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Chapter 21 – ASP .NET and Web Services Outline 21.1  Introduction 21.2  Web Services 21.3  Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) and Web Services 21.4  Publishing and Consuming Web Services 21.5  Session Tracking in Web Services 21.6  Using Web Forms and Web Services 21.7  Case Study: Temperature Information Application 21.8  User-Defined Types in Web Services
21.2  Web Services Fig. 21.1 ASMX file rendered in Internet Explorer.   Link to service description Links to web service methods
21.2  Web Services Fig. 21.2 Service description for a Web service.
21.2  Web Services Fig. 21.3 Invoking a method of a Web service from a Web browser.
21.2  Web Services Fig. 21.4 Results of invoking a Web-service method from a Web browser.
21.3  Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) and Web Services Fig. 21.5 SOAP request for the  HugeInteger  Web service.  Name of method Represent arguments named  first  and  second . The value  string  indicates that they need to be of type  string , but in a method call they would be replaced with the argument values.
HugeInteger.asmx.cs 1  // Fig. 21.6: HugeInteger.asmx.cs 2  // HugeInteger Web Service. 3  4  using  System; 5  using  System.Text; 6  using  System.Collections; 7  using  System.ComponentModel; 8  using  System.Data; 9  using  System.Diagnostics; 10  using  System.Web; 11  using  System.Web.Services;  // contains Web service related classes 12  13  namespace  HugeIntegerWebService 14  { 15  /// <summary> 16  /// performs operations on large integers 17  /// </summary> 18  [ WebService(  19  Namespace =  &quot;; , 20  Description =  &quot;A Web service which provides methods that&quot;  + 21  &quot; can manipulate large integer values.&quot;  ) ] 22  public class  HugeInteger : System.Web.Services.WebService 23  { 24  // default constructor 25  public  HugeInteger() 26  { 27  // CODEGEN: This call is required by the ASP .NET Web  28  // Services Designer 29  InitializeComponent(); 30  31  number =  new int [  MAXIMUM  ]; 32  } 33  Set  Namespace  property of  WebService  attribute to specify the namespace that the Web service belongs to Set  Description  property of  WebService  attribute to describe the function of the Web Service Class  HugeInteger  inherits from  System.Web.Services.WebService
HugeInteger.asmx.cs 34  #region  Component Designer generated code 35  /// <summary> 36  /// Required method for Designer support - do not modify 37  /// the contents of this method with the code editor. 38  /// </summary> 39  private void  InitializeComponent() 40  { 41  } 42  #endregion 43  44  /// <summary> 45  /// Clean up any resources being used. 46  /// </summary> 47  protected override void  Dispose(  bool  disposing ) 48  { 49  } 50  51  // WEB SERVICE EXAMPLE 52  // The HelloWorld() example service returns  53  // the string Hello World 54  // To build, uncomment the following lines  55  // then save and build the project 56  // To test this web service, press F5 57  58  //  [WebMethod] 59  //  public string HelloWorld() 60  //  { 61  //  return &quot;Hello World&quot;; 62  //  } 63  64  private const int   MAXIMUM  =  100 ; 65  66  public int [] number; 67
HugeInteger.asmx.cs 68  // indexer that accepts an integer parameter 69  public int this [  int  index ] 70  { 71  get 72  {  73  return  number[ index ]; 74  } 75  76  set 77  { 78  number[ index ] =  value ; 79  } 80  81  }  // end indexer 82  83  // returns string representation of HugeInteger 84  public override string  ToString() 85  { 86  StringBuilder returnString =  new   StringBuilder(); 87  88  foreach  (  int  digit  in  number ) 89  returnString.Insert(  0 , digit ); 90  91  return  returnString.ToString(); 92  } 93  94  // creates HugeInteger based on argument 95  public static  HugeInteger FromString(  string  integer ) 96  { 97  HugeInteger parsedInteger =  new  HugeInteger(); 98  99  for  (  int  i =  0 ; i < integer. Length ; i++ ) 100  parsedInteger[ i ] = Int32.Parse(  101  integer[ integer. Length  - i -  1  ].ToString() ); Indexer for class  HugeInteger
HugeInteger.asmx.cs 102  103  return  parsedInteger; 104  } 105  106  // WebMethod that performs integer addition 107  // represented by string arguments 108  [ WebMethod ( Description =  &quot;Adds two huge integers.&quot;  ) ] 109  public string  Add(  string  first,  string  second ) 110  { 111  int  carry =  0 ; 112  113  HugeInteger operand1 = HugeInteger.FromString( first ); 114  HugeInteger operand2 =  115  HugeInteger.FromString( second ); 116  117  // store result of addition 118  HugeInteger result =  new  HugeInteger(); 119  120  // perform addition algorithm for each digit 121  for  (  int  i =  0 ; i <  MAXIMUM ; i++ ) 122  { 123  // add two digits in same column 124  // result is their sum, plus carry from  125  // previous operation modulus 10 126  result[ i ] =  127  ( operand1[ i ] + operand2[ i ] ) %  10  + carry; 128  129  // store remainder of dividing 130  // sums of two digits by 10 131  carry = ( operand1[ i ] + operand2[ i ] ) /  10 ; 132  } 133  134  return  result.ToString(); 135  136  }  // end method Add Method  Add  that adds two  HugeInteger s WebMethod  attribute specifies that this method may be called by remote client applications Description  property of  WebMethod  attribute summarizes the function of the method
HugeInteger.asmx.cs 137  138  // WebMethod that performs the subtraction of integers  139  // represented by string arguments 140  [ WebMethod (  141  Description =  &quot;Subtracts two huge integers.&quot;  ) ] 142  public string  Subtract(  string  first,  string  second ) 143  { 144  HugeInteger operand1 = HugeInteger.FromString( first ); 145  HugeInteger operand2 =  146  HugeInteger.FromString( second ); 147  HugeInteger result =  new  HugeInteger(); 148  149  // subtract top digit from bottom digit 150  for  (  int  i =  0 ; i <  MAXIMUM ; i++ ) 151  { 152  // if top digit is smaller than bottom 153  // digit we need to borrow 154  if  ( operand1[ i ] < operand2[ i ] ) 155  Borrow( operand1, i ); 156  157  // subtract bottom from top 158  result[ i ] = operand1[ i ] - operand2[ i ]; 159  } 160  161  return  result.ToString(); 162  163  }  // end method Subtract 164  165  // borrows 1 from next digit 166  private void  Borrow( HugeInteger integer,  int  place ) 167  { 168  // if no place to borrow from, signal problem 169  if  ( place >=  MAXIMUM  -  1  ) 170  throw new  ArgumentException(); 171  Method  Subtract  that subtracts one  HugeInteger  from another Helper method  Borrow  used by method  Subtract  when 1 needs to be borrowed from the next number
HugeInteger.asmx.cs 172  // otherwise if next digit is zero,  173  // borrow from digit to left 174  else if  ( integer[ place +  1  ] ==  0  ) 175  Borrow( integer, place +  1  ); 176  177  // add ten to current place because we borrowed 178  // and subtract one from previous digit -  179  // this is digit borrowed from 180  integer[ place ] +=  10 ; 181  integer[ place +  1  ] -=  1 ;  182  183  }  // end method Borrow 184  185  // WebMethod that returns true if first integer is  186  // bigger than second 187  [ WebMethod ( Description =  &quot;Determines whether first &quot;  + 188  &quot;integer is larger than the second integer.&quot;  ) ] 189  public bool  Bigger(  string  first,  string  second ) 190  { 191  char [] zeroes = {  '0'  }; 192  193  try 194  { 195  // if elimination of all zeroes from result 196  // of subtraction is an empty string, 197  // numbers are equal, so return false,  198  // otherwise return true 199  if  ( Subtract( first, second ).Trim( zeroes ) ==  &quot;&quot;  ) 200  return false ; 201  else 202  return true ; 203  } 204  Returns  true  if the first integer is bigger then the second and  false  otherwise
HugeInteger.asmx.cs 205  // if ArgumentException occurs, first number 206  // was smaller, so return false 207  catch  ( ArgumentException ) 208  { 209  return false ; 210  } 211  212  }  // end method Bigger 213  214  // WebMethod returns true if first integer is  215  // smaller than second 216  [ WebMethod ( Description =  &quot;Determines whether the &quot;  + 217  &quot;first integer is smaller than the second integer.&quot;  ) ] 218  public bool  Smaller(  string  first,  string  second ) 219  { 220  // if second is bigger than first, then first is  221  // smaller than second 222  return  Bigger( second, first ); 223  } 224  225  // WebMethod that returns true if two integers are equal 226  [ WebMethod ( Description =  &quot;Determines whether the &quot;  + 227  &quot;first integer is equal to the second integer.&quot;  ) ] 228  public bool  EqualTo(  string  first,  string  second ) 229  { 230  // if either first is bigger than second, or first is  231  // smaller than second, they are not equal 232  if  ( Bigger( first, second ) ||  233  Smaller( first, second ) ) 234  return false ; Returns  true  if the first integer is smaller then the second and  false  otherwise Returns  true  if the two integers are equal and  false  otherwise
HugeInteger.asmx.cs Program Output 235  else 236  return true ; 237  }  238  239  }  // end class HugeInteger 240  241  }  // end namespace HugeIntegerWebService
21.4  Publishing and Consuming Web Services Fig. 21.7 Design view of a Web service.
21.4  Publishing and Consuming Web Services Fig. 21.8 Adding a Web service reference to a project.
21.4  Publishing and Consuming Web Services Fig. 21.9 Add Web Reference  dialog.   Link to root directory of web server
21.4  Publishing and Consuming Web Services Fig. 21.10 Web services located on  localhost .
21.4  Publishing and Consuming Web Services Fig. 21.11 Web reference selection and description.
21.4  Publishing and Consuming Web Services Fig. 21.12 Solution   Explorer  after adding a Web reference to a project.   Service description Proxy class Web service discovery file
UsingHugeIntegerService.cs 1  // Fig. 21.13: UsingHugeIntegerService.cs 2  // Using the HugeInteger Web Service. 3  4  using  System; 5  using  System.Drawing; 6  using  System.Collections; 7  using  System.ComponentModel; 8  using  System.Windows.Forms; 9  using  System.Web.Services.Protocols; 10  11  // allows user to perform operations on large integers 12  public class  UsingHugeIntService : System.Windows.Forms.Form 13  { 14  private  System.Windows.Forms.Label promptLabel; 15  private  System.Windows.Forms.Label resultLabel; 16  17  private  System.Windows.Forms.TextBox firstTextBox; 18  private  System.Windows.Forms.TextBox secondTextBox; 19  20  private  System.Windows.Forms.Button addButton; 21  private  System.Windows.Forms.Button subtractButton; 22  private  System.Windows.Forms.Button biggerButton; 23  private  System.Windows.Forms.Button smallerButton; 24  private  System.Windows.Forms.Button equalButton; 25  26  private  System.ComponentModel.Container components =  null ; 27  28  // declare a reference Web service 29  private  localhost.HugeInteger remoteInteger; 30  31  private char [] zeroes = {  '0'  }; 32
UsingHugeIntegerService.cs 33  // default constructor 34  public  UsingHugeIntService() 35  { 36  InitializeComponent(); 37  38  // instantiate remoteInteger 39  remoteInteger =  new  localhost.HugeInteger(); 40  } 41  42  // Visual Studio .NET generated code 43  44  [STAThread] 45  static void  Main() 46  { 47  Application.Run(  new  UsingHugeIntService() ); 48  49  }  // end Main 50  51  // checks whether two numbers user input are equal 52  protected void  equalButton_Click(  53  object  sender, System.EventArgs e ) 54  { 55  // make sure HugeIntegers do not exceed 100 digits 56  if  ( CheckSize( firstTextBox, secondTextBox ) ) 57  return ; 58  59  // call Web-service method to determine  60  //   whether integers are equal 61  if  ( remoteInteger.EqualTo(  62  firstTextBox.Text, secondTextBox.Text ) ) 63  64  resultLabel.Text =  65  firstTextBox.Text.TrimStart( zeroes ) + 66  &quot; is equal to &quot;  + 67  secondTextBox.Text.TrimStart( zeroes ); Instantiate  remoteInteger  to be a new  HugeInteger  object Call  HugeInteger  Web method  EqualTo  remotely
UsingHugeIntegerService.cs 68  else 69  resultLabel.Text =  70  firstTextBox.Text.TrimStart( zeroes ) +  71  &quot; is NOT equal to &quot;  +  72  secondTextBox.Text.TrimStart( zeroes ); 73  74  }  // end method equalButton_Click 75  76  // checks whether first integer input 77  // by user is smaller than second 78  protected void  smallerButton_Click(  79  object  sender, System.EventArgs e ) 80  { 81  // make sure HugeIntegers do not exceed 100 digits 82  if  ( CheckSize( firstTextBox, secondTextBox ) ) 83  return ; 84  85  // call Web-service method to determine whether first 86  // integer is smaller than second 87  if  ( remoteInteger.Smaller(  88  firstTextBox.Text, secondTextBox.Text ) ) 89  90  resultLabel.Text = 91  firstTextBox.Text.TrimStart( zeroes ) +  92  &quot; is smaller than &quot;  +  93  secondTextBox.Text.TrimStart( zeroes ); 94  else 95  resultLabel.Text = 96  firstTextBox.Text.TrimStart( zeroes ) +  97  &quot; is NOT smaller than &quot;  +  98  secondTextBox.Text.TrimStart( zeroes ); 99  100  }  // end method smallerButton_Click 101  Call  HugeInteger  Web method  Smaller  remotely
UsingHugeIntegerService.cs 102  // checks whether first integer input  103  // by user is bigger than second 104  protected void  biggerButton_Click(  105  object  sender, System.EventArgs e ) 106  { 107  // make sure HugeIntegers do not exceed 100 digits 108  if  ( CheckSize( firstTextBox, secondTextBox ) ) 109  return ; 110  111  // call Web-service method to determine whether first 112  // integer is larger than the second 113  if  ( remoteInteger.Bigger( firstTextBox.Text,  114  secondTextBox.Text ) ) 115  116  resultLabel.Text =  117  firstTextBox.Text.TrimStart( zeroes ) +  118  &quot; is larger than &quot;  +  119  secondTextBox.Text.TrimStart( zeroes ); 120  else 121  resultLabel.Text =  122  firstTextBox.Text.TrimStart( zeroes ) +  123  &quot; is NOT larger than &quot;  +  124  secondTextBox.Text.TrimStart( zeroes ); 125  126  }  // end method biggerButton_Click 127  128  // subtract second integer from first 129  protected void  subtractButton_Click(  130  object  sender, System.EventArgs e ) 131  { 132  // make sure HugeIntegers do not exceed 100 digits 133  if  ( CheckSize( firstTextBox, secondTextBox ) ) 134  return ; 135  Call  HugeInteger  Web method  Bigger  remotely
UsingHugeIntegerService.cs 136  // perform subtraction 137  try 138  { 139  string  result = remoteInteger.Subtract(  140  firstTextBox.Text,  141  secondTextBox.Text ).TrimStart( zeroes ); 142  143  resultLabel.Text = ( ( result ==  &quot;&quot;  ) ?  &quot;0&quot;  : result ); 144  } 145  146  // if WebMethod throws an exception, then first 147  // argument was smaller than second 148  catch  ( SoapException ) 149  { 150  MessageBox.Show(  151  &quot;First argument was smaller than the second&quot;  ); 152  } 153  154  }  // end method subtractButton_Click 155  156  // adds two integers input by user 157  protected void  addButton_Click(  158  object  sender, System.EventArgs e ) 159  { 160  // make sure HugeInteger does not exceed 100 digits 161  // and is not situation where both integers are 100 162  // digits long--result in overflow 163  if  ( firstTextBox.Text.Length >  100  || 164  secondTextBox.Text.Length >  100   || 165  ( firstTextBox.Text.Length ==  100  && 166  secondTextBox.Text.Length ==  100  ) ) 167  { Call  HugeInteger  Web method  Subtract  remotely
UsingHugeIntegerService.cs 168  MessageBox.Show(  &quot;HugeIntegers must not be more &quot; 169  +  &quot;than 100 digitsBoth integers cannot be of&quot; 170  +  &quot; length 100: this causes an overflow&quot; ,  171  &quot;Error&quot; , MessageBoxButtons. OK , 172  MessageBoxIcon. Information  ); 173  174  return ; 175  } 176  177  // perform addition 178  resultLabel.Text = remoteInteger.Add( firstTextBox.Text, 179  secondTextBox.Text ).TrimStart( zeroes ).ToString(); 180  181  }  // end method addButton_Click 182  183  // determines whether size of integers is too big 184  private bool  CheckSize( TextBox first, TextBox second ) 185  { 186  if  ( first.Text.Length >  100  || second.Text.Length >  100  ) 187  { 188  MessageBox.Show(  &quot;HugeIntegers must be less than 100&quot; 189  +  &quot; digits&quot; ,  &quot;Error&quot; , MessageBoxButtons. OK , 190  MessageBoxIcon. Information  ); 191  192  return true ; 193  } 194  195  return false ; 196  197  }  // end method CheckSize 198  199  }  // end class UsingHugeIntegerService Call  HugeInteger  Web method  Add  remotely
UsingHugeIntegerService.cs Program Output
BlackjackService.asmx.cs 1  // Fig. 21.14: BlackjackService.asmx.cs 2  // Blackjack Web Service which manipulates a deck of cards. 3  4  using  System; 5  using  System.Collections; 6  using  System.ComponentModel; 7  using  System.Data; 8  using  System.Diagnostics; 9  using  System.Web; 10  using  System.Web.Services; 11  12  namespace  BlackjackWebService 13  { 14  [ WebService(  15  Namespace =  &quot;; , 16  Description =  &quot;A Web service that provides methods &quot;  + 17  &quot;to manipulate a deck of cards.&quot;  ) ] 18  public class  BlackjackService : System.Web.Services.WebService 19  { 20  21  // Visual Studio .NET generated code 22  23  // deal new card 24  [ WebMethod( EnableSession =  true , 25  Description =  &quot;Deal a new card from the deck.&quot;  ) ] 26  public   string  DealCard() 27  { 28  string  card =  &quot;2 2&quot; ; 29  Method  DealCard  with  WebMethod  attribute which allows client applications to invoke it Property  EnableSession  is set to  true  allowing this method to maintain session information
BlackjackService.asmx.cs 30  // get client's deck 31  ArrayList deck = ( ArrayList ) Session[  &quot;deck&quot;  ]; 32  card = (  string  ) deck[  0  ]; 33  deck.RemoveAt(  0  ); 34  return  card; 35  36  }  // end method DealCard 37  38  [ WebMethod( EnableSession =  true , 39  Description =  &quot;Create and shuffle a deck of cards.&quot;  ) ] 40  public   void  Shuffle() 41  { 42  Random randomObject =  new  Random(); 43  44  ArrayList deck =  new  ArrayList(); 45  46  // generate all possible cards 47  for  (  int  i =  2 ; i <  15 ; i++ ) { 48  for  (  int  j =  0 ; j <  4 ; j++ ) { 49  deck.Add( i +  &quot; &quot;  + j );  50  } 51  } 52  53  // swap each card with another card randomly 54  for  (  int  i =  0 ; i < deck.Count; i++ ) 55  { 56  int  newIndex = randomObject.Next( deck.Count ); 57  object  temporary = deck[ i ];  58  deck[ i ] = deck[ newIndex ]; 59  deck[ newIndex ] = temporary; 60  } 61  62  // add this deck to user's session state 63  Session[  &quot;deck&quot;  ] = deck; 64  } Retrieve the  deck  variable from the  Session  object. Cast the resulting object to an  ArrayList  and assign local variable deck to reference it Set card to be the first object in  deck  (cast to a  string ) Remove the first object from deck Initialize  deck  to a new  ArrayList  object Generate all possible cards and add them to  deck Swap each card with a random card from the deck Assign the  Session  variable  deck  to reference  ArrayList   deck
BlackjackService.asmx.cs 65  66  // computes value of hand 67  [ WebMethod ( Description =  &quot;Compute a &quot;  + 68  &quot;numerical value for the current hand.&quot;  ) ] 69  public int  CountCards(  string  dealt ) 70  { 71  // split string containing cards 72  char [] tab = {  ''  }; 73  string [] cards = dealt.Split( tab ); 74  int  total =  0 , face, aceCount =  0 ; 75  76  foreach  (  string  drawn  in  cards ) 77  { 78  // get face of card 79  face =  80  Int32.Parse( drawn.Substring( 81  0 , drawn.IndexOf(  &quot; &quot;  ) ) ); 82  83  switch  ( face ) 84  { 85  // if ace, increment number of aces in hand 86  case   14 : 87  aceCount++; 88  break ; 89  90  // if Jack, Queen or King, add 10 to total 91  case   11 :  case   12 :  case   13 : 92  total +=  10 ; 93  break ; 94  Use method  Split  to create a  string  array containing the individual cards (stored in  dealt  and separated by tab characters) Repeat loop for each member of  cards If the card is in Ace, increment  aceCount  but do not add to  total Add 10 to  total  if the card is a Jack, Queen or King
BlackjackService.asmx.cs 95  // otherwise, add value of face 96  default : 97  total += face; 98  break ; 99  100  }  // end switch 101  102  }  // end foreach 103  104  // if any aces, calculate optimum total 105  if  ( aceCount >  0  ) 106  { 107  // if it is possible to count one ace as 11, and rest 108  // 1 each, do so; otherwise, count all aces as 1 each 109  if  ( total +  11  + aceCount -  1  <=  21  ) 110  total +=  11  + aceCount -  1 ; 111  else 112  total += aceCount; 113  } 114  115  return  total; 116  117  }  // end method CountCards 118  119  }  // end class BlackjackService 120  121  }  // end namespace BlackjackWebService Otherwise, add the value of the card to  total If it is possible to count one ace as 11, do so; otherwise, count each ace as 1
Blackjack.cs 1  // Fig. 21.15: Blackjack.cs 2  // Blackjack game that uses the Blackjack Web service. 3  4  using  System; 5  using  System.Drawing; 6  using  System.Collections; 7  using  System.ComponentModel; 8  using  System.Windows.Forms; 9  using  System.Data;  10  using  System.Net; 11  12  // game that uses Blackjack Web Service 13  public   class  Blackjack : System.Windows.Forms.Form 14  { 15  private  System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox pictureBox1; 16  private  System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox pictureBox2; 17  private  System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox pictureBox3; 18  private  System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox pictureBox4; 19  private  System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox pictureBox5; 20  private  System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox pictureBox6; 21  private  System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox pictureBox7; 22  private  System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox pictureBox8; 23  private  System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox pictureBox9; 24  private  System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox pictureBox10; 25  private  System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox pictureBox11; 26  private  System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox pictureBox12; 27  private  System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox pictureBox13; 28  private  System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox pictureBox14; 29  private  System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox pictureBox15; 30  private  System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox pictureBox16; 31  private  System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox pictureBox17; 32  private  System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox pictureBox18; 33  private  System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox pictureBox19; 34  private  System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox pictureBox20; 35  private  System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox pictureBox21;
Blackjack.cs 36  private  System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox pictureBox22; 37  38  private  System.Windows.Forms.Button dealButton; 39  private  System.Windows.Forms.Button hitButton; 40  private  System.Windows.Forms.Button stayButton; 41  42  private  System.ComponentModel.Container components =  null ; 43  44  private  localhost.BlackjackService dealer; 45  private   string  dealersCards, playersCards; 46  private  ArrayList cardBoxes; 47  private   int  playerCard, dealerCard; 48  49  // labels displaying game status, dealer and player 50  private  System.Windows.Forms.Label dealerLabel; 51  private  System.Windows.Forms.Label playerLabel; 52  private  System.Windows.Forms.Label statusLabel; 53  54  public   enum  GameStatus :  55  int  {  PUSH ,  LOSE ,  WIN ,  BLACKJACK  }; 56  57  public  Blackjack() 58  { 59  InitializeComponent(); 60  61  dealer =  new  localhost.BlackjackService(); 62  63  // allow session state 64  dealer.CookieContainer =  new  CookieContainer(); 65  66  cardBoxes =  new  ArrayList(); 67  68  // put PictureBoxes into cardBoxes 69  cardBoxes.Add( pictureBox1 ); 70  cardBoxes.Add( pictureBox2 ); Instantiate a new BlackjackService object Instantiate  dealer ’s  CookieContainer  property to allow the Web service to maintain session state information
Blackjack.cs 71  cardBoxes.Add( pictureBox3 ); 72  cardBoxes.Add( pictureBox4 ); 73  cardBoxes.Add( pictureBox5 ); 74  cardBoxes.Add( pictureBox6 ); 75  cardBoxes.Add( pictureBox7 ); 76  cardBoxes.Add( pictureBox8 ); 77  cardBoxes.Add( pictureBox9 ); 78  cardBoxes.Add( pictureBox10 ); 79  cardBoxes.Add( pictureBox11 ); 80  cardBoxes.Add( pictureBox12 ); 81  cardBoxes.Add( pictureBox13 ); 82  cardBoxes.Add( pictureBox14 ); 83  cardBoxes.Add( pictureBox15 ); 84  cardBoxes.Add( pictureBox16 ); 85  cardBoxes.Add( pictureBox17 ); 86  cardBoxes.Add( pictureBox18 ); 87  cardBoxes.Add( pictureBox19 ); 88  cardBoxes.Add( pictureBox20 ); 89  cardBoxes.Add( pictureBox21 ); 90  cardBoxes.Add( pictureBox22 ); 91  92  }  // end method Blackjack 93  94  // Visual Studio .NET generated code 95  96  [STAThread] 97  static   void  Main()  98  { 99  Application.Run(  new  Blackjack() ); 100  101  }  // end Main 102
Blackjack.cs 103  // deals cards to dealer while dealer's total is  104  // less than 17, then computes value of each hand  105  // and determines winner 106  protected   void  stayButton_Click(  107  object  sender, System.EventArgs e ) 108  { 109  stayButton.Enabled =  false ; 110  hitButton.Enabled =  false ; 111  dealButton.Enabled =  true ; 112  DealerPlay(); 113  } 114  115  // process dealers turn 116  private   void  DealerPlay() 117  { 118  // while value of dealer's hand is below 17, 119  // dealer must take cards 120  while  ( dealer.CountCards( dealersCards ) <  17  ) 121  { 122  dealersCards +=  &quot;&quot;  + dealer.DealCard(); 123  DisplayCard( dealerCard,  &quot;&quot;  ); 124  dealerCard++; 125  MessageBox.Show(  &quot;Dealer takes a card&quot;  ); 126  } 127  128  int  dealersTotal = dealer.CountCards( dealersCards ); 129  int  playersTotal = dealer.CountCards( playersCards ); 130  131  // if dealer busted, player wins 132  if  ( dealersTotal >  21  ) 133  {  134  GameOver( GameStatus. WIN  ); 135  return ; 136  } 137  Call method  DealerPlay  to process the dealer’s turn when the user wishes to stay While the dealer’s hand totals less then 17, the dealer must take cards If dealer went over 21, players wins
Blackjack.cs 138  // if dealer and player have not exceeded 21, 139  // higher score wins; equal scores is a push. 140  if  ( dealersTotal > playersTotal ) 141  GameOver( GameStatus. LOSE  ); 142  else   if  ( playersTotal > dealersTotal ) 143  GameOver( GameStatus. WIN  ); 144  else 145  GameOver( GameStatus. PUSH  ); 146  147  }  // end method DealerPlay 148  149  // deal another card to player 150  protected   void  hitButton_Click(  151  object  sender, System.EventArgs e ) 152  { 153  // get player another card 154  string  card = dealer.DealCard(); 155  playersCards +=  &quot;&quot;  + card; 156  DisplayCard( playerCard, card ); 157  playerCard++; 158  159  int  total = dealer.CountCards( playersCards ); 160  161  // if player exceeds 21, house wins 162  if  ( total >  21  ) 163  GameOver( GameStatus.LOSE ); 164  If neither the dealer nor the player have went over 21, higher score wins; equal scores result in a push Deal the player a card as requested If player went over 21, the house wins
Blackjack.cs 165  // if player has 21, they cannot take more cards 166  // the dealer plays 167  if  ( total ==  21  )  168  { 169  hitButton.Enabled =  false ; 170  DealerPlay(); 171  } 172  173  }  // end method hitButton_Click 174  175  // deal two cards each to dealer and player 176  protected   void  dealButton_Click(  177  object  sender, System.EventArgs e ) 178  { 179  string  card; 180  181  // clear card images 182  foreach  ( PictureBox cardImage in cardBoxes ) 183  cardImage.Image =  null ; 184  185  // clear status from previous game 186  statusLabel.Text =  &quot;&quot; ; 187  188  // shuffle cards 189  dealer.Shuffle(); 190  191  // deal two cards to player 192  playersCards = dealer.DealCard(); 193  DisplayCard(  11 , playersCards ); 194  card = dealer.DealCard(); 195  DisplayCard(  12 , card ); 196  playersCards +=  &quot;&quot;  + card; 197  If the player has 21, the player cannot take more cards; dealer’s turn Clear the  PictureBox es containing the card images Shuffle the cards by calling  BlackjackService  method  Shuffle Deal two cards to player
Blackjack.cs 198  // deal two cards to dealer, only display face 199  // of first card 200  dealersCards = dealer.DealCard() ; 201  DisplayCard(  0 , dealersCards ); 202  card = dealer.DealCard(); 203  DisplayCard(  1 ,  &quot;&quot;  ); 204  dealersCards +=  &quot;&quot;  + card; 205  206  stayButton.Enabled =  true ; 207  hitButton.Enabled =  true ; 208  dealButton.Enabled =  false ; 209  210  int  dealersTotal = dealer.CountCards( dealersCards ); 211  int  playersTotal = dealer.CountCards( playersCards ); 212  213  // if hands equal 21, it is a push 214  if  ( dealersTotal == playersTotal &&  215  dealersTotal ==  21  ) 216  GameOver( GameStatus. PUSH  ); 217  218  // if player has 21 player wins with blackjack 219  else   if  ( playersTotal ==  21  ) 220  GameOver( GameStatus. BLACKJACK  ); 221  222  // if dealer has 21, dealer wins 223  else   if  ( dealersTotal ==  21  ) 224  GameOver( GameStatus. LOSE  ); 225  226  dealerCard =  2 ; 227  playerCard =  13 ;  228  229  }  // end method dealButton_Click 230  Deal two cards to dealer but only display the face of the first one If both hands equal 21, it is a push If only the player has 21, the player wins If only the dealer has 21, the dealer wins
Blackjack.cs 231  // displays card represented by cardValue in 232  // PictureBox with number card 233  public   void  DisplayCard(  int  card,  string  cardValue ) 234  { 235  // retrieve appropriate PictureBox from ArrayList 236  PictureBox displayBox = ( PictureBox ) cardBoxes[ card ]; 237  238  // if string representing card is empty, 239  // set displayBox to display back of card 240  if  ( cardValue ==  &quot;&quot;  ) 241  {  242  displayBox.Image =  243  Image.FromFile(  &quot;blackjack_imagescardback.png&quot;  ); 244  return ; 245  } 246  247  // retrieve face value of card from cardValue 248  int  faceNumber = Int32.Parse( cardValue.Substring(  0 , 249  cardValue.IndexOf(  &quot; &quot;  ) ) ); 250  251  string  face = faceNumber.ToString(); 252  253  // retrieve the suit of the card from cardValue 254  string  suit = cardValue.Substring(  255  cardValue.IndexOf(  &quot; &quot;  ) +  1  ); 256  257  char  suitLetter; 258  259  // determine if suit is other than clubs 260  switch  ( Convert.ToInt32( suit ) ) 261  { 262  // suit is clubs 263  case   0 : 264  suitLetter =  'c' ; 265  break ; If  cardValue  is an empty  string , display the back of the card image Retrieve face and suit of card from  cardValue
Blackjack.cs 266  267  // suit is diamonds 268  case   1 :  269  suitLetter =  'd' ; 270  break ; 271  272  // suit is hearts 273  case   2 :  274  suitLetter =  'h' ; 275  break ; 276  277  // else suit is spades 278  default :  279  suitLetter =  's' ; 280  break ; 281  } 282  283  // set displayBox to display appropriate image 284  displayBox.Image = Image.FromFile(  285  &quot;blackjack_images&quot;  + face + suitLetter +  &quot;.png&quot;   ); 286  287  }  // end method DisplayCard 288  289  // displays all player cards and shows  290  // appropriate game status message 291  public   void  GameOver( GameStatus winner ) 292  { 293  char [] tab = {  ''  };  294  string [] cards = dealersCards.Split( tab ); 295  296  for  (  int  i =  0 ; i < cards.Length; i++ ) 297  DisplayCard(  i, cards[ i ] ); 298  Display all of dealer’s cards
Blackjack.cs 299  // push 300  if  ( winner == GameStatus. PUSH  ) 301  statusLabel.Text =  &quot;It's a tie!&quot; ; 302  303  // player loses 304  else   if  ( winner == GameStatus. LOSE  ) 305  statusLabel.Text =  &quot;You Lose Try Again!&quot; ; 306  307  // player wins 308  else   if  ( winner == GameStatus. WIN  ) 309  statusLabel.Text =  &quot;You Win!&quot; ; 310  311  // player has won with blackjack 312  else 313  statusLabel.Text =  &quot;BlackJack!&quot; ; 314  315  stayButton.Enabled =  false ; 316  hitButton.Enabled =  false ; 317  dealButton.Enabled =  true ; 318  319  }  // end method GameOver 320  321  }  // end class Blackjack Display appropriate message in  statusLabel
Blackjack.cs Program Output
Blackjack.cs Program Output
Blackjack.cs Program Output
Reservation.asmx.cs 1  // Fig. 21.16: Reservation.asmx.cs 2  // Airline reservation Web Service. 3  4  using  System; 5  using  System.Data; 6  using  System.Diagnostics; 7  using  System.Web; 8  using  System.Web.Services; 9  using  System.Data.OleDb; 10  11  namespace  AirlineReservation 12  {  13  // performs reservation of a seat 14  [ WebService( Namespace =  &quot;; , 15  Description =  &quot;Service that enables a user to &quot;  + 16  &quot;reserve a seat on a plane.&quot;  ) ] 17  public   class  Reservation : System.Web.Services.WebService 18  { 19  private  System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand  20  oleDbSelectCommand1; 21  private  System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand  22  oleDbInsertCommand1; 23  private  System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand  24  oleDbUpdateCommand1; 25  private  System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand  26  oleDbDeleteCommand1; 27  private  System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection  28  oleDbConnection1; 29  private  System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter  30  oleDbDataAdapter1; 31  32  // Visual Studio .NET generated code 33
Reservation.asmx.cs 34  // checks database to determine whether 35  // matching seat is available 36  [ WebMethod ( Description =  &quot;Method to reserve seat.&quot;  ) ] 37  public   bool  Reserve(  string  seatType,  string  classType ) 38  { 39  OleDbDataReader dataReader; 40  41  // try database connection 42  try   43  { 44  // open database connection 45  oleDbConnection1.Open(); 46  47  // set and execute SQL query 48  oleDbDataAdapter1.SelectCommand.CommandText = 49  &quot;SELECT Number FROM Seats WHERE Type = '&quot;  + 50  seatType +  &quot;' AND Class = '&quot;  + classType +  51  &quot;' AND Taken = '0'&quot;  ; 52  dataReader =  53  oleDbDataAdapter1.SelectCommand.ExecuteReader(); 54  55  // if there were results, seat is available 56  if  ( dataReader.Read() ) 57  { 58  string  seatNumber = dataReader.GetString(  0  ); 59  60  dataReader.Close(); 61  Set a query to find seats of the specified criteria. Execute query. If  Read  method returned true, then query returned result(s) Retrieve the first  string  in the row (the seat number)
Reservation.asmx.cs 62  // update first available seat to be taken 63  oleDbDataAdapter1.UpdateCommand.CommandText = 64  &quot;Update Seats Set Taken = '1' WHERE Number = '&quot; 65  + seatNumber +  &quot;'&quot; ; 66  oleDbDataAdapter1.UpdateCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); 67  68  return   true ; 69  70  }  // end if 71  dataReader.Close(); 72  }  73  catch  ( OleDbException )  // if connection problem 74  { 75  return   false ; 76  } 77  finally   78  { 79  oleDbConnection1.Close(); 80  } 81  82  // no seat was reserved 83  return false ; 84  85  }  // end method Reserve 86  87  }  // end class Reservation 88  89  }  // end namespace AirlineReservation Set a query that updates the seat numbered  seatNumber  to be taken. Execute query.
21.6  Using Web Forms and Web Services Fig. 21.17 Airline Web Service in design view.
TicketReservation.aspx 1  <%-- Fig. 21.18: TicketReservation.aspx  --%> 2  <%-- A Web Form to allow users to select the kind of seat --%> 3  <%-- they wish to reserve.  --%> 4  5  <% @ Page  language= &quot;c#&quot;  Codebehind= &quot;TicketReservation.aspx.cs&quot;   6  AutoEventWireup= &quot;false&quot;   7  Inherits= &quot;MakeReservation.TicketReservation&quot;  %> 8  9  <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC  &quot;-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN&quot;  > 10  <HTML> 11  <HEAD> 12  <meta name= &quot;GENERATOR&quot;  Content= &quot;Microsoft Visual Studio 7.0&quot; > 13  <meta name= &quot;CODE_LANGUAGE&quot;  Content= &quot;C#&quot; > 14  <meta name= &quot;vs_defaultClientScript&quot;   15  content= &quot;JavaScript (ECMAScript)&quot; > 16  <meta name= &quot;vs_targetSchema&quot;   17  content= &quot;; > 18  </HEAD> 19  <body MS_POSITIONING= &quot;GridLayout&quot; > 20  21  <form id= &quot;MakeReservation&quot;  method= &quot;post&quot;  runat= &quot;server&quot; > 22  23  <asp:DropDownList id= &quot;seatList&quot;  style= &quot;Z-INDEX: 101;  24  LEFT: 16px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 43px&quot;   25  runat= &quot;server&quot;  Width= &quot;105px&quot;  Height= &quot;22px&quot; > 26  27  <asp:ListItem Value= &quot;Aisle&quot; > Aisle </asp:ListItem> 28  <asp:ListItem Value= &quot;Middle&quot; > Middle </asp:ListItem> 29  <asp:ListItem Value= &quot;Window&quot; > Window </asp:ListItem> 30  31  </asp:DropDownList> 32
TicketReservation.aspx 33  <asp:DropDownList id= &quot;classList&quot;  style= &quot;Z-INDEX: 102;   34  LEFT: 145px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 43px&quot;  35  runat= &quot;server&quot;  Width= &quot;98px&quot;  Height= &quot;22px&quot; > 36  37  <asp:ListItem Value= &quot;Economy&quot; > Economy </asp:ListItem> 38  <asp:ListItem Value= &quot;First&quot; > First </asp:ListItem> 39  40  </asp:DropDownList> 41  42  <asp:Button id= &quot;reserveButton&quot;  style= &quot;Z-INDEX: 103;  43  LEFT: 21px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 83px&quot; 44  runat= &quot;server&quot; Text= &quot;Reserve&quot; > 45  </asp:Button> 46  47  <asp:Label id= &quot;Label1&quot;  style= &quot;Z-INDEX: 104;  48  LEFT: 17px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 13px&quot;  49  runat= &quot;server&quot; > Please select the type of seat and  50  class you wish to reserve: 51  </asp:Label> 52  53  </form> 54  </body> 55  </HTML>
TicketReservation.aspx.cs 1  // Fig. 21.19: TicketReservation.aspx.cs 2  // Making a Reservation using a Web Service. 3  4  using  System; 5  using  System.Collections; 6  using  System.ComponentModel; 7  using  System.Data; 8  using  System.Drawing; 9  using  System.Web; 10  using  System.Web.SessionState; 11  using  System.Web.UI; 12  using  System.Web.UI.WebControls; 13  using  System.Web.UI.HtmlControls; 14  15  namespace  MakeReservation 16  { 17  // allows visitors to select seat type to reserve, and 18  // then make reservation 19  public   class  TicketReservation : System.Web.UI.Page 20  { 21  protected  System.Web.UI.WebControls.DropDownList  22  seatList; 23  protected  System.Web.UI.WebControls.DropDownList  24  classList; 25  26  protected  System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button  27  reserveButton; 28  protected  System.Web.UI.WebControls.Label Label1; 29  30  private  localhost.Reservation agent = 31  new  localhost.Reservation(); 32
TicketReservation.aspx.cs 33  private   void  Page_Load(  34  object  sender, System.EventArgs e ) 35  { 36  if  ( IsPostBack ) 37  { 38  seatList.Visible =  false ; 39  classList.Visible =  false ; 40  reserveButton.Visible =  false ; 41  Label1.Visible =  false ; 42  } 43  } 44  45  // Visual Studio .NET generated code 46  47  // calls Web Service to try to reserve specified seat 48  public   void  reserveButton_Click (  49  object  sender, System.EventArgs e ) 50  {  51  // if Web-service method returned true, signal success 52  if  ( agent.Reserve( seatList.SelectedItem.Text,  53  classList.SelectedItem.Text ) ) 54  Response.Write(  &quot;Your reservation has been made.&quot;   55  +  &quot;  Thank you.&quot;  ); 56  57  // Web-service method returned false, so signal failure 58  else 59  Response.Write(  &quot;This seat is not available, &quot;  + 60  &quot;please hit the back button on your browser &quot;  + 61  &quot;and try again.&quot;  ); 62  63  }  // end method reserveButton_Click 64  65  }  // end class TicketReservation 66  67  }  // end namespace MakeReservation
TicketReservation.aspx.cs Program Output
TicketReservation.aspx.cs Program Output
TemperatureServer.asmx.cs 1  // Fig. 21.20: TemperatureServer.asmx.cs 2  // TemperatureServer Web Service that extracts weather  3  // information from a Web page. 4  5  using  System; 6  using  System.Collections; 7  using  System.ComponentModel; 8  using  System.Data; 9  using  System.Diagnostics; 10  using  System.Web; 11  using  System.Web.Services; 12  using  System.IO; 13  using  System.Net; 14  15  namespace  TemperatureWebService 16  { 17  [ WebService( Namespace =  &quot;; , 18  Description =  &quot;A Web service that provides information &quot;  + 19  &quot;from the National Weather Service.&quot;  ) ] 20  public class  TemperatureServer :  21  System.Web.Services.WebService 22  { 23  // Visual Studio .NET generated code 24  25  [ WebMethod( EnableSession =  true , Description = 26  &quot;Method to read information from the weather service.&quot;  ) ] 27  public void  UpdateWeatherConditions() 28  { 29  // create WebClient to get access to Web page 30  WebClient myClient =  new  WebClient();  31  ArrayList cityList =  new  ArrayList(); 32
TemperatureServer.asmx.cs 33  // get StreamReader for response so we can read page 34  StreamReader input =  new  StreamReader( 35  myClient.OpenRead( 36  &quot;;  + 37  &quot;traveler.html&quot;  ) ); 38  39  string  separator =  &quot;TAV12&quot; ; 40  41  // locate first horizontal line on Web page 42  while  ( !input.ReadLine().StartsWith(  43  separator ) ) ;  // do nothing 44  45  // day format and night format 46  string  dayFormat = 47  &quot;CITY  WEA  HI/LO  WEA  &quot;  +  48  &quot;HI/LO&quot; ; 49  string  nightFormat = 50  &quot;CITY  WEA  LO/HI  WEA  &quot;  +  51  &quot;LO/HI&quot; ; 52  string  inputLine =  &quot;&quot; ; 53  54  // locate header that begins weather information 55  do 56  { 57  inputLine = input.ReadLine(); 58  }  while  ( !inputLine.Equals( dayFormat ) &&  59  !inputLine.Equals( nightFormat ) ); 60  61  // get first city's data 62  inputLine = input.ReadLine();  63
TemperatureServer.asmx.cs 64  while  ( inputLine.Length >  28  ) 65  { 66  // create CityWeather object for city 67  CityWeather weather =  new  CityWeather( 68  inputLine.Substring(  0 ,  16  ), 69  inputLine.Substring(  16 ,  7  ), 70  inputLine.Substring(  23 ,  7  ) ); 71  72  // add to List 73  cityList.Add( weather );  74  75  // get next city's data 76  inputLine = input.ReadLine();  77  } 78  79  // close connection to NWS server 80  input.Close();  81  82  // add city list to user session 83  Session.Add(  &quot;cityList&quot; , cityList ); 84  85  }  // end UpdateWeatherConditions 86  87  // gets all city names 88  [ WebMethod( EnableSession =  true , Description =  89  &quot;Method to retrieve a list of cities.&quot;  ) ] 90  public string [] Cities() 91  { 92  ArrayList cityList = ( ArrayList ) Session[  &quot;cityList&quot;  ]; 93  string [] cities=  new string [ cityList.Count ]; 94
TemperatureServer.asmx.cs 95  // retrieve names for cities 96  for  (  int  i =  0 ; i < cityList.Count; i++ ) 97  { 98  CityWeather weather = ( CityWeather ) cityList[ i ]; 99  100  cities[ i ] = weather.CityName; 101  } 102  103  return  cities; 104  105  }  // end method Cities 106  107  // gets all city descriptions 108  [ WebMethod( EnableSession =  true , Description =  &quot;Method&quot;  + 109  &quot; to retrieve weather descriptions for a &quot;  + 110  &quot;list of cities.&quot;  )] 111  public string [] Descriptions() 112  { 113  ArrayList cityList = ( ArrayList ) Session[  &quot;cityList&quot;  ]; 114  string [] descriptions=  new string [ cityList.Count ]; 115  116  // retrieve weather descriptions for all cities 117  for  (  int  i =  0 ; i < cityList.Count; i++ ) 118  { 119  CityWeather weather = ( CityWeather )cityList[ i ]; 120  121  descriptions[ i ] = weather.Description; 122  }  123  124  return  descriptions; 125  126  }  // end method Descriptions 127
TemperatureServer.asmx.cs 128  // obtains each city temperature 129  [ WebMethod( EnableSession =  true , Description =  &quot;Method &quot;  + 130  &quot;to retrieve the temperature for a list of cities.&quot;  ) ] 131  public string [] Temperatures() 132  { 133  ArrayList cityList = ( ArrayList ) Session[  &quot;cityList&quot;  ]; 134  string [] temperatures=  new string [ cityList.Count ]; 135  136  // retrieve temperatures for all cities 137  for  (  int  i =  0 ; i < cityList.Count; i++ ) 138  { 139  CityWeather weather = ( CityWeather )cityList[ i ]; 140  temperatures[ i ] = weather.Temperature; 141  } 142  143  return  temperatures; 144  145  }  // end method Temperatures 146  147  }  // end class TemperatureServer 148  149  }  // end namespace TemperatureWebService
CityWeather.cs 1  // Fig. 21.21: CityWeather.cs 2  // Class representing the weather information for one city. 3  4  using  System; 5  6  namespace  TemperatureWebService 7  { 8  public class  CityWeather 9  { 10  private string  cityName; 11  private string  temperature; 12  private string  description; 13  14  public  CityWeather( 15  string  city,  string  information,  string  degrees ) 16  { 17  cityName = city; 18  description = information; 19  temperature = degrees; 20  } 21  22  // city name 23  public string  CityName 24  { 25  get 26  { 27  return  cityName; 28  } 29  } 30
CityWeather.cs 31  // city temperature 32  public string  Temperature 33  { 34  get 35  { 36  return  temperature; 37  } 38  } 39  40  // forecast description 41  public string  Description 42  { 43  get 44  { 45  return  description; 46  } 47  } 48  49  }  // end class CityWeather 50  }  // end namespace TemperatureWebService
Client.cs 1  // Fig. 21.22: Client.cs 2  // Class that displays weather information that it receives 3  // from a Web service. 4  5  using  System; 6  using  System.Drawing; 7  using  System.Collections; 8  using  System.ComponentModel; 9  using  System.Windows.Forms; 10  using  System.Net; 11  12  namespace  TemperatureClient 13  { 14  public class  Client : System.Windows.Forms.Form 15  { 16  private  System.Windows.Forms.Label label1; 17  private  System.Windows.Forms.Label label2; 18  private  System.Windows.Forms.Label label3; 19  private  System.Windows.Forms.Label label4; 20  private  System.Windows.Forms.Label label5; 21  private  System.Windows.Forms.Label label6; 22  private  System.Windows.Forms.Label label7; 23  private  System.Windows.Forms.Label label8; 24  private  System.Windows.Forms.Label label9; 25  private  System.Windows.Forms.Label label10; 26  private  System.Windows.Forms.Label label11; 27  private  System.Windows.Forms.Label label12; 28  private  System.Windows.Forms.Label label13; 29  private  System.Windows.Forms.Label label14; 30  private  System.Windows.Forms.Label label15; 31  private  System.Windows.Forms.Label label16; 32  private  System.Windows.Forms.Label label17; 33  private  System.Windows.Forms.Label label18; 34  private  System.Windows.Forms.Label label19; 35  private  System.Windows.Forms.Label label20;
Client.cs 36  private  System.Windows.Forms.Label label21; 37  private  System.Windows.Forms.Label label22; 38  private  System.Windows.Forms.Label label23; 39  private  System.Windows.Forms.Label label24; 40  private  System.Windows.Forms.Label label25; 41  private  System.Windows.Forms.Label label26; 42  private  System.Windows.Forms.Label label27; 43  private  System.Windows.Forms.Label label28; 44  private  System.Windows.Forms.Label label29; 45  private  System.Windows.Forms.Label label30; 46  private  System.Windows.Forms.Label label31; 47  private  System.Windows.Forms.Label label32; 48  private  System.Windows.Forms.Label label33; 49  private  System.Windows.Forms.Label label34; 50  private  System.Windows.Forms.Label label36; 51  private  System.Windows.Forms.Label label35; 52  53  private  System.ComponentModel.Container components =  54  null ; 55  56  public  Client() 57  { 58  InitializeComponent(); 59  60  localhost.TemperatureServer client =  61  new  localhost.TemperatureServer(); 62  client.CookieContainer =  new  CookieContainer(); 63  client.UpdateWeatherConditions(); 64  65  string [] cities = client.Cities(); 66  string [] descriptions = client.Descriptions(); 67  string [] temperatures = client.Temperatures(); 68  69  label35.BackgroundImage =  new  Bitmap(  70  &quot;images/header.png&quot;  );
Client.cs 71  label36.BackgroundImage =  new  Bitmap(  72  &quot;images/header.png&quot;  ); 73  74  // create Hashtable and populate it with every label 75  Hashtable cityLabels =  new  Hashtable(); 76  cityLabels.Add(  1 , label1 ); 77  cityLabels.Add(  2 , label2 ); 78  cityLabels.Add(  3 , label3 ); 79  cityLabels.Add(  4 , label4 ); 80  cityLabels.Add(  5 , label5 ); 81  cityLabels.Add(  6 , label6 ); 82  cityLabels.Add(  7 , label7 ); 83  cityLabels.Add(  8 , label8 ); 84  cityLabels.Add(  9 , label9 ); 85  cityLabels.Add(  10 , label10 ); 86  cityLabels.Add(  11 , label11 ); 87  cityLabels.Add(  12 , label12 ); 88  cityLabels.Add(  13 , label13 ); 89  cityLabels.Add(  14 , label14 ); 90  cityLabels.Add(  15 , label15 ); 91  cityLabels.Add(  16 , label16 ); 92  cityLabels.Add(  17 , label17 ); 93  cityLabels.Add(  18 , label18 ); 94  cityLabels.Add(  19 , label19 ); 95  cityLabels.Add(  20 , label20 ); 96  cityLabels.Add(  21 , label21 ); 97  cityLabels.Add(  22 , label22 ); 98  cityLabels.Add(  23 , label23 ); 99  cityLabels.Add(  24 , label24 ); 100  cityLabels.Add(  25 , label25 ); 101  cityLabels.Add(  26 , label26 ); 102  cityLabels.Add(  27 , label27 ); 103  cityLabels.Add(  28 , label28 ); 104  cityLabels.Add(  29 , label29 ); 105  cityLabels.Add(  30 , label30 );
Client.cs 106  cityLabels.Add(  31 , label31 ); 107  cityLabels.Add(  32 , label32 ); 108  cityLabels.Add(  33 , label33 ); 109  cityLabels.Add(  34 , label34 ); 110  111  // create Hashtable and populate with  112  // all weather conditions 113  Hashtable weather =  new  Hashtable(); 114  weather.Add(  &quot;SUNNY&quot; ,  &quot;sunny&quot;  ); 115  weather.Add(  &quot;PTCLDY&quot; ,  &quot;pcloudy&quot;  ); 116  weather.Add(  &quot;CLOUDY&quot; ,  &quot;mcloudy&quot;  ); 117  weather.Add(  &quot;MOCLDY&quot; ,  &quot;mcloudy&quot;  ); 118  weather.Add(  &quot;TSTRMS&quot; ,  &quot;rain&quot;  ); 119  weather.Add(  &quot;RAIN&quot; ,  &quot;rain&quot;   ); 120  weather.Add(  &quot;SNOW&quot; ,  &quot;snow&quot;  ); 121  weather.Add(  &quot;VRYHOT&quot; ,  &quot;vryhot&quot;  ); 122  weather.Add(  &quot;FAIR&quot; ,  &quot;fair&quot;  ); 123  weather.Add(  &quot;RNSNOW&quot; ,  &quot;rnsnow&quot;  ); 124  weather.Add(  &quot;SHWRS&quot; ,  &quot;showers&quot;  ); 125  weather.Add(  &quot;WINDY&quot; ,  &quot;windy&quot;  ); 126  weather.Add(  &quot;NOINFO&quot; ,  &quot;noinfo&quot;  ); 127  weather.Add(  &quot;MISG&quot; ,  &quot;noinfo&quot;  ); 128  weather.Add(  &quot;DRZL&quot; ,  &quot;rain&quot;  ); 129  weather.Add(  &quot;HAZE&quot; ,  &quot;noinfo&quot;  ); 130  weather.Add(  &quot;SMOKE&quot; ,  &quot;mcloudy&quot;  ); 131  132  Bitmap background =  new  Bitmap(  &quot;images/back.png&quot;  ); 133  Font font =  new  Font(  &quot;Courier New&quot; ,  8 ,  134  FontStyle. Bold  ); 135  136  // for every city 137  for  (  int  i =  0 ; i < cities.Length; i++ ) 138  { 139  // use Hashtable cityLabels to find the next Label 140  Label currentCity = ( Label )cityLabels[ i +  1  ];
Client.cs 141  142  // set current Label's image to image  143  // corresponding to the city's weather condition -  144  // find correct image name in Hashtable weather 145  currentCity.Image =  new  Bitmap(  &quot;images/&quot;  +  146  weather[ descriptions[ i ].Trim() ] +  &quot;.png&quot;  ); 147  148  // set background image, font and forecolor  149  // of Label 150  currentCity.BackgroundImage = background; 151  currentCity.Font = font; 152  currentCity.ForeColor = Color. White ; 153  154  // set label's text to city name 155  currentCity.Text =  &quot;&quot;  + cities[ i ] +  &quot; &quot;  +  156  temperatures[ i ]; 157  } 158  159  }  // end of constructor 160  161  // Visual Studio .NET generated code 162  163  [STAThread] 164  static void  Main() 165  { 166  Application.Run(  new  Client() ); 167  } 168  169  }  // end class Client 170  171  }  // end namespace TemperatureClient
Client.cs Program Output
Equation.cs 1  // Fig. 21.23: Equation.cs 2  // Class Equation that contains 3  // information about an equation. 4  5  using  System; 6  7  public class  Equation 8  { 9  private int  left, right, result; 10  private string  operation; 11  12  // required default constructor 13  public  Equation() :  this (  0 ,  0 ,  &quot;+&quot;  ) 14  { 15  } 16  17  // constructor for class Equation 18  public  Equation(  int  leftValue,  int  rightValue,  19  string  operationType ) 20  { 21  Left = leftValue; 22  Right = rightValue; 23  Operation = operationType; 24  25  switch  ( operationType ) 26  { 27  case   &quot;+&quot; :  28  Result = Left + Right; 29  break ; 30  case   &quot;-&quot; : 31  Result = Left - Right; 32  break ;
Equation.cs 33  case   &quot;*&quot; :  34  Result = Left * Right; 35  break ; 36  } 37  } 38  39  public override string  ToString() 40  {  41  return  Left.ToString() +  &quot; &quot;  + Operation +  &quot; &quot;  +  42  Right.ToString() +  &quot; = &quot;  + Result.ToString(); 43  } 44  45  // property returning string representing 46  // left-hand side 47  public string  LeftHandSide 48  { 49  get 50  { 51  return  Left.ToString() +  &quot; &quot;  + Operation +  &quot; &quot;  + 52  Right.ToString(); 53  } 54  55  set 56  { 57  } 58  } 59  60  // property returning string representing 61  // right-hand side 62  public string  RightHandSide 63  { 64  get 65  { 66  return  Result.ToString(); 67  }
Equation.cs 68  69  set 70  { 71  } 72  } 73  74  // left operand get and set property 75  public int  Left 76  { 77  get 78  { 79  return  left; 80  } 81  82  set 83  { 84  left =  value ; 85  } 86  } 87  88  // right operand get and set property 89  public int  Right 90  { 91  get 92  { 93  return  right; 94  } 95  96  set 97  { 98  right =  value ; 99  } 100  } 101
Equation.cs 102  // get and set property of result of applying 103  // operation to left and right operands 104  public int  Result 105  {  106  get 107  { 108  return  result; 109  } 110  111  set 112  { 113  result =  value ; 114  } 115  } 116  117  // get and set property for operation 118  public string  Operation 119  { 120  get 121  { 122  return  operation; 123  } 124  125  set 126  { 127  operation =  value ; 128  } 129  } 130  131  }  // end class Equation
Generator.asmx.cs 1  // Fig. 21.24: Generator.asmx.cs 2  // Web Service to generate random equations based on a 3  // specified operation and difficulty level. 4  5  using  System; 6  using  System.Collections; 7  using  System.ComponentModel; 8  using  System.Data; 9  using  System.Diagnostics; 10  using  System.Web; 11  using  System.Web.Services; 12  13  namespace  EquationGenerator 14  { 15  [ WebService( Namespace =  &quot;; , 16  Description =  &quot;A Web service that generates questions &quot;  + 17  &quot;based on the specified mathematical operation and &quot;  + 18  &quot;level of difficulty chosen.&quot;  ) ] 19  public class  Generator : System.Web.Services.WebService 20  { 21  22  // Visual Studio .NET generated code 23  24  [ WebMethod ( Description = 25  &quot;Method that generates a random equation.&quot;  ) ] 26  public  Equation GenerateEquation(  string  operation,  27  int  level ) 28  { 29  // find maximum and minimum number to be used 30  int  maximum = (  int  ) Math.Pow(  10 , level ),  31  minimum = (  int  ) Math.Pow(  10 , level -  1  ); 32
Generator.asmx.cs 33  Random random =  new  Random(); 34  35  // create equation consisting of two random numbers 36  // between minimum and maximum parameters 37  Equation equation =  new  Equation( 38  random.Next( minimum, maximum ),  39  random.Next( minimum, maximum ), operation ); 40  41  return  equation; 42  43  }  // end method GenerateEquation 44  45  }  // end class Generator 46  47  }  // end namespace EquationGenerator
21.8  User Defined Types in Web Services Fig. 21.25 Returning an object from a Web-service method. (Part 1) Create a subtraction exercise Make exercise of user skill level 2
21.8  User Defined Types in Web Services Fig. 21.25 Returning an object from a Web-service method. (Part 2)
Tutor.cs 1  // Fig. 21.26: Tutor.cs 2  // Math tutor program. 3  4  using  System; 5  using  System.Drawing; 6  using  System.Collections; 7  using  System.ComponentModel; 8  using  System.Windows.Forms; 9  10  namespace  EquationGeneratorClient 11  { 12  public class  Tutor : System.Windows.Forms.Form 13  { 14  private  System.Windows.Forms.Panel panel1; 15  private  System.Windows.Forms.Panel panel2; 16  17  private  System.Windows.Forms.Label questionLabel; 18  private  System.Windows.Forms.TextBox answerTextBox; 19  private  System.Windows.Forms.Button okButton; 20  private  System.Windows.Forms.Button generateButton; 21  22  private  System.Windows.Forms.RadioButton oneRadioButton; 23  private  System.Windows.Forms.RadioButton twoRadioButton; 24  private  System.Windows.Forms.RadioButton  25  threeRadioButton; 26  private  System.Windows.Forms.RadioButton addRadioButton; 27  private  System.Windows.Forms.RadioButton  28  subtractRadioButton; 29  private  System.Windows.Forms.RadioButton  30  multiplyRadioButton; 31  32  private  System.ComponentModel.Container components =  33  null ; 34  private int  level =  1 ; 35
Tutor.cs 36  private  localhost.Equation equation; 37  private  localhost.Generator generator =  38  new  localhost.Generator(); 39  private string  operation =  &quot;+&quot; ; 40  41  // Visual Studio .NET generated code 42  43  [STAThread] 44  static void  Main() 45  { 46  Application.Run(  new  Tutor() ); 47  } 48  49  // generates new equation on click event 50  protected void  generateButton_Click(  object  sender,  51  System.EventArgs e ) 52  { 53  // generate equation using current operation 54  // and level 55  equation = generator.GenerateEquation( operation,  56  level ); 57  58  // display left-hand side of equation 59  questionLabel.Text = equation.LeftHandSide; 60  61  okButton.Enabled =  true ; 62  answerTextBox.Enabled =  true ;  63  64  }  // end method generateButton_Click 65
Tutor.cs 66  // check users answer 67  protected void  okButton_Click(  object  sender,  68  System.EventArgs e ) 69  { 70  // determine correct result from Equation  71  // object 72  int  answer = equation.Result; 73  74  // get user's answer 75  int  myAnswer = Int32.Parse( answerTextBox.Text ); 76  77  // test if user's answer is correct 78  if  ( answer == myAnswer ) 79  { 80  questionLabel.Text =  &quot;&quot; ; 81  answerTextBox.Text =  &quot;&quot; ; 82  okButton.Enabled =  false ; 83  MessageBox.Show(  &quot;Correct! Good job!&quot;  ); 84  } 85  else 86  MessageBox.Show(  &quot;Incorrect. Try again.&quot;  ); 87  88  }  // end method okButton_Click 89  90  // set the selected operation 91  protected void  operationRadioButtons_Click(  object  sender, 92  EventArgs e ) 93  {  94  RadioButton item = ( RadioButton ) sender; 95
Tutor.cs 96  // set the operation to be the appropriate symbol 97  if  ( item == addRadioButton ) 98  operation =  &quot;+&quot; ; 99  else if  ( item == subtractRadioButton ) 100  operation =  &quot;-&quot; ; 101  else 102  operation =  &quot;*&quot; ; 103  104  generateButton.Text =  &quot;Generate &quot;  + item.Text + 105  &quot; Example&quot; ; 106  107  }  // end method operationRadioButtons_Click 108  109  // set the current level 110  protected void  levelRadioButtons_Click(  object  sender, 111  EventArgs e ) 112  { 113  if  ( sender == oneRadioButton ) 114  level =  1 ; 115  else if  ( sender == twoRadioButton ) 116  level =  2 ; 117  else 118  level =  3 ; 119  120  }  // end method levelRadioButtons_Click 121  122  }  // end class Tutor 123  124  }  // end namespace EquationGeneratorClient
Tutor.cs Program Output
Tutor.cs Program Output

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Csphtp1 21

  • 1. Chapter 21 – ASP .NET and Web Services Outline 21.1 Introduction 21.2 Web Services 21.3 Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) and Web Services 21.4 Publishing and Consuming Web Services 21.5 Session Tracking in Web Services 21.6 Using Web Forms and Web Services 21.7 Case Study: Temperature Information Application 21.8 User-Defined Types in Web Services
  • 2. 21.2 Web Services Fig. 21.1 ASMX file rendered in Internet Explorer. Link to service description Links to web service methods
  • 3. 21.2 Web Services Fig. 21.2 Service description for a Web service.
  • 4. 21.2 Web Services Fig. 21.3 Invoking a method of a Web service from a Web browser.
  • 5. 21.2 Web Services Fig. 21.4 Results of invoking a Web-service method from a Web browser.
  • 6. 21.3 Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) and Web Services Fig. 21.5 SOAP request for the HugeInteger Web service. Name of method Represent arguments named first and second . The value string indicates that they need to be of type string , but in a method call they would be replaced with the argument values.
  • 7. HugeInteger.asmx.cs 1 // Fig. 21.6: HugeInteger.asmx.cs 2 // HugeInteger Web Service. 3 4 using System; 5 using System.Text; 6 using System.Collections; 7 using System.ComponentModel; 8 using System.Data; 9 using System.Diagnostics; 10 using System.Web; 11 using System.Web.Services; // contains Web service related classes 12 13 namespace HugeIntegerWebService 14 { 15 /// <summary> 16 /// performs operations on large integers 17 /// </summary> 18 [ WebService( 19 Namespace = &quot;; , 20 Description = &quot;A Web service which provides methods that&quot; + 21 &quot; can manipulate large integer values.&quot; ) ] 22 public class HugeInteger : System.Web.Services.WebService 23 { 24 // default constructor 25 public HugeInteger() 26 { 27 // CODEGEN: This call is required by the ASP .NET Web 28 // Services Designer 29 InitializeComponent(); 30 31 number = new int [ MAXIMUM ]; 32 } 33 Set Namespace property of WebService attribute to specify the namespace that the Web service belongs to Set Description property of WebService attribute to describe the function of the Web Service Class HugeInteger inherits from System.Web.Services.WebService
  • 8. HugeInteger.asmx.cs 34 #region Component Designer generated code 35 /// <summary> 36 /// Required method for Designer support - do not modify 37 /// the contents of this method with the code editor. 38 /// </summary> 39 private void InitializeComponent() 40 { 41 } 42 #endregion 43 44 /// <summary> 45 /// Clean up any resources being used. 46 /// </summary> 47 protected override void Dispose( bool disposing ) 48 { 49 } 50 51 // WEB SERVICE EXAMPLE 52 // The HelloWorld() example service returns 53 // the string Hello World 54 // To build, uncomment the following lines 55 // then save and build the project 56 // To test this web service, press F5 57 58 // [WebMethod] 59 // public string HelloWorld() 60 // { 61 // return &quot;Hello World&quot;; 62 // } 63 64 private const int MAXIMUM = 100 ; 65 66 public int [] number; 67
  • 9. HugeInteger.asmx.cs 68 // indexer that accepts an integer parameter 69 public int this [ int index ] 70 { 71 get 72 { 73 return number[ index ]; 74 } 75 76 set 77 { 78 number[ index ] = value ; 79 } 80 81 } // end indexer 82 83 // returns string representation of HugeInteger 84 public override string ToString() 85 { 86 StringBuilder returnString = new StringBuilder(); 87 88 foreach ( int digit in number ) 89 returnString.Insert( 0 , digit ); 90 91 return returnString.ToString(); 92 } 93 94 // creates HugeInteger based on argument 95 public static HugeInteger FromString( string integer ) 96 { 97 HugeInteger parsedInteger = new HugeInteger(); 98 99 for ( int i = 0 ; i < integer. Length ; i++ ) 100 parsedInteger[ i ] = Int32.Parse( 101 integer[ integer. Length - i - 1 ].ToString() ); Indexer for class HugeInteger
  • 10. HugeInteger.asmx.cs 102 103 return parsedInteger; 104 } 105 106 // WebMethod that performs integer addition 107 // represented by string arguments 108 [ WebMethod ( Description = &quot;Adds two huge integers.&quot; ) ] 109 public string Add( string first, string second ) 110 { 111 int carry = 0 ; 112 113 HugeInteger operand1 = HugeInteger.FromString( first ); 114 HugeInteger operand2 = 115 HugeInteger.FromString( second ); 116 117 // store result of addition 118 HugeInteger result = new HugeInteger(); 119 120 // perform addition algorithm for each digit 121 for ( int i = 0 ; i < MAXIMUM ; i++ ) 122 { 123 // add two digits in same column 124 // result is their sum, plus carry from 125 // previous operation modulus 10 126 result[ i ] = 127 ( operand1[ i ] + operand2[ i ] ) % 10 + carry; 128 129 // store remainder of dividing 130 // sums of two digits by 10 131 carry = ( operand1[ i ] + operand2[ i ] ) / 10 ; 132 } 133 134 return result.ToString(); 135 136 } // end method Add Method Add that adds two HugeInteger s WebMethod attribute specifies that this method may be called by remote client applications Description property of WebMethod attribute summarizes the function of the method
  • 11. HugeInteger.asmx.cs 137 138 // WebMethod that performs the subtraction of integers 139 // represented by string arguments 140 [ WebMethod ( 141 Description = &quot;Subtracts two huge integers.&quot; ) ] 142 public string Subtract( string first, string second ) 143 { 144 HugeInteger operand1 = HugeInteger.FromString( first ); 145 HugeInteger operand2 = 146 HugeInteger.FromString( second ); 147 HugeInteger result = new HugeInteger(); 148 149 // subtract top digit from bottom digit 150 for ( int i = 0 ; i < MAXIMUM ; i++ ) 151 { 152 // if top digit is smaller than bottom 153 // digit we need to borrow 154 if ( operand1[ i ] < operand2[ i ] ) 155 Borrow( operand1, i ); 156 157 // subtract bottom from top 158 result[ i ] = operand1[ i ] - operand2[ i ]; 159 } 160 161 return result.ToString(); 162 163 } // end method Subtract 164 165 // borrows 1 from next digit 166 private void Borrow( HugeInteger integer, int place ) 167 { 168 // if no place to borrow from, signal problem 169 if ( place >= MAXIMUM - 1 ) 170 throw new ArgumentException(); 171 Method Subtract that subtracts one HugeInteger from another Helper method Borrow used by method Subtract when 1 needs to be borrowed from the next number
  • 12. HugeInteger.asmx.cs 172 // otherwise if next digit is zero, 173 // borrow from digit to left 174 else if ( integer[ place + 1 ] == 0 ) 175 Borrow( integer, place + 1 ); 176 177 // add ten to current place because we borrowed 178 // and subtract one from previous digit - 179 // this is digit borrowed from 180 integer[ place ] += 10 ; 181 integer[ place + 1 ] -= 1 ; 182 183 } // end method Borrow 184 185 // WebMethod that returns true if first integer is 186 // bigger than second 187 [ WebMethod ( Description = &quot;Determines whether first &quot; + 188 &quot;integer is larger than the second integer.&quot; ) ] 189 public bool Bigger( string first, string second ) 190 { 191 char [] zeroes = { '0' }; 192 193 try 194 { 195 // if elimination of all zeroes from result 196 // of subtraction is an empty string, 197 // numbers are equal, so return false, 198 // otherwise return true 199 if ( Subtract( first, second ).Trim( zeroes ) == &quot;&quot; ) 200 return false ; 201 else 202 return true ; 203 } 204 Returns true if the first integer is bigger then the second and false otherwise
  • 13. HugeInteger.asmx.cs 205 // if ArgumentException occurs, first number 206 // was smaller, so return false 207 catch ( ArgumentException ) 208 { 209 return false ; 210 } 211 212 } // end method Bigger 213 214 // WebMethod returns true if first integer is 215 // smaller than second 216 [ WebMethod ( Description = &quot;Determines whether the &quot; + 217 &quot;first integer is smaller than the second integer.&quot; ) ] 218 public bool Smaller( string first, string second ) 219 { 220 // if second is bigger than first, then first is 221 // smaller than second 222 return Bigger( second, first ); 223 } 224 225 // WebMethod that returns true if two integers are equal 226 [ WebMethod ( Description = &quot;Determines whether the &quot; + 227 &quot;first integer is equal to the second integer.&quot; ) ] 228 public bool EqualTo( string first, string second ) 229 { 230 // if either first is bigger than second, or first is 231 // smaller than second, they are not equal 232 if ( Bigger( first, second ) || 233 Smaller( first, second ) ) 234 return false ; Returns true if the first integer is smaller then the second and false otherwise Returns true if the two integers are equal and false otherwise
  • 14. HugeInteger.asmx.cs Program Output 235 else 236 return true ; 237 } 238 239 } // end class HugeInteger 240 241 } // end namespace HugeIntegerWebService
  • 15. 21.4 Publishing and Consuming Web Services Fig. 21.7 Design view of a Web service.
  • 16. 21.4 Publishing and Consuming Web Services Fig. 21.8 Adding a Web service reference to a project.
  • 17. 21.4 Publishing and Consuming Web Services Fig. 21.9 Add Web Reference dialog. Link to root directory of web server
  • 18. 21.4 Publishing and Consuming Web Services Fig. 21.10 Web services located on localhost .
  • 19. 21.4 Publishing and Consuming Web Services Fig. 21.11 Web reference selection and description.
  • 20. 21.4 Publishing and Consuming Web Services Fig. 21.12 Solution Explorer after adding a Web reference to a project. Service description Proxy class Web service discovery file
  • 21. UsingHugeIntegerService.cs 1 // Fig. 21.13: UsingHugeIntegerService.cs 2 // Using the HugeInteger Web Service. 3 4 using System; 5 using System.Drawing; 6 using System.Collections; 7 using System.ComponentModel; 8 using System.Windows.Forms; 9 using System.Web.Services.Protocols; 10 11 // allows user to perform operations on large integers 12 public class UsingHugeIntService : System.Windows.Forms.Form 13 { 14 private System.Windows.Forms.Label promptLabel; 15 private System.Windows.Forms.Label resultLabel; 16 17 private System.Windows.Forms.TextBox firstTextBox; 18 private System.Windows.Forms.TextBox secondTextBox; 19 20 private System.Windows.Forms.Button addButton; 21 private System.Windows.Forms.Button subtractButton; 22 private System.Windows.Forms.Button biggerButton; 23 private System.Windows.Forms.Button smallerButton; 24 private System.Windows.Forms.Button equalButton; 25 26 private System.ComponentModel.Container components = null ; 27 28 // declare a reference Web service 29 private localhost.HugeInteger remoteInteger; 30 31 private char [] zeroes = { '0' }; 32
  • 22. UsingHugeIntegerService.cs 33 // default constructor 34 public UsingHugeIntService() 35 { 36 InitializeComponent(); 37 38 // instantiate remoteInteger 39 remoteInteger = new localhost.HugeInteger(); 40 } 41 42 // Visual Studio .NET generated code 43 44 [STAThread] 45 static void Main() 46 { 47 Application.Run( new UsingHugeIntService() ); 48 49 } // end Main 50 51 // checks whether two numbers user input are equal 52 protected void equalButton_Click( 53 object sender, System.EventArgs e ) 54 { 55 // make sure HugeIntegers do not exceed 100 digits 56 if ( CheckSize( firstTextBox, secondTextBox ) ) 57 return ; 58 59 // call Web-service method to determine 60 // whether integers are equal 61 if ( remoteInteger.EqualTo( 62 firstTextBox.Text, secondTextBox.Text ) ) 63 64 resultLabel.Text = 65 firstTextBox.Text.TrimStart( zeroes ) + 66 &quot; is equal to &quot; + 67 secondTextBox.Text.TrimStart( zeroes ); Instantiate remoteInteger to be a new HugeInteger object Call HugeInteger Web method EqualTo remotely
  • 23. UsingHugeIntegerService.cs 68 else 69 resultLabel.Text = 70 firstTextBox.Text.TrimStart( zeroes ) + 71 &quot; is NOT equal to &quot; + 72 secondTextBox.Text.TrimStart( zeroes ); 73 74 } // end method equalButton_Click 75 76 // checks whether first integer input 77 // by user is smaller than second 78 protected void smallerButton_Click( 79 object sender, System.EventArgs e ) 80 { 81 // make sure HugeIntegers do not exceed 100 digits 82 if ( CheckSize( firstTextBox, secondTextBox ) ) 83 return ; 84 85 // call Web-service method to determine whether first 86 // integer is smaller than second 87 if ( remoteInteger.Smaller( 88 firstTextBox.Text, secondTextBox.Text ) ) 89 90 resultLabel.Text = 91 firstTextBox.Text.TrimStart( zeroes ) + 92 &quot; is smaller than &quot; + 93 secondTextBox.Text.TrimStart( zeroes ); 94 else 95 resultLabel.Text = 96 firstTextBox.Text.TrimStart( zeroes ) + 97 &quot; is NOT smaller than &quot; + 98 secondTextBox.Text.TrimStart( zeroes ); 99 100 } // end method smallerButton_Click 101 Call HugeInteger Web method Smaller remotely
  • 24. UsingHugeIntegerService.cs 102 // checks whether first integer input 103 // by user is bigger than second 104 protected void biggerButton_Click( 105 object sender, System.EventArgs e ) 106 { 107 // make sure HugeIntegers do not exceed 100 digits 108 if ( CheckSize( firstTextBox, secondTextBox ) ) 109 return ; 110 111 // call Web-service method to determine whether first 112 // integer is larger than the second 113 if ( remoteInteger.Bigger( firstTextBox.Text, 114 secondTextBox.Text ) ) 115 116 resultLabel.Text = 117 firstTextBox.Text.TrimStart( zeroes ) + 118 &quot; is larger than &quot; + 119 secondTextBox.Text.TrimStart( zeroes ); 120 else 121 resultLabel.Text = 122 firstTextBox.Text.TrimStart( zeroes ) + 123 &quot; is NOT larger than &quot; + 124 secondTextBox.Text.TrimStart( zeroes ); 125 126 } // end method biggerButton_Click 127 128 // subtract second integer from first 129 protected void subtractButton_Click( 130 object sender, System.EventArgs e ) 131 { 132 // make sure HugeIntegers do not exceed 100 digits 133 if ( CheckSize( firstTextBox, secondTextBox ) ) 134 return ; 135 Call HugeInteger Web method Bigger remotely
  • 25. UsingHugeIntegerService.cs 136 // perform subtraction 137 try 138 { 139 string result = remoteInteger.Subtract( 140 firstTextBox.Text, 141 secondTextBox.Text ).TrimStart( zeroes ); 142 143 resultLabel.Text = ( ( result == &quot;&quot; ) ? &quot;0&quot; : result ); 144 } 145 146 // if WebMethod throws an exception, then first 147 // argument was smaller than second 148 catch ( SoapException ) 149 { 150 MessageBox.Show( 151 &quot;First argument was smaller than the second&quot; ); 152 } 153 154 } // end method subtractButton_Click 155 156 // adds two integers input by user 157 protected void addButton_Click( 158 object sender, System.EventArgs e ) 159 { 160 // make sure HugeInteger does not exceed 100 digits 161 // and is not situation where both integers are 100 162 // digits long--result in overflow 163 if ( firstTextBox.Text.Length > 100 || 164 secondTextBox.Text.Length > 100 || 165 ( firstTextBox.Text.Length == 100 && 166 secondTextBox.Text.Length == 100 ) ) 167 { Call HugeInteger Web method Subtract remotely
  • 26. UsingHugeIntegerService.cs 168 MessageBox.Show( &quot;HugeIntegers must not be more &quot; 169 + &quot;than 100 digitsBoth integers cannot be of&quot; 170 + &quot; length 100: this causes an overflow&quot; , 171 &quot;Error&quot; , MessageBoxButtons. OK , 172 MessageBoxIcon. Information ); 173 174 return ; 175 } 176 177 // perform addition 178 resultLabel.Text = remoteInteger.Add( firstTextBox.Text, 179 secondTextBox.Text ).TrimStart( zeroes ).ToString(); 180 181 } // end method addButton_Click 182 183 // determines whether size of integers is too big 184 private bool CheckSize( TextBox first, TextBox second ) 185 { 186 if ( first.Text.Length > 100 || second.Text.Length > 100 ) 187 { 188 MessageBox.Show( &quot;HugeIntegers must be less than 100&quot; 189 + &quot; digits&quot; , &quot;Error&quot; , MessageBoxButtons. OK , 190 MessageBoxIcon. Information ); 191 192 return true ; 193 } 194 195 return false ; 196 197 } // end method CheckSize 198 199 } // end class UsingHugeIntegerService Call HugeInteger Web method Add remotely
  • 28. BlackjackService.asmx.cs 1 // Fig. 21.14: BlackjackService.asmx.cs 2 // Blackjack Web Service which manipulates a deck of cards. 3 4 using System; 5 using System.Collections; 6 using System.ComponentModel; 7 using System.Data; 8 using System.Diagnostics; 9 using System.Web; 10 using System.Web.Services; 11 12 namespace BlackjackWebService 13 { 14 [ WebService( 15 Namespace = &quot;; , 16 Description = &quot;A Web service that provides methods &quot; + 17 &quot;to manipulate a deck of cards.&quot; ) ] 18 public class BlackjackService : System.Web.Services.WebService 19 { 20 21 // Visual Studio .NET generated code 22 23 // deal new card 24 [ WebMethod( EnableSession = true , 25 Description = &quot;Deal a new card from the deck.&quot; ) ] 26 public string DealCard() 27 { 28 string card = &quot;2 2&quot; ; 29 Method DealCard with WebMethod attribute which allows client applications to invoke it Property EnableSession is set to true allowing this method to maintain session information
  • 29. BlackjackService.asmx.cs 30 // get client's deck 31 ArrayList deck = ( ArrayList ) Session[ &quot;deck&quot; ]; 32 card = ( string ) deck[ 0 ]; 33 deck.RemoveAt( 0 ); 34 return card; 35 36 } // end method DealCard 37 38 [ WebMethod( EnableSession = true , 39 Description = &quot;Create and shuffle a deck of cards.&quot; ) ] 40 public void Shuffle() 41 { 42 Random randomObject = new Random(); 43 44 ArrayList deck = new ArrayList(); 45 46 // generate all possible cards 47 for ( int i = 2 ; i < 15 ; i++ ) { 48 for ( int j = 0 ; j < 4 ; j++ ) { 49 deck.Add( i + &quot; &quot; + j ); 50 } 51 } 52 53 // swap each card with another card randomly 54 for ( int i = 0 ; i < deck.Count; i++ ) 55 { 56 int newIndex = randomObject.Next( deck.Count ); 57 object temporary = deck[ i ]; 58 deck[ i ] = deck[ newIndex ]; 59 deck[ newIndex ] = temporary; 60 } 61 62 // add this deck to user's session state 63 Session[ &quot;deck&quot; ] = deck; 64 } Retrieve the deck variable from the Session object. Cast the resulting object to an ArrayList and assign local variable deck to reference it Set card to be the first object in deck (cast to a string ) Remove the first object from deck Initialize deck to a new ArrayList object Generate all possible cards and add them to deck Swap each card with a random card from the deck Assign the Session variable deck to reference ArrayList deck
  • 30. BlackjackService.asmx.cs 65 66 // computes value of hand 67 [ WebMethod ( Description = &quot;Compute a &quot; + 68 &quot;numerical value for the current hand.&quot; ) ] 69 public int CountCards( string dealt ) 70 { 71 // split string containing cards 72 char [] tab = { '' }; 73 string [] cards = dealt.Split( tab ); 74 int total = 0 , face, aceCount = 0 ; 75 76 foreach ( string drawn in cards ) 77 { 78 // get face of card 79 face = 80 Int32.Parse( drawn.Substring( 81 0 , drawn.IndexOf( &quot; &quot; ) ) ); 82 83 switch ( face ) 84 { 85 // if ace, increment number of aces in hand 86 case 14 : 87 aceCount++; 88 break ; 89 90 // if Jack, Queen or King, add 10 to total 91 case 11 : case 12 : case 13 : 92 total += 10 ; 93 break ; 94 Use method Split to create a string array containing the individual cards (stored in dealt and separated by tab characters) Repeat loop for each member of cards If the card is in Ace, increment aceCount but do not add to total Add 10 to total if the card is a Jack, Queen or King
  • 31. BlackjackService.asmx.cs 95 // otherwise, add value of face 96 default : 97 total += face; 98 break ; 99 100 } // end switch 101 102 } // end foreach 103 104 // if any aces, calculate optimum total 105 if ( aceCount > 0 ) 106 { 107 // if it is possible to count one ace as 11, and rest 108 // 1 each, do so; otherwise, count all aces as 1 each 109 if ( total + 11 + aceCount - 1 <= 21 ) 110 total += 11 + aceCount - 1 ; 111 else 112 total += aceCount; 113 } 114 115 return total; 116 117 } // end method CountCards 118 119 } // end class BlackjackService 120 121 } // end namespace BlackjackWebService Otherwise, add the value of the card to total If it is possible to count one ace as 11, do so; otherwise, count each ace as 1
  • 32. Blackjack.cs 1 // Fig. 21.15: Blackjack.cs 2 // Blackjack game that uses the Blackjack Web service. 3 4 using System; 5 using System.Drawing; 6 using System.Collections; 7 using System.ComponentModel; 8 using System.Windows.Forms; 9 using System.Data; 10 using System.Net; 11 12 // game that uses Blackjack Web Service 13 public class Blackjack : System.Windows.Forms.Form 14 { 15 private System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox pictureBox1; 16 private System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox pictureBox2; 17 private System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox pictureBox3; 18 private System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox pictureBox4; 19 private System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox pictureBox5; 20 private System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox pictureBox6; 21 private System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox pictureBox7; 22 private System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox pictureBox8; 23 private System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox pictureBox9; 24 private System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox pictureBox10; 25 private System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox pictureBox11; 26 private System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox pictureBox12; 27 private System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox pictureBox13; 28 private System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox pictureBox14; 29 private System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox pictureBox15; 30 private System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox pictureBox16; 31 private System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox pictureBox17; 32 private System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox pictureBox18; 33 private System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox pictureBox19; 34 private System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox pictureBox20; 35 private System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox pictureBox21;
  • 33. Blackjack.cs 36 private System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox pictureBox22; 37 38 private System.Windows.Forms.Button dealButton; 39 private System.Windows.Forms.Button hitButton; 40 private System.Windows.Forms.Button stayButton; 41 42 private System.ComponentModel.Container components = null ; 43 44 private localhost.BlackjackService dealer; 45 private string dealersCards, playersCards; 46 private ArrayList cardBoxes; 47 private int playerCard, dealerCard; 48 49 // labels displaying game status, dealer and player 50 private System.Windows.Forms.Label dealerLabel; 51 private System.Windows.Forms.Label playerLabel; 52 private System.Windows.Forms.Label statusLabel; 53 54 public enum GameStatus : 55 int { PUSH , LOSE , WIN , BLACKJACK }; 56 57 public Blackjack() 58 { 59 InitializeComponent(); 60 61 dealer = new localhost.BlackjackService(); 62 63 // allow session state 64 dealer.CookieContainer = new CookieContainer(); 65 66 cardBoxes = new ArrayList(); 67 68 // put PictureBoxes into cardBoxes 69 cardBoxes.Add( pictureBox1 ); 70 cardBoxes.Add( pictureBox2 ); Instantiate a new BlackjackService object Instantiate dealer ’s CookieContainer property to allow the Web service to maintain session state information
  • 34. Blackjack.cs 71 cardBoxes.Add( pictureBox3 ); 72 cardBoxes.Add( pictureBox4 ); 73 cardBoxes.Add( pictureBox5 ); 74 cardBoxes.Add( pictureBox6 ); 75 cardBoxes.Add( pictureBox7 ); 76 cardBoxes.Add( pictureBox8 ); 77 cardBoxes.Add( pictureBox9 ); 78 cardBoxes.Add( pictureBox10 ); 79 cardBoxes.Add( pictureBox11 ); 80 cardBoxes.Add( pictureBox12 ); 81 cardBoxes.Add( pictureBox13 ); 82 cardBoxes.Add( pictureBox14 ); 83 cardBoxes.Add( pictureBox15 ); 84 cardBoxes.Add( pictureBox16 ); 85 cardBoxes.Add( pictureBox17 ); 86 cardBoxes.Add( pictureBox18 ); 87 cardBoxes.Add( pictureBox19 ); 88 cardBoxes.Add( pictureBox20 ); 89 cardBoxes.Add( pictureBox21 ); 90 cardBoxes.Add( pictureBox22 ); 91 92 } // end method Blackjack 93 94 // Visual Studio .NET generated code 95 96 [STAThread] 97 static void Main() 98 { 99 Application.Run( new Blackjack() ); 100 101 } // end Main 102
  • 35. Blackjack.cs 103 // deals cards to dealer while dealer's total is 104 // less than 17, then computes value of each hand 105 // and determines winner 106 protected void stayButton_Click( 107 object sender, System.EventArgs e ) 108 { 109 stayButton.Enabled = false ; 110 hitButton.Enabled = false ; 111 dealButton.Enabled = true ; 112 DealerPlay(); 113 } 114 115 // process dealers turn 116 private void DealerPlay() 117 { 118 // while value of dealer's hand is below 17, 119 // dealer must take cards 120 while ( dealer.CountCards( dealersCards ) < 17 ) 121 { 122 dealersCards += &quot;&quot; + dealer.DealCard(); 123 DisplayCard( dealerCard, &quot;&quot; ); 124 dealerCard++; 125 MessageBox.Show( &quot;Dealer takes a card&quot; ); 126 } 127 128 int dealersTotal = dealer.CountCards( dealersCards ); 129 int playersTotal = dealer.CountCards( playersCards ); 130 131 // if dealer busted, player wins 132 if ( dealersTotal > 21 ) 133 { 134 GameOver( GameStatus. WIN ); 135 return ; 136 } 137 Call method DealerPlay to process the dealer’s turn when the user wishes to stay While the dealer’s hand totals less then 17, the dealer must take cards If dealer went over 21, players wins
  • 36. Blackjack.cs 138 // if dealer and player have not exceeded 21, 139 // higher score wins; equal scores is a push. 140 if ( dealersTotal > playersTotal ) 141 GameOver( GameStatus. LOSE ); 142 else if ( playersTotal > dealersTotal ) 143 GameOver( GameStatus. WIN ); 144 else 145 GameOver( GameStatus. PUSH ); 146 147 } // end method DealerPlay 148 149 // deal another card to player 150 protected void hitButton_Click( 151 object sender, System.EventArgs e ) 152 { 153 // get player another card 154 string card = dealer.DealCard(); 155 playersCards += &quot;&quot; + card; 156 DisplayCard( playerCard, card ); 157 playerCard++; 158 159 int total = dealer.CountCards( playersCards ); 160 161 // if player exceeds 21, house wins 162 if ( total > 21 ) 163 GameOver( GameStatus.LOSE ); 164 If neither the dealer nor the player have went over 21, higher score wins; equal scores result in a push Deal the player a card as requested If player went over 21, the house wins
  • 37. Blackjack.cs 165 // if player has 21, they cannot take more cards 166 // the dealer plays 167 if ( total == 21 ) 168 { 169 hitButton.Enabled = false ; 170 DealerPlay(); 171 } 172 173 } // end method hitButton_Click 174 175 // deal two cards each to dealer and player 176 protected void dealButton_Click( 177 object sender, System.EventArgs e ) 178 { 179 string card; 180 181 // clear card images 182 foreach ( PictureBox cardImage in cardBoxes ) 183 cardImage.Image = null ; 184 185 // clear status from previous game 186 statusLabel.Text = &quot;&quot; ; 187 188 // shuffle cards 189 dealer.Shuffle(); 190 191 // deal two cards to player 192 playersCards = dealer.DealCard(); 193 DisplayCard( 11 , playersCards ); 194 card = dealer.DealCard(); 195 DisplayCard( 12 , card ); 196 playersCards += &quot;&quot; + card; 197 If the player has 21, the player cannot take more cards; dealer’s turn Clear the PictureBox es containing the card images Shuffle the cards by calling BlackjackService method Shuffle Deal two cards to player
  • 38. Blackjack.cs 198 // deal two cards to dealer, only display face 199 // of first card 200 dealersCards = dealer.DealCard() ; 201 DisplayCard( 0 , dealersCards ); 202 card = dealer.DealCard(); 203 DisplayCard( 1 , &quot;&quot; ); 204 dealersCards += &quot;&quot; + card; 205 206 stayButton.Enabled = true ; 207 hitButton.Enabled = true ; 208 dealButton.Enabled = false ; 209 210 int dealersTotal = dealer.CountCards( dealersCards ); 211 int playersTotal = dealer.CountCards( playersCards ); 212 213 // if hands equal 21, it is a push 214 if ( dealersTotal == playersTotal && 215 dealersTotal == 21 ) 216 GameOver( GameStatus. PUSH ); 217 218 // if player has 21 player wins with blackjack 219 else if ( playersTotal == 21 ) 220 GameOver( GameStatus. BLACKJACK ); 221 222 // if dealer has 21, dealer wins 223 else if ( dealersTotal == 21 ) 224 GameOver( GameStatus. LOSE ); 225 226 dealerCard = 2 ; 227 playerCard = 13 ; 228 229 } // end method dealButton_Click 230 Deal two cards to dealer but only display the face of the first one If both hands equal 21, it is a push If only the player has 21, the player wins If only the dealer has 21, the dealer wins
  • 39. Blackjack.cs 231 // displays card represented by cardValue in 232 // PictureBox with number card 233 public void DisplayCard( int card, string cardValue ) 234 { 235 // retrieve appropriate PictureBox from ArrayList 236 PictureBox displayBox = ( PictureBox ) cardBoxes[ card ]; 237 238 // if string representing card is empty, 239 // set displayBox to display back of card 240 if ( cardValue == &quot;&quot; ) 241 { 242 displayBox.Image = 243 Image.FromFile( &quot;blackjack_imagescardback.png&quot; ); 244 return ; 245 } 246 247 // retrieve face value of card from cardValue 248 int faceNumber = Int32.Parse( cardValue.Substring( 0 , 249 cardValue.IndexOf( &quot; &quot; ) ) ); 250 251 string face = faceNumber.ToString(); 252 253 // retrieve the suit of the card from cardValue 254 string suit = cardValue.Substring( 255 cardValue.IndexOf( &quot; &quot; ) + 1 ); 256 257 char suitLetter; 258 259 // determine if suit is other than clubs 260 switch ( Convert.ToInt32( suit ) ) 261 { 262 // suit is clubs 263 case 0 : 264 suitLetter = 'c' ; 265 break ; If cardValue is an empty string , display the back of the card image Retrieve face and suit of card from cardValue
  • 40. Blackjack.cs 266 267 // suit is diamonds 268 case 1 : 269 suitLetter = 'd' ; 270 break ; 271 272 // suit is hearts 273 case 2 : 274 suitLetter = 'h' ; 275 break ; 276 277 // else suit is spades 278 default : 279 suitLetter = 's' ; 280 break ; 281 } 282 283 // set displayBox to display appropriate image 284 displayBox.Image = Image.FromFile( 285 &quot;blackjack_images&quot; + face + suitLetter + &quot;.png&quot; ); 286 287 } // end method DisplayCard 288 289 // displays all player cards and shows 290 // appropriate game status message 291 public void GameOver( GameStatus winner ) 292 { 293 char [] tab = { '' }; 294 string [] cards = dealersCards.Split( tab ); 295 296 for ( int i = 0 ; i < cards.Length; i++ ) 297 DisplayCard( i, cards[ i ] ); 298 Display all of dealer’s cards
  • 41. Blackjack.cs 299 // push 300 if ( winner == GameStatus. PUSH ) 301 statusLabel.Text = &quot;It's a tie!&quot; ; 302 303 // player loses 304 else if ( winner == GameStatus. LOSE ) 305 statusLabel.Text = &quot;You Lose Try Again!&quot; ; 306 307 // player wins 308 else if ( winner == GameStatus. WIN ) 309 statusLabel.Text = &quot;You Win!&quot; ; 310 311 // player has won with blackjack 312 else 313 statusLabel.Text = &quot;BlackJack!&quot; ; 314 315 stayButton.Enabled = false ; 316 hitButton.Enabled = false ; 317 dealButton.Enabled = true ; 318 319 } // end method GameOver 320 321 } // end class Blackjack Display appropriate message in statusLabel
  • 45. Reservation.asmx.cs 1 // Fig. 21.16: Reservation.asmx.cs 2 // Airline reservation Web Service. 3 4 using System; 5 using System.Data; 6 using System.Diagnostics; 7 using System.Web; 8 using System.Web.Services; 9 using System.Data.OleDb; 10 11 namespace AirlineReservation 12 { 13 // performs reservation of a seat 14 [ WebService( Namespace = &quot;; , 15 Description = &quot;Service that enables a user to &quot; + 16 &quot;reserve a seat on a plane.&quot; ) ] 17 public class Reservation : System.Web.Services.WebService 18 { 19 private System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand 20 oleDbSelectCommand1; 21 private System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand 22 oleDbInsertCommand1; 23 private System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand 24 oleDbUpdateCommand1; 25 private System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand 26 oleDbDeleteCommand1; 27 private System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection 28 oleDbConnection1; 29 private System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter 30 oleDbDataAdapter1; 31 32 // Visual Studio .NET generated code 33
  • 46. Reservation.asmx.cs 34 // checks database to determine whether 35 // matching seat is available 36 [ WebMethod ( Description = &quot;Method to reserve seat.&quot; ) ] 37 public bool Reserve( string seatType, string classType ) 38 { 39 OleDbDataReader dataReader; 40 41 // try database connection 42 try 43 { 44 // open database connection 45 oleDbConnection1.Open(); 46 47 // set and execute SQL query 48 oleDbDataAdapter1.SelectCommand.CommandText = 49 &quot;SELECT Number FROM Seats WHERE Type = '&quot; + 50 seatType + &quot;' AND Class = '&quot; + classType + 51 &quot;' AND Taken = '0'&quot; ; 52 dataReader = 53 oleDbDataAdapter1.SelectCommand.ExecuteReader(); 54 55 // if there were results, seat is available 56 if ( dataReader.Read() ) 57 { 58 string seatNumber = dataReader.GetString( 0 ); 59 60 dataReader.Close(); 61 Set a query to find seats of the specified criteria. Execute query. If Read method returned true, then query returned result(s) Retrieve the first string in the row (the seat number)
  • 47. Reservation.asmx.cs 62 // update first available seat to be taken 63 oleDbDataAdapter1.UpdateCommand.CommandText = 64 &quot;Update Seats Set Taken = '1' WHERE Number = '&quot; 65 + seatNumber + &quot;'&quot; ; 66 oleDbDataAdapter1.UpdateCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); 67 68 return true ; 69 70 } // end if 71 dataReader.Close(); 72 } 73 catch ( OleDbException ) // if connection problem 74 { 75 return false ; 76 } 77 finally 78 { 79 oleDbConnection1.Close(); 80 } 81 82 // no seat was reserved 83 return false ; 84 85 } // end method Reserve 86 87 } // end class Reservation 88 89 } // end namespace AirlineReservation Set a query that updates the seat numbered seatNumber to be taken. Execute query.
  • 48. 21.6 Using Web Forms and Web Services Fig. 21.17 Airline Web Service in design view.
  • 49. TicketReservation.aspx 1 <%-- Fig. 21.18: TicketReservation.aspx --%> 2 <%-- A Web Form to allow users to select the kind of seat --%> 3 <%-- they wish to reserve. --%> 4 5 <% @ Page language= &quot;c#&quot; Codebehind= &quot;TicketReservation.aspx.cs&quot; 6 AutoEventWireup= &quot;false&quot; 7 Inherits= &quot;MakeReservation.TicketReservation&quot; %> 8 9 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC &quot;-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN&quot; > 10 <HTML> 11 <HEAD> 12 <meta name= &quot;GENERATOR&quot; Content= &quot;Microsoft Visual Studio 7.0&quot; > 13 <meta name= &quot;CODE_LANGUAGE&quot; Content= &quot;C#&quot; > 14 <meta name= &quot;vs_defaultClientScript&quot; 15 content= &quot;JavaScript (ECMAScript)&quot; > 16 <meta name= &quot;vs_targetSchema&quot; 17 content= &quot;; > 18 </HEAD> 19 <body MS_POSITIONING= &quot;GridLayout&quot; > 20 21 <form id= &quot;MakeReservation&quot; method= &quot;post&quot; runat= &quot;server&quot; > 22 23 <asp:DropDownList id= &quot;seatList&quot; style= &quot;Z-INDEX: 101; 24 LEFT: 16px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 43px&quot; 25 runat= &quot;server&quot; Width= &quot;105px&quot; Height= &quot;22px&quot; > 26 27 <asp:ListItem Value= &quot;Aisle&quot; > Aisle </asp:ListItem> 28 <asp:ListItem Value= &quot;Middle&quot; > Middle </asp:ListItem> 29 <asp:ListItem Value= &quot;Window&quot; > Window </asp:ListItem> 30 31 </asp:DropDownList> 32
  • 50. TicketReservation.aspx 33 <asp:DropDownList id= &quot;classList&quot; style= &quot;Z-INDEX: 102; 34 LEFT: 145px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 43px&quot; 35 runat= &quot;server&quot; Width= &quot;98px&quot; Height= &quot;22px&quot; > 36 37 <asp:ListItem Value= &quot;Economy&quot; > Economy </asp:ListItem> 38 <asp:ListItem Value= &quot;First&quot; > First </asp:ListItem> 39 40 </asp:DropDownList> 41 42 <asp:Button id= &quot;reserveButton&quot; style= &quot;Z-INDEX: 103; 43 LEFT: 21px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 83px&quot; 44 runat= &quot;server&quot; Text= &quot;Reserve&quot; > 45 </asp:Button> 46 47 <asp:Label id= &quot;Label1&quot; style= &quot;Z-INDEX: 104; 48 LEFT: 17px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 13px&quot; 49 runat= &quot;server&quot; > Please select the type of seat and 50 class you wish to reserve: 51 </asp:Label> 52 53 </form> 54 </body> 55 </HTML>
  • 51. TicketReservation.aspx.cs 1 // Fig. 21.19: TicketReservation.aspx.cs 2 // Making a Reservation using a Web Service. 3 4 using System; 5 using System.Collections; 6 using System.ComponentModel; 7 using System.Data; 8 using System.Drawing; 9 using System.Web; 10 using System.Web.SessionState; 11 using System.Web.UI; 12 using System.Web.UI.WebControls; 13 using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls; 14 15 namespace MakeReservation 16 { 17 // allows visitors to select seat type to reserve, and 18 // then make reservation 19 public class TicketReservation : System.Web.UI.Page 20 { 21 protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.DropDownList 22 seatList; 23 protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.DropDownList 24 classList; 25 26 protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button 27 reserveButton; 28 protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.Label Label1; 29 30 private localhost.Reservation agent = 31 new localhost.Reservation(); 32
  • 52. TicketReservation.aspx.cs 33 private void Page_Load( 34 object sender, System.EventArgs e ) 35 { 36 if ( IsPostBack ) 37 { 38 seatList.Visible = false ; 39 classList.Visible = false ; 40 reserveButton.Visible = false ; 41 Label1.Visible = false ; 42 } 43 } 44 45 // Visual Studio .NET generated code 46 47 // calls Web Service to try to reserve specified seat 48 public void reserveButton_Click ( 49 object sender, System.EventArgs e ) 50 { 51 // if Web-service method returned true, signal success 52 if ( agent.Reserve( seatList.SelectedItem.Text, 53 classList.SelectedItem.Text ) ) 54 Response.Write( &quot;Your reservation has been made.&quot; 55 + &quot; Thank you.&quot; ); 56 57 // Web-service method returned false, so signal failure 58 else 59 Response.Write( &quot;This seat is not available, &quot; + 60 &quot;please hit the back button on your browser &quot; + 61 &quot;and try again.&quot; ); 62 63 } // end method reserveButton_Click 64 65 } // end class TicketReservation 66 67 } // end namespace MakeReservation
  • 55. TemperatureServer.asmx.cs 1 // Fig. 21.20: TemperatureServer.asmx.cs 2 // TemperatureServer Web Service that extracts weather 3 // information from a Web page. 4 5 using System; 6 using System.Collections; 7 using System.ComponentModel; 8 using System.Data; 9 using System.Diagnostics; 10 using System.Web; 11 using System.Web.Services; 12 using System.IO; 13 using System.Net; 14 15 namespace TemperatureWebService 16 { 17 [ WebService( Namespace = &quot;; , 18 Description = &quot;A Web service that provides information &quot; + 19 &quot;from the National Weather Service.&quot; ) ] 20 public class TemperatureServer : 21 System.Web.Services.WebService 22 { 23 // Visual Studio .NET generated code 24 25 [ WebMethod( EnableSession = true , Description = 26 &quot;Method to read information from the weather service.&quot; ) ] 27 public void UpdateWeatherConditions() 28 { 29 // create WebClient to get access to Web page 30 WebClient myClient = new WebClient(); 31 ArrayList cityList = new ArrayList(); 32
  • 56. TemperatureServer.asmx.cs 33 // get StreamReader for response so we can read page 34 StreamReader input = new StreamReader( 35 myClient.OpenRead( 36 &quot;; + 37 &quot;traveler.html&quot; ) ); 38 39 string separator = &quot;TAV12&quot; ; 40 41 // locate first horizontal line on Web page 42 while ( !input.ReadLine().StartsWith( 43 separator ) ) ; // do nothing 44 45 // day format and night format 46 string dayFormat = 47 &quot;CITY WEA HI/LO WEA &quot; + 48 &quot;HI/LO&quot; ; 49 string nightFormat = 50 &quot;CITY WEA LO/HI WEA &quot; + 51 &quot;LO/HI&quot; ; 52 string inputLine = &quot;&quot; ; 53 54 // locate header that begins weather information 55 do 56 { 57 inputLine = input.ReadLine(); 58 } while ( !inputLine.Equals( dayFormat ) && 59 !inputLine.Equals( nightFormat ) ); 60 61 // get first city's data 62 inputLine = input.ReadLine(); 63
  • 57. TemperatureServer.asmx.cs 64 while ( inputLine.Length > 28 ) 65 { 66 // create CityWeather object for city 67 CityWeather weather = new CityWeather( 68 inputLine.Substring( 0 , 16 ), 69 inputLine.Substring( 16 , 7 ), 70 inputLine.Substring( 23 , 7 ) ); 71 72 // add to List 73 cityList.Add( weather ); 74 75 // get next city's data 76 inputLine = input.ReadLine(); 77 } 78 79 // close connection to NWS server 80 input.Close(); 81 82 // add city list to user session 83 Session.Add( &quot;cityList&quot; , cityList ); 84 85 } // end UpdateWeatherConditions 86 87 // gets all city names 88 [ WebMethod( EnableSession = true , Description = 89 &quot;Method to retrieve a list of cities.&quot; ) ] 90 public string [] Cities() 91 { 92 ArrayList cityList = ( ArrayList ) Session[ &quot;cityList&quot; ]; 93 string [] cities= new string [ cityList.Count ]; 94
  • 58. TemperatureServer.asmx.cs 95 // retrieve names for cities 96 for ( int i = 0 ; i < cityList.Count; i++ ) 97 { 98 CityWeather weather = ( CityWeather ) cityList[ i ]; 99 100 cities[ i ] = weather.CityName; 101 } 102 103 return cities; 104 105 } // end method Cities 106 107 // gets all city descriptions 108 [ WebMethod( EnableSession = true , Description = &quot;Method&quot; + 109 &quot; to retrieve weather descriptions for a &quot; + 110 &quot;list of cities.&quot; )] 111 public string [] Descriptions() 112 { 113 ArrayList cityList = ( ArrayList ) Session[ &quot;cityList&quot; ]; 114 string [] descriptions= new string [ cityList.Count ]; 115 116 // retrieve weather descriptions for all cities 117 for ( int i = 0 ; i < cityList.Count; i++ ) 118 { 119 CityWeather weather = ( CityWeather )cityList[ i ]; 120 121 descriptions[ i ] = weather.Description; 122 } 123 124 return descriptions; 125 126 } // end method Descriptions 127
  • 59. TemperatureServer.asmx.cs 128 // obtains each city temperature 129 [ WebMethod( EnableSession = true , Description = &quot;Method &quot; + 130 &quot;to retrieve the temperature for a list of cities.&quot; ) ] 131 public string [] Temperatures() 132 { 133 ArrayList cityList = ( ArrayList ) Session[ &quot;cityList&quot; ]; 134 string [] temperatures= new string [ cityList.Count ]; 135 136 // retrieve temperatures for all cities 137 for ( int i = 0 ; i < cityList.Count; i++ ) 138 { 139 CityWeather weather = ( CityWeather )cityList[ i ]; 140 temperatures[ i ] = weather.Temperature; 141 } 142 143 return temperatures; 144 145 } // end method Temperatures 146 147 } // end class TemperatureServer 148 149 } // end namespace TemperatureWebService
  • 60. CityWeather.cs 1 // Fig. 21.21: CityWeather.cs 2 // Class representing the weather information for one city. 3 4 using System; 5 6 namespace TemperatureWebService 7 { 8 public class CityWeather 9 { 10 private string cityName; 11 private string temperature; 12 private string description; 13 14 public CityWeather( 15 string city, string information, string degrees ) 16 { 17 cityName = city; 18 description = information; 19 temperature = degrees; 20 } 21 22 // city name 23 public string CityName 24 { 25 get 26 { 27 return cityName; 28 } 29 } 30
  • 61. CityWeather.cs 31 // city temperature 32 public string Temperature 33 { 34 get 35 { 36 return temperature; 37 } 38 } 39 40 // forecast description 41 public string Description 42 { 43 get 44 { 45 return description; 46 } 47 } 48 49 } // end class CityWeather 50 } // end namespace TemperatureWebService
  • 62. Client.cs 1 // Fig. 21.22: Client.cs 2 // Class that displays weather information that it receives 3 // from a Web service. 4 5 using System; 6 using System.Drawing; 7 using System.Collections; 8 using System.ComponentModel; 9 using System.Windows.Forms; 10 using System.Net; 11 12 namespace TemperatureClient 13 { 14 public class Client : System.Windows.Forms.Form 15 { 16 private System.Windows.Forms.Label label1; 17 private System.Windows.Forms.Label label2; 18 private System.Windows.Forms.Label label3; 19 private System.Windows.Forms.Label label4; 20 private System.Windows.Forms.Label label5; 21 private System.Windows.Forms.Label label6; 22 private System.Windows.Forms.Label label7; 23 private System.Windows.Forms.Label label8; 24 private System.Windows.Forms.Label label9; 25 private System.Windows.Forms.Label label10; 26 private System.Windows.Forms.Label label11; 27 private System.Windows.Forms.Label label12; 28 private System.Windows.Forms.Label label13; 29 private System.Windows.Forms.Label label14; 30 private System.Windows.Forms.Label label15; 31 private System.Windows.Forms.Label label16; 32 private System.Windows.Forms.Label label17; 33 private System.Windows.Forms.Label label18; 34 private System.Windows.Forms.Label label19; 35 private System.Windows.Forms.Label label20;
  • 63. Client.cs 36 private System.Windows.Forms.Label label21; 37 private System.Windows.Forms.Label label22; 38 private System.Windows.Forms.Label label23; 39 private System.Windows.Forms.Label label24; 40 private System.Windows.Forms.Label label25; 41 private System.Windows.Forms.Label label26; 42 private System.Windows.Forms.Label label27; 43 private System.Windows.Forms.Label label28; 44 private System.Windows.Forms.Label label29; 45 private System.Windows.Forms.Label label30; 46 private System.Windows.Forms.Label label31; 47 private System.Windows.Forms.Label label32; 48 private System.Windows.Forms.Label label33; 49 private System.Windows.Forms.Label label34; 50 private System.Windows.Forms.Label label36; 51 private System.Windows.Forms.Label label35; 52 53 private System.ComponentModel.Container components = 54 null ; 55 56 public Client() 57 { 58 InitializeComponent(); 59 60 localhost.TemperatureServer client = 61 new localhost.TemperatureServer(); 62 client.CookieContainer = new CookieContainer(); 63 client.UpdateWeatherConditions(); 64 65 string [] cities = client.Cities(); 66 string [] descriptions = client.Descriptions(); 67 string [] temperatures = client.Temperatures(); 68 69 label35.BackgroundImage = new Bitmap( 70 &quot;images/header.png&quot; );
  • 64. Client.cs 71 label36.BackgroundImage = new Bitmap( 72 &quot;images/header.png&quot; ); 73 74 // create Hashtable and populate it with every label 75 Hashtable cityLabels = new Hashtable(); 76 cityLabels.Add( 1 , label1 ); 77 cityLabels.Add( 2 , label2 ); 78 cityLabels.Add( 3 , label3 ); 79 cityLabels.Add( 4 , label4 ); 80 cityLabels.Add( 5 , label5 ); 81 cityLabels.Add( 6 , label6 ); 82 cityLabels.Add( 7 , label7 ); 83 cityLabels.Add( 8 , label8 ); 84 cityLabels.Add( 9 , label9 ); 85 cityLabels.Add( 10 , label10 ); 86 cityLabels.Add( 11 , label11 ); 87 cityLabels.Add( 12 , label12 ); 88 cityLabels.Add( 13 , label13 ); 89 cityLabels.Add( 14 , label14 ); 90 cityLabels.Add( 15 , label15 ); 91 cityLabels.Add( 16 , label16 ); 92 cityLabels.Add( 17 , label17 ); 93 cityLabels.Add( 18 , label18 ); 94 cityLabels.Add( 19 , label19 ); 95 cityLabels.Add( 20 , label20 ); 96 cityLabels.Add( 21 , label21 ); 97 cityLabels.Add( 22 , label22 ); 98 cityLabels.Add( 23 , label23 ); 99 cityLabels.Add( 24 , label24 ); 100 cityLabels.Add( 25 , label25 ); 101 cityLabels.Add( 26 , label26 ); 102 cityLabels.Add( 27 , label27 ); 103 cityLabels.Add( 28 , label28 ); 104 cityLabels.Add( 29 , label29 ); 105 cityLabels.Add( 30 , label30 );
  • 65. Client.cs 106 cityLabels.Add( 31 , label31 ); 107 cityLabels.Add( 32 , label32 ); 108 cityLabels.Add( 33 , label33 ); 109 cityLabels.Add( 34 , label34 ); 110 111 // create Hashtable and populate with 112 // all weather conditions 113 Hashtable weather = new Hashtable(); 114 weather.Add( &quot;SUNNY&quot; , &quot;sunny&quot; ); 115 weather.Add( &quot;PTCLDY&quot; , &quot;pcloudy&quot; ); 116 weather.Add( &quot;CLOUDY&quot; , &quot;mcloudy&quot; ); 117 weather.Add( &quot;MOCLDY&quot; , &quot;mcloudy&quot; ); 118 weather.Add( &quot;TSTRMS&quot; , &quot;rain&quot; ); 119 weather.Add( &quot;RAIN&quot; , &quot;rain&quot; ); 120 weather.Add( &quot;SNOW&quot; , &quot;snow&quot; ); 121 weather.Add( &quot;VRYHOT&quot; , &quot;vryhot&quot; ); 122 weather.Add( &quot;FAIR&quot; , &quot;fair&quot; ); 123 weather.Add( &quot;RNSNOW&quot; , &quot;rnsnow&quot; ); 124 weather.Add( &quot;SHWRS&quot; , &quot;showers&quot; ); 125 weather.Add( &quot;WINDY&quot; , &quot;windy&quot; ); 126 weather.Add( &quot;NOINFO&quot; , &quot;noinfo&quot; ); 127 weather.Add( &quot;MISG&quot; , &quot;noinfo&quot; ); 128 weather.Add( &quot;DRZL&quot; , &quot;rain&quot; ); 129 weather.Add( &quot;HAZE&quot; , &quot;noinfo&quot; ); 130 weather.Add( &quot;SMOKE&quot; , &quot;mcloudy&quot; ); 131 132 Bitmap background = new Bitmap( &quot;images/back.png&quot; ); 133 Font font = new Font( &quot;Courier New&quot; , 8 , 134 FontStyle. Bold ); 135 136 // for every city 137 for ( int i = 0 ; i < cities.Length; i++ ) 138 { 139 // use Hashtable cityLabels to find the next Label 140 Label currentCity = ( Label )cityLabels[ i + 1 ];
  • 66. Client.cs 141 142 // set current Label's image to image 143 // corresponding to the city's weather condition - 144 // find correct image name in Hashtable weather 145 currentCity.Image = new Bitmap( &quot;images/&quot; + 146 weather[ descriptions[ i ].Trim() ] + &quot;.png&quot; ); 147 148 // set background image, font and forecolor 149 // of Label 150 currentCity.BackgroundImage = background; 151 currentCity.Font = font; 152 currentCity.ForeColor = Color. White ; 153 154 // set label's text to city name 155 currentCity.Text = &quot;&quot; + cities[ i ] + &quot; &quot; + 156 temperatures[ i ]; 157 } 158 159 } // end of constructor 160 161 // Visual Studio .NET generated code 162 163 [STAThread] 164 static void Main() 165 { 166 Application.Run( new Client() ); 167 } 168 169 } // end class Client 170 171 } // end namespace TemperatureClient
  • 68. Equation.cs 1 // Fig. 21.23: Equation.cs 2 // Class Equation that contains 3 // information about an equation. 4 5 using System; 6 7 public class Equation 8 { 9 private int left, right, result; 10 private string operation; 11 12 // required default constructor 13 public Equation() : this ( 0 , 0 , &quot;+&quot; ) 14 { 15 } 16 17 // constructor for class Equation 18 public Equation( int leftValue, int rightValue, 19 string operationType ) 20 { 21 Left = leftValue; 22 Right = rightValue; 23 Operation = operationType; 24 25 switch ( operationType ) 26 { 27 case &quot;+&quot; : 28 Result = Left + Right; 29 break ; 30 case &quot;-&quot; : 31 Result = Left - Right; 32 break ;
  • 69. Equation.cs 33 case &quot;*&quot; : 34 Result = Left * Right; 35 break ; 36 } 37 } 38 39 public override string ToString() 40 { 41 return Left.ToString() + &quot; &quot; + Operation + &quot; &quot; + 42 Right.ToString() + &quot; = &quot; + Result.ToString(); 43 } 44 45 // property returning string representing 46 // left-hand side 47 public string LeftHandSide 48 { 49 get 50 { 51 return Left.ToString() + &quot; &quot; + Operation + &quot; &quot; + 52 Right.ToString(); 53 } 54 55 set 56 { 57 } 58 } 59 60 // property returning string representing 61 // right-hand side 62 public string RightHandSide 63 { 64 get 65 { 66 return Result.ToString(); 67 }
  • 70. Equation.cs 68 69 set 70 { 71 } 72 } 73 74 // left operand get and set property 75 public int Left 76 { 77 get 78 { 79 return left; 80 } 81 82 set 83 { 84 left = value ; 85 } 86 } 87 88 // right operand get and set property 89 public int Right 90 { 91 get 92 { 93 return right; 94 } 95 96 set 97 { 98 right = value ; 99 } 100 } 101
  • 71. Equation.cs 102 // get and set property of result of applying 103 // operation to left and right operands 104 public int Result 105 { 106 get 107 { 108 return result; 109 } 110 111 set 112 { 113 result = value ; 114 } 115 } 116 117 // get and set property for operation 118 public string Operation 119 { 120 get 121 { 122 return operation; 123 } 124 125 set 126 { 127 operation = value ; 128 } 129 } 130 131 } // end class Equation
  • 72. Generator.asmx.cs 1 // Fig. 21.24: Generator.asmx.cs 2 // Web Service to generate random equations based on a 3 // specified operation and difficulty level. 4 5 using System; 6 using System.Collections; 7 using System.ComponentModel; 8 using System.Data; 9 using System.Diagnostics; 10 using System.Web; 11 using System.Web.Services; 12 13 namespace EquationGenerator 14 { 15 [ WebService( Namespace = &quot;; , 16 Description = &quot;A Web service that generates questions &quot; + 17 &quot;based on the specified mathematical operation and &quot; + 18 &quot;level of difficulty chosen.&quot; ) ] 19 public class Generator : System.Web.Services.WebService 20 { 21 22 // Visual Studio .NET generated code 23 24 [ WebMethod ( Description = 25 &quot;Method that generates a random equation.&quot; ) ] 26 public Equation GenerateEquation( string operation, 27 int level ) 28 { 29 // find maximum and minimum number to be used 30 int maximum = ( int ) Math.Pow( 10 , level ), 31 minimum = ( int ) Math.Pow( 10 , level - 1 ); 32
  • 73. Generator.asmx.cs 33 Random random = new Random(); 34 35 // create equation consisting of two random numbers 36 // between minimum and maximum parameters 37 Equation equation = new Equation( 38 random.Next( minimum, maximum ), 39 random.Next( minimum, maximum ), operation ); 40 41 return equation; 42 43 } // end method GenerateEquation 44 45 } // end class Generator 46 47 } // end namespace EquationGenerator
  • 74. 21.8 User Defined Types in Web Services Fig. 21.25 Returning an object from a Web-service method. (Part 1) Create a subtraction exercise Make exercise of user skill level 2
  • 75. 21.8 User Defined Types in Web Services Fig. 21.25 Returning an object from a Web-service method. (Part 2)
  • 76. Tutor.cs 1 // Fig. 21.26: Tutor.cs 2 // Math tutor program. 3 4 using System; 5 using System.Drawing; 6 using System.Collections; 7 using System.ComponentModel; 8 using System.Windows.Forms; 9 10 namespace EquationGeneratorClient 11 { 12 public class Tutor : System.Windows.Forms.Form 13 { 14 private System.Windows.Forms.Panel panel1; 15 private System.Windows.Forms.Panel panel2; 16 17 private System.Windows.Forms.Label questionLabel; 18 private System.Windows.Forms.TextBox answerTextBox; 19 private System.Windows.Forms.Button okButton; 20 private System.Windows.Forms.Button generateButton; 21 22 private System.Windows.Forms.RadioButton oneRadioButton; 23 private System.Windows.Forms.RadioButton twoRadioButton; 24 private System.Windows.Forms.RadioButton 25 threeRadioButton; 26 private System.Windows.Forms.RadioButton addRadioButton; 27 private System.Windows.Forms.RadioButton 28 subtractRadioButton; 29 private System.Windows.Forms.RadioButton 30 multiplyRadioButton; 31 32 private System.ComponentModel.Container components = 33 null ; 34 private int level = 1 ; 35
  • 77. Tutor.cs 36 private localhost.Equation equation; 37 private localhost.Generator generator = 38 new localhost.Generator(); 39 private string operation = &quot;+&quot; ; 40 41 // Visual Studio .NET generated code 42 43 [STAThread] 44 static void Main() 45 { 46 Application.Run( new Tutor() ); 47 } 48 49 // generates new equation on click event 50 protected void generateButton_Click( object sender, 51 System.EventArgs e ) 52 { 53 // generate equation using current operation 54 // and level 55 equation = generator.GenerateEquation( operation, 56 level ); 57 58 // display left-hand side of equation 59 questionLabel.Text = equation.LeftHandSide; 60 61 okButton.Enabled = true ; 62 answerTextBox.Enabled = true ; 63 64 } // end method generateButton_Click 65
  • 78. Tutor.cs 66 // check users answer 67 protected void okButton_Click( object sender, 68 System.EventArgs e ) 69 { 70 // determine correct result from Equation 71 // object 72 int answer = equation.Result; 73 74 // get user's answer 75 int myAnswer = Int32.Parse( answerTextBox.Text ); 76 77 // test if user's answer is correct 78 if ( answer == myAnswer ) 79 { 80 questionLabel.Text = &quot;&quot; ; 81 answerTextBox.Text = &quot;&quot; ; 82 okButton.Enabled = false ; 83 MessageBox.Show( &quot;Correct! Good job!&quot; ); 84 } 85 else 86 MessageBox.Show( &quot;Incorrect. Try again.&quot; ); 87 88 } // end method okButton_Click 89 90 // set the selected operation 91 protected void operationRadioButtons_Click( object sender, 92 EventArgs e ) 93 { 94 RadioButton item = ( RadioButton ) sender; 95
  • 79. Tutor.cs 96 // set the operation to be the appropriate symbol 97 if ( item == addRadioButton ) 98 operation = &quot;+&quot; ; 99 else if ( item == subtractRadioButton ) 100 operation = &quot;-&quot; ; 101 else 102 operation = &quot;*&quot; ; 103 104 generateButton.Text = &quot;Generate &quot; + item.Text + 105 &quot; Example&quot; ; 106 107 } // end method operationRadioButtons_Click 108 109 // set the current level 110 protected void levelRadioButtons_Click( object sender, 111 EventArgs e ) 112 { 113 if ( sender == oneRadioButton ) 114 level = 1 ; 115 else if ( sender == twoRadioButton ) 116 level = 2 ; 117 else 118 level = 3 ; 119 120 } // end method levelRadioButtons_Click 121 122 } // end class Tutor 123 124 } // end namespace EquationGeneratorClient