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QNo.1: What is Communication and what is the process of Communication?
Ans: Communication is the process of transmitting information and common understandings
from one person to the person. the word Communication is derived from a Latin word that means
"to share".
In any communication process there is a sender who sends a message and there is a receiver who
receives and understand s that message and gives us a feed back about the message. Now there
are few things that we have to know is that this loop takes place in every communication process.
Secondly this message could not always be verbal, it will be different, it would be in the form of
non verbal,it would be in the form of written confirmation, it could be in the form of eye
contacts, so we can say that all communication is not often verbal, it could also be in the form of
voice etc.
Qno2: What is noise in a Communication and how it could affect our Communication?
Ans: in the middle of communication process there is a thing that is noise, so that this noise is
not always physical, off course it would be physical like truck driving pass ,somebody is drilling
in someway, some construction works take place, it could be psychological, cultural, dialectical
and it could be in the form of many things.
So we can say that noises are basically anything that makes us difficult to understand the
message or to convey the message in the same way as you are intended to be remember.
Qno3: what is communication barrier? Explain some important barriers in communication.
Ans: A communication barrier is anything that prevents you from recieving and understanding
the messages
Qno.3: What is Communication barrier? Explain some of its barriers.
A Communication barrier is anything that prevents you from receiving and understanding the
messages others use to convey their information, ideas and thoughts. These barriers may be
related to the message, internal barriers related to thoughts and feelings, or external barriers.
The use of jargon. Over-complicated, unfamiliar and/or technical terms.
 Emotional barriers and taboos. Some people may find it difficult to express their emotions and
some topics may be completely 'off-limits' or taboo. Taboo or difficult topics may include, but
are not limited to, politics, religion, disabilities (mental and physical), sexuality and sex, racism
and any opinion that may be seen as unpopular.
 Lack of attention, interest, distractions, or irrelevance to the receiver.
 Differences in perception and viewpoint.
 Physical disabilities such as hearing problems or speech difficulties.
 Physical barriers to non-verbal communication. Not being able to see the non-verbal cues,
gestures, posture and general body language can make communication less effective. Phone
calls, text messages and other communication methods that rely on technology are often less
effective than face-to-face communication.
 Language differences and the difficulty in understanding unfamiliar accents.
 Expectations and prejudices which may lead to false assumptions or stereotyping. People
often hear what they expect to hear rather than what is actually said and jump to incorrect
 Cultural differences. The norms of social interaction vary greatly in different cultures, as do
the way in which emotions are expressed. For example, the concept of personal space varies
between cultures and between different social settings.
Qno4.:What is effective Communication?
Ans: An Effective Communication is a communication between two or more persons wherein
the intended message is successfully delivered, received and understood. The effective
communication includes not just the way you use the words but also covers several other skills
such as, non-verbal communication, ability to understand your own emotions as well as of the
other person with whom you are communicating, engaged listening, ability to speak assertively,
Qno5.:what are the 7’cs of Communication?
Definition: The 7 C’s of Communication is a checklist that helps to improve the professional
communication skills and increases the chance that the message will be understood in exactly the
same way as it was intended.
1. Clear: The message should be clear and easily understandable to the recipient. The purpose of
the communication should be clear to sender then only the receiver will be sure about it. The
message should emphasize on a single goal at a time and shall not cover several ideas in a single
2. Correct: The message should be correct, i.e. a correct language should be used, and the sender
must ensure that there is no grammatical and spelling mistakes. Also, the message should be
exact and well-timed. The correct messages have a greater impact on the receiver and at the same
time, the morale of the sender increases with the accurate message.
3. Complete: The message should be complete, i.e. it must include all the relevant information as
required by the intended audience. The complete information gives answers to all the questions
of the receivers and helps in better decision-making by the recipient.
4. Concrete: The communication should be concrete, which means the message should be clear
and particularly such that no room for misinterpretation is left. All the facts and figures should be
clearly mentioned in a message so as to substantiate to whatever the sender is saying.
5. Concise: The message should be precise and to the point. The sender should avoid the lengthy
sentences and try to convey the subject matter in the least possible words. The short and brief
message is more comprehensive and helps in retaining the receiver’s attention.
6. Consideration: The sender must take into consideration the receiver’s opinions, knowledge,
mindset, background, etc. in order to have an effective communication. In order to communicate,
the sender must relate to the target recipient and be involved.
7. Courteous: It implies that the sender must take into consideration both the feelings and
viewpoints of the receiver such that the message is positive and focused at the audience. The
message should not be biased and must include the terms that show respect for the recipient.
Qno6: what is Verbal and Non Verbal Communication?
Verbal communication is the use of sounds and words to express yourself, especially in
contrast to using gestures or mannerisms (non-verbal communication). An example of verbal
communication is saying “No” when someone asks you to do something you don't want to do.
Non verbal communication: When messages or information is exchanged or communicated
without using any spoken or written word is known as nonverbal communication. Non-verbal
communication (NVC) is usually understood as the process of communication through sending
and receiving wordless messages.
Examples of non verbal communication of this type include shaking hands, patting the back,
hugging, pushing, or other kinds of touch. Other forms of non verbal communication are facial
expressions, gestures, and eye contact. When someone is talking, they notice changes in facial
expressions and respond accordingly.
Qno7: What is oral communication and what are the adventages and dis adventages of
Oral Communication?
Oral communication is the process of expressing information or ideas by word of mouth. Learn
more about the types and benefits of oral communication, and find out how you can improve
your own oral communication abilities.
1. Less expensive 2. Saves time 3. Immediate Feedback 4. Personal Contact 5. Useful in
Difficult Situations 6. Co-operative spirit
Dis adventages
Qno8.; Face to Face communication?
Ans: Face-to-Face interaction (less often, face-to-face communication or face-to-
face discourse) is a concept in sociology, linguistics, media and communicationstudies
describing social interaction carried out without any mediating technology.
Qno.8: What are interpersonal skills?
Ans: In the business domain, the term refers to an employee's ability to get along with others
while getting the job done. Interpersonal skills include everything from communication and
listening skills to attitude and deportment. Good interpersonal skills are a prerequisite for many
positions in an organization.
The seven types of interpersonal skills that are needed to succeed in an organizational
environment are:
 Verbal communication.
 Non-verbal communication.
 Listening skills.
 Negotiation.
 Problem-solving.
 Decision-making.
 Assertiveness.
Qno.9: What are interpersonal skills and Why are they important?
 Interpersonal skills are the qualities and behaviors we exhibit while interacting with
other people. They are considered to be one of the most important soft skills.
We demonstrate them whenever we engage in any kind of verbal or nonverbal communication.
In fact, qualities as basic as body language and attitude towards others greatly affect our chances
of excelling at work.
Strong interpersonal skills are a key indicator of success in a working environment, as benefits
include the ability to cooperate with teammates to solve difficult problems, as well as simply
enhancing your popularity around the office.
Chaper 2
Listening is an act of hearing attentively, it is important aid to communication. A survey
conducted in USA, revealed that 63% of time was spent on listening, 4% on reading, 11% on
writing and 22% on speaking during communication between employees. If people are bad
listeners, they will also make bad communicators. Poor listening is a major cause of
TYPES OF LISTENING We usually listen to: A) Obtain information B) Solve problems C)
Share experiences D) Persuade or dissuade 1. Sensing: How well we sense spoken words is
determined by (i) our ability to sense sounds and (ii) our attentiveness. 2. Filtering: Is the process
of giving symbols, meanings through the unique contents of each person’s mind. 3.
Remembering: What we hear is a part of listening. Unfortunately, we retain little of what we
BARRIERS TO LISTENING If people are bad listeners: • Only inaccurate and incomplete
information would be exchanged • Problems would not be clearly understood and would remain
unsolved • They would not be able to share one another’s experience • On account of being
unable to understand each other through their own or others inattentiveness, they would not be
able to persuade or dissuade others
IMPROVING LISTENING ABILITY • To improve your listening, you must want to improve
it. • Be alert. Force yourself to pay attention • Concentrate on improving your mental filtering •
Think from the speaker’s view point • Consciously try to remember • Commandments of
listening: Stop talking, put the speaker at ease, show the speaker you want to listen, remove
distractions, empathize with the speaker, be patient, hold your temper, go easy on argument and
criticism, ask questions, stop talking • Concentrate on speakers words, not his looks • Keep
recalling the points • Relate the speaker’s words to your experience • Have a positive attitude •
Listen for between-the-line messages • Take notes
1. Listening promotes awareness about the organization
2. Listening helps to make better policies
3. Listening pacifies the complaining employees
4. Listening is important for the success of the open-door policy
5. Listening helps to spot sensitive areas
SPEAKING Introduction
• Employee spends more time talking than writing in business • Most of the oral communication
will be informal • Some of it will be formal, as in meetings, telephone calls, dictation, speeches
and oral reports • Most of us talk reasonably well, but probably we can do better Definition of
speaking Speaking is the oral expression of knowledge, viewpoints and emotions through words.
Elements of good speaking 1. Voice quality: helps to communicate. It involves pitch, delivery,
speed and volume 2. Style: is the blend of pitch, speed and volume to form a unique talking
personality 3. Word choice: choose words from listener’s vocabulary. Select words that
appropriately convey the morality and courtesy you intend and respect the listener’s knowledge
4. Adaptation: is fitting the message to the listener. It includes the combine effect of words, voice
and style Courtesy in speaking Good speakers are courteous. They don’t attempt to dominate.
They are aggressive but they treat others as they want to be treated.
PLANNING TO SPEAK Successful speeches to large audience is the result of systematic
preparation viz.
1. SELECTION OF TOPIC: Topic may be assigned or if you must select a topic, consider: -
your knowledge - your audience and - the occasion
2. PREPARATION OF PRESENTATION: Conduct research to get the information you need,
organize the information and the greeting usually comes first a. Introduction: Gain attention in
the opening, Opening possibilities could be human interest, humor, quotations, questions etc.
The opening should set up your subject. b. Body: Organize the speech by parts. Emphasize
transition between parts c. Conclusion: The end restates the subject, summarizes key points and
draws a conclusion
3. DETERMINATION OF THE PRESENTATION METHOD: could be - extempore speech -
memorizing – reading
4. CONSIDERATION OF PERSONAL ASPECTS: seek the following four characteristics: a.
Confidence: Having confidence in yourself is important. So is having the confidence of your
audience. To earn the confidence of audience, project the right image, talk in a strong and clear
voice b. Sincerity: Is vital. Convey an image of sincerity by being sincere c. Thoroughness: Give
your listeners all they need – helps your image d. Friendliness: Projecting an image of
friendliness helps communication effort
5. AUDIENCE AWARENESS • Speaker should know his audience Preliminary Analysis Size
up the audience in advance i.e. Look for audience characteristics that will affect your speech like
size, gender, age, education and knowledge of audience Analysis during presentation Analyze
audience reactions during the speech called feedback. Facial expressions, movements, and noises
give feedback information that helps speaker adapt to the audience.
6. APPEARANCE AND PHYSICAL ACTIONS Audience form impression from the following
six factors viz. i. The Communication Environment: that surrounds the speaker viz. stage,
lighting etc. ii. Personal appearance: of the speaker is a part of the message delivered iii. Posture:
of the speaker, eye movements etc iv. Walking: manner of walking v. Facial expression: smiles,
frowns, eye contact etc of the speaker vi. Gestures: have vague meaning but they communicate
7. USE OF VOICE Good voice is a requirement of good speaking. Four faults affect voice viz.
1. Lack of variation in pitch
2. Lack of variation in speaking speed
3. Lack of vocal emphasis
4. Unpleasant voice quality These faults can be corrected through self-analysis, imitation and
8. USE OF VISUALS (GRAPHICS) Visuals or graphics can help overcome the limitations of
spoken words. Visuals could be chart, diagram or picture that communicates the best. The
visuals should be of interest in presentation.
A conference is a meeting of people that "confer" about a topic. A conference is a seminar,
symposium, educational program, or similar event organized for the purpose of facilitating a
discussion or exchange of views on matters related to the mission. Types of Conferences
• Academic conference: in science and academia, a formal event where researchers present
results, workshops, and other activities.
• Business conference: organized to discuss business-related matters best effected there.
• Athletic conference: a grouping of geographically-related teams • Football Conference: an
English football league
• News conference: an announcement to the press (print, radio, television) with the expectation
of questions, about the announced matter.
• Settlement conference: a meeting between the plaintiff and the respondent in lawsuit, wherein
they try to settle their dispute without proceeding to trial
• Parent-teacher conference: a meeting with a child's teacher to discuss grades and school
I. WORDS The audience will determine the words used. Only use jargon in its rightful
place. Be aware of the problems involved with words. EXAMPLE Use concrete, simple
language. Do not talk in abstractions. Do not use five words when one would do e.g. “in
the fullness of time” – i.e. “soon” or “now” would be better. Be conscious of using
positive words. Avoid words like “but”, “try”, “maybe” etc. Avoid sexist and racist
II. HOW WE SAY IT The large contribution that this makes to your message is important
to consider. Sarcasm, for example, relies almost totally on the way you say the words.
‘You’re coming home with me today’ could be said in a variety of ways, with very
different meanings! You contribute to the understanding of the message in a variety of
The amount of emphasis placed on particular words will focus attention on important
points. You can show how enthusiastic you are by injecting expression into what you are
saying. If you are not enthusiastic about your speech you can hardly expect your audience
to be.
2. PAUSING Do not be afraid of pausing. You do not have to rush through it all like an
express train. Give the audience time to take in and digest what you are saying. Certainly
pause after the main points of your talk.
3. HAM IT UP You need to use more expression than usual where talking to a large
group. You need to ham it up quiet considerably to have the same effect as you would
with a group of, say, five. Do not be afraid of this, you have to go quite a long way before
you are in danger of going over the top.
4. TONE OF VOICE AND PITCH There is nothing more tedious than listening to a
delivery in a monotonous tone of voice. A voice that moves up and down like a piano
scale is much more interesting. Try practicing and listening to your voice on a tape
5. SPEAK CLEARLY Try to make sure that your words do not run into one another. If
there are tongue twisting words in your talk, practice them so that they come out
perfectly. Be conscious of “bringing your voice forward in your mouth”. Do open your
mouth when you speak.
6. SPEAK OUT NOT UP Most people give up on a speaker they have to strain to hear.
Make sure you are loud enough for everyone in the room. Breathing properly can help
here. Lungs are rather like an organ. If you do not put enough air into them you get a
rather squeaky sound out. Practice breathing deeply. This can help quell nerves as well,
but do not overdo it or you may pass out!
7. BODY LANGUAGE All those things you do not actually say make a quite
outstanding contribution to your message: the way you stand, the gestures you use,
whether you look miserable or happy.
8. LOOK AT THE AUDIENCE This may be very hard to do but is essential. You need
to look at them to see how they are reacting. Are they bored? Asleep? Looking
interested? Looking at you? You need to worry when the audience stops looking at you
for any length of time. It is usually indicative of not listening. In small groups you should
look at everyone and at eye level, not above their heads.
9. SMILE Again it is quite hard to smile if you are nervous. Even if you are not
particularly happy, smiling can create the illusion that you are. It is also surprising how
very often the audience smile back. Smiling also has the added benefit of axing your
vocal chords - It can help to make your voice sound more interesting.
You need to get as near to your audience as possible. Standing behind a desk or lectern
immediately sets up a barrier. It is always tempting to hide behind something, but is
11. STAND SQUARE Find a comfortable stance. The best position is standing with feet
slightly apart. Try to avoid leaning up against furniture, and keep hands out of pockets.
12. BEWARE OF DISTRACTING MANNERISMS This does not mean standing rigid.
Most of us use our hands to some extent to add emphasis to what we are saying and we
should not stop doing this. However, waving your arms around all over the place is likely
to distract the audience. Jangling keys and coins in pockets or wearing clanking jewellery
can also distract
13. BE NATURAL Easier said than done, you may say. However, if you concentrate on
getting the message across and stop worrying about yourself, you will have more chance
of coming over naturally.
many ways open to you to vary the way you actually approach your subject. In longer
talks finding some way of involving the audience can be helpful in overcoming the
concentration problem. The following alternatives may be useful to consider:
1. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION You might be able to split the audience into groups,
ask them to discuss a particular topic and then report back to the whole group. This is
particularly useful in a training situation.
2. QUESTION AND ANSWER SESSIONS It is almost always desirable to invite
questions from the audience, but in a structured way. Question sessions are usually best
left until the end of the talk, but if the session is a long one, breaking up the talk with
short question sessions may be useful.
3. LECTURING If you are going to talk to your audience for any length of time without
participation from them, you must break up the talk in other ways, possibly by using
visual aids of some sort.
4. DEALING WITH QUESTIONS There are good reasons for inviting questions from
the audience. The main one is that it contributes towards the message being understood.
If one person asks a question about some topic that is not clear, it would help everyone
else in the audience.
IV. VISUAL AIDS: There are many different types of visual aids you can use to
complement your talk. It is important to consider using them because: • They break the
whole thing up, which is extremely useful in longer talks. • They are visual - a different
activity for the audience from passive listening. • They can help illustrate complex
information in a simplified way.
1. SLIDES: Either for an overhead projector or a slide projector. Limit the number you
2. FLIP CHART: A board with sheets of paper which can be written on during a talk or
prepared beforehand and referred to during a talk.
3. MODELS: If you are talking about a piece of equipment, it is a good idea to have a
model of it there so that people can see and examine it.
4. FILMS AND VIDEOS: In a training environment, films and videos can often
illustrate particular points very usefully
Qno.1: What is Group Discussion and What is the importance of Communication
Skills in a group discussion? Write down the do’s and do not’s of a group
Ans: A Group Discussion is a group of individuals with similar interest who gather
either formally or informally to bring up ideas, solve problems or give comments.
Importance of communication skills in a group discussion
Communication skills are extremely essential in today’s competitive environment. A good
communicator should be able to receive information as sent.Good communication skills in a
group discussion can show you are an active listener.
o It helps to clearly express your ideas.
o Good communication skills help to exchange ideas.
o Good communication skills avoid professional glitches in a team discussion.
o Good communication skills help to avoid misunderstandings.
o It helps to negotiate on various issues in a group discussion.
o It adds a lot of value in a presentation in a group discussion.
o Good communication skills can grab attention of evaluators.
o It can show that you are stable, level headed, confident and quite well aware of the arguments.
Communication skill is not just about speaking fluently in English. It’s about being confident
and the right attitude.
Dos of participating in a GD:
o Listen to the subject carefully
o Put down your thoughts on a paper
o Initiate the discussion if you know the subject well
o Listen to others if you don’t know the subject
o Support you point with some facts and figures
o Make short contribution of 25-30 seconds 3-4 times
o Give others a chance to speak
o Speak politely and pleasantly. Respect contribution from other members.
o Disagree politely and agree with what is right.
o Summarize the discussion if the group has not reached a conclusion.
Don’ts of participating in a Group Discussion
o Initiate the discussion if you do not have sufficient knowledge about the given topic.
o Over speak, intervene and snatch other’s chance to speak.
o Argue and shout during the GD
o Look at the evaluators or a particular group member
o Talk irrelevant things and distract the discussion
o Pose negative body gestures like touching the nose, leaning back on the chair, knocking the
table with a pen etc.
o Mention erratic statistics.
o Display low self confidence with shaky voice and trembling hands.
o Try to dominate the discussion
o Put others in an embarrassing situation by asking them to speak if they don’t want.
Qno.2: What is the difference between debate and group discussion?
A group discussion is where a topic is openly discussed in order to reach a solution. There are
no distinct parties to argue. Group discussions are for people with an open mind; We state what
we believe in, discuss what could be the perfect notion about the subject, understand the subject
from various perspectives and then come up with possible solutions and conclusions. The aim of
a group discussion is to collectively reach a point of agreement among all members. Group
discussions often end with a shade of grey.
A debate is where two distinct parties argue either for or against the subject. A debate is not
aimed at finding solutions, it is about proving why your solution is the best and the opponent’s is
the worst. People do not keep an open mind while debating. The sole aim is to destroy the
opponent’s belief system and assert your stance over them. Here, it always ends with either black
or white. No greys. There is no common point of agreement here. Both parties advocate two
different sides of the subject with equal intensity.
The word that is heard perishes, but the letter that is written remains”.
Meaning of Business Correspondence Communication through exchange of letters is
known as correspondence. We communicate our feelings, thoughts etc. to our friends and
relatives through letters that may be called personal correspondence. A businessman also
writes and receives letters in his day to-day transactions, which may be called business
correspondence. Business correspondence or business letter is a written communication
between two parties. Businessmen may write letters to supplier of goods and also receive
letters from the suppliers. Customers may write letters to businessmen seeking
information about availability of goods, price, quality, sample etc. or place order for
purchase of goods. Thus, business letters may be defined as a media or means through
which views are expressed and ideas or information is communicated in writing in the
process of business activities. Importance of Business Correspondence Now-a-days
business operations are not restricted to any locality, state or nation. Today production
takes place in one area but consumption takes place everywhere. Since the businessmen
as well as customers live in far off places they don’t have sufficient time to contact each
other personally. Thus, there arises the need for writing letters. In the past the situation
was not so. Business letters were not essential in olden days. But now the importance of
letters has increased because of vast expansion of business, increase in demand as well as
supply of goods.
i) Helps in maintaining proper relationship
ii) ii) Inexpensive and convenient mode
iii) iii) Creates and maintains goodwill
iv) iv) Serves as evidence
v) v) Help in expansion of business
Parts of a Business Letter
1. Heading
2. Date
3. Reference
4. Inside Address
5. Subject
6. Salutation
7. Body of the letter
8. Complimentary close (Subscription)
9. Signature
10. Enclosures
11. Copy Circulation
12. Post Script
Format of a business letter
March 16, 2006
Ernie English
1234Writing Lab Lane Write City,
INDIA 12345
Dear Mr. English,
The first paragraph of a typical business letter is used to state the main point of
the letter. Begin with a friendly opening; then quickly transition into the purpose
of your letter. Use a couple of sentences to explain the purpose, but do not go in
to detail until the next paragraph. Beginning with the second paragraph, state the
supporting details to justify your purpose. These may take the form of background
information, statistics or first-hand accounts. A few short paragraphs within the
body of the letter should be enough to support your reasoning. Finally, in the
closing paragraph, briefly restate your purpose and why it is important. If the
purpose of your letter is employment related, consider ending your letter with
your contact information. However, if the purpose is informational, think about
closing with gratitude for the reader’s time.
Lucy Letter
123Winner’s Road
New Employee Town, PA
A memo is a document used for communication within a company. Memos can
be as formal as a business letter and used to present a report. They are used also to
pass information, ideas, and recommendations to other people in the same
organization. Memos solve problems either by informing the reader about new
information, like policy changes, price increases, etc., or by persuading the reader
to take an action, such as attend a meeting, use less paper, or change a current
production procedure. Regardless of the specific goal, memos are most effective
when they connect the purpose of the writer with the interests and needs of the
Electronic mail, commonly called email or e-mail, is a method of exchanging
digital messages across the Internet or other computer networks. Originally, email
was transmitted directly from one user to another computer. This required both
computers to be online at the same time, i.e. instant messaging. Today's email
systems are based on a store-and-forward model. Email servers accept, forward,
deliver and store messages. Users no longer need be online simultaneously and
need only connect briefly, typically to an email server, for as long as it takes to
send or receive messages. An email message consists of two components, the
message header, and the message body, which is the e-mail's content. The
message header contains control information, including, minimally, an
originator's email address and one or more recipient addresses. Usually additional
information is added, such as a subject header field. Originally a text only
communications medium, email was extended to carry multi-media content
Pros and Cons of E-MAILS
The pros are: • E-mail is easy. The hardest part of Internet e-mail (or any Net
service, for that matter) is getting connected to the Internet in the first place. Once
you've made it through that trialby-fire, however, the rest is no sweat. All you
need is the appropriate software that runs on your computer.
• E-mail is fast. No matter where you're sending your message, whether it's on the
other side of town or on the other side of the planet, even the most rambling
missive still takes only seconds or, at most, minutes to reach its destination.
• E-mail is cheap. Outside of your normal online connection charges, Internet e-
mail costs precisely nothing (although some commercial e-mail systems do charge
a nominal fee after you've sent a certain number of messages or characters).
• E-mail messages are easily stored. Because they're electronic, saving an e-mail
message you've received (and calling it back up again later on) is a breeze.
The cons are: •
E-mail is impersonal. Unlike in a man-to-man conversation, it's tough to get
across facial expressions and other nuances in e-mail prose. Even a telephone
confab relies on oral cues such as inflection and volume to convey sarcasm and
• Impersonality of e-mail also leads to another problem: forgetting that, most of
the time, a live human being will be reading your message.
• E-mail can take over your life. As you get more involved in the world of e-mail,
you'll naturally start getting more correspondence.
A sales letter is a marketing tool that can build your client base and increase your
sales. A resultoriented sales letter requires careful planning and must encompass
the principles of effective sales writing.
Exercise: 2
Write an effective sales letter about a newly introduced lap-top, specially meant
for school students, to heads of all schools in your district. (May / June 2009)
ENQUIRIES A letter generated for the interest of the writer, usually a one page
letter, it contains details of background of writer, description of proposed subject,
details required and how it will benefit & of interest to both the parties.
The Principal
PSB Senior Secondary School Chennai
Sir / Madam,
Back packs of today are not what the students simply used to be. They are now
every thing one needs, for every thing one does, all wrapped up in one convenient
easy to use package. No more are they used only by children to carry their books
and pencils back and forth to school. An entirely new generation of laptops is
currently being manufactured for multiple generations of technology users.
Present generation students are not only using them in class but also use them at
home. Its great opportunity for students to familiarize themselves with the
technology surrounding them. Before purchasing a laptop, the following things to
be considered:
1. Battery life is important especially if you are carrying your laptop around
with you all day. Some laptops can run up to seven hours on one battery. To stay
unplugged longer, buy a supplemental battery or look for a laptop that can store
an additional power pack
2. Laptop screens continue to get not only bigger but better with high
resolution color and LCD features. Bigger screens are nice to look at but they also
mean heavier loads, shorter battery life and a bigger price tag. Middle of the road
is a safe at 14.1 or 15.4.
Our product will satisfy you in all the above respects. For further clarification,
call us through our mobile: 90000 12345. Waiting for your reply.
Thank You
Mr. A Sales Manager
A letter generated for the interest of the writer, usually a one page letter, it
contains details of background of writer, description of proposed subject, details
required and how it will benefit & of interest to both the parties.
From ABC Ltd.
P.O. Box: 1274
Denim District Tamilnadu
December 07, 2010
Mr. Proprietor
XYZ Properties Pvt. Ltd.,
P.O. Box: 7413
Denner District Tamilnadu
Subject: Enquiry for a ‘corporate retreat and training center’ – reg. Reference: To
your advertisement dated December 06, 2010 in “The Hindu’ Dear Mr.
Proprietor, This letter is with regard to your advertisement in today’s newspaper
dated December 07, 2010, The Hindu. Our client looks for a building on the same
line. However, before finalizing on this building, company wishes to have some
more information on the same. Please enclose a brochure or pictures of the place
in reply to queries stated below:
1. Is this place accessible throughout the year by road?
2. Our client is interested in using this place as a corporate retreat and training
center and hence would be in need of at least two rooms suitable for the meeting
of up to 15 people
3. How many bedrooms does the building have? Our client is in need of at least
15 bedrooms
4. How much would the real estate taxes sum up to on this property? 5. How old
is the structure?
6. Is there a facility for a helipad? If not, is there enough area to construct one?
Please send the information by December 30, 2010, so that client and company
together can decide upon your quotations. We look forward to your response.
Mr. A Managing Director
ORDERS Letters
Order letter dealing with orders and payments for merchandise form a bulk of
business activity. As a result, serious thinking and care should be exercised in
drafting these letters. A little carelessness may result in loss of the customers or
good will.
A complaint letter is written when the purchaser does not find the goods up to his
satisfaction. It is normally written by the purchaser when he receives wrong,
defective or damaged goods or receives incorrect quantity of goods. It can also be
written directly to the transit authority when the goods are damaged in transit.
Thus, we may define a letter of complaint as the letter that draws the attention of
the supplier or any other party on account of supply of defective or damaged
goods. Effective complaint letters should be: concise, authoritative, factual,
constructive, and friendly. Good complaint letters have these features: Concise
letters can be understood quickly. Authoritative letters - letters that are well
written and professionally presented - have more credibility and are taken
seriously. Factual letters enable the reader to see immediately the relevant details,
dates, requirements, etc., and to justify the action to resolve the complaint.
Constructive letters - with positive statements, suggesting positive actions -
encourage action and quicker decisions. Friendly letters - with a considerate,
cooperative and complimentary tone - are prioritized because the reader will
positively respond.
Eg, complaint letter
Your organization has recently acquired a batch of 30 computer systems with
printers. Seven of the systems and three of the printers are not working properly.
Write a letter of complaint to the suppliers stating the problems and requesting
them to take back the faulty products and replace them with new products.
V.R System Administrator
ABC Systems Limited Chennai – 600 020
December 09, 2010
The Manager, Marketing DELL Computers Chennai – 600 018
Subject: Complaint on non-functioning of seven systems and three printers
Reference: To the purchase of 30 computers and printers made on December 05,
This is to bring to your kind attention that, seven systems and three printers out of
30 computers and printers purchased on December 05, 2010 do not function well.
The management is highly disappointed and expects solution at the earliest time
possible. An exchange of these faulty systems and printers with an equivalent or
better model at no additional cost is appreciated. Otherwise, company demands
refund of the amount paid for these faulty equipments. We look forward for
timely response in this regard. Please call us for further queries.
Sd….. V.R
Encl: Copy of the purchase receipt
RESUME Meaning: “is a personal data sheet preferably one page long. The page
should stress the impact of your experiences, skills and abilities to support a
specific job objective”
1. Resume should get you pass the initial screening
2. No one size fits all
3. Be relevant, positive, specific, accurate, brief and error free
4. Look good and use nouns to describe specific skills for a specific position
5. Avoid fancy type set, colored paper, double columns, technical jargons
Career Objective: Statement related to the job or career you are interested in
Summary: Brief creative description mentioning your good points and how they
can benefit an employer. It relates directly to your objective End of Resume: Most
resumes end with statement
‘References available upon request’ References: People you have contacted
and who will have a favorable opinion of you viz.
1. Employers
2. People with titles: Doctors, Teachers, Religious leaders
3. People who know your character: Land lord, Friends, Relatives
What is a report?
A report is the conventional method of presenting precise information. A report
may be used to convey an assessment of any situation or the results from
qualitative and/or quantitative data analysis. A report has clearly stated aims. It is
tightly focused on the subject of investigation. A really effective report will also
be compelling and stimulating to read.
A business report is an orderly and objective communication of factual
information that serves a business purpose. The objective quality of a report is its
unbiased approach. Reports seek truth. They avoid human biases. The basic
ingredient of reports is factual information. Factual information is based on
events, records, and data and alike. Not all reports are business reports. Research
scientists, medical doctors, ministers, students and many others write them. To be
classified as a business report, a report must serve a business purpose.
Summary of the story ‘Selfish Giant’
The story it is about a selfish giant which has a very beautiful garden. Every afternoon the
children used to play in the giants garden because the giant stayed with a friend for seven years.
When the Giant came back he saw the children playing in his garden, the Giant got angry and
throw them away. He didnt allowed anybody to play in his garden. So he built a high wall around
it and he put a notice-board. The spring came and only in the giant garden it was winter.
But the spring never came, nor did the summer come in the giant garden. One morning the Giant
was lying awake in bed until he heard some lovely music. It was a bird singing and then the
spring came. And the spring came because the children through a hole in the wall and the
children crept in. The giant understood that he was selfish and that was the reason why the spring
didnt come. When he saw a poor little boy crying and wanted to climb up on a tree. Then the
giant put the poor little boy on the top of the tree. The giant knocked the wall and the giant
garden was the children playground.
The giant was really sorry for what he had done. When the children saw him they were so
frightened that they ran away but, the little boy didnt ran away. The children came back and
played with the children and in the evening they came to say good-bye to the giant. The giant
loved the little boy since he kissed him. The Giant ask the children if they could tell the little boy
to come tomorrow but the children had never seen the boy before and the giant felt very sad.
Every afternoon the children played with the Giant. But the little boy was never seen. The Giant
grew old and he couldnt play so, he watched the children playing.
One day, the giant found the little boy. On the palms of the childs hands it was sign of two nails.
And it was sign of two nails on the little childs feet. And the child said: You let me play once in
your garden, now you shall come with me to my garden, which is Paradise.Then they found the
Giant lying dead under the tree, all covered with the white blossom.
Important questions:
Who has written the story selfish giant and when?
The Selfish Giant can refer to: One of the five stories in the collection The Happy Prince and
Other Tales (1888) by Oscar Wilde.
What is the moral of the story The Selfish Giant?
Moral of The Selfish Giant Story is “Happiness through true love and selflessness.”
This Story teaches you “The best feeling of happiness is when you are happy, because you have
made somebody else happy”.
Why is giant called selfish?
The giant did not want to share his happiness with anybody. He wanted to enjoy his garden all
alone. That is why the Giant is called selfish.
What is the meaning of selfish giant?
The Selfish Giant by Oscar Wilde: Theme & Analysis. Oscar Wilde's short story 'The Selfish
Giant' has been enjoyed by generations of children as a fable about selfishness and redemption.
This lesson will look at some of the hidden meanings beneath the children's story.
Summary of the story ‘A Letter To God’
This story" A Letter To God" is a story of extreme faith in god. The writter of this story G.I.
Fuentes had tried to depict the faith in god of a simple poor farmer. Lencho was the poor farmer
and lencho was an honest and hard-working farmer.once there was a hail storm in his valley and
it destroyed his crop completely.lencho had great faith to God. hence,he wrote a letter to god and
asked to god send him money.the postmaster saw the letter. He decided to help lencho. He
collected some money. He put it inside the envelope. After few days lencho came to the post
office gave him the envelope. Lencho opened the envelope. He took out the money and counted
it. He found that it was less than he had asked for. After that he wrote another letter to god. He
asked God to send him rest of the money. But this time lencho wanted God not to send the
money through the postmaster.he considered them a bunch of crooks who had stolen thirty esos
from the hundred pesos sent by God.
Summary of the story ‘The Last Leaf’
"The Last Leaf" is a short story by O. Henry published in 1907 in his collection The Trimmed
Lamp and Other Stories.
The story is set in Greenwich Village during a pneumonia epidemic. It tells the story of an old
artist who saves the life of a young artist, dying of pneumonia, by giving her the will to live. She
can see an ivy plant through the window gradually losing its leaves, and has taken it into her
head that she will die when the last leaf falls. Seemingly, it never does fall, and she survives. We
learn that in reality the vine lost all its leaves. What she thought she saw was a leaf, painted on
the wall with perfect realism, by the old artist. The old artist dies of pneumonia contracted while
being out in the wet and cold, painting the last leaf. The old artist who saves the girl is the great
What is the story called Last Leaf?
The title implies that the most important thing about the story is the leaf. On the one hand, this
makes sense because it is the leaves that make Johnsy think she is going to die and it is the last
leaf (as painted by the old man) that makes her live.
What does the last leaf symbolizes?
Mr. Behrman climbed up on a ladder and painted the leaf in the cold and rain and caught
pneumonia himself and died. The leaf is a symbol of despair that turns into a symbol of hope.
Johnsy thinks the ivy leaf stands for her life, slowly falling away. When the leaf remains,
however, it becomes a symbol of hope for her.
Summary analysis of the story ‘An Astrologers Day’
In An Astrologer’s Day by R.K Narayan we have the theme of fear, freedom, appearance,
desperation, guilt and relief. Taken from his Malgudi Days collection the story is narrated in the
third person by an unnamed narrator and after reading the story it becomes clear to the reader
that Narayan may be exploring the theme of fear and how far a man might go in order to
overcome fear. The astrologer has left his village due to the fact that he was afraid that he had
killed somebody (Guru Nayak). In what seems to be a friendship that has gone badly wrong the
astrologer not only was afraid of what he felt he might have done but he was also conscious that
should he stay in the village he would be charged with murder and in turn lose his freedom.
Which is interesting as the astrologer spends his nights helping people gain some sort of control
or freedom within their lives. However it may be worth knowing that the astrologer is somewhat
of a charlatan and in reality doesn’t really know very much about the stars. His job is a means to
an end. He stays on the street at night in order to feed his family. However people still come to
the astrologer looking for information that might help them with their lives. Which may suggest
that each customer is somewhat desperate. Desperate enough to believe what the astrologer is
telling them. When the reality is the astrologer is formulating an opinion based on the
information each customer gives him.
Symbolically it may also be important that for most of the story the astrologer is in the dark. This
in many ways mirrors how the astrologer feels when it comes to Guru. He like the street was in
the dark about what happened Guru. The lightning in the street and the fact that it is dark also
sets the tone for the astrologer’s conversation with Guru. It is not by chance that the astrologer
knows Guru by name. However what is not clear to the reader is at what point the astrologer
began to recognise Guru. What is also interesting is the advice that the astrologer gives to Guru.
It is entirely defensive. That being the astrologer is attempting to put as much distance between
himself and Guru. If anything the astrologer is protecting himself and ensuring that he does not
see Guru again. Which in all likelihood will be the case as Guru believes everything that the
astrologer has said to him.
Narayan may also be exploring the theme of guilt. The astrologer has spent his time in the city
believing that he has killed Guru and the weight of this on his conscious forced the astrologer to
abandon his village. If anything it was the guilt that the astrologer felt along with the fear of
going to prison for murder that drove the astrologer out of his village. It is also interesting that
the astrologer has the appearance of an astrologer or someone who might know what the stars
have in store for an individual. This could be important as it is most likely that the astrologer has
changed his appearance and his persona when he arrived in the city. The young man that he had
been was no longer. The innocence of his childhood was lost after the incident with Guru. The
astrologer in order to make a living and to succeed in the city had to change who he was.
Something that he successfully managed to do. So successful is the astrologer at changing his
appearance that not even Guru was able to recognise him. It is as though the astrologer has all
the tools of the trade something that is noticeable from the opening paragraph of the story.
The end of the story is also interesting as Narayan appears to be exploring the theme of relief.
The astrologer feels relieved that Guru is not dead as it lifts a great weight from the astrologer’s
shoulders. How relaxed the astrologer is; is noticeable by the way that he explains his story to his
wife. It is in a casual manner. Which may be important as again there is a sense that the
astrologer feels more relaxed about his life. So relaxed in fact that he manages to stretch himself
on the pyol. Where once the astrologer had been driven by fear this is no longer the case. His life
can begin again knowing that he is not a murderer. He may be a charlatan when it comes to the
art of astrology but that in itself is not a crime. At last the astrologer can feel free even if he
doesn’t know what the stars have in store for him. The darkness that was inside the astrologer
has disappeared. No longer is he tied down by his past and the mistake that he thought he had
made. At the end of the story there is not only a sense.
Definition of Dictionary and Thesaurus
A dictionary is a collection of words along with their meaning, definition and description of
usage. A thesaurus presents words as "word families," listing their synonyms without explaining
their meanings or usage. Thesauri may list words alphabetically or conceptually.e of relief but
also a sense of freedom. The shackles the astrologer had imposed on his mind are gone.
What are homophones
A homophone can be defined as a word that, when pronounced, seems similar to another word,
but has a different spelling and meaning. For example, the words “bear” and “bare” are similar in
pronunciation, but are different in spelling as well as in meaning. Sometimes the words may
have the same spelling, such as “rose,” the past tense of rise, and “rose,” the flower. Mostly,
however, they are spelled differently, such as:
air, heir aisle, isle
some sum son, sun
stair, stare stationary, stationery
steal, steel suite, sweet
tail, tale their, there
New, knew no, know
A synonym is a word or expression that has the same or almost the same meaning as another.
Synonym examples:
 awful / terrible
 big / large
 smart / clever
 photograph / picture
Word origin: Greek, syn = same, onyma = a name
Short list of synonyms in English, listed by the part of speech
 belly / stomach
 children / kids
 disaster / catastrophe
 earth / soil
 father / dad
 happiness / joy
 instinct / intuition
 mother / mom
 present / gift
 sunrise / dawn
 answer / reply
 beat / defeat
 behave / act
 begin / start
 close / shut
 leave / exit
 provide / supply
 select / choose
 shout / yell
 speak / talk
 big / large
 complete / total
 correct / right
 crazy / mad
 foolish / silly
 happy / glad
 hard / difficult
 ill / sick
 last / final
 near / close
 sad / unhappy
 stable / steady
 abroad / overseas
 almost / nearly
 badly / poorly
 fast / quickly
 intentionally / on purpose
 out / outside
 rarely / seldom
 sometimes / occasionally
 surely / for sure
 very / highly / extremely
 above / over
 about / regarding / concerning
 against / versus
 below / beneath / under
 by / via
 despite / in spite of
 in / into
 off / away
 until / till
 with / including
 and / plus
 because / since
 but / yet
 if / provided
 once / as soon as
 hello / hi
 gee / gosh
 goodness / goodness me / my goodness
 no / nope
 oh Lord / good Lord
 thanks / thank you
 whoopee / yahoo / hooray
 yes / yeah
An antonym is a word that means the opposite of another word.
Antonym examples:
 old / new
 black / white
 strong / weak
 break / fix
Word origin: Greek, anti = opposite, onym = name
Short list of antonyms in English, listed by the part of speech
 day / night
 east / west
 enemy / friend
 failure / success
 guest / host
 health / disease
 question / answer
 speaker / listener
 summer / winter
 top / bottom
 agree / disagree
 arrive / leave
 begin / end
 fall asleep / wake up
 find / lose
 lend / borrow
 love / hate
 open / close
 remember / forget
 start / stop
 asleep / awake
 beautiful / ugly
 big / small
 black / white
 cheap / expensive
 dead / alive
 dry / wet
 easy / difficult
 full / empty
 good / bad
 hot / cold
 intelligent / stupid
 sad / happy
 sick / healthy
 thin / fat
 always / never
 angrily / happily
 fast / slowly
 here / there
 inside / outside
 likely / unlikely
 near / far
 partly / fully
 seemingly / actually
 yesterday / tomorrow
 above / below
 against / for
 before / after
 in / out
 like / unlike
 on / off
 plus / minus
 to / from
 towards / away
 with / without
 and / or
 therefore / nevertheless
 bravo / boo
 hello / goodbye
 holy cow / duh
 phew / oops
 thanks / no thanks
 yes / no
 yippee / oh my
Prefixes and suffixes
Prefixes and suffixes are sets of letters that are added to the beginning or end of another word.
They are not words in their own right and cannot stand on their own in a sentence: if they are
printed on their own they have a hyphen before or after them.
Prefixes are added to the beginning of an existing word in order to create a new word with a
different meaning. For example:
Word prefix new word
happy un- unhappy
cultural multi- multicultural
work over- overwork
space cyber- cyberspace
market super- supermarket
Suffixes are added to the end of an existing word. For example:
word suffix new word
child -ish childish
work -er worker
taste -less tasteless
idol -ize/-ise idolize/idolise
like -able likeable
The addition of a suffix often changes a word from one word class to another. In the table above,
the verb like becomes the adjective likeable, the noun idol becomes the verb idolize,and the
noun child becomes the adjective childish.
Word creation with prefixes and suffixes
Some prefixes and suffixes are part of our living language, in that people regularly use them to
create new words for modern products, concepts, or situations. For example:
Word prefix or suffix new word
security bio- biosecurity
clutter de- declutter
media multi- multimedia
email -er emailer
What is phonetic?
Phonetic is a study or classification of sounds. Phonetic word is derived from Greek word phone-
It is a fundamental branch of LINGUISTIC.IT has it's three aspects: articulation phonetic,
acoustic phonetic and auditory phonetic. It deals with how consonant and vowels are articulate,
perceive and brain decode back the vowel and consonant respectively . We have 26 alphabets
from which 5 vowels A E I O U .each letter has upper and lower case. from A to Z 13 letters are
shown with (:) this sign colon which means long time speaking words e.g seek ,sit
We have 26 alphabet but 44 speaking sound. For study of phonetic you need a guide eho teach
how to speak words with rounded lips, tongue pulled back , tongue comes in front and about
other rules.
One word substitution
One word Substitution is one of the integral parts of vocabulary. It simply means that a sentence
has to be replaced with a single word. This area requires a good vocabulary to solve the
questions well. Questions based on one word substitution are often asked in various competitive
For example: A hater of womankind - Misogynist
One easy method of doing one word substitution is by using the root method. Roots are nothing
but the words from which the main word has been derived. In our other series of vocabulary, we
have consolidated the lists of root words that will ease your preparation.
For example:
Look at the root word - CRACY.
 A government by the people - Democracy
 A government by a king or queen - Monarchy
 A government by the officials - Bureaucracy
 A government by the rich - Plutocracy
 A government by few - Oligarchy
 A government by the nobles - Aristocracy
Let's learn more examples:
 One who is all powerful - Omnipotent
 One who is present everywhere - Omnipresent
 One who knows everything - Omniscient
 Killing of a human being - Homicide
 Killing/ Murder of a king - Regicide
 Killing of an Infant/ newborn baby - Infanticide
 Killing of a race or community - Genocide
 Killing of One's sister - Sorocide
 Killing of self or self-murder - Suicide
 Killing of either or both parents - Parricide
 Killing of one's brother - Fratricide
 Killing of one's father - Patricide
 Killing of one's mother - Matricide
 Killing of one's husband - Mariticide
 Killing of one's wife - Uxoricide
Ible= Able to be
 Inaudible - a sound that cannot be heard
 Inaccessible - that cannot be easily approached
 Incorrigible - incapable of being corrected
 Irreparable - incapable of being repaired
 Illegible - incapable of being read
 Inevitable - incapable of being avoided
 Impracticable - incapable of being practiced
 Invincible - one, too strong to be overcome
 Indelible - that cannot be erased
 Indefatigable - one, who does not tire easily
 Infallible - one, who is free from all mistakes and failures
Confusables Meanings
to agree to receive or do
not including
unfavourable, harmful
strongly disliking; opposed
recommendations about what to do
to recommend something
to change or make a difference to
a result; to bring about a result
a passage between rows of seats
an island
all together
all in one place, all at once
completely; on the whole
a long
moving or extending horizontally on
referring to something of great length
out loud
a sacred table in a church
to change
not concerned with right or wrong
not following accepted moral standards
to assess
to inform someone
agreement, approval
the action of rising or climbing up
relating to the ears or hearing
relating to the mouth; spoken
pleasantly warm
foolish, crazy
naked; to uncover
to carry; to put up with
in phrase 'with bated breath', i.e. in great suspense
with bait attached or inserted
a Middle Eastern market
a bunk in a ship, train, etc.
the emergence of a baby from the womb
having started life
a branch of a tree
to bend the head; the front of a ship
a device for stopping a vehicle; to stop a vehicle
to separate into pieces; a pause
breach to break through, or break a rule; a gap
breech the back part of a gun barrel
to raise a subject for discussion
a piece of jewellery
a type of strong cloth
to seek people’s votes
to criticize strongly
to ban parts of a book or film; a person who does this
a grass producing an edible grain; a breakfast food made from grains
happening in a series
a group of musical notes
a length of string; a cord-like body part
forming a climax
relating to climate
a direction; a school subject; part of a meal
smug and self-satisfied
willing to please
to add to so as to improve; an addition that improves something
to praise or express approval; an admiring remark
a group of people who manage or advise
advice; to advise
a signal for action; a wooden rod
a line of people or vehicles
to keep something in check; a control or limit
(in British English) the stone edge of a pavement
currant a dried grape
current happening now; a flow of water, air, or electricity
to make a situation less tense
to spread over a wide area
a waterless, empty area; to abandon someone
the sweet course of a meal
careful not to attract attention
separate and distinct
not interested
a current of air
a first version of a piece of writing
an even score at the end of a game
a sliding storage compartment
having two parts
a fight or contest between two people
to draw out a reply or reaction
not allowed by law or rules
to make certain that something will happen
to provide compensation if a person dies or property is damaged
to cover or surround
a paper container for a letter
physical activity; to do physical activity
to drive out an evil spirit
a young deer; light brown
a mythical being, part man, part goat
flaunt to display ostentatiously
flout to disregard a rule
to move clumsily; to have difficulty doing something
to fail
to refrain
an ancestor
an introduction to a book
onwards, ahead
to turn to ice
a decoration along a wall
gruesome, revolting
a type of bear
a store
a large crowd of people
to suggest indirectly
to draw a conclusion
reluctant, unwilling
to hate
to unfasten; to set free
to be deprived of; to be unable to find
a measuring device
a metric unit; rhythm in verse
to be a powerful factor against
to make less severe
the roof of the mouth
a board for mixing colours
pedal a foot-operated lever
peddle to sell goods
a long, slender piece of wood
voting in an election
to flow or cause to flow
a tiny opening; to study something closely
the use of an idea or method; the work or business of a doctor, dentist, etc.
to do something repeatedly to gain skill; to do something regularly
to authorize use of medicine; to order authoritatively
to officially forbid something
most important; the head of a school
a fundamental rule or belief
a person inclined to doubt
infected with bacteria
the ability to see
a location
not moving
writing materials
a level of a building
a tale or account
to arouse interest
to make more attractive
full of twists; complex
full of pain or suffering
a ring-shaped arrangement of flowers etc.
to surround or encircle

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Effective Communication Skills

  • 1. BM COLLEGE OFTECHNOLOGY,INDORE1 COMMUNICATION NOTES PREPARED BY MR RAYEES KHAN Page 1 QNo.1: What is Communication and what is the process of Communication? Ans: Communication is the process of transmitting information and common understandings from one person to the person. the word Communication is derived from a Latin word that means "to share". In any communication process there is a sender who sends a message and there is a receiver who receives and understand s that message and gives us a feed back about the message. Now there are few things that we have to know is that this loop takes place in every communication process. Secondly this message could not always be verbal, it will be different, it would be in the form of non verbal,it would be in the form of written confirmation, it could be in the form of eye contacts, so we can say that all communication is not often verbal, it could also be in the form of voice etc. Qno2: What is noise in a Communication and how it could affect our Communication? Ans: in the middle of communication process there is a thing that is noise, so that this noise is not always physical, off course it would be physical like truck driving pass ,somebody is drilling in someway, some construction works take place, it could be psychological, cultural, dialectical and it could be in the form of many things. So we can say that noises are basically anything that makes us difficult to understand the message or to convey the message in the same way as you are intended to be remember. Qno3: what is communication barrier? Explain some important barriers in communication. Ans: A communication barrier is anything that prevents you from recieving and understanding the messages Qno.3: What is Communication barrier? Explain some of its barriers. A Communication barrier is anything that prevents you from receiving and understanding the messages others use to convey their information, ideas and thoughts. These barriers may be related to the message, internal barriers related to thoughts and feelings, or external barriers. The use of jargon. Over-complicated, unfamiliar and/or technical terms.  Emotional barriers and taboos. Some people may find it difficult to express their emotions and some topics may be completely 'off-limits' or taboo. Taboo or difficult topics may include, but are not limited to, politics, religion, disabilities (mental and physical), sexuality and sex, racism and any opinion that may be seen as unpopular.  Lack of attention, interest, distractions, or irrelevance to the receiver.  Differences in perception and viewpoint.  Physical disabilities such as hearing problems or speech difficulties.  Physical barriers to non-verbal communication. Not being able to see the non-verbal cues, gestures, posture and general body language can make communication less effective. Phone
  • 2. BM COLLEGE OFTECHNOLOGY,INDORE2 COMMUNICATION NOTES PREPARED BY MR RAYEES KHAN Page 2 calls, text messages and other communication methods that rely on technology are often less effective than face-to-face communication.  Language differences and the difficulty in understanding unfamiliar accents.  Expectations and prejudices which may lead to false assumptions or stereotyping. People often hear what they expect to hear rather than what is actually said and jump to incorrect conclusions.  Cultural differences. The norms of social interaction vary greatly in different cultures, as do the way in which emotions are expressed. For example, the concept of personal space varies between cultures and between different social settings. Qno4.:What is effective Communication? Ans: An Effective Communication is a communication between two or more persons wherein the intended message is successfully delivered, received and understood. The effective communication includes not just the way you use the words but also covers several other skills such as, non-verbal communication, ability to understand your own emotions as well as of the other person with whom you are communicating, engaged listening, ability to speak assertively, etc. Qno5.:what are the 7’cs of Communication? Definition: The 7 C’s of Communication is a checklist that helps to improve the professional communication skills and increases the chance that the message will be understood in exactly the same way as it was intended. 1. Clear: The message should be clear and easily understandable to the recipient. The purpose of the communication should be clear to sender then only the receiver will be sure about it. The message should emphasize on a single goal at a time and shall not cover several ideas in a single sentence. 2. Correct: The message should be correct, i.e. a correct language should be used, and the sender must ensure that there is no grammatical and spelling mistakes. Also, the message should be exact and well-timed. The correct messages have a greater impact on the receiver and at the same time, the morale of the sender increases with the accurate message. 3. Complete: The message should be complete, i.e. it must include all the relevant information as required by the intended audience. The complete information gives answers to all the questions of the receivers and helps in better decision-making by the recipient. 4. Concrete: The communication should be concrete, which means the message should be clear and particularly such that no room for misinterpretation is left. All the facts and figures should be clearly mentioned in a message so as to substantiate to whatever the sender is saying. 5. Concise: The message should be precise and to the point. The sender should avoid the lengthy sentences and try to convey the subject matter in the least possible words. The short and brief message is more comprehensive and helps in retaining the receiver’s attention.
  • 3. BM COLLEGE OFTECHNOLOGY,INDORE3 COMMUNICATION NOTES PREPARED BY MR RAYEES KHAN Page 3 6. Consideration: The sender must take into consideration the receiver’s opinions, knowledge, mindset, background, etc. in order to have an effective communication. In order to communicate, the sender must relate to the target recipient and be involved. 7. Courteous: It implies that the sender must take into consideration both the feelings and viewpoints of the receiver such that the message is positive and focused at the audience. The message should not be biased and must include the terms that show respect for the recipient. Qno6: what is Verbal and Non Verbal Communication? Verbal communication is the use of sounds and words to express yourself, especially in contrast to using gestures or mannerisms (non-verbal communication). An example of verbal communication is saying “No” when someone asks you to do something you don't want to do. Non verbal communication: When messages or information is exchanged or communicated without using any spoken or written word is known as nonverbal communication. Non-verbal communication (NVC) is usually understood as the process of communication through sending and receiving wordless messages. Examples of non verbal communication of this type include shaking hands, patting the back, hugging, pushing, or other kinds of touch. Other forms of non verbal communication are facial expressions, gestures, and eye contact. When someone is talking, they notice changes in facial expressions and respond accordingly. Qno7: What is oral communication and what are the adventages and dis adventages of Oral Communication? Oral communication is the process of expressing information or ideas by word of mouth. Learn more about the types and benefits of oral communication, and find out how you can improve your own oral communication abilities. Adventages: 1. Less expensive 2. Saves time 3. Immediate Feedback 4. Personal Contact 5. Useful in Difficult Situations 6. Co-operative spirit Dis adventages Qno8.; Face to Face communication? Ans: Face-to-Face interaction (less often, face-to-face communication or face-to- face discourse) is a concept in sociology, linguistics, media and communicationstudies describing social interaction carried out without any mediating technology.
  • 4. BM COLLEGE OFTECHNOLOGY,INDORE4 COMMUNICATION NOTES PREPARED BY MR RAYEES KHAN Page 4 Qno.8: What are interpersonal skills? Ans: In the business domain, the term refers to an employee's ability to get along with others while getting the job done. Interpersonal skills include everything from communication and listening skills to attitude and deportment. Good interpersonal skills are a prerequisite for many positions in an organization. The seven types of interpersonal skills that are needed to succeed in an organizational environment are:  Verbal communication.  Non-verbal communication.  Listening skills.  Negotiation.  Problem-solving.  Decision-making.  Assertiveness. Qno.9: What are interpersonal skills and Why are they important?  Interpersonal skills are the qualities and behaviors we exhibit while interacting with other people. They are considered to be one of the most important soft skills. We demonstrate them whenever we engage in any kind of verbal or nonverbal communication. In fact, qualities as basic as body language and attitude towards others greatly affect our chances of excelling at work. Strong interpersonal skills are a key indicator of success in a working environment, as benefits include the ability to cooperate with teammates to solve difficult problems, as well as simply enhancing your popularity around the office.
  • 5. BM COLLEGE OFTECHNOLOGY,INDORE5 COMMUNICATION NOTES PREPARED BY MR RAYEES KHAN Page 5 Chaper 2 LISTENING Listening is an act of hearing attentively, it is important aid to communication. A survey conducted in USA, revealed that 63% of time was spent on listening, 4% on reading, 11% on writing and 22% on speaking during communication between employees. If people are bad listeners, they will also make bad communicators. Poor listening is a major cause of miscommunication. TYPES OF LISTENING We usually listen to: A) Obtain information B) Solve problems C) Share experiences D) Persuade or dissuade 1. Sensing: How well we sense spoken words is determined by (i) our ability to sense sounds and (ii) our attentiveness. 2. Filtering: Is the process of giving symbols, meanings through the unique contents of each person’s mind. 3. Remembering: What we hear is a part of listening. Unfortunately, we retain little of what we hear. BARRIERS TO LISTENING If people are bad listeners: • Only inaccurate and incomplete information would be exchanged • Problems would not be clearly understood and would remain unsolved • They would not be able to share one another’s experience • On account of being unable to understand each other through their own or others inattentiveness, they would not be able to persuade or dissuade others IMPROVING LISTENING ABILITY • To improve your listening, you must want to improve it. • Be alert. Force yourself to pay attention • Concentrate on improving your mental filtering • Think from the speaker’s view point • Consciously try to remember • Commandments of listening: Stop talking, put the speaker at ease, show the speaker you want to listen, remove distractions, empathize with the speaker, be patient, hold your temper, go easy on argument and criticism, ask questions, stop talking • Concentrate on speakers words, not his looks • Keep recalling the points • Relate the speaker’s words to your experience • Have a positive attitude • Listen for between-the-line messages • Take notes ADVANTAGES OF LISTENING 1. Listening promotes awareness about the organization 2. Listening helps to make better policies 3. Listening pacifies the complaining employees 4. Listening is important for the success of the open-door policy 5. Listening helps to spot sensitive areas
  • 6. BM COLLEGE OFTECHNOLOGY,INDORE6 COMMUNICATION NOTES PREPARED BY MR RAYEES KHAN Page 6 SPEAKING Introduction • Employee spends more time talking than writing in business • Most of the oral communication will be informal • Some of it will be formal, as in meetings, telephone calls, dictation, speeches and oral reports • Most of us talk reasonably well, but probably we can do better Definition of speaking Speaking is the oral expression of knowledge, viewpoints and emotions through words. Elements of good speaking 1. Voice quality: helps to communicate. It involves pitch, delivery, speed and volume 2. Style: is the blend of pitch, speed and volume to form a unique talking personality 3. Word choice: choose words from listener’s vocabulary. Select words that appropriately convey the morality and courtesy you intend and respect the listener’s knowledge 4. Adaptation: is fitting the message to the listener. It includes the combine effect of words, voice and style Courtesy in speaking Good speakers are courteous. They don’t attempt to dominate. They are aggressive but they treat others as they want to be treated. PLANNING TO SPEAK Successful speeches to large audience is the result of systematic preparation viz. 1. SELECTION OF TOPIC: Topic may be assigned or if you must select a topic, consider: - your knowledge - your audience and - the occasion 2. PREPARATION OF PRESENTATION: Conduct research to get the information you need, organize the information and the greeting usually comes first a. Introduction: Gain attention in the opening, Opening possibilities could be human interest, humor, quotations, questions etc. The opening should set up your subject. b. Body: Organize the speech by parts. Emphasize transition between parts c. Conclusion: The end restates the subject, summarizes key points and draws a conclusion 3. DETERMINATION OF THE PRESENTATION METHOD: could be - extempore speech - memorizing – reading 4. CONSIDERATION OF PERSONAL ASPECTS: seek the following four characteristics: a. Confidence: Having confidence in yourself is important. So is having the confidence of your audience. To earn the confidence of audience, project the right image, talk in a strong and clear voice b. Sincerity: Is vital. Convey an image of sincerity by being sincere c. Thoroughness: Give your listeners all they need – helps your image d. Friendliness: Projecting an image of friendliness helps communication effort 5. AUDIENCE AWARENESS • Speaker should know his audience Preliminary Analysis Size up the audience in advance i.e. Look for audience characteristics that will affect your speech like size, gender, age, education and knowledge of audience Analysis during presentation Analyze
  • 7. BM COLLEGE OFTECHNOLOGY,INDORE7 COMMUNICATION NOTES PREPARED BY MR RAYEES KHAN Page 7 audience reactions during the speech called feedback. Facial expressions, movements, and noises give feedback information that helps speaker adapt to the audience. 6. APPEARANCE AND PHYSICAL ACTIONS Audience form impression from the following six factors viz. i. The Communication Environment: that surrounds the speaker viz. stage, lighting etc. ii. Personal appearance: of the speaker is a part of the message delivered iii. Posture: of the speaker, eye movements etc iv. Walking: manner of walking v. Facial expression: smiles, frowns, eye contact etc of the speaker vi. Gestures: have vague meaning but they communicate 7. USE OF VOICE Good voice is a requirement of good speaking. Four faults affect voice viz. 1. Lack of variation in pitch 2. Lack of variation in speaking speed 3. Lack of vocal emphasis 4. Unpleasant voice quality These faults can be corrected through self-analysis, imitation and work 8. USE OF VISUALS (GRAPHICS) Visuals or graphics can help overcome the limitations of spoken words. Visuals could be chart, diagram or picture that communicates the best. The visuals should be of interest in presentation. CONFERENCES Meaning A conference is a meeting of people that "confer" about a topic. A conference is a seminar, symposium, educational program, or similar event organized for the purpose of facilitating a discussion or exchange of views on matters related to the mission. Types of Conferences • Academic conference: in science and academia, a formal event where researchers present results, workshops, and other activities. • Business conference: organized to discuss business-related matters best effected there. • Athletic conference: a grouping of geographically-related teams • Football Conference: an English football league • News conference: an announcement to the press (print, radio, television) with the expectation of questions, about the announced matter. • Settlement conference: a meeting between the plaintiff and the respondent in lawsuit, wherein they try to settle their dispute without proceeding to trial • Parent-teacher conference: a meeting with a child's teacher to discuss grades and school performance.
  • 8. BM COLLEGE OFTECHNOLOGY,INDORE8 COMMUNICATION NOTES PREPARED BY MR RAYEES KHAN Page 8 PRESENTATION SKILLS I. WORDS The audience will determine the words used. Only use jargon in its rightful place. Be aware of the problems involved with words. EXAMPLE Use concrete, simple language. Do not talk in abstractions. Do not use five words when one would do e.g. “in the fullness of time” – i.e. “soon” or “now” would be better. Be conscious of using positive words. Avoid words like “but”, “try”, “maybe” etc. Avoid sexist and racist language. II. HOW WE SAY IT The large contribution that this makes to your message is important to consider. Sarcasm, for example, relies almost totally on the way you say the words. ‘You’re coming home with me today’ could be said in a variety of ways, with very different meanings! You contribute to the understanding of the message in a variety of ways: 1. EXPRESSION The amount of emphasis placed on particular words will focus attention on important points. You can show how enthusiastic you are by injecting expression into what you are saying. If you are not enthusiastic about your speech you can hardly expect your audience to be. 2. PAUSING Do not be afraid of pausing. You do not have to rush through it all like an express train. Give the audience time to take in and digest what you are saying. Certainly pause after the main points of your talk. 3. HAM IT UP You need to use more expression than usual where talking to a large group. You need to ham it up quiet considerably to have the same effect as you would with a group of, say, five. Do not be afraid of this, you have to go quite a long way before you are in danger of going over the top. 4. TONE OF VOICE AND PITCH There is nothing more tedious than listening to a delivery in a monotonous tone of voice. A voice that moves up and down like a piano scale is much more interesting. Try practicing and listening to your voice on a tape recorder. 5. SPEAK CLEARLY Try to make sure that your words do not run into one another. If there are tongue twisting words in your talk, practice them so that they come out perfectly. Be conscious of “bringing your voice forward in your mouth”. Do open your mouth when you speak. 6. SPEAK OUT NOT UP Most people give up on a speaker they have to strain to hear. Make sure you are loud enough for everyone in the room. Breathing properly can help here. Lungs are rather like an organ. If you do not put enough air into them you get a rather squeaky sound out. Practice breathing deeply. This can help quell nerves as well, but do not overdo it or you may pass out!
  • 9. BM COLLEGE OFTECHNOLOGY,INDORE9 COMMUNICATION NOTES PREPARED BY MR RAYEES KHAN Page 9 7. BODY LANGUAGE All those things you do not actually say make a quite outstanding contribution to your message: the way you stand, the gestures you use, whether you look miserable or happy. 8. LOOK AT THE AUDIENCE This may be very hard to do but is essential. You need to look at them to see how they are reacting. Are they bored? Asleep? Looking interested? Looking at you? You need to worry when the audience stops looking at you for any length of time. It is usually indicative of not listening. In small groups you should look at everyone and at eye level, not above their heads. 9. SMILE Again it is quite hard to smile if you are nervous. Even if you are not particularly happy, smiling can create the illusion that you are. It is also surprising how very often the audience smile back. Smiling also has the added benefit of axing your vocal chords - It can help to make your voice sound more interesting. 10. AVOID CREATING BARRIERS You need to get as near to your audience as possible. Standing behind a desk or lectern immediately sets up a barrier. It is always tempting to hide behind something, but is undesirable. 11. STAND SQUARE Find a comfortable stance. The best position is standing with feet slightly apart. Try to avoid leaning up against furniture, and keep hands out of pockets. 12. BEWARE OF DISTRACTING MANNERISMS This does not mean standing rigid. Most of us use our hands to some extent to add emphasis to what we are saying and we should not stop doing this. However, waving your arms around all over the place is likely to distract the audience. Jangling keys and coins in pockets or wearing clanking jewellery can also distract 13. BE NATURAL Easier said than done, you may say. However, if you concentrate on getting the message across and stop worrying about yourself, you will have more chance of coming over naturally. III. DIFFERENT METHODS OF PUTTING THE MESSAGE ACROSS There are many ways open to you to vary the way you actually approach your subject. In longer talks finding some way of involving the audience can be helpful in overcoming the concentration problem. The following alternatives may be useful to consider: 1. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION You might be able to split the audience into groups, ask them to discuss a particular topic and then report back to the whole group. This is particularly useful in a training situation. 2. QUESTION AND ANSWER SESSIONS It is almost always desirable to invite questions from the audience, but in a structured way. Question sessions are usually best left until the end of the talk, but if the session is a long one, breaking up the talk with short question sessions may be useful. 3. LECTURING If you are going to talk to your audience for any length of time without participation from them, you must break up the talk in other ways, possibly by using visual aids of some sort.
  • 10. BM COLLEGE OFTECHNOLOGY,INDORE10 COMMUNICATION NOTES PREPARED BY MR RAYEES KHAN Page 10 4. DEALING WITH QUESTIONS There are good reasons for inviting questions from the audience. The main one is that it contributes towards the message being understood. If one person asks a question about some topic that is not clear, it would help everyone else in the audience. IV. VISUAL AIDS: There are many different types of visual aids you can use to complement your talk. It is important to consider using them because: • They break the whole thing up, which is extremely useful in longer talks. • They are visual - a different activity for the audience from passive listening. • They can help illustrate complex information in a simplified way. TYPES OF VISUAL AIDS 1. SLIDES: Either for an overhead projector or a slide projector. Limit the number you use. 2. FLIP CHART: A board with sheets of paper which can be written on during a talk or prepared beforehand and referred to during a talk. 3. MODELS: If you are talking about a piece of equipment, it is a good idea to have a model of it there so that people can see and examine it. 4. FILMS AND VIDEOS: In a training environment, films and videos can often illustrate particular points very usefully Qno.1: What is Group Discussion and What is the importance of Communication Skills in a group discussion? Write down the do’s and do not’s of a group discussion? Ans: A Group Discussion is a group of individuals with similar interest who gather either formally or informally to bring up ideas, solve problems or give comments. Importance of communication skills in a group discussion Communication skills are extremely essential in today’s competitive environment. A good communicator should be able to receive information as sent.Good communication skills in a group discussion can show you are an active listener. o It helps to clearly express your ideas. o Good communication skills help to exchange ideas. o Good communication skills avoid professional glitches in a team discussion. o Good communication skills help to avoid misunderstandings. o It helps to negotiate on various issues in a group discussion. o It adds a lot of value in a presentation in a group discussion. o Good communication skills can grab attention of evaluators. o It can show that you are stable, level headed, confident and quite well aware of the arguments.
  • 11. BM COLLEGE OFTECHNOLOGY,INDORE11 COMMUNICATION NOTES PREPARED BY MR RAYEES KHAN Page 11 Communication skill is not just about speaking fluently in English. It’s about being confident and the right attitude. Dos of participating in a GD: o Listen to the subject carefully o Put down your thoughts on a paper o Initiate the discussion if you know the subject well o Listen to others if you don’t know the subject o Support you point with some facts and figures o Make short contribution of 25-30 seconds 3-4 times o Give others a chance to speak o Speak politely and pleasantly. Respect contribution from other members. o Disagree politely and agree with what is right. o Summarize the discussion if the group has not reached a conclusion. Don’ts of participating in a Group Discussion o Initiate the discussion if you do not have sufficient knowledge about the given topic. o Over speak, intervene and snatch other’s chance to speak. o Argue and shout during the GD o Look at the evaluators or a particular group member o Talk irrelevant things and distract the discussion o Pose negative body gestures like touching the nose, leaning back on the chair, knocking the table with a pen etc. o Mention erratic statistics. o Display low self confidence with shaky voice and trembling hands. o Try to dominate the discussion o Put others in an embarrassing situation by asking them to speak if they don’t want. Qno.2: What is the difference between debate and group discussion? A group discussion is where a topic is openly discussed in order to reach a solution. There are no distinct parties to argue. Group discussions are for people with an open mind; We state what we believe in, discuss what could be the perfect notion about the subject, understand the subject from various perspectives and then come up with possible solutions and conclusions. The aim of a group discussion is to collectively reach a point of agreement among all members. Group discussions often end with a shade of grey. A debate is where two distinct parties argue either for or against the subject. A debate is not aimed at finding solutions, it is about proving why your solution is the best and the opponent’s is the worst. People do not keep an open mind while debating. The sole aim is to destroy the opponent’s belief system and assert your stance over them. Here, it always ends with either black or white. No greys. There is no common point of agreement here. Both parties advocate two different sides of the subject with equal intensity.
  • 12. BM COLLEGE OFTECHNOLOGY,INDORE12 COMMUNICATION NOTES PREPARED BY MR RAYEES KHAN Page 12 COMMUNICATION SKILLS UNIT 3 BUSINESS CORRESPONDENCE “ The word that is heard perishes, but the letter that is written remains”. BUSINESS LETTER Meaning of Business Correspondence Communication through exchange of letters is known as correspondence. We communicate our feelings, thoughts etc. to our friends and relatives through letters that may be called personal correspondence. A businessman also writes and receives letters in his day to-day transactions, which may be called business correspondence. Business correspondence or business letter is a written communication between two parties. Businessmen may write letters to supplier of goods and also receive letters from the suppliers. Customers may write letters to businessmen seeking information about availability of goods, price, quality, sample etc. or place order for purchase of goods. Thus, business letters may be defined as a media or means through which views are expressed and ideas or information is communicated in writing in the process of business activities. Importance of Business Correspondence Now-a-days business operations are not restricted to any locality, state or nation. Today production takes place in one area but consumption takes place everywhere. Since the businessmen as well as customers live in far off places they don’t have sufficient time to contact each other personally. Thus, there arises the need for writing letters. In the past the situation was not so. Business letters were not essential in olden days. But now the importance of letters has increased because of vast expansion of business, increase in demand as well as supply of goods. i) Helps in maintaining proper relationship ii) ii) Inexpensive and convenient mode iii) iii) Creates and maintains goodwill iv) iv) Serves as evidence v) v) Help in expansion of business Parts of a Business Letter 1. Heading 2. Date 3. Reference 4. Inside Address 5. Subject 6. Salutation 7. Body of the letter 8. Complimentary close (Subscription) 9. Signature 10. Enclosures
  • 13. BM COLLEGE OFTECHNOLOGY,INDORE13 COMMUNICATION NOTES PREPARED BY MR RAYEES KHAN Page 13 11. Copy Circulation 12. Post Script Format of a business letter March 16, 2006 Ernie English 1234Writing Lab Lane Write City, INDIA 12345 Dear Mr. English, The first paragraph of a typical business letter is used to state the main point of the letter. Begin with a friendly opening; then quickly transition into the purpose of your letter. Use a couple of sentences to explain the purpose, but do not go in to detail until the next paragraph. Beginning with the second paragraph, state the supporting details to justify your purpose. These may take the form of background information, statistics or first-hand accounts. A few short paragraphs within the body of the letter should be enough to support your reasoning. Finally, in the closing paragraph, briefly restate your purpose and why it is important. If the purpose of your letter is employment related, consider ending your letter with your contact information. However, if the purpose is informational, think about closing with gratitude for the reader’s time. Sincerely, Lucy Letter 123Winner’s Road New Employee Town, PA WRITING A BUSINESS MEMO A memo is a document used for communication within a company. Memos can be as formal as a business letter and used to present a report. They are used also to pass information, ideas, and recommendations to other people in the same organization. Memos solve problems either by informing the reader about new information, like policy changes, price increases, etc., or by persuading the reader to take an action, such as attend a meeting, use less paper, or change a current production procedure. Regardless of the specific goal, memos are most effective when they connect the purpose of the writer with the interests and needs of the reader. E – MAILS
  • 14. BM COLLEGE OFTECHNOLOGY,INDORE14 COMMUNICATION NOTES PREPARED BY MR RAYEES KHAN Page 14 Electronic mail, commonly called email or e-mail, is a method of exchanging digital messages across the Internet or other computer networks. Originally, email was transmitted directly from one user to another computer. This required both computers to be online at the same time, i.e. instant messaging. Today's email systems are based on a store-and-forward model. Email servers accept, forward, deliver and store messages. Users no longer need be online simultaneously and need only connect briefly, typically to an email server, for as long as it takes to send or receive messages. An email message consists of two components, the message header, and the message body, which is the e-mail's content. The message header contains control information, including, minimally, an originator's email address and one or more recipient addresses. Usually additional information is added, such as a subject header field. Originally a text only communications medium, email was extended to carry multi-media content attachments. Pros and Cons of E-MAILS The pros are: • E-mail is easy. The hardest part of Internet e-mail (or any Net service, for that matter) is getting connected to the Internet in the first place. Once you've made it through that trialby-fire, however, the rest is no sweat. All you need is the appropriate software that runs on your computer. • E-mail is fast. No matter where you're sending your message, whether it's on the other side of town or on the other side of the planet, even the most rambling missive still takes only seconds or, at most, minutes to reach its destination. • E-mail is cheap. Outside of your normal online connection charges, Internet e- mail costs precisely nothing (although some commercial e-mail systems do charge a nominal fee after you've sent a certain number of messages or characters). • E-mail messages are easily stored. Because they're electronic, saving an e-mail message you've received (and calling it back up again later on) is a breeze. The cons are: • E-mail is impersonal. Unlike in a man-to-man conversation, it's tough to get across facial expressions and other nuances in e-mail prose. Even a telephone confab relies on oral cues such as inflection and volume to convey sarcasm and humor. • Impersonality of e-mail also leads to another problem: forgetting that, most of the time, a live human being will be reading your message. • E-mail can take over your life. As you get more involved in the world of e-mail, you'll naturally start getting more correspondence. SALES LETTER
  • 15. BM COLLEGE OFTECHNOLOGY,INDORE15 COMMUNICATION NOTES PREPARED BY MR RAYEES KHAN Page 15 A sales letter is a marketing tool that can build your client base and increase your sales. A resultoriented sales letter requires careful planning and must encompass the principles of effective sales writing. Eg, Exercise: 2 Write an effective sales letter about a newly introduced lap-top, specially meant for school students, to heads of all schools in your district. (May / June 2009) Solution ENQUIRIES A letter generated for the interest of the writer, usually a one page letter, it contains details of background of writer, description of proposed subject, details required and how it will benefit & of interest to both the parties. To The Principal PSB Senior Secondary School Chennai Sir / Madam, Back packs of today are not what the students simply used to be. They are now every thing one needs, for every thing one does, all wrapped up in one convenient easy to use package. No more are they used only by children to carry their books and pencils back and forth to school. An entirely new generation of laptops is currently being manufactured for multiple generations of technology users. Present generation students are not only using them in class but also use them at home. Its great opportunity for students to familiarize themselves with the technology surrounding them. Before purchasing a laptop, the following things to be considered: 1. Battery life is important especially if you are carrying your laptop around with you all day. Some laptops can run up to seven hours on one battery. To stay unplugged longer, buy a supplemental battery or look for a laptop that can store an additional power pack 2. Laptop screens continue to get not only bigger but better with high resolution color and LCD features. Bigger screens are nice to look at but they also mean heavier loads, shorter battery life and a bigger price tag. Middle of the road is a safe at 14.1 or 15.4. Our product will satisfy you in all the above respects. For further clarification, call us through our mobile: 90000 12345. Waiting for your reply. Thank You Regards Mr. A Sales Manager
  • 16. BM COLLEGE OFTECHNOLOGY,INDORE16 COMMUNICATION NOTES PREPARED BY MR RAYEES KHAN Page 16 ENQUIRIES A letter generated for the interest of the writer, usually a one page letter, it contains details of background of writer, description of proposed subject, details required and how it will benefit & of interest to both the parties. From ABC Ltd. P.O. Box: 1274 Denim District Tamilnadu December 07, 2010 To Mr. Proprietor XYZ Properties Pvt. Ltd., P.O. Box: 7413 Denner District Tamilnadu Subject: Enquiry for a ‘corporate retreat and training center’ – reg. Reference: To your advertisement dated December 06, 2010 in “The Hindu’ Dear Mr. Proprietor, This letter is with regard to your advertisement in today’s newspaper dated December 07, 2010, The Hindu. Our client looks for a building on the same line. However, before finalizing on this building, company wishes to have some more information on the same. Please enclose a brochure or pictures of the place in reply to queries stated below: 1. Is this place accessible throughout the year by road? 2. Our client is interested in using this place as a corporate retreat and training center and hence would be in need of at least two rooms suitable for the meeting of up to 15 people 3. How many bedrooms does the building have? Our client is in need of at least 15 bedrooms 4. How much would the real estate taxes sum up to on this property? 5. How old is the structure? 6. Is there a facility for a helipad? If not, is there enough area to construct one? Please send the information by December 30, 2010, so that client and company together can decide upon your quotations. We look forward to your response. Sincerely, Mr. A Managing Director ORDERS Letters Order letter dealing with orders and payments for merchandise form a bulk of business activity. As a result, serious thinking and care should be exercised in
  • 17. BM COLLEGE OFTECHNOLOGY,INDORE17 COMMUNICATION NOTES PREPARED BY MR RAYEES KHAN Page 17 drafting these letters. A little carelessness may result in loss of the customers or good will. COMPLAINT LETTERS Meaning A complaint letter is written when the purchaser does not find the goods up to his satisfaction. It is normally written by the purchaser when he receives wrong, defective or damaged goods or receives incorrect quantity of goods. It can also be written directly to the transit authority when the goods are damaged in transit. Thus, we may define a letter of complaint as the letter that draws the attention of the supplier or any other party on account of supply of defective or damaged goods. Effective complaint letters should be: concise, authoritative, factual, constructive, and friendly. Good complaint letters have these features: Concise letters can be understood quickly. Authoritative letters - letters that are well written and professionally presented - have more credibility and are taken seriously. Factual letters enable the reader to see immediately the relevant details, dates, requirements, etc., and to justify the action to resolve the complaint. Constructive letters - with positive statements, suggesting positive actions - encourage action and quicker decisions. Friendly letters - with a considerate, cooperative and complimentary tone - are prioritized because the reader will positively respond. Eg, complaint letter Your organization has recently acquired a batch of 30 computer systems with printers. Seven of the systems and three of the printers are not working properly. Write a letter of complaint to the suppliers stating the problems and requesting them to take back the faulty products and replace them with new products. From V.R System Administrator ABC Systems Limited Chennai – 600 020 December 09, 2010 To The Manager, Marketing DELL Computers Chennai – 600 018 Subject: Complaint on non-functioning of seven systems and three printers Reference: To the purchase of 30 computers and printers made on December 05, 2010 Sir, This is to bring to your kind attention that, seven systems and three printers out of 30 computers and printers purchased on December 05, 2010 do not function well.
  • 18. BM COLLEGE OFTECHNOLOGY,INDORE18 COMMUNICATION NOTES PREPARED BY MR RAYEES KHAN Page 18 The management is highly disappointed and expects solution at the earliest time possible. An exchange of these faulty systems and printers with an equivalent or better model at no additional cost is appreciated. Otherwise, company demands refund of the amount paid for these faulty equipments. We look forward for timely response in this regard. Please call us for further queries. Sincerely, Sd….. V.R Encl: Copy of the purchase receipt RESUME Meaning: “is a personal data sheet preferably one page long. The page should stress the impact of your experiences, skills and abilities to support a specific job objective” Prerequisites 1. Resume should get you pass the initial screening 2. No one size fits all 3. Be relevant, positive, specific, accurate, brief and error free 4. Look good and use nouns to describe specific skills for a specific position 5. Avoid fancy type set, colored paper, double columns, technical jargons Career Objective: Statement related to the job or career you are interested in Summary: Brief creative description mentioning your good points and how they can benefit an employer. It relates directly to your objective End of Resume: Most resumes end with statement ‘References available upon request’ References: People you have contacted and who will have a favorable opinion of you viz. 1. Employers 2. People with titles: Doctors, Teachers, Religious leaders 3. People who know your character: Land lord, Friends, Relatives What is a report? A report is the conventional method of presenting precise information. A report may be used to convey an assessment of any situation or the results from qualitative and/or quantitative data analysis. A report has clearly stated aims. It is tightly focused on the subject of investigation. A really effective report will also be compelling and stimulating to read. DEFINING A BUSINESS REPORT A business report is an orderly and objective communication of factual information that serves a business purpose. The objective quality of a report is its
  • 19. BM COLLEGE OFTECHNOLOGY,INDORE19 COMMUNICATION NOTES PREPARED BY MR RAYEES KHAN Page 19 unbiased approach. Reports seek truth. They avoid human biases. The basic ingredient of reports is factual information. Factual information is based on events, records, and data and alike. Not all reports are business reports. Research scientists, medical doctors, ministers, students and many others write them. To be classified as a business report, a report must serve a business purpose.
  • 20. BM COLLEGE OFTECHNOLOGY,INDORE20 COMMUNICATION NOTES PREPARED BY MR RAYEES KHAN Page 20 CHAPER4 Summary of the story ‘Selfish Giant’ The story it is about a selfish giant which has a very beautiful garden. Every afternoon the children used to play in the giants garden because the giant stayed with a friend for seven years. When the Giant came back he saw the children playing in his garden, the Giant got angry and throw them away. He didnt allowed anybody to play in his garden. So he built a high wall around it and he put a notice-board. The spring came and only in the giant garden it was winter. But the spring never came, nor did the summer come in the giant garden. One morning the Giant was lying awake in bed until he heard some lovely music. It was a bird singing and then the spring came. And the spring came because the children through a hole in the wall and the children crept in. The giant understood that he was selfish and that was the reason why the spring didnt come. When he saw a poor little boy crying and wanted to climb up on a tree. Then the giant put the poor little boy on the top of the tree. The giant knocked the wall and the giant garden was the children playground. The giant was really sorry for what he had done. When the children saw him they were so frightened that they ran away but, the little boy didnt ran away. The children came back and played with the children and in the evening they came to say good-bye to the giant. The giant loved the little boy since he kissed him. The Giant ask the children if they could tell the little boy to come tomorrow but the children had never seen the boy before and the giant felt very sad. Every afternoon the children played with the Giant. But the little boy was never seen. The Giant grew old and he couldnt play so, he watched the children playing. One day, the giant found the little boy. On the palms of the childs hands it was sign of two nails. And it was sign of two nails on the little childs feet. And the child said: You let me play once in your garden, now you shall come with me to my garden, which is Paradise.Then they found the Giant lying dead under the tree, all covered with the white blossom. Important questions: Who has written the story selfish giant and when? The Selfish Giant can refer to: One of the five stories in the collection The Happy Prince and Other Tales (1888) by Oscar Wilde. What is the moral of the story The Selfish Giant? Moral of The Selfish Giant Story is “Happiness through true love and selflessness.” This Story teaches you “The best feeling of happiness is when you are happy, because you have made somebody else happy”. Why is giant called selfish? The giant did not want to share his happiness with anybody. He wanted to enjoy his garden all alone. That is why the Giant is called selfish. What is the meaning of selfish giant?
  • 21. BM COLLEGE OFTECHNOLOGY,INDORE21 COMMUNICATION NOTES PREPARED BY MR RAYEES KHAN Page 21 The Selfish Giant by Oscar Wilde: Theme & Analysis. Oscar Wilde's short story 'The Selfish Giant' has been enjoyed by generations of children as a fable about selfishness and redemption. This lesson will look at some of the hidden meanings beneath the children's story. Summary of the story ‘A Letter To God’ This story" A Letter To God" is a story of extreme faith in god. The writter of this story G.I. Fuentes had tried to depict the faith in god of a simple poor farmer. Lencho was the poor farmer and lencho was an honest and hard-working farmer.once there was a hail storm in his valley and it destroyed his crop completely.lencho had great faith to God. hence,he wrote a letter to god and asked to god send him money.the postmaster saw the letter. He decided to help lencho. He collected some money. He put it inside the envelope. After few days lencho came to the post office gave him the envelope. Lencho opened the envelope. He took out the money and counted it. He found that it was less than he had asked for. After that he wrote another letter to god. He asked God to send him rest of the money. But this time lencho wanted God not to send the money through the postmaster.he considered them a bunch of crooks who had stolen thirty esos from the hundred pesos sent by God. Summary of the story ‘The Last Leaf’ "The Last Leaf" is a short story by O. Henry published in 1907 in his collection The Trimmed Lamp and Other Stories. The story is set in Greenwich Village during a pneumonia epidemic. It tells the story of an old artist who saves the life of a young artist, dying of pneumonia, by giving her the will to live. She can see an ivy plant through the window gradually losing its leaves, and has taken it into her head that she will die when the last leaf falls. Seemingly, it never does fall, and she survives. We learn that in reality the vine lost all its leaves. What she thought she saw was a leaf, painted on the wall with perfect realism, by the old artist. The old artist dies of pneumonia contracted while being out in the wet and cold, painting the last leaf. The old artist who saves the girl is the great Behrman. What is the story called Last Leaf? The title implies that the most important thing about the story is the leaf. On the one hand, this makes sense because it is the leaves that make Johnsy think she is going to die and it is the last leaf (as painted by the old man) that makes her live. What does the last leaf symbolizes?
  • 22. BM COLLEGE OFTECHNOLOGY,INDORE22 COMMUNICATION NOTES PREPARED BY MR RAYEES KHAN Page 22 Mr. Behrman climbed up on a ladder and painted the leaf in the cold and rain and caught pneumonia himself and died. The leaf is a symbol of despair that turns into a symbol of hope. Johnsy thinks the ivy leaf stands for her life, slowly falling away. When the leaf remains, however, it becomes a symbol of hope for her. Summary analysis of the story ‘An Astrologers Day’ In An Astrologer’s Day by R.K Narayan we have the theme of fear, freedom, appearance, desperation, guilt and relief. Taken from his Malgudi Days collection the story is narrated in the third person by an unnamed narrator and after reading the story it becomes clear to the reader that Narayan may be exploring the theme of fear and how far a man might go in order to overcome fear. The astrologer has left his village due to the fact that he was afraid that he had killed somebody (Guru Nayak). In what seems to be a friendship that has gone badly wrong the astrologer not only was afraid of what he felt he might have done but he was also conscious that should he stay in the village he would be charged with murder and in turn lose his freedom. Which is interesting as the astrologer spends his nights helping people gain some sort of control or freedom within their lives. However it may be worth knowing that the astrologer is somewhat of a charlatan and in reality doesn’t really know very much about the stars. His job is a means to an end. He stays on the street at night in order to feed his family. However people still come to the astrologer looking for information that might help them with their lives. Which may suggest that each customer is somewhat desperate. Desperate enough to believe what the astrologer is telling them. When the reality is the astrologer is formulating an opinion based on the information each customer gives him. Symbolically it may also be important that for most of the story the astrologer is in the dark. This in many ways mirrors how the astrologer feels when it comes to Guru. He like the street was in the dark about what happened Guru. The lightning in the street and the fact that it is dark also sets the tone for the astrologer’s conversation with Guru. It is not by chance that the astrologer knows Guru by name. However what is not clear to the reader is at what point the astrologer began to recognise Guru. What is also interesting is the advice that the astrologer gives to Guru. It is entirely defensive. That being the astrologer is attempting to put as much distance between himself and Guru. If anything the astrologer is protecting himself and ensuring that he does not see Guru again. Which in all likelihood will be the case as Guru believes everything that the astrologer has said to him. Narayan may also be exploring the theme of guilt. The astrologer has spent his time in the city believing that he has killed Guru and the weight of this on his conscious forced the astrologer to abandon his village. If anything it was the guilt that the astrologer felt along with the fear of going to prison for murder that drove the astrologer out of his village. It is also interesting that the astrologer has the appearance of an astrologer or someone who might know what the stars have in store for an individual. This could be important as it is most likely that the astrologer has changed his appearance and his persona when he arrived in the city. The young man that he had been was no longer. The innocence of his childhood was lost after the incident with Guru. The
  • 23. BM COLLEGE OFTECHNOLOGY,INDORE23 COMMUNICATION NOTES PREPARED BY MR RAYEES KHAN Page 23 astrologer in order to make a living and to succeed in the city had to change who he was. Something that he successfully managed to do. So successful is the astrologer at changing his appearance that not even Guru was able to recognise him. It is as though the astrologer has all the tools of the trade something that is noticeable from the opening paragraph of the story. The end of the story is also interesting as Narayan appears to be exploring the theme of relief. The astrologer feels relieved that Guru is not dead as it lifts a great weight from the astrologer’s shoulders. How relaxed the astrologer is; is noticeable by the way that he explains his story to his wife. It is in a casual manner. Which may be important as again there is a sense that the astrologer feels more relaxed about his life. So relaxed in fact that he manages to stretch himself on the pyol. Where once the astrologer had been driven by fear this is no longer the case. His life can begin again knowing that he is not a murderer. He may be a charlatan when it comes to the art of astrology but that in itself is not a crime. At last the astrologer can feel free even if he doesn’t know what the stars have in store for him. The darkness that was inside the astrologer has disappeared. No longer is he tied down by his past and the mistake that he thought he had made. At the end of the story there is not only a sense.
  • 24. BM COLLEGE OFTECHNOLOGY,INDORE24 COMMUNICATION NOTES PREPARED BY MR RAYEES KHAN Page 24 CHAPTER 5 Definition of Dictionary and Thesaurus A dictionary is a collection of words along with their meaning, definition and description of usage. A thesaurus presents words as "word families," listing their synonyms without explaining their meanings or usage. Thesauri may list words alphabetically or conceptually.e of relief but also a sense of freedom. The shackles the astrologer had imposed on his mind are gone. What are homophones A homophone can be defined as a word that, when pronounced, seems similar to another word, but has a different spelling and meaning. For example, the words “bear” and “bare” are similar in pronunciation, but are different in spelling as well as in meaning. Sometimes the words may have the same spelling, such as “rose,” the past tense of rise, and “rose,” the flower. Mostly, however, they are spelled differently, such as: air, heir aisle, isle some sum son, sun stair, stare stationary, stationery steal, steel suite, sweet tail, tale their, there New, knew no, know Synonyms A synonym is a word or expression that has the same or almost the same meaning as another. Synonym examples:  awful / terrible  big / large  smart / clever  photograph / picture Word origin: Greek, syn = same, onyma = a name Short list of synonyms in English, listed by the part of speech Nouns
  • 25. BM COLLEGE OFTECHNOLOGY,INDORE25 COMMUNICATION NOTES PREPARED BY MR RAYEES KHAN Page 25  belly / stomach  children / kids  disaster / catastrophe  earth / soil  father / dad  happiness / joy  instinct / intuition  mother / mom  present / gift  sunrise / dawn Verbs  answer / reply  beat / defeat  behave / act  begin / start  close / shut  leave / exit  provide / supply  select / choose  shout / yell  speak / talk Adjectives  big / large  complete / total  correct / right  crazy / mad  foolish / silly  happy / glad  hard / difficult  ill / sick  last / final  near / close  sad / unhappy  stable / steady Adverbs  abroad / overseas  almost / nearly  badly / poorly  fast / quickly  intentionally / on purpose
  • 26. BM COLLEGE OFTECHNOLOGY,INDORE26 COMMUNICATION NOTES PREPARED BY MR RAYEES KHAN Page 26  out / outside  rarely / seldom  sometimes / occasionally  surely / for sure  very / highly / extremely Prepositions  above / over  about / regarding / concerning  against / versus  below / beneath / under  by / via  despite / in spite of  in / into  off / away  until / till  with / including Conjunctions  and / plus  because / since  but / yet  if / provided  once / as soon as Interjections  hello / hi  gee / gosh  goodness / goodness me / my goodness  no / nope  oh Lord / good Lord  thanks / thank you  whoopee / yahoo / hooray  yes / yeah Antonyms An antonym is a word that means the opposite of another word. Antonym examples:
  • 27. BM COLLEGE OFTECHNOLOGY,INDORE27 COMMUNICATION NOTES PREPARED BY MR RAYEES KHAN Page 27  old / new  black / white  strong / weak  break / fix Word origin: Greek, anti = opposite, onym = name Short list of antonyms in English, listed by the part of speech Nouns  day / night  east / west  enemy / friend  failure / success  guest / host  health / disease  question / answer  speaker / listener  summer / winter  top / bottom Verbs  agree / disagree  arrive / leave  begin / end  fall asleep / wake up  find / lose  lend / borrow  love / hate  open / close  remember / forget  start / stop Adjectives  asleep / awake  beautiful / ugly  big / small  black / white  cheap / expensive  dead / alive  dry / wet
  • 28. BM COLLEGE OFTECHNOLOGY,INDORE28 COMMUNICATION NOTES PREPARED BY MR RAYEES KHAN Page 28  easy / difficult  full / empty  good / bad  hot / cold  intelligent / stupid  sad / happy  sick / healthy  thin / fat Adverbs  always / never  angrily / happily  fast / slowly  here / there  inside / outside  likely / unlikely  near / far  partly / fully  seemingly / actually  yesterday / tomorrow Prepositions  above / below  against / for  before / after  in / out  like / unlike  on / off  plus / minus  to / from  towards / away  with / without Conjunctions  and / or  therefore / nevertheless Interjections  bravo / boo  hello / goodbye
  • 29. BM COLLEGE OFTECHNOLOGY,INDORE29 COMMUNICATION NOTES PREPARED BY MR RAYEES KHAN Page 29  holy cow / duh  phew / oops  thanks / no thanks  yes / no  yippee / oh my Prefixes and suffixes Prefixes and suffixes are sets of letters that are added to the beginning or end of another word. They are not words in their own right and cannot stand on their own in a sentence: if they are printed on their own they have a hyphen before or after them. Prefixes Prefixes are added to the beginning of an existing word in order to create a new word with a different meaning. For example: Word prefix new word happy un- unhappy cultural multi- multicultural work over- overwork space cyber- cyberspace market super- supermarket Suffixes Suffixes are added to the end of an existing word. For example: word suffix new word child -ish childish work -er worker taste -less tasteless idol -ize/-ise idolize/idolise
  • 30. BM COLLEGE OFTECHNOLOGY,INDORE30 COMMUNICATION NOTES PREPARED BY MR RAYEES KHAN Page 30 like -able likeable The addition of a suffix often changes a word from one word class to another. In the table above, the verb like becomes the adjective likeable, the noun idol becomes the verb idolize,and the noun child becomes the adjective childish. Word creation with prefixes and suffixes Some prefixes and suffixes are part of our living language, in that people regularly use them to create new words for modern products, concepts, or situations. For example: Word prefix or suffix new word security bio- biosecurity clutter de- declutter media multi- multimedia email -er emailer What is phonetic? Phonetic is a study or classification of sounds. Phonetic word is derived from Greek word phone- sound/voice It is a fundamental branch of LINGUISTIC.IT has it's three aspects: articulation phonetic, acoustic phonetic and auditory phonetic. It deals with how consonant and vowels are articulate, perceive and brain decode back the vowel and consonant respectively . We have 26 alphabets from which 5 vowels A E I O U .each letter has upper and lower case. from A to Z 13 letters are shown with (:) this sign colon which means long time speaking words e.g seek ,sit We have 26 alphabet but 44 speaking sound. For study of phonetic you need a guide eho teach how to speak words with rounded lips, tongue pulled back , tongue comes in front and about other rules.
  • 31. BM COLLEGE OFTECHNOLOGY,INDORE31 COMMUNICATION NOTES PREPARED BY MR RAYEES KHAN Page 31 One word substitution One word Substitution is one of the integral parts of vocabulary. It simply means that a sentence has to be replaced with a single word. This area requires a good vocabulary to solve the questions well. Questions based on one word substitution are often asked in various competitive exams. For example: A hater of womankind - Misogynist One easy method of doing one word substitution is by using the root method. Roots are nothing but the words from which the main word has been derived. In our other series of vocabulary, we have consolidated the lists of root words that will ease your preparation. For example: Look at the root word - CRACY. CRACY = RULE / GOVERNMENT  A government by the people - Democracy  A government by a king or queen - Monarchy  A government by the officials - Bureaucracy  A government by the rich - Plutocracy  A government by few - Oligarchy  A government by the nobles - Aristocracy Let's learn more examples: OMNI = ALL  One who is all powerful - Omnipotent  One who is present everywhere - Omnipresent  One who knows everything - Omniscient CIDE= KILLING  Killing of a human being - Homicide  Killing/ Murder of a king - Regicide  Killing of an Infant/ newborn baby - Infanticide  Killing of a race or community - Genocide  Killing of One's sister - Sorocide  Killing of self or self-murder - Suicide  Killing of either or both parents - Parricide  Killing of one's brother - Fratricide  Killing of one's father - Patricide  Killing of one's mother - Matricide  Killing of one's husband - Mariticide  Killing of one's wife - Uxoricide
  • 32. BM COLLEGE OFTECHNOLOGY,INDORE32 COMMUNICATION NOTES PREPARED BY MR RAYEES KHAN Page 32 Ible= Able to be  Inaudible - a sound that cannot be heard  Inaccessible - that cannot be easily approached  Incorrigible - incapable of being corrected  Irreparable - incapable of being repaired  Illegible - incapable of being read  Inevitable - incapable of being avoided  Impracticable - incapable of being practiced  Invincible - one, too strong to be overcome  Indelible - that cannot be erased  Indefatigable - one, who does not tire easily  Infallible - one, who is free from all mistakes and failures Confusables Meanings accept except to agree to receive or do not including adverse averse unfavourable, harmful strongly disliking; opposed advice advise recommendations about what to do to recommend something affect effect to change or make a difference to a result; to bring about a result aisle isle a passage between rows of seats an island all together altogether all in one place, all at once completely; on the whole along a long moving or extending horizontally on referring to something of great length aloud allowed out loud permitted
  • 33. BM COLLEGE OFTECHNOLOGY,INDORE33 COMMUNICATION NOTES PREPARED BY MR RAYEES KHAN Page 33 altar alter a sacred table in a church to change amoral immoral not concerned with right or wrong not following accepted moral standards appraise apprise to assess to inform someone assent ascent agreement, approval the action of rising or climbing up aural oral relating to the ears or hearing relating to the mouth; spoken balmy barmy pleasantly warm foolish, crazy bare bear naked; to uncover to carry; to put up with bated baited in phrase 'with bated breath', i.e. in great suspense with bait attached or inserted bazaar bizarre a Middle Eastern market strange berth birth a bunk in a ship, train, etc. the emergence of a baby from the womb born borne having started life carried bough bow a branch of a tree to bend the head; the front of a ship brake break a device for stopping a vehicle; to stop a vehicle to separate into pieces; a pause breach to break through, or break a rule; a gap
  • 34. BM COLLEGE OFTECHNOLOGY,INDORE34 COMMUNICATION NOTES PREPARED BY MR RAYEES KHAN Page 34 breech the back part of a gun barrel broach brooch to raise a subject for discussion a piece of jewellery canvas canvass a type of strong cloth to seek people’s votes censure censor to criticize strongly to ban parts of a book or film; a person who does this cereal serial a grass producing an edible grain; a breakfast food made from grains happening in a series chord cord a group of musical notes a length of string; a cord-like body part climactic climatic forming a climax relating to climate coarse course rough a direction; a school subject; part of a meal complacent complaisant smug and self-satisfied willing to please complement compliment to add to so as to improve; an addition that improves something to praise or express approval; an admiring remark council counsel a group of people who manage or advise advice; to advise cue queue a signal for action; a wooden rod a line of people or vehicles curb kerb to keep something in check; a control or limit (in British English) the stone edge of a pavement currant a dried grape
  • 35. BM COLLEGE OFTECHNOLOGY,INDORE35 COMMUNICATION NOTES PREPARED BY MR RAYEES KHAN Page 35 current happening now; a flow of water, air, or electricity defuse diffuse to make a situation less tense to spread over a wide area desert dessert a waterless, empty area; to abandon someone the sweet course of a meal discreet discrete careful not to attract attention separate and distinct disinterested uninterested impartial not interested draught draft a current of air a first version of a piece of writing draw drawer an even score at the end of a game a sliding storage compartment dual duel having two parts a fight or contest between two people elicit illicit to draw out a reply or reaction not allowed by law or rules ensure insure to make certain that something will happen to provide compensation if a person dies or property is damaged envelop envelope to cover or surround a paper container for a letter exercise exorcise physical activity; to do physical activity to drive out an evil spirit fawn faun a young deer; light brown a mythical being, part man, part goat flaunt to display ostentatiously
  • 36. BM COLLEGE OFTECHNOLOGY,INDORE36 COMMUNICATION NOTES PREPARED BY MR RAYEES KHAN Page 36 flout to disregard a rule flounder founder to move clumsily; to have difficulty doing something to fail forbear forebear to refrain an ancestor foreword forward an introduction to a book onwards, ahead freeze frieze to turn to ice a decoration along a wall grisly grizzly gruesome, revolting a type of bear hoard horde a store a large crowd of people imply infer to suggest indirectly to draw a conclusion loath loathe reluctant, unwilling to hate loose lose to unfasten; to set free to be deprived of; to be unable to find meter metre a measuring device a metric unit; rhythm in verse militate mitigate to be a powerful factor against to make less severe palate palette the roof of the mouth a board for mixing colours pedal a foot-operated lever
  • 37. BM COLLEGE OFTECHNOLOGY,INDORE37 COMMUNICATION NOTES PREPARED BY MR RAYEES KHAN Page 37 peddle to sell goods pole poll a long, slender piece of wood voting in an election pour pore to flow or cause to flow a tiny opening; to study something closely practice practise the use of an idea or method; the work or business of a doctor, dentist, etc. to do something repeatedly to gain skill; to do something regularly prescribe proscribe to authorize use of medicine; to order authoritatively to officially forbid something principal principle most important; the head of a school a fundamental rule or belief sceptic septic a person inclined to doubt infected with bacteria sight site the ability to see a location stationary stationery not moving writing materials storey story a level of a building a tale or account titillate titivate to arouse interest to make more attractive tortuous torturous full of twists; complex full of pain or suffering wreath wreathe a ring-shaped arrangement of flowers etc. to surround or encircle