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Comparing Parthenon And Pantheon Buildings
In comparing the Parthenon and Pantheon Buildings there are many similarities and many differences
noted. Each has a specific use and design though some of the elements are the same.
Aside from all of the beauty that both of these buildings provide there are many likenesses that make
you feel that they could have been designed and built by the same persons.
The Parthenon was built as a temple (started in the mid 440bc) replacing the temples of Athena, to
showcase "Athenian imperial power" (This page was designed by David Silverman for Hum110 Tech)
This building was designed as a rectangle using three different types of columns which were commonly
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Classical Greek Architecture: Most Powerful Civilizations...
Classical Greek Architecture
The Ancient Greek population was one of the most powerful civilizations of the world. And the power of
the people did not reside particularly in military strength, but more so in the high development of its
culture and civilization. The ancient Greeks revealed increased levels of innovation in numerous fields.
They for instance focused on sporting activities and other competitions and games; they revered their
gods and goddesses and they created new teachings that set the basis of various disciplines.
"Philosophers such as Sokrates, Plato and Aristotle formulated ideas about how the world worked. The
study of history was created by Herodotus and Thucydides. Artists tried to find more natural and realistic
ways of representing the world. Doctors, like Hippokrates, started to look for rational reasons for the
causes of illness and diseases" (The British Museum).
From the architectural standpoint, Ancient Greece created an impressive number of constructions, some
lasting through today, and all of them being recollected through history. The values of Ancient Greece
were encountered by the Roman Empire, and then adopted to be further transmitted outside Ancient
Greece. In this setting then, Ancient Greece has contributed significantly to the formation of the modern
day Western Europe (Thornton, 2002).
The Classical Greek Architecture is characterized by a wide array of constructions, out of which the two
most popular ones are the temples and
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Greek Art And Greek Architecture
Greece No matter where you are, chances are you have witness an inspiring piece of Greece art and
Greece architecture. Whether it's a building, furniture, or pottery, you have seen ideas that started from
Greek. Even houses have resemblance to some of the most famous buildings we seen throughout history.
"The architecture of ancient Greece is defined by the temples built to glorify their gods and goddesses
and express pride in their cities." Though in today's world we may not glorify gods and goddesses when
we began to design a home, but we do know how to turn once–traditional into a more contemporary feel.
Modern Greek architecture is generally constructed with wood, unbaked bricks, limestone and marble,
and terracotta and metals. Contractors today still use the methods, and of all the architectural designs
used by ancient Greeks throughout history, three major systems have withstood the test of time and are
still used today. Doric, Ionic and Corinthian styles have their own characteristics, but, however they can
look very similar.
The Doric (sturdiest) was based on the proportions of a man. It was the first order and arguably the most
famous Greek system used in today's world. It seemed to have known base and has the simplest capital
atop the fluted shaft. The Parthenon communicated the ideals of the order and harmony for what Greek
architecture is known for.
As for the Ionic it was lighter in character to reflect the portions of women. Unlike the Doric originating
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How Architecture Can Be Applied to Plato's Definition of...
This essay will be demonstrating how architecture can be applied to Plato's definition of the ideal person
as Kalo k'agatho. This essay will be examining the Temple of Zeus at Olympia, the Parthenon, the
Erechtheion and the Temple to Apollo at Bassae. The first monument this essay will be discussing is the
Temple to Zeus at Olympia. The Temple to Zeus was constructed between C. 470 to 450 BCE, having
this temple belong to the Early Classical Period. The Temple of Zeus had the typical features of the
Doric Order, a perisytle, with a rule that the number of columns on the sides should be one more than
double on the front and back (thus the perisytle is 6 X 13), a pronaos, a cella and an opithodomos. The
two columns between the anta in the pronaos and the opithodomos align with the columns along the
front and back of the temple. The temple was constructed in limestone as well as marble for the roof tiles
and the sculptures. Over the entrances of the pronaos and opisthodomos, there were metopes of the 12
labours of Herakles, athla 1–6 over the opithodomos (west) and athla 7–12 over the cella (East). One of
the main features that this temple is "good to look at" is because of the pediments. The west pediment
depicts the Battle of Lapiths and Centaurs, while the east pediment depictions the horse race of Pelops
and Oinomaos. As this is the Temple to Zeus, the figure of Zeus as in the center of the East Pediment,
whiles Apollo was the center figure for the west pediment. The
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Elements Of Roman And Greek Architecture
Roman and Greek architecture are very prominent examples of early historic architectural
advancements. These cultures left imprints on society, founding future forms of art and architecture
through their inspirational elements are artists. These long–lasting cultural elements have created echoes
as deep into the future as now, the 21st century. Looking at the Southern Methodist Church in downtown
Austin, we see a variety of Greek and Roman architectural elements. The Southern Methodist Church
has a variety of classical elements that attribute it to past temples and structures created by the Roman
and Greek cultures, appropriated to fit into the religion of the church by the manipulation of certain
parts, such as the frieze. To begin, the first and foremost part of the discussion is the elements of Greek
and Roman architecture that have been incorporated and appropriated for the building of this church.
The first and foremost noticeable feature would be the columns, architrave, and pediment. The columns
are classic ionic columns, starting from the ornate base and leading up to the capital, all the elements of
the classical ionic columns are present, creating an almost life–like appearance to the columns as they
grow and support the architrave, a characteristic that can be traced back to Egyptian columns in temples
and funerary buildings. Further, the shaft of the column follows the Greek style of creation. The divides
are evidence that each piece of the columns were
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Essay On The Parthenon
The years 477 to 431 B.C., saw the city of Athens experiencing a huge growth in intellectual and artistic
learning. This was known as the Golden Age of Athens. The Golden Age was one of the most
memorable in the history of the world. This was a period that introduce drama, music, literature,
architecture, art, and philosophy in Athens. It was a period categorized by such high and diverse levels
of achievement that many astute intellectuals refer to the experience as "the Greek miracle". Even those
individuals who did not believe that such miracles can happen actually acknowledge that it is possible
that the Greeks who were very competitive were definitely inspired on a higher level of innovation in
their field by seeing the bar being raised ... Show more content on ...
This temple was dedicated to the goddess Athena who is the personification of arts and craft. When
construction started on the Parthenon in 447BC, the empire of Athena was at the height pf its power.
Construction on the Parthenon was completed in 432. At that time, the Parthenon represents the distinct
and the noticeable flourishing of Athenian sovereign power, freedom by the devastation of the
Peloponnesian War. Similarly, it stands for the power and influence of the Athenian politician, Pericles,
who advocated for its construction. The Parthenon was designed in the Doric style of architecture but
also have some features from the Ionic and Corinthian style. All four sides of the temple reflects clarity,
reverence, balance, and harmonious proportion. The Parthenon is made up of freestanding columns on
the outside which are thirty–four feet tall, with two additional rows of columns that provide an inner
porch. The top portion of the temple is triangular with several sculptors, including Zeus, Athena, Hera,
and the three goddesses. It was painted in bright colors and so was the sections of the building that were
decorated. The east pediment was in honor of the birth of Athena while the west pediment showcased the
contest between Poseidon and Athena for power of Athens. The inside of the Parthenon is divided into
rooms, the cellar which hosts the forty foot statue of Athena and a small
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Roman architecture was responsible for developing many...
Roman architecture was responsible for developing many different building styles and techniques and
the creation of various new ones. Ancient Rome expanded quickly from a small town (founded in 753bc)
situated on the Tiber River, to an empire with one fifth of the world's population under its control. This
displayed the strength that they possessed, and the control of many different cultures led to the
acquisition of a range of typologies. The result of the architectural influence of other nations (mainly the
Greeks and the Etruscans) led to many great masterpieces of art and building design. The Romans took
many pre–existing ideals and developed them into new technologies and ways of living; architecture is
just one of these developments. ... Show more content on ...
The Greeks started building corbelled arches and creating arch shaped voussoirs. These worked well,
however, they did not discover the strength or span the distances that the Romans were able to. The
widest known Greek archway spans only 7.35m, whereas the Romans built many great triumphal arches
to emphasise their power in victory. Marcus Vitruvius Pollio wrote about the qualities a successful arch
should entail, these were: "utility, strength and aesthetics" (Vitruvius, M., 1914). He wanted them to be
built according to anthropometrics; symmetry and proportions of the human body. The full potential of
the arch was reached when the Romans discovered the impressive compressive strength of the arch,
meaning that they could span greater distances and create great heights using these new found qualities.
Some of the most notable uses of the arch can be seen through Aqueducts, vast interiors and in,
potentially, the most famous arched building; the Roman Colosseum.
The Roman Colosseum is a four story tall amphitheatre which was able to seat up to 50,000 spectators.
The first three stories contained stone benches and the top gallery was created with wooden bleachers for
women, children and people of lower classes. In this instance, the Roman use of the arch was a major
transformation from its prior use by the Greeks, allowing them to create visually stunning and solidly
constructed masterpieces. This was
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Greek Architecture
The Greek culture has had a huge impact on the history of the world. There is something Greek in
almost everything, especially in the world's architecture. Greece no longer had one king, so they focused
on building temples for their gods. Architecture began small and plain but evolved into impressive
pieces of art. As time passed from the Archaic period to the Hellenistic period, the people of Greece
developed a type of formula for their buildings and their pieces of art. In Ancient Greece, religion
dominated their life, so it is understandable that their architecture would be dominated by their religion.
Before Greece became many different city–states, they had kings, and they would build a room called a
megaron to show they King's ... Show more content on ...
They didn't want a column in the middle because than you would have to walk around the column to get
into the temple. The most common temples would be called hexastyle because it would have six
columns in the front. If there was four columns across then it would be called tetrastyle or eight across
would be called octastyle. Another way to classify a temple is how the columns are distributed. When a
temple only has a row of columns on the front and has end walls, it is called in antis. If the temple has a
row of columns on the front with no end walls, it is called prostyle. If a temple has a front and back
portico with columns, it is called amphiprostyle. The most famous Greek temples would be considered
to be peripteral, meaning that it has columns all the way around the building. The Greeks had a certain
formula on how many columns would go on each side of a peripertal temple. They would take the
number of columns in the front portico and multiply it by two and add one. If your temple was hexastyle
and peripertal, than there would be thirteen columns on each side ( 6+6+1= 13). The Greeks had
developed a type of formula when it came to the construction of a temple. There is not a major
difference in architecture between the Archaic period and the Classical period. During the Archaic period
they began to use stone instead of wood. Some of the most preserved remains
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Parthenon Architectural Analysis
Many different cultures relied upon the form of the stele (stelae) to visually communicate significant
information. I would like to compare and contrast the architecture of the Parthenon, which can be found
in Chapter 16 to the architecture of the Court of the Lions, which can be found in Chapter 19. It may
seem surprising and mysterious to the Western and Christian viewers when first looking a the works of
art. However, the works of art are not strange at all because there is so much in common with the
cultural traditions that makes an individual more familiar with the meaning. Upon the first glance of
looking at these buildings, the structure makes the different architectures look very similar.
First, the Parthenon building was made following ... Show more content on ...
Additionally, the walls of the building consist of translucent webs of intricate decorations in marble,
plaster, tile, and alabaster. A significant amount of light shines through the small openings of the
decoration, which gives the majority of the rooms as well as the courtyard a bright light. There are
multiple arches used within the architecture as well. This architecture was one of the strongholds of
Muslim rule.
The visual and physical similarities of both of these pieces of art can easily be seen. For example, the
decorative pillars that surround the buildings are similar throughout both architectures. The vivid detail
that was used for each of the pieces of art are also similar because both cultures took time to make such
a meaningful building. However, there are many differences between the two architectures that I chose.
For example, the altered culture and time period results in an altered style of the building. The purposes
of the architectures are also different because the Parthenon acts as a temple while the Court of the Lions
represents the Persian Gardens. The Persian Gardens act as roots to Islamic gardening, which was
divided into four parts. Additionally, each part that was divided represented each part of the world.
Therefore, there is an obvious difference in the meaning and purpose of the
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The Pantheon: A Comparative Study
This essay is going to compare two building iconic for their prospective societies, we will cover briefly
their use, design and construction elements and the influence that they have had.
We will start with the older of the two the Parthenon located in Athens, Greece. Built on the site of
another temple that was destroyed during the war with the Persians in around 447 BC, the temple
dedicated to the cities patron goddess Athena the building is almost entirely made of marble while the
foundation is limestone. (The Parthenon, 2016) The structure is unique is a few other ways as well. The
columns on the exterior of the building conform with the Doric order of columns, simple bases directly
on the foundations, heights or only 8 times the widths ... Show more content on ...
Built again on the site of a previous temple construction started around 125 AD. Instead of a single
temple for a single god it originally housed statues of many different gods before it was re–tasked as a
church to honor St Mary and the Martyrs in the 7th century. (Pantheon, Rome, 2016) This building uses
the third of the major column styles Corinthian. Slender like the Ionic order column but more elaborately
decorated and an interesting ratio multiplier, the overall column height is a multiple of 6 while the
column shaft height is a multiple of 5. The Pantheons most impressive feature is the unsupported dome
reaching to a height on 142ft from the ground. Using materials that are still not know but suspected to be
similar to concrete that we use today it is the largest unsupported dome in the world. In the top of the
dome is the oculus, a hole where sunlight can stream into the space bellow and provide natural lighting.
On April 21st the light hits a metal grill at midday to illuminate the courtyard in front. April 21st being
the founding day of Rome. (10 FACTS ABOUT THE PANTHEON, 2016) Though its many years of use
and its remarkable staying power because of its re–use. Many of the original interior features have been
changed, and from top to bottom the styles almost clash with the previous layer. However, the
importance of the building architecture can still be felt, even as far away as Chicago where interior
sections of
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Compare And Contrast The Architecture Of Ancient Greece...
Written Assignment Unit 2
The times when the ancient civilisations of Greece and Rome flourished are filled with revolutionary
advances in society but most notably in their respective cultures. While a significant amount of time
separated the two periods, Rome used many of ancient Grecian works as a foundation for their own way
of life with some tweaking here and there. In that respect, the two periods greatly influenced and helped
to shape Western culture. This is especially true when it comes to the arts, particularly in architecture
which can be seen in two significant structure from each period: ancient Greece's Parthenon and Rome's
In 447 B.C., the construction of the Parthenon began in the Acropolis at Athens, Greece. The primary ...
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Much of Roman culture was derived from the Greek with some slight differences such as their
respective gods and goddesses. The Romans had also retained many of the architectural styles that the
Greeks practiced and used them in building their own structures such as the famed Pantheon. Unlike the
Greek whose purpose for their temples were to honour their city's patron god, the purpose of the
Pantheon is not exactly known aside from the fact that it is a temple. People believe that it was built as a
place for the emperor to make appearances that the public could be witness to in order to remind the
civilians of their emperor's power and god–like status (Cartwright, 2013). This theory is consistent with
the ideas that we have learned through Roman portraiture styles of their rulers that emulated styles seen
in previous portraits in order to "legitimize their authority or align themselves with revered
predecessors" (Trentinella, 2003). Also, it is believed that the Pantheon is dedicated to all the planetary
gods instead of just one which was how the Greeks preferred. The Pantheon can be split into two parts,
the main building is circular and is made of brick and concrete and is more in the style of the Romans
compared to the second part which contains the porch and entrance. The porch is very reminiscent of the
Classical Greek era and even features
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Ancient Greek Culture: The Old Temple In Athens, Greece
Cultures have been able to be identified according to certain characteristics. Different cultures develop
different types of architecture that helps to explain a bit about the culture. Ancient Greek architecture is
one of the most unique of its kind. The Temple of Athena, also known as the "Old Temple", was a Greek
temple located in Athens, Greece. The temple was built because the goddess Athena was worshiped
highly for her victory in war and wisdom. Those who worshiped her, did so in hope of success in the
Peloponnesian War fought against the Spartans. The "Old Temple" got its name for having to have been
rebuilt several times, after being destroyed. The temple served many purposes and is of great importance
to Athens. The temple is of great ... Show more content on ...
The purpose of the temples built were to "house" the individual gods or goddess. People believed that
gods and goddess had complete control over the forces of nature. It was in their best interest to keep
such gods happy in order for the people to live a happy life. Each temple housed a statue in the center of
the temple. The statue in the center was who the temple was dedicated to. The temples were always
filled with those placing offerings for the gods. The offerings consisted of food and drinks, along with
any specific item(s) associated with the god in the temple. There was a person appointed to stay in the
temple at all times in order to provide the god(s) with whatever was
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Parthenon Vs Pantheon
Unit 2 Written Assignment
For this paper I will be looking at two well known temples, which are two typical examples of classical
architecture. Some features of this style of architecture have been used much later featured in neo–
classical architecture.
Before making a comparison it is important to introduce the background of both examples being studied,
the Parthenon and the Pantheon.
The Parthenon of Ancient Greece
The Parthenon was a temple, was just part of a major building campaign starting in 450 b.c. As one of
the key surviving examples of classical architecture it has undergone major restoration since 1975
funded by the EU and the Greek government. This shows the significance of this structure.
As recently as the 19th century, ... Show more content on ...
Unlike the marble construction of the Parthenon this example is constructed from marble. As a result,
and due to its continuous use throughout its history it is noted for being one of the best preserved ancient
Roman buildings.
In the 7th century, the building was converted into a church, much like Parthenon in Athens .
At first glance, we can see some similarities in architectural styles being used. One of the most
distinctive features is of course the use of pillars. This is often a feature that can also be found in neo–
classical architecture often as a homage to architecture both this classical period.
However, behind this, there is differences with the two structures. One of the most significant
differences is the material being used in the structure. While in the Parthenon in ancient Greece is
constructed from marble the Pantheon of Rome has a different structure. Much of the structure is made
from granite, this is particularly the case with the pillar construction.
The use of pillars in both cases is essential to the original function of the temple. As noted previously,
visitors to the temple would not be permitted to enter the building. The temple was built in dedication to
a deity, such as Athena, in the case of the Parthenon in
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Ancient Greek Influence
Ancient Greece was an extremely advanced civilization for its time, giving us numerous innovations
including advancements in math, science, and even in art, many of which are still used today. However,
some do not recognize the extent to which classical Greece has impacted America today. These
influences can be seen nearly everywhere, from the streets of the nation's capital to classrooms all over
the country. Ancient Greece has had an enormous impact on the modern United States, especially in our
government, architecture, mathematics, and language.
Arguably the most important legacy left behind by Ancient Greece is democracy. The term itself
originated in Ancient Greece, stemming from "demos" (people) and "kratos" (rule/power) – literally, ...
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Anyone with the facts could clearly see that classical Greece has had an extraordinary impact on
America and the entire world today. Just a few examples of this include democracy, architecture,
mathematics, and language, though these are only a few examples. The world adopted various different
aspects of life in Ancient Greek, from the Olympic games to philosophy to science. We as a society in
the US often go about our daily lives without stopping to remember the place in which even the most
trivial things originated; children learning about math, athletes training for the Olympics, and even two
people having a conversation – without the influence of classical Greece on our society, these actions
could've been much different, if existent at all. It's important to consider and acknowledge this fact every
so often, because understanding why our lives are like this with the help of history is the key to helping
future generations be successful and learn from the
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Analysis Of The Marble Column From The Temple Of Artemis...
The marble column from the Temple of Artemis at Sardis is from the Hellenistic period and can be
visited at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in NYC. It is part of the Ancient Greek exhibition. This
column stands over fifty–eight feet high at the center of a room. Overall, it looks smooth and very large.
At the capital, the delicate foliate is symmetrically decorated with fine details. The capital is slightly
smaller than others found at the site, indicating that it does not belong to the outer colonnade . Because
this column was from the Ancient Greeks, we can assume that the sculptor will focus on symmetry, fine
details and perfect execution because these were characteristics present in most of the art. The column
was part of a temple dedicated to the goddess of the wildness and childbirth, Artemis. The people in
Sardis would worship her for a good harvest year because most Ancient Greeks were polytheistic and
believed that different Gods had different attributes that could help them grant their wishes.
The column was standing by itself in the center of the hall, tall and impressive. Feelings of awe caused
viewers to reach out and touch the column, as if they could not believe that this marvelous column was
in front of them. Angry yet patience guards reminded them that this column is part of the museum
exhibition and not of a temple. In Ancient Greece, this column would have been part of colonnade that
held the load of the lintel. Then the floor would be raised from the
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Research Paper On Greek Architecture
The Greek architecture, especially public commemorative building usually are single–storey and simple
rectangular form. According to the number and arrangement of the building column to made different
building form. The temple of the Pantheon was surrounded by columns and the columns of Temple of
Athena Nike are placed in the front and back of the building. Therefore, the column, basic and
entablature are the key to decide the level of art and style of the building. Moreover, Greece is designed
buildings as a sculpture with a beautiful look from the outside view. Greek architecture was mean to be
viewed as a piece of art that would give pleasure to the gods. Ornate exteriors of the buildings,
pediments, metopes and the relative drabness of the interiors are the evidence which is easy to see.
The front of Ancient Greek temple building was form a triangular profile call pediment which is
decorated with reliefs. The other ... Show more content on ...
The vertical and horizontal proportions of the temple and many detail of the building like the spacing
between the columns and their height is decided by this radio. The base area of the Parthenon Temple is
not completely horizontal, but the middle is raised and tilted in all directions like the arc of the arch, so
the location to display the column and the angle to be tilt must be calculated carefully and precisely.
Also the extension of each column will be cross together in 3.2 km outside the high–altitude, this
purpose is corrected the visual parallax of the human. When people look up in any direction, the temple
seen to be entirety straight that make people feel constant, firm and strong centripetal force. This temple
is used store to be the main material so the construction is hard and complicated but Greece was
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Greek to Roman Architecture
When shown iconic pictures of the Parthenon and the Colosseum, most people automatically know
which building is Greek and which is Roman, However, show them pictures of the Forum of Trajan, the
Pantheon, or the Agora, and they will be flipping coins trying to guess which is Roman architecture and
which is Greek architecture. It is one thing being able to identify which building belongs to which
civilization, it another being able to distinguish the subtle style changes within each mega structure. Very
similar to a textbook and essay, Greek architecture is like a textbook, and the Romans used the textbook
to write an essay. Although not completely copied or "plagiarized" the foundation of Roman architecture
is founded on Greek architecture. With the help of the Etruscan and Roman ingenuity, the Romans were
able to take Greek architecture to a whole new level and call it Roman architecture. Greek architecture
has been commonly looked at as the building of democracy, often time people associate the post–and–
lintel building element with the Greeks. However, the Romans used post–and–lintel system in their
architecture too. One of the ways of distinguishing which building belongs to which civilization, is
simply looking at the style of columns used. There are three post–and–lintel styles, Doric, Ionic, and
Corinthian. The Greeks mainly used Doric and Ionic columns in their architecture. "The Parthenon is
often viewed as the embodiment of Classical Doric architecture" (97). The
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The Parthenon In Ancient Greece
The Greeks built many magnificent and complex structures that can date back to almost 3,000 years ago.
The Parthenon was built in about 447 BC and is still standing today. Many people visit the Parthenon to
learn more about the history of Ancient Greece. The structure is very detailed and complex from its
unique principles and components. When the Athenians built this temple they were at the highest of their
riches and could afford great building materials that help parts of the structure still stand tall today.
Although this temple was not only built because of the high of money but also as a dedication to a
certain god/godess. Many Ancient Greek structures still stand today representing the time in the past. It
is important to learn about Greek Architecture to understand how and why these structures were created.
The Greeks built some architectural structures in dedication to the gods. Some Greek Architecture was
built as a representation of a god or the city's patron god/goddess.The Parthenon in Athens, that looks
over what used to be the city of ... Show more content on ...
Principals, dedication, and different components are all components that help you identify a certain
structure. The three principal orders of Ionic, Doric, and Corinthian describe the different types of
columns. The key components help describe the unique features to the specific structure. Dedication
describes the purpose of building the structure. These are all important when classifying or identifying a
certain ancient structure. Learning how to identify a certain structure is important because learning about
our ancient greece is learning about our history. "Greek architects have provided some of the most finest
and distinctive structures in the entire ancient world."(Cartwright). Our history is important to learn
about so we know what we have accomplished to use to innovate our modern world
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The White Houses: The Wondrous White House
The Wondrous White House Have you ever wondered about the white house? The construction of the
white house took eight years to finish. The White House has lots of details. One of many is that the
White House takes over three–hundred gallons of paint to cover it. Fun Facts about the white house
consists of random things. One random thing is how on average six–thousand people visit the White
House per day. Presidents also have a huge impact on the White House. Our presidents all make their
own moderations to make the house their own for their term. The White House is the greatest and most
valuable landmark in the United States The construction of the White House took long but was all worth
it in the end. The White House was built by Slaves. White Workers also worked on the White House
during the construction. James Hoban was one of architects who modeled the white house. He had a
little help with it from other architects The Architects that helped him includes Benjamin Henry Latrobe,
Charles Follen McKim, and Nathan C. Wyeth. When the White House was complete, it was cold and
damp. James Hoban earned a gold medal for his work on the White House. It was cold and ... Show
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The White House is one–hundred fifty two feet wide with porticoes. Porticoes are structures that consist
of a roof supported by columns at regular intervals, typically attached as a porch to a building. The
White House is also one–hundred sixty eight feet long. The White House Has 132 Rooms and mostly all
are used. There Are 412 doors, 147 windows, and 28 fireplaces which is a lot for one house. The White
House also has 8 staircases, and 3 elevators. It is very necessary to have all of that stuff because nothing
is too grand for the leader of the free world and his family. The White House residents did not have
electricity until eighteen ninety one. I bet that those were dark days without electricity in the White
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Aphasia Vs. Maison Career
comparing Greek and roman visual arts are hard to compare I decided to pick the temple of aphasia vs.
Maison career. First a major point that shows a huge difference between those two artifacts is the
pediment wherein the temple of aphasia there is no top there is one on the top of the Maison Carrie,
second the columns, the columns in the temple of aphasia are in Doric order which is well known to be a
Greek type of column, on the other side looking at the columns in in the mason career they are more of a
composite type of columns linking it to the roman ages. Last but not least a huge way to determine
which artifact is Greek and which is roman is the elements that each artifact consist of, were in elements
of a Greek temple we have the stereo
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The Buildings In Ancient Greece
The buildings in Ancient Greece had many different uses during that era. From religious, domestic,
funerary to civic and recreational, they all had specific purposes. Various materials were used throughout
Greek architecture depending on what the building was used for. For example, limestone and marble
would be used for the walls and columns on public buildings. On the other hand, they would use wood
for roof beams and unbaked brick for walls in homes and terra cotta for roof tiles. The details located on
buildings would usually be bronze metal material. The golden section was where one side of something
is larger and the other side is smaller. For example, the golden rectangle was used in most architectural
buildings. Many people believe
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Mat 540
1) What three universal questions are touched upon in the Epic of Gilgamesh? Answer: History tells us
that the Mesopotamian people believed that the afterlife held no joy or happiness, only eternal
distraught. The story of Gilgamesh is one that touched questions that are still asked today. 1. Does
everything a person has accomplished in their lifetime mean nothing once they are dead? 2. Is there an
actual point or goal of a human's life? 3. If there is, by what means can a person gain understanding as to
why they are alive. 2) List the six characteristics of civilized societies and of civilizations. According to
the text in order for a society to be considered civilized they have to possess certain characteristics ...
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In my opinion what this writer was trying to say is that no one can fight fate, if it is meant to be it will
be; a lesson that people still pass down today from generation to generations. Aeschylus– Agamemnon
The major theme of Aeschylus is one that emphasized the strong understanding of human's weakness
and how the quest of power can corrupt, but mostly he tried to emphasize that violence and vengeance
only brings about more violence and vengeance. His work also shows the belief that good always wins
and in order for people to learn from their mistakes they must first suffer from those mistakes. Aeschylus
confided his message in three plays known as the trilogy, first one is "Agememnon", and it tells a story
of a powerful king Agamennon who returned from a successful battle. However, along the way he was
given the choice to either forsake his quest of glory or sacrifice his daughter to gain safer passage and
continue on his quest. Choosing to sacrifice his daughter he later returned home only to be murdered by
his wife and her lover. Her motive to kill was revenge her daughter death, to replace her husband and
make her new lover king. What is the story and themes in Virgil's Aeneid? The story of Aeneid is over a
series of twelve books. Aeneid is a Trojan prince who decides to set sail west to Italy in the hopes of
finding a
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Essay on Greek Architecture
Greek Architecture: History and Mechanics
Throughout history, there have been several significant architectural movements. The last, and perhaps
most enduring movement is that of Classic Greece. Although for centuries, the architecture of ancient
Greece has been admired, mimicked, and replicated, its beginnings are somewhat surprising to one
unfamiliar with the history of the region. It is important to understand the history and mechanics of
Classic Greek architecture in order to fully appreciate its form, function, and beauty. "Ancient Greek
architects strove for the precision and excellence of workmanship that are the hallmarks of Greek art in
general. The formulas they invented as early as the sixth ... Show more content on ...
One of the most famous examples of Minoan architecture is "...the palace at Knossos, their chief city,
located near the northern coast of the island, was five stories high and consisted of hundreds of
interconnected rooms" (Nardo, 12). Nardo states "there is evidence that these were highly sophisticated
buildings with modern–style plumbing features, such as flush toilets and clay pipes carrying hot and cold
water. As many as thirty to fifty thousand people lived in the palace at Knossos and in the city that
surrounded it. And there were dozens, perhaps hundreds of Minoan cities and towns on Crete and the
islands of the Aegean Sea, the inlet of the Mediterranean Sea bordering eastern Greece" (Nardo, 12).
"Because the Minoans kept few records and no histories, their culture had been largely forgotten by the
time of the classical Greeks. Yet a few vague memories of Minoan days remained, passed on by word of
mouth over the course of many centuries" (Nardo, 13). It is this little bit of information that was orally
passed down which became the foundation for the classical Greek style, when combined with the
Egyptian influences to come.
"Greek Life was dominated by religion and so it is not surprising that the temples of ancient Greece
were the biggest and most beautiful. They also had a political purpose as they were often built to
celebrate civic power and pride, or offer thanksgiving to the patron deity of a city for success in war"
( The
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Differences And Similaristics Of Greek And Roman Architecture
Greek and Roman civilizations have created some of the most inveterate and meaningful images in
history. The art of building that arouse on the shores of the Aegean Sea and flourished at the ancient
world .Greeks were governed through democracy while romans were republicans .the Romans borrowed
and adapted the Greek style. They sanctified the same Greek Gods but gave them different names. They
both concentrated on using their structural concepts that match their ideal ratios. And as any two
consecutive, greatly attached civilizations .there are many points of comparisons regarding their building
types, building techniques, materials and art. As long as the presence of differences there are many
similarities that actually exist.
If we started with the similarities between them, we would find out that they both concerned about
symmetry, using stonework (marble), columns, and esplanades. They brought up numerous statues and
esteemed the human compose. Although difference between Greek and Roman architecture are not so
clear for some, they look alike in many things. However, it does not mean lack of difference at all
between both of them.
The Greeks established some colonies on the coastline near the Mediterranean Sea. While The Romans
ruled all over the Mediterranean. The Romans built roads which connects their empire to the main land.
But The Greeks ... Show more content on ...
Unfortunately, due to using such materials, many of their buildings didn't remain till nowadays .vice
versa using limestone, which was commonly used and favored by them as it was easy to be cut.
Pentelikon marble which was used especially for fishing surfaces it is also used in well–known
structures as the Erechtheum. Buildings were durable and sturdy. Romans used the same material but
invented the concrete, with which many of their structures were constructed. It is made by a mixing
water, sand and lime
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Archaic Classic And Hellenistic
The definitions of Archaic, Classic and Hellenistic that I have learned in this class, Which I think we are
in the midst of today in terms of Art and society as a whole were archaic and classic . Talking about
archaic according to me attained and were very distinctive style. In some ways this style was a combined
with old geometric style and the newer influences from the East where as it influence Architecture,
sculpture, panting. There were various building temples that were building in archaic period which carry
the symbolic belief in the terms of honoring their gods. Greek temples were built in three different
styles, like Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian. Each of these styles carry myth and ritual is known to identify
by the distinctive design ... Show more content on ...
Greek art has some proportions and decorative details typical of the Ionic order. The classic civilization
was very thoughtful with its idea of amazing beauty of painting and developed for sculpting the body of
human so it would capture ideal for example The posture, with one leg capture the attention and the
body weight shifted onto the other leg, continued to work and are used throughout the history of art till
the date. Talking about painting only few painting has survived from the classical period. Many of the
classic panting are often present in European post medieval, European are more influenced with art and
traditions however, sometime people feel more connected and attached to the classical ideals than others,
particularly it reflect of Enlightenment tradition, symbolic visual arts. Lastly Greeks start creating
mosaics, were the pictures formed by laying small colored stones, pieces of marble, or glass in cement.
In beginning period, black and white river pebbles were kept on cement floors to for making and
portraying the animals, flowers, birds or to create the rituals and myth in mythology. It is for decorative
floor coverings in important rooms of a house which are brought till the date. I guess, archaic and classic
were two different period which are in the midst of today in terms of Art and society as a whole which
reflect various architecture, sculpture, panting and mosaics and has helped in overcoming for today's
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The Columns In Ancient Greece
Columns are Architectural Components which is used to support buildings as temples, roofs, ceiling and
other buildings. Also they give an Aesthetic to buildings. Most Columns Consists of three main parts,
which are base, shaft and capital. The Greeks is Known of developing column Styles, This Columns is
still being used till today. The Three Main Orders Are Doric, Ionic and Corinthian.
The Doric orderis the simplest, oldest and most massive form of the three main orders. The Greeks have
developed the Doric Style in The 7th Century B.C. This Style was used in the old Greeks buildings such
as Hephaisteion and Parthenon in Athens. Doric was the mainly basic column in the Greek designs,
Their shafts are carved with concave curves called flutes, it's capital is Smooth and plain where it's
bottom is rounded section, which is well known as "echinus". One of the Doric's advantage is that it's
plain is shaft is divided into twenty separate sides, or flutes. ... Show more content on ...
Ionic Column is used for the first time in eastern part of Greece in the 4th Century B.C. it's decorated
and ornamented more than Doric order, it's also characterized by twenty four flutes around their
diameter. Ionic Order Ratio between its tall and its wide is nine to 1, by this it gives the column a taller
and thinner Shape than previous designs. Ionic columns have a bulge within their shafts to help the
column appears Straight and makes the shafts appears to be the same diameter along its length.
Corinthian order is not much used by the Greeks; it's named after the city of Corinth. Corinthian Column
was used in the end of the 4th Century B.C. it's the most decorated and ornamented column of all Greek
Columns, The ratio between its tall and wide is ten to one, by that it makes it appear more skinny than
Doric and Ionic Orders. One of the oldest and most known designs that Corinthian Columns are used in,
is Apollo
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Classical Greek Architecture: Most Powerful Civilizations...
Classical Greek Architecture
The Ancient Greek population was one of the most powerful civilizations of the world. And the power of
the people did not reside particularly in military strength, but more so in the high development of its
culture and civilization. The ancient Greeks revealed increased levels of innovation in numerous fields.
They for instance focused on sporting activities and other competitions and games; they revered their
gods and goddesses and they created new teachings that set the basis of various disciplines.
"Philosophers such as Sokrates, Plato and Aristotle formulated ideas about how the world worked. The
study of history was created by Herodotus and Thucydides. Artists tried to find more natural and realistic
ways of representing the world. Doctors, like Hippokrates, started to look for rational reasons for the
causes of illness and diseases" (The British Museum).
From the architectural standpoint, Ancient Greece created an impressive number of constructions, some
lasting through today, and all of them being recollected through history. The values of Ancient Greece
were encountered by the Roman Empire, and then adopted to be further transmitted outside Ancient
Greece. In this setting then, Ancient Greece has contributed significantly to the formation of the modern
day Western Europe (Thornton, 2002).
The Classical Greek Architecture is characterized by a wide array of constructions, out of which the two
most popular ones are the temples and
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The Importance Of Greek Columns In Ancient Rome
The Greeks had amazing concepts that you can now find in many modern American civilizations, but
what did they do to get their inventions and ideas spread across the world? They brought forth ideas such
as, architecture, sports, democracy, arts, mathematics and philosophy.
When you see modern buildings such as The White House, The Abraham Lincoln Memorial or The U.S
Capital, they all have one thing in common...columns. Columns originate from Greek architecture to
support ceilings without the obligation of having walls, creating more space. Many of the different
columns originated from Ancient Greece, three to be exact, Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian. Doric columns
have wider bottoms and simple capitals (capitals are the top part of the column) ... Show more content
on ...
Their Democracy created the foundation for modern day American government. It is the only
government that cared for the common wealth of its citizens. hey brought upon representatives and the
system of checks and balances. The Greeks had their representatives and divided them into two houses
both of which used the checks and balances to make sure one side didn't get more powerful than the
other. Just like modern day democracy the representatives were well respected, in greek term most were
aristocrats. Athenian democracy was more direct than our modern day one. Meaning that the Athenian
citizens voted on all of the laws, but just like today only men 18 years and older could
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Ancient Greek Columns
During the archaic period, the Greeks stopped using wood as their primary building material. Instead,
they used stone, preferable marble, to make their large buildings. Hence the birth of stone in Greek
structures. The stone was very durable and had superior strength, unlike the wood. The Greeks cut the
stone to form columns. According to Mark Cartwright(2012) from Ancient History Encyclopedia "The
columns were an architectural invention, which allowed for the support of ceilings without the use of
wood to walls." Without solid walls, the larger buildings would have more sources of light. Columns
were used primarily for Greek temples, such as the Parthenon which displayed a great use of columns.
The Parthenon primary source of light came from the sun. ... Show more content on ...
The Greeks created three different architectural orders for columns. The three orders were the Doric,
Ionic and Corinthian orders. The Doric columns was the Greeks first architectural order. Although it had
a simple capital and no base, it was the widest among the three orders. The Ionic columns had a more
detailed capital that was in the form of a double scroll. The Ionic columns also had a base unlike the
Doric order. The Corinthian column had a capital that was sculpted with flowers and leaf designs. The
Corinthian column also had a base, but it is the tallest among all three orders. With these three orders
Greek temples were built lager with more features since the stone columns can withstand more weight.
These three orders also gave Greek architects the flexibility to add more sources of light to their
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The Temple Of Artemis At Ephesus
Molli Layton
Art History 201
Dr. James Swenson
June 2, 2017
The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus is a complex building with a complex history. Located in East
Greece, the building underwent many changes, as did the surrounding Greek society. This paper will
discuss the history, architecture, historical context, and sculptures of the temple. An analysis of it's
evolution will also be provided.
The temple was built in mid sixth century BCE. The exact date of construction is unknown. However, a
date of around 525 BCE has been suggested based on the column reliefs found. They are comparable to
the frieze of the Siphnian Treasury building. Sculptures have also been found that were of the style ...
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The new temple had the same general layout, but the columns were now higher and thicker, with
enlarged bases. It became known as one of the Seven Wonders of the ancient world. The temple
experienced further devastation in 263 AD when a group of Ostrogoths attacked it, destroying it almost
completely. This time, the temple was not rebuilt. Later, some of the columns were reused in the
building of a palace at Constantinople and other buildings of later centuries. Very little remains on the
temple site today (fig. 2). It has been suggested by John Wood that a church may have been built after
the temple was destroyed, based on dotted lines found in the natural soil, indicating support walls of a
church. No other evidence exists to support this claim. What we do have, however, is many archaic
fragments of sculpture and architecture obtained from the site through careful excavation. Every
significant fragment that was found on the site of the temple has been transported to the British Museum.
A single column still remains on the site of the temple in Ephesus, which was built in modern times for
remembrance. Because of the discoveries of John Wood, information about the architecture of the
Temple of Artemis has become available. It was constructed primarily of marble. The design was likely
not of the typical rectangular proportions of the time in Greece, but a combination of Near–Eastern
design and Classic Greek. Both the earlier and later temples had
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Architechture of Fredericton: Ionic and Corinthian Orders
As evidenced by many of its historic buildings, Fredericton was greatly influenced by the neoclassical
architectural period that swept Europe and North America during the 18th century (Young 1982, 10).
This period was marked by an influx of buildings designed to reflect the architecture of ancient Greece
and Rome (Faulkner 2009, Neo–classical architecture). It grew from the burgeoning interest in classical
antiquities and antiquarianism, a movement led by Englishmen such as Lord Elgin and William
Stukeley, which marked the 1700s (Greene and Moore 2010, 16, 38). While the style did not come to
Canada until the late part of the 18th century, it quickly became a dominate form of choice for both
public and private buildings and Fredericton is an excellent example of this (Young 1982, 10). Typical
attributes of neoclassical architecture include columns fabricated from wood or stone, wide friezes and
pediments above the doorways (Harris 2006, Neoclassical style). Each of the three Greek orders, Doric,
Ionic and Corinthian, are well represented. However, this paper will deal with the Ionic and Corinthian
orders only and their presence in the city of Fredericton.
Both the Ionic and Corinthian orders became highly popular and surpassed their Doric counterpart by
continuing into the Roman period (Gates 2010, 220). Before the Corinthian order however, the Ionic
order started to become well–established by 550 BC (Lawrence 1957, 131). It emerged from Asia Minor
and spread to mainland
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What Is The Similarities Between The Greek And Roman...
Architectural custom and design has the capability to connect different cultures together over time and
space, and this is true of the bequest of architectural forms that was made by the ancient Greeks and
Romans . Greek and Roman architecture have been interconnected due to the similarities between the
temples and other structures that the two civilizations formed. Roman architecture was greatly
influenced by Greece, but there was a lot of differences as the Romans also diverged to form a separate
uniqueness. The both cultures used three special orders of columns in temples building. The Doric order,
the Ionic order and the Corinthian order . These was the Greece orders, but the Romans added another
two types, Tuscan order and Composite ... Show more content on ...
In Greek the city center called Agora located in Athens, while in Roman was Forum. The Agora was,
like the forum, the most important public space in the city, where people would meet to talk about
important side of their society . the Roman forum was similar to the Greek agora in several ways such
as; commercial disposition and adding religious and civic activities. Although there are differences
between the buildings in the forum and the agora, even though the Greek influence is obvious in the
Roman buildings. Nevertheless, while the Athenians sited the temple of Hephaestus on a platform which
could be accessed from each side, as usual in Greek temples, in the Roman there was only a forward
access during a staircase, leading to the temple sited on a much higher and more prominent base
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Characteristics Of Nudes In The Art Of The Renaissance
1. An idealized nude body from before the year 200 CE This is a nude sculpture of a young Hercules
holding a lion pelt carved from marble in Early Roman Imperial Period during the Flavian Era. The
subject of this piece is Hercules. One element that stands out is its scale–its larger than the average
human, standing at over 8 feet. Another element that stands out is the texture; the curls in Hercules' hair
and the mane and face of the lion pelt almost look real despite being carved from stone. Although ideal
beauty has changed throughout time, ideal male nudes in classical Western art are essentially young,
strong, and handsome figures immortalized in poses demonstrating their athleticism, bravery, or heroic
acts. This sculpture fulfills the clue because it depicts Hercules as a youthful, muscular figure standing in
Contrapposto, showing that he is sound of both mind and body. It also has perfect proportions based on
human measurements, and each body part counterbalances it's opposite side, similar to Polykleitos'
Canon/Doryphoros. Like in many other ideal nudes, Hercules is depicted as a hero through his physique
and actions. In this case, he is shown completing the first of his twelve labors. 2. A Greek or Roman
architectural element This is a Greek Ionic column that was found at the Temple of Artemis at Sardis. It
was made in the Hellenistic Period and stood at over fifty feet in its original location. The column has a
fluted shaft and an ornate capital. The
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Similarities Between Ancient Greek And American Society
American Society and Ancient Greece
Ancient Greece believed that art is a depiction of the one's culture and individualism. Ancient Greece
helped shaped the world of today. We have many similarities with ancient Greece today. Ancient Greece
had three different column styles the Doric, Ionic and Corinthian as a substitute wood for building
temples. These three different styles are still been used today in various mode like the Greeks.
Thanks to the Doric style a plain, simple column with a circle on the top of the column, we can enjoy the
benefits of sitting on our porches with roofs attached protecting us from the elements. The porch on the
Governor's mansion in Atlanta, GA is another example of the Doric style. Ancient Greece built temples
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The Corinthian style is used for contemporary furniture designs like my mother's cherry wood high four
–posts bed with flowers etch in the posters. Many planners use the Corinthian style columns for
elaborate decorations particular in weddings today.
Another similarity, we share with ancient Greece is the love of sports rivalry especially the Olympic
Games. In 776 B.C., the first Olympic Games begin as an achievement in art, ethical conduct and
interaction of the mind in ancient Greece. Today athletes from all over the world take part in the
Olympic Games. In spite of the many new events such as bicycling, skating, gymnastics, swimming,
soccer and basketball, many of the earlier (ancient Greece) events such as footraces, jumping, discus and
javelin throwing, boxing, and wrestling are still a part of the today games.
As we mourned the recent loss of Muhammad Ali, boxing champion of the world to many, continued the
ancient Greece's tradition of carrying the torch to light the cauldron during the 1996 Summer Olympics
games in Atlanta, GA. The torch remains lit until the conclusion of competition today as it did in ancient
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Greek Architecture And The Architecture
Ancient Greek architects pushed for the excellence and beauty seen in their works and it has left a
lifetime of legacy behind them. Greek Architecture is one of the earliest forms of architecture and it is
one that has influenced architects for centuries. Ancient Greece was a collection of hundreds of city–
states contributed throughout the Mediterranean and Black seas. Greek life was dominated by religion
and politics. The religious temples and political buildings of the time were the biggest and most beautiful
in history. The architecture was produced by Hellenic people on the Greek mainland, the Peloponnese,
Aegean Islands, Anatolia, and Italy. It has flourished since it was produced and has been influencing
other countries for centuries. Ancient Greek architects perfected the use of columns which was seen on
all of their temples and government buildings. These columns came in three particular orders that were
created during different times periods. The three defined orders are the Doric order, Ionic order, and
Corinthian order. These orders serve the basis of Classic architecture. The Doric order was the earliest
order of Greek architecture. This particular order was not overly decorative and served the sole purpose
of being effective and supporting the buildings. In Doric temples, columns have no base and they look
simple but strong. On the top of the columns, there is a capital and a square block under the architrave.
During the Archaic period in Greece, which was from
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Ancient Greece Architecture
Ancient Greece has always been an interest of mine I choose number two as my topic because the
architecture is amazingly beautiful. Also a lot of ancient greece architecture has gone through hardship
that there is little to no remains of the structure, trying to imagine what structure would look like or if
reconstruction was added to the structure is very interesting. The Temple of Hera II or Apollo , Paestum,
Italy, ca. 460 BCE. (Figure #1) and the Temple of Athena Nike, Acropolis, Athens, Greece, ca. 427–424
BCE. (Figure #3) are great examples of this. The reading below can tell you more about these two
temples, their similarities and differences
The Doric order is a sophisticated form of architecture. The columns in the doric order are wide, seiver,
and heavy. The columns don't have a base, the columns go straight down. The doric buildings are
generally larger buildings. The doric order also has a broken down frieze to it. It is made up of a pattern
of the triglyph and the metope. (Kleiner 103–160) (Tanzi Lecture 10a)
The Ionic order is more of a classical form architecture. Generally Ionic structures is used in smaller
temples, and the columns are more decorative, the capitals right above the columns. The columns also
have bases to them. Ionic structures have continuous ... Show more content on ...
Figure #1 has columns all around the building while only figure #2 has columns on two opposite sides of
the building and two walls. An interesting difference in the two is Figure #1 has a cella inside the
building itself so does figure #2 but the difference is that figure #1 continues to have columns around the
area. Figure #3 has no columns around the cella or inside the building. This can be seen in figure #2 and
figure #4 their plan views of the buildings. Also figure #1 is a lot larger than figure #3, figure #2 has a
broken frieze while figure #3 has a continuous frieze. (Kleiner 103–160) (Minollari 1) (Tanzi Lecture
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The Parthenon At Athens
The Parthenon at Athens is a Doric temple, eight columns wide by seventeen deep, but it incorporates
Ionic attributes, such as slender column proportions and use of the Ionic order in its western
opisthodomos or rear porch. The temple represents the Culmination of the Doric order. It stands on a
platform or stylobate of three steps (krepidoma), as per the Doric order. In common with other Greek
temples, it is of post and lintel construction and is surrounded by columns ("peripteral") carrying an
entablature (the superstructure of moldings and bands which lie horizontally above columns, resting on
their capitals). The use of eight columns across the gable end, which is unusual in the Doric order,
clearly has connections to earlier Ionic temples.
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Pantheon Vs Parthenon Research Paper
The Parthenon has become a paradigm for Classical Style despite not having any true construction
breakthroughs as a post and lintel constructed building. The style used in its construction, though, has
influenced design since its making. (Ancient–, 2017) The Pantheon, while Greek influenced
and Roman distinctive, has also had a similar influence on architecture over the centuries. (Romanlife–, 2013) Both buildings represented their respective cultures from Greece and Rome and
the shared cultural influences inherited from Greece by Rome. A look at the function, design and use of
the buildings with their similarities and differences demonstrate how.
Usage and function demonstrate how important religion was to the societies. Both buildings were built
as places of worship. The Parthenon was dedicated to one god – Athena. The Pantheon, however, was
dedicated to many Roman gods. Of note in the ... Show more content on ...
Both though use eight pillars, or columns, to support a pediment. Also similar is the use of art and
sculpture to the buildings beauty and its god dedication(s). (Diffen, n/a) One difference, besides shape,
that can be found between the architecture of the Parthenon and the Pantheon involves how the buildings
were lit. The Pantheon has an oculus in its dome that provides light. Other temples of the time, and even
of the time that the Parthenon was built, either used lamps, clerestories or were hypaethral. (Fergusson,
1883) That oculus also helped demonstrate a technological advancement the Romans had developed
over the six centuries from when the Parthenon was built. In the Pantheon, the Romans used a light–
weight cement to create the dome. The oculus took some of the weight off the dome to make it possible
to hold itself. In contrast, the Parthenon did not have cement. Instead it was made almost completely of
stacked marble. (Romanlife–,
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The Influence Of Thomas Jefferson's Monticello
Thomas Jefferson´s Monticello Thomas Jefferson once said that "Architecture is my delight, and putting
up and pulling down, one of my favorite amusements." He spent much of his life "putting up and pulling
down," most notably during the forty–year construction of the Monticello.
Influenced by his readings of ancient and modern architectural writings, Jefferson gleaned the best from
both his readings and from his observations in Europe, creating his own personal style of architecture, a
mix of Neoclassicism's Roman temples, and Palladian villa. Partly, because of Jefferson's influence, our
federal buildings set an American precedent for the neoclassical style. Jefferson's admiration for
neoclassical style went so far as to design ... Show more content on ...
(figure four, shown with West Portico)
Jefferson's bedroom sized at 18' 7" x 13' 5"; ceiling 18' 8" has an Ionic order to it. The friezes were
influenced by classical antiques. (figure five, left) The Cabinet measures 18' 6" x 11' 10"; ceiling 10' 0".
This room has been influenced by the Ionic style. (figure five, right)
There are a total of forty–three rooms in the entire structure: thirty three are in the house itself (cellar,
twelve; first floor, eleven; second floor, six; third floor four); four in the pavilions; and six under the
South Terrace. The stable and carriage bays under the North Terrace are not included in these totals. The
first design of the Monticello had fourteen rooms total (cellar, six; first floor, five; second floor, three).
The overall dimensions of the building are 110' long, 87' 9" wide (to outer faces of porticoes), 44' 7"
high (to oculus of dome). The heights of the different rooms vary, but as examples, the North Octagonal
Room is 9' 10" Vs the Entrance Hall which is 18' 6". There are thirteen skylights (oculus plus twelve.)
The oculus was used in Greek architecture not only for light but for religious ceremonies and a monitor
of the sun. The entire house is about 11,000 square feet. However this is including all the modern
additions. Only one–third of the window glass remains. Brief Chronology of
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Comparing Parthenon And Pantheon Buildings

  • 1. Comparing Parthenon And Pantheon Buildings In comparing the Parthenon and Pantheon Buildings there are many similarities and many differences noted. Each has a specific use and design though some of the elements are the same. Aside from all of the beauty that both of these buildings provide there are many likenesses that make you feel that they could have been designed and built by the same persons. The Parthenon was built as a temple (started in the mid 440bc) replacing the temples of Athena, to showcase "Athenian imperial power" (This page was designed by David Silverman for Hum110 Tech) ( This building was designed as a rectangle using three different types of columns which were commonly ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Classical Greek Architecture: Most Powerful Civilizations... Classical Greek Architecture The Ancient Greek population was one of the most powerful civilizations of the world. And the power of the people did not reside particularly in military strength, but more so in the high development of its culture and civilization. The ancient Greeks revealed increased levels of innovation in numerous fields. They for instance focused on sporting activities and other competitions and games; they revered their gods and goddesses and they created new teachings that set the basis of various disciplines. "Philosophers such as Sokrates, Plato and Aristotle formulated ideas about how the world worked. The study of history was created by Herodotus and Thucydides. Artists tried to find more natural and realistic ways of representing the world. Doctors, like Hippokrates, started to look for rational reasons for the causes of illness and diseases" (The British Museum). From the architectural standpoint, Ancient Greece created an impressive number of constructions, some lasting through today, and all of them being recollected through history. The values of Ancient Greece were encountered by the Roman Empire, and then adopted to be further transmitted outside Ancient Greece. In this setting then, Ancient Greece has contributed significantly to the formation of the modern day Western Europe (Thornton, 2002). The Classical Greek Architecture is characterized by a wide array of constructions, out of which the two most popular ones are the temples and ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Greek Art And Greek Architecture Greece No matter where you are, chances are you have witness an inspiring piece of Greece art and Greece architecture. Whether it's a building, furniture, or pottery, you have seen ideas that started from Greek. Even houses have resemblance to some of the most famous buildings we seen throughout history. "The architecture of ancient Greece is defined by the temples built to glorify their gods and goddesses and express pride in their cities." Though in today's world we may not glorify gods and goddesses when we began to design a home, but we do know how to turn once–traditional into a more contemporary feel. Modern Greek architecture is generally constructed with wood, unbaked bricks, limestone and marble, and terracotta and metals. Contractors today still use the methods, and of all the architectural designs used by ancient Greeks throughout history, three major systems have withstood the test of time and are still used today. Doric, Ionic and Corinthian styles have their own characteristics, but, however they can look very similar. The Doric (sturdiest) was based on the proportions of a man. It was the first order and arguably the most famous Greek system used in today's world. It seemed to have known base and has the simplest capital atop the fluted shaft. The Parthenon communicated the ideals of the order and harmony for what Greek architecture is known for. As for the Ionic it was lighter in character to reflect the portions of women. Unlike the Doric originating ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. How Architecture Can Be Applied to Plato's Definition of... This essay will be demonstrating how architecture can be applied to Plato's definition of the ideal person as Kalo k'agatho. This essay will be examining the Temple of Zeus at Olympia, the Parthenon, the Erechtheion and the Temple to Apollo at Bassae. The first monument this essay will be discussing is the Temple to Zeus at Olympia. The Temple to Zeus was constructed between C. 470 to 450 BCE, having this temple belong to the Early Classical Period. The Temple of Zeus had the typical features of the Doric Order, a perisytle, with a rule that the number of columns on the sides should be one more than double on the front and back (thus the perisytle is 6 X 13), a pronaos, a cella and an opithodomos. The two columns between the anta in the pronaos and the opithodomos align with the columns along the front and back of the temple. The temple was constructed in limestone as well as marble for the roof tiles and the sculptures. Over the entrances of the pronaos and opisthodomos, there were metopes of the 12 labours of Herakles, athla 1–6 over the opithodomos (west) and athla 7–12 over the cella (East). One of the main features that this temple is "good to look at" is because of the pediments. The west pediment depicts the Battle of Lapiths and Centaurs, while the east pediment depictions the horse race of Pelops and Oinomaos. As this is the Temple to Zeus, the figure of Zeus as in the center of the East Pediment, whiles Apollo was the center figure for the west pediment. The ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Elements Of Roman And Greek Architecture Roman and Greek architecture are very prominent examples of early historic architectural advancements. These cultures left imprints on society, founding future forms of art and architecture through their inspirational elements are artists. These long–lasting cultural elements have created echoes as deep into the future as now, the 21st century. Looking at the Southern Methodist Church in downtown Austin, we see a variety of Greek and Roman architectural elements. The Southern Methodist Church has a variety of classical elements that attribute it to past temples and structures created by the Roman and Greek cultures, appropriated to fit into the religion of the church by the manipulation of certain parts, such as the frieze. To begin, the first and foremost part of the discussion is the elements of Greek and Roman architecture that have been incorporated and appropriated for the building of this church. The first and foremost noticeable feature would be the columns, architrave, and pediment. The columns are classic ionic columns, starting from the ornate base and leading up to the capital, all the elements of the classical ionic columns are present, creating an almost life–like appearance to the columns as they grow and support the architrave, a characteristic that can be traced back to Egyptian columns in temples and funerary buildings. Further, the shaft of the column follows the Greek style of creation. The divides are evidence that each piece of the columns were ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Essay On The Parthenon The years 477 to 431 B.C., saw the city of Athens experiencing a huge growth in intellectual and artistic learning. This was known as the Golden Age of Athens. The Golden Age was one of the most memorable in the history of the world. This was a period that introduce drama, music, literature, architecture, art, and philosophy in Athens. It was a period categorized by such high and diverse levels of achievement that many astute intellectuals refer to the experience as "the Greek miracle". Even those individuals who did not believe that such miracles can happen actually acknowledge that it is possible that the Greeks who were very competitive were definitely inspired on a higher level of innovation in their field by seeing the bar being raised ... Show more content on ... This temple was dedicated to the goddess Athena who is the personification of arts and craft. When construction started on the Parthenon in 447BC, the empire of Athena was at the height pf its power. Construction on the Parthenon was completed in 432. At that time, the Parthenon represents the distinct and the noticeable flourishing of Athenian sovereign power, freedom by the devastation of the Peloponnesian War. Similarly, it stands for the power and influence of the Athenian politician, Pericles, who advocated for its construction. The Parthenon was designed in the Doric style of architecture but also have some features from the Ionic and Corinthian style. All four sides of the temple reflects clarity, reverence, balance, and harmonious proportion. The Parthenon is made up of freestanding columns on the outside which are thirty–four feet tall, with two additional rows of columns that provide an inner porch. The top portion of the temple is triangular with several sculptors, including Zeus, Athena, Hera, and the three goddesses. It was painted in bright colors and so was the sections of the building that were decorated. The east pediment was in honor of the birth of Athena while the west pediment showcased the contest between Poseidon and Athena for power of Athens. The inside of the Parthenon is divided into rooms, the cellar which hosts the forty foot statue of Athena and a small ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Roman architecture was responsible for developing many... Roman architecture was responsible for developing many different building styles and techniques and the creation of various new ones. Ancient Rome expanded quickly from a small town (founded in 753bc) situated on the Tiber River, to an empire with one fifth of the world's population under its control. This displayed the strength that they possessed, and the control of many different cultures led to the acquisition of a range of typologies. The result of the architectural influence of other nations (mainly the Greeks and the Etruscans) led to many great masterpieces of art and building design. The Romans took many pre–existing ideals and developed them into new technologies and ways of living; architecture is just one of these developments. ... Show more content on ... The Greeks started building corbelled arches and creating arch shaped voussoirs. These worked well, however, they did not discover the strength or span the distances that the Romans were able to. The widest known Greek archway spans only 7.35m, whereas the Romans built many great triumphal arches to emphasise their power in victory. Marcus Vitruvius Pollio wrote about the qualities a successful arch should entail, these were: "utility, strength and aesthetics" (Vitruvius, M., 1914). He wanted them to be built according to anthropometrics; symmetry and proportions of the human body. The full potential of the arch was reached when the Romans discovered the impressive compressive strength of the arch, meaning that they could span greater distances and create great heights using these new found qualities. Some of the most notable uses of the arch can be seen through Aqueducts, vast interiors and in, potentially, the most famous arched building; the Roman Colosseum. The Roman Colosseum is a four story tall amphitheatre which was able to seat up to 50,000 spectators. The first three stories contained stone benches and the top gallery was created with wooden bleachers for women, children and people of lower classes. In this instance, the Roman use of the arch was a major transformation from its prior use by the Greeks, allowing them to create visually stunning and solidly constructed masterpieces. This was ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Greek Architecture The Greek culture has had a huge impact on the history of the world. There is something Greek in almost everything, especially in the world's architecture. Greece no longer had one king, so they focused on building temples for their gods. Architecture began small and plain but evolved into impressive pieces of art. As time passed from the Archaic period to the Hellenistic period, the people of Greece developed a type of formula for their buildings and their pieces of art. In Ancient Greece, religion dominated their life, so it is understandable that their architecture would be dominated by their religion. Before Greece became many different city–states, they had kings, and they would build a room called a megaron to show they King's ... Show more content on ... They didn't want a column in the middle because than you would have to walk around the column to get into the temple. The most common temples would be called hexastyle because it would have six columns in the front. If there was four columns across then it would be called tetrastyle or eight across would be called octastyle. Another way to classify a temple is how the columns are distributed. When a temple only has a row of columns on the front and has end walls, it is called in antis. If the temple has a row of columns on the front with no end walls, it is called prostyle. If a temple has a front and back portico with columns, it is called amphiprostyle. The most famous Greek temples would be considered to be peripteral, meaning that it has columns all the way around the building. The Greeks had a certain formula on how many columns would go on each side of a peripertal temple. They would take the number of columns in the front portico and multiply it by two and add one. If your temple was hexastyle and peripertal, than there would be thirteen columns on each side ( 6+6+1= 13). The Greeks had developed a type of formula when it came to the construction of a temple. There is not a major difference in architecture between the Archaic period and the Classical period. During the Archaic period they began to use stone instead of wood. Some of the most preserved remains ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Parthenon Architectural Analysis Many different cultures relied upon the form of the stele (stelae) to visually communicate significant information. I would like to compare and contrast the architecture of the Parthenon, which can be found in Chapter 16 to the architecture of the Court of the Lions, which can be found in Chapter 19. It may seem surprising and mysterious to the Western and Christian viewers when first looking a the works of art. However, the works of art are not strange at all because there is so much in common with the cultural traditions that makes an individual more familiar with the meaning. Upon the first glance of looking at these buildings, the structure makes the different architectures look very similar. First, the Parthenon building was made following ... Show more content on ... Additionally, the walls of the building consist of translucent webs of intricate decorations in marble, plaster, tile, and alabaster. A significant amount of light shines through the small openings of the decoration, which gives the majority of the rooms as well as the courtyard a bright light. There are multiple arches used within the architecture as well. This architecture was one of the strongholds of Muslim rule. The visual and physical similarities of both of these pieces of art can easily be seen. For example, the decorative pillars that surround the buildings are similar throughout both architectures. The vivid detail that was used for each of the pieces of art are also similar because both cultures took time to make such a meaningful building. However, there are many differences between the two architectures that I chose. For example, the altered culture and time period results in an altered style of the building. The purposes of the architectures are also different because the Parthenon acts as a temple while the Court of the Lions represents the Persian Gardens. The Persian Gardens act as roots to Islamic gardening, which was divided into four parts. Additionally, each part that was divided represented each part of the world. Therefore, there is an obvious difference in the meaning and purpose of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. The Pantheon: A Comparative Study This essay is going to compare two building iconic for their prospective societies, we will cover briefly their use, design and construction elements and the influence that they have had. We will start with the older of the two the Parthenon located in Athens, Greece. Built on the site of another temple that was destroyed during the war with the Persians in around 447 BC, the temple dedicated to the cities patron goddess Athena the building is almost entirely made of marble while the foundation is limestone. (The Parthenon, 2016) The structure is unique is a few other ways as well. The columns on the exterior of the building conform with the Doric order of columns, simple bases directly on the foundations, heights or only 8 times the widths ... Show more content on ... Built again on the site of a previous temple construction started around 125 AD. Instead of a single temple for a single god it originally housed statues of many different gods before it was re–tasked as a church to honor St Mary and the Martyrs in the 7th century. (Pantheon, Rome, 2016) This building uses the third of the major column styles Corinthian. Slender like the Ionic order column but more elaborately decorated and an interesting ratio multiplier, the overall column height is a multiple of 6 while the column shaft height is a multiple of 5. The Pantheons most impressive feature is the unsupported dome reaching to a height on 142ft from the ground. Using materials that are still not know but suspected to be similar to concrete that we use today it is the largest unsupported dome in the world. In the top of the dome is the oculus, a hole where sunlight can stream into the space bellow and provide natural lighting. On April 21st the light hits a metal grill at midday to illuminate the courtyard in front. April 21st being the founding day of Rome. (10 FACTS ABOUT THE PANTHEON, 2016) Though its many years of use and its remarkable staying power because of its re–use. Many of the original interior features have been changed, and from top to bottom the styles almost clash with the previous layer. However, the importance of the building architecture can still be felt, even as far away as Chicago where interior sections of ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Compare And Contrast The Architecture Of Ancient Greece... Written Assignment Unit 2 The times when the ancient civilisations of Greece and Rome flourished are filled with revolutionary advances in society but most notably in their respective cultures. While a significant amount of time separated the two periods, Rome used many of ancient Grecian works as a foundation for their own way of life with some tweaking here and there. In that respect, the two periods greatly influenced and helped to shape Western culture. This is especially true when it comes to the arts, particularly in architecture which can be seen in two significant structure from each period: ancient Greece's Parthenon and Rome's Pantheon. In 447 B.C., the construction of the Parthenon began in the Acropolis at Athens, Greece. The primary ... Show more content on ... Much of Roman culture was derived from the Greek with some slight differences such as their respective gods and goddesses. The Romans had also retained many of the architectural styles that the Greeks practiced and used them in building their own structures such as the famed Pantheon. Unlike the Greek whose purpose for their temples were to honour their city's patron god, the purpose of the Pantheon is not exactly known aside from the fact that it is a temple. People believe that it was built as a place for the emperor to make appearances that the public could be witness to in order to remind the civilians of their emperor's power and god–like status (Cartwright, 2013). This theory is consistent with the ideas that we have learned through Roman portraiture styles of their rulers that emulated styles seen in previous portraits in order to "legitimize their authority or align themselves with revered predecessors" (Trentinella, 2003). Also, it is believed that the Pantheon is dedicated to all the planetary gods instead of just one which was how the Greeks preferred. The Pantheon can be split into two parts, the main building is circular and is made of brick and concrete and is more in the style of the Romans compared to the second part which contains the porch and entrance. The porch is very reminiscent of the Classical Greek era and even features ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Ancient Greek Culture: The Old Temple In Athens, Greece Cultures have been able to be identified according to certain characteristics. Different cultures develop different types of architecture that helps to explain a bit about the culture. Ancient Greek architecture is one of the most unique of its kind. The Temple of Athena, also known as the "Old Temple", was a Greek temple located in Athens, Greece. The temple was built because the goddess Athena was worshiped highly for her victory in war and wisdom. Those who worshiped her, did so in hope of success in the Peloponnesian War fought against the Spartans. The "Old Temple" got its name for having to have been rebuilt several times, after being destroyed. The temple served many purposes and is of great importance to Athens. The temple is of great ... Show more content on ... The purpose of the temples built were to "house" the individual gods or goddess. People believed that gods and goddess had complete control over the forces of nature. It was in their best interest to keep such gods happy in order for the people to live a happy life. Each temple housed a statue in the center of the temple. The statue in the center was who the temple was dedicated to. The temples were always filled with those placing offerings for the gods. The offerings consisted of food and drinks, along with any specific item(s) associated with the god in the temple. There was a person appointed to stay in the temple at all times in order to provide the god(s) with whatever was ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Parthenon Vs Pantheon Unit 2 Written Assignment For this paper I will be looking at two well known temples, which are two typical examples of classical architecture. Some features of this style of architecture have been used much later featured in neo– classical architecture. Before making a comparison it is important to introduce the background of both examples being studied, the Parthenon and the Pantheon. The Parthenon of Ancient Greece The Parthenon was a temple, was just part of a major building campaign starting in 450 b.c. As one of the key surviving examples of classical architecture it has undergone major restoration since 1975 funded by the EU and the Greek government. This shows the significance of this structure. As recently as the 19th century, ... Show more content on ... Unlike the marble construction of the Parthenon this example is constructed from marble. As a result, and due to its continuous use throughout its history it is noted for being one of the best preserved ancient Roman buildings. In the 7th century, the building was converted into a church, much like Parthenon in Athens . At first glance, we can see some similarities in architectural styles being used. One of the most distinctive features is of course the use of pillars. This is often a feature that can also be found in neo– classical architecture often as a homage to architecture both this classical period. However, behind this, there is differences with the two structures. One of the most significant differences is the material being used in the structure. While in the Parthenon in ancient Greece is constructed from marble the Pantheon of Rome has a different structure. Much of the structure is made from granite, this is particularly the case with the pillar construction. The use of pillars in both cases is essential to the original function of the temple. As noted previously, visitors to the temple would not be permitted to enter the building. The temple was built in dedication to a deity, such as Athena, in the case of the Parthenon in ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Ancient Greek Influence Ancient Greece was an extremely advanced civilization for its time, giving us numerous innovations including advancements in math, science, and even in art, many of which are still used today. However, some do not recognize the extent to which classical Greece has impacted America today. These influences can be seen nearly everywhere, from the streets of the nation's capital to classrooms all over the country. Ancient Greece has had an enormous impact on the modern United States, especially in our government, architecture, mathematics, and language. Arguably the most important legacy left behind by Ancient Greece is democracy. The term itself originated in Ancient Greece, stemming from "demos" (people) and "kratos" (rule/power) – literally, ... Show more content on ... Anyone with the facts could clearly see that classical Greece has had an extraordinary impact on America and the entire world today. Just a few examples of this include democracy, architecture, mathematics, and language, though these are only a few examples. The world adopted various different aspects of life in Ancient Greek, from the Olympic games to philosophy to science. We as a society in the US often go about our daily lives without stopping to remember the place in which even the most trivial things originated; children learning about math, athletes training for the Olympics, and even two people having a conversation – without the influence of classical Greece on our society, these actions could've been much different, if existent at all. It's important to consider and acknowledge this fact every so often, because understanding why our lives are like this with the help of history is the key to helping future generations be successful and learn from the ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Analysis Of The Marble Column From The Temple Of Artemis... The marble column from the Temple of Artemis at Sardis is from the Hellenistic period and can be visited at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in NYC. It is part of the Ancient Greek exhibition. This column stands over fifty–eight feet high at the center of a room. Overall, it looks smooth and very large. At the capital, the delicate foliate is symmetrically decorated with fine details. The capital is slightly smaller than others found at the site, indicating that it does not belong to the outer colonnade . Because this column was from the Ancient Greeks, we can assume that the sculptor will focus on symmetry, fine details and perfect execution because these were characteristics present in most of the art. The column was part of a temple dedicated to the goddess of the wildness and childbirth, Artemis. The people in Sardis would worship her for a good harvest year because most Ancient Greeks were polytheistic and believed that different Gods had different attributes that could help them grant their wishes. The column was standing by itself in the center of the hall, tall and impressive. Feelings of awe caused viewers to reach out and touch the column, as if they could not believe that this marvelous column was in front of them. Angry yet patience guards reminded them that this column is part of the museum exhibition and not of a temple. In Ancient Greece, this column would have been part of colonnade that held the load of the lintel. Then the floor would be raised from the ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Research Paper On Greek Architecture The Greek architecture, especially public commemorative building usually are single–storey and simple rectangular form. According to the number and arrangement of the building column to made different building form. The temple of the Pantheon was surrounded by columns and the columns of Temple of Athena Nike are placed in the front and back of the building. Therefore, the column, basic and entablature are the key to decide the level of art and style of the building. Moreover, Greece is designed buildings as a sculpture with a beautiful look from the outside view. Greek architecture was mean to be viewed as a piece of art that would give pleasure to the gods. Ornate exteriors of the buildings, pediments, metopes and the relative drabness of the interiors are the evidence which is easy to see. The front of Ancient Greek temple building was form a triangular profile call pediment which is decorated with reliefs. The other ... Show more content on ... The vertical and horizontal proportions of the temple and many detail of the building like the spacing between the columns and their height is decided by this radio. The base area of the Parthenon Temple is not completely horizontal, but the middle is raised and tilted in all directions like the arc of the arch, so the location to display the column and the angle to be tilt must be calculated carefully and precisely. Also the extension of each column will be cross together in 3.2 km outside the high–altitude, this purpose is corrected the visual parallax of the human. When people look up in any direction, the temple seen to be entirety straight that make people feel constant, firm and strong centripetal force. This temple is used store to be the main material so the construction is hard and complicated but Greece was completed ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Greek to Roman Architecture When shown iconic pictures of the Parthenon and the Colosseum, most people automatically know which building is Greek and which is Roman, However, show them pictures of the Forum of Trajan, the Pantheon, or the Agora, and they will be flipping coins trying to guess which is Roman architecture and which is Greek architecture. It is one thing being able to identify which building belongs to which civilization, it another being able to distinguish the subtle style changes within each mega structure. Very similar to a textbook and essay, Greek architecture is like a textbook, and the Romans used the textbook to write an essay. Although not completely copied or "plagiarized" the foundation of Roman architecture is founded on Greek architecture. With the help of the Etruscan and Roman ingenuity, the Romans were able to take Greek architecture to a whole new level and call it Roman architecture. Greek architecture has been commonly looked at as the building of democracy, often time people associate the post–and– lintel building element with the Greeks. However, the Romans used post–and–lintel system in their architecture too. One of the ways of distinguishing which building belongs to which civilization, is simply looking at the style of columns used. There are three post–and–lintel styles, Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian. The Greeks mainly used Doric and Ionic columns in their architecture. "The Parthenon is often viewed as the embodiment of Classical Doric architecture" (97). The ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. The Parthenon In Ancient Greece The Greeks built many magnificent and complex structures that can date back to almost 3,000 years ago. The Parthenon was built in about 447 BC and is still standing today. Many people visit the Parthenon to learn more about the history of Ancient Greece. The structure is very detailed and complex from its unique principles and components. When the Athenians built this temple they were at the highest of their riches and could afford great building materials that help parts of the structure still stand tall today. Although this temple was not only built because of the high of money but also as a dedication to a certain god/godess. Many Ancient Greek structures still stand today representing the time in the past. It is important to learn about Greek Architecture to understand how and why these structures were created. The Greeks built some architectural structures in dedication to the gods. Some Greek Architecture was built as a representation of a god or the city's patron god/goddess.The Parthenon in Athens, that looks over what used to be the city of ... Show more content on ... Principals, dedication, and different components are all components that help you identify a certain structure. The three principal orders of Ionic, Doric, and Corinthian describe the different types of columns. The key components help describe the unique features to the specific structure. Dedication describes the purpose of building the structure. These are all important when classifying or identifying a certain ancient structure. Learning how to identify a certain structure is important because learning about our ancient greece is learning about our history. "Greek architects have provided some of the most finest and distinctive structures in the entire ancient world."(Cartwright). Our history is important to learn about so we know what we have accomplished to use to innovate our modern world ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. The White Houses: The Wondrous White House The Wondrous White House Have you ever wondered about the white house? The construction of the white house took eight years to finish. The White House has lots of details. One of many is that the White House takes over three–hundred gallons of paint to cover it. Fun Facts about the white house consists of random things. One random thing is how on average six–thousand people visit the White House per day. Presidents also have a huge impact on the White House. Our presidents all make their own moderations to make the house their own for their term. The White House is the greatest and most valuable landmark in the United States The construction of the White House took long but was all worth it in the end. The White House was built by Slaves. White Workers also worked on the White House during the construction. James Hoban was one of architects who modeled the white house. He had a little help with it from other architects The Architects that helped him includes Benjamin Henry Latrobe, Charles Follen McKim, and Nathan C. Wyeth. When the White House was complete, it was cold and damp. James Hoban earned a gold medal for his work on the White House. It was cold and ... Show more content on ... The White House is one–hundred fifty two feet wide with porticoes. Porticoes are structures that consist of a roof supported by columns at regular intervals, typically attached as a porch to a building. The White House is also one–hundred sixty eight feet long. The White House Has 132 Rooms and mostly all are used. There Are 412 doors, 147 windows, and 28 fireplaces which is a lot for one house. The White House also has 8 staircases, and 3 elevators. It is very necessary to have all of that stuff because nothing is too grand for the leader of the free world and his family. The White House residents did not have electricity until eighteen ninety one. I bet that those were dark days without electricity in the White ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Aphasia Vs. Maison Career comparing Greek and roman visual arts are hard to compare I decided to pick the temple of aphasia vs. Maison career. First a major point that shows a huge difference between those two artifacts is the pediment wherein the temple of aphasia there is no top there is one on the top of the Maison Carrie, second the columns, the columns in the temple of aphasia are in Doric order which is well known to be a Greek type of column, on the other side looking at the columns in in the mason career they are more of a composite type of columns linking it to the roman ages. Last but not least a huge way to determine which artifact is Greek and which is roman is the elements that each artifact consist of, were in elements of a Greek temple we have the stereo ... Get more on ...
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  • 81. The Buildings In Ancient Greece The buildings in Ancient Greece had many different uses during that era. From religious, domestic, funerary to civic and recreational, they all had specific purposes. Various materials were used throughout Greek architecture depending on what the building was used for. For example, limestone and marble would be used for the walls and columns on public buildings. On the other hand, they would use wood for roof beams and unbaked brick for walls in homes and terra cotta for roof tiles. The details located on buildings would usually be bronze metal material. The golden section was where one side of something is larger and the other side is smaller. For example, the golden rectangle was used in most architectural buildings. Many people believe ... Get more on ...
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  • 85. Mat 540 1) What three universal questions are touched upon in the Epic of Gilgamesh? Answer: History tells us that the Mesopotamian people believed that the afterlife held no joy or happiness, only eternal distraught. The story of Gilgamesh is one that touched questions that are still asked today. 1. Does everything a person has accomplished in their lifetime mean nothing once they are dead? 2. Is there an actual point or goal of a human's life? 3. If there is, by what means can a person gain understanding as to why they are alive. 2) List the six characteristics of civilized societies and of civilizations. According to the text in order for a society to be considered civilized they have to possess certain characteristics ... Show more content on ... In my opinion what this writer was trying to say is that no one can fight fate, if it is meant to be it will be; a lesson that people still pass down today from generation to generations. Aeschylus– Agamemnon The major theme of Aeschylus is one that emphasized the strong understanding of human's weakness and how the quest of power can corrupt, but mostly he tried to emphasize that violence and vengeance only brings about more violence and vengeance. His work also shows the belief that good always wins and in order for people to learn from their mistakes they must first suffer from those mistakes. Aeschylus confided his message in three plays known as the trilogy, first one is "Agememnon", and it tells a story of a powerful king Agamennon who returned from a successful battle. However, along the way he was given the choice to either forsake his quest of glory or sacrifice his daughter to gain safer passage and continue on his quest. Choosing to sacrifice his daughter he later returned home only to be murdered by his wife and her lover. Her motive to kill was revenge her daughter death, to replace her husband and make her new lover king. What is the story and themes in Virgil's Aeneid? The story of Aeneid is over a series of twelve books. Aeneid is a Trojan prince who decides to set sail west to Italy in the hopes of finding a ... Get more on ...
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  • 89. Essay on Greek Architecture Greek Architecture: History and Mechanics Throughout history, there have been several significant architectural movements. The last, and perhaps most enduring movement is that of Classic Greece. Although for centuries, the architecture of ancient Greece has been admired, mimicked, and replicated, its beginnings are somewhat surprising to one unfamiliar with the history of the region. It is important to understand the history and mechanics of Classic Greek architecture in order to fully appreciate its form, function, and beauty. "Ancient Greek architects strove for the precision and excellence of workmanship that are the hallmarks of Greek art in general. The formulas they invented as early as the sixth ... Show more content on ... One of the most famous examples of Minoan architecture is "...the palace at Knossos, their chief city, located near the northern coast of the island, was five stories high and consisted of hundreds of interconnected rooms" (Nardo, 12). Nardo states "there is evidence that these were highly sophisticated buildings with modern–style plumbing features, such as flush toilets and clay pipes carrying hot and cold water. As many as thirty to fifty thousand people lived in the palace at Knossos and in the city that surrounded it. And there were dozens, perhaps hundreds of Minoan cities and towns on Crete and the islands of the Aegean Sea, the inlet of the Mediterranean Sea bordering eastern Greece" (Nardo, 12). "Because the Minoans kept few records and no histories, their culture had been largely forgotten by the time of the classical Greeks. Yet a few vague memories of Minoan days remained, passed on by word of mouth over the course of many centuries" (Nardo, 13). It is this little bit of information that was orally passed down which became the foundation for the classical Greek style, when combined with the Egyptian influences to come. "Greek Life was dominated by religion and so it is not surprising that the temples of ancient Greece were the biggest and most beautiful. They also had a political purpose as they were often built to celebrate civic power and pride, or offer thanksgiving to the patron deity of a city for success in war" ( The ... Get more on ...
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  • 93. Differences And Similaristics Of Greek And Roman Architecture Greek and Roman civilizations have created some of the most inveterate and meaningful images in history. The art of building that arouse on the shores of the Aegean Sea and flourished at the ancient world .Greeks were governed through democracy while romans were republicans .the Romans borrowed and adapted the Greek style. They sanctified the same Greek Gods but gave them different names. They both concentrated on using their structural concepts that match their ideal ratios. And as any two consecutive, greatly attached civilizations .there are many points of comparisons regarding their building types, building techniques, materials and art. As long as the presence of differences there are many similarities that actually exist. If we started with the similarities between them, we would find out that they both concerned about symmetry, using stonework (marble), columns, and esplanades. They brought up numerous statues and esteemed the human compose. Although difference between Greek and Roman architecture are not so clear for some, they look alike in many things. However, it does not mean lack of difference at all between both of them. The Greeks established some colonies on the coastline near the Mediterranean Sea. While The Romans ruled all over the Mediterranean. The Romans built roads which connects their empire to the main land. But The Greeks ... Show more content on ... Unfortunately, due to using such materials, many of their buildings didn't remain till nowadays .vice versa using limestone, which was commonly used and favored by them as it was easy to be cut. Pentelikon marble which was used especially for fishing surfaces it is also used in well–known structures as the Erechtheum. Buildings were durable and sturdy. Romans used the same material but invented the concrete, with which many of their structures were constructed. It is made by a mixing water, sand and lime ... Get more on ...
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  • 97. Archaic Classic And Hellenistic The definitions of Archaic, Classic and Hellenistic that I have learned in this class, Which I think we are in the midst of today in terms of Art and society as a whole were archaic and classic . Talking about archaic according to me attained and were very distinctive style. In some ways this style was a combined with old geometric style and the newer influences from the East where as it influence Architecture, sculpture, panting. There were various building temples that were building in archaic period which carry the symbolic belief in the terms of honoring their gods. Greek temples were built in three different styles, like Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian. Each of these styles carry myth and ritual is known to identify by the distinctive design ... Show more content on ... Greek art has some proportions and decorative details typical of the Ionic order. The classic civilization was very thoughtful with its idea of amazing beauty of painting and developed for sculpting the body of human so it would capture ideal for example The posture, with one leg capture the attention and the body weight shifted onto the other leg, continued to work and are used throughout the history of art till the date. Talking about painting only few painting has survived from the classical period. Many of the classic panting are often present in European post medieval, European are more influenced with art and traditions however, sometime people feel more connected and attached to the classical ideals than others, particularly it reflect of Enlightenment tradition, symbolic visual arts. Lastly Greeks start creating mosaics, were the pictures formed by laying small colored stones, pieces of marble, or glass in cement. In beginning period, black and white river pebbles were kept on cement floors to for making and portraying the animals, flowers, birds or to create the rituals and myth in mythology. It is for decorative floor coverings in important rooms of a house which are brought till the date. I guess, archaic and classic were two different period which are in the midst of today in terms of Art and society as a whole which reflect various architecture, sculpture, panting and mosaics and has helped in overcoming for today's ... Get more on ...
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  • 101. The Columns In Ancient Greece Columns are Architectural Components which is used to support buildings as temples, roofs, ceiling and other buildings. Also they give an Aesthetic to buildings. Most Columns Consists of three main parts, which are base, shaft and capital. The Greeks is Known of developing column Styles, This Columns is still being used till today. The Three Main Orders Are Doric, Ionic and Corinthian. The Doric orderis the simplest, oldest and most massive form of the three main orders. The Greeks have developed the Doric Style in The 7th Century B.C. This Style was used in the old Greeks buildings such as Hephaisteion and Parthenon in Athens. Doric was the mainly basic column in the Greek designs, Their shafts are carved with concave curves called flutes, it's capital is Smooth and plain where it's bottom is rounded section, which is well known as "echinus". One of the Doric's advantage is that it's plain is shaft is divided into twenty separate sides, or flutes. ... Show more content on ... Ionic Column is used for the first time in eastern part of Greece in the 4th Century B.C. it's decorated and ornamented more than Doric order, it's also characterized by twenty four flutes around their diameter. Ionic Order Ratio between its tall and its wide is nine to 1, by this it gives the column a taller and thinner Shape than previous designs. Ionic columns have a bulge within their shafts to help the column appears Straight and makes the shafts appears to be the same diameter along its length. Corinthian order is not much used by the Greeks; it's named after the city of Corinth. Corinthian Column was used in the end of the 4th Century B.C. it's the most decorated and ornamented column of all Greek Columns, The ratio between its tall and wide is ten to one, by that it makes it appear more skinny than Doric and Ionic Orders. One of the oldest and most known designs that Corinthian Columns are used in, is Apollo ... Get more on ...
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  • 105. Classical Greek Architecture: Most Powerful Civilizations... Classical Greek Architecture The Ancient Greek population was one of the most powerful civilizations of the world. And the power of the people did not reside particularly in military strength, but more so in the high development of its culture and civilization. The ancient Greeks revealed increased levels of innovation in numerous fields. They for instance focused on sporting activities and other competitions and games; they revered their gods and goddesses and they created new teachings that set the basis of various disciplines. "Philosophers such as Sokrates, Plato and Aristotle formulated ideas about how the world worked. The study of history was created by Herodotus and Thucydides. Artists tried to find more natural and realistic ways of representing the world. Doctors, like Hippokrates, started to look for rational reasons for the causes of illness and diseases" (The British Museum). From the architectural standpoint, Ancient Greece created an impressive number of constructions, some lasting through today, and all of them being recollected through history. The values of Ancient Greece were encountered by the Roman Empire, and then adopted to be further transmitted outside Ancient Greece. In this setting then, Ancient Greece has contributed significantly to the formation of the modern day Western Europe (Thornton, 2002). The Classical Greek Architecture is characterized by a wide array of constructions, out of which the two most popular ones are the temples and ... Get more on ...
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  • 109. The Importance Of Greek Columns In Ancient Rome The Greeks had amazing concepts that you can now find in many modern American civilizations, but what did they do to get their inventions and ideas spread across the world? They brought forth ideas such as, architecture, sports, democracy, arts, mathematics and philosophy. When you see modern buildings such as The White House, The Abraham Lincoln Memorial or The U.S Capital, they all have one thing in common...columns. Columns originate from Greek architecture to support ceilings without the obligation of having walls, creating more space. Many of the different columns originated from Ancient Greece, three to be exact, Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian. Doric columns have wider bottoms and simple capitals (capitals are the top part of the column) ... Show more content on ... Their Democracy created the foundation for modern day American government. It is the only government that cared for the common wealth of its citizens. hey brought upon representatives and the system of checks and balances. The Greeks had their representatives and divided them into two houses both of which used the checks and balances to make sure one side didn't get more powerful than the other. Just like modern day democracy the representatives were well respected, in greek term most were aristocrats. Athenian democracy was more direct than our modern day one. Meaning that the Athenian citizens voted on all of the laws, but just like today only men 18 years and older could ... Get more on ...
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  • 113. Ancient Greek Columns During the archaic period, the Greeks stopped using wood as their primary building material. Instead, they used stone, preferable marble, to make their large buildings. Hence the birth of stone in Greek structures. The stone was very durable and had superior strength, unlike the wood. The Greeks cut the stone to form columns. According to Mark Cartwright(2012) from Ancient History Encyclopedia "The columns were an architectural invention, which allowed for the support of ceilings without the use of wood to walls." Without solid walls, the larger buildings would have more sources of light. Columns were used primarily for Greek temples, such as the Parthenon which displayed a great use of columns. The Parthenon primary source of light came from the sun. ... Show more content on ... The Greeks created three different architectural orders for columns. The three orders were the Doric, Ionic and Corinthian orders. The Doric columns was the Greeks first architectural order. Although it had a simple capital and no base, it was the widest among the three orders. The Ionic columns had a more detailed capital that was in the form of a double scroll. The Ionic columns also had a base unlike the Doric order. The Corinthian column had a capital that was sculpted with flowers and leaf designs. The Corinthian column also had a base, but it is the tallest among all three orders. With these three orders Greek temples were built lager with more features since the stone columns can withstand more weight. These three orders also gave Greek architects the flexibility to add more sources of light to their ... Get more on ...
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  • 117. The Temple Of Artemis At Ephesus THE TEMPLE OF ARTEMIS AT EPHESUS Molli Layton Art History 201 Dr. James Swenson June 2, 2017 The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus is a complex building with a complex history. Located in East Greece, the building underwent many changes, as did the surrounding Greek society. This paper will discuss the history, architecture, historical context, and sculptures of the temple. An analysis of it's evolution will also be provided. The temple was built in mid sixth century BCE. The exact date of construction is unknown. However, a date of around 525 BCE has been suggested based on the column reliefs found. They are comparable to the frieze of the Siphnian Treasury building. Sculptures have also been found that were of the style ... Show more content on ... The new temple had the same general layout, but the columns were now higher and thicker, with enlarged bases. It became known as one of the Seven Wonders of the ancient world. The temple experienced further devastation in 263 AD when a group of Ostrogoths attacked it, destroying it almost completely. This time, the temple was not rebuilt. Later, some of the columns were reused in the building of a palace at Constantinople and other buildings of later centuries. Very little remains on the temple site today (fig. 2). It has been suggested by John Wood that a church may have been built after the temple was destroyed, based on dotted lines found in the natural soil, indicating support walls of a church. No other evidence exists to support this claim. What we do have, however, is many archaic fragments of sculpture and architecture obtained from the site through careful excavation. Every significant fragment that was found on the site of the temple has been transported to the British Museum. A single column still remains on the site of the temple in Ephesus, which was built in modern times for remembrance. Because of the discoveries of John Wood, information about the architecture of the Temple of Artemis has become available. It was constructed primarily of marble. The design was likely not of the typical rectangular proportions of the time in Greece, but a combination of Near–Eastern design and Classic Greek. Both the earlier and later temples had ... Get more on ...
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  • 121. Architechture of Fredericton: Ionic and Corinthian Orders As evidenced by many of its historic buildings, Fredericton was greatly influenced by the neoclassical architectural period that swept Europe and North America during the 18th century (Young 1982, 10). This period was marked by an influx of buildings designed to reflect the architecture of ancient Greece and Rome (Faulkner 2009, Neo–classical architecture). It grew from the burgeoning interest in classical antiquities and antiquarianism, a movement led by Englishmen such as Lord Elgin and William Stukeley, which marked the 1700s (Greene and Moore 2010, 16, 38). While the style did not come to Canada until the late part of the 18th century, it quickly became a dominate form of choice for both public and private buildings and Fredericton is an excellent example of this (Young 1982, 10). Typical attributes of neoclassical architecture include columns fabricated from wood or stone, wide friezes and pediments above the doorways (Harris 2006, Neoclassical style). Each of the three Greek orders, Doric, Ionic and Corinthian, are well represented. However, this paper will deal with the Ionic and Corinthian orders only and their presence in the city of Fredericton. Both the Ionic and Corinthian orders became highly popular and surpassed their Doric counterpart by continuing into the Roman period (Gates 2010, 220). Before the Corinthian order however, the Ionic order started to become well–established by 550 BC (Lawrence 1957, 131). It emerged from Asia Minor and spread to mainland ... Get more on ...
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  • 125. What Is The Similarities Between The Greek And Roman... Architectural custom and design has the capability to connect different cultures together over time and space, and this is true of the bequest of architectural forms that was made by the ancient Greeks and Romans . Greek and Roman architecture have been interconnected due to the similarities between the temples and other structures that the two civilizations formed. Roman architecture was greatly influenced by Greece, but there was a lot of differences as the Romans also diverged to form a separate uniqueness. The both cultures used three special orders of columns in temples building. The Doric order, the Ionic order and the Corinthian order . These was the Greece orders, but the Romans added another two types, Tuscan order and Composite ... Show more content on ... In Greek the city center called Agora located in Athens, while in Roman was Forum. The Agora was, like the forum, the most important public space in the city, where people would meet to talk about important side of their society . the Roman forum was similar to the Greek agora in several ways such as; commercial disposition and adding religious and civic activities. Although there are differences between the buildings in the forum and the agora, even though the Greek influence is obvious in the Roman buildings. Nevertheless, while the Athenians sited the temple of Hephaestus on a platform which could be accessed from each side, as usual in Greek temples, in the Roman there was only a forward access during a staircase, leading to the temple sited on a much higher and more prominent base ... Get more on ...
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  • 129. Characteristics Of Nudes In The Art Of The Renaissance 1. An idealized nude body from before the year 200 CE This is a nude sculpture of a young Hercules holding a lion pelt carved from marble in Early Roman Imperial Period during the Flavian Era. The subject of this piece is Hercules. One element that stands out is its scale–its larger than the average human, standing at over 8 feet. Another element that stands out is the texture; the curls in Hercules' hair and the mane and face of the lion pelt almost look real despite being carved from stone. Although ideal beauty has changed throughout time, ideal male nudes in classical Western art are essentially young, strong, and handsome figures immortalized in poses demonstrating their athleticism, bravery, or heroic acts. This sculpture fulfills the clue because it depicts Hercules as a youthful, muscular figure standing in Contrapposto, showing that he is sound of both mind and body. It also has perfect proportions based on human measurements, and each body part counterbalances it's opposite side, similar to Polykleitos' Canon/Doryphoros. Like in many other ideal nudes, Hercules is depicted as a hero through his physique and actions. In this case, he is shown completing the first of his twelve labors. 2. A Greek or Roman architectural element This is a Greek Ionic column that was found at the Temple of Artemis at Sardis. It was made in the Hellenistic Period and stood at over fifty feet in its original location. The column has a fluted shaft and an ornate capital. The ... Get more on ...
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  • 133. Similarities Between Ancient Greek And American Society American Society and Ancient Greece Ancient Greece believed that art is a depiction of the one's culture and individualism. Ancient Greece helped shaped the world of today. We have many similarities with ancient Greece today. Ancient Greece had three different column styles the Doric, Ionic and Corinthian as a substitute wood for building temples. These three different styles are still been used today in various mode like the Greeks. Thanks to the Doric style a plain, simple column with a circle on the top of the column, we can enjoy the benefits of sitting on our porches with roofs attached protecting us from the elements. The porch on the Governor's mansion in Atlanta, GA is another example of the Doric style. Ancient Greece built temples ... Show more content on ... The Corinthian style is used for contemporary furniture designs like my mother's cherry wood high four –posts bed with flowers etch in the posters. Many planners use the Corinthian style columns for elaborate decorations particular in weddings today. Another similarity, we share with ancient Greece is the love of sports rivalry especially the Olympic Games. In 776 B.C., the first Olympic Games begin as an achievement in art, ethical conduct and interaction of the mind in ancient Greece. Today athletes from all over the world take part in the Olympic Games. In spite of the many new events such as bicycling, skating, gymnastics, swimming, soccer and basketball, many of the earlier (ancient Greece) events such as footraces, jumping, discus and javelin throwing, boxing, and wrestling are still a part of the today games. As we mourned the recent loss of Muhammad Ali, boxing champion of the world to many, continued the ancient Greece's tradition of carrying the torch to light the cauldron during the 1996 Summer Olympics games in Atlanta, GA. The torch remains lit until the conclusion of competition today as it did in ancient ... Get more on ...
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  • 137. Greek Architecture And The Architecture Ancient Greek architects pushed for the excellence and beauty seen in their works and it has left a lifetime of legacy behind them. Greek Architecture is one of the earliest forms of architecture and it is one that has influenced architects for centuries. Ancient Greece was a collection of hundreds of city– states contributed throughout the Mediterranean and Black seas. Greek life was dominated by religion and politics. The religious temples and political buildings of the time were the biggest and most beautiful in history. The architecture was produced by Hellenic people on the Greek mainland, the Peloponnese, Aegean Islands, Anatolia, and Italy. It has flourished since it was produced and has been influencing other countries for centuries. Ancient Greek architects perfected the use of columns which was seen on all of their temples and government buildings. These columns came in three particular orders that were created during different times periods. The three defined orders are the Doric order, Ionic order, and Corinthian order. These orders serve the basis of Classic architecture. The Doric order was the earliest order of Greek architecture. This particular order was not overly decorative and served the sole purpose of being effective and supporting the buildings. In Doric temples, columns have no base and they look simple but strong. On the top of the columns, there is a capital and a square block under the architrave. During the Archaic period in Greece, which was from ... Get more on ...
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  • 141. Ancient Greece Architecture Ancient Greece has always been an interest of mine I choose number two as my topic because the architecture is amazingly beautiful. Also a lot of ancient greece architecture has gone through hardship that there is little to no remains of the structure, trying to imagine what structure would look like or if reconstruction was added to the structure is very interesting. The Temple of Hera II or Apollo , Paestum, Italy, ca. 460 BCE. (Figure #1) and the Temple of Athena Nike, Acropolis, Athens, Greece, ca. 427–424 BCE. (Figure #3) are great examples of this. The reading below can tell you more about these two temples, their similarities and differences The Doric order is a sophisticated form of architecture. The columns in the doric order are wide, seiver, and heavy. The columns don't have a base, the columns go straight down. The doric buildings are generally larger buildings. The doric order also has a broken down frieze to it. It is made up of a pattern of the triglyph and the metope. (Kleiner 103–160) (Tanzi Lecture 10a) The Ionic order is more of a classical form architecture. Generally Ionic structures is used in smaller temples, and the columns are more decorative, the capitals right above the columns. The columns also have bases to them. Ionic structures have continuous ... Show more content on ... Figure #1 has columns all around the building while only figure #2 has columns on two opposite sides of the building and two walls. An interesting difference in the two is Figure #1 has a cella inside the building itself so does figure #2 but the difference is that figure #1 continues to have columns around the area. Figure #3 has no columns around the cella or inside the building. This can be seen in figure #2 and figure #4 their plan views of the buildings. Also figure #1 is a lot larger than figure #3, figure #2 has a broken frieze while figure #3 has a continuous frieze. (Kleiner 103–160) (Minollari 1) (Tanzi Lecture ... Get more on ...
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  • 145. The Parthenon At Athens The Parthenon at Athens is a Doric temple, eight columns wide by seventeen deep, but it incorporates Ionic attributes, such as slender column proportions and use of the Ionic order in its western opisthodomos or rear porch. The temple represents the Culmination of the Doric order. It stands on a platform or stylobate of three steps (krepidoma), as per the Doric order. In common with other Greek temples, it is of post and lintel construction and is surrounded by columns ("peripteral") carrying an entablature (the superstructure of moldings and bands which lie horizontally above columns, resting on their capitals). The use of eight columns across the gable end, which is unusual in the Doric order, clearly has connections to earlier Ionic temples. ... Get more on ...
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  • 149. Pantheon Vs Parthenon Research Paper The Parthenon has become a paradigm for Classical Style despite not having any true construction breakthroughs as a post and lintel constructed building. The style used in its construction, though, has influenced design since its making. (Ancient–, 2017) The Pantheon, while Greek influenced and Roman distinctive, has also had a similar influence on architecture over the centuries. (Romanlife–, 2013) Both buildings represented their respective cultures from Greece and Rome and the shared cultural influences inherited from Greece by Rome. A look at the function, design and use of the buildings with their similarities and differences demonstrate how. Usage and function demonstrate how important religion was to the societies. Both buildings were built as places of worship. The Parthenon was dedicated to one god – Athena. The Pantheon, however, was dedicated to many Roman gods. Of note in the ... Show more content on ... Both though use eight pillars, or columns, to support a pediment. Also similar is the use of art and sculpture to the buildings beauty and its god dedication(s). (Diffen, n/a) One difference, besides shape, that can be found between the architecture of the Parthenon and the Pantheon involves how the buildings were lit. The Pantheon has an oculus in its dome that provides light. Other temples of the time, and even of the time that the Parthenon was built, either used lamps, clerestories or were hypaethral. (Fergusson, 1883) That oculus also helped demonstrate a technological advancement the Romans had developed over the six centuries from when the Parthenon was built. In the Pantheon, the Romans used a light– weight cement to create the dome. The oculus took some of the weight off the dome to make it possible to hold itself. In contrast, the Parthenon did not have cement. Instead it was made almost completely of stacked marble. (Romanlife–, ... Get more on ...
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  • 153. The Influence Of Thomas Jefferson's Monticello Thomas Jefferson´s Monticello Thomas Jefferson once said that "Architecture is my delight, and putting up and pulling down, one of my favorite amusements." He spent much of his life "putting up and pulling down," most notably during the forty–year construction of the Monticello. Influenced by his readings of ancient and modern architectural writings, Jefferson gleaned the best from both his readings and from his observations in Europe, creating his own personal style of architecture, a mix of Neoclassicism's Roman temples, and Palladian villa. Partly, because of Jefferson's influence, our federal buildings set an American precedent for the neoclassical style. Jefferson's admiration for neoclassical style went so far as to design ... Show more content on ... (figure four, shown with West Portico) Jefferson's bedroom sized at 18' 7" x 13' 5"; ceiling 18' 8" has an Ionic order to it. The friezes were influenced by classical antiques. (figure five, left) The Cabinet measures 18' 6" x 11' 10"; ceiling 10' 0". This room has been influenced by the Ionic style. (figure five, right) There are a total of forty–three rooms in the entire structure: thirty three are in the house itself (cellar, twelve; first floor, eleven; second floor, six; third floor four); four in the pavilions; and six under the South Terrace. The stable and carriage bays under the North Terrace are not included in these totals. The first design of the Monticello had fourteen rooms total (cellar, six; first floor, five; second floor, three). The overall dimensions of the building are 110' long, 87' 9" wide (to outer faces of porticoes), 44' 7" high (to oculus of dome). The heights of the different rooms vary, but as examples, the North Octagonal Room is 9' 10" Vs the Entrance Hall which is 18' 6". There are thirteen skylights (oculus plus twelve.) The oculus was used in Greek architecture not only for light but for religious ceremonies and a monitor of the sun. The entire house is about 11,000 square feet. However this is including all the modern additions. Only one–third of the window glass remains. Brief Chronology of ... Get more on ...