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The Building Blocks of Life
= Three part theory about cells 
1. All living things are made of cells.
Part 2 of the Theory 
2. The cell is the basic structural and functional 
unit of life.
Part 3 of the Theory 
3. All cells come from pre-existing cells. 
yeast cells dividing
Cells are Us 
A person contains about 100 trillion cells. That’s 
100,000,000,000,000 or 1 x 1014 cells. 
There are about 200 different cell types in 
mammals (one of us). 
Cells are teeny, tiny, measuring on average 
about 0.002 cm (20 um) across. That’s about 
1250 cells, “shoulder-to-shoulder” per inch. 
nerve cell
Why Study Cell 
The key to every biological 
problem must finally be 
sought in the cell, for every 
living organism is, or at some 
time has been, a cell.
The Cell Theory (review) 
The Cell Theory (proposed independently in 1838 and 
1839) is a cornerstone of biology. 
 Cells are the basic unit of life 
 All Cells arise from previously existing cells
Two Types of Cells 
Two Fundamentally Different Cell Architectures: 
1) A prokaryotic cell 
2) A eukaryotic cell
Prokaryotic cells 
• have no nucleus or organelles 
enclosed within membranes. 
• All species in the domains Archaea and 
Eubacteria have prokaryotic cells.
Eukaryotic cells 
• have a nucleus and organelles that are 
surrounded by membranes. 
• Each organelle does a specific cell function. 
• All species in the Eukaryota domain (protists, 
fungi, plants, and animals) have eukaryotic cells. 
Individual protists have only one cell, while plants 
and animals can have trillions of cells.
Prokaryotes vs. Eukaryotes
Size comparison??
• 1. A few types of cells 
are large enough to be 
seen by the unaided 
• 2. Most cells are 
visible only with a 
•The Female Egg is the largest cell in the body, and can be seen without the aid of a 
Similarities: Common Features of 
The common features of prokaryotic 
and eukaryotic cells are: 
• 1. DNA 
2. Plasma membrane (a.k.a. “cell membrane”) 
• 3. Cytoplasm 
• 4. Ribosomes
An idealized animal cell.
A rat liver cell (with color enhancement to show 
What Do Those Parts 
Structure of cells
HeLa Cells
Structure of Eukaryotic Cell
Pathways of Differentiation
Relative sizes of cells and cell components
Cell replacement therapy
Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cellular Structure
Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells 
• Prokaryote comes from 
the Greek words for 
• Eukaryote comes from 
the Greek words for 
true nucleus.
Prokaryotic Cells: Shapes 
• Average size: 0.2 –1.0 μm ´ 2 – 8 μm 
• Most bacteria are monomorphic 
• A few are pleomorphic
Basic Shapes 
• Bacillus (rod-shaped) 
• Coccus (spherical) 
• Spiral 
– Spirillum 
– Vibrio 
– Spirochete
Prokaryotic & Eukaryotic Cells: An Overview 
 Prokaryotes 
 Do not have membrane surrounding their 
 lack a nucleus 
 Lack various internal structures bound 
with phospholipid membranes 
 Are small, ~1.0 μm in diameter 
 Have a simple structure 
 Composed of bacteria and archaea
Prokaryotic & Eukaryotic Cells: An Overview 
 Eukaryotes 
 Have membrane surrounding their 
 Have a nucleus 
 Have internal membrane-bound 
 Are larger, 10-100 μm in diameter 
 Have more complex structure 
 Composed of algae, protozoa, fungi, 
animals, and plants
Prokaryotic & Eukaryotic Cells: An Overview 
Prokaryotic Cell Membrane 
• Structure 
– Referred to as phospholipid bilayer; 
composed of lipids and associated 
– Approximately half composed of 
proteins that act as recognition 
proteins, enzymes, receptors, 
carriers, or channels 
• Integral proteins 
• Peripheral proteins 
• Glycoproteins 
– Fluid mosaic model describes current 
understanding of membrane 
Cell Membrane 
Membranes contain a 
hydrophilic and 
hydrophobic side 
Composed of many 
different types of 
Proteins in the lipid 
bilayer move freely 
within the membrane
Cell Membrane 
Thin pliable lipid and protein envelope 
that defines a cell. 
Phospholipid bilayer 
• Regulates nutrient and water intake 
• Regulates waste removal 
• Site of prokaryotic respiration 
• Site of prokaryotic flagella 
• Involved in the distribution of genetic 
material during binary fission
Prokaryotic Cytoplasmic Membranes 
• Function 
– Energy storage 
– Harvest light energy in 
photosynthetic prokaryotes 
– Selectively permeable 
– Naturally impermeable to most 
– Proteins allow substances to cross 
• Occurs by passive or active 
– Maintain concentration and electrical 
• Chemicals concentrated on one 
side of the membrane or the 
• Voltage exists across the 
Cell Membrane
Trilaminar appearance of membranes
Structure of the Plasma membrane
• Plasma Membrane 
• A lipid/protein/carbohydrate complex, providing a 
barrier and containing transport and signaling 
Cell membrane - Function 
• The cell membrane's function, in general, revolves 
around is membrane proteins. General functions 
• Receptor proteins which allow cells to 
• transport proteins regulate what enters or leaves 
the cell, 
• and marker proteins which identify the cell
Cell membrane - Function - Regulation of 
• Transport Proteins come in two forms: 
Carrier proteins are peripheral proteins which 
do not extend all the way through the 
membrane. They move specific molecules 
through the membrane one at a time.
Channel proteins extend through the 
bilipid layer. They form a pore through 
the membrane that can move 
molecules in several ways.
• The cell membrane can also engulf structures 
that are much too large to fit through the 
pores in the membrane proteins. 
• This process is known as endocytosis. 
• In this process the membrane itself wraps 
around the particle and pinches off a vesicle 
inside the cell.
Structure of Cholestrol molecule
External Structures of Prokaryotic Cells 
• Types of Glycocalyces 
– Capsule 
• Composed of organized 
repeating units of organic 
• Firmly attached to cell surface 
• Protects cells from drying out 
• May prevent bacteria from 
being recognized and destroyed 
by host
External Structures of Prokaryotic Cells 
• Glycocalyces 
– Gelatinous, sticky substance 
surrounding the outside of 
the cell 
– Composed of 
polypeptides, or both
Polysaccharides or 
polypeptides in composition. 
Surround the cell wall in some 
•Protection from phagocytosis 
•Osmotic barrier 
•Reservoir for nutrients 
•Virulence factor
Capsule Stain
Slime Layer 
Consist of polysaccharide 
fibers that extend form the 
bacterial surface 
•Associated with biofilms
External Structures of Prokaryotic Cells 
• Types of Glycocalyces 
– Slime layer 
• Loosely attached to cell surface 
• Water soluble 
• Protects cells from drying out 
• Sticky layer that allows 
prokaryotes to attach to 
Axial Filaments 
Pili (Fimbriae)
Bacterial Appendages Flagella 
Structures of locomotion 
Originate in the plasma 
In bacteria rotate like a 
Many different 
External Structures of Prokaryotic Cells 
• Flagella 
– Are responsible for 
– Have long structures that 
extend beyond cell surface 
– Are not present on all 
External Structures of Prokaryotic Cells 
 Flagella 
 Structure 
 Composed of filament, hook, and 
basal body 
 Flagellin protein (filament) 
deposited in a helix at the 
lengthening tip 
 Base of filament inserts into hook 
 Basal body anchors filament and 
hook to cell wall by a rod and a 
series of either two or four rings 
of integral proteins 
 Filament capable of rotating 360º
Bacterial Appendages Arrangements of Flagella 
Bacterial Appendages 
Axial filament (endoflagella) 
Originates in the cell membrane and 
transverses the length of the cell in the 
periplasmic space. 
As the endoflagella rotate to move the cell the 
characteristic shape is formed . 
Endoflagella are associated with spirochetes.
External Structures of Prokaryotic Cells 
Endoflagellum is also know as an 
axial filament. 
Attached to the plasma embrane 
and transverses the entire cell. 
Responsible for the spirochete 
External Structures of Prokaryotic Cells 
• Flagella 
– Function 
• Rotation propels bacterium 
through environment 
• Rotation reversible, can be 
clockwise or counterclockwise 
• Bacteria move in response to 
stimuli (taxis) 
– Runs 
– Tumbles
Bacterial Appendages 
• Fimbriae and Pili 
– Rod-like proteinaceous 
Appendages Fimbriae 
Hollow tubes that 
protrude from some 
Compose of protein
External Structures of Prokaryotic Cells 
• Fimbriae 
• Sticky, bristlelike projections 
• Used by bacteria to adhere 
to one another, to hosts, and 
to substances in 
• Shorter than flagella 
• May be hundreds per cell 
• Serve an important function 
in biofilms 
• Virulence factor
External Structures of Prokaryotic Cells 
• Pili 
– Tubules composed of pilin 
– Also known as conjugation pili 
– Longer than fimbriae but shorter 
than flagella 
– Bacteria typically only have one or 
two per cell 
– Mediate the transfer of DNA from 
one cell to another (conjugation)
Bacterial Conjugation 
Transfer of plasmid DNA 
from a donor to a 
Process strengthens the 
bacterial cell and alows for 
survival in a competitive 
Bacterial Inclusion Bodies 
1. poly-Beta-hydroxybutyric acid - stores lipids for use in plasma membrane 
2. glycogen - stores starch like polymer of sugar for energy production 
3. Polyphosphate granules (metachromatic granules) - storage for 
phosphates for plasma membrane and the formation of ATP from ADP. 
4. Sulfur granules - stores sulfur which is necessary for the metabolic 
reactions in biosynthesis.
5. Mesosome 
Mesosomes - invagination of the 
plasma membrane that increases the 
surfaces area of the plasma membrane 
during binary fission. 
The mesosome also serves as a site 
for the attachment and distribution of 
genetic material during binary fission.
In prokaryotic cell division, called 
binary fission. 
A diagram of the attachment of 
bacterial chromosomes, indicating the 
possible role of the mesosome (an 
inward fold of the cell membrane) in 
ensuring the distribution of the 
"chromosomes" in a dividing cell. 
Upon attachment to the plasma 
membrane, the DNA replicates and 
reattaches at separate points. 
Continued growth of the cell gradually 
separates the chromosomes and 
allocates chromosome copies to the 
two daughter cells.
Inclusion Bodies 
6. gas vacuoles - storage of metabolic gases such as methane or hydrogen gas. The 
gas vacuoles help in the buoyancy of the cell and aids in it motility. 
7. ribosomes - responsible for the synthesis of proteins. 
8. nucleoid material - the genetic material of bacteria, which usually is balled up in 
the cell. During binary fission the nucleoid material unravels within the cell in 
order to be copied and distributed to the daughter cells. 
9. Plasmid - small fragments of self-replicating extrachromosomal DNA that codes for 
the resistance to antibiotics or for the productions of a specific metabolite, i.e. 
toxins, pigments. These plasmids may be transferred from one bacterial cell to 
another by the F-pili.
Inclusion Bodies 
9. Plasmid - small fragments of self-replicating extrachromosomal DNA that codes 
for the resistance to antibiotics or for the productions of a specific metabolite, i.e. 
toxins, pigments. These plasmids may be transferred from one bacterial cell to 
another by the F-pili.
Inclusion Bodies 
These plasmids may be transferred from one bacterial cell to another by the 
Inclusion Bodies 
10. Endospores - a survival mechanism of certain genera of bacteria such as 
Clostridium and Bacillus. 
The endospores are composed of a complex of dipicolinc acid and 
calcium and the function of the endospore is to protect the bacterial 
The endospores are very resistant to heat, desiccation, freezing, and 
other physical properties such as pesticides, antibiotics, dyes, and acids.
Inclusion Bodies 
The endospores may remain dormant for many years until the 
environment becomes suitable to sustain the life of the bacteria. 
The endospore will then germinate to form an exact copy of the parent 
cell that produced it.
Eukaryotic Cell Walls & Cytoplasmic Membranes 
• Fungi, algae, plants, and some protozoa 
have cell walls but no glycocalyx 
• Composed of various polysaccharides 
– Cellulose found in plant cell walls 
– Fungal cell walls composed of 
cellulose, chitin, and/or 
– Algal cell walls composed of 
cellulose, proteins, agar, 
carrageenan, silicates, algin, 
calcium carbonate, or a 
combination of these
Cell Walls 
Three different types of cell walls and 
their compositions: 
Fungal cell walls are composed of 
cellulose and/or chitin. 
Plant cell walls are composed of 
Algal cell walls are composed of 
cellulose, silicon, and calcium 
Plasma Membrane 
Consist of a lipid bilayer and 
associated proteins. The Plasma 
Membrane of Eukaryotic cells 
resembles and functions in the same 
manner as the prokaryotic plasma 
membrane with the following 
Contains high levels of sterols such as 
No respiratory enzymes are located in 
the eukaryotic plasma membrane. 
Respiration occurs in the 
External Structure of Eukaryotic Cells 
• Glycocalyces 
– Never as organized as prokaryotic 
– Help anchor animal cells to each 
– Strengthen cell surface 
– Provide protection against 
– Function in cell-to-cell recognition 
and communication
Eukaryotic Appendages 
There are several different 
arrangements of flagella in eucaryotes. 
This diagram represents a 
biflagellated eukaryotic cell. 
One of the flagella aids in movement 
laterally and the other aids in up and 
down movement. 
The eukaryotic flagella move like a 
See Flagellar handout.
Eukaryotic Appendages 
• Flagella 
– Function 
• Do not rotate, but undulate 
Eukaryotic Appendages 
Similar to flagella both structurally and 
functionally but are much shorter and 
more numerous. 
Cilia are found peritrichously to the cell. 
Move in an undulating manner and 
motility by those organisms with cilia is 
much more rapid than those with flagella.
Intracellular Structures of Eukaryotic Organisms (organelles) 
 Membranous Organelles 
 Nucleus 
 Often largest organelle in cell 
 Contains most of the cell’s DNA 
 Semi-liquid portion called 
 One or more nucleoli present in 
nucleoplasm; RNA synthesized in 
 Nucleoplasm contains chromatin – 
masses of DNA associated with 
 Surrounded by nuclear envelope – 
double membrane composed of two 
phospholipid bilayers 
 Nuclear envelope contains nuclear 
Intracellular Structures of Eukaryotic Organisms (organelles) 
Nucleus - double membraned 
organelle that houses the genetic 
material of cell. 
Nuclear membrane contains numerous 
pores through which proteins and RNA 
can move.
Intracellular Structures of Eukaryotic Organisms (organelles) 
 Membranous Organelles 
 Endoplasmic reticulum 
 Netlike arrangement of flattened, hollow 
tubules continuous with nuclear 
 Functions as transport system 
 Two forms 
 Smooth endoplasmic reticulum 
(SER) – plays role in lipid 
 Rough endoplasmic reticulum 
(RER) – ribosomes attached to 
its outer surface; transports 
proteins produced by 
Intracellular Structures of Eukaryotic Organisms (organelles) 
Endoplasmic reticulum - network of 
cytoplasmic membranes where lipids 
and proteins are produced. 
Smooth ER - synthesis of lipids 
Rough ER - associated with ribosomes 
and is responsible for the synthesis of 
Intracellular Structures of Eukaryotic Organisms (organelles) 
 Membranous Organelles 
 Golgi body 
 Receives, processes, and 
packages large molecules for 
export from cell 
 Packages molecules in secretory 
vesicles that fuse with 
cytoplasmic membrane 
 Composed of flattened hollow 
sacs surrounded by 
phospholipid bilayer 
 Not in all eukaryotic cells
Intracellular Structures of Eukaryotic Organisms (organelles) 
Golgi apparatus (dictyosome) is 
associated with the ER. 
It modifies and packages the lipids and 
proteins manufactured by the ER and 
places them in vesicles for cellular use.
Intracellular Structures of Eukaryotic Organisms (organelles) 
• Membranous Organelles 
– Lysosomes, peroxisomes,vacuoles, and 
• Store and transfer chemicals within 
• May store nutrients in cell 
• Lysosomes contain catabolic 
• Peroxisomes contain enzymes that 
degrade poisonous wastes
Intracellular Structures of Eukaryotic Organisms (organelles) 
• Membranous Organelles 
– Mitochondria 
• Have two membranes 
composed of phospholipid 
• Produce most of cell’s ATP 
• Interior matrix contains 70S 
ribosomes and circular 
molecule of DNA
Intracellular Structures of Eukaryotic Organisms (organelles) 
mitochondria - involved in the 
production of chemical energy in the 
form of ATP. 
Consist of convoluted inner membrane 
and outer membrane. Invaginations 
are called cristae and contain enzymes 
used to synthesis ATP. 
All respiratory enzymes are located in 
the inner membrane of the 
Cytoplasm of Eukaryotes 
• Membranous Organelles 
– Chloroplasts 
• Light-harvesting structures 
found in photosynthetic 
• Have two phospholipid 
bilayer membranes and DNA 
• Have 70S ribosomes
Cytoplasm of Eukaryotes 
• Endosymbiotic Theory 
– Eukaryotes formed from union of small aerobic 
prokaryotes with larger anaerobic prokaryotes 
– smaller prokaryotes became internal parasites 
• Parasites lost ability to exist independently; retained 
portion of DNA, ribosomes, and cytoplasmic 
• Larger cell became dependent on parasites for aerobic 
ATP production 
• Aerobic prokaryotes evolved into mitochondria 
• Similar scenario for origin of chloroplasts 
– Not universally accepted
Cytoplasm of Eukaryotes 
Cytoplasm of Eukaryotes 
Eukaryotic Cell Walls & Cytoplasmic 

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Cell introduction

  • 2. Definition = Three part theory about cells 1. All living things are made of cells.
  • 3. Part 2 of the Theory 2. The cell is the basic structural and functional unit of life.
  • 4. Part 3 of the Theory 3. All cells come from pre-existing cells. yeast cells dividing
  • 5. Cells are Us A person contains about 100 trillion cells. That’s 100,000,000,000,000 or 1 x 1014 cells. There are about 200 different cell types in mammals (one of us). Cells are teeny, tiny, measuring on average about 0.002 cm (20 um) across. That’s about 1250 cells, “shoulder-to-shoulder” per inch. nerve cell
  • 6. Why Study Cell Biology? The key to every biological problem must finally be sought in the cell, for every living organism is, or at some time has been, a cell.
  • 7. The Cell Theory (review) The Cell Theory (proposed independently in 1838 and 1839) is a cornerstone of biology.  Cells are the basic unit of life  All Cells arise from previously existing cells
  • 8. Two Types of Cells Two Fundamentally Different Cell Architectures: 1) A prokaryotic cell 2) A eukaryotic cell
  • 9. Prokaryotic cells • have no nucleus or organelles enclosed within membranes. • All species in the domains Archaea and Eubacteria have prokaryotic cells.
  • 10. Eukaryotic cells • have a nucleus and organelles that are surrounded by membranes. • Each organelle does a specific cell function. • All species in the Eukaryota domain (protists, fungi, plants, and animals) have eukaryotic cells. Individual protists have only one cell, while plants and animals can have trillions of cells.
  • 13. • 1. A few types of cells are large enough to be seen by the unaided eye. • 2. Most cells are visible only with a microscope. •The Female Egg is the largest cell in the body, and can be seen without the aid of a microscope.
  • 14. PROKARYOTES vs. EUKARYOTES: Differences (Location)
  • 16. The common features of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells are: • 1. DNA 2. Plasma membrane (a.k.a. “cell membrane”) • 3. Cytoplasm • 4. Ribosomes
  • 18. A rat liver cell (with color enhancement to show organelles).
  • 19. What Do Those Parts Do?
  • 21.
  • 25. Relative sizes of cells and cell components
  • 27.
  • 28. Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cellular Structure
  • 29. Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells • Prokaryote comes from the Greek words for prenucleus. • Eukaryote comes from the Greek words for true nucleus.
  • 30.
  • 31. Prokaryotic Cells: Shapes • Average size: 0.2 –1.0 μm ´ 2 – 8 μm • Most bacteria are monomorphic • A few are pleomorphic
  • 32. Basic Shapes • Bacillus (rod-shaped) • Coccus (spherical) • Spiral – Spirillum – Vibrio – Spirochete
  • 33. Prokaryotic & Eukaryotic Cells: An Overview  Prokaryotes  Do not have membrane surrounding their DNA  lack a nucleus  Lack various internal structures bound with phospholipid membranes  Are small, ~1.0 μm in diameter  Have a simple structure  Composed of bacteria and archaea
  • 34. Prokaryotic & Eukaryotic Cells: An Overview  Eukaryotes  Have membrane surrounding their DNA  Have a nucleus  Have internal membrane-bound organelles  Are larger, 10-100 μm in diameter  Have more complex structure  Composed of algae, protozoa, fungi, animals, and plants
  • 35. Prokaryotic & Eukaryotic Cells: An Overview [INSERT FIGURE 3.1]
  • 36.
  • 37. Prokaryotic Cell Membrane • Structure – Referred to as phospholipid bilayer; composed of lipids and associated proteins – Approximately half composed of proteins that act as recognition proteins, enzymes, receptors, carriers, or channels • Integral proteins • Peripheral proteins • Glycoproteins – Fluid mosaic model describes current understanding of membrane structure
  • 38. Cell Membrane Membranes contain a hydrophilic and hydrophobic side Composed of many different types of proteins Proteins in the lipid bilayer move freely within the membrane
  • 39. Cell Membrane Thin pliable lipid and protein envelope that defines a cell. Phospholipid bilayer Functions: • Regulates nutrient and water intake • Regulates waste removal • Site of prokaryotic respiration • Site of prokaryotic flagella attachment • Involved in the distribution of genetic material during binary fission
  • 40. Prokaryotic Cytoplasmic Membranes • Function – Energy storage – Harvest light energy in photosynthetic prokaryotes – Selectively permeable – Naturally impermeable to most substances – Proteins allow substances to cross membrane • Occurs by passive or active processes – Maintain concentration and electrical gradient • Chemicals concentrated on one side of the membrane or the other • Voltage exists across the membrane
  • 42.
  • 44. Structure of the Plasma membrane
  • 45. • Plasma Membrane • A lipid/protein/carbohydrate complex, providing a barrier and containing transport and signaling systems.
  • 46. Cell membrane - Function • The cell membrane's function, in general, revolves around is membrane proteins. General functions include: • Receptor proteins which allow cells to communicate, • transport proteins regulate what enters or leaves the cell, • and marker proteins which identify the cell
  • 47. Cell membrane - Function - Regulation of transport • Transport Proteins come in two forms: Carrier proteins are peripheral proteins which do not extend all the way through the membrane. They move specific molecules through the membrane one at a time.
  • 48. Channel proteins extend through the bilipid layer. They form a pore through the membrane that can move molecules in several ways.
  • 49. • The cell membrane can also engulf structures that are much too large to fit through the pores in the membrane proteins. • This process is known as endocytosis. • In this process the membrane itself wraps around the particle and pinches off a vesicle inside the cell.
  • 52. External Structures of Prokaryotic Cells • Types of Glycocalyces – Capsule • Composed of organized repeating units of organic chemicals • Firmly attached to cell surface • Protects cells from drying out • May prevent bacteria from being recognized and destroyed by host
  • 53. External Structures of Prokaryotic Cells • Glycocalyces – Gelatinous, sticky substance surrounding the outside of the cell – Composed of polysaccharides, polypeptides, or both
  • 54. Capsule Polysaccharides or polypeptides in composition. Surround the cell wall in some bacteria. Function: •Protection from phagocytosis •Osmotic barrier •Reservoir for nutrients •Virulence factor
  • 56. Slime Layer Consist of polysaccharide fibers that extend form the bacterial surface Functions: •Protection •Attachment •Associated with biofilms
  • 57. External Structures of Prokaryotic Cells • Types of Glycocalyces – Slime layer • Loosely attached to cell surface • Water soluble • Protects cells from drying out • Sticky layer that allows prokaryotes to attach to surfaces
  • 58. Bacterial Appendages Flagella Axial Filaments Pili (Fimbriae)
  • 59. Bacterial Appendages Flagella Structures of locomotion Originate in the plasma membrane In bacteria rotate like a propellar Many different arrangements
  • 60. External Structures of Prokaryotic Cells • Flagella – Are responsible for movement – Have long structures that extend beyond cell surface – Are not present on all prokaryotes
  • 61. External Structures of Prokaryotic Cells  Flagella  Structure  Composed of filament, hook, and basal body  Flagellin protein (filament) deposited in a helix at the lengthening tip  Base of filament inserts into hook  Basal body anchors filament and hook to cell wall by a rod and a series of either two or four rings of integral proteins  Filament capable of rotating 360º
  • 62. Bacterial Appendages Arrangements of Flagella A.Monotrichous B.Lophotrichous C.Amphitrichous D.Peritrichous
  • 63. Bacterial Appendages Axial filament (endoflagella) Originates in the cell membrane and transverses the length of the cell in the periplasmic space. As the endoflagella rotate to move the cell the characteristic shape is formed . Endoflagella are associated with spirochetes.
  • 64. External Structures of Prokaryotic Cells Endoflagellum is also know as an axial filament. Attached to the plasma embrane and transverses the entire cell. Responsible for the spirochete morphology.
  • 65. External Structures of Prokaryotic Cells • Flagella – Function • Rotation propels bacterium through environment • Rotation reversible, can be clockwise or counterclockwise • Bacteria move in response to stimuli (taxis) – Runs – Tumbles
  • 66. Bacterial Appendages • Fimbriae and Pili – Rod-like proteinaceous extensions
  • 67. Bacterial Appendages Fimbriae Hollow tubes that protrude from some bacteria Compose of protein
  • 68. External Structures of Prokaryotic Cells • Fimbriae • Sticky, bristlelike projections • Used by bacteria to adhere to one another, to hosts, and to substances in environment • Shorter than flagella • May be hundreds per cell • Serve an important function in biofilms • Virulence factor
  • 69. External Structures of Prokaryotic Cells • Pili – Tubules composed of pilin – Also known as conjugation pili – Longer than fimbriae but shorter than flagella – Bacteria typically only have one or two per cell – Mediate the transfer of DNA from one cell to another (conjugation)
  • 70. Bacterial Conjugation Transfer of plasmid DNA from a donor to a recipient. Process strengthens the bacterial cell and alows for survival in a competitive environment.
  • 71. Bacterial Inclusion Bodies 1. poly-Beta-hydroxybutyric acid - stores lipids for use in plasma membrane 2. glycogen - stores starch like polymer of sugar for energy production 3. Polyphosphate granules (metachromatic granules) - storage for phosphates for plasma membrane and the formation of ATP from ADP. 4. Sulfur granules - stores sulfur which is necessary for the metabolic reactions in biosynthesis.
  • 72. 5. Mesosome Mesosomes - invagination of the plasma membrane that increases the surfaces area of the plasma membrane during binary fission. The mesosome also serves as a site for the attachment and distribution of genetic material during binary fission.
  • 73. Mesosome In prokaryotic cell division, called binary fission. A diagram of the attachment of bacterial chromosomes, indicating the possible role of the mesosome (an inward fold of the cell membrane) in ensuring the distribution of the "chromosomes" in a dividing cell. Upon attachment to the plasma membrane, the DNA replicates and reattaches at separate points. Continued growth of the cell gradually separates the chromosomes and allocates chromosome copies to the two daughter cells.
  • 74. Inclusion Bodies 6. gas vacuoles - storage of metabolic gases such as methane or hydrogen gas. The gas vacuoles help in the buoyancy of the cell and aids in it motility. 7. ribosomes - responsible for the synthesis of proteins. 8. nucleoid material - the genetic material of bacteria, which usually is balled up in the cell. During binary fission the nucleoid material unravels within the cell in order to be copied and distributed to the daughter cells. 9. Plasmid - small fragments of self-replicating extrachromosomal DNA that codes for the resistance to antibiotics or for the productions of a specific metabolite, i.e. toxins, pigments. These plasmids may be transferred from one bacterial cell to another by the F-pili.
  • 75. Inclusion Bodies 9. Plasmid - small fragments of self-replicating extrachromosomal DNA that codes for the resistance to antibiotics or for the productions of a specific metabolite, i.e. toxins, pigments. These plasmids may be transferred from one bacterial cell to another by the F-pili.
  • 76. Inclusion Bodies These plasmids may be transferred from one bacterial cell to another by the F-pili.
  • 77.
  • 78. Inclusion Bodies 10. Endospores - a survival mechanism of certain genera of bacteria such as Clostridium and Bacillus. The endospores are composed of a complex of dipicolinc acid and calcium and the function of the endospore is to protect the bacterial chromosome. The endospores are very resistant to heat, desiccation, freezing, and other physical properties such as pesticides, antibiotics, dyes, and acids.
  • 79. Inclusion Bodies The endospores may remain dormant for many years until the environment becomes suitable to sustain the life of the bacteria. The endospore will then germinate to form an exact copy of the parent cell that produced it.
  • 80.
  • 81.
  • 82. Eukaryotic Cell Walls & Cytoplasmic Membranes • Fungi, algae, plants, and some protozoa have cell walls but no glycocalyx • Composed of various polysaccharides – Cellulose found in plant cell walls – Fungal cell walls composed of cellulose, chitin, and/or glucomannan – Algal cell walls composed of cellulose, proteins, agar, carrageenan, silicates, algin, calcium carbonate, or a combination of these
  • 83. Cell Walls Three different types of cell walls and their compositions: Fungal cell walls are composed of cellulose and/or chitin. Plant cell walls are composed of cellulose. Algal cell walls are composed of cellulose, silicon, and calcium carbonate.
  • 84. Plasma Membrane Consist of a lipid bilayer and associated proteins. The Plasma Membrane of Eukaryotic cells resembles and functions in the same manner as the prokaryotic plasma membrane with the following exceptions; Contains high levels of sterols such as cholesterol. No respiratory enzymes are located in the eukaryotic plasma membrane. Respiration occurs in the mitochondria.
  • 85. External Structure of Eukaryotic Cells • Glycocalyces – Never as organized as prokaryotic capsules – Help anchor animal cells to each other – Strengthen cell surface – Provide protection against dehydration – Function in cell-to-cell recognition and communication
  • 86. Eukaryotic Appendages Flagella There are several different arrangements of flagella in eucaryotes. This diagram represents a biflagellated eukaryotic cell. One of the flagella aids in movement laterally and the other aids in up and down movement. The eukaryotic flagella move like a whip. See Flagellar handout.
  • 87. Eukaryotic Appendages • Flagella – Function • Do not rotate, but undulate rhythmically
  • 88. Eukaryotic Appendages Cilia Similar to flagella both structurally and functionally but are much shorter and more numerous. Cilia are found peritrichously to the cell. Move in an undulating manner and motility by those organisms with cilia is much more rapid than those with flagella.
  • 89.
  • 90. Intracellular Structures of Eukaryotic Organisms (organelles)  Membranous Organelles  Nucleus  Often largest organelle in cell  Contains most of the cell’s DNA  Semi-liquid portion called nucleoplasm  One or more nucleoli present in nucleoplasm; RNA synthesized in nucleoli  Nucleoplasm contains chromatin – masses of DNA associated with histones  Surrounded by nuclear envelope – double membrane composed of two phospholipid bilayers  Nuclear envelope contains nuclear pores
  • 91. Intracellular Structures of Eukaryotic Organisms (organelles) Nucleus - double membraned organelle that houses the genetic material of cell. Nuclear membrane contains numerous pores through which proteins and RNA can move.
  • 92. Intracellular Structures of Eukaryotic Organisms (organelles)  Membranous Organelles  Endoplasmic reticulum  Netlike arrangement of flattened, hollow tubules continuous with nuclear envelope  Functions as transport system  Two forms  Smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER) – plays role in lipid synthesis  Rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) – ribosomes attached to its outer surface; transports proteins produced by ribosomes
  • 93. Intracellular Structures of Eukaryotic Organisms (organelles) Endoplasmic reticulum - network of cytoplasmic membranes where lipids and proteins are produced. Smooth ER - synthesis of lipids Rough ER - associated with ribosomes and is responsible for the synthesis of proteins. .
  • 94. Intracellular Structures of Eukaryotic Organisms (organelles)  Membranous Organelles  Golgi body  Receives, processes, and packages large molecules for export from cell  Packages molecules in secretory vesicles that fuse with cytoplasmic membrane  Composed of flattened hollow sacs surrounded by phospholipid bilayer  Not in all eukaryotic cells
  • 95. Intracellular Structures of Eukaryotic Organisms (organelles) Golgi apparatus (dictyosome) is associated with the ER. It modifies and packages the lipids and proteins manufactured by the ER and places them in vesicles for cellular use.
  • 96. Intracellular Structures of Eukaryotic Organisms (organelles) • Membranous Organelles – Lysosomes, peroxisomes,vacuoles, and vesicles • Store and transfer chemicals within cells • May store nutrients in cell • Lysosomes contain catabolic enzymes • Peroxisomes contain enzymes that degrade poisonous wastes
  • 97. Intracellular Structures of Eukaryotic Organisms (organelles) • Membranous Organelles – Mitochondria • Have two membranes composed of phospholipid bilayer • Produce most of cell’s ATP • Interior matrix contains 70S ribosomes and circular molecule of DNA
  • 98. Intracellular Structures of Eukaryotic Organisms (organelles) mitochondria - involved in the production of chemical energy in the form of ATP. Consist of convoluted inner membrane and outer membrane. Invaginations are called cristae and contain enzymes used to synthesis ATP. All respiratory enzymes are located in the inner membrane of the mitochondria.
  • 99. Cytoplasm of Eukaryotes • Membranous Organelles – Chloroplasts • Light-harvesting structures found in photosynthetic eukaryotes • Have two phospholipid bilayer membranes and DNA • Have 70S ribosomes
  • 100. Cytoplasm of Eukaryotes • Endosymbiotic Theory – Eukaryotes formed from union of small aerobic prokaryotes with larger anaerobic prokaryotes – smaller prokaryotes became internal parasites • Parasites lost ability to exist independently; retained portion of DNA, ribosomes, and cytoplasmic membranes • Larger cell became dependent on parasites for aerobic ATP production • Aerobic prokaryotes evolved into mitochondria • Similar scenario for origin of chloroplasts – Not universally accepted
  • 101. Cytoplasm of Eukaryotes [INSERT TABLE 3.5]
  • 102. Cytoplasm of Eukaryotes [INSERT TABLE 3.4]
  • 103. Eukaryotic Cell Walls & Cytoplasmic Membranes [INSERT TABLE 3.3]