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Chapter 9
Transport in Animals
Ong Yee Sing
• To know the circulation of substances and the circulatory system in lower animals.
• To understand closed circulatory system and open circulatory system.
• To know the circulatory system in each kind of vertebrates.
• To understand the circulatory pathway of blood (including pulmonary circulation and systematic
circulation) in human body.
• To master the knowledge on structure, physiology and functions of heart.
• To comprehend the relationship between the structures and functions of artery, vein and blood
• To compare the differences among artery, vein and blood capillary.
• To comprehend the composition of blood and the functions, as well as the source of origin, of
each constituent.
• To comprehend the functions of blood.
• To master the mechanism of transport of gases in blood.
• To comprehend the lymphatic system in human body and its functions.
9.1 Transport in animals
Importance of circulatory system
Circulatory system
• The circulatory system is an organ system
that permits blood to circulate and transport
nutrients (such as amino acids, mineral
salts), oxygen, carbon dioxide, hormones,
and blood cells to and from the cells
• cardiovascular system, which distributes blood,
• lymphatic system, which circulates lymph
Function of circulatory system
• Provide nourishment
• Remove waste
• Transport hormone
• Help in fighting diseases
• Stabilize body temperature
and pH
• Maintain homeostasis
Types of circulatory system
• Open-circulatory system
• 分成:
• E.g. insect
• Closed-circulatory system
• E.g. earthworm, fish, reptiles,
birds, mammals
Open circulatory system Closed circulatory system
Haemolymph leaves the heart in short,
branched arteries that open up into
large spaces.
The blood is contained within a
completely closed system of vessels
with a pumping organ like a heart or
contractile vessels. Blood does not
enter body cavity.
with cells
Haemolymph percolates around
organs, directly bathing the cells.
Vessels branch into smaller and smaller
tubes that penetrate among the cells of
• more inactive animals.
• Insects (tracheal system for oxygen
• Animals having a fast metabolism
and larger bodies.
• Warm blooded animal
Advantages and disadvantages
Open circulatory system Closed circulatory system
Advantages • Exchange of materials is direct
between the hemolymph and
• There is no diffusion barrier.
• Fine-scale control over the
distribution of blood to different
body regions is possible.
• Muscular walls of vessels can
constrict and dilate to vary the
amount of flow through specific
• Blood pressures are fairly high and
the circulation can be vigorous.
Disadvantages • Little fine control over distribution
of the hemolymph to body
• No mechanism for reducing flow
to a specific part of an organ.
• It is a more complex system.
• It requires more energy for blood
9.1.2 Circulation of substances in
lower animals
Tree of life
Lower animals
• Animals of relatively simple or
primitive characteristics as
contrasted with humans or with
more advanced animals such as
mammals or vertebrates, e.g.
Hydra水螅 and Turbellaria涡虫
• Small size permits nutrients
and other substances to reach
all the body parts by simple
Pseudoceros dimidiatusHydra
• https://
Unicellular organisms
• Unicellular organisms such as
Paramecium and Amoeba
• Small size with Large surface
area to volume ratio allows
exchange of waste and
nutrients through diffusion.
• Cytoplasmic streaming细胞质流
also assists in the distribution
of food to the whole cell.
Paramecium and Amoeba
• The annelids (Latin anellus, "little
ring"), also known as the ringed
worms or segmented worms, consists
of multiple segments with the same
sets of organs.
• The transport system in annelids such
as earthworm is a closed-circulatory
• The arterial arches of an earthworm
pulsate搏动 to pump blood from the
dorsal blood vessel背血管into the
ventral blood vessel腹血管.
• The ventral blood vessels blood
transports nutrients and oxygen to
other parts of the body.
• The blood contains haemoglobin to
enhance efficiency of oxygen
Anatomical axes
Insect heart
• An insect such as
grasshopper has an
open circulatory
• The dorsal part of the
body of grasshopper has
a thin, long, segmented,
tubular sac-like heart
which can pump blood
to the head through the
only blood vessel.
Insect circulation
• The blood flows out of this blood
vessel and enters the
haemocoelom血腔 - spaces
between the tissues found in the
body cavity/sinuses.
• The blood in these spaces flows to
the posterior part and returns to
the heart through the tiny
openings (ostia心室小孔) of the
heart chambers.
system in
Vertebrate circulatory system
• Fish, birds, amphibians, reptiles, mammals
• A type of closed circulatory system.
• Includes
• Heart
• Blood vessels (artery, vein, blood capillaries)
• Blood.
Heart chambers
• atrium心房
• from Latin atrium "central court or first main
room of an ancient Roman house
• ventricle心室
• from Latin ventriculus, diminutive
of venter ‘belly.’
• Blood enters the
heart at the
atrium and exit
from the
Fish heart
• Two–chambered heart:
• an atrium心房
• a ventricle心室.
Fish circulatory system
• It is a single circulation system.
• The blood only flows one round and in one
direction in every complete circulation.
• The ventricle pumps blood from the artery to
the gills.
• Oxygenated blood flows from the blood
capillaries (in the gills) to artery.
• The blood then flows to blood capillaries in
every part of the body
• The blood return to the heart through the
Amphibians and reptiles heart
• The heart of amphibians and
reptiles (except the crocodile)
consists of two atria and one
• Crocodile have a complete septum
that separate the ventricle into
two, but a hole outside the
ventricles, called the foramen of
Panizza, allows blood to move
from one side of the heart to the
Crocodile circulation
• Because of little or no
lung use under the
water, a big portion of
the blood stream is
diverted away from
lungs; therefore oxygen
poor blood is pumped
back to the body.
• The blood circulation of
crocodiles is similar to
birds, mammals, and
humans while they are
active on land. Oxygen-
deprived blood is sent to
lungs for gas exchange.
Not in textbook
Amphibians and reptiles circulation
• It is an incomplete double circulation or a semi-
double circulation.
• There are two pathways after the blood flows out
of the heart, i.e. lung circulation and body
• Although there is only one ventricle, there is a
muscular projection which separates the
oxygenated blood and deoxygenated blood that
blood cannot comes from the left and right part of
• However, the oxygenated blood and the
deoxygenated blood cannot be separated
Birds and mammalian heart
• The heart of birds and mammals is
divided into four complete chambers:
two atria and two ventricles.
Birds and mammalian circulation
• It is a double circulation.
• The right atrium and ventricle contain
deoxygenated blood, while the left
atrium and ventricle contain oxygenated
• The bloods do not mix with each other.
Advantages of double circulation
• higher blood pressure
• greater flow of blood to the tissues.
semi-double circulation double circulationsemi-double circulationSingle circulation
9.2.1 Human circulatory system
• Cardiovascular system consists of the heart,
blood vessel and blood.
• double circulation = blood flows through the
heart two times in a complete circulation
• Circulations includes:
• Pulmonary circulation
• The blood circulation between the heart and
• Systemic circulation
• The blood circulation between the heart and
other parts of the body
• includes the hepatic portal circulation and the
coronary circulation.
Human circulatory system
Pulmonary circulation
• Deoxygenated blood is carried to the lungs
by the pulmonary artery.
• The blood undergoes gaseous exchange at
the alveoli.
• Oxygenated blood is carried back to the
heart by the pulmonary vein.
Left Atrium
Pulmonary veins
Pulmonary venule
Blood capillaries on the surface of alveoli
Pulmonary arteriole
Pulmonary arteries
Pulmonary trunk
Right ventricle
Right atrium
Systemic circulation
• Oxygenated blood is pumped by
the heart into aorta.
• The blood is carried to every
organ and tissue (except lungs)
to undergo exchange of
• The deoxygenated blood is
transported back to the heart
through anterior (or superior)
and posterior (or inferior) vena
Right Atrium
Blood capillaries
Left ventricle
Left atrium
Hepatic portal circulation
• The hepatic portal vein
collects water-soluble
nutrients (monosaccharides,
amino acids, vitamins B & C,
minerals) which absorbed by
the villi of the small intestine
and transports it to the
capillaries of the liver.
• These nutrients will be
processed, utilized or
detoxified by the liver cells.
• The blood flows into the
hepatic portal vein and will
return to the heart via the
posterior vena cava.
Right ventricle
Inferior vena cava
Hepatic vein
Hepatic portal vein
Villi capillaries
Coronary circulation
Right atrium
Coronary vein
Coronary venule
Blood capillaries
Coronary arteriole
Coronary artery
Left ventricle
• Provide oxygen and
nutrients for the
myocardium (heart
• For this circulation, the
blood pressure is high,
the speed of blood flow is
fast, and the circuit
length is short.
9.2.2 The heart Structure of the heart
• The heart is a blood pump which drives
the circulation of blood.
• The contraction of the ventricles pumps
blood to the whole body including the
• The heart contains four cavities:
• Two atrium
• Two ventricles
• Mainly constructed with myocardium
(heart muscle).
• The ventricles are separated by a
Unidirectional blood flow
• A heart valve normally allows
blood to flow in only one direction
through the heart.
• Two atrioventricular valves:
• Tricuspid valve is between the right
ventricle and the right atrium.
• Bicuspid / mitral valve is between
the left ventricle and the left atrium.
• Two semilunar valves:
• Pulmonary valve is between the left
pulmonary artery and right ventricle.
• Aortic valve is between the aorta
and the left ventricle.
• The chordae tendineae (tendinous
chords) are tendons that connect
the papillary muscles to the
tricuspid valve and the mitral valve
in the heart.
The heart valves
• chordae tendinae =
fibrous cords that keep
the AV valve cusps from
swinging into the atria &
prevent regurgitation of
• papillary muscles =
muscles in the ventricles
connected to the
chordae tendinae. These
muscles help stabilize
the AV valves during
ventricular contraction.
Attachment of the valves
How the Heart Works Video
• Chapter 9 How the Heart Works 3D Video.flv How the heart works
Heart Beats
• The pumping action of the heart (heartbeat) is controlled by the heart’s
electrical system or the cardiac conduction system.
• The beating of the heart is involuntary.
• Heart beat is rhythmic and consistent though the heart.
• The cardiac muscle cells are closely connected to each other by
intercalated discs闰盘.
Heart nodes
• Heart nodes are specialized
muscle tissues that behave
as both muscle and nervous
1. Sinoatrial node(S-A node)
2. Atrioventricular node(A-
V node)房室结
3. Atrioventricular bundle /
Bundle of His房室束
4. Purkinje fibers柏金氏纤维
Signal transmission in the heart
1. The SA node generate
wave of contraction
2. Signals are delayed at
the AV node.
3. Signal are passed to the
AV / His bundle.
4. Signal are spread
throughout ventricles
through the Purkinje
• A pacemaker can replace
the function of sinoatrial
node when needed.
• Modern pacemakers have
two parts
• the pulse generator
• one or more leads (small
wires that run from the
pulse generator to the
sinoatrial node)
Electrical signal and contraction of the heart
• The electrical signal generated by
the Sinoatrial node causes
excitation of the myocardia.
• The atria contract, follow by the
• Systole收缩期 is the the period which
the heart chamber contracts.
• from Greek σύν (syn, "together") +
στέλλειν (stellein, "send").
• Diastole舒张期 is the period which
the hear chamber relaxes and
refills with blood following systole
• Greek word διαστολη “dilation”
Four stages of a cardiac cycle
心房收缩期 心室收缩期 心房舒张期 心室舒张期
The cardiac cycle takes about 8 seconds
Atrial systole
• Blood flows from pulmonary vein and
anterior, posterior vena cava into the
left and right atria.
• The Sinoatrial node generate
electrical signal.
• The atria contract.
• The pressure in the atria increases.
• The blood flows into the left and right
ventricles respectively.
• Both the mitral valve (bicuspid valve)
and the tricuspid valve open to allow
the entry of blood into the ventricles.
• The semilunar valves are closed.
• This process takes about 0.1 second.
Ventricular systole
• The left and right ventricles are filled with
• The electrical signal generated by the
Sinoatrial node is passed to Atrioventricular
node, Atrioventricular bundle / Bundle of His
and finally the Purkinje fibers.
• The ventricles contract.
• The high blood pressure of the ventricles
inside increases push open the semilunar
• The blood is pumped into aorta and
pulmonary artery.
• At the same time, the increasing blood
pressure causes the mitral valve and tricuspid
valves close to prevent the back flow of blood
into the atria.
• The closure of mitral valve and tricuspid valve
produces the first heart sound (“lub”).
• This process takes about 0.3 second.
Atrial diastole
• After the atrial contraction (atrial
systole) is completed, atria begin
to dilate immediately after
(about 0.1 second).
• This process occurs at the same
time with ventricular systole.
• The pressure in atria decreases.
• Blood from the pulmonary vein,
anterior and posterior vena cava
to flow into the left and right
atria respectively.
• This process takes about 0.7
Ventricular diastole
• The ventricles relax and dilate after
pumping blood into aorta and
pulmonary artery.
• This causes the mitral valve and
tricuspid valve to open, then blood flow
into the ventricles.
• The semilunar valves is closed,
producing the “dup” second heart
• The “dup” sound indicates the
beginning of ventricular diastole. It has
a higher pitch and it lasts for a shorter
Blood pressure in the heart
a small backflow of blood into the ventricles
The atrioventricular
valves are bulged
backward into the
atria because of
increasing pressure
in the ventricles
Blood continues
to fill atria and
ventricles.Blood fill the
Blood pressure in the body
• Blood pressure is the pressure of
circulating blood on the walls of
blood vessels.
• Blood pressure is highest in the left
ventricle, and lowest in the right
atrium, to create a pressure
gradient to encourage blood flow.
Left ventricle > aorta > arteries >
aterioles > capillaries > venules >
veins > venae cavae > right atrium
• Blood pressure can be controlled by
the autonomic nervous system and
hormones such as adrenaline.
Measuring blood pressure
• Blood pressure is generally
measured from the brachial
• Blood pressure is highest
when the ventricles contract
= systolic pressure收缩压.
• Blood pressure is the lowest
when the ventricles relax =
diastolic pressure舒张压.
• Blood pressure is higher in
men compare to women (<50
years old).
Electrocardiogram, ECG
• The beating of the heart is controlled by
electrical impulses generated by the
sinoatrial node.
• Impulses are transmitted by
depolarising the surface of a cardiac
muscle cell.
• After depolarizing, the cell surface must
return to the original status through
• The changes in electrical potential can
be measure on the body surface using
electrodes from a voltmeter.
• The graph illustrating regular changes in
electrical potential in each cardiac cycle
is known as electrocardiogram.
Components of ECG
• P wave
• The left and right atria are excited.
• The atria contracts.
• QRS complex
• Left and right ventricles are excited.
• The ventricles contract.
• A much stronger electrical signal
because of the larger size of the
ventricular cardiac muscle.
• The recovery of the atria occurs
here but masked by the QRS
• T wave
• The recovery of the ventricles.
Atria repolarizing simultaneously
Importance of ECG
• ECG can help us understand the activities of the
heart and it can also be used to diagnose heart
9.2.3 Blood vessel
Type of blood vessels
• Artery动脉
• from Greek artēria, probably from
airein ‘raise’.
• The blood vessel which carries blood
away from the heart.
• Vein静脉
• from Latin vena ‘blood vessel’ and
‘small natural underground channel of
• The blood vessel which carries blood
from tissue cells back to the heart.
• Blood capillary微血管
• The finest blood vessels which
connect arterioles小动脉 with venules小
• Red blood cell escaping
from a raptured venule.
• SEM, x2300
Subtypes of blood vessels
Structure of the blood vessels
• The wall of artery and vein is practically
the same. It is mainly divided into three
• Capillaries only have a layer of squamous
epithelium as the endothelium.
Layer Tissue type
endothelium squamous epithelium
mesothelium smooth muscle tissue
adventitious layer connective tissue
Comparison among the blood vessels
Artery Capillary Vein
Thickness of vessel
Thickest Thinnest Thinner than the arteries
Diameter Smaller than the veins Smallest Largest
Total area Smallest Largest Larger than the arteries
Blood volume About 20%
Least (varies
with activities)
Most about 70%
Speed of blood Fastest Slowest Slower than the arteries
Smooth muscle More ✖ Less
Elastic fibre More ✖ Less
Valve ✖ ✖
Yes, to avoid backflow of
Exchange of materials ✖ Free diffusion ✖
Penetration of WBC ✖ Yes ✖
Mechanisms of blood flow
Artery Capillary Vein
 Contraction of the heart
 Contraction of
the heart
 Contraction of the skeletal
 Elasticity of the artery
 Negative pressure created
when the atria relax
 Contraction of the
smooth muscle
 Negative pressure created
when the thoracic cavity
expands during inhalation
 Increases of blood
 Gravity
9.2.4 Blood
Formed elements of blood
• Human body contains about
5 litres of blood.
• Blood is a fluid tissue, which
circulates through the whole
• Fractioning of whole blood
can be done by
• Blood consists mainly of
• blood corpuscles血球(45%)
• blood plasma血浆(55%)
• By spinning laboratory samples at very
high speeds, the components of a given
mixture are subjected to centrifugal force
离心力, which causes more dense particles
to migrate away from the axis of rotation
and lighter ones to move toward it.
Types of blood corpuscles
leucocyte Blood corpulses
Production of blood corpuscles
• Blood corpuscles are generally produced
by the red bone marrow红骨髓 but not all
of them mature in the bone marrow.
• Greek eruthros ‘red’ + from New Latin -
cyta ‘cell’
• The mammalian erythrocytes are
biconcave双凹, circular disc圆盘in shape
and without nuclei.
• Their cytoplasm is filled with
haemoglobin which combines readily
with oxygen or carbon dioxide and
releases oxygen or carbon dioxide
• Function is to carry oxygen to every
part of the body.
Birth of erythrocyte
• Maturing erythrocytes have a nucleus.
• The nucleus is lost in mammals to increase volume available for
Death of erythrocyte
• The life span of red blood
cells is about 120 days.
• Old red blood cells are
carried to spleen脾 or liver
to be destroyed by
• The heme group of the
haemoglobin is recycle.
• Iron ion is stored in the liver.
• The rest of heme is secreted
in the bile as bilirubin.
Structure of haemoglobin
• From Ancient Greek αἷμα
(haîma, “blood”) + Latin
globus (“ball, sphere”)
• A protein with quaternary
structure with four protein
subunits, i. e.
• 2 α polypeptide chain
• 2 β polypeptide chain
• The alpha and beta
chains have different
sequences of amino acids,
but fold up to form similar
Globin - heme-
globular proteins
Heme group
• Each polypeptide chain consists of a
heme groups – a total of 4 heme
• The heme groups give the red
appearance of erythrocyte.
• The centre of each heme group
contains an Fe2+ ion, which is the site
for oxygen binding.
• Each haemoglobin can bind to four
oxygen atoms
• Greek leukos ‘white’ + kytos ‘cell’
• Leucocytes are colourless and with
• They are larger than red blood cells.
• They can perform amoeboid
• Based on the granules in the
cytoplasm, leucocytes can be divided
into two groups, granulocyte颗粒白血球
and agranulocyte无颗粒白血球.
• The life span of leucocytes ranges from
a few hours to about 100 days.
Function of leucocytes
• Form the internal defense in our immune
system (see chapter 10).
• The leucocytes protect our body from the
assault of bacteria and other pathogens.
• When a body suffers from illness, there will
be a change in the total number of white
blood cells as well as the ratio of each type of
white blood cells depending on the pathogen
According to the difference in staining properties of the cells, granulocytes can
be divided into neutrophil, eosinophil and basophil. Agranulocyte include
lymphocyte and monocyte.
• Latin granulum ‘granule’ + -cyte ‘cell’
• a circulating white blood cell having prominent granules
in the cytoplasm and a nucleus of two or more lobes.
• Eosinophil嗜酸性白血球
• eosin (a red, acidic dye) + -o- + -phil ‘like’
• combating multicellular parasites by releasing toxic proteins and
oxidizing agents.
• control mechanisms associated with allergy and asthma 
• Basophil嗜硷性白血球
• baso- ‘basic’ + -phil ‘like’
• responsible for inflammatory and allergy by producing
• producing heparin to prevent blood clotting
• Can undergo phagocytosis
• Neutrophil嗜中性白血球
• neutro- ‘neutral’ + -phil ‘like’
• Use phagocytosis to digest pathogens
pink red blue
• a- ‘without’ + granulocyte
• Agranulocytes are white blood cells
with a one-lobed nucleus and no
granules in their cytoplasm.
• Lymphocyte淋巴细胞
• lympho- ‘lymph’ + -cyte.
• produce antibodies (B cells)
• cell-mediated immune response (T cells)
• Monocyte单核细胞
• mono ‘one’ + -cyte
• phagocytosis
• Platelets do not have nucleus.
• They are fragments of cytoplasm
separated from megakaryocyte (cell
with large nucleus) in bone marrow.
• Their shapes are irregular.
• The life span of platelets is about 7 –
14 days.
• Old or dead platelets are engulfed by
the reticuloendothelial cells (a.k.a. the
mononuclear phagocytic system,
which consists of phagocytic cells such
as monocytes) in liver, spleen and
bone marrow.
• Platelets cause blood to clot. Blood plasma
Blood plasma
• The liquid portion of blood.
• Blood plasma contains water,
protein, mineral salts, glucose,
waste (urea, carbon dioxide),
hormones etc.
Composition of blood plasma
Component Function Origin
Water (90%)
• Maintain the volume of blood
• transport substances
Plasma protein (7-8%)
 Albumin白蛋白
 Fibrinogen纤维蛋白原
 Immunoglobulin免疫球蛋白
 Maintain the osmotic pressure and
pH value of blood
 Clotting of blood
 Fight against pathogen
Mineral salts
Maintain the osmotic pressure and
pH value of blood
Absorbed from
alimentary canal
Nutrients (glucose, amino acids,
Nutrient needed by cells
Absorbed from
alimentary canal
Waste (Urea, CO2, etc.) To be excreted Liver
Hormone Regulate metabolism Relevant organs Function of blood
• Gases (oxygen, carbon dioxide)
• Nutrients (glucose, amino acids, mineral
• Metabolic waste products (urea, bilirubin)
• Heat
• Hormone (endocrine gland hormones)
• Leucocyte
• engulf pathogens, bacteria and foreign bodies
• produce antibody
• Platelet
• Lead to blood clotting
• Prevent blood lost
• Prevent entrance of foreign bodies and pathogens
Regulation of body temperature
• Blood transport heat.
• Heat can be lost through the epidermis.
• When blood capillaries under the epidermis dilate舒张, more blood
will flow through the epidermis and more heat will be lost.
• When the blood capillaries constrict, less blood will flow through the
epidermis and less heat will be lost.
• Luminol is a chemical that can be
used to show trace amounts of blood
by creating a light producing chemical
reaction when mixed with
• Luminol powder is mixed into a liquid
containing hydrogen peroxide and
other chemicals. This mixture will
then be sprayed over the area that is
being examined.
• The reaction of the Luminol spray
mixing with the iron in blood will
then produce a blue glow that can be
seen in a dark room.
• Other substances that can
accidentally have the same reaction
with Luminol are: bleach, urine,
faeces & horseradish.
• Unfortunately Luminol can destroy
other crime scene evidence so it is
usually used after other options have
been explored. The transportation of
• Red blood cells contain haemoglobin, which can
binds to oxygen atoms with their Fe(II).
• A total of four oxygen molecules (4 O2) can be
carried by a haemoglobin.
• When oxygen is bind, a conformation change is
• The iron is not oxidized, but merely changes its
position of electron shells.
• This conformation
change induces
binding of other
three oxygen
Variation in oxygen transport proteins
• Fetal haemoglobin has higher affinity to oxygen to ensure sufficient
oxygen can be obtained from the placenta.
• Myoglobin肌红素, found only in the skeletal muscle tissue, has highest
affinity to oxygen to store oxygen for stannous activities or prolong
holding of breath such as in the case of diving.
Myoglobin only has
one heme group.
Loading and unloading of oxygen
• Deoxyhaemoglobin combines with oxygen to form oxyhaemoglobin.
• Oxyhaemoglobin is an unstable compound.
• Hence the combination of haemoglobin with oxygen is reversible.
Factors affecting formation of
• The concentration of oxygen
• The concentration of carbon
• The pH of blood
• The concentration of carbon
O2 concentration
• pO2 ↑ (lung alveoli)
• haemoglobin
combines with
oxygen to form
• pO2 ↓ (body tissue)
• oxyhaemoglobin
releases oxygen into
the tissue cells.
CO2 concentration
• pCO2 carbon dioxide ↑ (tissues)
• the affinity of haemoglobin for
oxygen ↓
• oxygen is released to the tissues ↑
• blood saturated with oxygen ↓
• pCO2 carbon dioxide ↓ (lung
• the affinity of haemoglobin for
oxygen ↑
• blood saturated with oxygen ↑
• Based on the graph, when CO2 is
presence in the blood,
A. nothing change to the affinity
of haemoglobin to oxygen
B. the affinity of haemoglobin to
oxygen increases
C. the affinity of haemoglobin to
oxygen decreases
The pH of blood
• [CO2] ↑
• pH ↓
• oxygen is released to the tissues ↑
• blood saturated with oxygen ↓
• In tissues with high metabolic rate and
high activity, more carbon dioxide and
hydrogen ions are produced and this
promotes the oxyhaemoglobin in
blood capillaries to release oxygen.
CO concentration
• Carbon monoxide is an
odourless gas.
• It has an extremely high
affinity to haemoglobin.
• CO + Hb  HbCO
• It is a competitive inhibitor to
oxygen for haemoglobin.
• It can inhibit the transport of
oxygen when presence in the
• CO is a colorless, tasteless and
odorless compound produced
by incomplete combustion of
carbon-containing materials.
• A carbon monoxide detector
can detect the presence of the
carbon monoxide gas in order to
prevent carbon monoxide
• CO detectors can be placed near
the ceiling or near the floor
because CO is very close to the
same density as air.
The Bohr effect
• The hemoglobin's oxygen binding affinity is
inversely related both to acidity and to the
concentration of carbon dioxide.
• CO2 + H2O ⇌ H2CO3 ⇌ HCO3
- + H+ (pH ↓)
• Hb + H+ ⇌ HHb
• The lower pH changes the conformation of
haemoglobin and promotes dissociation of
• The haemoglobin then binds to proton to
form haemoglobinic acid (HHb).
• The Bohr Effect is importance for enhanced
unloading of oxygen in metabolically active
peripheral tissues such as exercising
skeletal muscle.
• The Bohr effects also occurs when when
carbon monoxide is present and binds to
haemoglobin to form carboxyhaemoglobin.
Shifting of curve
• Left shift
• Haemoglobin affinity
to oxygen ↑
• blood saturated with
oxygen ↑
• Right shift
• Haemoglobin affinity
to oxygen ↓
• blood saturated with
oxygen ↓
Conclusion Transportation of
carbon dioxide
Transportation of CO2
• CO2 by the cells enters the blood
by diffusion.
CO2 is transported to the alveoli
• CO2 + H2O ⇌ H2CO3 (carbonic
• CO2 + Hb ⇌ HbCO2
• CO2 + H2O ⇌ H2CO3 ⇌ H+ +
- (hydrogen carbonate
carbonic acid
Direct dissolve in blood plasma
• About 5% of the carbon dioxide dissolves directly in water to form
carbonic acid (H2CO3).
• This carbonic acid is transported by the blood plasma.
• This process is very slow because there is no suitable catalytic
enzyme carbonic anhydrase in the plasma.
CO2 + H2O ⇌ H2CO3
As carbaminohaemoglobin
• When the partial pressure of carbon dioxide is high, carbon dioxide
can bind to haemoglobin to form carbaminohaemoglobin.
CO2 + Hb ⇌ HbCO2
As bicarbonate
• The carbon dioxide enters the red blood cells
where it combines with water to form carbonic
acid (H2CO3) under the action of the enzyme
carbonic anhydrase quickly.
• The carbonic acid dissociates into hydrogen ions
(H+) and hydrogen carbonate ions (HCO3
CO2 + H2O ⇌ H2CO3
carbonic anhydrase
H2CO3 ⇌ H+ + HCO3
The fate of carbonic acid
• The proton (H+) will bind to the haemoglobin in
the red blood cell to form haemoglobinic acid
• To prevent acidification of blood by influx of H+
• To induce dissociation of oxygen from haemoglobin
• The hydrogen carbonate ions (HCO3
-) move from
the red blood cell into blood plasma.
• The concentration of HCO3
- in blood plasma in the
vein will be higher than that of the artery.
• The chloride ions (Cl-) in the plasma move into the
red blood cells to maintain the charge balance. This
is called chloride shift.
H+ + Hb ⇌ HHb
Releasing of CO2 in the alveoli
• pO2 is high and pCO2 is low in the alveoli.
• The hydrogen carbonate ions (HCO3
-) in the
plasma return to the red blood cells and
combine with hydrogen ions (H+) forming
carbonic acid.
• Carbonic acid converts into water and carbon
• This process occurs faster in RBC than plasma due
to the presence of carbonic anhydrase in RBC.
• Carbon dioxide diffuse into the alveoli and into
the atmosphere.
H+ + HCO3
- ⇌ H2CO3
carbonic anhydrase
H2CO3 ⇌ CO2 + H2O
pH Buffers
• Organisms must stabilize the blood-pH within a narrow range
of between 7.36 and 7.44 so that chemical reactions within the
body can occurs smoothly.
• Acid-base buffers confer resistance to a change in the pH of a
solution when hydrogen ions (protons) or hydroxide ions are
added or removed.
• An acid-base buffer typically consists of a weak acid, and
its conjugate base (salt).
• The concentrations of the weak acid and its salt are large
compared to the amount of protons or hydroxide ions added or
• When protons are added to the solution, it will be removed by
reacting with the base component of the buffer is converted to
the weak-acid.
• When hydroxide ions are added to the solution, protons are
dissociated from the weak-acid molecules of the buffer,
converting them to the base of the buffer (and thus
replenishing most of the protons removed).
• The ratio of acid to base changes only slightly.
• Thus, the effect on the pH of the solution is small, within
certain limitations on the amount of H+ or OH- added or
Haemoglobin as a pH buffer in the blood
• Haemoglobin helps to maintain the pH of the blood within a suitable
range and at the same time it maintains an equilibrium of ions of the
• Avoid major pH change when pCO2 is rising or falling.
• Maintain charge balance and participate in the chlorine switch.
9.2.5 Lymphatic system
The lymphatic system
• Latin lympha "water"
• The lymphatic system is part
of the circulatory system.
• The lymphatic system is an
open circulatory system.
• Lymphatic system is mainly
made up of lymph淋巴, lymph
nodes淋巴结, lymphatic
vessels淋巴管and lymphatic
Function of the lymphatic system
• Remove of interstitial fluid from
• Maintain the composition of
blood plasma
• Immune system
• Produce lymphatic cells and
• Filter the interstitial fluid
• Absorb and transport fatty acids
and fats from the digestive
• Lymph is the fluid flows in the
lymphatic vessels.
• When blood flows through the
blood capillaries, part of the
blood plasma diffuses through
the capillary walls into the
intercellular/extracellular space
and form the tissue fluid /
interstitial fluid组织液.
• Some tissue fluid flows into the
lymphatic capillaries to form
• The composition of lymph is
similar to the blood plasma, but
with less proteins.
• Lymph contains lymphocyte,
but no red blood cells and
platelets. Human
Lymphatic vessel
• The lymph capillaries are blind
tubes (closed at the end).
• The edges of adjacent endothelial
cells内皮细胞 (a type of squamous
epithelial cells) overlap to form
"flaplike minivalves".
• The permeability of lymph
capillaries is larger than that of the
blood capillaries.
• Macromolecules in the tissue fluid
such as proteins, lipids and
bacteria can enter lymph
capillaries easily.
Structure of lymphatic vessel
• Lymphatic vessels have thin walls.
• Lymphatic vessels have valves to
prevent the backflow of lymph.
Lymphatic drainage
• Lymphatic system drainage is
organized into two separate
drainage areas.
• The right drainage area clears
the right arm and chest.
• The lymph is drained into the right
lymphatic duct.
• The lymph enters the blood
through the right subclavian vein.
• The left drainage area clears all
of the other areas of the body
including both legs, the lower
trunk upper left of the chest, and
the left arm.
• The lymph is drained into the
thoracic duct.
• The lymph enters the blood
through the left subclavian vein.
superior vena cava
Movement of lymph
the right
arm and
both legs, the
lower trunk
upper left of
the chest, and
the left arm
Mechanisms of lymph flow
• During inspiration (inhalation), the
thoracic cavity expands producing a
negative suction force.
• This suction force and the
contraction of the skeleton muscles
around the lymphatic vessels cause
lymph to flow towards the two
largest lymphatic ducts (the thoracic
duct and the right lymphatic duct)
against the force of gravity.
• Also move by the rhythmic
contraction of lymphatic vessel
(smooth muscle) and skeletal
• The valve also ensure unidirectional
movement of lymph.
Lymph nodes
• At definite points along the lymphatic
ducts are numerous small swellings called
lymph nodes (lymph glands).
• Many lymph nodes can be found in the
neck颈部, the mesenteries肠系膜, the
armpits腋窝and the groin腹股沟 are the
most numerous.
Function of lymph nodes
• Lymph nodes manufacture
lymphocytes which produce antibodies
• The lymph nodes also filter out the
microorganisms that invade the body
and other structures such as cancer
cells from the lymph.
• The flow of lymph through the lymph
nodes is very slow.
• The phagocytes are given sufficient
time to engulf pathogens.
• Inflammation, swelling and pain of the
lymph node when infection occurs.
Lymphatic organs
• Some organs in human
body are closely related
to lymphatic system, e.g.
spleen脾脏, thymus胸腺
and tonsil gland扁桃腺.
• These organs possess
structures similar to the
lymph nodes and these
structures can produce
• Largest lymphatic organ in the body.
Red pulp红髓区
• filtering blood
• removes old red blood cells by phagocytes
• metabolizes hemoglobin to iron and
bilirubin (from heme)
• recycles iron
• store blood
White pulp白髓区
• grow white blood cells
• contain white blood cells, especially
• Greek θυμός (thumos) "anger" or "heart,
soul, desire, life"
• maturation of T-lymphocytes
• secretes hormones and cytokines that
regulate the maturation of T cells
Size of thymus
• largest in childhood but shrinking
and degenerating into fatty tissue
with age
• the immune system produces
most of its T cells during childhood
and requires very few new T cells
after puberty
Tonsil gland扁桃腺
• Tonsils are collections of lymphoid tissue
facing into the aerodigestive tract includes
the adenoid tonsil腺样体, two tubal tonsils咽鼓管
扁桃体, two palatine tonsils腭扁桃体, and the
lingual tonsil舌扁桃体.
• most commonly refers specifically to the
palatine tonsils.
• The immune system's first line of defense
against ingested or inhaled foreign
• Infection may cause swelling of the tonsils,
which may obstruct the airway or interfere
with swallowing.
palatine tonsils
Lymphatic organs

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独中高中生物Chapter 9 transportation in animals

  • 1. Chapter 9 Transport in Animals Ong Yee Sing 2017
  • 2. Objectives • To know the circulation of substances and the circulatory system in lower animals. • To understand closed circulatory system and open circulatory system. • To know the circulatory system in each kind of vertebrates. • To understand the circulatory pathway of blood (including pulmonary circulation and systematic circulation) in human body. • To master the knowledge on structure, physiology and functions of heart. • To comprehend the relationship between the structures and functions of artery, vein and blood capillary. • To compare the differences among artery, vein and blood capillary. • To comprehend the composition of blood and the functions, as well as the source of origin, of each constituent. • To comprehend the functions of blood. • To master the mechanism of transport of gases in blood. • To comprehend the lymphatic system in human body and its functions.
  • 5. Circulatory system • The circulatory system is an organ system that permits blood to circulate and transport nutrients (such as amino acids, mineral salts), oxygen, carbon dioxide, hormones, and blood cells to and from the cells Includes • cardiovascular system, which distributes blood, • lymphatic system, which circulates lymph
  • 6. Function of circulatory system • Provide nourishment • Remove waste • Transport hormone • Help in fighting diseases • Stabilize body temperature and pH • Maintain homeostasis
  • 7. Types of circulatory system • Open-circulatory system • 分成: • E.g. insect • Closed-circulatory system • E.g. earthworm, fish, reptiles, birds, mammals
  • 8. Comparison Open circulatory system Closed circulatory system Definition Haemolymph leaves the heart in short, branched arteries that open up into large spaces. The blood is contained within a completely closed system of vessels with a pumping organ like a heart or contractile vessels. Blood does not enter body cavity. Contact with cells Haemolymph percolates around organs, directly bathing the cells. Vessels branch into smaller and smaller tubes that penetrate among the cells of tissues. Example • more inactive animals. • Insects (tracheal system for oxygen supply). • Animals having a fast metabolism and larger bodies. • Warm blooded animal
  • 9. Advantages and disadvantages Open circulatory system Closed circulatory system Advantages • Exchange of materials is direct between the hemolymph and tissues. • There is no diffusion barrier. • Fine-scale control over the distribution of blood to different body regions is possible. • Muscular walls of vessels can constrict and dilate to vary the amount of flow through specific vessels. • Blood pressures are fairly high and the circulation can be vigorous. Disadvantages • Little fine control over distribution of the hemolymph to body regions. • No mechanism for reducing flow to a specific part of an organ. • It is a more complex system. • It requires more energy for blood distribution.
  • 10. 9.1.2 Circulation of substances in lower animals
  • 12.
  • 13. Lower animals • Animals of relatively simple or primitive characteristics as contrasted with humans or with more advanced animals such as mammals or vertebrates, e.g. Hydra水螅 and Turbellaria涡虫 • Small size permits nutrients and other substances to reach all the body parts by simple diffusion. Pseudoceros dimidiatusHydra
  • 15. Unicellular organisms • Unicellular organisms such as Paramecium and Amoeba • Small size with Large surface area to volume ratio allows exchange of waste and nutrients through diffusion. • Cytoplasmic streaming细胞质流 also assists in the distribution of food to the whole cell. Paramecium and Amoeba
  • 16. Annelids环节动物 • The annelids (Latin anellus, "little ring"), also known as the ringed worms or segmented worms, consists of multiple segments with the same sets of organs. • The transport system in annelids such as earthworm is a closed-circulatory system. • The arterial arches of an earthworm pulsate搏动 to pump blood from the dorsal blood vessel背血管into the ventral blood vessel腹血管. • The ventral blood vessels blood transports nutrients and oxygen to other parts of the body. • The blood contains haemoglobin to enhance efficiency of oxygen transport. Dorsal blood vessel Arterial arches Ventral blood vessel Body vessel
  • 18. Insect heart • An insect such as grasshopper has an open circulatory system. • The dorsal part of the body of grasshopper has a thin, long, segmented, tubular sac-like heart which can pump blood to the head through the only blood vessel. haemocolom 心室小孔
  • 19. Insect circulation • The blood flows out of this blood vessel and enters the haemocoelom血腔 - spaces between the tissues found in the body cavity/sinuses. • The blood in these spaces flows to the posterior part and returns to the heart through the tiny openings (ostia心室小孔) of the heart chambers. ostia heartaeota haemocoelom
  • 21. Vertebrate circulatory system • Fish, birds, amphibians, reptiles, mammals • A type of closed circulatory system. • Includes • Heart • Blood vessels (artery, vein, blood capillaries) • Blood.
  • 22.
  • 23.
  • 24. Heart chambers • atrium心房 • from Latin atrium "central court or first main room of an ancient Roman house • ventricle心室 • from Latin ventriculus, diminutive of venter ‘belly.’ • Blood enters the heart at the atrium and exit from the ventricle.
  • 25. Fish heart • Two–chambered heart: • an atrium心房 • a ventricle心室.
  • 26. Fish circulatory system • It is a single circulation system. • The blood only flows one round and in one direction in every complete circulation. • The ventricle pumps blood from the artery to the gills. • Oxygenated blood flows from the blood capillaries (in the gills) to artery. • The blood then flows to blood capillaries in every part of the body • The blood return to the heart through the vein.
  • 27. Amphibians and reptiles heart • The heart of amphibians and reptiles (except the crocodile) consists of two atria and one ventricle. • Crocodile have a complete septum that separate the ventricle into two, but a hole outside the ventricles, called the foramen of Panizza, allows blood to move from one side of the heart to the other.
  • 28. Crocodile circulation • Because of little or no lung use under the water, a big portion of the blood stream is diverted away from lungs; therefore oxygen poor blood is pumped back to the body. • The blood circulation of crocodiles is similar to birds, mammals, and humans while they are active on land. Oxygen- deprived blood is sent to lungs for gas exchange. Not in textbook
  • 29. Amphibians and reptiles circulation • It is an incomplete double circulation or a semi- double circulation. • There are two pathways after the blood flows out of the heart, i.e. lung circulation and body circulation. • Although there is only one ventricle, there is a muscular projection which separates the oxygenated blood and deoxygenated blood that blood cannot comes from the left and right part of ventricle. • However, the oxygenated blood and the deoxygenated blood cannot be separated completely.
  • 30. Birds and mammalian heart • The heart of birds and mammals is divided into four complete chambers: two atria and two ventricles.
  • 31. Birds and mammalian circulation • It is a double circulation. • The right atrium and ventricle contain deoxygenated blood, while the left atrium and ventricle contain oxygenated blood. • The bloods do not mix with each other.
  • 32. Advantages of double circulation • higher blood pressure • greater flow of blood to the tissues.
  • 33. Summary semi-double circulation double circulationsemi-double circulationSingle circulation
  • 35. • Cardiovascular system consists of the heart, blood vessel and blood. • double circulation = blood flows through the heart two times in a complete circulation • Circulations includes: • Pulmonary circulation • The blood circulation between the heart and lung • Systemic circulation • The blood circulation between the heart and other parts of the body • includes the hepatic portal circulation and the coronary circulation. Human circulatory system
  • 36. Pulmonary circulation • Deoxygenated blood is carried to the lungs by the pulmonary artery. • The blood undergoes gaseous exchange at the alveoli. • Oxygenated blood is carried back to the heart by the pulmonary vein. Left Atrium Pulmonary veins Pulmonary venule Blood capillaries on the surface of alveoli Pulmonary arteriole Pulmonary arteries Pulmonary trunk Right ventricle Right atrium
  • 37. Systemic circulation • Oxygenated blood is pumped by the heart into aorta. • The blood is carried to every organ and tissue (except lungs) to undergo exchange of substances. • The deoxygenated blood is transported back to the heart through anterior (or superior) and posterior (or inferior) vena cava. Right Atrium Veins Venule Blood capillaries Arteriole Arteries Aorta Left ventricle Left atrium
  • 38.
  • 39. Hepatic portal circulation • The hepatic portal vein collects water-soluble nutrients (monosaccharides, amino acids, vitamins B & C, minerals) which absorbed by the villi of the small intestine and transports it to the capillaries of the liver. • These nutrients will be processed, utilized or detoxified by the liver cells. • The blood flows into the hepatic portal vein and will return to the heart via the posterior vena cava. Right ventricle Inferior vena cava Hepatic vein Liver Hepatic portal vein Villi capillaries
  • 40. Coronary circulation Right atrium Coronary vein Coronary venule Blood capillaries Coronary arteriole Coronary artery Aorta Left ventricle • Provide oxygen and nutrients for the myocardium (heart muscle). • For this circulation, the blood pressure is high, the speed of blood flow is fast, and the circuit length is short.
  • 43. Structure of the heart
  • 44. Heart • The heart is a blood pump which drives the circulation of blood. • The contraction of the ventricles pumps blood to the whole body including the lungs. • The heart contains four cavities: • Two atrium • Two ventricles • Mainly constructed with myocardium (heart muscle). • The ventricles are separated by a septum.
  • 45. Unidirectional blood flow • A heart valve normally allows blood to flow in only one direction through the heart. • Two atrioventricular valves: • Tricuspid valve is between the right ventricle and the right atrium. • Bicuspid / mitral valve is between the left ventricle and the left atrium. • Two semilunar valves: • Pulmonary valve is between the left pulmonary artery and right ventricle. • Aortic valve is between the aorta and the left ventricle. • The chordae tendineae (tendinous chords) are tendons that connect the papillary muscles to the tricuspid valve and the mitral valve in the heart.
  • 47. • chordae tendinae = fibrous cords that keep the AV valve cusps from swinging into the atria & prevent regurgitation of blood. • papillary muscles = muscles in the ventricles connected to the chordae tendinae. These muscles help stabilize the AV valves during ventricular contraction. Attachment of the valves
  • 48. How the Heart Works Video • Chapter 9 How the Heart Works 3D Video.flv
  • 49. How the heart works
  • 50. Heart Beats • The pumping action of the heart (heartbeat) is controlled by the heart’s electrical system or the cardiac conduction system. • The beating of the heart is involuntary. • Heart beat is rhythmic and consistent though the heart. • The cardiac muscle cells are closely connected to each other by intercalated discs闰盘.
  • 51. Heart nodes • Heart nodes are specialized muscle tissues that behave as both muscle and nervous tissue. 1. Sinoatrial node(S-A node) 窦房结 2. Atrioventricular node(A- V node)房室结 3. Atrioventricular bundle / Bundle of His房室束 4. Purkinje fibers柏金氏纤维
  • 52. Signal transmission in the heart 1. The SA node generate wave of contraction signals. 2. Signals are delayed at the AV node. 3. Signal are passed to the AV / His bundle. 4. Signal are spread throughout ventricles through the Purkinje fibres.
  • 53. Pacemaker电子心脏起博器 • A pacemaker can replace the function of sinoatrial node when needed. • Modern pacemakers have two parts • the pulse generator • one or more leads (small wires that run from the pulse generator to the sinoatrial node)
  • 54.
  • 55. Electrical signal and contraction of the heart • The electrical signal generated by the Sinoatrial node causes excitation of the myocardia. • The atria contract, follow by the ventricles. • Systole收缩期 is the the period which the heart chamber contracts. • from Greek σύν (syn, "together") + στέλλειν (stellein, "send"). • Diastole舒张期 is the period which the hear chamber relaxes and refills with blood following systole (contraction). • Greek word διαστολη “dilation”
  • 56.
  • 57. Four stages of a cardiac cycle 心房收缩期 心室收缩期 心房舒张期 心室舒张期
  • 58. The cardiac cycle takes about 8 seconds
  • 59. Atrial systole • Blood flows from pulmonary vein and anterior, posterior vena cava into the left and right atria. • The Sinoatrial node generate electrical signal. • The atria contract. • The pressure in the atria increases. • The blood flows into the left and right ventricles respectively. • Both the mitral valve (bicuspid valve) and the tricuspid valve open to allow the entry of blood into the ventricles. • The semilunar valves are closed. • This process takes about 0.1 second.
  • 60. Ventricular systole • The left and right ventricles are filled with blood. • The electrical signal generated by the Sinoatrial node is passed to Atrioventricular node, Atrioventricular bundle / Bundle of His and finally the Purkinje fibers. • The ventricles contract. • The high blood pressure of the ventricles inside increases push open the semilunar valves. • The blood is pumped into aorta and pulmonary artery. • At the same time, the increasing blood pressure causes the mitral valve and tricuspid valves close to prevent the back flow of blood into the atria. • The closure of mitral valve and tricuspid valve produces the first heart sound (“lub”). • This process takes about 0.3 second.
  • 61. Atrial diastole • After the atrial contraction (atrial systole) is completed, atria begin to dilate immediately after (about 0.1 second). • This process occurs at the same time with ventricular systole. • The pressure in atria decreases. • Blood from the pulmonary vein, anterior and posterior vena cava to flow into the left and right atria respectively. • This process takes about 0.7 second.
  • 62. Ventricular diastole • The ventricles relax and dilate after pumping blood into aorta and pulmonary artery. • This causes the mitral valve and tricuspid valve to open, then blood flow into the ventricles. • The semilunar valves is closed, producing the “dup” second heart sound. • The “dup” sound indicates the beginning of ventricular diastole. It has a higher pitch and it lasts for a shorter time.
  • 64.
  • 65. Blood pressure in the heart 3 a small backflow of blood into the ventricles The atrioventricular valves are bulged backward into the atria because of increasing pressure in the ventricles Blood continues to fill atria and ventricles.Blood fill the atria.
  • 66. Blood pressure in the body • Blood pressure is the pressure of circulating blood on the walls of blood vessels. • Blood pressure is highest in the left ventricle, and lowest in the right atrium, to create a pressure gradient to encourage blood flow. Left ventricle > aorta > arteries > aterioles > capillaries > venules > veins > venae cavae > right atrium • Blood pressure can be controlled by the autonomic nervous system and hormones such as adrenaline.
  • 67. Measuring blood pressure • Blood pressure is generally measured from the brachial artery上肢肱动脉. • Blood pressure is highest when the ventricles contract = systolic pressure收缩压. • Blood pressure is the lowest when the ventricles relax = diastolic pressure舒张压. • Blood pressure is higher in men compare to women (<50 years old).
  • 68.
  • 69. Electrocardiogram, ECG • The beating of the heart is controlled by electrical impulses generated by the sinoatrial node. • Impulses are transmitted by depolarising the surface of a cardiac muscle cell. • After depolarizing, the cell surface must return to the original status through repolarizing. • The changes in electrical potential can be measure on the body surface using electrodes from a voltmeter. • The graph illustrating regular changes in electrical potential in each cardiac cycle is known as electrocardiogram.
  • 70.
  • 71. Components of ECG • P wave • The left and right atria are excited. • The atria contracts. • QRS complex • Left and right ventricles are excited. • The ventricles contract. • A much stronger electrical signal because of the larger size of the ventricular cardiac muscle. • The recovery of the atria occurs here but masked by the QRS complex. • T wave • The recovery of the ventricles.
  • 73.
  • 74. Importance of ECG • ECG can help us understand the activities of the heart and it can also be used to diagnose heart diseases.
  • 76. Type of blood vessels • Artery动脉 • from Greek artēria, probably from airein ‘raise’. • The blood vessel which carries blood away from the heart. • Vein静脉 • from Latin vena ‘blood vessel’ and ‘small natural underground channel of water • The blood vessel which carries blood from tissue cells back to the heart. • Blood capillary微血管 • The finest blood vessels which connect arterioles小动脉 with venules小 静脉.
  • 77. • Red blood cell escaping from a raptured venule. • SEM, x2300
  • 78. Subtypes of blood vessels
  • 79. Structure of the blood vessels • The wall of artery and vein is practically the same. It is mainly divided into three layers: • Capillaries only have a layer of squamous epithelium as the endothelium. Layer Tissue type endothelium squamous epithelium mesothelium smooth muscle tissue adventitious layer connective tissue
  • 80. Comparison among the blood vessels Artery Capillary Vein Thickness of vessel wall Thickest Thinnest Thinner than the arteries Diameter Smaller than the veins Smallest Largest Total area Smallest Largest Larger than the arteries Blood volume About 20% Least (varies with activities) Most about 70% Speed of blood Fastest Slowest Slower than the arteries Smooth muscle More ✖ Less Elastic fibre More ✖ Less Valve ✖ ✖ Yes, to avoid backflow of blood Exchange of materials ✖ Free diffusion ✖ Penetration of WBC ✖ Yes ✖
  • 81. Mechanisms of blood flow Artery Capillary Vein  Contraction of the heart  Contraction of the heart  Contraction of the skeletal muscle  Elasticity of the artery wall  Negative pressure created when the atria relax  Contraction of the smooth muscle  Negative pressure created when the thoracic cavity expands during inhalation  Increases of blood volume  Gravity
  • 83. Formed elements of blood • Human body contains about 5 litres of blood. • Blood is a fluid tissue, which circulates through the whole body. • Fractioning of whole blood can be done by centrifugation离心分离法. • Blood consists mainly of • blood corpuscles血球(45%) • blood plasma血浆(55%)
  • 84. Centrifugation离心分离法 • By spinning laboratory samples at very high speeds, the components of a given mixture are subjected to centrifugal force 离心力, which causes more dense particles to migrate away from the axis of rotation and lighter ones to move toward it. Supernatant Pallet
  • 85. Types of blood corpuscles lymphocyte platelet leucocyte
  • 87. Production of blood corpuscles • Blood corpuscles are generally produced by the red bone marrow红骨髓 but not all of them mature in the bone marrow.
  • 88. Erythrocyte红血球 • Greek eruthros ‘red’ + from New Latin - cyta ‘cell’ • The mammalian erythrocytes are biconcave双凹, circular disc圆盘in shape and without nuclei. • Their cytoplasm is filled with haemoglobin which combines readily with oxygen or carbon dioxide and releases oxygen or carbon dioxide readily. • Function is to carry oxygen to every part of the body. Top: TEM Left: SEM
  • 89. Birth of erythrocyte • Maturing erythrocytes have a nucleus. • The nucleus is lost in mammals to increase volume available for haemoglobin.
  • 90. Death of erythrocyte • The life span of red blood cells is about 120 days. • Old red blood cells are carried to spleen脾 or liver to be destroyed by phagocytosis. • The heme group of the haemoglobin is recycle. • Iron ion is stored in the liver. • The rest of heme is secreted in the bile as bilirubin.
  • 91.
  • 92. Structure of haemoglobin • From Ancient Greek αἷμα (haîma, “blood”) + Latin globus (“ball, sphere”) • A protein with quaternary structure with four protein subunits, i. e. • 2 α polypeptide chain • 2 β polypeptide chain • The alpha and beta chains have different sequences of amino acids, but fold up to form similar three-dimensional structures. Globin - heme- containing globular proteins
  • 93. Heme group • Each polypeptide chain consists of a heme groups – a total of 4 heme groups. • The heme groups give the red appearance of erythrocyte. • The centre of each heme group contains an Fe2+ ion, which is the site for oxygen binding. • Each haemoglobin can bind to four oxygen atoms
  • 94. Leucocyte白血球 • Greek leukos ‘white’ + kytos ‘cell’ • Leucocytes are colourless and with nuclei. • They are larger than red blood cells. • They can perform amoeboid movement变形运动. • Based on the granules in the cytoplasm, leucocytes can be divided into two groups, granulocyte颗粒白血球 and agranulocyte无颗粒白血球. • The life span of leucocytes ranges from a few hours to about 100 days.
  • 95. Function of leucocytes • Form the internal defense in our immune system (see chapter 10). • The leucocytes protect our body from the assault of bacteria and other pathogens. • When a body suffers from illness, there will be a change in the total number of white blood cells as well as the ratio of each type of white blood cells depending on the pathogen type.
  • 96. According to the difference in staining properties of the cells, granulocytes can be divided into neutrophil, eosinophil and basophil. Agranulocyte include lymphocyte and monocyte.
  • 97. Granulocytes • Latin granulum ‘granule’ + -cyte ‘cell’ • a circulating white blood cell having prominent granules in the cytoplasm and a nucleus of two or more lobes. • Eosinophil嗜酸性白血球 • eosin (a red, acidic dye) + -o- + -phil ‘like’ • combating multicellular parasites by releasing toxic proteins and oxidizing agents. • control mechanisms associated with allergy and asthma  inflammation • Basophil嗜硷性白血球 • baso- ‘basic’ + -phil ‘like’ • responsible for inflammatory and allergy by producing histamine组织胺 • producing heparin to prevent blood clotting • Can undergo phagocytosis • Neutrophil嗜中性白血球 • neutro- ‘neutral’ + -phil ‘like’ • Use phagocytosis to digest pathogens pink red blue
  • 98. Agranulocytes • a- ‘without’ + granulocyte • Agranulocytes are white blood cells with a one-lobed nucleus and no granules in their cytoplasm. • Lymphocyte淋巴细胞 • lympho- ‘lymph’ + -cyte. • produce antibodies (B cells) • cell-mediated immune response (T cells) • Monocyte单核细胞 • mono ‘one’ + -cyte • phagocytosis
  • 99. Platelets血小板 • Platelets do not have nucleus. • They are fragments of cytoplasm separated from megakaryocyte (cell with large nucleus) in bone marrow. • Their shapes are irregular. • The life span of platelets is about 7 – 14 days. • Old or dead platelets are engulfed by the reticuloendothelial cells (a.k.a. the mononuclear phagocytic system, which consists of phagocytic cells such as monocytes) in liver, spleen and bone marrow. • Platelets cause blood to clot.
  • 101. Blood plasma • The liquid portion of blood. • Blood plasma contains water, protein, mineral salts, glucose, waste (urea, carbon dioxide), hormones etc.
  • 102. Composition of blood plasma Component Function Origin Water (90%) • Maintain the volume of blood • transport substances Liver Plasma protein (7-8%)  Albumin白蛋白  Fibrinogen纤维蛋白原  Immunoglobulin免疫球蛋白  Maintain the osmotic pressure and pH value of blood  Clotting of blood  Fight against pathogen Mineral salts Maintain the osmotic pressure and pH value of blood Absorbed from alimentary canal Nutrients (glucose, amino acids, fats) Nutrient needed by cells Absorbed from alimentary canal Waste (Urea, CO2, etc.) To be excreted Liver Hormone Regulate metabolism Relevant organs
  • 104. Transport • Gases (oxygen, carbon dioxide) • Nutrients (glucose, amino acids, mineral salts) • Metabolic waste products (urea, bilirubin) • Heat • Hormone (endocrine gland hormones)
  • 105. Defense • Leucocyte • engulf pathogens, bacteria and foreign bodies • produce antibody • Platelet • Lead to blood clotting • Prevent blood lost • Prevent entrance of foreign bodies and pathogens
  • 106. Regulation of body temperature • Blood transport heat. • Heat can be lost through the epidermis. • When blood capillaries under the epidermis dilate舒张, more blood will flow through the epidermis and more heat will be lost. • When the blood capillaries constrict, less blood will flow through the epidermis and less heat will be lost.
  • 107. • Luminol is a chemical that can be used to show trace amounts of blood by creating a light producing chemical reaction when mixed with hemoglobin. • Luminol powder is mixed into a liquid containing hydrogen peroxide and other chemicals. This mixture will then be sprayed over the area that is being examined. • The reaction of the Luminol spray mixing with the iron in blood will then produce a blue glow that can be seen in a dark room. • Other substances that can accidentally have the same reaction with Luminol are: bleach, urine, faeces & horseradish. • Unfortunately Luminol can destroy other crime scene evidence so it is usually used after other options have been explored.
  • 109. Haemoglobin • Red blood cells contain haemoglobin, which can binds to oxygen atoms with their Fe(II). • A total of four oxygen molecules (4 O2) can be carried by a haemoglobin. • When oxygen is bind, a conformation change is triggered. • The iron is not oxidized, but merely changes its position of electron shells. • This conformation change induces binding of other three oxygen atoms.
  • 110.
  • 111. Variation in oxygen transport proteins • Fetal haemoglobin has higher affinity to oxygen to ensure sufficient oxygen can be obtained from the placenta. • Myoglobin肌红素, found only in the skeletal muscle tissue, has highest affinity to oxygen to store oxygen for stannous activities or prolong holding of breath such as in the case of diving. Myoglobin only has one heme group.
  • 112. Loading and unloading of oxygen • Deoxyhaemoglobin combines with oxygen to form oxyhaemoglobin. • Oxyhaemoglobin is an unstable compound. • Hence the combination of haemoglobin with oxygen is reversible.
  • 113. Factors affecting formation of oxyhaemoglobin • The concentration of oxygen • The concentration of carbon dioxide • The pH of blood • The concentration of carbon monoxide
  • 114. O2 concentration • pO2 ↑ (lung alveoli) • haemoglobin combines with oxygen to form oxyhaemoglobin. • pO2 ↓ (body tissue) • oxyhaemoglobin releases oxygen into the tissue cells.
  • 115. CO2 concentration • pCO2 carbon dioxide ↑ (tissues) • the affinity of haemoglobin for oxygen ↓ • oxygen is released to the tissues ↑ • blood saturated with oxygen ↓ • pCO2 carbon dioxide ↓ (lung alveoli) • the affinity of haemoglobin for oxygen ↑ • blood saturated with oxygen ↑
  • 116. Quiz • Based on the graph, when CO2 is presence in the blood, ________. A. nothing change to the affinity of haemoglobin to oxygen B. the affinity of haemoglobin to oxygen increases C. the affinity of haemoglobin to oxygen decreases
  • 117. The pH of blood • [CO2] ↑ • pH ↓ • oxygen is released to the tissues ↑ • blood saturated with oxygen ↓ • In tissues with high metabolic rate and high activity, more carbon dioxide and hydrogen ions are produced and this promotes the oxyhaemoglobin in blood capillaries to release oxygen.
  • 118. CO concentration • Carbon monoxide is an odourless gas. • It has an extremely high affinity to haemoglobin. • CO + Hb  HbCO (carboxyhaemoglobin) • It is a competitive inhibitor to oxygen for haemoglobin. • It can inhibit the transport of oxygen when presence in the blood.
  • 119. • CO is a colorless, tasteless and odorless compound produced by incomplete combustion of carbon-containing materials. • A carbon monoxide detector can detect the presence of the carbon monoxide gas in order to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning. • CO detectors can be placed near the ceiling or near the floor because CO is very close to the same density as air.
  • 120. The Bohr effect • The hemoglobin's oxygen binding affinity is inversely related both to acidity and to the concentration of carbon dioxide. • CO2 + H2O ⇌ H2CO3 ⇌ HCO3 - + H+ (pH ↓) • Hb + H+ ⇌ HHb • The lower pH changes the conformation of haemoglobin and promotes dissociation of oxygen. • The haemoglobin then binds to proton to form haemoglobinic acid (HHb). • The Bohr Effect is importance for enhanced unloading of oxygen in metabolically active peripheral tissues such as exercising skeletal muscle. • The Bohr effects also occurs when when carbon monoxide is present and binds to haemoglobin to form carboxyhaemoglobin.
  • 121. Shifting of curve • Left shift • Haemoglobin affinity to oxygen ↑ • blood saturated with oxygen ↑ • Right shift • Haemoglobin affinity to oxygen ↓ • blood saturated with oxygen ↓
  • 124. Transportation of CO2 • CO2 by the cells enters the blood by diffusion. CO2 is transported to the alveoli by: • CO2 + H2O ⇌ H2CO3 (carbonic acid) • CO2 + Hb ⇌ HbCO2 (carbaminohaemoglobin) • CO2 + H2O ⇌ H2CO3 ⇌ H+ + HCO3 - (hydrogen carbonate /bicarbonate)
  • 125.
  • 127. Direct dissolve in blood plasma • About 5% of the carbon dioxide dissolves directly in water to form carbonic acid (H2CO3). • This carbonic acid is transported by the blood plasma. • This process is very slow because there is no suitable catalytic enzyme carbonic anhydrase in the plasma. CO2 + H2O ⇌ H2CO3
  • 128. As carbaminohaemoglobin • When the partial pressure of carbon dioxide is high, carbon dioxide can bind to haemoglobin to form carbaminohaemoglobin. CO2 + Hb ⇌ HbCO2
  • 129. As bicarbonate • The carbon dioxide enters the red blood cells where it combines with water to form carbonic acid (H2CO3) under the action of the enzyme carbonic anhydrase quickly. • The carbonic acid dissociates into hydrogen ions (H+) and hydrogen carbonate ions (HCO3 -). CO2 + H2O ⇌ H2CO3 carbonic anhydrase H2CO3 ⇌ H+ + HCO3 -
  • 130. The fate of carbonic acid • The proton (H+) will bind to the haemoglobin in the red blood cell to form haemoglobinic acid (HHb). • To prevent acidification of blood by influx of H+ • To induce dissociation of oxygen from haemoglobin • The hydrogen carbonate ions (HCO3 -) move from the red blood cell into blood plasma. • The concentration of HCO3 - in blood plasma in the vein will be higher than that of the artery. • The chloride ions (Cl-) in the plasma move into the red blood cells to maintain the charge balance. This is called chloride shift. H+ + Hb ⇌ HHb
  • 132. Releasing of CO2 in the alveoli • pO2 is high and pCO2 is low in the alveoli. • The hydrogen carbonate ions (HCO3 -) in the plasma return to the red blood cells and combine with hydrogen ions (H+) forming carbonic acid. • Carbonic acid converts into water and carbon dioxide. • This process occurs faster in RBC than plasma due to the presence of carbonic anhydrase in RBC. • Carbon dioxide diffuse into the alveoli and into the atmosphere. H+ + HCO3 - ⇌ H2CO3 carbonic anhydrase H2CO3 ⇌ CO2 + H2O
  • 133. pH Buffers • Organisms must stabilize the blood-pH within a narrow range of between 7.36 and 7.44 so that chemical reactions within the body can occurs smoothly. • Acid-base buffers confer resistance to a change in the pH of a solution when hydrogen ions (protons) or hydroxide ions are added or removed. • An acid-base buffer typically consists of a weak acid, and its conjugate base (salt). • The concentrations of the weak acid and its salt are large compared to the amount of protons or hydroxide ions added or removed. • When protons are added to the solution, it will be removed by reacting with the base component of the buffer is converted to the weak-acid. • When hydroxide ions are added to the solution, protons are dissociated from the weak-acid molecules of the buffer, converting them to the base of the buffer (and thus replenishing most of the protons removed). • The ratio of acid to base changes only slightly. • Thus, the effect on the pH of the solution is small, within certain limitations on the amount of H+ or OH- added or removed.
  • 134. Haemoglobin as a pH buffer in the blood • Haemoglobin helps to maintain the pH of the blood within a suitable range and at the same time it maintains an equilibrium of ions of the blood. • Avoid major pH change when pCO2 is rising or falling. • Maintain charge balance and participate in the chlorine switch.
  • 136. The lymphatic system • Latin lympha "water" • The lymphatic system is part of the circulatory system. • The lymphatic system is an open circulatory system. • Lymphatic system is mainly made up of lymph淋巴, lymph nodes淋巴结, lymphatic vessels淋巴管and lymphatic organs淋巴器官
  • 137. Function of the lymphatic system • Remove of interstitial fluid from tissues • Maintain the composition of blood plasma • Immune system • Produce lymphatic cells and antibodies • Filter the interstitial fluid • Absorb and transport fatty acids and fats from the digestive system.
  • 138. Lymph • Lymph is the fluid flows in the lymphatic vessels. • When blood flows through the blood capillaries, part of the blood plasma diffuses through the capillary walls into the intercellular/extracellular space and form the tissue fluid / interstitial fluid组织液. • Some tissue fluid flows into the lymphatic capillaries to form lymph. • The composition of lymph is similar to the blood plasma, but with less proteins. • Lymph contains lymphocyte, but no red blood cells and platelets. Human lymph
  • 139. Lymphatic vessel • The lymph capillaries are blind tubes (closed at the end). • The edges of adjacent endothelial cells内皮细胞 (a type of squamous epithelial cells) overlap to form "flaplike minivalves". • The permeability of lymph capillaries is larger than that of the blood capillaries. • Macromolecules in the tissue fluid such as proteins, lipids and bacteria can enter lymph capillaries easily.
  • 140. Structure of lymphatic vessel • Lymphatic vessels have thin walls. • Lymphatic vessels have valves to prevent the backflow of lymph.
  • 141. Lymphatic drainage • Lymphatic system drainage is organized into two separate drainage areas. • The right drainage area clears the right arm and chest. • The lymph is drained into the right lymphatic duct. • The lymph enters the blood through the right subclavian vein. • The left drainage area clears all of the other areas of the body including both legs, the lower trunk upper left of the chest, and the left arm. • The lymph is drained into the thoracic duct. • The lymph enters the blood through the left subclavian vein.
  • 142. superior vena cava Movement of lymph right subclavian vein right lymphatic duct the right arm and chest left subclavian vein thoracic duct both legs, the lower trunk upper left of the chest, and the left arm
  • 143. Mechanisms of lymph flow • During inspiration (inhalation), the thoracic cavity expands producing a negative suction force. • This suction force and the contraction of the skeleton muscles around the lymphatic vessels cause lymph to flow towards the two largest lymphatic ducts (the thoracic duct and the right lymphatic duct) against the force of gravity. • Also move by the rhythmic contraction of lymphatic vessel (smooth muscle) and skeletal muscle. • The valve also ensure unidirectional movement of lymph.
  • 144. Lymph nodes • At definite points along the lymphatic ducts are numerous small swellings called lymph nodes (lymph glands). • Many lymph nodes can be found in the neck颈部, the mesenteries肠系膜, the armpits腋窝and the groin腹股沟 are the most numerous.
  • 145. Function of lymph nodes • Lymph nodes manufacture lymphocytes which produce antibodies 抗体. • The lymph nodes also filter out the microorganisms that invade the body and other structures such as cancer cells from the lymph. • The flow of lymph through the lymph nodes is very slow. • The phagocytes are given sufficient time to engulf pathogens. • Inflammation, swelling and pain of the lymph node when infection occurs.
  • 146. Lymphatic organs • Some organs in human body are closely related to lymphatic system, e.g. spleen脾脏, thymus胸腺 and tonsil gland扁桃腺. • These organs possess structures similar to the lymph nodes and these structures can produce lymphocytes.
  • 147. Spleen脾脏 • Largest lymphatic organ in the body. Red pulp红髓区 • filtering blood • removes old red blood cells by phagocytes • metabolizes hemoglobin to iron and bilirubin (from heme) • recycles iron • store blood White pulp白髓区 • grow white blood cells • contain white blood cells, especially monocytes
  • 148. Thymus胸腺 • Greek θυμός (thumos) "anger" or "heart, soul, desire, life" • maturation of T-lymphocytes • secretes hormones and cytokines that regulate the maturation of T cells
  • 149. Size of thymus • largest in childhood but shrinking and degenerating into fatty tissue with age • the immune system produces most of its T cells during childhood and requires very few new T cells after puberty
  • 150. Tonsil gland扁桃腺 • Tonsils are collections of lymphoid tissue facing into the aerodigestive tract includes the adenoid tonsil腺样体, two tubal tonsils咽鼓管 扁桃体, two palatine tonsils腭扁桃体, and the lingual tonsil舌扁桃体. • most commonly refers specifically to the palatine tonsils. • The immune system's first line of defense against ingested or inhaled foreign pathogens. • Infection may cause swelling of the tonsils, which may obstruct the airway or interfere with swallowing. palatine tonsils

Editor's Notes

  6. Fig. 1. ‘‘Dramatis personae’’: Representatives of the ‘‘lower animal groups’’ discussed in this paper. (A) Choanoflagellata: Salpingoeca (Michael Plewka, (B) Silicea: Demospongiae: Halichondria (Martin Macnaughton, University of Copenhagen). (C) Silicea: Hexactinellida: Euplectella (Craig Young, University of Oregon). (D) Calcarea: Sycon (Fredrik Pleijel, Tja ̈ rno ̈ Marine Biological Laboratory). (E) Homoscleromorpha: Oscarella (Wilfried Bay-Nouailhat, Mer and Littoral, Concarneau). (F) Placozoa: Trichoplax (Ana Signorovitch, Yale University). (G) Cnidaria: Nematostella (Timm Nu ̈ chters, University of Vienna). (H) Ctenophora: Mnemiopsis (Birgit Thorell, University Copenhagen). (I) Acoelomorpha: Convoluta ( Symsagittifera ) (Xavier Bailly, Station Biologique Roscoff).
  31. Desmosomes are intercellular junctions that provide strong adhesion between cells. Because they also link intracellularly to the intermediate filament cytoskeleton they form the adhesive bonds in a network that gives mechanical strength to tissues.
  32. Sinuns - latin bend