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Career Motivation
Presentation by Ilona Jerabek, PhD

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About PsychTests
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Workshop Plan
   Introduction
   Various purposes of using assessments
   Motivators
       Theoretical background
       Overview of the main motivators covered in the Career Motivation
        Test and how to manage employees according to their main
       Common combinations of motivators and how they play out in the
        dynamics of everyday work life
   Validation of the Career Motivation Test
       Summary of results from studies
       Tidbits and insights
   Question period and discussion

You can lead a horse to water, but
you can’t make him drink …

Importance of Motivation
   Improves
       Performance
       Productivity
       Efficiency
       Engagement
       Morale
       Quality orientation and customer focus
   Facilitates adaptation to change
   Increases job satisfaction
   Decreases turnover and absenteeism
   Decreases undesirable behaviors
       Time theft
       Cyberloafing
       Cheating and theft

Why and when use assessments
   Pre-hire evaluation
   Engagement strategies
   Management insight
     How to manage an individual
     Matching with teams & managers
     Development of policies, fringe benefits etc.
   Personal development
   Career development and planning
   Succession planning

Theoretical Background

   Motivation is the activation or energizing of goal-
    orientated behavior
   A number of theories attempt to explain and classify
   According to various theories, motivation
     may be rooted in the basic need to minimize physical pain and
      maximize pleasure,
     may be fueled by a deficiency in satisfaction of specific needs
      such as eating and resting,
     may be driven by a desire for an object, goal, state of being, or
      an ideal,
     or may be attributed to less-apparent reasons such as altruism,
      selfishness, morality, or avoiding mortality.
                                                  Source: Wikipedia
The Candle Problem
              Fix a lighted candle on a
                 wall (a cork board) in a
                 way so the candle wax
                 won't drip onto the table

              Materials provided:
               Candle
               Box of thumbtacks
               Book of matches

The Candle Problem (Sam Glucksberg )

Soma-cube experiment Deci (1971)

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Alderfer’s ERG Theory
   Variation on Maslow’s theory
   3 factors:
     Existence – lower order needs (physiological and
      safety needs)
     Relatedness – middle order needs (belongingness
      and external component of self-esteem needs)
     Growth – higher level needs (intrinsic component of
      self-esteem and self-actualization)

Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory
Hygiene factors: don’t motivate if satisfied, but will
  demotivate if unsatisfied
 Pay and benefits (financial rewards)
 Company policy and administration
 Relationship with co-workers
 Working conditions
 Status
 Job security
 Work-life balance
 Supervision

Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory
Hygiene factors (cont.)
 Supervision
    Micromanagement
    Lack of direction
    Lack of recognition
    Public reprimand
    Chain of command (ambiguity of roles, conflicting requests,
      serving multiple bosses, conflicts between managers)
    Unfair division of work
    Nepotism and favoritism
    Excessive executive pay
 Frequent changes in standard operating procedures (moving target)

Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory
   Motivators
      Achievement
      Recognition
      Work Itself
      Responsibility
      Advancement/Promotion
      Growth

Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory
   Key findings as a result of this identification
      Bad environment can result in dissatisfaction, but good environment is
       usually taken for granted and thus doesn’t have much impact on
      The prevention of dissatisfaction is just as important as encouragement
       of motivator satisfaction.
      Hygiene factors operate independently of motivation factors. An
       individual can be highly motivated in his work and be dissatisfied with
       his work environment.
      All hygiene factors are equally important, although their frequency of
       occurrence differs considerably.
      Hygiene improvements have short-term effects on motivation. Any
       improvements result in a short-term removal of, or prevention of,
      Hygiene needs are cyclical in nature and come back to a starting point.
       This leads to the "What have you done for me lately?" syndrome.

Adams’ Equity Theory

Adams’ Equity Theory
   Inputs                                Outcomes
        Time                                 Job security
        Effort                               Esteem
        Loyalty                              Salary
        Hard Work                            Employee benefit
        Commitment                           Expenses
        Ability                              Recognition
        Adaptability                         Reputation
        Flexibility                          Responsibility
        Tolerance                            Sense of achievement
        Determination                        Praise
        Enthusiasm                           Thanks
        Personal sacrifice                   Stimuli
        Trust in superiors
        Support from co-workers and
        Skill

Adams’ Equity Theory
      Employees expect a fair return for what they
       contribute to their jobs, a concept referred to
       as the “equity norm”.
      Employees determine what their equitable
       return by “social comparison” – they
       compare their inputs and outcomes with
       those of their coworkers.
      Individuals seek to maximize their outcomes
       (where outcomes are defined as rewards
       minus costs).
      Staff perceptions of inputs and outcomes of
       themselves and others may be incorrect,
       and perceptions need to be managed            23
Adams’ Equity Theory
   Employees who perceive themselves to be in an inequitable situation will
    seek to reduce the inequity
     by distorting inputs and/or outcomes in their own minds (“cognitive distortion”),
     by directly altering inputs and/or outputs,
     or by leaving the organization.
   When individuals perceive inequitable relationships, they become
    distressed - both the person who gets “too much” and the person who gets
    “too little”.
     The person who gets too much may feel guilt or shame.
     The person who gets too little may feel angry or humiliated.
   Individuals who perceive that they are in an inequitable relationship
    attempt to eliminate their distress by restoring equity.
     Those who feel under-compensated may work less, lower the effort, or even level
      the playing field by other means (theft).
     Those who feel over-compensated may increase their effort. However they may
      also adjust the values that they ascribes to their own personal inputs – can
      develop a sense of superiority and actually decrease their efforts.

Adams’ Equity Theory

Vroom’s Expectancy Theory
   Attempts to explain the mental processes related to
    decisions to pursue goal-related behavior
   Postulates that
     behavior results from conscious choices among alternatives
      whose purpose it is to maximize pleasure and to minimize pain
     employee's performance is based on individual factors such as
      personality, skills, knowledge, experience and abilities
   Rewards
     should be directly related to performance
     Should be deserved and wanted by the recipients

Vroom’s Expectancy Theory
   Three variables:
     Valence (rating -10 to 10) - strength of an individual’s preference
      for a particular outcome
     Instrumentality (rating 0 to 1.0) – perceived relationship between
      performance and outcome (broken promises => low
     Expectancy (rating 0 to 1.0) - strength of a person's belief about
      whether or not a particular job performance is attainable
   The force of motivation is the product of these variables
       Motivation = (Valence * Instrumentality) Expectancy

McGregor X and Y Theory
Companies managing according to            Companies managing according to
  Theory X believe that employees            Theory Y believe that
 Dislike work, are inherently lazy and     Work can be as natural as play and
  will avoid work if they can                rest
 Have no ambition, avoid responsibility    People will be self-directed to meet
  and would rather follow than lead          their work objectives if they are
 Are self-centered and don’t care about     committed to them
  their job or the organization             People will be committed to their
 Resist change                              objectives if rewards are in place that
 The only way to motivate is by             address higher needs such as self-
  monetary rewards                           fulfillment
                                            Under these conditions, people will
                                             seek responsibility
                                            Most people can handle responsibility
                                             because creativity and ingenuity are
                                             common in the population

McLelland’s theory
   Focuses on an individual's desire          High N-Ach:
    for significant accomplishment,                 Choose moderately difficult task
    mastering of skills, control, or high            that are still challenging but within
    standards                                        reach
   Employees are not motivated by             Low N-Ach:
    the mere need for money                       Choose easy tasks to minimize
   Extrinsic motivation (e.g., money)             risk of failure
    could extinguish intrinsic                    Choose very difficult tasks so that
    motivation such as achievement                 failure is not embarrassing
   3 factors:
      Need for achievement
      Need for affiliation
      Need for power

McLelland’s theory
   High in N-Pow                  High N-Aff:
                                      Desire to establish and
     Desire  to control
                                       maintain friendly
      others, influence their          relations with others
      behavior or be                  Want to fit in and be
      responsible for them             liked by others
     Prefer work that has            Prefer work that
      an impact on people              involves interpersonal
      and events and brings            relationships, provides
      public recognition and           companionship (team
      praise                           work) and that brings
                                       social approval

Goal-setting Theory (Edwin Locke)
   People are driven to reach a               Goal setting affects performance
    clearly defined end state                   by
   This end state is a reward in itself            Focusing attention towards goal-
                                                     relevant activities and away from
   Goal efficiency is affected by:                  goal-irrelevant activities
      Proximity                                    Serving as an energizer; higher
      Difficulty                                    goals will induce greater effort
      Specificity                                   while low goals induce lesser
   Goal should be                                   effort
                                                    Affecting persistence
      Of moderate difficulty – not too
       hard but not too easy (challenging           Activating cognitive resources -
       but attainable                                knowledge and strategies which
      Objectively defined                           allow employees to cope with the
                                                     situation at hand
      Understandable for the person
                                                    Clarifying performance
      Specific and measurable                       expectations
                                                    Establishing a frame of reference
                                                     for feedback and self-evaluation

Goal-setting Theory => Tips
 SMART goals: specific, measurable,
  attainable, realistic, time-bound
 Set challenging but achievable goals
 Ensure buy-in – goal acceptance and
 Clarify goal priorities
 Give feedback on goal accomplishment
 Reward goal accomplishment

Career Motivation Test
The scales and what they assess

Motivators covered in the test
   Achievement                Recognition and
   Identity and Purpose        Appreciation
   Independence/autonomy      Fun and Enjoyment
   Change and Variety         Power
   Creativity                 Status
   Learning                   Financial Reward
   Improvement                Balanced Lifestyle
   Inspiration                Mobility
   Social Factors             Stability

        "I want to get ahead, and I am willing to make the
        necessary sacrifices."

                            Driven by a sense of
                             satisfaction at reaching goals
                            Like to rise up to meet
                             challenges at work
                            Energized by the opportunity
                             to move up or advance in their
                             career in some way
                            Enjoy excelling at their chosen

What works                              What irritates them
 Tasks they find personally             Not knowing what is expected of
  challenging                             them
 Advancement within the company         Lack of alignment between
 Setting regular goals along with        organizational goals and personal
  concrete ways of measuring              ones
  progress                               Lack of opportunities to improve
 Opportunities to introduce new          skills
  ideas                                  Stagnation
 Regular job evaluation/feedback        Lack of feedback about their
  so that they know how they are          performance
  progressing                            Lack of recognition
 Opportunities to develop new skills    Coworkers who are too laid back
  and training in areas they are          and not pulling their weight
  interested in                          Sharing credit with slackers, when
 Recognition for work well done
                                          it comes to team work

Identity and Purpose
                    “I am what I do for a living."

                    Career is generally more than
                     just a job - it is, in fact,
                     important to their whole idea of
                     who they are and how they fit
                     into the world
                    Their career and role in the
                     workplace give them a sense
                     of meaning and play a key role
                     in their personal identity

Identity and Purpose
What works                                 What irritates them
 A job that fits their values and self-    Idling
  identity                                  Meaningless tasks
 Meaningful job that they can be           Lack of recognition
  proud of                                  Environment that suppresses
 Fancy job titles, name tags
                                             initiative or makes it difficult for
 Letting them shape their job               employees to be engaged
 Giving them a choice of projects          Apathetic colleagues
  and tasks or assigning to them            Companies that are cynical or
  projects with personal                     dishonest
 Recognition and appreciation of
  their contribution
 Opportunities to "shine"

    “I need to be free to choose how I do things and stay in charge of
    what I do at work.."

                                   Need to have a sense of
                                    freedom in their jobs to make
                                    important decisions, work on
                                    their own schedule and choose
                                    their own approach to projects
                                   Desire a high level of
                                    autonomy and flexibility
                                   Are driven by a feeling of
                                    personal empowerment
                                   Don’t like the feeling of being
                                    closely monitored or controlled

What works                                    What irritates them
 Empowerment                                  Micromanagement
 Autonomy to take personal                    Lack of authority; worst case is when
  responsibility for their work                 the manager delegates the
 Trust on the part of the employer             responsibility to them but not the
 Flexible work schedule                        authority to make decision and to
                                                control the process
 Telecommuting
                                               Inflexible schedule
 Giving them responsibility for the entire
                                               Detailed timesheets
  project or a large part of a project and
  letting them develop the plan of action
 Delegate to them not only the tasks         Watch out for
  and the responsibility, but also             Ambiguity – if goals are unclear, they
  sufficient decision power                      may go down the wrong path for a
 Sense of control over their day-to-day         while
  schedule                                     Scope creep (especially if coupled with
 Management by objectives                       motivators such as creativity and
 Turning projects into entrepreneurial          improvement) – they will get plenty of
                                                 ideas as the project unfolds
  endeavors or giving them ownership of
  a project

Change and Variety
        "Variety keeps me going – can’t do the same old stuff
        day-in and day-out."

                            Are generally curious
                            Crave the thrill of experiencing,
                             learning or doing something
                            Thrive on diversity
                            Likely to get bored or restless
                             in a position that involves too
                             much routine

Change and Variety
What works                                  What irritates them
 Innovative, flexible, and dynamic work     Boredom
  environment                                Idling
 A variety of projects and tasks            Routine tasks
 Rotation of routine tasks among            Strict, stifling atmosphere at work
  employees                                  Ban on adjusting their work space
 Non-restrictive job description
                                              (moving furniture, decorating, bringing
 Opportunity to get involved in projects     plants, pictures etc.)
  outside of the usual domain                Strict, all-business décor
 Minimize routine tasks, automate           Working on a production line
  wherever possible                          Following strict procedures
 Opportunities for training to learn new
 Lateral moves within the company
 Opportunity to express new ideas
 Integration of some variety into the
  usual routine

             "I am an idea person and need to satisfy my creative side
             through my work."

                                 Driven by a desire to express
                                  their creativity
                                 Creativity can be expressed
                                  through "typical" creative
                                  endeavors (art, writing,
                                  decoration, etc.) or by coming
                                  up with innovative approaches
                                  or solutions
                                 Would feel stifled and
                                  frustrated if they had to stick to
                                  the tried-and-true at all times,
                                  or if they weren't involved in
                                  any creative processes as part
                                  of their work

What works                               What irritates them
 Giving them creative projects or        9 to 5 jobs with no flexibility
  tasks that require creative thinking    Micromanagement
 Environment that is conducive to        Sticking to tried-and-true solutions
  creativity; one that minimizes rigid    Boredom
                                          Routine tasks
 An atmosphere of openness to
                                          Strict, stifling atmosphere at work
  new ideas and encouragement of
  "out of the box" thinking               Ban on adjusting their work space
 Management open to innovative            (moving furniture, decorating,
  approaches                               bringing plants, pictures etc.)
 Some "down-time" is necessary in        Strict, all-business décor
  order to play with new ideas            Working on a production line
 Opportunities for nurturing             Following strict procedures
  creativity (brainstorming sessions,
  creativity training, etc.)
 Opportunity to showcase their
  creative endeavors

Learning   “Learning is a life-long process."

                Driven by a desire to gain new
                 knowledge and insight, or to
                 learn new skills
                Overall, they are motivated by
                 a "thirst for knowledge", which
                 may be specific to their field or
                 extend to all domains
                Tend to be life-long learners

What works                                 What irritates them
 Tasks that require gaining new            Lack of opportunities to learn new
  knowledge                                  things
 Training and courses in their areas of    Managers and colleagues who don’t
  interest or outside of it                  value education and knowledge
 Intellectually stimulating atmosphere     Environment where going a little
  that encourages growth                     deeper than expected is discouraged
 Minimizing routine; avoiding "non-         or even punished
  thinking" tasks                           Positions where there is no challenge,
 Research-related tasks as often as         no unknowns, nothing to new to learn
  possible                                  Lack of intellectual stimulation on the
 Find or create opportunities for           job
  movement within the company (vertical     Routine tasks that don’t lead to
  or lateral)                                learning new things
 Opportunities to share new knowledge      Meaningless tasks
  (training, coaching, mentoring)

              “I want to make the world a better place."

                      Ready to give their all on the
                       job for the satisfaction of
                       knowing they have helped
                       make the world a better place
                      Energized by the idea of
                       contributing to the world in a
                       positive way, be it on an
                       individual, organizational or
                       societal basis

What works                                 What irritates them
 Opportunities to improve the              Indifference
  conditions at work                        Complacency
 Opportunities to improve processes        Lack of drive to innovate
  and efficiency at work                    Lack of morality in coworkers
 Engaged staff – passionate about the
                                            Companies that are cynical or
  product/services                           dishonest
 Create opportunities for charity work
                                            Meaningless tasks
  (organize a company sponsorship,
 Projects that have some affect on the
  community or a wider society
 Connection between their work and
  the causes they support
 Communicating vision - how the
  company's work is beneficial to others
 Corporate citizenship - company’s
  involvement in community, charity

              “I want to make people think or feel something, to be
              moved by what I do."

                              Driven by the satisfaction they
                               obtain from knowing they have
                               inspired others, either through
                               creative means (artwork,
                               literature) or by opening minds
                               to new ideas (through
                               teaching, personal coaching,
                              Essentially, they want to affect
                               people in some way or move
                               others to feel or experience

What works                                     What irritates them
 Opportunity to express their ideas and
  perspectives                                    Lack of opportunities to inspire others
        verbally                                 Lack of purpose in their job
        through writing                          Lack of vision
        some other art form
        by doing what they are good at -
                                                  Lack of opportunity to share their
         serving as an example                     knowledge and ideas
   Opportunity to interact with others in a      Inability to have any input into projects
    meaningful way                                Lack of respect
   Opportunities for mentoring, coaching
    or training
   Give regular feedback on their work
   Environment that encourages "out-of-
    the-box" thinking
   Leadership roles (team leaders,
    management positions)

Social Factors
                 “I'm a people-person and I need human
                 interaction to feel fulfilled."

                     Want their work to satisfy their
                      need for contact with other
                     Enjoy the feeling that they are
                      part of a group or community
                     Energized by social interaction
                     Like sharing their thoughts and
                     Are generally strong
                     Often extroverted

Social Factors
What works                                What irritates them
 Team work                                Bullying and unfriendliness
 Opportunities to collaborate with        Social isolation
  co-workers and interact with
                                           Solitary work
 Opportunity to help others               Lack of social activities
      Clients                             Limited communication with others
      Coworkers                           Staff full of introverts
   Social activities and team building
   Friendly, supportive environment;     Watch out for
    good team                              Chatterboxes
   Creating a feeling of belonging
   Managers who truly care about
    their direct reports

  “I need a word of thanks or some positive encouragement to show me that
  what I'm doing is noticed and appreciated."

                                      Want to feel valued and see
                                       the visible signs that others
                                       appreciate for their work
                                      Essentially, they are driven by
                                       the positive feelings they get
                                       from the knowledge that they
                                       are making a valuable,
                                       recognized contribution to the

What works                                  What irritates them
 Opportunities to excel                     Unfairness
 Regular feedback                           Credit grabbers
 Regular recognition (company awards,       Managers who only give negative
  any show of thanks, pat on the back)        feedback but never praise for a job
 Varied ways of showing appreciation         well done
  (boss taking them for lunch, mention of    Disapproval and criticism (they may be
  exemplary performance at a team             able to take it but it makes them feel
  meeting, etc.)                              anxious)
 Bonuses in recognition of work well        Being systematically outperformed
  done (landing a contract, finishing a      Lack of feedback
  long term project, coming in under
  budget, etc.)
 Diplomacy during performance              Watch out for
                                             People who take it too far – extremely
     start with positive feedback             high need for approval is unhealthy
                                             Those with dependency issues
     explain shortcomings as
                                             Selective attention to negative
     develop concrete action plan for         feedback
     reiterate positive aspects
 Feeling of belonging to a team
Fun and Enjoyment
    “Time flies when you’re having fun. If I’m not enjoying what I’ve
    chosen as my career, it’s simply not the right one for me."

                                   What they are doing in life is
                                    not as important as whether
                                    they enjoy doing it
                                   Would like to work in an
                                    organization where enjoying
                                    oneself is part of the corporate
                                    culture, and encouraged by
                                   Want the work itself to be
                                    inherently entertaining …
                                    whatever that means to them.

Fun and Enjoyment
What works                                  What irritates them
 Ensure good job fit
                                             They may tolerate a certain amount of
 When possible, assign projects based
  on interests and strengths                  “unpleasant” tasks, but their motivation
 When dividing tasks, allow people to        might take a hit if it’s too much
  volunteer                                  Micromanagement
 During pre-hire interviews, ask about      Strict, stifling atmosphere at work
  what they enjoy (fun means different
                                             Ban on adjusting their work space
  things to different people
 During performance evaluation, ask          (moving furniture, decorating, bringing
  what aspects of their job or what           plants, pictures etc.)
  projects they enjoyed the most and the     Strict, all business décor
  least (=> and customize the job
  description if possible)
 Social events
                                            Watch out for
 Generous vacation packages
                                             Time-wasters
 Flextime
                                             Time management issues
 Light-hearted, playful, fun environment
 Management by objectives                   Entitledness

Power   “I want to be the one in charge."

           Feel energized by being in a
            leadership position
           Naturally take the lead in a
           Need to feel that they have a
            certain level of influence over
           Enjoy making important
           Enjoy responsibility
           Have a healthy (or not) dose of
            competitiveness running
            through their veins

What works                              What irritates them
 Leadership opportunities               Following a weak leader
 Offering management training and       Ambiguous chain of command
  development of leadership skills       Flat organizational structure with
 Opportunity to lead projects (as        no room at the top
  team leaders)                          Micromanagement
 Giving them autonomy,
  responsibility and decision-making    Watch out for
  power (don’t forget to define their
                                         Power tripping
 Consider a job title/description       Poor social and communication
  with some clout                         skills
 Opportunity for advancement            Lack of consideration for the social
 Career development programs             factors
                                         Unhealthy competition
 Healthy competition

         “I want my job to carry some weight in society."

                      Driven by the social standing
                       and the rank that their job will
                       bring them
                      Need to feel that they play an
                       important role in society and in
                       their company
                      Desire respect and
                       acknowledgement for their

What works                                 What irritates them
 A job at a company that is well known     Demeaning jobs

 A position within a company that has a    Lack of purpose
                                            PR disasters (feel personal shame to
  lot of pull
 A job title that is meaningful to them
                                             be working for the company)
                                            Lack of respect
 Anything that adds to their prestige
                                            Lack of appreciation and recognition
  (name plate, reserved parking, being      Not having a business card
  invited to important meetings)
                                            Nepotism, favoritism
 Opportunities to shine through their
                                            Being bypassed for a promotion
  work                                       (needs to be handles with extra care)
 Public recognition of work well done
 Opportunity for advancement within
                                           Watch out for
  the company                               Unhealthy competition
 Appointment to committees                 Credit grubbers
 Healthy competition

Financial Reward
    "Work should afford me the lifestyle I deserve. I work hard, but I
    want a high return on that investment."
                                    Strive for the big pay-off that
                                     comes as the fruit of their labor
                                    Want to feel that their salary
                                     and benefits equal the value of
                                     the time and energy they
                                     invest in their work
                                    Extremely sensitive to
                                     compensation issues
                                    Know their value and are not
                                     afraid to flaunt it

Financial Reward
What works:                            What irritates them
 A competitive salary and benefits:    Being or feeling
  employers should stay on top of        undercompensated
  the industry standards.               Perceived inequity, especially
 An established system for raises       compared to colleagues with
  that they can work towards             “worse” performance
 Merit-based raises                    Struggling financially
 Performance bonuses                   Seeing things they “should” be
 Commission                             able to afford but are not
 Perks: incentives, bonuses, stock
  options, profit sharing, expense     Watch out for:
  account, company car, cell phone,     Entitledness
  living allowance                      Overgrown egos
                                        Job hoppers

Balanced Lifestyle
                     "I work to live, not live to work.”

                   Need to feel that they have an
                    active, fulfilling life outside of
                   Although their careers may be
                    extremely important to them,
                    they don't want to sacrifice
                    their personal needs for job
                   Seek work-life balance
                   Not just working parents –
                    many people seek work-life
                    balance because they want to
                    pursue other interests

Balanced Lifestyle
What works                                   What irritates them
 Flextime                                    Juggling too many responsibilities
 Telecommuting                               Guilt trips if they take time off to take
 Work sharing                                 care of sick children
 Generous vacation time                      Too much travel (especially single
 Personal & sick days, compassionate          parents)
  care policies                               Overtime requests
 Flexible benefits packages (mix and         Shift work
  match options)                              Irregular schedule
 Work-related social activities involving    Last minute assignments
  the whole family                            End-of-day meetings
 Perks and rewards: gym membership,
  game tickets, weekend get-aways            Watch out for
 Child-care facility in the building          Time theft
 Allowing streaming video at breaks to
  check on kids (some daycare centers
                                               Fake sick days
  offer real-time viewing)                     Burnout
 Bring your child to work day                 Stress-related health issues
 Pet-friendly offices                         Absenteeism
 Stress reduction programs
 Reasonable travel policies

           “I want my work to take me to new places."

                   Driven by the desire to see
                    and experience new places
                    through their work.
                   They want the opportunity to
                    travel regularly or possibly
                    even to relocate to a
                    completely different

What works                              What irritates them
 Opportunities to travel through        They love to hate the challenges
  work, even if only occasionally         of frequent travel
 Attending conferences, training, or
                                         Not being compensated properly
  retreats in different places
 Reasonable travel policies
                                          for travel time and weekend travel
                                         Cheap hotels
 Possibilities for relocation (for
  some but certainly not all)            Stingy travel policy
 Perks: company car, cell               Being away from family
  phone/blackberry, laptop
 Encourage travel with a
  spouse/family – allow them to take
  vacation before and after trip
 Ample vacation time to allow travel
  on their own

            “I want a job I can count on, one that gives me a sense of

                                  Need a sense of security in
                                   their careers
                                  Are typically uncomfortable
                                   taking large risks like starting
                                   their own company or working
                                   on contract
                                  Want their job to provide a
                                   solid anchor in their lives
                                  Unlikely to quit unless they
                                   have another offer

What works                                  What irritates them
 Clear sense of where things are going      Rumors about lay-off, cut-backs,
  at work.                                    mergers etc.
 Approachable managers
 Fairly structured, dependable             Watch out for
  environment                                Total devastation if you terminate the
 Make sure communication is clear             employee – if they were doing a
  regarding any "instability" issues           decent job, assist them in finding a
  (industry trouble, cutbacks, etc.) is        new job, give them letters of
  clear.                                       recommendation etc.
 Clear employment contract
 Delicate handling of termination of
  others (firing/laying off people on the
  spot creates anxiety and guilt in
 Regular communication about their
 Regular communication about
  company performance and future
 Change management

Common combinations of

Charismatic Leadership Cluster
Motivators:                  How this plays out in the workplace:
 Primary                     Leadership profile
                              Have a vision they strongly believe in
     Improvement
                               and the drive to achieve it
     Inspiration
                              Are keenly aware of people around
     Achievement              and know how to inspire them and
     Social factors           persuade them to follow
 Secondary                   Can come up with creative ideas, think
     Creativity
     Learning
     Identity and purpose
     Fun and enjoyment

The “Suits” Cluster
Motivators:                  How this plays out in the workplace:
 Primary                     Three different business meetings in a
                               week, in three different cities? Need
     Little desire for
                               someone to spearhead the opening of
      balanced lifestyle       a new branch in another country?
     Mobility                 Choose someone with this profile.
     Identity and Purpose    Always on the go

     Power                   Business traveler
                              Can make a makeshift remote office at
     Status
                               the gate at the airport
 Secondary
     Creativity
     Learning

Generation Y Cluster
Motivators:                   How this plays out in the workplace:
 Primary                      Know what they’re looking for in a job,
                                and will not stick around long if a
     Change and Variety
                                position doesn’t live up to their
     Independence              expectations.
     Creativity               Boredom is their enemy.

     Learning                 Generation Y is the most

     Fun and Enjoyment
                                technologically advanced generation.
                                They are likely to be quick learners.
 Secondary
                               Are likely to be the ones starting many
     Power                     of the .com businesses – this allows
     “Job-hopping” (little     them to be their own boss, and work at
                                something they are passionate about.
      desire for stability,
Employee of the Month Cluster
Motivators:                  How this plays out in the workplace:
 Primary                     Want to be valued
                              Public praise will make their day
     Recognition and
                              Reprimand in private – public
                               reprimand would be devastating to
     Status
                               their sense of self
 Secondary                   Want to be popular among their peers,
     Identity and purpose     not just among the management
     Fun and enjoyment       Will appreciate a performance bonus

     Social factors
                               but don’t use the carrot-on-a-stick
                               method; rather, reward after the
     Financial reward         accomplishment, but not every time

Work Horse Cluster
                    How this plays out in the workplace:
Motivators:          Need stability to perform optimally - job security is

 Primary             absolutely essential.
                     Mostly content with status quo, tried and true ways
     Stability
                      of solving problems
     Financial      Like routine, easily slip into complacency

      reward         Get a sense of accomplishment by plowing

 Secondary           through their task list
                     No lofty goals – they want to do their job, do it well,
     Achievement
                      and that’s it
     Power          They are attached to the company, but not
                      particularly engaged
                     Balanced lifestyle is NOT prevalent in this cluster
                     Will be drawn to jobs with practical perks –
                      retirement plan, medical insurance, etc.
                     Will work very hard and complain very little

Super Achiever Cluster
Motivators:     How this plays out in the workplace:
 Achievement    Would likely enjoy challenging projects

 Creativity
                  outside their comfort zone
                 Would likely thrive if offered a
 Improvement
                  promotion to a leadership position –
 Inspiration     will set a good example for others; set
 Learning        high standards
                 Learning is an ongoing process – will
 Some power
                  likely take advantage of opportunities
                  to update their skills

Humanitarian Cluster
Motivators:     How this plays out in the workplace:
 Achievement    They want to know that their job makes

 Improvement
                  a difference.
                 Make it clear to them how their work
 Inspiration
                  fits into the big picture.
                 Will want to work for a company that is
                  actively involved in the community, and
                  possesses strong ethics and values
                  (environmentally conscious, good
                  corporate citizenship). Could do well in
                  a position that allows them to
                  spearhead these issues.

Innovator Cluster
Motivators:            How this plays out in the workplace:
 Achievement           These are the pioneers
                        They don’t just visualize ideas – they
 Creativity
                         have the motivation to bring them to
 Learning
 Change and variety    Allow them to spearhead brainstorm
                         meetings, or initiate project ideas

Visionary Cluster
Motivators:     How this plays out in the workplace:
 Creativity     Creative types with a heart of gold
                 Will want their artistry or ingenuity to
 Improvement
                  move others, or benefit the world in
 Inspiration
                  some way.
                 Allow them to come up with ideas on
                  how the company can improve its
                  corporate image.

Freelancer Cluster
Motivators:            How this plays out in the workplace:
 Change and Variety    Autonomy is key – if they can’t make

 Independence
                         their own decisions at work, at least
                         involve them in the decision-making
                        Offer them novel tasks and projects to
                         tackle. A monotonous job is not one
                         they’ll stick to for very long.
                        Encourage them to suggest/initiate
                         projects, ideas, improvements.

The “Donald” (Tycoon) Cluster
Motivators:              How this plays out in the workplace:
 Identity and Purpose    Even if these people do start at the
 Power                    bottom, they’ll always have their
 Status                   eyes on the topmost rung of the
 Recognition and
                          Will want to make a name for
                           themselves – don’t expect them to
 Financial Reward
                           be a faceless, cubicle-filling, pencil
                           pusher for very long. If they’re not
                           the ones running the company,
                           they will be soon enough.

Approval Seeker Cluster
Motivators:              How this plays out in the workplace:
                          Will desire both tangible (plaques,
 Recognition and
                           awards) and intangible rewards (praise).
                          Promotions will be a major motivating
 Status
                           factor. A fancy job title will go a long
 Identity and Purpose     way.
                          Praise, especially public one, is
 Achievement
                           extremely important.
                          On the flip side, they may tend to be
                           sensitive to criticism and become
                           defensive. Be diplomatic when
                           discussing issues, and be specific as to
                           what to do to improve – they will bend
                           over backwards to make that happen.

Prestige Seeker Cluster
Motivators:                  How this plays out in the workplace:
 Primary                     Very driven and would likely

     Financial reward         accomplish great things if you
                               make it worth their while. Want to
     Power                    be the top banana.
     Status                  A bit full of themselves with some
 Secondary                    propensity to power tripping – they
                               know their value and are not afraid
     Recognition and          to flaunt it
      Appreciation            Score-keepers – can be fiercely
     Identity and Purpose     competitive, within the company
     Achievement              but also their social network
                              Promotions, praise, perks, an
                               important-sounding job title all
                               work to motivate them – they show
                               that they are valued,
                               indispensable and admired.

Validation Study Highlights

   Sample size:
        6165 subjects

   Gender:
      Women: 3370 subjects (55%)
      Men: 1936 subjects (31%)

   Age distribution:
        Below 17 (n = 760)   (12.0 %)
        18-24 (n = 1409)     (23.0 %)
        25-29 (n = 745)      (12.0 %)
        30-39 (n = 958)      (16 %)
        40-49 (n = 760)      (12.0 %)
        50+ (n = 461)        (8.0 %)

Ranking of Motivators
Rank       Motivators         Mean   Rank      Motivators        Mean
 1        Achievement          88     11     Social Factors       65
 2          Learning           83     12         Mobility         64
 3         Inspiration         81     13         Power            64
 4          Creativity         80           Recognition and
 5     Fun and Enjoyment       78     14       Appreciation       63

 6        Improvement          77     15    Balanced Lifestyle    62

 7      Financial Reward       71     16     Independence         62

 8     Change and Variety      67     17         Status           50

 9     Identity and Purpose    67
 10          Stability         66

Gender differences
Women score higher on              Men score higher on
 Achievement (+2 points)           Creativity (+2 points)
 Balanced lifestyle (+4 points)    Financial reward (+5 points)
 Identity and purpose (+2          Mobility (+4 points)
  points)                           Power (+5 points)
 Improvement (+7 points)           Status (+3 points)
 Learning (+2 points)
 Recognition and appreciation
  (+4 points)
 Social factors (+3 points)
 Fun and enjoyment (+3 points)

Interesting Tidbits
   22% would sacrifice their personal life for their dream job.
   Only 6% like having a routine at work (same daily duties).
   16% consider it essential to be creative or express their creativity at work.
   11% indicated that their main career goal is to be wealthy.
   9% indicated that their job is their identity.
   35% consider helping others through their work essential.
   Only 1% felt that work isn't supposed to be fun.
   8% claimed that they would be upset if they didn't receive praise/positive
    feedback after doing well on a project

Interesting Tidbits
   8% would be upset if others weren't impressed by what they do for a living
   11% indicated that they would not be happy in a job environment that had a
    no-nonsense, no-fun atmosphere - even if they were paid well, had an
    understanding boss, and were in their field of study
   70% indicated that they want to inspire others through their work
   20% love the feeling of being in charge
   14% indicated that they need appreciation from others in order to feel
    fulfilled at work
   5% felt that social contact with others at work wasn't a necessity
   77% want a strong sense of security in their job
   14% proudly stated that they would feel good knowing that others were
    envious of their career success

Motivators as a Function of Age

Balanced Lifestyle as a Function of Age

Change and Variety as a Function of Age

Creativity as a Function of Age

Financial Reward Scale as a Function of Age

Improvement Scale as a Function of Age

Independence Scale as a Function of Age

Learning Scale as a Function of Age

Mobility Scale as a Function of Age

Power Scale as a Function of Age

Recognition and Appreciation Scale as a
Function of Age

Social Factors Scale as a Function of Age

Status Scale as a Function of Age

Fun and Enjoyment Scale as a Function of Age

Motivators as a Function of

Achievement Scale as a Function of Education

Balanced Lifestyle Scale as a Function of

Change and Variety Scale as a Function of

Creativity Scale as a Function of Education

Financial Reward Scale as a Function of

Identity and Purpose Scale as a Function of

Improvement Scale as a Function of Education

Independence Scale as a Function of

Inspiration Scale as a Function of Education

Learning Scale as a Function of Education

Mobility Scale as a Function of Education

Recognition and Appreciation Scale as a
         Function of Education

Social Factors Scale as a Function of

Stability Scale as a Function of Education

Status Scale as a Function of Education

Fun and Enjoyment Scale as a Function of

Motivators as a Function of Position

Balanced Lifestyle Scale as a Function of

Change and Variety Scale as a Function of

Creativity Scale as a Function of Position

Financial Reward Scale as a Function of

Identity and Purpose Scale as a Function of

Improvement Scale as a Function of Position

Independence Scale as a Function of Position

Inspiration Scale as a Function of Position

Learning Scale as a Function of Position

Mobility Scale as a Function of Position

Power Scale as a Function of Position

Motivators as a Function of
Socio-Economic Status (SES)

Change and Variety Scale as a Function of SES

Financial Reward Scale as a Function of SES

Identity and Purpose Scale as a Function of SES

Improvement Scale as a Function of SES

Independence Scale as a Function of SES

Learning Scale as a Function of SES

Mobility Scale as a Function of SES

Power Scale as a Function of SES

Social Factors Scale as a Function of SES

Stability Scale as a Function of SES

Motivators as a Function of
Satisfaction with Current Job

Achievement Scale as a Function of
   Satisfaction with Current Job

Balanced Lifestyle Scale as a Function of
     Satisfaction with Current Job

Change and Variety Scale as a Function of
     Satisfaction with Current Job

Creativity Scale as a Function of Satisfaction
              with Current Job

Financial Reward Scale as a Function of
     Satisfaction with Current Job

Identity and Purpose Scale as a Function of
        Satisfaction with Current Job

Improvement Scale as a Function of
   Satisfaction with Current Job

Independence Scale as a Function of
    Satisfaction with Current Job

Inspiration Scale as a Function of Satisfaction
               with Current Job

Learning Scale as a Function of Satisfaction
             with Current Job

Power Scale as a Function of Satisfaction with
                Current Job

Recognition and Appreciation Scale as a
Function of Satisfaction with Current Job

Social Factors Scale as a Function of
    Satisfaction with Current Job

Stability Scale as a Function of Satisfaction
              with Current Job

Status Scale as a Function of Satisfaction with
                 Current Job

Fun and Enjoyment Scale as a Function of
      Satisfaction with Current Job

Complementary assessments
 Intelligence Types Test
 Management Skills and Style Assessment
 Career Advancement Test
 Emotional Intelligence Test
 Advanced Multidimensional Personality
  Matrix (AMPM)

Assess career motivators of employees to
 Figure out how to best manage them
 Select perks and benefits that are of value to
  your staff
 Assign projects to them that have high personal
  appeal, thus improving performance,
  engagement, attendance and job satisfaction

Ilona Jerabek, PhD
9001 blvd. de l’Acadie, Suite 802
    Montreal, Qc H4N 3H5
Direct line: 514-745-3189, ext 112
         Fax: 514-745-6242


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Career Motivation Test

  • 2. About PsychTests  Meat = development and validation of psychometric assessments  Gravy = satellite products facilitating delivery of the assessments  Side dish = compatibility systems, HR consulting, training and coaching  Desert = fun tests and quizzes 2
  • 3. About PsychTests  Online since 1996  More than 100 professional tests  Career  Personality  Intelligence  Sports  Attitudes and beliefs  Health  Relationships 3
  • 4. Workshop Plan  Introduction  Various purposes of using assessments  Motivators  Theoretical background  Overview of the main motivators covered in the Career Motivation Test and how to manage employees according to their main motivators  Common combinations of motivators and how they play out in the dynamics of everyday work life  Validation of the Career Motivation Test  Summary of results from studies  Tidbits and insights  Question period and discussion 4
  • 5. You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink … 5
  • 6. Importance of Motivation  Improves  Performance  Productivity  Efficiency  Engagement  Morale  Quality orientation and customer focus  Facilitates adaptation to change  Increases job satisfaction  Decreases turnover and absenteeism  Decreases undesirable behaviors  Time theft  Cyberloafing  Cheating and theft 6
  • 7. Why and when use assessments  Pre-hire evaluation  Engagement strategies  Management insight  How to manage an individual  Matching with teams & managers  Development of policies, fringe benefits etc.  Personal development  Career development and planning  Succession planning 7
  • 9. Definitions  Motivation is the activation or energizing of goal- orientated behavior  A number of theories attempt to explain and classify motivation  According to various theories, motivation  may be rooted in the basic need to minimize physical pain and maximize pleasure,  may be fueled by a deficiency in satisfaction of specific needs such as eating and resting,  may be driven by a desire for an object, goal, state of being, or an ideal,  or may be attributed to less-apparent reasons such as altruism, selfishness, morality, or avoiding mortality. Source: Wikipedia 9
  • 10. The Candle Problem Task: Fix a lighted candle on a wall (a cork board) in a way so the candle wax won't drip onto the table below Materials provided:  Candle  Box of thumbtacks  Book of matches 10
  • 11. The Candle Problem (Sam Glucksberg ) 11
  • 13. 13
  • 15. 15
  • 16. Alderfer’s ERG Theory  Variation on Maslow’s theory  3 factors:  Existence – lower order needs (physiological and safety needs)  Relatedness – middle order needs (belongingness and external component of self-esteem needs)  Growth – higher level needs (intrinsic component of self-esteem and self-actualization) 16
  • 17. Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory Hygiene factors: don’t motivate if satisfied, but will demotivate if unsatisfied  Pay and benefits (financial rewards)  Company policy and administration  Relationship with co-workers  Working conditions  Status  Job security  Work-life balance  Supervision 17
  • 18. Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory Hygiene factors (cont.)  Supervision  Micromanagement  Lack of direction  Lack of recognition  Public reprimand  Chain of command (ambiguity of roles, conflicting requests, serving multiple bosses, conflicts between managers)  Unfair division of work  Nepotism and favoritism  Excessive executive pay  Frequent changes in standard operating procedures (moving target) 18
  • 19. Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory  Motivators  Achievement  Recognition  Work Itself  Responsibility  Advancement/Promotion  Growth 19
  • 20. Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory  Key findings as a result of this identification  Bad environment can result in dissatisfaction, but good environment is usually taken for granted and thus doesn’t have much impact on satisfaction.  The prevention of dissatisfaction is just as important as encouragement of motivator satisfaction.  Hygiene factors operate independently of motivation factors. An individual can be highly motivated in his work and be dissatisfied with his work environment.  All hygiene factors are equally important, although their frequency of occurrence differs considerably.  Hygiene improvements have short-term effects on motivation. Any improvements result in a short-term removal of, or prevention of, dissatisfaction.  Hygiene needs are cyclical in nature and come back to a starting point. This leads to the "What have you done for me lately?" syndrome. 20
  • 22. Adams’ Equity Theory  Inputs  Outcomes  Time  Job security  Effort  Esteem  Loyalty  Salary  Hard Work  Employee benefit  Commitment  Expenses  Ability  Recognition  Adaptability  Reputation  Flexibility  Responsibility  Tolerance  Sense of achievement  Determination  Praise  Enthusiasm  Thanks  Personal sacrifice  Stimuli  Trust in superiors  Support from co-workers and colleagues  Skill 22
  • 23. Adams’ Equity Theory  Employees expect a fair return for what they contribute to their jobs, a concept referred to as the “equity norm”.  Employees determine what their equitable return by “social comparison” – they compare their inputs and outcomes with those of their coworkers.  Individuals seek to maximize their outcomes (where outcomes are defined as rewards minus costs).  Staff perceptions of inputs and outcomes of themselves and others may be incorrect, and perceptions need to be managed 23
  • 24. Adams’ Equity Theory  Employees who perceive themselves to be in an inequitable situation will seek to reduce the inequity  by distorting inputs and/or outcomes in their own minds (“cognitive distortion”),  by directly altering inputs and/or outputs,  or by leaving the organization.  When individuals perceive inequitable relationships, they become distressed - both the person who gets “too much” and the person who gets “too little”.  The person who gets too much may feel guilt or shame.  The person who gets too little may feel angry or humiliated.  Individuals who perceive that they are in an inequitable relationship attempt to eliminate their distress by restoring equity.  Those who feel under-compensated may work less, lower the effort, or even level the playing field by other means (theft).  Those who feel over-compensated may increase their effort. However they may also adjust the values that they ascribes to their own personal inputs – can develop a sense of superiority and actually decrease their efforts. 24
  • 26. Vroom’s Expectancy Theory  Attempts to explain the mental processes related to decisions to pursue goal-related behavior  Postulates that  behavior results from conscious choices among alternatives whose purpose it is to maximize pleasure and to minimize pain  employee's performance is based on individual factors such as personality, skills, knowledge, experience and abilities  Rewards  should be directly related to performance  Should be deserved and wanted by the recipients 26
  • 27. Vroom’s Expectancy Theory  Three variables:  Valence (rating -10 to 10) - strength of an individual’s preference for a particular outcome  Instrumentality (rating 0 to 1.0) – perceived relationship between performance and outcome (broken promises => low instrumentality)  Expectancy (rating 0 to 1.0) - strength of a person's belief about whether or not a particular job performance is attainable  The force of motivation is the product of these variables  Motivation = (Valence * Instrumentality) Expectancy 27
  • 28. McGregor X and Y Theory Companies managing according to Companies managing according to Theory X believe that employees Theory Y believe that  Dislike work, are inherently lazy and  Work can be as natural as play and will avoid work if they can rest  Have no ambition, avoid responsibility  People will be self-directed to meet and would rather follow than lead their work objectives if they are  Are self-centered and don’t care about committed to them their job or the organization  People will be committed to their  Resist change objectives if rewards are in place that  The only way to motivate is by address higher needs such as self- monetary rewards fulfillment  Under these conditions, people will seek responsibility  Most people can handle responsibility because creativity and ingenuity are common in the population 28
  • 29. McLelland’s theory  Focuses on an individual's desire  High N-Ach: for significant accomplishment,  Choose moderately difficult task mastering of skills, control, or high that are still challenging but within standards reach  Employees are not motivated by  Low N-Ach: the mere need for money  Choose easy tasks to minimize  Extrinsic motivation (e.g., money) risk of failure could extinguish intrinsic  Choose very difficult tasks so that motivation such as achievement failure is not embarrassing motivation  3 factors:  Need for achievement  Need for affiliation  Need for power 29
  • 30. McLelland’s theory  High in N-Pow  High N-Aff:  Desire to establish and  Desire to control maintain friendly others, influence their relations with others behavior or be  Want to fit in and be responsible for them liked by others  Prefer work that has  Prefer work that an impact on people involves interpersonal and events and brings relationships, provides public recognition and companionship (team praise work) and that brings social approval 30
  • 31. Goal-setting Theory (Edwin Locke)  People are driven to reach a  Goal setting affects performance clearly defined end state by  This end state is a reward in itself  Focusing attention towards goal- relevant activities and away from  Goal efficiency is affected by: goal-irrelevant activities  Proximity  Serving as an energizer; higher  Difficulty goals will induce greater effort  Specificity while low goals induce lesser  Goal should be effort  Affecting persistence  Of moderate difficulty – not too hard but not too easy (challenging  Activating cognitive resources - but attainable knowledge and strategies which  Objectively defined allow employees to cope with the situation at hand  Understandable for the person  Clarifying performance  Specific and measurable expectations  Establishing a frame of reference for feedback and self-evaluation 31
  • 32. Goal-setting Theory => Tips  SMART goals: specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, time-bound  Set challenging but achievable goals  Ensure buy-in – goal acceptance and commitment  Clarify goal priorities  Give feedback on goal accomplishment  Reward goal accomplishment 32
  • 33. Career Motivation Test The scales and what they assess 33
  • 34. Motivators covered in the test  Achievement  Recognition and  Identity and Purpose Appreciation  Independence/autonomy  Fun and Enjoyment  Change and Variety  Power  Creativity  Status  Learning  Financial Reward  Improvement  Balanced Lifestyle  Inspiration  Mobility  Social Factors  Stability 34
  • 35. Achievement "I want to get ahead, and I am willing to make the necessary sacrifices."  Driven by a sense of satisfaction at reaching goals  Like to rise up to meet challenges at work  Energized by the opportunity to move up or advance in their career in some way  Enjoy excelling at their chosen endeavor 35
  • 36. Achievement What works What irritates them  Tasks they find personally  Not knowing what is expected of challenging them  Advancement within the company  Lack of alignment between  Setting regular goals along with organizational goals and personal concrete ways of measuring ones progress  Lack of opportunities to improve  Opportunities to introduce new skills ideas  Stagnation  Regular job evaluation/feedback  Lack of feedback about their so that they know how they are performance progressing  Lack of recognition  Opportunities to develop new skills  Coworkers who are too laid back and training in areas they are and not pulling their weight interested in  Sharing credit with slackers, when  Recognition for work well done it comes to team work 36
  • 37. Identity and Purpose “I am what I do for a living."  Career is generally more than just a job - it is, in fact, important to their whole idea of who they are and how they fit into the world  Their career and role in the workplace give them a sense of meaning and play a key role in their personal identity 37
  • 38. Identity and Purpose What works What irritates them  A job that fits their values and self-  Idling identity  Meaningless tasks  Meaningful job that they can be  Lack of recognition proud of  Environment that suppresses  Fancy job titles, name tags initiative or makes it difficult for  Letting them shape their job employees to be engaged  Giving them a choice of projects  Apathetic colleagues and tasks or assigning to them  Companies that are cynical or projects with personal dishonest meaning/importance  Recognition and appreciation of their contribution  Opportunities to "shine" 38
  • 39. Independence “I need to be free to choose how I do things and stay in charge of what I do at work.."  Need to have a sense of freedom in their jobs to make important decisions, work on their own schedule and choose their own approach to projects  Desire a high level of autonomy and flexibility  Are driven by a feeling of personal empowerment  Don’t like the feeling of being closely monitored or controlled 39
  • 40. Independence What works What irritates them  Empowerment  Micromanagement  Autonomy to take personal  Lack of authority; worst case is when responsibility for their work the manager delegates the  Trust on the part of the employer responsibility to them but not the  Flexible work schedule authority to make decision and to control the process  Telecommuting  Inflexible schedule  Giving them responsibility for the entire  Detailed timesheets project or a large part of a project and letting them develop the plan of action  Delegate to them not only the tasks Watch out for and the responsibility, but also  Ambiguity – if goals are unclear, they sufficient decision power may go down the wrong path for a  Sense of control over their day-to-day while schedule  Scope creep (especially if coupled with  Management by objectives motivators such as creativity and  Turning projects into entrepreneurial improvement) – they will get plenty of ideas as the project unfolds endeavors or giving them ownership of a project 40
  • 41. Change and Variety "Variety keeps me going – can’t do the same old stuff day-in and day-out."  Are generally curious  Crave the thrill of experiencing, learning or doing something new  Thrive on diversity  Likely to get bored or restless in a position that involves too much routine 41
  • 42. Change and Variety What works What irritates them  Innovative, flexible, and dynamic work  Boredom environment  Idling  A variety of projects and tasks  Routine tasks  Rotation of routine tasks among  Strict, stifling atmosphere at work employees  Ban on adjusting their work space  Non-restrictive job description (moving furniture, decorating, bringing  Opportunity to get involved in projects plants, pictures etc.) outside of the usual domain  Strict, all-business décor  Minimize routine tasks, automate  Working on a production line wherever possible  Following strict procedures  Opportunities for training to learn new skills  Lateral moves within the company  Opportunity to express new ideas  Integration of some variety into the usual routine 42
  • 43. Creativity "I am an idea person and need to satisfy my creative side through my work."  Driven by a desire to express their creativity  Creativity can be expressed through "typical" creative endeavors (art, writing, decoration, etc.) or by coming up with innovative approaches or solutions  Would feel stifled and frustrated if they had to stick to the tried-and-true at all times, or if they weren't involved in any creative processes as part of their work 43
  • 44. Creativity What works What irritates them  Giving them creative projects or  9 to 5 jobs with no flexibility tasks that require creative thinking  Micromanagement  Environment that is conducive to  Sticking to tried-and-true solutions creativity; one that minimizes rigid  Boredom guidelines  Routine tasks  An atmosphere of openness to  Strict, stifling atmosphere at work new ideas and encouragement of "out of the box" thinking  Ban on adjusting their work space  Management open to innovative (moving furniture, decorating, approaches bringing plants, pictures etc.)  Some "down-time" is necessary in  Strict, all-business décor order to play with new ideas  Working on a production line  Opportunities for nurturing  Following strict procedures creativity (brainstorming sessions, creativity training, etc.)  Opportunity to showcase their creative endeavors 44
  • 45. Learning “Learning is a life-long process."  Driven by a desire to gain new knowledge and insight, or to learn new skills  Overall, they are motivated by a "thirst for knowledge", which may be specific to their field or extend to all domains  Tend to be life-long learners 45
  • 46. Learning What works What irritates them  Tasks that require gaining new  Lack of opportunities to learn new knowledge things  Training and courses in their areas of  Managers and colleagues who don’t interest or outside of it value education and knowledge  Intellectually stimulating atmosphere  Environment where going a little that encourages growth deeper than expected is discouraged  Minimizing routine; avoiding "non- or even punished thinking" tasks  Positions where there is no challenge,  Research-related tasks as often as no unknowns, nothing to new to learn possible  Lack of intellectual stimulation on the  Find or create opportunities for job movement within the company (vertical  Routine tasks that don’t lead to or lateral) learning new things  Opportunities to share new knowledge  Meaningless tasks (training, coaching, mentoring) 46
  • 47. Improvement “I want to make the world a better place."  Ready to give their all on the job for the satisfaction of knowing they have helped make the world a better place  Energized by the idea of contributing to the world in a positive way, be it on an individual, organizational or societal basis 47
  • 48. Improvement What works What irritates them  Opportunities to improve the  Indifference conditions at work  Complacency  Opportunities to improve processes  Lack of drive to innovate and efficiency at work  Lack of morality in coworkers  Engaged staff – passionate about the  Companies that are cynical or product/services dishonest  Create opportunities for charity work  Meaningless tasks (organize a company sponsorship, etc.)  Projects that have some affect on the community or a wider society  Connection between their work and the causes they support  Communicating vision - how the company's work is beneficial to others  Corporate citizenship - company’s involvement in community, charity involvement 48
  • 49. Inspiration “I want to make people think or feel something, to be moved by what I do."  Driven by the satisfaction they obtain from knowing they have inspired others, either through creative means (artwork, literature) or by opening minds to new ideas (through teaching, personal coaching, etc.)  Essentially, they want to affect people in some way or move others to feel or experience something 49
  • 50. Inspiration What works What irritates them  Opportunity to express their ideas and perspectives  Lack of opportunities to inspire others  verbally  Lack of purpose in their job  through writing  Lack of vision  some other art form  by doing what they are good at -  Lack of opportunity to share their serving as an example knowledge and ideas  Opportunity to interact with others in a  Inability to have any input into projects meaningful way  Lack of respect  Opportunities for mentoring, coaching or training  Give regular feedback on their work  Environment that encourages "out-of- the-box" thinking  Leadership roles (team leaders, management positions) 50
  • 51. Social Factors “I'm a people-person and I need human interaction to feel fulfilled."  Want their work to satisfy their need for contact with other people  Enjoy the feeling that they are part of a group or community  Energized by social interaction  Like sharing their thoughts and ideas  Are generally strong communicators  Often extroverted 51
  • 52. Social Factors What works What irritates them  Team work  Bullying and unfriendliness  Opportunities to collaborate with  Social isolation co-workers and interact with  Solitary work clients  Opportunity to help others  Lack of social activities  Clients  Limited communication with others  Coworkers  Staff full of introverts  Social activities and team building exercises  Friendly, supportive environment; Watch out for good team  Chatterboxes  Creating a feeling of belonging  Managers who truly care about their direct reports 52
  • 53. Recognition/Appreciation “I need a word of thanks or some positive encouragement to show me that what I'm doing is noticed and appreciated."  Want to feel valued and see the visible signs that others appreciate for their work  Essentially, they are driven by the positive feelings they get from the knowledge that they are making a valuable, recognized contribution to the company 53
  • 54. Recognition/Appreciation What works What irritates them  Opportunities to excel  Unfairness  Regular feedback  Credit grabbers  Regular recognition (company awards,  Managers who only give negative any show of thanks, pat on the back) feedback but never praise for a job  Varied ways of showing appreciation well done (boss taking them for lunch, mention of  Disapproval and criticism (they may be exemplary performance at a team able to take it but it makes them feel meeting, etc.) anxious)  Bonuses in recognition of work well  Being systematically outperformed done (landing a contract, finishing a  Lack of feedback long term project, coming in under budget, etc.)  Diplomacy during performance Watch out for  People who take it too far – extremely evaluation  start with positive feedback high need for approval is unhealthy  Those with dependency issues  explain shortcomings as  Selective attention to negative “challenges”  develop concrete action plan for feedback improvement  reiterate positive aspects  Feeling of belonging to a team 54
  • 55. Fun and Enjoyment “Time flies when you’re having fun. If I’m not enjoying what I’ve chosen as my career, it’s simply not the right one for me."  What they are doing in life is not as important as whether they enjoy doing it  Would like to work in an organization where enjoying oneself is part of the corporate culture, and encouraged by management  Want the work itself to be inherently entertaining … whatever that means to them. 55
  • 56. Fun and Enjoyment What works What irritates them  Ensure good job fit  They may tolerate a certain amount of  When possible, assign projects based on interests and strengths “unpleasant” tasks, but their motivation  When dividing tasks, allow people to might take a hit if it’s too much volunteer  Micromanagement  During pre-hire interviews, ask about  Strict, stifling atmosphere at work what they enjoy (fun means different  Ban on adjusting their work space things to different people  During performance evaluation, ask (moving furniture, decorating, bringing what aspects of their job or what plants, pictures etc.) projects they enjoyed the most and the  Strict, all business décor least (=> and customize the job description if possible)  Social events Watch out for  Generous vacation packages  Time-wasters  Flextime  Time management issues  Light-hearted, playful, fun environment  Management by objectives  Entitledness 56
  • 57. Power “I want to be the one in charge."  Feel energized by being in a leadership position  Naturally take the lead in a group  Need to feel that they have a certain level of influence over others  Enjoy making important decisions  Enjoy responsibility  Have a healthy (or not) dose of competitiveness running through their veins 57
  • 58. Power What works What irritates them  Leadership opportunities  Following a weak leader  Offering management training and  Ambiguous chain of command development of leadership skills  Flat organizational structure with  Opportunity to lead projects (as no room at the top team leaders)  Micromanagement  Giving them autonomy, responsibility and decision-making Watch out for power (don’t forget to define their  Power tripping boundaries)  Consider a job title/description  Poor social and communication with some clout skills  Opportunity for advancement  Lack of consideration for the social  Career development programs factors  Unhealthy competition  Healthy competition 58
  • 59. Status “I want my job to carry some weight in society."  Driven by the social standing and the rank that their job will bring them  Need to feel that they play an important role in society and in their company  Desire respect and acknowledgement for their contribution 59
  • 60. Status What works What irritates them  A job at a company that is well known  Demeaning jobs  A position within a company that has a  Lack of purpose  PR disasters (feel personal shame to lot of pull  A job title that is meaningful to them be working for the company)  Lack of respect  Anything that adds to their prestige  Lack of appreciation and recognition (name plate, reserved parking, being  Not having a business card invited to important meetings)  Nepotism, favoritism  Opportunities to shine through their  Being bypassed for a promotion work (needs to be handles with extra care)  Public recognition of work well done  Opportunity for advancement within Watch out for the company  Unhealthy competition  Appointment to committees  Credit grubbers  Healthy competition 60
  • 61. Financial Reward "Work should afford me the lifestyle I deserve. I work hard, but I want a high return on that investment."  Strive for the big pay-off that comes as the fruit of their labor  Want to feel that their salary and benefits equal the value of the time and energy they invest in their work  Extremely sensitive to compensation issues  Know their value and are not afraid to flaunt it 61
  • 62. Financial Reward What works: What irritates them  A competitive salary and benefits:  Being or feeling employers should stay on top of undercompensated the industry standards.  Perceived inequity, especially  An established system for raises compared to colleagues with that they can work towards “worse” performance  Merit-based raises  Struggling financially  Performance bonuses  Seeing things they “should” be  Commission able to afford but are not  Perks: incentives, bonuses, stock options, profit sharing, expense Watch out for: account, company car, cell phone,  Entitledness living allowance  Overgrown egos  Job hoppers 62
  • 63. Balanced Lifestyle "I work to live, not live to work.”  Need to feel that they have an active, fulfilling life outside of work  Although their careers may be extremely important to them, they don't want to sacrifice their personal needs for job success.  Seek work-life balance  Not just working parents – many people seek work-life balance because they want to pursue other interests 63
  • 64. Balanced Lifestyle What works What irritates them  Flextime  Juggling too many responsibilities  Telecommuting  Guilt trips if they take time off to take  Work sharing care of sick children  Generous vacation time  Too much travel (especially single  Personal & sick days, compassionate parents) care policies  Overtime requests  Flexible benefits packages (mix and  Shift work match options)  Irregular schedule  Work-related social activities involving  Last minute assignments the whole family  End-of-day meetings  Perks and rewards: gym membership, game tickets, weekend get-aways Watch out for  Child-care facility in the building  Time theft  Allowing streaming video at breaks to check on kids (some daycare centers  Fake sick days offer real-time viewing)  Burnout  Bring your child to work day  Stress-related health issues  Pet-friendly offices  Absenteeism  Stress reduction programs  Reasonable travel policies 64
  • 65. Mobility “I want my work to take me to new places."  Driven by the desire to see and experience new places through their work.  They want the opportunity to travel regularly or possibly even to relocate to a completely different city/state/country 65
  • 66. Mobility What works What irritates them  Opportunities to travel through  They love to hate the challenges work, even if only occasionally of frequent travel  Attending conferences, training, or  Not being compensated properly retreats in different places  Reasonable travel policies for travel time and weekend travel  Cheap hotels  Possibilities for relocation (for some but certainly not all)  Stingy travel policy  Perks: company car, cell  Being away from family phone/blackberry, laptop  Encourage travel with a spouse/family – allow them to take vacation before and after trip  Ample vacation time to allow travel on their own 66
  • 67. Stability “I want a job I can count on, one that gives me a sense of security."  Need a sense of security in their careers  Are typically uncomfortable taking large risks like starting their own company or working on contract  Want their job to provide a solid anchor in their lives  Unlikely to quit unless they have another offer 67
  • 68. Stability What works What irritates them  Clear sense of where things are going  Rumors about lay-off, cut-backs, at work. mergers etc.  Approachable managers  Fairly structured, dependable Watch out for environment  Total devastation if you terminate the  Make sure communication is clear employee – if they were doing a regarding any "instability" issues decent job, assist them in finding a (industry trouble, cutbacks, etc.) is new job, give them letters of clear. recommendation etc.  Clear employment contract  Delicate handling of termination of others (firing/laying off people on the spot creates anxiety and guilt in survivors)  Regular communication about their performance  Regular communication about company performance and future direction  Change management 68
  • 69. Common combinations of motivators 69
  • 70. Charismatic Leadership Cluster Motivators: How this plays out in the workplace:  Primary  Leadership profile  Have a vision they strongly believe in  Improvement and the drive to achieve it  Inspiration  Are keenly aware of people around  Achievement and know how to inspire them and  Social factors persuade them to follow  Secondary  Can come up with creative ideas, think out-of-the-box  Creativity  Learning  Identity and purpose  Fun and enjoyment 70
  • 71. The “Suits” Cluster Motivators: How this plays out in the workplace:  Primary  Three different business meetings in a week, in three different cities? Need  Little desire for someone to spearhead the opening of balanced lifestyle a new branch in another country?  Mobility Choose someone with this profile.  Identity and Purpose  Always on the go  Power  Business traveler  Can make a makeshift remote office at  Status the gate at the airport  Secondary  Creativity  Learning 71
  • 72. Generation Y Cluster Motivators: How this plays out in the workplace:  Primary  Know what they’re looking for in a job, and will not stick around long if a  Change and Variety position doesn’t live up to their  Independence expectations.  Creativity  Boredom is their enemy.  Learning  Generation Y is the most  Fun and Enjoyment technologically advanced generation. They are likely to be quick learners.  Secondary  Are likely to be the ones starting many  Power of the .com businesses – this allows  “Job-hopping” (little them to be their own boss, and work at something they are passionate about. desire for stability, mobility) 72
  • 73. Employee of the Month Cluster Motivators: How this plays out in the workplace:  Primary  Want to be valued  Public praise will make their day  Recognition and  Reprimand in private – public appreciation reprimand would be devastating to  Status their sense of self  Secondary  Want to be popular among their peers,  Identity and purpose not just among the management  Fun and enjoyment  Will appreciate a performance bonus  Social factors but don’t use the carrot-on-a-stick method; rather, reward after the  Financial reward accomplishment, but not every time 73
  • 74. Work Horse Cluster How this plays out in the workplace: Motivators:  Need stability to perform optimally - job security is  Primary absolutely essential.  Mostly content with status quo, tried and true ways  Stability of solving problems  Financial  Like routine, easily slip into complacency reward  Get a sense of accomplishment by plowing  Secondary through their task list  No lofty goals – they want to do their job, do it well,  Achievement and that’s it  Power  They are attached to the company, but not particularly engaged  Balanced lifestyle is NOT prevalent in this cluster  Will be drawn to jobs with practical perks – retirement plan, medical insurance, etc.  Will work very hard and complain very little 74
  • 75. Super Achiever Cluster Motivators: How this plays out in the workplace:  Achievement  Would likely enjoy challenging projects  Creativity outside their comfort zone  Would likely thrive if offered a  Improvement promotion to a leadership position –  Inspiration will set a good example for others; set  Learning high standards  Learning is an ongoing process – will  Some power likely take advantage of opportunities to update their skills 75
  • 76. Humanitarian Cluster Motivators: How this plays out in the workplace:  Achievement  They want to know that their job makes  Improvement a difference.  Make it clear to them how their work  Inspiration fits into the big picture.  Will want to work for a company that is actively involved in the community, and possesses strong ethics and values (environmentally conscious, good corporate citizenship). Could do well in a position that allows them to spearhead these issues. 76
  • 77. Innovator Cluster Motivators: How this plays out in the workplace:  Achievement  These are the pioneers  They don’t just visualize ideas – they  Creativity have the motivation to bring them to  Learning fruition  Change and variety  Allow them to spearhead brainstorm meetings, or initiate project ideas 77
  • 78. Visionary Cluster Motivators: How this plays out in the workplace:  Creativity  Creative types with a heart of gold  Will want their artistry or ingenuity to  Improvement move others, or benefit the world in  Inspiration some way.  Allow them to come up with ideas on how the company can improve its corporate image. 78
  • 79. Freelancer Cluster Motivators: How this plays out in the workplace:  Change and Variety  Autonomy is key – if they can’t make  Independence their own decisions at work, at least involve them in the decision-making process.  Offer them novel tasks and projects to tackle. A monotonous job is not one they’ll stick to for very long.  Encourage them to suggest/initiate projects, ideas, improvements. 79
  • 80. The “Donald” (Tycoon) Cluster Motivators: How this plays out in the workplace:  Identity and Purpose  Even if these people do start at the  Power bottom, they’ll always have their  Status eyes on the topmost rung of the ladder.  Recognition and  Will want to make a name for Appreciation themselves – don’t expect them to  Financial Reward be a faceless, cubicle-filling, pencil pusher for very long. If they’re not the ones running the company, they will be soon enough. 80
  • 81. Approval Seeker Cluster Motivators: How this plays out in the workplace:  Will desire both tangible (plaques,  Recognition and awards) and intangible rewards (praise). Appreciation  Promotions will be a major motivating  Status factor. A fancy job title will go a long  Identity and Purpose way.  Praise, especially public one, is  Achievement extremely important.  On the flip side, they may tend to be sensitive to criticism and become defensive. Be diplomatic when discussing issues, and be specific as to what to do to improve – they will bend over backwards to make that happen. 81
  • 82. Prestige Seeker Cluster Motivators: How this plays out in the workplace:  Primary  Very driven and would likely  Financial reward accomplish great things if you make it worth their while. Want to  Power be the top banana.  Status  A bit full of themselves with some  Secondary propensity to power tripping – they know their value and are not afraid  Recognition and to flaunt it Appreciation  Score-keepers – can be fiercely  Identity and Purpose competitive, within the company  Achievement but also their social network  Promotions, praise, perks, an important-sounding job title all work to motivate them – they show that they are valued, indispensable and admired. 82
  • 84. Sample  Sample size:  6165 subjects  Gender:  Women: 3370 subjects (55%)  Men: 1936 subjects (31%)  Age distribution:  Below 17 (n = 760) (12.0 %)  18-24 (n = 1409) (23.0 %)  25-29 (n = 745) (12.0 %)  30-39 (n = 958) (16 %)  40-49 (n = 760) (12.0 %)  50+ (n = 461) (8.0 %) 84
  • 85. Ranking of Motivators Rank Motivators Mean Rank Motivators Mean 1 Achievement 88 11 Social Factors 65 2 Learning 83 12 Mobility 64 3 Inspiration 81 13 Power 64 4 Creativity 80 Recognition and 5 Fun and Enjoyment 78 14 Appreciation 63 6 Improvement 77 15 Balanced Lifestyle 62 7 Financial Reward 71 16 Independence 62 8 Change and Variety 67 17 Status 50 9 Identity and Purpose 67 10 Stability 66 85
  • 86. Gender differences Women score higher on Men score higher on  Achievement (+2 points)  Creativity (+2 points)  Balanced lifestyle (+4 points)  Financial reward (+5 points)  Identity and purpose (+2  Mobility (+4 points) points)  Power (+5 points)  Improvement (+7 points)  Status (+3 points)  Learning (+2 points)  Recognition and appreciation (+4 points)  Social factors (+3 points)  Fun and enjoyment (+3 points) 86
  • 87. Interesting Tidbits  22% would sacrifice their personal life for their dream job.  Only 6% like having a routine at work (same daily duties).  16% consider it essential to be creative or express their creativity at work.  11% indicated that their main career goal is to be wealthy.  9% indicated that their job is their identity.  35% consider helping others through their work essential.  Only 1% felt that work isn't supposed to be fun.  8% claimed that they would be upset if they didn't receive praise/positive feedback after doing well on a project 87
  • 88. Interesting Tidbits  8% would be upset if others weren't impressed by what they do for a living  11% indicated that they would not be happy in a job environment that had a no-nonsense, no-fun atmosphere - even if they were paid well, had an understanding boss, and were in their field of study  70% indicated that they want to inspire others through their work  20% love the feeling of being in charge  14% indicated that they need appreciation from others in order to feel fulfilled at work  5% felt that social contact with others at work wasn't a necessity  77% want a strong sense of security in their job  14% proudly stated that they would feel good knowing that others were envious of their career success 88
  • 89. Motivators as a Function of Age 89
  • 90. Balanced Lifestyle as a Function of Age 90
  • 91. Change and Variety as a Function of Age 91
  • 92. Creativity as a Function of Age 92
  • 93. Financial Reward Scale as a Function of Age 93
  • 94. Improvement Scale as a Function of Age 94
  • 95. Independence Scale as a Function of Age 95
  • 96. Learning Scale as a Function of Age 96
  • 97. Mobility Scale as a Function of Age 97
  • 98. Power Scale as a Function of Age 98
  • 99. Recognition and Appreciation Scale as a Function of Age 99
  • 100. Social Factors Scale as a Function of Age 100
  • 101. Status Scale as a Function of Age 101
  • 102. Fun and Enjoyment Scale as a Function of Age 102
  • 103. Motivators as a Function of Education 103
  • 104. Achievement Scale as a Function of Education 104
  • 105. Balanced Lifestyle Scale as a Function of Education 105
  • 106. Change and Variety Scale as a Function of Education 106
  • 107. Creativity Scale as a Function of Education 107
  • 108. Financial Reward Scale as a Function of Education 108
  • 109. Identity and Purpose Scale as a Function of Education 109
  • 110. Improvement Scale as a Function of Education 110
  • 111. Independence Scale as a Function of Education 111
  • 112. Inspiration Scale as a Function of Education 112
  • 113. Learning Scale as a Function of Education 113
  • 114. Mobility Scale as a Function of Education 114
  • 115. Recognition and Appreciation Scale as a Function of Education 115
  • 116. Social Factors Scale as a Function of Education 116
  • 117. Stability Scale as a Function of Education 117
  • 118. Status Scale as a Function of Education 118
  • 119. Fun and Enjoyment Scale as a Function of Education 119
  • 120. Motivators as a Function of Position 120
  • 121. Balanced Lifestyle Scale as a Function of Position 121
  • 122. Change and Variety Scale as a Function of Position 122
  • 123. Creativity Scale as a Function of Position 123
  • 124. Financial Reward Scale as a Function of Position 124
  • 125. Identity and Purpose Scale as a Function of Position 125
  • 126. Improvement Scale as a Function of Position 126
  • 127. Independence Scale as a Function of Position 127
  • 128. Inspiration Scale as a Function of Position 128
  • 129. Learning Scale as a Function of Position 129
  • 130. Mobility Scale as a Function of Position 130
  • 131. Power Scale as a Function of Position 131
  • 132. Motivators as a Function of Socio-Economic Status (SES) 132
  • 133. Change and Variety Scale as a Function of SES 133
  • 134. Financial Reward Scale as a Function of SES 134
  • 135. Identity and Purpose Scale as a Function of SES 135
  • 136. Improvement Scale as a Function of SES 136
  • 137. Independence Scale as a Function of SES 137
  • 138. Learning Scale as a Function of SES 138
  • 139. Mobility Scale as a Function of SES 139
  • 140. Power Scale as a Function of SES 140
  • 141. Social Factors Scale as a Function of SES 141
  • 142. Stability Scale as a Function of SES 142
  • 143. Motivators as a Function of Satisfaction with Current Job 143
  • 144. Achievement Scale as a Function of Satisfaction with Current Job 144
  • 145. Balanced Lifestyle Scale as a Function of Satisfaction with Current Job 145
  • 146. Change and Variety Scale as a Function of Satisfaction with Current Job 146
  • 147. Creativity Scale as a Function of Satisfaction with Current Job 147
  • 148. Financial Reward Scale as a Function of Satisfaction with Current Job 148
  • 149. Identity and Purpose Scale as a Function of Satisfaction with Current Job 149
  • 150. Improvement Scale as a Function of Satisfaction with Current Job 150
  • 151. Independence Scale as a Function of Satisfaction with Current Job 151
  • 152. Inspiration Scale as a Function of Satisfaction with Current Job 152
  • 153. Learning Scale as a Function of Satisfaction with Current Job 153
  • 154. Power Scale as a Function of Satisfaction with Current Job 154
  • 155. Recognition and Appreciation Scale as a Function of Satisfaction with Current Job 155
  • 156. Social Factors Scale as a Function of Satisfaction with Current Job 156
  • 157. Stability Scale as a Function of Satisfaction with Current Job 157
  • 158. Status Scale as a Function of Satisfaction with Current Job 158
  • 159. Fun and Enjoyment Scale as a Function of Satisfaction with Current Job 159
  • 160. Complementary assessments  Intelligence Types Test  Management Skills and Style Assessment (MANSSA)  Career Advancement Test  Emotional Intelligence Test  Advanced Multidimensional Personality Matrix (AMPM) 160
  • 161. Conclusion Assess career motivators of employees to  Figure out how to best manage them  Select perks and benefits that are of value to your staff  Assign projects to them that have high personal appeal, thus improving performance, engagement, attendance and job satisfaction 161
  • 162. Ilona Jerabek, PhD 9001 blvd. de l’Acadie, Suite 802 Montreal, Qc H4N 3H5 Direct line: 514-745-3189, ext 112 Fax: 514-745-6242 162