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Positive Activities to
Support Younger Participants
(Aged 16-24)
Away From Anti-Social Behaviour
1. Scheme of Work
2. Week 1
3. Week 2
4. Week 3
5. Week 4
6. Forms
7. Resources
Scheme of Work
Positive activities to support participants whose
children may be involved in anti-social behaviour.
Week 1
 What is Anti-social behaviour & the Consequences of Being
Involved in Such Behaviour?
 How Anti-social Behaviour Affects Victims.
 Anger Management Techniques.
 Introduction to Action Plan.
 Planning an Activity: What are my Interests?
Week 2
 Effects of Alcohol & Drug Abuse.
 Role Models: Positive Aspects.
 Review Action Plan.
 Final Choices for Activity.
Week 3
 Activity.
Week 4
 Jobs & Career Choice.
 Reviewing & Continuing Action Plan.
Week 1
Note to the Trainer: Some preparation to know more about the activities that young people could take
part in is essential. Also research if there is anything going on locally in the community (alongside the
police) to address anti-social behaviour.
What facilities are there for young people? What sports or interest groups are happening? Is the fire
service or armed forces doing anything local? Are there art or music or drama projects (This will
overlap with module on supporting parents with children involved in antisocial behaviour).
Arrange for any speakers to come in who will talk about a project/activity.
Session Objectives:
 To understand what antisocial behaviour is & the impact it has on victims.
 To identify the consequences of being involved in anti-social behaviour.
 To identify personal reasons for being involved in anti-social behaviour.
 To learn anger management techniques.
 To set personal targets.
 To identify at least two activities that they would enjoy & help them away from anti-social
Introduce overall four week programme and how the action plan will be used.
1. What is Anti-social Behaviour?
What is anti-social behaviour?
Get suggestions from participants.
Use list below to see if everything covered.
 ‘Greater Manchester Police advert re antisocial behaviour’
Anti-social behaviour is:
 Rowdy, noisy behaviour in otherwise quiet neighbourhoods.
 Night-time noise from houses or gardens, especially between 11.00 pm & 7.00 am.
 Threatening, drunken or 'yobbish' behaviour.
 Vandalism, graffiti & fly-posting.
 Dealing or buying drugs on the street.
 Litter and fly-tipping rubbish.
 Aggressive begging.
 Drinking in the street.
 Setting off fireworks late at night.
 Abandoning cars on the street.
Are you aware of ASBOs?
Note to the Trainer: Show the clip below. This film was inspired by the poem "Anti Social Behaviour
Orders" written by Felix Dennis. Let them know it was created by six young people in East London in a
Visual Art workshop which examined the relationship between video and written text. This may be
something that starts an interest in doing this sort of thing themselves.
 ‘What’s the Point of ASBO?’
 What are your thoughts about ASBOs and how effective they are?
 Is it something to be proud of?
2. Why do young people get involved with antisocial behaviour?
Ask them to work in small groups looking at the upside and the downside of being caught up in
anti-social behaviour. They can present this in whatever way they prefer e.g. in word/symbol or picture
format. Use flip chart paper with outline below:
Ask for their feedback as a whole group.
For upside: Explore what is behind their comments e.g. why is it exciting, why does it make them feel
better? Is it an alternative to being with their family?
For downside: Explore the reasons they talk about – and if not mentioned, talk about impact of drink
and drugs, ‘having nothing to do’, ‘feeling angry’ about the environment they live in; perhaps feeling
they have no future?
Upside (of being involved in antisocial
Downside (of being involved in antisocial
3. The Consequences of Being Involved in Anti-social Behaviour
Note to the Trainer: Regardless of what was discussed previously move onto asking what the
possible consequences of anti-social behaviour are.
 ‘The Consequences of Anti-social Behaviour’
Note to the Trainer: What is their reaction to what the video is talking about?
If you have been able to source local news/incidents of a similar nature, get their thoughts on them.
Could also talk about recent riots and how this has impacted on individuals and their businesses.
4. What is the Impact of Anti-social Behaviour on the Victims?
 If they think about the impact of anti-social behaviour on the victims?
 What do they think the effect is on other people?
 ‘Effect on Victims’ (Three & a Half Min’s)
 Do the experiences of these people ring true?
 How do you feel about the stories from these victims?
 Have your families been a victim of anti-social behaviour?
 If so, what did it feel like?
5. Anger Management
Refer back to what has already been said about feeling angry.
Introduce next topic and that will be looking at anger management.
 ‘Anger Management’ (Two Min’s)
 What is he doing to control his anger?
 Would you do that?
In fact, by singing it is making him relax, divert his attention and also control his breathing (slow deep
breathes are often recommended)
 Does it work for him?
 Have you ever used anything similar?
 Could be ‘walking away’ and listening to some soothing music be a good idea?
 What do they think of the technique?
 ‘Anger Is Something That Is Hard to Deal With’ (One Min & a Half)
 What is this person recommending?
 What is happening by writing it all down?
 Could be a mix of realising energy in a way he is comfortable with; helping him to understand why
he is angry. Writing, drawing and scribbling can be very therapeutic, so again it’s a form of
 Do they do anything to control anger? Ask for examples.
Go through points and some of the main tips for anger management as below:
 Anger is a normal emotion & not a bad thing if it is handled in the right way.
 It is a big surge of energy as chemicals such as adrenaline go through the body that once anger is
resolved you still have to deal with what is left of physical effects which may mean taking it out
on others or can lead to taking it out on yourself: self harm.
 If you suppress the energy until the next time you are angry then could overreact to situation.
This could make you feel shame or frustrated which leads to repression of feelings.
 Letting your anger go in an uncontrolled fashion can lead to physical & verbal abuse of others.
Sometimes the response of people to your aggression can give you a sense of power which could
be become almost addictive.
You must:
 Recognise the positive & negative feelings you have when angry.
 Find other ways of getting the positive feelings from anger (everyone is different but for some
the rush of energy is a positive feeling).
Other ways to get these positive feelings:
 Non-contact competitive sport.
 Learning meditation or relaxation.
 Shouting & screaming in a quiet private space.
 Banging your fists into a pillow.
 Going running/to the gym.
 Writing.
 Drawing.
 Acting.
6. Anger Management Techniques
The first thing to do is list the situations that make you angry.
Note down exactly what it is about them that makes you angry: It may be the immediate situation, or
it could be that it represents a build-up of issues you haven't resolved.
Now ask yourself four questions about your interpretation of these situations:
 What evidence is there to show this is accurate?
 Is there another equally believable interpretation of what's going on here?
 What action can I take to have some control of the situation?
Ask Yourself: ‘If my best friend were in this situation, what advice would I give to them?’
This won't dispel the anger for every situation, but when you're angry it can be difficult to assess a
situation accurately. If a situation arises unexpectedly and you feel your temper rising, walk away and
complete this exercise if you can.
If your anger isn't resolved by this, make sure you've given enough thought to what exactly you’re
angry about. You need to be sure exactly before you can resolve it. It will usually involve a person, but
not necessarily the one who's the target of your anger in the situation and this is the person you need
to work the situation out with.
To do this, find a time to raise the problem when you feel more in control of your temper. It may be a
good idea to agree a time in advance.
Note to the Trainer: Depending on the participants they may be able to complete a short exercise
where they think of a situation that makes them angry e.g. my mum/dad asking me
questions- thinking they are just being nosy or trying to control them. Then follow through the
advice above asking questions as to whether they are interpreting the situation correctly etc. They
can do this individually or as a group.
7. Introduce the Action Plan.
 Explain the initial self assessment and get them to complete this. (They can complete it later at
the end of the session if they prefer).
 Give them the opportunity to start putting any targets to do with anger management.
Most participants will need some help with their action plan. If they have completed the last
exercise then this will be easier for them.
8. Planning an Activity
Introduce this topic and emphasise that it is about doing something positive.
Watch the following clip. (Note to the Trainer: This can be quite an emotional clip so make sure that
you are prepared for emotional responses.)
 ‘No Respect: Does It Have To Be That Way?’ (Five Min’s)
Let participants make comments but ensure they have understood the main message that it’s about
making own choices and doing something positive.
Watch :
 ‘Power of Movement’
 Have you come across this before?
 What do you think?
 What are the main messages from this clip (see below)
Doing physical activity is very demanding and needs a lot of self discipline. It helps to:
 Make you strong: both physically & mentally.
 Helps you overcome obstacles.
 Makes you ‘dig deeper’ & keep going in times of adversity.
 Helps you gain self assurance & confidence.
Watch :
 ‘Doing Something Positive’ (One Min & Forty-Five Sec’s)
Note to the Trainer: At this point talk about what is happening in community from your
research – this may include someone coming in to talk about a local project.
Get them to start thinking about what they would like to do in Week Three. They may do some of
their own research on line if computers available in the session. Get them to commit to something.
Ensure the initial assessment on the action plan is complete and targets have been set – including
preparation for activity in Week Three.
Week 2
Trainer: This session is about the impact of too much alcohol – as this is seen as one of main causes of
antisocial behaviour. Some local research is required to see what is available in terms of drug and
alcohol support agencies. Arrange for a local speaker to come in and talk to participants.
Session Objectives:
 To identify negative consequences of alcohol & drug misuse.
 To identify the help and support they can get to stop misusing alcohol & drugs.
 To identify the characteristics they admire in their role models & how to work towards achieving
 To make final preparations for their activity.
1. ‘Review Time’
Lead discussion on what they remember from last week. Have they been able to put anything into
practice? What changes, if any, have been noticed?
2. ‘Alcohol & Drug Misuse’
Note to the Trainer: Introduce topic and ask for some comments regarding alcohol consumption so
you can get a feel of their attitude towards it.
 ‘Binge Drinking’ (Six Min’s)
 ‘Binge Drinking, NHS’ (Thirty Sec’s)
 What do you think about the clips?
 Has anything ever happened to you that you regret after a bout of drinking or drug misuse?
Note to the Trainer: This is potentially a huge area and points of discussion will depend on who is
taking part. It should lead onto talking about whether it is something they want to change about
themselves and how they can go about doing that. At this point use the speaker from a local alcohol
and drug agency. If this is not possible use which has numerous resources and
videos about the effect of different drugs and examples of different real stories. Pick out those most
relevant to the group.
Take time for participants to spend time on their action plan. They will need to bring it up to date
from last week. They may need to set some new targets in response to what has been covered in this
session and most will need individual support.
Highlight how continuous abuse can lead to addiction:
 ‘Addiction’ (Five Min’s)
3. Role Models
This topic is to look at role models, who they are and why.
Get participants to think of one or two role models and ask each in turn who they are.
Then get them to say why they are a role model:
 Why do they look up to them?
 Would they like to be them & Why?
 Do role models include parents? If not, why not?
As a group agree what sorts of things they admire and look up to. List these on flip chart.
Get them to work in small groups to identify how they can achieve some of the characteristics
of their role models. Then discuss as a group.
Take time for participants to spend time adding to their action plan. Hopefully there will be
things from the last session they can use to add to their action plan. All will probably need
individual help.
4. Final Arrangements for the Activity (Week Three)
What have participants come up with in their individual research?
Making arrangements for activity and to include:
 Where it is.
 Who will attend.
 How to get there.
 How to capture the activity e.g. photos, write up.
 Contingency plans.
 Next meeting as a group e.g. after activity or at 4th
 Final arrangements agreed.
4. Week 3
Session Objectives:
 Planned Activity.
Week 4
Note to Trainer: Review & continuing action plan.
Session Objectives:
 To review success & enjoyment of their activity.
 To identify what has been learned over the last 4 weeks.
 To identify the achievements made by participants.
 To self assess overall progress that has been made.
 To set long term targets.
 To celebrate learning.
1. ‘Review Time’
 Ensure everyone tells each other about the activity they did.
 If all did same activity, what did each of them get from it?
 Review any photos or products made as a result of the activity.
 Discuss how they will continue with activities or interests.
 Decide if want to put together a display (photos/quotes/information) about the activity.
 Some participants may do a mini presentation (if part of their own development).
‘Review of Progress’
Ask participants they feel less inclined to take part in anti-social behaviour.
Get participants to talk about any examples.
Participants to complete the second self assessment on their action plan and complete details
regarding number of targets achieved and distance travelled. They will then set longer term targets to
carry on after the end of these sessions.
All participants will require individual help to ensure their action plans are complete. Also they will
need help to set longer term targets and identify the support they will need.
Note to the Trainer: If appropriate and there is access to computers on line use links like
those below for participants to complete. This gives them some ideas about what jobs are
linked to their skills and interests. They should then research particular jobs that appeal to
them from the list suggested.
All participants will require help and advice regarding job choice and they should add
appropriate long term targets to their action plan.
Celebrating Learning & Progress
 Participants should share with each other at least three positive things they have got
from the sessions. .
 Encourage participants to identify positive changes they have noticed in others as well.
 Use prizes/certificates as appropriate.
Nature of support Who/where Timescale
Examples of Targets:
 Use an anger management technique at least once.
 Join a gym.
 Find out where I can do/play.....
 To not drink alcohol for three days running/ to drink no more than ……………...
 List three different jobs I would like to do one day.
List three different jobs I would do now.
What other support will I need after this programme?
For more information please use the links below:
Direct Gov:
Anti-social Behaviour:
Citizens Advice Bureau:
For more information about:
Pathway2work: Supporting Families in Walsall please:
Call: 01922 870050

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Positive Activities to Support Younger Participants (Aged 16 24) Away From Anti-social Behaviour

  • 1. Positive Activities to Support Younger Participants (Aged 16-24) Away From Anti-Social Behaviour
  • 2. Contents 1. Scheme of Work 2. Week 1 3. Week 2 4. Week 3 5. Week 4 6. Forms 7. Resources
  • 3. Scheme of Work Positive activities to support participants whose children may be involved in anti-social behaviour. Week 1  What is Anti-social behaviour & the Consequences of Being Involved in Such Behaviour?  How Anti-social Behaviour Affects Victims.  Anger Management Techniques.  Introduction to Action Plan.  Planning an Activity: What are my Interests? Week 2  Effects of Alcohol & Drug Abuse.  Role Models: Positive Aspects.  Review Action Plan.  Final Choices for Activity. Week 3  Activity. Week 4  Jobs & Career Choice.  Reviewing & Continuing Action Plan.
  • 4. Week 1 Note to the Trainer: Some preparation to know more about the activities that young people could take part in is essential. Also research if there is anything going on locally in the community (alongside the police) to address anti-social behaviour. What facilities are there for young people? What sports or interest groups are happening? Is the fire service or armed forces doing anything local? Are there art or music or drama projects (This will overlap with module on supporting parents with children involved in antisocial behaviour). Arrange for any speakers to come in who will talk about a project/activity. Session Objectives:  To understand what antisocial behaviour is & the impact it has on victims.  To identify the consequences of being involved in anti-social behaviour.  To identify personal reasons for being involved in anti-social behaviour.  To learn anger management techniques.  To set personal targets.  To identify at least two activities that they would enjoy & help them away from anti-social behaviour. Introduce overall four week programme and how the action plan will be used. 1. What is Anti-social Behaviour? Ask: What is anti-social behaviour? Get suggestions from participants. Use list below to see if everything covered. Watch:  ‘Greater Manchester Police advert re antisocial behaviour’ Anti-social behaviour is:  Rowdy, noisy behaviour in otherwise quiet neighbourhoods.  Night-time noise from houses or gardens, especially between 11.00 pm & 7.00 am.  Threatening, drunken or 'yobbish' behaviour.  Vandalism, graffiti & fly-posting.  Dealing or buying drugs on the street.  Litter and fly-tipping rubbish.  Aggressive begging.  Drinking in the street.  Setting off fireworks late at night.  Abandoning cars on the street.
  • 5. Ask: Are you aware of ASBOs? Note to the Trainer: Show the clip below. This film was inspired by the poem "Anti Social Behaviour Orders" written by Felix Dennis. Let them know it was created by six young people in East London in a Visual Art workshop which examined the relationship between video and written text. This may be something that starts an interest in doing this sort of thing themselves.  ‘What’s the Point of ASBO?’ Ask:  What are your thoughts about ASBOs and how effective they are?  Is it something to be proud of? 2. Why do young people get involved with antisocial behaviour? Ask them to work in small groups looking at the upside and the downside of being caught up in anti-social behaviour. They can present this in whatever way they prefer e.g. in word/symbol or picture format. Use flip chart paper with outline below: Ask for their feedback as a whole group. For upside: Explore what is behind their comments e.g. why is it exciting, why does it make them feel better? Is it an alternative to being with their family? For downside: Explore the reasons they talk about – and if not mentioned, talk about impact of drink and drugs, ‘having nothing to do’, ‘feeling angry’ about the environment they live in; perhaps feeling they have no future? Upside (of being involved in antisocial behaviour) Downside (of being involved in antisocial behaviour)
  • 6. 3. The Consequences of Being Involved in Anti-social Behaviour Note to the Trainer: Regardless of what was discussed previously move onto asking what the possible consequences of anti-social behaviour are. Watch:  ‘The Consequences of Anti-social Behaviour’ Note to the Trainer: What is their reaction to what the video is talking about? If you have been able to source local news/incidents of a similar nature, get their thoughts on them. Could also talk about recent riots and how this has impacted on individuals and their businesses. 4. What is the Impact of Anti-social Behaviour on the Victims? Ask:  If they think about the impact of anti-social behaviour on the victims?  What do they think the effect is on other people? Watch:  ‘Effect on Victims’ (Three & a Half Min’s) Ask:  Do the experiences of these people ring true?  How do you feel about the stories from these victims?  Have your families been a victim of anti-social behaviour?  If so, what did it feel like?
  • 7. 5. Anger Management Refer back to what has already been said about feeling angry. Introduce next topic and that will be looking at anger management. Watch:  ‘Anger Management’ (Two Min’s) Ask:  What is he doing to control his anger?  Would you do that? In fact, by singing it is making him relax, divert his attention and also control his breathing (slow deep breathes are often recommended)  Does it work for him?  Have you ever used anything similar?  Could be ‘walking away’ and listening to some soothing music be a good idea?  What do they think of the technique? Watch:  ‘Anger Is Something That Is Hard to Deal With’ (One Min & a Half) Ask:  What is this person recommending?  What is happening by writing it all down?  Could be a mix of realising energy in a way he is comfortable with; helping him to understand why he is angry. Writing, drawing and scribbling can be very therapeutic, so again it’s a form of relaxing.  Do they do anything to control anger? Ask for examples.
  • 8. Go through points and some of the main tips for anger management as below: Remember:  Anger is a normal emotion & not a bad thing if it is handled in the right way.  It is a big surge of energy as chemicals such as adrenaline go through the body that once anger is resolved you still have to deal with what is left of physical effects which may mean taking it out on others or can lead to taking it out on yourself: self harm.  If you suppress the energy until the next time you are angry then could overreact to situation. This could make you feel shame or frustrated which leads to repression of feelings.  Letting your anger go in an uncontrolled fashion can lead to physical & verbal abuse of others. Sometimes the response of people to your aggression can give you a sense of power which could be become almost addictive. You must:  Recognise the positive & negative feelings you have when angry.  Find other ways of getting the positive feelings from anger (everyone is different but for some the rush of energy is a positive feeling). Other ways to get these positive feelings:  Non-contact competitive sport.  Learning meditation or relaxation.  Shouting & screaming in a quiet private space.  Banging your fists into a pillow.  Going running/to the gym.  Writing.  Drawing.  Acting.
  • 9. 6. Anger Management Techniques The first thing to do is list the situations that make you angry. Note down exactly what it is about them that makes you angry: It may be the immediate situation, or it could be that it represents a build-up of issues you haven't resolved. Now ask yourself four questions about your interpretation of these situations:  What evidence is there to show this is accurate?  Is there another equally believable interpretation of what's going on here?  What action can I take to have some control of the situation? Ask Yourself: ‘If my best friend were in this situation, what advice would I give to them?’ This won't dispel the anger for every situation, but when you're angry it can be difficult to assess a situation accurately. If a situation arises unexpectedly and you feel your temper rising, walk away and complete this exercise if you can. If your anger isn't resolved by this, make sure you've given enough thought to what exactly you’re angry about. You need to be sure exactly before you can resolve it. It will usually involve a person, but not necessarily the one who's the target of your anger in the situation and this is the person you need to work the situation out with. To do this, find a time to raise the problem when you feel more in control of your temper. It may be a good idea to agree a time in advance. Note to the Trainer: Depending on the participants they may be able to complete a short exercise where they think of a situation that makes them angry e.g. my mum/dad asking me questions- thinking they are just being nosy or trying to control them. Then follow through the advice above asking questions as to whether they are interpreting the situation correctly etc. They can do this individually or as a group. 7. Introduce the Action Plan.  Explain the initial self assessment and get them to complete this. (They can complete it later at the end of the session if they prefer).  Give them the opportunity to start putting any targets to do with anger management. Most participants will need some help with their action plan. If they have completed the last exercise then this will be easier for them.
  • 10. 8. Planning an Activity Introduce this topic and emphasise that it is about doing something positive. Watch the following clip. (Note to the Trainer: This can be quite an emotional clip so make sure that you are prepared for emotional responses.)  ‘No Respect: Does It Have To Be That Way?’ (Five Min’s) Let participants make comments but ensure they have understood the main message that it’s about making own choices and doing something positive. Watch :  ‘Power of Movement’ Ask:  Have you come across this before?  What do you think?  What are the main messages from this clip (see below) Doing physical activity is very demanding and needs a lot of self discipline. It helps to:  Make you strong: both physically & mentally.  Helps you overcome obstacles.  Makes you ‘dig deeper’ & keep going in times of adversity.  Helps you gain self assurance & confidence. Watch :  ‘Doing Something Positive’ (One Min & Forty-Five Sec’s) Note to the Trainer: At this point talk about what is happening in community from your research – this may include someone coming in to talk about a local project. Get them to start thinking about what they would like to do in Week Three. They may do some of their own research on line if computers available in the session. Get them to commit to something. Ensure the initial assessment on the action plan is complete and targets have been set – including preparation for activity in Week Three.
  • 11. Week 2 Trainer: This session is about the impact of too much alcohol – as this is seen as one of main causes of antisocial behaviour. Some local research is required to see what is available in terms of drug and alcohol support agencies. Arrange for a local speaker to come in and talk to participants. Session Objectives:  To identify negative consequences of alcohol & drug misuse.  To identify the help and support they can get to stop misusing alcohol & drugs.  To identify the characteristics they admire in their role models & how to work towards achieving these.  To make final preparations for their activity. 1. ‘Review Time’ Lead discussion on what they remember from last week. Have they been able to put anything into practice? What changes, if any, have been noticed? 2. ‘Alcohol & Drug Misuse’ Note to the Trainer: Introduce topic and ask for some comments regarding alcohol consumption so you can get a feel of their attitude towards it. Watch:  ‘Binge Drinking’ (Six Min’s)  ‘Binge Drinking, NHS’ (Thirty Sec’s) Ask:  What do you think about the clips?  Has anything ever happened to you that you regret after a bout of drinking or drug misuse? Note to the Trainer: This is potentially a huge area and points of discussion will depend on who is taking part. It should lead onto talking about whether it is something they want to change about themselves and how they can go about doing that. At this point use the speaker from a local alcohol and drug agency. If this is not possible use which has numerous resources and videos about the effect of different drugs and examples of different real stories. Pick out those most relevant to the group. Take time for participants to spend time on their action plan. They will need to bring it up to date from last week. They may need to set some new targets in response to what has been covered in this session and most will need individual support. Highlight how continuous abuse can lead to addiction: Watch:  ‘Addiction’ (Five Min’s)
  • 12. 3. Role Models This topic is to look at role models, who they are and why. Get participants to think of one or two role models and ask each in turn who they are. Then get them to say why they are a role model:  Why do they look up to them?  Would they like to be them & Why?  Do role models include parents? If not, why not? As a group agree what sorts of things they admire and look up to. List these on flip chart. Get them to work in small groups to identify how they can achieve some of the characteristics of their role models. Then discuss as a group. Take time for participants to spend time adding to their action plan. Hopefully there will be things from the last session they can use to add to their action plan. All will probably need individual help. 4. Final Arrangements for the Activity (Week Three) What have participants come up with in their individual research? Making arrangements for activity and to include:  Where it is.  Who will attend.  How to get there.  How to capture the activity e.g. photos, write up.  Contingency plans.  Next meeting as a group e.g. after activity or at 4th session.  Final arrangements agreed.
  • 13. 4. Week 3 Session Objectives:  Planned Activity. Week 4 Note to Trainer: Review & continuing action plan. Session Objectives:  To review success & enjoyment of their activity.  To identify what has been learned over the last 4 weeks.  To identify the achievements made by participants.  To self assess overall progress that has been made.  To set long term targets.  To celebrate learning. 1. ‘Review Time’  Ensure everyone tells each other about the activity they did.  If all did same activity, what did each of them get from it?  Review any photos or products made as a result of the activity.  Discuss how they will continue with activities or interests.  Decide if want to put together a display (photos/quotes/information) about the activity.  Some participants may do a mini presentation (if part of their own development). ‘Review of Progress’ Ask participants they feel less inclined to take part in anti-social behaviour. Get participants to talk about any examples. Participants to complete the second self assessment on their action plan and complete details regarding number of targets achieved and distance travelled. They will then set longer term targets to carry on after the end of these sessions. All participants will require individual help to ensure their action plans are complete. Also they will need help to set longer term targets and identify the support they will need.
  • 14. Note to the Trainer: If appropriate and there is access to computers on line use links like those below for participants to complete. This gives them some ideas about what jobs are linked to their skills and interests. They should then research particular jobs that appeal to them from the list suggested. All participants will require help and advice regarding job choice and they should add appropriate long term targets to their action plan. Celebrating Learning & Progress  Participants should share with each other at least three positive things they have got from the sessions. .  Encourage participants to identify positive changes they have noticed in others as well.  Use prizes/certificates as appropriate.
  • 19. Nature of support Who/where Timescale Examples of Targets:  Use an anger management technique at least once.  Join a gym.  Find out where I can do/play.....  To not drink alcohol for three days running/ to drink no more than ……………...  List three different jobs I would like to do one day. List three different jobs I would do now. What other support will I need after this programme?
  • 20. Resources For more information please use the links below: Direct Gov: Home-office: Anti-social Behaviour: Citizens Advice Bureau: problems_where_you_live_index_ew/anti_social_behaviour_in_housing.htm For more information about: Pathway2work: Supporting Families in Walsall please: Call: 01922 870050 E-mail: