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This project is aimed at developing an online application for the College Management
System Dept. of the college. The system is an online application that can be accessed
throughout the organization and outside as well with proper login provided. This
system can be used as an application for the TPO of the college to manage the student
information with regards to placement and college managing. The college
management and staff logging should be able to upload their information in the form
of a CV and student record and college department record uploaded. Visitor’s college
staff representatives logging in may also access/search any information put up by
Project Title: - College Management System
This project mainly used for college management. This project I use many operations
for keeping record. We use college department and staff registration form, search
form and their management form of college. In this project we need to fill up the basic
information about the student and college into the registration form, total
qualifications, percentages, current & permanent address and student attends and staff
salary and result, all of college record managing etc. The College Management
System project is aimed at developing an online application for the College
Management System Dept. of the college. The system is an online application that can
be accessed throughout the organization and outside as well with proper login
provided. This system can be used as an application for the HOD of the college to
manage the student information and college information with regards to college
management. College department and HOD logging should be able to upload their
information in the system. Visitors & college staff representatives logging in may also
access/search any information put up by Students.
 Institute & College record - Covering Details regarding Institute
 Student record - Covering Details regarding Students
 Counseling - Helps in Category wise Placements.
 Staff record – Converting Details regarding staff.
Panels are available
1. Collage panel
2. Student panel
3. Parent’s panel
4. Other panel
1. Collage panel
There are three types of users in this panel they are admin, mentor & faculty and these three
users have their own rights and authorized to be done. when any student take admission in
college then admin give a unique student id & password for student and admin give a unique
parents id & password for parents. And if any mentor or faculty is been changed and new
faculty is Join College then admin also provide them the login id and password. And then
these three types of user (admin, mentor, and faculty) can login in college panel and perform
their tasks.
 Admin
 Mentor
 Faculty
For College & Self:-
Admin can add or delete the new course in college’s courses. And admin can add or
delete the new branch in particular course according to student study and
requirement. Admin can add and delete (manage) the seats in particular branch
means admin can fix seats in any branch of any courses. Admin can fix the criteria for
the admission of student. Admin can enter the roll no of a particular student if he
wants to show the full profile of student. Admin can change his bio data and profile if
he needed it.
For Student:
When any student takes admission in college. Admin take requirement for the branch
and course and check that their is a seat available in that particular branch & course
and allotted as required and admin give a unique student id & password for student
and admin give a unique parents id & password for parents.
 Attendance: admin can see the attendance of all branches students year wise,
branch wise, and roll no. wise. And admin is update and modification in
attendance of all branches students. If admin has any issue of attendance of
particular student then admin can be update notice in student account and
parents account.
 Marks: : admin can see the marks of all branches students year wise, branch
wise, and roll no. wise. And admin is update and modification in marks of all
branches students. If admin has any issue of marks of particular student then
admin can be update notice in student account and parents account.
 Notices: if admin has any issue for any student’s marks and attendance and
other field then admin can be update notice in student & parents account for
parents and students. If admin wants to give any notice for a particular student
then admin can be give a message or notice for student.
 Calendar: admin can be update a calendar for students. information about the
midterms, practical and final exam dates in this calendar. Admin can be update
calendar branch wise and year wise.
 Time table: admin can be update a time table for students. information about
the classes time with particular subject with day wise in this time table. Admin
can be update time table branch wise and year wise.
 News: admin can be update news in particular student and year wise and
branch wise. information of college events, functions. and information
regarding technical &non technical.
For Parents
when any student take admission in college. Admin give a unique parents id &
password for parents.
 Notice: If admin has any issue of attendance & marks of particular student
then admin can be update notice in student account and parents account. So
parents can see the notice of college regarding to student.
For College & Self mentor after login can be change in his profile and bio data.
Mentor can be create a list for his contact. In this list he update the name, contact no,
address, email id, etc. of his friends and faculty teacher.
For Student:
 Attendance: mentor can see the attendance of only their branch students year
wise and roll no. wise. And mentor is update and modification in attendance of
only their branch students. If mentor has any issue of attendance of particular
student then mentor can be update notice in student account and parents
 Marks: mentor can see the marks of only their branch students year wise and
roll no. wise. And mentor is update and modification in marks of only their
branch students. If mentor has any issue of marks of particular student then
mentor can be update notice in student account and parents account.
 Notices: if mentor has any issue for any student’s marks and attendance then
mentor can be update notice in student & parents account. If mentor wants to
give any notice for a particular student then mentor can be give a message or
notice for student.
 Time table: mentor can be update a time table for students of their branch.
Information about the classes’ time with particular subject and subject teacher
name in this time table. Mentor can be update time table year wise.
 Profile & contact list: mentor can be see the profile of their branch students.
For Parents: If mentor has any issue of attendance & marks of particular student then
mentor can be update notice in student account and parents account.
For faculty: mentor can be update time table of faculty teacher. and mentor can see
the contact no, address, email id and other information of his branch teacher.
For College & Self faculty can see their feedback and profile and bio data. and
faculty can be change and update their profile and bio data but cannot be change the
their feedback.
For Student: faculty will take the attendance of their lecture students. And update the
attendance & marks of students. if faculty has any issue for any student’s marks and
attendance then teacher can be update notice in student & parents account. If faculty
wants to give any notice for a particular student then faculty can be give a message or
notice for student.
For Parents: If mentor has any issue of attendance & marks of particular student then
mentor can be update notice in student account and parents account.
 Admin, mentor & faculty
 Login id & password
 Bio-data
 Attendance
For admin: update and show attendance all branch (semester wise and
roll no wise)
For faculty: update and show attendance only his department
For mentor: update and show attendance only his department
 Marks
For admin: update and show marks all branch (semester wise and roll
no wise)
For faculty: update and show marks only his department
For mentor: update and show marks only his department
 Notices
For admin: update and show marks all branch (semester wise and roll
no wise)
For faculty: update and show marks only his department
For mentor: update and show marks only his department
 All students
 Particular student
 Roll no. and comments
 Particular student and parents
 Time table & calendar
Admin, mentor, faculty
For admin: show and update time table of all semester and branches
For mentor: show and update time table of all semester and branches
For faculty: show and update time table of all semester and branches
2. Student panel
1.when student get admission in college he will be provided the particular student
id and password by college and then student can login from student panel from
given or provided student id or password and can accessed the belonging services
are provided for them such as attendance, marks, news, calendar, profile, etc.
Student can change (update) their profile, bio data, personal information, and
news but cannot change their attendance, marks, time table and calendar. When
student can change in their profile and bio data then all changes are update in
college pannel and Parents pannel.
 Login id: login id provide by college itself and they can be accessed
by entering in login id block.
 Password: unique password is provided by college to each student’s
id. When correct password is entered required id is been login.
 Bio data : this field gives the information regarding family and student
profile(name, father name, mother name, branch, current year, dob,
roll no., address, blood group, contact no and profile picture).if
student is going to update his personal information in student pannel
then the updation is also done or been performed in college pannel
and parents pannel.
 Attendance: this field informs about the attendance of student by
semester wise till date its been present. Their is a criteria of
attendance(75% present) and if it is less than 75% then it cerate the
remark of short attendance.or student can view the attendance by
subject wise and show that how many lacture of a particular subject in
a particular week & month been done and how many lacture attend by
student in particular week and month.
 Marks: this field informs about the marks of student by semester wise
till semester it’s been present. It can also display the marks of first
midterm and second midterm and final exam of a particular semester.
It show that student is achieved marks of a particular subject from
total marks and also calculate the rank in class.
 Calendar: information about the midterms practical and final exam
dates. and time table of classes.
 Profile: if needed modification can be done for new password and
profile picture and etc.
 Personal information: it can add personal (contact name, contact no.
And email id and address) for faculty and friends.
 News: information of college events, functions. and information
regarding technical &non technical.
 Login id & password
 Bio-data
 Attendance
 Demarks
 News
Collage news
Other news
 Calendar
 Profile
 Library
 Feedback
2.Parents panel
when student get admission in college he will be provided the particular parents id and
password by college and then parents can login from parents pannel from given or
providedparentsidorpassword and can accessed the belonging services are provided for
them such as attendance, marks, news, calendar, profile, etc. Parents cannot change
students attendance, marks, time table and calendar. Mean parents only read the
informationof studentandparentscancommunicate withteacher. if any parents wants to
give feedback for any teacher their is a services provided in parents panel with feedback
field and this feedback can seen by admin.
 Login id: login id provide by college itself and they can be accessed
by entering in login id block.
 Password: unique password is provided by college to each parent’s id.
When correct password is entered required id is been login.
 Bio data: this field gives the information regarding family and student
profile(name, father name, mother name, branch, current year, dob,
roll no., address, blood group, contact no and profile picture). Parents
cannot change in student bio data.
 Attendance: this field informs about the attendance of student by
semester wise till date its been present. There is a criteria of
attendance (75% present) and if it is less than 75% then it cerate the
remark of short attendance. Parents can view the attendance by
subject wise and show that how many lecture of a particular subject in
a particular week & month been done and how many lecture attend by
student in particular week and month.
 Marks: this field informs about the marks of student by semester wise
till semester its been present. it can also display the marks of first
midterm and second midterm and final exam of a particular semester.
It shows that student is achieved marks of a particular subject from
total marks and also calculates the rank in class. But parents cannot
change in students marks only view it.
 Notice: information of fee (deposit date and amount) and Feedback of
student given by teacher and Notification (information) for parents by
 Feedback: feed of the teacher by the parents and it feedback store in
adman’s feedback block.
 Login id & password
 Information &bio-data of student
 Show attendance and marks
 Notice for regarding to fee and other account section
 feedback
3.Other panel
This panel can be use by guest user without login. Guest user can be get information of
college infrastructure, admission process, academics, department, and available courses and
branches. And guest user can be get information of requirement faculty teacher.
 Information of course and branch.
 Download the registration form.
 Information for requirement of faculty.
College Management System Modules
Login & registration
 Admin: when any student take admission in college. admin give a
unique student id & password for student and admin give a unique
parents id & password for parents. For login in student & parents
pannel. And admin can be login in college pannel. Admin give a
unique id and password for faculty teacher.
 Mentor: mentor can be login in college pannel.
 Faculty: teacher can be login in college pannel.
 Parents: parents can be login in parents pannel.
 Student: student can be login in student pannel.
Bio data
 Admin
 admin can see the bio data of student and faculty. After
searching by roll no. and name wise.
 Admin can be change in their bio data.
 Mentor
 mentor can be update and changes in their bio data.
 mentor can see the bio data of their branch student. After
searching by roll no.
 Faculty
 faculty can be update and change in their bio data.
 faculty teacher can see the bio data of their branch student.
After searching by roll no.
 Parents:
 Parents can see the bio data of student.
 Student:
 student can be update in their bio data.
 Admin
Admin can be update and see the attendance of student. After search by
semester wise and roll no wise.
 Mentor: mentor can be update and see the attendance of student. After
search by semester wise and roll no wise.
 Faculty: faculty can be update and see the attendance of student. After
search by branch wise and roll no wise.
 Parents: parents can see the attendance of student by semester wise
and subject wise after search.
 Student: student can see the attendance by semester wise and subject
wise after search.
 Admin: admin can be update and see the marks of student. After
search by semester wise and roll no wise.
 Mentor: mentor can be update and see the marks of student. After
search by branch wise and roll no wise.
 Faculty: faculty can be update and see the marks of student. After
search by branch wise and roll no wise.
 Parents: parents can see the marks of student by semester wise and
subject wise after search.
 Student: student can see the marks by semester wise and subject wise
after search.
 Admin:
 If admin has any issue for any student’s marks and attendance
then admin can be update notice in student & parents account.
If admin wants to give any notice for a particular student then
admin can be give a message or notice for student. After search
the roll no and semester wise.
 If admin has any issue of attendance & marks of particular
student then admin can be update notice in student account and
parents account. after search the roll no.
 Admin can be update a notice for parents regarding to fee and
other information. after search the roll no and semester.
 Mentor:
 If mentor has any issue for any student’s marks and attendance
then mentor can be update notice in student & parents account.
If mentor wants to give any notice for a particular student then
mentor can be give a message or notice for student. after search
the roll no. and branch wise.
 If mentor has any issue of attendance & marks of particular
student then mentor can be update notice in student account and
parents account. After search the roll no and branch wise.
 Faculty:
 If faculty has any issue for any student’s marks and attendance
then teacher can be update notice in student & parents account.
If faculty wants to give any notice for a particular student then
faculty can be give a message or notice for student. After search
the roll no and semester.
 Parents:
 Information of fee (deposit date and amount ) and Feedback of
student given by teacher and Notification (information) for
parents by college.
 Student: information of college events, functions. and information
regarding technical &non technical
 Admin:
 admin can see the profile of student and faculty. After searching
by roll no. and name wise.
 Admin can be update of their profile.
 Mentor:
 mentor can see the profile of student. After searching by roll
no. and name wise.
 Mentor can be update their profile.
 Faculty:
 mentor can see the profile of student. After searching by roll
no. and name wise.
 Mentor can be update their profile.
 Parents: parents can see the profile of student.
 Student: student can be change in their profile. if needed modification
can be done for new password and profile picture and etc.
 Admin: admin can be update a calendar for students. information
about the midterms practical and final exam dates in this calendar.
Admin can be update calendar branch wise and year wise after search.
 Mentor: mentor can see the calendar of student’s examination date
sheet after search by branch and semester wise.
 Faculty: faculty can see the calendar of student’s examination date
sheet after search by branch and semester wise.
 Parents: parents can see the calendar of their student after click the
 Student: student can see the calendar after click the calendar.
 Admin: admin can be update news in particular student. information
of college events, functions. and information regarding technical
&non technical after search the roll no and branch wise.
 Students: information of college events, functions. and information
regarding technical &non technical.
 Admin: admin can be search the attendance , marks ,and bio data of
particular student and any semester or branch by roll no, semester
name, branch name wise.
 Mentor: mentor can be search the attendance , marks ,and bio data of
particular student and their branch by roll no, semester name, branch
name wise.
 Faculty: faculty teacher can be search the attendance , marks ,and bio
data of particular student and their branch by roll no, semester name,
branch name wise.
 Parents: If parents have any issue for particular teacher then parents
click the feedback term and search the teacher name and write
feedback for teacher. and parents can see the student’s attendance and
marks by search the semester name and subject name wise.
 Student: student can see the marks and attendance by search the
subject name and semester name wise.
 Admin: the information receive to admin that the seats are full of
particular branch in particular course. And if admin types login id and
password wrong then message will appear that “your id and password
is incorrect”.
 Mentor: the mentor receive the information of branch and their room
no in which their lacture will held and show that the list of students of
their lecture class. And if mentor types login id and password wrong
then message will appear that “your id and password is incorrect”.
 Faculty: the faculty receive the information of branch and their room
no in which their lacture will held and show that the list of student of
their lecture class. And if faculty types login id and password wrong
then message will appear that “your id and password is incorrect”.
 Parents: if parents types login id and password wrong then message
will appear that “your id and password is incorrect”.
 Student: if student types login id and password wrong then message
will appear that “your id and password is incorrect”.
3.1 Existing System:-
Present system or Existing system of “College Management System” working
manually or computerized in a building. Therefore all types works are maintain in
building. So maintain all the counseling procedure very difficult. The computerization
of COLLEGE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM is an integrated package developed as the
College Management System in ASP.Net. This package follows the standards and
norms of COLLAGE. As opposed to the manual system of working of College
Management System, just requires some key input from bout entry by the package
itself. The operator such as patient, searching patient, etc and rest of work is done.
The system provides facility of patient registration; reduce time of evaluation and
inquiry, Searching and modification. Although the concept about the new system are
discussed in various chapter but knowledge of computer is required to follow the
comment of this project work. You are also welcome for your comments and
suggestion to make more improvement and enhancement in project.
This project mainly used for College Management System of new or old student’s and
college department. This project I use many operations for keeping record. We use
student registration and college department record stored and performs for the HOD
of Department form, search form and their College and department, students record.
In this project we need to fill up the basic information about the College Management
System into the registration form, total qualifications, percentages, result, and all of
college record, and student and staff Employee current & permanent address etc.
a) Registration Form:-
When we enter the correct registration in the registration form n we enter in
our project end work in it.
b) College Management System form:-
In this form we can insert those students and staff which are already login from
the college.
c) Search:-
By using this form operator can search own self the students & college department by
using information of branch and college department academic gap n back and other
information which is required in very easy manner?
c) View Form:-
Using this option form operator can get the College Management System by
providing college department all of record.
4.2Features of the Proposed System: -
In earlier time, the college was using the manual system, which as based on the
entries on the registers. When a student want College Management System from the
college then he must do the entries in the register and also when he/her talk record
than help desk is also need to do the entry registers. The computerized integrated
system from the existing system will have the following advantage:
 Handle volume of information.
 Complexity of data processing.
 Processing time constant.
 Computational demand.
 Instantaneous queries.
 Security features.
In detail, the application needs to be developed for College Management System
Each of the application modules will have the following features:
 Linking of information as an integrated centralized system.
 Data Entry
 Query system
To define various levels of access control and security requirements, system will
place the restriction on the use of different screens etc. It has one part
This project is invented for the College Management System of the student employee
in college. The objective of the project solution for simplifying the entry process. It
provides user friendly interface. The main objectives of the College Management
System project are following:
 Easy searching of student, college & employee information.
 Increase high throughputs.
 Decrease overheads.
 Minimization redundancy.
 Make data more secure.
 Improve report generation process to improve decision making.
 To provide fast accurate and consist response.
 Proposed system is according to the current demand.
Our project has a big scope to do. We can store information of all the student &
college record. College Management System is categorized according to various
streams. Various companies can access the information. Students & college can
maintain their information and can update it. Notifications are sent to students about
the companies. Students & college department can access previous information about
There are fallowing modules and forms are used-
1. Institute Record.
2. Student Record.
3. College Management System.
4. Category’s selection form.
5. Reporting, Withdraw.
6. Campus Placement.
7. Staff Salary.
8. New Admission.
9. College Results.
In earlier time, the college was using the manual system, which as based on the
entries on the registers. When a student want placement from the college then he must
do the entries in the register and also when he/her talk placed than help desk is also
need to do the entry registers. The computerized integrated system from the existing
system will have the following advantage:
 Handle volume of information.
 Complexity of data processing.
 Processing time constant.
 Computational demand.
 Instantaneous queries.
 Security features.
In detail, the application needs to be developed for College Management System
Each of the application modules will have the following features:
 Linking of information as an integrated centralized system.
 Data Entry
 Query system
To define various levels of access control and security requirements, system will
place the restriction on the use of different screens etc. It has one part.
 Administrator: He has all rights and can go on any screen.
7.2 Requirement Analysis: -
Information gathering is usually the first phase of the software development project.
The purpose of this phase is to identify and document the exact requirements for the
system. The user’s request identifies the need for a new information system and on
investigation re-defined the new problem to be based on MIS, which supports
management. The objective is to determine whether the request is valid and feasible
before a recommendation is made to build a new or existing manual system continues.
The major steps are –
• Defining the user requirements.
• Studying the present system to verify the problem.
• Defining the performance expected by the candidate to use
7.3 S/W and H/W Requirement Specification: -
Hardware requirements
Processor 1 GHz
RAM 512 MB
Disk space (minimum)
32-bit 850 MB
64-bit 2 GB
Table 1: Hardware requirements
Supported client operating systems
Operating system Supported editions Additional information
Windows 8.1 32-bit and 64-bit Includes the .NET
Framework 4.5.1
Windows 8 32-bit and 64-bit Includes the .NET
Framework 4.5
Windows 7 SP1 32-bit and 64-bit -
Windows XP 32-bit and 64-bit -
Windows Vista SP2 32-bit and 64-bit -
Table 2: Supported client operating systems
Supported server operating systems
Operating system Supported editions Additional information
Windows Server 2012 R2 64-bit Includes the .NET Framework
Windows Server 2012 (64-bit
64-bit Includes the .NET Framework 4.5
Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 64-bit The .NET Framework is
supported in the Server Core Role
with SP1 or later, but isn't
supported on Windows Server
2008 R2 for Itanium-Based
Windows Server 2008 SP2 32-bit and 64-bit The .NET Framework is not
supported in the Server Core
Table 3: Supported server operating systems
Introduction to ASP.NET: -
The .NET Framework is an environment for building, deploying, and running Web
Services and other applications. It consists of three main parts:
 the Common Language Runtime,
 the Framework classes,
 And ASP.NET.
Net Framework is a platform or development environment to seamlessly create web-
applications that are accessible through client machines from across the globe
ASP.Net is a part of Microsoft .Net platform. ASP.Net applications are complied
codes, written using the extensible and reusable components or objects present in .Net
framework. .Net Framework is platform independent and language independent. This
means that .Net Framework allows you to use different programming languages such
as VB.Net, C#, Jscript, VBScript, and Managed C++ and run applications on different
platforms such as UNIX, Macintosh, and Linux. Moreover.
 Easier and quicker programming
 Reduced amount of code
 Declarative programming model
 Richer server control hierarchy with events
 Larger class library
 Better support for development tools
The .NET Framework consists of 3 main parts:
Programming languages:
 C# (Pronounced C sharp)
 Visual Basic (VB .NET)
 J# (Pronounced J sharp)
Server technologies and client technologies:
 ASP .NET (Active Server Pages)
 Windows Forms (Windows desktop solutions)
 Compact Framework (PDA / Mobile solutions)
Development environments:
 Visual Studio .NET (VS .NET)
 Visual Web Developer
Common Language Runtime (CLR) ?
 The Common Language Runtime is the execution engine for .NET
Framework applications. It provides a number of services, including
the following:
 Code management (loading and execution)
 Application memory isolation
 Verification of type safety
 Conversion of IL to native code
 Access to metadata (enhanced type information)
 Managing memory for managed objects
 Enforcement of code access security
 Exception handling, including cross-language exceptions
Support for developer services (profiling, debugging, and so on)
Common Type System (CTS) ?
The common type system is a rich type system, built into the Common Language
Runtime that supports the types and operations found in most programming
languages. The common type system supports the complete implementation of a wide
range of programming languages.
Common Language Specification (CLS) ?
The Common Language Specification is a set of constructs and constraints that serves
as a guide for library writers and compiler writers. It allows libraries to be fully usable
from any language supporting the CLS, and for those languages to integrate with each
other. The Common Language Specification is also important to application
developers who are writing code that will be used by other developers. When
developers design publicly accessible APIs following the rules of the CLS, those APIs
are easily used from all other programming languages that target the Common
Language Runtime.
Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL) ?
MSIL is the CPU-independent instruction set into which .NET Framework programs
are compiled. It contains instructions for loading, storing, initializing, and calling
methods on objects. Combined with metadata and the common type system, MSIL
allows for true cross-language integration. Prior to execution, MSIL is converted to
machine code. It is not interpreted.
Base Class Library
The Base Class Libraries (BCL) provides the fundamental building blocks for any
application you develop, be it an ASP.Net application, a Windows Forms application,
or a Web Service. The BCL generally serves as your main point of interaction with
the runtime.BCL classes include
Figure 2: Namespace
A namespace is just a grouping of related classes. It's a method of putting classes
inside a container so that they can be clearly distinguished from other classes with the
same name. Programmers skilled in the Java language will recognize namespaces as
packages. A namespace is a logical grouping rather than a physical grouping. The
physical grouping is accomplished by an assembly.
Figure 3: Runtime Compilation and Execution
About HTML: -
Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is a language for describing how pages of text,
graphics, and other information are organized. Hypertext means text stored in
electronic form with cross-reference links between pages. An HTML page contains
HTML tags, which are embedded commands that supply information about the page’s
structure, appearance, and contents. Web browsers use this information to determine
how to display the page.
Features of .NET
The following are major features of .NET. We will use these features throughout out
journey. Here is just a brief introduction to all key features of .NET.
An assembly is either a .DLL or .EXE that forms a part of an application. It contains
MSIL code that is executed by CLR. The following are other important points related
to an assembly: It is the unit on which permissions are granted. Every assembly
contains a version. Assemblies contain interfaces and classes. They may also contain
other resources such as bitmaps, file etc. Every assembly contains assembly metadata,
which contains information about assembly. CLR uses this information at the time of
executing assembly. Assemblies may be either private, which are used only by the
application to which they belong or Global assemblies, which are used by any
application in the system. Two assemblies of the same name but with different
versions can run side-by-side allowing applications that depend on a specific version
to use assembly of that version.
The four parts of an assembly are:-
 Assembly Manifest - Contains name, version, culture, and information about
referenced assemblies.
 Type metadata - Contains information about types defined in the assembly.
 MSIL – MSIL code.
 Resources - Files such as BMP or JPG file or any other files required by
Note: Assembly that contains only resources is called as Satellite assembly.
Common Type System:-
Common Type System (CTS) specifies the rules related to data types that languages
must follow. As programs written in all languages are ultimately converted to MSIL,
data types in all languages must be convertible to certain standard data types.CTS is a
part of cross-language integration, which allows classes written in one language to be
used and extended by another language.
Cross-language Interoperability
.NET provides support for language interoperability. However, it doesn’t mean every
program written in a language can be used by another language. To enable a program
to be used with other languages, it must be created by following a set of rules called
Cross Language Specifications (CLS).
Cross-language inheritance is the ability to create a class in C# from a class created in
VB.NET. When an exception is raised by a program written in C#, the exception can
be handled by VB.NET. This kind of exception handling is called cross-language
exception handling.
.NET has brought a set of new features which are to be understood by every
programmer developing applications for Windows. There is no way any Windows
programmer can ignore .NET, unless he is desperate to be outdated. Microsoft will
provide .NET as part of its operating systems in future releases. It is the platform for
programmers. It is not new OS from Microsoft or a new language. It is the
environment for which you develop applications. It is rich in terms of features.
Believe me, programming using VB.NET is fun and it is more productive than VB
SQL Server Management Studio enables you to manage Analysis Services objects,
such as performing back-ups and processing objects. Management Studio provides an
Analysis Services Script project in which you develop and save scripts written in
Multidimensional Expressions (MDX), Data Mining Extensions (DMX), and XML
for Analysis (XMLA). You use Analysis Services Scripts projects to perform
management tasks or re-create objects, such as database and cubes, on Analysis
Services instances. For example, you can develop an XMLA script in an Analysis
Services Script project that creates new objects directly on an existing Analysis
Services instance. The Analysis Services Scripts projects can be saved as part of a
solution and integrated with source code control.
SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) is a software application first launched with
the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 that is used for configuring, managing, and
administering all components within Microsoft SQL Server. The tool includes both
script editors and graphical tools which work with objects and features of the server.
A central feature of SQL Server Management Studio is the Object Explorer, which
allows the user to browse, select, and act upon any of the objects within the
server.[2] It also has an "express" version that can be freely downloaded.
SQL Server Management Studio is an integrated environment for accessing,
configuring, managing, administering, and developing all components of SQL Server.
SQL Server Management Studio combines a broad group of graphical tools with a
number of rich script editors to provide access to SQL Server to developers and
administrators of all skill levels.
SQL Server Management Studio combines the features of Enterprise Manager, Query
Analyzer, and Analysis Manager, included in previous releases of SQL Server, into a
single environment. In addition, SQL Server Management Studio works with all
components of SQL Server such as Reporting Services and Integration Services.
Developers get a familiar experience, and database administrators get a single
comprehensive utility that combines easy-to-use graphical tools with rich scripting
SQL Server 2008 has been released for a year now. In SQL Server 2000, DBA had to
use two different tools to maintain the database as well as the query database,
specifically SQL Server Enterprise Manager and SQL Server Query Analyzer. With
the release of SQL Server 2005 both of these tools are combined into one tool: SQL
Server Management Studio. For a while DBA who were fan of Query Analyzer
requested to bring it back but as they keep on using SQL Server Management Studio
(SSMS) they realized that it was much more convenient if every task related to SQL
Server could be accomplished using SSMS. With the release of SQL Server 2008
Microsoft has upgraded SSMS with many new features as well as added tons of new
functionalities requested by DBAs for long time.
Let us go over a few of the important new features of the SSMS 2008. The list of SQL
Server 2008 SSMS improvements is very long. I have selected my favorite 5 features
and we will go over them.
1. IntelliSense for Query Editing
2. Multi Server Query
3. Query Editor Regions
4. Object Explorer Enhancements
5. Activity Monitors
 Large Database & Space Management Control: -
Oracle supports the largest database potential hundreds of Giga
Bytes in size. To make efficient use of expensive devices, it
allows full control of space usage.
 Many Concurrent Database Performances: -
It supports large no of concurrent users executing a variety of database
Applications operation on the same data. It minimizes data connection &
guarantees data concurrency
 High Transaction Processing Performance: -
Sql server management maintains the processing features with a
high degree of overall system performance. Database user
doesn’t suffer from slow processing performance.
 High Availability: -
At some sets Oracle works 24 Hours per day with no downtime or limit
database throughput. Normal system operation such as database backup &
partial completion system failure don’t interrupt database use.
 Controlled Availability: -
Sql server can selectively control the availability of data at the database level
& sub Database level. E.g. - an administrator can disallow use of a specific
application .Data can be reloaded without affecting other application.
 Manageable Security: -
To protect against unauthorized database aspects & users .Oracle provides
failsafe security features to limit & monitor the data area. The system makes it
easy to manage even the most completed designs for data assets.
 Database Enforced Integrity: -
sql enforces data integrity “Business rules” that dictates the standards for
applicable data. As result the cost of coding & managing checks in many
database applications are eliminated.
 Distributed Database System: -
Distributed systems have same degree of user transparency & data consistency
as non-distributed systems. Yet receives the advantages of local database
 Portability: -
Sql management studio 2008 software is compatible to work under different
operating system & same on all system. Application developed on Oracle can
be used on virtually any system with little or no more modification.
 Compatibility: -
Sql management studio 2008 software is compatible with industry standards,
including most industry standards operating systems. Application developed
on Oracle can be used on virtually any system with little or no modification.
 Connectivity: -
Sql management studio 2008 software allows different types of computers &
operating system to share information networks.
Feasibility study is the process of determination of whether or not a project is worth
doing. Feasibility studies are undertaken within tight time constraints and normally
culminate in a written and oral feasibility report. I have taken two weeks in feasibility
study with my co-developer. The contents and recommendations of this feasibility
study helped us as a sound basis for deciding how to precede the project. It helped in
taking decisions such as which software to use, hardware combinations, etc. The
following is the process diagram for feasibility analysis. In the diagram, the feasibility
analysis starts with the user set of requirements. With this, the existing system is also
observed. The next step is to check for the deficiencies in the existing system. By
evaluating the above points a fresh idea is conceived to define and quantify the
required goals. The user consent is very important for the new plan. Along with, for
implementing the new system, the ability of the organization is also checked. Besides
that, a set of alternatives and their feasibility is also considered in case of any failure
in the proposed
System. Thus, feasibility study is an important part in software development.
In the SDLC (Systems Development Life Cycle) of our project we maintained a
number of feasibility checkpoints between the two phases of the SDLC.
These checkpoints indicate that the management decision to be made after a phase is
complete. The feasibility checkpoints in our project were as follows:
• Survey phase checkpoint
• Study phase checkpoint
• Selection phase checkpoint
• Acquisition phase checkpoint
• Design phase checkpoint
We together started measuring project feasibility, which lasted two week. During this
period we have had consultation with our guide Mr. Ajay Kumar (project leader of
LemonSoftInfosoft) and the management of the organization. In this course we
conducted three tests for Project feasibility namely, Technical, Economical, and
Operational feasibilities.
7.4.1 Technical Feasibility: -
Technical feasibility determines whether the work for the project can be done with the
existing equipment, software technology and available personnel. Technical
feasibility is concerned with specifying equipment and software that will satisfy the
user requirement.
This project is feasible on technical remarks also, as the proposed system is more
beneficiary in terms of having a sound proof system with new technical components
installed on the system. The proposed system can run on any machines supporting
Windows and Internet services and works on the best software and hardware that
had been used while designing the system so it would be feasible in all technical
terms of feasibility.
Technical Feasibility Addresses Three Major Issues: -
Is the proposed Technology or Solution Practical?
The technologies used are matured enough so that they can be applied to our
problems. The practicality of the solution we have developed is proved with the use of
the technologies we have chosen. The technologies such as JAVA (JSP, Servlet),
JavaScript and the compatible H/Ws are so familiar with the today’s knowledge based
industry that anyone can easily be compatible to the proposed environment.
Do we currently posses the necessary technology?
We first make sure that whether the required technologies are available to us or nor. If
they are available then we must ask if we have the capacity. For instance, “Will our
current Printer be able to handle the new reports and forms required of a new system?
Do we possess the necessary Technical Expertise and is the Schedule reasonable?
This consideration of technical feasibility is often forgotten during feasibility
analysis. We may have the technology, but that doesn’t mean we have the skills
required to properly apply that technology. As far as our project is concerned we have
the necessary expertise so that the proposed solution can be made feasible.
7.4.2 Economical Feasibility: -
Economical feasibility determines whether there are sufficient benefits in creating to
make the cost acceptable, or is the cost of the system too high. As this signifies cost
benefit analysis and savings. On the behalf of the cost-benefit analysis, the proposed
system is feasible and is economical regarding its pre-assumed cost for making a
system. During the economical feasibility test we maintained the balance between the
Operational and Economical feasibilities, as the two were the conflicting. For
example the solution that provides the best operational impact for the end-users may
also be the most expensive and, therefore, the least economically feasible. We
classified the costs of Online Counseling according to the phase in which they occur.
As we know that the system development costs are usually one-time costs that will
not recur after the project has been completed. For calculating the Development costs
we evaluated certain cost categories viz.
• Personnel costs
• Computer usage
• Training
• Supply and equipments costs
• Cost of any new computer equipments and software.
In order to test whether the Proposed System is cost-effective or not we evaluated it
through three techniques viz.
• Payback analysis
• Return on Investment:
• Net Present value
7.4.3 Operational Feasibility: -
Operational feasibility criteria measure the urgency of the problem (survey and study
phases) or the acceptability of a solution (selection, acquisition and design phases).
How do you measure operational feasibility? There are two aspects of operational
feasibility to be considered:
(a) Is the problem worth solving or will the solution to the problem work?
There are certain measures, which decide, the effectiveness of the system. These
measures can be collectively called as PIECES.
P (Performance): -
The sell purchase online provides adequate throughput an response time.
I (Information): -
The sell purchase online provides Student and Staff with tamely, pertinent, accurate,
and usefully formatted information.
E (Economy): -
The sell purchase online of reduce the cost of the Counseling or Student reporting
C (Control): -
The sell purchase online offer globally controls to protect against fraud and to
guarantee the accuracy and security of the data and information.
E (Efficiency): -
The sell purchase online makes maximum use of available resources and minimum
processing delays.
S (Services): -
The sell purchase online provides desirable and reliable service to those who need it.
The sell purchase online is flexible and expandable.
(b) How do the students and staff feel about the problem (Solution)?
It is not only important to evaluate whether a system can work. We must also evaluate
whether a system will work. A workable solution might fail because of Students, Staff
resistance. In case of our project the sell purchase online we have examined all the
concerns that can further affect its operational feasibility. The following points will
explore those concerns. The sell purchase online has complete support of the
Student/Staff as an online reporting and access the information. The sell purchase
online has made the role of Student easiest one. The Student Staff feel comfortable
and upgraded with this system.
7.5 Software Engineering Paradigm Applied: -
The development strategy that encompasses the process, methods, and tools and the
generic phases is called Software Engineering Paradigm. The s/w paradigm for
software is chosen based on the nature of the project and application, the method and
tools to be used, and the controls and deliverables that are required. All software
development can be characterized as a problem-solving loops (fig. 2) in which four
distinct stages are encountered: - status quo, problem definition, technical
development, and solution integration. Status quo represents the current state of
affairs, Problem definition identifies the specific problem to be solved, technical
development solves the problem through the application of some technology, and
solution integration delivers the results to those who requested the solution in the first
place. There are various software paradigms, but we used Waterfall model (the linear
sequential model), which states that the phases are organized in a linear order. The
Waterfall model suggests a systematic, sequential approach to s/w development that
begins at the system level and progresses through analysis, design, coding, testing,
and maintenance. The sequence of activities performed in a software development
project with the Waterfall model is: system analysis, system design, coding, testing &
integration, installation, and maintenance. For a successful project resulting in a
successful product, all phases listed in the waterfall model must be performed. Any
different ordering of the phases will result in a less successful software product.
There are a number of project outputs in waterfall model that is produced to produce a
successful product:
• Requirement documents and project plan
• System and detailed design
• Programs (code)
• Test plan, test reports and manuals
• Installation reports
7.5.1Limitations of Waterfall Model: -
• The waterfall model assumes that the requirements of a system can be baseline before
the design begins. This is possible for system designed to automate an existing
manual system. For our system, (The sell purchase online) this is a new system,
determining the requirement is difficult, as the user does not even know the
• Freezing the requirements usually requires choosing the hardware.
• The waterfall model stipulates that the requirements be completely specified before
the rest of the development can proceed.
• It is a document driven process that requires formal documents at the end of each
phase. This approach tends to make the process documentation-heavy and is not
suitable for many applications (interactive applications).
8.1. Introduction: -
The objective of the system design is to deliver the requirements as
specified in the feasibility report. System design involves first logical design (logical
design) and then physical construction (detailed design) of the system. The logical
design describes the structure and characteristics of features, such as the outputs,
inputs, files, databases, and procedures. The physical construction produces actual
program software, files, and a working system.
System design goes through two phases of development: -
1. Logical Design
2. Physical Design
1. Logical Design:-
We know that a data flow diagram shows the logical flow of a system and defines the
boundaries of the system. Logical design specifies the user need at a level of details
that virtually determine the information flow into and out of the system and the
required data resources. Logical design describes the inputs, outputs, database and
procedures .All in a format that meets the user’s requirements.
2. Physical Design:-
It provides the working system by defining the design specification that tells
programmers exactly what that candidate system must do. In short it can state that
physical design is the implementation of the logical design.
Physical system design consists of the following-
(a)Design the physical system
• Specify input, output media
• Design the database and specify backup procedures.
• Design physical information flow through the system and a
physical design walkthrough.
(b)Plan system implementation
8.2 Module Description:-
The sell purchase online with the fallowing modules: -
(1) Guest Module
(2) Buyer Module
(3) Seller Module
(4) Admin Module
8.3 Data flow Diagram: -
Figure 5: Data flow Diagram
Figure 6: Zero - Level DFD of Guest Module
Figure 7: DFD for Admin Module
Figure 7:- HERARKI
8.5 Database Design: -
Usually, a collection of interrelated data is referring to as database. The database
contains information about one particular enterprise. Database system is designed to
shear and manage large volume of information .The management of data involves
both the manipulation of information .In addition ,the database system must provide
for safety information storage in the database ,despite system crashes or
unauthorized access.
8.6 Input-Output Design: -
 Input Design: -
The input design is a crucial part of any system errors. Inaccurate input data are the
most common cause of the errors in the processing. Data entry errors can be
controlled by input design. Input design is the process of converting user-oriented
inputs to computer –based formats .the goal of designing input data is to make data
entry as easy, logical and free from errors as possible.
 Output Design: -
Computer output is the most important and direct source of information to the users.
Efficient intelligible output design should improve the system’s relationship with the
user and help in decision making. A major form of output is a hard copy from the
printer. In the system under consideration, the output is in two forms, hard copy from
the printer and output to the CRT screen in predefined format.
Design patterns are recurring sequences, built-in .NET patterns are scattered over the
framework. In practice, following standard software patterns will help to achieve
more standard code that is manageable and understandable by a bigger set of software
programmers/developers and architects.
Design coding have three patterns…these are……
Creational Patterns
Abstract Factory Creates an instance of several families of classes
Builder Separates object construction from its representation
Factory Method Creates an instance of several derived classes
Prototype A fully initialized instance to be copied or cloned
Singleton A class of which only a single instance can exist
Table 4: Creational Patterns
Structural Patterns
Adapter Match interfaces of different classes
Bridge Separates an object’s interface from its implementation
Composite A tree structure of simple and composite objects
Decorator Add responsibilities to objects dynamically
Facade A single class that represents an entire subsystem
Flyweight A fine-grained instance used for efficient sharing
Proxy An object representing another object
Table 5: Structural Patterns
Behavioral Patterns
Chain of Resp. A way of passing a request between a chain of objects
Command Encapsulate a command request as an object
Interpreter A way to include language elements in a program
Iterator Sequentially access the elements of a collection
Mediator Defines simplified communication between classes
Memento Capture and restore an object's internal state
Observer A way of notifying change to a number of classes
State Alter an object's behavior when its state changes
Strategy Encapsulates an algorithm inside a class
Template Method Defer the exact steps of an algorithm to a subclass
Visitor Defines a new operation to a class without change
Table 7: Behavioral Patterns
12.1 System Testing: -
Prior to the actual implementation of the system it had to be tested comprehensively
and every possible error uncovered. Since it is not possible to test the system
exhaustively, the black box testing method was used for system testing. The black box
testing usually demonstrates that software functions are operational; that the input is
properly accepted and the output is correctly produced; and that integrity of external
information (databases) is maintained.
Table 10.1 outlines the tests that were performed on the system to ensure correctness
and unearth errors which were subsequently debugged.
Testing Phase Objectives
The various functions within each program and the program
blocks are tested for proper working.
A module is composed of various programs related to that
module. Module testing is done to check the module
functionality and interaction between units within a module
Integration Testing
Integration testing is done to test the functionality and
interfacing between the modules.
Acceptance testing
Acceptance testing is done after implementation to check if
the system runs successfully in the customer
Table 7: Tests Conducted on the System
12.2 Unit Testing: -
Unit Testing will be done to test field validations, navigation, functionality of the
programs and its blocks. These tests are applied on various functions within each
program and other critical program blocks. Table 10.2 and 10.3 outline two sample
test cases for Unit Testing performed on the system
Test Case Description
This test case deals with the creation of User information. The creation
program takes many inputs. The test should check for proper inputs and verify
whether the creation function is called properly with the correct input
Expected Inputs
• Student detail provide by admin to user
Expected Outputs
• Provide the student detail to user.
Actual Test Results
• An alert window was shown whenever the user gave some erroneous data, such
as entering numbers in the name field, entering characters in numeric fields.
• Confirmation of Insertion of details was displayed on submission to the add
function, implying that the function was called properly.
Table 8: Unit Testing – Test Case 1
The .net framework have many system testing tools, These are….
 Configuration tools
 Debugging tools
 Security tools
 General tools
Table 12.3:- Unit Testing – Test Case 2: -
Test Case Description
This test case deals with the Withdraw of counseling Student by the java function for
that does the Withdraw. The test will check if the java function receives the Withdraw properly
and checks if the Withdraw is performed correctly.
Expected Inputs
• Withdraw the best student fromthe web server.
Expected Outputs
• The .net function provide the best result to user
Actual Test Results
• The function received the Withdraw Student detail properly.
The .net framework have many system testing tools, These are….
(1) Configuration tools
(2) Debugging tools
(3) Security tools
(4) General tools
12.2 Unit Testing: -
Unit Testing will be done to test field validations, navigation, functionality of the
programs and its blocks. These tests are applied on various functions within each
program and other critical program blocks Configuration and Deployment Tools
Tool Description
ASP.NET Compilation Tool
Allows an administrator to precompile an ASP.NET
application, either in place or for deployment.
ASP.NET Browser
Registration Tool
Allows an administrator to create new browser
ASP.NET IIS Registration
Tool (Aspnet_regiis.exe)
Allows an administrator or installation program to
update the scriptmaps for an ASP.NET application to
point to the ASP.NET ISAPI version associated with the
tool. You can also use the tool to perform other
ASP.NET configuration operations.
Registration Tool
Allows an administrator to create and manage SQL
Server databases used for ASP.NET services such as
membership, roles, and profile properties.
Assembly Cache Viewer
Allows you to view and manipulate the contents of
the global assembly cache using Windows Explorer.
Assembly Linker (Al.exe) Generates a file with an assembly manifest from one or
more files that are either resource files or Microsoft
intermediate language (MSIL) files.
Assembly Registration Tool
Reads the metadata within an assembly and adds the
necessary entries to the registry, which allows COM
clients to create .NET Framework classes transparently.
Assembly Binding Log
Viewer (Fuslogvw.exe)
Displays details for failed assembly binds. This
information helps you diagnose why the .NET
Framework cannot locate an assembly at run time.
CorFlags Conversion Tool
Allows you to configure the CorFlags section of the
header of a portable executable image.
Global Assembly Cache Tool
Allows you to view and manipulate the contents of the
global assembly cache and download cache. While
Shfusion.dll provides similar functionality, you can use
Gacutil.exe from build scripts, makefile files, and batch
Installer Tool (Installutil.exe) Allows you to install and uninstall server resources by
executing the installer components of a specified
Isolated Storage Tool
Lists or removes all existing stores for the currently
logged-on user.
Native Image Generator
Creates a native image from a managed assembly and
installs it in the native image cache on the local
.NET Framework
Configuration Tool
Provides a graphical interface for managing .NET
Framework security policy and applications that use
remoting services. This tool also allows you to manage
and configure assemblies in the global assembly cache.
.NET Services Installation
Tool (Regsvcs.exe)
Adds managed classes to Windows 2000 Component
Services by loading and registering the assembly and
generating, registering, and installing the type library
into an existing COM+ 1.0 application.
XML Serializer Generator
Tool (Sgen.exe)
Creates an XML serialization assembly for types in a
specified assembly in order to improve the run-time
performance of theXmlSerializer.
Soapsuds Tool
Helps you compile client applications that communicate
with XML Web services using a technique called
Type Library Exporter
Generates a type library from a common language
runtime assembly.
Type Library Importer
Converts the type definitions found within a COM type
library into equivalent definitions in managed metadata
Web Services Description
Language Tool (Wsdl.exe)
Generates code for XML Web services and XML Web
services clients from Web Services Description
Language (WSDL) contract files, XML Schema
Definition (XSD) schema files, and .discomap discovery
Web Services Discovery
Tool (Disco.exe)
Discovers the URLs of XML Web services located on a
Web server, and saves documents related to each XML
Web service on a local disk.
XML Schema Definition
Tool (Xsd.exe)
Generates XML schemas that follow the XSD language
proposed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).
This tool generates common language runtime classes
and DataSet classes from an XSD schema file.
Debugging Tools
Tool Description
Microsoft CLR Debugger
Provides debugging services with a graphical interface to
help application developers find and fix bugs in programs
that target the runtime.
Runtime Debugger
Provides command-line debugging services using the
common language runtime Debug API. Used to find and
fix bugs in programs that target the runtime.
SOS Debugging
Extension (SOS.dll)
Provides the debugging services of the common language
runtime to Visual Studio or the WinDbg.exe debugging
.NET Framework
Command-Line Debugger
Provides command-line debugging services using the
common language runtime Debug API.
Security Tools
Tool Description
Creation Tool
Generates X.509 certificates for testing purposes only.
Manager Tool
Manages certificates, certificate trust lists (CTLs), and certificate
revocation lists (CRLs).
Verification Tool
Verifies the validity of a file signed with an X.509 certificate. The
Certificate Verification tool only ships with the .NET Framework
SDK version 1.0 and 1.1. In later versions, use the Sign Tool
(SignTool.exe) utility instead.
Code Access
Security Policy
Allows you to examine and modify machine, user, and enterprise-
level code access security policies.
File Signing Tool
Signs a portable executable (PE) file with an Authenticode digital
signature. The File Signing Tool only ships with the .NET
Framework SDK version 1.0 and 1.1. In later versions, use the Sign
Tool (SignTool.exe) utility instead.
View Tool
Displays the minimal, optional, and refused permission sets
requested by an assembly. You can also use this tool to view all
declarative security used by an assembly.
PEVerify Tool
Performs MSIL type safety verification checks and metadata
validation checks on a specified assembly.
Policy Migration
Migrates security policy between two compatible versions of the
.NET Framework.
Secutil Tool
Extracts strong name public key information or Authenticode
publisher certificates from an assembly, in a format that can be
incorporated into code.
Set Registry Tool
Allows you to change the registry settings for the Software
Publishing State keys, which control the behavior of the certificate
verification process. The Set Registry tool only ships with the .NET
Framework SDK version 1.0 and 1.1. In later versions, use the Sign
Tool (SignTool.exe)utility instead.
Sign Tool
Digitally signs files, verifies signatures in files, and time stamps
Certificate Test
Creates, for test purposes only, a Software Publisher's Certificate
(SPC) from one or more X.509 certificates.
Strong Name
Tool (Sn.exe)
Helps create assemblies with strong names. Sn.exe provides options
for key management, signature generation, and signature
General Tools
Tool Description
License Compiler (Lc.exe) Reads text files that contain licensing information and
produces a .licenses file that can be embedded in a
common language runtime executable.
Management Strongly
Typed Class Generator
Allows you to quickly generate an early-bound class in
C#, Visual Basic, or JScript for a specified Windows
Management Instrumentation (WMI) class.
MSIL Assembler
Generates a PE file from Microsoft intermediate language
(MSIL). You can run the resulting executable, which
contains MSIL code and the required metadata, to
determine whether the MSIL code performs as expected.
MSIL Disassembler
Takes a PE file that contains MSIL code and creates a text
file suitable as input to the MSIL Assembler (Ilasm.exe).
Resource File Generator
Tool (Resgen.exe)
Converts text files and .resx (XML-based resource format)
files to .NET common language runtime binary .resources
files that can be embedded in a runtime binary executable
or compiled into satellite assemblies.
Windows Forms ActiveX
Control Importer
Converts type definitions in a COM type library for an
ActiveX control into a Windows Forms control.
Windows Forms Class
Viewer (Wincv.exe)
Finds managed classes matching a specified search
pattern, and displays information about those classes using
the Reflection API.
The Windows Forms Class Viewer only ships with the
.NET Framework SDK version 1.0 and 1.1.
Windows Forms Resource
Editor (Winres.exe)
Allows you to quickly and easily localize Windows Forms
13.1 Implementation:-
Implementation uses the design document to produce code. Demonstration
that the program satisfies its specifications validates the code. Typically, sample runs
of the program demonstrating the behavior for expected data values and boundary
values are required. Small programs are written using the model: -
Write/Compile/ Test
It may take several iterations of the model to produce a working program. As
programs get more complicated, testing and debugging alone may not be enough to
produce reliable code. Instead, we have to write programs in a manner that will help
insure that errors are caught or avoided.
Top-Down Implementation: -
Top down implementation begins with the user-invoked student and
works toward the modules that do not call any other student. The implementation may
student depth-first or breadth-first.
Bottom-Up Implementation: -
Implementation begins with student that do not call any other student and
works toward the main program. Test harness is used to test individual student. The
main student constitutes the final test harness.
Stub Programming: -
Stub programming is the implementation analogue of top-down and stepwise
refinement. It supports incremental program development by allowing for error and
improvement. A stub program is a stripped-down, skeleton version of a final program.
It doesn't implement details of the algorithm or fulfill all the job requirements.
However, it does contain rough versions of all subprograms and their parameter lists.
Furthermore, it can be compiled and run. Extensive use of procedures and parameter
are the difference between stub programs and prototypes. Quick and dirty prototypes
should be improved--they should be rewritten. A stub program helps demonstrates that
a program's structure is plausible. Its procedures and functions are unsophisticated
versions of their final forms, but they allow limited use of the entire program. In
particular, it may work for a limited data set. The comment brackets can be moved,
call-by-call, as the underlying procedures are actually written.
Incremental Program Development:
As program become more complex, changes have a tendency to introduce unexpected
effects. Incremental programming tries to isolate the effects of changes. We add new
features in preference to adding new functions, and add new function rather than
writing new programs. The program implementation model becomes:
 Define types/compile/fix;
 Add load and dump functions/compile/test;
 Add first processing function/compile/test/fix;
 Add features/compile/test/fix;
 Add second processing function/compile/test/fix;
 Keep adding features/and compiling/and testing/ and fixing.
13.2 Maintenance: -
Once the software is delivered and deployed, then maintenance phase
starts. Software requires maintenance because there are some residual errors remaining
in the system that must be removed as they discovered. Maintenance involves
understanding the existing software (code and related documents), understanding the
effect of change, making the changes, testing the new changes, and retesting the old
parts that were not changed. The complexity of the maintenance task makes
maintenance the most costly activity in the life of software product. It is believed that
almost all software that is developed has residual errors, or bugs, in them. These errors
need to be removed when discovered that leads to the software change. This is called
Corrective Maintenance. Corrective maintenance means repairing, processing or
performance failures or making alterations because of previously ill-defined problems.
Software undergoes change frequently even without bugs because the software must
be upgraded and enhanced to include more features and provide more services. This
also requires modification of the software. The changed software changes the
environment, which in turn requires further change. This phenomenon is called the
“law of software evaluation”. Maintenance due to this phenomenon is called adaptive
maintenance. Adaptive maintenance means changing the program function. Perfect
maintenance means enhancing the performance or modifying the programs according
to the user’s additional or changing needs. The keys to reduce the need for
maintenance are:
 More accurately defining the user’s requirement during system development.
 Preparation of system documentation in a better way.
 Using more effective ways for designing processing logic and communicating
it to project team members.
 Making better use of existing tools and techniques.
 Managing the system engineering process effectively.
The objective of the cost estimation is to enable the client or developer
to perform a cost-benefit analysis and for project monitoring and control. The
accuracy of the estimate depends on the amount of reliable information about the final
product. When the product is delivered, the cost can be accurately determined, as all
the data about the project and the resource spent can be fully known by then.
Cost Of Correcting Errors: -
According to the established S/W Engineering standard of estimating the cost of
correcting errors the phase wise distribution of occurrences of errors is as given below:
Requirement Analysis 20%
Design 30%
Coding 50%
The cost of correcting errors of different phases is not the same and depends on when
the error is detected and corrected.
One can perform cost estimation at any point in the software life cycle. As the cost of
the project depends on the nature and characteristics of the project, at any point, the
accuracy of the estimate will depend on the amount of reliable information we have
about the final product. The figure depicted below shows the accuracy of the cost
On Size estimation of Schedule and Cost of the Project: this approach implies that size
is the primary factor for cost; other factors have lesser effect. Here we will discuss one
such model called the Constructive Cost Model (COCOMO) developed by Boehm.
This model also estimates the total effort in terms of person-months of the technical
project staff. The basic steps of this model are as follows: -
 Obtain the initial estimate of the development effort from the estimate of
thousands of delivered lines of source code (KDLOC).
 Determine a set of multiplying factors from different attributes of the project.
 Adjust the effort estimate by multiplying the initial estimate with all the
multiplying factors.
The initial estimate also called nominal estimate is determined by an
equation of the form used in the static single-variable models, using KDLOC as the
measure of size. To determine the initial effort Ei in person-months the equation used
is of the type
Ei = a*(KDLOC)b
In COCOMO model the values of constants a and b are different with
different type of projects. As our project is Organic type the values of a and b are 3.2
and 1.05 respectively. The total thousand delivered code (KDLOC) of our system has
been estimated as around 2.
In order to determine the multiplying factors commonly known as cost
driver attributes we have taken rating of these attributes according to our requirements.
From these, the effort adjustment factor (EAF) of our project has been estimated as
Now the final efforts estimate, E, of our project is obtained by multiplying the initial
estimate by the EAF.
i.e., E = EAF*Ei
The project duration is estimated for an Organic project by the formula
D = 2.5 * E0.38 and according to this formula I have estimated the project duration 6
This was the first considerably large and important project undertaken by me during
my MCA course. It was an experience that changed the way I perceived project
development. The coding could not be started before the whole system was
completely finalized. Even then there were so many changes required and the coding
needed to be changed. I attribute this to inadequate information gathering from the
user. Though there were many meetings with the user and most of the requirements
were gathered, a few misinterpretations of the requirements still crept in. It made me
realize how important the systems analysis phase is. The project is a classic example
for the adage that learning of concepts needs to be supplemented with application of
that knowledge.
On the whole it was a wonderful experience developing this project and I would have
considered my education incomplete without undertaking such a project which
allowed me to apply all that I have learnt.
Books Referred
 “Visual Studio Complete Reference 6.0” Noel Jecke
 “Programming in Visual Basic “Julie Case Bradley
 “Visual Basic 6.0” Wright Brothers
 “Programming book of ASP.NET 2.5 with C#”
 “Professional Book of ASP.NET 3.5 with C#”

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College Management System project srs 2015

  • 1. 1 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCATION This project is aimed at developing an online application for the College Management System Dept. of the college. The system is an online application that can be accessed throughout the organization and outside as well with proper login provided. This system can be used as an application for the TPO of the college to manage the student information with regards to placement and college managing. The college management and staff logging should be able to upload their information in the form of a CV and student record and college department record uploaded. Visitor’s college staff representatives logging in may also access/search any information put up by Students.
  • 2. 2 CHAPTER 2 ABOUT PROJECT Project Title: - College Management System This project mainly used for college management. This project I use many operations for keeping record. We use college department and staff registration form, search form and their management form of college. In this project we need to fill up the basic information about the student and college into the registration form, total qualifications, percentages, current & permanent address and student attends and staff salary and result, all of college record managing etc. The College Management System project is aimed at developing an online application for the College Management System Dept. of the college. The system is an online application that can be accessed throughout the organization and outside as well with proper login provided. This system can be used as an application for the HOD of the college to manage the student information and college information with regards to college management. College department and HOD logging should be able to upload their information in the system. Visitors & college staff representatives logging in may also access/search any information put up by Students.  Institute & College record - Covering Details regarding Institute  Student record - Covering Details regarding Students  Counseling - Helps in Category wise Placements.  Staff record – Converting Details regarding staff. Panels are available 1. Collage panel 2. Student panel 3. Parent’s panel 4. Other panel 1. Collage panel There are three types of users in this panel they are admin, mentor & faculty and these three users have their own rights and authorized to be done. when any student take admission in college then admin give a unique student id & password for student and admin give a unique parents id & password for parents. And if any mentor or faculty is been changed and new faculty is Join College then admin also provide them the login id and password. And then these three types of user (admin, mentor, and faculty) can login in college panel and perform their tasks.
  • 3. 3  Admin  Mentor  Faculty Admin For College & Self:- Admin can add or delete the new course in college’s courses. And admin can add or delete the new branch in particular course according to student study and requirement. Admin can add and delete (manage) the seats in particular branch means admin can fix seats in any branch of any courses. Admin can fix the criteria for the admission of student. Admin can enter the roll no of a particular student if he wants to show the full profile of student. Admin can change his bio data and profile if he needed it. For Student: When any student takes admission in college. Admin take requirement for the branch and course and check that their is a seat available in that particular branch & course and allotted as required and admin give a unique student id & password for student and admin give a unique parents id & password for parents.  Attendance: admin can see the attendance of all branches students year wise, branch wise, and roll no. wise. And admin is update and modification in attendance of all branches students. If admin has any issue of attendance of particular student then admin can be update notice in student account and parents account.  Marks: : admin can see the marks of all branches students year wise, branch wise, and roll no. wise. And admin is update and modification in marks of all branches students. If admin has any issue of marks of particular student then admin can be update notice in student account and parents account.  Notices: if admin has any issue for any student’s marks and attendance and other field then admin can be update notice in student & parents account for parents and students. If admin wants to give any notice for a particular student then admin can be give a message or notice for student.
  • 4. 4  Calendar: admin can be update a calendar for students. information about the midterms, practical and final exam dates in this calendar. Admin can be update calendar branch wise and year wise.  Time table: admin can be update a time table for students. information about the classes time with particular subject with day wise in this time table. Admin can be update time table branch wise and year wise.  News: admin can be update news in particular student and year wise and branch wise. information of college events, functions. and information regarding technical &non technical. For Parents when any student take admission in college. Admin give a unique parents id & password for parents.  Notice: If admin has any issue of attendance & marks of particular student then admin can be update notice in student account and parents account. So parents can see the notice of college regarding to student. Mentor For College & Self mentor after login can be change in his profile and bio data. Mentor can be create a list for his contact. In this list he update the name, contact no, address, email id, etc. of his friends and faculty teacher. For Student:  Attendance: mentor can see the attendance of only their branch students year wise and roll no. wise. And mentor is update and modification in attendance of only their branch students. If mentor has any issue of attendance of particular student then mentor can be update notice in student account and parents account.  Marks: mentor can see the marks of only their branch students year wise and roll no. wise. And mentor is update and modification in marks of only their branch students. If mentor has any issue of marks of particular student then mentor can be update notice in student account and parents account.  Notices: if mentor has any issue for any student’s marks and attendance then mentor can be update notice in student & parents account. If mentor wants to give any notice for a particular student then mentor can be give a message or notice for student.  Time table: mentor can be update a time table for students of their branch. Information about the classes’ time with particular subject and subject teacher name in this time table. Mentor can be update time table year wise.  Profile & contact list: mentor can be see the profile of their branch students.
  • 5. 5 For Parents: If mentor has any issue of attendance & marks of particular student then mentor can be update notice in student account and parents account. For faculty: mentor can be update time table of faculty teacher. and mentor can see the contact no, address, email id and other information of his branch teacher. Faculty For College & Self faculty can see their feedback and profile and bio data. and faculty can be change and update their profile and bio data but cannot be change the their feedback. For Student: faculty will take the attendance of their lecture students. And update the attendance & marks of students. if faculty has any issue for any student’s marks and attendance then teacher can be update notice in student & parents account. If faculty wants to give any notice for a particular student then faculty can be give a message or notice for student. For Parents: If mentor has any issue of attendance & marks of particular student then mentor can be update notice in student account and parents account.  Admin, mentor & faculty  Login id & password  Bio-data  Attendance For admin: update and show attendance all branch (semester wise and roll no wise) For faculty: update and show attendance only his department For mentor: update and show attendance only his department  Marks For admin: update and show marks all branch (semester wise and roll no wise) For faculty: update and show marks only his department For mentor: update and show marks only his department  Notices For admin: update and show marks all branch (semester wise and roll no wise) For faculty: update and show marks only his department For mentor: update and show marks only his department  All students
  • 6. 6  Particular student  Roll no. and comments  Particular student and parents  Time table & calendar Admin, mentor, faculty For admin: show and update time table of all semester and branches For mentor: show and update time table of all semester and branches For faculty: show and update time table of all semester and branches 2. Student panel 1.when student get admission in college he will be provided the particular student id and password by college and then student can login from student panel from given or provided student id or password and can accessed the belonging services are provided for them such as attendance, marks, news, calendar, profile, etc. Student can change (update) their profile, bio data, personal information, and news but cannot change their attendance, marks, time table and calendar. When student can change in their profile and bio data then all changes are update in college pannel and Parents pannel.  Login id: login id provide by college itself and they can be accessed by entering in login id block.  Password: unique password is provided by college to each student’s id. When correct password is entered required id is been login.  Bio data : this field gives the information regarding family and student profile(name, father name, mother name, branch, current year, dob, roll no., address, blood group, contact no and profile picture).if student is going to update his personal information in student pannel then the updation is also done or been performed in college pannel and parents pannel.  Attendance: this field informs about the attendance of student by semester wise till date its been present. Their is a criteria of attendance(75% present) and if it is less than 75% then it cerate the remark of short attendance.or student can view the attendance by
  • 7. 7 subject wise and show that how many lacture of a particular subject in a particular week & month been done and how many lacture attend by student in particular week and month.  Marks: this field informs about the marks of student by semester wise till semester it’s been present. It can also display the marks of first midterm and second midterm and final exam of a particular semester. It show that student is achieved marks of a particular subject from total marks and also calculate the rank in class.  Calendar: information about the midterms practical and final exam dates. and time table of classes.  Profile: if needed modification can be done for new password and profile picture and etc.  Personal information: it can add personal (contact name, contact no. And email id and address) for faculty and friends.  News: information of college events, functions. and information regarding technical &non technical.  Login id & password  Bio-data  Attendance  Demarks  News Collage news Other news  Calendar  Profile  Library  Feedback 2.Parents panel when student get admission in college he will be provided the particular parents id and password by college and then parents can login from parents pannel from given or providedparentsidorpassword and can accessed the belonging services are provided for them such as attendance, marks, news, calendar, profile, etc. Parents cannot change students attendance, marks, time table and calendar. Mean parents only read the informationof studentandparentscancommunicate withteacher. if any parents wants to give feedback for any teacher their is a services provided in parents panel with feedback field and this feedback can seen by admin.
  • 8. 8  Login id: login id provide by college itself and they can be accessed by entering in login id block.  Password: unique password is provided by college to each parent’s id. When correct password is entered required id is been login.  Bio data: this field gives the information regarding family and student profile(name, father name, mother name, branch, current year, dob, roll no., address, blood group, contact no and profile picture). Parents cannot change in student bio data.  Attendance: this field informs about the attendance of student by semester wise till date its been present. There is a criteria of attendance (75% present) and if it is less than 75% then it cerate the remark of short attendance. Parents can view the attendance by subject wise and show that how many lecture of a particular subject in a particular week & month been done and how many lecture attend by student in particular week and month.  Marks: this field informs about the marks of student by semester wise till semester its been present. it can also display the marks of first midterm and second midterm and final exam of a particular semester. It shows that student is achieved marks of a particular subject from total marks and also calculates the rank in class. But parents cannot change in students marks only view it.  Notice: information of fee (deposit date and amount) and Feedback of student given by teacher and Notification (information) for parents by college.  Feedback: feed of the teacher by the parents and it feedback store in adman’s feedback block.  Login id & password  Information &bio-data of student  Show attendance and marks  Notice for regarding to fee and other account section  feedback
  • 9. 9 3.Other panel This panel can be use by guest user without login. Guest user can be get information of college infrastructure, admission process, academics, department, and available courses and branches. And guest user can be get information of requirement faculty teacher.  Information of course and branch.  Download the registration form.  Information for requirement of faculty. College Management System Modules Login & registration  Admin: when any student take admission in college. admin give a unique student id & password for student and admin give a unique parents id & password for parents. For login in student & parents pannel. And admin can be login in college pannel. Admin give a unique id and password for faculty teacher.  Mentor: mentor can be login in college pannel.  Faculty: teacher can be login in college pannel.  Parents: parents can be login in parents pannel.  Student: student can be login in student pannel. Bio data  Admin  admin can see the bio data of student and faculty. After searching by roll no. and name wise.  Admin can be change in their bio data.  Mentor  mentor can be update and changes in their bio data.  mentor can see the bio data of their branch student. After searching by roll no.  Faculty  faculty can be update and change in their bio data.
  • 10. 10  faculty teacher can see the bio data of their branch student. After searching by roll no.  Parents:  Parents can see the bio data of student.  Student:  student can be update in their bio data. Attendance  Admin Admin can be update and see the attendance of student. After search by semester wise and roll no wise.  Mentor: mentor can be update and see the attendance of student. After search by semester wise and roll no wise.  Faculty: faculty can be update and see the attendance of student. After search by branch wise and roll no wise.  Parents: parents can see the attendance of student by semester wise and subject wise after search.  Student: student can see the attendance by semester wise and subject wise after search. Marks:  Admin: admin can be update and see the marks of student. After search by semester wise and roll no wise.  Mentor: mentor can be update and see the marks of student. After search by branch wise and roll no wise.  Faculty: faculty can be update and see the marks of student. After search by branch wise and roll no wise.  Parents: parents can see the marks of student by semester wise and subject wise after search.  Student: student can see the marks by semester wise and subject wise after search.
  • 11. 11 Notices  Admin:  If admin has any issue for any student’s marks and attendance then admin can be update notice in student & parents account. If admin wants to give any notice for a particular student then admin can be give a message or notice for student. After search the roll no and semester wise.  If admin has any issue of attendance & marks of particular student then admin can be update notice in student account and parents account. after search the roll no.  Admin can be update a notice for parents regarding to fee and other information. after search the roll no and semester.  Mentor:  If mentor has any issue for any student’s marks and attendance then mentor can be update notice in student & parents account. If mentor wants to give any notice for a particular student then mentor can be give a message or notice for student. after search the roll no. and branch wise.  If mentor has any issue of attendance & marks of particular student then mentor can be update notice in student account and parents account. After search the roll no and branch wise.  Faculty:  If faculty has any issue for any student’s marks and attendance then teacher can be update notice in student & parents account. If faculty wants to give any notice for a particular student then faculty can be give a message or notice for student. After search the roll no and semester.  Parents:  Information of fee (deposit date and amount ) and Feedback of student given by teacher and Notification (information) for parents by college.
  • 12. 12  Student: information of college events, functions. and information regarding technical &non technical Profile:  Admin:  admin can see the profile of student and faculty. After searching by roll no. and name wise.  Admin can be update of their profile.  Mentor:  mentor can see the profile of student. After searching by roll no. and name wise.  Mentor can be update their profile.  Faculty:  mentor can see the profile of student. After searching by roll no. and name wise.  Mentor can be update their profile.  Parents: parents can see the profile of student.  Student: student can be change in their profile. if needed modification can be done for new password and profile picture and etc. Calendar:  Admin: admin can be update a calendar for students. information about the midterms practical and final exam dates in this calendar. Admin can be update calendar branch wise and year wise after search.  Mentor: mentor can see the calendar of student’s examination date sheet after search by branch and semester wise.  Faculty: faculty can see the calendar of student’s examination date sheet after search by branch and semester wise.  Parents: parents can see the calendar of their student after click the calendar.
  • 13. 13  Student: student can see the calendar after click the calendar. News:  Admin: admin can be update news in particular student. information of college events, functions. and information regarding technical &non technical after search the roll no and branch wise.  Students: information of college events, functions. and information regarding technical &non technical. Searching:  Admin: admin can be search the attendance , marks ,and bio data of particular student and any semester or branch by roll no, semester name, branch name wise.  Mentor: mentor can be search the attendance , marks ,and bio data of particular student and their branch by roll no, semester name, branch name wise.  Faculty: faculty teacher can be search the attendance , marks ,and bio data of particular student and their branch by roll no, semester name, branch name wise.  Parents: If parents have any issue for particular teacher then parents click the feedback term and search the teacher name and write feedback for teacher. and parents can see the student’s attendance and marks by search the semester name and subject name wise.  Student: student can see the marks and attendance by search the subject name and semester name wise. Automation:  Admin: the information receive to admin that the seats are full of particular branch in particular course. And if admin types login id and password wrong then message will appear that “your id and password is incorrect”.  Mentor: the mentor receive the information of branch and their room no in which their lacture will held and show that the list of students of
  • 14. 14 their lecture class. And if mentor types login id and password wrong then message will appear that “your id and password is incorrect”.  Faculty: the faculty receive the information of branch and their room no in which their lacture will held and show that the list of student of their lecture class. And if faculty types login id and password wrong then message will appear that “your id and password is incorrect”.  Parents: if parents types login id and password wrong then message will appear that “your id and password is incorrect”.  Student: if student types login id and password wrong then message will appear that “your id and password is incorrect”.
  • 15. 15 CHAPTER 3 EVALUATION OF EXISTING SYSTEM 3.1 Existing System:- Present system or Existing system of “College Management System” working manually or computerized in a building. Therefore all types works are maintain in building. So maintain all the counseling procedure very difficult. The computerization of COLLEGE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM is an integrated package developed as the College Management System in ASP.Net. This package follows the standards and norms of COLLAGE. As opposed to the manual system of working of College Management System, just requires some key input from bout entry by the package itself. The operator such as patient, searching patient, etc and rest of work is done. The system provides facility of patient registration; reduce time of evaluation and inquiry, Searching and modification. Although the concept about the new system are discussed in various chapter but knowledge of computer is required to follow the comment of this project work. You are also welcome for your comments and suggestion to make more improvement and enhancement in project.
  • 16. 16 CHAPTER 4 PROPOSED SYSTEM 4.1INTRODUCTION TO COLLEGE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM This project mainly used for College Management System of new or old student’s and college department. This project I use many operations for keeping record. We use student registration and college department record stored and performs for the HOD of Department form, search form and their College and department, students record. In this project we need to fill up the basic information about the College Management System into the registration form, total qualifications, percentages, result, and all of college record, and student and staff Employee current & permanent address etc. a) Registration Form:- When we enter the correct registration in the registration form n we enter in our project end work in it. b) College Management System form:- In this form we can insert those students and staff which are already login from the college. c) Search:- By using this form operator can search own self the students & college department by using information of branch and college department academic gap n back and other information which is required in very easy manner? c) View Form:- Using this option form operator can get the College Management System by providing college department all of record. 4.2Features of the Proposed System: - In earlier time, the college was using the manual system, which as based on the entries on the registers. When a student want College Management System from the college then he must do the entries in the register and also when he/her talk record than help desk is also need to do the entry registers. The computerized integrated system from the existing system will have the following advantage:  Handle volume of information.  Complexity of data processing.  Processing time constant.  Computational demand.
  • 17. 17  Instantaneous queries.  Security features. In detail, the application needs to be developed for College Management System FORM. Each of the application modules will have the following features:  Linking of information as an integrated centralized system.  Data Entry  Query system To define various levels of access control and security requirements, system will place the restriction on the use of different screens etc. It has one part
  • 18. 18 CHAPTER 5 OBJECTIVE OF THE PROJECT This project is invented for the College Management System of the student employee in college. The objective of the project solution for simplifying the entry process. It provides user friendly interface. The main objectives of the College Management System project are following:  Easy searching of student, college & employee information.  Increase high throughputs.  Decrease overheads.  Minimization redundancy.  Make data more secure.  Improve report generation process to improve decision making.  To provide fast accurate and consist response.  Proposed system is according to the current demand.
  • 19. 19 CHAPTER 6 SCOPE OF THE PROJECT Our project has a big scope to do. We can store information of all the student & college record. College Management System is categorized according to various streams. Various companies can access the information. Students & college can maintain their information and can update it. Notifications are sent to students about the companies. Students & college department can access previous information about college. There are fallowing modules and forms are used- 1. Institute Record. 2. Student Record. 3. College Management System. 4. Category’s selection form. 5. Reporting, Withdraw. 6. Campus Placement. 7. Staff Salary. 8. New Admission. 9. College Results.
  • 20. 20 CHAPTER 7 SYSTEM ANALYSIS 7.1 INTRODUCATION:- In earlier time, the college was using the manual system, which as based on the entries on the registers. When a student want placement from the college then he must do the entries in the register and also when he/her talk placed than help desk is also need to do the entry registers. The computerized integrated system from the existing system will have the following advantage:  Handle volume of information.  Complexity of data processing.  Processing time constant.  Computational demand.  Instantaneous queries.  Security features. In detail, the application needs to be developed for College Management System form. Each of the application modules will have the following features:  Linking of information as an integrated centralized system.  Data Entry  Query system To define various levels of access control and security requirements, system will place the restriction on the use of different screens etc. It has one part.  Administrator: He has all rights and can go on any screen. 7.2 Requirement Analysis: -
  • 21. 21 Information gathering is usually the first phase of the software development project. The purpose of this phase is to identify and document the exact requirements for the system. The user’s request identifies the need for a new information system and on investigation re-defined the new problem to be based on MIS, which supports management. The objective is to determine whether the request is valid and feasible before a recommendation is made to build a new or existing manual system continues. The major steps are – • Defining the user requirements. • Studying the present system to verify the problem. • Defining the performance expected by the candidate to use requirements. 7.3 S/W and H/W Requirement Specification: - Hardware requirements Processor 1 GHz RAM 512 MB Disk space (minimum) 32-bit 850 MB 64-bit 2 GB Table 1: Hardware requirements Supported client operating systems Operating system Supported editions Additional information Windows 8.1 32-bit and 64-bit Includes the .NET Framework 4.5.1 Windows 8 32-bit and 64-bit Includes the .NET Framework 4.5 Windows 7 SP1 32-bit and 64-bit - Windows XP 32-bit and 64-bit -
  • 22. 22 Windows Vista SP2 32-bit and 64-bit - Table 2: Supported client operating systems Supported server operating systems Operating system Supported editions Additional information Windows Server 2012 R2 64-bit Includes the .NET Framework 4.5.1 Windows Server 2012 (64-bit edition) 64-bit Includes the .NET Framework 4.5 Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 64-bit The .NET Framework is supported in the Server Core Role with SP1 or later, but isn't supported on Windows Server 2008 R2 for Itanium-Based Systems. Windows Server 2008 SP2 32-bit and 64-bit The .NET Framework is not supported in the Server Core Role. Table 3: Supported server operating systems Introduction to ASP.NET: - The .NET Framework is an environment for building, deploying, and running Web Services and other applications. It consists of three main parts:  the Common Language Runtime,  the Framework classes,  And ASP.NET. Net Framework is a platform or development environment to seamlessly create web- applications that are accessible through client machines from across the globe ASP.Net is a part of Microsoft .Net platform. ASP.Net applications are complied codes, written using the extensible and reusable components or objects present in .Net framework. .Net Framework is platform independent and language independent. This means that .Net Framework allows you to use different programming languages such as VB.Net, C#, Jscript, VBScript, and Managed C++ and run applications on different platforms such as UNIX, Macintosh, and Linux. Moreover. History Of ASP.NET FRAMEWORK: -  Easier and quicker programming  Reduced amount of code
  • 23. 23  Declarative programming model  Richer server control hierarchy with events  Larger class library  Better support for development tools The .NET Framework consists of 3 main parts: Programming languages:  C# (Pronounced C sharp)  Visual Basic (VB .NET)  J# (Pronounced J sharp) Server technologies and client technologies:  ASP .NET (Active Server Pages)  Windows Forms (Windows desktop solutions)  Compact Framework (PDA / Mobile solutions) Development environments:  Visual Studio .NET (VS .NET)  Visual Web Developer Common Language Runtime (CLR) ?  The Common Language Runtime is the execution engine for .NET Framework applications. It provides a number of services, including the following:  Code management (loading and execution)  Application memory isolation  Verification of type safety  Conversion of IL to native code  Access to metadata (enhanced type information)  Managing memory for managed objects  Enforcement of code access security
  • 24. 24  Exception handling, including cross-language exceptions Support for developer services (profiling, debugging, and so on) Common Type System (CTS) ? The common type system is a rich type system, built into the Common Language Runtime that supports the types and operations found in most programming languages. The common type system supports the complete implementation of a wide range of programming languages. Common Language Specification (CLS) ? The Common Language Specification is a set of constructs and constraints that serves as a guide for library writers and compiler writers. It allows libraries to be fully usable from any language supporting the CLS, and for those languages to integrate with each other. The Common Language Specification is also important to application developers who are writing code that will be used by other developers. When developers design publicly accessible APIs following the rules of the CLS, those APIs are easily used from all other programming languages that target the Common Language Runtime. Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL) ? MSIL is the CPU-independent instruction set into which .NET Framework programs are compiled. It contains instructions for loading, storing, initializing, and calling methods on objects. Combined with metadata and the common type system, MSIL allows for true cross-language integration. Prior to execution, MSIL is converted to machine code. It is not interpreted. Base Class Library The Base Class Libraries (BCL) provides the fundamental building blocks for any application you develop, be it an ASP.Net application, a Windows Forms application, or a Web Service. The BCL generally serves as your main point of interaction with the runtime.BCL classes include
  • 25. 25 Figure 2: Namespace Namespace:- A namespace is just a grouping of related classes. It's a method of putting classes inside a container so that they can be clearly distinguished from other classes with the same name. Programmers skilled in the Java language will recognize namespaces as packages. A namespace is a logical grouping rather than a physical grouping. The physical grouping is accomplished by an assembly.
  • 26. 26 Figure 3: Runtime Compilation and Execution About HTML: - Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is a language for describing how pages of text, graphics, and other information are organized. Hypertext means text stored in electronic form with cross-reference links between pages. An HTML page contains HTML tags, which are embedded commands that supply information about the page’s structure, appearance, and contents. Web browsers use this information to determine how to display the page. Features of .NET The following are major features of .NET. We will use these features throughout out journey. Here is just a brief introduction to all key features of .NET. Assemblies An assembly is either a .DLL or .EXE that forms a part of an application. It contains MSIL code that is executed by CLR. The following are other important points related to an assembly: It is the unit on which permissions are granted. Every assembly
  • 27. 27 contains a version. Assemblies contain interfaces and classes. They may also contain other resources such as bitmaps, file etc. Every assembly contains assembly metadata, which contains information about assembly. CLR uses this information at the time of executing assembly. Assemblies may be either private, which are used only by the application to which they belong or Global assemblies, which are used by any application in the system. Two assemblies of the same name but with different versions can run side-by-side allowing applications that depend on a specific version to use assembly of that version. The four parts of an assembly are:-  Assembly Manifest - Contains name, version, culture, and information about referenced assemblies.  Type metadata - Contains information about types defined in the assembly.  MSIL – MSIL code.  Resources - Files such as BMP or JPG file or any other files required by application. Note: Assembly that contains only resources is called as Satellite assembly. Common Type System:- Common Type System (CTS) specifies the rules related to data types that languages must follow. As programs written in all languages are ultimately converted to MSIL, data types in all languages must be convertible to certain standard data types.CTS is a part of cross-language integration, which allows classes written in one language to be used and extended by another language. Cross-language Interoperability .NET provides support for language interoperability. However, it doesn’t mean every program written in a language can be used by another language. To enable a program to be used with other languages, it must be created by following a set of rules called Cross Language Specifications (CLS). Cross-language inheritance is the ability to create a class in C# from a class created in VB.NET. When an exception is raised by a program written in C#, the exception can be handled by VB.NET. This kind of exception handling is called cross-language exception handling. .NET has brought a set of new features which are to be understood by every programmer developing applications for Windows. There is no way any Windows programmer can ignore .NET, unless he is desperate to be outdated. Microsoft will provide .NET as part of its operating systems in future releases. It is the platform for programmers. It is not new OS from Microsoft or a new language. It is the environment for which you develop applications. It is rich in terms of features. Believe me, programming using VB.NET is fun and it is more productive than VB 6.0.
  • 28. 28 About SQL SERVER MANAGEMENT: - SQL Server Management Studio enables you to manage Analysis Services objects, such as performing back-ups and processing objects. Management Studio provides an Analysis Services Script project in which you develop and save scripts written in Multidimensional Expressions (MDX), Data Mining Extensions (DMX), and XML for Analysis (XMLA). You use Analysis Services Scripts projects to perform management tasks or re-create objects, such as database and cubes, on Analysis Services instances. For example, you can develop an XMLA script in an Analysis Services Script project that creates new objects directly on an existing Analysis Services instance. The Analysis Services Scripts projects can be saved as part of a solution and integrated with source code control. SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) is a software application first launched with the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 that is used for configuring, managing, and administering all components within Microsoft SQL Server. The tool includes both script editors and graphical tools which work with objects and features of the server. A central feature of SQL Server Management Studio is the Object Explorer, which allows the user to browse, select, and act upon any of the objects within the server.[2] It also has an "express" version that can be freely downloaded. SQL Server Management Studio is an integrated environment for accessing, configuring, managing, administering, and developing all components of SQL Server. SQL Server Management Studio combines a broad group of graphical tools with a number of rich script editors to provide access to SQL Server to developers and administrators of all skill levels. SQL Server Management Studio combines the features of Enterprise Manager, Query Analyzer, and Analysis Manager, included in previous releases of SQL Server, into a single environment. In addition, SQL Server Management Studio works with all components of SQL Server such as Reporting Services and Integration Services. Developers get a familiar experience, and database administrators get a single comprehensive utility that combines easy-to-use graphical tools with rich scripting capabilities. SQL Server 2008 has been released for a year now. In SQL Server 2000, DBA had to use two different tools to maintain the database as well as the query database, specifically SQL Server Enterprise Manager and SQL Server Query Analyzer. With the release of SQL Server 2005 both of these tools are combined into one tool: SQL Server Management Studio. For a while DBA who were fan of Query Analyzer requested to bring it back but as they keep on using SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) they realized that it was much more convenient if every task related to SQL Server could be accomplished using SSMS. With the release of SQL Server 2008 Microsoft has upgraded SSMS with many new features as well as added tons of new functionalities requested by DBAs for long time. Let us go over a few of the important new features of the SSMS 2008. The list of SQL Server 2008 SSMS improvements is very long. I have selected my favorite 5 features and we will go over them.
  • 29. 29 1. IntelliSense for Query Editing 2. Multi Server Query 3. Query Editor Regions 4. Object Explorer Enhancements 5. Activity Monitors  Large Database & Space Management Control: - Oracle supports the largest database potential hundreds of Giga Bytes in size. To make efficient use of expensive devices, it allows full control of space usage.  Many Concurrent Database Performances: - It supports large no of concurrent users executing a variety of database Applications operation on the same data. It minimizes data connection & guarantees data concurrency  High Transaction Processing Performance: - Sql server management maintains the processing features with a high degree of overall system performance. Database user doesn’t suffer from slow processing performance.  High Availability: - At some sets Oracle works 24 Hours per day with no downtime or limit database throughput. Normal system operation such as database backup & partial completion system failure don’t interrupt database use.  Controlled Availability: - Sql server can selectively control the availability of data at the database level & sub Database level. E.g. - an administrator can disallow use of a specific application .Data can be reloaded without affecting other application.  Manageable Security: - To protect against unauthorized database aspects & users .Oracle provides failsafe security features to limit & monitor the data area. The system makes it easy to manage even the most completed designs for data assets.  Database Enforced Integrity: - sql enforces data integrity “Business rules” that dictates the standards for applicable data. As result the cost of coding & managing checks in many database applications are eliminated.
  • 30. 30  Distributed Database System: - Distributed systems have same degree of user transparency & data consistency as non-distributed systems. Yet receives the advantages of local database management.  Portability: - Sql management studio 2008 software is compatible to work under different operating system & same on all system. Application developed on Oracle can be used on virtually any system with little or no more modification.  Compatibility: - Sql management studio 2008 software is compatible with industry standards, including most industry standards operating systems. Application developed on Oracle can be used on virtually any system with little or no modification.  Connectivity: - Sql management studio 2008 software allows different types of computers & operating system to share information networks. 7.4 FEASIBILITY STUDY Feasibility study is the process of determination of whether or not a project is worth doing. Feasibility studies are undertaken within tight time constraints and normally culminate in a written and oral feasibility report. I have taken two weeks in feasibility study with my co-developer. The contents and recommendations of this feasibility study helped us as a sound basis for deciding how to precede the project. It helped in taking decisions such as which software to use, hardware combinations, etc. The following is the process diagram for feasibility analysis. In the diagram, the feasibility analysis starts with the user set of requirements. With this, the existing system is also observed. The next step is to check for the deficiencies in the existing system. By evaluating the above points a fresh idea is conceived to define and quantify the required goals. The user consent is very important for the new plan. Along with, for implementing the new system, the ability of the organization is also checked. Besides that, a set of alternatives and their feasibility is also considered in case of any failure in the proposed System. Thus, feasibility study is an important part in software development.
  • 31. 31 Figure 4:PROCESS DIAGRAM FOR FEASIBILITY ANALYSIS In the SDLC (Systems Development Life Cycle) of our project we maintained a number of feasibility checkpoints between the two phases of the SDLC. These checkpoints indicate that the management decision to be made after a phase is complete. The feasibility checkpoints in our project were as follows: • Survey phase checkpoint • Study phase checkpoint • Selection phase checkpoint • Acquisition phase checkpoint • Design phase checkpoint We together started measuring project feasibility, which lasted two week. During this period we have had consultation with our guide Mr. Ajay Kumar (project leader of LemonSoftInfosoft) and the management of the organization. In this course we conducted three tests for Project feasibility namely, Technical, Economical, and Operational feasibilities. ANALYZE TO FIND DEFICIENCES FIND BROAD ALTERNATIVE SOLUTION EVALUATE FEASIBILITY OF ALTERNATES USER STATED REQUIREMENTS DEFICIENCES IN CURRENT SYSTEM PROPOSED FEASIBILITY ALTERNATIVES REVISION BASED ON FEASIBILITY ALTERNATIVES CONSTRAINTS ON RESOURCES WORKING CURRENT SYSTEM USERS CONSESUS DEFINE AND QUANTIFY GOALS
  • 32. 32 7.4.1 Technical Feasibility: - Technical feasibility determines whether the work for the project can be done with the existing equipment, software technology and available personnel. Technical feasibility is concerned with specifying equipment and software that will satisfy the user requirement. This project is feasible on technical remarks also, as the proposed system is more beneficiary in terms of having a sound proof system with new technical components installed on the system. The proposed system can run on any machines supporting Windows and Internet services and works on the best software and hardware that had been used while designing the system so it would be feasible in all technical terms of feasibility. Technical Feasibility Addresses Three Major Issues: - Is the proposed Technology or Solution Practical? The technologies used are matured enough so that they can be applied to our problems. The practicality of the solution we have developed is proved with the use of the technologies we have chosen. The technologies such as JAVA (JSP, Servlet), JavaScript and the compatible H/Ws are so familiar with the today’s knowledge based industry that anyone can easily be compatible to the proposed environment. Do we currently posses the necessary technology? We first make sure that whether the required technologies are available to us or nor. If they are available then we must ask if we have the capacity. For instance, “Will our current Printer be able to handle the new reports and forms required of a new system? Do we possess the necessary Technical Expertise and is the Schedule reasonable? This consideration of technical feasibility is often forgotten during feasibility analysis. We may have the technology, but that doesn’t mean we have the skills required to properly apply that technology. As far as our project is concerned we have the necessary expertise so that the proposed solution can be made feasible.
  • 33. 33 7.4.2 Economical Feasibility: - Economical feasibility determines whether there are sufficient benefits in creating to make the cost acceptable, or is the cost of the system too high. As this signifies cost benefit analysis and savings. On the behalf of the cost-benefit analysis, the proposed system is feasible and is economical regarding its pre-assumed cost for making a system. During the economical feasibility test we maintained the balance between the Operational and Economical feasibilities, as the two were the conflicting. For example the solution that provides the best operational impact for the end-users may also be the most expensive and, therefore, the least economically feasible. We classified the costs of Online Counseling according to the phase in which they occur. As we know that the system development costs are usually one-time costs that will not recur after the project has been completed. For calculating the Development costs we evaluated certain cost categories viz. • Personnel costs • Computer usage • Training • Supply and equipments costs • Cost of any new computer equipments and software. In order to test whether the Proposed System is cost-effective or not we evaluated it through three techniques viz. • Payback analysis • Return on Investment: • Net Present value 7.4.3 Operational Feasibility: - Operational feasibility criteria measure the urgency of the problem (survey and study phases) or the acceptability of a solution (selection, acquisition and design phases). How do you measure operational feasibility? There are two aspects of operational feasibility to be considered:
  • 34. 34 (a) Is the problem worth solving or will the solution to the problem work? There are certain measures, which decide, the effectiveness of the system. These measures can be collectively called as PIECES. P (Performance): - The sell purchase online provides adequate throughput an response time. I (Information): - The sell purchase online provides Student and Staff with tamely, pertinent, accurate, and usefully formatted information. E (Economy): - The sell purchase online of reduce the cost of the Counseling or Student reporting (selection). C (Control): - The sell purchase online offer globally controls to protect against fraud and to guarantee the accuracy and security of the data and information. E (Efficiency): - The sell purchase online makes maximum use of available resources and minimum processing delays. S (Services): - The sell purchase online provides desirable and reliable service to those who need it. The sell purchase online is flexible and expandable. (b) How do the students and staff feel about the problem (Solution)? It is not only important to evaluate whether a system can work. We must also evaluate whether a system will work. A workable solution might fail because of Students, Staff resistance. In case of our project the sell purchase online we have examined all the concerns that can further affect its operational feasibility. The following points will explore those concerns. The sell purchase online has complete support of the Student/Staff as an online reporting and access the information. The sell purchase online has made the role of Student easiest one. The Student Staff feel comfortable and upgraded with this system.
  • 35. 35 7.5 Software Engineering Paradigm Applied: - The development strategy that encompasses the process, methods, and tools and the generic phases is called Software Engineering Paradigm. The s/w paradigm for software is chosen based on the nature of the project and application, the method and tools to be used, and the controls and deliverables that are required. All software development can be characterized as a problem-solving loops (fig. 2) in which four distinct stages are encountered: - status quo, problem definition, technical development, and solution integration. Status quo represents the current state of affairs, Problem definition identifies the specific problem to be solved, technical development solves the problem through the application of some technology, and solution integration delivers the results to those who requested the solution in the first place. There are various software paradigms, but we used Waterfall model (the linear sequential model), which states that the phases are organized in a linear order. The Waterfall model suggests a systematic, sequential approach to s/w development that begins at the system level and progresses through analysis, design, coding, testing, and maintenance. The sequence of activities performed in a software development project with the Waterfall model is: system analysis, system design, coding, testing & integration, installation, and maintenance. For a successful project resulting in a successful product, all phases listed in the waterfall model must be performed. Any different ordering of the phases will result in a less successful software product. There are a number of project outputs in waterfall model that is produced to produce a successful product: • Requirement documents and project plan • System and detailed design • Programs (code) • Test plan, test reports and manuals • Installation reports
  • 36. 36 7.5.1Limitations of Waterfall Model: - • The waterfall model assumes that the requirements of a system can be baseline before the design begins. This is possible for system designed to automate an existing manual system. For our system, (The sell purchase online) this is a new system, determining the requirement is difficult, as the user does not even know the requirements. • Freezing the requirements usually requires choosing the hardware. • The waterfall model stipulates that the requirements be completely specified before the rest of the development can proceed. • It is a document driven process that requires formal documents at the end of each phase. This approach tends to make the process documentation-heavy and is not suitable for many applications (interactive applications).
  • 37. 37 CHAPTER 8 SYSTEM DESIGN 8.1. Introduction: - The objective of the system design is to deliver the requirements as specified in the feasibility report. System design involves first logical design (logical design) and then physical construction (detailed design) of the system. The logical design describes the structure and characteristics of features, such as the outputs, inputs, files, databases, and procedures. The physical construction produces actual program software, files, and a working system. System design goes through two phases of development: - 1. Logical Design 2. Physical Design 1. Logical Design:- We know that a data flow diagram shows the logical flow of a system and defines the boundaries of the system. Logical design specifies the user need at a level of details that virtually determine the information flow into and out of the system and the required data resources. Logical design describes the inputs, outputs, database and procedures .All in a format that meets the user’s requirements. 2. Physical Design:- It provides the working system by defining the design specification that tells programmers exactly what that candidate system must do. In short it can state that physical design is the implementation of the logical design. Physical system design consists of the following- (a)Design the physical system • Specify input, output media • Design the database and specify backup procedures. • Design physical information flow through the system and a physical design walkthrough. (b)Plan system implementation
  • 38. 38 8.2 Module Description:- The sell purchase online with the fallowing modules: - (1) Guest Module (2) Buyer Module (3) Seller Module (4) Admin Module 8.3 Data flow Diagram: - Figure 5: Data flow Diagram
  • 39. 39 Figure 6: Zero - Level DFD of Guest Module Figure 7: DFD for Admin Module
  • 41. 41 8.5 Database Design: - Usually, a collection of interrelated data is referring to as database. The database contains information about one particular enterprise. Database system is designed to shear and manage large volume of information .The management of data involves both the manipulation of information .In addition ,the database system must provide for safety information storage in the database ,despite system crashes or unauthorized access. 8.6 Input-Output Design: -  Input Design: - The input design is a crucial part of any system errors. Inaccurate input data are the most common cause of the errors in the processing. Data entry errors can be controlled by input design. Input design is the process of converting user-oriented inputs to computer –based formats .the goal of designing input data is to make data entry as easy, logical and free from errors as possible.  Output Design: - Computer output is the most important and direct source of information to the users. Efficient intelligible output design should improve the system’s relationship with the user and help in decision making. A major form of output is a hard copy from the printer. In the system under consideration, the output is in two forms, hard copy from the printer and output to the CRT screen in predefined format. CHAPTER 9 Design:- Design patterns are recurring sequences, built-in .NET patterns are scattered over the framework. In practice, following standard software patterns will help to achieve more standard code that is manageable and understandable by a bigger set of software programmers/developers and architects. Design coding have three patterns…these are…… Creational Patterns Abstract Factory Creates an instance of several families of classes Builder Separates object construction from its representation
  • 42. 42 Factory Method Creates an instance of several derived classes Prototype A fully initialized instance to be copied or cloned Singleton A class of which only a single instance can exist Table 4: Creational Patterns Structural Patterns Adapter Match interfaces of different classes Bridge Separates an object’s interface from its implementation Composite A tree structure of simple and composite objects Decorator Add responsibilities to objects dynamically Facade A single class that represents an entire subsystem Flyweight A fine-grained instance used for efficient sharing Proxy An object representing another object Table 5: Structural Patterns Behavioral Patterns Chain of Resp. A way of passing a request between a chain of objects Command Encapsulate a command request as an object Interpreter A way to include language elements in a program Iterator Sequentially access the elements of a collection Mediator Defines simplified communication between classes Memento Capture and restore an object's internal state Observer A way of notifying change to a number of classes State Alter an object's behavior when its state changes Strategy Encapsulates an algorithm inside a class Template Method Defer the exact steps of an algorithm to a subclass Visitor Defines a new operation to a class without change Table 7: Behavioral Patterns
  • 62. 62 CHAPTER 12 TESTING 12.1 System Testing: - Prior to the actual implementation of the system it had to be tested comprehensively and every possible error uncovered. Since it is not possible to test the system exhaustively, the black box testing method was used for system testing. The black box testing usually demonstrates that software functions are operational; that the input is properly accepted and the output is correctly produced; and that integrity of external information (databases) is maintained. Table 10.1 outlines the tests that were performed on the system to ensure correctness and unearth errors which were subsequently debugged. Testing Phase Objectives Unit Testing The various functions within each program and the program blocks are tested for proper working. Module Testing A module is composed of various programs related to that module. Module testing is done to check the module functionality and interaction between units within a module Integration Testing Integration testing is done to test the functionality and interfacing between the modules. Acceptance testing Acceptance testing is done after implementation to check if the system runs successfully in the customer environment/site. Table 7: Tests Conducted on the System
  • 63. 63 12.2 Unit Testing: - Unit Testing will be done to test field validations, navigation, functionality of the programs and its blocks. These tests are applied on various functions within each program and other critical program blocks. Table 10.2 and 10.3 outline two sample test cases for Unit Testing performed on the system Test Case Description This test case deals with the creation of User information. The creation program takes many inputs. The test should check for proper inputs and verify whether the creation function is called properly with the correct input parameters. Expected Inputs • Student detail provide by admin to user Expected Outputs • Provide the student detail to user. Actual Test Results • An alert window was shown whenever the user gave some erroneous data, such as entering numbers in the name field, entering characters in numeric fields. • Confirmation of Insertion of details was displayed on submission to the add function, implying that the function was called properly. Table 8: Unit Testing – Test Case 1 The .net framework have many system testing tools, These are….  Configuration tools  Debugging tools  Security tools  General tools Table 12.3:- Unit Testing – Test Case 2: - Test Case Description This test case deals with the Withdraw of counseling Student by the java function for that does the Withdraw. The test will check if the java function receives the Withdraw properly and checks if the Withdraw is performed correctly. Expected Inputs • Withdraw the best student fromthe web server. Expected Outputs • The .net function provide the best result to user Actual Test Results • The function received the Withdraw Student detail properly.
  • 64. 64 The .net framework have many system testing tools, These are…. (1) Configuration tools (2) Debugging tools (3) Security tools (4) General tools 12.2 Unit Testing: - Unit Testing will be done to test field validations, navigation, functionality of the programs and its blocks. These tests are applied on various functions within each program and other critical program blocks Configuration and Deployment Tools Tool Description ASP.NET Compilation Tool (Aspnet_compiler.exe) Allows an administrator to precompile an ASP.NET application, either in place or for deployment. ASP.NET Browser Registration Tool (Aspnet_regbrowsers.exe) Allows an administrator to create new browser definitions. ASP.NET IIS Registration Tool (Aspnet_regiis.exe) Allows an administrator or installation program to update the scriptmaps for an ASP.NET application to point to the ASP.NET ISAPI version associated with the tool. You can also use the tool to perform other ASP.NET configuration operations. ASP.NET SQL Server Registration Tool (Aspnet_regsql.exe) Allows an administrator to create and manage SQL Server databases used for ASP.NET services such as membership, roles, and profile properties. Assembly Cache Viewer (Shfusion.dll) Allows you to view and manipulate the contents of the global assembly cache using Windows Explorer. Assembly Linker (Al.exe) Generates a file with an assembly manifest from one or more files that are either resource files or Microsoft intermediate language (MSIL) files. Assembly Registration Tool (Regasm.exe) Reads the metadata within an assembly and adds the necessary entries to the registry, which allows COM clients to create .NET Framework classes transparently. Assembly Binding Log Viewer (Fuslogvw.exe) Displays details for failed assembly binds. This information helps you diagnose why the .NET Framework cannot locate an assembly at run time.
  • 65. 65 CorFlags Conversion Tool (CorFlags.exe) Allows you to configure the CorFlags section of the header of a portable executable image. Global Assembly Cache Tool (Gacutil.exe) Allows you to view and manipulate the contents of the global assembly cache and download cache. While Shfusion.dll provides similar functionality, you can use Gacutil.exe from build scripts, makefile files, and batch files. Installer Tool (Installutil.exe) Allows you to install and uninstall server resources by executing the installer components of a specified assembly. Isolated Storage Tool (Storeadm.exe) Lists or removes all existing stores for the currently logged-on user. Native Image Generator (Ngen.exe) Creates a native image from a managed assembly and installs it in the native image cache on the local computer. .NET Framework Configuration Tool (Mscorcfg.msc) Provides a graphical interface for managing .NET Framework security policy and applications that use remoting services. This tool also allows you to manage and configure assemblies in the global assembly cache. .NET Services Installation Tool (Regsvcs.exe) Adds managed classes to Windows 2000 Component Services by loading and registering the assembly and generating, registering, and installing the type library into an existing COM+ 1.0 application. XML Serializer Generator Tool (Sgen.exe) Creates an XML serialization assembly for types in a specified assembly in order to improve the run-time performance of theXmlSerializer. Soapsuds Tool (Soapsuds.exe) Helps you compile client applications that communicate with XML Web services using a technique called remoting. Type Library Exporter (Tlbexp.exe) Generates a type library from a common language runtime assembly. Type Library Importer (Tlbimp.exe) Converts the type definitions found within a COM type library into equivalent definitions in managed metadata format.
  • 66. 66 Web Services Description Language Tool (Wsdl.exe) Generates code for XML Web services and XML Web services clients from Web Services Description Language (WSDL) contract files, XML Schema Definition (XSD) schema files, and .discomap discovery documents. Web Services Discovery Tool (Disco.exe) Discovers the URLs of XML Web services located on a Web server, and saves documents related to each XML Web service on a local disk. XML Schema Definition Tool (Xsd.exe) Generates XML schemas that follow the XSD language proposed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). This tool generates common language runtime classes and DataSet classes from an XSD schema file. Debugging Tools Tool Description Microsoft CLR Debugger (DbgCLR.exe) Provides debugging services with a graphical interface to help application developers find and fix bugs in programs that target the runtime. Runtime Debugger (Cordbg.exe) Provides command-line debugging services using the common language runtime Debug API. Used to find and fix bugs in programs that target the runtime. SOS Debugging Extension (SOS.dll) Provides the debugging services of the common language runtime to Visual Studio or the WinDbg.exe debugging tool. .NET Framework Command-Line Debugger (MDbg.exe) Provides command-line debugging services using the common language runtime Debug API.
  • 67. 67 Security Tools Tool Description Certificate Creation Tool (Makecert.exe) Generates X.509 certificates for testing purposes only. Certificate Manager Tool (Certmgr.exe) Manages certificates, certificate trust lists (CTLs), and certificate revocation lists (CRLs). Certificate Verification Tool (Chktrust.exe) Verifies the validity of a file signed with an X.509 certificate. The Certificate Verification tool only ships with the .NET Framework SDK version 1.0 and 1.1. In later versions, use the Sign Tool (SignTool.exe) utility instead. Code Access Security Policy Tool (Caspol.exe) Allows you to examine and modify machine, user, and enterprise- level code access security policies. File Signing Tool (Signcode.exe) Signs a portable executable (PE) file with an Authenticode digital signature. The File Signing Tool only ships with the .NET Framework SDK version 1.0 and 1.1. In later versions, use the Sign Tool (SignTool.exe) utility instead. Permissions View Tool (Permview.exe) Displays the minimal, optional, and refused permission sets requested by an assembly. You can also use this tool to view all declarative security used by an assembly. PEVerify Tool (PEverify.exe) Performs MSIL type safety verification checks and metadata validation checks on a specified assembly. Policy Migration Tool (Migpole.exe) Migrates security policy between two compatible versions of the .NET Framework. Secutil Tool (Secutil.exe) Extracts strong name public key information or Authenticode publisher certificates from an assembly, in a format that can be incorporated into code.
  • 68. 68 Set Registry Tool (Setreg.exe) Allows you to change the registry settings for the Software Publishing State keys, which control the behavior of the certificate verification process. The Set Registry tool only ships with the .NET Framework SDK version 1.0 and 1.1. In later versions, use the Sign Tool (SignTool.exe)utility instead. Sign Tool (SignTool.exe) Digitally signs files, verifies signatures in files, and time stamps files. Software Publisher Certificate Test Tool (Cert2spc.exe) Creates, for test purposes only, a Software Publisher's Certificate (SPC) from one or more X.509 certificates. Strong Name Tool (Sn.exe) Helps create assemblies with strong names. Sn.exe provides options for key management, signature generation, and signature verification. General Tools Tool Description License Compiler (Lc.exe) Reads text files that contain licensing information and produces a .licenses file that can be embedded in a common language runtime executable. Management Strongly Typed Class Generator (Mgmtclassgen.exe) Allows you to quickly generate an early-bound class in C#, Visual Basic, or JScript for a specified Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) class. MSIL Assembler (Ilasm.exe) Generates a PE file from Microsoft intermediate language (MSIL). You can run the resulting executable, which contains MSIL code and the required metadata, to determine whether the MSIL code performs as expected. MSIL Disassembler (Ildasm.exe) Takes a PE file that contains MSIL code and creates a text file suitable as input to the MSIL Assembler (Ilasm.exe).
  • 69. 69 Resource File Generator Tool (Resgen.exe) Converts text files and .resx (XML-based resource format) files to .NET common language runtime binary .resources files that can be embedded in a runtime binary executable or compiled into satellite assemblies. Windows Forms ActiveX Control Importer (Aximp.exe) Converts type definitions in a COM type library for an ActiveX control into a Windows Forms control. Windows Forms Class Viewer (Wincv.exe) Finds managed classes matching a specified search pattern, and displays information about those classes using the Reflection API. The Windows Forms Class Viewer only ships with the .NET Framework SDK version 1.0 and 1.1. Windows Forms Resource Editor (Winres.exe) Allows you to quickly and easily localize Windows Forms forms.
  • 70. 70 CHAPTER 13 IMPLEMENTATION AND MAINTENANCE 13.1 Implementation:- Implementation uses the design document to produce code. Demonstration that the program satisfies its specifications validates the code. Typically, sample runs of the program demonstrating the behavior for expected data values and boundary values are required. Small programs are written using the model: - Write/Compile/ Test It may take several iterations of the model to produce a working program. As programs get more complicated, testing and debugging alone may not be enough to produce reliable code. Instead, we have to write programs in a manner that will help insure that errors are caught or avoided. Top-Down Implementation: - Top down implementation begins with the user-invoked student and works toward the modules that do not call any other student. The implementation may student depth-first or breadth-first. Bottom-Up Implementation: - Implementation begins with student that do not call any other student and works toward the main program. Test harness is used to test individual student. The main student constitutes the final test harness. Stub Programming: - Stub programming is the implementation analogue of top-down and stepwise refinement. It supports incremental program development by allowing for error and improvement. A stub program is a stripped-down, skeleton version of a final program. It doesn't implement details of the algorithm or fulfill all the job requirements. However, it does contain rough versions of all subprograms and their parameter lists. Furthermore, it can be compiled and run. Extensive use of procedures and parameter are the difference between stub programs and prototypes. Quick and dirty prototypes should be improved--they should be rewritten. A stub program helps demonstrates that a program's structure is plausible. Its procedures and functions are unsophisticated versions of their final forms, but they allow limited use of the entire program. In particular, it may work for a limited data set. The comment brackets can be moved, call-by-call, as the underlying procedures are actually written.
  • 71. 71 Incremental Program Development: As program become more complex, changes have a tendency to introduce unexpected effects. Incremental programming tries to isolate the effects of changes. We add new features in preference to adding new functions, and add new function rather than writing new programs. The program implementation model becomes:  Define types/compile/fix;  Add load and dump functions/compile/test;  Add first processing function/compile/test/fix;  Add features/compile/test/fix;  Add second processing function/compile/test/fix;  Keep adding features/and compiling/and testing/ and fixing. 13.2 Maintenance: - Once the software is delivered and deployed, then maintenance phase starts. Software requires maintenance because there are some residual errors remaining in the system that must be removed as they discovered. Maintenance involves understanding the existing software (code and related documents), understanding the effect of change, making the changes, testing the new changes, and retesting the old parts that were not changed. The complexity of the maintenance task makes maintenance the most costly activity in the life of software product. It is believed that almost all software that is developed has residual errors, or bugs, in them. These errors need to be removed when discovered that leads to the software change. This is called Corrective Maintenance. Corrective maintenance means repairing, processing or performance failures or making alterations because of previously ill-defined problems. Software undergoes change frequently even without bugs because the software must be upgraded and enhanced to include more features and provide more services. This also requires modification of the software. The changed software changes the environment, which in turn requires further change. This phenomenon is called the “law of software evaluation”. Maintenance due to this phenomenon is called adaptive maintenance. Adaptive maintenance means changing the program function. Perfect maintenance means enhancing the performance or modifying the programs according to the user’s additional or changing needs. The keys to reduce the need for maintenance are:
  • 72. 72  More accurately defining the user’s requirement during system development.  Preparation of system documentation in a better way.  Using more effective ways for designing processing logic and communicating it to project team members.  Making better use of existing tools and techniques.  Managing the system engineering process effectively. 13.3 COST ESTIMATION OF THE PROJECT: - The objective of the cost estimation is to enable the client or developer to perform a cost-benefit analysis and for project monitoring and control. The accuracy of the estimate depends on the amount of reliable information about the final product. When the product is delivered, the cost can be accurately determined, as all the data about the project and the resource spent can be fully known by then. Cost Of Correcting Errors: - According to the established S/W Engineering standard of estimating the cost of correcting errors the phase wise distribution of occurrences of errors is as given below: - Requirement Analysis 20% Design 30% Coding 50% The cost of correcting errors of different phases is not the same and depends on when the error is detected and corrected. One can perform cost estimation at any point in the software life cycle. As the cost of the project depends on the nature and characteristics of the project, at any point, the accuracy of the estimate will depend on the amount of reliable information we have about the final product. The figure depicted below shows the accuracy of the cost estimation. On Size estimation of Schedule and Cost of the Project: this approach implies that size is the primary factor for cost; other factors have lesser effect. Here we will discuss one such model called the Constructive Cost Model (COCOMO) developed by Boehm. This model also estimates the total effort in terms of person-months of the technical project staff. The basic steps of this model are as follows: -
  • 73. 73  Obtain the initial estimate of the development effort from the estimate of thousands of delivered lines of source code (KDLOC).  Determine a set of multiplying factors from different attributes of the project.  Adjust the effort estimate by multiplying the initial estimate with all the multiplying factors. The initial estimate also called nominal estimate is determined by an equation of the form used in the static single-variable models, using KDLOC as the measure of size. To determine the initial effort Ei in person-months the equation used is of the type Ei = a*(KDLOC)b In COCOMO model the values of constants a and b are different with different type of projects. As our project is Organic type the values of a and b are 3.2 and 1.05 respectively. The total thousand delivered code (KDLOC) of our system has been estimated as around 2. In order to determine the multiplying factors commonly known as cost driver attributes we have taken rating of these attributes according to our requirements. From these, the effort adjustment factor (EAF) of our project has been estimated as 1.16. Now the final efforts estimate, E, of our project is obtained by multiplying the initial estimate by the EAF. i.e., E = EAF*Ei The project duration is estimated for an Organic project by the formula D = 2.5 * E0.38 and according to this formula I have estimated the project duration 6 months.
  • 74. 74 CHAPTER 14 CONCLUSION This was the first considerably large and important project undertaken by me during my MCA course. It was an experience that changed the way I perceived project development. The coding could not be started before the whole system was completely finalized. Even then there were so many changes required and the coding needed to be changed. I attribute this to inadequate information gathering from the user. Though there were many meetings with the user and most of the requirements were gathered, a few misinterpretations of the requirements still crept in. It made me realize how important the systems analysis phase is. The project is a classic example for the adage that learning of concepts needs to be supplemented with application of that knowledge. On the whole it was a wonderful experience developing this project and I would have considered my education incomplete without undertaking such a project which allowed me to apply all that I have learnt.
  • 75. 75 CHAPTER 15 BIBLIOGRAPHY Books Referred  “Visual Studio Complete Reference 6.0” Noel Jecke  “Programming in Visual Basic “Julie Case Bradley  “Visual Basic 6.0” Wright Brothers  “Programming book of ASP.NET 2.5 with C#”  “Professional Book of ASP.NET 3.5 with C#”
  • 76. 76 CHAPTER 16 REFERENCE   