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Geronimo R. Rosario
 Condensation is the process of a substance in a gaseous
state transforming into a liquid state. This change is caused
by a change in pressure and temperature of the substance.
Condensation can form
dew, fog, or clouds and
they all need saturated air
to develop.
Condensation is the
direct cause of precipitation.
It is the reverse of
Water vapor is changed
from the vapor state and
becomes droplets of water.
 The necessary condition:
cooling of air to below its dew point until
it is saturated
[individual / combined changes in air volume, pressure,
temperature / R.H.]
 The sufficient condition:
presence of condensation nuclei
[hygroscopic particles – wettable substances]
 The necessary condition:
cooling of air to below its dew point until
it is saturated
- radiation cooling
- advective cooling
- orographic and frontal uplifting & cooling
- convective or adiabatic cooling
 The sufficient condition:
presence of condensation nuclei
- Condensation does not take place easily in clear or
pure air which can be cooled below its dew point
without condensation occurring.
hygroscopic particles – wettable substances
They attract water-vapour molecules when the
moisture content is near saturation point.
e.g. dust, sea salt from evaporated spray,
sulphur acid from combustion, volcanism
 Hygroscopic-
water - seeking
nuclei . Ex.
Ocean salt, dust
and smoke
 Hydrophobic-
such as oils,
gasoline, and
paraffin waxes
 Cloud condensation
nuclei or CCNs (also
known as cloud seeds) are
small particles typically 0.2
µm, or 1/100th the size of
a cloud droplet on which
water vapour condenses.
 Water requires a non-
gaseous surface to make
the transition from a
vapour to a liquid; this
process is
called condensation.
 Aitken nuclei- radius less than 0.2 m
 Large nuclei- Particles ranging in size from 0.2 to
1 μm
 Giant nuclei,- are much larger and have radii
exceeding 1 μm.
◦ The condensation nuclei most favorable for producing
clouds (called cloud condensation nuclei) have radii of
0.1 μm or more.
◦ Usually, between 100 and 1000 nuclei of this size exist in
a cubic centimeter of air.
◦ Condensation nuclei are extremely light (many have a
mass less than one-trillionth of a gram), so they can
remain suspended in the air for many days.
 defined when visibility < 1 km
 Condensation on less active
 Fogs form when air saturates (its
relative humidity reaches around
100 percent), and the water
vapor within the air mass
condenses on small particles in
the air to form liquid cloud
is a visible mass consisting of cloud water droplets or ice
crystals suspended in the air at or near the Earth's
 Mist is defined as 'when there is such obscurity
and the associated visibility is equal to or exceeds
1000 m'.
 Mist and fog are often used interchangeably - and
they are closely related - but there is a key
difference which depends on how far you can see
through them.
 The defining difference between mist and fog is
visibility; if it is less than 1,000 metres we call it
'fog' and if visibility is greater than 1,000 metres
we call it 'mist'.
 Haze is also another term
associated with fog but
technically are different from
each other.
 Haze is traditionally an
atmospheric phenomenon
where dust, smoke and other
dry particles obscure the clarity
of the sky.
 Dry haze is when there are
dust or salt particles in the air
that hinder visibility.
Wet haze occurs when water
vapor condenses on the
particles, which happens at a
relative humidity of around
• Type of CN affects fog
• Over the ocean
– Fewer, larger drops
• Over urban areas
– More, smaller drops
– Lower visibility
– London Fog
• Chemical reactions can
cause fog to become acidic
• If temperatures drop below
freezing, freezing fog
may result
 by cooling the air
(air is cooled below
its saturation point
(dew point)
 by evaporation
and mixing - water
vapor is added to the
air by evaporation,
and the moist air
mixes with relatively
dry air.
 Radiation fog
 Advection fog
 Upslope fog
 Evaporation or
steam fog
 Precipitation or
frontal fog
 Results from radiation cooling of the ground and
the surrounding air.
 It occurs at night
 It requires clear skies and fairly high relative
 Under these circumstances, the ground and the
air just above it will cool rapidly.
 Because the relative humidity is so high, just a
small amount of cooling will lower the temperature
to the dew point.
• Form upward from the
– Deepest around sunrise
– May intensify after
sunrise (dew
• “Burns Off” with more
– Dissipates from bottom up
– Dissipates easily around
edges (thin, mixing
• type of fog where warm,
moist air moves over
cooler land and/or water,
cooling the air moving over
it to its dew point
• Breeze required
• May combine with radiation
• radiational fog tends to
form in calm conditions
over inland areas,
advection fog tends to
form in breezier conditions
along coastlines
 A type of fog where it forms when
winds blow air up a slope (called
orographic lift), adiabatically
cooling it as it rises, and causing
the moisture in it to condense.
 Air expands adiabatically (cooling
or warming that results when air
expands or contracts, but not
because heat was added or
 This is the only type of fog that
forms adiabatically.
 If the dew point is reached, an
extensive layer of fog may form.
 forms over bodies of water
overlain by much colder air.
The most common form,
which occurs when colder air
 Warmer water, is often called
steam fog since the
condensing water vapor looks
like steam rising from the
 This commonly occurs over
lakes in autumn, particularly
in the early morning hours,
when cold air moves over
water that is still warm from
 Lake-effect snow is produced during cooler atmospheric conditions
when a cold air mass moves across long expanses of warmer lake
water, warming the lower layer of air which picks up water vapor from
the lake, rises up through the colder air above, freezes and is deposited
on the leeward (downwind) shores.
 forms as precipitation falls into drier air below the
cloud, the liquid droplets evaporate into water
 As the rain falls through the layer of cold air, some
of the water from the rain drops evaporates
 If enough water vapor is added to the air it can
become saturated, resulting in condensation into
very tiny water droplets (fog)
 This most commonly is associated with warm
fronts in winter when warm air rises over cold air
which is why this type of fog is sometimes called
frontal fog
 Ground fog is fog that
obscures less than 60% of
the sky and does not extend
to the base of any overhead
clouds. However, the term is
sometimes used to refer to
radiation fog.
 Valley fog forms in mountain
valleys, often during winter. It
is the result of a temperature
inversion caused by heavier
cold air settling into a valley,
with warmer air passing over
the mountains above.
 Freezing fog occurs when
liquid fog droplets freeze to
surfaces, forming white soft or
hard rime. This is very common
on mountain tops which are
exposed to low clouds. It is
equivalent to freezing rain, and
essentially the same as the ice
that forms inside a freezer
which is not of the "frostless" or
"frost-free" type.
 Ice fog is any kind of fog where
the droplets have frozen into
extremely tiny crystals or ice in
midair. Generally this requires
temperatures at or below
−35 °C (−30 °F), making it
common only in and near the
Arctic and Antarctic regions.
 As air moves onshore, it crosses the coastline at nearly a right angle. This causes
the air to flow together or converge in the vicinity of the headlands. This area of weak
convergence causes the surface air to rise and cool just a little. If the rising air is
close to being saturated, it will cool to its dew point, and fog will form. Meanwhile,
near the beach area, the surface air spreads apart or diverges as it crosses the
coastline. This area of weak divergence creates sinking and slightly warmer air.
Because the sinking of air increases the separation between air temperature and
dew point, fog is less likely to form in this region..
 Fog dissipates usually in an
hour through solar heating
 It takes several hours in the
valley and coastal regions
particularly during cold
 Fog clears at outer edges
 Dissipation maybe affected
by wind, fog thickness,
overlying cloud layers and
underlying surfaces ( snow
cover, cool lakes or ocean
and soil condition)
 A cloud is a visible
aggregate of tiny
water droplets and/or
ice crystals
suspended in the
atmosphere and can
exist in a variety of
shapes and sizes.
 In 1802 an Englishman by the name of Luke Howard
invented the cloud naming system that is still in use
today. Howard used Latin names to describe clouds.
• part of a cloud's name describes height
• part tell us something about the cloud’s shape
 The prefixes denoting heights are:
cirro, high clouds above 20,000 feet;
alto are mid level clouds between 6,000 – 20,000 ft
There is no prefix for low level clouds.
 The names denoting shapes are:
cirrus mean curly or fibrous
stratus means layered
cumulus means lumpy or piled.
Nimbo or nimbus is added to indicate that a cloud
can produce precipitation.
• Properties:
– Variety of sizes
– Contain water drops
and/or ice crystals
– Various heights
– Stratospheric clouds
rare, but important for
creation of the ozone
 Clouds that grow high up into the atmosphere
rather than spreading across the sky.
 They span all levels of the troposphere and can
even rise up into the stratosphere.
 Clouds with vertical growth develop by warm air
rising from the surface
 Types of CVD
 Cumulus
 Cumulonimbus
 Cumulus humilis
◦ Develop primarily from
◦ Associated with fair
◦ Usually evaporate shortly
after formation and are
vertically limited
 Cumulus fractus
◦ Ragged-edge cumulus
clouds that are smaller
than cumulus humilis and
scattered across the sky.
◦ strong tattered edges;
◦ rapidly changing contours.
 Cumulus congestus
◦ More organized
development as cloud
towers appear
◦ Each tower is indicative of
uplift cells
◦ Cells are short lived but are
constantly replaced
◦ Each tower progresses
◦ Large height extension; like
cauliflower-looking forms.
 Cumulus mediocris
◦ Moderate development in
◦ Not so wide, not so tall
 Cumulus virga
◦ look like a rod or stripe
◦ responsible for cloud
◦ This is because it carries
the small particles to
different cloud formation.
 Cumulus praecipitatio
◦ look like puffy cotton balls in
the sky
◦ With precipitation
◦ common in most parts of
the world although they are
more frequently visible in
tropical climates where
there is a higher level of
humidity in the area
 Cumulus velum
◦ With a veil (from ice) on the
upper part of the subsequent
swelling - sometimes broken
◦ sail-shaped clouds and they
appear as a thin sheet of
◦ argely formed during fair
 Cumulus pileus
◦ with flat cap or hood (ice
◦ buffer between cumulus or
cumulonimbus formations
 Cumulus arcus
◦ horizontally formed cloud
and it is a low level cloud
which usually produces a
drizzle or rain.
◦ Shield cloud and looks like a
wall cloud
 Cumulus tuba
◦ white clouds seen on sunny
days and usually against the
blue sky. This heap of cloud
has a flat basis that is seen
in the middle and its vertical
development produces a
tower-like or even a
cauliflower's shape.
◦ with funnel cloud or tornado
 Cumulus pannus
◦ shreds or patches of clouds
which are large, cottony or
even puffy in nature
◦ These clouds can be seen
around the globe except in
Antarctica since it is very
cold there
 Cumulus radiatus
◦ also known as cloud streets
because they appear to form
as parallel lines that run
across the sky
◦ Less common
 Cumulus mamma
 Common white and puffy,
these clouds look like
cotton balls or bubbles that
are hanging downwards
from the sky.
 The cumulus mamma
clouds tend to have a flat
base and appear lumpy.
They do not necessarily
form in a large formation
and it is quite common to
see small, free flying
formations of the cumulus
mamma cloud
Cumulonimbus mamma Cumulonimbus incus
Cumulonimbus pannus Cumulonimbus calvus
Cumulonimbus arcus Cumulonimbus capillatus
Cumulonimbus pileus Cumulonimbus praecipitatio
Cumulonimbus tuba Cumulonimbus velum
Cumulonimbus virga
 Low clouds, with their bases lying below 2000 m
(6500 ft), are almost always composed of water
droplets; however, in cold weather, they may
contain ice particles and snow.
 Types
◦ Stratus
◦ Stratocumulus
◦ Nimbostratus
 Stratus fractus
 appear during a cloudy day
having a dark gray to almost
white color as they are made up
of water droplets and generally
formed in precipitation.
 look like ragged sheets which
became separated from a large
stratus clouds because of the
 Stratus nebulosus
 uniformly layered, foggish-
looking and monotonous.
 most common forms of stratus
 Stratus opacus
 look like any other stratus
clouds that are flat and have
no features at all
 usually comes in different
forms and sizes sometimes
resembling different animals
or creatures.
 they almost entirely cover the
sky and blocks out the sun in
the area.
 Stratus praecipitatio
 normally relatively featureless
and will partially or fully cover
the sky.
 Initially they may be light grey
but progressively they will
darken as they absorb more
 Rain cloud
 Stratus translucidus
 characterized by its veil-
like features and are thinly
spread out in the sky such
that the moon or the sun is
still recognizable.
 Stratus undulatus
 typically seen as slabs of
cloud that can actually
cover the whole sky; the
only distinguishing feature
can be the waves as the
base of the clouds are
ruffled by the wind.
 Stratocumulus lenticularis
 Stratocumulus cumulogenitus
 Stratocumulus radiatus
 Stratocumulus castellanus
 Stratocumulus translucidus
 Stratocumulus undulatus
 Stratocumulus lacunosus
 Stratocumulus stratiformis
 Stratocumulus duplicatus
 Stratocumulus praecipitatio
 Stratocumulus perlucidus
 Stratocumulus virga
 Stratocumulus mamma
 Stratocumulus opacus
Stratocumulus castellanus Stratocumulus cumulogenitus
Stratocumulus lacunosusStratocumulus duplicatos
Stratocumulus lenticularis Stratocumulus mamma
Stratocumulus mamma Stratocumulus opacus
Stratocumulus perlucidus Stratocumulus praecipitatio
Stratocumulus radiatus Stratocumulus stratiformis
Stratocumulus translucidus Stratocumulus undulatus
Stratocumulus virga
 Nimbostratus pannus
 look like tubes
 essentially flat featureless and
essentially boring.
 cover the sky with a grey and
depressing clouds which
signifies that something is
developing and the weather may
be changing for the better
 Nimbostratus praecipitatio
 generally bring heavier
 They are not accompanied by
thunder or lightning
 Will generally last longer and are
 Nimbostratus virga
 have shoots of rain
falling like triangular
wedges that are wider
at the top, near the
base of the cloud that
reach a point
somewhere above the
ground without
touching it.
 Rain bearing cloud
oBases between 2000 and 6000 m (6-19,000 ft)
oLargely composed of liquid drops
oCarry the “alto” prefix
oAltostratus is typically thick enough to almost
fully obscure the sun or moon and blanket the
sky from horizon to horizon
oAltocumulus, typically typified by a banded
arrangement of billowy clouds
 Altocumulus castellanus
 Altocumulus undulatus
 Altocumulus mamma
 Altocumulus stratiformis
 Altocumulus virga
 Altocumulus lacunosus
 Altocumulus perlucidus
 Altocumulus radiatus
 Altocumulus lenticularis
 Altocumulus duplicatus
 Altocumulus undulatus
 Altocumulus floccus
 Altocumulus opacus
 Altocumulus translucidus
Altocumulus castellanus Altocumulus duplicatus
Altocumulus floccus Altocumulus lacunosus
Altocumulus lenticularis Altocumulus mamma
Altocumulus opacus Altocumulus perlucidus
Altocumulus radiatus Altocumulus stratiformis
Altocumulus translucidus
Altocumulus virga Altocumulus undulatus
Altostratus duplicatus Altostratus mamma
Altostratus opacus Altostratus pannus
Altostratus praecipitatio Altostratus radiatus
Altostratus translucidus
Altostratus undulatus
Altostratus virga
◦ Bases above 6000 m (19,000 ft)
◦ Composed of ice
◦ Cirrus is the most common
 Wispy appearance due to low water content and cold
 Fall streaks may appear below as ice crystals descend
 Mares’ tails - horizontal swirls, occur in turbulent conditions
 Cirrostratus occurs when cirrus thickens and stretch across
the sky
 May form a halo about the sun or moon as entering light is
refracted 22o by cloud ice crystals
 Cirrocumulus occurs due to thickening causing a billowy
appearance which resembles fish scales - a mackerel sky
Cirrus castellanusCirrus aviaticus
Cirrus duplicatus Cirrus fibratus
Cirrus floccus Cirrus intortus
Cirrus radiatus Cirrus spissatus
Cirrus uncinus Cirrus undulatus
Cirrus vertebratus
 Cirrocumulus virga
 Cirrocumulus castellanus
 Cirrocumulus lacunosus
 Cirrocumulus floccus
 Cirrocumulus undulatus
 Cirrocumulus mamma
 Cirrocumulus lenticularis
 Cirrocumulus stratiformis
Cirrocumulus castellanus
Cirrocumulus lenticularisCirrocumulus lacunosus
Cirrocumulus floccus
Cirrocumulus mamma Cirrocumulus stratiformis
Cirrocumulus undulatus Cirrocumulus virga
Cirrostratus duplicatus Cirrostratus fibratus
Cirrostratus nebulosus Cirrostratus undulatus
 formed when water
vapor condenses and
freezes around small
particles (aerosols) that
exist in aircraft exhaust.
 Some of that water
vapor comes from the
air around the plane;
and, some is added by
the exhaust of the
 The exhaust of an
aircraft contains both
gas (vapor) and solid
 Lenticular clouds
 Form along the crest of
waves caused by air flowing
over mountains
 They are frequently lens
shaped which is why they are
called “lenticular” clouds
 They can form one above
another like a stack of
pancakes and, given their
unusual appearance, “UFO
sightings” are common when
these clouds are present
 A localized lowering from the
rain-free base of a strong
 The lowering denotes a storm's
updraft where rapidly rising air
causes lower pressure just below
the main updraft, which
enhances condensation and
cloud formation just under the
primary cloud base.
 Wall clouds take on many shapes
and sizes.
 Some exhibit strong upward
motion and cyclonic rotation,
leading to tornado formation,
while others do not rotate and
essentially are harmless
 A low, horizontal,
sometimes wedge-
shaped cloud associated
with the thunderstorm
 Although often appearing
ominous, shelf clouds
normally do not produce
 created from instability
associated with air
flows having marked
vertical shear and
weak thermal
 The common name for
this instability is
 These instabilities are
often visualized as a
row of horizontal
eddies aligned within
this layer of vertical
 pouch-like cloud
structures and a rare
example of clouds in
sinking air.
 Sometimes very
ominous in appearance,
mammatus clouds are
harmless and do not
mean that a tornado is
about to form; a
commonly held
 mammatus are usually
seen after the worst of a
thunderstorm has
 are found very high in the
Earth's atmosphere. They
are called Polar
Mesospheric Clouds when
they are viewed from
space, and are referred to
as noctilucent clouds
when viewed by observers
on Earth.
 Unlike lower clouds that are
associated with weather,
these clouds form at the
very edge of space in the
atmospheric layer called the
 scientists think these clouds
are made of frozen water or
ice crystals.
 Most clouds form as air parcels are lifted and cooled to
 The main mechanism for cooling air is to force it to rise. Air
expands as it rises, because the pressure decreases through
the atmosphere, and therefore cools. Eventually it may
become saturated and the water vapour then condenses into
water droplets to form cloud. If the temperature reaches
below about -20 deg C many of the water droplets will have
frozen so the cloud is mainly composed of ice crystals.
 Mechanisms that Lift Air
◦ Orographic Lift occurs as air is displaced over topographic
barriers such as mountains and hills
◦ On the windward side of the barrier, air is displaced toward
higher altitudes and undergoes adiabatic cooling, possibly
to saturation
◦ On the leeward side, descending air warms through
compression leading to a dry rainshadow
Orographic uplift (left) and
orographically induced clouds
◦ When boundaries between
air of unlike temperatures
(fronts) migrate, warmer air
is pushed aloft
◦ This results in adiabatic
cooling and cloud formation
◦ Cold fronts occur when
warm air is displaced by
cooler air
◦ Warm fronts occur when
warm air rises over and
displaces coldA cold front (a) and
a warm front (b)
 Convergence
◦ Atmospheric mass is non-uniformly distributed over Earth
◦ Air advects from areas of more abundant mass to areas of
less mass
◦ Air moving into these low pressure regions converges
◦ Stimulates rising motions and adiabatic cooling
 Localized Convection
◦ Localized surface heating may lead to spatially limited free
◦ Vertical motions are stimulated from the surface upward
resulting in towering clouds and a chance for intense
precipitation over small spatial scales
 water
 low T
 supersaturation
 Cloud Condensation Nuclei (CCN) or Ice Nuclei
 Sky opacity- the amount of sky visible in relation
to the presence of cloud layers—is described on
the basis eighths or oktas.
 Why are clouds white?
Since light travels as waves of different lengths, each color has its very own unique wavelength.
Clouds are white because their water droplets or ice crystals are large enough to scatter the light
of the seven wavelengths (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet), which combine to
produce white light.
Why do clouds turn gray?
Clouds are made up of tiny water droplets or ice crystals, usually a mixture of both. The water and
ice scatter all light, making clouds appear white. If the clouds get thick enough or high enough all
the light above does not make it through, hence the gray or dark look. Also, if there are lots of
other clouds around, their shadow can add to the gray or multicolored gray appearance.
Why do clouds float?
A cloud is made up of liquid water droplets. A cloud forms when air is heated by the sun. As it
rises, it slowly cools it reaches the saturation point and water condenses, forming a cloud. As long
as the cloud and the air that its made of is warmer than the outside air around it, it floats!
How do clouds move?
Clouds move with the wind. High cirrus clouds are pushed along by the jet stream, sometimes
traveling at more than 100 miles-per-hour. When clouds are part of a thunderstorm they usually
travel at 30 to 40 mph.
Why do clouds form at different heights in the atmosphere?
The characteristics of clouds are dictated by the elements available, including the amount of
water vapor, the temperatures at that height, the wind, and the interplay of other air masses.

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Condensation (fogs and clouds)

  • 2.  Condensation is the process of a substance in a gaseous state transforming into a liquid state. This change is caused by a change in pressure and temperature of the substance. Condensation can form dew, fog, or clouds and they all need saturated air to develop. Condensation is the direct cause of precipitation. It is the reverse of evaporation. Water vapor is changed from the vapor state and becomes droplets of water.
  • 3.  The necessary condition: cooling of air to below its dew point until it is saturated [individual / combined changes in air volume, pressure, temperature / R.H.]  The sufficient condition: presence of condensation nuclei [hygroscopic particles – wettable substances]
  • 4.  The necessary condition: cooling of air to below its dew point until it is saturated - radiation cooling - advective cooling - orographic and frontal uplifting & cooling - convective or adiabatic cooling
  • 5.  The sufficient condition: presence of condensation nuclei - Condensation does not take place easily in clear or pure air which can be cooled below its dew point without condensation occurring. hygroscopic particles – wettable substances They attract water-vapour molecules when the moisture content is near saturation point. e.g. dust, sea salt from evaporated spray, sulphur acid from combustion, volcanism
  • 6.  Hygroscopic- water - seeking nuclei . Ex. Ocean salt, dust and smoke  Hydrophobic- water-repelling such as oils, gasoline, and paraffin waxes 
  • 7.  Cloud condensation nuclei or CCNs (also known as cloud seeds) are small particles typically 0.2 µm, or 1/100th the size of a cloud droplet on which water vapour condenses.  Water requires a non- gaseous surface to make the transition from a vapour to a liquid; this process is called condensation.
  • 8.  Aitken nuclei- radius less than 0.2 m  Large nuclei- Particles ranging in size from 0.2 to 1 μm  Giant nuclei,- are much larger and have radii exceeding 1 μm. ◦ The condensation nuclei most favorable for producing clouds (called cloud condensation nuclei) have radii of 0.1 μm or more. ◦ Usually, between 100 and 1000 nuclei of this size exist in a cubic centimeter of air. ◦ Condensation nuclei are extremely light (many have a mass less than one-trillionth of a gram), so they can remain suspended in the air for many days.
  • 9.
  • 10.  defined when visibility < 1 km  Condensation on less active nuclei  Fogs form when air saturates (its relative humidity reaches around 100 percent), and the water vapor within the air mass condenses on small particles in the air to form liquid cloud droplets. is a visible mass consisting of cloud water droplets or ice crystals suspended in the air at or near the Earth's surface.
  • 11.  Mist is defined as 'when there is such obscurity and the associated visibility is equal to or exceeds 1000 m'.  Mist and fog are often used interchangeably - and they are closely related - but there is a key difference which depends on how far you can see through them.  The defining difference between mist and fog is visibility; if it is less than 1,000 metres we call it 'fog' and if visibility is greater than 1,000 metres we call it 'mist'.
  • 12.  Haze is also another term associated with fog but technically are different from each other.  Haze is traditionally an atmospheric phenomenon where dust, smoke and other dry particles obscure the clarity of the sky.  Dry haze is when there are dust or salt particles in the air that hinder visibility. Wet haze occurs when water vapor condenses on the particles, which happens at a relative humidity of around 75%.
  • 13. • Type of CN affects fog • Over the ocean – Fewer, larger drops • Over urban areas – More, smaller drops – Lower visibility – London Fog • Chemical reactions can cause fog to become acidic • If temperatures drop below freezing, freezing fog may result
  • 14.  by cooling the air (air is cooled below its saturation point (dew point)  by evaporation and mixing - water vapor is added to the air by evaporation, and the moist air mixes with relatively dry air.
  • 15.  Radiation fog  Advection fog  Upslope fog  Evaporation or steam fog  Precipitation or frontal fog
  • 16.  Results from radiation cooling of the ground and the surrounding air.  It occurs at night  It requires clear skies and fairly high relative humidity.  Under these circumstances, the ground and the air just above it will cool rapidly.  Because the relative humidity is so high, just a small amount of cooling will lower the temperature to the dew point.
  • 17. • Form upward from the ground – Deepest around sunrise – May intensify after sunrise (dew evaporation) • “Burns Off” with more insolation – Dissipates from bottom up – Dissipates easily around edges (thin, mixing
  • 18. • type of fog where warm, moist air moves over cooler land and/or water, cooling the air moving over it to its dew point • Breeze required • May combine with radiation fog • radiational fog tends to form in calm conditions over inland areas, advection fog tends to form in breezier conditions along coastlines
  • 19.
  • 20.  A type of fog where it forms when winds blow air up a slope (called orographic lift), adiabatically cooling it as it rises, and causing the moisture in it to condense.  Air expands adiabatically (cooling or warming that results when air expands or contracts, but not because heat was added or removed.)  This is the only type of fog that forms adiabatically.  If the dew point is reached, an extensive layer of fog may form.
  • 21.
  • 22.  forms over bodies of water overlain by much colder air. The most common form, which occurs when colder air overlies  Warmer water, is often called steam fog since the condensing water vapor looks like steam rising from the water  This commonly occurs over lakes in autumn, particularly in the early morning hours, when cold air moves over water that is still warm from summer
  • 23.  Lake-effect snow is produced during cooler atmospheric conditions when a cold air mass moves across long expanses of warmer lake water, warming the lower layer of air which picks up water vapor from the lake, rises up through the colder air above, freezes and is deposited on the leeward (downwind) shores.
  • 24.  forms as precipitation falls into drier air below the cloud, the liquid droplets evaporate into water vapor.  As the rain falls through the layer of cold air, some of the water from the rain drops evaporates  If enough water vapor is added to the air it can become saturated, resulting in condensation into very tiny water droplets (fog)  This most commonly is associated with warm fronts in winter when warm air rises over cold air which is why this type of fog is sometimes called frontal fog
  • 25.
  • 26.  Ground fog is fog that obscures less than 60% of the sky and does not extend to the base of any overhead clouds. However, the term is sometimes used to refer to radiation fog.  Valley fog forms in mountain valleys, often during winter. It is the result of a temperature inversion caused by heavier cold air settling into a valley, with warmer air passing over the mountains above.
  • 27.  Freezing fog occurs when liquid fog droplets freeze to surfaces, forming white soft or hard rime. This is very common on mountain tops which are exposed to low clouds. It is equivalent to freezing rain, and essentially the same as the ice that forms inside a freezer which is not of the "frostless" or "frost-free" type.  Ice fog is any kind of fog where the droplets have frozen into extremely tiny crystals or ice in midair. Generally this requires temperatures at or below −35 °C (−30 °F), making it common only in and near the Arctic and Antarctic regions.
  • 28.  As air moves onshore, it crosses the coastline at nearly a right angle. This causes the air to flow together or converge in the vicinity of the headlands. This area of weak convergence causes the surface air to rise and cool just a little. If the rising air is close to being saturated, it will cool to its dew point, and fog will form. Meanwhile, near the beach area, the surface air spreads apart or diverges as it crosses the coastline. This area of weak divergence creates sinking and slightly warmer air. Because the sinking of air increases the separation between air temperature and dew point, fog is less likely to form in this region..
  • 29.  Fog dissipates usually in an hour through solar heating  It takes several hours in the valley and coastal regions particularly during cold season.  Fog clears at outer edges first.  Dissipation maybe affected by wind, fog thickness, overlying cloud layers and underlying surfaces ( snow cover, cool lakes or ocean and soil condition)
  • 30.
  • 31.
  • 32.  A cloud is a visible aggregate of tiny water droplets and/or ice crystals suspended in the atmosphere and can exist in a variety of shapes and sizes. 
  • 33.  In 1802 an Englishman by the name of Luke Howard invented the cloud naming system that is still in use today. Howard used Latin names to describe clouds. • part of a cloud's name describes height • part tell us something about the cloud’s shape  The prefixes denoting heights are: cirro, high clouds above 20,000 feet; alto are mid level clouds between 6,000 – 20,000 ft There is no prefix for low level clouds.  The names denoting shapes are: cirrus mean curly or fibrous stratus means layered cumulus means lumpy or piled. Nimbo or nimbus is added to indicate that a cloud can produce precipitation.
  • 34. • Properties: – Variety of sizes – Contain water drops and/or ice crystals – Various heights – Stratospheric clouds rare, but important for creation of the ozone hole
  • 35.
  • 36.
  • 37.
  • 38.
  • 39.  Clouds that grow high up into the atmosphere rather than spreading across the sky.  They span all levels of the troposphere and can even rise up into the stratosphere.  Clouds with vertical growth develop by warm air rising from the surface  Types of CVD  Cumulus  Cumulonimbus
  • 40.
  • 41.  Cumulus humilis ◦ Develop primarily from convection ◦ Associated with fair weather ◦ Usually evaporate shortly after formation and are vertically limited  Cumulus fractus ◦ Ragged-edge cumulus clouds that are smaller than cumulus humilis and scattered across the sky. ◦ strong tattered edges; ◦ rapidly changing contours.
  • 42.  Cumulus congestus ◦ More organized development as cloud towers appear ◦ Each tower is indicative of uplift cells ◦ Cells are short lived but are constantly replaced ◦ Each tower progresses higher ◦ Large height extension; like cauliflower-looking forms.  Cumulus mediocris ◦ Moderate development in height. ◦ Not so wide, not so tall
  • 43.  Cumulus virga ◦ look like a rod or stripe ◦ responsible for cloud seeding. ◦ This is because it carries the small particles to different cloud formation.  Cumulus praecipitatio ◦ look like puffy cotton balls in the sky ◦ With precipitation ◦ common in most parts of the world although they are more frequently visible in tropical climates where there is a higher level of humidity in the area
  • 44.  Cumulus velum ◦ With a veil (from ice) on the upper part of the subsequent swelling - sometimes broken ◦ sail-shaped clouds and they appear as a thin sheet of cloud ◦ argely formed during fair weath  Cumulus pileus ◦ with flat cap or hood (ice crystals). ◦ buffer between cumulus or cumulonimbus formations
  • 45.  Cumulus arcus ◦ horizontally formed cloud and it is a low level cloud which usually produces a drizzle or rain. ◦ Shield cloud and looks like a wall cloud  Cumulus tuba ◦ white clouds seen on sunny days and usually against the blue sky. This heap of cloud has a flat basis that is seen in the middle and its vertical development produces a tower-like or even a cauliflower's shape. ◦ with funnel cloud or tornado
  • 46.  Cumulus pannus ◦ shreds or patches of clouds which are large, cottony or even puffy in nature ◦ These clouds can be seen around the globe except in Antarctica since it is very cold there  Cumulus radiatus ◦ also known as cloud streets because they appear to form as parallel lines that run across the sky ◦ Less common
  • 47.  Cumulus mamma  Common white and puffy, these clouds look like cotton balls or bubbles that are hanging downwards from the sky.  The cumulus mamma clouds tend to have a flat base and appear lumpy. They do not necessarily form in a large formation and it is quite common to see small, free flying formations of the cumulus mamma cloud
  • 48.
  • 49. Cumulonimbus mamma Cumulonimbus incus Cumulonimbus pannus Cumulonimbus calvus
  • 50. Cumulonimbus arcus Cumulonimbus capillatus Cumulonimbus pileus Cumulonimbus praecipitatio
  • 51. Cumulonimbus tuba Cumulonimbus velum Cumulonimbus virga
  • 52.  Low clouds, with their bases lying below 2000 m (6500 ft), are almost always composed of water droplets; however, in cold weather, they may contain ice particles and snow.  Types ◦ Stratus ◦ Stratocumulus ◦ Nimbostratus
  • 53.
  • 54.  Stratus fractus  appear during a cloudy day having a dark gray to almost white color as they are made up of water droplets and generally formed in precipitation.  look like ragged sheets which became separated from a large stratus clouds because of the wind.  Stratus nebulosus  uniformly layered, foggish- looking and monotonous.  most common forms of stratus clouds
  • 55.  Stratus opacus  look like any other stratus clouds that are flat and have no features at all  usually comes in different forms and sizes sometimes resembling different animals or creatures.  they almost entirely cover the sky and blocks out the sun in the area.  Stratus praecipitatio  normally relatively featureless and will partially or fully cover the sky.  Initially they may be light grey but progressively they will darken as they absorb more moisture  Rain cloud
  • 56.  Stratus translucidus  characterized by its veil- like features and are thinly spread out in the sky such that the moon or the sun is still recognizable.  Stratus undulatus  typically seen as slabs of cloud that can actually cover the whole sky; the only distinguishing feature can be the waves as the base of the clouds are ruffled by the wind.
  • 57.
  • 58.  Stratocumulus lenticularis  Stratocumulus cumulogenitus  Stratocumulus radiatus  Stratocumulus castellanus  Stratocumulus translucidus  Stratocumulus undulatus  Stratocumulus lacunosus  Stratocumulus stratiformis  Stratocumulus duplicatus  Stratocumulus praecipitatio  Stratocumulus perlucidus  Stratocumulus virga  Stratocumulus mamma  Stratocumulus opacus
  • 59. Stratocumulus castellanus Stratocumulus cumulogenitus Stratocumulus lacunosusStratocumulus duplicatos
  • 60. Stratocumulus lenticularis Stratocumulus mamma Stratocumulus mamma Stratocumulus opacus
  • 61. Stratocumulus perlucidus Stratocumulus praecipitatio Stratocumulus radiatus Stratocumulus stratiformis
  • 62. Stratocumulus translucidus Stratocumulus undulatus Stratocumulus virga
  • 63.
  • 64.  Nimbostratus pannus  look like tubes  essentially flat featureless and essentially boring.  cover the sky with a grey and depressing clouds which signifies that something is developing and the weather may be changing for the better  Nimbostratus praecipitatio  generally bring heavier precipitation  They are not accompanied by thunder or lightning  Will generally last longer and are constant
  • 65.  Nimbostratus virga  have shoots of rain falling like triangular wedges that are wider at the top, near the base of the cloud that reach a point somewhere above the ground without touching it.  Rain bearing cloud
  • 66. oBases between 2000 and 6000 m (6-19,000 ft) oLargely composed of liquid drops oCarry the “alto” prefix oAltostratus is typically thick enough to almost fully obscure the sun or moon and blanket the sky from horizon to horizon oAltocumulus, typically typified by a banded arrangement of billowy clouds
  • 67.
  • 68.  Altocumulus castellanus  Altocumulus undulatus  Altocumulus mamma  Altocumulus stratiformis  Altocumulus virga  Altocumulus lacunosus  Altocumulus perlucidus  Altocumulus radiatus  Altocumulus lenticularis  Altocumulus duplicatus  Altocumulus undulatus  Altocumulus floccus  Altocumulus opacus  Altocumulus translucidus
  • 69. Altocumulus castellanus Altocumulus duplicatus Altocumulus floccus Altocumulus lacunosus
  • 70. Altocumulus lenticularis Altocumulus mamma Altocumulus opacus Altocumulus perlucidus
  • 71. Altocumulus radiatus Altocumulus stratiformis Altocumulus translucidus
  • 73.
  • 74. Altostratus duplicatus Altostratus mamma Altostratus opacus Altostratus pannus
  • 75. Altostratus praecipitatio Altostratus radiatus Altostratus translucidus
  • 77. ◦ Bases above 6000 m (19,000 ft) ◦ Composed of ice ◦ Cirrus is the most common  Wispy appearance due to low water content and cold temperatures  Fall streaks may appear below as ice crystals descend  Mares’ tails - horizontal swirls, occur in turbulent conditions  Cirrostratus occurs when cirrus thickens and stretch across the sky  May form a halo about the sun or moon as entering light is refracted 22o by cloud ice crystals  Cirrocumulus occurs due to thickening causing a billowy appearance which resembles fish scales - a mackerel sky
  • 78.
  • 79. Cirrus castellanusCirrus aviaticus Cirrus duplicatus Cirrus fibratus
  • 80. Cirrus floccus Cirrus intortus Cirrus radiatus Cirrus spissatus
  • 81. Cirrus uncinus Cirrus undulatus Cirrus vertebratus
  • 82.
  • 83.  Cirrocumulus virga  Cirrocumulus castellanus  Cirrocumulus lacunosus  Cirrocumulus floccus  Cirrocumulus undulatus  Cirrocumulus mamma  Cirrocumulus lenticularis  Cirrocumulus stratiformis
  • 85. Cirrocumulus mamma Cirrocumulus stratiformis Cirrocumulus undulatus Cirrocumulus virga
  • 86.
  • 87. Cirrostratus duplicatus Cirrostratus fibratus Cirrostratus nebulosus Cirrostratus undulatus
  • 88.
  • 89.  formed when water vapor condenses and freezes around small particles (aerosols) that exist in aircraft exhaust.  Some of that water vapor comes from the air around the plane; and, some is added by the exhaust of the aircraft.  The exhaust of an aircraft contains both gas (vapor) and solid particles.
  • 90.  Lenticular clouds  Form along the crest of waves caused by air flowing over mountains  They are frequently lens shaped which is why they are called “lenticular” clouds  They can form one above another like a stack of pancakes and, given their unusual appearance, “UFO sightings” are common when these clouds are present
  • 91.  A localized lowering from the rain-free base of a strong thunderstorm.  The lowering denotes a storm's updraft where rapidly rising air causes lower pressure just below the main updraft, which enhances condensation and cloud formation just under the primary cloud base.  Wall clouds take on many shapes and sizes.  Some exhibit strong upward motion and cyclonic rotation, leading to tornado formation, while others do not rotate and essentially are harmless
  • 92.  A low, horizontal, sometimes wedge- shaped cloud associated with the thunderstorm  Although often appearing ominous, shelf clouds normally do not produce tornadoes
  • 93.  created from instability associated with air flows having marked vertical shear and weak thermal stratification.  The common name for this instability is Kelvin-Helmholtz instability.  These instabilities are often visualized as a row of horizontal eddies aligned within this layer of vertical shear.
  • 94.  pouch-like cloud structures and a rare example of clouds in sinking air.  Sometimes very ominous in appearance, mammatus clouds are harmless and do not mean that a tornado is about to form; a commonly held misconception.  mammatus are usually seen after the worst of a thunderstorm has passed
  • 95.  are found very high in the Earth's atmosphere. They are called Polar Mesospheric Clouds when they are viewed from space, and are referred to as noctilucent clouds when viewed by observers on Earth.  Unlike lower clouds that are associated with weather, these clouds form at the very edge of space in the atmospheric layer called the mesophere.  scientists think these clouds are made of frozen water or ice crystals.
  • 96.  Most clouds form as air parcels are lifted and cooled to saturation  The main mechanism for cooling air is to force it to rise. Air expands as it rises, because the pressure decreases through the atmosphere, and therefore cools. Eventually it may become saturated and the water vapour then condenses into water droplets to form cloud. If the temperature reaches below about -20 deg C many of the water droplets will have frozen so the cloud is mainly composed of ice crystals.  Mechanisms that Lift Air ◦ Orographic Lift occurs as air is displaced over topographic barriers such as mountains and hills ◦ On the windward side of the barrier, air is displaced toward higher altitudes and undergoes adiabatic cooling, possibly to saturation ◦ On the leeward side, descending air warms through compression leading to a dry rainshadow
  • 97. Orographic uplift (left) and orographically induced clouds (below)
  • 98. ◦ When boundaries between air of unlike temperatures (fronts) migrate, warmer air is pushed aloft ◦ This results in adiabatic cooling and cloud formation ◦ Cold fronts occur when warm air is displaced by cooler air ◦ Warm fronts occur when warm air rises over and displaces coldA cold front (a) and a warm front (b)
  • 99.  Convergence ◦ Atmospheric mass is non-uniformly distributed over Earth ◦ Air advects from areas of more abundant mass to areas of less mass ◦ Air moving into these low pressure regions converges ◦ Stimulates rising motions and adiabatic cooling  Localized Convection ◦ Localized surface heating may lead to spatially limited free convection ◦ Vertical motions are stimulated from the surface upward resulting in towering clouds and a chance for intense precipitation over small spatial scales
  • 100.  water  low T  supersaturation  Cloud Condensation Nuclei (CCN) or Ice Nuclei (IN)
  • 101.  Sky opacity- the amount of sky visible in relation to the presence of cloud layers—is described on the basis eighths or oktas.
  • 102.  Why are clouds white? Since light travels as waves of different lengths, each color has its very own unique wavelength. Clouds are white because their water droplets or ice crystals are large enough to scatter the light of the seven wavelengths (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet), which combine to produce white light. Why do clouds turn gray? Clouds are made up of tiny water droplets or ice crystals, usually a mixture of both. The water and ice scatter all light, making clouds appear white. If the clouds get thick enough or high enough all the light above does not make it through, hence the gray or dark look. Also, if there are lots of other clouds around, their shadow can add to the gray or multicolored gray appearance. Why do clouds float? A cloud is made up of liquid water droplets. A cloud forms when air is heated by the sun. As it rises, it slowly cools it reaches the saturation point and water condenses, forming a cloud. As long as the cloud and the air that its made of is warmer than the outside air around it, it floats! How do clouds move? Clouds move with the wind. High cirrus clouds are pushed along by the jet stream, sometimes traveling at more than 100 miles-per-hour. When clouds are part of a thunderstorm they usually travel at 30 to 40 mph. Why do clouds form at different heights in the atmosphere? The characteristics of clouds are dictated by the elements available, including the amount of water vapor, the temperatures at that height, the wind, and the interplay of other air masses.