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A Common presentation of
an uncommon disease
Dr. Muhammad Arshad
Specialist Internist
Fellow College of Physicians and Surgeons,
KKH Tabuk, KSA
Does a Common presentation
of an uncommon disease
means ?
a) A common disease presenting in atypical way.
b) A rare disease presenting in atypical way.
c) A common disease presenting typically.
d) A rare disease presenting typically.
Personal Profile
38 years old lady, married last 10 years
,house wife, with out any issue,
admitted via E.R
with presenting complaints of
Abdominal distention - 6 months
B/L leg oedema - 6 months
Loose motions - 4 months
History of presenting
• Abdominal distention gradual onset,
preceded by pedal oedema, worse in
• No history of cough, sputum ,fever, chest
pain, orthopnea, PND, and urinary
• After 2 months of above symptoms diarrhea
started, watery, large volume, 5-6 episodes
in day and 5-6 episodes in night, no blood or
mucus with stools, no history of vomiting,
History Cont--
Personal History :
Illiterate ,non smoker
Socioeconomic History:
Residing with husband,
Bedouin, average living
Food and Drug History:
No history of any Food
or drug allergy
Past History
Three admissions in last 2 years
First admission
Symptoms at presentation were
Dizziness and
Hb 5.8 G/dl
MCV 67.2
T Protein
29 G/L
TLC 6×103 Calcium
Plts 392 ×103 Iron 2
ESR 20 TIBC 80
Urea 6.4 AST
Creat 92 Alk
Uric Acid 3.2 T Bil 15
Discharge diagnosis
Iron deficieny anemia
Ferrous sulfate
Folic acid
2nd admission
Symptoms at admission were
Generalized weakness
symptoms of anemia
Dizziness and
Hb 7.95 G/dl
MCV 57.2
T Protein
15 G/L
TLC 5.8×103 Calcium
Plts 305 ×103 Iron 2
ESR 30 TIBC 16 ( 45-81)
Urea 5.3 AST
Creat 82 Alk
Uric Acid 3.2 T Bil 15
Ultrasound Abdomen
Liver size 14cm,generalized increased
echogenisity (Fatty change)
Portal vein 1.4 cm
Mild splenomegaly
Minimal Ascites
?? Chronic liver disease
Correlate clinically
PT 18.3/18.27 Calcium
aPTT 40.6/40.57 Iron 2
INR 1.7 TIBC 16 ( 45-81)
TSH .005 ALT
FT4 11.66 Alk
Magnesium o.77 T Bil 13
Endocrinologist opinion : Sick euthyroid
Hepatitis B and C Serology = Negative
Transfused 2 units of Red Cell Concentrate
Discharge Diagnosis
Iron deficiency anemia
Liver cirrhosis
Advised to follow OPD
Patient visited OPD with fresh
Albumin = 21 G/dl , Total Protein= 42 G/dl
Calcium = 1.71 mmol/L, Corrected = 2.06
Serum Ferritin= 26.30
RFTs and blood glucose = Normal
ALT =148 and AST = 197,
Alk Phos = 463 (136-145)
T. Bil= 10.8, D.Bil = 3.3
PT=16.3/16.27, aPTT = 45.3/45.5,
INR = 1.37
Repeat Hepatitis B and C serology =Negative
3rd admission
Symptoms written on refferal were
B/L pedal pitting oedema
Diarrhea with weight loss, fatigue
H/o anemia and blood transfusion
Hb 6.95 G/dl
MCV 57.2
T Protein
19.3 G/L
38.8 G/l
TLC 7.8×103 PT 18.3/18.27
Plts 175 ×103 aPTT 40.6/40.57
Na 141 INR 1.3
K 2.93 AST
Creat 82 Alk
Urea 3.2 T Bil 15
Thyroid profile repeated
FT4 =11.35 and
FT4= 11.89
Ultrasound Abdomen
Generalized increased
echogenisity (Fatty change)
Portal vein 1.5 cm
Splenomegaly 16 cm
Moderate Ascites
?? Chronic liver disease
Correlate clinically
Referral to higher centre
for evaluation of cause of Chronic
liver disease but family refused
Patient discharged with
Liver cirrhosis , cause ?
Sub clinical hypothyroidism
Iron deficiency anemia
Iron, Spironolactone ,
Lactulose, Multivitamin
and frusemide
A 38 yrs old Saudi female, married
issueless , frequent admissions with
symptoms of anemia, wt loss, generalized
oedema, presently admitted with H/O
abdominal distention , B/L leg oedema ,
loose motions 4-6 months
What is Differential Diagnosis ?
1) Chronic Liver Disease
2) Malabsorption syndrome
Cause ?
3) Chronic infection of GUT
Giardiasis -etc
4) Cardiac cause
Constrictive pericarditis
On Examination
A thin slim wasted lady, average hight,
conscious, orienated, lying comfortably
on bed.
Weight: 30Kg
BP: 123/70, Pulse : 92/min,
Temp: 37c, Spo2: 98% room air
JVP: Not raised
Pedal oedema: B/L Pitting +++
No lymphadenopathy
Pallor: +++
No peripheral signs of CLD
Systemic Examination
Protuberant, flanks Full,
No Scar or Abnormal vessel
Liver Size 12-13 cm
Spleen enlarged 2 fingers below costal
Fluid thrill and shifting dullness: ++
CVS : Unremarkable
CNS : Unremarkable
Chest : Unremarkable
What is Differential Diagnosis ?
1) Malabsorption syndrome
Cause ?
2) Chronic infection of GUT
Giardiasis , etc
3) Cardiac cause
Constrictive pericarditis
4) Ch. Liver Disease
Hb 9.7 G/dl
MCV 87.3
T Protein
16 G/L
TLC 5.07×103 Calcium
Plts 135 ×103 PT 16.4/16.3
ESR 30 aPTT 37.4/37.4
Urea 5.3 AST
Creat 82 Alk
INR 1.5 , 1.6 T Bil 11.9
Stool Examination:
No ova or cysts
No fecal leukocytes
No occult blood noted
Ultrasound Abdomen
Liver size 14cm with homogenous
echo texture (Fatty change)
Portal vein 1.4 cm
Splenomegaly 14 cm
Moderate Ascites
Normal size kidneys
Doppler for hepatic veins= Normal flow,
No sign of Budd Chiari syndrome
Chest X-Ray
All Normal study
CT scan abdomen with contrast
Normal size liver, minimally dilated portal vein
and splenomegaly. Normal flow of blood in
hepatic veins and inferior vena cava.
Dilated small bowel loops with generalized
increased mucosal fold thickness
Impression= protein losing enteropathy
Inflammatory bowel disease
C.T Abdomen
Thickening of mucosal wall
Findings of malabsorption at barium
• (a) Image shows duodenitis with
nodularity in a fold-free duodenum.
• (b) Image shows flocculation, dilution,
and dilatation .
• (c) Image shows moulage, which is a
featureless bald appearance of the
jejunum caused by atrophy of folds
and wall edema.
• (d) Image shows reversal of the fold
pattern, with more prominent folds in
the ileum than in the jejunum.
• CT Bests Barium in Adult Celiac Disease Diagnosis
• By Todd Neff |July 22, 2011
• Improvements in computed tomography (CT)
resolution of the small bowel, colon, and
mesenteric lymph nodes have pushed CT scans
ahead of traditional barium examinations in the
diagnosis of celiac disease, according to a new
study in the journal RadioGraphics.
• The study, led by Francis Scholz, MD, a radiologist
in the Lahey Clinic in Burlington, Mass., reviewed
CT findings from more than 200 cases of celiac
disease from 1996 to 2009. The CT scans
highlighted abnormal structural changes known
to result from the disease, and in more detail
than possible with a traditional barium
examination, Scholz and colleagues said.
Ascitic Fluid
WBC 75/cmm
RBC 500/cmm
Lymphocytes 95%
No AFB seen
Albumin 3.8G/L
SAAG >1.2
Glucose 5.6
Cytology No malignant cells seen
Upper GIT Endoscopy
Esophagus = normal, no varices
Stomach = normal, except pale mucosa
Duodenum=Flattening of mucosal folds
and inflammatory exaudate was noted
D2 biopsy was taken
Histopathology report
Total villous atrophy ,with increased
intraepithelial lymphocytes,
crepts hyperplasia and
infiltration of lamina propria with
plasma cells and lymphocytes.
Consistent with Celiac disease
(Gluten sensitive enteropathy)
Normal D2 Histology
After Treatment
Marsh Classification
stage 0: preinfiltrative mucosa
stage 1: infiltration of the lamina propria
with lymphocytes
stage 2: Crypt hyperplasia
stage 3: villus atrophy with infiltration of
lamina propria with lymphocytes
,plasma cells
stage 4:
total mucosal atrophy, characterized by
complete loss of villi, enhanced
apoptosis,and crypt hyperplasia
Causes of Villous Atropy
Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome
Tropical sprue
Small Intestinal Lymphoma
Graft-Verses host disease
Eosinophilic gastroenteritis
Severe malnutrition
Radiation or cytotoxic chemotherapy
Investigations Conti---
Serology for anti-endomysial : Positive
Celiac disease
Advised strict dietary measures regarding
Gluten free diet
Nutritional Supplements
-Folic acid
Patient responded to treatment
-Weight gained
-Edema settled
-Anemia improving
Celiac Disease
• T-cell mediated autoimmune inflammatory disorder of small bowel
• Intolerance to gluten protein (alcohol Soluble Prolamin ) found in
Wheat, Rye , Barley and Oats
• Prevalence variable world wide, in UK 1 in 200,
• 1 in 300-1500 in rest of world , more common in Irish
• 10% prevelance in 1st degree relatives
• 30% relative risk in siblings
• 50% individuals are asymptomatic
as Silent cases and latent celiac disease
Still unknown
Clinical Features
Can present at any age
Two peaks
In infancy,
In adults 3rd -5th decades of life
In infancy:
At weaning, infants and children present
with diarrhea, symptoms of malabsorption,
failure to thrive and short stature.
So affected child had both growth and
pubertal delay
Clinical features
• In adults peak onset 3rd - 5th decade,
• Females affected more than males
• Presentation highly variable, depending on
• severity and extent of small bowel involvement
• Female may land in Gynae floor with primary
amenorrhea and infertility
• Patient may land in surgical floor with fracture
Clinical features
Mostly adults present with diarrhea ,
steatorrhea , abdominal pain, tiredness,
weight loss, Anemia, bone pains,
oral ulceration (Apthus), angular
Dyspepsia, and bloating - ( IBS ? )
Many patients present with iron deficiency
anemia alone.
Clinical presentation can be:
Gliadan Shock:
Massive watery diarrhea just like acute
cholera within hours of eating cereal
containing gluten by a patient who
was on treatment with gluten free
Acute Celiac Crises
Manifested by Severe diarrhea,
dehydration, weight loss, acidosis,
hypocalcemia, and hypoproteinemia
Refractory Celiac
Symptomatic severe small intestinal
villus atrophy that does not respond
to at least 6 months of a strict
gluten-free diet and this villus
atrophy is not caused by any other
disease or overt intestinal lymphoma
Causes of Villous Atropy
Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome
Crohn,s disease
Tropical sprue
Small Intestinal Lymphoma
Graft-Verses host disease
Eosinophilic gastroenteritis
Severe malnutrition
Radiation or cytotoxic chemotherapy
Extra intestinal Manifestations
Anemia, any type
Osteopenia, Pathologic fractures , Osteoarthropathy
Muscular Atrophy
Weakness Generalized
Elevated liver enzymes, NASH,NAFLD
Peripheral neuropathy , Ataxia Cerebellar and
posterior column damage, Seizures
Secondary hyperparathyroidism, Amenorrhea, infertility,
impotence, hypothalamic-pituitary dysfunction
Follicular hyperkeratosis and dermatitis, Petechiae and
Edema Hypoproteinemia
Dermatitis herpetiformis
Definite Association
Dermatitis herpetiformis
Type 1 diabetes mellitus 2-8 %
Hypothyroidism/hyperthyroidism 5%,
IgA deficiency 2 %
Epilepsy with cerebral calcification
Inflammatory bowel disease, and Microscopic colitis
Primary Billary Cirrhosis 3%
IgA mesangial nephropathy
Rheumatoid arthritis
Down syndrome
Fibrosing alveolitis, Bird-fancier's lung
Recurrent pericarditis
Idiopathic pulmonary hemosiderosis
Sjogren,s Syndrome 3 %
Possible Association
Congenital heart disease, Cavitary lung disease
Systemic and cutaneous vasculitis
Systemic lupus erythematosus, Polymyositis
Myasthenia gravis, Iridocyclitis or choroiditis
Cystic fibrosis, Macroamylasemia
Addison's disease
Autoimmune thrombocytopenic purpura
Autoimmune hemolytic anemia
Schizophrenia, Autoimmune liver diseases
History - Symptoms of Anemia and malabsorption
CBC with peripheral film may show target
cells, spherocytes, and Howell-Jolly
Biochem, esp Serum Calcium, iron, folate,
B12, phosphate, magnesium, Vit D levels
ALT, AST, Alk Phos
DEXA scan for metabolic bone disease
Upper GIT endoscopy with D2 Biopsy
Anti-endomysial and Anti tTG antibodies
85-95 % sensitive and 99% specific
However need to check IgG antibodies in IgA
deficient individual
Become negative with successful treatment
Key Elements in the Management of
Celiac Sprue
• C onsultation with a skilled dietitian
• E ducation about the disease
• L ifelong adherence to a gluten-free diet
• I dentification and treatment of
nutritional deficiencies
• A ccess to an advocacy group
• C ontinuous long-term follow-up
Gluten free diet
No intake of products made of
Can take foods as Rice , Maize , potato
meat, fish, chicken, vegetables, fruits
Immunosuppressive drugs
Gliadin Shock
Acute Celiac crises
Refractory Celiac disease
Increased risk of enteropathy associated
T-cell lymphoma, Small bowel carcinoma,
Squamous carcinoma of oesophagus, and
Metabolic bone disease
Ulcerative jejunoiletis
Collagenous collitis and Sprue
Excellent Prognosis: If early diagnosis
and treatment
Malnutrition and even death(complications)
if diagnosed late and no treatment
Early treatment: restore normal
absorptive functions
Advanced complications may not be completely
reversed such as neuropathy or ataxia
Its not always a life long condition
10-20 % of children become Tolerant to gluten
Other develop latent celiac sprue
Celiac disease should be included in
differential diagnosis of unexplained Iron
deficiency anemia and malabsorption
Swat valley of Pakistan

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Celiac common presentation of a uncommon disease saved with date

  • 1.
  • 2. A Common presentation of an uncommon disease By Dr. Muhammad Arshad Specialist Internist Fellow College of Physicians and Surgeons, Pakistan KKH Tabuk, KSA
  • 3. Does a Common presentation of an uncommon disease means ? a) A common disease presenting in atypical way. b) A rare disease presenting in atypical way. c) A common disease presenting typically. d) A rare disease presenting typically.
  • 4. Personal Profile 38 years old lady, married last 10 years ,house wife, with out any issue, admitted via E.R with presenting complaints of Abdominal distention - 6 months B/L leg oedema - 6 months Loose motions - 4 months
  • 5. History of presenting complaints • Abdominal distention gradual onset, preceded by pedal oedema, worse in evening • No history of cough, sputum ,fever, chest pain, orthopnea, PND, and urinary symptoms • After 2 months of above symptoms diarrhea started, watery, large volume, 5-6 episodes in day and 5-6 episodes in night, no blood or mucus with stools, no history of vomiting,
  • 6. History Cont-- Personal History : Illiterate ,non smoker Socioeconomic History: Residing with husband, Bedouin, average living Food and Drug History: No history of any Food or drug allergy
  • 7. Past History Three admissions in last 2 years First admission Symptoms at presentation were Backache Headache Dizziness and Fatigue
  • 8. Investigations Hb 5.8 G/dl MCV 67.2 Albumin T Protein 29 G/L 61G/l TLC 6×103 Calcium Corrected 2.02mmol 2.22 Plts 392 ×103 Iron 2 ESR 20 TIBC 80 Urea 6.4 AST ALT 28 49 Creat 92 Alk Phos 158 Uric Acid 3.2 T Bil 15
  • 9. Discharge diagnosis Iron deficieny anemia On Ferrous sulfate Folic acid
  • 10. 2nd admission Symptoms at admission were Generalized weakness and symptoms of anemia Headache Dizziness and Fatigue
  • 11. Investigations Hb 7.95 G/dl MCV 57.2 Albumin T Protein 15 G/L 43G/l TLC 5.8×103 Calcium Corrected 1.71mmol 2.13 Plts 305 ×103 Iron 2 ESR 30 TIBC 16 ( 45-81) Urea 5.3 AST ALT 60 56 Creat 82 Alk Phos 258 (136-145) Uric Acid 3.2 T Bil 15
  • 12. Ultrasound Abdomen Liver size 14cm,generalized increased echogenisity (Fatty change) Portal vein 1.4 cm Mild splenomegaly Minimal Ascites ?? Chronic liver disease Correlate clinically
  • 13. Investigations PT 18.3/18.27 Calcium Corrected 1.81mmol 2.17 aPTT 40.6/40.57 Iron 2 INR 1.7 TIBC 16 ( 45-81) TSH .005 ALT AST 23.7 58.9 FT4 11.66 Alk Phos 358 (136-145) Magnesium o.77 T Bil 13
  • 14. Investigations Endocrinologist opinion : Sick euthyroid Hepatitis B and C Serology = Negative
  • 15. Transfused 2 units of Red Cell Concentrate
  • 16. Discharge Diagnosis Iron deficiency anemia Hypothyriodism Liver cirrhosis Advised to follow OPD
  • 17. Patient visited OPD with fresh Biochem Albumin = 21 G/dl , Total Protein= 42 G/dl Calcium = 1.71 mmol/L, Corrected = 2.06 Serum Ferritin= 26.30 RFTs and blood glucose = Normal ALT =148 and AST = 197, Alk Phos = 463 (136-145) T. Bil= 10.8, D.Bil = 3.3 PT=16.3/16.27, aPTT = 45.3/45.5, INR = 1.37 Repeat Hepatitis B and C serology =Negative
  • 18. 3rd admission Symptoms written on refferal were Amenorrhea B/L pedal pitting oedema Diarrhea with weight loss, fatigue Dyspepsia H/o anemia and blood transfusion
  • 19. Investigations Hb 6.95 G/dl MCV 57.2 Albumin T Protein 19.3 G/L 38.8 G/l TLC 7.8×103 PT 18.3/18.27 Plts 175 ×103 aPTT 40.6/40.57 Na 141 INR 1.3 K 2.93 AST ALT 61 94.4 Creat 82 Alk Phos 230 (136-145) Urea 3.2 T Bil 15
  • 21. Ultrasound Abdomen Generalized increased echogenisity (Fatty change) Portal vein 1.5 cm Splenomegaly 16 cm Moderate Ascites ?? Chronic liver disease Correlate clinically
  • 22. Plan: Referral to higher centre for evaluation of cause of Chronic liver disease but family refused
  • 23. Patient discharged with diagnosis Liver cirrhosis , cause ? Sub clinical hypothyroidism Iron deficiency anemia On Iron, Spironolactone , Lactulose, Multivitamin and frusemide
  • 24. Summary A 38 yrs old Saudi female, married issueless , frequent admissions with symptoms of anemia, wt loss, generalized oedema, presently admitted with H/O abdominal distention , B/L leg oedema , loose motions 4-6 months
  • 25. What is Differential Diagnosis ?
  • 26. 1) Chronic Liver Disease 2) Malabsorption syndrome Cause ? 3) Chronic infection of GUT Tuberculosis Giardiasis -etc 4) Cardiac cause Constrictive pericarditis
  • 27. On Examination A thin slim wasted lady, average hight, conscious, orienated, lying comfortably on bed. Weight: 30Kg BP: 123/70, Pulse : 92/min, Temp: 37c, Spo2: 98% room air JVP: Not raised Pedal oedema: B/L Pitting +++ No lymphadenopathy Pallor: +++ No peripheral signs of CLD
  • 28. Systemic Examination Abdomen: Protuberant, flanks Full, No Scar or Abnormal vessel Liver Size 12-13 cm Spleen enlarged 2 fingers below costal margin Fluid thrill and shifting dullness: ++ CVS : Unremarkable CNS : Unremarkable Chest : Unremarkable
  • 29. What is Differential Diagnosis ?
  • 30. 1) Malabsorption syndrome Cause ? 2) Chronic infection of GUT Tuberculosis Giardiasis , etc 3) Cardiac cause Constrictive pericarditis 4) Ch. Liver Disease
  • 31. Investigations Hb 9.7 G/dl MCV 87.3 Albumin T Protein 16 G/L 46G/l TLC 5.07×103 Calcium Corrected 2.05mmol 2.51 Plts 135 ×103 PT 16.4/16.3 ESR 30 aPTT 37.4/37.4 Urea 5.3 AST ALT 84 53 Creat 82 Alk Phos 542 (136-145) INR 1.5 , 1.6 T Bil 11.9
  • 32. Investigations Stool Examination: No ova or cysts No fecal leukocytes No occult blood noted
  • 33. Ultrasound Abdomen Liver size 14cm with homogenous echo texture (Fatty change) Portal vein 1.4 cm Splenomegaly 14 cm Moderate Ascites Normal size kidneys Doppler for hepatic veins= Normal flow, No sign of Budd Chiari syndrome
  • 35. CT scan abdomen with contrast Normal size liver, minimally dilated portal vein and splenomegaly. Normal flow of blood in hepatic veins and inferior vena cava. Dilated small bowel loops with generalized increased mucosal fold thickness Impression= protein losing enteropathy vs Inflammatory bowel disease
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  • 50. Findings of malabsorption at barium examination. • (a) Image shows duodenitis with nodularity in a fold-free duodenum. • (b) Image shows flocculation, dilution, and dilatation . • (c) Image shows moulage, which is a featureless bald appearance of the jejunum caused by atrophy of folds and wall edema. • (d) Image shows reversal of the fold pattern, with more prominent folds in the ileum than in the jejunum.
  • 51. • CT Bests Barium in Adult Celiac Disease Diagnosis • By Todd Neff |July 22, 2011 • Improvements in computed tomography (CT) resolution of the small bowel, colon, and mesenteric lymph nodes have pushed CT scans ahead of traditional barium examinations in the diagnosis of celiac disease, according to a new study in the journal RadioGraphics. • The study, led by Francis Scholz, MD, a radiologist in the Lahey Clinic in Burlington, Mass., reviewed CT findings from more than 200 cases of celiac disease from 1996 to 2009. The CT scans highlighted abnormal structural changes known to result from the disease, and in more detail than possible with a traditional barium examination, Scholz and colleagues said.
  • 52. Ascitic Fluid WBC 75/cmm RBC 500/cmm Lymphocytes 95% No AFB seen TP 5G/L Albumin 3.8G/L SAAG >1.2 Glucose 5.6 Cytology No malignant cells seen
  • 53. Upper GIT Endoscopy Esophagus = normal, no varices Stomach = normal, except pale mucosa Duodenum=Flattening of mucosal folds and inflammatory exaudate was noted D2 biopsy was taken
  • 54. Histopathology report Total villous atrophy ,with increased intraepithelial lymphocytes, crepts hyperplasia and infiltration of lamina propria with plasma cells and lymphocytes. Consistent with Celiac disease (Gluten sensitive enteropathy)
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  • 60. Marsh Classification stage 0: preinfiltrative mucosa stage 1: infiltration of the lamina propria with lymphocytes stage 2: Crypt hyperplasia stage 3: villus atrophy with infiltration of lamina propria with lymphocytes ,plasma cells stage 4: total mucosal atrophy, characterized by complete loss of villi, enhanced apoptosis,and crypt hyperplasia
  • 61. Causes of Villous Atropy Giardiasis Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome Crohn,disease Tropical sprue Small Intestinal Lymphoma Graft-Verses host disease Hypogammaglobulinemia Eosinophilic gastroenteritis Severe malnutrition Radiation or cytotoxic chemotherapy
  • 62. Investigations Conti--- Serology for anti-endomysial : Positive
  • 64. Treatment Advised strict dietary measures regarding Gluten free diet Nutritional Supplements -Calcium -Iron -Folic acid Patient responded to treatment -Weight gained -Edema settled -Anemia improving
  • 65. Celiac Disease • T-cell mediated autoimmune inflammatory disorder of small bowel • Intolerance to gluten protein (alcohol Soluble Prolamin ) found in Wheat, Rye , Barley and Oats • Prevalence variable world wide, in UK 1 in 200, • 1 in 300-1500 in rest of world , more common in Irish • 10% prevelance in 1st degree relatives • 30% relative risk in siblings • 50% individuals are asymptomatic as Silent cases and latent celiac disease
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  • 69. Clinical Features Can present at any age Two peaks In infancy, In adults 3rd -5th decades of life In infancy: At weaning, infants and children present with diarrhea, symptoms of malabsorption, failure to thrive and short stature. So affected child had both growth and pubertal delay
  • 70. Clinical features • In adults peak onset 3rd - 5th decade, • Females affected more than males • Presentation highly variable, depending on • severity and extent of small bowel involvement • Female may land in Gynae floor with primary amenorrhea and infertility • Patient may land in surgical floor with fracture
  • 71. Clinical features Mostly adults present with diarrhea , steatorrhea , abdominal pain, tiredness, weight loss, Anemia, bone pains, osteomalacia oral ulceration (Apthus), angular stomatitis Dyspepsia, and bloating - ( IBS ? ) Many patients present with iron deficiency anemia alone.
  • 72. Clinical presentation can be: Gliadan Shock: Massive watery diarrhea just like acute cholera within hours of eating cereal containing gluten by a patient who was on treatment with gluten free diet
  • 73. Acute Celiac Crises Manifested by Severe diarrhea, dehydration, weight loss, acidosis, hypocalcemia, and hypoproteinemia
  • 74. Refractory Celiac Symptomatic severe small intestinal villus atrophy that does not respond to at least 6 months of a strict gluten-free diet and this villus atrophy is not caused by any other disease or overt intestinal lymphoma
  • 75. Causes of Villous Atropy Giardiasis Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome Crohn,s disease Tropical sprue Small Intestinal Lymphoma Graft-Verses host disease Hypogammaglobulinemia Eosinophilic gastroenteritis Severe malnutrition Radiation or cytotoxic chemotherapy
  • 76. Extra intestinal Manifestations Anemia, any type Hemorrhage Thrombocytosis Osteopenia, Pathologic fractures , Osteoarthropathy Muscular Atrophy Tetany Weakness Generalized Elevated liver enzymes, NASH,NAFLD Peripheral neuropathy , Ataxia Cerebellar and posterior column damage, Seizures Secondary hyperparathyroidism, Amenorrhea, infertility, impotence, hypothalamic-pituitary dysfunction Follicular hyperkeratosis and dermatitis, Petechiae and ecchymoses Edema Hypoproteinemia Dermatitis herpetiformis
  • 77. Definite Association Dermatitis herpetiformis Type 1 diabetes mellitus 2-8 % Hypothyroidism/hyperthyroidism 5%, IgA deficiency 2 % Epilepsy with cerebral calcification Inflammatory bowel disease, and Microscopic colitis Primary Billary Cirrhosis 3% IgA mesangial nephropathy Rheumatoid arthritis Down syndrome Fibrosing alveolitis, Bird-fancier's lung Recurrent pericarditis Idiopathic pulmonary hemosiderosis Sjogren,s Syndrome 3 % Sarcoidosis
  • 78. Possible Association Congenital heart disease, Cavitary lung disease Systemic and cutaneous vasculitis Systemic lupus erythematosus, Polymyositis Myasthenia gravis, Iridocyclitis or choroiditis Cystic fibrosis, Macroamylasemia Addison's disease Autoimmune thrombocytopenic purpura Autoimmune hemolytic anemia Schizophrenia, Autoimmune liver diseases
  • 79. Diagnosis History - Symptoms of Anemia and malabsorption Examination Investigation CBC with peripheral film may show target cells, spherocytes, and Howell-Jolly bodies Biochem, esp Serum Calcium, iron, folate, B12, phosphate, magnesium, Vit D levels ALT, AST, Alk Phos DEXA scan for metabolic bone disease
  • 80. Upper GIT endoscopy with D2 Biopsy Anti-endomysial and Anti tTG antibodies 85-95 % sensitive and 99% specific However need to check IgG antibodies in IgA deficient individual Become negative with successful treatment
  • 82. Key Elements in the Management of Celiac Sprue • C onsultation with a skilled dietitian • E ducation about the disease • L ifelong adherence to a gluten-free diet • I dentification and treatment of nutritional deficiencies • A ccess to an advocacy group • C ontinuous long-term follow-up
  • 83. Gluten free diet No intake of products made of Wheat Barley Rye Oats Can take foods as Rice , Maize , potato meat, fish, chicken, vegetables, fruits
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  • 86. Immunosuppressive drugs indicated Gliadin Shock Acute Celiac crises Refractory Celiac disease
  • 87. Complications Increased risk of enteropathy associated T-cell lymphoma, Small bowel carcinoma, Squamous carcinoma of oesophagus, and Metabolic bone disease Ulcerative jejunoiletis Collagenous collitis and Sprue
  • 88. Prognosis Excellent Prognosis: If early diagnosis and treatment Malnutrition and even death(complications) if diagnosed late and no treatment Early treatment: restore normal absorptive functions Advanced complications may not be completely reversed such as neuropathy or ataxia Its not always a life long condition 10-20 % of children become Tolerant to gluten Other develop latent celiac sprue
  • 89. Message Celiac disease should be included in differential diagnosis of unexplained Iron deficiency anemia and malabsorption
  • 90. Swat valley of Pakistan THANKS ALL