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Critical Thinking as a Skill for Democracy
A Case of Citizen Engagement with UK Televised Election Debates
Anna De Liddo
Anna De Liddo
Research Fellow
Lucia Lupi
PhD Student Urban Informatics
Michelle Bachler
Senior Project Officer
Alberto Ardito
Web Developer
Retno Lasarti
PhD Student Explainable AI
Lucas Anastasiou
PhD Student
Why Critical Thinking Matters
“Everyone thinks; it is our nature to do so.
But much of our thinking, left to itself, is biased, distorted, partial, uninformed or
down-right prejudiced.
Yet the quality of our life and that of what we produce, make, or build depends precisely
on the quality of our thought. Shoddy thinking is costly, both in money and in quality of
Elder, L., 1997
Critical thinking: The key to emotional intelligence. Journal of developmental education, 21(1), p.40
Defining Critical Thinking
"Critical thinking... means making reasoned judgments" (p. 8)
Beyer, B. K. (1995)
Critical thinking. Bloomington, IN: Phi Delta Kappa Educational Foundation.
…varies according to the motivation underlying it,
…is never universal in a individual,
…it is a skill and dispositions which need to be exercised in a life-long endeavor.
Modified from: The Foundation of Critical Thinking
Defining Critical Thinking
“To engage in high quality reasoning, one must have not only the cognitive ability to
do so, but the drive to do so as well.
…the affective dimension, comprised of feelings and volition, is a necessary
condition and component of high quality reasoning and problem solving.
In short, the truly intelligent person is not a disembodied intellect functioning in an
emotional wasteland, but a deeply committed mindful person, full of passion and
high values, engaged in effective reasoning, sound judgment, and wise conduct.”
Elder, L., 1997
Critical thinking: The key to emotional intelligence. Journal of developmental education, 21(1), p.40
and	Examine	
patterns	of		
problems and	
attempt	to	
find	workable	
Gather	and	
and evidence
and Values
Evidence and	
Based	on	Glaser’s	seminal	study	on	critical	thinking	and	education	- Edward	M.	Glaser, An	
Experiment	in	the	Development	of	Critical	Thinking, Teacher’s	College,	Columbia	University,	1941)
Affective	Dimension
Critical Thinking, Emotional Intelligence and the Capability to Change
• “Despite the fact that thoughts, feelings, and desires are equally important functions of
the mind, it is cognition, or thinking, which is the key” [and can lead to “change”] “to the
other two”…
• We are able to change idea or feeling only by thinking differently about that which
we are experiencing, when we think that there is something we can do to change the
situation. Such a change in thinking leads to a change in motivation, and, ultimately, a
change in action.”
Adapted from Elder, L., 1997
Critical thinking: The key to emotional intelligence. Journal of developmental education, 21(1), p.40
“I see it feelingly”	
Shakespeare, King Lear, act 4, scene 6
Our Open Questions
• Is critical thinking a recognized value and skill in modern society?
• What does it means to think critically in a hyper-connected and data-intensive
• Are there any technologies to facilitate the emergence or practice of critical
thinking in public deliberation?
We look at public deliberation during political elections campaign, and in
particular at televised election debates as still the most prominent mean of
disseminating political information to a wide variety of citizens during an election
We miss the right social context to practice critical thinking
• Critical thinking is hard to practice in a world of filter bubbles and echo chambers in
which we are used to benefit from the ”similarity” and support we receive from peers.
• …and the skill of ‘opinion shifting’ is seen as a sing of confusion and weakness rather
than the highest expression of knowledge and wisdom.
Socrates Quotes:
“I am the wisest man alive, for I know one thing, and that is that I know nothing.”
Information overload and balkanization makes it difficult for citizens to
extract useful and reliable insights to make better-informed decisions on
how to vote.
Information complexity and uncertainty (fake vs legitimate news)
contribute to citizens’ finding the political process obscure, confusing, and
difficult to relate to.
We miss the right social context to practice critical thinking
Our Hypothesis
• we hypothesize that people’s confusion and disconnection with politics is due mostly
to a lack of understanding of the complexity of the political debate, rather than a
lack of technologies for public debate, and as such it can be bridged by developing
individual socio-technical spaces for critical thinking, reflection and sensemaking.
• to test this hypothesis, we designed, implemented, and tested Democratic Replay, a
hypervideo and visual analytics technology to enhance citizens’ sensemaking of
televised election debates.
HomePage: 7 Analytical lenses on the Debate
A 3 minutes demo video
of Democratic Replay is
available at:
Hypermedia Repository combining Heterogeneous Data Sources,
Complex Analytics, and Interactive Visualizations
Control (BBC News interface)
57 people
Treatment (Democratic Replay interface)
56 people
• 113 people - two groups: control (BBC News interface) and treatment (Democratic
Replay interface)
• groups balanced in term of age gender and political decidedness, with a nearly equal split
per demographic category
Analysis by demographic sub-group has been carried out:
• Gender: 52 participants - women (46%), 60 men (53%), and 1 preferred not to say.
• Age range18 to 65 - 45 people (40%) between 18 and 30, 32 (28%) between 31 and 40,
and 36 (32%) aged 41 or more.
• decided (60%) and undecided (40%) on how to vote
Conditions for selection:
(a) they knew how to use the Internet, and
(b) they answer affirmatively the question: “If there were to be a televised leaders’
debate at the time of the next general election, would you choose to watch it?”.
Critical Thinking and Sensemaking features
Sensemaking	Features Otherwise	Defined Adapted	From
Reflection Retrospect Weick	1995
Insights Gaining	insight		
Focus Finding	connections
Argumentation Structuring
Assess	Facts	and	Evidence
Assess	Assumptions
Change	Assumptions
Reducing	confusion,	uncertainty,	and	
Gap-finding	and	gap-bridging.
Alsufiani	et	al.	2017
Results of Democratic Replay’s comparison with BBC replay
Democratic Replay enables 7 critical thinking and sensemaking capabilities:
1. experiencing surprise: “unexpected insights on the debaters and on what they said,”
2. “reflecting on the debate in a deeper way”
3. “evaluating facts and evidence
4. “focusing on different aspects of the debate”
5. “reconstructing the arguments that the speakers made.”
6. “assessing personal assumption” and
7. “changing some initial assumptions had before the debate.”
Gender Reactions to the Tool
Sensemaking	Feature	 	U	 	p	 z	 r		
Reflection	 205.00	 0.0152	 2.4275	 0.3366	
Insight	 214.50	 0.0224	 2.2830	 0.3166	
Focus	 242.00	 0.0804	 1.7485	 0.2425	
Argumentation	 211.00	 0.0210	 2.3072	 0.3199	
Explaination	 237.50	 0.0669	 1.8321	 0.2541	
Evaluate	Facts	&	Evidences	 177.50	 0.0029	 2.9763	 0.4127	
Distinguish	 246.00	 0.1052	 1.6201	 0.2247	
Assess	Assumptions	 220.50	 0.0320	 2.1440	 0.2973	
Change	Assumptions	 220.00	 0.0344	 2.1152	 0.2933	
Sensemaking	Feature	 	U	 	p	 	z	 r		
Reflection	 353.50	 0.1620	 1.3984	 0.1805	
Insight	 306.00	 0.0313	 2.1532	 0.2780	
Focus	 370.00	 0.2433	 1.1669	 0.1506	
Argumentation	 364.50	 0.2151	 1.2396	 0.1600	
Explaination	 395.50	 0.4500	 0.7554	 0.0975	
Evaluate	Facts	&	Evidences	 322.00	 0.0596	 1.8837	 0.2432	
Distinguish	 425.50	 0.8015	 0.2514	 0.0325	
Assess	Assumptions	 383.00	 0.3587	 0.9179	 0.1185	
Change	Assumptions	 358.00	 0.1857	 1.3235	 0.1709	
• Women show a larger variety of sensemaking behaviours and bigger effect sizes,
they used the tool evaluate the debate and assess and change their personal
• Men focused on the capability of the tool to provide unexpected insights.
Age Range Reactions to the Tool
• Younger people, have effectively used Democratic Replay to ‘reconstruct the
arguments that the speakers made’ and to ‘assess their personal assumptions’.
• Adults between the ages of 30 and 40 showed the biggest reaction to Democratic
Replay, both in terms of number and sizes of the effects. They most prominently
used the tool to better assess facts and evidence.
• Older Adults (>40) are less likely to be affected by new technologies in the way
they shape their opinion and change their assumptions.
Sensemaking	Feature	 	U	 	p	 	z	 r	
Reflection	 179.00	 0.1240	 1.5381	 0.2293	
Insight	 180.50	 0.1238	 1.5388	 0.2294	
Focus	 202.00	 0.3215	 0.9913	 0.1478	
Argumentation	 130.00	 0.0053	 2.7900	 0.4159	
Explaination	 207.50	 0.3844	 0.8697	 0.1297	
Evaluate	Facts	&	Evidences	 160.00	 0.0438	 2.0157	 0.3005	
Distinguish	 202.50	 0.3342	 0.9657	 0.1440	
Assess	Assumptions	 147.50	 0.0204	 2.3188	 0.3457	
Change	Assumptions	 176.00	 0.1072	 1.6108	 0.2401	
Sensemaking	Feature	 	U	 	p	 	z	 r		
Reflection	 62.00	 0.0243	 2.2525	 0.3982	
Insight	 69.00	 0.0453	 2.0016	 0.3538	
Focus	 84.00	 0.1453	 1.4563	 0.2574	
Argumentation	 93.00	 0.3506	 0.9334	 0.1650	
Explaination	 81.00	 0.1351	 1.4942	 0.2641	
Evaluate	Facts	&	Evidences	 50.50	 0.0070	 2.6990	 0.4771	
Distinguish	 87.50	 0.2465	 1.1588	 0.2048	
Assess	Assumptions	 74.00	 0.0847	 1.7239	 0.3048	
Change	Assumptions	 58.00	 0.0160	 2.4086	 0.4258	
Sensemaking	Feature	 	U	 	p	 	z	 r	
Reflection	 143.00	 0.5407	 0.6118	 0.1020	
Insight	 111.00	 0.0962	 1.6633	 0.2772	
Focus	 119.50	 0.1508	 1.4367	 0.2394	
Argumentation	 155.50	 0.8531	 0.1851	 0.0309	
Explaination	 152.50	 0.7684	 0.2945	 0.0491	
Evaluate	Facts	&	Evidences	 119.00	 0.1558	 1.4193	 0.2366	
Distinguish	 157.00	 0.8932	 0.1342	 0.0224	
Assess	Assumptions	 172.50	 0.7240	 0.3531	 0.0588	
Change	Assumptions	 172.00	 0.7367	 0.3362	 0.0560	
• >40 yrs• 31-40 yrs• 18-30 yrs
Design for Democracy on Demand
Results of the demographic analysis show that:
• Democratic Replay appealed to different demographic sub-groups with different
sensemaking behaviors.
Nowadays citizens require ‘democracy on demand’ (Coleman et al. 2015) and democratic
spaces and rights cannot be interpreted uniquely and should respond to people’s personal
needs, interpretation and understanding of society.
• Technologies for democratic public deliberation need to be designed with a variety of
needs in mind, of different demographic groups, if they aim to reach all citizens.
Coleman,	S.,	Blumler,	J.,	Moss,	G.	and	Homer,	M.S.,	2015.	The	2015	Televised	Election	Debates;	Democracy	on	Demand?.
Future Research:
A Socio-Technical Challenge
“the best remedy for propaganda and misinformation... is
helping people engage in critical thinking and evidence-based
reasoning.” – Ricky Sethi
Citation	credit	- Juho Kim
“to live successfully in a democracy, people must be able to think
critically in order to make sound decisions about personal and civic
If students learn to think critically, then they can use good thinking
as the guide by which they live their lives.” - Beyer, B. K. (1995)
Beyer, B. K. (1995) Critical thinking. Bloomington, IN: Phi Delta Kappa Educational Foundation.
Attempt to:
• reason at the highest level of quality and in a fair- minded way
• Live rationally, reasonably and empathically
• Avoid thinking simplistically
• Appropriately consider the rights and needs of relevant others
Are aware:
• of the inherently flawed nature of human thinking when left unchecked
• That anyone at times fall prey to mistakes in reasoning, human irrationalities, biases,
distortions, uncritically accepted social rules and taboos, self-interest, vetted interests
Adapted	from	Linda	Elder’s	account	on	Critical	thinking	(2007)	
Assistant	Director	of	the	Center	for	Critical	Thinking,	Sonoma	State	University,	Rohnert	Park,	CA	94928.
“…recognize the complexities in developing as thinkers, and commit
themselves to life-long practice toward self-improvement.
They embody the Socratic principle: The unexamined life is not worth
living , because they realize that many unexamined lives together
result in an uncritical, unjust, dangerous world”
Linda Elder (2007)
Assistant Director of the Center for Critical Thinking, Sonoma State University, Rohnert
Park, CA 94928.
Design for Sensemaking and Critical Thinking
• If we want to support people’s capability to question assumptions and think critically, we
need to design spaces for personal reflection and sensemaking.
New Human Interfaces and Interactions for “Deliberation Within” –
(Goodin and Niemeyer, 2016, p. 629)
Sensemaking support comes at a cost: aggregated data and advanced analytics required expert
human annotation and data integration between (often) proprietary platforms.
• sensemaking processes need human–machine support
• tools needed to bridge political debate across community platforms
Extended Intelligence (Collective Intelligence + AI) and (Open) Data Science Approaches
Goodin,	R.	E.,	and	Niemeyer,	S.	J.	(2016).	When	Does	Deliberation	Begin?	Internal	Reflection	versus	Public	Discussion	in	Deliberative	Democracy:.	Political	Studies,	
51(4),	627–649.
• ISOOKO EU project we are now exploring the use of Democratic Reflection
( as a tool to support peace building and peace education in
developing countries.
• Democratic Reflections is a new crowdsourcing platform to harness real-time
audience feedback of live or video recorded events, such as televised election debates
and video testimonials.
• We are working with Aegis Trust (UK’s NGO), to engage local communities Rwanda
in actively listen and reflect on a testimonial video, called “Ubumuntu”, which tells a
range of stories that relate to the Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda.
• Our am is to assess to what extent Democratic Reflection helped users to relate to the
stories of Genoside in a personal way, promoted change in personal assumptions,
and developed empathic thinking and behaviour change.
decision making
• ONR - Office of Naval Research Global (US grant) - individual fellowship 3 years
• Will develop a new online discussion platform for digital journalism and public
deliberation around media articles, which is equally accessible, but more structured,
decentralised, and higher data quality than common social media.
Collective Intelligence For the Common Good Community -
Several international workshops
and 2 Special issues
• Please fell free to contact me at - @Anna_De_Liddo
• To know more about our work please visit the research group website at:

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HCL Notes und Domino Lizenzkostenreduzierung in der Welt von DLAUHCL Notes und Domino Lizenzkostenreduzierung in der Welt von DLAU
HCL Notes und Domino Lizenzkostenreduzierung in der Welt von DLAU

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Critical Thinking as a Skill for Democracy: A Case of Citizen Engagement with Televised Election Debates - by Anna De Liddo

  • 1. Critical Thinking as a Skill for Democracy A Case of Citizen Engagement with UK Televised Election Debates Anna De Liddo
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  • 3. Anna De Liddo Research Fellow Lucia Lupi PhD Student Urban Informatics Michelle Bachler Senior Project Officer Alberto Ardito Web Developer Retno Lasarti PhD Student Explainable AI Lucas Anastasiou PhD Student
  • 4. Why Critical Thinking Matters “Everyone thinks; it is our nature to do so. But much of our thinking, left to itself, is biased, distorted, partial, uninformed or down-right prejudiced. Yet the quality of our life and that of what we produce, make, or build depends precisely on the quality of our thought. Shoddy thinking is costly, both in money and in quality of life. Elder, L., 1997 Critical thinking: The key to emotional intelligence. Journal of developmental education, 21(1), p.40
  • 5. Defining Critical Thinking "Critical thinking... means making reasoned judgments" (p. 8) Beyer, B. K. (1995) Critical thinking. Bloomington, IN: Phi Delta Kappa Educational Foundation. …varies according to the motivation underlying it, …is never universal in a individual, …it is a skill and dispositions which need to be exercised in a life-long endeavor. Modified from: The Foundation of Critical Thinking
  • 6. Defining Critical Thinking “To engage in high quality reasoning, one must have not only the cognitive ability to do so, but the drive to do so as well. …the affective dimension, comprised of feelings and volition, is a necessary condition and component of high quality reasoning and problem solving. In short, the truly intelligent person is not a disembodied intellect functioning in an emotional wasteland, but a deeply committed mindful person, full of passion and high values, engaged in effective reasoning, sound judgment, and wise conduct.” Elder, L., 1997 Critical thinking: The key to emotional intelligence. Journal of developmental education, 21(1), p.40 .
  • 7. CRITICAL THINKING CYCLE Reconstruct and Examine patterns of Personal Believes Recognise problems and attempt to find workable solutions Gather and Marshal pertinent information and evidence Recognise unstated Assumptions and Values Appraise Evidence and Evaluate arguments Test Conclusion and Generalization Based on Glaser’s seminal study on critical thinking and education - Edward M. Glaser, An Experiment in the Development of Critical Thinking, Teacher’s College, Columbia University, 1941) Affective Dimension
  • 8. Critical Thinking, Emotional Intelligence and the Capability to Change • “Despite the fact that thoughts, feelings, and desires are equally important functions of the mind, it is cognition, or thinking, which is the key” [and can lead to “change”] “to the other two”… • We are able to change idea or feeling only by thinking differently about that which we are experiencing, when we think that there is something we can do to change the situation. Such a change in thinking leads to a change in motivation, and, ultimately, a change in action.” Adapted from Elder, L., 1997 Critical thinking: The key to emotional intelligence. Journal of developmental education, 21(1), p.40 “I see it feelingly” Shakespeare, King Lear, act 4, scene 6
  • 9. Our Open Questions • Is critical thinking a recognized value and skill in modern society? • What does it means to think critically in a hyper-connected and data-intensive society? • Are there any technologies to facilitate the emergence or practice of critical thinking in public deliberation? We look at public deliberation during political elections campaign, and in particular at televised election debates as still the most prominent mean of disseminating political information to a wide variety of citizens during an election campaign.
  • 10. We miss the right social context to practice critical thinking • Critical thinking is hard to practice in a world of filter bubbles and echo chambers in which we are used to benefit from the ”similarity” and support we receive from peers. • …and the skill of ‘opinion shifting’ is seen as a sing of confusion and weakness rather than the highest expression of knowledge and wisdom. Socrates Quotes: “I am the wisest man alive, for I know one thing, and that is that I know nothing.”
  • 11. Information overload and balkanization makes it difficult for citizens to extract useful and reliable insights to make better-informed decisions on how to vote. Information complexity and uncertainty (fake vs legitimate news) contribute to citizens’ finding the political process obscure, confusing, and difficult to relate to. We miss the right social context to practice critical thinking
  • 12. Our Hypothesis • we hypothesize that people’s confusion and disconnection with politics is due mostly to a lack of understanding of the complexity of the political debate, rather than a lack of technologies for public debate, and as such it can be bridged by developing individual socio-technical spaces for critical thinking, reflection and sensemaking. • to test this hypothesis, we designed, implemented, and tested Democratic Replay, a hypervideo and visual analytics technology to enhance citizens’ sensemaking of televised election debates.
  • 13. HomePage: 7 Analytical lenses on the Debate A 3 minutes demo video of Democratic Replay is available at: NQdo
  • 14. Hypermedia Repository combining Heterogeneous Data Sources, Complex Analytics, and Interactive Visualizations
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  • 22. A/B TESTING Control (BBC News interface) 57 people Treatment (Democratic Replay interface) 56 people
  • 23. EMPIRICAL EVALUATION DURING THE 2015 UK GENERAL ELECTION CAMPAIGN • 113 people - two groups: control (BBC News interface) and treatment (Democratic Replay interface) • groups balanced in term of age gender and political decidedness, with a nearly equal split per demographic category Analysis by demographic sub-group has been carried out: • Gender: 52 participants - women (46%), 60 men (53%), and 1 preferred not to say. • Age range18 to 65 - 45 people (40%) between 18 and 30, 32 (28%) between 31 and 40, and 36 (32%) aged 41 or more. • decided (60%) and undecided (40%) on how to vote Conditions for selection: (a) they knew how to use the Internet, and (b) they answer affirmatively the question: “If there were to be a televised leaders’ debate at the time of the next general election, would you choose to watch it?”.
  • 24. Critical Thinking and Sensemaking features Sensemaking Features Otherwise Defined Adapted From Reflection Retrospect Weick 1995 Insights Gaining insight Focus Finding connections Argumentation Structuring Explanation Assess Facts and Evidence Distinguishing Assess Assumptions Change Assumptions Reducing confusion, uncertainty, and ambiguity Gap-finding and gap-bridging. Alsufiani et al. 2017
  • 25. Results of Democratic Replay’s comparison with BBC replay Democratic Replay enables 7 critical thinking and sensemaking capabilities: 1. experiencing surprise: “unexpected insights on the debaters and on what they said,” 2. “reflecting on the debate in a deeper way” 3. “evaluating facts and evidence 4. “focusing on different aspects of the debate” 5. “reconstructing the arguments that the speakers made.” 6. “assessing personal assumption” and 7. “changing some initial assumptions had before the debate.”
  • 26. Gender Reactions to the Tool Sensemaking Feature U p z r Reflection 205.00 0.0152 2.4275 0.3366 Insight 214.50 0.0224 2.2830 0.3166 Focus 242.00 0.0804 1.7485 0.2425 Argumentation 211.00 0.0210 2.3072 0.3199 Explaination 237.50 0.0669 1.8321 0.2541 Evaluate Facts & Evidences 177.50 0.0029 2.9763 0.4127 Distinguish 246.00 0.1052 1.6201 0.2247 Assess Assumptions 220.50 0.0320 2.1440 0.2973 Change Assumptions 220.00 0.0344 2.1152 0.2933 Sensemaking Feature U p z r Reflection 353.50 0.1620 1.3984 0.1805 Insight 306.00 0.0313 2.1532 0.2780 Focus 370.00 0.2433 1.1669 0.1506 Argumentation 364.50 0.2151 1.2396 0.1600 Explaination 395.50 0.4500 0.7554 0.0975 Evaluate Facts & Evidences 322.00 0.0596 1.8837 0.2432 Distinguish 425.50 0.8015 0.2514 0.0325 Assess Assumptions 383.00 0.3587 0.9179 0.1185 Change Assumptions 358.00 0.1857 1.3235 0.1709 • Women show a larger variety of sensemaking behaviours and bigger effect sizes, they used the tool evaluate the debate and assess and change their personal assumptions. • Men focused on the capability of the tool to provide unexpected insights.
  • 27. Age Range Reactions to the Tool • Younger people, have effectively used Democratic Replay to ‘reconstruct the arguments that the speakers made’ and to ‘assess their personal assumptions’. • Adults between the ages of 30 and 40 showed the biggest reaction to Democratic Replay, both in terms of number and sizes of the effects. They most prominently used the tool to better assess facts and evidence. • Older Adults (>40) are less likely to be affected by new technologies in the way they shape their opinion and change their assumptions. Sensemaking Feature U p z r Reflection 179.00 0.1240 1.5381 0.2293 Insight 180.50 0.1238 1.5388 0.2294 Focus 202.00 0.3215 0.9913 0.1478 Argumentation 130.00 0.0053 2.7900 0.4159 Explaination 207.50 0.3844 0.8697 0.1297 Evaluate Facts & Evidences 160.00 0.0438 2.0157 0.3005 Distinguish 202.50 0.3342 0.9657 0.1440 Assess Assumptions 147.50 0.0204 2.3188 0.3457 Change Assumptions 176.00 0.1072 1.6108 0.2401 Sensemaking Feature U p z r Reflection 62.00 0.0243 2.2525 0.3982 Insight 69.00 0.0453 2.0016 0.3538 Focus 84.00 0.1453 1.4563 0.2574 Argumentation 93.00 0.3506 0.9334 0.1650 Explaination 81.00 0.1351 1.4942 0.2641 Evaluate Facts & Evidences 50.50 0.0070 2.6990 0.4771 Distinguish 87.50 0.2465 1.1588 0.2048 Assess Assumptions 74.00 0.0847 1.7239 0.3048 Change Assumptions 58.00 0.0160 2.4086 0.4258 Sensemaking Feature U p z r Reflection 143.00 0.5407 0.6118 0.1020 Insight 111.00 0.0962 1.6633 0.2772 Focus 119.50 0.1508 1.4367 0.2394 Argumentation 155.50 0.8531 0.1851 0.0309 Explaination 152.50 0.7684 0.2945 0.0491 Evaluate Facts & Evidences 119.00 0.1558 1.4193 0.2366 Distinguish 157.00 0.8932 0.1342 0.0224 Assess Assumptions 172.50 0.7240 0.3531 0.0588 Change Assumptions 172.00 0.7367 0.3362 0.0560 • >40 yrs• 31-40 yrs• 18-30 yrs
  • 28. Design for Democracy on Demand Results of the demographic analysis show that: • Democratic Replay appealed to different demographic sub-groups with different sensemaking behaviors. Nowadays citizens require ‘democracy on demand’ (Coleman et al. 2015) and democratic spaces and rights cannot be interpreted uniquely and should respond to people’s personal needs, interpretation and understanding of society. • Technologies for democratic public deliberation need to be designed with a variety of needs in mind, of different demographic groups, if they aim to reach all citizens. Coleman, S., Blumler, J., Moss, G. and Homer, M.S., 2015. The 2015 Televised Election Debates; Democracy on Demand?.
  • 30. “the best remedy for propaganda and misinformation... is helping people engage in critical thinking and evidence-based reasoning.” – Ricky Sethi Citation credit - Juho Kim CRITICAL THINKING AS A CRITICAL DEMOCRATIC SKILL
  • 31. CRITICAL THINKING AS A CRITICAL DEMOCRATIC SKILL “to live successfully in a democracy, people must be able to think critically in order to make sound decisions about personal and civic affairs. If students learn to think critically, then they can use good thinking as the guide by which they live their lives.” - Beyer, B. K. (1995) Beyer, B. K. (1995) Critical thinking. Bloomington, IN: Phi Delta Kappa Educational Foundation.
  • 32. CRITICAL THINKERS AS DEMOCRATIC CITIZENS Attempt to: • reason at the highest level of quality and in a fair- minded way • Live rationally, reasonably and empathically • Avoid thinking simplistically • Appropriately consider the rights and needs of relevant others Are aware: • of the inherently flawed nature of human thinking when left unchecked • That anyone at times fall prey to mistakes in reasoning, human irrationalities, biases, distortions, uncritically accepted social rules and taboos, self-interest, vetted interests Adapted from Linda Elder’s account on Critical thinking (2007) Assistant Director of the Center for Critical Thinking, Sonoma State University, Rohnert Park, CA 94928.
  • 33. “…recognize the complexities in developing as thinkers, and commit themselves to life-long practice toward self-improvement. They embody the Socratic principle: The unexamined life is not worth living , because they realize that many unexamined lives together result in an uncritical, unjust, dangerous world” Linda Elder (2007) Assistant Director of the Center for Critical Thinking, Sonoma State University, Rohnert Park, CA 94928. CRITICAL THINKERS AS DEMOCRATIC CITIZENS
  • 34. Design for Sensemaking and Critical Thinking • If we want to support people’s capability to question assumptions and think critically, we need to design spaces for personal reflection and sensemaking. New Human Interfaces and Interactions for “Deliberation Within” – (Goodin and Niemeyer, 2016, p. 629) Sensemaking support comes at a cost: aggregated data and advanced analytics required expert human annotation and data integration between (often) proprietary platforms. • sensemaking processes need human–machine support • tools needed to bridge political debate across community platforms Extended Intelligence (Collective Intelligence + AI) and (Open) Data Science Approaches Goodin, R. E., and Niemeyer, S. J. (2016). When Does Deliberation Begin? Internal Reflection versus Public Discussion in Deliberative Democracy:. Political Studies, 51(4), 627–649.
  • 35. 2 RUNNING PROJECT • ISOOKO EU project we are now exploring the use of Democratic Reflection ( as a tool to support peace building and peace education in developing countries. • Democratic Reflections is a new crowdsourcing platform to harness real-time audience feedback of live or video recorded events, such as televised election debates and video testimonials. • We are working with Aegis Trust (UK’s NGO), to engage local communities Rwanda in actively listen and reflect on a testimonial video, called “Ubumuntu”, which tells a range of stories that relate to the Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda. • Our am is to assess to what extent Democratic Reflection helped users to relate to the stories of Genoside in a personal way, promoted change in personal assumptions, and developed empathic thinking and behaviour change.
  • 36. JUST STARTING • STRUCTURED DECENTRALISED DELIBERATION SYSTEMS for collective decision making • ONR - Office of Naval Research Global (US grant) - individual fellowship 3 years • Will develop a new online discussion platform for digital journalism and public deliberation around media articles, which is equally accessible, but more structured, decentralised, and higher data quality than common social media.
  • 37. Collective Intelligence For the Common Good Community - Several international workshops and 2 Special issues
  • 38. THANK YOU FOR LISTENING! • Please fell free to contact me at - @Anna_De_Liddo • To know more about our work please visit the research group website at: