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   Examination of the upper GI tract under
    fluoroscopy after the client drinks barium
   NPO after midnight the day of the test

   A laxative may be prescribed

   Instruct client to increase oral fluid intake
    to help pass the barium

   Monitor stools for the passage of barium
    (chalky white stools) because barium
    can cause a bowel obstruction
   A    fluoroscopic and   radiographic
    examination of the large intestine is
    performed after rectal instillation of
    barium sulfate
   A low-residue diet is given for 1 to 2 days
    before the test

   A clear liquid diet and laxative are given
    the evening before the test

   NPO after midnight the day of the test

   Cleansing enemas on the morning of the
   Instruct client to increase oral fluid intake
    to help pass the barium

   Administer a mild laxative as prescribed
    to facilitate emptying of the barium

   Monitor stools for the passage of barium

   Notify the physician if a bowel
    movement does not occur within 2 days
   Requires the passage of a nasogastric
    tube into the stomach to aspirate gastric
    contents for the analysis of acidity,
    appearance, and volume; the entire
    gastric contents are aspirated, and then
    specimens are collected every 15
    minutes for 1 hour
   Fasting for 8 to 12 hours is required before
    the test

   Tobacco and chewing gum are avoided 6
    hours before the test

   Client may resume normal activities after

   Refrigerate gastric samples if not tested
    within 4 hours
   Also known as

   Following sedation, an endoscope is
    passed down the esophagus to view the
    gastric wall, sphincters, and duodenum;
    tissue specimens can be obtained
   The client must be NPO for 6 to 12 hours
    before the test

   A local anesthetic (spray or gargle) is
    administered along with medication that
    provides conscious sedation and relieves
    anxiety, such as IV midazolam (Versed),
    just before the scope is inserted
   Atropine sulfate may be administered to
    reduce secretions

   Client is positioned on the left side to
    facilitate saliva drainage and to provide
    easy access of the endoscope

   Airway patency is monitored during the
    test and pulse oximetry is used to monitor
    oxygen saturation
   Client must be NPO after the procedure
    until gag reflex returns

   Monitor for pain, bleeding, unusual
    difficulty  swallowing,    elevated

   Maintain bed rest for the sedated client
    until alert
   Requires the use of a rigid scope to
    examine the anal canal

   Client is placed in the knee-chest or left
    lateral position
   Require the use of a flexible scope to
    examine the rectum and sigmoid colon

   The client is placed on the left side with
    the right leg bent and placed anteriorly
   Enemas are given before the procedure
    until the returns are clear

   Monitor for rectal bleeding and signs of
    perforation and peritonitis
   The lining of the large intestine is visually
    examined; biopsies can be performed

   Performed with the client lying on the left
    side with the knees drawn up to the
    chest; position may be changed during
    the test to facilitate passing of the scope
   A clear liquid diet is started on the day
    before the test

   Consult    the  physician regarding
    medications that must be withheld
    before the test

   Client is NPO after midnight on the day
    of the test
   Midazolam (Versed) is administered
    intravenously to provide sedation

   Provide bed rest until alert

   Monitor for signs of bowel perforation
    and peritonitis

   Instruct the client to report any bleeding
   Examination of the hepatobiliary system
    is performed via a flexible endoscope
    inserted into the esophagus to the
    descending duodenum

   Multiple positions are required during the
    procedure to pass the endoscope
   Client is NPO for several hours before the

   Sedation is administered before the

   Monitor vital signs

   Monitor for the return of the gag reflex
   Transabdominal removal of fluid from the
    peritoneal cavity for analysis
   Have client void before the start of the
    procedure to empty the bladder and to
    move the bladder out of the way of the
    paracentesis needle

   Measure abdominal girth, weight, and
    baseline vital signs

   Fowler’s position is used for the client
    confined to bed
   Monitor vital signs

   Measure fluid collected, describe and

   Label fluid samples and send to the
    laboratory for analysis

   Apply a dry sterile dressing to the
    insertion site; monitor site for bleeding
   Measure abdominal girth and weight

   Monitor for hematuria

   Instruct the client to notify the physician if
    the urine becomes bloody, pink, or red
   A needle is inserted through the
    abdominal wall to the liver to obtain a
    tissue sample for biopsy and microscopic
   Assess results of coagulation tests

   Administer a sedative as prescribed

   Position client supine or left lateral to
    expose the right side of the abdomen

   Assess vital signs
   Asses biopsy site for bleeding

   Monitor for peritonitis

   Maintain bed rest for several hours

   Place the client on the right side with a
    pillow after the procedure

   Instruct the client to avoid coughing and
    straining as well as heavy lifting for 1
   Detects the presence of Helicobacter
    pylori, the bacteria that cause peptic
    ulcer disease

   The client consumes a capsule of
    carbon-labeled urea and provides a
    breath sample10 to 20 minutes later
   Is the backflow of gastric and duodenal
    contents into the esophagus

   The reflux is caused by an incompetent
    lower esophageal sphincter, pyloric
    stenosis, or motility disorder
   Pyrosis

   Dyspepsia

   Regurgitation

   Pain and difficulty with swallowing

   Hypersalivation
   Instruct the client to avoid factors that
    decrease lower esophageal sphincter
    pressure or cause esophageal irritation

   Instruct the client to eat a low-fat, high fiber

   Instruct client to avoid anticholinergics

   Instruct client to avoid caffeine, tobacco,
    and carbonated beverages
   Instruct client to avoid eating and
    drinking 2 hours before bed time, and
    wearing tight clothes

   Elevate the head of the bed on a 6 to 8
    inch blocks

   Instruct the client regarding prescribed
    medications, such as antacids, H2-
    receptor antagonists, or proton pump
   Inflammation of the stomach or gastric

   Caused       by    ingestion    of food
    contaminated with disease causing
    microorganisms or food that is too
    irritating, or too highly seasoned, the
    overuse of aspirin and NSAIDS, excessive
    alcohol intake, smoking, or reflux
   Abdominal discomfort

 Anorexia, nausea,
and vomiting
   Headaches

   Hiccuping
 Anorexia, nausea,
and vomiting

   Belching

   Heartburn after eating    chronic

   Sour taste in the mouth

   Vitamin B12 deficiency
   Food and fluids may be withheld until
    symptoms subside; afterward, ice chips
    can be given followed by clear fluids,
    and then solid food

   Monitor for signs of hemorrhagic gastritis
    such as hematemesis, tachycardia and
   Instruct client to avoid irritating foods,
    fluids and other substances, such as
    spicy and highly seasoned foods,
    caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine
   Is an ulceration in the mucosal wall of
    the stomach, pylorus duodenum, or
    esophagus in portions accessible to
    gastric secretions

   May be referred to as gastric, duodenal,
    esophageal, depending on its location

   The most common are gastric and
    duodenal ulcers
   Antral region and      Pyloric region
    lesser curvature

   Peak age 50-60         Peak age 30-45
    years old               years old

   Normal to              Increased acid
    decreased acid          secretion
                           Melena
   Hematemesis
   H. pylori (60-80%)         H. pylori (100%)

   Food-pain pattern          Pain-food-relief

   Weight loss is             No weight loss

   Gnawing sharp pain         Burning pain occurs
    in or left of the           in the midepigastric
    midepigastric region        area 1 ½ to 3 hours
    30 – 6o minutes after       after a meal and
    meal                        during the night
   Monitor vital signs and for signs of bleeding

   Administer small, frequent bland feedings
    during the active phase

   Administer H2 antagonist as prescribed to
    decrease the secretion of gastric acid

   Administer antacids as         prescribed   to
    neutralize gastric seretions
   Administer anticholinergics as prescribed
    to reduce gastric motility

   Administer mucosal barrier protectants
    as prescribed 1 hour before each meal

   Inform client to avoid consuming alcohol
    and substances that contain caffeine or

   Avoid aspirin or NSAIDs
   Avoid smoking

   Obtain adequate rest and reduce stress
   Total Gastrectomy – removal of the
    stomach with attachment of the
    esophagus to the jejunum or duodenum

   Billroth 1 – partial gastrectomy, with the
    remaining segment anastomosed to the
   Billroth 2 – Partial gastrectomy with the
    remaining segment anastomosed to the

   Pyloroplasty – enlargement of the
    pylorus to prevent or decrease pyloric
    obstruction, thereby enhancing gastric
   Monitor vital signs

   Place in a Fowler’s position for comfort
    and to promote drainage

   Monitor intake and output

   Administer fluids and electrolytes as
   Assess bowel sounds

   Monitor    nasogastric     suction    as

   Do not irrigate or remove the nasogastric
    tube; assist physivian in irrigation and

   Maintain NPO status as prescribed for 1
    to 3 days until peristalsis occurs
   Progress the diet from NPO to sips of
    clear water to six small bland meals a
    day, as prescribed when bowel sounds

   Monitor for postoperative complications
    of hemorrhage, dumping syndrome,
    diarrhea, hypoglycemia, and vitamin
    B12 deficiency
   The rapid emptying of the gastric
    contents into the small intestine that
    occurs following gastric resection

   Symptoms occurring 30 minutes after

   Nausea and vomiting
   Feelings of abdominal          fullness   and
    abdominal cramping

   Diarrhea

   Palpitations and tachycardia

   Perspiration

   Weakness and dizziness

   Borborygmi
   Eat a high-protein, low carbohydrate

   Eat small meals and avoid consuming
    fluids with meals

   Lie down after meals

   Take antispasmodic as prescribed to
    delay gastric emptying
   An inflammatory disease that can occur
    at anywhere in the GI tract but most
    often affects the terminal ileum and
    leads to thickening and scarring, a
    narrowed lumen, ulcerations, and

   Characterized   by    remissions   and
   Fever

   Cramp-like and colicky pain after meals

   Diarrhea, which may contain pus and

   Abdominal distention

   Anorexia, nausea, and vomiting
   Weight loss

   Anemia

   Dehydration

   Electrolyte imbalances
   Restrict client's     activity   to   reduce
    intestinal activity

   Monitor  bowel    sounds    and   for
    abdominal tenderness and cramping

   Monitor stools, noting color, consistency
    and the presence of blood
   Instruct client to avoid gas-forming
    foods, milk products, nuts, raw fruits and
    vegetables, pepper, alcohol, and
    caffeine containing products

   Instruct the client to avoid smoking
   Inflammation of the gallbladder that
    may occur as an acute or chronic

   Acute inflammation is associated with

   Chronic      cholecytitis  results  when
    inefficient bile emptying and gallbladder
    muscle wall disease cause fibrotic and
    contracted gallbladder
   Acalculous cholecystitis occurs in the
    absence of gallstones and is caused by
    bacterial invasion via the lymphatic or
    vascular system
   Nausea and vomiting

   Inidgestion

   Belching

   Flatulence

   Epigastric pain that radiates to the scapula
    2 to 4 hours after eating fatty foods and
    may persist for 4 to 6 hours
   Pain localized       in     the   right   upper

   Guarding,       rigidity,     and     rebound

   Mass palpated         in    the   right   upper

   Murphy’s sign
   Elevated temperature

   Tachycardia

   Signs of dehydration

   Jaundice

   Dark orange and foamy urine

   Steatorrhea and clay-colored feces
   Maintain NPO status during nausea and
    vomiting episodes

   Maintain nasogastric decompression     as
    prescribed for severe vomiting

   Administer antiemetics as prescribed

   Administer   analgesics  as   prescribed
    (morphine sulfate and codeine sulfate are
   Administer antispasmodics as prescribed
    to relax smooth muscles

   Instruct   the     client    with   chronic
    cholecystitis to eat small, low-fat meals

   Instruct the client to avoid gas forming

   Prepare     the    client   for    surgical
   Cholecystectomy – is the removal of the

   Choledocholithotomy – requires incision
    into the common bile duct to remove
    the stone

   Surgical procedures may be performed
    by laparoscopy
   Monitor  for   respiratory    complications
    caused by pain at the incisional site

   Encourage coughing and deep breathing

   Encourage early ambulation

   Instruct the client about splinting the
    abdomen to prevent discomfort during
   Administer antiemetics as prescribed for
    nausea and vomiting

   Administer analgesics as prescribed for
    pain relief

   Maintain NPO status and nasogastric
    tube suction as prescribed

   Advance diet from clear liquids to solids
    when prescribed as tolerated by the
   Maintain and monitor drainage from the
    T tube, if present
   A T tube is placed after surgical
    exploration of the common bile duct.
    The tube preserves patency of the duct
    and ensures drainage of bile until
    edema resolves and bile is effectively
    draining into the duodenum]

   A gravity drainage bag is attached to
    the t tube to collect the drainage
   Position the client in a semi-Fowler’s
    position to facilitate drainage

   Monitor the amount, color, consistency,
    and odor of the drainage

   Report sudden increases in bile output to
    the physician

   Monitor for inflammation and protect the
    skin from irritation
   Keep the drainage system below the
    level of the gallbladder

   Monitor for foul odor and purulent
    drainage and report its presence to the

   Avoid irrigation, aspiration, or clamping
    of the T tube without a physician’s order
   Inflammation of the pancreas appears
    to be caused by a process called

   Commonly associated with excessive
    alcohol consupmtion
   Abdominal pain (midepigastric or left
    upper quadrant) with radiation to the

   Pain aggravated by a fatty meal or

   Abdominal tenderness and guarding
   Nausea and vomiting

   Weight loss

   Cullen’s signs

   Turner’s sign

   Absent or decreased bowel sounds
   Elevated WBC, glucose, and bilirubin

   Elevated serum lipase and amylase
   Maintain NPO status and maintain
    hydration with IV fluids as prescribed

   Administer parenteral nutrition for severe
    nutritional depletion

   Administer supplemental preparations
    and vitamins and minerals to increase
    caloric intake if prescribed
   Maintain nasogastric tube to decrease
    gastric   distention   and    suppress
    pancreatic secretion

   Administer meperidine hydrochloride as
    prescribed for pain

   Administer antacids as prescribed

   Administer H2 receptor antagonists as
   Administer anticholinergics as prescribed

   Instruct the client in the importance of
    avoiding alcohol

   Instruct the client in the importance of
    follow-up visits with the physician

   Instruct the client to notify the physician if
    acute abdominal pain, jaundice, clay-
    colored stools, or dark colored urine
   Continual inflammation and destruction
    of the pancreas, with scar tissue
    replacing pancreatic tissue

   The acinar, or enzyme-producing cells of
    the pancreas ulcerate in response to
   Abdominal pain and tenderness

   Left upper quadrant mass

   Steatorrhea and foul-smelling stools that
    may increase in volume

   Weight loss

   Muscle wasting

   Jaundice
   Instruct client to limit fat and protein

   Instruct the client to avoid heavy meals

   Instruct the client about the importance
    of avoiding alcohol

   Provide supplemental preparations
   Administer   pancreatic   enzymes    as

   Administer insulin and oral hypoglycemic
    agents as prescribed

   Instruct the client in the importance of
    follow-up visits
   Also known as gluten enteropathy or
    celiac sprue

   Intolerance to gluten, the protein
    component of wheat, barley, rye, and

   Results in the accumulation of the amino
    acid glutamine, which is toxic to
    intestinal mucosal cells
   Intestinal villi atrophy occurs, which
    affects absorption of ingested nutrients
   Acute or insidious diarrhea

   Steatorrhea

   Anorexia

   Abdominal pain

   Muscle wasting
   Vomiting

   Anemia

   Irritability
   Maintain a gluten-free diet, substituting
    corn and rice as grain sources

   Instruct parents and child about lifelong
    elimination of gluten sources such as
    wheat, rye, oats, and barley

   Administer  mineral      and     vitamin
   Teach client about a gluten-free diet
    and about reading food labels carefully
    for hidden sources of gluten
   React with gastric acid to produce
    neutral salts or salts of low acidity

   Inactivate pepsin and enhance mucosal
    protection but do not coat the ulcer

   Taken 1 t0 3 hours after each meal
   Should be chewed thoroughly and
    followed with a glass of milk or water

   Aluminum hydroxide preprations

   Calcium carbonate (Tums)

   Magnesium hydroxide preparations

   Sodium bicarbonate
   Misoprostol (Cytotec)
    › Suppresses secretion of gastric acid
    › Promotes secretion of bicarbonate and
     cytoprotective mucus

   Sucralfate (Carafate)
    › Creates a protective barrier against acid
     and pepsin
   Cimetidine (Tagamet)
    › Food reduces rate of absorption

   Ranitidine (Zantac)
    › Not affected by food

   Famotidine (Pepcid)
    › Not affected by food
   Suppress gastric acid secretion

   Headache, diarrhea, abdominal pain,
    and nausea

   Esomperazole (Nexium), Lansoprazole
    (Prevacid), Omeprazole (Prilosec)
   To control vomiting and motion sickness

   Monitor for drowsiness and protect the
    client from injury

   Ondansetron (Zofran), Metoclopramide
    (Reglan), Promethazine hydrochoride

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Care of-clients-with-problems-in-oxygenation-part-3

  • 1.
  • 2.
  • 3. Examination of the upper GI tract under fluoroscopy after the client drinks barium sulfate
  • 4. NPO after midnight the day of the test  A laxative may be prescribed  Instruct client to increase oral fluid intake to help pass the barium  Monitor stools for the passage of barium (chalky white stools) because barium can cause a bowel obstruction
  • 5. A fluoroscopic and radiographic examination of the large intestine is performed after rectal instillation of barium sulfate
  • 6. A low-residue diet is given for 1 to 2 days before the test  A clear liquid diet and laxative are given the evening before the test  NPO after midnight the day of the test  Cleansing enemas on the morning of the test
  • 7. Instruct client to increase oral fluid intake to help pass the barium  Administer a mild laxative as prescribed to facilitate emptying of the barium  Monitor stools for the passage of barium  Notify the physician if a bowel movement does not occur within 2 days
  • 8. Requires the passage of a nasogastric tube into the stomach to aspirate gastric contents for the analysis of acidity, appearance, and volume; the entire gastric contents are aspirated, and then specimens are collected every 15 minutes for 1 hour
  • 9. Fasting for 8 to 12 hours is required before the test  Tobacco and chewing gum are avoided 6 hours before the test  Client may resume normal activities after  Refrigerate gastric samples if not tested within 4 hours
  • 10. Also known as esophagogastroduodenoscopy  Following sedation, an endoscope is passed down the esophagus to view the gastric wall, sphincters, and duodenum; tissue specimens can be obtained
  • 11. The client must be NPO for 6 to 12 hours before the test  A local anesthetic (spray or gargle) is administered along with medication that provides conscious sedation and relieves anxiety, such as IV midazolam (Versed), just before the scope is inserted
  • 12. Atropine sulfate may be administered to reduce secretions  Client is positioned on the left side to facilitate saliva drainage and to provide easy access of the endoscope  Airway patency is monitored during the test and pulse oximetry is used to monitor oxygen saturation
  • 13. Client must be NPO after the procedure until gag reflex returns  Monitor for pain, bleeding, unusual difficulty swallowing, elevated temperature  Maintain bed rest for the sedated client until alert
  • 14. Requires the use of a rigid scope to examine the anal canal  Client is placed in the knee-chest or left lateral position
  • 15. Require the use of a flexible scope to examine the rectum and sigmoid colon  The client is placed on the left side with the right leg bent and placed anteriorly
  • 16. Enemas are given before the procedure until the returns are clear  Monitor for rectal bleeding and signs of perforation and peritonitis
  • 17. The lining of the large intestine is visually examined; biopsies can be performed  Performed with the client lying on the left side with the knees drawn up to the chest; position may be changed during the test to facilitate passing of the scope
  • 18. A clear liquid diet is started on the day before the test  Consult the physician regarding medications that must be withheld before the test  Client is NPO after midnight on the day of the test
  • 19. Midazolam (Versed) is administered intravenously to provide sedation  Provide bed rest until alert  Monitor for signs of bowel perforation and peritonitis  Instruct the client to report any bleeding
  • 20. Examination of the hepatobiliary system is performed via a flexible endoscope inserted into the esophagus to the descending duodenum  Multiple positions are required during the procedure to pass the endoscope
  • 21. Client is NPO for several hours before the procedure  Sedation is administered before the procedure  Monitor vital signs  Monitor for the return of the gag reflex
  • 22. Transabdominal removal of fluid from the peritoneal cavity for analysis
  • 23. Have client void before the start of the procedure to empty the bladder and to move the bladder out of the way of the paracentesis needle  Measure abdominal girth, weight, and baseline vital signs  Fowler’s position is used for the client confined to bed
  • 24. Monitor vital signs  Measure fluid collected, describe and record  Label fluid samples and send to the laboratory for analysis  Apply a dry sterile dressing to the insertion site; monitor site for bleeding
  • 25. Measure abdominal girth and weight  Monitor for hematuria  Instruct the client to notify the physician if the urine becomes bloody, pink, or red
  • 26. A needle is inserted through the abdominal wall to the liver to obtain a tissue sample for biopsy and microscopic examination
  • 27. Assess results of coagulation tests  Administer a sedative as prescribed  Position client supine or left lateral to expose the right side of the abdomen  Assess vital signs
  • 28. Asses biopsy site for bleeding  Monitor for peritonitis  Maintain bed rest for several hours  Place the client on the right side with a pillow after the procedure  Instruct the client to avoid coughing and straining as well as heavy lifting for 1 week
  • 29. Detects the presence of Helicobacter pylori, the bacteria that cause peptic ulcer disease  The client consumes a capsule of carbon-labeled urea and provides a breath sample10 to 20 minutes later
  • 30.
  • 31. Is the backflow of gastric and duodenal contents into the esophagus  The reflux is caused by an incompetent lower esophageal sphincter, pyloric stenosis, or motility disorder
  • 32. Pyrosis  Dyspepsia  Regurgitation  Pain and difficulty with swallowing  Hypersalivation
  • 33. Instruct the client to avoid factors that decrease lower esophageal sphincter pressure or cause esophageal irritation  Instruct the client to eat a low-fat, high fiber diet  Instruct client to avoid anticholinergics  Instruct client to avoid caffeine, tobacco, and carbonated beverages
  • 34. Instruct client to avoid eating and drinking 2 hours before bed time, and wearing tight clothes  Elevate the head of the bed on a 6 to 8 inch blocks  Instruct the client regarding prescribed medications, such as antacids, H2- receptor antagonists, or proton pump inhibitors
  • 35.
  • 36. Inflammation of the stomach or gastric mucosa  Caused by ingestion of food contaminated with disease causing microorganisms or food that is too irritating, or too highly seasoned, the overuse of aspirin and NSAIDS, excessive alcohol intake, smoking, or reflux
  • 37. Abdominal discomfort  Anorexia, nausea, and vomiting acute  Headaches  Hiccuping
  • 38.  Anorexia, nausea, and vomiting  Belching  Heartburn after eating chronic  Sour taste in the mouth  Vitamin B12 deficiency
  • 39. Food and fluids may be withheld until symptoms subside; afterward, ice chips can be given followed by clear fluids, and then solid food  Monitor for signs of hemorrhagic gastritis such as hematemesis, tachycardia and hypotension
  • 40. Instruct client to avoid irritating foods, fluids and other substances, such as spicy and highly seasoned foods, caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine
  • 41.
  • 42. Is an ulceration in the mucosal wall of the stomach, pylorus duodenum, or esophagus in portions accessible to gastric secretions  May be referred to as gastric, duodenal, esophageal, depending on its location  The most common are gastric and duodenal ulcers
  • 43. Antral region and  Pyloric region lesser curvature  Peak age 50-60  Peak age 30-45 years old years old  Normal to  Increased acid decreased acid secretion secretion  Melena  Hematemesis
  • 44. H. pylori (60-80%)  H. pylori (100%)  Food-pain pattern  Pain-food-relief pattern  Weight loss is  No weight loss common  Gnawing sharp pain  Burning pain occurs in or left of the in the midepigastric midepigastric region area 1 ½ to 3 hours 30 – 6o minutes after after a meal and meal during the night
  • 45. Monitor vital signs and for signs of bleeding  Administer small, frequent bland feedings during the active phase  Administer H2 antagonist as prescribed to decrease the secretion of gastric acid  Administer antacids as prescribed to neutralize gastric seretions
  • 46. Administer anticholinergics as prescribed to reduce gastric motility  Administer mucosal barrier protectants as prescribed 1 hour before each meal  Inform client to avoid consuming alcohol and substances that contain caffeine or chocolate  Avoid aspirin or NSAIDs
  • 47. Avoid smoking  Obtain adequate rest and reduce stress
  • 48. Total Gastrectomy – removal of the stomach with attachment of the esophagus to the jejunum or duodenum  Billroth 1 – partial gastrectomy, with the remaining segment anastomosed to the duodenum
  • 49. Billroth 2 – Partial gastrectomy with the remaining segment anastomosed to the jejunum  Pyloroplasty – enlargement of the pylorus to prevent or decrease pyloric obstruction, thereby enhancing gastric emptying
  • 50. Monitor vital signs  Place in a Fowler’s position for comfort and to promote drainage  Monitor intake and output  Administer fluids and electrolytes as prescribed
  • 51. Assess bowel sounds  Monitor nasogastric suction as prescribed  Do not irrigate or remove the nasogastric tube; assist physivian in irrigation and removal  Maintain NPO status as prescribed for 1 to 3 days until peristalsis occurs
  • 52. Progress the diet from NPO to sips of clear water to six small bland meals a day, as prescribed when bowel sounds return  Monitor for postoperative complications of hemorrhage, dumping syndrome, diarrhea, hypoglycemia, and vitamin B12 deficiency
  • 53. The rapid emptying of the gastric contents into the small intestine that occurs following gastric resection  Symptoms occurring 30 minutes after eating  Nausea and vomiting
  • 54. Feelings of abdominal fullness and abdominal cramping  Diarrhea  Palpitations and tachycardia  Perspiration  Weakness and dizziness  Borborygmi
  • 55. Eat a high-protein, low carbohydrate diet  Eat small meals and avoid consuming fluids with meals  Lie down after meals  Take antispasmodic as prescribed to delay gastric emptying
  • 56.
  • 57. An inflammatory disease that can occur at anywhere in the GI tract but most often affects the terminal ileum and leads to thickening and scarring, a narrowed lumen, ulcerations, and abscesses  Characterized by remissions and exacerbations
  • 58. Fever  Cramp-like and colicky pain after meals  Diarrhea, which may contain pus and mucus  Abdominal distention  Anorexia, nausea, and vomiting
  • 59. Weight loss  Anemia  Dehydration  Electrolyte imbalances
  • 60. Restrict client's activity to reduce intestinal activity  Monitor bowel sounds and for abdominal tenderness and cramping  Monitor stools, noting color, consistency and the presence of blood
  • 61. Instruct client to avoid gas-forming foods, milk products, nuts, raw fruits and vegetables, pepper, alcohol, and caffeine containing products  Instruct the client to avoid smoking
  • 62.
  • 63. Inflammation of the gallbladder that may occur as an acute or chronic process  Acute inflammation is associated with cholelithiasis  Chronic cholecytitis results when inefficient bile emptying and gallbladder muscle wall disease cause fibrotic and contracted gallbladder
  • 64. Acalculous cholecystitis occurs in the absence of gallstones and is caused by bacterial invasion via the lymphatic or vascular system
  • 65. Nausea and vomiting  Inidgestion  Belching  Flatulence  Epigastric pain that radiates to the scapula 2 to 4 hours after eating fatty foods and may persist for 4 to 6 hours
  • 66. Pain localized in the right upper quadrant  Guarding, rigidity, and rebound tenderness  Mass palpated in the right upper quadrant  Murphy’s sign
  • 67. Elevated temperature  Tachycardia  Signs of dehydration  Jaundice  Dark orange and foamy urine  Steatorrhea and clay-colored feces
  • 68. Maintain NPO status during nausea and vomiting episodes  Maintain nasogastric decompression as prescribed for severe vomiting  Administer antiemetics as prescribed  Administer analgesics as prescribed (morphine sulfate and codeine sulfate are avoided)
  • 69. Administer antispasmodics as prescribed to relax smooth muscles  Instruct the client with chronic cholecystitis to eat small, low-fat meals  Instruct the client to avoid gas forming foods  Prepare the client for surgical interventions
  • 70. Cholecystectomy – is the removal of the gallbladder  Choledocholithotomy – requires incision into the common bile duct to remove the stone  Surgical procedures may be performed by laparoscopy
  • 71. Monitor for respiratory complications caused by pain at the incisional site  Encourage coughing and deep breathing  Encourage early ambulation  Instruct the client about splinting the abdomen to prevent discomfort during coughing
  • 72. Administer antiemetics as prescribed for nausea and vomiting  Administer analgesics as prescribed for pain relief  Maintain NPO status and nasogastric tube suction as prescribed  Advance diet from clear liquids to solids when prescribed as tolerated by the client
  • 73. Maintain and monitor drainage from the T tube, if present
  • 74. A T tube is placed after surgical exploration of the common bile duct. The tube preserves patency of the duct and ensures drainage of bile until edema resolves and bile is effectively draining into the duodenum]  A gravity drainage bag is attached to the t tube to collect the drainage
  • 75. Position the client in a semi-Fowler’s position to facilitate drainage  Monitor the amount, color, consistency, and odor of the drainage  Report sudden increases in bile output to the physician  Monitor for inflammation and protect the skin from irritation
  • 76. Keep the drainage system below the level of the gallbladder  Monitor for foul odor and purulent drainage and report its presence to the physician  Avoid irrigation, aspiration, or clamping of the T tube without a physician’s order
  • 77.
  • 78. Inflammation of the pancreas appears to be caused by a process called autodigestion  Commonly associated with excessive alcohol consupmtion
  • 79. Abdominal pain (midepigastric or left upper quadrant) with radiation to the back  Pain aggravated by a fatty meal or alcohol  Abdominal tenderness and guarding
  • 80. Nausea and vomiting  Weight loss  Cullen’s signs  Turner’s sign  Absent or decreased bowel sounds
  • 81. Elevated WBC, glucose, and bilirubin  Elevated serum lipase and amylase levels
  • 82. Maintain NPO status and maintain hydration with IV fluids as prescribed  Administer parenteral nutrition for severe nutritional depletion  Administer supplemental preparations and vitamins and minerals to increase caloric intake if prescribed
  • 83. Maintain nasogastric tube to decrease gastric distention and suppress pancreatic secretion  Administer meperidine hydrochloride as prescribed for pain  Administer antacids as prescribed  Administer H2 receptor antagonists as prescribed
  • 84. Administer anticholinergics as prescribed  Instruct the client in the importance of avoiding alcohol  Instruct the client in the importance of follow-up visits with the physician  Instruct the client to notify the physician if acute abdominal pain, jaundice, clay- colored stools, or dark colored urine develops
  • 85.
  • 86. Continual inflammation and destruction of the pancreas, with scar tissue replacing pancreatic tissue  The acinar, or enzyme-producing cells of the pancreas ulcerate in response to inflammation
  • 87. Abdominal pain and tenderness  Left upper quadrant mass  Steatorrhea and foul-smelling stools that may increase in volume  Weight loss  Muscle wasting  Jaundice
  • 88. Instruct client to limit fat and protein intake  Instruct the client to avoid heavy meals  Instruct the client about the importance of avoiding alcohol  Provide supplemental preparations
  • 89. Administer pancreatic enzymes as prescribed  Administer insulin and oral hypoglycemic agents as prescribed  Instruct the client in the importance of follow-up visits
  • 90.
  • 91. Also known as gluten enteropathy or celiac sprue  Intolerance to gluten, the protein component of wheat, barley, rye, and oats  Results in the accumulation of the amino acid glutamine, which is toxic to intestinal mucosal cells
  • 92. Intestinal villi atrophy occurs, which affects absorption of ingested nutrients
  • 93. Acute or insidious diarrhea  Steatorrhea  Anorexia  Abdominal pain  Muscle wasting
  • 94. Vomiting  Anemia  Irritability
  • 95. Maintain a gluten-free diet, substituting corn and rice as grain sources  Instruct parents and child about lifelong elimination of gluten sources such as wheat, rye, oats, and barley  Administer mineral and vitamin supplements
  • 96. Teach client about a gluten-free diet and about reading food labels carefully for hidden sources of gluten
  • 97.
  • 98. React with gastric acid to produce neutral salts or salts of low acidity  Inactivate pepsin and enhance mucosal protection but do not coat the ulcer crater  Taken 1 t0 3 hours after each meal
  • 99. Should be chewed thoroughly and followed with a glass of milk or water  Aluminum hydroxide preprations  Calcium carbonate (Tums)  Magnesium hydroxide preparations  Sodium bicarbonate
  • 100. Misoprostol (Cytotec) › Suppresses secretion of gastric acid › Promotes secretion of bicarbonate and cytoprotective mucus  Sucralfate (Carafate) › Creates a protective barrier against acid and pepsin
  • 101. Cimetidine (Tagamet) › Food reduces rate of absorption  Ranitidine (Zantac) › Not affected by food  Famotidine (Pepcid) › Not affected by food
  • 102. Suppress gastric acid secretion  Headache, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and nausea  Esomperazole (Nexium), Lansoprazole (Prevacid), Omeprazole (Prilosec)
  • 103. To control vomiting and motion sickness  Monitor for drowsiness and protect the client from injury  Ondansetron (Zofran), Metoclopramide (Reglan), Promethazine hydrochoride (Phenergan)