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Positive activities to support
participants whose children may
be involved in anti-social behaviour
1. Scheme of Work
2. Week 1
3. Week 2
4. Week 3
5. Week 4
6. Forms
7. Resources
Scheme of Work
Positive activities to support participants whose
children may be involved in anti-social behaviour.
Week 1
 What is antisocial behaviour?
 How anti-social behaviour affects victims.
 What is happening in the local community?
 Introduction to the action plan.
 What are the causes of antisocial behaviour?
 Developing skills needed to manage conflict with children.
 Proposing an activity for parent & child/teen
Week 2
 Review any changes that have taken place in the family.
 Challenges for teenagers.
 Mental health issues and drug & alcohol misuse.
 Dealing with teenage violence.
 Review of action plan.
 Arrangements for parent & child/teen activity.
Week 3
 Activity with child/teen.
Week 4
 Reviewing activity.
 Celebrating learning.
 Reviewing & continuing action plan.
Week 1
Note to the Trainer: Some preparation to know more about the area people live is essential. Find out
details of crime and anti-social behaviour and what the local police are doing. Enter their postcode
into a web-search for specific information. Also, research if there is anything going on locally in the
community (alongside the police) to address anti-social behaviour. What facilities are there for young
people? What sports or interest groups are happening? Perhaps pre-arrange a speaker to come in
who will talk about a project/activity.
Session Objectives:
 To understand what anti-social behaviour is & the impact it has on victims.
 To introduce participants to local activities that are helping to combat anti-social behaviour.
 To understand some of the reasons for anti-social behaviour.
 To identify the skills they need to develop to manage conflict with their children.
 To agree a range of activities both parent & child can do together.
 To set personal targets.
Note to the Trainer: Introduce overall 4 week programme &d how the action plan will be used.
1. ‘What is Anti-social Behaviour?’
Make sure everyone is sure about what we are talking about—’What is anti-social behaviour?’
Get suggestions from participants. Use list below to see if everything covered.
Anti-social behaviour is:
 Rowdy, noisy behaviour in otherwise quiet neighbourhoods.
 Night-time noise from houses or gardens, especially between 11.00 pm & 7.00 am.
 Threatening, drunken or 'yobbish' behaviour.
 Vandalism, graffiti & fly-posting.
 Dealing or buying drugs on the street.
 Litter & fly-tipping rubbish.
 Aggressive begging.
 Drinking in the street.
 Setting off fireworks late at night.
 Abandoning cars on the street.
2. ‘The Impact of Anti-social Behaviour on the Victims:
How the Community Can Help.’
Note to the Trainer: Ask, what are the main problems in your area? Is it a cause for concern?
Ask what do they think the effect is on other people?
Show the clip below:
It gives examples of how victims are affected and the difficulty in getting support.
 ‘Effect on Victims’ (Three & a Half Min’s)
 Do the experiences of these people ring true?
 Why aren’t they being helped?
 Are there enough resources to support people?
Note to the Trainer: The clip refers to HMIC. (Use for further information. According
to the data on this site the level of satisfaction for how the police react to anti-social behaviour is
above average in West Midlands and North Yorkshire). The police are involved in different activities to
address the problem.
Show the example below. This can be used to open debate about how can tackle anti-social behaviour
from a community point of view.
 ‘Kent Police’ (Three Min’s)
 What are your thoughts about the sort of things the police are doing in liaison with community
groups? (Emphasise this is a proactive approach & involves the community.)
 What is happening in your local community?
 How can you contribute? (Use the local research that you have done to inform this).
 If the participants have access to computer/internet during session set a short task for them to try
and find out what is happening in their area. If not, present your own findings.
 What they could you do to get involved with these activities?
 Will it help to make you feel more part of the community?
If you have arranged for someone to come in to talk about a project/s give them around 20 minutes at
this point to tell participants about events etc.
3. ‘Action Plan’
 Introduce the action plan.
 Explain the initial self assessment and get them to complete this. (They can complete it later at
the end of the session if they prefer).
 Give them the opportunity to start putting any targets to do with local community activity.
Note to the Trainer: Use:— A website where can find out more about applying for
cash awards up to £3k to help local community. There is also information about volunteering with
Some participants will require individual help to start thinking about what they can do to start helping
their children engage with any relevant local projects and also get involved themselves if appropriate.
4. Causes of Anti-social Behaviour
‘What is the cause of anti-social behaviour?’
Facilitate discussion to ensure the ‘bigger picture’ is brought out. Avoid approach that it is all down to
the parents – although they obviously have their role to play. Help to bring out the impact of no jobs and
the community they live in, peer pressure, drug and alcohol dependency, gang culture, part of a group
Show the following video about gangs:
 ‘Gangs’ (Four Min’s)
 Why do young people join gangs?
Review with participants what was said on clip and what the clip suggests could be done. Ask them in
small groups to reflect on their own children & families and whether :
1. The issues highlighted for joining gangs apply to their children?
2. How well they do the things recommended to stop children joining gangs and partaking in
anti-social behaviour.
Use the table below as a reminder:
Reasons for joining gangs:
 Bored, nothing to do.
 Wanting to be liked, respected.
 Wanting to fit in.
 Low self esteem.
 Missing aspects of family life.
What to do to help:
 Getting them interested in hobbies.
 Communicate & listen to them.
 Take an interest in them & who they hang
around with.
 Do things with them.
5. The Typical Teenager
Ask for feedback from their previous discussions. (It is likely that a lot of issues will be raised at how
difficult it can be to do above and talk about barriers to achieving above.)
Show the clip below which is a light-hearted look at the typical teenager:
 ‘Kevin Becoming a Teenager’ (Three Min’s)
Take any comments. Do they feel like responding in same way when their children are like that?
Look at short clip when they try some reverse psychology:
 ‘Reverse Psychology on Kevin’ (One & a Half Min’s)
Again, this clip is a light hearted look at trying to ‘beat them at their game’ but gives the opportunity to
show that there needs to be a clear division between teen behaviour and parental behaviour or it is
unlikely to change.
6. Managing Conflict
Introduce this section by saying going to look at three things:
 Managing Own Temper when Communicating with Teens.
 Being a Role Model.
 Listening to & helping your teen express their feelings.
The following videos will give them suggestions to consider:
 ‘Keeping your Temper with your Child/Teen’ (Four Min’s)
 What Techniques have You Used?
 Are They Effective? - Focus on positives & negatives.
 Any Examples? - Sharing stories will help the group to open up to each other & feel more
confident sharing opinions, feelings & ideas.
 Think Before Speaking.
 Walk Away, Instead of Engaging with Conflict.
 Deep Breath & ‘Count to Ten’.
 De-stress with Physical Activity.
 Use Humour to Defuse a Situation (Not Sarcasm).
 Don’t Hold a Grudge.
Use web site page below to help those who need more advice on ensuring their own well being:
Show the next video:
 ‘Encouraging your Child to Express Feelings’ (Four Min’s)
 How well do they do this at the moment?
 Could they see themselves doing more of this? - If not, what is stopping them?
 Talk about feelings e.g. when watching TV, walking etc. Having another activity might help them
to feel more confident sharing their feelings instead of a face-to-face.
 Name Emotions
 Show how to handle negative emotions.
 Help them to understand emotions e.g. level & intensity.
 Give them space to deal with emotions.
 Remember they act out their emotions rather than talk about them.
Show final video:
 ‘Dads: How to Get Them Involved in Other Activities’ (Three & a Half Min’s)
 Do Your Teens Have Good Role Models?
 How Do You See Yourself as Their Role Model?
 Empathise with the Teen
 Set an Example (‘Do as I do, not as I say.’)
 Do Things Together—This Will Open Up Levels of Trust
 Be Honest About Your Own Strengths & Weaknesses
 Encourage Good Skills & Interests of Teens
Note to the Trainer: The last 3 videos should have stimulated a great deal of though and discussion
and it will now be appropriate to get participants to think about their actions over the next few weeks.
the action plan will be used to do this.
7. Proposing an Activity to Do with Their Children (For Week 3).
Discuss options for ‘Week 3 Activity’.
Note to the Trainer: A lot of ideas should have come out during first part of session (local activities)
and as they have been discussing points raised.
 Get participants to commit to making some preparation for the proposed activities.
 Include this on action plan.
Note to the Trainer: Ensure each participant reviews where they are and what they would like to do
to build relationships and bring about changes in their children. Give individual help with setting tar-
Week 2
Note to the Trainer: This session is about the particular problems teens face and how to help support
teens. Some local research is required to see what is available. Note that there are always CAMHs and
drug and alcohol support agencies.
What else is there? Arrange for a local speaker to come in and talk to participants e.g. from CAMHs,
drug and alcohol support agencies. Also look at ‘Family Lives’ website (formerly ‘Parent-line Plus’) to
familiarise yourself with what it has to offer parents. (
Session Objectives:
 To review any changes in that have taken place in the family since the last session.
 To understand better the challenges faced by teenagers .
 To be confident in distinguishing between typical teen behaviour & more serious concerns.
 To know where to go for extra help & support for teenage mental health problems.
 To identify best ways to manage violent behaviour in teenagers.
1. ‘Review Time’
Lead discussion on what they remember form last week:
 Have they been able to put anything into practice?
 What changes, if any, have been noticed?
2. ‘Challenges Faced by Teenagers’
Introduce the session and explain the objectives.
Show the first video.
 ‘Affects on Behaviour & Sleep Patterns’ (Four Min’s)
 What did you learn was typical for teenagers?
 What must you remember?
Ensure cover points below:
 Mood Swings: An inevitable response to trying to cope with big changes going on.
 Teens are thinking a lot about sex.
 Sleep patterns change.
 They still need their parents
 Don’t take the ‘attacks’ they make personally.
What if you think there’s more to it than teenage behaviour? Is it normal or something else, drug/
alcohol abuse, threats of self harm
Show next video:
 ‘Recognising Stress & Depression’ (Three Min’s)
 Is it always easy to distinguish between teenage behaviour and something more serious?
 What warning signs are there to make you take action? (e.g. threats of self harm, drug abuse).
 What would you do on this occasion—Where would you go for help?
Alternative Teaching Strategies:
 Bring in an external speaker if possible regarding CAMHs (Child & Adolescent Mental Health) or an
alcohol and drug advisor. Allow up to thirty minutes for them to tell participants about services.
 Get participants to go online to look at local facilities that could help with this sort of advice
 Present your own findings and the details about what support is there, how to access it.
Use the next video as well as this about addiction (if have guest speaker talking about this then this is
not necessary.):
 ‘Teens on Drugs’ (Five Min’s)
Note to the Trainer: Take time for participants to spend time on their action plan. They will need to
bring it up to date from last week. They may need to set some new targets in response to what has
been covered in this session and most will need individual support.
3. Dealing with Teenage Violence
When antisocial behaviour spills over into the home, then parents will have some real challenges on
their hands.
Show video about teenage violence:
 ‘Dealing with Teenage Violence: Being There for Them’ (Five Min’s)
Ask for comments about video and what they feel are the main messages.
Make sure the aspects on the list below are drawn out:
 Need to let teen know that their behaviour is unacceptable.
 Listen to what they have to say but still ensure they know the boundaries.
 Talk to them when they are not angry, find out what makes them angry.
 Always be the adult: bigger, wise, kinder.
 Explain what is unacceptable & why.
 Still be there for them.
 Ensure there are rules & boundaries.
 Keep calm, avoid sarcasm.
Talk about ‘Family Lives’ (formerly ‘Parent-line Plus’). It is a charity which offers support to anyone
involved in caring for children. It provides a twenty-four hour helpline offering listening, support,
information and guidance on all issues of concern. It also provides parent classes and workshops for
parents to share ideas and learn new skills and a website containing a range of information, including
leaflets on family related issues and an email support service. ( Use
the research you have done to give them examples of how they can be supported.
Take time for participants to spend time adding to their action plan.
4. Final Arrangements for Parent & Teen Activity
What have participants come up with in their individual research?
Making arrangements for activity and to include:
 Where it is.
 Who Will Attend.
 How to Get There.
 How Will you Capture What you Have Done e.g. Photos; Write-up?
 Contingency Plans.
 Next meeting as a Group e.g. After Activity or at 4th
 Final arrangements agreed.
Week 3
Session Objectives:
 To participate in planned activity.
Week 4
Note to the Trainer: Review & continue action plan throughout the session.
Session Objectives:
 To review success of parent/teen activity.
 To identify what has been learned over the last four weeks.
 To identify any improvements in child’s behaviour & their own skills in managing their child’s
antisocial behaviour.
 To self assess overall progress that has been made.
 To set long term targets.
 To celebrate learning.
1. ‘Reviewing Family Activity’
 Ensure everyone tells each other about the activity they did
 If all did same activity, what did each of them get from it?
 Review any photos or products made as a result of the activity.
 Discuss how they will continue with activities and/or encouraging their child to pursue an
 Decide if want to put together a display (photos/quotes/information) about the activity.
 Some participants may do a mini presentation (if part of their own development).
2. ‘Review of Progress’
Ask (Get participants to talk about any examples):
 Has the child/teens behaviour improved
 Are you, as the parent/carer feeling better able to control the situation.
Participants then need to complete the second self assessment on their action plan and complete details
regarding number of targets achieved and distance travelled. They will then set longer term targets to
carry on after the end of these sessions.
Note to the Trainer: All participants will require individual help to ensure their action plans are com-
plete. Also they will need help to set longer term targets and identify the support they will need.
Play the following clip:
Note to the Trainer: Explain it is from series ‘World’s Strictest Parents’. The daughter is spending time in
Israel to experience a different family approach.
 World’s Strictest Parents’ (Three Min’s)
Ask for their thoughts.
Note that the clip shows the father talking to her at end and is a good example of how to apply many of
approaches discussed over weeks.
 Both mother and father remain very calm.
 Doesn’t take it personally.
What else have the participants learned?
3. Celebrating Learning & Progress
 Participants to share with each other at least 3 positive things they have got from the sessions.
 Participants to identify positive changes they have noticed in others as well.
 Prizes/certificates as appropriate
Nature of support Who/where Timescale
Examples of Targets:
Get involved with …………………………………. community activity.
Do at least 2 activities with my children.
Do not lose my temper when talking to child.
Take time every day to listen to my child.
Ask how my child is feeing at least once a day.
What other support will I need after this programme?
For more information please use the links below:
Direct Gov:
Direct Gov:
Anti-social Behaviour:
Citizens Advice Bureau:
For more information about:
Pathway2work: Supporting Families in Walsall please:
Call: 01922 870050

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Dealing with Anti-social Behaviour - Pathway2work, Supporting Families in Walsall

  • 1. Positive activities to support participants whose children may be involved in anti-social behaviour
  • 2. Contents 1. Scheme of Work 2. Week 1 3. Week 2 4. Week 3 5. Week 4 6. Forms 7. Resources
  • 3. Scheme of Work Positive activities to support participants whose children may be involved in anti-social behaviour. Week 1  What is antisocial behaviour?  How anti-social behaviour affects victims.  What is happening in the local community?  Introduction to the action plan.  What are the causes of antisocial behaviour?  Developing skills needed to manage conflict with children.  Proposing an activity for parent & child/teen Week 2  Review any changes that have taken place in the family.  Challenges for teenagers.  Mental health issues and drug & alcohol misuse.  Dealing with teenage violence.  Review of action plan.  Arrangements for parent & child/teen activity. Week 3  Activity with child/teen. Week 4  Reviewing activity.  Celebrating learning.  Reviewing & continuing action plan.
  • 4. Week 1 Note to the Trainer: Some preparation to know more about the area people live is essential. Find out details of crime and anti-social behaviour and what the local police are doing. Enter their postcode into a web-search for specific information. Also, research if there is anything going on locally in the community (alongside the police) to address anti-social behaviour. What facilities are there for young people? What sports or interest groups are happening? Perhaps pre-arrange a speaker to come in who will talk about a project/activity. Session Objectives:  To understand what anti-social behaviour is & the impact it has on victims.  To introduce participants to local activities that are helping to combat anti-social behaviour.  To understand some of the reasons for anti-social behaviour.  To identify the skills they need to develop to manage conflict with their children.  To agree a range of activities both parent & child can do together.  To set personal targets. Note to the Trainer: Introduce overall 4 week programme &d how the action plan will be used. 1. ‘What is Anti-social Behaviour?’ Make sure everyone is sure about what we are talking about—’What is anti-social behaviour?’ Get suggestions from participants. Use list below to see if everything covered. Anti-social behaviour is:  Rowdy, noisy behaviour in otherwise quiet neighbourhoods.  Night-time noise from houses or gardens, especially between 11.00 pm & 7.00 am.  Threatening, drunken or 'yobbish' behaviour.  Vandalism, graffiti & fly-posting.  Dealing or buying drugs on the street.  Litter & fly-tipping rubbish.  Aggressive begging.  Drinking in the street.  Setting off fireworks late at night.  Abandoning cars on the street.
  • 5. 2. ‘The Impact of Anti-social Behaviour on the Victims: How the Community Can Help.’ Note to the Trainer: Ask, what are the main problems in your area? Is it a cause for concern? Ask what do they think the effect is on other people? Show the clip below: It gives examples of how victims are affected and the difficulty in getting support.  ‘Effect on Victims’ (Three & a Half Min’s) Questions:  Do the experiences of these people ring true?  Why aren’t they being helped?  Are there enough resources to support people? Note to the Trainer: The clip refers to HMIC. (Use for further information. According to the data on this site the level of satisfaction for how the police react to anti-social behaviour is above average in West Midlands and North Yorkshire). The police are involved in different activities to address the problem. Show the example below. This can be used to open debate about how can tackle anti-social behaviour from a community point of view.  ‘Kent Police’ (Three Min’s) Questions:  What are your thoughts about the sort of things the police are doing in liaison with community groups? (Emphasise this is a proactive approach & involves the community.)  What is happening in your local community?  How can you contribute? (Use the local research that you have done to inform this).  If the participants have access to computer/internet during session set a short task for them to try and find out what is happening in their area. If not, present your own findings.  What they could you do to get involved with these activities?  Will it help to make you feel more part of the community? If you have arranged for someone to come in to talk about a project/s give them around 20 minutes at this point to tell participants about events etc.
  • 6. 3. ‘Action Plan’  Introduce the action plan.  Explain the initial self assessment and get them to complete this. (They can complete it later at the end of the session if they prefer).  Give them the opportunity to start putting any targets to do with local community activity. Note to the Trainer: Use:— A website where can find out more about applying for cash awards up to £3k to help local community. There is also information about volunteering with them. Some participants will require individual help to start thinking about what they can do to start helping their children engage with any relevant local projects and also get involved themselves if appropriate. 4. Causes of Anti-social Behaviour ‘What is the cause of anti-social behaviour?’ Facilitate discussion to ensure the ‘bigger picture’ is brought out. Avoid approach that it is all down to the parents – although they obviously have their role to play. Help to bring out the impact of no jobs and the community they live in, peer pressure, drug and alcohol dependency, gang culture, part of a group etc. Show the following video about gangs:  ‘Gangs’ (Four Min’s) Question:  Why do young people join gangs? Review with participants what was said on clip and what the clip suggests could be done. Ask them in small groups to reflect on their own children & families and whether : 1. The issues highlighted for joining gangs apply to their children? 2. How well they do the things recommended to stop children joining gangs and partaking in anti-social behaviour. Use the table below as a reminder: Reasons for joining gangs:  Bored, nothing to do.  Wanting to be liked, respected.  Wanting to fit in.  Low self esteem.  Missing aspects of family life. What to do to help:  Getting them interested in hobbies.  Communicate & listen to them.  Take an interest in them & who they hang around with.  Do things with them.
  • 7. 5. The Typical Teenager Ask for feedback from their previous discussions. (It is likely that a lot of issues will be raised at how difficult it can be to do above and talk about barriers to achieving above.) Show the clip below which is a light-hearted look at the typical teenager:  ‘Kevin Becoming a Teenager’ (Three Min’s) Take any comments. Do they feel like responding in same way when their children are like that? Look at short clip when they try some reverse psychology:  ‘Reverse Psychology on Kevin’ (One & a Half Min’s) Again, this clip is a light hearted look at trying to ‘beat them at their game’ but gives the opportunity to show that there needs to be a clear division between teen behaviour and parental behaviour or it is unlikely to change. 6. Managing Conflict Introduce this section by saying going to look at three things:  Managing Own Temper when Communicating with Teens.  Being a Role Model.  Listening to & helping your teen express their feelings. The following videos will give them suggestions to consider:  ‘Keeping your Temper with your Child/Teen’ (Four Min’s) Ask:  What Techniques have You Used?  Are They Effective? - Focus on positives & negatives.  Any Examples? - Sharing stories will help the group to open up to each other & feel more confident sharing opinions, feelings & ideas.
  • 8. Techniques:  Think Before Speaking.  Walk Away, Instead of Engaging with Conflict.  Deep Breath & ‘Count to Ten’.  De-stress with Physical Activity.  Use Humour to Defuse a Situation (Not Sarcasm).  Don’t Hold a Grudge. Use web site page below to help those who need more advice on ensuring their own well being: Show the next video:  ‘Encouraging your Child to Express Feelings’ (Four Min’s) Ask:  How well do they do this at the moment?  Could they see themselves doing more of this? - If not, what is stopping them? Techniques:  Talk about feelings e.g. when watching TV, walking etc. Having another activity might help them to feel more confident sharing their feelings instead of a face-to-face.  Name Emotions  Show how to handle negative emotions.  Help them to understand emotions e.g. level & intensity.  Give them space to deal with emotions.  Remember they act out their emotions rather than talk about them. Show final video:  ‘Dads: How to Get Them Involved in Other Activities’ (Three & a Half Min’s) Ask:  Do Your Teens Have Good Role Models?  How Do You See Yourself as Their Role Model?
  • 9. Techniques:  Empathise with the Teen  Set an Example (‘Do as I do, not as I say.’)  Do Things Together—This Will Open Up Levels of Trust  Be Honest About Your Own Strengths & Weaknesses  Encourage Good Skills & Interests of Teens Note to the Trainer: The last 3 videos should have stimulated a great deal of though and discussion and it will now be appropriate to get participants to think about their actions over the next few weeks. the action plan will be used to do this. 7. Proposing an Activity to Do with Their Children (For Week 3). Discuss options for ‘Week 3 Activity’. Note to the Trainer: A lot of ideas should have come out during first part of session (local activities) and as they have been discussing points raised.  Get participants to commit to making some preparation for the proposed activities.  Include this on action plan. Note to the Trainer: Ensure each participant reviews where they are and what they would like to do to build relationships and bring about changes in their children. Give individual help with setting tar- gets.
  • 10. Week 2 Note to the Trainer: This session is about the particular problems teens face and how to help support teens. Some local research is required to see what is available. Note that there are always CAMHs and drug and alcohol support agencies. What else is there? Arrange for a local speaker to come in and talk to participants e.g. from CAMHs, drug and alcohol support agencies. Also look at ‘Family Lives’ website (formerly ‘Parent-line Plus’) to familiarise yourself with what it has to offer parents. ( Session Objectives:  To review any changes in that have taken place in the family since the last session.  To understand better the challenges faced by teenagers .  To be confident in distinguishing between typical teen behaviour & more serious concerns.  To know where to go for extra help & support for teenage mental health problems.  To identify best ways to manage violent behaviour in teenagers. 1. ‘Review Time’ Lead discussion on what they remember form last week:  Have they been able to put anything into practice?  What changes, if any, have been noticed? 2. ‘Challenges Faced by Teenagers’ Introduce the session and explain the objectives. Show the first video.  ‘Affects on Behaviour & Sleep Patterns’ (Four Min’s) Ask:  What did you learn was typical for teenagers?  What must you remember?
  • 11. Ensure cover points below:  Mood Swings: An inevitable response to trying to cope with big changes going on.  Teens are thinking a lot about sex.  Sleep patterns change. However:  They still need their parents  Don’t take the ‘attacks’ they make personally. What if you think there’s more to it than teenage behaviour? Is it normal or something else, drug/ alcohol abuse, threats of self harm Show next video:  ‘Recognising Stress & Depression’ (Three Min’s) Ask:  Is it always easy to distinguish between teenage behaviour and something more serious?  What warning signs are there to make you take action? (e.g. threats of self harm, drug abuse).  What would you do on this occasion—Where would you go for help? Alternative Teaching Strategies:  Bring in an external speaker if possible regarding CAMHs (Child & Adolescent Mental Health) or an alcohol and drug advisor. Allow up to thirty minutes for them to tell participants about services.  Get participants to go online to look at local facilities that could help with this sort of advice  Present your own findings and the details about what support is there, how to access it. Use the next video as well as this about addiction (if have guest speaker talking about this then this is not necessary.):  ‘Teens on Drugs’ (Five Min’s) Note to the Trainer: Take time for participants to spend time on their action plan. They will need to bring it up to date from last week. They may need to set some new targets in response to what has been covered in this session and most will need individual support.
  • 12. 3. Dealing with Teenage Violence When antisocial behaviour spills over into the home, then parents will have some real challenges on their hands. Show video about teenage violence:  ‘Dealing with Teenage Violence: Being There for Them’ (Five Min’s) Ask for comments about video and what they feel are the main messages. Make sure the aspects on the list below are drawn out:  Need to let teen know that their behaviour is unacceptable.  Listen to what they have to say but still ensure they know the boundaries.  Talk to them when they are not angry, find out what makes them angry.  Always be the adult: bigger, wise, kinder.  Explain what is unacceptable & why.  Still be there for them.  Ensure there are rules & boundaries.  Keep calm, avoid sarcasm. Talk about ‘Family Lives’ (formerly ‘Parent-line Plus’). It is a charity which offers support to anyone involved in caring for children. It provides a twenty-four hour helpline offering listening, support, information and guidance on all issues of concern. It also provides parent classes and workshops for parents to share ideas and learn new skills and a website containing a range of information, including leaflets on family related issues and an email support service. ( Use the research you have done to give them examples of how they can be supported. Take time for participants to spend time adding to their action plan. 4. Final Arrangements for Parent & Teen Activity What have participants come up with in their individual research? Making arrangements for activity and to include:  Where it is.  Who Will Attend.  How to Get There.  How Will you Capture What you Have Done e.g. Photos; Write-up?  Contingency Plans.  Next meeting as a Group e.g. After Activity or at 4th Session  Final arrangements agreed.
  • 13. Week 3 Session Objectives:  To participate in planned activity. Week 4 Note to the Trainer: Review & continue action plan throughout the session. Session Objectives:  To review success of parent/teen activity.  To identify what has been learned over the last four weeks.  To identify any improvements in child’s behaviour & their own skills in managing their child’s antisocial behaviour.  To self assess overall progress that has been made.  To set long term targets.  To celebrate learning. 1. ‘Reviewing Family Activity’  Ensure everyone tells each other about the activity they did  If all did same activity, what did each of them get from it?  Review any photos or products made as a result of the activity.  Discuss how they will continue with activities and/or encouraging their child to pursue an interest.  Decide if want to put together a display (photos/quotes/information) about the activity.  Some participants may do a mini presentation (if part of their own development).
  • 14. 2. ‘Review of Progress’ Ask (Get participants to talk about any examples):  Has the child/teens behaviour improved  Are you, as the parent/carer feeling better able to control the situation. Participants then need to complete the second self assessment on their action plan and complete details regarding number of targets achieved and distance travelled. They will then set longer term targets to carry on after the end of these sessions. Note to the Trainer: All participants will require individual help to ensure their action plans are com- plete. Also they will need help to set longer term targets and identify the support they will need. Play the following clip: Note to the Trainer: Explain it is from series ‘World’s Strictest Parents’. The daughter is spending time in Israel to experience a different family approach.  World’s Strictest Parents’ (Three Min’s) Ask for their thoughts. Note that the clip shows the father talking to her at end and is a good example of how to apply many of approaches discussed over weeks.  Both mother and father remain very calm.  Doesn’t take it personally. What else have the participants learned? 3. Celebrating Learning & Progress Ask:  Participants to share with each other at least 3 positive things they have got from the sessions. Encourage:  Participants to identify positive changes they have noticed in others as well. Use:  Prizes/certificates as appropriate
  • 19. Nature of support Who/where Timescale Examples of Targets: Get involved with …………………………………. community activity. Do at least 2 activities with my children. Do not lose my temper when talking to child. Take time every day to listen to my child. Ask how my child is feeing at least once a day. What other support will I need after this programme?
  • 20. Resources For more information please use the links below: Direct Gov: Direct Gov: Home-office: Anti-social Behaviour: Citizens Advice Bureau: home_and_neighbourhood_index_ew/problems_where_you_live_index_ew/ anti_social_behaviour_in_housing.htm For more information about: Pathway2work: Supporting Families in Walsall please: Call: 01922 870050 E-mail: