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Conference Handbook.QXD   8/10/10   11:59   Page 1

     The Annual
     CROA Conference 2010

             Let’s get social
              Advocacy, Rights and Participation with a digital edge
               October 13th - 14th - Manchester Thistle Hotel

                          Conference Handbook
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              Welcome .......................................................................................... 4

              Programme Day 1 ............................................................................ 5

              Programme Day 2 ............................................................................ 6

              Make It Social .................................................................................... 7

              CROA Members Online .................................................................... 7

              The Digital Zone .............................................................................. 8

              Capturing the Buzz with Social Reporting .......................................... 9

              Twitter: How to Tweet It and Track It .............................................. 10

              Open Space Session ........................................................................ 11

              Biographies: Presenters .............................................................. 13-16

              Biographies: Facilitators .............................................................. 17-19

              Please note that sometimes, due to forces beyond our control, we may have to make late changes to
                       the programme. If this happens, please don’t be mad, just enjoy the unexpected.

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     Welcome to this year’s CROA Conference. We’re really glad you could make it.
     Now that you’re here, let’s get social.
     For the last two months the CROA team has been working hard to create an event that’s going to be a little bit
     different. Hopefully you’ve arrived ready to try out a few new things because we’ll be giving you a lot of choice over
     how you interact with the conference happenings. We encourage you to dive in, get your hands dirty, speak out and
     have an experience. Then, when the conference is done, we hope you’ll go away feeling more connected, more a
     part of CROA and with some exciting ideas and inspiration for your working practice.

     Here’s how you can get involved:
     • Sit and absorb what’s happening
     • Use twitter and mark your tweets with #croa – they will then appear in real time on our tweet feed in the main
       room. For more help with using twitter see page 10.
     • Visit the Digital Zone and ask for something to do
     • Offer yourself for interviewing by a social reporter
     • Join CROA Members Online (at the digizone or on your own laptop) where you can:
           • Watch exclusive speaker interviews
           • Replay the action
           • Comment in the forum
           • Start your own conference blog
           • Post photos of the event

     •   Offer a workshop during the open space session
     •   Ask to borrow a laptop for a session to track what’s happening on twitter/CROA Members Online
     •   Tweet a little or a lot using your phone or laptop
     •   Ask a social reporter to be shown how to live blog
     •   Visit the conference newsdesk in the digizone and tell them your views/news!

     Of course, we’ve also got a jam packed programme of the usual speakers and workshops. Some of them have an
     underlying digital participation theme but in the main we’re trying to offer you topics covering the following:
     •       Rights
     •       Advocacy
     •       Participation
     •       Communication
     •       The value of what we do
     •       The new government

     As the conference progresses, we’d love to be hearing your views on all of the above and anything else you want to
     talk about. Just get chatting and tweeting!

     Notice of Change of Etiquette:
     It’s fine to be texting (one way of tweeting) or using a laptop during speeches and presentations.

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                          The Annual
                          CROA Conference 2010
     Let’s get social

                                                                                             Live polls, CROA online sign up, Social media support
                                                                                              Happening all day: Social reporting, Newsdesk, Live
                                                                                              blogs, Tech corner, Marketplace, Twitter networking,
     Advocacy, Rights and Participation with a digital edge

     Day 1: October 13th
      9.00         Registration

      9.30         Welcome/Chair’s Intro – Debi Morgan, Barnardo’s
                   Tim Davies – Capturing the Conference Buzz
      9.45         immediately followed by
                   Bill Badham – RightSpace: What’s changed in 13 years of participation?
      10.20        Sean O’Neill - Wales: benevolent land of advocacy and children’s rights

      10.40        Martin Coyle – Advocacy under the new Government
      11.00        Refreshment Break

                   1. Martin Goodwin - Enabling Choice and Decision Making when
                      working with children & young people with profound disabilities
      11.20        2. Helen Johnson - Best practice in working with children and young
                      people in the Asylum System
                   3. Dr. Mike Lindsay - Advocacy and Complaints
                   4. Steve Percival - Rapport: The ‘X’ factor

      12.40           Lunch
      13.40        Steve Percival – The Power of Making a Complaint

                   Yvonne Anderson – The New CAMHS Online
                   Participation Tool

      14.20        Dr. Roger Morgan – Children on Rights & Responsibilities: the findings
      14.45        Refreshment Break
      15.05        Open Space Session - a dynamic, participant-led, multi-workshop event

      16.45 -      AGM – share a glass of wine, toast CROA and nominate your
      17.45        management committe.
      19.00        Dinner

                   Pop Quiz, Vinyl Spinning CROs + bar
      ‘til late

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                          The Annual
                          CROA Conference 2010
     Let’s get social

                                                                                           Live polls, CROA online sign up, Social media support
                                                                                            Happening all day: Social reporting, Newsdesk, Live
                                                                                            blogs, Tech corner, Marketplace, Twitter networking,
     Advocacy, Rights and Participation with a digital edge

     Day 2: October 14th
      9.00      Registration
      9.30      Debi Morgan/Tim Davies: Reports from Day 1
                Jane Bostock - The VIK: campaigning for emotional wellbeing for all
                young people
                Tim Loughton ‘Proposed government policy, initiatives support for looked
      10.30     after young people and care leavers’ including Q&A Session with members
                of Manchester CICC
      11.00     Refreshment Break

                1. Jane Menday - Working with Young Trainers
                2. Dr. Jane Dalrymple & Dr. Jane Boylan - Advocacy as an exciting,
      11.15        radical and constantly developing way of working
                3. Martin Coyle - Demonstrating the value of advocacy to commissioners
                4. Triangle - 3 Way Street: managing communication with young people
                   when another adult is present

      12.20     Lunch
      13.20     ARTiculation Buddies – ‘My Generation’ (live performance)

                Kieron Kirkland - Infocow: rights, entitlements and where
                to find them online

      13.55     Carolyne Willow - Children’s Rights Tour 2010
      14.25     Refreshment Break
                The Buzz, Captured…
                • Key Messages Video Report by Tim Davies
                • Open Space workshops on emerging key themes
                • Closing: Social media, saving ££’s and staying strong

                Leave inspired.
      16.00     Replay the action at CROA Members Online.
                Feel inspired again.

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     The focus at this year’s CROA
     Conference: Make it Social
     Here in Manchester we’re particularly interested in:
     • Sharing the conference - with those who couldn’t make it here.
     We’ll be gathering interviews with speakers, photos, slides and vox-pop interviews, and writing up key learning so
     that people connecting to the conference this week, and in future weeks, via the Internet can access learning from
     both the formal workshops, and from the conversations over coffee around the event.
     We?ll also explore some live-blogging tools to offer those not at the event the ability to connect live to some

     • Building a network - creating an online space for communication and collaboration between CROA members
     and friends. We’ll be using a formal network platform (see below), but also supporting the development of informal
     networks using tools like Twitter.

     CROA Members Online
     Open 24/7
     An online space for CROA Members to share, chat, get informed and track all CROA events and happenings.
     This site will be populated with material from the conference as it progresses. We encourage you to join up at the
     Digizone and interact with it throughout the conference.

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     The Digital Zone
     Open daily 9 ‘til late
     The home of the conference newsdesk and the working hub of our social reporting team. This area is open to all
     delegates to drop in, have a browse and meet Tim, Scott and the rest of the team. The laptops are internet enabled
     and free to borrow for a session, or even to use just to check your email.

     • The Conference Newsdesk. Come here to find out and to share what’s happening both on and under the
       surface of the conference.

     • Live blogging – real-time blog and comment from conference reporters on what’s happening right now

     • Speaker interviews – post-match interviews with speakers and key workshop facilitators. Find out what happened
       in the bits you missed!

     • A new CROA networking site. We’re trying Ning out to see if it meets your needs. Sign up to CROA Members
       Online at before or during the event and let us know what you think!

     • Twitter network – help with using twitter and joining the conference twitter network. Share your thoughts and
       views with other delegates live (and on your phone).

     • Social Media Surgery – troubleshooting assistance to help you address and overcome some of the challenges of
       using social media in your work with young people.

     • Live polls – gathering your opinions together at the end of the conference

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     Capturing the Buzz
     with Social Reporting:
     Ongoing and open to All
     What is social reporting?                                                   Social Reporting &
     Social reporting (sometimes called digital reporting) uses digital
     media to capture conversations, information, and different voices
     from a community or from an event.
                                                                                 Youth Engagement
                                                                                 We are using Social Reporting
     Social reporting might involve:
                                                                                 as a way to share the CROA
     • Writing blog posts or live blogging from a meeting, event, or a
       discussion;                                                               Conference, but it can be a
                                                                                 powerful way to engage children
     • Sharing short updates on Twitter;                                         and young people in creating
                                                                                 change. It can be part of:
     • Carrying out short video interviews or audio interviews around a local
                                                                                 • Researching an issue –
     • Finding the slides and presentations from a workshop and posting
        them online;                                                             interviewing people and gathering
                                                                                 media to find out facts and opinion
     • Taking photos of an event, or sharing photos of flip-charts and notes     on a particular issue.
        from discussions.

     There are many different styles of social reporting, and you will need to   • Exploring ideas - discussing the
     find which style works best for you. However, it?s important to             media recorded during research
     remember that social reporting is not about creating a formal report.
                                                                                 and using the editing process as an
     Instead, it can be about:
                                                                                 opportunity to reflect on what it
     • Bridging the gap between people who are at an event/on the ground         means.
        in a community, and those who are not, but who can still engage via
        the Internet.
                                                                                 • Campaigning for change –
     • Sharing insights, ideas, and important conversations from an event or     making sure decision makers can
        community.                                                               hear the authentic voice of children
                                                                                 and young people, and the people
     • Helping people in a community, or at an event, to share their own
       views, in their own words, on what has been going on.                     who support them.

     • Providing your own reflections on particular themes of conversation
        you have found interesting.
                                                                                 Capture        Put it
     Whichever media tools you use, and whatever your social reporting                                       Share it
                                                                                  Media         Online
     style, the process generally involves three key stages:

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     Twitter: Track it
     and Tweet It
     Open 24/ 7
     Assistance available from Tim, Scott, Joe and the social reporting team
     Assistance available from Tim, Scott, Joe and the social reporting team
     Twitter is a great tool for interacting with the conference.

     You can use Twitter to:
     • Share short updates from workshops and meetings (Twitter limits messages to 140 characters).
     • Share links to media and reports you have just uploaded to the Internet.
     • Keep track of conversations that other people are having about the meeting or workshop.

     Sign up
     If you do not already have one, you will need to create a Twitter account to make the best use of it.
     Visit http:// to sign up. Once you have signed up, let other members of the social reporting team
     know your Twitter name, and find out theirs so you can ‘follow’ them.

     Set up
     The simplest way to tweet is via SMS. We’ll help you to get this set up – just ask Scott or Tim in the Digizone.

     It can help to have a Twitter application on your computer or on your phone. One of the best is TweetDeck, which
     is available for PC, Mac, and iPhone. TweetDeck shows messages you are following in columns, and you can set up
     columns to follow particular tags. For example, set up one column to show everything on Twitter posted recently
     with the tag ‘#croa’ included in it.

     Twitter applications will also help shorten long web addresses, which otherwise wouldn?t fit into a message on their
     own - and many help you upload video clips or photos and attach those to your tweets. You can manually shorten
     addresses if you are not using an application by going to or

     Whatever application you use, make sure you have a way of following all the recent messages with key tags in them
     (e.g. #croa). You can do this through the Twitter website at

     Twitter tips
     • Click the names of people who send interesting tweets and then ‘follow’ them to get all their updates (you can
       always unfollow people later).

     • To reply to someone include ‘@theirname’ at the start of your message.

     • To share a message wider you can ‘Retweet’ it. Copy the message and include “RT @authorsname” at the start
        before sending it.

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    Open Space Session
     Oct 13th 3:00 - 4.45 pm
     If you’ve not taken part in an open space session before then here’s a little background info…

     An Open Space session is a participant led event in which people discuss issues of heartfelt concern, share ideas,
     pool their knowledge, reach agreement or come to conclusions on the best way forward.
     Participation in an Open Space session is voluntary whenever possible.

      What are the minimum and maximum              The size of the group is limited only by capacity of venue.
      numbers of participants?                      The lower limit is around 12 people. One of the largest Open Space
                                                    meetings to date had 1000 participants.
      When was Open Space invented, and by          It was developed in 1985 by Harrison Owen, an American
      whom?                                         organisational consultant, for the Third International Symposium on
                                                    Organisation Transformation.
      What theories is it based on?                 Open Space isn’t really based on any theories. Harrison Owen was
                                                    inspired by the workings of tribal communities in Africa, and informed
                                                    by Native American traditions and the field of myth and ritual.
      What do participants need in order to         They need two things: passion and responsibility. Self management is a
      make the most of an Open Space meeting?       key feature of the Open Space approach.
      What are the principles that make Open                  Whoever comes are the                    Participation is voluntary.
      Space work?                                       1     right people
                                                              Whenever it starts is the                Inspiration doesn't
                                                        2     right time                               recognise timetables.
                                                              Whatever happens is the only             Let go of your expectations.
                                                        3     thing that could
      What is The Law of Two Feet?                  The Law of Two Feet (also known as The Law of Mobility) states that if,
                                                    at any time, you find yourself in a situation where you are neither learning
                                                    nor contributing, it is your responsibility to use The Law of Two Feet to take
                                                    yourself to some more productive place.
      How can I make sure that certain topics       You can't, so either let go of your expectations or don't use Open Space. If
      get discussed?                                you are tempted to use ‘plants’ to propose pre-arranged topics, remember
                                                    there’s no guarantee that anyone will want to discuss these topics.
      Many of the participants will have no         It is rarely a make-or-break issue. Session convenors will almost always rise to
      experience of facilitating meetings.          the challenge and do a good job, regardless of their level of facilitation
      Will this be a problem?                       experience.
      What if no one steps forward to offer         In the entire history of Open Space this has never happened, and there's little
      a session?                                    likelihood of it ever occurring in the future.
      What if people propose sessions that are      Trust the process. People will only attend any session if they think it is a
      unrelated to the theme?                       worthwhile use of their time.
      What if someone proposes a session            Most organisations have family secrets and undiscussible issues. Open Space
      that's outrageous or taboo?                   provides a safe space for these to be brought into the open and discussed in a
                                                    mature way. If a ‘Space Invader’ should try to hijack the proceedings the
                                                    facilitator will gently intervene.

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     D.I.C.E is a community interest company (CIC).

     D.I.C.E provides training and development opportunities focusing on working with
     Disabled Children and Young People. We specialise in working with children and
     young people who have Severe, Profound and Complex Needs including Autism.

     D.I.C.E services include:
     •      Training
     •      Consultancy
     •      Advocacy
     •      pARTicipation
     •      Products

     We fund our advocacy and participation work with disabled children and young
     people by generating income through providing training, consultancy and research.

     0121 2123039        

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     Bill Badham
     Co-Director, Practical Participation
     Twitter ID: @billbadham Website:

     I have been campaigning for 30 years for children and young people’s rights to speak out, be heard and treated with
     respect and get a better deal in their communities, in prison and in local and national decisions.

     At Practical Participation we work with projects and organisations to promote social justice through participation,
     community building, campaigning, organisational change and the effective use of social technologies.

     RightSpace: What’s changed in 13 years of participation?
     RightSpace is a partnership with Investing in Children and De Montfort University to create a space of dialogue on
     children and young people’s human rights and participation at a time of massive political and policy change. Some of
     the key themes that we’ll explore include children and young people human rights, leadership and accountability,
     young researchers, holding on and moving forward and participation and change. We’ll take in a few short video
     clips along the way.

     Sean O’Neill
     Policy Director Children in Wales

     Sean is a Policy Director for Children in Wales, having previously held a number of other posts within the same
     organisation. His areas of responsibility include Advocacy, children’s rights, looked-after children and child poverty.
     He is responsible for facilitating the All Wales Advocacy Providers Group and was instrumental in setting up the All
     Wales Advocacy Practitioners Network. Sean has worked in a number of posts in different sectors, including as a
     housing resettlement officer, an advocacy worker, a research associate and managed a Family Group Conference
     project. Sean is a trustee of the UK Campaign to End Child Poverty and Funky Dragon – the Wales Children and
     Young People’s Assembly.

     Wales: benevolent land of advocacy and children’s rights
     In 2007, the Welsh Assembly Government outlined its new vision for the development, commissioning and delivery
     of advocacy services across Wales, firmly placing that vision within a framework of children’s rights.
     This presentation will outline both that vision and pass comment on the progress that’s been made. Is this vision
     still the right one in 2010 and how realistic is its delivery, given all the external challenges which are serving
     to frustrate the pace of change.

     Martin Coyle
     Deputy Chief Executive, Action for Advocacy
     Twitter ID: @Action4Advocacy Website:

     Martin has been in the advocacy sector since 2001 and joined Action for Advocacy in 2006. With a longstanding
     interest in the quality and accountability of independent advocacy, Martin was responsible for developing the
     Quality Performance Mark (QPM), the UK’s only advocacy specific quality mark. He has become increasingly
     involved in researching outcomes focused monitoring and other means of helping the sector to demonstrate
     its worth to other stakeholders.

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     Steve Percival
     Senior Advocate, NYAS
     Twitter ID: @stevepercival     Website:

     Steve has been a representational advocate for over ten years, with County Durham’s Representational Advocacy
     Service (RAS) for adults, and for the last five years with NYAS, offering specialist advocacy to children and young
     people. He writes and delivers specialist training in advocacy, most recently to young people in west London as part
     of a bespoke programme devised for Afasic, supporting children and young people with speech, language and
     communication impairments. During 2008/09 Steve sat on the Department of Health's national working party for
     the development of an advocacy award, and he remains a consultant for the RAS and a member of CROA.

     The Power of Making a Complaint
     Through anecdotes and case studies, Steve will share a tale of how speaking out and making a complaint
     can make a difference.

     Yvonne Anderson
     Managing Director, Cernis Ltd
     Twitter ID: @puzzledout Website:

     Yvonne started Cernis in June 2008, following a career in education, health and social services. Cernis specialises
     in the development and improvement of children's services, through information management, change tools,
     workforce development, education and young people's participation. The New CAMHS Online Participation Tool
     Young people are involved every step of the way in the development of, an interactive website
     where children and young people will play their part in changing and developing mental health and emotional well
     being services. Cernis has involved around 200 young people across the country and has recently employed three
     as Young Associates to work more closely on the project.

     Dr. Roger Morgan
     Office of the Children’s Rights Director

     Roger is the Children’s Rights Director for England, with national statutory functions to ascertain and report the
     views of children living away from home or receiving social care services, to advise on children’s rights and welfare,
     and to identify and raise children’s rights and welfare issues he considers significant. The post is hosted by Ofsted,
     having previously been hosted by the National Care Standards Commission and then the Commission for Social
     Care Inspection. Roger and his team produce a continuing series of Children’s Views reports on the views and
     concerns of children. These can be accessed on the children’s website, following the “Be
     Heard” link. Roger is married with two children and four grandchildren.

     Children on Rights & Responsibilities: the findings
     Roger will present the findings of a recent consultation with children and young people living away from home on
     both existing and new rights and responsibilities and an analysis of children’s identification of irreducible and
     self-evident human rights.

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     Jane Bostock - National Participation Manager, YoungMinds
     Lisa Baird - VIK, YoungMinds

     Jane has worked in national voluntary sector services for a number of years, Beginning in Human Rights at the
     Refugee Council on the Kosovan Human Evacuation programme, National Development at The Medical Foundation
     For The Care Of Victims Of Torture. She has worked in disability inclusion and as Senior participation coordinator at
     the National Children’s Bureau. She has a strong background in young people’s engagement in designing, delivering
     and reviewing services and has worked for The Centre For Excellence And Outcomes (C4EO) to involve young
     people’s feedback as well as delivering projects for Participation works. Jane will co present with a VIK member.

     The VIK: campaigning for emotional wellbeing for all young people
     “If I had been offered decent and non-judgmental help again from the start, I truly believe my symptoms would
     not have progressed so much.” VIK

     YoungMinds VIK is a national participation project that campaigns for better mental health for all using the voices of
     Young people experiencing Mental health difficulties. We aim to empower and equip our network of young people
     with confidence and resilience to make real change within the mental health services.

     Our national participation team deliver training, advocate of behalf of young people and support young people’s
     mental health providers to develop their use of participation in their services.

     Tim Loughton
     MP East Worthing & Shoreham, Parliamentary under Secretary of State for Children in Families

     Tim was born in Eastbourne, Sussex in 1962. He was educated at The Priory School, Lewes; University of Warwick
     and Clare College, Cambridge, where he studied classics and Mesopotamian Archaeology. He lives in Sussex with
     his wife Elizabeth, son and two daughters.
     He joined the Shadow Health team in 2001, taking on the role of Shadow Minister for Children in 2003 where he
     remained until May 2010. As the Parliamentary under Secretary of State for Children in Families his portfolio of
     responsibilities includes: Safeguarding and Social Work, Children in Care, Youth, Vetting & Barring, CAFCASS
     & Family Law, and the Children’s workforce

     Proposed government policy, initiatives and support for looked after young people
     and care leavers
     Tim’s presentation will be followed by a Question and Answer session with members of Manchester's Care 2
     Change Council (CICC).

     Manchester Care 2 Change Council (CICC)
     Members of the conference’s local Children in Care Council will be running a question and answer session with MP
     Tim Loughton. They have spent time researching Tim and reading some of his recent speeches. Their questions will
     cover spending cuts, MP’s listening to young people, bureaucracy and rules affecting looked after children, and
     privatisation of care homes.

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     ARTiculation buddies
     Action for Children

     ARTiculation is one of Action for Children’s leading arts programmes. It centres around two annual residential Youth
     Arts Weekends which are attended by Action for Children young people aged 16-25yrs. ARTiculation gives young
     people the opportunity to have their voices heard on issues that are important to them through a range of creative
     and accessible arts based workshops, including: dance, drama, visual arts, lyric and rap and drumming. Following the
     Youth Arts Weekend, young people have the opportunity to sign-up as 'ARTiculation Buddies'; this means they meet
     a number of times throughout the year to help devise a piece of drama that they then perform to decision makers at
     conferences and events. The Buddies then return to the following Youth Arts Weekend as peer mentors.

     ‘My Generation’
     The performance is a 15 minute ensemble piece and draws on the ideas and experiences of these young people
     and over 100 others who attended the Youth Arts Weekends and explored this theme.

     Kieron Kirkland
     Researcher, Futurelab

     Kieron Kirkland’s current work as a learning researcher for Futurelab includes leading the Greater Expectations
     project, which is exploring how digital technology can support young people to engage with their rights and
     entitlements, and researching the uses of digital games for learning. He has also published work on overcoming
     barriers to educational innovation and the use of emerging technologies for learning.

     Before joining Futurelab he developed and delivered theatre based education programmes as Practitioner-in-
     Residence for Shakespeare's Globe, ran cognitive behavioural programmes for adult and young adult offenders with
     the Probation Service.

     Infocow: rights, entitlements and where to find them online
     Kieron will outline the findings of the Greater Expectations project, which explored ways digital tools can be used to
     support young people to become more aware of their rights and entitlements. The project resulted in the
     development of the Infocow site, a web resource designed to practically engage young people with the networks
     and tools that can help them to realise their rights.

     Carolyne Willow
     National Co-ordinator, Children's Rights Alliance for England

     Carolyne has been a children’s rights advocate for over 25 years and became CRAE’s national co-ordinator in 2000.
     She started her career as a child protection social worker where she helped children establish the Nottinghamshire
     branch of NAYPIC (National Association of Young People in Care). She then became a children’s rights officer for
     looked after children and young people, and was Chair of CROA for several years.

     Carolyne has written and edited a wide range of children's rights publications. She has two children, aged 11 and 7.

     Children's Rights Tour 2010
     Carolyne will summarise key developments in law and policy over the past 12 months which are relevant to the
     work of children's rights officers and advocates. This will include the Children's Commissioner Review and the
     forthcoming Freedom Bill. She will highlight the opportunities she sees ahead for strengthening children and young
     people's rights, as well as the threats.

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     Tim Davies
     Co-Director, Practical Participation
     Twitter ID: @timdavies Website:

     Conference Social Reporting and Open Space Facilitator

     Tim Davies has been exploring the intersection of youth engagement, social justice and social technologies for the
     last 10 years. Between 2003 and 2006 Tim was a part time trainer and consultant with the NYA, and in 2005
     established Practical Participation as an independent limited company supporting youth participation through the
     effective use of technology.

     Tim graduated from Oxford University in 2006 with a BA in Politics, Philosophy and Economics, and, after a short
     time in which he was juggling work with The NYA, Practical Participation and as the marketing manager of a Fairtrade
     shop, Tim developed Practical Participation into a full time enterprise. Since then, Tim has been the lead researcher
     on the Youth Work & Social Networking Project, leading to the development of internationally recognised work on
     youth engagement and social media; and has been actively exploring a wide range of innovative participation and
     technology projects.

     Martin Goodwin
     Director, DICE – Disability Inclusion Community Education (CIC)

     Martin Goodwin is an experienced practitioner who has 16 years experience in working with children and young
     people in a range of capacities including management and direct delivery. He is a Certified Trainer (CIPD) who is
     qualified with a BA Hons in Learning Disability Studies and is currently completing an MA in Youth and Community

     D.I.C.E is a community interest company that provides training and development opportunities focusing on working
     with Disabled Children and Young People. We specialise in working with children and young people who have
     Severe, Profound and Complex Needs including Autism.

     Choice & Decision Making
     This workshop will support you to develop your awareness in barriers to choice making, the legislative context for
     choice making and practical tips and suggestions for enabling choice with all children especially with severe, profound
     and complex disabilities. Be prepared to take part in discussion and practical activities.

     Steve Percival – see Presenter Listings
     Rapport: The ‘X’ factor
     In just over an hour, we’ll take a roller-coaster ride through the foundations and dynamics of rapport, a ‘relationship
     defined by harmony, accord and affinity’. Using discussion and exploring the techniques used to establish rapport in
     the advocacy relationship, we’ll look at the ways it already informs our practice and shapes our ability to effectively
     represent others, whilst also exploring its fundamental role in communication: the interaction of energy
     between people.

Conference Handbook.QXD   8/10/10   11:59   Page 18

     Dr. Jane Dalrymple - Senior Lecturer University of the West of England
     Dr. Jane Boylan - Senior Lecturer Keele University
     Jane Dalrymple is co-author of Understanding Advocacy for Children and Young People. She has been the director
     of a national advocacy service and is involved in teaching and assessing the national advocacy qualification. She has
     also co-edited Developing Advocacy for Children and Young People.

     Jane Boylan is co-author of Understanding Advocacy for Children and Young People. Her research interests include
     advocacy, looked after children and children’s rights. She has published widely on the subject o advocacy in relation
     to children and young people.

     Advocacy as an exciting, radical and constantly developing way of working
     This workshop will consider advocacy as an exciting, radical and constantly developing way of working. Participants
     will be invited to engage in thinking about the way in which advocacy has developed over the last twenty years and
     the specific impact of e-advocacy more recently. It will also explore whether legislating for advocacy is a positive or
     challenging development and encourage participants to think about looking to the future as activists in the new world
     of a coalition government.

     Adam Walker
     Young Trainer, Triangle

     Adam trains and consults for Triangle and also looks after the Triangle websites. Adam was a founder member of
     Triangle's senior consultative group (of deaf and disabled young people) and now shares the leadership of the group.
     Adam trains on communication, consultation, advocacy and safeguarding across the UK. Adam has taken part in two
     training films (Two Way Street and the Child’s World) and also acted in an advisory capacity for several others
     including All Join In and Three Way Street. Adam worked on the How it Is image vocabulary for children and has
     advised on several consultations about children with complex health needs. He also has experience with advocating
     on children and young people’s behalf.

     3 Way Street: managing communication with young people when another adult is present
     This workshop will give you an idea of how to carry out three way street communication. Communicating with
     children is often a three way event between you, the child and an accompanying adult. Managing these interactions
     is an essential skill for everyone working with children.
     Failure to communicate effectively with children can have serious and sometimes devastating consequences. Yet
     children are often at the margins of communication, for example in doctor-parent-child consultations the child’s
     contribution averages less than 10%.

     Martin Coyle – see Presenter Listings
     Demonstrating the Value of Advocacy
     There has never been a greater need to demonstrate why advocacy is worth funding well. This workshop will
     explore the language of quality, the need for relevant monitoring systems and the ways in which advocacy can show
     its value to commissioners. It will also challenge participants to consider how they demonstrate the effectiveness of
     their own organisations.

Conference Handbook.QXD   8/10/10   11:59   Page 19

     Helen Johnson
     Operations Manager, Children's Panel, Refugee Council

     Helen has previously worked as a social worker and as a teacher, and has more than 10 years experience of
     working with separated children in the asylum process.

     Working with children and young people in the asylum system: the policy, the process and the
     practice, and how to support young people going through the process. This workshop will include
     discussion around the practice implications of latest government changes to asylum and immigration policy.

     Dr. Mike Lindsay
     Adviser to the Children’s Rights Director for England

     The country’s first Children Rights Officer and a founder member of CROA, Mike has been advising Dr Roger
     Morgan and his team since 2002. He’s also been an adviser to government and has written and spoken extensively
     on children’s rights both at home and abroad. Throughout the whole of 2009, Mike was seconded the role National
     Coordinator of the Children’s Rights Alliance for England.

     Mike has also been the manager of a children’s home; a senior lecturer in Social Work; senior adviser at First Key
     (formerly the National Leaving Care Advisory Service), where he led on the government-backed setting up of ‘A
     National Voice’; and, was the country’s first children’s rights officer. Mike is also qualified teacher and social worker;
     who also holds a post-graduate qualification in child welfare law and a doctorate in applied social linguistics.

     Advocacy and Complaints
     Mike will guide participants through some of the current findings and practice around complaints before facilitating a
     discussion around the dynamics of complaints and prevalent issues for attendees.

     Jane Menday - Training Coordinator, CROA
     Gemma Eadsforth - Young Trainer, CROA

     Jane has been working in the sector since 1990 and for CROA since 2008. She has been an advocacy, IV and
     participation manager, run a residential unit, and has a particular passion for improving the lives of young people
     through training professionals. She is also a mum of one teenage snowboarder champion, currently 5th in the UK all
     women class.

     Gemma has been delivering training for CROA for four years.

     Working with Young Trainers
     Jane and Gemma will share some of the opportunities and challenges of recruiting, training and supporting young
     people to deliver high quality training courses.

Conference Handbook.QXD   8/10/10   11:59   Page 20

                                             Leave inspired.

          Replay the action at CROA Members Online.

                                       Feel inspired again.

                                                  How to stay in touch:

                                CROA Members Online:



                                                        T: 01773 820 100


       CROA improves access to and promotes the human rights of Children & Young People in
     need. We do this through campaigning, training & policy support for Children's Rights Officers
                                          and Advocates.

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  • 1. Conference Handbook.QXD 8/10/10 11:59 Page 1 The Annual CROA Conference 2010 Let’s get social Advocacy, Rights and Participation with a digital edge October 13th - 14th - Manchester Thistle Hotel Conference Handbook
  • 2. Conference Handbook.QXD 8/10/10 11:59 Page 2
  • 3. Conference Handbook.QXD 8/10/10 11:59 Page 3 Contents Page Welcome .......................................................................................... 4 Programme Day 1 ............................................................................ 5 Programme Day 2 ............................................................................ 6 Make It Social .................................................................................... 7 CROA Members Online .................................................................... 7 The Digital Zone .............................................................................. 8 Capturing the Buzz with Social Reporting .......................................... 9 Twitter: How to Tweet It and Track It .............................................. 10 Open Space Session ........................................................................ 11 Biographies: Presenters .............................................................. 13-16 Biographies: Facilitators .............................................................. 17-19 Please note that sometimes, due to forces beyond our control, we may have to make late changes to the programme. If this happens, please don’t be mad, just enjoy the unexpected. 3
  • 4. Conference Handbook.QXD 8/10/10 11:59 Page 4 Welcome Welcome to this year’s CROA Conference. We’re really glad you could make it. Now that you’re here, let’s get social. For the last two months the CROA team has been working hard to create an event that’s going to be a little bit different. Hopefully you’ve arrived ready to try out a few new things because we’ll be giving you a lot of choice over how you interact with the conference happenings. We encourage you to dive in, get your hands dirty, speak out and have an experience. Then, when the conference is done, we hope you’ll go away feeling more connected, more a part of CROA and with some exciting ideas and inspiration for your working practice. Here’s how you can get involved: • Sit and absorb what’s happening • Use twitter and mark your tweets with #croa – they will then appear in real time on our tweet feed in the main room. For more help with using twitter see page 10. • Visit the Digital Zone and ask for something to do • Offer yourself for interviewing by a social reporter • Join CROA Members Online (at the digizone or on your own laptop) where you can: • Watch exclusive speaker interviews • Replay the action • Comment in the forum • Start your own conference blog • Post photos of the event • Offer a workshop during the open space session • Ask to borrow a laptop for a session to track what’s happening on twitter/CROA Members Online • Tweet a little or a lot using your phone or laptop • Ask a social reporter to be shown how to live blog • Visit the conference newsdesk in the digizone and tell them your views/news! Of course, we’ve also got a jam packed programme of the usual speakers and workshops. Some of them have an underlying digital participation theme but in the main we’re trying to offer you topics covering the following: • Rights • Advocacy • Participation • Communication • The value of what we do • The new government As the conference progresses, we’d love to be hearing your views on all of the above and anything else you want to talk about. Just get chatting and tweeting! Notice of Change of Etiquette: It’s fine to be texting (one way of tweeting) or using a laptop during speeches and presentations. 4
  • 5. Conference Handbook.QXD 8/10/10 11:59 Page 5 The Annual CROA Conference 2010 Let’s get social Live polls, CROA online sign up, Social media support Happening all day: Social reporting, Newsdesk, Live blogs, Tech corner, Marketplace, Twitter networking, Advocacy, Rights and Participation with a digital edge Day 1: October 13th 9.00 Registration 9.30 Welcome/Chair’s Intro – Debi Morgan, Barnardo’s Tim Davies – Capturing the Conference Buzz 9.45 immediately followed by Bill Badham – RightSpace: What’s changed in 13 years of participation? 10.20 Sean O’Neill - Wales: benevolent land of advocacy and children’s rights 10.40 Martin Coyle – Advocacy under the new Government 11.00 Refreshment Break Workshops 1. Martin Goodwin - Enabling Choice and Decision Making when working with children & young people with profound disabilities 11.20 2. Helen Johnson - Best practice in working with children and young people in the Asylum System 3. Dr. Mike Lindsay - Advocacy and Complaints 4. Steve Percival - Rapport: The ‘X’ factor 12.40 Lunch 13.40 Steve Percival – The Power of Making a Complaint Yvonne Anderson – The New CAMHS Online 14.00 Participation Tool 14.20 Dr. Roger Morgan – Children on Rights & Responsibilities: the findings 14.45 Refreshment Break 15.05 Open Space Session - a dynamic, participant-led, multi-workshop event 16.45 - AGM – share a glass of wine, toast CROA and nominate your 17.45 management committe. 19.00 Dinner 20.30 Pop Quiz, Vinyl Spinning CROs + bar ‘til late 5
  • 6. Conference Handbook.QXD 8/10/10 11:59 Page 6 The Annual CROA Conference 2010 Let’s get social Live polls, CROA online sign up, Social media support Happening all day: Social reporting, Newsdesk, Live blogs, Tech corner, Marketplace, Twitter networking, Advocacy, Rights and Participation with a digital edge Day 2: October 14th 9.00 Registration 9.30 Debi Morgan/Tim Davies: Reports from Day 1 Jane Bostock - The VIK: campaigning for emotional wellbeing for all 10.00 young people Tim Loughton ‘Proposed government policy, initiatives support for looked 10.30 after young people and care leavers’ including Q&A Session with members of Manchester CICC 11.00 Refreshment Break Workshops 1. Jane Menday - Working with Young Trainers 2. Dr. Jane Dalrymple & Dr. Jane Boylan - Advocacy as an exciting, 11.15 radical and constantly developing way of working 3. Martin Coyle - Demonstrating the value of advocacy to commissioners 4. Triangle - 3 Way Street: managing communication with young people when another adult is present 12.20 Lunch 13.20 ARTiculation Buddies – ‘My Generation’ (live performance) Kieron Kirkland - Infocow: rights, entitlements and where 13.35 to find them online 13.55 Carolyne Willow - Children’s Rights Tour 2010 14.25 Refreshment Break The Buzz, Captured… • Key Messages Video Report by Tim Davies 14.45 • Open Space workshops on emerging key themes • Closing: Social media, saving ££’s and staying strong Leave inspired. 16.00 Replay the action at CROA Members Online. Feel inspired again. 6
  • 7. Conference Handbook.QXD 8/10/10 11:59 Page 7 The focus at this year’s CROA Conference: Make it Social Here in Manchester we’re particularly interested in: • Sharing the conference - with those who couldn’t make it here. We’ll be gathering interviews with speakers, photos, slides and vox-pop interviews, and writing up key learning so that people connecting to the conference this week, and in future weeks, via the Internet can access learning from both the formal workshops, and from the conversations over coffee around the event. We?ll also explore some live-blogging tools to offer those not at the event the ability to connect live to some sessions. • Building a network - creating an online space for communication and collaboration between CROA members and friends. We’ll be using a formal network platform (see below), but also supporting the development of informal networks using tools like Twitter. CROA Members Online Open 24/7 An online space for CROA Members to share, chat, get informed and track all CROA events and happenings. This site will be populated with material from the conference as it progresses. We encourage you to join up at the Digizone and interact with it throughout the conference. 7
  • 8. Conference Handbook.QXD 8/10/10 11:59 Page 8 The Digital Zone Open daily 9 ‘til late The home of the conference newsdesk and the working hub of our social reporting team. This area is open to all delegates to drop in, have a browse and meet Tim, Scott and the rest of the team. The laptops are internet enabled and free to borrow for a session, or even to use just to check your email. • The Conference Newsdesk. Come here to find out and to share what’s happening both on and under the surface of the conference. • Live blogging – real-time blog and comment from conference reporters on what’s happening right now • Speaker interviews – post-match interviews with speakers and key workshop facilitators. Find out what happened in the bits you missed! • A new CROA networking site. We’re trying Ning out to see if it meets your needs. Sign up to CROA Members Online at before or during the event and let us know what you think! • Twitter network – help with using twitter and joining the conference twitter network. Share your thoughts and views with other delegates live (and on your phone). • Social Media Surgery – troubleshooting assistance to help you address and overcome some of the challenges of using social media in your work with young people. • Live polls – gathering your opinions together at the end of the conference 8
  • 9. Conference Handbook.QXD 8/10/10 11:59 Page 9 Capturing the Buzz with Social Reporting: Ongoing and open to All What is social reporting? Social Reporting & Social reporting (sometimes called digital reporting) uses digital media to capture conversations, information, and different voices from a community or from an event. Youth Engagement We are using Social Reporting Social reporting might involve: as a way to share the CROA • Writing blog posts or live blogging from a meeting, event, or a discussion; Conference, but it can be a powerful way to engage children • Sharing short updates on Twitter; and young people in creating change. It can be part of: • Carrying out short video interviews or audio interviews around a local community; • Researching an issue – • Finding the slides and presentations from a workshop and posting them online; interviewing people and gathering media to find out facts and opinion • Taking photos of an event, or sharing photos of flip-charts and notes on a particular issue. from discussions. There are many different styles of social reporting, and you will need to • Exploring ideas - discussing the find which style works best for you. However, it?s important to media recorded during research remember that social reporting is not about creating a formal report. and using the editing process as an Instead, it can be about: opportunity to reflect on what it • Bridging the gap between people who are at an event/on the ground means. in a community, and those who are not, but who can still engage via the Internet. • Campaigning for change – • Sharing insights, ideas, and important conversations from an event or making sure decision makers can community. hear the authentic voice of children and young people, and the people • Helping people in a community, or at an event, to share their own views, in their own words, on what has been going on. who support them. • Providing your own reflections on particular themes of conversation you have found interesting. Capture Put it Whichever media tools you use, and whatever your social reporting Share it Media Online style, the process generally involves three key stages: 9
  • 10. Conference Handbook.QXD 8/10/10 11:59 Page 10 Twitter: Track it and Tweet It Open 24/ 7 Assistance available from Tim, Scott, Joe and the social reporting team Assistance available from Tim, Scott, Joe and the social reporting team Twitter is a great tool for interacting with the conference. You can use Twitter to: • Share short updates from workshops and meetings (Twitter limits messages to 140 characters). • Share links to media and reports you have just uploaded to the Internet. • Keep track of conversations that other people are having about the meeting or workshop. Sign up If you do not already have one, you will need to create a Twitter account to make the best use of it. Visit http:// to sign up. Once you have signed up, let other members of the social reporting team know your Twitter name, and find out theirs so you can ‘follow’ them. Set up The simplest way to tweet is via SMS. We’ll help you to get this set up – just ask Scott or Tim in the Digizone. It can help to have a Twitter application on your computer or on your phone. One of the best is TweetDeck, which is available for PC, Mac, and iPhone. TweetDeck shows messages you are following in columns, and you can set up columns to follow particular tags. For example, set up one column to show everything on Twitter posted recently with the tag ‘#croa’ included in it. Twitter applications will also help shorten long web addresses, which otherwise wouldn?t fit into a message on their own - and many help you upload video clips or photos and attach those to your tweets. You can manually shorten addresses if you are not using an application by going to or Whatever application you use, make sure you have a way of following all the recent messages with key tags in them (e.g. #croa). You can do this through the Twitter website at Twitter tips • Click the names of people who send interesting tweets and then ‘follow’ them to get all their updates (you can always unfollow people later). • To reply to someone include ‘@theirname’ at the start of your message. • To share a message wider you can ‘Retweet’ it. Copy the message and include “RT @authorsname” at the start before sending it. 10
  • 11. Conference Handbook.QXD 8/10/10 11:59 Page 11 Open Space Session Oct 13th 3:00 - 4.45 pm If you’ve not taken part in an open space session before then here’s a little background info… An Open Space session is a participant led event in which people discuss issues of heartfelt concern, share ideas, pool their knowledge, reach agreement or come to conclusions on the best way forward. Participation in an Open Space session is voluntary whenever possible. What are the minimum and maximum The size of the group is limited only by capacity of venue. numbers of participants? The lower limit is around 12 people. One of the largest Open Space meetings to date had 1000 participants. When was Open Space invented, and by It was developed in 1985 by Harrison Owen, an American whom? organisational consultant, for the Third International Symposium on Organisation Transformation. What theories is it based on? Open Space isn’t really based on any theories. Harrison Owen was inspired by the workings of tribal communities in Africa, and informed by Native American traditions and the field of myth and ritual. What do participants need in order to They need two things: passion and responsibility. Self management is a make the most of an Open Space meeting? key feature of the Open Space approach. What are the principles that make Open Whoever comes are the Participation is voluntary. Space work? 1 right people Whenever it starts is the Inspiration doesn't 2 right time recognise timetables. Whatever happens is the only Let go of your expectations. 3 thing that could What is The Law of Two Feet? The Law of Two Feet (also known as The Law of Mobility) states that if, at any time, you find yourself in a situation where you are neither learning nor contributing, it is your responsibility to use The Law of Two Feet to take yourself to some more productive place. How can I make sure that certain topics You can't, so either let go of your expectations or don't use Open Space. If get discussed? you are tempted to use ‘plants’ to propose pre-arranged topics, remember there’s no guarantee that anyone will want to discuss these topics. Many of the participants will have no It is rarely a make-or-break issue. Session convenors will almost always rise to experience of facilitating meetings. the challenge and do a good job, regardless of their level of facilitation Will this be a problem? experience. What if no one steps forward to offer In the entire history of Open Space this has never happened, and there's little a session? likelihood of it ever occurring in the future. What if people propose sessions that are Trust the process. People will only attend any session if they think it is a unrelated to the theme? worthwhile use of their time. What if someone proposes a session Most organisations have family secrets and undiscussible issues. Open Space that's outrageous or taboo? provides a safe space for these to be brought into the open and discussed in a mature way. If a ‘Space Invader’ should try to hijack the proceedings the facilitator will gently intervene. 11
  • 12. Conference Handbook.QXD 8/10/10 11:59 Page 12 D.I.C.E is a community interest company (CIC). D.I.C.E provides training and development opportunities focusing on working with Disabled Children and Young People. We specialise in working with children and young people who have Severe, Profound and Complex Needs including Autism. D.I.C.E services include: • Training • Consultancy • Advocacy • pARTicipation • Products We fund our advocacy and participation work with disabled children and young people by generating income through providing training, consultancy and research. 0121 2123039 12
  • 13. Conference Handbook.QXD 8/10/10 11:59 Page 13 Presenters Bill Badham Co-Director, Practical Participation Twitter ID: @billbadham Website: I have been campaigning for 30 years for children and young people’s rights to speak out, be heard and treated with respect and get a better deal in their communities, in prison and in local and national decisions. At Practical Participation we work with projects and organisations to promote social justice through participation, community building, campaigning, organisational change and the effective use of social technologies. RightSpace: What’s changed in 13 years of participation? RightSpace is a partnership with Investing in Children and De Montfort University to create a space of dialogue on children and young people’s human rights and participation at a time of massive political and policy change. Some of the key themes that we’ll explore include children and young people human rights, leadership and accountability, young researchers, holding on and moving forward and participation and change. We’ll take in a few short video clips along the way. Sean O’Neill Policy Director Children in Wales Website: Sean is a Policy Director for Children in Wales, having previously held a number of other posts within the same organisation. His areas of responsibility include Advocacy, children’s rights, looked-after children and child poverty. He is responsible for facilitating the All Wales Advocacy Providers Group and was instrumental in setting up the All Wales Advocacy Practitioners Network. Sean has worked in a number of posts in different sectors, including as a housing resettlement officer, an advocacy worker, a research associate and managed a Family Group Conference project. Sean is a trustee of the UK Campaign to End Child Poverty and Funky Dragon – the Wales Children and Young People’s Assembly. Wales: benevolent land of advocacy and children’s rights In 2007, the Welsh Assembly Government outlined its new vision for the development, commissioning and delivery of advocacy services across Wales, firmly placing that vision within a framework of children’s rights. This presentation will outline both that vision and pass comment on the progress that’s been made. Is this vision still the right one in 2010 and how realistic is its delivery, given all the external challenges which are serving to frustrate the pace of change. Martin Coyle Deputy Chief Executive, Action for Advocacy Twitter ID: @Action4Advocacy Website: Martin has been in the advocacy sector since 2001 and joined Action for Advocacy in 2006. With a longstanding interest in the quality and accountability of independent advocacy, Martin was responsible for developing the Quality Performance Mark (QPM), the UK’s only advocacy specific quality mark. He has become increasingly involved in researching outcomes focused monitoring and other means of helping the sector to demonstrate its worth to other stakeholders. 13
  • 14. Conference Handbook.QXD 8/10/10 11:59 Page 14 Steve Percival Senior Advocate, NYAS Twitter ID: @stevepercival Website: Steve has been a representational advocate for over ten years, with County Durham’s Representational Advocacy Service (RAS) for adults, and for the last five years with NYAS, offering specialist advocacy to children and young people. He writes and delivers specialist training in advocacy, most recently to young people in west London as part of a bespoke programme devised for Afasic, supporting children and young people with speech, language and communication impairments. During 2008/09 Steve sat on the Department of Health's national working party for the development of an advocacy award, and he remains a consultant for the RAS and a member of CROA. The Power of Making a Complaint Through anecdotes and case studies, Steve will share a tale of how speaking out and making a complaint can make a difference. Yvonne Anderson Managing Director, Cernis Ltd Twitter ID: @puzzledout Website: Yvonne started Cernis in June 2008, following a career in education, health and social services. Cernis specialises in the development and improvement of children's services, through information management, change tools, workforce development, education and young people's participation. The New CAMHS Online Participation Tool Young people are involved every step of the way in the development of, an interactive website where children and young people will play their part in changing and developing mental health and emotional well being services. Cernis has involved around 200 young people across the country and has recently employed three as Young Associates to work more closely on the project. Dr. Roger Morgan Office of the Children’s Rights Director Website: Roger is the Children’s Rights Director for England, with national statutory functions to ascertain and report the views of children living away from home or receiving social care services, to advise on children’s rights and welfare, and to identify and raise children’s rights and welfare issues he considers significant. The post is hosted by Ofsted, having previously been hosted by the National Care Standards Commission and then the Commission for Social Care Inspection. Roger and his team produce a continuing series of Children’s Views reports on the views and concerns of children. These can be accessed on the children’s website, following the “Be Heard” link. Roger is married with two children and four grandchildren. Children on Rights & Responsibilities: the findings Roger will present the findings of a recent consultation with children and young people living away from home on both existing and new rights and responsibilities and an analysis of children’s identification of irreducible and self-evident human rights. 14
  • 15. Conference Handbook.QXD 8/10/10 11:59 Page 15 Jane Bostock - National Participation Manager, YoungMinds Lisa Baird - VIK, YoungMinds Website: Jane has worked in national voluntary sector services for a number of years, Beginning in Human Rights at the Refugee Council on the Kosovan Human Evacuation programme, National Development at The Medical Foundation For The Care Of Victims Of Torture. She has worked in disability inclusion and as Senior participation coordinator at the National Children’s Bureau. She has a strong background in young people’s engagement in designing, delivering and reviewing services and has worked for The Centre For Excellence And Outcomes (C4EO) to involve young people’s feedback as well as delivering projects for Participation works. Jane will co present with a VIK member. The VIK: campaigning for emotional wellbeing for all young people “If I had been offered decent and non-judgmental help again from the start, I truly believe my symptoms would not have progressed so much.” VIK YoungMinds VIK is a national participation project that campaigns for better mental health for all using the voices of Young people experiencing Mental health difficulties. We aim to empower and equip our network of young people with confidence and resilience to make real change within the mental health services. Our national participation team deliver training, advocate of behalf of young people and support young people’s mental health providers to develop their use of participation in their services. Tim Loughton MP East Worthing & Shoreham, Parliamentary under Secretary of State for Children in Families Website: Tim was born in Eastbourne, Sussex in 1962. He was educated at The Priory School, Lewes; University of Warwick and Clare College, Cambridge, where he studied classics and Mesopotamian Archaeology. He lives in Sussex with his wife Elizabeth, son and two daughters. He joined the Shadow Health team in 2001, taking on the role of Shadow Minister for Children in 2003 where he remained until May 2010. As the Parliamentary under Secretary of State for Children in Families his portfolio of responsibilities includes: Safeguarding and Social Work, Children in Care, Youth, Vetting & Barring, CAFCASS & Family Law, and the Children’s workforce Proposed government policy, initiatives and support for looked after young people and care leavers Tim’s presentation will be followed by a Question and Answer session with members of Manchester's Care 2 Change Council (CICC). Manchester Care 2 Change Council (CICC) Members of the conference’s local Children in Care Council will be running a question and answer session with MP Tim Loughton. They have spent time researching Tim and reading some of his recent speeches. Their questions will cover spending cuts, MP’s listening to young people, bureaucracy and rules affecting looked after children, and privatisation of care homes. 15
  • 16. Conference Handbook.QXD 8/10/10 11:59 Page 16 ARTiculation buddies Action for Children Website: ARTiculation is one of Action for Children’s leading arts programmes. It centres around two annual residential Youth Arts Weekends which are attended by Action for Children young people aged 16-25yrs. ARTiculation gives young people the opportunity to have their voices heard on issues that are important to them through a range of creative and accessible arts based workshops, including: dance, drama, visual arts, lyric and rap and drumming. Following the Youth Arts Weekend, young people have the opportunity to sign-up as 'ARTiculation Buddies'; this means they meet a number of times throughout the year to help devise a piece of drama that they then perform to decision makers at conferences and events. The Buddies then return to the following Youth Arts Weekend as peer mentors. ‘My Generation’ The performance is a 15 minute ensemble piece and draws on the ideas and experiences of these young people and over 100 others who attended the Youth Arts Weekends and explored this theme. Kieron Kirkland Researcher, Futurelab Website: Kieron Kirkland’s current work as a learning researcher for Futurelab includes leading the Greater Expectations project, which is exploring how digital technology can support young people to engage with their rights and entitlements, and researching the uses of digital games for learning. He has also published work on overcoming barriers to educational innovation and the use of emerging technologies for learning. Before joining Futurelab he developed and delivered theatre based education programmes as Practitioner-in- Residence for Shakespeare's Globe, ran cognitive behavioural programmes for adult and young adult offenders with the Probation Service. Infocow: rights, entitlements and where to find them online Kieron will outline the findings of the Greater Expectations project, which explored ways digital tools can be used to support young people to become more aware of their rights and entitlements. The project resulted in the development of the Infocow site, a web resource designed to practically engage young people with the networks and tools that can help them to realise their rights. Carolyne Willow National Co-ordinator, Children's Rights Alliance for England Website: Carolyne has been a children’s rights advocate for over 25 years and became CRAE’s national co-ordinator in 2000. She started her career as a child protection social worker where she helped children establish the Nottinghamshire branch of NAYPIC (National Association of Young People in Care). She then became a children’s rights officer for looked after children and young people, and was Chair of CROA for several years. Carolyne has written and edited a wide range of children's rights publications. She has two children, aged 11 and 7. Children's Rights Tour 2010 Carolyne will summarise key developments in law and policy over the past 12 months which are relevant to the work of children's rights officers and advocates. This will include the Children's Commissioner Review and the forthcoming Freedom Bill. She will highlight the opportunities she sees ahead for strengthening children and young people's rights, as well as the threats. 16
  • 17. Conference Handbook.QXD 8/10/10 11:59 Page 17 Facilitators Tim Davies Co-Director, Practical Participation Twitter ID: @timdavies Website: Conference Social Reporting and Open Space Facilitator Tim Davies has been exploring the intersection of youth engagement, social justice and social technologies for the last 10 years. Between 2003 and 2006 Tim was a part time trainer and consultant with the NYA, and in 2005 established Practical Participation as an independent limited company supporting youth participation through the effective use of technology. Tim graduated from Oxford University in 2006 with a BA in Politics, Philosophy and Economics, and, after a short time in which he was juggling work with The NYA, Practical Participation and as the marketing manager of a Fairtrade shop, Tim developed Practical Participation into a full time enterprise. Since then, Tim has been the lead researcher on the Youth Work & Social Networking Project, leading to the development of internationally recognised work on youth engagement and social media; and has been actively exploring a wide range of innovative participation and technology projects. Martin Goodwin Director, DICE – Disability Inclusion Community Education (CIC) Website: Martin Goodwin is an experienced practitioner who has 16 years experience in working with children and young people in a range of capacities including management and direct delivery. He is a Certified Trainer (CIPD) who is qualified with a BA Hons in Learning Disability Studies and is currently completing an MA in Youth and Community Development D.I.C.E is a community interest company that provides training and development opportunities focusing on working with Disabled Children and Young People. We specialise in working with children and young people who have Severe, Profound and Complex Needs including Autism. Choice & Decision Making This workshop will support you to develop your awareness in barriers to choice making, the legislative context for choice making and practical tips and suggestions for enabling choice with all children especially with severe, profound and complex disabilities. Be prepared to take part in discussion and practical activities. Steve Percival – see Presenter Listings Rapport: The ‘X’ factor In just over an hour, we’ll take a roller-coaster ride through the foundations and dynamics of rapport, a ‘relationship defined by harmony, accord and affinity’. Using discussion and exploring the techniques used to establish rapport in the advocacy relationship, we’ll look at the ways it already informs our practice and shapes our ability to effectively represent others, whilst also exploring its fundamental role in communication: the interaction of energy between people. 17
  • 18. Conference Handbook.QXD 8/10/10 11:59 Page 18 Dr. Jane Dalrymple - Senior Lecturer University of the West of England Dr. Jane Boylan - Senior Lecturer Keele University Jane Dalrymple is co-author of Understanding Advocacy for Children and Young People. She has been the director of a national advocacy service and is involved in teaching and assessing the national advocacy qualification. She has also co-edited Developing Advocacy for Children and Young People. Jane Boylan is co-author of Understanding Advocacy for Children and Young People. Her research interests include advocacy, looked after children and children’s rights. She has published widely on the subject o advocacy in relation to children and young people. Advocacy as an exciting, radical and constantly developing way of working This workshop will consider advocacy as an exciting, radical and constantly developing way of working. Participants will be invited to engage in thinking about the way in which advocacy has developed over the last twenty years and the specific impact of e-advocacy more recently. It will also explore whether legislating for advocacy is a positive or challenging development and encourage participants to think about looking to the future as activists in the new world of a coalition government. Adam Walker Young Trainer, Triangle Website: Adam trains and consults for Triangle and also looks after the Triangle websites. Adam was a founder member of Triangle's senior consultative group (of deaf and disabled young people) and now shares the leadership of the group. Adam trains on communication, consultation, advocacy and safeguarding across the UK. Adam has taken part in two training films (Two Way Street and the Child’s World) and also acted in an advisory capacity for several others including All Join In and Three Way Street. Adam worked on the How it Is image vocabulary for children and has advised on several consultations about children with complex health needs. He also has experience with advocating on children and young people’s behalf. 3 Way Street: managing communication with young people when another adult is present This workshop will give you an idea of how to carry out three way street communication. Communicating with children is often a three way event between you, the child and an accompanying adult. Managing these interactions is an essential skill for everyone working with children. Failure to communicate effectively with children can have serious and sometimes devastating consequences. Yet children are often at the margins of communication, for example in doctor-parent-child consultations the child’s contribution averages less than 10%. Martin Coyle – see Presenter Listings Demonstrating the Value of Advocacy There has never been a greater need to demonstrate why advocacy is worth funding well. This workshop will explore the language of quality, the need for relevant monitoring systems and the ways in which advocacy can show its value to commissioners. It will also challenge participants to consider how they demonstrate the effectiveness of their own organisations. 18
  • 19. Conference Handbook.QXD 8/10/10 11:59 Page 19 Helen Johnson Operations Manager, Children's Panel, Refugee Council Helen has previously worked as a social worker and as a teacher, and has more than 10 years experience of working with separated children in the asylum process. Working with children and young people in the asylum system: the policy, the process and the practice, and how to support young people going through the process. This workshop will include discussion around the practice implications of latest government changes to asylum and immigration policy. Dr. Mike Lindsay Adviser to the Children’s Rights Director for England Website: The country’s first Children Rights Officer and a founder member of CROA, Mike has been advising Dr Roger Morgan and his team since 2002. He’s also been an adviser to government and has written and spoken extensively on children’s rights both at home and abroad. Throughout the whole of 2009, Mike was seconded the role National Coordinator of the Children’s Rights Alliance for England. Mike has also been the manager of a children’s home; a senior lecturer in Social Work; senior adviser at First Key (formerly the National Leaving Care Advisory Service), where he led on the government-backed setting up of ‘A National Voice’; and, was the country’s first children’s rights officer. Mike is also qualified teacher and social worker; who also holds a post-graduate qualification in child welfare law and a doctorate in applied social linguistics. Advocacy and Complaints Mike will guide participants through some of the current findings and practice around complaints before facilitating a discussion around the dynamics of complaints and prevalent issues for attendees. Jane Menday - Training Coordinator, CROA Gemma Eadsforth - Young Trainer, CROA Website: Jane has been working in the sector since 1990 and for CROA since 2008. She has been an advocacy, IV and participation manager, run a residential unit, and has a particular passion for improving the lives of young people through training professionals. She is also a mum of one teenage snowboarder champion, currently 5th in the UK all women class. Gemma has been delivering training for CROA for four years. Working with Young Trainers Jane and Gemma will share some of the opportunities and challenges of recruiting, training and supporting young people to deliver high quality training courses. 19
  • 20. Conference Handbook.QXD 8/10/10 11:59 Page 20 Leave inspired. Replay the action at CROA Members Online. Feel inspired again. How to stay in touch: CROA Members Online: CROA: Twitter: T: 01773 820 100 E: CROA improves access to and promotes the human rights of Children & Young People in need. We do this through campaigning, training & policy support for Children's Rights Officers and Advocates.