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Curriculum and

                                This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
                         This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission
                          cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained

Paola Lotti and Monica
Suedkamp ITSCT
What is at stake?
    The schools pass from a teaching-centered approach to
     an approach which pursues learning, so that the
     assessment won’t indicate just what the student knows,
     but also how he acts and how he is able to be thanks to
     the acquired knowledge
    An efficient educational approach, which activates all
     potentialities of knowledge (cognitive, practical,
     emotional), the student’s natural energies, and every
     learning opportunity

Paola Lotti and Monica
Suedkamp ITSCT
    A skilled person is someone autonomous and
     responsible who is conscious of her/her own talents and
     vocation. She/he is able to interact with the others and
     the world, and to face difficulties

    A skill reveals an ethical and moral trait of the person, a
     positive disposition towards reality

Paola Lotti and Monica
Suedkamp ITSCT
Effective education

    This goal will be pursued through an effective education:
     it mobilizes the students’ talents through concrete
     meaningful experiences, which stimulate interest and
     promote learning through discovery and personal

Paola Lotti and Monica
Suedkamp ITSCT
Non only skills
    The school is an educative community which aims at
     providing to the students an involving and challenging
     cultural experience

    Skills are not the only priority for those who shape
     school; the encounter with culture promotes reflections,
     points of view and free experiences of high value, which
     shouldn’t necessary lead to useful actions

Paola Lotti and Monica
Suedkamp ITSCT
A mixed approach
    The proposed approach is a mixed one:
    enrichment of the didactics by discipline selecting the
     main cores of knowledge;
    introduction of active educational experiences through
     search and discovery, open to the external context, to
     allow the students to be protagonists of their own learning
    valuing the teachers’ community as a cooperative
     working environment;
    assessing through real and appropriate evidences
     producing both marks and certifications of skills
Paola Lotti and Monica
Suedkamp ITSCT
Paola Lotti and Monica
Suedkamp ITSCT
The goals of didactic method for
skilled people
    The didactics for skilled people activates the
     natural energies* concerning the three fields
     of the educative system:
    Scholastic institution
    Student
    Company-organization

Paola Lotti and Monica
Suedkamp ITSCT
* Bruner, Verso
PADOVA ITALY             una teoria dell’istruzione, Armando, Roma, 1999.
1. Scholastic institution
The natural resources of the scholastic institution can be
  synthesized by the “will to educate” and can be
  distinguished into:
 Educative ethos (to wish that the others become what

  they can be, and that this can renew our life)
 Distinctive method (pursuing a personal method through

  intuition and diligence)
 Alliance with the context (promoting the wish to teach –

  and to learn by teaching - which is embedded in society)
 Community dynamics (the magic of being in an

  adventure together with others)
Paola Lotti and Monica
Suedkamp ITSCT
    The natural resources of the scholastic
     institution can be synthesized by the “will to
     learn” and they can be distinguished into:
    Curiosity
    Wish to develop skills (pleasure in solving
    Aspiration to emulate a model
    Commitment to integrate oneself into the reality
     of social reciprocity
Paola Lotti and Monica
Suedkamp ITSCT
3.Working with the
                         class/sector councils

Paola Lotti and Monica
Suedkamp ITSCT
Reasons in favor o fan effective
    The reasons that speak for the present proposal are:
    Opposing the decline of the didactics by discipline
    Providing to the students an European, open cultural
    Supporting the students’ effective, documented, useful
     and meaningful learning process, defined by more
     responsibility and protagonism
    Valuing the educative community and the organization
     as a learning resource

Paola Lotti and Monica
Suedkamp ITSCT
Conditions for effective working
    The proposal requires the following conditions:
    Presence of a clear and continuous guidance by the
     institute (triennium at least).
    Presence of a motivates and united group.
    Presence of an effective and efficient coordination.
     Presence of a reference model and of founded and
     practical tools, along with a guiding education.

Paola Lotti and Monica
Suedkamp ITSCT
Three working paths
    Updating the ordinary didactics by selecting the main
     cores of knowledge
    Introduction of some “extraordinary” active and
     interdisciplinary experiences, aimed at value products,
     capable of representing a “fundamental experience” for
     students and actors.
    Share a project with a common working style, so to
     stimulate the teachers’ will to educate and to increase
     the professional satisfaction

Paola Lotti and Monica
Suedkamp ITSCT
Paola Lotti and Monica
Suedkamp ITSCT
Didactics development plan for skilled
     The strategy of didactics development for skilled
      people requires:
 A long-term action plan developed from the

 The presence of teachers who facilitate the

      change (tutors)
 Class councils which are open to direct

 A method and teaching aids which encourage a

      reasonable engagement of the teachers
Paola Lotti and Monica
Suedkamp ITSCT
General scheme of the educational process
                                               Students profile
                                            Educational goals

          Educational                           Index of skills

                                       educational plan for learning unities

                         registers and report card            Certificate of skills
Paola Lotti and Monica
Suedkamp ITSCT
    They constitute the learning results of the educational
     process, elaborated according to the EQF structure, i.e.
     skills divided into abilities and knowledge.
    The completion of the programme indicates that a
     situation of “pedagogic constructivism” has been
     achieved. This improves the ability of the institution to
     enhance its resources and the features of the context in
     order to pursue the mentioned goals.
    It is a “knowledge outcome” system, focused on the
     contents which emerge from the educational paths.

Paola Lotti and Monica
Suedkamp ITSCT
Schema EQF
LIVELLI    Nel EQF, le conoscenze     Nel EQF, le abilità sono descritte come           Nel EQF la competenza è descritta in termini
           sono descritte come        cognitive (uso del pensiero logico, intuitivo e   di responsabilità e autonomia.
           teoriche e/o pratiche      creativo) e pratiche (che implicano la
                                      destrezza manuale e l’uso di metodi,
                                      materiali, attrezzature e strumenti)

1          conoscenze generali di    abilità di base necessarie per svolgere          lavorare o studiare sotto supervisione diretta in
           base                       compiti semplici                                  un contesto strutturato

2          conoscenze pratiche di    abilità cognitive e pratiche di base             lavorare o studiare sotto supervisione diretta
           base in un ambito di       necessarie per utilizzare le informazioni         con una certa autonomia
           lavoro o di studio         rilevanti al fine di svolgere compiti e
                                      risolvere problemi di routine utilizzando
                                      regole e strumenti semplici

3          conoscenze di fatti,      una gamma di abilità cognitive e pratiche        assumersi la responsabilità dello svolgimento
           principi, processi e       necessarie per svolgere compiti e risolvere       di compiti sul lavoro e nello studio[1]
           concetti generali, in un   problemi selezionando e applicando metodi,        adattare il proprio comportamento alle
           ambito di lavoro o di      strumenti, materiali e informazioni di base       circostanze per risolvere problemi

4          conoscenze pratiche e     una gamma di abilità cognitive e pratiche        autogestirsi all’interno di linee guida in
           teoriche in ampi           necessarie per creare soluzioni a problemi        contesti di lavoro o di studio solitamente
           contesti in un ambito di   specifici in un ambito di lavoro o di studio      prevedibili, ma soggetti al cambiamento
           lavoro o di studio                                                           supervisionare il lavoro di routine di altre
                                                                                        persone, assumendosi una certa responsabilità
                                                                                        per la valutazione e il miglioramento delle
 Paola Lotti and Monica                                                                 attività di lavoro o di studio
 Suedkamp ITSCT
The three elements of the action
    The elements of an action plan for a “skilled-
     people school” are three:
    A common educational plan
    Micro-didactics (learning unities by
     discipline and area)
    Macro-didactics (interdisciplinary learning
     unities: alternation, projects, contests,
     activities with social value)
Paola Lotti and Monica
Suedkamp ITSCT
Three focuses (example)
    A path consisting of three focuses can be identified in
     the outline of a rational and homogeneous education:
    Technical and professional focus
    Focus of the self, of one’s relationship to the others and
     of citizenship
    Territorial and global focus

Paola Lotti and Monica
Suedkamp ITSCT
Focus tecnico e professionale

                            ASSE            ASSE MATEMA-              ASSE            ASSE STORICO              AREA INDIRIZZO              LARSA
                         LINGUAGGI              TICO               SCIENTIFICO          SOCIALE

   FASA PREVIA             Orientamento: il settore, il territorio, la figura professionale, il valore sociale (book orientativo)
  FASE DI AVVIO          Il testo breve      Unità di misura         L’energia            Il territorio       Il settore nel territorio
                                             Le proporzioni                                                    Elaborazione di testi

  FORMAZIONE 1                                   Il fattore                              Storia della           Le tecnologie del
                                                incognito                                tecnologia                  settore
                                                                                         Sicurezza e           Sicurezza e salute
                                                                                           salute              Calcoli professionali
                                                                                                                 Disegno tecnico
                                                                                                                Impianti semplici

  FORMAZIONE 2            I linguaggi          Le funzioni         Struttura della       Norme e               Fisica del materiali
                         specialistici                                materia          comportamenti           Impianti complessi
                                                                                       Valore sociale

   ESPERIENZA                                          Alternanza formativa: stage e project work                                         Simulazione
  SIGNIFICATIVA                                                                                                                               della

  FORMAZIONE 3            I linguaggi        Risoluzione dei       Le tecnologie         Gestione del             Progettazione           Simulazione
                         specialistici          problemi             e l’etica             budget                   Controllo                della
                                                                                           Qualità                                        valutazione

   VALUTAZIONE                                                         Valutazione

     EVENTO                                                    Presentazione dei capolavori
Paola Lotti and Monica
Suedkamp ITSCT
Focus del sé, del rapporto con gli altri e della cittadinanza

                            ASSE         ASSE MATEMA-             ASSE          ASSE STORICO     AREA INDIRIZZO          LARSA
                         LINGUAGGI           TICO              SCIENTIFICO        SOCIALE

   FASA PREVIA                                      Orientamento: io e la scelta del percorso                         Corso di lingua
                                                                                                                       italiana per

  FASE DI AVVIO          Il linguaggio                                               Identità
                                                                                    Il gruppo

  FORMAZIONE 1       Letteratura: io e                                               Il lavoro    Lavorare in modo
                         gli altri                                                 cooperativo      cooperativo

  FORMAZIONE 2         Letteratura:                             Economia            Norme e
                     dimensione del                                della         comportamenti
                         “noi”                                  reciprocità       Cittadinanza

   ESPERIENZA                                       Alternanza formativa: stage e project work                         Simulazione
  SIGNIFICATIVA                                                                                                            della

  FORMAZIONE 3           Letteratura:    Il progetto di vita                      Gestione dei   Assumere decisioni    Simulazione
                         valore della       e la gestione                           conflitti                             della
                          diversità       dell’incertezza                                                              valutazione

   VALUTAZIONE                                                    Valutazione

     EVENTO                                        Presentazione dei capolavori e dei progetti

Paola Lotti and Monica
Suedkamp ITSCT
Focus del territorio e della mondialità

                            ASSE             ASSE MATEMA-             ASSE             ASSE STORICO              AREA INDIRIZZO              LARSA
                         LINGUAGGI               TICO              SCIENTIFICO           SOCIALE

   FASA PREVIA              Orientamento: il settore, il territorio, la figura professionale, il valore sociale (book orientativo)
                                                                  Io e la scelta del percorso

  FASE DI AVVIO                                Statistica del                              Il territorio       Il settore nel territorio

  FORMAZIONE 1           Letteratura: il         Statistica          Il contesto           Storia del
                           territorio           economica               locale             territorio
                                                                                           Il viaggio

  FORMAZIONE 2           Letteratura: il                                                     Storia
                           viaggio                                                     contemporanea:
                                                                                       origini dell’attuale
                                                                                          assetto geo-

   ESPERIENZA                                                       Visita di istruzione                                                   Simulazione
  SIGNIFICATIVA                                         Alternanza formativa: stage e project work                                             della

  FORMAZIONE 3           Letteratura:         Risoluzione dei        Il contesto             Storia             Il settore nel mondo       Simulazione
                         cittadini del           problemi              globale         contemporanea:                                         della
                            mondo                                                      identità, conflitti,                                valutazione

   VALUTAZIONE                                                          Valutazione

     EVENTO                                            Presentazione dei capolavori e dei progetti

Paola Lotti and Monica
Suedkamp ITSCT
Learning unity
     Basical structure of the educational action;
      chances for learning which allow the student to
      establish a personal relationship to knowledge,
      facing tasks and achieving goals he/she can be
      proud of, and which constitute a more reliable
      object of assessment.
 It implies real tasks (or simulations) and

      products which the student will accomplish and it
      indicates the resources (skills, abilities, notions)
      he is expected to activate in order to become
Paola Lotti and Monica
Suedkamp ITSCT
Outline of the learning unity
                                     Tasks and products

                            Educational goals and targeted skills

                         Activated resources (abilites/skills/notions)

                                 Involved staff, engagement


                                  Tools, times and methods

                             Assessment criteria and modalities

Paola Lotti and Monica
Suedkamp ITSCT
A method for micro-didactics
Ask. The students always start the learning path with a question.
Investigate. The students plan and start the investigation.
Explain. The students formulate hypothesis and provide qualitative oral
   explanations, which they will write down afterwards. Also the
   teacher will ask questions which facilitate the connection of
   concepts, processes and abilities.
Discuss. The students share and compare their thoughts with each
Elaborate. The students compare the information achieved through
   investigation and discussion with their previous knowledge in order
   to develop, connect and strengthen the concepts and their abilities.

Paola Lotti and Monica
Suedkamp ITSCT
Example of macro-didactics: house climate

    Targeted skills:
    Project management
    Planning, assembling, testing and arrange the maintenance of
     components, machines and thermo-technical systems of various
    Understanding and producing texts related to one’s sector of studies
    Collaborating and participating (citizenship skill)

Paola Lotti and Monica
Suedkamp ITSCT
Stages of the assessment process

                                   1. Analysis of the results of each learning unity
                                                     and common
                                      decision about the students’ assessment

                                    2. Reading of all the evaluations concerning t
                                          he learning unity and comparison
                                       of the results with the levels according t
                                           o the indexes in order to express
                                       a judgment on the student’s knowledge

 3. Indication in every teacher’s register of a grade                       3. Indication of a mark resulting
              resulting from the average                                    from the average of judgments
      of the marks referring to the discipline’s                            referring to the factors of active
                    relevant criteria                                 citizenship, in order to assess the conduct

Paola Lotti and Monica
Suedkamp ITSCT

1 Work or study          2.Work or study     3 Taking               4. Ability to manage
                                                                    autonomously instructions,
under direct             under supervision   responsibility for     in the context of work and
supervision, in a        with a certain      carrying out tasks     study, which are normally
structured context       degree of           in work or study;      predictable, but subjected
                         autonomy            adapting one’s         to change
                                                                    Supervise the others’
                                             behavior to the        routine work, assuming a
                                             circumstances in       certain responsibility for the
                                             the context of         assessment and the
                                                                    improvement of work or
                                             solving a problem      study activities.

(first approach to       (ability in carry   (tasks and problem     (skill to face tasks and
an unknown               out a routine       facing skill, which    problems which are
                                                                    subjected to change and
activity)                activity)           requires the ability   which require providing
                                             to adapt to the        guidance to others: high
                                             context:               school leaving

Paola Lotti and Monica
Suedkamp ITSCT
Verification of the educational process

                                                         Have all the educational goals (skills as
                                                         a combination of abilities and notions)
                                                                    been considered?
        1identification of the main cores of knowledge
         for every cultural axis and professional area

                                                         Are all educational goals envisaged in
                                                               the learning experiences?

                2 Definition of the tasks which
          constitute the learning path of the students
                                                          Does every learning unity include the
                                                         indicators/evidences envisioned by the
                                                                     index of skills?

             3 Elaboration of the educational plan
           composed of a number of learning unities           as an assessment chart been
                                                          elaborated for every learning unit, by
                                                            common agreement fot the class

Paola Lotti and Monica
Suedkamp ITSCT
    After the assessment, the marks will be registered in a chart which
     indicates their level of mastery and provides other information for the
     understanding of the judgment.
    It is necessary to guarantee the criterion of reliability, which requires
     the presence of evidences which support the judgment assigning it a
     demonstrative effectiveness and a probationary countercheck.
    The certification – referred to every student and carried out by the
     entire team of teachers-educators- will be carried out in the following
    The most meaningful learning situations will be indicated after drawing
     them from the portfolio and the didactic activity;
    The level of competence (if positive) will be assigned, specifying the
     grade through some notes

Paola Lotti and Monica
Suedkamp ITSCT

Paola Lotti and Monica
Suedkamp ITSCT
Three-years working plan: example
       1° year: insert 2 interdisciplinary learning unities for
      every course and update the didactics of cultural axis
      searching the main cores of knowledge and valuing the
      experiences on the level of assessment (also the
 2° year: elaborate learning unities of cultural axis, with

      short collaborations, on the main cores of knowledge,
      expanding the “experience” marks and certifying the
      documented skills.
 3° year: base the educational plan according to thematic

      focuses, define the contribution of axis/areas to the
      development of the students’ path , structure
      assessment and certification
Paola Lotti and Monica
Suedkamp ITSCT
Organizational management
    The path requires an accurate organizational
     management, focused on:
    Horizontal and vertical communication
    Effective and efficient coordination, both on the level of
     sector an on the level class council, taking care
     particularly of the continuity of work in case of a change
     of teachers
    Logistics and support of administration
    “Engineering “ of projects (orientation, alternation,..) in
     order to connect them to a common path
Paola Lotti and Monica
Suedkamp ITSCT
To educate: to make the unexpected
"The fact that man is capable of action means that the
  unexpected can be expected from him, that he is able to
  perform what is infinitely improbable. And this is possible
  only because every man is unique and the birth of every
  human being is the advent of a something new"
 (ARENDT H., Vita Activa. La condizione umana, Bompiani, Milano, 1999, p. 129)

Paola Lotti and Monica
Suedkamp ITSCT

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Curriculum and methodologies tctj italy

  • 1. Curriculum and methodologies This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein Paola Lotti and Monica Suedkamp ITSCT EINAUDIGRAMSCI PADOVA ITALY
  • 2. What is at stake?  The schools pass from a teaching-centered approach to an approach which pursues learning, so that the assessment won’t indicate just what the student knows, but also how he acts and how he is able to be thanks to the acquired knowledge  An efficient educational approach, which activates all potentialities of knowledge (cognitive, practical, emotional), the student’s natural energies, and every learning opportunity Paola Lotti and Monica Suedkamp ITSCT EINAUDIGRAMSCI PADOVA ITALY
  • 3. THE SKILLS  A skilled person is someone autonomous and responsible who is conscious of her/her own talents and vocation. She/he is able to interact with the others and the world, and to face difficulties  A skill reveals an ethical and moral trait of the person, a positive disposition towards reality Paola Lotti and Monica Suedkamp ITSCT EINAUDIGRAMSCI PADOVA ITALY
  • 4. Effective education  This goal will be pursued through an effective education: it mobilizes the students’ talents through concrete meaningful experiences, which stimulate interest and promote learning through discovery and personal achievement Paola Lotti and Monica Suedkamp ITSCT EINAUDIGRAMSCI PADOVA ITALY
  • 5. Non only skills  The school is an educative community which aims at providing to the students an involving and challenging cultural experience  Skills are not the only priority for those who shape school; the encounter with culture promotes reflections, points of view and free experiences of high value, which shouldn’t necessary lead to useful actions Paola Lotti and Monica Suedkamp ITSCT EINAUDIGRAMSCI PADOVA ITALY
  • 6. A mixed approach  The proposed approach is a mixed one:  enrichment of the didactics by discipline selecting the main cores of knowledge;  introduction of active educational experiences through search and discovery, open to the external context, to allow the students to be protagonists of their own learning path;  valuing the teachers’ community as a cooperative working environment;  assessing through real and appropriate evidences producing both marks and certifications of skills Paola Lotti and Monica Suedkamp ITSCT EINAUDIGRAMSCI PADOVA ITALY
  • 7. Paola Lotti and Monica Suedkamp ITSCT EINAUDIGRAMSCI PADOVA ITALY
  • 8. The goals of didactic method for skilled people  The didactics for skilled people activates the natural energies* concerning the three fields of the educative system:  Scholastic institution  Student  Company-organization Paola Lotti and Monica Suedkamp ITSCT EINAUDIGRAMSCI * Bruner, Verso PADOVA ITALY una teoria dell’istruzione, Armando, Roma, 1999.
  • 9. 1. Scholastic institution The natural resources of the scholastic institution can be synthesized by the “will to educate” and can be distinguished into:  Educative ethos (to wish that the others become what they can be, and that this can renew our life)  Distinctive method (pursuing a personal method through intuition and diligence)  Alliance with the context (promoting the wish to teach – and to learn by teaching - which is embedded in society)  Community dynamics (the magic of being in an adventure together with others) Paola Lotti and Monica Suedkamp ITSCT EINAUDIGRAMSCI PADOVA ITALY
  • 10. 2.Studente  The natural resources of the scholastic institution can be synthesized by the “will to learn” and they can be distinguished into:  Curiosity  Wish to develop skills (pleasure in solving problems  Aspiration to emulate a model  Commitment to integrate oneself into the reality of social reciprocity Paola Lotti and Monica Suedkamp ITSCT EINAUDIGRAMSCI PADOVA ITALY
  • 11. 3.Working with the class/sector councils Paola Lotti and Monica Suedkamp ITSCT EINAUDIGRAMSCI PADOVA ITALY
  • 12. Reasons in favor o fan effective education  The reasons that speak for the present proposal are:  Opposing the decline of the didactics by discipline  Providing to the students an European, open cultural experience  Supporting the students’ effective, documented, useful and meaningful learning process, defined by more responsibility and protagonism  Valuing the educative community and the organization as a learning resource Paola Lotti and Monica Suedkamp ITSCT EINAUDIGRAMSCI PADOVA ITALY
  • 13. Conditions for effective working  The proposal requires the following conditions:  Presence of a clear and continuous guidance by the institute (triennium at least).  Presence of a motivates and united group.  Presence of an effective and efficient coordination. Presence of a reference model and of founded and practical tools, along with a guiding education. Paola Lotti and Monica Suedkamp ITSCT EINAUDIGRAMSCI PADOVA ITALY
  • 14. Three working paths  Updating the ordinary didactics by selecting the main cores of knowledge  Introduction of some “extraordinary” active and interdisciplinary experiences, aimed at value products, capable of representing a “fundamental experience” for students and actors.  Share a project with a common working style, so to stimulate the teachers’ will to educate and to increase the professional satisfaction Paola Lotti and Monica Suedkamp ITSCT EINAUDIGRAMSCI PADOVA ITALY
  • 15. Paola Lotti and Monica Suedkamp ITSCT EINAUDIGRAMSCI PADOVA ITALY
  • 16. Didactics development plan for skilled people  The strategy of didactics development for skilled people requires:  A long-term action plan developed from the principal  The presence of teachers who facilitate the change (tutors)  Class councils which are open to direct involvement  A method and teaching aids which encourage a reasonable engagement of the teachers Paola Lotti and Monica Suedkamp ITSCT EINAUDIGRAMSCI PADOVA ITALY
  • 17. General scheme of the educational process Students profile Public authority Educational goals Educational Index of skills net educational plan for learning unities Educational organization assessment registers and report card Certificate of skills Paola Lotti and Monica Suedkamp ITSCT EINAUDIGRAMSCI PADOVA ITALY
  • 18. EDUCATIONAL GOALS  They constitute the learning results of the educational process, elaborated according to the EQF structure, i.e. skills divided into abilities and knowledge.  The completion of the programme indicates that a situation of “pedagogic constructivism” has been achieved. This improves the ability of the institution to enhance its resources and the features of the context in order to pursue the mentioned goals.  It is a “knowledge outcome” system, focused on the contents which emerge from the educational paths. Paola Lotti and Monica Suedkamp ITSCT EINAUDIGRAMSCI PADOVA ITALY
  • 19. Schema EQF LIVELLI Nel EQF, le conoscenze Nel EQF, le abilità sono descritte come Nel EQF la competenza è descritta in termini sono descritte come cognitive (uso del pensiero logico, intuitivo e di responsabilità e autonomia. teoriche e/o pratiche creativo) e pratiche (che implicano la destrezza manuale e l’uso di metodi, materiali, attrezzature e strumenti) 1 conoscenze generali di abilità di base necessarie per svolgere lavorare o studiare sotto supervisione diretta in base compiti semplici un contesto strutturato 2 conoscenze pratiche di abilità cognitive e pratiche di base lavorare o studiare sotto supervisione diretta base in un ambito di necessarie per utilizzare le informazioni con una certa autonomia lavoro o di studio rilevanti al fine di svolgere compiti e risolvere problemi di routine utilizzando regole e strumenti semplici 3 conoscenze di fatti, una gamma di abilità cognitive e pratiche assumersi la responsabilità dello svolgimento principi, processi e necessarie per svolgere compiti e risolvere di compiti sul lavoro e nello studio[1] concetti generali, in un problemi selezionando e applicando metodi, adattare il proprio comportamento alle ambito di lavoro o di strumenti, materiali e informazioni di base circostanze per risolvere problemi studio 4 conoscenze pratiche e una gamma di abilità cognitive e pratiche autogestirsi all’interno di linee guida in teoriche in ampi necessarie per creare soluzioni a problemi contesti di lavoro o di studio solitamente contesti in un ambito di specifici in un ambito di lavoro o di studio prevedibili, ma soggetti al cambiamento lavoro o di studio supervisionare il lavoro di routine di altre persone, assumendosi una certa responsabilità per la valutazione e il miglioramento delle Paola Lotti and Monica attività di lavoro o di studio Suedkamp ITSCT EINAUDIGRAMSCI PADOVA ITALY
  • 20. The three elements of the action plan  The elements of an action plan for a “skilled- people school” are three:  A common educational plan  Micro-didactics (learning unities by discipline and area)  Macro-didactics (interdisciplinary learning unities: alternation, projects, contests, activities with social value) Paola Lotti and Monica Suedkamp ITSCT EINAUDIGRAMSCI PADOVA ITALY
  • 21. Three focuses (example)  A path consisting of three focuses can be identified in the outline of a rational and homogeneous education:  Technical and professional focus  Focus of the self, of one’s relationship to the others and of citizenship  Territorial and global focus Paola Lotti and Monica Suedkamp ITSCT EINAUDIGRAMSCI PADOVA ITALY
  • 22. Focus tecnico e professionale ASSE ASSE MATEMA- ASSE ASSE STORICO AREA INDIRIZZO LARSA LINGUAGGI TICO SCIENTIFICO SOCIALE FASA PREVIA Orientamento: il settore, il territorio, la figura professionale, il valore sociale (book orientativo) FASE DI AVVIO Il testo breve Unità di misura L’energia Il territorio Il settore nel territorio Le proporzioni Elaborazione di testi FORMAZIONE 1 Il fattore Storia della Le tecnologie del incognito tecnologia settore Sicurezza e Sicurezza e salute salute Calcoli professionali Disegno tecnico Impianti semplici FORMAZIONE 2 I linguaggi Le funzioni Struttura della Norme e Fisica del materiali specialistici materia comportamenti Impianti complessi Valore sociale ESPERIENZA Alternanza formativa: stage e project work Simulazione SIGNIFICATIVA della valutazione FORMAZIONE 3 I linguaggi Risoluzione dei Le tecnologie Gestione del Progettazione Simulazione specialistici problemi e l’etica budget Controllo della Qualità valutazione VALUTAZIONE Valutazione FINALE EVENTO Presentazione dei capolavori Paola Lotti and Monica Suedkamp ITSCT EINAUDIGRAMSCI PADOVA ITALY
  • 23. Focus del sé, del rapporto con gli altri e della cittadinanza ASSE ASSE MATEMA- ASSE ASSE STORICO AREA INDIRIZZO LARSA LINGUAGGI TICO SCIENTIFICO SOCIALE FASA PREVIA Orientamento: io e la scelta del percorso Corso di lingua italiana per stranieri FASE DI AVVIO Il linguaggio Identità personale Il gruppo FORMAZIONE 1 Letteratura: io e Il lavoro Lavorare in modo gli altri cooperativo cooperativo FORMAZIONE 2 Letteratura: Economia Norme e dimensione del della comportamenti “noi” reciprocità Cittadinanza ESPERIENZA Alternanza formativa: stage e project work Simulazione SIGNIFICATIVA della valutazione FORMAZIONE 3 Letteratura: Il progetto di vita Gestione dei Assumere decisioni Simulazione valore della e la gestione conflitti della diversità dell’incertezza valutazione VALUTAZIONE Valutazione FINALE EVENTO Presentazione dei capolavori e dei progetti Paola Lotti and Monica Suedkamp ITSCT EINAUDIGRAMSCI PADOVA ITALY
  • 24. Focus del territorio e della mondialità ASSE ASSE MATEMA- ASSE ASSE STORICO AREA INDIRIZZO LARSA LINGUAGGI TICO SCIENTIFICO SOCIALE FASA PREVIA Orientamento: il settore, il territorio, la figura professionale, il valore sociale (book orientativo) Io e la scelta del percorso FASE DI AVVIO Statistica del Il territorio Il settore nel territorio territorio FORMAZIONE 1 Letteratura: il Statistica Il contesto Storia del territorio economica locale territorio Il viaggio FORMAZIONE 2 Letteratura: il Storia viaggio contemporanea: origini dell’attuale assetto geo- politico ESPERIENZA Visita di istruzione Simulazione SIGNIFICATIVA Alternanza formativa: stage e project work della valutazione FORMAZIONE 3 Letteratura: Risoluzione dei Il contesto Storia Il settore nel mondo Simulazione cittadini del problemi globale contemporanea: della mondo identità, conflitti, valutazione mondializzazione VALUTAZIONE Valutazione FINALE EVENTO Presentazione dei capolavori e dei progetti Paola Lotti and Monica Suedkamp ITSCT EINAUDIGRAMSCI PADOVA ITALY
  • 25. Learning unity  Basical structure of the educational action; chances for learning which allow the student to establish a personal relationship to knowledge, facing tasks and achieving goals he/she can be proud of, and which constitute a more reliable object of assessment.  It implies real tasks (or simulations) and products which the student will accomplish and it indicates the resources (skills, abilities, notions) he is expected to activate in order to become competent. Paola Lotti and Monica Suedkamp ITSCT EINAUDIGRAMSCI PADOVA ITALY
  • 26. Outline of the learning unity Tasks and products Users Educational goals and targeted skills Activated resources (abilites/skills/notions) Involved staff, engagement Experiences Tools, times and methods Assessment criteria and modalities Paola Lotti and Monica Suedkamp ITSCT EINAUDIGRAMSCI PADOVA ITALY
  • 27. A method for micro-didactics (sciences) Ask. The students always start the learning path with a question. Investigate. The students plan and start the investigation. Explain. The students formulate hypothesis and provide qualitative oral explanations, which they will write down afterwards. Also the teacher will ask questions which facilitate the connection of concepts, processes and abilities. Discuss. The students share and compare their thoughts with each other. Elaborate. The students compare the information achieved through investigation and discussion with their previous knowledge in order to develop, connect and strengthen the concepts and their abilities. Paola Lotti and Monica Suedkamp ITSCT EINAUDIGRAMSCI PADOVA ITALY
  • 28. Example of macro-didactics: house climate  Targeted skills:  Project management  Planning, assembling, testing and arrange the maintenance of components, machines and thermo-technical systems of various types  Understanding and producing texts related to one’s sector of studies  Collaborating and participating (citizenship skill) Paola Lotti and Monica Suedkamp ITSCT EINAUDIGRAMSCI PADOVA ITALY
  • 29. Stages of the assessment process 1. Analysis of the results of each learning unity and common decision about the students’ assessment 2. Reading of all the evaluations concerning t he learning unity and comparison of the results with the levels according t o the indexes in order to express a judgment on the student’s knowledge 3. Indication in every teacher’s register of a grade 3. Indication of a mark resulting resulting from the average from the average of judgments of the marks referring to the discipline’s referring to the factors of active relevant criteria citizenship, in order to assess the conduct Paola Lotti and Monica Suedkamp ITSCT EINAUDIGRAMSCI PADOVA ITALY
  • 30. INDEX OF SKILLS Competenza 1 Work or study 2.Work or study 3 Taking 4. Ability to manage autonomously instructions, under direct under supervision responsibility for in the context of work and supervision, in a with a certain carrying out tasks study, which are normally structured context degree of in work or study; predictable, but subjected autonomy adapting one’s to change Supervise the others’ behavior to the routine work, assuming a circumstances in certain responsibility for the the context of assessment and the improvement of work or solving a problem study activities. (first approach to (ability in carry (tasks and problem (skill to face tasks and an unknown out a routine facing skill, which problems which are subjected to change and activity) activity) requires the ability which require providing to adapt to the guidance to others: high context: school leaving qualification) qualification Paola Lotti and Monica Suedkamp ITSCT EINAUDIGRAMSCI PADOVA ITALY
  • 31. Verification of the educational process Have all the educational goals (skills as a combination of abilities and notions) been considered? 1identification of the main cores of knowledge for every cultural axis and professional area Are all educational goals envisaged in the learning experiences? 2 Definition of the tasks which constitute the learning path of the students Does every learning unity include the indicators/evidences envisioned by the index of skills? 3 Elaboration of the educational plan composed of a number of learning unities as an assessment chart been elaborated for every learning unit, by common agreement fot the class council? Paola Lotti and Monica Suedkamp ITSCT EINAUDIGRAMSCI PADOVA ITALY
  • 32. CERTIFICATION  After the assessment, the marks will be registered in a chart which indicates their level of mastery and provides other information for the understanding of the judgment.  It is necessary to guarantee the criterion of reliability, which requires the presence of evidences which support the judgment assigning it a demonstrative effectiveness and a probationary countercheck.  The certification – referred to every student and carried out by the entire team of teachers-educators- will be carried out in the following ways:  The most meaningful learning situations will be indicated after drawing them from the portfolio and the didactic activity;  The level of competence (if positive) will be assigned, specifying the grade through some notes Paola Lotti and Monica Suedkamp ITSCT EINAUDIGRAMSCI PADOVA ITALY
  • 34. Three-years working plan: example  1° year: insert 2 interdisciplinary learning unities for every course and update the didactics of cultural axis searching the main cores of knowledge and valuing the experiences on the level of assessment (also the conduct).  2° year: elaborate learning unities of cultural axis, with short collaborations, on the main cores of knowledge, expanding the “experience” marks and certifying the documented skills.  3° year: base the educational plan according to thematic focuses, define the contribution of axis/areas to the development of the students’ path , structure assessment and certification Paola Lotti and Monica Suedkamp ITSCT EINAUDIGRAMSCI PADOVA ITALY
  • 35. Organizational management  The path requires an accurate organizational management, focused on:  Horizontal and vertical communication  Effective and efficient coordination, both on the level of sector an on the level class council, taking care particularly of the continuity of work in case of a change of teachers  Logistics and support of administration  “Engineering “ of projects (orientation, alternation,..) in order to connect them to a common path Paola Lotti and Monica Suedkamp ITSCT EINAUDIGRAMSCI PADOVA ITALY
  • 36. To educate: to make the unexpected possible "The fact that man is capable of action means that the unexpected can be expected from him, that he is able to perform what is infinitely improbable. And this is possible only because every man is unique and the birth of every human being is the advent of a something new" (ARENDT H., Vita Activa. La condizione umana, Bompiani, Milano, 1999, p. 129) Paola Lotti and Monica Suedkamp ITSCT EINAUDIGRAMSCI PADOVA ITALY