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The Art of Moving ForwardThe Art of Moving Forward
David A. Zimmer, PMP, MCP, ITIL, CCPDavid A. Zimmer, PMP, MCP, ITIL, CCPDavid A. Zimmer, PMP, MCP, ITIL, CCP
Copyright © 2011 David A. Zimmer, PMP, Warrington, PA
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval systems or transmitted in
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Act, without the prior written permission of David A. Zimmer, PMP.
Trademarks: All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
References to the Project Management Institute’s Project Management Body of Knowledge
(PMBOK) pertains to the Fourth Edition © 2008.
If you have any questions about this paper, contact us:
David A. Zimmer, PMP, MCP, ITIL, CCP
Warrington, PA 18976
Ph. +1/215.491.2544
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15 April 2012
Conflict: The Art of Moving ForwardConflict: The Art of Moving Forward
Copyright © David A. Zimmer, PMP, All Rights Reserved Page 3
The Art of Moving ForwardThe Art of Moving ForwardThe Art of Moving Forward
CConflict. The very mention of the word sends people scurrying. Many fear
conflict. We avoid conflict at all cost. It is something to be resolved and
then never mentioned again.
But here is an idea. Without conflict, nothing moves forward, nothing progresses
and we remain stagnate. Think about it. If it were not for conflict, we’d remain
the same. No advancement.
Consider driving. If there were no pressure applied to the gas pedal, the car
wouldn’t go. If the transmission were not put in Drive and its gears ground
against each other, we’d stay put. If the tires didn’t push against the pavement,
we’d never move.
Therefore, we see there is good conflict and bad conflict. It is how we react to
the conflict that determines if it is positive or negative. In fact, we can have both
at the same time. Using the tire example on our cars, the pressure of the tire on
the pavement and its spin determines our movement, yet the mere fact of the
pressure on the pavement also wears the tires. Conflict can be exhilarating and
Our job is to determine if we move forward or backward.
Permit me to expand this thought just a bit more. They say necessity is the
mother of invention. What causes the necessity? The feeling of conflict of not
having what you need at the time you need it. To overcome the feeling, we
create the next great invention. Conflict, therefore, is the grandmother of
Five Laws of ConflictFive Laws of ConflictFive Laws of Conflict
Let’s spend a bit of time understanding the nature of conflict. We’ll learn we
need to resolve some conflict, while at the same time, we need to
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Conflict: The Art of Moving ForwardConflict: The Art of Moving Forward
introduce conflict. We’ve already seen conflict is both bad and good. It can
wear us down or move us forward. In many cases, we decide its effects on us.
In times of bad conflict, we must determine how to turn it into good conflict —
something holding us back versus something pushing us forward. Many times,
what appears as a negative situation is simply a positive event turned inside
out. Don’t misunderstand. We are not playing word games or mental contortion
here. We are not simply substituting the word “opportunity” for “problem” so
prevalent in our organizations these days. Using understanding, we turn a bad
situation into an opportunity for advancement.
Let’s understand the Five Laws of Conflict in more detail:
Law #1. Where Two or More Are Gathered, ThereLaw #1. Where Two or More Are Gathered, ThereLaw #1. Where Two or More Are Gathered, There
Will Be ConflictWill Be ConflictWill Be Conflict
It’s true. Anytime two or more people are together, you’ll experience
difference of opinion, mannerisms,
styles, personalities, cultures, backgrounds,
genders, ethnicity and so forth. Each is a
point of contention. Each can generate a
friction point which can erupt into positive
or negative feelings. It’s simply a fact of
Whether it is business life or personal, we
bump and grind against others’ ideas,
character traits and opinions. It happens.
The key is to not get stuck there, but to
leverage the disagreement for something
better. Using proper methods, we produce
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Copyright © David A. Zimmer, PMP, All Rights Reserved Page 5
better results than originally anticipated. Ideas sharpen ideas. Discussion
generates greater outcomes.
Of course, it’s not always simple. Resolving negative conflict is key to
Law #2: If There Is No Conflict, Be AfraidLaw #2: If There Is No Conflict, Be AfraidLaw #2: If There Is No Conflict, Be Afraid ——— Be Very AfraidBe Very AfraidBe Very Afraid
If there is no conflict, there is complacency. The opposite of success is not
failure, but complacency. Lack of desire. Deficiency of passion. Low energy.
Forward movement requires motion. Without it, we
Conflict produces progress. For example, many people
require deadlines to prioritize their work. As soon as
deadlines are established, conflicts begin to arise. One
article must be finished just prior to another, which doesn’t
leave enough time to finish the second. Under the gun, the
person presses hard to complete the first task so he has
time for the second.
Or a child’s basketball game impinges on the report’s
deadline resulting in working late into the evening to finish it
before the next day’s 9:00 am presentation.
Conflict between people is natural. If a team experiences no conflict between
its members, it means people don’t really care. High-performing teams will have
conflict. The difference between a high-performing team and a low-performing
team is the manner in which they deal with the conflict.
The low-performing team will experience backbiting, anger, resentment,
unresolved issues, personal insults and more. The high-performing team will
see it as an opportunity to fine-tune ideas, generate new ones and gain the
best result because of the conflict.
No conflict is a sure sign that no one cares enough about the situation to put
up a fight or express a contrarian opinion. Mediocre results and settling for
“good enough” is the norm.
We, as good stewards of the situation, cannot sit idly and let it slip into apathy.
We must introduce conflict to stir the pot.
Law #3: There is Good Conflict and There is Bad ConflictLaw #3: There is Good Conflict and There is Bad ConflictLaw #3: There is Good Conflict and There is Bad Conflict
We’ve already mentioned there is good conflict and bad conflict. Conflict,
inherently, is neither bad nor good. It just is. How we react to it, and
then more importantly, what we do with it determines if it is good or bad.
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For example, looking at personal interaction where many people feel the barbs
of conflict, we can see how personal attacks are bad. But, if the person being
attacked does not react, but is proactive in dealing with the issue, the situation
can be defused and the purpose or motive behind the attack can be remedied.
Unfortunately, in personal attacks, our feelings and egos react first resulting in
impoliteness, insults and other unacceptable behavior.
When a person steps back and controls the situation in a positive way, the
problem can be isolated and solved. Granted, it may take time and lots of
discussion, but the net result should be better than when it started.
Here is a key we need to understand. We must identify bad conflict and resolve
it while recognizing the times when to introduce good conflict.
Bad conflict is not always audible or visible. As stated earlier, apathy and
complacency are forms of conflict but don’t appear to be “confrontational.”
They are just as deadly to us as a full onslaught of argumentativeness.
Additionally, there are times when we seem to have complete agreement on a
topic and everything is progressing smoothly, but we need to introduce conflict.
The idea is to drive the very best from our team or group, further refine our
topic, or simply conduct further due diligence to uncover anything that has not
surfaced to this point.
We will learn the various methods of detecting conflict, provide a variety of op-
tions to resolving it, suggest when to introduce it and then how to drive the
process to conclusion. For leaders of teams, whether the team is as small as
two or much larger, conflict management is a key skill to know.
Law #4: You Must Resolve Bad Conflict andLaw #4: You Must Resolve Bad Conflict andLaw #4: You Must Resolve Bad Conflict and
You Must Promote Good ConflictYou Must Promote Good ConflictYou Must Promote Good Conflict
It is a statement of the obvious that bad conflict is bad and good conflict is
good. We must resolve the bad and promote the good. We’ve already
discussed the truth of this axiom.
Bad conflict engenders bad feelings, hurt emotions, animosity, and worse. If
not checked, the conflict can grow more negative
within a person to the point of anger and other
poor behavior, sometime even dangerous
intentions. While no one likes looking down the
barrel of a gun, unresolved bad conflict becomes
similar in nature. You never know when it might go
off with dire consequences. We’ve seen news
headlines of tragedies occurring because a person
had unresolved anger, felt slighted or didn’t get
what they felt was properly theirs. We’ve even coined phrases to identify those
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Copyright © David A. Zimmer, PMP, All Rights Reserved Page 7
circumstances as “going postal,” “going ballistic,” “having a moment or an
issue,” and other idioms.
On the other hand, good conflict can actually leave someone with a feeling of
accomplishment, success or being productive. Having a conversation where
both sides voice their opinions without any personal attacks or innuendos can
produce a feeling of euphoria. Producing a better product, service or result
since one idea improved another idea, or new method is devised can happen
because of the problem solving nature of the discussion.
Many times in corporations, meeting participants can fall into a trap of myopic
reasoning or becoming a single-mind (referred to as “group think”), so new or
better solutions escape discussion or examination. As a result, we miss better
opportunities or processes and settle for an inferior solution. Unfortunately, we
are all prone to succumbing to group think and miss the opportunity to interject
a contrarian viewpoint.
Law #5: Where There Is No Conflict, There Is No ProgressLaw #5: Where There Is No Conflict, There Is No ProgressLaw #5: Where There Is No Conflict, There Is No Progress
We stated progress is made from conflict. If we had all we ever needed
in life, never had to go anywhere, no problems existed and felt no
pressure, in other words, no conflict, why would we get out of bed in the morn-
Some say it might be for the morning run. But why run? While it might clear
our minds and produce the endorphins that create a feeling of well-being, we
do it to keep our bodies in shape and healthy. If I have no desire for the
healthy lifestyle and like my current body physique, running holds no interest
and therefore, there is no desire to run. I snuggle that much further under the
covers warding off the sunshine in my eyes beckoning me to another day.
We are built for progress. When we ask students in our seminars how many
want to be working the same job five years from now, none raise their hands.
They want to move on, progress to newer things or gain more responsibility.
When asked how many want to be solving the same issues or problems, again,
none raise their hands. They want progress.
Problem solution, new discovery, and forward progress result from the conflict
between what we have and what we want. Conflict shows itself through
problems, challenges, situations to be solved and sometimes, as uneasy
feelings. When we “fix” the issues, we make progress. If there is nothing to
solve, no conflict between the present and the future, there is no need for
progress. Conflict provides the motivation to move ahead.
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Let’s Define ConflictLet’s Define ConflictLet’s Define Conflict
We’ve described conflict and we’ve discussed situations of conflict, but
we have not defined what conflict is. Before we go further, let’s define
what we mean. No discussion is complete until we’ve formally defined it.
According to, the definition of conflict is
We see conflict has a military overtone, a fight or struggle. Two warring
factions. We’ve used analogies of two people having a disagreement, tires
rubbing against the pavement as they push the car forward and even the
internal struggle of a person. Conflict comes in many different forms, sizes and
colors. Conflict can come out of nowhere or somewhere. Bad conflict just seems
to happen while we must do something to produce good conflict.
We see from the definition, conflict produces uneasiness. It puts people in a
mode where they can’t remain because it is too uncomfortable. Essentially, it
gets them “off the dime.”
Interestingly, the definition of conflict has a negative bent, yet we’ve claimed
conflict can be good. How can that be? As we’ve already mentioned, conflict
removes the “roadblock” of group think which stifles thoroughness of thought.
By putting people in an uncomfortable position, their thinking gets altered and
new thoughts begin to emerge.
So we see conflict can be used to move forward or it can cause us to remain
stuck in the current position. What is the difference between good conflict and
bad conflict? Let’s compare bad against good conflict:
Contrasting Bad vs. Good ConflictContrasting Bad vs. Good ConflictContrasting Bad vs. Good Conflict
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We can see bad conflict does not produce positive results. Any one of those
results sabotages our ability to create a team environment and gain the results
we want. Rather, productivity suffers because of the negative environment and
people feel many destructive emotions.
On the other hand, good conflict produces the traits of high-performing teams,
the qualities we need to produce the results we want and the environment
conducive to positive emotions and forward progress.
Traits of Bad ConflictTraits of Bad ConflictTraits of Bad Conflict
How do we recognize traits of bad conflict? What are the tell-tale signs? Of
course, many times we can “hear” it by the words and tones of people,
but sometimes, negative conflict is silent. Here are a few identifiable
 Personality Focused,
 Disrespectful,
 Self-Centered and Self-Focused,
 Non-Adaptive, and
 Destructive
Rather focusing on the issue, an “attacker” might focus more on a person,
personality traits, or other personal peculiarity. Instead of attacking an idea, he
or she might attack the person. It can be an obvious verbal slander, a
condescending tone, gesture or body language and more. No matter how it
manifests, the attacked person feels belittled, maligned, embarrassed or
inferior. It’s not enough to simply say, “get over it.” Enough of these attacks
and the person will no longer contribute causing us all to lose.
Unfortunately, we see these traits all too often. Or sometimes, we see them in
a different manner. They might be exhibited as
 Superior Attitude,
 Domineering,
 Over-confidence,
 Boisterous or Loud,
 Obnoxiousness, and
 Arrogance.
A common thread for all these traits is the desire to “win” through negative
actions. The person using these tactics causes negative conflict resulting in
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diminished productivity and undesirable environments, which could lead to
undesirable results.
Traits of Good ConflictTraits of Good ConflictTraits of Good Conflict
Good conflict presents itself in a different manner. During good conflict,
you’ll observe
 People are Result Focused,
 Respectful,
 Centered on Others,
 Humility,
 Team Attitude,
 Adaptive, and
 Constructive.
The team is looking to “win” for the common good, not for a particular person.
Victories are shared, not personalized and progress is promoted.
According to the Project Management Body of Knowledge — Fourth Edition,
published by the Project Management Institute, bad conflict will exhibit itself in
the following ways:
 Forcing
 Smoothing
 Withdrawing, and
 Compromising.
ForcingForcingForcing ——— DominanceDominanceDominance
Forcing is pretty easy to identify. Usually it is not
physical with someone twisting another person’s arm,
but is more verbal or emotional. Sometimes the verbal
diatribe is easily heard because of the volume, but
many times, it is simply the tone. As parents, we
sometimes resort to this tactic to
discipline our children, although it is not always the
best way to handle the situation. In emergencies, a
leader gives directives which some might consider
In a work situation, very rarely is this method
acceptable. It should not be permitted to happen in
meetings or similar situations.
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To resolve such a situation, a facilitator — an objective third party — can help
both sides focus on the important issues and keeps the forcer from the
improper behavior.
SmoothingSmoothingSmoothing ——— Minimizing DifferencesMinimizing DifferencesMinimizing Differences
Smoothing involves diminishing the differences people are experiencing. Rather
than discussing the issues and coming to a better conclusion, the participants
minimize the disparity and do not resolve anything. Such a remedy results in
issues surfacing later. Emotions are not settled. Solutions don’t exist. In
addition to the original issue, new ones get created. Essentially, smoothing
only covers the wound with a band-aid while the infection festers beneath the
To resolve smoothing, a facilitator must engage both sides to focus on the
differences. In doing so, the facilitator will introduce additional conflict to
overcome the original conflict. The goal is to eliminate the source of conflict
and create a satisfactory result.
WithdrawingWithdrawingWithdrawing ——— Backing Down or Walking AwayBacking Down or Walking AwayBacking Down or Walking Away
Withdrawing is the classic where someone blows up and storms out of the
room. They withdrew themselves from the situation. Sometimes, a person
simply becomes quiet and no longer puts up a fight. He
or she may be quiet on the outside, but on the inside, he
is fuming. This might look like a “forcing” situation, but
in actuality, the participant has acquiesced. He hasn’t
given up, he’s simply quiet.
This situation needs to be defused. It is still a volcano
ready to erupt, usually at the worse moment. To resolve
the situation, the participants should wait a short period
of time to get emotions in check, write down the root issues and then discuss
them. A facilitator can help direct the conversation to stay on track and keep
personal attacks at bay. By discussing the issues and keeping emotions in
check, both parties can come to resolution.
CompromisingCompromisingCompromising ——— Giving Up NeedsGiving Up NeedsGiving Up Needs
Everyone knows what compromising is. In fact, we believe we should
compromise over differences so we can solve the situation. Unfortunately,
compromising is not really good. Why? Because we have to “give up”
something in order to achieve. As a result, we feel short-changed, but we salve
the feeling by saying we did it for the good of the situation. Unfortunately, after
enough compromising, we don’t feel satisfied anymore.
Some people confuse compromising with negotiation. Negotiating is completely
different. In negotiating, we first decide our needs, wants and “chips” — those
Copyright © David A. Zimmer, PMP, All Rights ReservedPage 12
Conflict: The Art of Moving ForwardConflict: The Art of Moving Forward
things of importance or value to the other party that don’t matter much to us.
In negotiating, we use our chips to show the other side we are willing to
cooperate by giving something of value to them. They, in turn, do the same.
The “wants” are desirable attributes of the deal, but are not necessary. As in
buying a car, we might decide the top-end stereo system would be nice, but
we’re willing to give it up in order to lower the price.
Once we’ve given up all our wants and tossed the chips, and if we have not
reached agreement with the other side, we walk away from the table. We do
not give up our needs, otherwise, it will not be a satisfactory deal no matter
how good it might look.
In compromising, we start out at the need level. We give away our needs in
order to reach agreement causing us to not really feel satisfied.
When in a conflict situation where we must compromise, the best method of
resolution is to adjourn for a period of time so we can determine the needs and
wants of the circumstances. With our list in front of us, now we can negotiate a
solution and not compromise.
General Guidelines for Resolving Bad ConflictGeneral Guidelines for Resolving Bad ConflictGeneral Guidelines for Resolving Bad Conflict
Here are some general guidelines to follow when resolving conflict:
1. Show respect. Nothing irritates people more quickly than disrespect. When
someone feels disrespected, he or she either lashes out in anger or retreats
into a shell. It is a rare person who can take disrespect for very long with-
out some emotional response. In either case, they stop listening, start
resisting and the possibility for resolution quickly diminishes. Showing
respect is the fastest way to bridge the gap and bring down the defensive
2. Listen Objectively. By putting aside our biases and prejudices, we can hear
what the other person is saying more clearly. Objective listening is active
listening without preconception with a pinch of empathy and actually
understanding the other viewpoint. As the adage
states, “You don’t understand another man’s road
until you’ve walked a mile in his moccasins.” You
don’t understand the other person’s viewpoint
until you’ve really listened and understand the
heart and soul of the message. When you put that
effort into listening, the other person sees it, feels
respected and heard. And in many cases, that is
all they need and the situation is resolved.
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Copyright © David A. Zimmer, PMP, All Rights Reserved Page 13
3. Promote The Good of Both Sides. Both sides of the dispute has its good
points and its bad points. Show respect, listen objectively and then promote
the good of both sides. Spit out the bad points just like a cow rejects the
stumble and rocks in its hay. A cow simply drops the undesirables off to the
side and moves onto the next bite. It doesn’t stare at the deposits and
bring them back up. It lets them lay there.
4. Don’t Let Either Side Revert To Negative Conflict. Forward progress will be
made using this method of overcoming negative conflict. Don’t slip
backward by letting one or both sides of the argument revert to negative
tactics. Simply remind them of these guidelines — call them “rules of
engagement,” if you like.
5. Work Towards and Come To A Conclusion. Both parties must have one
unifying goal—to come to a satisfactory conclusion for both sides. A
common goal of reaching a mutually satisfying conclusion will help both
sides stay engaged while discussion, and progress, happens. During the
discussion, respect and trust can and will increase if these guidelines are
followed. A key to a mutually satisfying result are the emotions felt at the
end. Is there mutual respect? Can both sides trust the other to hold to the
agreement? Have tempers been cooled and both sides felt heard? These
are the emotional items, that if not reached, cause future negative conflict.
Looking at Good ConflictLooking at Good ConflictLooking at Good Conflict
We’ve explored bad conflict in depth, so let’s understand more about
good conflict, what it looks like, and most importantly, how to
introduce it.
As we’ve stated, good conflict pushes us forward. Through it, we produce
better results than if it were not introduced. It causes people to think laterally,
or outside-the-box. We can get stuck in a rut, “we’ve always done it that way”
mentality or stymied by the shear inertia of having to change.
Good conflict produces good feelings between people — mutual respect, trust
and camaraderie. It sometimes exhibits itself in similar ways as bad conflicts,
but differs because both parties involved know the confrontation is not to
damage but to improve the situation.
Think of a sports analogy. In a football game, the wide receiver may have
missed his route causing the pass to be incomplete. The quarterback, because
of the adrenaline, may appear to be angry and might be voicing his concern
louder than he normally would, but instructs the receiver where to be next
time. The receiver does not feel attacked or berated. He knew better and
realizes the quarterback is not yelling at him, but helping him for the
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betterment of both. To be received properly, both participants understand,
respect and trust each other so the confrontation, or conflict, turns positive.
We see this in our everyday lives as we work with others. They have ideas and
we have ideas. The ideas might clash. We work through the ideas, picking the
good ones and leaving the less useful ones behind. The discussion might
become a bit heated at times because of the passion and enthusiasm both
parties bring to the table, but both sides realize the discussion produces better
results. They realize it is not a personal attack.
Good conflict exhibits itself in a number of ways. We see it in teamwork,
common goals, shared language and mutual dependence. The ultimate
objective is to produce the best outcome possible.
Signs of Good ConflictSigns of Good ConflictSigns of Good Conflict
Good conflict occurs in an environment of
 High performance teams
 Mutual dependence
 Shared language
 Common goals
 Reciprocated respect
 Single purpose
 Goal oriented
 Focused outcome
People introduce good conflict while
 Problem solving
 Collaborating
 Cooperating
 Generating new ideas
 Seeking a common solution, a better solution
 Engaging in respectful two-way dialogues
How do we get to this promised land? How do we interject good conflict into
situations to produce better results? We use the tools we’ve been using for
 Establish ground rules of team conduct,
 Create rules of engagement for resolving and introducing conflict,
 Eliminate bad conflict,
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 Encourage participation by all team members,
 Use information-gathering activities such as brainstorming, mind-mapping,
focus groups and facilitated workshops, which lead to mutual dependence
and respect among all parties,
 Interject ideas and counterpoints into discussions to elicit different
viewpoints or reactions,
 Summarize the current results periodically and ask what might make them
 Use open questions starting with How, What, When, Where and Why,
 Recognize and praise individuals along the way and the group collectively
as progress is made,
 And above all, thank participants when a conclusion is reached.
Following these guidelines, we can lead our teams to resolving bad conflict and
using good conflict to move forward, to make progress in our endeavors.
Conflict is neither good nor bad. It simply is. How we react to it determines
the state of negativity or positivity. We can take a situation and turn it
from evil to good and come closer to our vision or desired results. It is our
response that creates the outcome.
1. There will always be conflict between people. Maintain proper reaction to
the circumstances to reach the preferred conclusion.
2. No conflict means little passion or interest. Lack of passion or interest
produces poor results. Poor results are unacceptable. Passionate people
want to achieve a higher level outcome, so their passion may cause
conflict. Turn the conflict positive.
3. Conflict can be either bad or good. It depends on how its handled. Handled
properly, it produces outcomes wanted.
4. Bad conflict destroys, good conflict builds. You choose which outcome you
want and guide those involved to that ending.
5. Complete agreement produces mediocre results — conflict produces the
best results. Once positive conflict enters the picture and a better solution
is determined, gain agreement from all parties involved.
Conflict. Something everyone wants to avoid. We want smooth
sailing, calm waters, sunny skies and warm breezes. We don’t want
anything to rock our boats.
But, we’ve learned over time, conflict is necessary for progress. In some
cases, conflict generates the ideas we need to move us forward in our jobs
and personal lives. It is the “uncomfortableness” of conflict that causes us
to get up and do something about our situation, to discover a new
method, or progress to a particular goal.
In this paper, you’ll learn
 The differences between bad conflict and good conflict,
 How to differentiate one from the other,
 Common signs indicating a negative situation exists and must be fixed,
 Methods of overcoming bad conflict and introducing good conflict, and
 The 5 Laws of Conflict.
Based upon real-world, fire-tested experience and research,
Mr. Zimmer provides insights into conflict management where many are
afraid to tread. Managing projects for close to thirty years, he’s
encountered his share of conflict.
Additionally, he’s been known to kick up some conflict. Using the
information contained in this paper, he usually “wins” and his teams win.
You benefit from his experience and knowledge. Read this paper.
The Project Professors
c/o American Eagle Group
PO Box 703
Warrington, PA 18976
David A. Zimmer, PMP helps organizations develop and implement
strategies by leveraging best practices of market research, business
analysis and project management to continuously improve processes
and results. One client decreased their
time to manufacturing by two weeks
and lowered the defect rates by 25%
simply by implementing his
A published author and recognized
speaker, Mr. Zimmer’s training is
consistently rated the best and most
effective. Additionally, he is available
for speaking engagements.

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Conflict: The Art of Moving Forward

  • 1. CONFLICTCONFLICT The Art of Moving ForwardThe Art of Moving Forward David A. Zimmer, PMP, MCP, ITIL, CCPDavid A. Zimmer, PMP, MCP, ITIL, CCPDavid A. Zimmer, PMP, MCP, ITIL, CCP
  • 2. Copyright © 2011 David A. Zimmer, PMP, Warrington, PA No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval systems or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise, except as permitted under Section 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without the prior written permission of David A. Zimmer, PMP. Trademarks: All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. References to the Project Management Institute’s Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) pertains to the Fourth Edition © 2008. If you have any questions about this paper, contact us: David A. Zimmer, PMP, MCP, ITIL, CCP Warrington, PA 18976 Ph. +1/215.491.2544 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 15 April 2012
  • 3. Conflict: The Art of Moving ForwardConflict: The Art of Moving Forward Copyright © David A. Zimmer, PMP, All Rights Reserved Page 3 Conflict:Conflict:Conflict: The Art of Moving ForwardThe Art of Moving ForwardThe Art of Moving Forward CConflict. The very mention of the word sends people scurrying. Many fear conflict. We avoid conflict at all cost. It is something to be resolved and then never mentioned again. But here is an idea. Without conflict, nothing moves forward, nothing progresses and we remain stagnate. Think about it. If it were not for conflict, we’d remain the same. No advancement. Consider driving. If there were no pressure applied to the gas pedal, the car wouldn’t go. If the transmission were not put in Drive and its gears ground against each other, we’d stay put. If the tires didn’t push against the pavement, we’d never move. Therefore, we see there is good conflict and bad conflict. It is how we react to the conflict that determines if it is positive or negative. In fact, we can have both at the same time. Using the tire example on our cars, the pressure of the tire on the pavement and its spin determines our movement, yet the mere fact of the pressure on the pavement also wears the tires. Conflict can be exhilarating and abrasive. Our job is to determine if we move forward or backward. Permit me to expand this thought just a bit more. They say necessity is the mother of invention. What causes the necessity? The feeling of conflict of not having what you need at the time you need it. To overcome the feeling, we create the next great invention. Conflict, therefore, is the grandmother of invention. Five Laws of ConflictFive Laws of ConflictFive Laws of Conflict Let’s spend a bit of time understanding the nature of conflict. We’ll learn we need to resolve some conflict, while at the same time, we need to
  • 4. Copyright © David A. Zimmer, PMP, All Rights ReservedPage 4 Conflict: The Art of Moving ForwardConflict: The Art of Moving Forward introduce conflict. We’ve already seen conflict is both bad and good. It can wear us down or move us forward. In many cases, we decide its effects on us. In times of bad conflict, we must determine how to turn it into good conflict — something holding us back versus something pushing us forward. Many times, what appears as a negative situation is simply a positive event turned inside out. Don’t misunderstand. We are not playing word games or mental contortion here. We are not simply substituting the word “opportunity” for “problem” so prevalent in our organizations these days. Using understanding, we turn a bad situation into an opportunity for advancement. Let’s understand the Five Laws of Conflict in more detail: Law #1. Where Two or More Are Gathered, ThereLaw #1. Where Two or More Are Gathered, ThereLaw #1. Where Two or More Are Gathered, There Will Be ConflictWill Be ConflictWill Be Conflict It’s true. Anytime two or more people are together, you’ll experience difference of opinion, mannerisms, styles, personalities, cultures, backgrounds, genders, ethnicity and so forth. Each is a point of contention. Each can generate a friction point which can erupt into positive or negative feelings. It’s simply a fact of life. Whether it is business life or personal, we bump and grind against others’ ideas, character traits and opinions. It happens. The key is to not get stuck there, but to leverage the disagreement for something better. Using proper methods, we produce 5 L5 L5 LAWSAWSAWS OFOFOF CCCONFLICTONFLICTONFLICT LLLAWAWAW #1: W#1: W#1: WHEREHEREHERE TTTWOWOWO OROROR MMMOREOREORE AAARERERE GGGATHEREDATHEREDATHERED, T, T, THEREHEREHERE WWWILLILLILL BBBEEE CCCONFLICTONFLICTONFLICT LLLAWAWAW #2: I#2: I#2: IFFF TTTHEREHEREHERE IIISSS NNNOOO CCCONFLICTONFLICTONFLICT, B, B, BEEE AAAFRAIDFRAIDFRAID ——— BBBEEE VVVERYERYERY AAAFRAIDFRAIDFRAID LLLAWAWAW #3: T#3: T#3: THEREHEREHERE ISISIS GGGOODOODOOD CCCONFLICTONFLICTONFLICT ANDANDAND TTTHEREHEREHERE IIISSS BBBADADAD CCCONFLICTONFLICTONFLICT LLLAWAWAW #4: Y#4: Y#4: YOUOUOU MMMUSTUSTUST RRRESOLVEESOLVEESOLVE BBBADADAD CCCONFLICTONFLICTONFLICT ANDANDAND YYYOUOUOU MMMUSTUSTUST PPPROMOTEROMOTEROMOTE GGGOODOODOOD CCCONFLICTONFLICTONFLICT LLLAWAWAW #5: W#5: W#5: WHEREHEREHERE TTTHEREHEREHERE IIISSS NNNOOO CCCONFLICTONFLICTONFLICT, T, T, THEREHEREHERE IIISSS NNNOOO PPPROGRESSROGRESSROGRESS
  • 5. Conflict: The Art of Moving ForwardConflict: The Art of Moving Forward Copyright © David A. Zimmer, PMP, All Rights Reserved Page 5 better results than originally anticipated. Ideas sharpen ideas. Discussion generates greater outcomes. Of course, it’s not always simple. Resolving negative conflict is key to greatness. Law #2: If There Is No Conflict, Be AfraidLaw #2: If There Is No Conflict, Be AfraidLaw #2: If There Is No Conflict, Be Afraid ——— Be Very AfraidBe Very AfraidBe Very Afraid If there is no conflict, there is complacency. The opposite of success is not failure, but complacency. Lack of desire. Deficiency of passion. Low energy. Forward movement requires motion. Without it, we stagnate. Conflict produces progress. For example, many people require deadlines to prioritize their work. As soon as deadlines are established, conflicts begin to arise. One article must be finished just prior to another, which doesn’t leave enough time to finish the second. Under the gun, the person presses hard to complete the first task so he has time for the second. Or a child’s basketball game impinges on the report’s deadline resulting in working late into the evening to finish it before the next day’s 9:00 am presentation. Conflict between people is natural. If a team experiences no conflict between its members, it means people don’t really care. High-performing teams will have conflict. The difference between a high-performing team and a low-performing team is the manner in which they deal with the conflict. The low-performing team will experience backbiting, anger, resentment, unresolved issues, personal insults and more. The high-performing team will see it as an opportunity to fine-tune ideas, generate new ones and gain the best result because of the conflict. No conflict is a sure sign that no one cares enough about the situation to put up a fight or express a contrarian opinion. Mediocre results and settling for “good enough” is the norm. We, as good stewards of the situation, cannot sit idly and let it slip into apathy. We must introduce conflict to stir the pot. Law #3: There is Good Conflict and There is Bad ConflictLaw #3: There is Good Conflict and There is Bad ConflictLaw #3: There is Good Conflict and There is Bad Conflict We’ve already mentioned there is good conflict and bad conflict. Conflict, inherently, is neither bad nor good. It just is. How we react to it, and then more importantly, what we do with it determines if it is good or bad.
  • 6. Copyright © David A. Zimmer, PMP, All Rights ReservedPage 6 Conflict: The Art of Moving ForwardConflict: The Art of Moving Forward For example, looking at personal interaction where many people feel the barbs of conflict, we can see how personal attacks are bad. But, if the person being attacked does not react, but is proactive in dealing with the issue, the situation can be defused and the purpose or motive behind the attack can be remedied. Unfortunately, in personal attacks, our feelings and egos react first resulting in impoliteness, insults and other unacceptable behavior. When a person steps back and controls the situation in a positive way, the problem can be isolated and solved. Granted, it may take time and lots of discussion, but the net result should be better than when it started. Here is a key we need to understand. We must identify bad conflict and resolve it while recognizing the times when to introduce good conflict. Bad conflict is not always audible or visible. As stated earlier, apathy and complacency are forms of conflict but don’t appear to be “confrontational.” They are just as deadly to us as a full onslaught of argumentativeness. Additionally, there are times when we seem to have complete agreement on a topic and everything is progressing smoothly, but we need to introduce conflict. The idea is to drive the very best from our team or group, further refine our topic, or simply conduct further due diligence to uncover anything that has not surfaced to this point. We will learn the various methods of detecting conflict, provide a variety of op- tions to resolving it, suggest when to introduce it and then how to drive the process to conclusion. For leaders of teams, whether the team is as small as two or much larger, conflict management is a key skill to know. Law #4: You Must Resolve Bad Conflict andLaw #4: You Must Resolve Bad Conflict andLaw #4: You Must Resolve Bad Conflict and You Must Promote Good ConflictYou Must Promote Good ConflictYou Must Promote Good Conflict It is a statement of the obvious that bad conflict is bad and good conflict is good. We must resolve the bad and promote the good. We’ve already discussed the truth of this axiom. Bad conflict engenders bad feelings, hurt emotions, animosity, and worse. If not checked, the conflict can grow more negative within a person to the point of anger and other poor behavior, sometime even dangerous intentions. While no one likes looking down the barrel of a gun, unresolved bad conflict becomes similar in nature. You never know when it might go off with dire consequences. We’ve seen news headlines of tragedies occurring because a person had unresolved anger, felt slighted or didn’t get what they felt was properly theirs. We’ve even coined phrases to identify those
  • 7. Conflict: The Art of Moving ForwardConflict: The Art of Moving Forward Copyright © David A. Zimmer, PMP, All Rights Reserved Page 7 circumstances as “going postal,” “going ballistic,” “having a moment or an issue,” and other idioms. On the other hand, good conflict can actually leave someone with a feeling of accomplishment, success or being productive. Having a conversation where both sides voice their opinions without any personal attacks or innuendos can produce a feeling of euphoria. Producing a better product, service or result since one idea improved another idea, or new method is devised can happen because of the problem solving nature of the discussion. Many times in corporations, meeting participants can fall into a trap of myopic reasoning or becoming a single-mind (referred to as “group think”), so new or better solutions escape discussion or examination. As a result, we miss better opportunities or processes and settle for an inferior solution. Unfortunately, we are all prone to succumbing to group think and miss the opportunity to interject a contrarian viewpoint. Law #5: Where There Is No Conflict, There Is No ProgressLaw #5: Where There Is No Conflict, There Is No ProgressLaw #5: Where There Is No Conflict, There Is No Progress We stated progress is made from conflict. If we had all we ever needed in life, never had to go anywhere, no problems existed and felt no pressure, in other words, no conflict, why would we get out of bed in the morn- ing? Some say it might be for the morning run. But why run? While it might clear our minds and produce the endorphins that create a feeling of well-being, we do it to keep our bodies in shape and healthy. If I have no desire for the healthy lifestyle and like my current body physique, running holds no interest and therefore, there is no desire to run. I snuggle that much further under the covers warding off the sunshine in my eyes beckoning me to another day. We are built for progress. When we ask students in our seminars how many want to be working the same job five years from now, none raise their hands. They want to move on, progress to newer things or gain more responsibility. When asked how many want to be solving the same issues or problems, again, none raise their hands. They want progress. Problem solution, new discovery, and forward progress result from the conflict between what we have and what we want. Conflict shows itself through problems, challenges, situations to be solved and sometimes, as uneasy feelings. When we “fix” the issues, we make progress. If there is nothing to solve, no conflict between the present and the future, there is no need for progress. Conflict provides the motivation to move ahead.
  • 8. Copyright © David A. Zimmer, PMP, All Rights ReservedPage 8 Conflict: The Art of Moving ForwardConflict: The Art of Moving Forward Let’s Define ConflictLet’s Define ConflictLet’s Define Conflict We’ve described conflict and we’ve discussed situations of conflict, but we have not defined what conflict is. Before we go further, let’s define what we mean. No discussion is complete until we’ve formally defined it. According to, the definition of conflict is CCCONFLICTONFLICTONFLICT (((NOUNNOUNNOUN):):): 1.1.1. AAA STATESTATESTATE OFOFOF OPENOPENOPEN,,, OFTENOFTENOFTEN PROLONGEDPROLONGEDPROLONGED FIGHTINGFIGHTINGFIGHTING;;; AAA BATTLEBATTLEBATTLE OROROR WARWARWAR 2.2.2. AAA STATESTATESTATE OFOFOF DISHARMONYDISHARMONYDISHARMONY BETWEENBETWEENBETWEEN INCOMPATIBLEINCOMPATIBLEINCOMPATIBLE OROROR ANTITHETICALANTITHETICALANTITHETICAL PERSONSPERSONSPERSONS,,, IDEASIDEASIDEAS,,, OROROR INTERESTSINTERESTSINTERESTS RRRESULTSESULTSESULTS::: TENSIONTENSIONTENSION We see conflict has a military overtone, a fight or struggle. Two warring factions. We’ve used analogies of two people having a disagreement, tires rubbing against the pavement as they push the car forward and even the internal struggle of a person. Conflict comes in many different forms, sizes and colors. Conflict can come out of nowhere or somewhere. Bad conflict just seems to happen while we must do something to produce good conflict. We see from the definition, conflict produces uneasiness. It puts people in a mode where they can’t remain because it is too uncomfortable. Essentially, it gets them “off the dime.” Interestingly, the definition of conflict has a negative bent, yet we’ve claimed conflict can be good. How can that be? As we’ve already mentioned, conflict removes the “roadblock” of group think which stifles thoroughness of thought. By putting people in an uncomfortable position, their thinking gets altered and new thoughts begin to emerge. So we see conflict can be used to move forward or it can cause us to remain stuck in the current position. What is the difference between good conflict and bad conflict? Let’s compare bad against good conflict: BBBADADAD CCCONFLICTONFLICTONFLICT PPPRODUCESRODUCESRODUCES::: GGGOODOODOOD CCCONFLICTONFLICTONFLICT PPPRODUCESRODUCESRODUCES:::  AAANIMOSITYNIMOSITYNIMOSITY  PPPROBLEMROBLEMROBLEM SSSOLVINGOLVINGOLVING  HHHURTURTURT FFFEELINGSEELINGSEELINGS  CCCOLLABORATIONOLLABORATIONOLLABORATION  GGGRUDGESRUDGESRUDGES  BBBETTERETTERETTER PPPRODUCTIVITYRODUCTIVITYRODUCTIVITY  SSSNIPINGNIPINGNIPING  TTTEAMWORKEAMWORKEAMWORK  HHHOSTILITYOSTILITYOSTILITY  RRRELATIONSHIPELATIONSHIPELATIONSHIP  FFFORCINGORCINGORCING  MMMUTUALUTUALUTUAL RRRESPECTESPECTESPECT  CCCOMPROMISINGOMPROMISINGOMPROMISING  TTTRUSTRUSTRUST Contrasting Bad vs. Good ConflictContrasting Bad vs. Good ConflictContrasting Bad vs. Good Conflict
  • 9. Conflict: The Art of Moving ForwardConflict: The Art of Moving Forward Copyright © David A. Zimmer, PMP, All Rights Reserved Page 9 We can see bad conflict does not produce positive results. Any one of those results sabotages our ability to create a team environment and gain the results we want. Rather, productivity suffers because of the negative environment and people feel many destructive emotions. On the other hand, good conflict produces the traits of high-performing teams, the qualities we need to produce the results we want and the environment conducive to positive emotions and forward progress. Traits of Bad ConflictTraits of Bad ConflictTraits of Bad Conflict How do we recognize traits of bad conflict? What are the tell-tale signs? Of course, many times we can “hear” it by the words and tones of people, but sometimes, negative conflict is silent. Here are a few identifiable characteristics:  Personality Focused,  Disrespectful,  Self-Centered and Self-Focused,  Non-Adaptive, and  Destructive Rather focusing on the issue, an “attacker” might focus more on a person, personality traits, or other personal peculiarity. Instead of attacking an idea, he or she might attack the person. It can be an obvious verbal slander, a condescending tone, gesture or body language and more. No matter how it manifests, the attacked person feels belittled, maligned, embarrassed or inferior. It’s not enough to simply say, “get over it.” Enough of these attacks and the person will no longer contribute causing us all to lose. Unfortunately, we see these traits all too often. Or sometimes, we see them in a different manner. They might be exhibited as  Superior Attitude,  Domineering,  Over-confidence,  Boisterous or Loud,  Obnoxiousness, and  Arrogance. A common thread for all these traits is the desire to “win” through negative actions. The person using these tactics causes negative conflict resulting in
  • 10. Copyright © David A. Zimmer, PMP, All Rights ReservedPage 10 Conflict: The Art of Moving ForwardConflict: The Art of Moving Forward diminished productivity and undesirable environments, which could lead to undesirable results. Traits of Good ConflictTraits of Good ConflictTraits of Good Conflict Good conflict presents itself in a different manner. During good conflict, you’ll observe  People are Result Focused,  Respectful,  Centered on Others,  Humility,  Team Attitude,  Adaptive, and  Constructive. The team is looking to “win” for the common good, not for a particular person. Victories are shared, not personalized and progress is promoted. According to the Project Management Body of Knowledge — Fourth Edition, published by the Project Management Institute, bad conflict will exhibit itself in the following ways:  Forcing  Smoothing  Withdrawing, and  Compromising. ForcingForcingForcing ——— DominanceDominanceDominance Forcing is pretty easy to identify. Usually it is not physical with someone twisting another person’s arm, but is more verbal or emotional. Sometimes the verbal diatribe is easily heard because of the volume, but many times, it is simply the tone. As parents, we sometimes resort to this tactic to discipline our children, although it is not always the best way to handle the situation. In emergencies, a leader gives directives which some might consider forcing. In a work situation, very rarely is this method acceptable. It should not be permitted to happen in meetings or similar situations.
  • 11. Conflict: The Art of Moving ForwardConflict: The Art of Moving Forward Copyright © David A. Zimmer, PMP, All Rights Reserved Page 11 To resolve such a situation, a facilitator — an objective third party — can help both sides focus on the important issues and keeps the forcer from the improper behavior. SmoothingSmoothingSmoothing ——— Minimizing DifferencesMinimizing DifferencesMinimizing Differences Smoothing involves diminishing the differences people are experiencing. Rather than discussing the issues and coming to a better conclusion, the participants minimize the disparity and do not resolve anything. Such a remedy results in issues surfacing later. Emotions are not settled. Solutions don’t exist. In addition to the original issue, new ones get created. Essentially, smoothing only covers the wound with a band-aid while the infection festers beneath the surface. To resolve smoothing, a facilitator must engage both sides to focus on the differences. In doing so, the facilitator will introduce additional conflict to overcome the original conflict. The goal is to eliminate the source of conflict and create a satisfactory result. WithdrawingWithdrawingWithdrawing ——— Backing Down or Walking AwayBacking Down or Walking AwayBacking Down or Walking Away Withdrawing is the classic where someone blows up and storms out of the room. They withdrew themselves from the situation. Sometimes, a person simply becomes quiet and no longer puts up a fight. He or she may be quiet on the outside, but on the inside, he is fuming. This might look like a “forcing” situation, but in actuality, the participant has acquiesced. He hasn’t given up, he’s simply quiet. This situation needs to be defused. It is still a volcano ready to erupt, usually at the worse moment. To resolve the situation, the participants should wait a short period of time to get emotions in check, write down the root issues and then discuss them. A facilitator can help direct the conversation to stay on track and keep personal attacks at bay. By discussing the issues and keeping emotions in check, both parties can come to resolution. CompromisingCompromisingCompromising ——— Giving Up NeedsGiving Up NeedsGiving Up Needs Everyone knows what compromising is. In fact, we believe we should compromise over differences so we can solve the situation. Unfortunately, compromising is not really good. Why? Because we have to “give up” something in order to achieve. As a result, we feel short-changed, but we salve the feeling by saying we did it for the good of the situation. Unfortunately, after enough compromising, we don’t feel satisfied anymore. Some people confuse compromising with negotiation. Negotiating is completely different. In negotiating, we first decide our needs, wants and “chips” — those
  • 12. Copyright © David A. Zimmer, PMP, All Rights ReservedPage 12 Conflict: The Art of Moving ForwardConflict: The Art of Moving Forward things of importance or value to the other party that don’t matter much to us. In negotiating, we use our chips to show the other side we are willing to cooperate by giving something of value to them. They, in turn, do the same. The “wants” are desirable attributes of the deal, but are not necessary. As in buying a car, we might decide the top-end stereo system would be nice, but we’re willing to give it up in order to lower the price. Once we’ve given up all our wants and tossed the chips, and if we have not reached agreement with the other side, we walk away from the table. We do not give up our needs, otherwise, it will not be a satisfactory deal no matter how good it might look. In compromising, we start out at the need level. We give away our needs in order to reach agreement causing us to not really feel satisfied. When in a conflict situation where we must compromise, the best method of resolution is to adjourn for a period of time so we can determine the needs and wants of the circumstances. With our list in front of us, now we can negotiate a solution and not compromise. General Guidelines for Resolving Bad ConflictGeneral Guidelines for Resolving Bad ConflictGeneral Guidelines for Resolving Bad Conflict Here are some general guidelines to follow when resolving conflict: 1. Show respect. Nothing irritates people more quickly than disrespect. When someone feels disrespected, he or she either lashes out in anger or retreats into a shell. It is a rare person who can take disrespect for very long with- out some emotional response. In either case, they stop listening, start resisting and the possibility for resolution quickly diminishes. Showing respect is the fastest way to bridge the gap and bring down the defensive walls. 2. Listen Objectively. By putting aside our biases and prejudices, we can hear what the other person is saying more clearly. Objective listening is active listening without preconception with a pinch of empathy and actually understanding the other viewpoint. As the adage states, “You don’t understand another man’s road until you’ve walked a mile in his moccasins.” You don’t understand the other person’s viewpoint until you’ve really listened and understand the heart and soul of the message. When you put that effort into listening, the other person sees it, feels respected and heard. And in many cases, that is all they need and the situation is resolved.
  • 13. Conflict: The Art of Moving ForwardConflict: The Art of Moving Forward Copyright © David A. Zimmer, PMP, All Rights Reserved Page 13 3. Promote The Good of Both Sides. Both sides of the dispute has its good points and its bad points. Show respect, listen objectively and then promote the good of both sides. Spit out the bad points just like a cow rejects the stumble and rocks in its hay. A cow simply drops the undesirables off to the side and moves onto the next bite. It doesn’t stare at the deposits and bring them back up. It lets them lay there. 4. Don’t Let Either Side Revert To Negative Conflict. Forward progress will be made using this method of overcoming negative conflict. Don’t slip backward by letting one or both sides of the argument revert to negative tactics. Simply remind them of these guidelines — call them “rules of engagement,” if you like. 5. Work Towards and Come To A Conclusion. Both parties must have one unifying goal—to come to a satisfactory conclusion for both sides. A common goal of reaching a mutually satisfying conclusion will help both sides stay engaged while discussion, and progress, happens. During the discussion, respect and trust can and will increase if these guidelines are followed. A key to a mutually satisfying result are the emotions felt at the end. Is there mutual respect? Can both sides trust the other to hold to the agreement? Have tempers been cooled and both sides felt heard? These are the emotional items, that if not reached, cause future negative conflict. Looking at Good ConflictLooking at Good ConflictLooking at Good Conflict We’ve explored bad conflict in depth, so let’s understand more about good conflict, what it looks like, and most importantly, how to introduce it. As we’ve stated, good conflict pushes us forward. Through it, we produce better results than if it were not introduced. It causes people to think laterally, or outside-the-box. We can get stuck in a rut, “we’ve always done it that way” mentality or stymied by the shear inertia of having to change. Good conflict produces good feelings between people — mutual respect, trust and camaraderie. It sometimes exhibits itself in similar ways as bad conflicts, but differs because both parties involved know the confrontation is not to damage but to improve the situation. Think of a sports analogy. In a football game, the wide receiver may have missed his route causing the pass to be incomplete. The quarterback, because of the adrenaline, may appear to be angry and might be voicing his concern louder than he normally would, but instructs the receiver where to be next time. The receiver does not feel attacked or berated. He knew better and realizes the quarterback is not yelling at him, but helping him for the
  • 14. Copyright © David A. Zimmer, PMP, All Rights ReservedPage 14 Conflict: The Art of Moving ForwardConflict: The Art of Moving Forward betterment of both. To be received properly, both participants understand, respect and trust each other so the confrontation, or conflict, turns positive. We see this in our everyday lives as we work with others. They have ideas and we have ideas. The ideas might clash. We work through the ideas, picking the good ones and leaving the less useful ones behind. The discussion might become a bit heated at times because of the passion and enthusiasm both parties bring to the table, but both sides realize the discussion produces better results. They realize it is not a personal attack. Good conflict exhibits itself in a number of ways. We see it in teamwork, common goals, shared language and mutual dependence. The ultimate objective is to produce the best outcome possible. Signs of Good ConflictSigns of Good ConflictSigns of Good Conflict Good conflict occurs in an environment of  High performance teams  Mutual dependence  Shared language  Common goals  Reciprocated respect  Single purpose  Goal oriented  Focused outcome People introduce good conflict while  Problem solving  Collaborating  Cooperating  Generating new ideas  Seeking a common solution, a better solution  Engaging in respectful two-way dialogues How do we get to this promised land? How do we interject good conflict into situations to produce better results? We use the tools we’ve been using for years:  Establish ground rules of team conduct,  Create rules of engagement for resolving and introducing conflict,  Eliminate bad conflict,
  • 15. Conflict: The Art of Moving ForwardConflict: The Art of Moving Forward Copyright © David A. Zimmer, PMP, All Rights Reserved Page 15  Encourage participation by all team members,  Use information-gathering activities such as brainstorming, mind-mapping, focus groups and facilitated workshops, which lead to mutual dependence and respect among all parties,  Interject ideas and counterpoints into discussions to elicit different viewpoints or reactions,  Summarize the current results periodically and ask what might make them better,  Use open questions starting with How, What, When, Where and Why,  Recognize and praise individuals along the way and the group collectively as progress is made,  And above all, thank participants when a conclusion is reached. Following these guidelines, we can lead our teams to resolving bad conflict and using good conflict to move forward, to make progress in our endeavors. ConclusionConclusionConclusion Conflict is neither good nor bad. It simply is. How we react to it determines the state of negativity or positivity. We can take a situation and turn it from evil to good and come closer to our vision or desired results. It is our response that creates the outcome. Remember: 1. There will always be conflict between people. Maintain proper reaction to the circumstances to reach the preferred conclusion. 2. No conflict means little passion or interest. Lack of passion or interest produces poor results. Poor results are unacceptable. Passionate people want to achieve a higher level outcome, so their passion may cause conflict. Turn the conflict positive. 3. Conflict can be either bad or good. It depends on how its handled. Handled properly, it produces outcomes wanted. 4. Bad conflict destroys, good conflict builds. You choose which outcome you want and guide those involved to that ending. 5. Complete agreement produces mediocre results — conflict produces the best results. Once positive conflict enters the picture and a better solution is determined, gain agreement from all parties involved.
  • 16. Conflict. Something everyone wants to avoid. We want smooth sailing, calm waters, sunny skies and warm breezes. We don’t want anything to rock our boats. But, we’ve learned over time, conflict is necessary for progress. In some cases, conflict generates the ideas we need to move us forward in our jobs and personal lives. It is the “uncomfortableness” of conflict that causes us to get up and do something about our situation, to discover a new method, or progress to a particular goal. In this paper, you’ll learn  The differences between bad conflict and good conflict,  How to differentiate one from the other,  Common signs indicating a negative situation exists and must be fixed,  Methods of overcoming bad conflict and introducing good conflict, and  The 5 Laws of Conflict. Based upon real-world, fire-tested experience and research, Mr. Zimmer provides insights into conflict management where many are afraid to tread. Managing projects for close to thirty years, he’s encountered his share of conflict. Additionally, he’s been known to kick up some conflict. Using the information contained in this paper, he usually “wins” and his teams win. You benefit from his experience and knowledge. Read this paper. The Project Professors c/o American Eagle Group PO Box 703 Warrington, PA 18976 +1/215.491.2544 David A. Zimmer, PMP helps organizations develop and implement strategies by leveraging best practices of market research, business analysis and project management to continuously improve processes and results. One client decreased their time to manufacturing by two weeks and lowered the defect rates by 25% simply by implementing his suggestions. A published author and recognized speaker, Mr. Zimmer’s training is consistently rated the best and most effective. Additionally, he is available for speaking engagements.