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Growing Our Business in
Interesting Times:
Buy, Sell, or Hold
Daniel S. Gordon, CPA
PCO Bookkeepers
PCO Bookkeepers: The Pest Control
Industry’s Most Trusted Accountants
● 30+ years in the pest control industry
● Previous pest control business owner
● Serving pest control operators for over 15 years
● With over 300 PCO clients spanning 43 states
● Our clients make up well over $600million in annual revenue
● Bookkeeping/Accounting/CFO Services/Tax Prep & Planning
PCO M&A Specialists: M&A Brokerage
● Pest control operator market focus
● Pest control business systems analysis
● Tax consulting & minimization strategies
● Accurate business model valuations
● Intimate knowledge of business law focusing on merger &
acquisition transactions
● Due diligence
Daniel S. Gordon,
John P. Corrigan,
Are We Really
A Comparison of the 2002
& 2018 PCT Top 100
(Partial List)
2002 PCT Top 100 2018 PCT Top 100
Our Changing
● Over the past 10 to 15 years, we have seen our
industry undergo a dramatic transformation,
fueled by rapid growth and recognition by the
“smart money” people on Wall Street that a
recurring revenue model provides an ample
ROI in a low risk and stable industry
● What used to be a $5.6 billion industry in 2002
is now approximately $14.0 billion with solid
growth projected by market analysts for the
decade to come.
A lot has happened
in our industry since
Y2K...The 90s-
Once upon a time...
There was an Internet bubble, and kaboom! It burst
and all the smart people had to look for businesses
that made sense, were sustainable, scalable,
profitable and had enterprise value…
So, what did they do?
They Invested in
Real Estate
● Low interest rates
● Easy access to money
● CPA letters
Once upon
a time...
There was a real estate bubble, and kaboom! It
burst and all the smart people had to look for
businesses that made sense, were sustainable,
scalable, profitable and had enterprise value…
But, before they could flip to the next big thing,
they encountered...
Recession, What
Am I a psychic?
● Did I make a bold prediction that came true?
● I’d like to think so! But it’s really about this
amazing country we live in!
● While we have many political issues, few can argue
about the economy and the business-friendly
climate we live in
● In addition, the bedbug epidemic started right
when the world was in economic meltdown
All the smart people had to look for
businesses that made sense, were
sustainable, scalable, profitable and
had enterprise value.
Backto My Story...
You’ve got a recipe for industry
growth and consolidation
PE firms with
large pools of
businesses with
high gross
Service firms that
are highly
Our industry is in a classic consolidation phase. We
are (were) a fragmented industry represented by
mostly mom and pop businesses.
● Fragmented industries make ideal targets for
companies looking to enter and potentially
dominate a market.
● The nature of fragmented industries means they
often provide fewer barriers to entry than more
consolidated industries.
● It’s much more difficult to roll up industries where
tremendous domain authority knowledge is
required as well as business models that are not
simply duplicatable.
“Overcoming fragmentation can be a very
significant strategic opportunity. The payoff
to consolidating a fragmented industry can
be high because the costs of entry into it are
by definition low, and there tend to be small
and relatively weak competitors who offer
little threat of retaliation”
- Michael Porter, Harvard Business School
Consolidation: How Simple
Marketing Used to Be!
Direct Mail
It “Ain’t” so Simple Now!
● Internet
● Email Marketing
● Reputation/Review Management
Enter the Business
Disruptors -
Marketing, the Weapon of the Successful
● The larger and tech savvy players have the
wherewithal to understand and master digital media
and those who do master it are making more money
than ever before
● Those players who don’t embrace the technology or
master it are in harm’s way of the industry members
who use it as a weapon to dominate their markets
● “Kill or be killed” or just sell it to the larger players
who are willing to make the financial investment to
put the digital marketing machine in place.
Direct Selling, A.K.A Door 2 Door
Enter the Business
Disruptors -
Marketing, the Weapon of the Successful
● An extremely powerful way to build a service
● Origins in the 1990s, several marketing firms
headquartered in Utah
● Assembling outsourced sales teams
● Apex Marketing/Eclipse Marketing
The Story of Vivint-
Origins of Pest Control
Business Disruptors
While these Utah-based companies were
marketing companies that sold their
expertise in selling during the 90s.
● Many of the “young kids” who sold during those
times are now adults in their 30s and 40s and have
started their own pest management firms and are
the fastest growing group on the PCT 100
● Firms used to spend 20 or 30 years building 10
million or more of annualized revenue.
● Many firms are now building 10 million or more of
annualized revenue in just a few short years
Investors acquired Vivint
for in excess of $2 billion!
In case you missed the prior slide...
Is Todd still
relevant to pest
Success stories are always used to
build sales teams.
A sense of possibility: look at the likes of:
Nu Skin
Mary Kay
And Others
Just as with digital marketing, D2D is
not for the faint of heart.
● It takes the proper skill set, contacts and lots of
capital to build one of these forms to a point of
breakeven or profitability
● What we are seeing now is that many of our
D2D clients are backed by boutique PE firms
PCO Bookkeepers
● Our ideal client is the 1-20 million in
revenue client
● We don’t usually deal with startups for
sub 1 million-dollar companies
However, whenever we get a call from a D2D
startup, we always take them seriously and this
strategy has worked well for us watching several
of these firms grow up in a hurry
Insider vs Outsider-
What does consolidation
look like?
● The last significant roll up was led by Waste
Management along with other Outsiders
looking to expand their horizontal integration
● As these firms realized that pest control was
not consistent with their core offerings, they
● Terminix was the big winner in a couple of
these deals. Both Waste Management and
Sears Pest divisions were purchased by
What Does Consolidation
Look Like?
Insiders vs Outsiders -
Public Firms
● Orkin
● Terminix (Servicemaster)
● Rentokil
● Ecolab
Firms Owned by PE
● Anticimex
● Environmental Pest Services
Private Firms
● Massey
● Arrow
● Cooks
So, What’s a Business
Owner to Do?
If you want to sell, the valuations have never been better.
Do the analysis-
● How old are you?
● What is your financial plan?
● Do you like the business and enjoy showing up for
work every day?
● What will you do after the sale?
○ Retire? Travel? Philanthropy?
○ Take a position with the acquirer? For how long?
○ Start a new career unrelated to the PCO
● What are your lifestyle needs?
● What would you do with sales proceeds?
● What are the risks of keeping your business longer
vs. selling it now?
● Do you have family members who are likely
succession candidates?
What if you don’t want to
sell now (or ever)?
So fear not! You
may not miss the
gravy train at all!
● While valuation multiples may fall in the
future, remember these valuations are based
on the size of your company and the quality
of your accounts and earnings.
● Therefore, if you double, triple, or quadruple
in size over the next 10 years, even at a lower
multiple, you’ll most likely end up with a lot
more money than selling a smaller company
at a higher multiple today.
So, for the many who are not
interested in selling today,
what do we do?
As business owners, we understand that to be
successful, we play in two circles
How do we maximize that value of
our company?
(The Wealth Circle)
Quality Revenue
(Recurring Revenue)
Remember, the pest business is a
simple model (not an easy model,
but a simple model).
Identify a problem
Sell a solution
Set up a recurring service to ensure
the problem is solver over time
Cluster these recurring services on
a route
Rinse, Lather, repeat until you create
lots of routes and you join the exclusive
club called the PCT 100
Let’s look at how
we grow -
Several years ago, our industry made some
important changes.
Lessons from the recent past
Residential Services
● Years ago, general pest in the residential market
was done monthly
● As time passed, it has gone to every other
month, quarterly, and three times per year
● Clearly this has been a game changer as our
dollars per hour per stops have increased
Commercial Services:
● While the commercial arena is alive and well, we are seeing
tremendous price sensitivity
● Whereas pest control budgets of large companies used to be a
petty expense compared to other facilities maintenance and
management outlays, companies are now looking at how every
penny is spent
● Many clients report that in order to keep certain commercial
customers they’ve had to adjust treatment schedules and prices
● Higher-end commercial customers are not only demanding
lower prices but they are also demanding computer generated
reports on pest activity requiring PCOs to invest heavily in
handheld technology.
● We see companies doing quite a bit of analysis with respect to
the cost benefit of employing technology. In some cases, it
seems that even when the analysis says that there is no savings
in deploying technology, PCOs are doing it anyway just to keep
pace with their competition
Lessons from the Recent Past
Getting What’s Ours:
We’ve also seen many clients address customer skips
and accounts receivable issues by automatically
charging customer credit cards or ACHs at regular
While not all customers participate, we see the
benefits of implementing these types of payment
programs through reduced accounts receivable
balances and early warning signals as to clients who
may be having financial issues.
Let’s look at how
we grow -
Lessons from the recent past
Making Service Completions Easier:
Let’s look at how
we grow -
Lessons from the recent past
● Years ago, most residential stops were
scheduled and routed into stringent routing
● More and more we are seeing PCOs providing
service either on an “outside only” plan or
keeping service time flexible to the PCO thereby
making daily routing more efficient.
How do we
continue to grow?
What percentage of revenue should we spend
on marketing/sales?
Marketing Math:
Lifetime Value of Customer=
Annual Gross Revenue x Gross Margin x Average Life
of Customer
● Annual Gross Revenue= $500
● Gross Margin= 50%
● Average Life= 5 years
● Lifetime value= $500 x 50% x 5 Answer: $1,250
(ignoring time value of money for the real financial junkies
in class with us today)
What would you pay for this customer?
It’sup to you but, would $125 be unreasonable?
What is the % of revenue?
Operations -
RouteEfficiency Formula/MorePowerful Than
PricingResidential Services:
Total Technician Hours Spent at All Stopes During
the Time Period
Total Technician Hours Clocked in (Paid Hours)
During the Time Period
...And expressed as a decimal
Using the New
Tax Law
The most sweeping tax reform act since the 1986
overhaul put forth by President Reagan has been signed
into law. So, what does it mean for you?
● C-Corporation rate lowered from a maximum of
● In most cases, the lowering of the corporate rate
won’t help small businesses and is why most
small businesses should not be organized as a C-
The solutions is for small businesses to be organized as
a “Pass Through.”
Using the New Tax Law-
Passing Through Entities
● Currently “Pass Through” entities (Sole
Proprietorships, Partnerships, LLCs and S- Corps)
taxation is based on individual tax rate brackets.
● Under the new law “Pass Throughs” are still taxed at
the individual level. However, there is a deduction
allowed for 20% of pass thru income.
● The pass-through exclusion is available for PCOs, Lawn
Care operators, Manufacturers, distributors, real
estate firms among others.
● But not available for professional firms such as lawyers
and accountants at certain income levels (Go figure!
Congress made up of mostly lawyers limits the
deduction on professional service firms).
Bonus depreciation:
The new law extends and modifies
bonus depreciation, allowing businesses
to immediately deduct 100% of the cost
of eligible property in the year it is place
in services. The new law also removes
the rule that made bonus depreciation
available only for new property and
therefore used equipment now qualifies.
Sec. 179 expensing:
The new law has increased the maximum
amount a taxpayer may expense under Sec.
179 to $1 million & increased the phaseout
threshold to $2.5 million. The new law has
also expanded the definition of Sec. 179
property to include any of the following
improvements to nonresidential real
property: roofs, heating, ventilation, and air
conditioning property, fire protection and
alarm systems; and security systems.
Estate Tax:
Under old laws, estates become taxable
at the $5.6 million level ($11.2 million
for husband and wife). The new law
doubles those amounts. This could be a
very large tax savings to those family
businesses who are passing ownership
to the next generation or selling their
business and passing the proceeds on.
Using the New Tax Law-
What Every Pest Control Operator Must Know
Using Accelerated
Depreciation to Fund
Your Growth
Question: Is purchasing equipment and taking
an accelerated deduction at the end of a
profitable year a good idea versus depreciating
that purchase over 5 to 7 years?
Absolutely! When you have a profit at year end,
purchasing assets is an excellent way to have the
government fund a significant part of your growth
(thru reduced taxes).
Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.
Using Accelerated
Depreciation to
Fund Your Growth
Effectively purchasing assets in a
profitable year increases short term
profits as well as the value of your Pest
Management firm.
Assume we have profit of $100,000 and our
effective federal and state tax rate is 35%
Assume we can purchase a piece of
equipment for $100,000.
Solution 1:
Do not purchase equipment. Pay $35,000 in
taxes and leave the after-tax profit of
$65,000 in the company for future
investment or distribute it to ownership.
Solution 2:
Purchase the equipment financing 100% of it
using a capital lease and take the full
$100,000 deduction using the 179 deductions
or Bonus Depreciation.
Using Accelerated
Depreciation to
Fund Your Growth
In this manner not only does the business
have the $65,000 for future investment or
owner distribution but they have an
additional $35,000 to put to work in their
business because of reducing federal taxes
down to zero.
Now that we have an additional $35,000 to
invest in our business let’s put it toward
marketing and make the following
Example -
The cost per new pest lead is $50 and we have a
closing rate of 50% making our cost per sale
Our average Quarterly Service contract is $500
We can spend our tax savings of $35,000 on
marketing using assumptions in (1) and (2) above.
Using Accelerated
Depreciation to
Fund Your Growth
In this manner we will increase our annual
number of Quarterly contracts by 350 ($35,000
/ $100 cost per sale) adding $175,000 of annual
recurring revenue to the long-term value of our
business which if valued at 1.75 (assumed price)
the ROI is 875%.
$175,000 x 1.75 = $306,250
306,250 / $35,000 investment = 8.75
Using Accelerated
Depreciation to Fund
Your Growth
In addition to increasing the value of our company,
we’ve also added additional annual net income
from these newly acquired customers for as long as
we have them on our books.
Use the money that would have otherwise been
given to the government by way of taxes to fund
these increases as well as purchase the assets
needed to service our newly found increase in
By purchasing assets
in a year of
profitability we can:
Increase Revenue
Increase Net Income
Increase the value of
our company
Using the New Tax
What Every Pest Control OperatorMust Know
Currently the highest federal tax rate is 37%. Add to that the top
state rate (in most states) which can be 10% or more and the top
combined rate exceeds 45%.
Any serious discussion about company finances must consider
the tax effect of various decisions.
The government will either be your partner in profits or not, you
need to be savvy enough to understand how to fund your
business with tax deductions and credits.
The savvy business owner will use sound tax strategy to help fund
business growth and shield income from taxes. YOU NEEDA
The help that the government gives us using accelerated write-
offs is crucial for efficiently growing your business
Lessons Learned
Our industry is going through a
transformation led by consolidation. Don’t be
scared, embrace it! Understand that this
consolidation gives you choices
It may be time to exit or it may be time to
Stick around and grow
When growing, embrace the lessons of the
past as well as the best marketing and
operational strategies that will result rapid
and sustained growth
For Business owners looking to grow there
has never been a friendlier tax environment.
Use the tax laws to help finance the growth
Live the Dream!

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CO2 2018 | Dan Gordon

  • 1. Growing Our Business in Interesting Times: Buy, Sell, or Hold Daniel S. Gordon, CPA PCO Bookkeepers
  • 2. PCO Bookkeepers: The Pest Control Industry’s Most Trusted Accountants ● 30+ years in the pest control industry ● Previous pest control business owner ● Serving pest control operators for over 15 years ● With over 300 PCO clients spanning 43 states ● Our clients make up well over $600million in annual revenue ● Bookkeeping/Accounting/CFO Services/Tax Prep & Planning
  • 3. PCO M&A Specialists: M&A Brokerage Services ● Pest control operator market focus ● Pest control business systems analysis ● Tax consulting & minimization strategies ● Accurate business model valuations ● Intimate knowledge of business law focusing on merger & acquisition transactions ● Due diligence Daniel S. Gordon, CPA John P. Corrigan, JD, CPA, MBA
  • 5. A Comparison of the 2002 & 2018 PCT Top 100 (Partial List) 2002 PCT Top 100 2018 PCT Top 100
  • 6. Our Changing Industry... ● Over the past 10 to 15 years, we have seen our industry undergo a dramatic transformation, fueled by rapid growth and recognition by the “smart money” people on Wall Street that a recurring revenue model provides an ample ROI in a low risk and stable industry ● What used to be a $5.6 billion industry in 2002 is now approximately $14.0 billion with solid growth projected by market analysts for the decade to come.
  • 7. A lot has happened in our industry since Y2K...The 90s- Once upon a time... There was an Internet bubble, and kaboom! It burst and all the smart people had to look for businesses that made sense, were sustainable, scalable, profitable and had enterprise value… So, what did they do?
  • 8. They Invested in Real Estate ● Low interest rates ● Easy access to money ● CPA letters
  • 9. Once upon a time... There was a real estate bubble, and kaboom! It burst and all the smart people had to look for businesses that made sense, were sustainable, scalable, profitable and had enterprise value… But, before they could flip to the next big thing, they encountered...
  • 10. Recession, What Recession? Am I a psychic? ● Did I make a bold prediction that came true? ● I’d like to think so! But it’s really about this amazing country we live in! ● While we have many political issues, few can argue about the economy and the business-friendly climate we live in ● In addition, the bedbug epidemic started right when the world was in economic meltdown
  • 11. All the smart people had to look for businesses that made sense, were sustainable, scalable, profitable and had enterprise value. Enter- Backto My Story...
  • 12. You’ve got a recipe for industry growth and consolidation Cheap Money PE firms with large pools of money Service businesses with high gross margins Service firms that are highly scalable
  • 13. Consolidation Our industry is in a classic consolidation phase. We are (were) a fragmented industry represented by mostly mom and pop businesses. ● Fragmented industries make ideal targets for companies looking to enter and potentially dominate a market. ● The nature of fragmented industries means they often provide fewer barriers to entry than more consolidated industries. ● It’s much more difficult to roll up industries where tremendous domain authority knowledge is required as well as business models that are not simply duplicatable.
  • 14. “Overcoming fragmentation can be a very significant strategic opportunity. The payoff to consolidating a fragmented industry can be high because the costs of entry into it are by definition low, and there tend to be small and relatively weak competitors who offer little threat of retaliation” - Michael Porter, Harvard Business School
  • 15. Consolidation: How Simple Marketing Used to Be! Yellow Pages Direct Mail couponing Community Involvement
  • 16. It “Ain’t” so Simple Now! ● Internet ● SEO ● PPC ● Email Marketing ● Reputation/Review Management
  • 17. Enter the Business Disruptors - Marketing, the Weapon of the Successful ● The larger and tech savvy players have the wherewithal to understand and master digital media and those who do master it are making more money than ever before ● Those players who don’t embrace the technology or master it are in harm’s way of the industry members who use it as a weapon to dominate their markets ● “Kill or be killed” or just sell it to the larger players who are willing to make the financial investment to put the digital marketing machine in place.
  • 18. Direct Selling, A.K.A Door 2 Door Enter the Business Disruptors - Marketing, the Weapon of the Successful ● An extremely powerful way to build a service firm ● Origins in the 1990s, several marketing firms headquartered in Utah ● Assembling outsourced sales teams ● Apex Marketing/Eclipse Marketing
  • 19. The Story of Vivint- Origins of Pest Control
  • 20. Business Disruptors While these Utah-based companies were marketing companies that sold their expertise in selling during the 90s. ● Many of the “young kids” who sold during those times are now adults in their 30s and 40s and have started their own pest management firms and are the fastest growing group on the PCT 100 ● Firms used to spend 20 or 30 years building 10 million or more of annualized revenue. ● Many firms are now building 10 million or more of annualized revenue in just a few short years
  • 21. Investors acquired Vivint for in excess of $2 billion! In case you missed the prior slide...
  • 22. Is Todd still relevant to pest control? Absolutely Success stories are always used to build sales teams. A sense of possibility: look at the likes of: Amway Nu Skin Mary Kay And Others
  • 23. Business Disruptors Just as with digital marketing, D2D is not for the faint of heart. ● It takes the proper skill set, contacts and lots of capital to build one of these forms to a point of breakeven or profitability ● What we are seeing now is that many of our D2D clients are backed by boutique PE firms
  • 24. PCO Bookkeepers Experience ● Our ideal client is the 1-20 million in revenue client ● We don’t usually deal with startups for sub 1 million-dollar companies However, whenever we get a call from a D2D startup, we always take them seriously and this strategy has worked well for us watching several of these firms grow up in a hurry
  • 25. Insider vs Outsider- What does consolidation look like? ● The last significant roll up was led by Waste Management along with other Outsiders looking to expand their horizontal integration strategy ● As these firms realized that pest control was not consistent with their core offerings, they divested ● Terminix was the big winner in a couple of these deals. Both Waste Management and Sears Pest divisions were purchased by Terminix.
  • 26. What Does Consolidation Look Like? Insiders vs Outsiders -
  • 27. Public Firms ● Orkin ● Terminix (Servicemaster) ● Rentokil ● Ecolab Firms Owned by PE ● Anticimex ● Environmental Pest Services Private Firms ● Massey ● Arrow ● Cooks
  • 28. So, What’s a Business Owner to Do? If you want to sell, the valuations have never been better. Do the analysis- ● How old are you? ● What is your financial plan? ● Do you like the business and enjoy showing up for work every day? ● What will you do after the sale? ○ Retire? Travel? Philanthropy? ○ Take a position with the acquirer? For how long? ○ Start a new career unrelated to the PCO business? ● What are your lifestyle needs? ● What would you do with sales proceeds? ● What are the risks of keeping your business longer vs. selling it now? ● Do you have family members who are likely succession candidates?
  • 29. What if you don’t want to sell now (or ever)?
  • 30. So fear not! You may not miss the gravy train at all! ● While valuation multiples may fall in the future, remember these valuations are based on the size of your company and the quality of your accounts and earnings. ● Therefore, if you double, triple, or quadruple in size over the next 10 years, even at a lower multiple, you’ll most likely end up with a lot more money than selling a smaller company at a higher multiple today.
  • 31. So, for the many who are not interested in selling today, what do we do?
  • 32. Growth/Sustainability Current Income Long-Term Wealth As business owners, we understand that to be successful, we play in two circles
  • 33. Growth/ Sustainability- How do we maximize that value of our company? (The Wealth Circle) Quality Revenue (Recurring Revenue) Profitability
  • 34. Remember, the pest business is a simple model (not an easy model, but a simple model). Remember Identify a problem Sell a solution Set up a recurring service to ensure the problem is solver over time Cluster these recurring services on a route Rinse, Lather, repeat until you create lots of routes and you join the exclusive club called the PCT 100
  • 35. Let’s look at how we grow - Several years ago, our industry made some important changes. Lessons from the recent past Residential Services ● Years ago, general pest in the residential market was done monthly ● As time passed, it has gone to every other month, quarterly, and three times per year service. ● Clearly this has been a game changer as our dollars per hour per stops have increased significantly
  • 36. Commercial Services: ● While the commercial arena is alive and well, we are seeing tremendous price sensitivity ● Whereas pest control budgets of large companies used to be a petty expense compared to other facilities maintenance and management outlays, companies are now looking at how every penny is spent ● Many clients report that in order to keep certain commercial customers they’ve had to adjust treatment schedules and prices ● Higher-end commercial customers are not only demanding lower prices but they are also demanding computer generated reports on pest activity requiring PCOs to invest heavily in handheld technology. ● We see companies doing quite a bit of analysis with respect to the cost benefit of employing technology. In some cases, it seems that even when the analysis says that there is no savings in deploying technology, PCOs are doing it anyway just to keep pace with their competition Lessons from the Recent Past
  • 37. Getting What’s Ours: We’ve also seen many clients address customer skips and accounts receivable issues by automatically charging customer credit cards or ACHs at regular intervals. While not all customers participate, we see the benefits of implementing these types of payment programs through reduced accounts receivable balances and early warning signals as to clients who may be having financial issues. Let’s look at how we grow - Lessons from the recent past
  • 38. Making Service Completions Easier: Let’s look at how we grow - Lessons from the recent past ● Years ago, most residential stops were scheduled and routed into stringent routing grids. ● More and more we are seeing PCOs providing service either on an “outside only” plan or keeping service time flexible to the PCO thereby making daily routing more efficient.
  • 39. How do we continue to grow? What percentage of revenue should we spend on marketing/sales? Marketing Math: Lifetime Value of Customer= Annual Gross Revenue x Gross Margin x Average Life of Customer Marketing/Sales/Operations
  • 40. Marketing/Sales Example ● Annual Gross Revenue= $500 ● Gross Margin= 50% ● Average Life= 5 years ● Lifetime value= $500 x 50% x 5 Answer: $1,250 (ignoring time value of money for the real financial junkies in class with us today) What would you pay for this customer? It’sup to you but, would $125 be unreasonable? What is the % of revenue?
  • 41. Operations - RouteEfficiency Formula/MorePowerful Than PricingResidential Services: Total Technician Hours Spent at All Stopes During the Time Period ________________________________________________________ Total Technician Hours Clocked in (Paid Hours) During the Time Period ...And expressed as a decimal
  • 42. Using the New Tax Law The most sweeping tax reform act since the 1986 overhaul put forth by President Reagan has been signed into law. So, what does it mean for you? ● C-Corporation rate lowered from a maximum of 21%. ● In most cases, the lowering of the corporate rate won’t help small businesses and is why most small businesses should not be organized as a C- Corporation The solutions is for small businesses to be organized as a “Pass Through.”
  • 43. Using the New Tax Law- Passing Through Entities ● Currently “Pass Through” entities (Sole Proprietorships, Partnerships, LLCs and S- Corps) taxation is based on individual tax rate brackets. ● Under the new law “Pass Throughs” are still taxed at the individual level. However, there is a deduction allowed for 20% of pass thru income. ● The pass-through exclusion is available for PCOs, Lawn Care operators, Manufacturers, distributors, real estate firms among others. ● But not available for professional firms such as lawyers and accountants at certain income levels (Go figure! Congress made up of mostly lawyers limits the deduction on professional service firms).
  • 44. Bonus depreciation: The new law extends and modifies bonus depreciation, allowing businesses to immediately deduct 100% of the cost of eligible property in the year it is place in services. The new law also removes the rule that made bonus depreciation available only for new property and therefore used equipment now qualifies. Sec. 179 expensing: The new law has increased the maximum amount a taxpayer may expense under Sec. 179 to $1 million & increased the phaseout threshold to $2.5 million. The new law has also expanded the definition of Sec. 179 property to include any of the following improvements to nonresidential real property: roofs, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning property, fire protection and alarm systems; and security systems. Estate Tax: Under old laws, estates become taxable at the $5.6 million level ($11.2 million for husband and wife). The new law doubles those amounts. This could be a very large tax savings to those family businesses who are passing ownership to the next generation or selling their business and passing the proceeds on.
  • 45. Using the New Tax Law- What Every Pest Control Operator Must Know
  • 46. Using Accelerated Depreciation to Fund Your Growth Question: Is purchasing equipment and taking an accelerated deduction at the end of a profitable year a good idea versus depreciating that purchase over 5 to 7 years? Absolutely! When you have a profit at year end, purchasing assets is an excellent way to have the government fund a significant part of your growth (thru reduced taxes). Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.
  • 47. Using Accelerated Depreciation to Fund Your Growth Effectively purchasing assets in a profitable year increases short term profits as well as the value of your Pest Management firm. Example Assume we have profit of $100,000 and our effective federal and state tax rate is 35% Assume we can purchase a piece of equipment for $100,000. Solution 1: Do not purchase equipment. Pay $35,000 in taxes and leave the after-tax profit of $65,000 in the company for future investment or distribute it to ownership.
  • 48. Solution 2: Purchase the equipment financing 100% of it using a capital lease and take the full $100,000 deduction using the 179 deductions or Bonus Depreciation. Using Accelerated Depreciation to Fund Your Growth In this manner not only does the business have the $65,000 for future investment or owner distribution but they have an additional $35,000 to put to work in their business because of reducing federal taxes down to zero. Now that we have an additional $35,000 to invest in our business let’s put it toward marketing and make the following assumptions…
  • 49. Example - The cost per new pest lead is $50 and we have a closing rate of 50% making our cost per sale $100.00. Our average Quarterly Service contract is $500 (annual). We can spend our tax savings of $35,000 on marketing using assumptions in (1) and (2) above. Using Accelerated Depreciation to Fund Your Growth In this manner we will increase our annual number of Quarterly contracts by 350 ($35,000 / $100 cost per sale) adding $175,000 of annual recurring revenue to the long-term value of our business which if valued at 1.75 (assumed price) the ROI is 875%. $175,000 x 1.75 = $306,250 306,250 / $35,000 investment = 8.75
  • 50. Using Accelerated Depreciation to Fund Your Growth In addition to increasing the value of our company, we’ve also added additional annual net income from these newly acquired customers for as long as we have them on our books. Use the money that would have otherwise been given to the government by way of taxes to fund these increases as well as purchase the assets needed to service our newly found increase in business. By purchasing assets in a year of profitability we can: Increase Revenue Increase Net Income Increase the value of our company
  • 51. Using the New Tax Law- What Every Pest Control OperatorMust Know Currently the highest federal tax rate is 37%. Add to that the top state rate (in most states) which can be 10% or more and the top combined rate exceeds 45%. Any serious discussion about company finances must consider the tax effect of various decisions. The government will either be your partner in profits or not, you need to be savvy enough to understand how to fund your business with tax deductions and credits. The savvy business owner will use sound tax strategy to help fund business growth and shield income from taxes. YOU NEEDA GREATACCOUNTANT TO WORKTHE STRATEGY! The help that the government gives us using accelerated write- offs is crucial for efficiently growing your business
  • 52. Lessons Learned from LIVING IN THESE INTERESTING TIMES Our industry is going through a transformation led by consolidation. Don’t be scared, embrace it! Understand that this consolidation gives you choices It may be time to exit or it may be time to Stick around and grow When growing, embrace the lessons of the past as well as the best marketing and operational strategies that will result rapid and sustained growth For Business owners looking to grow there has never been a friendlier tax environment. Use the tax laws to help finance the growth Live the Dream!