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Chatteris International
Graduate Programme
in Hong Kong

CNETs, Project Managers and trustees at the Leaving Ceremony

Chatteris Educational Foundation
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Chatteris International
Graduate Programme

Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright

Chatteris School
Full-time 9 month placement in one Hong Kong
Chatteris Native-speaking English Tutor (CNET).
Placements in Primary, Secondary or Post
Secondary schools.
Students have average to
advanced English ability.
CNET role to build students’
Primary School students and
CNET in a shopping role play
confidence and motivate them
to learn English with a special focus on speaking.
Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright

School Life Pictures

Post Secondary students and CNET
playing “Monopoly Deal”

CNET delivering a magic event in
the hall

CNET in English lesson with
Primary students

Secondary student inter-school
Scrabble competition with CNETs

Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright

Working life as a CNET
Relate to students in a big
brother/sister way
40 hours a week, 8 hours a day
Work full-time in a primary or
secondary school or post secondary
2/3 of time spent with students
(about 24 hours per week)
1/3 of time spent on English lessons
(small class teaching or co-teaching)

CNET playing a funfair game with
Primary students

Primary students enjoying an
action song
Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright

Working life as a CNET
 1/3 English Language
Environment Enrichment
Programme (ELEEP)
CNET chatting with students in the
English Corner

 Interacting with students
outside the classroom
 Organization of activities and

 1/3 Preparation,
documentation and logistics

A student teaching a CNET a
Chinese game

 Lesson plans and resources
 Event proposals and action
 Data input, evaluation feedback
and reporting
 Meeting notes

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Primary Programme
Become a kid again and
have fun with your
Sing songs, play games,
and above all enjoy
chatting with students
aged 6 – 11
Students are generally
well behaved
CNET helping her English Ambassador
Team present a game in assembly
Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright

Primary Programme

Small group reading

CNET playing a Bonfire Night game
with her students

Deliver fun, interactive
Motivate students to read
and undertake functional
speaking tasks
Organise big and small
events and activities to
promote use of English in
daily life around the school
Work in collaboration with
local teachers and Chatteris
to develop new lesson
activities and resources

Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright

Secondary Programme
Motivate students to learn
English and build confidence
Creative lessons/activities
for students to learn English
in a fun, informal and
authentic environment
Develop students
discussion and
presentation skills

CNET making cookies with her

CNET joining students in
cheerleading during sports day

Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright

Secondary Programme
Promote cultural and
global awareness
Organise activities &
events to promote use of
English in daily life
around the school
Work in close
collaboration with
Chatteris and the school.

CNET chatting with students at recess

CNET performing with students at
Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright

Post Secondary
Vocational Training
Campuses across Hong
Establish and maintain a
strong English Language
Environment and manage
an English Corner.
Student attendance is
mostly voluntary.

CNET and students doing a
teambuilding activity at a day camp

CNETs chatting with students
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Post Secondary
Promote your personal profile: you
need to be visible and attract
You need to be a star!
Relationship with students is more
informal - encourage students to
enjoy English, not force them
Be keen and very patient to work
and engage young adults- with
varied educational and social
backgrounds and English levels
Good organisational skills; eager
to develop project and event
management skills.

CNET doing a language activity
with students

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Pumpkin carving at Halloween
Cultural Integration
Respect local Chinese values, culture and the way
things get done (which is very different from the west)
Aware of local Chinese expectations and align
Steep learning curve on arrival in Hong Kong
Integrate into school culture, systems and procedures
Importance of working within a framework and following
Chatteris support CNETs in integrating into the new
CIGP team support each other
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Project Managers and CNETs working
together in a Professional Development

CNET singing songs with his students

Local teachers working with CNETs to
plan for a lesson

Primary students and CNETs getting
ready to set off on a scavenger hunt

Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright

Chatteris Cultural and
Social Activities
Monthly activities to learn
about the Chinese culture
Monthly social activities to
bring the CIGP team
A great chance for team
Help organise events for
other CNETs and get event
management experience

CNETs kayaking in the New Territories

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Cultural Activities
Examples of cultural activities are:
Dragon boat
Chinese medicine
Chinese history
Tai chi
Kung fu
Lion dance
Cantonese / Putonghua
Chinese Calligraphy
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Cultural Activities

CNETs learning how to do Tai Chi
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Cultural Activities

CNETs during Chatteris Cantonese lessons

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Cultural Activities

CNETs playing a game of Mahjong

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Cultural Activities

CNETs making different types of Chinese dumplings!
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Cultural Activities

CNETs trying to solve riddles during mid-Autumn Festival celebrations
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Cultural Activities

CNETs carefully writing out Chinese words in calligraphy

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Cultural Activities

CNETs practicing lion dancing for Chinese New Year

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Chatteris Social Activities
Examples of social activities are
Junk Boat Trips to outlying islands
Chatteris Scavenger Hunt
Christmas Party
Halloween Party
BBQ activities
Chatteris Olympics

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Social Activities

CNETs enjoying a hike to the mountain top
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Social Activities

CNETs finishing off their hike and heading to the beach
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Social Activities

CNETs cooking a delicious bbq
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Social Activities

CNETs during the Chatteris Welcome Junk Boat trip
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Social Activities

CNETs during the Chatteris Christmas Party
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Social Activities

CNETs participating in tug-of-war during Chatteris Olympic Day
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CNET Activities

CNET sharing her experience travelling in China to other CNETs
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CNET Activities

CNET leading a workshop on winetasting
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Project Management
Opportunity to manage
additional development
projects with the Chatteris
Project Management
Enhanced management
experience and the
opportunity to adapt and
approach tasks from
different viewpoints.

CNET hosting a workshop for
fellow CNETs

Project Managers working together
with a CNET

Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright

Career Development
Support CNETs in
considering the next
Exploration of future
career options in Hong
Kong and beyond.
Career path available to
bring up excellent and
qualified TESL teachers
in Hong Kong

Project Managers discussing
portfolios for future interviews

CNET discussing future career

Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright

Community Work



Offers the opportunity in addition to
your school duties to contribute
and be more involved in the local
Hong Kong community
Example available opportunities:
Working with underprivileged
Mini Drama workshop
Working with ‘Pathways’ to support
students who have learning
improving English by chatting with
local university students
Valuable opportunity for
professional and personal growth
and experiencing Hong Kong
CNET enjoying chatting with students
from a local community group
It is your interest and participation copyright
Chatteris Educational Foundation
that drive this programme
Community Work

CNETs clearing rubbish on the beach

CNETs in Chatteris Panto “Snow White
and the Seven Dwarves”

CNET selling items at the Chatteris Flea

CNET facilitating group discussion at

Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright

Travel Opportunities
Explore Hong Kong and Asia
Gain a greater
understanding and a global
viewpoint of the world.
CNET exploring Southeast Asia

CNET hanging around in Thailand
Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright

Great Wall of China
A First Career in TESOL
A principle goal of the Chatteris Educational Foundation is to help
Hong Kong students improve their English.
With this goal in mind, the Chatteris Educational Foundation benefits
Hong Kong students across the region by providing a career route for
excellent and applicable CNETs to progress to senior positions in
Chatteris whilst studying with accredited British universities and
becoming a qualified Chatteris Native-speaking English Teacher.
The combination of professional qualifications, the enhanced
teaching, school-based development and support that CNETs and
schools receive during their time with Chatteris will then provide a
springboard for exceptional teachers to enter the Hong Kong
Government education system.
Chatteris strives to find and bring up the best, happiest and most
professional Native-speaking English Teachers to enhance education
in Hong Kong.
Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright

Why a First Career in
A first career in TESOL opens opportunities for
CNETs to go on to do many different things.
In regards to education, CNETs have used the
experience to develop a long term TESOL career,
pursued employment at international schools or
returned to teach in their home countries.
If not pursuing a career in education CNETs have
still found starting their career in TESOL teaching
valuable as a stepping stone to other opportunities
that demand high caliber international applicants
with experience.
Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright

Other reasons to pursue a first
career in TESOL
Personal and professional development: When
Chatteris asks CNETs what they think they have
developed working and living in Hong Kong they
report that flexibility, adaptability, global and cultural
awareness are items that they have developed.
Travelling: It is a good founding for opportunities to
travel around the world before settling down in
home countries.
Saving money: Professional TESOL teaching can
be an opportunity to save for higher degrees,
deposits for mortgages and to pay back study
Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright
Chatteris Educational
Established in 1990 in Hong Kong
Registered charity: Non-profit
Funding mainly provided by
Government to schools
Operates as a community enterprise:
need to balance the budget and align
to the needs of the schools
100% self sufficient and accountable to
the schools
Works with the top 50% of the Hong
Kong students for the primary and
secondary programmes and the
bottom 50% of the students for the
post-secondary programme

CNET delivering a tasting lesson with
Primary students

Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright

Chatteris Professional and Personal
Development Support
Three week pre-term orientation with Chatteris
First Week: Team building activities and settle into Hong
Second and Third week: Hands on training with local
Hong Kong students in schools.
September orientation period in school (more support
from both the school and Chatteris)
Ongoing Professional Development
– Workshops, seminars and tutorials
– Chatteris Project Manager school visits
– Daily school life (practising professional skills)

Additional opportunities for professional development
Development projects
Community opportunities
Career Development opportunities
Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright

Development Workshop

CNETs in a team
building activity during

Hong Kong
East meets West
Vibrant, diverse and exciting!
Constant stimulus
Sensory overload
All budgets catered for
Affordable city

View of Hong Kong city from
Victoria Peak

Lamma island restaurants
Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright

Hong Kong

Famous Hong Kong cityscape at night
(one of the top night views in the world)
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Hong Kong

Street Market in Kowloon
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Hong Kong

View from Dragon’s Back hiking trail
Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright

Hong Kong

Tai O Fising Villiage on Lantau Island
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Hong Kong

Happy Valley Racecourse
Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright

Hong Kong

The Big Buddha on Lantau Island
Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright

in Hong Kong
Spend no more than one third of salary on rent per
Usually 2 or 3 CNETs sharing.
Smaller apartments (but cozy)
City center or new town settings
Consider set up costs!

Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright

Terms and Conditions
Monthly salary of HK $14,000 (approx. US$1800)
9 month contract from 1 September – 31 May
Must be available from the second week of August
for orientation
Air-tickets not paid for by Chatteris.

Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright

Set Up Costs
3 months rent up front plus a possible 50%
commission fee for the property agent
Living costs until first pay check end of September
Set up apartment
Sample budgeting: (available on Chatteris website)
Most of the CNETs complete the contract with a
balanced budget and travel experience

Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright

Is the programme right for
Am I interested in working with Chinese students in Hong
Do I want to work for an NGO?
Am I looking for experience in teaching and project
Am I serious about professional and personal
Do I want to work for experience, not money?
Do I want to gain TESL experience?
Do I want to explore opportunities in a first career in TESL?
Am I interested in gaining an international qualification in
TESL in the future?
Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright

Is the programme right for
Do I have a true passion for working with students?
Am I positive, fun-loving, upbeat and outgoing?
Do I enjoy playing games both with students and peers?
Can I collaborate and work well in a team with an
international flavour and learn to localize and work within a
Chinese school in Hong Kong?
Am I open and interested in foreign cultures and can I
adapt to work within the framework of a foreign company?
Do I have a positive learning attitude and a willingness to
develop a professional attitude and skill set in the
Do I take ownership of my work and development?
Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright

Application Process
Apply online through
First webcam interview with a Project Manager
Second webcam interview with the Project Director
Third interview with a Chatteris Representative (if
necessary or possible)
Places usually offered from February onwards.
Gather listed documents for work VISA.
Apply online

First & Second
Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright

Third in-person
interview (if
necessary or
Visit the website –
Save money!
Comprehensive travel insurance package
Read about Hong Kong
Read the CNET handbook
Don’t hesitate to ask questions!

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What are you waiting for?

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A taste of HK & Chatteris Life

CNETs relaxing on the top deck of a junk boat
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A taste of HK & Chatteris Life

CNETs participating in an Interprogramme
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A taste of HK & Chatteris Life

CNETs enjoying high tea at the Peninsula
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A taste of HK & Chatteris Life

CNETs taking a break from hiking at Hong Kong National Geopark
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A taste of HK & Chatteris Life

CNETs after a tough game of football
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CNET comments
“Chatteris has been a great graduate experience. The learning curve is steep, but once you
get there after the first month or two, everything falls into place and you can really start
making a difference in your school and throughout Hong Kong. Go for everything. Don't
spend your evenings sitting on your sofa. Set up a life for yourself here even if it's only
for a year. Branch out and meet all sorts of people. The goodbyes will be a lot harder,
but the memories will be that much better.”
Laura, CNET, USA
“The Chatteris International Graduate Programme has been an excellent opportunity for me
to develop both professionally and personally. My self-confidence has grown
immeasurably and I'm now willing to take on challenges and get involved with the
projects that interest me.”
Stephanie, CNET, UK
“Has been a fantastic year that initially I did not think would be as rewarding as it has been.
You really need to just throw yourself into everything Chatteris has to offer and you will
get so much from the great experience!”
Sophie, CNET, UK
Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright

CNET comments
“Being involved in the CIGP has been a really good experience. I have really appreciated all
of the cultural activities I have been able to get involved in such as Chinese New Year
festivities, Dragon boating, and Mid-Autumn Festival. I would say that the job can be
quite challenging at times and you have to keep an open mind and be able to work well
in a team as a lot of the things you get involved with will require teamwork. I have loved
Hong Kong, it is such a fantastic city and has been a great place to live in and explore
for the last ten months, I will definitely be coming back here!”
Gemma, CNET, UK

“I value the opportunity to have worked internationally with people from other countries. I
value having learned about Chinese culture without the obstruction of stereotypes. I
value having made an impact on increasing the English-speaking confidence of my
students and finally, I value having seen Asia through different eyes.”
Rosie, CNET,


Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright

CNET comments
“It (the Chatteris International Graduate Programme) offers you the chance to experience a new
culture, meet a very different set of people and work in a real school. You also get plenty of
support throughout the year and feel part of an international team.”
Nick, CNET, UK

“If you want a good challenge and like overcoming obstacles, then this programme will definitely
satisfy your whim. It will equip you with transferable skills and tools for any given work
environment. It will supply you with endless priceless moments and memories. You will have
probably the best year of your life so far!
Caroline, CNET, UK

“I value most the skills I have acquired or improved on, for example flexibility, communication skills,
organisation skills, confidence leadership etc. I have also cherished the opportunity to travel
and will never forget Hong Kong, or the friends I have made whilst here.”
Hannah, CNET, UK
Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright

What to do Next
Simply visit the Chatteris website at and click on the ‘Online
Application’ button.
From there you can begin the application process.
If you have any queries email
Thanks for watching, and good luck!

Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright


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Chatteris International Graduate Programme in Hong Kong

  • 1. Chatteris International Graduate Programme in Hong Kong CNETs, Project Managers and trustees at the Leaving Ceremony Chatteris Educational Foundation Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright 2013 1
  • 2. Chatteris International Graduate Programme Overview Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright 2013 2
  • 3. Chatteris School Programme Full-time 9 month placement in one Hong Kong school. Chatteris Native-speaking English Tutor (CNET). Placements in Primary, Secondary or Post Secondary schools. Students have average to advanced English ability. CNET role to build students’ Primary School students and CNET in a shopping role play confidence and motivate them to learn English with a special focus on speaking. Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright 2013 3
  • 4. School Life Pictures Post Secondary students and CNET playing “Monopoly Deal” CNET delivering a magic event in the hall CNET in English lesson with Primary students Secondary student inter-school Scrabble competition with CNETs Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright 2013 4
  • 5. Working life as a CNET Relate to students in a big brother/sister way 40 hours a week, 8 hours a day Work full-time in a primary or secondary school or post secondary campus 2/3 of time spent with students (about 24 hours per week) 1/3 of time spent on English lessons (small class teaching or co-teaching) CNET playing a funfair game with Primary students Primary students enjoying an action song Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright 2013 5
  • 6. Working life as a CNET  1/3 English Language Environment Enrichment Programme (ELEEP) CNET chatting with students in the English Corner  Interacting with students outside the classroom  Organization of activities and events  1/3 Preparation, documentation and logistics A student teaching a CNET a Chinese game  Lesson plans and resources  Event proposals and action plans  Data input, evaluation feedback and reporting  Meeting notes Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright 2013 6
  • 7. Primary Programme Become a kid again and have fun with your students! Sing songs, play games, and above all enjoy chatting with students aged 6 – 11 Students are generally well behaved CNET helping her English Ambassador Team present a game in assembly Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright 2013 7
  • 8. Primary Programme Small group reading CNET playing a Bonfire Night game with her students Deliver fun, interactive lessons Motivate students to read and undertake functional speaking tasks Organise big and small events and activities to promote use of English in daily life around the school Work in collaboration with local teachers and Chatteris to develop new lesson activities and resources Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright 2013 8
  • 9. Secondary Programme Motivate students to learn English and build confidence Creative lessons/activities for students to learn English in a fun, informal and authentic environment Develop students discussion and presentation skills CNET making cookies with her students CNET joining students in cheerleading during sports day Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright 2013 9
  • 10. Secondary Programme Promote cultural and global awareness Organise activities & events to promote use of English in daily life around the school Work in close collaboration with Chatteris and the school. CNET chatting with students at recess CNET performing with students at Christmas Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright 2013 10
  • 11. Post Secondary Programme Vocational Training Campuses across Hong Kong. Establish and maintain a strong English Language Environment and manage an English Corner. Student attendance is mostly voluntary. CNET and students doing a teambuilding activity at a day camp CNETs chatting with students Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright 2013 11
  • 12. Post Secondary Programme Promote your personal profile: you need to be visible and attract students You need to be a star! Relationship with students is more informal - encourage students to enjoy English, not force them Be keen and very patient to work and engage young adults- with varied educational and social backgrounds and English levels Good organisational skills; eager to develop project and event management skills. CNET doing a language activity with students Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright 2013 Pumpkin carving at Halloween 12
  • 13. Cultural Integration Respect local Chinese values, culture and the way things get done (which is very different from the west) Aware of local Chinese expectations and align Steep learning curve on arrival in Hong Kong Integrate into school culture, systems and procedures Importance of working within a framework and following routines Chatteris support CNETs in integrating into the new culture CIGP team support each other Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright 2013 13
  • 14. Project Managers and CNETs working together in a Professional Development workshop CNET singing songs with his students Local teachers working with CNETs to plan for a lesson Primary students and CNETs getting ready to set off on a scavenger hunt Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright 2013 14
  • 15. Chatteris Cultural and Social Activities Monthly activities to learn about the Chinese culture Monthly social activities to bring the CIGP team together A great chance for team bonding Help organise events for other CNETs and get event management experience CNETs kayaking in the New Territories Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright 2013 15
  • 16. Cultural Activities Examples of cultural activities are: Dragon boat Chinese medicine Chinese history Tai chi Kung fu Lion dance Cantonese / Putonghua Chinese Calligraphy Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright 2013 16
  • 17. Cultural Activities CNETs learning how to do Tai Chi Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright 2013 17
  • 18. Cultural Activities CNETs during Chatteris Cantonese lessons Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright 2013 18
  • 19. Cultural Activities CNETs playing a game of Mahjong Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright 2013 19
  • 20. Cultural Activities CNETs making different types of Chinese dumplings! Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright 2013 20
  • 21. Cultural Activities CNETs trying to solve riddles during mid-Autumn Festival celebrations Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright 2013 21
  • 22. Cultural Activities CNETs carefully writing out Chinese words in calligraphy Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright 2013 22
  • 23. Cultural Activities CNETs practicing lion dancing for Chinese New Year Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright 2013 23
  • 24. Chatteris Social Activities Examples of social activities are Junk Boat Trips to outlying islands Chatteris Scavenger Hunt Christmas Party Halloween Party BBQ activities Chatteris Olympics Bowling Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright 2013 24
  • 25. Social Activities CNETs enjoying a hike to the mountain top Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright 2012 25
  • 26. Social Activities CNETs finishing off their hike and heading to the beach Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright 2013 26
  • 27. Social Activities CNETs cooking a delicious bbq Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright 2013 27
  • 28. Social Activities CNETs during the Chatteris Welcome Junk Boat trip Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright 2013 28
  • 29. Social Activities CNETs during the Chatteris Christmas Party Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright 2013 29
  • 30. Social Activities CNETs participating in tug-of-war during Chatteris Olympic Day Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright 2013 30
  • 31. CNET Activities CNET sharing her experience travelling in China to other CNETs Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright 2013 31
  • 32. CNET Activities CNET leading a workshop on winetasting Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright 2013 32
  • 33. Project Management Experience Opportunity to manage additional development projects with the Chatteris Project Management Team. Enhanced management experience and the opportunity to adapt and approach tasks from different viewpoints. CNET hosting a workshop for fellow CNETs Project Managers working together with a CNET Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright 2013 33
  • 34. Career Development Support CNETs in considering the next step. Exploration of future career options in Hong Kong and beyond. Career path available to bring up excellent and qualified TESL teachers in Hong Kong Project Managers discussing portfolios for future interviews CNET discussing future career options Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright 2013 34
  • 35. Community Work - - Offers the opportunity in addition to your school duties to contribute and be more involved in the local Hong Kong community Example available opportunities: Working with underprivileged Mini Drama workshop students Working with ‘Pathways’ to support students who have learning difficulties improving English by chatting with local university students Valuable opportunity for professional and personal growth and experiencing Hong Kong CNET enjoying chatting with students from a local community group culture It is your interest and participation copyright Chatteris Educational Foundation 35 2013 that drive this programme
  • 36. Community Work CNETs clearing rubbish on the beach CNETs in Chatteris Panto “Snow White and the Seven Dwarves” CNET selling items at the Chatteris Flea Market CNET facilitating group discussion at PolyU Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright 2013 36
  • 37. Travel Opportunities Explore Hong Kong and Asia Gain a greater understanding and a global viewpoint of the world. CNET exploring Southeast Asia CNET hanging around in Thailand Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright 2013 Great Wall of China 37
  • 38. A First Career in TESOL A principle goal of the Chatteris Educational Foundation is to help Hong Kong students improve their English. With this goal in mind, the Chatteris Educational Foundation benefits Hong Kong students across the region by providing a career route for excellent and applicable CNETs to progress to senior positions in Chatteris whilst studying with accredited British universities and becoming a qualified Chatteris Native-speaking English Teacher. The combination of professional qualifications, the enhanced teaching, school-based development and support that CNETs and schools receive during their time with Chatteris will then provide a springboard for exceptional teachers to enter the Hong Kong Government education system. Chatteris strives to find and bring up the best, happiest and most professional Native-speaking English Teachers to enhance education in Hong Kong. Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright 2013 38
  • 39. Why a First Career in TESOL? A first career in TESOL opens opportunities for CNETs to go on to do many different things. In regards to education, CNETs have used the experience to develop a long term TESOL career, pursued employment at international schools or returned to teach in their home countries. If not pursuing a career in education CNETs have still found starting their career in TESOL teaching valuable as a stepping stone to other opportunities that demand high caliber international applicants with experience. Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright 2013 39
  • 40. Other reasons to pursue a first career in TESOL Personal and professional development: When Chatteris asks CNETs what they think they have developed working and living in Hong Kong they report that flexibility, adaptability, global and cultural awareness are items that they have developed. Travelling: It is a good founding for opportunities to travel around the world before settling down in home countries. Saving money: Professional TESOL teaching can be an opportunity to save for higher degrees, deposits for mortgages and to pay back study Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright 40 loans. 2013
  • 41. Chatteris Educational Foundation Established in 1990 in Hong Kong Registered charity: Non-profit organisation Funding mainly provided by Government to schools Operates as a community enterprise: need to balance the budget and align to the needs of the schools 100% self sufficient and accountable to the schools Works with the top 50% of the Hong Kong students for the primary and secondary programmes and the bottom 50% of the students for the post-secondary programme CNET delivering a tasting lesson with Primary students Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright 2013 41
  • 42. Chatteris Professional and Personal Development Support Three week pre-term orientation with Chatteris First Week: Team building activities and settle into Hong Kong Second and Third week: Hands on training with local Hong Kong students in schools. September orientation period in school (more support from both the school and Chatteris) Ongoing Professional Development – Workshops, seminars and tutorials – Chatteris Project Manager school visits – Daily school life (practising professional skills) Additional opportunities for professional development Development projects Community opportunities Career Development opportunities Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright 2013 Secondary Professional Development Workshop CNETs in a team building activity during Orientation 42
  • 43. Hong Kong East meets West Vibrant, diverse and exciting! Constant stimulus Sensory overload All budgets catered for Affordable city View of Hong Kong city from Victoria Peak Lamma island restaurants Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright 2013 43
  • 44. Hong Kong Famous Hong Kong cityscape at night (one of the top night views in the world) Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright 2013 44
  • 45. Hong Kong Street Market in Kowloon Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright 2013 45
  • 46. Hong Kong View from Dragon’s Back hiking trail Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright 2013 46
  • 47. Hong Kong Tai O Fising Villiage on Lantau Island Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright 2013 47
  • 48. Hong Kong Happy Valley Racecourse Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright 2013 48
  • 49. Hong Kong The Big Buddha on Lantau Island Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright 2013 49
  • 50. Accommodation in Hong Kong Spend no more than one third of salary on rent per month. Usually 2 or 3 CNETs sharing. Smaller apartments (but cozy) City center or new town settings Consider set up costs! Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright 2013 50
  • 51. Terms and Conditions Monthly salary of HK $14,000 (approx. US$1800) 9 month contract from 1 September – 31 May Must be available from the second week of August for orientation Air-tickets not paid for by Chatteris. Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright 2013 51
  • 52. Set Up Costs 3 months rent up front plus a possible 50% commission fee for the property agent Living costs until first pay check end of September Set up apartment Sample budgeting: (available on Chatteris website) Most of the CNETs complete the contract with a balanced budget and travel experience Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright 2013 52
  • 53. Is the programme right for me? Am I interested in working with Chinese students in Hong Kong? Do I want to work for an NGO? Am I looking for experience in teaching and project management? Am I serious about professional and personal development? Do I want to work for experience, not money? Do I want to gain TESL experience? Do I want to explore opportunities in a first career in TESL? Am I interested in gaining an international qualification in TESL in the future? Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright 2013 53
  • 54. Is the programme right for me? Do I have a true passion for working with students? Am I positive, fun-loving, upbeat and outgoing? Do I enjoy playing games both with students and peers? Can I collaborate and work well in a team with an international flavour and learn to localize and work within a Chinese school in Hong Kong? Am I open and interested in foreign cultures and can I adapt to work within the framework of a foreign company? Do I have a positive learning attitude and a willingness to develop a professional attitude and skill set in the workplace? Do I take ownership of my work and development? Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright 2013 54
  • 55. Application Process Apply online through First webcam interview with a Project Manager Second webcam interview with the Project Director Third interview with a Chatteris Representative (if necessary or possible) Places usually offered from February onwards. Gather listed documents for work VISA. Apply online First & Second webcam interview Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright 2013 Third in-person interview (if necessary or possible) 55
  • 56. Pre-arrival… Visit the website – Save money! Comprehensive travel insurance package Documentation Read about Hong Kong Read the CNET handbook Don’t hesitate to ask questions! Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright 2013 56
  • 57. What are you waiting for? Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright 2013 57
  • 58. A taste of HK & Chatteris Life CNETs relaxing on the top deck of a junk boat Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright 2013 58
  • 59. A taste of HK & Chatteris Life CNETs participating in an Interprogramme Quiz Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright 2013 59
  • 60. A taste of HK & Chatteris Life CNETs enjoying high tea at the Peninsula Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright 2013 60
  • 61. A taste of HK & Chatteris Life CNETs taking a break from hiking at Hong Kong National Geopark Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright 2013 61
  • 62. A taste of HK & Chatteris Life CNETs after a tough game of football Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright 2013 62
  • 63. CNET comments “Chatteris has been a great graduate experience. The learning curve is steep, but once you get there after the first month or two, everything falls into place and you can really start making a difference in your school and throughout Hong Kong. Go for everything. Don't spend your evenings sitting on your sofa. Set up a life for yourself here even if it's only for a year. Branch out and meet all sorts of people. The goodbyes will be a lot harder, but the memories will be that much better.” Laura, CNET, USA “The Chatteris International Graduate Programme has been an excellent opportunity for me to develop both professionally and personally. My self-confidence has grown immeasurably and I'm now willing to take on challenges and get involved with the projects that interest me.” Stephanie, CNET, UK “Has been a fantastic year that initially I did not think would be as rewarding as it has been. You really need to just throw yourself into everything Chatteris has to offer and you will get so much from the great experience!” Sophie, CNET, UK Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright 2013 63
  • 64. CNET comments “Being involved in the CIGP has been a really good experience. I have really appreciated all of the cultural activities I have been able to get involved in such as Chinese New Year festivities, Dragon boating, and Mid-Autumn Festival. I would say that the job can be quite challenging at times and you have to keep an open mind and be able to work well in a team as a lot of the things you get involved with will require teamwork. I have loved Hong Kong, it is such a fantastic city and has been a great place to live in and explore for the last ten months, I will definitely be coming back here!” Gemma, CNET, UK “I value the opportunity to have worked internationally with people from other countries. I value having learned about Chinese culture without the obstruction of stereotypes. I value having made an impact on increasing the English-speaking confidence of my students and finally, I value having seen Asia through different eyes.” Rosie, CNET, USA Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright 2013 64
  • 65. CNET comments “It (the Chatteris International Graduate Programme) offers you the chance to experience a new culture, meet a very different set of people and work in a real school. You also get plenty of support throughout the year and feel part of an international team.” Nick, CNET, UK “If you want a good challenge and like overcoming obstacles, then this programme will definitely satisfy your whim. It will equip you with transferable skills and tools for any given work environment. It will supply you with endless priceless moments and memories. You will have probably the best year of your life so far! Caroline, CNET, UK “I value most the skills I have acquired or improved on, for example flexibility, communication skills, organisation skills, confidence leadership etc. I have also cherished the opportunity to travel and will never forget Hong Kong, or the friends I have made whilst here.” Hannah, CNET, UK Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright 2013 65
  • 66. What to do Next Simply visit the Chatteris website at and click on the ‘Online Application’ button. From there you can begin the application process. If you have any queries email Thanks for watching, and good luck! Chatteris Educational Foundation copyright 2013 66