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Ancient Greek Architecture
Ancient Greece is considered by many historians to be the cultural foundation of Western
Civilization. Many aspects of Western life that remain visible today demonstrate how immensely
influential the Ancient Greek civilization was, with one of the most evident areas of influence being
Architecture. Ancient Greek Architecture is one of the earliest forms of architectural style. Greek
architects provided some of the finest and most extraordinary buildings that showcased their artistic
brilliance in terms of construction and design. One of the prime examples of the architectural skills
that the Greeks possessed is the Parthenon. In its day, and still to this date, the Parthenon is perhaps
one of the grandest structures built. The building was constructed between 447 and 432 BCE in the
'Age of Pericles', and is located on the highest point of the Acropolis, in Athens. The construction of
the temple followed the Persian attack on the city in 480 BCE, which caused extensive damage to
the buildings on the Acropolis. Pericles initiated the project to build new buildings in order to
replace the damaged ones and was therefore responsible for the construction of all the grand
buildings on the Acropolis, with the Parthenon being the most spectacular. The Parthenon was
designed by the architects Iktinos and Kallikratis, and the making of the building was overseen by
the sculptor Phidias – one of the greatest artist of his day. The Acropolis is the most important
monument of ancient
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How Did Architecture Influence Greek Architecture
Greek architecture is one of the most influential pieces of art in history. The structures and buildings
created in Greece helped inspired places like Rome to continue this structural design. Greeks used
trade to travel around which may have helped them create their designs, but it was mostly the
Greeks' original creation. Without Greek architecture the designs for columns and temples wouldn't
have been as advanced. The Greek people made different structures like temples for Gods that they
believed in using their style of architecture. The importance of Greek architecture in Greek life is
that the Greek people used architecture to show their beliefs with temples for their Gods, for
example the Parthenon, and to build their cities uniquely. ... Show more content on
They used limestone and protected it with a layer of marble or they use pure white marble.
Limestone and marble were mostly used for columns, walls, and parts of buildings. Before they used
stone their temple had thatch roofs and they slowly started to use stone for durability. Brick was
used, unbaked, for walls. They also used terracotta for roof tiles.
Constructed in 432 BCE, the Parthenon was a famous temple that the Greeks made for Athena, one
of the Gods that they believed in. The Parthenon is the most famous Doric structure. Made of
limestone and Pentelic marble, "a material that was utilized for the first time", the structure's main
objective was to hold the statue of Athena made of gold and ivory.
The theater of Dionysus is a theater that the Greeks built using their surroundings. They they took
advantage of the slopes of the land to build the the seats surrounding the center. This area was used
as a stage for Greek tragedies and comedies to be presented for the public.
The Bouleuterion was a place where the city council met to speak of laws and such. The building
had surrounding steps where the council would sit and a podium in the center where the speaker
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Ancient Greek Architecture And Its Influence On Architecture
Architecture is art in the form of building structures, and can have both practical and symbolic
purposes. It is, however, much more than just building or just art. The architecture of a civilization
speaks of its people and their story, emphasizes their values, and announces their greatness. A
structure whose architect was inspired by other cultures not only tells of its own civilization, history,
and character, but that of the other influencing peoples as well. The story of peoples is told by their
monuments through the ages, captivating and inspiring those who come later, in future generations
and future civilizations. In the long history of human culture and art, perhaps no greater influence on
architecture has taken place than that ... Show more content on ...
Both temples were built to replace earlier temples, with the Parthenon replacing an earlier temple of
Athena, and the Pantheon replacing an earlier private temple constructed by Agrippa, Caesar
Augustus' heir. Both structures are still standing, but although the Parthenon is no longer used
except as a museum, the Pantheon still functions as a Roman Catholic Church (Ask, n.d., para.
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Greek and Roman Architecture Essay example
Greek and Roman Architecture
Greek and Roman architecture is truly amazing. They each had great ideas, and fabulous
productions. It is said that the Pantheon is to Italy what the Parthenon is to Greece. Both are
tremendous monuments that reek of culture and history. Each had a purpose which was displayed by
the design and construction of each. There are such great meanings behind each of these architecural
structures. The Romans and the Greeks alike worshipped and dedicated their structures and designs
to the Gods and Goddess they believed in.
The Pantheon is a temple to all the Greek gods and goddesses. The Pantheon was a temple in honor
of the Olympic gods; in fact, the word pantheon is Greek for "of all the gods" It is the ... Show more
content on ...
From the outside of the Pantheon the dome seems shallow and insignificant, said to be purposely
done not to ruin the "suprise" of the interior (Gilbert 379). It is only when viewing the inside that
one can truly appreciate the amazing architectural design and workmanship of this building. Another
remarkable attribute of this temple to the gods is that it is still in use today with much of the original
materials intact. The columns, the marble paneled walls, the floor, and the two enormous bronze
doors are all originals, making the Pantheon the best preserved surviving Roman structure. The
Panthenon can be viewed at the following site which shows many pictures of the interior and
exterior of this truly remarkle building:
Dedicated to the goddess Athena, the warrior maiden, the Parthenon is a Doric style temple (Gilbert
368). It took about 15 years to complete this strucutre (Gilbert 370). A lot like the Roman Pantheon,
it had many columns surrounding the interior and exterior of this structure. This place was decorated
with many sculptures along the inner roof top. It was painted in vivid colors, such as red and blue
(Gilbert 370). Refered to as the cella its inner chamber housed the monumental statue of the
Goddess Athena. Pheidias' hisself created this thirty foot high statue of Athena Parthenos, consisting
of a frame made of wood, metal, clay, and plaster.
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The Development of Greek Architecture
Construction of buildings for different purposes has been around through out the entire history of
human existence. It was simply essential for survival. It used to be like that in the beginning, but
then it took a little bit different aspect. It evolved from very simple and primitive shelters of
cavemen to very elegant and big scale buildings constructed by various nations. Each one of them
tried to invent something new and tried to advance forward already known building principles.
Many of them have succeeded to certain extent, but the Greeks made the greatest impact with
introduction of the famous Ionic, Doric and Corinthian styles. The Ionic style is thinner and more
elegant. Its capital is decorated with a ... Show more content on ...
The spaces between the triglyphs are the metopes. They may be left plain, or they may be carved in
low relief. Because the metopes are somewhat flexible in their proportions, the modular space
between columns can be adjusted by the architect. Often the last two columns were set slightly
closer together, to give a subtle visual strengthening to the corners. Early examples of the Doric
order include the temples at Paestum, in southern Italy. The Corinthian order is one of the Classical
orders of Greek and Roman architecture, although it was seldom used in Greek architecture. The
Corinthian order was said to have been invented by an architect, Callimachus, who was inspired by
the sight of a votive basket that had been left on the grave of a young girl. A few of her toys were in
it, and a square tile had been placed over the basket, to protect them from the weather. An acanthus
plant had grown through the woven basket, mixing its spiny, deeply cut leaves with the weave of the
basket. A Corinthian capital may be seen as an enriched development of the Ionic capital, though
one may have to look closely at a Corinthian capital to see the Ionic volutes at the corners, perhaps
reduced in size and importance, scrolling out above the two ranks of leaves, and the smaller volutes
scrolling inwards to meet each other on each side. The
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Essay about Greek and Japanese Architecture
Greek and Japanese Architecture
For a great many years, architecture has been a breaking point for different artisticeras in history.
Some of the most famous "works of art" have been chapels, temples, and tombs. Among the most
dominant and influential eras of great architecture are the sophisticated, stoic Greeco–Roman
periods and the more mystical, elemental Japanese eras. These two very distinct and very different
eras have more in common than you may realize.
When work began on the Parthenon in 447 BC, the Athenian Empire was at the height of its power.
Work on the temple continued until 432; the Parthenon, then, represents the tangible and visible
blossoming of Athenian imperial power, impaired by the damages of the ... Show more content on ...
Currently, Japan's modern architecture is having a striking influence on global architecture.
Japanese architecture is an inherent part of Japanese culture, and even Tokyo's most modern "high–
tech" buildings draw their inspiration from old Japanese design.
Japan's ancient castles and palaces, timber houses, tatami–mat tea rooms and Zen gardens,
Shinto shrines, and Buddhist temples, as well as the latest shopping centers, sports facilities,
residential complexes, office towers, department stores, and high–tech structures are some excellent
examples of Japanese Architecture (
Japan is described as a country of wood, and the reverence of natural materials. The depths of the
love and admiration that the Japanese people have for wood are famous, which is similar to the
Greek love of pristine marble and its smooth surfaces. This can be seen in an old Japanese
expression "plants and trees all have something to say", Japanese believe that trees have a soul and
say they can sense spirits, or "kami", within them. It is trees that form the core which nurtures the
sensibilities about nature held by the Japanese people. It is thus natural for architecture in Japan to
be based on wood. Many structures are made of wood, ranging from shrines and temples to palaces
and homes, and in doing so grand structures have been created (Stokstad).
Castles and palaces dating
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Greek Architecture Essay
Characteristics of Greek Architecture:–
Instead of covering nearly every bit of space with ornament, as the Egyptians did, the Greeks
selected only the best places for it, and thus gave it its proper effect. The decorations, especially the
sculptures, were one of the chief features of a Greek temple. Besides their temples the Greeks built
many theaters which may be studied from their ruins, but of their dwelling–houses almost nothing
remains to us.
The Greek style is noted for the repose, harmony, and proportion of its effect. These are terms we
might use in speaking of a painting, but they relate to the composition of a building which is, in
many respects, similar to the composition of a picture. In selecting his ... Show more content on ...
The most important of the Ionic temples left to us is the Erechtheum at Athens. It differs from other
temples in its irregularity. This makes it doubly interesting for it shows that although the Greeks
nearly always adhered to one simple form, they could dispense with it when they wished. In the
Erechtheum, they wished to provide for several shrines in one building, and under one roof. The
irregularity they have made so beautiful and interesting that it is a wonder they did not repeat the
idea many times in other structures. Its two colonnades of different designs, its remarkable north
doorway, and the famous caryatid porch to the south are unsurpassed. Another temple, that of
Artemis (Diana) at Ephesus, was known as one of the seven wonders of the ancient world.
This is the most ornate of the classical orders, and the most slender in its proportions. The capital is
shaped somewhat like a bell inverted, and is adorned with rows of acanthus leaves. A great example
of the, third, or Corinthian order is the monument of Lysicrates at Athens.
"Straight is the line of duty."
"Curved is the line of beauty"
"Follow the one and it shall be; The other shall always follow thee."
For such reasons, Greek architecture was called "Intellectual".
"Where on the Aegean shore a city stands,
Built nobly, pure the air and light the soil;
Athens, the eye of Greece, mother of arts and
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Greek Art And Greek Architecture
Greece No matter where you are, chances are you have witness an inspiring piece of Greece art and
Greece architecture. Whether it's a building, furniture, or pottery, you have seen ideas that started
from Greek. Even houses have resemblance to some of the most famous buildings we seen
throughout history. "The architecture of ancient Greece is defined by the temples built to glorify
their gods and goddesses and express pride in their cities." Though in today's world we may not
glorify gods and goddesses when we began to design a home, but we do know how to turn once–
traditional into a more contemporary feel. Modern Greek architecture is generally constructed with
wood, unbaked bricks, limestone and marble, and terracotta and metals. Contractors today still use
the methods, and of all the architectural designs used by ancient Greeks throughout history, three
major systems have withstood the test of time and are still used today. Doric, Ionic and Corinthian
styles have their own characteristics, but, however they can look very similar.
The Doric (sturdiest) was based on the proportions of a man. It was the first order and arguably the
most famous Greek system used in today's world. It seemed to have known base and has the
simplest capital atop the fluted shaft. The Parthenon communicated the ideals of the order and
harmony for what Greek architecture is known for.
As for the Ionic it was lighter in character to reflect the portions of women. Unlike the Doric
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Classical Greek Architecture: Most Powerful Civilizations...
Classical Greek Architecture
The Ancient Greek population was one of the most powerful civilizations of the world. And the
power of the people did not reside particularly in military strength, but more so in the high
development of its culture and civilization. The ancient Greeks revealed increased levels of
innovation in numerous fields. They for instance focused on sporting activities and other
competitions and games; they revered their gods and goddesses and they created new teachings that
set the basis of various disciplines.
"Philosophers such as Sokrates, Plato and Aristotle formulated ideas about how the world worked.
The study of history was created by Herodotus and Thucydides. Artists tried to find more natural
and realistic ways of representing the world. Doctors, like Hippokrates, started to look for rational
reasons for the causes of illness and diseases" (The British Museum).
From the architectural standpoint, Ancient Greece created an impressive number of constructions,
some lasting through today, and all of them being recollected through history. The values of Ancient
Greece were encountered by the Roman Empire, and then adopted to be further transmitted outside
Ancient Greece. In this setting then, Ancient Greece has contributed significantly to the formation of
the modern day Western Europe (Thornton, 2002).
The Classical Greek Architecture is characterized by a wide array of constructions, out of which the
two most popular ones are the temples and
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Greek Architecture Research Paper
Greek architecture focused on other forms of civic architecture such as theaters, council halls, public

porticoes, and city planning. Greek architecture is distinguished by its structures and decorations.
Their typical forms was not tombs nor did they have much interest in elaborate houses and palaces.
In the case of the temples, the building appears to have been embedded as a sculptural entity within
the landscape, most often the temples were placed on high grounds in order for its proportions and
light effects to be viewed from all angles. In addition, their architecture reflected its makers in its
human scale and in its program. Man became the measure of all things, including the divine, and
this ideal unleashing enormous creative ... Show more content on ...
On the porch there are six draped female figures, referred as caryatids, stand on a high parapet,
lightly bearing an Ionic entablature. The caryatids served as supporting columns, the porch was built
to conceal the beam needed to support the southwest corner. At the Erechtheum they assume the
sublime Classical sculptural style. This south porch counter balances the much larger and far open
and airy north porch. The entire temple sits on a slope, having one side higher than the other. The
maidens are lifted above the main grade of the temple while the north porch sits at a lower point of
the sloping hill. The North and West side of the temple sit about a whole level lower than then south
and east sides of the temple. The detailing of the building is extremely refined and is carried to the
maximum at the north porch, focusing on the columns that support the temple. However, the capitals
are considered the most ornate and and exquisite ever
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Elements Of Roman And Greek Architecture
Roman and Greek architecture are very prominent examples of early historic architectural
advancements. These cultures left imprints on society, founding future forms of art and architecture
through their inspirational elements are artists. These long–lasting cultural elements have created
echoes as deep into the future as now, the 21st century. Looking at the Southern Methodist Church
in downtown Austin, we see a variety of Greek and Roman architectural elements. The Southern
Methodist Church has a variety of classical elements that attribute it to past temples and structures
created by the Roman and Greek cultures, appropriated to fit into the religion of the church by the
manipulation of certain parts, such as the frieze. To begin, the first and foremost part of the
discussion is the elements of Greek and Roman architecture that have been incorporated and
appropriated for the building of this church. The first and foremost noticeable feature would be the
columns, architrave, and pediment. The columns are classic ionic columns, starting from the ornate
base and leading up to the capital, all the elements of the classical ionic columns are present,
creating an almost life–like appearance to the columns as they grow and support the architrave, a
characteristic that can be traced back to Egyptian columns in temples and funerary buildings.
Further, the shaft of the column follows the Greek style of creation. The divides are evidence that
each piece of the columns were
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The Influence Of Classical Greek Architecture In Carlisle
Classical Greek Architecture in Carlisle
The influence of Classical Greek Architecture on modern architecture is evident all over
Pennsylvania. Carlisle, in particular, is full of old buildings that utilize the styles of the Greek
Classical Period. The Old Cumberland County Courthouse is a perfect example of how the
architectural styles of the Classical Period have been carried out through time. This building is a
historical landmark, located in downtown Carlisle, which was built in 1846 and currently serves as
the housing of county offices (Cumberland Civil War). The columns and structure of the old
courthouse mostly follow the Corinthian order but are also influenced by the Doric order in its
simplicity. Both orders were used together to express the purpose of the building, which can be
observed just by looking at the building. The design and structure of the old courthouse may have
also been influenced by later architects such as Filippo Brunelleschi and Thomas Jefferson.
However, the classical styles of the building are obvious and reflect the building 's use quite well.
The first noticeable characteristic of The Old Cumberland County Courthouse are its' four huge
Corinthian columns. The column 's base appears to be two stacked rings holding up the shaft, which
bears the flute and fillet pattern that is consistent with the Corinthian order (Fiero 124). However,
this pattern of flute and fillet can also be found in the Ionic order (Fiero 124). The column 's vertical
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Similarities And Differences In The Middle Of Greek And...
There were contrasts and similarities in the middle of Greek and Roman structural engineering in
light of the fact that the Romans based on the before Greek information, however concocted from
that point. The Romans grew not just better approaches to assemble more effective structures
additionally a totally diverse reason for the building to be manufactured. While as yet demonstrating
the excellence that was skillfully accomplished by the Greeks and including their own basically and
inventiveness, the Romans built up a design style that remaining parts right up till the present time.
For example the Romans utilized segments that the Greeks had utilized yet they included the curve
and the arch.
First of all, in the meantime, the Romans manufactured theaters like the Greeks yet they concocted
the amphitheater for donning occasions. The Romans based on a much bigger scale. Illustrations of
this are the Coliseum in Rome and the Temple of Zeus in Athens that the Romans fabricated. This
was the biggest sanctuary manufactured in ancient history. Later on after Christianity turned into the
predominant religion, Roman holy places were manufactured as basilicas. This was initially a law
court. The Romans included a rooftop and ... Show more content on ...
Using these frameworks, Roman authorities made a rate out of the best open structures always,
including havens, amphitheaters, historic points, sanctuaries, and showers. While Greek construction
modeling is regularly more rectilinear, and of post and lintel. An antiquated Greek constructing
typically comprised of a pediment bolstered by segments, which was situated on a plinth and base. A
substantial number of antiquated Greek structures are as yet standing today, the most popular being
the Parthenon and Acropolis complex in Athens. Preceding the seventh century B.C., structures were
developed of wood with mud block
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Similarities And Differences Between Greek Architecture...
Greek architecture and roman architecture have been in touch with each other due to their
Similarities and differences between their civilizations as the temples and other structures. Both
groups used to define their own ideas by using their own thinking and structure creations. One way
to compare and contrast between greek architecture and roman architecture is to discuss the 3 main
points such as buildings types, material used and art and style The temples of the greek architecture
is the most remaining example for the buildings types. It was also built to be an art of honor to their
gods, they also have ornated these temples on the outside only. While the roman buildings still
preserved nowdays due to the creative materials, such as concrete. They have many public spaces
like bathhouses, amphitheaters which where for sporting events and aqueducts. Romans architects
have ornated on both the inside and the outside. They also built many churches which it was
originally a law court law. The romans have used many columns in their buildings that the greek
architects used it also, but they added the dome and the arch. ... Show more content on ...
The ancient greek architects used wood, mud, stone and plaster buildings, but unfortunately, most of
these buildings did't survive todays. While the greek architects did it. They have built their buildings
using granite, limestone and marble, many of these temples survives and remains todays. The
ancient romans architects used the same materials like limestone and marble. One of the biggest
achievements is the invention of concrete material, which it was mixture of lime mortar, water and
sand. They used it to construct many of their buildings. The romans also used the arch in their
designs, the columns were built in marble, brick and concrete were used for constructed the
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Art And Architecture : The History Of Ancient Greek...
Greece's history can be traced back to the Stone Age hunters, then the early farmers, to the Minoan
civilization, the dark ages and to present day. Through all those centuries one thing can be agreed on
by many historians and scientist that the ancient civilization of the Greeks was one of the most
influential and thriving time in history. Many new ideas, innovations, art and architecture was
developed from it and many of those innovations are still used to this day. There style of architecture
with the arches and pillars are still very popular with many housing ideas, and church designs.
Though people now have advanced so far and there aren't temples made for every god people
believe in, people use the same design, formula and art style that the Greeks used many years ago.
Ancient Greek architects strived for perfection and excellence in their workmanship. For the past
two millennia, formulas the Greeks invented from as early as the sixth century B.C. have influenced
architecture today. Many architects used limestone and marble which were costly and difficult to
transport, so only those high up in society that could really afford it where able to either have a
beautiful home to live in, donate to have a temple be made or have beautiful art around them. One
man in particular, Pericles, a Athens general, was able to start his extravagant building program after
accumulating a lot of wealth from the Persian War. One of these buildings included the Parthenon
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Essay on Greek Architecture
Greek Architecture: History and Mechanics
Throughout history, there have been several significant architectural movements. The last, and
perhaps most enduring movement is that of Classic Greece. Although for centuries, the architecture
of ancient Greece has been admired, mimicked, and replicated, its beginnings are somewhat
surprising to one unfamiliar with the history of the region. It is important to understand the history
and mechanics of Classic Greek architecture in order to fully appreciate its form, function, and
beauty. "Ancient Greek architects strove for the precision and excellence of workmanship that are
the hallmarks of Greek art in general. The formulas they invented as early as the sixth ... Show more
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One of the most famous examples of Minoan architecture is "...the palace at Knossos, their chief
city, located near the northern coast of the island, was five stories high and consisted of hundreds of
interconnected rooms" (Nardo, 12). Nardo states "there is evidence that these were highly
sophisticated buildings with modern–style plumbing features, such as flush toilets and clay pipes
carrying hot and cold water. As many as thirty to fifty thousand people lived in the palace at
Knossos and in the city that surrounded it. And there were dozens, perhaps hundreds of Minoan
cities and towns on Crete and the islands of the Aegean Sea, the inlet of the Mediterranean Sea
bordering eastern Greece" (Nardo, 12).
"Because the Minoans kept few records and no histories, their culture had been largely forgotten by
the time of the classical Greeks. Yet a few vague memories of Minoan days remained, passed on by
word of mouth over the course of many centuries" (Nardo, 13). It is this little bit of information that
was orally passed down which became the foundation for the classical Greek style, when combined
with the Egyptian influences to come.
"Greek Life was dominated by religion and so it is not surprising that the temples of ancient Greece
were the biggest and most beautiful. They also had a political purpose as they were often built to
celebrate civic power and pride, or offer thanksgiving to the patron deity of a city for success in
war" ( The
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The Importance Of Architecture In Ancient Greek Architecture
Classical Architecture spans over a vast amount of time, although the main period Classical
Architecture is said to have started is during the Archaic Period in Ancient Greece. Greece during
these times wasn't a unified nation, but many independently governed city states. They all varied in
power, forces, defenses, economy, etc. Even though these city states remained separated throughout
Ancient Greece there was a unifying force. Greek mythology was an ideology that had been
supported all throughout Ancient Greece. A polytheistic religion that had various gods, as well as
many forms of the same god specific to certain areas. The King of the Gods was Zeus, and the next
two most influential Gods were Hera, and Athena. The importance of ... Show more content on ...
Although the Ionic order was much slender and was based on the proportions of a women. It was
based out of the Aegean Islands of Greece. The Ionic also differed because it had a base and a
sculpted frieze, and was also topped with a cornice and a pediment. What visually set the Ionic order
apart from the other orders although was the volutes on the capitals. Lastly, the last order invented
by the Greeks was the Corinthian order. This column was the slenderest of all the columns and the
tallest. It was built to the proportions of a young women and came out of the Greek Islands. The top
just like the others housed a pediment, but the entablature only had dentils. What really sets the
Corinthian order apart although is the sculpted capital in the shape of acanthus leaves. This order
was the most ornate and wasn't built until Hellenistic times in Ancient Greece. Nevertheless, the
Greek orders were intended for the religious temples that made the Greeks well known.
Many Greek Temples shared very common floor plans, a central cella housing a shrine to the
corresponding god the temple is for. As well as periptural columns, that wrapped around the exterior
of the building. Greek floor plans were inspired by the megaron plan, which led to symmetry being
a key element in the construction of temples as well. Greeks also were known for using limestone
and marble for temples. But during the end of the Archaic period in Ancient Greece
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Greek to Roman Architecture
When shown iconic pictures of the Parthenon and the Colosseum, most people automatically know
which building is Greek and which is Roman, However, show them pictures of the Forum of Trajan,
the Pantheon, or the Agora, and they will be flipping coins trying to guess which is Roman
architecture and which is Greek architecture. It is one thing being able to identify which building
belongs to which civilization, it another being able to distinguish the subtle style changes within
each mega structure. Very similar to a textbook and essay, Greek architecture is like a textbook, and
the Romans used the textbook to write an essay. Although not completely copied or "plagiarized"
the foundation of Roman architecture is founded on Greek architecture. With the help of the
Etruscan and Roman ingenuity, the Romans were able to take Greek architecture to a whole new
level and call it Roman architecture. Greek architecture has been commonly looked at as the
building of democracy, often time people associate the post–and–lintel building element with the
Greeks. However, the Romans used post–and–lintel system in their architecture too. One of the
ways of distinguishing which building belongs to which civilization, is simply looking at the style of
columns used. There are three post–and–lintel styles, Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian. The Greeks
mainly used Doric and Ionic columns in their architecture. "The Parthenon is often viewed as the
embodiment of Classical Doric architecture" (97). The
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Greek Architecture Dbq
The time of the Ancient Greeks is one of the most, if not the most, influential periods since the dawn
of existence. The Ancient Greeks contributed to many of the modern world concepts that are used in
everyday life. The importance of the Ancient Greeks is shown, in some way, scattered through each
and every day. One contribution to the Western civilization from the Ancient Greeks is architecture.
Greek architecture is shown in pillars all throughout the modern world. The most recognizable
Greek architecture is located in the image in document 5: the Parthenon. This image shows that the
Greeks wanted a city to be represented with artistic value not just with the architecture but also with
statues. Another contribution to the Western
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Why Did Wood Construction Play A Role In Greek Architecture
For my junior research project, I want to focus on architectural structures and architects in Greece. I
will be researching about the process which the architects got their influences, the process of how
Greek architecture evolved over time. Greek architecture began evolving in the 7th – 6th century
BCE and their use of materials began with mud–brick and timber, stone, limestone, wood, etc...until
reaching marble which was used by Ionic architects in the 6th century. The architects focused on
specific details of the buildings in addition to a focus on temples and were influenced by others,
Egypt for example, not only in buildings but also figures. Democracy and events/ the society's
culture can also be seen as an influential component to Greek architecture. As I continue to research
more about the Greek architects and architectural sites, my research questions are: Who and what
event(s) influenced its creation of buildings? ... Show more content on ...
How did the styles such (style, designs) as doric, ionic, and corinthian evolve? What were influences
in general that affected architecture? Why was architecture a big role? How were the influences
from others (ie. Egyptians) used in Greek architecture? How do certain buildings (pick one specific
building) help showcase the influences others had on its architecture and/or how it, itself, influenced
others? How does wood construction play a role in Greek architecture––evolution?/How did wood
construction lead to the use of different materials? What was the psychology of the architect at the
time and how did that affect the building? How does psychology tie in with Greek architecture?
What does it mean for the artist, the viewer, and the people (citizens)? Why/how did characteristics
of Democracy show up in Greek Architecture? What is the comparison between Greek and modern
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How Did Architecture Influence Greek Architecture
The Romans took their principles and standards from the Greek architecture and used new
techniques and materials to construct their buildings. They were greatly influenced by the Greek
orders especially the Corinthian order which can be seen in their public buildings. The Roman
architects were great creators as they merged their magnificent designs with the Greek techniques to
manufacture new constructions like circuses, aqueducts, thermae and amphitheaters. These
constructions were funded by the Roman states which ensured the survival of these buildings to this
day (Cartwright, 2013). The Roman amphitheater was a large building which included fake nautical
battles, animal hunts and gladiator fights. It became a famous landmark of the Roman civilization.
The amphitheaters were built in oval shapes to provide a good view for the audience in any seat. The
first constructions used rock and hillsides to build wooden seating, but ... Show more content on ...
The aqueduct was more like a bridge with single, double or triple arcades of arches to transport
water from part to another which didn't have enough water supplies for drinking fountains and
crops. The aqueducts could be underground tunnels, large bridges or covered pipes. The Roman
architects mastered the building technique of the aqueducts, and as a result, the most famous
aqueducts were the Roman ones. They didn't use aqueducts only for drinking and watering crops,
but also supplied villas, public baths and fountains with water. Also, the water is freshened by
pumping it through a system of small waterfalls. More importantly, the aqueducts affected the
Roman agriculture and was used to water the lands. For example, the Pont du Gard in France was
forty–nine meters high, and the aqueduct of Segovia measured twenty–eight meters high. Both
aqueducts survive to this day, which in turn shows how the Romans constructed their buildings to be
as durable as possible (Cartwright,
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Greek Architecture And The Architecture
Ancient Greek architects pushed for the excellence and beauty seen in their works and it has left a
lifetime of legacy behind them. Greek Architecture is one of the earliest forms of architecture and it
is one that has influenced architects for centuries. Ancient Greece was a collection of hundreds of
city–states contributed throughout the Mediterranean and Black seas. Greek life was dominated by
religion and politics. The religious temples and political buildings of the time were the biggest and
most beautiful in history. The architecture was produced by Hellenic people on the Greek mainland,
the Peloponnese, Aegean Islands, Anatolia, and Italy. It has flourished since it was produced and has
been influencing other countries for centuries. Ancient Greek architects perfected the use of columns
which was seen on all of their temples and government buildings. These columns came in three
particular orders that were created during different times periods. The three defined orders are the
Doric order, Ionic order, and Corinthian order. These orders serve the basis of Classic architecture.
The Doric order was the earliest order of Greek architecture. This particular order was not overly
decorative and served the sole purpose of being effective and supporting the buildings. In Doric
temples, columns have no base and they look simple but strong. On the top of the columns, there is a
capital and a square block under the architrave. During the Archaic period in Greece, which was
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Differences And Similaristics Of Greek And Roman Architecture
Greek and Roman civilizations have created some of the most inveterate and meaningful images in
history. The art of building that arouse on the shores of the Aegean Sea and flourished at the ancient
world .Greeks were governed through democracy while romans were republicans .the Romans
borrowed and adapted the Greek style. They sanctified the same Greek Gods but gave them different
names. They both concentrated on using their structural concepts that match their ideal ratios. And
as any two consecutive, greatly attached civilizations .there are many points of comparisons
regarding their building types, building techniques, materials and art. As long as the presence of
differences there are many similarities that actually exist.
If we started with the similarities between them, we would find out that they both concerned about
symmetry, using stonework (marble), columns, and esplanades. They brought up numerous statues
and esteemed the human compose. Although difference between Greek and Roman architecture are
not so clear for some, they look alike in many things. However, it does not mean lack of difference
at all between both of them.
The Greeks established some colonies on the coastline near the Mediterranean Sea. While The
Romans ruled all over the Mediterranean. The Romans built roads which connects their empire to
the main land. But The Greeks ... Show more content on ...
Unfortunately, due to using such materials, many of their buildings didn't remain till nowadays .vice
versa using limestone, which was commonly used and favored by them as it was easy to be cut.
Pentelikon marble which was used especially for fishing surfaces it is also used in well–known
structures as the Erechtheum. Buildings were durable and sturdy. Romans used the same material
but invented the concrete, with which many of their structures were constructed. It is made by a
mixing water, sand and lime
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How Did Roman Influence Greek Architecture
The Romans were great admirers of the Greek culture, and down the road they merged their art and
knowledge into their own ways of living. Roman and Greek mythology are almost identical except
their actual language is different. The Romans brought in artist from all over Greece to work in their
areas so therefore Roman art work looked just like Greek art both in architecture and sculpture.
The most important invention in the Roman architecture was the Arch, and thanks to the arch the
development of the aqueduct "water conduct" was created. This allowed every single house in Rome
to have water carried from the mountaintops with the ability for human use. The arch had symbolic
meaning to the Romans, it represented their power and creativity. Today we see arches everywhere,
from buildings ... Show more content on ...
These structures were basically large day spas, they had various pools, massage areas and cleansing
sections. The Romans made sure to take care of their people.
Courts, temples, theatres, and the senate could all be found in the political center of the city with the
public buildings of importance known as the forum. Everyone who entered the city for business
purposes or political and social exchange would meet here. The forum represented strong influence
of the Greek style of architecture showing density and beauty. It looks very similar to the white
house, which obviously is a place where a lot of political stuff goes on and holds a lot of power.
The most important temple built in Rome, the Pantheon, was devoted to seven of the most important
Gods of their mythology. Today this building is used for church ceremonies and has a daily use. The
front of the Pantheon pays a tribute to Greek temples but its main body is round with a dome shaped
pyramid on top. The sunlight is able to shine through a round opening at the center, a reminder of
the most important God in their
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Greek Architecture
The Greek culture has had a huge impact on the history of the world. There is something Greek in
almost everything, especially in the world's architecture. Greece no longer had one king, so they
focused on building temples for their gods. Architecture began small and plain but evolved into
impressive pieces of art. As time passed from the Archaic period to the Hellenistic period, the people
of Greece developed a type of formula for their buildings and their pieces of art. In Ancient Greece,
religion dominated their life, so it is understandable that their architecture would be dominated by
their religion. Before Greece became many different city–states, they had kings, and they would
build a room called a megaron to show they King's ... Show more content on ...
They didn't want a column in the middle because than you would have to walk around the column to
get into the temple. The most common temples would be called hexastyle because it would have six
columns in the front. If there was four columns across then it would be called tetrastyle or eight
across would be called octastyle. Another way to classify a temple is how the columns are
distributed. When a temple only has a row of columns on the front and has end walls, it is called in
antis. If the temple has a row of columns on the front with no end walls, it is called prostyle. If a
temple has a front and back portico with columns, it is called amphiprostyle. The most famous
Greek temples would be considered to be peripteral, meaning that it has columns all the way around
the building. The Greeks had a certain formula on how many columns would go on each side of a
peripertal temple. They would take the number of columns in the front portico and multiply it by
two and add one. If your temple was hexastyle and peripertal, than there would be thirteen columns
on each side ( 6+6+1= 13). The Greeks had developed a type of formula when it came to the
construction of a temple. There is not a major difference in architecture between the Archaic period
and the Classical period. During the Archaic period they began to use stone instead of wood. Some
of the most preserved remains
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The Influence Of Greek Architecture In America
Greek architecture was and still is a significant part of history today. It has affected many countries
counting the U.S. A good example of how Greek Architecture affects the U.S is the many historical
sites found in the capital of the U.S, such as the Lincoln memorial, which has obvious Greek
elements including how it is partially constructed through marble and has many columns. Because
of the way Greek Architecture was and still is, it has helped establish the present day society that
America has and is today. One clear way that Greek architecture is portrayed in today's culture is
how important people are honored. Take a temple for instance. "Many of these temples were built on
a large hill known as an acropolis, and it generally included
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Ancient Greek Architecture: The Architecture Of Ancient...
The architecture of the ancient Greeks, whose culture thrived on the Greek mainland and
Peloponnesus, the Aegean Islands, and in colonies in parts of Asia and Italy for a period from about
900 BC until beginning of AD, with the earliest remaining architectural works of the Greek people
dating from around 600BC. Ancient Greek architecture is best known for its many great temples,
which were built in honour of the many Greek gods, many of which are found mostly as ruins today
but many substantially intact. The religious aspect of Greek mythology was the foundation for their
entire culture, everything circled around these gods and the teachings of the said gods, from the way
the Greek people morally thought to the way they socialised, the gods ... Show more content on ...
As a result of this, baths and gymnasiums were as common in the ancient Greece as cinemas are
today. In the Iliad, Homer often mentions the Greek people's passion for bathing. Although there
were periods when Greek bathing consisted of no more than a quick plunge in cold water, Homer
along with many of the other Greek writers tell us the Greeks favoured a variety of many different
types of baths, from hot water tubs to air heated baths. It is believed the people of Sparta in ancient
Greece conceived the idea.
Another important part of ancient Greece's culture that survives to this day in Greece is the open–air
theatre, with the earliest dating back to around 300 BC. The Greek theatre history began with
festivals honouring the Greek gods. Athens was the main city in greece for these theatrical
traditions. Athenians trveled and spread these festivals to its numerous cities in an attempt to
promote their cultural own identity. At the early Greek festivals, the actors and directors were all the
same person. After some time, only three actors were allowed to perform in each play. Later in time
non–speaking roles were allowed to perform on–stage, but these were mearley to fill space. Due to
limited number of actors allowed on stage during a production, this made the actors that were on
stage all that bit more important to the spectators, the audience became involved and the theatre
meant alot to many people in ancient Greece at the
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Greek Architecture Dbq
Just before you go to sleep, you image yourself taking a ride to the White House. You then notice it's
beautiful columns. As you look through columns, this type of architecture is ancient Greek. There
are other place to find these Greek columns. Besides architecture, other developments from ancient
civilizations have an impact on our world today, such as roads and Gregorian calendar. An example
of how the ancient Roman civilization that has an effect in our world today is architecture. The
Greek builders made three stone columns that were used in the Lincoln memorial, Jefferson
Memorial, and the Supreme Court (Doc. 1). The three type of stone columns that were used on these
buildings are doric, ionic, and corinthian (Doc.1). These Greek columns
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Greek Architecture Symbolism
Ancient Greek architecture was very intricately made and well thought out. The Greeks used
different methods and reasonings behind their architecture because they made sure that their pieces
were exquisitely made to represent the things they thought were important. They valued their Gods
and their worship of the Gods. It was important for them to always represent or have symbolic
meaning behind all of their architectural designs. There are many hidden symbols that are involved
in Greek architecture like trees, trophies, leaves, hair, and sacrifices to name a few. Greek
architecture includes these hidden symbols to worship Gods, and to represent culture in their pieces.
First, Greek architecture was mainly created to give respect to Gods and create worship areas for the
Gods. Representing and respecting Greek Gods appropriately was considered important to the Greek
people during this time. A very early Greek architectural example of showing respect towards the
Gods, was when trees were used as the first temples as a place of worship. As expressed by Pliny,
"The Trees formed the first temples of the Gods." (Pliny). Trees held a valuable position to the
Greeks because they were classified as sacred and even representational to certain Gods. The Greeks
believed that trees had relation to certain Gods. For example, The God Zeus's sacred tree was the
oak tree, while, the olive tree was the Goddess Athena's sacred tree. The olive tree was the first
temple for Athena, which was
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Greek Columns And The Doric Order Of Greek Architecture
Greek architecture has survived throughout history and plays a major role in many structures today.
Some of the modern structures that resemble Greek styling and architecture are government
buildings. By building some of our most important structures with Greek designs, it shows our
current emphasis on Greek architecture. There are three distinct orders, or types, of architecture.
These are the Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian orders. Possibly one of the most distinguished aspects
supplied by Greek architecture is the column. Columns were prevalent in Greek society and were
found in many of their temples and important structures such as the Parthenon. The first and most
simplistic order of Greek architecture is the Doric order. According to the article, Doric Columns
and the Doric Order of Classical Architecture, Doric architecture is characterized by columns that
Doric columns are, "stouter than those of the Ionic or Corinthian orders. Their smooth, round
capitals are simple and plain compared to the other two Greek orders." The capital is the very top
piece of the column that connects the column to the rest of the structure, or the entablature. Unlike
other orders, Greek Doric columns did not have bases; instead the column was fixed directly on the
foundation of the structure. This simplistic design was implemented on one of the most well–known
works of architecture from Ancient Greece, the Parthenon. An article titled, The Parthenon,
describes how the Parthenon is a, "Doric
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Aspects Of Greek Architecture : The Art Of Architecture
The art of architecture is one that has been studied for years and years. The first architects came
from Rome when the architect Vitruvius wrote De Architectura.The definition of an architect is a
person who designs buildings and in many cases also supervises their construction. On top of that
there are many futuristic aspects of architecture. A job I would be very interested in would be an
architect because I enjoy the art of architecture and it's rich history. The history of architecture is one
with many important aspects. Some of the greatest architects in history have come out of Rome. The
romans introduced many of the key aspects of architecture. They made new aspects such as vaults,
domes, and bridges. Without the early discoveries from the romans who knows how we would be
constructing many buildings today. Another incredible example of elite architecture is the great
pyramids in Egypt, they were made long before we had advanced technology. The Great pyramids
introduce to art of symmetry and the excellence of the egyptian architecture. The Greeks also
incorporate advanced architecture for the time period. The Greeks use arches columns and domes
just like the romans. Next is the art and beauty that is brought out through architecture. One aspect is
texture, texture on buildings make them different and match the lifestyle and feeling of a building.
After the texture there is the art that goes into architecture. One example of that is the giant bean
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Classical Greek Architecture Essay
Classical Greek Architecture
The reuse of older art works in contemporary times is not an uncommon occurrence, and many
examples can be seen throughout the day as one goes from place to place. Even when one is
browsing through the World Wide Web can many uses of older art and architecture be seen, as with
the example shown. This image was found on the internet at the American Express homepage
(, which functions as a resource for college students to
find access to many commercial advertisements about discounts and products relevant for students.
This homepage caters mostly to students, as non–students would not apply to the majority of the
goods or services available.
The picture itself is not ... Show more content on ...
The entablature and pediment rest on top of the columns, forming post and lintel construction. The
entablature often contains friezes in the Ionic order, and metopes and triglyphs in the Doric. The
metopes were often painted and the triglyphs may have symbolized wood cross beams that would
have been used before the knowledge of stone construction was developed. The Ionic friezes often
contained sculpted figures that relate in some way to the functionality of the temple or building. The
pediment, which rests on the entablature, usually has the shape of an isosceles triangle with
sculpture that varies from low relief to sculpture in the round.
The organization of the columns around the main body of the temple varies in about five major
styles. The first three have a small rectangular shaped building called a cella with two to four
columns in front, as with the in antis style and the prostyle, or with an additional four columns in
back as with the amphiprostyle temples. The last two styles consist of a larger rectangular building
divided into two rooms, one functioning as a cella. These two styles are mainly differentiated by one
row of columns surrounding the structure, called peripteral, or with two rows of columns, called
dipteral. If one looks at the picture with these standards of Greek architecture in mind, some
noticeable similarities and differences occur.
The artist of this graphic, whether intentional or not, used a basic prostyle design and went from
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How Did Greek Architecture Influence Roman Architecture
Roman Architecture
The Greek and Roman empires existed during the same time, which was about 2500 years ago. They
were practically neighbors with Rome developing in Italy and the Greeks in Greece. The the
Romans learned about Greek culture when Greek colonies established towns in southern Italy. The
Romans were influenced by Greek writing, art, religion, and architecture. Greek architecture had an
influence on the development of Ancient Rome because the Romans used Greek materials, Greek
designs and the Romans built similar structures. First,Greek architecture did influence on the
development of Ancient Rome because they used Greek materials such as concrete, lime mortar, and
stone. Like the Greeks, the Romans built enormous structures and concrete was able to support
greater weights. The lime mortar was used to make the concrete and this made the concrete stronger.
("Roman Architecture." ) Stone was a natural resource to use in their building because it was strong
and it was easily available. ... Show more content on ...
Aqueducts were used to move water from rivers into the cities ("Aqueduct."). The Romans needed
to get water into the cities to grow food like fruit and nut trees. They built aqueducts like the Greeks
had to get water into the cities. The arch was an architectural design that was used to span large
openings. It could also support great loads from above ("Arch."). The Romans used the arch in the
designs of large and fancy temples and vaults ("Rome, Ancient."). Greek temples also influenced the
building of Roman temples. The temples in Rome were four sided building like those in Greek, but
they were surrounded by columns with a covered walkway. The Roman temples were more
extravagant and grander than the Greek temples("Roman
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Ancient Greek And Greek Architecture
Ancient Greek architecture dates from around 800 BCE when the site of Delphi first obtained a
religious significance. The architecture of Ancient Greece has influenced the architecture of the past
two millennia most significantly that of Ancient Rome (Hemingway, 2003). Greek architecture
influenced Roman architecture in extensive ways, giving that the Romans adopted and incorporated
many Greek methods and elements into their own practice. Although the Romans were inspired by
the Greek there are still many differences in their architecture most noticeably through materiality.
Although the Greeks constructed many types of buildings the most recognisable "Greek" structure is
the temple. (Becker, 2015) As stated by Coleen Hemingway in an article for the Metropolitan
Museum of Art " the Greek temple best exemplifies the aims and methods of Greek Architecture".
Whilst exploring such architecture it is necessary to examine the mentality, religious beliefs and
driving forces of each civilization. According to Stierlin "Unlike the Greek temple, essentially a
structure for the play of light and shade, with little interior space accommodating a small sanctuary,
Roman builders typically used arches, vaults, matching domes ... Show more content on ...
Although the Romans were influenced and used parts of what the Greeks had previously designed
and established, they quickly adopted new techniques combined with the existing techniques to
construct a whole new range of architectural structures. In this style the Romans added to the Greek
Corinthian columns making them even more decorative. The Romans also created their own column
style known as the Composite Capital which was a combination of the volute from the Ionic order
and the acanthus design from the Corinthian. (Cartwright,
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Characteristics Of Greek Architecture
Greek Architecture:
The Architectures of Greek was produced by the Hellenic group of people who used to speak Greek
as a language. Ancient Greek is very well known for its architecture of temples and also the
architecture of open air theatres. Ancient Greek architecture is distinguished from other architectural
work in terms of its structure and decoration. The temples mainly were constructed on high grounds,
so that elegance of its proportion can be visible and the effect of light can be seen from all angles.
Greek architecture was all about simplicity and symmetry.
Ancient Greek architecture is divided into three main architectural styles Ionic, Doric and
The domestic buildings in the Greek time period used to have open porches ... Show more content
on ...
The temples in those days did not function in the same way as today. Temples then were a storage
for the treasures associated with the cult, where the devotees would leave their offerings such as
helmets, weapons and also statues for the god. Public spaces more gracious and dignified and would
have similar architectural properties so that they could relate to each other.
The architecture of ancient Greece is a composition of posts, which are the vertical beams and
lentils which are the horizontal beams. Originally, for the construction of the buildings wooden
beams were used, but later they were replaced with stone for stronger structural support. Some of
the temples which are still standing were made with stones.
The entablature is a horizontal structural element which supports the roof and runs around the entire
length of the building. In case of Ionic and Corinthian, the decoration or sculpting runs in a
continues manner throughout. But in Doric it is divided into two sections Metopes and Triglyphs.
Triglyphs are the vertical grooves and Metopes are the space between each Triglyphs. In the front
and rear of each temple, the entablature supports a triangular structure known as the Pediment. The
pediment is known for the extraordinary decoration on the exterior of the
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Roman Architecture : Greek Architecture
Roman architecture was a very large part of Roman culture. Architecture in Rome was not solely
created by the Romans, but was influenced greatly by other cultures such as the Greeks and the
Etruscans.This is demonstrated by the examples of other civilization's architecture within the Roman
Empire.The combination of the cultures led to new types and styles of architecture, helping to create
a style of Roman architecture which showed influences of Greece and the Etruscans. Roman
architecture has its own elements and techniques while reflecting the influence of other cultures
architecture on their own. Roman architecture was largely influenced by other cultures, especially in
its early stages, the two main influencers were Greece and the ... Show more content on ...
Temples within Rome, however were influenced by both cultures even though they had almost
opposite views on how they should be built. Greek temples were built to have more of a look and
sense of noble solidity. Etruscan temples, however were the opposite and were kept more wide open
and carried more a feeling of unknown with them, which is what the Romans were mainly
influenced by. Since both different cultures were located around Rome they could largely influence
Rome moderately easily due to exposure to their architecture and culture. When building, Romans
used quite a few different materials for certain aspects of architecture. "Long before concrete made
its appearance on the building scene in Rome, the Romans utilized a volcanic stone native to Italy
called Tufa to construct their buildings" ( Dr. Jessica Ambler). When the Romans did use concrete,
they didn't see it as very appealing or stunning. So, instead of leaving it bare, they usually covered it
with other materials such as brick and tiles. Romans were never a big fan of marble either, they
found it too extravagant so instead they used a different material in its place called travertine.
Travertine was a substance that looked very similar to marble due to its color. In 2nd century B.C.E.
Romans began using it as you would marble for constructing general buildings. After the ruling of
Augustus, marble began gaining more popularity and was used as a building material a lot
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Greek Architecture Is The Art Of Architecture
Architecture is the art of designing and constructing buildings and other physical structures.
Architecture is as old as human history because it is the basic need of a human being. Architecture
symbolizes the history, culture, traditions, technology and climate of the nation. In primitive ages
man was used to live in caves but with the passage of time trends changed. As "necessity is the
mother of invention" human beings started to make houses made up of stones to protect themselves
from extreme climatic conditions and also from wild animals. New innovations and new trends
prevailed and human beings started to make houses with bricks made up of mud, then they started
baking these bricks to make them much stronger to protect themselves from ... Show more content
on ...
Many of the new materials have been introduced by the architects and chemists produced artificially
at low cost. Today's architecture is the blend of structuralism, formalism, high technology,
expressionism and neo expressionism. Fast growing industries and professionalism give birth to
modern architecture which is simple less ornamental but maximum people–oriented. Modern
architecture is rich in inspiration and abstract ideas behind it. With the increasing complexity in
architecture it is further divided into various branches. Environmental hazards are most hot issue
today that's why architects are trying to create designs which are environment friendly. Many of the
architects gave stress on green building sustainable designs among them Sim Van der Ryn (1960),
Ian Mc Harg (1970) UK and Brenda and Robert Vale from UK and New Zea land are most famous.
Architects are now designing building which are self–sufficient in all energy demands. Dynamic
Towers is the famous modern building which is good example of sustainable architecture which will
be powered by water turbines and solar panels to fulfill its energy
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Ancient Roman And Greek Architecture
Modern Architecture around the globe had been influenced by ancient Roman and Greek
architectural. Although both ancient Romans and Greeks are recognized for their innovations in
architecture having both constructed a variety of buildings and structures that can still be
appreciated today, they appear to have concentrated mostly on the creation of temples which at first
sight seem similar but in reality they each diverged and had their own identity and served for
different purposes. Ancient Greek and Roman temples were both similarly built to carry out
religious or spiritual happenings, and for the adoration of their gods who were believed to protect
and sustain their own community. Compared to the Romans, the purpose of building the Greeks
temples originated with the idea of constructing a sacred precinct as a home for their gods which
was represented by a colossal cult image placed in an inner chamber called "naos or cella".
According to historians, the Greek not only worshiped their gods, but they honored them as well by
having daily offerings. Greek temples had servants who were in charge of ensuring the needs and
care of their deities. Symbolically, their temples were a representation of their philosophy and
civilization. Roman temples were somehow similar in that their temples functioned as a sacred
precinct to honor the Gods. Likewise, they were represented by statues, however they had a more
decorative purpose and were placed in apses instead. Equally important,
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Characteristics Of Greek Revival Architecture
Greek Revival (1825–1860) Greek Revival architecture was a building style that emerged in Europe
and the United States in the late eighteen and early nineteenth centuries. It took elements of classical
Greek architecture and used them in a wide variety of buildings. The style became especially
popular in the United States around 1820.It is an outstanding example of a style that gained esteem
by exploring parallels between an earlier culture and the present day. This style is an international
that first seemed in the 1820s and really grew in America throughout the 1830s and '40s. At the
time, the ancient Greece was the source of inspiration for America. (Kennedy, R. 1989). From 1820
until the Civil War, architectural adaptations of the Greek ... Show more content on
This was a genuine removal of the previously popular styles that drew motivation from the classical
forms of ancient Greece and Rome. Both the Gothic Revival style and the Greek Revival style
looked to be same to each other in the past, and both remained popular throughout the mid–19th
century while there are specifically differences .In addition, the Gothic Revival style in America was
advanced by architects Alexander Jackson Davis and Andrew Jackson Downing, authors of
important house plan books, Rural Residences (1837), Cottage Residences (1842), and The
Architecture of Country Houses (1850). (Mathews,
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Ancient Greek Architecture

  • 1. Ancient Greek Architecture Ancient Greece is considered by many historians to be the cultural foundation of Western Civilization. Many aspects of Western life that remain visible today demonstrate how immensely influential the Ancient Greek civilization was, with one of the most evident areas of influence being Architecture. Ancient Greek Architecture is one of the earliest forms of architectural style. Greek architects provided some of the finest and most extraordinary buildings that showcased their artistic brilliance in terms of construction and design. One of the prime examples of the architectural skills that the Greeks possessed is the Parthenon. In its day, and still to this date, the Parthenon is perhaps one of the grandest structures built. The building was constructed between 447 and 432 BCE in the 'Age of Pericles', and is located on the highest point of the Acropolis, in Athens. The construction of the temple followed the Persian attack on the city in 480 BCE, which caused extensive damage to the buildings on the Acropolis. Pericles initiated the project to build new buildings in order to replace the damaged ones and was therefore responsible for the construction of all the grand buildings on the Acropolis, with the Parthenon being the most spectacular. The Parthenon was designed by the architects Iktinos and Kallikratis, and the making of the building was overseen by the sculptor Phidias – one of the greatest artist of his day. The Acropolis is the most important monument of ancient ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. How Did Architecture Influence Greek Architecture Greek architecture is one of the most influential pieces of art in history. The structures and buildings created in Greece helped inspired places like Rome to continue this structural design. Greeks used trade to travel around which may have helped them create their designs, but it was mostly the Greeks' original creation. Without Greek architecture the designs for columns and temples wouldn't have been as advanced. The Greek people made different structures like temples for Gods that they believed in using their style of architecture. The importance of Greek architecture in Greek life is that the Greek people used architecture to show their beliefs with temples for their Gods, for example the Parthenon, and to build their cities uniquely. ... Show more content on ... They used limestone and protected it with a layer of marble or they use pure white marble. Limestone and marble were mostly used for columns, walls, and parts of buildings. Before they used stone their temple had thatch roofs and they slowly started to use stone for durability. Brick was used, unbaked, for walls. They also used terracotta for roof tiles. Constructed in 432 BCE, the Parthenon was a famous temple that the Greeks made for Athena, one of the Gods that they believed in. The Parthenon is the most famous Doric structure. Made of limestone and Pentelic marble, "a material that was utilized for the first time", the structure's main objective was to hold the statue of Athena made of gold and ivory. The theater of Dionysus is a theater that the Greeks built using their surroundings. They they took advantage of the slopes of the land to build the the seats surrounding the center. This area was used as a stage for Greek tragedies and comedies to be presented for the public. The Bouleuterion was a place where the city council met to speak of laws and such. The building had surrounding steps where the council would sit and a podium in the center where the speaker would ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Ancient Greek Architecture And Its Influence On Architecture Architecture is art in the form of building structures, and can have both practical and symbolic purposes. It is, however, much more than just building or just art. The architecture of a civilization speaks of its people and their story, emphasizes their values, and announces their greatness. A structure whose architect was inspired by other cultures not only tells of its own civilization, history, and character, but that of the other influencing peoples as well. The story of peoples is told by their monuments through the ages, captivating and inspiring those who come later, in future generations and future civilizations. In the long history of human culture and art, perhaps no greater influence on architecture has taken place than that ... Show more content on ... Both temples were built to replace earlier temples, with the Parthenon replacing an earlier temple of Athena, and the Pantheon replacing an earlier private temple constructed by Agrippa, Caesar Augustus' heir. Both structures are still standing, but although the Parthenon is no longer used except as a museum, the Pantheon still functions as a Roman Catholic Church (Ask, n.d., para. ... Get more on ...
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  • 7. Greek and Roman Architecture Essay example Greek and Roman Architecture Greek and Roman architecture is truly amazing. They each had great ideas, and fabulous productions. It is said that the Pantheon is to Italy what the Parthenon is to Greece. Both are tremendous monuments that reek of culture and history. Each had a purpose which was displayed by the design and construction of each. There are such great meanings behind each of these architecural structures. The Romans and the Greeks alike worshipped and dedicated their structures and designs to the Gods and Goddess they believed in. The Pantheon is a temple to all the Greek gods and goddesses. The Pantheon was a temple in honor of the Olympic gods; in fact, the word pantheon is Greek for "of all the gods" It is the ... Show more content on ... From the outside of the Pantheon the dome seems shallow and insignificant, said to be purposely done not to ruin the "suprise" of the interior (Gilbert 379). It is only when viewing the inside that one can truly appreciate the amazing architectural design and workmanship of this building. Another remarkable attribute of this temple to the gods is that it is still in use today with much of the original materials intact. The columns, the marble paneled walls, the floor, and the two enormous bronze doors are all originals, making the Pantheon the best preserved surviving Roman structure. The Panthenon can be viewed at the following site which shows many pictures of the interior and exterior of this truly remarkle building: Dedicated to the goddess Athena, the warrior maiden, the Parthenon is a Doric style temple (Gilbert 368). It took about 15 years to complete this strucutre (Gilbert 370). A lot like the Roman Pantheon, it had many columns surrounding the interior and exterior of this structure. This place was decorated with many sculptures along the inner roof top. It was painted in vivid colors, such as red and blue (Gilbert 370). Refered to as the cella its inner chamber housed the monumental statue of the Goddess Athena. Pheidias' hisself created this thirty foot high statue of Athena Parthenos, consisting of a frame made of wood, metal, clay, and plaster. ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. The Development of Greek Architecture Construction of buildings for different purposes has been around through out the entire history of human existence. It was simply essential for survival. It used to be like that in the beginning, but then it took a little bit different aspect. It evolved from very simple and primitive shelters of cavemen to very elegant and big scale buildings constructed by various nations. Each one of them tried to invent something new and tried to advance forward already known building principles. Many of them have succeeded to certain extent, but the Greeks made the greatest impact with introduction of the famous Ionic, Doric and Corinthian styles. The Ionic style is thinner and more elegant. Its capital is decorated with a ... Show more content on ... The spaces between the triglyphs are the metopes. They may be left plain, or they may be carved in low relief. Because the metopes are somewhat flexible in their proportions, the modular space between columns can be adjusted by the architect. Often the last two columns were set slightly closer together, to give a subtle visual strengthening to the corners. Early examples of the Doric order include the temples at Paestum, in southern Italy. The Corinthian order is one of the Classical orders of Greek and Roman architecture, although it was seldom used in Greek architecture. The Corinthian order was said to have been invented by an architect, Callimachus, who was inspired by the sight of a votive basket that had been left on the grave of a young girl. A few of her toys were in it, and a square tile had been placed over the basket, to protect them from the weather. An acanthus plant had grown through the woven basket, mixing its spiny, deeply cut leaves with the weave of the basket. A Corinthian capital may be seen as an enriched development of the Ionic capital, though one may have to look closely at a Corinthian capital to see the Ionic volutes at the corners, perhaps reduced in size and importance, scrolling out above the two ranks of leaves, and the smaller volutes scrolling inwards to meet each other on each side. The ... Get more on ...
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  • 11. Essay about Greek and Japanese Architecture Greek and Japanese Architecture For a great many years, architecture has been a breaking point for different artisticeras in history. Some of the most famous "works of art" have been chapels, temples, and tombs. Among the most dominant and influential eras of great architecture are the sophisticated, stoic Greeco–Roman periods and the more mystical, elemental Japanese eras. These two very distinct and very different eras have more in common than you may realize. When work began on the Parthenon in 447 BC, the Athenian Empire was at the height of its power. Work on the temple continued until 432; the Parthenon, then, represents the tangible and visible blossoming of Athenian imperial power, impaired by the damages of the ... Show more content on ... Currently, Japan's modern architecture is having a striking influence on global architecture. Japanese architecture is an inherent part of Japanese culture, and even Tokyo's most modern "high– tech" buildings draw their inspiration from old Japanese design. Japan's ancient castles and palaces, timber houses, tatami–mat tea rooms and Zen gardens, Shinto shrines, and Buddhist temples, as well as the latest shopping centers, sports facilities, residential complexes, office towers, department stores, and high–tech structures are some excellent examples of Japanese Architecture ( Japan is described as a country of wood, and the reverence of natural materials. The depths of the love and admiration that the Japanese people have for wood are famous, which is similar to the Greek love of pristine marble and its smooth surfaces. This can be seen in an old Japanese expression "plants and trees all have something to say", Japanese believe that trees have a soul and say they can sense spirits, or "kami", within them. It is trees that form the core which nurtures the sensibilities about nature held by the Japanese people. It is thus natural for architecture in Japan to be based on wood. Many structures are made of wood, ranging from shrines and temples to palaces and homes, and in doing so grand structures have been created (Stokstad). Castles and palaces dating ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Greek Architecture Essay Characteristics of Greek Architecture:– INTRODUCTION:– Instead of covering nearly every bit of space with ornament, as the Egyptians did, the Greeks selected only the best places for it, and thus gave it its proper effect. The decorations, especially the sculptures, were one of the chief features of a Greek temple. Besides their temples the Greeks built many theaters which may be studied from their ruins, but of their dwelling–houses almost nothing remains to us. The Greek style is noted for the repose, harmony, and proportion of its effect. These are terms we might use in speaking of a painting, but they relate to the composition of a building which is, in many respects, similar to the composition of a picture. In selecting his ... Show more content on ... The most important of the Ionic temples left to us is the Erechtheum at Athens. It differs from other temples in its irregularity. This makes it doubly interesting for it shows that although the Greeks nearly always adhered to one simple form, they could dispense with it when they wished. In the Erechtheum, they wished to provide for several shrines in one building, and under one roof. The irregularity they have made so beautiful and interesting that it is a wonder they did not repeat the idea many times in other structures. Its two colonnades of different designs, its remarkable north doorway, and the famous caryatid porch to the south are unsurpassed. Another temple, that of Artemis (Diana) at Ephesus, was known as one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. THE GREEK CORINTHIAN ORDER:– This is the most ornate of the classical orders, and the most slender in its proportions. The capital is shaped somewhat like a bell inverted, and is adorned with rows of acanthus leaves. A great example of the, third, or Corinthian order is the monument of Lysicrates at Athens. "Straight is the line of duty." "Curved is the line of beauty" "Follow the one and it shall be; The other shall always follow thee." For such reasons, Greek architecture was called "Intellectual". "Where on the Aegean shore a city stands, Built nobly, pure the air and light the soil; Athens, the eye of Greece, mother of arts and
  • 14. ... Get more on ...
  • 15.
  • 16. Greek Art And Greek Architecture Greece No matter where you are, chances are you have witness an inspiring piece of Greece art and Greece architecture. Whether it's a building, furniture, or pottery, you have seen ideas that started from Greek. Even houses have resemblance to some of the most famous buildings we seen throughout history. "The architecture of ancient Greece is defined by the temples built to glorify their gods and goddesses and express pride in their cities." Though in today's world we may not glorify gods and goddesses when we began to design a home, but we do know how to turn once– traditional into a more contemporary feel. Modern Greek architecture is generally constructed with wood, unbaked bricks, limestone and marble, and terracotta and metals. Contractors today still use the methods, and of all the architectural designs used by ancient Greeks throughout history, three major systems have withstood the test of time and are still used today. Doric, Ionic and Corinthian styles have their own characteristics, but, however they can look very similar. The Doric (sturdiest) was based on the proportions of a man. It was the first order and arguably the most famous Greek system used in today's world. It seemed to have known base and has the simplest capital atop the fluted shaft. The Parthenon communicated the ideals of the order and harmony for what Greek architecture is known for. As for the Ionic it was lighter in character to reflect the portions of women. Unlike the Doric originating ... Get more on ...
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  • 18. Classical Greek Architecture: Most Powerful Civilizations... Classical Greek Architecture The Ancient Greek population was one of the most powerful civilizations of the world. And the power of the people did not reside particularly in military strength, but more so in the high development of its culture and civilization. The ancient Greeks revealed increased levels of innovation in numerous fields. They for instance focused on sporting activities and other competitions and games; they revered their gods and goddesses and they created new teachings that set the basis of various disciplines. "Philosophers such as Sokrates, Plato and Aristotle formulated ideas about how the world worked. The study of history was created by Herodotus and Thucydides. Artists tried to find more natural and realistic ways of representing the world. Doctors, like Hippokrates, started to look for rational reasons for the causes of illness and diseases" (The British Museum). From the architectural standpoint, Ancient Greece created an impressive number of constructions, some lasting through today, and all of them being recollected through history. The values of Ancient Greece were encountered by the Roman Empire, and then adopted to be further transmitted outside Ancient Greece. In this setting then, Ancient Greece has contributed significantly to the formation of the modern day Western Europe (Thornton, 2002). The Classical Greek Architecture is characterized by a wide array of constructions, out of which the two most popular ones are the temples and ... Get more on ...
  • 19.
  • 20. Greek Architecture Research Paper Greek architecture focused on other forms of civic architecture such as theaters, council halls, public        porticoes, and city planning. Greek architecture is distinguished by its structures and decorations. Their typical forms was not tombs nor did they have much interest in elaborate houses and palaces. In the case of the temples, the building appears to have been embedded as a sculptural entity within the landscape, most often the temples were placed on high grounds in order for its proportions and light effects to be viewed from all angles. In addition, their architecture reflected its makers in its human scale and in its program. Man became the measure of all things, including the divine, and this ideal unleashing enormous creative ... Show more content on ... On the porch there are six draped female figures, referred as caryatids, stand on a high parapet, lightly bearing an Ionic entablature. The caryatids served as supporting columns, the porch was built to conceal the beam needed to support the southwest corner. At the Erechtheum they assume the sublime Classical sculptural style. This south porch counter balances the much larger and far open and airy north porch. The entire temple sits on a slope, having one side higher than the other. The maidens are lifted above the main grade of the temple while the north porch sits at a lower point of the sloping hill. The North and West side of the temple sit about a whole level lower than then south and east sides of the temple. The detailing of the building is extremely refined and is carried to the maximum at the north porch, focusing on the columns that support the temple. However, the capitals are considered the most ornate and and exquisite ever ... Get more on ...
  • 21.
  • 22. Elements Of Roman And Greek Architecture Roman and Greek architecture are very prominent examples of early historic architectural advancements. These cultures left imprints on society, founding future forms of art and architecture through their inspirational elements are artists. These long–lasting cultural elements have created echoes as deep into the future as now, the 21st century. Looking at the Southern Methodist Church in downtown Austin, we see a variety of Greek and Roman architectural elements. The Southern Methodist Church has a variety of classical elements that attribute it to past temples and structures created by the Roman and Greek cultures, appropriated to fit into the religion of the church by the manipulation of certain parts, such as the frieze. To begin, the first and foremost part of the discussion is the elements of Greek and Roman architecture that have been incorporated and appropriated for the building of this church. The first and foremost noticeable feature would be the columns, architrave, and pediment. The columns are classic ionic columns, starting from the ornate base and leading up to the capital, all the elements of the classical ionic columns are present, creating an almost life–like appearance to the columns as they grow and support the architrave, a characteristic that can be traced back to Egyptian columns in temples and funerary buildings. Further, the shaft of the column follows the Greek style of creation. The divides are evidence that each piece of the columns were ... Get more on ...
  • 23.
  • 24. The Influence Of Classical Greek Architecture In Carlisle Classical Greek Architecture in Carlisle The influence of Classical Greek Architecture on modern architecture is evident all over Pennsylvania. Carlisle, in particular, is full of old buildings that utilize the styles of the Greek Classical Period. The Old Cumberland County Courthouse is a perfect example of how the architectural styles of the Classical Period have been carried out through time. This building is a historical landmark, located in downtown Carlisle, which was built in 1846 and currently serves as the housing of county offices (Cumberland Civil War). The columns and structure of the old courthouse mostly follow the Corinthian order but are also influenced by the Doric order in its simplicity. Both orders were used together to express the purpose of the building, which can be observed just by looking at the building. The design and structure of the old courthouse may have also been influenced by later architects such as Filippo Brunelleschi and Thomas Jefferson. However, the classical styles of the building are obvious and reflect the building 's use quite well. The first noticeable characteristic of The Old Cumberland County Courthouse are its' four huge Corinthian columns. The column 's base appears to be two stacked rings holding up the shaft, which bears the flute and fillet pattern that is consistent with the Corinthian order (Fiero 124). However, this pattern of flute and fillet can also be found in the Ionic order (Fiero 124). The column 's vertical ... Get more on ...
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  • 26. Similarities And Differences In The Middle Of Greek And... There were contrasts and similarities in the middle of Greek and Roman structural engineering in light of the fact that the Romans based on the before Greek information, however concocted from that point. The Romans grew not just better approaches to assemble more effective structures additionally a totally diverse reason for the building to be manufactured. While as yet demonstrating the excellence that was skillfully accomplished by the Greeks and including their own basically and inventiveness, the Romans built up a design style that remaining parts right up till the present time. For example the Romans utilized segments that the Greeks had utilized yet they included the curve and the arch. First of all, in the meantime, the Romans manufactured theaters like the Greeks yet they concocted the amphitheater for donning occasions. The Romans based on a much bigger scale. Illustrations of this are the Coliseum in Rome and the Temple of Zeus in Athens that the Romans fabricated. This was the biggest sanctuary manufactured in ancient history. Later on after Christianity turned into the predominant religion, Roman holy places were manufactured as basilicas. This was initially a law court. The Romans included a rooftop and ... Show more content on ... Using these frameworks, Roman authorities made a rate out of the best open structures always, including havens, amphitheaters, historic points, sanctuaries, and showers. While Greek construction modeling is regularly more rectilinear, and of post and lintel. An antiquated Greek constructing typically comprised of a pediment bolstered by segments, which was situated on a plinth and base. A substantial number of antiquated Greek structures are as yet standing today, the most popular being the Parthenon and Acropolis complex in Athens. Preceding the seventh century B.C., structures were developed of wood with mud block ... Get more on ...
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  • 28. Similarities And Differences Between Greek Architecture... Greek architecture and roman architecture have been in touch with each other due to their Similarities and differences between their civilizations as the temples and other structures. Both groups used to define their own ideas by using their own thinking and structure creations. One way to compare and contrast between greek architecture and roman architecture is to discuss the 3 main points such as buildings types, material used and art and style The temples of the greek architecture is the most remaining example for the buildings types. It was also built to be an art of honor to their gods, they also have ornated these temples on the outside only. While the roman buildings still preserved nowdays due to the creative materials, such as concrete. They have many public spaces like bathhouses, amphitheaters which where for sporting events and aqueducts. Romans architects have ornated on both the inside and the outside. They also built many churches which it was originally a law court law. The romans have used many columns in their buildings that the greek architects used it also, but they added the dome and the arch. ... Show more content on ... The ancient greek architects used wood, mud, stone and plaster buildings, but unfortunately, most of these buildings did't survive todays. While the greek architects did it. They have built their buildings using granite, limestone and marble, many of these temples survives and remains todays. The ancient romans architects used the same materials like limestone and marble. One of the biggest achievements is the invention of concrete material, which it was mixture of lime mortar, water and sand. They used it to construct many of their buildings. The romans also used the arch in their designs, the columns were built in marble, brick and concrete were used for constructed the ... Get more on ...
  • 29.
  • 30. Art And Architecture : The History Of Ancient Greek... Greece's history can be traced back to the Stone Age hunters, then the early farmers, to the Minoan civilization, the dark ages and to present day. Through all those centuries one thing can be agreed on by many historians and scientist that the ancient civilization of the Greeks was one of the most influential and thriving time in history. Many new ideas, innovations, art and architecture was developed from it and many of those innovations are still used to this day. There style of architecture with the arches and pillars are still very popular with many housing ideas, and church designs. Though people now have advanced so far and there aren't temples made for every god people believe in, people use the same design, formula and art style that the Greeks used many years ago. Ancient Greek architects strived for perfection and excellence in their workmanship. For the past two millennia, formulas the Greeks invented from as early as the sixth century B.C. have influenced architecture today. Many architects used limestone and marble which were costly and difficult to transport, so only those high up in society that could really afford it where able to either have a beautiful home to live in, donate to have a temple be made or have beautiful art around them. One man in particular, Pericles, a Athens general, was able to start his extravagant building program after accumulating a lot of wealth from the Persian War. One of these buildings included the Parthenon (447–432 ... Get more on ...
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  • 32. Essay on Greek Architecture Greek Architecture: History and Mechanics Throughout history, there have been several significant architectural movements. The last, and perhaps most enduring movement is that of Classic Greece. Although for centuries, the architecture of ancient Greece has been admired, mimicked, and replicated, its beginnings are somewhat surprising to one unfamiliar with the history of the region. It is important to understand the history and mechanics of Classic Greek architecture in order to fully appreciate its form, function, and beauty. "Ancient Greek architects strove for the precision and excellence of workmanship that are the hallmarks of Greek art in general. The formulas they invented as early as the sixth ... Show more content on ... One of the most famous examples of Minoan architecture is "...the palace at Knossos, their chief city, located near the northern coast of the island, was five stories high and consisted of hundreds of interconnected rooms" (Nardo, 12). Nardo states "there is evidence that these were highly sophisticated buildings with modern–style plumbing features, such as flush toilets and clay pipes carrying hot and cold water. As many as thirty to fifty thousand people lived in the palace at Knossos and in the city that surrounded it. And there were dozens, perhaps hundreds of Minoan cities and towns on Crete and the islands of the Aegean Sea, the inlet of the Mediterranean Sea bordering eastern Greece" (Nardo, 12). "Because the Minoans kept few records and no histories, their culture had been largely forgotten by the time of the classical Greeks. Yet a few vague memories of Minoan days remained, passed on by word of mouth over the course of many centuries" (Nardo, 13). It is this little bit of information that was orally passed down which became the foundation for the classical Greek style, when combined with the Egyptian influences to come. "Greek Life was dominated by religion and so it is not surprising that the temples of ancient Greece were the biggest and most beautiful. They also had a political purpose as they were often built to celebrate civic power and pride, or offer thanksgiving to the patron deity of a city for success in war" ( The ... Get more on ...
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  • 34. The Importance Of Architecture In Ancient Greek Architecture Classical Architecture spans over a vast amount of time, although the main period Classical Architecture is said to have started is during the Archaic Period in Ancient Greece. Greece during these times wasn't a unified nation, but many independently governed city states. They all varied in power, forces, defenses, economy, etc. Even though these city states remained separated throughout Ancient Greece there was a unifying force. Greek mythology was an ideology that had been supported all throughout Ancient Greece. A polytheistic religion that had various gods, as well as many forms of the same god specific to certain areas. The King of the Gods was Zeus, and the next two most influential Gods were Hera, and Athena. The importance of ... Show more content on ... Although the Ionic order was much slender and was based on the proportions of a women. It was based out of the Aegean Islands of Greece. The Ionic also differed because it had a base and a sculpted frieze, and was also topped with a cornice and a pediment. What visually set the Ionic order apart from the other orders although was the volutes on the capitals. Lastly, the last order invented by the Greeks was the Corinthian order. This column was the slenderest of all the columns and the tallest. It was built to the proportions of a young women and came out of the Greek Islands. The top just like the others housed a pediment, but the entablature only had dentils. What really sets the Corinthian order apart although is the sculpted capital in the shape of acanthus leaves. This order was the most ornate and wasn't built until Hellenistic times in Ancient Greece. Nevertheless, the Greek orders were intended for the religious temples that made the Greeks well known. Many Greek Temples shared very common floor plans, a central cella housing a shrine to the corresponding god the temple is for. As well as periptural columns, that wrapped around the exterior of the building. Greek floor plans were inspired by the megaron plan, which led to symmetry being a key element in the construction of temples as well. Greeks also were known for using limestone and marble for temples. But during the end of the Archaic period in Ancient Greece ... Get more on ...
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  • 36. Greek to Roman Architecture When shown iconic pictures of the Parthenon and the Colosseum, most people automatically know which building is Greek and which is Roman, However, show them pictures of the Forum of Trajan, the Pantheon, or the Agora, and they will be flipping coins trying to guess which is Roman architecture and which is Greek architecture. It is one thing being able to identify which building belongs to which civilization, it another being able to distinguish the subtle style changes within each mega structure. Very similar to a textbook and essay, Greek architecture is like a textbook, and the Romans used the textbook to write an essay. Although not completely copied or "plagiarized" the foundation of Roman architecture is founded on Greek architecture. With the help of the Etruscan and Roman ingenuity, the Romans were able to take Greek architecture to a whole new level and call it Roman architecture. Greek architecture has been commonly looked at as the building of democracy, often time people associate the post–and–lintel building element with the Greeks. However, the Romans used post–and–lintel system in their architecture too. One of the ways of distinguishing which building belongs to which civilization, is simply looking at the style of columns used. There are three post–and–lintel styles, Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian. The Greeks mainly used Doric and Ionic columns in their architecture. "The Parthenon is often viewed as the embodiment of Classical Doric architecture" (97). The ... Get more on ...
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  • 38. Greek Architecture Dbq The time of the Ancient Greeks is one of the most, if not the most, influential periods since the dawn of existence. The Ancient Greeks contributed to many of the modern world concepts that are used in everyday life. The importance of the Ancient Greeks is shown, in some way, scattered through each and every day. One contribution to the Western civilization from the Ancient Greeks is architecture. Greek architecture is shown in pillars all throughout the modern world. The most recognizable Greek architecture is located in the image in document 5: the Parthenon. This image shows that the Greeks wanted a city to be represented with artistic value not just with the architecture but also with statues. Another contribution to the Western ... Get more on ...
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  • 40. Why Did Wood Construction Play A Role In Greek Architecture For my junior research project, I want to focus on architectural structures and architects in Greece. I will be researching about the process which the architects got their influences, the process of how Greek architecture evolved over time. Greek architecture began evolving in the 7th – 6th century BCE and their use of materials began with mud–brick and timber, stone, limestone, wood, etc...until reaching marble which was used by Ionic architects in the 6th century. The architects focused on specific details of the buildings in addition to a focus on temples and were influenced by others, Egypt for example, not only in buildings but also figures. Democracy and events/ the society's culture can also be seen as an influential component to Greek architecture. As I continue to research more about the Greek architects and architectural sites, my research questions are: Who and what event(s) influenced its creation of buildings? ... Show more content on ... How did the styles such (style, designs) as doric, ionic, and corinthian evolve? What were influences in general that affected architecture? Why was architecture a big role? How were the influences from others (ie. Egyptians) used in Greek architecture? How do certain buildings (pick one specific building) help showcase the influences others had on its architecture and/or how it, itself, influenced others? How does wood construction play a role in Greek architecture––evolution?/How did wood construction lead to the use of different materials? What was the psychology of the architect at the time and how did that affect the building? How does psychology tie in with Greek architecture? What does it mean for the artist, the viewer, and the people (citizens)? Why/how did characteristics of Democracy show up in Greek Architecture? What is the comparison between Greek and modern ... Get more on ...
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  • 42. How Did Architecture Influence Greek Architecture The Romans took their principles and standards from the Greek architecture and used new techniques and materials to construct their buildings. They were greatly influenced by the Greek orders especially the Corinthian order which can be seen in their public buildings. The Roman architects were great creators as they merged their magnificent designs with the Greek techniques to manufacture new constructions like circuses, aqueducts, thermae and amphitheaters. These constructions were funded by the Roman states which ensured the survival of these buildings to this day (Cartwright, 2013). The Roman amphitheater was a large building which included fake nautical battles, animal hunts and gladiator fights. It became a famous landmark of the Roman civilization. The amphitheaters were built in oval shapes to provide a good view for the audience in any seat. The first constructions used rock and hillsides to build wooden seating, but ... Show more content on ... The aqueduct was more like a bridge with single, double or triple arcades of arches to transport water from part to another which didn't have enough water supplies for drinking fountains and crops. The aqueducts could be underground tunnels, large bridges or covered pipes. The Roman architects mastered the building technique of the aqueducts, and as a result, the most famous aqueducts were the Roman ones. They didn't use aqueducts only for drinking and watering crops, but also supplied villas, public baths and fountains with water. Also, the water is freshened by pumping it through a system of small waterfalls. More importantly, the aqueducts affected the Roman agriculture and was used to water the lands. For example, the Pont du Gard in France was forty–nine meters high, and the aqueduct of Segovia measured twenty–eight meters high. Both aqueducts survive to this day, which in turn shows how the Romans constructed their buildings to be as durable as possible (Cartwright, ... Get more on ...
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  • 44. Greek Architecture And The Architecture Ancient Greek architects pushed for the excellence and beauty seen in their works and it has left a lifetime of legacy behind them. Greek Architecture is one of the earliest forms of architecture and it is one that has influenced architects for centuries. Ancient Greece was a collection of hundreds of city–states contributed throughout the Mediterranean and Black seas. Greek life was dominated by religion and politics. The religious temples and political buildings of the time were the biggest and most beautiful in history. The architecture was produced by Hellenic people on the Greek mainland, the Peloponnese, Aegean Islands, Anatolia, and Italy. It has flourished since it was produced and has been influencing other countries for centuries. Ancient Greek architects perfected the use of columns which was seen on all of their temples and government buildings. These columns came in three particular orders that were created during different times periods. The three defined orders are the Doric order, Ionic order, and Corinthian order. These orders serve the basis of Classic architecture. The Doric order was the earliest order of Greek architecture. This particular order was not overly decorative and served the sole purpose of being effective and supporting the buildings. In Doric temples, columns have no base and they look simple but strong. On the top of the columns, there is a capital and a square block under the architrave. During the Archaic period in Greece, which was from ... Get more on ...
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  • 46. Differences And Similaristics Of Greek And Roman Architecture Greek and Roman civilizations have created some of the most inveterate and meaningful images in history. The art of building that arouse on the shores of the Aegean Sea and flourished at the ancient world .Greeks were governed through democracy while romans were republicans .the Romans borrowed and adapted the Greek style. They sanctified the same Greek Gods but gave them different names. They both concentrated on using their structural concepts that match their ideal ratios. And as any two consecutive, greatly attached civilizations .there are many points of comparisons regarding their building types, building techniques, materials and art. As long as the presence of differences there are many similarities that actually exist. If we started with the similarities between them, we would find out that they both concerned about symmetry, using stonework (marble), columns, and esplanades. They brought up numerous statues and esteemed the human compose. Although difference between Greek and Roman architecture are not so clear for some, they look alike in many things. However, it does not mean lack of difference at all between both of them. The Greeks established some colonies on the coastline near the Mediterranean Sea. While The Romans ruled all over the Mediterranean. The Romans built roads which connects their empire to the main land. But The Greeks ... Show more content on ... Unfortunately, due to using such materials, many of their buildings didn't remain till nowadays .vice versa using limestone, which was commonly used and favored by them as it was easy to be cut. Pentelikon marble which was used especially for fishing surfaces it is also used in well–known structures as the Erechtheum. Buildings were durable and sturdy. Romans used the same material but invented the concrete, with which many of their structures were constructed. It is made by a mixing water, sand and lime ... Get more on ...
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  • 48. How Did Roman Influence Greek Architecture The Romans were great admirers of the Greek culture, and down the road they merged their art and knowledge into their own ways of living. Roman and Greek mythology are almost identical except their actual language is different. The Romans brought in artist from all over Greece to work in their areas so therefore Roman art work looked just like Greek art both in architecture and sculpture. The most important invention in the Roman architecture was the Arch, and thanks to the arch the development of the aqueduct "water conduct" was created. This allowed every single house in Rome to have water carried from the mountaintops with the ability for human use. The arch had symbolic meaning to the Romans, it represented their power and creativity. Today we see arches everywhere, from buildings ... Show more content on ... These structures were basically large day spas, they had various pools, massage areas and cleansing sections. The Romans made sure to take care of their people. Courts, temples, theatres, and the senate could all be found in the political center of the city with the public buildings of importance known as the forum. Everyone who entered the city for business purposes or political and social exchange would meet here. The forum represented strong influence of the Greek style of architecture showing density and beauty. It looks very similar to the white house, which obviously is a place where a lot of political stuff goes on and holds a lot of power. The most important temple built in Rome, the Pantheon, was devoted to seven of the most important Gods of their mythology. Today this building is used for church ceremonies and has a daily use. The front of the Pantheon pays a tribute to Greek temples but its main body is round with a dome shaped pyramid on top. The sunlight is able to shine through a round opening at the center, a reminder of the most important God in their ... Get more on ...
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  • 50. Greek Architecture The Greek culture has had a huge impact on the history of the world. There is something Greek in almost everything, especially in the world's architecture. Greece no longer had one king, so they focused on building temples for their gods. Architecture began small and plain but evolved into impressive pieces of art. As time passed from the Archaic period to the Hellenistic period, the people of Greece developed a type of formula for their buildings and their pieces of art. In Ancient Greece, religion dominated their life, so it is understandable that their architecture would be dominated by their religion. Before Greece became many different city–states, they had kings, and they would build a room called a megaron to show they King's ... Show more content on ... They didn't want a column in the middle because than you would have to walk around the column to get into the temple. The most common temples would be called hexastyle because it would have six columns in the front. If there was four columns across then it would be called tetrastyle or eight across would be called octastyle. Another way to classify a temple is how the columns are distributed. When a temple only has a row of columns on the front and has end walls, it is called in antis. If the temple has a row of columns on the front with no end walls, it is called prostyle. If a temple has a front and back portico with columns, it is called amphiprostyle. The most famous Greek temples would be considered to be peripteral, meaning that it has columns all the way around the building. The Greeks had a certain formula on how many columns would go on each side of a peripertal temple. They would take the number of columns in the front portico and multiply it by two and add one. If your temple was hexastyle and peripertal, than there would be thirteen columns on each side ( 6+6+1= 13). The Greeks had developed a type of formula when it came to the construction of a temple. There is not a major difference in architecture between the Archaic period and the Classical period. During the Archaic period they began to use stone instead of wood. Some of the most preserved remains ... Get more on ...
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  • 52. The Influence Of Greek Architecture In America Greek architecture was and still is a significant part of history today. It has affected many countries counting the U.S. A good example of how Greek Architecture affects the U.S is the many historical sites found in the capital of the U.S, such as the Lincoln memorial, which has obvious Greek elements including how it is partially constructed through marble and has many columns. Because of the way Greek Architecture was and still is, it has helped establish the present day society that America has and is today. One clear way that Greek architecture is portrayed in today's culture is how important people are honored. Take a temple for instance. "Many of these temples were built on a large hill known as an acropolis, and it generally included ... Get more on ...
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  • 54. Ancient Greek Architecture: The Architecture Of Ancient... The architecture of the ancient Greeks, whose culture thrived on the Greek mainland and Peloponnesus, the Aegean Islands, and in colonies in parts of Asia and Italy for a period from about 900 BC until beginning of AD, with the earliest remaining architectural works of the Greek people dating from around 600BC. Ancient Greek architecture is best known for its many great temples, which were built in honour of the many Greek gods, many of which are found mostly as ruins today but many substantially intact. The religious aspect of Greek mythology was the foundation for their entire culture, everything circled around these gods and the teachings of the said gods, from the way the Greek people morally thought to the way they socialised, the gods ... Show more content on ... As a result of this, baths and gymnasiums were as common in the ancient Greece as cinemas are today. In the Iliad, Homer often mentions the Greek people's passion for bathing. Although there were periods when Greek bathing consisted of no more than a quick plunge in cold water, Homer along with many of the other Greek writers tell us the Greeks favoured a variety of many different types of baths, from hot water tubs to air heated baths. It is believed the people of Sparta in ancient Greece conceived the idea. Another important part of ancient Greece's culture that survives to this day in Greece is the open–air theatre, with the earliest dating back to around 300 BC. The Greek theatre history began with festivals honouring the Greek gods. Athens was the main city in greece for these theatrical traditions. Athenians trveled and spread these festivals to its numerous cities in an attempt to promote their cultural own identity. At the early Greek festivals, the actors and directors were all the same person. After some time, only three actors were allowed to perform in each play. Later in time non–speaking roles were allowed to perform on–stage, but these were mearley to fill space. Due to limited number of actors allowed on stage during a production, this made the actors that were on stage all that bit more important to the spectators, the audience became involved and the theatre meant alot to many people in ancient Greece at the ... Get more on ...
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  • 56. Greek Architecture Dbq Just before you go to sleep, you image yourself taking a ride to the White House. You then notice it's beautiful columns. As you look through columns, this type of architecture is ancient Greek. There are other place to find these Greek columns. Besides architecture, other developments from ancient civilizations have an impact on our world today, such as roads and Gregorian calendar. An example of how the ancient Roman civilization that has an effect in our world today is architecture. The Greek builders made three stone columns that were used in the Lincoln memorial, Jefferson Memorial, and the Supreme Court (Doc. 1). The three type of stone columns that were used on these buildings are doric, ionic, and corinthian (Doc.1). These Greek columns ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. Greek Architecture Symbolism Ancient Greek architecture was very intricately made and well thought out. The Greeks used different methods and reasonings behind their architecture because they made sure that their pieces were exquisitely made to represent the things they thought were important. They valued their Gods and their worship of the Gods. It was important for them to always represent or have symbolic meaning behind all of their architectural designs. There are many hidden symbols that are involved in Greek architecture like trees, trophies, leaves, hair, and sacrifices to name a few. Greek architecture includes these hidden symbols to worship Gods, and to represent culture in their pieces. First, Greek architecture was mainly created to give respect to Gods and create worship areas for the Gods. Representing and respecting Greek Gods appropriately was considered important to the Greek people during this time. A very early Greek architectural example of showing respect towards the Gods, was when trees were used as the first temples as a place of worship. As expressed by Pliny, "The Trees formed the first temples of the Gods." (Pliny). Trees held a valuable position to the Greeks because they were classified as sacred and even representational to certain Gods. The Greeks believed that trees had relation to certain Gods. For example, The God Zeus's sacred tree was the oak tree, while, the olive tree was the Goddess Athena's sacred tree. The olive tree was the first temple for Athena, which was ... Get more on ...
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  • 60. Greek Columns And The Doric Order Of Greek Architecture Greek architecture has survived throughout history and plays a major role in many structures today. Some of the modern structures that resemble Greek styling and architecture are government buildings. By building some of our most important structures with Greek designs, it shows our current emphasis on Greek architecture. There are three distinct orders, or types, of architecture. These are the Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian orders. Possibly one of the most distinguished aspects supplied by Greek architecture is the column. Columns were prevalent in Greek society and were found in many of their temples and important structures such as the Parthenon. The first and most simplistic order of Greek architecture is the Doric order. According to the article, Doric Columns and the Doric Order of Classical Architecture, Doric architecture is characterized by columns that Doric columns are, "stouter than those of the Ionic or Corinthian orders. Their smooth, round capitals are simple and plain compared to the other two Greek orders." The capital is the very top piece of the column that connects the column to the rest of the structure, or the entablature. Unlike other orders, Greek Doric columns did not have bases; instead the column was fixed directly on the foundation of the structure. This simplistic design was implemented on one of the most well–known works of architecture from Ancient Greece, the Parthenon. An article titled, The Parthenon, describes how the Parthenon is a, "Doric ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. Aspects Of Greek Architecture : The Art Of Architecture The art of architecture is one that has been studied for years and years. The first architects came from Rome when the architect Vitruvius wrote De Architectura.The definition of an architect is a person who designs buildings and in many cases also supervises their construction. On top of that there are many futuristic aspects of architecture. A job I would be very interested in would be an architect because I enjoy the art of architecture and it's rich history. The history of architecture is one with many important aspects. Some of the greatest architects in history have come out of Rome. The romans introduced many of the key aspects of architecture. They made new aspects such as vaults, domes, and bridges. Without the early discoveries from the romans who knows how we would be constructing many buildings today. Another incredible example of elite architecture is the great pyramids in Egypt, they were made long before we had advanced technology. The Great pyramids introduce to art of symmetry and the excellence of the egyptian architecture. The Greeks also incorporate advanced architecture for the time period. The Greeks use arches columns and domes just like the romans. Next is the art and beauty that is brought out through architecture. One aspect is texture, texture on buildings make them different and match the lifestyle and feeling of a building. After the texture there is the art that goes into architecture. One example of that is the giant bean ... Get more on ...
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  • 64. Classical Greek Architecture Essay Classical Greek Architecture The reuse of older art works in contemporary times is not an uncommon occurrence, and many examples can be seen throughout the day as one goes from place to place. Even when one is browsing through the World Wide Web can many uses of older art and architecture be seen, as with the example shown. This image was found on the internet at the American Express homepage (, which functions as a resource for college students to find access to many commercial advertisements about discounts and products relevant for students. This homepage caters mostly to students, as non–students would not apply to the majority of the goods or services available. The picture itself is not ... Show more content on ... The entablature and pediment rest on top of the columns, forming post and lintel construction. The entablature often contains friezes in the Ionic order, and metopes and triglyphs in the Doric. The metopes were often painted and the triglyphs may have symbolized wood cross beams that would have been used before the knowledge of stone construction was developed. The Ionic friezes often contained sculpted figures that relate in some way to the functionality of the temple or building. The pediment, which rests on the entablature, usually has the shape of an isosceles triangle with sculpture that varies from low relief to sculpture in the round. The organization of the columns around the main body of the temple varies in about five major styles. The first three have a small rectangular shaped building called a cella with two to four columns in front, as with the in antis style and the prostyle, or with an additional four columns in back as with the amphiprostyle temples. The last two styles consist of a larger rectangular building divided into two rooms, one functioning as a cella. These two styles are mainly differentiated by one row of columns surrounding the structure, called peripteral, or with two rows of columns, called dipteral. If one looks at the picture with these standards of Greek architecture in mind, some noticeable similarities and differences occur. The artist of this graphic, whether intentional or not, used a basic prostyle design and went from ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. How Did Greek Architecture Influence Roman Architecture Roman Architecture The Greek and Roman empires existed during the same time, which was about 2500 years ago. They were practically neighbors with Rome developing in Italy and the Greeks in Greece. The the Romans learned about Greek culture when Greek colonies established towns in southern Italy. The Romans were influenced by Greek writing, art, religion, and architecture. Greek architecture had an influence on the development of Ancient Rome because the Romans used Greek materials, Greek designs and the Romans built similar structures. First,Greek architecture did influence on the development of Ancient Rome because they used Greek materials such as concrete, lime mortar, and stone. Like the Greeks, the Romans built enormous structures and concrete was able to support greater weights. The lime mortar was used to make the concrete and this made the concrete stronger. ("Roman Architecture." ) Stone was a natural resource to use in their building because it was strong and it was easily available. ... Show more content on ... Aqueducts were used to move water from rivers into the cities ("Aqueduct."). The Romans needed to get water into the cities to grow food like fruit and nut trees. They built aqueducts like the Greeks had to get water into the cities. The arch was an architectural design that was used to span large openings. It could also support great loads from above ("Arch."). The Romans used the arch in the designs of large and fancy temples and vaults ("Rome, Ancient."). Greek temples also influenced the building of Roman temples. The temples in Rome were four sided building like those in Greek, but they were surrounded by columns with a covered walkway. The Roman temples were more extravagant and grander than the Greek temples("Roman ... Get more on ...
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  • 68. Ancient Greek And Greek Architecture A COMPARISON OF ANCIENT GREEK AND ROMAN TEMPLE ARCHITECTURE Ancient Greek architecture dates from around 800 BCE when the site of Delphi first obtained a religious significance. The architecture of Ancient Greece has influenced the architecture of the past two millennia most significantly that of Ancient Rome (Hemingway, 2003). Greek architecture influenced Roman architecture in extensive ways, giving that the Romans adopted and incorporated many Greek methods and elements into their own practice. Although the Romans were inspired by the Greek there are still many differences in their architecture most noticeably through materiality. Although the Greeks constructed many types of buildings the most recognisable "Greek" structure is the temple. (Becker, 2015) As stated by Coleen Hemingway in an article for the Metropolitan Museum of Art " the Greek temple best exemplifies the aims and methods of Greek Architecture". Whilst exploring such architecture it is necessary to examine the mentality, religious beliefs and driving forces of each civilization. According to Stierlin "Unlike the Greek temple, essentially a structure for the play of light and shade, with little interior space accommodating a small sanctuary, Roman builders typically used arches, vaults, matching domes ... Show more content on ... Although the Romans were influenced and used parts of what the Greeks had previously designed and established, they quickly adopted new techniques combined with the existing techniques to construct a whole new range of architectural structures. In this style the Romans added to the Greek Corinthian columns making them even more decorative. The Romans also created their own column style known as the Composite Capital which was a combination of the volute from the Ionic order and the acanthus design from the Corinthian. (Cartwright, ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. Characteristics Of Greek Architecture Greek Architecture: The Architectures of Greek was produced by the Hellenic group of people who used to speak Greek as a language. Ancient Greek is very well known for its architecture of temples and also the architecture of open air theatres. Ancient Greek architecture is distinguished from other architectural work in terms of its structure and decoration. The temples mainly were constructed on high grounds, so that elegance of its proportion can be visible and the effect of light can be seen from all angles. Greek architecture was all about simplicity and symmetry. Ancient Greek architecture is divided into three main architectural styles Ionic, Doric and Corinthian. The domestic buildings in the Greek time period used to have open porches ... Show more content on ... The temples in those days did not function in the same way as today. Temples then were a storage for the treasures associated with the cult, where the devotees would leave their offerings such as helmets, weapons and also statues for the god. Public spaces more gracious and dignified and would have similar architectural properties so that they could relate to each other. The architecture of ancient Greece is a composition of posts, which are the vertical beams and lentils which are the horizontal beams. Originally, for the construction of the buildings wooden beams were used, but later they were replaced with stone for stronger structural support. Some of the temples which are still standing were made with stones. The entablature is a horizontal structural element which supports the roof and runs around the entire length of the building. In case of Ionic and Corinthian, the decoration or sculpting runs in a continues manner throughout. But in Doric it is divided into two sections Metopes and Triglyphs. Triglyphs are the vertical grooves and Metopes are the space between each Triglyphs. In the front and rear of each temple, the entablature supports a triangular structure known as the Pediment. The pediment is known for the extraordinary decoration on the exterior of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. Roman Architecture : Greek Architecture Roman architecture was a very large part of Roman culture. Architecture in Rome was not solely created by the Romans, but was influenced greatly by other cultures such as the Greeks and the Etruscans.This is demonstrated by the examples of other civilization's architecture within the Roman Empire.The combination of the cultures led to new types and styles of architecture, helping to create a style of Roman architecture which showed influences of Greece and the Etruscans. Roman architecture has its own elements and techniques while reflecting the influence of other cultures architecture on their own. Roman architecture was largely influenced by other cultures, especially in its early stages, the two main influencers were Greece and the ... Show more content on ... Temples within Rome, however were influenced by both cultures even though they had almost opposite views on how they should be built. Greek temples were built to have more of a look and sense of noble solidity. Etruscan temples, however were the opposite and were kept more wide open and carried more a feeling of unknown with them, which is what the Romans were mainly influenced by. Since both different cultures were located around Rome they could largely influence Rome moderately easily due to exposure to their architecture and culture. When building, Romans used quite a few different materials for certain aspects of architecture. "Long before concrete made its appearance on the building scene in Rome, the Romans utilized a volcanic stone native to Italy called Tufa to construct their buildings" ( Dr. Jessica Ambler). When the Romans did use concrete, they didn't see it as very appealing or stunning. So, instead of leaving it bare, they usually covered it with other materials such as brick and tiles. Romans were never a big fan of marble either, they found it too extravagant so instead they used a different material in its place called travertine. Travertine was a substance that looked very similar to marble due to its color. In 2nd century B.C.E. Romans began using it as you would marble for constructing general buildings. After the ruling of Augustus, marble began gaining more popularity and was used as a building material a lot ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Greek Architecture Is The Art Of Architecture Architecture is the art of designing and constructing buildings and other physical structures. Architecture is as old as human history because it is the basic need of a human being. Architecture symbolizes the history, culture, traditions, technology and climate of the nation. In primitive ages man was used to live in caves but with the passage of time trends changed. As "necessity is the mother of invention" human beings started to make houses made up of stones to protect themselves from extreme climatic conditions and also from wild animals. New innovations and new trends prevailed and human beings started to make houses with bricks made up of mud, then they started baking these bricks to make them much stronger to protect themselves from ... Show more content on ... Many of the new materials have been introduced by the architects and chemists produced artificially at low cost. Today's architecture is the blend of structuralism, formalism, high technology, expressionism and neo expressionism. Fast growing industries and professionalism give birth to modern architecture which is simple less ornamental but maximum people–oriented. Modern architecture is rich in inspiration and abstract ideas behind it. With the increasing complexity in architecture it is further divided into various branches. Environmental hazards are most hot issue today that's why architects are trying to create designs which are environment friendly. Many of the architects gave stress on green building sustainable designs among them Sim Van der Ryn (1960), Ian Mc Harg (1970) UK and Brenda and Robert Vale from UK and New Zea land are most famous. Architects are now designing building which are self–sufficient in all energy demands. Dynamic Towers is the famous modern building which is good example of sustainable architecture which will be powered by water turbines and solar panels to fulfill its energy ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. Ancient Roman And Greek Architecture Modern Architecture around the globe had been influenced by ancient Roman and Greek architectural. Although both ancient Romans and Greeks are recognized for their innovations in architecture having both constructed a variety of buildings and structures that can still be appreciated today, they appear to have concentrated mostly on the creation of temples which at first sight seem similar but in reality they each diverged and had their own identity and served for different purposes. Ancient Greek and Roman temples were both similarly built to carry out religious or spiritual happenings, and for the adoration of their gods who were believed to protect and sustain their own community. Compared to the Romans, the purpose of building the Greeks temples originated with the idea of constructing a sacred precinct as a home for their gods which was represented by a colossal cult image placed in an inner chamber called "naos or cella". According to historians, the Greek not only worshiped their gods, but they honored them as well by having daily offerings. Greek temples had servants who were in charge of ensuring the needs and care of their deities. Symbolically, their temples were a representation of their philosophy and civilization. Roman temples were somehow similar in that their temples functioned as a sacred precinct to honor the Gods. Likewise, they were represented by statues, however they had a more decorative purpose and were placed in apses instead. Equally important, ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. Characteristics Of Greek Revival Architecture Greek Revival (1825–1860) Greek Revival architecture was a building style that emerged in Europe and the United States in the late eighteen and early nineteenth centuries. It took elements of classical Greek architecture and used them in a wide variety of buildings. The style became especially popular in the United States around 1820.It is an outstanding example of a style that gained esteem by exploring parallels between an earlier culture and the present day. This style is an international that first seemed in the 1820s and really grew in America throughout the 1830s and '40s. At the time, the ancient Greece was the source of inspiration for America. (Kennedy, R. 1989). From 1820 until the Civil War, architectural adaptations of the Greek ... Show more content on ... This was a genuine removal of the previously popular styles that drew motivation from the classical forms of ancient Greece and Rome. Both the Gothic Revival style and the Greek Revival style looked to be same to each other in the past, and both remained popular throughout the mid–19th century while there are specifically differences .In addition, the Gothic Revival style in America was advanced by architects Alexander Jackson Davis and Andrew Jackson Downing, authors of important house plan books, Rural Residences (1837), Cottage Residences (1842), and The Architecture of Country Houses (1850). (Mathews, ... Get more on ...