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Trabajo de investigación presentado como requisito para optar el título de
Licenciados en Educación Básica con énfasis en Idiomas Extranjeros
Trabajo de investigación presentado como requisito para optar el título de
Licenciados en Educación Básica con énfasis en Idiomas Extranjeros
Wilfrido Segrera
Wifrido Segreras
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT …………………………………………………………….. 4
ABSTRACT ……………………………………………………………………………5
INTRODUCCION ……………………………………………………………………..6
1. RESEARCH PROBLEM ...........................................................................................9
1.1 Description of the problem ………………………………………………………8
1.2 Research question ……………………………………………………………10
1.4.1. GENERAL OBJECTIVE………………………………………………….14
1.4.2. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE…………………………………………………..14
1.5.1. Specific Aims………………………………………..…………………....15
1.5.2. Variables…………………………………………………………………..15
1.5.3. Method of collecting data……………………………………………...…15
2. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK………………………………………………....16
2.1. Basic Terms ………………………………………………………….……..16
2.2. BACKGROUND RESEARCH………………………………………….……...17
2.2. LITERATURE REVIEW…………………………………………….………….19
2.2.1. English basic vocabulary………………………………………….…….19
2.2.2. Information and Communication Technologies (ICT`s)………..….…24
2.2.3. Speaking skill…………………………………………………………..…26
3. METHODOLOGICAL FRAMEWORK……………………………………….….29
3.1. PARADIGM…………………………………………………………………..….29
3.2. METHODOLOGICAL APPROACH………………………………………… 30
3.3. PHASES OF THE RESEARCH…………………………………………….. 32
3.4. TECHNIQUES AND TOOLS………………………………………………... 34
4. CONTEXTUAL FRAMEWORK………………………………………………...36
4.1. CRONOGRAM……………………………………………………………….. 37
4.2. POPULATION AND SAMPLE………………………………………………. 38
4.3. ANALISYS…………………………………………………………………….. 40
5. PEDAGOGICAL PROPOSAL…………………………………………………..46
5.1. INTRODUCTION……………………………………………………………... 46
5.2. JUSTIFICATION…………………………………………………………… 47
5.3. OBJECTIVES………………………………………………………………..49
5.3.1. GENERAL OBJECT……………………………………………….......49
5.3.2. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES……………………………………………...49
5.4. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK……………………………………………..50
5.4.1. Definition of Guessing Games…………………………………………52
5.4.2. General Scheme of classes………………………………………….. 57
5.5. METHODOLOGY…………………………………………………………….. 59
6. PROPOSED ACTIVITIES……………………………………………………… 60
6.1. Activity n.1 ……………………………………………………………………..61
6.1.1. Activity n.2………………………………………………………………….. 64
6.1.2. Activity n.3………………………………………………………………….. 67
7. PROPOSAL EVALUATION…………………………………………………… 69
8. CONCLUSION………………………………………………………………….. 70
BIBLIOGRAPHY…………………………………………………………………… 74
Annexes ……………………………………………………………………………..77
1.1. Description of the problem
This research project was carried out at Continental School in Barranquilla,
where we had the opportunity to start the process of observation corresponding
to the institution practice.
The observation took place in the English classes among 3rd grade students,
who have serious difficulties related to speaking skill and the lack of Basic
English vocabulary. This is clearly reflected in mispronunciation of words and
not understanding of basic commands in the target language.
All these problems have arisen low grades, often complains of parents and
most of the student feeling shy to participate in class because of classmate
mocking, which generate problem to continue to the next level.
We can associate some causes of those difficulties to:
I. Traditional methodology, teacher explains class, mainly grammar, and
student just listen and transcribe what he just write down on the board.
II. The inappropriate uses of technologies, despite the resources students
have in class, computer, Tv, internet, the teacher does not know how to
employ it.
III. Teacher as the center of the class, her classes focus on what she can
teach them, and the activities are limited to writing exercises, she is the
only one that use the target language.
IV. The lacks of parent´s help at home, the support learner have at home is
limited and not stimulate their own learning process.
V. Bad English learning and teaching in previous years, it is not sequenced
and limited to simple instruction on grammar.
VI. Lack of pedagogical instruction to teaching English of teacher, the
teacher was assigned to this group because of his knowledge on English
but not his preparation on pedagogy.
VII. Lack of extracurricular activities to reinforce English topic in school, the
only contact with English language is in the classroom, that cause
students see it as pointless and as a simple filler class.
During the observation process, we could realize that students do not have the
level proposed by Estándares Básicos de Competencia en lenguas Extranjeras:
Ingles. We can prove this information through the direct observation; a test and
interview did to student, which show the results stated before.
In light of aforementioned, we reaffirm the problematic situation that exists
among 3rd graders students, so that, we state the following research question:
How can we help 3rd grade students at the Continental School to improve
speaking skills and English basic vocabulary through the implementation
of the New technologies and games.
1.2. Research question
How can we help 3rd grade students at the Continental School to improve
speaking skills and English basic vocabulary through the implementation of
New technologies and games.
Nowadays, communicative competences in especially speaking and reading
skills in English have been considered as ones of the most important aspects in
the teaching and learning process of a foreign language. Since one of the main
motivation for learning English is to be able to talk with native speaker either for
travel, business or studies, also to be able to understand documents in a
universal language as English is.
Consequently, for the good development of these skills, some teachers use
different strategies which they think to be more suitable for teaching languages,
but sometimes, these strategies are not favorable for learners. That is because
those strategies do not agree with the differences of students such as the way
to process, to perceive and to assimilate the information of a language and the
social differences that affect the learning.
For this reason, it is essential to know that in the process of learning a foreign
language, methodological strategies to teach are so important because they are
very useful and allow having an active class. Therefore, we consider that we
need to implement strategies according to the needs, age, environment and
available tools in class, at the Continental school third grade students. One of
these strategies will be the use of I.C.T´s(Information and Communication
Technology) as a tool to promote and implement the use of the technology, in
consideration of, ICTs—which include radio and television, computers and the
Internet—, “have been touted as potentially powerful enabling tools for
educational change and reform. When I.C.T´s are used appropriately different
of these tools are said to help expand access to education, strengthen the
relevance of education to the increasingly digital workplace, and raise
educational quality ; among others, helping make teaching and learning into an
engaging, active process connected to real life”, as it has been mentioned by
Victoria L.Tinio .
On the other hands, not only the use of I.C.T´s is essential in the process of
learning a foreign language, but also the use of didactic and pedagogical games
to develop the creativity of learners and create leaders able to increase their
vocabulary and improve speaking skill.
Since having students motivated toward the English learning is a hard work, it
requires from teachers an enormous effort at every moment of the process. So
that, Games help and encourage learners to carry on their interest and work. As
a matter of fact, these strategies help students to be always willing to participate
and interact in the classroom.
Indeed, the use and the application of didactic games in the education field with
the technology would help Continental School students to participate more, not
just in the classroom, but in any place where they were calling to interact in the
English language. Since, learners will have no fear of facing any situation or
activity which involves the performance of speaking abilities and the use of
basic vocabulary in English because they will become autonomous. It will also
help to promote leadership and active participation of students during the class.
In conclusion, this research will contribute with ideas that will help to improve
the quality of education and their result will be reflected in the performance of
students during the English class. Also, the finding will contribute to plan
strategies to adapt the experience in others group of students that face the
similar problems. Also this research will provide a series of didactics strategies
base on the applicability of theories that will increase knowledge in the foreign
language teaching field. As well as, the strengthening of foreign languages
pedagogy through the implementation of new technologies and games.
 To provide methodological strategies in order to improve speaking skills
and English basic vocabulary among 3rd grade students at the
Continental School.
 To research for current methodological strategies for English teaching.
 To diagnose the level of English speaking skill and their basic
 To determine some factors that could been affecting the performance in
speaking skill of some students
 To identify preference for English learning
 To offer a methodological proposal which include strategies to improve
reading and speaking skills through the use of ICT`s and innovative
games in 3rd grade students
1.5. Hypothesis
If we implement new methodological strategies based on the use of ICTs and
innovative games, we will contribute to improve the development of speaking
abilities and English basic vocabulary on 3rd graders.
1.5.1. Specific Aims:
 To implement new methodological strategies for English teaching.
 To adapt these methodological strategies to the use of ICT´s and
innovative games.
 To increase students confidence to perform better in English.
 To take students to the English level they should have.
1.5.2. Variables:
 Independent variable: new methodological strategies based on the use
of ICT´s and guessing games.
 Dependent variable: the students’ performance in the English class.
1.5.3. Method of collecting data:
 Test
 Observation
 Analysis of documents
2.1. Basic Terms
TEACHING: Teaching is a media for learning process includes behavior
individual changes through pre- planned. It is a process that helps the society to
reach a good level of coefficient.
SPEAKING SKILL: It is the productive skill in the oral mode. It, like the other
skills, is more complicated than it seems at first and involves more than just
pronouncing the distinctive sounds of a language clearly, as well as, the use of
vocabulary appropriately and put words together in correct word order.
GAME: A game is structured playing, usually undertaken for enjoyment and
sometimes used as an educational tool.
GUESSING GAME: a game in which participants compete to identify some
obscurely indicated thing. It helps to students to develop and improve their
ability to analyze things and situation.
VOCABULARY: A list of words and often phrases, usually arranged
alphabetically and defined or translated; a lexicon or glossary.
ICT´S: Stand for information and communication technologies, they refer to the
use of information and communication devices in order to meet human need or
purpose including reference to the use of contemporary devices such as the
Internet. It can include, in an ever-changing world, Video-phones, mobile
computing, blogs, Skype and so on.
The new way to approach the language learning and teaching in the last years
have been strongly influenced by the development of new technologies and the
growing desire of create more independent students, for this reason have been
developed multiples researches both international, national and local that
attempt to explore the benefit of this line of research.
Internationally, the work did by the researchers Adrian Lim, Hui Min Lim, Wee
Lee Lian in The English Language Department in Ngee Ann Secondary School
(Singapore), called “Adopting New Technologies to Drive Engaged Learning in
English Language and Literature in the 21st Century in a Singapore Secondary
School”. this was looking for new and innovative ways to better engage
students in language learning through the use of technology, since with the
increasing importance placed on communication skills, it has become important
to facilitate development of students through the ICT`S. One of the most import
purposes of the study was to develop students’ awareness of their spoken
language in various contexts, whether in social or formal situations while paying
more attention to expression and articulation. It shows us how the school can
promote teaching and learning resources which a language focuses, by the use
of speech-recognition software for students to record their speech and review
articulation and pronunciation as well as the structure of the language they have
used. By doing this, teachers have harnessed ICT to analyze the inaccuracies
in their use of language, intonation and articulation, and develop a better
awareness of their areas for improvement, leading to improvement in speaking
Nationally, we can highlight the research made by Jairo López entitle “Working
with Computers and Multimedia Software at the language Lab to promote
Interaction in EFL” which explain how to make the language laboratory
interactive and discuss the nature of interaction during ten month observation of
observation of a group of language students. The research explores to what
extent the computers becomes a dominant interactional partner; as well as the
study reports benefits of pair work around the computer. The principal aim of
that research was to offer a set of opportunities for foreign English classes, in
order to archive the objectives through the use of technology in education.
Locally, it can be mentioned the research carry out by the research group
ESAPIDEX, heat by María Otilia Cancino, Adela Rivera, Grandfield Henry,
Neira Loaiza, named “Estimulación de la autonomía de los estudiantes de
cuarto semestre en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de FLE a partir del
aprovechamiento de un portal como espacio virtual del área de francés de la
licenciatura en idiomas extranjeros de la universidad del atlántico”. The main
objective of this was encourage the autonomy of the fourth semester students,
in the teaching-learning process of FLE, through the use of a webpage as a
virtual setting for the French subject.
2.2.1 English basic vocabulary
The communicative approach distinguishes two kinds of abilities, one which is
comprehension, and includes listening and reading, and another which is
production, and includes speaking and writing.
Our research project point out the lack of basic vocabulary of third graders,
since, it has been causing serious difficulties on young learner reading and
listening comprehension, so that, it is crucial to expand learner`s vocabulary, in
order to improve communicative competence on third graders. Krashen and
Terrell emphasized in the importance of vocabulary for progress to the next
level, since we need to understand input language both to comprehend and
produce in the target language. This implies that without vocabulary, students
will no able to say what they need to express themselves, and they will no able
to go ahead in English.
Griva, Kamaroudis and Geladari stated that “Vocabulary development involves
children’s coming to understand unfamiliar words and being able to use them
appropriately. It also involves teachers’ helping them to model how to use a
variety of strategies.” Then aspect like, what kind of vocabulary students
supposed to know at the current level? And what kind of strategies students can
use to make easy the learning that vocabulary? Have to be taking into account.
In that order, the Estándares Básicos de Competencia en lenguas Extranjeras:
Ingles, offers us a set of lexicon for the specific level we expect to achieve. The
particular level we attempt to reach is A1 or breakthrough, for beginner that
goes from first grade to third grade. The same document provide us with a
useful experience in what they call “los estándares en la practica cotidiana”
there, a classroom project lists the themes students should know at the end of
the third grade, they are:
“Greetings, me and my family, my school, my classroom, animals, my body/ my
face, my house, clothing, food, days of the week, months of the year, my
community (professions and people), age, colors, sizes, nationality, feelings…”
Also, another important resource that helps us to set up a vocabulary list for
breakthrough level students is the London Tests of English for Children that
include a list divided in four levels and organized in alphabetical order.
Finally, the last aspect to be taking into account are strategies, on that regard
the national ministry of education, in the series of curricular lineament for
foreign languages, makes some methodological recommendations for language
teaching to children, it should be “Active and interactive methodology allowpupil
to learn when they get involved in activities in which the main objective is not to
show or exemplify the functioning of grammatical structure but acting in the
foreign language”.
“La metodología activa e interactiva permite aprender cuando se participa
en actividades en las cuales el objetivo principal no es mostrar o
ejemplificar el funcionamiento de estructuras gramaticales sino realizar
acciones en la lengua extranjera”
Add to this, Mr. Brown (2000) Distinguish five categories that aid us to set the
boundaries, for teaching English to children effectively, those are:
1. Their intellectual development, since they are in the stage “what
Piaget called concrete operations…Rules, explanation, and other even
slightly abstract talk about language must be approached with extreme
2. Attentions Span, that result from boring useless or too difficult language
lessons that cause short attention periods. So that, the teacher work
should be make classes “interesting, lively and fun” to young learners.
3. Sensory Input, involves the stimulation of all five senses in children that
help to internalize concepts deeply.
4. Affective Factors, because they are very sensitive especially to
classmates. In that order we need to help them boost their confidents to
avoid futures learning blocks.
5. Authentic and Meaningful Material, it become important because
children are focused on the immediate here and now, so any new
material presented should have an immediate relevance.
Likewise, teaching English to young learners, especially vocabulary implies help
students to remember words that can cause problems, because not all students
have a prominent memory and they struggle to learn one single word. Then, in
order to improve this process Ms. Tani offers us practical suggestions for
teaching vocabulary words, the most important are:
 Group vocabulary words by topic, since it helps to make easy
student remember, because words are related.
 Use vocabulary card, it is by far the most important learning strategy
and essential part of any vocabulary learning program, since it allow
students a fast vocabulary expansion and sense of progress and
achievement, and, of course it is necessary to point out that it is just the
beginning cause exposure to words through reading, listening and
speaking, bring context to already learn in card (Schmitt and McCarthy).
 Play a game that uses the vocabulary words, cause as we
mentioned above, children attention span is a variable we need to
manage in a funny way to keep student concentrated.
 Repeat the process in other lessons, time and repetition are
essential to internalize concept.
These concepts, become in an important guide for our future proposal, and his
pertinence makes paramount contribution to understand our problematic
2.2.2. Information and Communication Technologies (ICT`s)
The contribution of the new technologies to the educational field, specially
foreign language teaching have been recognize by the Colombian ministry of
education in the document Curricular Lineament for Foreign Languages
(Lineamientos Curriculares Idiomas Extranjeros) in which it is remarked that
new technologies embody opportunities to redefine the current school education
in their basic pedagogical principles. For instances, internet represent an
important source for enhancing communication, since it provide a large set of
tools, and possibilities of interactivity, by breaking down geographical barriers,
thanks to its speed of response, that is why it is usually used in education. But,
it also promotes autonomy, communicative and technology competences within
students. Cleary, internet offers the chance to get in contact faster with
authentic materials, native speakers and settings.
On the other hand, Jairo Lépez (2004) states that computer offers a widely
source of multi-sensory exposure, “…is the integration of: Audio (speech,
sound, music), video (text, graphics, pictures, animations, movies) and input by
(keyboard, mouse, microphone)”. Which is very relevant because, as I point out
previously, Mr. Brown said a children`s five sense should been stimulated in
order to get a more meaningful learning. So that computers offer a great
attractiveness to students getting them involve in their own learning. Also, other
advantages of Ict`s have the capacity to stimulate learners` autonomy, because
of its power of response that enable students get faster answers, see context
and interact in the target language.
As well, Ict`s promote the dynamism of classes, (L. tinio,) “cause enhance
learning mobilizes tools for examination, calculation and analysis of information”
so that, these Kind of tools propound an active methodology cause learner have
to performance as they learn, either for search the meaning of a work and then
use it in a exercise or follow orders in the target language to get a result. So that
it becomes an important part for the construction of this theoretical framework,
since as Mr. Brown put forward previously the idea that children are focused
immediacy of new language, and ICT`s connect theory and practice in a
multiple and real environments, that show the need of the already known by
them, it is call by him as context embedded. Thereby attention and retention
increase thanks its combines the media richness that made tolerable the new
information in children`s minds, also the constant exposure to the already
Known make the process of repetition more dynamic and bearable.
2.2.3. Speaking skill
English, as every language, has two kinds of skills, which were mentioned
before. The receptive skills which are listening and reading, and the productive
skills, which are writing and speaking.
"Speaking is a skill which deserves attention as much as the literary skills in
both native and foreign languages" said Bygate (1987). This author adds that is
important that students express the ideas in a comfortable way. That is because
that act determines that they can interact better in real daily situations. The idea
of this project was to invite our students to talk to each other by using basic
vocabulary, ICT´s and guessing games as the main strategies. To achieve the
general and the specific objectives, this project was not focus on aspects like
basic stress forms or to master grammatical items or intonation patterns but,
make students working with the target language in a unconsciously way where
they become interested in participating in an oral way.
Other concept which can be added to this project is, "The main goal in teaching
the productive skill of speaking will be oral fluency: the ability to express oneself
intelligibly, reasonably, accurately and without undue hesitation (otherwise
communication may break down because the listener loses interest or gets
impatient). To attain this goal, the students had to move from the stage where
they merely imitate a model or respond to cues to the point where they could
use the language to express their own ideas". By Byrne (1984, p. 9). This is one
response to why we develop in this project, activities where is introduced the
ICT`s to teach the basic vocabulary together with games to promote speaking in
order to achieve the improvement of students performance in the target
language. It is because those strategies may favor to this productive skill,
because they helps the students to take part and to amuse themselves, but at
the same time, to learn to communicate in the English language.
In fact, the natural approach, in the input hypothesis, affirms that “the ability to
speak fluently cannot be taught directly. Rather, it "emerges" over time, on its
own. The best way, and perhaps the only way, to teach speaking, according to
this view, is simply to provide comprehensible input.” Then, it is necessary to
make students understand by providing then with comprehensible input, it
means vocabulary to aid them to comprehend, as well as with simple codes that
facilitate second language comprehension; it will encourage students to take
these for later use in their own speech.
Krashen sets up some requirement for the optimizing the second language
input, here are those we consider more relevant for our project:
 Comprehensible: “teachers should use realia, pictures, and students'
previous knowledge to make their speech comprehensible from the first
 Interesting/relevant: “Natural Approach attempts to capture students'
 Not grammatically sequenced: “The focus of the class is not on the
presentation of grammar.”
 Affective filter level: “…many sources of anxiety are reduced or
eliminated. Students do not have to produce in the second language until
they feel they are ready. Error correction for form is not done in the
 Tools for conversational management: “Some tools for conversational
management are provided in the form of very short dialogues, frequent
patters or phrases and expressions that will help them control the
teacher's input ” for instance : "What does _________ mean?" “Look at
the picture” “Fill in the right words”.
These theories lead us to elaborate a research proposal which main objective
was to provide third grade students at Continental School with series
pedagogical strategies for the use of internet, computer and games as a way to
promote the increase of vocabulary and the improvement of the speaking skill.
In this research process, we started with the critic analyses of the classroom
environment as it is required by the new demands of education in which
teachers play the role of researchers in the classroom, keeping contact with the
subject to be studied.
For this reason, and for the well development of this research, we decided to
use the Social-critical paradigm, which has as a fundamental aim is to provide
answer to problems generated by the society. Also its principles fit with the
objective planned in the beginning of the process of research. these objectives
are summarized in the following way:
 To know and Comprehend the reality as a praxis
 To join theory and practice
 To involve teacher in self-reflection
 To use knowledge to emancipate men
Each objective helps identify potential for change, emancipation of the subjects
and analyze the reality in the classroom. All of them are focused on the
interests, needs and concerns of the subject who leads the research, and
establish a commitment in the solution of the problem.
The methodological approach we used was Action research, which consists of
problems that emerge in the educational practice, and demand the
implementation of an initiative that offers a practical solution. This emerges from
the wish to change our practice through the spiral of self-reflection (observation-
reflection-action. In this approach the constant evaluation is required as well as
the adjustments to the pedagogical proposal In order to reinforce both
pedagogical knowledge and specific knowledge, in this case English teaching.
The researcher is involved with the object to be studied to elaborate a
pedagogical proposal. Through this method it is necessary the observation, the
implementation of questionnaires, interviews, analysis and interpretation of the
information collected, and the constant evaluation. In addition Action
researchers may use a wide range of exploration methods, both qualitative and
quantitative, but the judgment to choose any of these, depends on whether it
will give helpful information about the practice under study.
The action research in the school analyzes the human behavior and social
condition experienced by teachers, defined as unacceptable, open to change or
that requires a practical action. The action research considers the problems
from the perspective of the people involved in it, so that, the teacher should
consider the background of the research, from point of view of the participants,
describing and explaining what is happening with the same language used by
them. This way the teacher studies in depth his problem, taking a research
position no matter the problem. Besides, the action research assumes a theory
position, which tries to achieve a depth comprehension of problem, linking
judgments, estimations and human concern. As a consequence, this king of
research joins theory and practice, encouraging practitioners to consider both
aspects as part of a single whole, doing it more consistent in its explanations,
considering the teacher as a researcher that adopt a socio-critic position, whose
main goal is transforming the relation of social structures and giving a solution
to the problems generated by this.
Likewise, the action research depends mainly on the observation and
behavioral data. As a practical form of research, the aim of action research is
oriented at a specific problem and situation. For this reason, there are many
tools beside the observation, such as interviews, surveys, recordings and so on,
that are used only when the researcher really knows what is important to
discover. Since, these are elaborated to specific settings and the subjects of
exploration should be judged as significant.
In short Action research is sum up in five steps:
I. Choosing the research question
II. Deciding what information you need in order to answer the question and
how can it be collected
III. Analyzing of data
IV. Organization and writing up of results
V. Incorporation of results of the research in to classroom practice
This research was developed in six stages presented below:
1. Problem Identification: We established a period of observation and
note-taking, during which we detected the low students` performance on
third grade, they had problems related to speaking skill and difficulties to
understand and the basic vocabulary. Also the inappropriate use of the
new technologies the school is trying to implement in classroom.
Subsequently, to conclude the event observed in class we decided to
apply some tests to confirm the level of speaking and reading skill in third
Then we analyzed the results of the texts and we registered them in field
journal that we kept during all the process of observation.
2. Theory Review: In order to determine the boundaries that surrounded
this investigation, it was fundamental to establish the theoretical
framework to guide the subsequent process of investigation and provide
the establishment of categories of analysis.
3. Diagnostic phase: After the theory review, we continued the process of
application of surveys to determine the grade of familiarity of students
with the new technologies of information and communication.
4. Analysis of data: Then, both the theoretical framework and the results
of survey and field diary were compared and analyzed, in order to
develop bases for working in the design of the pedagogical proposal later
in the classroom.
5. Design and implementation of the pedagogical proposal: The
analysis of data and the theoretical review guided us to the design and
execution of the pedagogical proposal to improve the reaching process.
6. Evaluation: Here we determined if the proposal and the implementation
of the new strategies produced a significant progress in the English
teaching to improve speaking skills and the learning of the basic
vocabulary, In order to determine the importance of our proposal.
This research was conducted by analyzing the evidences presented by the 3rd
grade students. Depending on the achievement of the objectives of this study,
we used tools and techniques designed to obtain information or data through
the following techniques:
 Observations. These observations were collected over a long period
(about 4 semesters); It was the first evidence which showed the
presence of a problem situation in this group of students. This instrument
allowed us to collect information which is useful at the time of data
analysis, all the information was recorded in a field diary.
 Survey, in order to obtain their point of views on the issues raisen; this
was developed through questions which are related to the family circle of
students and the motivation and attitude of students towards English
learning, in order to determine possible variables that could be affecting
 Interviews to students, in order to determine their own perception about
their English level and their likes or dislikes about learning English.
 Tests are included in this research to make inquiries about their real level
of speaking skill and basic vocabulary they supposed to have at that
grade. These test was elaborate taking into account the Estándares
Básicos de Competencia en lenguas Extranjeras: Ingles, that fix
performance levels of difference skills
It is important to say that none of these cases, students were informed about
the items to be discussed in this research, so that their answers were really
All these instruments were subjected to validity and reliability criteria in order to
get the relevance, accuracy and sufficiency to give credibility to research.
Continental school is a bilingual, primary institution located on 59th avenue on
70th street number 97 in Barranquilla city (Carrera 59 #70-97 ciudad de
The continental school’s philosophy consists of student’s education based on
an integral, dynamic and participatory education dedicated to the formation of
citizens for the world. This school offers education to 350 students
approximately; they are in 3 or 4 social economic strata. Learners have the
opportunity to access some resources such as technology rooms, library,
etiquette glamour classes and robotic course.
The mission of this institution is based on human values, multilingualism,
leadership, science, technology and intellectual and material productivity,
contributing to the consolidation of a prosperous society in which individuals are
managers of their own development.
The vision of continental school is becoming in a near future one of the most
important school, being recognized as a leading institution in the formation and
consolidation of self-motivated young with unwavering ethical values,
humanistic trained for excellence.
Activities Initial date Final date
First Phase ------------------------- ----------------------------
Problem Identification: observation
and note-taking test.
May /20/2011 August 15/2011
Second Phase -------------------------- ------------------------------
Theory Review, search for
theoretical framework
September/20/2011 November 15/2011
Third Phase ------------------------- ----------------------------
Diagnostic phase application of
March /1/2012 March /1/2012
Fourth Phase ---------------------------- ---------------------------
Analysis of data March/13/2012 March/18/2012
Fifth Phase ---------------------------- ----------------------------
Design of the pedagogical
March/27/2012 April/27/2012
implementation of the pedagogical
May /8/2012 June/23/2012
Sixth Phase ---------------------------- ----------------------------
Evaluation of the pedagogical
June/26/2012 July/16/2012
The population observed and analyzed was the third grade students at
Continental School. This group is formed by 15 students, 7 are women and 8
men, whose age range goes from 8 to 9; their socioeconomic strata goes from 3
to 4 in the national scale.
Every student had particular characteristics and some of them were sharing
general characteristics that were simplifying or facilitating the identification of
standards of behavior and reaction before some academic activities. Four
students had the characteristic of being entrepreneurs in any curricular or
extracurricular activity, but their behavior was not adequate for developing some
activities, indoor or outdoor, mentioned above. Besides, these four boys were
naturally communicative, because they liked to participate, to speak and to
communicate his ideas permanently form inside and outside the classroom.
On the other hand, others students were not communicative; they were limiting
themselves to taking part in class only when the teacher was including them to
do it. They were shy including two girls who were insecurity with regard to the
activities and topics developed.
The majority of these students reacted negatively before any exercise of
reading in English. They often said expressions as “I do not know"," I do not get
it", "we never studied it (the vocabulary)", "it is very difficult". Being this one a
relevant element regarding this project. That showed the weaknesses and the
lack of basic vocabulary, sort of disinterest, and the little progress, that affect
the speaking skills development.
Finally, it is necessary to annotate that all these characteristics, individual and
collective were useful at the moment of analyzing the existing problems, inside
this third grade students. This analysis helped us to optimize of the objectives in
this project.
Activities developed by students and teacher during classes were observed and
described in a field diary for its later analysis.
As well as, we implemented a reading test in order to determine the English
basic vocabulary of third graders. The population and sample we took for this
assessment were the entire group (15 students). The test showed the following
Figure 1
The previous pie chart (figure 1) showed us the percentage of students that got
low, middle and high grades. We can notice that more than the 53% of students
got low grades; it means less than 2.9 in the test scale. In contrast to the 27% of
Vocabulary Test Results
HIGH grade
middle grade
LOW grade
students that got high grades, more than 4.0 in the scale. And the rest 20% got
a middle grades, corresponding to the test scale to 3.0 up to 3.9.
Also we applied a survey in order to identify sociocultural condition in which
learner lived, since students` environment influence the educational process
and the second language learning. The main objective of this was
demonstrating how their family setting enables or not the learning process.
In this survey we took into account the following aspects:
 Parents` educational level
 Homework orientation and time
 General family life
 Abscess to computer and internet
 Disposition to the subject and methodology
 English extra courses
Regarding parents` educational level we can see in the below pie chart, almost
all parent have a higher education. It is stated that level of education of parents
influence knowledge, beliefs, values, and goals in children, consequently
parental behaviors are indirectly connected to children's school performance.
For instance, higher levels of education may develop parents' ability to get
concerned in their children's education, and also enable parents to pick up and
form social skills and problem-solving strategies that conduct to children's
school achievement. The 100% of fathers have higher education as well as the
87% of mothers.
Figure 2
Figure 3
This gives us some ideas about the support students have at home, but it does
not determine in a particular way the real homework orientation. Then, it was
Mothers` educational level
High School
Fathers` educational level
High School
necessary to inquiry about it, to establish the real influence parent had over
their children to create habits. In the pie chart below we can observe that 53%
students are not receiving support from close relatives, 34% of mothers help
children at home and only 13% of fathers support their children.
Figure 4
Respecting General family life, divorced parents have a great influence in young
children especially. Karl Zinsmeister stated that children are less imaginative,
more repetitive and passive watchers. They tend to be more dependent,
demanding, unaffectionate and disobedient than children from intact families1.
The chart show that the 53% of the students live in an intact family, the rest
manifest live with mother, father, or grand-parents.
1. Take from:
The students` support at the home
Figure 5
To conclude, we inquiry about parents` English Knowledge in order to
determine the qualification of them to orientate their son in their homework at
Figure 6
Children live with:
father and
Do you have English Knowlege?
It is clear that, more than one half of parents can guide their children in the
English homework and explanations, but at the same time less than half of the
students receive support from them. Also that 47% of students live in a home
divided, but, it does not have any influence in the students, because our
observations show they are always cheerful and dynamic in classes. Despite
the little resourcefulness of the teacher to develop new ways for presenting
knowledge to students, her classes always focus on grammatical explanations
that makes classes a real torture for them.
This pedagogical proposal promotes the improvement of process teaching -
learning foreign language (English) developing speaking skill and the learning
basic vocabulary. This is achieved by the implementation of the fun (games,
rounds) as a fundamental or essential part for any teacher to enable them to
cope with the educational work or work in a more creative and innovative way,
that learning will be more beneficial and enjoyable for students.
For this reason, we can say that games, the use of ICT´s and the English basic
vocabulary as methods and strategies help to the development of the speaking
skill and the meaningful learning of the English language. All of this process of
application of English and develop speaking skill tend to be learned by children
through their creativity and dynamism.
On the other hand, this pedagogical proposal was taking shape, thanks to the
desire to generate spaces that allow the students and teacher to acquire
knowledge around the playful and educational experiences, experiences of the
game and ICT´S themselves in the everyday school, and even deep desire for
change in teaching and learning foreign language (English).
This pedagogical proposal wants to develop through the use of games and
technology the development of speaking skill and acquisition of basic
vocabulary, as a resource to recognize and create situation that involve the real
life and solve problems.
Once the problem of our research was diagnosed, it was necessary the
implementation of the following proposal taking into account Mr. Brown´ s
theory which makes reference to five categories for teaching English to children
effectively such as, Their intellectual development, Attentions Span, sensory
Input, affective Factors and authentic and Meaningful Material. As well as, the
Klippel´s theory “The basic rule of guessing games”. Besides, the use of ICT´s
articulated with games as a playful pedagogic strategy to improve the speaking
skill in the 3° grade of Continental School.
This proposal was born as an alternative to stimulate the students` English
learning process. Besides, to promote in the teachers a sprit generator of
spaces and strategies of education, where the Speaking skill be improved with
all the basic vocabulary.
Likewise, this proposal contributed in our process of formation as foreign
Language teachers. This was thanks to the characteristics of the current
context which demand to be teachers research who have as aim to improve the
educational field, in this case foreign languages area. All of this is given
attending to the policies of the National Colombian Government.
Finally, it is necessary to emphasize that the present proposal is innovative in
our context because the technology is used as base for the English teaching in
children through the games where children have a contact nearby with the
language, taking into account the categories which Mr. Brown speaks " for
teaching English to children " .Besides, in this proposal adds the guessing
games which helps together with the other proposed activities, to improve the
speaking skill.
 To develop the English basic vocabulary and speaking skill in the 3°
grade of Continental School through the use of games and the ICT´s as
main and powerful tools to English teaching and learning .
 To increase the English basic vocabulary and the development of
speaking skill through the implementation of web pages activities and
guessing game.
 To encourage students to be more active using the target language
during the class through the implementation of activities.
 To provide to the academic community with strategies for English
teaching and learning to contribute to the improvement of the foreign
languages area.
 To evaluate the results of the proposal impact through the research tools.
The theoretical foundations for the activities offer are focused on cognitive
processes of kids. As in any other educational process, variables such age,
resources, stratum… etc. should be considered in order to find the best way
students can get knowledge in an easy way, to keep the motivated and in the
mood for learning.
The five categories of Mr. Brown describe previously, appeal to the intellectual
development of kinds. To make this clear Piaget, in his theory of cognitive
development claims that children between 7 and 11 years are in what he calls
the concrete operational stage, it is characterized by the appropriate use of
logic, but they only solve problems that apply to concrete objects or events, and
not abstract concepts or hypothetical tasks. So that, explanation of grammar
should avoid or be taught with caution. In the specific case of vocabulary we
use concrete object, images, or any other representation of the concrete world
to teach new vocabulary.
The internet offers a super set of web pages that match exactly with the
recommendations given above, they include a lot of images, sound and
representation of the real word not only objects but actions, and even emotions.
Also, the interactivity it provides allows students to be more participant and not
only passive watcher, so students will be stimulated always both produce input
(speech, sounds, text, graphics, animations) and output (keyboard, mouse, and
microphone) in every section. In fact web pages, in general, give a new
representation to texts in terms of color, movement, animation and distribution,
as well as, the possibility to have speaking text, and exercises that seem to be
Consequently, student’s senses will be stimulated, which is an important
consideration, since another recommendation of Mr. Brown was the keep in
mind the stimulation of children`s five senses, that help to internalize concepts
deeply. Indeed, the term MULTIMEDIA, apply to this kind of technology that
combines visual and verbal information that allows to a more clear explanation
of new concept or words in our specific case, because it alternate words images
and sounds at the same time. In addition, the children`s attention spans will be
enlarged because, they do not have to deal with boring or difficult materials, for
the reason that the explanation and practice of new words will be presented in
an interesting, lively and funny way.
At the same time, web pages allow us to access to authentic materials which is
the paramount importance for language teaching cause establish a real contact
between students and native speech. Mr. Brown (2000) stress the importance
of this, when he says “children are good at sensing language that is not
authentic; therefore, canned or stilted language will likely be rejected”. Thus,
students will feel motivated because it generates a perception of achieving that
can generate confidents for the later performance in activities that involves their
participation. This and constant practice that we planned for then at home can
help to increase the number of students` vocabulary, so that as Krashen and
Terrell (1983) stated the ability to speak will emerge thank to understanding
Then, the need for activities in classes that encourage the use of this just learn
vocabulary are required, of course this activities should keep the same
interesting, lively and funny way of web pages in order to animate students to
In that order, we decided to appeal to game, more specifically to guessing
games cause it can generate interaction in the target language, not only
between teacher-students, student-teacher, but also student-student. Then to
enlarge the already said, we take into consideration the definition of guessing
5.4.1. Definition of Guessing Games
Several authors try to define this term which has generated interest in the field
of the investigation. Between the different authors, we can emphasize the
following definitions: Klippel says that “The basic rule of guessing games is
eminently simple; one person knows something that another one wants to find
out.” On the other hands, Wrightand together with Buck affirm that “Essentially,
in guessing and speculating games, some one knows something and the others
must find out what it is.” Other definition, is Merriem Webster´s one who says
that Guessing games is a game in which participates compete individually or
team in the identification of something indicate obscurely (as in riddles or
Taking into account all the previous definitions, it can be conclude that
guessing games is a kind of game in which a person or a team tries to discover
a word, an object, animal or thing which have been secret in order to guess
right. Other meaning is added to the previous ones. According to Janeth, a
teacher in U.S.A says; “It is a very useful tool to promote the creativity, the
imagination and the curiosity of the child in his playful environment. It is possible
to include activities of the classroom, this game will help to discover more
particularities, as his way of processing the doubt, and in general his way of
reacting opposite to a challenge.
There are many other concepts of this kind of games, which can be useful in
teaching speaking. To Lee: there are guessing games which can be played at
all levels:
1. Guess what is it? Is it…?
2. Guess Who I am? What is my name?
3. Guess what is there in my bag today?
4. Guess where is it?
Then the description of each concept is as follow:
a. Guess what is it? Is it……….?
The students’ things of an object or a person the class knows the name of, and
the other ask question, putting up their hand waiting to be called:
1. Is a green” Is it Marty’s desk.
2. Is it my face?
3. Is it the pond?
4. Is it Billy and Peter?
5. Is it the cinema?
6. Is it my mother who came this evening?
7. It is your book etc.
The first guess correctly takes the thinker’s place. After such a game has been
successfully played by the class as a whole, it can be played in groups or even
in pairs. The learner who has thought of something may be questioned by
member of another, to keep the whole class active.
b. Guess Who I am? What is my name?
Everybody imagines himself to be somebody else – a living well-known locally,
nationally or internationally or an historical figure such as Napoleon, Ghandy,
Julius Caesar, Galileo, Etc. Each makes up sentences about himself.
1. I lived…..about…..years ago
2. I was a king / poet / general / scientist, Etc.
There is not much difficulty in guessing, but it should not to be made too easy.
c. Guess what is there in my bag today?
1. What is in my bag today?
2. What have I got in my bag today?
(This can be teachers or anybody’ bag, not doubt specially prepared). The
students guess, for instance, there’s an apple / photograph / a mirror / a ticket /
a doll, etc. And the owner of the bag says, No, there’s no a…… or Yes, there’s
a…and brings it out and perhaps ask, what colors is it? Or is it a bag… or
small….? . At an appropriate level plural comes in naturally here. There
some… my bag
d. Guess where is it?
Students turn round the close their eyes while a small object or several object
such as coin, a ring, a sweet, a doll, is hidden.
Question: 1.Is it behind the cupboard
2. Is it in Mr. Claus’s bag?
3. Is it mam’s desk?
4. In your shoe.
5. Under those books / etc. Each student makes at least one guess.
Statements can be made instead of question: it is behind the cupboard / in Mr.
Claus’s pocket, etc.
5.4.2. General Scheme of classes
For the implementation of this proposal we decided to create a general scheme
of instruction that could help us to guide the learning process not only in the
classroom but outside of it.
Figure 7
New Vocabulary (webpage)
New Vocabulary
Class Game
(using new vocabulary)
Home Exercise
Class Game
(using the vocabulary)
General class cycle
Figure 8
The present proposal was established taking into account the following phase:
1. DESIGN OF THE PEDAGOGIC PROPOSAL: In this first step, counting on
the diagnosis and the theoretical review, it was designed the activities that
allow to develop and to improve the speaking skill in the 3° grade students.
2. PHASE OF IMPLEMENTATION: the previous designed activities are
applied and then, verified its efficiency in the English class. All of those
activities will be reflected in the short term from the students´ positive or
negative responses and in the medium term in the results obtained in the
final test.
3. EVALUATION: This phase is developed in a constant way in each one of
the moments of the project in order to monitor the advances in the research
4. PROPOSAL EVALUATION: Finally, the results of the research were
observed and examined in order to identify if this pedagogic proposal
established a positive plan of improvement adapted to the students´ and
teachers´ needs. On the other hand, the conclusions and the
recommendations were done appropriately to help to the permanent
progress of the English learning in children.
When teachers try to teach English, they make their major effort to children
learn and develop their abilities, but sometime it is so difficult to get it. For this
reason we have develop some activities that allow us to improve the speaking
skills in 3th grade students of continental school. Activities such as guessing
games, which may generate in the students a lot of spontaneous speech, even
if much of it is fairly simple in structure. Furthermore, we will use web pages
which are ones on the most important and meaningful tools to reach successful
result in the process of developing new vocabulary.
Topics covered in the activities were taken following the school curriculum and
the recommendation of Ms. Tani concerning grouping vocabulary words by
topic and playing games that uses the vocabulary words.
6.1. Activity n.1
Objective: get familiar to the clothing vocabulary
Time: 45 minutes
Description: To Visit during the class the web page to put in practice the
pronunciation of the new vocabulary; .
 Children will identify the English names of common items of clothing and
use them in meaningful contexts.
 Children will be using structures: I put on…, I take off…, I wear…, my …,
Time: (45 minutes)
Resources: domino-clothes and vocabulary, smart board and human talent.
Description: The student should get involved in the game. They need to
analyze which king of clothes they can observe in each domino pieces and
guess what is missing or what is wrong in each them. Then they must do the
description of each one using their knowledge of English and put in practice the
new vocabulary.
This activity is divided in 2 steps:
1. The students should watch the domino pieces in class (15 minutes), and
then the teacher should verify if they identified the clothes of each in
domino pieces, and if they understand what is going on. After this, the
professor should ask “What kind of topic we identify in this game?” the
possible answer could be like the clothes and so on; the idea is to keep
the student’s attention. The teacher is going to write the vocabulary of
the clothes on the board and as a teacher is important to know that each
the domino pieces have also written the name of clothes but some of
them have written wrong the vocabulary and some images are
incomplete to catch the attention of student and at the same time they
have to guess how is the correct form to put in a good way each index
car during the game.
2. The professor is going to describe what do you see in the index card,
and through this activity ask to the students how it seems to them. on the
hand, teacher can ask to them what kind of clothes they use when they
go to different places or what they wear in different season, since the
most important is to keep students using their spontaneous speech. As
homework the students should do a draw in which one they can explain
in class how their wear in their free time.
6.1.1. Activity n.2
Objective: get familiar to the weather vocabulary
Time: 45 minutes
Description: To Visit during the class the web page to put in practice the
pronunciation of the new vocabulary;
Objective: children play guessing game What It Mean while learning weather
vocabulary in order to speak and put in practice clothing vocabulary.
Time: 25 – 45 min
Resources: vocabulary about the weather (the topic can vary)
Description: The student should guess what the participant or knower is trying
to explain during his performance in front of the class or to know what he tries to
show them and then the group that is in front of him they use and put in practice
English and the vocabulary given by the teacher previously in the game. They
need to analyze which characteristics he expresses with his body and
determine what it mean. The knower is only allowed to answer "yes" or "no".
1. First, the teacher has to ask to students how is the day today? And they
have to respond doesn´t if they answer in Spanish. After this, the
professor has to write the vocabulary in the board according to the topic
chosen. Then, teacher has to choose a student to be the knower in the
game or this person can be chosen in a voluntary way. Then start the
game, students should observe each description that the knower make
with his body (5 minutes) by each characteristic to give chance to
participants(students) to guess, and then the teacher should verify if they
identified some of the characteristic about it, and if they understand what
is going on. After, student themselves have to identify what is about the
game?” the idea is to keep the student’s attention and leave them use
English vocabulary and avoid the afraid that they feel in the moment to
speak in front others in order to students take the risk.
6.1.2. Activity n.3
Objective: get familiar to the objective of appearance vocabulary.
Time: 45 minutes
Description: To Visit during the class the web page to put in practice the
pronunciation of the objective of appearance vocabulary.
Objective: Students will become familiar with
most of and learn some of the vocabulary needed for the lesson task
"Describing people.".
Time: 45 min
Resources: Photos, cardboard.
Description: The children will gather around on the floor. One at a time, they
will come up and be given a card with a classmate “character” on it. They will
then have to act out the character on the card, and the children still on the floor
will have to guess who that child is portraying.
The object of the game is to ask questions to try and determine who or what is
on the others card. The student with the card has the opportunity to ask four
questions. If the student is successful, he/she receives the point value written
on the card and the card is put aside. If not successful, the student does not
receive any points, and it is the next student’s turn. Play ends when all cards
have been used. The student with the most points wins.
The result of this research using observation noted that the implementation of
the proposal improved their ability to English comprehension, as well as the
increase of their vocabulary. The strategies implemented, helped to improving
the problems faced by the students in their speaking ability, here are some of
the problems they overcame:
 The students’ poor mastery of vocabulary, regarding pronunciation and
their ability to create sentences using their own words based on the
given sentence models.
 The students’ awareness of mispronunciation and interest in improving
their own performance.
 The students’ performance was always active; they always wanted to
play each other, which generated an environment of confidence to speak
in English, as well as, it helps to strengthen the friendship between
 The social interaction in games and the use website to introduce new
vocabulary help students to enjoy the English class.
As a reflection of the research process undertaken previously, all findings
revealed some general considerations that demonstrate significant results both
for who implemented this proposal as to who was the subject of her study. Here
are those:
 The implementation of the proposal increased the students` vocabulary
and helps to encourage the autonomy within students thank to the
homework activities propose in the webpages.
 The implementation of the new technologies in the English class, within
the population, represents an innovative factor in the context of previous
research, because school is trying to introduce I.C.T`s throughout the
teaching process and it helped to set up the foundation for the
implementation in other subject.
 It was observed, that one way to apply Mr. Brow`s recommendation for
teaching languages to children, regarding to Authentic and Meaningful
Material, was to use the surrounding environment or personal`s life as a
resource to make then to express in the target language, for instance:
Teacher: Lets guess who is the day`s character?, who is wearing glasses and gold
Students: Valeria, miss, Valeria!!!
Teacher: then. She is wearing…
Gabriel: Wearing glasses and gold earrings
Teacher: can you tell us something else about Valeria?(…)
In this respect, the teacher provided the children with oral input closely
related to their realities and their previous experiences (in web pages:
clothes vocabulary) with the foreign language. Then, it can be concluded
that children feel more willing to participate when the learning
environment reflects meaningful situations that include their
surroundings, and as Mr. Brown said “have an immediate relevance.”
 The effectiveness of the strategies used could be verified through
improvement of the student’s comprehension in English. It was observed
in class when teacher ask any question, and students not answer it in the
target language, but they were able to respond efficiently to it.
In conclusion, students need activities which are exciting and stimulating. They
need to be involved in meaningful situations that emphasis in playful activities
and the use of English becomes a need to express their ideas and feelings, so
that, they will see the foreign language as a means to express their experiences
in their daily life, a purpose beyond here and now 2
2. BROWN,Douglas.2006. “Teaching by Principles: An InteractiveApproach to Language
Pedagogy”. PearsonLongman,2007. Pag. 90.
To help improve the English teaching and English learning process, we will
continue with the presentation of some suggestions that we consider important
if you want to apply a research proposal of this type.
 In the foreign language teaching process using authentic and innovations
strategies and the use of ICTS´ (web pages, videos, music, recordings,
etc.) represents for the student a better way to get acquainted with the
reality of the target language, and the analysis and skills belonging to
that language.
 Developing communicative competence in foreign languages by students
largely will be achieved if the teacher creates a learning pleasant
atmosphere taking into account the common interests of learners.
 Teacher must be able to manage the class and the time in order to make
students be more active and involved to the activity and make it runs
 It is necessary to implement a participatory and interactive methodology
with students in order to break with traditional patterns.
 It is fundamental take into account that affective factors influence in the
learning process since, it could sometime affect the well development of
the second language learning. Therefore, the teacher has to analyze or
consider how the second language process of learning take place in
different environments, in order to adopt an adequate strategy to teach
an help student during his process of learning.
 It is important, as well as, bears in mind students likes and preference,
because they influence and motivate them; so that it can be positive to
bring these to the class develop of it. Students take advantage of these
spaces, and teacher can generate opportunities to exchange views,
tastes and feelings while they speak and tolerate different point of view.
 Develop communication skills in a holistic manner so that they help
students to develop their communicative competence.
 London Tests of English for Children Handbook,2008 Teaching by
Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy by H.
Douglas Brown (Paperback - May 23 2006)
 Principles and Practice in Second Language Acquisition, Stephen D
Krashen University of Southern California, Prentice-Hall International,
1987 - 202 pages.
 Ministerio de Educación Nacional. Colombia. Lineamientos Curriculares
de Lengua Extranjera, Editorial Magisterio. Santa fe de Bogotá, DC.,
 SERIE GUÍAS Nº 22 Estándares Básicos de Competencias en Lenguas
Extranjeras: Inglés Formar en lenguas extranjeras: ¡el reto! Lo que
necesitamos saber y saber hacer. Ministerio de Educación Nacional
República de Colombia, 2006.
 Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language
Pedagogy (3rd Edition) by H. Douglas Brown, Paperback, 569
Pages, Published 2007
 Gillian Brown and George Yule, Teaching the Spoken
Language : Approach Based on the Analysis of Conversational
English (Australia : Cambridge University Press, 1989), p. 14
 http://www.pixel-
Annexes No. 1
Vocabulary test
Annexes No. 2
Survey 1
Annexes No. 2
Survey 2
Annexes No. 2
Photographic record
Annexes No. 3
School virtual platform

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  • 7. 7 Contents ACKNOWLEDGEMENT …………………………………………………………….. 4 ABSTRACT ……………………………………………………………………………5 INTRODUCCION ……………………………………………………………………..6 1. RESEARCH PROBLEM ...........................................................................................9 1.1 Description of the problem ………………………………………………………8 1.2 Research question ……………………………………………………………10 1.3JUSTIFICATION………………………………………………………………….11 1.4OBJECTIVES………………………………………………………………..……14 1.4.1. GENERAL OBJECTIVE………………………………………………….14 1.4.2. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE…………………………………………………..14 1.5.Hypothes………………………………………………………………………….15 1.5.1. Specific Aims………………………………………..…………………....15 1.5.2. Variables…………………………………………………………………..15 1.5.3. Method of collecting data……………………………………………...…15 2. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK………………………………………………....16 2.1. Basic Terms ………………………………………………………….……..16 2.2. BACKGROUND RESEARCH………………………………………….……...17 2.2. LITERATURE REVIEW…………………………………………….………….19 2.2.1. English basic vocabulary………………………………………….…….19 2.2.2. Information and Communication Technologies (ICT`s)………..….…24 2.2.3. Speaking skill…………………………………………………………..…26 3. METHODOLOGICAL FRAMEWORK……………………………………….….29 3.1. PARADIGM…………………………………………………………………..….29 3.2. METHODOLOGICAL APPROACH………………………………………… 30
  • 8. 8 3.3. PHASES OF THE RESEARCH…………………………………………….. 32 3.4. TECHNIQUES AND TOOLS………………………………………………... 34 4. CONTEXTUAL FRAMEWORK………………………………………………...36 4.1. CRONOGRAM……………………………………………………………….. 37 4.2. POPULATION AND SAMPLE………………………………………………. 38 4.3. ANALISYS…………………………………………………………………….. 40 5. PEDAGOGICAL PROPOSAL…………………………………………………..46 5.1. INTRODUCTION……………………………………………………………... 46 5.2. JUSTIFICATION…………………………………………………………… 47 5.3. OBJECTIVES………………………………………………………………..49 5.3.1. GENERAL OBJECT……………………………………………….......49 5.3.2. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES……………………………………………...49 5.4. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK……………………………………………..50 5.4.1. Definition of Guessing Games…………………………………………52 5.4.2. General Scheme of classes………………………………………….. 57 5.5. METHODOLOGY…………………………………………………………….. 59 6. PROPOSED ACTIVITIES……………………………………………………… 60 6.1. Activity n.1 ……………………………………………………………………..61 6.1.1. Activity n.2………………………………………………………………….. 64 6.1.2. Activity n.3………………………………………………………………….. 67 7. PROPOSAL EVALUATION…………………………………………………… 69 8. CONCLUSION………………………………………………………………….. 70 BIBLIOGRAPHY…………………………………………………………………… 74 Annexes ……………………………………………………………………………..77
  • 9. 9 1. RESEARCH PROBLEM 1.1. Description of the problem This research project was carried out at Continental School in Barranquilla, where we had the opportunity to start the process of observation corresponding to the institution practice. The observation took place in the English classes among 3rd grade students, who have serious difficulties related to speaking skill and the lack of Basic English vocabulary. This is clearly reflected in mispronunciation of words and not understanding of basic commands in the target language. All these problems have arisen low grades, often complains of parents and most of the student feeling shy to participate in class because of classmate mocking, which generate problem to continue to the next level. We can associate some causes of those difficulties to: I. Traditional methodology, teacher explains class, mainly grammar, and student just listen and transcribe what he just write down on the board. II. The inappropriate uses of technologies, despite the resources students have in class, computer, Tv, internet, the teacher does not know how to employ it. III. Teacher as the center of the class, her classes focus on what she can teach them, and the activities are limited to writing exercises, she is the only one that use the target language.
  • 10. 10 IV. The lacks of parent´s help at home, the support learner have at home is limited and not stimulate their own learning process. V. Bad English learning and teaching in previous years, it is not sequenced and limited to simple instruction on grammar. VI. Lack of pedagogical instruction to teaching English of teacher, the teacher was assigned to this group because of his knowledge on English but not his preparation on pedagogy. VII. Lack of extracurricular activities to reinforce English topic in school, the only contact with English language is in the classroom, that cause students see it as pointless and as a simple filler class. During the observation process, we could realize that students do not have the level proposed by Estándares Básicos de Competencia en lenguas Extranjeras: Ingles. We can prove this information through the direct observation; a test and interview did to student, which show the results stated before. In light of aforementioned, we reaffirm the problematic situation that exists among 3rd graders students, so that, we state the following research question: How can we help 3rd grade students at the Continental School to improve speaking skills and English basic vocabulary through the implementation of the New technologies and games.
  • 11. 11 1.2. Research question How can we help 3rd grade students at the Continental School to improve speaking skills and English basic vocabulary through the implementation of New technologies and games.
  • 12. 12 1.3. JUSTIFICATION Nowadays, communicative competences in especially speaking and reading skills in English have been considered as ones of the most important aspects in the teaching and learning process of a foreign language. Since one of the main motivation for learning English is to be able to talk with native speaker either for travel, business or studies, also to be able to understand documents in a universal language as English is. Consequently, for the good development of these skills, some teachers use different strategies which they think to be more suitable for teaching languages, but sometimes, these strategies are not favorable for learners. That is because those strategies do not agree with the differences of students such as the way to process, to perceive and to assimilate the information of a language and the social differences that affect the learning. For this reason, it is essential to know that in the process of learning a foreign language, methodological strategies to teach are so important because they are very useful and allow having an active class. Therefore, we consider that we need to implement strategies according to the needs, age, environment and available tools in class, at the Continental school third grade students. One of these strategies will be the use of I.C.T´s(Information and Communication Technology) as a tool to promote and implement the use of the technology, in consideration of, ICTs—which include radio and television, computers and the Internet—, “have been touted as potentially powerful enabling tools for educational change and reform. When I.C.T´s are used appropriately different
  • 13. 13 of these tools are said to help expand access to education, strengthen the relevance of education to the increasingly digital workplace, and raise educational quality ; among others, helping make teaching and learning into an engaging, active process connected to real life”, as it has been mentioned by Victoria L.Tinio . On the other hands, not only the use of I.C.T´s is essential in the process of learning a foreign language, but also the use of didactic and pedagogical games to develop the creativity of learners and create leaders able to increase their vocabulary and improve speaking skill. Since having students motivated toward the English learning is a hard work, it requires from teachers an enormous effort at every moment of the process. So that, Games help and encourage learners to carry on their interest and work. As a matter of fact, these strategies help students to be always willing to participate and interact in the classroom. Indeed, the use and the application of didactic games in the education field with the technology would help Continental School students to participate more, not just in the classroom, but in any place where they were calling to interact in the English language. Since, learners will have no fear of facing any situation or activity which involves the performance of speaking abilities and the use of basic vocabulary in English because they will become autonomous. It will also help to promote leadership and active participation of students during the class.
  • 14. 14 In conclusion, this research will contribute with ideas that will help to improve the quality of education and their result will be reflected in the performance of students during the English class. Also, the finding will contribute to plan strategies to adapt the experience in others group of students that face the similar problems. Also this research will provide a series of didactics strategies base on the applicability of theories that will increase knowledge in the foreign language teaching field. As well as, the strengthening of foreign languages pedagogy through the implementation of new technologies and games.
  • 15. 15 1.4. OBJECTIVES 1.4.1. GENERAL OBJECTIVE:  To provide methodological strategies in order to improve speaking skills and English basic vocabulary among 3rd grade students at the Continental School. 1.4.2. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE:  To research for current methodological strategies for English teaching.  To diagnose the level of English speaking skill and their basic vocabulary.  To determine some factors that could been affecting the performance in speaking skill of some students  To identify preference for English learning  To offer a methodological proposal which include strategies to improve reading and speaking skills through the use of ICT`s and innovative games in 3rd grade students
  • 16. 16 1.5. Hypothesis If we implement new methodological strategies based on the use of ICTs and innovative games, we will contribute to improve the development of speaking abilities and English basic vocabulary on 3rd graders. 1.5.1. Specific Aims:  To implement new methodological strategies for English teaching.  To adapt these methodological strategies to the use of ICT´s and innovative games.  To increase students confidence to perform better in English.  To take students to the English level they should have. 1.5.2. Variables:  Independent variable: new methodological strategies based on the use of ICT´s and guessing games.  Dependent variable: the students’ performance in the English class. 1.5.3. Method of collecting data:  Test  Observation  Analysis of documents
  • 17. 17 2. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK 2.1. Basic Terms TEACHING: Teaching is a media for learning process includes behavior individual changes through pre- planned. It is a process that helps the society to reach a good level of coefficient. SPEAKING SKILL: It is the productive skill in the oral mode. It, like the other skills, is more complicated than it seems at first and involves more than just pronouncing the distinctive sounds of a language clearly, as well as, the use of vocabulary appropriately and put words together in correct word order. GAME: A game is structured playing, usually undertaken for enjoyment and sometimes used as an educational tool. GUESSING GAME: a game in which participants compete to identify some obscurely indicated thing. It helps to students to develop and improve their ability to analyze things and situation. VOCABULARY: A list of words and often phrases, usually arranged alphabetically and defined or translated; a lexicon or glossary. ICT´S: Stand for information and communication technologies, they refer to the use of information and communication devices in order to meet human need or purpose including reference to the use of contemporary devices such as the Internet. It can include, in an ever-changing world, Video-phones, mobile computing, blogs, Skype and so on.
  • 18. 18 2.2. BACKGROUND RESEARCH The new way to approach the language learning and teaching in the last years have been strongly influenced by the development of new technologies and the growing desire of create more independent students, for this reason have been developed multiples researches both international, national and local that attempt to explore the benefit of this line of research. Internationally, the work did by the researchers Adrian Lim, Hui Min Lim, Wee Lee Lian in The English Language Department in Ngee Ann Secondary School (Singapore), called “Adopting New Technologies to Drive Engaged Learning in English Language and Literature in the 21st Century in a Singapore Secondary School”. this was looking for new and innovative ways to better engage students in language learning through the use of technology, since with the increasing importance placed on communication skills, it has become important to facilitate development of students through the ICT`S. One of the most import purposes of the study was to develop students’ awareness of their spoken language in various contexts, whether in social or formal situations while paying more attention to expression and articulation. It shows us how the school can promote teaching and learning resources which a language focuses, by the use of speech-recognition software for students to record their speech and review articulation and pronunciation as well as the structure of the language they have used. By doing this, teachers have harnessed ICT to analyze the inaccuracies in their use of language, intonation and articulation, and develop a better awareness of their areas for improvement, leading to improvement in speaking skill.
  • 19. 19 Nationally, we can highlight the research made by Jairo López entitle “Working with Computers and Multimedia Software at the language Lab to promote Interaction in EFL” which explain how to make the language laboratory interactive and discuss the nature of interaction during ten month observation of observation of a group of language students. The research explores to what extent the computers becomes a dominant interactional partner; as well as the study reports benefits of pair work around the computer. The principal aim of that research was to offer a set of opportunities for foreign English classes, in order to archive the objectives through the use of technology in education. Locally, it can be mentioned the research carry out by the research group ESAPIDEX, heat by María Otilia Cancino, Adela Rivera, Grandfield Henry, Neira Loaiza, named “Estimulación de la autonomía de los estudiantes de cuarto semestre en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de FLE a partir del aprovechamiento de un portal como espacio virtual del área de francés de la licenciatura en idiomas extranjeros de la universidad del atlántico”. The main objective of this was encourage the autonomy of the fourth semester students, in the teaching-learning process of FLE, through the use of a webpage as a virtual setting for the French subject.
  • 20. 20 2.2. LITERATURE REVIEW 2.2.1 English basic vocabulary The communicative approach distinguishes two kinds of abilities, one which is comprehension, and includes listening and reading, and another which is production, and includes speaking and writing. Our research project point out the lack of basic vocabulary of third graders, since, it has been causing serious difficulties on young learner reading and listening comprehension, so that, it is crucial to expand learner`s vocabulary, in order to improve communicative competence on third graders. Krashen and Terrell emphasized in the importance of vocabulary for progress to the next level, since we need to understand input language both to comprehend and produce in the target language. This implies that without vocabulary, students will no able to say what they need to express themselves, and they will no able to go ahead in English. Griva, Kamaroudis and Geladari stated that “Vocabulary development involves children’s coming to understand unfamiliar words and being able to use them appropriately. It also involves teachers’ helping them to model how to use a variety of strategies.” Then aspect like, what kind of vocabulary students supposed to know at the current level? And what kind of strategies students can use to make easy the learning that vocabulary? Have to be taking into account. In that order, the Estándares Básicos de Competencia en lenguas Extranjeras: Ingles, offers us a set of lexicon for the specific level we expect to achieve. The
  • 21. 21 particular level we attempt to reach is A1 or breakthrough, for beginner that goes from first grade to third grade. The same document provide us with a useful experience in what they call “los estándares en la practica cotidiana” there, a classroom project lists the themes students should know at the end of the third grade, they are: “Greetings, me and my family, my school, my classroom, animals, my body/ my face, my house, clothing, food, days of the week, months of the year, my community (professions and people), age, colors, sizes, nationality, feelings…” Also, another important resource that helps us to set up a vocabulary list for breakthrough level students is the London Tests of English for Children that include a list divided in four levels and organized in alphabetical order. Finally, the last aspect to be taking into account are strategies, on that regard the national ministry of education, in the series of curricular lineament for foreign languages, makes some methodological recommendations for language teaching to children, it should be “Active and interactive methodology allowpupil to learn when they get involved in activities in which the main objective is not to show or exemplify the functioning of grammatical structure but acting in the foreign language”. “La metodología activa e interactiva permite aprender cuando se participa en actividades en las cuales el objetivo principal no es mostrar o
  • 22. 22 ejemplificar el funcionamiento de estructuras gramaticales sino realizar acciones en la lengua extranjera” Add to this, Mr. Brown (2000) Distinguish five categories that aid us to set the boundaries, for teaching English to children effectively, those are: 1. Their intellectual development, since they are in the stage “what Piaget called concrete operations…Rules, explanation, and other even slightly abstract talk about language must be approached with extreme caution.” 2. Attentions Span, that result from boring useless or too difficult language lessons that cause short attention periods. So that, the teacher work should be make classes “interesting, lively and fun” to young learners. 3. Sensory Input, involves the stimulation of all five senses in children that help to internalize concepts deeply. 4. Affective Factors, because they are very sensitive especially to classmates. In that order we need to help them boost their confidents to avoid futures learning blocks.
  • 23. 23 5. Authentic and Meaningful Material, it become important because children are focused on the immediate here and now, so any new material presented should have an immediate relevance. Likewise, teaching English to young learners, especially vocabulary implies help students to remember words that can cause problems, because not all students have a prominent memory and they struggle to learn one single word. Then, in order to improve this process Ms. Tani offers us practical suggestions for teaching vocabulary words, the most important are:  Group vocabulary words by topic, since it helps to make easy student remember, because words are related.  Use vocabulary card, it is by far the most important learning strategy and essential part of any vocabulary learning program, since it allow students a fast vocabulary expansion and sense of progress and achievement, and, of course it is necessary to point out that it is just the beginning cause exposure to words through reading, listening and speaking, bring context to already learn in card (Schmitt and McCarthy).  Play a game that uses the vocabulary words, cause as we mentioned above, children attention span is a variable we need to manage in a funny way to keep student concentrated.
  • 24. 24  Repeat the process in other lessons, time and repetition are essential to internalize concept. These concepts, become in an important guide for our future proposal, and his pertinence makes paramount contribution to understand our problematic situation. 2.2.2. Information and Communication Technologies (ICT`s) The contribution of the new technologies to the educational field, specially foreign language teaching have been recognize by the Colombian ministry of education in the document Curricular Lineament for Foreign Languages (Lineamientos Curriculares Idiomas Extranjeros) in which it is remarked that new technologies embody opportunities to redefine the current school education in their basic pedagogical principles. For instances, internet represent an important source for enhancing communication, since it provide a large set of tools, and possibilities of interactivity, by breaking down geographical barriers, thanks to its speed of response, that is why it is usually used in education. But, it also promotes autonomy, communicative and technology competences within students. Cleary, internet offers the chance to get in contact faster with authentic materials, native speakers and settings. On the other hand, Jairo Lépez (2004) states that computer offers a widely source of multi-sensory exposure, “…is the integration of: Audio (speech,
  • 25. 25 sound, music), video (text, graphics, pictures, animations, movies) and input by (keyboard, mouse, microphone)”. Which is very relevant because, as I point out previously, Mr. Brown said a children`s five sense should been stimulated in order to get a more meaningful learning. So that computers offer a great attractiveness to students getting them involve in their own learning. Also, other advantages of Ict`s have the capacity to stimulate learners` autonomy, because of its power of response that enable students get faster answers, see context and interact in the target language. As well, Ict`s promote the dynamism of classes, (L. tinio,) “cause enhance learning mobilizes tools for examination, calculation and analysis of information” so that, these Kind of tools propound an active methodology cause learner have to performance as they learn, either for search the meaning of a work and then use it in a exercise or follow orders in the target language to get a result. So that it becomes an important part for the construction of this theoretical framework, since as Mr. Brown put forward previously the idea that children are focused immediacy of new language, and ICT`s connect theory and practice in a multiple and real environments, that show the need of the already known by them, it is call by him as context embedded. Thereby attention and retention increase thanks its combines the media richness that made tolerable the new information in children`s minds, also the constant exposure to the already Known make the process of repetition more dynamic and bearable.
  • 26. 26 2.2.3. Speaking skill English, as every language, has two kinds of skills, which were mentioned before. The receptive skills which are listening and reading, and the productive skills, which are writing and speaking. "Speaking is a skill which deserves attention as much as the literary skills in both native and foreign languages" said Bygate (1987). This author adds that is important that students express the ideas in a comfortable way. That is because that act determines that they can interact better in real daily situations. The idea of this project was to invite our students to talk to each other by using basic vocabulary, ICT´s and guessing games as the main strategies. To achieve the general and the specific objectives, this project was not focus on aspects like basic stress forms or to master grammatical items or intonation patterns but, make students working with the target language in a unconsciously way where they become interested in participating in an oral way. Other concept which can be added to this project is, "The main goal in teaching the productive skill of speaking will be oral fluency: the ability to express oneself intelligibly, reasonably, accurately and without undue hesitation (otherwise communication may break down because the listener loses interest or gets impatient). To attain this goal, the students had to move from the stage where they merely imitate a model or respond to cues to the point where they could use the language to express their own ideas". By Byrne (1984, p. 9). This is one response to why we develop in this project, activities where is introduced the ICT`s to teach the basic vocabulary together with games to promote speaking in
  • 27. 27 order to achieve the improvement of students performance in the target language. It is because those strategies may favor to this productive skill, because they helps the students to take part and to amuse themselves, but at the same time, to learn to communicate in the English language. In fact, the natural approach, in the input hypothesis, affirms that “the ability to speak fluently cannot be taught directly. Rather, it "emerges" over time, on its own. The best way, and perhaps the only way, to teach speaking, according to this view, is simply to provide comprehensible input.” Then, it is necessary to make students understand by providing then with comprehensible input, it means vocabulary to aid them to comprehend, as well as with simple codes that facilitate second language comprehension; it will encourage students to take these for later use in their own speech. Krashen sets up some requirement for the optimizing the second language input, here are those we consider more relevant for our project:  Comprehensible: “teachers should use realia, pictures, and students' previous knowledge to make their speech comprehensible from the first day”.  Interesting/relevant: “Natural Approach attempts to capture students' interest”  Not grammatically sequenced: “The focus of the class is not on the presentation of grammar.”  Affective filter level: “…many sources of anxiety are reduced or eliminated. Students do not have to produce in the second language until
  • 28. 28 they feel they are ready. Error correction for form is not done in the classroom.”  Tools for conversational management: “Some tools for conversational management are provided in the form of very short dialogues, frequent patters or phrases and expressions that will help them control the teacher's input ” for instance : "What does _________ mean?" “Look at the picture” “Fill in the right words”. These theories lead us to elaborate a research proposal which main objective was to provide third grade students at Continental School with series pedagogical strategies for the use of internet, computer and games as a way to promote the increase of vocabulary and the improvement of the speaking skill.
  • 29. 29 3. METHODOLOGICAL FRAMEWORK 3.1. PARADIGM In this research process, we started with the critic analyses of the classroom environment as it is required by the new demands of education in which teachers play the role of researchers in the classroom, keeping contact with the subject to be studied. For this reason, and for the well development of this research, we decided to use the Social-critical paradigm, which has as a fundamental aim is to provide answer to problems generated by the society. Also its principles fit with the objective planned in the beginning of the process of research. these objectives are summarized in the following way:  To know and Comprehend the reality as a praxis  To join theory and practice  To involve teacher in self-reflection  To use knowledge to emancipate men Each objective helps identify potential for change, emancipation of the subjects and analyze the reality in the classroom. All of them are focused on the interests, needs and concerns of the subject who leads the research, and establish a commitment in the solution of the problem.
  • 30. 30 3.2. METHODOLOGICAL APPROACH The methodological approach we used was Action research, which consists of problems that emerge in the educational practice, and demand the implementation of an initiative that offers a practical solution. This emerges from the wish to change our practice through the spiral of self-reflection (observation- reflection-action. In this approach the constant evaluation is required as well as the adjustments to the pedagogical proposal In order to reinforce both pedagogical knowledge and specific knowledge, in this case English teaching. The researcher is involved with the object to be studied to elaborate a pedagogical proposal. Through this method it is necessary the observation, the implementation of questionnaires, interviews, analysis and interpretation of the information collected, and the constant evaluation. In addition Action researchers may use a wide range of exploration methods, both qualitative and quantitative, but the judgment to choose any of these, depends on whether it will give helpful information about the practice under study. The action research in the school analyzes the human behavior and social condition experienced by teachers, defined as unacceptable, open to change or that requires a practical action. The action research considers the problems from the perspective of the people involved in it, so that, the teacher should consider the background of the research, from point of view of the participants, describing and explaining what is happening with the same language used by them. This way the teacher studies in depth his problem, taking a research position no matter the problem. Besides, the action research assumes a theory
  • 31. 31 position, which tries to achieve a depth comprehension of problem, linking judgments, estimations and human concern. As a consequence, this king of research joins theory and practice, encouraging practitioners to consider both aspects as part of a single whole, doing it more consistent in its explanations, considering the teacher as a researcher that adopt a socio-critic position, whose main goal is transforming the relation of social structures and giving a solution to the problems generated by this. Likewise, the action research depends mainly on the observation and behavioral data. As a practical form of research, the aim of action research is oriented at a specific problem and situation. For this reason, there are many tools beside the observation, such as interviews, surveys, recordings and so on, that are used only when the researcher really knows what is important to discover. Since, these are elaborated to specific settings and the subjects of exploration should be judged as significant. In short Action research is sum up in five steps: I. Choosing the research question II. Deciding what information you need in order to answer the question and how can it be collected III. Analyzing of data IV. Organization and writing up of results V. Incorporation of results of the research in to classroom practice
  • 32. 32 3.3. PHASES OF THE RESEARCH This research was developed in six stages presented below: 1. Problem Identification: We established a period of observation and note-taking, during which we detected the low students` performance on third grade, they had problems related to speaking skill and difficulties to understand and the basic vocabulary. Also the inappropriate use of the new technologies the school is trying to implement in classroom. Subsequently, to conclude the event observed in class we decided to apply some tests to confirm the level of speaking and reading skill in third graders. Then we analyzed the results of the texts and we registered them in field journal that we kept during all the process of observation. 2. Theory Review: In order to determine the boundaries that surrounded this investigation, it was fundamental to establish the theoretical framework to guide the subsequent process of investigation and provide the establishment of categories of analysis. 3. Diagnostic phase: After the theory review, we continued the process of application of surveys to determine the grade of familiarity of students with the new technologies of information and communication. 4. Analysis of data: Then, both the theoretical framework and the results of survey and field diary were compared and analyzed, in order to
  • 33. 33 develop bases for working in the design of the pedagogical proposal later in the classroom. 5. Design and implementation of the pedagogical proposal: The analysis of data and the theoretical review guided us to the design and execution of the pedagogical proposal to improve the reaching process. 6. Evaluation: Here we determined if the proposal and the implementation of the new strategies produced a significant progress in the English teaching to improve speaking skills and the learning of the basic vocabulary, In order to determine the importance of our proposal.
  • 34. 34 3.4. TECHNIQUES AND TOOLS This research was conducted by analyzing the evidences presented by the 3rd grade students. Depending on the achievement of the objectives of this study, we used tools and techniques designed to obtain information or data through the following techniques:  Observations. These observations were collected over a long period (about 4 semesters); It was the first evidence which showed the presence of a problem situation in this group of students. This instrument allowed us to collect information which is useful at the time of data analysis, all the information was recorded in a field diary.  Survey, in order to obtain their point of views on the issues raisen; this was developed through questions which are related to the family circle of students and the motivation and attitude of students towards English learning, in order to determine possible variables that could be affecting them.  Interviews to students, in order to determine their own perception about their English level and their likes or dislikes about learning English.  Tests are included in this research to make inquiries about their real level of speaking skill and basic vocabulary they supposed to have at that grade. These test was elaborate taking into account the Estándares Básicos de Competencia en lenguas Extranjeras: Ingles, that fix performance levels of difference skills
  • 35. 35 It is important to say that none of these cases, students were informed about the items to be discussed in this research, so that their answers were really spontaneous. All these instruments were subjected to validity and reliability criteria in order to get the relevance, accuracy and sufficiency to give credibility to research.
  • 36. 36 4. CONTEXTUAL FRAMEWORK Continental school is a bilingual, primary institution located on 59th avenue on 70th street number 97 in Barranquilla city (Carrera 59 #70-97 ciudad de Barranquilla). The continental school’s philosophy consists of student’s education based on an integral, dynamic and participatory education dedicated to the formation of citizens for the world. This school offers education to 350 students approximately; they are in 3 or 4 social economic strata. Learners have the opportunity to access some resources such as technology rooms, library, etiquette glamour classes and robotic course. The mission of this institution is based on human values, multilingualism, leadership, science, technology and intellectual and material productivity, contributing to the consolidation of a prosperous society in which individuals are managers of their own development. The vision of continental school is becoming in a near future one of the most important school, being recognized as a leading institution in the formation and consolidation of self-motivated young with unwavering ethical values, humanistic trained for excellence.
  • 37. 37 4.1. CRONOGRAM Activities Initial date Final date First Phase ------------------------- ---------------------------- Problem Identification: observation and note-taking test. May /20/2011 August 15/2011 Second Phase -------------------------- ------------------------------ Theory Review, search for theoretical framework September/20/2011 November 15/2011 Third Phase ------------------------- ---------------------------- Diagnostic phase application of survey March /1/2012 March /1/2012 Fourth Phase ---------------------------- --------------------------- Analysis of data March/13/2012 March/18/2012 Fifth Phase ---------------------------- ---------------------------- Design of the pedagogical proposal March/27/2012 April/27/2012 implementation of the pedagogical proposal May /8/2012 June/23/2012 Sixth Phase ---------------------------- ---------------------------- Evaluation of the pedagogical proposal June/26/2012 July/16/2012
  • 38. 38 4.2. POPULATION AND SAMPLE The population observed and analyzed was the third grade students at Continental School. This group is formed by 15 students, 7 are women and 8 men, whose age range goes from 8 to 9; their socioeconomic strata goes from 3 to 4 in the national scale. Every student had particular characteristics and some of them were sharing general characteristics that were simplifying or facilitating the identification of standards of behavior and reaction before some academic activities. Four students had the characteristic of being entrepreneurs in any curricular or extracurricular activity, but their behavior was not adequate for developing some activities, indoor or outdoor, mentioned above. Besides, these four boys were naturally communicative, because they liked to participate, to speak and to communicate his ideas permanently form inside and outside the classroom. On the other hand, others students were not communicative; they were limiting themselves to taking part in class only when the teacher was including them to do it. They were shy including two girls who were insecurity with regard to the activities and topics developed. The majority of these students reacted negatively before any exercise of reading in English. They often said expressions as “I do not know"," I do not get it", "we never studied it (the vocabulary)", "it is very difficult". Being this one a relevant element regarding this project. That showed the weaknesses and the lack of basic vocabulary, sort of disinterest, and the little progress, that affect the speaking skills development.
  • 39. 39 Finally, it is necessary to annotate that all these characteristics, individual and collective were useful at the moment of analyzing the existing problems, inside this third grade students. This analysis helped us to optimize of the objectives in this project.
  • 40. 40 4.3. ANALISYS Activities developed by students and teacher during classes were observed and described in a field diary for its later analysis. As well as, we implemented a reading test in order to determine the English basic vocabulary of third graders. The population and sample we took for this assessment were the entire group (15 students). The test showed the following results: Figure 1 The previous pie chart (figure 1) showed us the percentage of students that got low, middle and high grades. We can notice that more than the 53% of students got low grades; it means less than 2.9 in the test scale. In contrast to the 27% of 27% 20% 53% Vocabulary Test Results HIGH grade middle grade LOW grade
  • 41. 41 students that got high grades, more than 4.0 in the scale. And the rest 20% got a middle grades, corresponding to the test scale to 3.0 up to 3.9. Also we applied a survey in order to identify sociocultural condition in which learner lived, since students` environment influence the educational process and the second language learning. The main objective of this was demonstrating how their family setting enables or not the learning process. In this survey we took into account the following aspects:  Parents` educational level  Homework orientation and time  General family life  Abscess to computer and internet  Disposition to the subject and methodology  English extra courses Regarding parents` educational level we can see in the below pie chart, almost all parent have a higher education. It is stated that level of education of parents influence knowledge, beliefs, values, and goals in children, consequently parental behaviors are indirectly connected to children's school performance. For instance, higher levels of education may develop parents' ability to get concerned in their children's education, and also enable parents to pick up and form social skills and problem-solving strategies that conduct to children's school achievement. The 100% of fathers have higher education as well as the 87% of mothers.
  • 42. 42 Figure 2 Figure 3 This gives us some ideas about the support students have at home, but it does not determine in a particular way the real homework orientation. Then, it was 0% 13% 87% Mothers` educational level Primary High School University 0%0% 100% Fathers` educational level Primary High School University
  • 43. 43 necessary to inquiry about it, to establish the real influence parent had over their children to create habits. In the pie chart below we can observe that 53% students are not receiving support from close relatives, 34% of mothers help children at home and only 13% of fathers support their children. Figure 4 Respecting General family life, divorced parents have a great influence in young children especially. Karl Zinsmeister stated that children are less imaginative, more repetitive and passive watchers. They tend to be more dependent, demanding, unaffectionate and disobedient than children from intact families1. The chart show that the 53% of the students live in an intact family, the rest manifest live with mother, father, or grand-parents. ____________________________________ 1. Take from: 34% 13% 53% The students` support at the home mother father other
  • 44. 44 Figure 5 To conclude, we inquiry about parents` English Knowledge in order to determine the qualification of them to orientate their son in their homework at home. Figure 6 27% 7% 53% 13% Children live with: Mother Father father and Mother mother 67% 33% Do you have English Knowlege? yes Not
  • 45. 45 It is clear that, more than one half of parents can guide their children in the English homework and explanations, but at the same time less than half of the students receive support from them. Also that 47% of students live in a home divided, but, it does not have any influence in the students, because our observations show they are always cheerful and dynamic in classes. Despite the little resourcefulness of the teacher to develop new ways for presenting knowledge to students, her classes always focus on grammatical explanations that makes classes a real torture for them.
  • 46. 46 5. PEDAGOGICAL PROPOSAL 5.1. INTRODUCTION This pedagogical proposal promotes the improvement of process teaching - learning foreign language (English) developing speaking skill and the learning basic vocabulary. This is achieved by the implementation of the fun (games, rounds) as a fundamental or essential part for any teacher to enable them to cope with the educational work or work in a more creative and innovative way, that learning will be more beneficial and enjoyable for students. For this reason, we can say that games, the use of ICT´s and the English basic vocabulary as methods and strategies help to the development of the speaking skill and the meaningful learning of the English language. All of this process of application of English and develop speaking skill tend to be learned by children through their creativity and dynamism. On the other hand, this pedagogical proposal was taking shape, thanks to the desire to generate spaces that allow the students and teacher to acquire knowledge around the playful and educational experiences, experiences of the game and ICT´S themselves in the everyday school, and even deep desire for change in teaching and learning foreign language (English). This pedagogical proposal wants to develop through the use of games and technology the development of speaking skill and acquisition of basic vocabulary, as a resource to recognize and create situation that involve the real life and solve problems.
  • 47. 47 5.2. JUSTIFICATION Once the problem of our research was diagnosed, it was necessary the implementation of the following proposal taking into account Mr. Brown´ s theory which makes reference to five categories for teaching English to children effectively such as, Their intellectual development, Attentions Span, sensory Input, affective Factors and authentic and Meaningful Material. As well as, the Klippel´s theory “The basic rule of guessing games”. Besides, the use of ICT´s articulated with games as a playful pedagogic strategy to improve the speaking skill in the 3° grade of Continental School. This proposal was born as an alternative to stimulate the students` English learning process. Besides, to promote in the teachers a sprit generator of spaces and strategies of education, where the Speaking skill be improved with all the basic vocabulary. Likewise, this proposal contributed in our process of formation as foreign Language teachers. This was thanks to the characteristics of the current context which demand to be teachers research who have as aim to improve the educational field, in this case foreign languages area. All of this is given attending to the policies of the National Colombian Government. Finally, it is necessary to emphasize that the present proposal is innovative in our context because the technology is used as base for the English teaching in children through the games where children have a contact nearby with the language, taking into account the categories which Mr. Brown speaks " for
  • 48. 48 teaching English to children " .Besides, in this proposal adds the guessing games which helps together with the other proposed activities, to improve the speaking skill.
  • 49. 49 5.3. OBJECTIVES 5.3.1. GENERAL OBJECT  To develop the English basic vocabulary and speaking skill in the 3° grade of Continental School through the use of games and the ICT´s as main and powerful tools to English teaching and learning . 5.3.2. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES  To increase the English basic vocabulary and the development of speaking skill through the implementation of web pages activities and guessing game.  To encourage students to be more active using the target language during the class through the implementation of activities.  To provide to the academic community with strategies for English teaching and learning to contribute to the improvement of the foreign languages area.  To evaluate the results of the proposal impact through the research tools.
  • 50. 50 5.4. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK The theoretical foundations for the activities offer are focused on cognitive processes of kids. As in any other educational process, variables such age, resources, stratum… etc. should be considered in order to find the best way students can get knowledge in an easy way, to keep the motivated and in the mood for learning. The five categories of Mr. Brown describe previously, appeal to the intellectual development of kinds. To make this clear Piaget, in his theory of cognitive development claims that children between 7 and 11 years are in what he calls the concrete operational stage, it is characterized by the appropriate use of logic, but they only solve problems that apply to concrete objects or events, and not abstract concepts or hypothetical tasks. So that, explanation of grammar should avoid or be taught with caution. In the specific case of vocabulary we use concrete object, images, or any other representation of the concrete world to teach new vocabulary. The internet offers a super set of web pages that match exactly with the recommendations given above, they include a lot of images, sound and representation of the real word not only objects but actions, and even emotions. Also, the interactivity it provides allows students to be more participant and not only passive watcher, so students will be stimulated always both produce input (speech, sounds, text, graphics, animations) and output (keyboard, mouse, and microphone) in every section. In fact web pages, in general, give a new representation to texts in terms of color, movement, animation and distribution,
  • 51. 51 as well as, the possibility to have speaking text, and exercises that seem to be games. Consequently, student’s senses will be stimulated, which is an important consideration, since another recommendation of Mr. Brown was the keep in mind the stimulation of children`s five senses, that help to internalize concepts deeply. Indeed, the term MULTIMEDIA, apply to this kind of technology that combines visual and verbal information that allows to a more clear explanation of new concept or words in our specific case, because it alternate words images and sounds at the same time. In addition, the children`s attention spans will be enlarged because, they do not have to deal with boring or difficult materials, for the reason that the explanation and practice of new words will be presented in an interesting, lively and funny way. At the same time, web pages allow us to access to authentic materials which is the paramount importance for language teaching cause establish a real contact between students and native speech. Mr. Brown (2000) stress the importance of this, when he says “children are good at sensing language that is not authentic; therefore, canned or stilted language will likely be rejected”. Thus, students will feel motivated because it generates a perception of achieving that can generate confidents for the later performance in activities that involves their participation. This and constant practice that we planned for then at home can help to increase the number of students` vocabulary, so that as Krashen and Terrell (1983) stated the ability to speak will emerge thank to understanding input.
  • 52. 52 Then, the need for activities in classes that encourage the use of this just learn vocabulary are required, of course this activities should keep the same interesting, lively and funny way of web pages in order to animate students to participate. In that order, we decided to appeal to game, more specifically to guessing games cause it can generate interaction in the target language, not only between teacher-students, student-teacher, but also student-student. Then to enlarge the already said, we take into consideration the definition of guessing games. 5.4.1. Definition of Guessing Games Several authors try to define this term which has generated interest in the field of the investigation. Between the different authors, we can emphasize the following definitions: Klippel says that “The basic rule of guessing games is eminently simple; one person knows something that another one wants to find out.” On the other hands, Wrightand together with Buck affirm that “Essentially, in guessing and speculating games, some one knows something and the others must find out what it is.” Other definition, is Merriem Webster´s one who says that Guessing games is a game in which participates compete individually or team in the identification of something indicate obscurely (as in riddles or charades).”
  • 53. 53 Taking into account all the previous definitions, it can be conclude that guessing games is a kind of game in which a person or a team tries to discover a word, an object, animal or thing which have been secret in order to guess right. Other meaning is added to the previous ones. According to Janeth, a teacher in U.S.A says; “It is a very useful tool to promote the creativity, the imagination and the curiosity of the child in his playful environment. It is possible to include activities of the classroom, this game will help to discover more particularities, as his way of processing the doubt, and in general his way of reacting opposite to a challenge. There are many other concepts of this kind of games, which can be useful in teaching speaking. To Lee: there are guessing games which can be played at all levels: 1. Guess what is it? Is it…? 2. Guess Who I am? What is my name? 3. Guess what is there in my bag today? 4. Guess where is it? Then the description of each concept is as follow: a. Guess what is it? Is it……….? The students’ things of an object or a person the class knows the name of, and the other ask question, putting up their hand waiting to be called:
  • 54. 54 1. Is a green” Is it Marty’s desk. 2. Is it my face? 3. Is it the pond? 4. Is it Billy and Peter? 5. Is it the cinema? 6. Is it my mother who came this evening? 7. It is your book etc. The first guess correctly takes the thinker’s place. After such a game has been successfully played by the class as a whole, it can be played in groups or even in pairs. The learner who has thought of something may be questioned by member of another, to keep the whole class active. b. Guess Who I am? What is my name? Everybody imagines himself to be somebody else – a living well-known locally, nationally or internationally or an historical figure such as Napoleon, Ghandy, Julius Caesar, Galileo, Etc. Each makes up sentences about himself. 1. I lived…..about…..years ago 2. I was a king / poet / general / scientist, Etc. There is not much difficulty in guessing, but it should not to be made too easy.
  • 55. 55 c. Guess what is there in my bag today? Alternatively: 1. What is in my bag today? 2. What have I got in my bag today? (This can be teachers or anybody’ bag, not doubt specially prepared). The students guess, for instance, there’s an apple / photograph / a mirror / a ticket / a doll, etc. And the owner of the bag says, No, there’s no a…… or Yes, there’s a…and brings it out and perhaps ask, what colors is it? Or is it a bag… or small….? . At an appropriate level plural comes in naturally here. There some… my bag . d. Guess where is it? Students turn round the close their eyes while a small object or several object such as coin, a ring, a sweet, a doll, is hidden. Question: 1.Is it behind the cupboard 2. Is it in Mr. Claus’s bag? 3. Is it mam’s desk? 4. In your shoe. 5. Under those books / etc. Each student makes at least one guess.
  • 56. 56 Statements can be made instead of question: it is behind the cupboard / in Mr. Claus’s pocket, etc.
  • 57. 57 5.4.2. General Scheme of classes For the implementation of this proposal we decided to create a general scheme of instruction that could help us to guide the learning process not only in the classroom but outside of it. Figure 7
  • 58. 58 New Vocabulary (webpage) New Vocabulary Exercises (webpage) Class Game (using new vocabulary) Home Exercise (webpage) Class Game (using the vocabulary) General class cycle Figure 8
  • 59. 59 5.5. METHODOLOGY The present proposal was established taking into account the following phase: 1. DESIGN OF THE PEDAGOGIC PROPOSAL: In this first step, counting on the diagnosis and the theoretical review, it was designed the activities that allow to develop and to improve the speaking skill in the 3° grade students. 2. PHASE OF IMPLEMENTATION: the previous designed activities are applied and then, verified its efficiency in the English class. All of those activities will be reflected in the short term from the students´ positive or negative responses and in the medium term in the results obtained in the final test. 3. EVALUATION: This phase is developed in a constant way in each one of the moments of the project in order to monitor the advances in the research process. 4. PROPOSAL EVALUATION: Finally, the results of the research were observed and examined in order to identify if this pedagogic proposal established a positive plan of improvement adapted to the students´ and teachers´ needs. On the other hand, the conclusions and the recommendations were done appropriately to help to the permanent progress of the English learning in children.
  • 60. 60 6. PROPOSED ACTIVITIES When teachers try to teach English, they make their major effort to children learn and develop their abilities, but sometime it is so difficult to get it. For this reason we have develop some activities that allow us to improve the speaking skills in 3th grade students of continental school. Activities such as guessing games, which may generate in the students a lot of spontaneous speech, even if much of it is fairly simple in structure. Furthermore, we will use web pages which are ones on the most important and meaningful tools to reach successful result in the process of developing new vocabulary. Topics covered in the activities were taken following the school curriculum and the recommendation of Ms. Tani concerning grouping vocabulary words by topic and playing games that uses the vocabulary words.
  • 61. 61 6.1. Activity n.1 Clothes-Domino INTRODUCTORY ACTIVITY Objective: get familiar to the clothing vocabulary Time: 45 minutes Description: To Visit during the class the web page to put in practice the pronunciation of the new vocabulary; .
  • 62. 62 MAIN ACTIVITY DOMINO GAME Objectives  Children will identify the English names of common items of clothing and use them in meaningful contexts.  Children will be using structures: I put on…, I take off…, I wear…, my …, your… Time: (45 minutes) Resources: domino-clothes and vocabulary, smart board and human talent. Description: The student should get involved in the game. They need to analyze which king of clothes they can observe in each domino pieces and guess what is missing or what is wrong in each them. Then they must do the description of each one using their knowledge of English and put in practice the new vocabulary.
  • 63. 63 This activity is divided in 2 steps: 1. The students should watch the domino pieces in class (15 minutes), and then the teacher should verify if they identified the clothes of each in domino pieces, and if they understand what is going on. After this, the professor should ask “What kind of topic we identify in this game?” the possible answer could be like the clothes and so on; the idea is to keep the student’s attention. The teacher is going to write the vocabulary of the clothes on the board and as a teacher is important to know that each the domino pieces have also written the name of clothes but some of them have written wrong the vocabulary and some images are incomplete to catch the attention of student and at the same time they have to guess how is the correct form to put in a good way each index car during the game. 2. The professor is going to describe what do you see in the index card, and through this activity ask to the students how it seems to them. on the hand, teacher can ask to them what kind of clothes they use when they go to different places or what they wear in different season, since the most important is to keep students using their spontaneous speech. As homework the students should do a draw in which one they can explain in class how their wear in their free time.
  • 64. 64 6.1.1. Activity n.2 GUESS WHAT IT M EANS? INTRODUCTORY ACTIVITY Objective: get familiar to the weather vocabulary Time: 45 minutes Description: To Visit during the class the web page to put in practice the pronunciation of the new vocabulary;
  • 65. 65 MAIN ACTIITITY GUESSWHAT IT MEANS?YOU MUST KNOW WHAT KNOWER WANTTO EXPRESS Objective: children play guessing game What It Mean while learning weather vocabulary in order to speak and put in practice clothing vocabulary. Time: 25 – 45 min Resources: vocabulary about the weather (the topic can vary) Description: The student should guess what the participant or knower is trying to explain during his performance in front of the class or to know what he tries to show them and then the group that is in front of him they use and put in practice English and the vocabulary given by the teacher previously in the game. They need to analyze which characteristics he expresses with his body and determine what it mean. The knower is only allowed to answer "yes" or "no". 1. First, the teacher has to ask to students how is the day today? And they have to respond doesn´t if they answer in Spanish. After this, the professor has to write the vocabulary in the board according to the topic chosen. Then, teacher has to choose a student to be the knower in the
  • 66. 66 game or this person can be chosen in a voluntary way. Then start the game, students should observe each description that the knower make with his body (5 minutes) by each characteristic to give chance to participants(students) to guess, and then the teacher should verify if they identified some of the characteristic about it, and if they understand what is going on. After, student themselves have to identify what is about the game?” the idea is to keep the student’s attention and leave them use English vocabulary and avoid the afraid that they feel in the moment to speak in front others in order to students take the risk.
  • 67. 67 6.1.2. Activity n.3 LET’S GUESS WHO IS THE DAY`S CHARACTER? INTRODUCTORY ACTIVITY Objective: get familiar to the objective of appearance vocabulary. Time: 45 minutes Description: To Visit during the class the web page to put in practice the pronunciation of the objective of appearance vocabulary.
  • 68. 68 MAIN ACTIITITY GUESS WHO? Objective: Students will become familiar with most of and learn some of the vocabulary needed for the lesson task "Describing people.". Time: 45 min Resources: Photos, cardboard. Description: The children will gather around on the floor. One at a time, they will come up and be given a card with a classmate “character” on it. They will then have to act out the character on the card, and the children still on the floor will have to guess who that child is portraying. The object of the game is to ask questions to try and determine who or what is on the others card. The student with the card has the opportunity to ask four questions. If the student is successful, he/she receives the point value written on the card and the card is put aside. If not successful, the student does not receive any points, and it is the next student’s turn. Play ends when all cards have been used. The student with the most points wins.
  • 69. 69 7. PROPOSAL EVALUATION The result of this research using observation noted that the implementation of the proposal improved their ability to English comprehension, as well as the increase of their vocabulary. The strategies implemented, helped to improving the problems faced by the students in their speaking ability, here are some of the problems they overcame:  The students’ poor mastery of vocabulary, regarding pronunciation and their ability to create sentences using their own words based on the given sentence models.  The students’ awareness of mispronunciation and interest in improving their own performance.  The students’ performance was always active; they always wanted to play each other, which generated an environment of confidence to speak in English, as well as, it helps to strengthen the friendship between classmates.  The social interaction in games and the use website to introduce new vocabulary help students to enjoy the English class.
  • 70. 70 8. CONCLUSION As a reflection of the research process undertaken previously, all findings revealed some general considerations that demonstrate significant results both for who implemented this proposal as to who was the subject of her study. Here are those:  The implementation of the proposal increased the students` vocabulary and helps to encourage the autonomy within students thank to the homework activities propose in the webpages.  The implementation of the new technologies in the English class, within the population, represents an innovative factor in the context of previous research, because school is trying to introduce I.C.T`s throughout the teaching process and it helped to set up the foundation for the implementation in other subject.  It was observed, that one way to apply Mr. Brow`s recommendation for teaching languages to children, regarding to Authentic and Meaningful Material, was to use the surrounding environment or personal`s life as a resource to make then to express in the target language, for instance: Teacher: Lets guess who is the day`s character?, who is wearing glasses and gold earrings?. Students: Valeria, miss, Valeria!!! Teacher: then. She is wearing… Gabriel: Wearing glasses and gold earrings
  • 71. 71 Teacher: can you tell us something else about Valeria?(…) In this respect, the teacher provided the children with oral input closely related to their realities and their previous experiences (in web pages: clothes vocabulary) with the foreign language. Then, it can be concluded that children feel more willing to participate when the learning environment reflects meaningful situations that include their surroundings, and as Mr. Brown said “have an immediate relevance.”  The effectiveness of the strategies used could be verified through improvement of the student’s comprehension in English. It was observed in class when teacher ask any question, and students not answer it in the target language, but they were able to respond efficiently to it. In conclusion, students need activities which are exciting and stimulating. They need to be involved in meaningful situations that emphasis in playful activities and the use of English becomes a need to express their ideas and feelings, so that, they will see the foreign language as a means to express their experiences in their daily life, a purpose beyond here and now 2 . __________________________ 2. BROWN,Douglas.2006. “Teaching by Principles: An InteractiveApproach to Language Pedagogy”. PearsonLongman,2007. Pag. 90.
  • 72. 72 RECOMENDATIONS To help improve the English teaching and English learning process, we will continue with the presentation of some suggestions that we consider important if you want to apply a research proposal of this type.  In the foreign language teaching process using authentic and innovations strategies and the use of ICTS´ (web pages, videos, music, recordings, etc.) represents for the student a better way to get acquainted with the reality of the target language, and the analysis and skills belonging to that language.  Developing communicative competence in foreign languages by students largely will be achieved if the teacher creates a learning pleasant atmosphere taking into account the common interests of learners.  Teacher must be able to manage the class and the time in order to make students be more active and involved to the activity and make it runs well.  It is necessary to implement a participatory and interactive methodology with students in order to break with traditional patterns.
  • 73. 73  It is fundamental take into account that affective factors influence in the learning process since, it could sometime affect the well development of the second language learning. Therefore, the teacher has to analyze or consider how the second language process of learning take place in different environments, in order to adopt an adequate strategy to teach an help student during his process of learning.  It is important, as well as, bears in mind students likes and preference, because they influence and motivate them; so that it can be positive to bring these to the class develop of it. Students take advantage of these spaces, and teacher can generate opportunities to exchange views, tastes and feelings while they speak and tolerate different point of view.  Develop communication skills in a holistic manner so that they help students to develop their communicative competence.
  • 74. 74 BIBLIOGRAPHY:  London Tests of English for Children Handbook,2008 Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy by H. Douglas Brown (Paperback - May 23 2006)  Principles and Practice in Second Language Acquisition, Stephen D Krashen University of Southern California, Prentice-Hall International, 1987 - 202 pages.  Ministerio de Educación Nacional. Colombia. Lineamientos Curriculares de Lengua Extranjera, Editorial Magisterio. Santa fe de Bogotá, DC., 1999.  SERIE GUÍAS Nº 22 Estándares Básicos de Competencias en Lenguas Extranjeras: Inglés Formar en lenguas extranjeras: ¡el reto! Lo que necesitamos saber y saber hacer. Ministerio de Educación Nacional República de Colombia, 2006.  Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy (3rd Edition) by H. Douglas Brown, Paperback, 569 Pages, Published 2007  Gillian Brown and George Yule, Teaching the Spoken Language : Approach Based on the Analysis of Conversational English (Australia : Cambridge University Press, 1989), p. 14 
  • 75. 75  Education.html  education#ixzz1ykfydZuR  education  07902006000100010&script=sci_arttext  07902010000100002&script=sci_arttext  07902011000200013&lng=en&nrm=iso   http://www.pixel- Lim-ICT4LL2011.pdf  STUDENT%E2%80%99S-SPEAKING-SKILL-THROUGH-GUESSING- GAMES-TECHNIQUE  metodologico.html  Promote-Students-Speaking-Skills.pdf
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  • 86. 86 Annexes No. 3 School virtual platform