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Christianity And Its Impact On Society
A couple decades after Jesus, the Christian Messiah, died , there came a new religion ,which was appealing because it was one of the first religions to
show life after death. This religion was Catholicism. This religion has overcame many obstacles to come at where it is today. Catholicism , the largest
self–religion branch in christianity, can be explained through the History of Catholicism, the faith of Catholicism, and the structure of the mass and
The history of Catholicism was long and persecuted religion, that has a history dating back to the times of Jesus. The Catholics believe that Catholicism
that traces all the way back to Jesus of Nazareth.(Roman Catholicism,pg.1) According to the gospels , persecution, ... Show more content on ...
500, the Church flourished due to new popularity(Ries Charlemange was crowned the first Holy Roman Empire by Pope Leo the
third.(Ries,pg.14) Pope Gregory told the monks of England to burn all Idols.( Ries,pg.12)Many Kings who were german became Holy Roman
Emperor ( Ries, pg.14) The Great Schism was when the church of christianity officially split, though the Eastern branches of the Church had long
been divided on religious beliefs .(Ries,pg.17) Pope Gregory VII made and reinstated the papal Primacy( Ries,pg.14) Pope Gregory VII stopped kings
from appointing bishops with the treaty known as the Concordat at Worms.( Ries,p14.)
The Faith of Catholics ranges in a wide variety and is based on the stories in the bible , and explains life's most meaningful questions . Catholics
believes that Adam and Eve created original sin, which now all people are born with.(The essentials of..., p.1) For it to be a moral sin , it have to be
a grave matter, full knowledge, and deliberate consent. (the essentials of ...,p.11) A grave matter is when you deliberately do something evil. (the
essentials of..., p.11) Full knowledge is when you do something with all knowing in mind.(the essentials of..., p.11) Deliberate consent is when you
freely chose to do something evil. (the essentials of..., p.11) A venial sin is a small sin that can be saved with blessing
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The Effect Of The Reformation On The Roman Catholic Church
The Effect of the Reformation on the Roman Catholic Church The Roman Catholic Church grew from an outlawed and persecuted religion to a
well–organized and powerful ruling body in the western world. After the death of Jesus of Nazareth his disciples begin to spread his teachings of
love and salvation through a single God. However, early Christians quickly became seen as a threat to the most powerful Empire at the time; Rome.
Being monotheistic they refused to offer sacrifice to state ran cults and as pacifist they refused to join the army. The Roman Empires power laid in
both the military and taxation so early Christians became the targets of persecution. In 64 CE Rome declares Christianity illegal and it remained so for
almost three hundred years. However, Christianity doesn't die and when Emperor Constantine made Christianity legal with the Edict of Milan 313 the
church grew quickly. Later Emperor Theodosius declares Catholic Christianity the official religion of Rome and bans paganism. From here theCatholic
Church grew in power and influence becoming the single most powerful institution the western world. Socially it controlled the everyday lives of
people and played a major role in the governing of those same people. Institutionally the church was well organized and based on hierarchy operating
like an empire similar to the one that tried to destroy it early in its history. Thanks to this the church also wielded tremendous governing power.
However, this all changed
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Catholic Church Visit
This weekend, I went down to Boulder to visit my brother and his girlfriend. While I was in
Boulder, I was able to go to a Roman Catholic church called the St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic
Center. This was a special visit, because it was on the University of Colorado Boulder campus, our sister school! It was sort of like a small town, most
of the buildings were separated by the trees. Naturally, the denominational affiliation is Roman Catholicism, from which they uphold beliefs and values
of the Roman Catholic Church. The Roman Catholic Church is overseen and led by the bishop of Rome and the pope. The congregation was fairly
large and by the beginning of the service, every seat was filled. Like my past Site Visit, instead of just individual chairs, there were rows of... Show
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Before walking to the altar, the priest in the green bowed slightly and then walked behind the altar where the priest in the white had placed down
the bible and they both bowed in front of it. After that, they say a type of prayer it seemed, that the whole congregation confesses to sinning and
they ask for forgiveness. Afterwards, the choir sang a few more songs and then the priest prayed. After that, the priest then goes on to read some
scriptures from the bible and sometime near the end of the service, everyone says the 'Lord's Prayer', and afterwards, there was some
announcements and then, everyone was dismissed. In regards to significant religious symbols, behind the altar was a small black cross with a small
jesus nailed to the front of it. In addition, there was an image of the Virgin Mary holding Baby Jesus behind the altar. I went with my brother's
girlfriend, Briana, who was a student at CU Boulder. I didn't meet anyone after the service unfortunately, mainly because, I didn't feel very welcome.
The mass was an open service, but, I felt very much like an outsider. No one was rude to me at all, but then again, no one was very inviting at the same
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My Visit to St. Peter's Catholic Church in Charlotte,...
The Catholic Church is the oldest major religion in the Western world. Littered with peace, love, and humility, along with violence, turmoil, and
controversy this institution has seen, heard, led, and had influence over the majority of everything and everybody that there was in the last two
millennia. This has included ordinary people, Kings, Queens, Generals, Nobleman, Royalty, and everything in between, and has endured since the
beginning of the modern era, Anno Domini. They great spiritual and monetary machine created a powerful reign over the entire world's Catholics, and
remains so to this day. For the purpose of background for my visit to a Catholic Church, being Presbyterian, I did historical research before I visited. I ...
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When the Roman Empire collapsed, the Catholic Church was the only powerful authority not complete disrupted by the attack by barbarians. In fact,
the work of great Popes is what helped their power increase even more. The newly christened barbarians, done by the Pope Gregory the Great,
inaugurated a new age in Jesus Christ called Christendom. All culture in Christendom conformed to that of the Church's, and, with its headquarters in
Rome, the powerful "papal monarchs", as they were called, controlled the machine that was the Catholic Church. With newfound challenges of the
Renaissance, the Protestant Reformation, and the increase in the Enlightenment's rationalism and liberalism, an undermining of the Church began to
set forth a new era and problems for the Church that they tried to come back from. Reorganizing at Trent set a new grim determination for the Church
that catapulted their morale against ideas of modern culture. The last of these increasing troubles being the French Revolution, after which an immense
religious revival manifested into the conversion of the elite in Europe, and extended their reach to every corner of the world, but mostly focusing on the
moral problems taking place in the 19th century influenced by the Industrial Revolution. In the 20th century, the Church's opposition to modernism
came to an end when Pope John XXIII, with extreme boldness, turned its back on four centuries of extreme
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Historical Context Of Paul Vi 's Decree On Ecumenism
Historical Context
When Pope Paul VI published The Decree on Ecumenism: Unitatis Redintergratio in 1964, it signalled the Catholic Church's official entrance into the
Christian ecumenical movement. Historically, the ecumenical movement began when the World Missionary Conference first convened in 1910,
establishing two ecumenical organs: Life and Works, and Faith and Order (Textbook). Prior to the promulgation of Unitatis Redintergratio, theCatholic
Church's view of the ecumenical movement was defined by Paul VI's predecessors Leo XIII and Pius XI, who insisted that the Catholic Church is the
only Church of Christ, therefore barring Catholics from participating in interchurch dialogue (Textbook). These sentiments forbade ecumenical... Show
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The decree identifies that there are doctrinal differences between Protestant communities and the Catholic Church. However, despite these doctrinal
differences the sacrament of baptism ensures that Protestants are members of Christ's body (UR 3). As members of Christ's body, the Protestants are
privy to salvation as Children of the Catholic Church (UR 3). Chapter one concludes that members of the Catholic Church should pray and stay
informed about their Protestant brethren in order to promote Christian unity (UR 4). Chapter two explains that the ecumenical unity is the concern of
the whole Church, the congregation and clergy, which is manifested by the bond all Christians share with Christ (UR 5). Chapter two continues to
clarify that Christian unity is dependent on the moral reformation of Catholics, to ensure its faithful live according to Church's moral teachings (UR 6).
Unitatis Redingratio insists that Catholics strive for a deeper knowledge of their Christian brethren in hope that the dialogue between Christian
communities can remove the obstacles hindering Christian unity (UR 7–12). The final chapter of the decree focuses on the division between the
Roman Church and the Churches/ ecclesial communities of the East and West. Regarding the Church in the East, Unitatis Redintergratio explains that
the Catholic Church enjoys a special relationship with the Orthodox Church, due to their shared apostolic foundation (UR 14). Unitatis
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Mary Had Been Immaculately Conceived Without Original Sin
Roman Catholic Church proclaimed that Mary had been immaculately conceived without original sin or its stain, which is a corrupt nature due to the
original sin. This is call the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception. It was officially defined by Pope Pius IX in 1854. The reference for the doctrine
is Luke 1:28. When Gabriel said to Mary that she was highly favored and blessed among women, Mary herself was troubled and considered what such
salutation meant. The angel explained in verses 30–33 that such greeting was given because God had chosen her as the mother of the messiah. The
Catholics deduce the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception from the interpretation of 'highly favored and blessed,' which went too far from the
context. It is not clear why the Catholic Church claims such a strange doctrine. A Catholic priest argued that Mary should be free from original sin so
that Jesus could be free from original sin and that God graciously and miraculously made Mary without original sin. If Mary' immaculate condition was
necessary for Jesus' immaculateness, Mary's parents should have been immaculate. Or, if God ... Show more content on ...
But a Rosary prayer titled "the Salve Regina" starts as; "Hail Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy, our life our sweetness and our hope. To thee do we
cry..." They do cry to Mary. The Catechism 2675 of the Catholic Church says that "the Churches developed their prayer to the holy Mother of God,
centering it on the person of Christ manifested in his mysteries." The Catholics do pray to Mary. They made Mary a divine being. It is an idolatry.
They call Mary the Mother of God as if she has divinity. When Elisabeth greeted Mary saying "the mother of my lord should come to me," Mary
replies, "My spirit rejoices in God my savior." Mary knew that she was a human being who needed a savior. Both Elisabeth and Mary should have had
no idea of blasphemy such as exalting Mary to the Mother of
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Witch Hunts of the Early Modern Period as the Result of...
Witch Hunts of the Early Modern Period as the Result of Religious and Social Upheaval
The Early Modern Period was a time of great change in and around Europe. The people of the age were faced with upheaval of all forms; religious,
social, political and even economical.
Religious upheaval stemmed from changes in religious views and practises. The Reformation was a hugely significant event that took place in the years
spanning 1520–1650. It was a religious, and political, movement in Europe that began as an attempt to reform the Roman Catholic Church, but ended in
the establishment of Protestantism and Protestant churches. The aim of the reformers was to restore the Church to its early Christian ... Show more
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Without doubt, everyone's religious ideas were being influenced and changed by what was going on around them. Concerning these changes, the
Reformation caused a distinct change in the beliefs of the devil amongst the Protestant formers. Roman Catholics believed in the devil but had
always believed they could defeat him, and had certain ways of protecting themselves from Satan's wickedness. In the Catholic faith, it was common
to deploy 'supernatural weapons' against the devil, such as candles and holy water. The 'weapons' were thought to offer protection against evil spirits,
and as Darren Oldridge comments in his book; 'The Devil and the Reformation', even the ringing of church bells was accepted as protection against
flying demons. Catholics believed that their traditional rituals such as these protected them from the evils of the devil and therefore they weren't as
scared of him as they could have been, these 'magical' rituals that helped them face him. Consequently, with the Reformation, the reformers' decision
to reject the practises of the Roman Catholic faith resulted in them losing these 'magical' rituals that had 'protected' people from, and 'defeated', the
devil for so many years. Protestants believed that a person could not do anything to earn the love of God and therefore lived in devote prayer, and
worked extremely hard to try
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The Malabar ( East Syrian ) Tradition
The Syro–Malabar church is a Catholic Church in full communion with the Pope. It is part of the Chaldean (East Syrian) tradition. It was founded by
St. Thomas the Apostle around 52 A.D. and the members were first known as the St. Thomas Christians, but when they spread to India, primarily
Kerala, they became known as the Syro–Malabar Catholics. The Syro–Malabar Church uses a slightly different cross than the Roman Catholic Church,
and has slight variations in the liturgical calendar. There are currently five Syro–Malabar archdioceses and twenty–nine dioceses worldwide.
The Syro–Malabar Church has been around since the earliest days of Christianity. They trace their roots all the way to St. Thomas the Apostle, who
traveled to the region of ... Show more content on ...
It serves as a short act of courtesy between the Messiah, the celebrant, and the worshippers (Palackal). Next is the Nativity Hymn, used as a
replacement for the trinity. Unlike in the Latin Rite, the Holy Qurbana does not start off with the trinity, but instead starts with "Glory to God in the
highest," to which the proper response is "Amen." After the Nativity Hymn comes the Lord's Prayer, which varies depending on the form. It could
either be the ordinary form or the solemn form. Then, the Thrice Holy is said with the words "Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of hosts!" The Thrice
Holy is a way to remind the people of their spiritual connection with God (Palackal). The Holy Qurbana continues with The Resurrection hymn. This
hymn accompanies the celebrant as he prepares the altar for worship, using incense and removing the altar veil. (Palackal). The Resurrection hymn
concludes the introductory rights. The liturgy of the word opens with the Trisagion, which is sung three times. Next in the Holy Qurbana is the Suraya,
which is sung by the congregation. This is repeated five times in a row. The Anthem of the Mysteries is next, and is the equivalent of the Presentation
of the Gifts in Roman Catholic mass (Palackal). While the deacon brings the bread and wine the congregation sings the Anthem of the Mysteries: "Here
is our Lord's precious body and blood"(Palackal). After The Anthem of the Mysteries is the Commemoration hymn, whose purpose is to give the
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The Catholic Church Located Near
There are five Catholic churches located near me according to the Catholic directory. The decision was made to attend a service at Our Lady of
Grace Church which is located on South Chapman Street and off of West Market Street in Greensboro that was built in 1952. As you enter the
church, the first thing noticed is how large the church is on the inside as well as the outside. Beautiful tall cathedral ceilings with archways, after
archways, after archways, and a beautiful altar. The first thing you do is dip your fingers in the bowl containing holy water and cross yourself.
According to websites, this is to remember your baptism. If you have not been baptized you do not dip your fingers in the water. After dipping
into the holy water, you bless yourself by saying "In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit" while doing the motion of a cross on the
forehead, lower chest, left shoulder, then right shoulder. Walking to the pew, there are some people who bow, there are some people, who bend
their knees, and there are some people who actually go all the way down to the ground. The reason for the bow is to bow to the altar, genuflect to
the tabernacle. Genuflecting is when the right knee touches the floor and the tabernacle is where the Body of Christ is kept. Once at the seats, the
entrance song begins. This signals the start of Mass. This Sunday it was Praise My Soul, The King of Heaven, and Hymn. As this song is being sung,
the priest and servers walk slowly to
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Abortion And The United States
Since 1973, abortion has been considered "legal" in the United States. But, just because abortion is legal, does that automatically justify it as moral?
The Bible never clearly states "though shall not abort your children." On the other hand, Exodus 20:13, states "though shall not murder." Not only
does Exodus speak of prohibiting murder, Genesis 9:3, states that "whoever sheds man's blood, by man his blood shall be shed, for in the image of
God He made man." According to, abortion became legalized in the United States in 1973; however, does declaring something
"legal" grant the power to be morally sound as well (The Christian, n.d.)? The Bible uses the term child to describe a "born" and "unborn" baby.
According to the... Show more content on ...
As a result, society is using "personhood" to define when a child could be described as an assortment of organs. Researcher, Carl Sagan, estimated
that at 6 months a child could be considered to be under the category of "personhood." Clearly personhood was created to justify the means of
abortion. Such ideas were never expressed in the bible. On the contrary, the bible describes personhood as reaching self–actualization.
Self–actualization comes from knowing their lord and savior. These two terms are their exact opposite, both may define life but neither would agree on
the subject of when a "baby" or "fetus" becomes a human being (The Christian, n.d.). Churches from the early ages understood the Bible's adversity to
abortion. The reason why the Bible doesn't contain precise scriptures detailing why abortion is condemned is due to the 6th commandment. Exodus
20:13, which states "though shall not murder." This would pertain to suicide, poison, abortion, and etcetera. Eventually, as the church spread to
different regions, those involved didn't concede with their traditions. Hence, new prohibition were written to forbid abortion due to their
Comprehension of the bible (The Christian, n.d.). Christianity's belief system is founded upon Jesus's supreme revelations. In addition, his instructions
are conveyed within the old Testaments. Which consist of the four gospels and Jewish Scriptures. The Roman Catholic, Protestant
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Christianity and Life After Death Essay
Christianity and Life After Death
Life after death is an essential part of the Christian religion. Jesus, the son of god, died on the cross and three days later he rose again from the
dead, the resurrection. Hundreds of people saw him. This has given Christians the hope that when they die, they will live on in another place.
Christians believe in heaven and hell. If a person lives a good moral life they can expect to get to heaven, when they die. If they live an immoral life
then perhaps hell will be an alternative.
Luke 23:42
Then he said, "Jesus remember me when you come into your kingdom." Jesus replied, "Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise." Jesus
was crucified ... Show more content on ...
Faith is very important to Christians. No one living today has seen god, and no one has seen heaven or hell. However, Christians still believe that they
will be resurrected. This is faith, belief in something that cannot be seen.
In Anglican, orthodox and Roman Catholic traditions smearing the sick are a ceremonial action which can be requested for very ill people. When it
is performed on a dying person it is often referred to as the "last rites". It involves rubbing oil on the person's forehead and in the Roman Catholic
tradition, the feet and the hands too. It symbolizes the healing of the mind and the strengthening of spirit and is accompanied by special prayers.
At the death candles are often placed near the coffin as a symbol for the future life and a reminder of the 'light of Christ' who is the means of
redemption. In Roman Catholic and orthodox services incense, with its smoke rising upwards as a symbol of prayer, is sprinkled over the coffin
After death the place of burial is marked with a stone, often in the shape of a cross as a reminder of Jesus' death and resurrection. Some churches have
a memorial garden where the ashes of cremated people are placed with plaques, often with Christian symbols and words.
In many towns and villages there is a stone memorial cross to commemorate those who have dies in the two world wars. Special services
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Catholic Religious Beliefs
The Catholic Church's current pope, Pope Francis once said, "A good Catholic meddles in politics, offering the best of himself, so that those who
govern can govern. But what is the best that we can offer to those who govern? Prayer!" Catholics are approximately half of the number of Christians,
reaching more than one billion members. This number makes it one of the largest religions in the world. In 2003, the Catholic population in the United
States was 63.4 million (Roman Catholic Church, 2017). The Catholic Church's basic beliefs influence their demographics, party affiliation, stances on
different political issues, and involvement in American politics.
I attended a service at The Cathedral of Saint Joseph in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. At this service, politics were not directly mentioned, but Father
Darin Schmidt said a few interesting words. In a message to the congregation he said, "love unconditionally, without limits." Additionally, he also said,
"peace, liberty, and justice for all." I think these quotes are helpful in understanding the Catholic Church's ideologies. During prayer, they mentioned a
few current issues including support for the military, the Las Vegas shooting, refugees, and victims of natural disasters. Besides these few observations,
the cathedral did express any straightforward political statements.
One of the best ways to understand a religion's political views is to understand their basic beliefs and what they feel to be good and moral. The
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The During The Age Of Reformation Essay
During the Age of Reformation people were greatly against the abuses that existed in the Roman Catholic Church. A couple of abuses that were greatly
stressed were the selling of indulgences, simony, and nepotism. It was some of these same abuses that prompted German reformist Martin Luther to
write his 95 Theses. And for the Council of Trent to later address them in a series of meetings. The most criticized abuse of the RomanCatholic Church
was the selling of indulgences by the pope. Indulgences permitted people to buy release from time in purgatory for both themselves and their
deceased loved ones. They were papers sold in order to bring remission of punishment due to sins. Another common abuse that existed in the Church
was simony. Simony is the act of selling of Church positions. The Church had permitted important ecclesiastical posts to be sold to the highest bidders
and had left residency requirements in the religious community unenforced. A last abuse of the Church is nepotism. Nepotism is the act of giving jobs
to family members instead of giving it to more qualified workers. This was a common problem where a well–trained and dedicated worker was needed
and not just anyone. In 1517, when reformist Martin Luther wrote an indictment of the abuses of the Roman Catholic Church called the 95 Theses, he
appealed to many people across Europe. In his indictment he greatly criticized and addressed the selling of indulgences above all. At first, a person
would have to do work
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The Middle Ages And The Fall Of Rome
The Middle Ages began with the fall of Rome and lasted till 1450 C.E. This era started as a very difficult and dangerous time for most people who
struggled to barely survive. They faced difficulties such as hunger and attacks from vicious barbarians. One system that helped too face these problems
was Feudalism, the economic and political system that was developed and used in Medieval Europe. This system worked with a hierarchy; Monarchs
were at the top and going down nobles, knights, and peasants. Everyone in this system protected each other. Knights were expected to protect the
kingdom. Nobles and monarchs were required to provide protection for each other. Another part of Europe that helped people to face life difficulties
was the Roman Catholic Church. The church helped make big developments during the middle ages specifically in education. Monks would immerse
their lives in learning about the world and the universe. These were the only people in Western Europe developing their knowledge of their world
during the middle ages, which was a big improvement from there being no learning. Feudalism and the Roman Catholic Church did provide more
stability and security for the people of Western Europe during the Middle Ages. The Feudal System provided more stability in everyday life compared
to the time during barbarian attacks, feudalism also provided security through the hierarchy, and the Roman Catholic Church created stability and
security through education.
As previously
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Christians' Celebrations of Holy Communion Essay
Christians' Celebrations of Holy Communion
There are many different ways in which Christians celebrate Holy Communion, depending on the denomination of Christianity, in which they belong.
Holy Communion is one of the seven sacraments found in Christianity. A sacrament is an outward physical act with an inward, deeper meaning, which
can be obtained through various, specific rituals. In the case of Holy Communion, which is also known as the Eucharist meal or Mass, Christian
worshippers believe that they receive the body and the blood of Jesus Christ, through the act of eating the bread, which symbolises Christ's body, and
by drinking the wine, said to be his blood. This sacrament originates back to ... Show more content on ...
God sacrificed his son, Jesus, for the good of all people and so that they too would depart from the slavery and the submission to sins and
wrongdoings, in order to enter into a pure state of forgiveness and freedom. This is the key reason why Christians, of all branches, hold a great
importance to Holy Communion, which remembers Christ's sacrifice to them, which frees them of their sins up till this day.
Even though, most, if not all Christian denominations agree about the origins of such a ritual, they now have different opinions about how the service
is conducted. The Roman Catholic Church believes in the idea of transubstantiation, which is the belief that the bread and wine that they consume at
the Eucharist meal, has over the years, mystically transformed into Jesus' real body and blood. Roman Catholics celebrate Holy Communion or Mass
regularly. Roman Catholics believe that the Mass is a sacrifice. Each time it is celebrated Christ renews the sacrifice that he made for the sins of the
world when he was crucified. This is why they frequently celebrate it. In some Churches, only people who have been confirmed are allowed to
participate in the celebration of Holy Communion, whereas in the Roman Catholic Church there is no such restriction. This emphasises how Jesus had
welcomed everybody in his own life and had treated everyone
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Why Did Martin Luther Start The Protestant Reformation?.
Why did Martin Luther start the Protestant Reformation?
After five centuries, it is easy to reduce the Protestant Reformation to a dispute over corruption in the Roman Catholic Church. But was it dissension
over corruption or was it more complex than that?
While corruption existed in the Church during the Renaissance, the Reformation was as much about politics, theology, and individualism, as it was
about rooting out corruption. When looking at the religious values that guide human choices, why did Martin Luther break away from the Catholic
Church? It would seem that patience and more open communication by both sides could have prevented the initial break between Martin Luther and
the Catholic Church. This would have spared the ... Show more content on ...
Luther's study of St. Paul, through the lens of St. Augustine, changed how he felt. Luther came to understand that the "righteousness of God" of which
Paul wrote in Romans 1:17, referred to the righteousness by which the sinner is graciously justified by faith, not the standard of righteousness by which
God would judge sinners struggling to attain justification by their own efforts. This understanding transformed the troubled monk, who now found
peace with God through faith. He saw his "discovery" or "recovery" of the ancient Pauline teaching as a radical departure from the views of the
medieval "doctors" of the Catholic Church. And yet this was not so. Unbeknownst to Luther, the leading medieval commentators held the same view of
the "righteousness of God."
Luther also came to understand faith as God's merciful gift by which we receive the further gift of justification, in contrast to all human efforts to merit
or earn God's favor. As a way of insisting that human beings contribute nothing of their own to justification, Luther insisted that man is justified by
"faith alone."
Luther's "discovery" was more than a personal "breakthrough." He was by now a professor of theology at the University of Wittenberg, where he
preached this understanding of the righteousness of God to students. Yet not until the question of the "sale" of indulgences arose in Luther's diocese did
the issue acquire "legs," as the journalists say.
Luther's subsequent break with the
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Living Religions
I was born and raised in a Catholic environment: my family is Catholic, I attended Catholic schools until I graduated from high school and I still
practice my beliefs and intend to pass it to my children when the time comes around. Catholicism is a religion that comes from Christianity and
therefore Catholics are followers of Jesus Christ; it is a self–proclaimed monotheistic religion which sometimes I differ to acknowledge due to the fact
that we, as Catholics, deified Virgin Mary to the point that is always present in our prayers and not only that, we also believe in many Saints;
something that does not qualify as monotheistic. Also, there is The Trinity where there is oneGod, represented by three divine persons. But how can
one person be three and three be one at the same time? This is one of the many questions I sometimes wonder about my religion... ... Show more content
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The way I see it, religion has a functional perspective since it helps humans define themselves and that is why religion can be found everywhere in
the world. As for my religion, Catholicism, I think I have pantheistic beliefs. Pantheism is defined as a doctrine which identifies God with the
universe or regards the universe as a manifestation of God (Oxford Dictionary). Adding to this, my practice towards religion is very liberal: I go to
church once in a while, I do not pray every morning and before bed, I do not do Communion (one of the many rituals present at Mass) all the time. I
do not read sacred texts, as the Bible, on a daily basis, only when I attend Mass, I am pro–choice which contradicts everything that Catholicism
preaches on pro–life. But overall, I do believe in God and I do have faith in
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Reflective Essay On St Pauls
St Pauls Cathedral is a massive, classically inspired building standing high in the London skyline. A central building in the Anglican faith, St Pauls
serves as a global landmark and tourist destination for both religious pilgrims and tourists trying to see the majesty of the building. The building itself
is wonderfully ornate, with high ceilings, a soaring dome, and filled with artwork, reflecting the greatness and glory or God, and showing a
not–so–iconoclastic version of Protestantism. This illustrates the position of Anglicanism within the spectrum of Christian faiths: Anglicanism is
somewhere between Roman Catholicism and the various sects of Protestantism, taking up the "middle way" of the spectrum. My experience at the
Cathedral of St Pauls was coloured by my experiences within the Roman Catholic Church, allowing me to understand this "middle way" with more
depth. As most know, the Anglican Church was started as a direct result of the Pope's refusal to grant an annulment to Henry VIII, causing Henry to
split from the Roman Catholic Church. In 1534, Henry VIII signed the Act of Succession and the Act of Supremacy, thus creating the Church of
England (BBC, 2011). This happened in tandem with the Reformation, which was sweeping throughout Europe. However, because of the political
nature, rather than theological nature, of this transition, the core beliefs of the Church of England are not too far removed from those of the Roman
Catholic Church. The beliefs of the
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The Moment I Walked Into St. Mary 's Cathedral
From the moment I walked into St. Mary's Cathedral, I felt out of place. I thought that I would know what to expect since I have gone to Lutheran
churches my entire life. To start with, I was unsure what to do with the font of holy water when I walked to into the cathedral. I later found out that
people who enter are supposed to dip their fingers in it, and they are to make the sign of the cross with their fingers. Then as I saw others approach
their pews they did some sort of one–legged kneel before sitting down, which I unsuccessfully attempted. Once the service started, I became
increasingly lost. I have grown accustomed to following along to the liturgy in either a bulletin or a book, but there were neither to be found. The
priest would say phrases from his service book, and then everyone in the congregation would respond with what I assume to be memorized
responses. The only times I absolutely knew what was going on was during the hymns and the readings due to both of these being in the hymnals in
the pews. To make matters worse, there were various portions of the worship service such as the Apostles' Creed or the Lord's Prayer where I
thought I knew what to say, but the wording would end up different. Finally, I had heard before that Catholics kneel a lot during services, but I was
not prepared at all for the length of kneeling that occurred once the priest started the part of the service related to the Eucharist, better known to me as
Holy Communion.
Catholics most
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Tradition and Dissent in English Christianity from the...
Throughout history there have been examples of religion being regarded as traditional and of people dissenting from the traditional religion. This essay
will trace the footsteps of tradition and dissent of Christianity in England between the sixteenth and nineteenth centuries by looking at the statement "...
a previous generation's "dissent" itself becomes "tradition", and a previously dominant tradition becomes dissent." (Tradition and Dissent p72). With
particular reference to the differences between Protestants and Catholics.
Before the Reformation, England was a Roman Catholic society that was led by the Pope in Rome. Religious life followed a very traditional and
structured way of life and was very much 'deeply embedded in the ... Show more content on ...
After Edwards's death in 1553 his half–sister Mary I (1516–58) became Queen. Mary who was a devout Catholic began to undo the changes that
Edward and Henry had started and set the nation back to the Catholic faith. During her reign (1553–1558) hundreds of Protestants, who refused to turn
Catholic, were burned at the stake, this led to Mary acquiring the nickname 'Bloody Mary' (Steele & MacDonald, 2007).
In 1559 Elizabeth I (1533–1603) was crowned Queen. Elizabeth sought to find a middle ground during her rein (1558–1603) in England, by allowing
both Catholics and Protestants to worship without fear of any repercussions. However, Gilbert (1976) that 'Elizabeth I and her successors had
legislated to make Anglican worship compulsory' (p. 4). By introducing the Act of Uniformity of 1559 it laid out the rules of worship that both
religions were to follow and reissued the Book of Common Prayer for use in worship. The Thirty–Nine Articles of 1563 also set to define the doctrine
of the Church of England which set out a middle path between the beliefs and practices of the Catholic Church and the Protestants (Wolffe, 2008). By
the end of Elizabeth's I forty five year reign, the majority of people in English society were Protestant. As the older, mainly Catholic members of
society had died through old age (Christianity in Britain, 2011). Knight and Mason (2006) describe a dissenter during
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Comparing Worship Practices of the Baptists and Roman...
Comparing Worship Practices of the Baptists and Roman Catholics
In this essay I will be identifying the main features of the Baptist and Roman Catholic denominations and how they use their main features in worship.
I will also distinguish what these two denominations have in common and in difference. I will finally say if their similarities are less or more than their
The main similarities between the two denominations are that both Baptist and Roman Catholic churches proclaim the Word of God by the use of the
Holy Bible. In both denominations the bible is read on the lectern in order for the word of god to be heard clearly. On the whole both dominations
believe in the same God and ... Show more content on ...
This is then covered with a cloth. The Baptist church on the other hand, does not practice the liturgy of the Eucharist and so do not have a Tabernacle.
Both the Roman Catholic and Baptist Church use the cross as a symbol of salvation. The Roman Catholic Church has the figure of Jesus on the cross in
order to aid them reflect the suffering and pain that Jesus went through for them. The Baptist church has only a plain cross.
The Roman Catholic Church has a confessional box in order for the people attending worship to be able to confess their sins in the Sacrament of
Confession. The Baptist Church on the other hand, does not have a Sacrament of Confession and therefore it does not have a confessional box.
In the Roman Catholic Church incense is used during the Eucharist to symbolise the prayers of the people travelling up towards God, the Baptist
Church does not use incense.
The Roman Catholic Church uses Bells to draw all the attention during the important parts of the Mass such as start of mass and at consecration. The
Baptist Church does not use any bells.
The Roman Catholic Church uses Images such as Statues of saints, pictures and Stained glass windows (pictures of saints). These all help the
worshippers relax, concentrate and become more spiritually confident. Whereas the Baptist
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The St. James The Apostle Catholic Church
The St. James the Apostle Catholic Church in McDonough, Georgia was my second church visit. I visited the Catholic Church on Sunday, November
15, 2015 at the eleven o'clock service. The church is located on 1000 Decatur Rd. McDonough, GA 30253. I assumed that the Presbyterian Church was
very different from my community church but the St. James the Apostle Catholic Church experience was no comparison to the Covenant Presbyterian
Church whatsoever.
The first thing that I have noticed about the church is that there was unique artwork all over the building. There were many men displayed on the
front of the church building with different figure types and wearing different clothes. The church artwork was very detailed and creative. It was a
type of artwork that I have never seen before. I also noticed a huge cross in the center of the church building that had several figures of men
surrounding the church. I had stared at the front of the building for about five minutes before I finally walked into the church. As people were walking
inside the church, they were in formal attire. Both the men and women were well dressed for the sermon. Once I walked inside the church, I happened
to notice a huge fountain in the center of the isle. The fountain contained holy water and several people were randomly dipping their finger in the water
and then do a sign of the cross on the chests. I assumed it was a tradition that Catholics did before attending their seats. Rather than the church having
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Religious Beliefs Of The Catholic Church
The Catholic Church's current pope, Pope Francis, once said, "A good Catholic meddles in politics, offering the best of himself, so that those who
govern can govern. But what is the best that we can offer to those who govern? Prayer!" (Pope Francis, 2013). Catholics are approximately half of the
number of Christians, numbering more than one billion members. This number makes it one of the largest religions in the world. In 2003, the Catholic
population in the United States was 63.4 million people (Roman Catholic Church, 2017). The Catholic Church's basic beliefs influence their
demographics, party affiliation, stances on different political issues, and involvement in American politics.
I attended a service at the Cathedral of Saint Joseph in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. At this service, politics were not directly mentioned, but Father
Darin Schmidt said a few interesting words. In a message to the congregation he said, "love unconditionally, without limits." He also said, "peace,
liberty, and justice for all." One might recognize "liberty and justice for all" from our nation's Pledge of Allegiance, and this quote displays a sense of
patriotism in the church. These quotes are helpful in understanding the Catholic Church's ideologies. During prayer, they mentioned a few current
issues including support for the military, the Las Vegas shooting, refugees, and victims of natural disasters. Besides these few observations, the service
did not express any straightforward political
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NFL Protest Observation
Fila Bates Patrick Jehle Writing and Rhetoric II November 8, 2017 NFL Protest Observation The American flag represents this so–called notion of
equality and patriotism, even though it was used alongside with the pledge of allegiance to capitalize on the people's love of the country. The
current controversy is that protest at NFL games is not only disrespectful to the country, but is also a disrespect to our armed forces who fought for
our constitutional rights, this paper is simply an observation piece that will discuss the various arguments surrounding the NFL protest and will
explore people's current feelings toward the silent protest. Many members of the U.S military have come to Collin Kaepernick's defense in the
aftermath of the protest. Kellie Johnson a former military personal talk about how the protests are simply representations of their freedom of
expression and that people should stop focusing on the anthem and start focusing on the reasons for the protest. She even speculates that majority of
people who complain about kneeling are the same ones in the stands of sporting events looking at their phones, which is a form of disrespect to the
flag. So, you can start to see that the same people who worship the flag commit actions that devalues its worth in America as well. The factiousness
symbolized in the American flag distorts people's perspective of how equality and justice should be upheld in this country. Meghan Lindsey a season
finalist contestant on the voice,
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Background of the Catholic Church Essay
In the Western world, the schism within the Catholic Church has made its most significant impact due to rapid changes in social standards. Of greatest
importance is the evolution of modern society and their response to the reverberated traditions of the Catholic Church as well as the evolving Protestant
sects. In consequence of increases in technology and science, modern society has redefined its acceptable and moral behavioral standards within a
social setting, whereas, the Catholic Church stands firm in its doctrines despite social and moral movements in the twentieth century. Except for the
Second Vatican Counciland the Council of Trent, the Roman Catholic Church has not worked to revise its religious traditions in ... Show more content
on ...
I don't believe that religious conversions need to take place, rather religious communication and understanding. The intolerance perpetuated by
Catholicism is a feeling that I had at one point entertained in accordance with my Church's attitude. It is only now, after exploring other religious
services, I realize the ignorance that intolerance perpetuates and I have grown spiritually from this revelation.
Upon these grounds I propose that it is reasonable and necessary to draw parallels between Protestant and Catholic religious services as a start to
narrow the gap between Catholics and Protestants. It is in this acknowledgment of apparent similarities in worship that Protestants and Catholics would
be able to appreciate each other for what they believe both religiously and socially. Whether or not people realize this point, religion even while
separated from the state, influences how each individual approaches and interacts with another. The split between religion and state widened a gap
within humanity. By fostering new relationships and new parallels within differing religions, this gap will begin to close.
Since the Protestant Churches arose due to the Reformation and a separation from the authority of the Roman Catholic Church, there may exist
Protestant rituals that parallel Catholic rituals. Moreover, by
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Roman Catholic Definition
What the definition of what Roman Catholic is and how it came to become a popular religion. My definition of Roman Catholic is the change of the
Catholic religion and how religion started to branch out. With so many reforms started to happen and beliefs started to change and Rome government
had the reforms able the religion. With all the changes, with religions people were finding their paths to what their believed in. The actually definition
of the Roman Catholic faith is the union of people believe in the hierarchy of priests, the bishops, and the pope. They have also emphasized the need of
saints, especially Mary, the mother of Jesus, and the prayer of the intercession of the saints. The people believe in the authority of Catholic church,
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Prayer In Sports And Religion
Throughout history religion has been connected to sport. The use of prayer is evident in the lives of athletes today and has been present in athlete's
lives for years. It is important to understand the reasons behind prayer before we explore prayer in sports. The decisions athletes make are impacted
by their view of prayer. Grasping the reasons behind prayer will allow us to understand Europe's history of religion and sport. Taking a look at
Europe's role in the integration of sport and religion will produce an idea of how important they were to the birth of sports ministry and to mending the
tensions between two conflicting parties. Sports played a vital role in reducing conflict between Italy and the Roman Catholic Church. Moving on from
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Prayer By Thomas Keating, Contemplative Prayer
According to Thomas Keating, "Contemplative prayer is a conversation initiated by God and leading, if we consent to a divine union. It is the way
to pure faith." Unlike with vocal prayers, in which we call out to God asking for things we need, with contemplative prayer our role is to allow God
to be God. In other words, God directs Contemplative prayer, His grace opens our hearts and minds to the His presence inside us. Consequently,
contemplative prayer begins with a centering prayer, which is a silent prayer that prepares us to receive the gift of contemplative prayer. Keating
noted that, "Centering prayer is an effort to renew the teaching of the Christian tradition of contemplative prayer." Similar to other methods of prayer,
the foundation of centering prayer is the Triune God. Keating noted that, "The practice is based on the wisdom saying of Jesus in the Sermon on the
Mount." The scripture reads, "But when you pray, go to your inner room, close the door and pray to your Father in secret. And your Father, who sees in
secret, will reward you" (Matt. 6:6). Practicing contemplative prayer will strengthen our spiritual commitment and enrich our personal lives. I will
discuss the origin, methods and benefits of contemplative prayer.
Origin of Contemplative Prayer For centuries, the definition for contemplation evolved. According to Keating, "Gnosis was used by St. Paul in the
Epistles to represent the knowledge of God proper to those who
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Santeria Research Paper
Catholicism is a religion that has a history that has gone back over decades and is practiced all over the world today. The Catholic Church is one of
the world's largest religious denominations according to "there is an estimated 1.2 billion Roman Catholics in the world today." So, what
does the Catholic Church believe in? Like Christians, Catholic believe in Jesus Christ, the importance of charity, and the power of god. Catholics
however, have a number of different things that set them apart from Christians. The Catholic Church is liturgical, which according to
mean that they practice ceremonial worship, which makes mass an important part of the religion. During mass recitation is an important part of mass.
The ... Show more content on ...
So, what is Santeria, according to Merriam–Webster dictionary Santeria is "a religion practiced originally in Cuba in which Yoruba deities are
identified with Roman Catholic saints." While that is a vague answer Santeria, also called Regla de Ocha or the Lucmi has roots in the Yoruba
people of West Africa. Slaves were taken from Africa were taken to the Caribbean Islands. There were attempts to convert many of the slaves but
many of them resisted. They continued to practice their own rituals, according to Charles H. Lippy and Peter W. William in their book
Encyclopedia of American Religious Experience: Studies of Traditions and Movement "in Cuba the Catholic Church was tolerant of ethnic
traditions and even allowed various African groups to create their own "clubs", which became known as the Cabildos." But from their African
roots and Catholicism were already made and this would create Santeria. Santeria itself focuses on building relationships between humans and
powerful but mortal spirits, Orishas. According to the Encyclopedia of Africa American Society "the main spirits in Santeria are called Orishas,
which are complex beings that have several characteristics. They are seen as forces of nature, as well, as aspect of God and intermediaries between
the human and spirit worlds." An Orisha is a manifestation of Olodumare, who is there God. The relationship between followers and Orishas is
meant to be mutual, Orishas need to be worship to survive. Without the worship and sacrifices from the followers an Orisha can stop existing. It is
impossible to know how many people practice Santeria, because of the negative stigma that is attached to it many of the followers practice in secret,
but it is believed that some form of Santeria is practiced all over the
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The Philosophy Of Emile Durkheim And The Roman Catholic...
In the following paper I will be in detail explaining the academic experience of visiting and observing a Roman Catholic Church and lastly I will
shortly also incorporate the theory of Emile Durkheim and the Roman Catholic Church I completed a field study on. For my site visit I visited St
Thomas Aquinas Church in Charlotte, North Carolina off of Suther road near the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. I started to look up
different churches in the area of Catholic churches in Charlotte and this was the first church to appear to me on the internet. I decided to go to the 9:30
mass or also called a liturgy on a Sunday. I did look over the churches scheduled masses and they had them everyday of the week. I arrived there
about ten minutes before 9:30 dressed appropriately in a skirt and a dressy shirt, so that I could follow and respect the instructions of the pamphlet
that the church provided online. I parked my car and gathered my tablet and sat in the back pews, so that I could take notes quietly. Before the
service started I looked over the papers and booklet that the church provided to see what it included. The booklet included a letter from the priest,
readings for the week from the bible, hymnals from the Vatican, mass intentions, prayer requests, stewardships, ministries, confirmations, and the priests
and deacons as follows Rev. Patrick Winslow, Rev. Jason Christian, Rev. Matthew Kauth, and Deacons Rev. Mr. James Witulski, Rev. Mr. Joseph Diaz.
I walked
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Eastern Orthodox Vs Roman Catholic
Eastern Orthodox vs Roman Catholic In the funeral world there are a lot of different styles of funerals. For example, Eastern Orthodox and
Roman Catholic funerals. Both very different, but at the same time they have several things in common. In funerals there is an abundance of
things to compare and contrast. We will be looking at different ways the notification of death is handled in both of these religions, removal,
embalming, dressing/casketing, visitation requirements/rituals, and interment or cremation. When you receive the first call for a Roman Catholic,
you used to have to notify the clergy, but now you do not have to notify the clergy the family still may prefer too. You also have to abide by the
churches rules, the church may require clergy to know. However in Eastern Orthodox depending in the area clergyman does not have to be notified
either, but if you are in an area that does require the priest to be notified you would call the clergy when you received the first call. In most cases
the notification of the priest is taken care of by the family and they already have had the prayer service before the call to the funeral director. When
making the removal of remains of Roman Catholic there are no restrictions upon the deceased layperson. Most of the time you will see restrictions
enforced for Priests or Nuns. Like the Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox has no restrictions on the deceased. You would just follow usual procedures
according to the church or the local
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Investigating the Main Feautres of Different Places of...
Investigating the Main Feautres of Different Places of Worship
I have chosen the Roman Catholic Church and the Baptist Church. The most important features of the Roman Catholic Church are the Tabernacle and
the Altar. These form the focal point of the building. The Altar is situated on a platform, which is usually 2–3 steps so that the congregation are
involved in the mass visually. The tabernacle is usually beside or behind the altar. The altar contains a fragment from the bone of a saint. This signifies
the difference between the altar and a normal table. The altar dates back to the Ancient Jews, who sacrificed animals, on a table in the temple, towards
God. Catholics believe that the ultimate ... Show more content on ...
Catholics believe that sin spoils the relationship between them and God and the sacrament of Reconciliation can restore it. Catholics believe that God
gave us seven gifts to show his love these are: Matrimony, Holy Orders, Reconciliation, Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist and Healing of the Sick.
The focal point of the Baptist Church is the pulpit; this is where the bible is kept. Baptists use the bible to learn lessons and the minister preaches
using it. They believe that bible readings and prayers are the most important part of the service. Baptists don't believe in sacraments they only believe
in the power of God through His Word. Roman Catholic churches have a pulpit/lectern it is used for the Word of God, however it isn't as important as
the Priest's homily. The Baptist church doesn't have a confessional they don't believe that the minister has the power to forgive the congregation in
God's place. The congregation usually pray together to ask god for forgiveness, they believe he is the only one who has the power to forgive them.
The Baptist church doesn't have and liturgies like the Roman Catholic Church. If you were to go to one Baptist church and went to another one around
the corner the service would be very different; the Baptist church is non– liturgical. However with the
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Maryland Religion
Catholicism has been around in America since 1632. The religion first started with the ruling of Cecilius Calvert in the Maryland colony and it has
spread since then throughout the nation. Research was done to learn how the Catholic religion in the Maryland colony first developed and how it
contributed into the making of the colony. This research will explain how the influence of Cecilius Calvert and his governing, the Maryland Toleration
Act, and the Charter of Maryland affected the development of religion in the Maryland colony.
In 1517, Martin Luther suggested the reformation of the Roman Catholic church. During the 16th Century, the Roman Catholic Church was
experiencing the Protestant Reformation in which Catholics were trying to reform ... Show more content on ...
Although Cecilius lacked experience and knowledge, he was a wise leader for the colony and extremely cared for his people. For his charter to
continue alive, Cecilius Calvert needed to stay in England, so he sent his brother Leonard to the New World to help him govern the Maryland colony
and its people. He invited Catholic and Protestant families to help start establishing the Maryland colony, these families brought along servants with
them that worked towards the development and growing. Also, Pope Urban VIII sent two English priests to America that joined the people of
Maryland to give help and advice and celebrate the mass or any type of prayer.
The main goal of establishing this colony, was to expand the Catholic faith and increase the number of believers, from which the Americans will learn
from and adapt as their own religion. Having Americans believe in Catholic faith would also help to develop a government that includes freedom of
religion. Cecilius sent his brother Leonard a letter with instructions that would help him govern the colony, "Instructions to the Colonists by Lord
Baltimore," that were the primary rules and laws of the
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Sacred Heart Cathedral Essay
The Sacred Heart Cathedral is of the Roman Catholic religion. The Roman Catholic church was created when the Eastern and Western churches divided
in 1054, with the Roman Catholic church coming from the Western church (Matlins). Coming from a Methodist background, I found Roman
Catholicism interesting because out of the various Christian denominations Roman Catholicism appeared to differ the greatest from the Protestant and
Orthodox sectors of Christianity (Brodd). It is intriguing that one religion can have various practices and ways of worship. After and during Mass I was
able to compare the Methodist religion and Roman Catholic religion to each other. Through formulating questions and expectations, observation,
listening, and taking in ... Show more content on ...
As I entered the cathedral the first observation I made was that the congregation was wearing various clothing. Some individuals were dressed in
formal attire, which I was expecting, but others were dressed in shorts, T–shirts, and sneakers. This was surprising to me because I had thought that
attending Mass was a formal occasion. There were greeters at the entrance of the Cathedral making everyone feel welcomed and passing out
bulletins. I was amazed by the intricacy of the inside of the cathedral! The ceiling of the cathedral reminded me of the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel
by Michelangelo. Before the service started, I awed at the ceiling and the stained glass windows. The stained glass windows were vibrant in color and
intricate in design. Throughout the cathedral there were statues of various important Christian figures. I assumed that the statues were either of Jesus,
the Virgin Mary, various saints, or individuals from the Old Testament because Matlins and Magida discuss how these statues are prominent in Roman
Catholic cathedrals (Matlins). I know for a fact that one of the statues was indeed Jesus because it was a statue of him hanging on the cross. Like my
church, there were pews for the congregation to sit in; however, what was different was that there were benches for the congregation to kneel on.
According to Matlin and Magida, these benches are
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The Trial Of Galileo And The Catholic Church
In the Trial of Galileo, The Roman Catholic church is the largest christian church in the Western civilization .The moral aspect concerns salvation. The
Catholic Church was directed by the Holy Scripture by the Church Fathers, which provided the means of eternal salvation: those don 't renounce the
Catholic Church of Catholicism place their souls in peril. Protestantism was an enemy Galileo had encountered but it derives the Catholic Church of
converts because it deprives people from the true ideal of salvation amongst early catholic people. But in some situations got difficult for Galileo to
handle more than one role played. The Galileo case for many anti catholics, is to be proven that church abhors science, refuse to abandon outdated
teachings. The Church was not anti–scientific but it supported scientific endeavors for centuries. The Jesuits were a respected group of astronomers and
scientist in Rome during Galileo 's time. Individuals and church officials and from the church, were many notable scientist who received fundings.
During this time period Church funding from many scientific advances were contributed by clerics. Therefore if Galileo had not been prosecuted with
the political controversy of the Catholic Church, he would have lived a longer life contributing more towards his theories and inventions as a scientist
than his religious obedience.
The Catholic Church teaches the most important that is the one true church founded by Jesus Christ. The Catholic Church
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Characteristics Of Catholicism And Christianity
Christianity is the most widely followed religion among the world's population with approximately 2.3 billion followers, half of which are Roman
Catholics (Liu). As a result of this widespread popularity, there is a unique and specific subculture that distinguishes this religion from others. As a
lifelong member of Catholicism myself, I wanted to delve further into the cultural aspect of this religion and the unambiguous traits. Culture is defined
by the shared norms, beliefs, and values within a group. Catholicism is no exception and is an established subculture with specific characteristics,
material culture, hierarchical organization and other aspects that make it very distinctive. A subculture is "...defined as the groups united by sets of
concepts, values, symbols, and shared meaning specific to the members of that group" (Conley p.85). Catholicism corresponds with this definition
because the religion and its members are united by similar cultural characteristics including both material and non–material culture. The followers of
this religion are unified by these cultural characteristics that are specific to Catholicism. The non–material cultural characteristics that define
Catholicism as a subculture are the shared values between members. In general, individuals of Catholic faith are family oriented. Familial values are of
the utmost importance in the Catholic faith whether it be faithfulness through marriage or through socializing children to have similar values. In
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Ritual and Vows of Christian Marrage and Their Influence...
Ritual and Vows of Christian Marrage and Their Influence on the Differing Ways that Couples Approach Marraige and Marital Breakdown
Most people see marriage as a sacrament that should be intended for life. It is often thought of as a deep way of sharing between a couple. Most
people get married because it's a lifelong commitment, it's a way of bringing up children in a secure and loving home, a way to control and direct the
sex instinct and a way of gaining a friend and companion for life.
The main reasons for marriage and the attitudes towards marriage have changed in the last four hundred years. In the seventeenth–century, the main
reason for marriage was so that the couple could have children. ... Show more content on ...
The exchange of rings follows the exchange of vows. The vows used in the Christian marriage reflect the idea of a long lasting and un–selfish
relationship. A vow that is used in most Christian marriage ceremonies is:
I take you to be my husband / wife,
To have and to hold
From this day forward,
For better, for worse,
For richer, for poorer,
In sickness and in health,
To love and to cherish
Till death us do part,
According to God's Holy law.
And to this I pledge myself.
This vow shows how you should look after your partner whatever the circumstances, i.e. if he/she is ill. Both partners make this promise so it is a
shared responsibility. After this promise has been said, the ring is placed on the third finger of the woman's hand and the man and the women both say
With this ring I thee wed;
With my body I thee honour and all my worldly goods with
Thee I share
In the name of the Father, the son and the Holy Spirit.
This vow gives the idea of a deep form of sharing between the couple and how all their possessions are now shared. The prayer of the faithful
follows which may also include personal prayer by the couple. The mass concludes with the Lord's prayer and a Blessing. There may also be a
candlelight blessing. In the Catholic tradition the candle flame is a symbol of Christ, the light of
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Julian Of Norwich: Faith In Christianity
Faith in Christianity Faith has been the primary premise for Christianity throughout time. Without having faith Christianity would be lacking the
necessary motivation to practice their beliefs. Faith is what gives people hope in the Christian tradition. There many varying views and interpretations
of faith that have been passed down through the Christian tradition, some widely conflicting, but all that holding their own personal merit. Many of
these beliefs stood the test of time and are still prominent today. In the 14th century a woman named Julian, now known as Julian of Norwich, used her
faith to guide not only herself but others with visions that God has presented to her. These visions were bestowed to her on her deathbed (The Julian...
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Calvin believes faith isn't just in the church and that one does not need to have all the sacraments to be a faithful Christian. Calvin believes that
with scripture through the word of God one can be a devoted Christian. Throughout the entire letter back to Sadoleto, Calvin uses scripture to
support his views and defending the protestants He began saying "For we all born first for God, not for ourselves" (John Olin,52). Calvin doesn't
respect the argument of tradition, because there are, many other faiths that have been passed down through tradition. He references other religions
and faiths such as Jews, Turks, and Saracens. He believes that they would evade God's judgement, if tradition was accepted as the only basis of
faith. (John Olin, 90) "man is justified in God's sight and he is justified by faith or works" (John Olin, 90). Calvin refutes all of Sadoleto attacks he
wrote in his letter towards Calvin. Calvin proves Sadoleto points are wrong with the use of scripture. Calvin believes scripture is a key part of faith. It
is the word of God. A faithful Christian believes in god and obeys what god has said. He believes that Protestants have a closer more meaningful
interpretation of scripture, which refutes Sadoletos claim that they are falsifying the word. "When we embrace Christ by faith, and come, as it were,
into communication with Him, this we term, after the manner
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Roman Catholicism Versus Pentecostal Christianity
Roman Catholicism to Pentecostal Christians Faith 1 Comparison of Roman Catholicism to Pentecostal Christians Faith Steven M Garrett Axia
College University of Phoenix Roman Catholicism to Pentecostal Christians Faith 2... Show more content on ...
The first question that I asked was "How has being raised in the catholic faith affected her life", and she said that it had affected her life in many
ways, from the way that she has to pray to receive the spirit, to receiving the Holy Eucharist (spiritual devotion) at each mass, and also
understanding that she has to go to confession each week to be forgiven of her sins(A. Prokasky, personal interview, November 2, 2007). The
second question that I asked her was "Has being Catholic influenced her ways of picking friends that she associates with" and she said that far as
friends she will be friends with most anybody, but in choosing she does go back to her Catholic beliefs for guidance in associating with the people she
picks(A. Prokasky, personal interview, November 2,
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Christianity And Its Impact On Society

  • 1. Christianity And Its Impact On Society Catholicism A couple decades after Jesus, the Christian Messiah, died , there came a new religion ,which was appealing because it was one of the first religions to show life after death. This religion was Catholicism. This religion has overcame many obstacles to come at where it is today. Catholicism , the largest self–religion branch in christianity, can be explained through the History of Catholicism, the faith of Catholicism, and the structure of the mass and church. The history of Catholicism was long and persecuted religion, that has a history dating back to the times of Jesus. The Catholics believe that Catholicism that traces all the way back to Jesus of Nazareth.(Roman Catholicism,pg.1) According to the gospels , persecution, ... Show more content on ... 500, the Church flourished due to new popularity(Ries Charlemange was crowned the first Holy Roman Empire by Pope Leo the third.(Ries,pg.14) Pope Gregory told the monks of England to burn all Idols.( Ries,pg.12)Many Kings who were german became Holy Roman Emperor ( Ries, pg.14) The Great Schism was when the church of christianity officially split, though the Eastern branches of the Church had long been divided on religious beliefs .(Ries,pg.17) Pope Gregory VII made and reinstated the papal Primacy( Ries,pg.14) Pope Gregory VII stopped kings from appointing bishops with the treaty known as the Concordat at Worms.( Ries,p14.) The Faith of Catholics ranges in a wide variety and is based on the stories in the bible , and explains life's most meaningful questions . Catholics believes that Adam and Eve created original sin, which now all people are born with.(The essentials of..., p.1) For it to be a moral sin , it have to be a grave matter, full knowledge, and deliberate consent. (the essentials of ...,p.11) A grave matter is when you deliberately do something evil. (the essentials of..., p.11) Full knowledge is when you do something with all knowing in mind.(the essentials of..., p.11) Deliberate consent is when you freely chose to do something evil. (the essentials of..., p.11) A venial sin is a small sin that can be saved with blessing ... Get more on ...
  • 2. The Effect Of The Reformation On The Roman Catholic Church The Effect of the Reformation on the Roman Catholic Church The Roman Catholic Church grew from an outlawed and persecuted religion to a well–organized and powerful ruling body in the western world. After the death of Jesus of Nazareth his disciples begin to spread his teachings of love and salvation through a single God. However, early Christians quickly became seen as a threat to the most powerful Empire at the time; Rome. Being monotheistic they refused to offer sacrifice to state ran cults and as pacifist they refused to join the army. The Roman Empires power laid in both the military and taxation so early Christians became the targets of persecution. In 64 CE Rome declares Christianity illegal and it remained so for almost three hundred years. However, Christianity doesn't die and when Emperor Constantine made Christianity legal with the Edict of Milan 313 the church grew quickly. Later Emperor Theodosius declares Catholic Christianity the official religion of Rome and bans paganism. From here theCatholic Church grew in power and influence becoming the single most powerful institution the western world. Socially it controlled the everyday lives of people and played a major role in the governing of those same people. Institutionally the church was well organized and based on hierarchy operating like an empire similar to the one that tried to destroy it early in its history. Thanks to this the church also wielded tremendous governing power. However, this all changed ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Catholic Church Visit This weekend, I went down to Boulder to visit my brother and his girlfriend. While I was in Boulder, I was able to go to a Roman Catholic church called the St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Center. This was a special visit, because it was on the University of Colorado Boulder campus, our sister school! It was sort of like a small town, most of the buildings were separated by the trees. Naturally, the denominational affiliation is Roman Catholicism, from which they uphold beliefs and values of the Roman Catholic Church. The Roman Catholic Church is overseen and led by the bishop of Rome and the pope. The congregation was fairly large and by the beginning of the service, every seat was filled. Like my past Site Visit, instead of just individual chairs, there were rows of... Show more content on ... Before walking to the altar, the priest in the green bowed slightly and then walked behind the altar where the priest in the white had placed down the bible and they both bowed in front of it. After that, they say a type of prayer it seemed, that the whole congregation confesses to sinning and they ask for forgiveness. Afterwards, the choir sang a few more songs and then the priest prayed. After that, the priest then goes on to read some scriptures from the bible and sometime near the end of the service, everyone says the 'Lord's Prayer', and afterwards, there was some announcements and then, everyone was dismissed. In regards to significant religious symbols, behind the altar was a small black cross with a small jesus nailed to the front of it. In addition, there was an image of the Virgin Mary holding Baby Jesus behind the altar. I went with my brother's girlfriend, Briana, who was a student at CU Boulder. I didn't meet anyone after the service unfortunately, mainly because, I didn't feel very welcome. The mass was an open service, but, I felt very much like an outsider. No one was rude to me at all, but then again, no one was very inviting at the same ... Get more on ...
  • 4. My Visit to St. Peter's Catholic Church in Charlotte,... The Catholic Church is the oldest major religion in the Western world. Littered with peace, love, and humility, along with violence, turmoil, and controversy this institution has seen, heard, led, and had influence over the majority of everything and everybody that there was in the last two millennia. This has included ordinary people, Kings, Queens, Generals, Nobleman, Royalty, and everything in between, and has endured since the beginning of the modern era, Anno Domini. They great spiritual and monetary machine created a powerful reign over the entire world's Catholics, and remains so to this day. For the purpose of background for my visit to a Catholic Church, being Presbyterian, I did historical research before I visited. I ... Show more content on ... When the Roman Empire collapsed, the Catholic Church was the only powerful authority not complete disrupted by the attack by barbarians. In fact, the work of great Popes is what helped their power increase even more. The newly christened barbarians, done by the Pope Gregory the Great, inaugurated a new age in Jesus Christ called Christendom. All culture in Christendom conformed to that of the Church's, and, with its headquarters in Rome, the powerful "papal monarchs", as they were called, controlled the machine that was the Catholic Church. With newfound challenges of the Renaissance, the Protestant Reformation, and the increase in the Enlightenment's rationalism and liberalism, an undermining of the Church began to set forth a new era and problems for the Church that they tried to come back from. Reorganizing at Trent set a new grim determination for the Church that catapulted their morale against ideas of modern culture. The last of these increasing troubles being the French Revolution, after which an immense religious revival manifested into the conversion of the elite in Europe, and extended their reach to every corner of the world, but mostly focusing on the moral problems taking place in the 19th century influenced by the Industrial Revolution. In the 20th century, the Church's opposition to modernism came to an end when Pope John XXIII, with extreme boldness, turned its back on four centuries of extreme ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Historical Context Of Paul Vi 's Decree On Ecumenism Historical Context When Pope Paul VI published The Decree on Ecumenism: Unitatis Redintergratio in 1964, it signalled the Catholic Church's official entrance into the Christian ecumenical movement. Historically, the ecumenical movement began when the World Missionary Conference first convened in 1910, establishing two ecumenical organs: Life and Works, and Faith and Order (Textbook). Prior to the promulgation of Unitatis Redintergratio, theCatholic Church's view of the ecumenical movement was defined by Paul VI's predecessors Leo XIII and Pius XI, who insisted that the Catholic Church is the only Church of Christ, therefore barring Catholics from participating in interchurch dialogue (Textbook). These sentiments forbade ecumenical... Show more content on ... The decree identifies that there are doctrinal differences between Protestant communities and the Catholic Church. However, despite these doctrinal differences the sacrament of baptism ensures that Protestants are members of Christ's body (UR 3). As members of Christ's body, the Protestants are privy to salvation as Children of the Catholic Church (UR 3). Chapter one concludes that members of the Catholic Church should pray and stay informed about their Protestant brethren in order to promote Christian unity (UR 4). Chapter two explains that the ecumenical unity is the concern of the whole Church, the congregation and clergy, which is manifested by the bond all Christians share with Christ (UR 5). Chapter two continues to clarify that Christian unity is dependent on the moral reformation of Catholics, to ensure its faithful live according to Church's moral teachings (UR 6). Unitatis Redingratio insists that Catholics strive for a deeper knowledge of their Christian brethren in hope that the dialogue between Christian communities can remove the obstacles hindering Christian unity (UR 7–12). The final chapter of the decree focuses on the division between the Roman Church and the Churches/ ecclesial communities of the East and West. Regarding the Church in the East, Unitatis Redintergratio explains that the Catholic Church enjoys a special relationship with the Orthodox Church, due to their shared apostolic foundation (UR 14). Unitatis ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Mary Had Been Immaculately Conceived Without Original Sin Roman Catholic Church proclaimed that Mary had been immaculately conceived without original sin or its stain, which is a corrupt nature due to the original sin. This is call the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception. It was officially defined by Pope Pius IX in 1854. The reference for the doctrine is Luke 1:28. When Gabriel said to Mary that she was highly favored and blessed among women, Mary herself was troubled and considered what such salutation meant. The angel explained in verses 30–33 that such greeting was given because God had chosen her as the mother of the messiah. The Catholics deduce the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception from the interpretation of 'highly favored and blessed,' which went too far from the context. It is not clear why the Catholic Church claims such a strange doctrine. A Catholic priest argued that Mary should be free from original sin so that Jesus could be free from original sin and that God graciously and miraculously made Mary without original sin. If Mary' immaculate condition was necessary for Jesus' immaculateness, Mary's parents should have been immaculate. Or, if God ... Show more content on ... But a Rosary prayer titled "the Salve Regina" starts as; "Hail Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy, our life our sweetness and our hope. To thee do we cry..." They do cry to Mary. The Catechism 2675 of the Catholic Church says that "the Churches developed their prayer to the holy Mother of God, centering it on the person of Christ manifested in his mysteries." The Catholics do pray to Mary. They made Mary a divine being. It is an idolatry. They call Mary the Mother of God as if she has divinity. When Elisabeth greeted Mary saying "the mother of my lord should come to me," Mary replies, "My spirit rejoices in God my savior." Mary knew that she was a human being who needed a savior. Both Elisabeth and Mary should have had no idea of blasphemy such as exalting Mary to the Mother of ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Witch Hunts of the Early Modern Period as the Result of... Witch Hunts of the Early Modern Period as the Result of Religious and Social Upheaval The Early Modern Period was a time of great change in and around Europe. The people of the age were faced with upheaval of all forms; religious, social, political and even economical. Religious upheaval stemmed from changes in religious views and practises. The Reformation was a hugely significant event that took place in the years spanning 1520–1650. It was a religious, and political, movement in Europe that began as an attempt to reform the Roman Catholic Church, but ended in the establishment of Protestantism and Protestant churches. The aim of the reformers was to restore the Church to its early Christian ... Show more content on ... Without doubt, everyone's religious ideas were being influenced and changed by what was going on around them. Concerning these changes, the Reformation caused a distinct change in the beliefs of the devil amongst the Protestant formers. Roman Catholics believed in the devil but had always believed they could defeat him, and had certain ways of protecting themselves from Satan's wickedness. In the Catholic faith, it was common to deploy 'supernatural weapons' against the devil, such as candles and holy water. The 'weapons' were thought to offer protection against evil spirits, and as Darren Oldridge comments in his book; 'The Devil and the Reformation', even the ringing of church bells was accepted as protection against flying demons. Catholics believed that their traditional rituals such as these protected them from the evils of the devil and therefore they weren't as scared of him as they could have been, these 'magical' rituals that helped them face him. Consequently, with the Reformation, the reformers' decision to reject the practises of the Roman Catholic faith resulted in them losing these 'magical' rituals that had 'protected' people from, and 'defeated', the devil for so many years. Protestants believed that a person could not do anything to earn the love of God and therefore lived in devote prayer, and worked extremely hard to try ... Get more on ...
  • 8. The Malabar ( East Syrian ) Tradition The Syro–Malabar church is a Catholic Church in full communion with the Pope. It is part of the Chaldean (East Syrian) tradition. It was founded by St. Thomas the Apostle around 52 A.D. and the members were first known as the St. Thomas Christians, but when they spread to India, primarily Kerala, they became known as the Syro–Malabar Catholics. The Syro–Malabar Church uses a slightly different cross than the Roman Catholic Church, and has slight variations in the liturgical calendar. There are currently five Syro–Malabar archdioceses and twenty–nine dioceses worldwide. The Syro–Malabar Church has been around since the earliest days of Christianity. They trace their roots all the way to St. Thomas the Apostle, who traveled to the region of ... Show more content on ... It serves as a short act of courtesy between the Messiah, the celebrant, and the worshippers (Palackal). Next is the Nativity Hymn, used as a replacement for the trinity. Unlike in the Latin Rite, the Holy Qurbana does not start off with the trinity, but instead starts with "Glory to God in the highest," to which the proper response is "Amen." After the Nativity Hymn comes the Lord's Prayer, which varies depending on the form. It could either be the ordinary form or the solemn form. Then, the Thrice Holy is said with the words "Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of hosts!" The Thrice Holy is a way to remind the people of their spiritual connection with God (Palackal). The Holy Qurbana continues with The Resurrection hymn. This hymn accompanies the celebrant as he prepares the altar for worship, using incense and removing the altar veil. (Palackal). The Resurrection hymn concludes the introductory rights. The liturgy of the word opens with the Trisagion, which is sung three times. Next in the Holy Qurbana is the Suraya, which is sung by the congregation. This is repeated five times in a row. The Anthem of the Mysteries is next, and is the equivalent of the Presentation of the Gifts in Roman Catholic mass (Palackal). While the deacon brings the bread and wine the congregation sings the Anthem of the Mysteries: "Here is our Lord's precious body and blood"(Palackal). After The Anthem of the Mysteries is the Commemoration hymn, whose purpose is to give the ... Get more on ...
  • 9. The Catholic Church Located Near There are five Catholic churches located near me according to the Catholic directory. The decision was made to attend a service at Our Lady of Grace Church which is located on South Chapman Street and off of West Market Street in Greensboro that was built in 1952. As you enter the church, the first thing noticed is how large the church is on the inside as well as the outside. Beautiful tall cathedral ceilings with archways, after archways, after archways, and a beautiful altar. The first thing you do is dip your fingers in the bowl containing holy water and cross yourself. According to websites, this is to remember your baptism. If you have not been baptized you do not dip your fingers in the water. After dipping into the holy water, you bless yourself by saying "In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit" while doing the motion of a cross on the forehead, lower chest, left shoulder, then right shoulder. Walking to the pew, there are some people who bow, there are some people, who bend their knees, and there are some people who actually go all the way down to the ground. The reason for the bow is to bow to the altar, genuflect to the tabernacle. Genuflecting is when the right knee touches the floor and the tabernacle is where the Body of Christ is kept. Once at the seats, the entrance song begins. This signals the start of Mass. This Sunday it was Praise My Soul, The King of Heaven, and Hymn. As this song is being sung, the priest and servers walk slowly to ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Abortion And The United States Since 1973, abortion has been considered "legal" in the United States. But, just because abortion is legal, does that automatically justify it as moral? The Bible never clearly states "though shall not abort your children." On the other hand, Exodus 20:13, states "though shall not murder." Not only does Exodus speak of prohibiting murder, Genesis 9:3, states that "whoever sheds man's blood, by man his blood shall be shed, for in the image of God He made man." According to, abortion became legalized in the United States in 1973; however, does declaring something "legal" grant the power to be morally sound as well (The Christian, n.d.)? The Bible uses the term child to describe a "born" and "unborn" baby. According to the... Show more content on ... As a result, society is using "personhood" to define when a child could be described as an assortment of organs. Researcher, Carl Sagan, estimated that at 6 months a child could be considered to be under the category of "personhood." Clearly personhood was created to justify the means of abortion. Such ideas were never expressed in the bible. On the contrary, the bible describes personhood as reaching self–actualization. Self–actualization comes from knowing their lord and savior. These two terms are their exact opposite, both may define life but neither would agree on the subject of when a "baby" or "fetus" becomes a human being (The Christian, n.d.). Churches from the early ages understood the Bible's adversity to abortion. The reason why the Bible doesn't contain precise scriptures detailing why abortion is condemned is due to the 6th commandment. Exodus 20:13, which states "though shall not murder." This would pertain to suicide, poison, abortion, and etcetera. Eventually, as the church spread to different regions, those involved didn't concede with their traditions. Hence, new prohibition were written to forbid abortion due to their Comprehension of the bible (The Christian, n.d.). Christianity's belief system is founded upon Jesus's supreme revelations. In addition, his instructions are conveyed within the old Testaments. Which consist of the four gospels and Jewish Scriptures. The Roman Catholic, Protestant ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Christianity and Life After Death Essay Christianity and Life After Death Life after death is an essential part of the Christian religion. Jesus, the son of god, died on the cross and three days later he rose again from the dead, the resurrection. Hundreds of people saw him. This has given Christians the hope that when they die, they will live on in another place. Christians believe in heaven and hell. If a person lives a good moral life they can expect to get to heaven, when they die. If they live an immoral life then perhaps hell will be an alternative. Luke 23:42 Then he said, "Jesus remember me when you come into your kingdom." Jesus replied, "Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise." Jesus was crucified ... Show more content on ... Faith is very important to Christians. No one living today has seen god, and no one has seen heaven or hell. However, Christians still believe that they will be resurrected. This is faith, belief in something that cannot be seen. In Anglican, orthodox and Roman Catholic traditions smearing the sick are a ceremonial action which can be requested for very ill people. When it is performed on a dying person it is often referred to as the "last rites". It involves rubbing oil on the person's forehead and in the Roman Catholic tradition, the feet and the hands too. It symbolizes the healing of the mind and the strengthening of spirit and is accompanied by special prayers. At the death candles are often placed near the coffin as a symbol for the future life and a reminder of the 'light of Christ' who is the means of redemption. In Roman Catholic and orthodox services incense, with its smoke rising upwards as a symbol of prayer, is sprinkled over the coffin After death the place of burial is marked with a stone, often in the shape of a cross as a reminder of Jesus' death and resurrection. Some churches have a memorial garden where the ashes of cremated people are placed with plaques, often with Christian symbols and words. In many towns and villages there is a stone memorial cross to commemorate those who have dies in the two world wars. Special services
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  • 13. Catholic Religious Beliefs The Catholic Church's current pope, Pope Francis once said, "A good Catholic meddles in politics, offering the best of himself, so that those who govern can govern. But what is the best that we can offer to those who govern? Prayer!" Catholics are approximately half of the number of Christians, reaching more than one billion members. This number makes it one of the largest religions in the world. In 2003, the Catholic population in the United States was 63.4 million (Roman Catholic Church, 2017). The Catholic Church's basic beliefs influence their demographics, party affiliation, stances on different political issues, and involvement in American politics. I attended a service at The Cathedral of Saint Joseph in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. At this service, politics were not directly mentioned, but Father Darin Schmidt said a few interesting words. In a message to the congregation he said, "love unconditionally, without limits." Additionally, he also said, "peace, liberty, and justice for all." I think these quotes are helpful in understanding the Catholic Church's ideologies. During prayer, they mentioned a few current issues including support for the military, the Las Vegas shooting, refugees, and victims of natural disasters. Besides these few observations, the cathedral did express any straightforward political statements. One of the best ways to understand a religion's political views is to understand their basic beliefs and what they feel to be good and moral. The ... Get more on ...
  • 14. The During The Age Of Reformation Essay During the Age of Reformation people were greatly against the abuses that existed in the Roman Catholic Church. A couple of abuses that were greatly stressed were the selling of indulgences, simony, and nepotism. It was some of these same abuses that prompted German reformist Martin Luther to write his 95 Theses. And for the Council of Trent to later address them in a series of meetings. The most criticized abuse of the RomanCatholic Church was the selling of indulgences by the pope. Indulgences permitted people to buy release from time in purgatory for both themselves and their deceased loved ones. They were papers sold in order to bring remission of punishment due to sins. Another common abuse that existed in the Church was simony. Simony is the act of selling of Church positions. The Church had permitted important ecclesiastical posts to be sold to the highest bidders and had left residency requirements in the religious community unenforced. A last abuse of the Church is nepotism. Nepotism is the act of giving jobs to family members instead of giving it to more qualified workers. This was a common problem where a well–trained and dedicated worker was needed and not just anyone. In 1517, when reformist Martin Luther wrote an indictment of the abuses of the Roman Catholic Church called the 95 Theses, he appealed to many people across Europe. In his indictment he greatly criticized and addressed the selling of indulgences above all. At first, a person would have to do work ... Get more on ...
  • 15. The Middle Ages And The Fall Of Rome The Middle Ages began with the fall of Rome and lasted till 1450 C.E. This era started as a very difficult and dangerous time for most people who struggled to barely survive. They faced difficulties such as hunger and attacks from vicious barbarians. One system that helped too face these problems was Feudalism, the economic and political system that was developed and used in Medieval Europe. This system worked with a hierarchy; Monarchs were at the top and going down nobles, knights, and peasants. Everyone in this system protected each other. Knights were expected to protect the kingdom. Nobles and monarchs were required to provide protection for each other. Another part of Europe that helped people to face life difficulties was the Roman Catholic Church. The church helped make big developments during the middle ages specifically in education. Monks would immerse their lives in learning about the world and the universe. These were the only people in Western Europe developing their knowledge of their world during the middle ages, which was a big improvement from there being no learning. Feudalism and the Roman Catholic Church did provide more stability and security for the people of Western Europe during the Middle Ages. The Feudal System provided more stability in everyday life compared to the time during barbarian attacks, feudalism also provided security through the hierarchy, and the Roman Catholic Church created stability and security through education. As previously ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Christians' Celebrations of Holy Communion Essay Christians' Celebrations of Holy Communion There are many different ways in which Christians celebrate Holy Communion, depending on the denomination of Christianity, in which they belong. Holy Communion is one of the seven sacraments found in Christianity. A sacrament is an outward physical act with an inward, deeper meaning, which can be obtained through various, specific rituals. In the case of Holy Communion, which is also known as the Eucharist meal or Mass, Christian worshippers believe that they receive the body and the blood of Jesus Christ, through the act of eating the bread, which symbolises Christ's body, and by drinking the wine, said to be his blood. This sacrament originates back to ... Show more content on ... God sacrificed his son, Jesus, for the good of all people and so that they too would depart from the slavery and the submission to sins and wrongdoings, in order to enter into a pure state of forgiveness and freedom. This is the key reason why Christians, of all branches, hold a great importance to Holy Communion, which remembers Christ's sacrifice to them, which frees them of their sins up till this day. Even though, most, if not all Christian denominations agree about the origins of such a ritual, they now have different opinions about how the service is conducted. The Roman Catholic Church believes in the idea of transubstantiation, which is the belief that the bread and wine that they consume at the Eucharist meal, has over the years, mystically transformed into Jesus' real body and blood. Roman Catholics celebrate Holy Communion or Mass regularly. Roman Catholics believe that the Mass is a sacrifice. Each time it is celebrated Christ renews the sacrifice that he made for the sins of the world when he was crucified. This is why they frequently celebrate it. In some Churches, only people who have been confirmed are allowed to participate in the celebration of Holy Communion, whereas in the Roman Catholic Church there is no such restriction. This emphasises how Jesus had welcomed everybody in his own life and had treated everyone ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Why Did Martin Luther Start The Protestant Reformation?. Why did Martin Luther start the Protestant Reformation? After five centuries, it is easy to reduce the Protestant Reformation to a dispute over corruption in the Roman Catholic Church. But was it dissension over corruption or was it more complex than that? While corruption existed in the Church during the Renaissance, the Reformation was as much about politics, theology, and individualism, as it was about rooting out corruption. When looking at the religious values that guide human choices, why did Martin Luther break away from the Catholic Church? It would seem that patience and more open communication by both sides could have prevented the initial break between Martin Luther and the Catholic Church. This would have spared the ... Show more content on ... Luther's study of St. Paul, through the lens of St. Augustine, changed how he felt. Luther came to understand that the "righteousness of God" of which Paul wrote in Romans 1:17, referred to the righteousness by which the sinner is graciously justified by faith, not the standard of righteousness by which God would judge sinners struggling to attain justification by their own efforts. This understanding transformed the troubled monk, who now found peace with God through faith. He saw his "discovery" or "recovery" of the ancient Pauline teaching as a radical departure from the views of the medieval "doctors" of the Catholic Church. And yet this was not so. Unbeknownst to Luther, the leading medieval commentators held the same view of the "righteousness of God." Luther also came to understand faith as God's merciful gift by which we receive the further gift of justification, in contrast to all human efforts to merit or earn God's favor. As a way of insisting that human beings contribute nothing of their own to justification, Luther insisted that man is justified by "faith alone." Luther's "discovery" was more than a personal "breakthrough." He was by now a professor of theology at the University of Wittenberg, where he preached this understanding of the righteousness of God to students. Yet not until the question of the "sale" of indulgences arose in Luther's diocese did the issue acquire "legs," as the journalists say. Luther's subsequent break with the ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Living Religions I was born and raised in a Catholic environment: my family is Catholic, I attended Catholic schools until I graduated from high school and I still practice my beliefs and intend to pass it to my children when the time comes around. Catholicism is a religion that comes from Christianity and therefore Catholics are followers of Jesus Christ; it is a self–proclaimed monotheistic religion which sometimes I differ to acknowledge due to the fact that we, as Catholics, deified Virgin Mary to the point that is always present in our prayers and not only that, we also believe in many Saints; something that does not qualify as monotheistic. Also, there is The Trinity where there is oneGod, represented by three divine persons. But how can one person be three and three be one at the same time? This is one of the many questions I sometimes wonder about my religion... ... Show more content on ... The way I see it, religion has a functional perspective since it helps humans define themselves and that is why religion can be found everywhere in the world. As for my religion, Catholicism, I think I have pantheistic beliefs. Pantheism is defined as a doctrine which identifies God with the universe or regards the universe as a manifestation of God (Oxford Dictionary). Adding to this, my practice towards religion is very liberal: I go to church once in a while, I do not pray every morning and before bed, I do not do Communion (one of the many rituals present at Mass) all the time. I do not read sacred texts, as the Bible, on a daily basis, only when I attend Mass, I am pro–choice which contradicts everything that Catholicism preaches on pro–life. But overall, I do believe in God and I do have faith in ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Reflective Essay On St Pauls St Pauls Cathedral is a massive, classically inspired building standing high in the London skyline. A central building in the Anglican faith, St Pauls serves as a global landmark and tourist destination for both religious pilgrims and tourists trying to see the majesty of the building. The building itself is wonderfully ornate, with high ceilings, a soaring dome, and filled with artwork, reflecting the greatness and glory or God, and showing a not–so–iconoclastic version of Protestantism. This illustrates the position of Anglicanism within the spectrum of Christian faiths: Anglicanism is somewhere between Roman Catholicism and the various sects of Protestantism, taking up the "middle way" of the spectrum. My experience at the Cathedral of St Pauls was coloured by my experiences within the Roman Catholic Church, allowing me to understand this "middle way" with more depth. As most know, the Anglican Church was started as a direct result of the Pope's refusal to grant an annulment to Henry VIII, causing Henry to split from the Roman Catholic Church. In 1534, Henry VIII signed the Act of Succession and the Act of Supremacy, thus creating the Church of England (BBC, 2011). This happened in tandem with the Reformation, which was sweeping throughout Europe. However, because of the political nature, rather than theological nature, of this transition, the core beliefs of the Church of England are not too far removed from those of the Roman Catholic Church. The beliefs of the ... Get more on ...
  • 20. The Moment I Walked Into St. Mary 's Cathedral From the moment I walked into St. Mary's Cathedral, I felt out of place. I thought that I would know what to expect since I have gone to Lutheran churches my entire life. To start with, I was unsure what to do with the font of holy water when I walked to into the cathedral. I later found out that people who enter are supposed to dip their fingers in it, and they are to make the sign of the cross with their fingers. Then as I saw others approach their pews they did some sort of one–legged kneel before sitting down, which I unsuccessfully attempted. Once the service started, I became increasingly lost. I have grown accustomed to following along to the liturgy in either a bulletin or a book, but there were neither to be found. The priest would say phrases from his service book, and then everyone in the congregation would respond with what I assume to be memorized responses. The only times I absolutely knew what was going on was during the hymns and the readings due to both of these being in the hymnals in the pews. To make matters worse, there were various portions of the worship service such as the Apostles' Creed or the Lord's Prayer where I thought I knew what to say, but the wording would end up different. Finally, I had heard before that Catholics kneel a lot during services, but I was not prepared at all for the length of kneeling that occurred once the priest started the part of the service related to the Eucharist, better known to me as Holy Communion. Catholics most ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Tradition and Dissent in English Christianity from the... Throughout history there have been examples of religion being regarded as traditional and of people dissenting from the traditional religion. This essay will trace the footsteps of tradition and dissent of Christianity in England between the sixteenth and nineteenth centuries by looking at the statement "... a previous generation's "dissent" itself becomes "tradition", and a previously dominant tradition becomes dissent." (Tradition and Dissent p72). With particular reference to the differences between Protestants and Catholics. Before the Reformation, England was a Roman Catholic society that was led by the Pope in Rome. Religious life followed a very traditional and structured way of life and was very much 'deeply embedded in the ... Show more content on ... After Edwards's death in 1553 his half–sister Mary I (1516–58) became Queen. Mary who was a devout Catholic began to undo the changes that Edward and Henry had started and set the nation back to the Catholic faith. During her reign (1553–1558) hundreds of Protestants, who refused to turn Catholic, were burned at the stake, this led to Mary acquiring the nickname 'Bloody Mary' (Steele & MacDonald, 2007). In 1559 Elizabeth I (1533–1603) was crowned Queen. Elizabeth sought to find a middle ground during her rein (1558–1603) in England, by allowing both Catholics and Protestants to worship without fear of any repercussions. However, Gilbert (1976) that 'Elizabeth I and her successors had legislated to make Anglican worship compulsory' (p. 4). By introducing the Act of Uniformity of 1559 it laid out the rules of worship that both religions were to follow and reissued the Book of Common Prayer for use in worship. The Thirty–Nine Articles of 1563 also set to define the doctrine of the Church of England which set out a middle path between the beliefs and practices of the Catholic Church and the Protestants (Wolffe, 2008). By the end of Elizabeth's I forty five year reign, the majority of people in English society were Protestant. As the older, mainly Catholic members of society had died through old age (Christianity in Britain, 2011). Knight and Mason (2006) describe a dissenter during ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Comparing Worship Practices of the Baptists and Roman... Comparing Worship Practices of the Baptists and Roman Catholics In this essay I will be identifying the main features of the Baptist and Roman Catholic denominations and how they use their main features in worship. I will also distinguish what these two denominations have in common and in difference. I will finally say if their similarities are less or more than their differences. The main similarities between the two denominations are that both Baptist and Roman Catholic churches proclaim the Word of God by the use of the Holy Bible. In both denominations the bible is read on the lectern in order for the word of god to be heard clearly. On the whole both dominations believe in the same God and ... Show more content on ... This is then covered with a cloth. The Baptist church on the other hand, does not practice the liturgy of the Eucharist and so do not have a Tabernacle. Both the Roman Catholic and Baptist Church use the cross as a symbol of salvation. The Roman Catholic Church has the figure of Jesus on the cross in order to aid them reflect the suffering and pain that Jesus went through for them. The Baptist church has only a plain cross. The Roman Catholic Church has a confessional box in order for the people attending worship to be able to confess their sins in the Sacrament of Confession. The Baptist Church on the other hand, does not have a Sacrament of Confession and therefore it does not have a confessional box. In the Roman Catholic Church incense is used during the Eucharist to symbolise the prayers of the people travelling up towards God, the Baptist Church does not use incense. The Roman Catholic Church uses Bells to draw all the attention during the important parts of the Mass such as start of mass and at consecration. The Baptist Church does not use any bells. The Roman Catholic Church uses Images such as Statues of saints, pictures and Stained glass windows (pictures of saints). These all help the worshippers relax, concentrate and become more spiritually confident. Whereas the Baptist
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  • 24. The St. James The Apostle Catholic Church The St. James the Apostle Catholic Church in McDonough, Georgia was my second church visit. I visited the Catholic Church on Sunday, November 15, 2015 at the eleven o'clock service. The church is located on 1000 Decatur Rd. McDonough, GA 30253. I assumed that the Presbyterian Church was very different from my community church but the St. James the Apostle Catholic Church experience was no comparison to the Covenant Presbyterian Church whatsoever. The first thing that I have noticed about the church is that there was unique artwork all over the building. There were many men displayed on the front of the church building with different figure types and wearing different clothes. The church artwork was very detailed and creative. It was a type of artwork that I have never seen before. I also noticed a huge cross in the center of the church building that had several figures of men surrounding the church. I had stared at the front of the building for about five minutes before I finally walked into the church. As people were walking inside the church, they were in formal attire. Both the men and women were well dressed for the sermon. Once I walked inside the church, I happened to notice a huge fountain in the center of the isle. The fountain contained holy water and several people were randomly dipping their finger in the water and then do a sign of the cross on the chests. I assumed it was a tradition that Catholics did before attending their seats. Rather than the church having ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Religious Beliefs Of The Catholic Church The Catholic Church's current pope, Pope Francis, once said, "A good Catholic meddles in politics, offering the best of himself, so that those who govern can govern. But what is the best that we can offer to those who govern? Prayer!" (Pope Francis, 2013). Catholics are approximately half of the number of Christians, numbering more than one billion members. This number makes it one of the largest religions in the world. In 2003, the Catholic population in the United States was 63.4 million people (Roman Catholic Church, 2017). The Catholic Church's basic beliefs influence their demographics, party affiliation, stances on different political issues, and involvement in American politics. I attended a service at the Cathedral of Saint Joseph in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. At this service, politics were not directly mentioned, but Father Darin Schmidt said a few interesting words. In a message to the congregation he said, "love unconditionally, without limits." He also said, "peace, liberty, and justice for all." One might recognize "liberty and justice for all" from our nation's Pledge of Allegiance, and this quote displays a sense of patriotism in the church. These quotes are helpful in understanding the Catholic Church's ideologies. During prayer, they mentioned a few current issues including support for the military, the Las Vegas shooting, refugees, and victims of natural disasters. Besides these few observations, the service did not express any straightforward political ... Get more on ...
  • 26. NFL Protest Observation Fila Bates Patrick Jehle Writing and Rhetoric II November 8, 2017 NFL Protest Observation The American flag represents this so–called notion of equality and patriotism, even though it was used alongside with the pledge of allegiance to capitalize on the people's love of the country. The current controversy is that protest at NFL games is not only disrespectful to the country, but is also a disrespect to our armed forces who fought for our constitutional rights, this paper is simply an observation piece that will discuss the various arguments surrounding the NFL protest and will explore people's current feelings toward the silent protest. Many members of the U.S military have come to Collin Kaepernick's defense in the aftermath of the protest. Kellie Johnson a former military personal talk about how the protests are simply representations of their freedom of expression and that people should stop focusing on the anthem and start focusing on the reasons for the protest. She even speculates that majority of people who complain about kneeling are the same ones in the stands of sporting events looking at their phones, which is a form of disrespect to the flag. So, you can start to see that the same people who worship the flag commit actions that devalues its worth in America as well. The factiousness symbolized in the American flag distorts people's perspective of how equality and justice should be upheld in this country. Meghan Lindsey a season finalist contestant on the voice, ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Background of the Catholic Church Essay Background In the Western world, the schism within the Catholic Church has made its most significant impact due to rapid changes in social standards. Of greatest importance is the evolution of modern society and their response to the reverberated traditions of the Catholic Church as well as the evolving Protestant sects. In consequence of increases in technology and science, modern society has redefined its acceptable and moral behavioral standards within a social setting, whereas, the Catholic Church stands firm in its doctrines despite social and moral movements in the twentieth century. Except for the Second Vatican Counciland the Council of Trent, the Roman Catholic Church has not worked to revise its religious traditions in ... Show more content on ... I don't believe that religious conversions need to take place, rather religious communication and understanding. The intolerance perpetuated by Catholicism is a feeling that I had at one point entertained in accordance with my Church's attitude. It is only now, after exploring other religious services, I realize the ignorance that intolerance perpetuates and I have grown spiritually from this revelation. Upon these grounds I propose that it is reasonable and necessary to draw parallels between Protestant and Catholic religious services as a start to narrow the gap between Catholics and Protestants. It is in this acknowledgment of apparent similarities in worship that Protestants and Catholics would be able to appreciate each other for what they believe both religiously and socially. Whether or not people realize this point, religion even while separated from the state, influences how each individual approaches and interacts with another. The split between religion and state widened a gap within humanity. By fostering new relationships and new parallels within differing religions, this gap will begin to close. Since the Protestant Churches arose due to the Reformation and a separation from the authority of the Roman Catholic Church, there may exist Protestant rituals that parallel Catholic rituals. Moreover, by ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Roman Catholic Definition What the definition of what Roman Catholic is and how it came to become a popular religion. My definition of Roman Catholic is the change of the Catholic religion and how religion started to branch out. With so many reforms started to happen and beliefs started to change and Rome government had the reforms able the religion. With all the changes, with religions people were finding their paths to what their believed in. The actually definition of the Roman Catholic faith is the union of people believe in the hierarchy of priests, the bishops, and the pope. They have also emphasized the need of saints, especially Mary, the mother of Jesus, and the prayer of the intercession of the saints. The people believe in the authority of Catholic church, ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Prayer In Sports And Religion Throughout history religion has been connected to sport. The use of prayer is evident in the lives of athletes today and has been present in athlete's lives for years. It is important to understand the reasons behind prayer before we explore prayer in sports. The decisions athletes make are impacted by their view of prayer. Grasping the reasons behind prayer will allow us to understand Europe's history of religion and sport. Taking a look at Europe's role in the integration of sport and religion will produce an idea of how important they were to the birth of sports ministry and to mending the tensions between two conflicting parties. Sports played a vital role in reducing conflict between Italy and the Roman Catholic Church. Moving on from ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Prayer By Thomas Keating, Contemplative Prayer Introduction According to Thomas Keating, "Contemplative prayer is a conversation initiated by God and leading, if we consent to a divine union. It is the way to pure faith." Unlike with vocal prayers, in which we call out to God asking for things we need, with contemplative prayer our role is to allow God to be God. In other words, God directs Contemplative prayer, His grace opens our hearts and minds to the His presence inside us. Consequently, contemplative prayer begins with a centering prayer, which is a silent prayer that prepares us to receive the gift of contemplative prayer. Keating noted that, "Centering prayer is an effort to renew the teaching of the Christian tradition of contemplative prayer." Similar to other methods of prayer, the foundation of centering prayer is the Triune God. Keating noted that, "The practice is based on the wisdom saying of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount." The scripture reads, "But when you pray, go to your inner room, close the door and pray to your Father in secret. And your Father, who sees in secret, will reward you" (Matt. 6:6). Practicing contemplative prayer will strengthen our spiritual commitment and enrich our personal lives. I will discuss the origin, methods and benefits of contemplative prayer. Origin of Contemplative Prayer For centuries, the definition for contemplation evolved. According to Keating, "Gnosis was used by St. Paul in the Epistles to represent the knowledge of God proper to those who ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Santeria Research Paper Intro Catholicism is a religion that has a history that has gone back over decades and is practiced all over the world today. The Catholic Church is one of the world's largest religious denominations according to "there is an estimated 1.2 billion Roman Catholics in the world today." So, what does the Catholic Church believe in? Like Christians, Catholic believe in Jesus Christ, the importance of charity, and the power of god. Catholics however, have a number of different things that set them apart from Christians. The Catholic Church is liturgical, which according to mean that they practice ceremonial worship, which makes mass an important part of the religion. During mass recitation is an important part of mass. The ... Show more content on ... So, what is Santeria, according to Merriam–Webster dictionary Santeria is "a religion practiced originally in Cuba in which Yoruba deities are identified with Roman Catholic saints." While that is a vague answer Santeria, also called Regla de Ocha or the Lucmi has roots in the Yoruba people of West Africa. Slaves were taken from Africa were taken to the Caribbean Islands. There were attempts to convert many of the slaves but many of them resisted. They continued to practice their own rituals, according to Charles H. Lippy and Peter W. William in their book Encyclopedia of American Religious Experience: Studies of Traditions and Movement "in Cuba the Catholic Church was tolerant of ethnic traditions and even allowed various African groups to create their own "clubs", which became known as the Cabildos." But from their African roots and Catholicism were already made and this would create Santeria. Santeria itself focuses on building relationships between humans and powerful but mortal spirits, Orishas. According to the Encyclopedia of Africa American Society "the main spirits in Santeria are called Orishas, which are complex beings that have several characteristics. They are seen as forces of nature, as well, as aspect of God and intermediaries between the human and spirit worlds." An Orisha is a manifestation of Olodumare, who is there God. The relationship between followers and Orishas is meant to be mutual, Orishas need to be worship to survive. Without the worship and sacrifices from the followers an Orisha can stop existing. It is impossible to know how many people practice Santeria, because of the negative stigma that is attached to it many of the followers practice in secret, but it is believed that some form of Santeria is practiced all over the ... Get more on ...
  • 32. The Philosophy Of Emile Durkheim And The Roman Catholic... In the following paper I will be in detail explaining the academic experience of visiting and observing a Roman Catholic Church and lastly I will shortly also incorporate the theory of Emile Durkheim and the Roman Catholic Church I completed a field study on. For my site visit I visited St Thomas Aquinas Church in Charlotte, North Carolina off of Suther road near the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. I started to look up different churches in the area of Catholic churches in Charlotte and this was the first church to appear to me on the internet. I decided to go to the 9:30 mass or also called a liturgy on a Sunday. I did look over the churches scheduled masses and they had them everyday of the week. I arrived there about ten minutes before 9:30 dressed appropriately in a skirt and a dressy shirt, so that I could follow and respect the instructions of the pamphlet that the church provided online. I parked my car and gathered my tablet and sat in the back pews, so that I could take notes quietly. Before the service started I looked over the papers and booklet that the church provided to see what it included. The booklet included a letter from the priest, readings for the week from the bible, hymnals from the Vatican, mass intentions, prayer requests, stewardships, ministries, confirmations, and the priests and deacons as follows Rev. Patrick Winslow, Rev. Jason Christian, Rev. Matthew Kauth, and Deacons Rev. Mr. James Witulski, Rev. Mr. Joseph Diaz. I walked ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Eastern Orthodox Vs Roman Catholic Eastern Orthodox vs Roman Catholic In the funeral world there are a lot of different styles of funerals. For example, Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic funerals. Both very different, but at the same time they have several things in common. In funerals there is an abundance of things to compare and contrast. We will be looking at different ways the notification of death is handled in both of these religions, removal, embalming, dressing/casketing, visitation requirements/rituals, and interment or cremation. When you receive the first call for a Roman Catholic, you used to have to notify the clergy, but now you do not have to notify the clergy the family still may prefer too. You also have to abide by the churches rules, the church may require clergy to know. However in Eastern Orthodox depending in the area clergyman does not have to be notified either, but if you are in an area that does require the priest to be notified you would call the clergy when you received the first call. In most cases the notification of the priest is taken care of by the family and they already have had the prayer service before the call to the funeral director. When making the removal of remains of Roman Catholic there are no restrictions upon the deceased layperson. Most of the time you will see restrictions enforced for Priests or Nuns. Like the Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox has no restrictions on the deceased. You would just follow usual procedures according to the church or the local ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Investigating the Main Feautres of Different Places of... Investigating the Main Feautres of Different Places of Worship I have chosen the Roman Catholic Church and the Baptist Church. The most important features of the Roman Catholic Church are the Tabernacle and the Altar. These form the focal point of the building. The Altar is situated on a platform, which is usually 2–3 steps so that the congregation are involved in the mass visually. The tabernacle is usually beside or behind the altar. The altar contains a fragment from the bone of a saint. This signifies the difference between the altar and a normal table. The altar dates back to the Ancient Jews, who sacrificed animals, on a table in the temple, towards God. Catholics believe that the ultimate ... Show more content on ... Catholics believe that sin spoils the relationship between them and God and the sacrament of Reconciliation can restore it. Catholics believe that God gave us seven gifts to show his love these are: Matrimony, Holy Orders, Reconciliation, Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist and Healing of the Sick. The focal point of the Baptist Church is the pulpit; this is where the bible is kept. Baptists use the bible to learn lessons and the minister preaches using it. They believe that bible readings and prayers are the most important part of the service. Baptists don't believe in sacraments they only believe in the power of God through His Word. Roman Catholic churches have a pulpit/lectern it is used for the Word of God, however it isn't as important as the Priest's homily. The Baptist church doesn't have a confessional they don't believe that the minister has the power to forgive the congregation in God's place. The congregation usually pray together to ask god for forgiveness, they believe he is the only one who has the power to forgive them. The Baptist church doesn't have and liturgies like the Roman Catholic Church. If you were to go to one Baptist church and went to another one around the corner the service would be very different; the Baptist church is non– liturgical. However with the ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Maryland Religion Catholicism has been around in America since 1632. The religion first started with the ruling of Cecilius Calvert in the Maryland colony and it has spread since then throughout the nation. Research was done to learn how the Catholic religion in the Maryland colony first developed and how it contributed into the making of the colony. This research will explain how the influence of Cecilius Calvert and his governing, the Maryland Toleration Act, and the Charter of Maryland affected the development of religion in the Maryland colony. In 1517, Martin Luther suggested the reformation of the Roman Catholic church. During the 16th Century, the Roman Catholic Church was experiencing the Protestant Reformation in which Catholics were trying to reform ... Show more content on ... Although Cecilius lacked experience and knowledge, he was a wise leader for the colony and extremely cared for his people. For his charter to continue alive, Cecilius Calvert needed to stay in England, so he sent his brother Leonard to the New World to help him govern the Maryland colony and its people. He invited Catholic and Protestant families to help start establishing the Maryland colony, these families brought along servants with them that worked towards the development and growing. Also, Pope Urban VIII sent two English priests to America that joined the people of Maryland to give help and advice and celebrate the mass or any type of prayer. The main goal of establishing this colony, was to expand the Catholic faith and increase the number of believers, from which the Americans will learn from and adapt as their own religion. Having Americans believe in Catholic faith would also help to develop a government that includes freedom of religion. Cecilius sent his brother Leonard a letter with instructions that would help him govern the colony, "Instructions to the Colonists by Lord Baltimore," that were the primary rules and laws of the ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Sacred Heart Cathedral Essay The Sacred Heart Cathedral is of the Roman Catholic religion. The Roman Catholic church was created when the Eastern and Western churches divided in 1054, with the Roman Catholic church coming from the Western church (Matlins). Coming from a Methodist background, I found Roman Catholicism interesting because out of the various Christian denominations Roman Catholicism appeared to differ the greatest from the Protestant and Orthodox sectors of Christianity (Brodd). It is intriguing that one religion can have various practices and ways of worship. After and during Mass I was able to compare the Methodist religion and Roman Catholic religion to each other. Through formulating questions and expectations, observation, listening, and taking in ... Show more content on ... As I entered the cathedral the first observation I made was that the congregation was wearing various clothing. Some individuals were dressed in formal attire, which I was expecting, but others were dressed in shorts, T–shirts, and sneakers. This was surprising to me because I had thought that attending Mass was a formal occasion. There were greeters at the entrance of the Cathedral making everyone feel welcomed and passing out bulletins. I was amazed by the intricacy of the inside of the cathedral! The ceiling of the cathedral reminded me of the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel by Michelangelo. Before the service started, I awed at the ceiling and the stained glass windows. The stained glass windows were vibrant in color and intricate in design. Throughout the cathedral there were statues of various important Christian figures. I assumed that the statues were either of Jesus, the Virgin Mary, various saints, or individuals from the Old Testament because Matlins and Magida discuss how these statues are prominent in Roman Catholic cathedrals (Matlins). I know for a fact that one of the statues was indeed Jesus because it was a statue of him hanging on the cross. Like my church, there were pews for the congregation to sit in; however, what was different was that there were benches for the congregation to kneel on. According to Matlin and Magida, these benches are ... Get more on ...
  • 37. The Trial Of Galileo And The Catholic Church In the Trial of Galileo, The Roman Catholic church is the largest christian church in the Western civilization .The moral aspect concerns salvation. The Catholic Church was directed by the Holy Scripture by the Church Fathers, which provided the means of eternal salvation: those don 't renounce the Catholic Church of Catholicism place their souls in peril. Protestantism was an enemy Galileo had encountered but it derives the Catholic Church of converts because it deprives people from the true ideal of salvation amongst early catholic people. But in some situations got difficult for Galileo to handle more than one role played. The Galileo case for many anti catholics, is to be proven that church abhors science, refuse to abandon outdated teachings. The Church was not anti–scientific but it supported scientific endeavors for centuries. The Jesuits were a respected group of astronomers and scientist in Rome during Galileo 's time. Individuals and church officials and from the church, were many notable scientist who received fundings. During this time period Church funding from many scientific advances were contributed by clerics. Therefore if Galileo had not been prosecuted with the political controversy of the Catholic Church, he would have lived a longer life contributing more towards his theories and inventions as a scientist than his religious obedience. The Catholic Church teaches the most important that is the one true church founded by Jesus Christ. The Catholic Church ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Characteristics Of Catholicism And Christianity Christianity is the most widely followed religion among the world's population with approximately 2.3 billion followers, half of which are Roman Catholics (Liu). As a result of this widespread popularity, there is a unique and specific subculture that distinguishes this religion from others. As a lifelong member of Catholicism myself, I wanted to delve further into the cultural aspect of this religion and the unambiguous traits. Culture is defined by the shared norms, beliefs, and values within a group. Catholicism is no exception and is an established subculture with specific characteristics, material culture, hierarchical organization and other aspects that make it very distinctive. A subculture is "...defined as the groups united by sets of concepts, values, symbols, and shared meaning specific to the members of that group" (Conley p.85). Catholicism corresponds with this definition because the religion and its members are united by similar cultural characteristics including both material and non–material culture. The followers of this religion are unified by these cultural characteristics that are specific to Catholicism. The non–material cultural characteristics that define Catholicism as a subculture are the shared values between members. In general, individuals of Catholic faith are family oriented. Familial values are of the utmost importance in the Catholic faith whether it be faithfulness through marriage or through socializing children to have similar values. In ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Ritual and Vows of Christian Marrage and Their Influence... Ritual and Vows of Christian Marrage and Their Influence on the Differing Ways that Couples Approach Marraige and Marital Breakdown Most people see marriage as a sacrament that should be intended for life. It is often thought of as a deep way of sharing between a couple. Most people get married because it's a lifelong commitment, it's a way of bringing up children in a secure and loving home, a way to control and direct the sex instinct and a way of gaining a friend and companion for life. The main reasons for marriage and the attitudes towards marriage have changed in the last four hundred years. In the seventeenth–century, the main reason for marriage was so that the couple could have children. ... Show more content on ... The exchange of rings follows the exchange of vows. The vows used in the Christian marriage reflect the idea of a long lasting and un–selfish relationship. A vow that is used in most Christian marriage ceremonies is: I take you to be my husband / wife, To have and to hold From this day forward, For better, for worse, For richer, for poorer, In sickness and in health, To love and to cherish Till death us do part,
  • 40. According to God's Holy law. And to this I pledge myself. This vow shows how you should look after your partner whatever the circumstances, i.e. if he/she is ill. Both partners make this promise so it is a shared responsibility. After this promise has been said, the ring is placed on the third finger of the woman's hand and the man and the women both say separately: With this ring I thee wed; With my body I thee honour and all my worldly goods with Thee I share In the name of the Father, the son and the Holy Spirit. This vow gives the idea of a deep form of sharing between the couple and how all their possessions are now shared. The prayer of the faithful follows which may also include personal prayer by the couple. The mass concludes with the Lord's prayer and a Blessing. There may also be a candlelight blessing. In the Catholic tradition the candle flame is a symbol of Christ, the light of ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Julian Of Norwich: Faith In Christianity Faith in Christianity Faith has been the primary premise for Christianity throughout time. Without having faith Christianity would be lacking the necessary motivation to practice their beliefs. Faith is what gives people hope in the Christian tradition. There many varying views and interpretations of faith that have been passed down through the Christian tradition, some widely conflicting, but all that holding their own personal merit. Many of these beliefs stood the test of time and are still prominent today. In the 14th century a woman named Julian, now known as Julian of Norwich, used her faith to guide not only herself but others with visions that God has presented to her. These visions were bestowed to her on her deathbed (The Julian... Show more content on ... Calvin believes faith isn't just in the church and that one does not need to have all the sacraments to be a faithful Christian. Calvin believes that with scripture through the word of God one can be a devoted Christian. Throughout the entire letter back to Sadoleto, Calvin uses scripture to support his views and defending the protestants He began saying "For we all born first for God, not for ourselves" (John Olin,52). Calvin doesn't respect the argument of tradition, because there are, many other faiths that have been passed down through tradition. He references other religions and faiths such as Jews, Turks, and Saracens. He believes that they would evade God's judgement, if tradition was accepted as the only basis of faith. (John Olin, 90) "man is justified in God's sight and he is justified by faith or works" (John Olin, 90). Calvin refutes all of Sadoleto attacks he wrote in his letter towards Calvin. Calvin proves Sadoleto points are wrong with the use of scripture. Calvin believes scripture is a key part of faith. It is the word of God. A faithful Christian believes in god and obeys what god has said. He believes that Protestants have a closer more meaningful interpretation of scripture, which refutes Sadoletos claim that they are falsifying the word. "When we embrace Christ by faith, and come, as it were, into communication with Him, this we term, after the manner ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Roman Catholicism Versus Pentecostal Christianity Roman Catholicism to Pentecostal Christians Faith 1 Comparison of Roman Catholicism to Pentecostal Christians Faith Steven M Garrett Axia College University of Phoenix Roman Catholicism to Pentecostal Christians Faith 2... Show more content on ... The first question that I asked was "How has being raised in the catholic faith affected her life", and she said that it had affected her life in many ways, from the way that she has to pray to receive the spirit, to receiving the Holy Eucharist (spiritual devotion) at each mass, and also understanding that she has to go to confession each week to be forgiven of her sins(A. Prokasky, personal interview, November 2, 2007). The second question that I asked her was "Has being Catholic influenced her ways of picking friends that she associates with" and she said that far as friends she will be friends with most anybody, but in choosing she does go back to her Catholic beliefs for guidance in associating with the people she picks(A. Prokasky, personal interview, November 2, ... Get more on ...