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Dr. A.V. Srinivasan, Dr. S. Yogaraj, Dr. G. Sarala

             Dr. A.V. Srinivasan
           Addl. Prof. of Neurology
            Institute of Neurology
              Chennai – 600 003
1) MCI
2) Dementia
3) Amnesia
     a) Retrograde Amnesia
     b) Anterograde Amnesia
4) Amentia
5) Senescence (Benign forgetfulness )
      Mind is the great level of all things;
human thought is the process by which human ends
           are ultimately answered
                                     - Daniel Webster
• What is the patient’s predominant neurologic
  condition? In addition to memory loss, is there
  confusion, agitation, delirium or stupor?
• Is this new memory dysfunction or does the
  patient have known dementia?
• How old is the patient?
• Does the patient have acute medical problems?
   In all of us, even in good men, there is a
  wild - beast nature which peers out in sleep
Elevator Thoughts / Walking Thoughts
V (vascular): Cerebral infarction, Multiple strokes
I (infectious): Syphilis, Chronic meningitis
T (traumatic): Subdural hematoma, head injury
A (autoimmune): CNS vasculitis, Multiple sclerosis
M (metabolic/toxic): Renal failure, Hepatic failure
I (idiopathic/inherited): TGA, Alzheimer’s disease
N (neoplastic): Brain tumour, Meningeal carcinomatosis
S (seizure, pSychiatric, structural): Complex partial seizure,
  postictal state
 Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probable
               reason why so few engage in it.
                                                   - Henry Ford
Selective Physical Examination
  •   HEENT
  •   Cardiopulmonary
  •   Abdomen
  •   Extremities

Success in life is a matter not so much of talent and opportunity
             as of concentration and perseverance
                                                    - C.W. Wendte
Neurological Examination
1) Mental status
   a) Alertness
   b) Aphasia
       1) Fluency
       2) Naming
       3) Auditory comprehension of single and
          multi step commands
       4) Repetition of unfamiliar phrases
       5) Reading aloud
       6) Writing
       7) Listen for phonemic paraphasias
    Habit is either the best of servants or worst of masters
                                              - Nathaniel Emmons
Neurological Examination
  c) Memory
  d) Calculations
  e) Hemineglect
  f) Apraxia
  g) Drawing
2) Motor
3) Coordination and gait
4) Frontal “release” signs
It is the disease of not listening, the malady of not marking,
                 that I am troubled withal
                                                    - Shakespeare
Classification of Dementia
1) Aetiological classification
2) According to localization of pathological
3) Brain structures involved (cortical and
   subcortical dementias)
4) DSM & ICD multiaxial coding syste,

Of these, the etiological classification is the
most commonly used one
      Memory, the daughter of attention ,
       is the teeming mother of knowledge
                                     - Martin Tupper
Classification of Dementia
   •   Alzheimer’s disease (AD)
   •   Vascular Dementia (VaD)
   •   Lewy Body Dementia
   •   Pick’s Disease
   •   Reversible Dementia

We possess by nature the factors out of which personality can be
made, and to organize them into effective personal life is every
                man’s primary responsibility
                                         - Harry Emerson Fosdick
Selected causes of potentially
          Reversible Dementia
Metabolic disorders            Thyroid disease
                               Electrolyte imbalance
                               Renal failure
                               Liver failure
Adverse drug reactions         Sedative hypnotics
                               Many others
Autoimmune disorders           Vasculitis
                               Lupus erythematosus

       Time and Wo rds canno t be re calle d - Fulle r
Selected causes of potentially
         Reversible Dementia
Infections                AIDS encephalopathy
                          Lyme encephalitis
Tumours                   Primary
Poisoning                 Heavy metals

   Discipline Weighs ounces Regret weighs Tons
Selected causes of potentially
           Reversible Dementia
  Nutritional Deficiencies Vitamin B6, B12
  Psychiatric disorders    Depression
  Other                    Normal pressure hydrocephalus
                           Head trauma

“Character gets you out of bed commitment moves you to action
   faith, hope and Discipline follow through to completion”
Frequency of causes of Dementia
      pooled from 32 studies
            Cause                Occurrence (%)
Alzheimer’s disease (AD)        57
Vascular Dementia               13
Depression                      4.5
Alcohol                         4.2
Normal pressure hydrocephalus   1.6
Metabolic                       1.5
Medication                      1.5
Neoplasm                        1.5
Frequency of causes of Dementia
      pooled from 32 studies
            Cause       Occurrence (%)
Parkinson’s disease    1.2
Huntington’s disease   0.9
Mixed AD & VD          0.8
Infection              0.6
Subdural haematoma     0.4
Post-trauma            0.4
Others                 7.1
Not demented           3.7
• Check the vital signs
• Check the finger stick glucose level
• Order the following laboratories tests stat:
       Complete blood count (RBC)
       Chemistry panel
       Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR)
       Electrocardiogram (ECG)
       Chest X-Ray
       Toxicology screen and ethanol level (if indicated)
 If the patient is too agitated to examine, follow the algorithm
  of delirium
    Opinion is ultimately determined by the feelings
                 and not by the intellect
Selective History and Chart Review
• What was the time course of onset of the patient’s
  memory dysfuncion?
• Has the patient started any new medication within the
  time frame of the memory loss?
• Is there any underlying medical illness?
• Have there been other cognitive or behavioural
  changes bedsides memory loss, such as difficulty
  making change in the grocery store, change in reading
  habits, or disorientation, particularly in the evening?
• Is there any history of head trauma?

  The True Art of Memory is The Art of Attention
                                            - S.Johnson
Medications that may be associated
      with memory impairment
 Corticosteroids           Chlorpromazine
 Isoniazid                 Anticonvulsants (overdose)
 Benzodiazepines           Interleukins
 Barbiturates              Methotrexate
 Bromides                  Clioquinol (antifungal)
  Success is a prize to be won. Action is the road to it.
Chance is what may lurk in the shadows at the road side.
                                                  - O. Henry
Diagnostic Testing
1. Blood tests (Thyroid function tests, Venereal
   Disease Research Laboratory (VDRL) test,
   Vitamin B12 level, HIV testing (if indicated))
2. Imaging (CT, MRI, SPECT, PET, TGA)
3. Electroencephalogram (EEG)
4. Lumbar puncture

   People of mediocre ability often achieve success
      because they don’t know enough to quit
                                   - Bernard Baruch
Treatment of Behavioral Dysfunction
1. Agitation, delusions or hallucinations/
2. Insomnia
3. Anxiety
4. Depression

           At twenty the will rules
            At thirty the intellect
           At forty the Judgment
Disease specific Treatment of the
    Pathophysiologic Process
1. Alzheimer’s disease
2. Parkinson’s disease, Lewy body disease
   and progressive supranuclear palsy
3. Normal pressure hydrocephalus
4. Huntington’s disease
5. AIDS dementia complex
6. Transient global amnesia
7. Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome
  Maintaining the right attitude is easier than
      regaining the right mental attitude
Two diverging/converging pataways
           associated with VaD
Risk factor CVD Ischemic Brain injury
  MRI lesion Clinical syndrome

Arteriosclerosis 1. occlusion complete infarct
 lacune  lacunnar state
Arteriosclerosis 2. Hypoperfusion incomplete
 infarct WHSM  Bingswanger syndrome
           Experience can be defined as
       yesterday’s answer to today’s problems
Pathogenesis of dementia due to VaD
  1. Lacunar hypothesis
  2. Binswanger’s subtype of VaD
  3. VaD with coexisting Alzheimer’s disease

          Expert is one who think to his
           chosen mode of ignorance
Clinical syndromes
1. Lacunar state --- 85%
2. Strategic infarct dementia(e.g. thalamic
   dementia) --- unknown %
3. Binswanger’s syndrome --- 10 – 15%

    Take time to think; it is the source of power
  Take time to read; it is the foundation of wisdom
    Take time to work; it is the price of success
Features suggestive of
            vascular dementia
From the history
  Onset associated with a stroke
  Improvement following acute event
  Abrupt onset
From the exam
  Findings typical of stroke e.g., hemiparesis,
From imaging
  Infarct(s) above the tentorium
         Every thing should be made as simple as
                 possible; but not simpler
Patterns of blood supply to the
            cerebral hemispheres
      Vascular         Arterial supply      Collateral supply
Cortex                shorter
Corpus callosum       Shorter
Sub cortical U fibers Intermediate         Inter digitating
External / extreme    Intermediate
Basal Ganglia       Long
Centrum semiovale /
PVWM                Long
         Medical School can be a tool of torture or an
                  Instrument of Inspiration”
Categories of vascular Dementia
          Category                              Clinical presentation
Lacunar infarctions            Progressive dementia, focal deficits, or apathetic,
                               frontal-lobe-like syndrome, may have no stroke history
Single strategic infarctions   Sudden onset aphasia, agnosia, anterograde amnesia,
                               frontal lobe syndrome

Multiple infarctions           Step-wise appearance of cognitive & motor deficits

Mixed AD – VaD                 Progressive dementia with remote or concurrent history
                               of stroke
White matter infarctions       Dementia, apathy, agitation, bilateral cortico-
(Binswanger’s disease)         spinal/bulbar signs

 Character gets you out of bed commitment moves you to action
     faith, hope and Discipline follow through to completion
    Vascular           Mechanism of            Pathological
   distribution        Brain injury             phenotype
Single artery       Acute ischemia        Multiple lacunar
Small arteriole                           infarcts
Single artery       Acute ischemia        Single strategically
                                          placed lacunar
Border zone         Chronic               White matter
Small arteriole     hypo perfusion        demyelination and
                                          axonal loss
  It is the providence of the knowledge to speak and it is the
            privilege of the wisdom to listen - Hodly’s
Diagnostic criteria
1.   Hachinski’s ischemic score
2.   DSM IV criteria
3.   ADDTC criteria
4.   NINDS – AIREN criteria
5.   Binswanger’s criteria

  Give us the GR  ACE to acce pt with se re nity the thing s that
 canno t be chang e d the COUR AGE to chang e the thing s that
 sho uld be chang e d and the WISDOM to kno w the diffe re nce
Short comings
1. Not interchangeable hence four fold rise in
2. DSM IV R most liberal
3. NINDS- AIREN criteria conservative
4. Gold standard for VaD (pathological definition
5. Most of the criteria failed to distinguish between
   small and large vessel subtypes
        “HealthyMind and Healthyexpression of
              Emotion go hand in Hand”
Diagnosis of Dementia after stroke
4 sets of criteria are used     Sens       Spec
1.Hachinski ischemic score       89%       89%
< 4 AD / 18, > 7 MID / 18
2. DSM IV                        43%      95%
3. NINDS – AIREN                 50%      98%
4. ADDTC criteria                50%      90%

Every discovery contains an irrational element or
               4 creative intuition
                                       Khrl Popper
Clinical characteristics of Neuro
  behavioral syndrome of VaD
  • Mental changes of dementia with single
    brain lesion
  • Sub cortical infarcts
  • Multi Infarct Dementia: -
  • Sub cortical arteriosclerotic

A great many people think they are thinking when
  they are merely re arranging their prejudices
                                    W. James
                AD                                     VaD
Neuro transmitter defect               Hemodynamic defect
Female predominance                    Male predominance
Gradual onset                          Abrupt onset
Steady deterioration                   Stepwise deterioration,
                                       fluctuating course
BP normal                              Hypertension
No history of stroke                   History of stroke
Global decline in cognitive function   Focal neurological symptoms and
Unlikely to respond to treatment       May respond to a drug which modifies
                                       microcirculation and enhance cerebral
                                       tissue perfusion
     T T
      he ruth is fear and immorality are two of the greatest
             inhibitors of Performance to progress
1.   Risk factors
•    Advanced age
•    Education
                                  Develops dementia
•    Lacunar subtype              following ischemic
•    Lt. Hemisphere CVA           stroke

•    Non white

       “ Fools Adm but of m of sense approve”
                  ire      en
                                     - A. Pope
Prognosis              contd….
2. In Lacunar stroke - Leukoariosis is
   a poor prognosis
3. Recurrence of stroke
• Atrophy
• cognitive impairment
• WMSH are inter related in VaD
      “ Social Isolation is in itself a pathogenic
           Factor for disease production”
Prognosis contd..,

Neuro imaging phenotype
• CT lucency (lacunes and leukoariosis)
• MRI hyper intensity (lacunes and WMSH)

    A true com itm is a heart felt prom to
               m ent                    ise
   yourself fromwhich y will not back down -
                             D. Mcnally
Prevention and Treatment of
          vascular dementia
I.     Brain at risk stage

       The aged
       Atrial fibrillators
       Cardiac patients
         Serious, sincere, systematic studies,
            surely secure supreme success
II. Pre-dementia stage
  Patients with TIA
  Patients with stroke
  Patients with subtle cognitive infarctions
  Patients with silent cerebral infarctions

        “Men of Genius Adm ired:
         Men of W ealth envied
      wom of power feared but only
      wom of character are trusted”
                              A- Friedman
III. Dementia stage

 Cardiac embolism
 Atherosclerotic cerebrovascular disease
 Hypertensive cerebrovascular disease

       “Motivation is the Spark that lights
           the Fire of Knowledge and
      fuels the engine of Accomplishment”
Potential therapies of
           vascular dementia
1. Brain at risk stage
Smoking cessation
Exercise (prevention and management of diabetes)
Diet (control of diabetes, hyperlipidemias, obesity)
Antihypertensives (ACE inhibitors and ca++ channel-
    blockers maybe particularly suitable)
Lipid lowering agents
Anticoagulants (for atrial fibrillation)
Aspirin (for selected patients at high risk)
“Peace Rules the day where reason Rules the mind”
2. Pre-dementia stage

Carotid endarterectomy (symptomatic patients with
    -carotid stenosis of 70-99%)
Agents that interfere with amyloid deposition vessels
Ca++ channel blockers (pre treatment to attenuate
    -effect of infarcts)

     “ByNature All Men/W en are alike but
         byEducation widelydifferent”
                                  - Chinese
3. Dementia stage


Antihypertensives – 6 mm of Hg reduction in systolic or diastolic
  BP -reduces the risk of stroke by 40%

Cholinergics - Tacrine, Galantamine, rivastigmine, donepezil

NMDA antagonist – Memantine


The Truth is fear and im oralityare two of the greatest
       inhibitors of P erformance too progress
Prevention & Treatment
Anti dementia drug trials (not based on subtype of VaD)
Alkaloid derivatives
(hydergine or nicergoline)
Piracetam                             Modest benefit
Gingko biloba

    “ He who cannot forgive others destroy the bridge
      over which he him m pass” - Annoy
                       self ust
No.of patients        : 15
Age group             : 50 – 80 years
Female                : 6
Male                  : 9
Most of them had diabetes and hypertension
Not based on subtype of VaD
30% showed remarkable improvement in cognitive, curative
  and affective functions of the brain
Future study needed in pre dementia and dementia stages
          Thought is the labour of the intellect
                 Reverie is its pleasure
Strategies to prevent –
1. Treat hypertension optimally
2. Treat diabetes
3. Control hyperlipidaemia, use dietary control for
   diabetes, obesity and hyperlipidaemia
4. Persuade patients to cease smoking and decrease
   alcohol intake
5. Prescribe anticoagulants for atrial fibrillation
6. Provide antiplatelet therapy for high risk patients
         A open foe may prove a curse ; but
             a pretended friend is worse
Strategies to prevent –
7.   Perform carotid endarterectomy for severe (>70%) carotid stenosis

8.    Recommend lifestyle changes (e.g., weight loss, exercise, reduce
     stress, decrease salt intake)
9. N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor antagonists, antioxidants)
10. Intervene early for stroke and transient ischemic attacks with
    neuroprotective agents (e.g., propentofylline, calcium channel
   antagosists, - ? Rivastigmine

 It is a great misfortune not to possess sufficient wit to speak well
                nor sufficient judgment to keep silent
                                                La Broyers character
READ not to contradict or confute
   Nor to Believe and Take for Granted

“My Opinions are founded on knowledge
     but modified by experience”

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Dementia an overview

  • 1. DEMENTIA – AN OVERVIEW Dr. A.V. Srinivasan, Dr. S. Yogaraj, Dr. G. Sarala Dr. A.V. Srinivasan Addl. Prof. of Neurology Institute of Neurology Chennai – 600 003
  • 2. GLOSSARY OF TERMS 1) MCI 2) Dementia 3) Amnesia a) Retrograde Amnesia b) Anterograde Amnesia 4) Amentia 5) Senescence (Benign forgetfulness ) Mind is the great level of all things; human thought is the process by which human ends are ultimately answered - Daniel Webster
  • 3. PHONE CALLS / HISTORY • What is the patient’s predominant neurologic condition? In addition to memory loss, is there confusion, agitation, delirium or stupor? • Is this new memory dysfunction or does the patient have known dementia? • How old is the patient? • Does the patient have acute medical problems? In all of us, even in good men, there is a wild - beast nature which peers out in sleep
  • 4. Elevator Thoughts / Walking Thoughts V (vascular): Cerebral infarction, Multiple strokes I (infectious): Syphilis, Chronic meningitis T (traumatic): Subdural hematoma, head injury A (autoimmune): CNS vasculitis, Multiple sclerosis M (metabolic/toxic): Renal failure, Hepatic failure I (idiopathic/inherited): TGA, Alzheimer’s disease N (neoplastic): Brain tumour, Meningeal carcinomatosis S (seizure, pSychiatric, structural): Complex partial seizure, postictal state Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probable reason why so few engage in it. - Henry Ford
  • 5. Selective Physical Examination • HEENT • Cardiopulmonary • Abdomen • Extremities Success in life is a matter not so much of talent and opportunity as of concentration and perseverance - C.W. Wendte
  • 6. Neurological Examination 1) Mental status a) Alertness b) Aphasia 1) Fluency 2) Naming 3) Auditory comprehension of single and multi step commands 4) Repetition of unfamiliar phrases 5) Reading aloud 6) Writing 7) Listen for phonemic paraphasias Habit is either the best of servants or worst of masters - Nathaniel Emmons
  • 7. Neurological Examination c) Memory d) Calculations e) Hemineglect f) Apraxia g) Drawing 2) Motor 3) Coordination and gait 4) Frontal “release” signs It is the disease of not listening, the malady of not marking, that I am troubled withal - Shakespeare
  • 8. Classification of Dementia 1) Aetiological classification 2) According to localization of pathological process 3) Brain structures involved (cortical and subcortical dementias) 4) DSM & ICD multiaxial coding syste, Of these, the etiological classification is the most commonly used one Memory, the daughter of attention , is the teeming mother of knowledge - Martin Tupper
  • 9. Classification of Dementia • Alzheimer’s disease (AD) • Vascular Dementia (VaD) • Lewy Body Dementia • Pick’s Disease • Reversible Dementia We possess by nature the factors out of which personality can be made, and to organize them into effective personal life is every man’s primary responsibility - Harry Emerson Fosdick
  • 10. Selected causes of potentially Reversible Dementia Metabolic disorders Thyroid disease Electrolyte imbalance Renal failure Liver failure Adverse drug reactions Sedative hypnotics Barbiturates Anticholinergics Many others Autoimmune disorders Vasculitis Lupus erythematosus Time and Wo rds canno t be re calle d - Fulle r
  • 11. Selected causes of potentially Reversible Dementia Infections AIDS encephalopathy Syphilis Lyme encephalitis Tumours Primary Metastatic Poisoning Heavy metals Insecticides alcohol Discipline Weighs ounces Regret weighs Tons
  • 12. Selected causes of potentially Reversible Dementia Nutritional Deficiencies Vitamin B6, B12 Thiamine Folate Psychiatric disorders Depression Other Normal pressure hydrocephalus Head trauma “Character gets you out of bed commitment moves you to action faith, hope and Discipline follow through to completion”
  • 13. Frequency of causes of Dementia pooled from 32 studies Cause Occurrence (%) Alzheimer’s disease (AD) 57 Vascular Dementia 13 Depression 4.5 Alcohol 4.2 Normal pressure hydrocephalus 1.6 Metabolic 1.5 Medication 1.5 Neoplasm 1.5
  • 14. Frequency of causes of Dementia pooled from 32 studies Cause Occurrence (%) Parkinson’s disease 1.2 Huntington’s disease 0.9 Mixed AD & VD 0.8 Infection 0.6 Subdural haematoma 0.4 Post-trauma 0.4 Others 7.1 Not demented 3.7
  • 15. Management • Check the vital signs • Check the finger stick glucose level • Order the following laboratories tests stat: Complete blood count (RBC) Chemistry panel Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) Electrocardiogram (ECG) Chest X-Ray Urinalysis Toxicology screen and ethanol level (if indicated)  If the patient is too agitated to examine, follow the algorithm of delirium Opinion is ultimately determined by the feelings and not by the intellect
  • 16. Selective History and Chart Review • What was the time course of onset of the patient’s memory dysfuncion? • Has the patient started any new medication within the time frame of the memory loss? • Is there any underlying medical illness? • Have there been other cognitive or behavioural changes bedsides memory loss, such as difficulty making change in the grocery store, change in reading habits, or disorientation, particularly in the evening? • Is there any history of head trauma? The True Art of Memory is The Art of Attention - S.Johnson
  • 17. Medications that may be associated with memory impairment Corticosteroids Chlorpromazine Isoniazid Anticonvulsants (overdose) Benzodiazepines Interleukins Barbiturates Methotrexate Bromides Clioquinol (antifungal) Success is a prize to be won. Action is the road to it. Chance is what may lurk in the shadows at the road side. - O. Henry
  • 18. Management Diagnostic Testing 1. Blood tests (Thyroid function tests, Venereal Disease Research Laboratory (VDRL) test, Vitamin B12 level, HIV testing (if indicated)) 2. Imaging (CT, MRI, SPECT, PET, TGA) 3. Electroencephalogram (EEG) 4. Lumbar puncture People of mediocre ability often achieve success because they don’t know enough to quit - Bernard Baruch
  • 19. Treatment Treatment of Behavioral Dysfunction 1. Agitation, delusions or hallucinations/ illusions 2. Insomnia 3. Anxiety 4. Depression At twenty the will rules At thirty the intellect At forty the Judgment
  • 20. Disease specific Treatment of the Pathophysiologic Process 1. Alzheimer’s disease 2. Parkinson’s disease, Lewy body disease and progressive supranuclear palsy 3. Normal pressure hydrocephalus 4. Huntington’s disease 5. AIDS dementia complex 6. Transient global amnesia 7. Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome Maintaining the right attitude is easier than regaining the right mental attitude
  • 21.
  • 22. Two diverging/converging pataways associated with VaD Risk factor CVD Ischemic Brain injury MRI lesion Clinical syndrome HTN Arteriosclerosis 1. occlusion complete infarct lacune  lacunnar state Arteriosclerosis 2. Hypoperfusion incomplete infarct WHSM  Bingswanger syndrome Experience can be defined as yesterday’s answer to today’s problems
  • 23. Pathogenesis of dementia due to VaD 1. Lacunar hypothesis 2. Binswanger’s subtype of VaD 3. VaD with coexisting Alzheimer’s disease Expert is one who think to his chosen mode of ignorance
  • 24. Clinical syndromes 1. Lacunar state --- 85% 2. Strategic infarct dementia(e.g. thalamic dementia) --- unknown % 3. Binswanger’s syndrome --- 10 – 15% Take time to think; it is the source of power Take time to read; it is the foundation of wisdom Take time to work; it is the price of success
  • 25. Features suggestive of vascular dementia From the history Onset associated with a stroke Improvement following acute event Abrupt onset From the exam Findings typical of stroke e.g., hemiparesis, hemianopia From imaging Infarct(s) above the tentorium Every thing should be made as simple as possible; but not simpler
  • 26. Patterns of blood supply to the cerebral hemispheres Vascular Arterial supply Collateral supply distribution Cortex shorter Corpus callosum Shorter Sub cortical U fibers Intermediate Inter digitating External / extreme Intermediate capsules Basal Ganglia Long Centrum semiovale / PVWM Long Medical School can be a tool of torture or an Instrument of Inspiration”
  • 27. Categories of vascular Dementia Category Clinical presentation Lacunar infarctions Progressive dementia, focal deficits, or apathetic, frontal-lobe-like syndrome, may have no stroke history Single strategic infarctions Sudden onset aphasia, agnosia, anterograde amnesia, frontal lobe syndrome Multiple infarctions Step-wise appearance of cognitive & motor deficits Mixed AD – VaD Progressive dementia with remote or concurrent history of stroke White matter infarctions Dementia, apathy, agitation, bilateral cortico- (Binswanger’s disease) spinal/bulbar signs Character gets you out of bed commitment moves you to action faith, hope and Discipline follow through to completion
  • 28. Diagnosis Vascular Mechanism of Pathological distribution Brain injury phenotype “Infarct” Single artery Acute ischemia Multiple lacunar Small arteriole infarcts Single artery Acute ischemia Single strategically placed lacunar infarct Border zone Chronic White matter Small arteriole hypo perfusion demyelination and axonal loss It is the providence of the knowledge to speak and it is the privilege of the wisdom to listen - Hodly’s
  • 29. Diagnostic criteria 1. Hachinski’s ischemic score 2. DSM IV criteria 3. ADDTC criteria 4. NINDS – AIREN criteria 5. Binswanger’s criteria Give us the GR ACE to acce pt with se re nity the thing s that canno t be chang e d the COUR AGE to chang e the thing s that sho uld be chang e d and the WISDOM to kno w the diffe re nce
  • 30. Short comings 1. Not interchangeable hence four fold rise in frequency 2. DSM IV R most liberal 3. NINDS- AIREN criteria conservative 4. Gold standard for VaD (pathological definition difficult) 5. Most of the criteria failed to distinguish between small and large vessel subtypes “HealthyMind and Healthyexpression of Emotion go hand in Hand”
  • 31. Diagnosis of Dementia after stroke 4 sets of criteria are used Sens Spec 1.Hachinski ischemic score 89% 89% < 4 AD / 18, > 7 MID / 18 2. DSM IV 43% 95% 3. NINDS – AIREN 50% 98% 4. ADDTC criteria 50% 90% Every discovery contains an irrational element or 4 creative intuition Khrl Popper
  • 32. Clinical characteristics of Neuro behavioral syndrome of VaD • Mental changes of dementia with single brain lesion • Sub cortical infarcts • Multi Infarct Dementia: - • Sub cortical arteriosclerotic leukoencephalopathy A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely re arranging their prejudices W. James
  • 33. AD Vs VaD AD VaD Neuro transmitter defect Hemodynamic defect Female predominance Male predominance Gradual onset Abrupt onset Steady deterioration Stepwise deterioration, fluctuating course BP normal Hypertension No history of stroke History of stroke Global decline in cognitive function Focal neurological symptoms and signs Unlikely to respond to treatment May respond to a drug which modifies microcirculation and enhance cerebral tissue perfusion T T he ruth is fear and immorality are two of the greatest inhibitors of Performance to progress
  • 34. Prognosis 1. Risk factors • Advanced age • Education Develops dementia • Lacunar subtype following ischemic • Lt. Hemisphere CVA stroke • Non white “ Fools Adm but of m of sense approve” ire en - A. Pope
  • 35. Prognosis contd…. 2. In Lacunar stroke - Leukoariosis is a poor prognosis 3. Recurrence of stroke Hence • Atrophy • cognitive impairment • WMSH are inter related in VaD “ Social Isolation is in itself a pathogenic Factor for disease production”
  • 36. Prognosis contd.., Neuro imaging phenotype • CT lucency (lacunes and leukoariosis) • MRI hyper intensity (lacunes and WMSH) A true com itm is a heart felt prom to m ent ise yourself fromwhich y will not back down - ou D. Mcnally
  • 37. Prevention and Treatment of vascular dementia I. Brain at risk stage The aged Hypertensive Smokers Diabetics Atrial fibrillators Cardiac patients Serious, sincere, systematic studies, surely secure supreme success
  • 38. II. Pre-dementia stage Patients with TIA Patients with stroke Patients with subtle cognitive infarctions Patients with silent cerebral infarctions “Men of Genius Adm ired: Men of W ealth envied wom of power feared but only en wom of character are trusted” en A- Friedman
  • 39. III. Dementia stage Cardiac embolism Atherosclerotic cerebrovascular disease Hypertensive cerebrovascular disease “Motivation is the Spark that lights the Fire of Knowledge and fuels the engine of Accomplishment”
  • 40. Potential therapies of vascular dementia 1. Brain at risk stage Smoking cessation Exercise (prevention and management of diabetes) Diet (control of diabetes, hyperlipidemias, obesity) Antihypertensives (ACE inhibitors and ca++ channel- blockers maybe particularly suitable) Lipid lowering agents Anticoagulants (for atrial fibrillation) Aspirin (for selected patients at high risk) “Peace Rules the day where reason Rules the mind” Colling
  • 41. 2. Pre-dementia stage Carotid endarterectomy (symptomatic patients with -carotid stenosis of 70-99%) Anticoagulants Aspirin Ticlopidine Agents that interfere with amyloid deposition vessels Ca++ channel blockers (pre treatment to attenuate -effect of infarcts) “ByNature All Men/W en are alike but om byEducation widelydifferent” - Chinese
  • 42. 3. Dementia stage Antidepressents Antihypertensives – 6 mm of Hg reduction in systolic or diastolic BP -reduces the risk of stroke by 40% Cholinergics - Tacrine, Galantamine, rivastigmine, donepezil NMDA antagonist – Memantine Aspirin Ticlopidine The Truth is fear and im oralityare two of the greatest m inhibitors of P erformance too progress
  • 43. Prevention & Treatment Anti dementia drug trials (not based on subtype of VaD) Alkaloid derivatives (hydergine or nicergoline) Pentoxyfylline Piracetam Modest benefit Memantine Donepezil Gingko biloba “ He who cannot forgive others destroy the bridge s over which he him m pass” - Annoy self ust
  • 44. Role of RIVASTIGMINE in VaD No.of patients : 15 Age group : 50 – 80 years Female : 6 Male : 9 Most of them had diabetes and hypertension Not based on subtype of VaD 30% showed remarkable improvement in cognitive, curative and affective functions of the brain Future study needed in pre dementia and dementia stages Thought is the labour of the intellect Reverie is its pleasure
  • 45. Strategies to prevent – STROKE-TO-DEMENTIA TEN-STEP APPROACH 1. Treat hypertension optimally 2. Treat diabetes 3. Control hyperlipidaemia, use dietary control for diabetes, obesity and hyperlipidaemia 4. Persuade patients to cease smoking and decrease alcohol intake 5. Prescribe anticoagulants for atrial fibrillation 6. Provide antiplatelet therapy for high risk patients A open foe may prove a curse ; but a pretended friend is worse
  • 46. Strategies to prevent – STROKE-TO-DEMENTIA contd… 7. Perform carotid endarterectomy for severe (>70%) carotid stenosis 8. Recommend lifestyle changes (e.g., weight loss, exercise, reduce stress, decrease salt intake) 9. N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor antagonists, antioxidants) 10. Intervene early for stroke and transient ischemic attacks with neuroprotective agents (e.g., propentofylline, calcium channel antagosists, - ? Rivastigmine It is a great misfortune not to possess sufficient wit to speak well nor sufficient judgment to keep silent La Broyers character
  • 47. READ not to contradict or confute Nor to Believe and Take for Granted but TO WEIGH AND CONSIDER THANK YOU “My Opinions are founded on knowledge but modified by experience”