationship of the parts to the whole. You can take a bicycle completely to pieces on your garage floor, clean and oil every single part, and reassemble the lot, confident the the whole thing will work perfectly, as a bike, as before. The frog is different. Once you remove a single part, the entire system is affected instantaneously and unpredictably for the worse. What’s more, if you go on removing bits the frog will make a series of subtle, but still unpredictable, adjustments in order to survive. This sort of system, at the level beneath consciousness, wants to survive and will continue for an astonishing length of time to achieve a rough equilibrium as bits are excised - until it can do so no longer. At that point, again quite unpredictably, the whole system will tip over into collapse. The frog is dead and it won’t help to sew the parts back on.” Intelligent Leadership - Alistair Mant - Allen Unwin, 1999
  • 7. 6 Defining the Disabled Traveler. The Encyclopedia Galactica defines disability as: While that definition may be tongue in cheek, it goes a long to explain why Accessible Tourism has not become a mainstream part of the tourism product. As we have said earlier tourism is all about creating an experience and a memory of a place. It is about engaging people and taking them into a new realm. The ability to transport someone to a new sensory level requires an understanding of the person for whom that experience is designed and a knowledge of their capabilities to enjoy and appreciate what is going on around them. People with a disability are present in all sectors in roughly the same proportion as the general population. They are not like the backpackers, adventure tourists, or luxury travelers that can be conveniently put into unique product boxes with targeted marketing campaigns. The common misconception is that the needs of all people with a disability are the same. In one sense that misconception has been reinforced by the social model of disability which, in defining the social barriers, has concentrated on a narrow sub set of physical access requirements largely limited to car parks, toilets, building access and hotel rooms. By concentrating on the narrow access requirements the industry has effectively created an artificial sector of people with a disability that ignored their actual aspirations. A disability, in reality is just a different level of ability. We are not all equal in a number of ways. Physical ability is just one element in the total capability set of the human being. If we do take physical ability as the cornerstone of the push for greater accessibility then we need to put it into context. Looking at the travel industry as a case in point. Travelers vary enormously in their physical capabilities and their holiday patterns reflect that diversity. Whether that holiday is climbing a Himalayan peak, walking New Zealand’s, Milford Track, visiting the wine region of the Napa Valley or relaxing on a Caribbean Island that is a personal choice. The tourism industry is adept at discerning and catering for those wide ranges of choices, however, we have categorized a disability, through the medical and now social models as something different and around that built a set of preconceptions that shields it from a market view. Disability is often regarded as a homogeneous concept. The opposite is true. As with the general population ability is on a continuum. An arbitrary line drawn to differentiate a segment of the population whose ability the majority don’t understand. Disability is the only minority group anyone can join in an instant
  • 8. 7 Continuum of Ability Activity Level Level of Support High High Passive Extreme Low Traditionally Dened Disability Public Perceived Subset Adaptive Equipment is opening up a whole range of adventure activities to people of all abilities TravAbility TR AVA B ILIT Y.TR AVE L Mobility Impairment Vision Impairment Hearing Impairment Speech Impairment Mental Impairment Hidden Impairment Ageing Population The arbitrary line defining disability is exactly that, an arbitrary line. The advent of modern alloys and design has opened up a vast range of activities including some at the extreme adventure end of the spectrum. People with a disability can be found across the full range of sporting and leisure activities. Their tastes and budgets, likewise, spread from economy to five star and include the conference and meetings market. The key to developing tourism product is to look at the aspirations of potential visitors, the opportunities that exist within a destination and the technology available to allow participation by people of all abilities. Customer expectations should drive the product development. From a tourism industry point of view, higher levels of assistance and support are common in the higher adventure type tourism activities and in the group tour segments. The industry has a proven capacity to support people to achieve stretch goals and aspirations. Accessible Tourism needs to capatalise on that pre-existing skill set by clearly defining the customer needs. New technology is opening adventure to all - Images available from
  • 9. 8 Chapter Two - Bringing Order to the Universe with the Force of Universal Design UD = MC2 The Encyclopedia Galactica defines Universal Design as: Universal Design is at the very core of an inclusive society. In the context of tourism UD must be able to produce an experience that meets and exceeds the expectations of all people. Further, as we have said, tourism experiences are SHARED experiences hence the design of tourism products is about bringing together people of all abilities, not designing specific activities for people with a disability. Universal Design is the design of products, services and environments to be USABLE by ALL people What if the first question we asked was, “What is so unique about this situation that it justifies exclusion?” instead of, “How much does it cost to make it accessible?” Dr. Scott Rains Accessible Product Development Universal Design must be Integrated at Every Stage TravAbility TRAVA BILITY. TRAVEL The Customer is the Centre of the Universe Customer Desires Capacity Review Product Design Built Infrastruc- Soft ture Infrastruc-ture Sta Training Product Implementation Packaging Release Marketing Universal Design is the Governing Force
  • 10. 9 The key element in developing tourism product is the incorporation of Universal Design from the first inception of the product concept. Knowing what the customer, not only wants, but is capable of doing is the foundation for the capacity review. The capacity review must look at all of the existing infrastructure and what needs to be altered to accommodate the proposed new product. Too often the path of travel is ignored or the simple and inexpensive alterations overlooked because a helicopter view is not taken out the outset. Product design must be all-encompassing and actively seek out new product innovations. Today venues have a great range of new equipment at their disposal from the freewheel wheelchair extension, off road handcycles, road handcycles, all abilities sailboats, adaptive fishing equipment, paddle boards designed for wheelchairs, adaptive canoes and canoe launchers, in addition to the tradition hearing loops, tactile markers etc. In creating built infrastructure it is important to look to the future and the impact the aging population will have on anything built today. The Baby Boomer generation will dominate the travel market over the next 20 years. That is a big enough tome horizon to justify any capital expenditure. The vision and application should be broad. Why fit a toilet seat with a 30% luminosity contrast to just the accessible toilet. The contrast is needed by anyone with low vision whether or not they have any mobility issues requiring and accessible toilet. The small things like maximizing the accessible paths of travel through garden and bar areas should be part of any infrastructure upgrade. In creating a tourism offering the Soft Infrastructure is just as important as the built environment. Accessibility information should be plentiful, easily found within the main context of the attraction description and written in the same style as any other information. It is, after all, a sales document, not an audit report. Booking systems should reflect the experience a visitor wants or expects to have. If there is space for only one companion, then the booking information and system needs to talk about where the rest of the party is located, or better still reserve the row in front of the accessible seating to accommodate family and friends. Create interactive maps and signage to allow easy wayfinding through a venue without the need to search for a step route. Create large print registration forms or mobile apps to simplify the process for people of all abilities. In other words every action should be enhancing the customer experience and it should blend in with existing forms and presentations and systems. Customers want an inviting experience, not one that makes them feel different or puts under pressure. In implementing any Accessible Tourism product, it has to be made seamless to the overall visitor experience. Transport, arrivals, check-in, dining, drinking, city transfers, sightseeing tours, local accessibility maps all should reflect the same level of inclusiveness as the particular product being developed. Rarely does a tourism offering exist in isolation to the destination. Partnerships and packaging are critical is staff training, not just in the particular product, but all other things a traveler with a disability may want to do. Finally there is the marketing. Imagery plays a critical role in saying to a customer from the outset that we want your business. It is about positioning potential clients as valued and welcome guests and nothing says that more strongly than people with a disability enjoying a venue or activity on offer. That imagery should not just encompass the particular product but more generally reflect the destination as whole. Universal design is not design for the disabled. It is an all encompassing philosophy to create a culture of inclusion. Get the vision right and all else follows with creative and innovative solutions that will attract one of the fastest growing markets of any industry. Everyone Belongs Outside - Vision Statement of Parks Alberta
  • 11. 10 The Galactic Road Map to the Accessible Restaurant at the End of the Universe. Tourism is complex from its management structure, industry structure and destination and product development. It is a system designed and intertwined to create an “experience” for the traveler. The industry, and disability advocates have been slow to adopt Accessible Tourism as a valid tourism market mainly because the industry as a whole does not understand people with a disability as travelers. The Social Model of disability created a community recognition that society as a whole has a collective responsibility for people with a disability. The UN CRPD, and in relation to tourism Article 30, goes further with a doctrine of equality. The emphasis for the past 25 years has been on physical access and while a great many of those barriers have been removed the cultural divide and misunderstandings still prevail. The Final Frontier is all about cultural change that will be largely driven by an aging population and increasing economics around Accessible Tourism. The Business Case alone will not change those attitudes without a rethink by Accessible Tourism advocates on how that message is translated to every level of the Tourism Industry. The focus has to now shift to one of education about a “new” customer and redefining the misconceptions held by the industry about people with a disability. The arbitrary line has to be removed from the continuum to allow for the development of truly inclusive experiences to be enjoyed and shared by everyone. Someday soon the restaurant at the end of the universe will be accessible to all
  • 12. 11 About TravAbility. TravAbility was founded in 2007 by Bill Forrester and Deborah Davis. Our mission is to be agents of change; to inspire people who have never traveled before to do so, and to inspire others to do more. To encourage all cultures of the world to see disability as an integral part of life, and to provide the motivation and tools to the tourism industry to allow them to create accessible environments that enable inclusion in an economically sustainable way. We offer a range of services to tourism operators and Destination Marketing Boards to enable them to take advantage of the growing Accessible Tourism market: • Staff and Management Training • Marketing Services and Toolkits • Industry Presentations and Conference Sessions • Property Audits and Universal Design planning • Self Audit Tools • National/State/Regional Park Guides and Trail Maps • Diversity and Inclusion Strategy development • Disability Action Plans and Access Statements • New Project planning and Development • Stock Imagery through PhotoAbility • Accommodation listings through TravAbility Properties For more information on how you can make your business more attractive to the traveler with a disability contact Bill at or Deborah at Further references Accessible Tourism has to be Customer, not Compliance Focused Inclusive Tourism - An Economic Imperative driven by the Baby Boomer Generation Accessible Tourism is the Tourism Industry’s Bicycle The Economic Model of Inclusive Travel - Changing the demand drivers for the provision of products and services in Inclusive Tourism. The Why and How. Travel Industry Structure is a barrier to Inclusive Tourism
  • 13. 12 Inclusive Imagery by PhotoAbility TRAVELLERS with disabilities and their families represent a strong and growing trend that can be captured by travel properties and service providers. PhotoAbility, a new niche stock image site, can help companies demonstrate a commitment to their customers with a disability through disability-inclusive imagery incorporated into their websites, advertising and marketing materials. Our library specialises in travel and lifestyle related images featuring people with disabilities enjoying travel all around the world with their families and friends. Incorporating these types of positive inclusive images within the travel sector will give those with disabilities the inspiration and confidence that they too can enjoy the opportunity to experience new destinations that can accommodate their accessibility needs. The stock image gallery features rights-managed and royalty-free photos and can be searched by destination by travel operators, companies, advertisers, marketers, publishers, creatives, and designers whose role is to cater to the travel consumer. “Customers who have specific access needs are part of every tourism ‘segment’. Their interests are as wide as any other group of people. They may be looking for mountain adventures, concert performances or a honeymoon hotel. In business terms, they are simply ‘customers’ but they need good access – otherwise, they will choose to go elsewhere. They also travel with family and friends so you could not just be losing one customer but potentially many more. It is about gaining market share.” Bill Forrester, Co-Founder, PhotoAbility. “Inclusive tourism should be treated the same as any other destination marketing. Accessible facilities are one thing, but the right imagery sends a powerful message that ‘we want your business’.” Deborah Davis, Co-Founder, PhotoAbility. It is no longer about ‘accommodating’ travellers with a disability, but actually about competing to attract this very valuable market. Increasing the inclusion of people with disabilities in the marketing and advertising medium
  • 14. 13 The Spirit of Inclusive Travel I travel because I want my mind and my heart and my soul to overcome the boundaries that my body now feels. I travel in spite of the fact that it is “inconvenient” in that I am unable to walk onto the plane or to simply stand up and use the bathroom when needed, or that I have to spend innumerable hours planning and seeking out where I may be able to go in a wheelchair; what I will be able to see and where will accommodate me once I reach my chosen destination. I travel because to do so puts me in the realm of saying “HA! Look at me now!” I can do and be and see and experience this wonderful world. I CAN taste, smell, delight in the people and remarkable sights and win in the battle of my body over my spirit. I was a dancer and I was 18 when I crashed my car in front of the Mormon Chapel on the Maryland beltway. I broke my neck and was told I will never move from the neck down again. Yet, I heard a voice as I lay alone in the night..- ”you will not be able to move your legs..but it will not be permanent and there is a purpose” I accepted this, moved on and regained the use of my arms and hands… just like the voice said. So I go--and I relish in the next trip--the next challenge that I WILL over come. I am not a wheelchair sports jock-never raced in my chair or played tennis or rugby or wheelchair basketball. Travel and love is how I survive. I take my love and my will with me and I look strangers in strange lands in the eye as I roll by and I am saying to myself and to everyone who sees me that WE are not pathetic, sad, miserable cripples… WE are here and we want to share the world with you….it is up to me to show you I will come--it is up to you to show me I am welcome. Deborah Davis As published in the New York Times. Having fun in the Everglades Deborah in Stockholm
  • 15. 14 Our Team Since 2007, Travability has been developing accessible information on tourist destinations. We have continually refined our presentation style and level of detail as a result of continual feedback. We are members of SATH (Society for Accessible Travel and Hospitality), ENAT (European Network for Accessible Tourism) and Tour Watch the world incubator for Accessible Tourism. We are acknowledged as global thought leaders on inclusive tourism and the economic impact the sector will have on the travel industry over the next ten years. We have presented at international forums including: • SATH World Congresses in 2009 and 2011 • Inaugural Access Tourism New Zealand Conference in October 2010 • We were a part of the agenda planning committee for Interdependence 2012 in Vancouver, Canada • Member of the Scientific Committee for Destinations for all, a Global Summit in Montreal in October 2014 We have developed the Accessible Information Evaluation Model for Parks Victoria and conducted the reviews for 26 major parks. Bill Forrester Bill was born and raised in Melbourne, Australia. As a child he was fortunate to travel to many parts of the world and to learn and appreciate cultures other than his own. That passion for learning and understanding has never left him. Bill has a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Melbourne and spent most of his working life in the corporate field in both senior financial and operation roles. He specialised in corporate and cultural change, and has extensive experience in facility management, major project delivery, stakeholder relations and corporate training programs. He has worked in the private, mutual, and government sectors, including Brambles, News Limited, RACV and Melbourne Water. Recognising that there was a lack of information of accessible tourism facilities, in 2007, Bill formed Travability with a mission to change the way the tourist industry viewed travellers with disabilities and the way accessible information was made available. Deborah Davis Deborah was born and raised in Maryland and moved to Miami in 1984. She was involved in a car accident at the age of 18 sustaining a C6/7 spinal cord injury resulting in incomplete quadriplegia. Deborah has a Bachelor of Business Administration from the University of Miami and has had a successful career in the medical sales field and was the Director of Abilities Florida. She has extensive experience in developing and conducting training programs on disability awareness and the seamless inclusion of accessible facilities. She has a wealth of experience in marketing. She is well travelled and enjoys the thrill of discovering new places. As an active and accomplished individual she is passionate about our dream of making the world accessible to all. Deborah is the founding inspiration and co-owner of Travability.