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The C4C Federal Exchange Newsletter – FALL 2018 Page 1
President Trump’s Executive Orders
Salute To A Civil Rights Champion
“Diane R. Williams, Esq.”
Tools To Heal From Trauma
Book Corner
On July 20th, the Senate Homeland Security and
Governmental Affairs Committee moved forward
three of President Donald Trump's nominees to
serve on the Merit Systems Protection Board
(MSPB). The nomination included Dennis Kirk as
Chairman, Andrew Maunz as Vice Chairman; and
Julia Clark as Member of the Board. The MSPB
“is to protect the merit system principles and
promote an effective Federal workforce free of
political interference, cronyism, discrimination
and other prohibited personnel practices.” The
MSPB, which is to have three board members,
has lacked a quorum since January 2017.
Therefore, it has been unable to issue decisions
on appeals from employees that require a vote.
Reportedly, as of June 2018, the Board had
a “backlog of more than 1,200 cases.”
According to an article in the Government
Executive, Andrew Maunz, an attorney with the
Social Security Administration and a Trump
nominee for the Board, has a “checkered past
with protecting employees.”
 Read more about status of MSPB nominees at
(Pictured from left to right - Paulette Taylor, Joyce Megginson,
Tanya Ward Jordan and Dr. Keesha Karriem)
During the month of August, The Coalition For
Change, Inc. (C4C) members, pictured above, held
a workshop at the Blacks In Government (BIG)
4oth National Training Institute in New Orleans.
The workshop was entitled: You Better Recognize:
Obstacles and Opportunities in the Federal
Workplace. The workshop offered participants
insight on the topics below. [Topic headings are
embedded with clickable links.]
 Federal Employment Opportunity Recruitment
 Pay For Performance Compensation System;
 Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s
African-American Workgroup Report;
 Notification and Federal Employee
Antidiscrimination and Retaliation Act (No
FEAR) of 2002; and
 H.R. 702 - Federal Employment Anti-
discrimination Act.
To view related video click link below.
The Coalition For Change, Inc. (C4C)
Volume 5, Number 2 (Fall 2018)
ISSN 2375-7086 (Online)
The C4C Federal Exchange Newsletter – FALL 2018 Page 2
Salute To A Civil Rights Champion
“Diane R. Williams”
Tanya Ward Jordan, M.S., President,
The Coalition For Change, Inc. (C4C)
My friend, my colleague,
and our Coalition For
Change, Legislative Chair
before her passing in 2016,
was a quiet giant in the civil
rights movement. Long
before the #metoo era,
Diane R. Williams, Esq.,
confronted sexual harass-
ment in the workplace
against unfathomable odds.
She was a trailblazer.
Diane R. Williams, Esq.
In 1972, a young Williams served as a
communication specialist with the U.S.
Department of Justice’s Community Relations
Service. Not long after coming on board, she
filed an EEO complaint and named her
supervisor (Harvey Brinson) as a discriminating
official. Brinson fired Williams after she refused
his sexual advances. Williams lost her EEO
complaint on appeal, however, she went on to file
suit in a Washington Federal court. In 1976,
Diane Williams won her case. Williams’ victory
resulted in the first U.S. District Court ruling that
quid pro quo sexual harassment constitutes sex
or gender based discrimination under Title VII of
the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The landmark case
against the U.S. Department of Justice is known
as Williams v. Saxbe. [Quid pro quo harassment
occurs when an employer requires an employee
to submit to unwelcome sexual advances, or
other conduct of a sexual nature as a condition of
employment.] In 1981, Williams entered law
school and graduated with her JD from George
Washington University. For over 30 years, she
faithfully served as an EEO attorney in both the
federal and private sector.
This past August, organizers of the 2018
Whistleblower Summit for Civil and
Human Rights awarded Diane R. Williams,
with a posthumous “Pillar Award” for upholding
and protecting First Amendment rights. As
President of the Coalition For Change, Inc.
(C4C), I had the honor to speak before an
assembly of whistleblowers on Capitol Hill in
Washington, DC. I proudly spoke of Diane R.
Williams’ invaluable contribution in advancing
the rights of persons challenging sexual
harassment in the workplace. Marcel Reid and
Michael McCray, Esq, presented the posthumous
award to Williams’ son, Kyle White.
The President’s May 25th
Executive Orders
Paulette Taylor
Chair, Civil and Human Rights
Coalition For Change, Inc. (C4C)
On May 25, 2018 President Trump signed the
following three Executive Orders:
Executive Order 13836
Developing Efficient, effective, and Cost-reducing
Approaches To Federal Sector Collective
Executive Order 13837
Ensuring Transparency, Accountability, and
Efficiency in Taxpayer-Funded Union Time Use
The C4C Federal Exchange Newsletter – FALL 2018 Page 3
Executive Order 13839
Promoting Accountability and Streamlining
Removal Procedures Consistent With Merit
System Principles
Some of the provisions prescribed in the
President’s executive orders are bulleted below.
Made Firing Easier
 Discouraged progressive discipline for
removing or suspending poor performers;
 Prescribed for Performance Improvement Plans
30 days’ long;
 Pushed probationary period for new hires;
 Made performance greater than tenure for
reductions in force purposes;
 Required performance and conduct information
in personnel files.
Impacted Union Operations
 Encouraged less than one hour of official time
per employee per bargaining unit;
 Prescribed that employees must spend at least
75 percent of time on “agency business;”
 Restricted federal union reps from using
government property for free or at discount;
 Prohibited unions from using official time to
prepare grievances;
 Set deadlines to complete collective bargaining
agreement negotiations; and
Status of executive orders: On June 13,
2018, thirteen federal employee unions jointly
sued the Trump administration and the Office of
Personnel Management challenging the legality
of the three (3) controversial workforce executive
orders. Resultantly, on August 25, 2018, U.S.
Federal Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson struck
down most of the President’s executive orders
limiting the power of federal employee unions.
The D.C. Circuit court ruling is a victory for the
labor unions that sued to block the executive
orders on the grounds the President lacked
authority to make the changes without
Congressional approval.
*See court ruling at
Tools To Heal From Trauma
Arthuretta Holmes Martin, M.S.
Chair, Health and Wellness,
Coalition For Change, Inc. (C4C); and
Certified Stress and Wellness Coach (SWC)
– Canadian Center on Stress
STRESS – the thing that happens when life falls
apart and when the ground beneath you begins to
shake. Your heart begins to beat fast. Beads of
perspiration pop up first around your nose, then
on your forehead. Before you know it -- you are
pouring sweat. Your joints ache, your stomach
aches, you can’t sleep, you begin to crave
carbohydrates, or you can’t eat. These are just
some symptoms of stress. Everyone experiences
stress at some point in life. However, for some
people life events move from stressful to
TRAUMA is more than stress. Trauma is when
stress causes an injury. Prolonged stress can
cause long-term and even permanent damage to
your body. Trauma is deeply disturbing or life
threatening. Trauma is wounding. For those of
us who have been bullied and abused in the
workplace and later harmed by the processes
meant to aid us, the trauma can devastate our
overall health and well-being. With that said, I
have good news. You can do things to heal from
Recently, I participated in a four-part meditation
series through the IGK Meditation Group.
Dr. Jerome S. Paige facilitated the Integrative
Restoration (iRest) program and Yoga Nidra. It
is a state of consciousness between being a sleep
and being awake right before you fall asleep.
Your body is completely relaxed. Your focus is on
what is going on inside of you as opposed to the
world outside. IGK places an afro-centric focus to
The C4C Federal Exchange Newsletter – FALL 2018 Page 4
the practice to help those of us in the African
Diaspora address the effects of generational
traumas. The great benefit of this practice is that
it helps participants address traumas from
present situations as well traumas from past
My first session was on “clinging.” We all cling
to things. There are advantages and
disadvantages to holding on to things. In the
session, I identified the good things I cling to, like
my faith in God. I also learned which things I
was clinging to that were unrealistic and
unhealthy for my overall well-being. For
example, I found at times I know what I should
do; but I don’t always “just do it.” Some things
we cling to hinder our progress into healing. To
un-cling, you must first accept that it is human
nature to resist change. We hold on to the past.
We don’t like to re-engineer ourselves to create a
new future. I did this for a long time when it
came to my career with the federal
government. I held expectations of the “system.”
When the system repeatedly failed me, I became
disillusioned, frustrated and stressed. I was not
acting in my best self-interest. Opportunities
outside of the federal government passed me by
because I was risk-averse. The session on
clinging helped me to become self-aware of those
things I was clinging to that hindered my
progress and prolonged my experience with
Healing from trauma without tools or with only
medication and talk therapy was difficult for
me. With the aid of Yoga Nidra and the iRest
program, “the cycle of dwelling on the loss” has
broken. I am now able to better navigate the
stressors in my life, so they do not cycle into
additional trauma triggers. I have a new tool to
approach life from an economic perspective. My
time is more valuable than money. I can make
money, but I can’t make time. Despite what is
going on around me, I frequently take the
internal exploration and evaluate my state of
mind and its effects on my well-being.
This article is the first in a series to introduce
C4C members to tools that have been proven to
heal the effects of trauma to the human psyche.
The next topic in the series will focus on
resilience through stressful situations.
Here’s to your Health!
Complaint Against the U.S. Department of
Edgar D. Lee v Wilbur L. Ross, Jr.
Case Number: 1:2018cv02159
Civil Rights: Americans With Disabilities
Click here - Filed September 18, 2018
Complaint Against the U.S. Department of
the Navy
Katrina L. Webster, v Richard V. Spencer et al.
Civil Action No. 17-1472
Click here – Filed June 27, 2018.
Complaint Against the U.S. Equal
Employment Opportunity
Commission.(EEOC) Case Number: 16-2480
An African American female attorney employed
at the EEOC files lawsuit claiming hostile and
adverse work environment and names Carlton
Hadden, EEOC ‘s Director–Office of Federal
Operations, in complaint.
Menoken v. Lipnic,
Click here. Memorandum Opinion July 2018
Click here. Memorandum Opinion March 2018.
National Geospatial Agency (NGA) Admits to
Years of Racial Discrimination.
A self-study ordered by the agency revealed that
NGAs black employees have a harder time getting a
promotion than the agency's white employees.
Read more
Video: The EEOC’s Deputy General Counsel James
L. Lee and National Geospatial Agency’s Assistant
General Counsel Jack Rickert Connection.
The C4C Federal Exchange Newsletter – FALL 2018 Page 5
C4C Fellowship –Supporting One Another!
Let each of you look not only to his own interests,
but also to the interests of others.
Philipians 2:4 (ESV)
This is what the LORD Says: "Uphold justice and
righteousness. Deliver from their oppressor
those who have been robbed,”
Jeremiah 22:3 (ISV)
Two are better than one, because they have a
good return for their labor: If either of them falls
down, one can help the other up. But, pity anyone
who falls and has no one to help them up.
Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 (NIV)
He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can
comfort others. When they are troubled, we will
be able to give them the same comfort God has
given us.
2 Corinthians 1:4 (NLT)
Book Corner
President Ward Jordan met with C4C advocate
and author Veteran Karl MacDonald at Bowie
Library. MacDonald is finalizing his book
entitled: Veterans Under Siege.
Pictured: Civil rights activists Sheila White and
Tanya Ward Jordan at Civil and Human Rights
Whistleblower Summit 2018.
In her book entitled Fighting The Giant, Sheila
White tells of her landmark U.S. Supreme Court
case -- Burlington Northern & Santa Fe (BNSF)
Railway Co. v. White, 548 U.S. 53 (2006). The
labor law U.S. Supreme Court case on sexual
harassment and retaliatory discrimination set a
precedent for claims, which could be
considered retaliatory under the Civil Rights Act.
The C4C Federal Exchange Newsletter – FALL 2018 Page 6
Arthuretta Holmes Martin, M.S., a Certified
Stress and Wellness
Coach (SWC) –
Canadian Center on
Stress, is finalizing her
book entitled: Public
Service Private Pain.
The book serves as a
survivor’s guide on how
to heal from workplace
abuse by embracing
your story.
A self-help guide by Tanya Ward Jordan, M.S.,
President/Founder of the
Coalition For Change,
Inc. (C4C) is available
through AMAZON in
paperback and e-book.
Read book review by
Dennis Moore, Associate
Editor of the East County
Magazine in San Diego at
the link below.
No FEAR: A Whistleblower's Triumph Over
Corruption and Retaliation
at the EPA, by Dr. Marsha
Coleman-Adebayo, is
available on Amazon. In
her book, Dr. Coleman-
Adebayo chronicles her
experiences including the
discrimination lawsuit
against the U.S. Environ-
mental Protection Agency
(EPA). In 2000, she won
the case and later
successfully advocated for a special whistleblower
protection law -- The Notification and Federal
Employee Antidiscrimination and Retaliation Act
(The No FEAR Act) of 2002. To learn more, visit
So tired of that same old story . . .
where people are treated
like they deserve no glory.
Our forefathers bled and died to simply vote.
For that reason, let me be the first to denote . . .
We are a people that have suffered violence,
hatred, and weathered many storms.
We are a people that have talents beyond the norm.
We are a people that deserve the very best like
everyone else.
Sometimes the stains of racism
seem to be continuously felt.
It’s time for society to understand
our future should be better
than the slavery of our past.
It’s time for the plagues of Racism
to die and eternally rest.
No matter the stigma of Color,
we are still doing our very best.
For the inspiration inside of us
will always keep us free,
Racism is the one evil intent
that only a racist can see.
We can endure whatever battle that comes our way,
May our future children never experience racism
the way ….we encounter it today!
For education is power and gives us the key
The key to a Free…..Empowering Society!
- Juanita W. Kennedy
The C4C Federal Exchange
Newsletter is a publication of
The Coalition For Change,
Inc. (C4C). The internet
publication, which shares
information on race
discrimination and retaliation
in the federal sector, obtained
its ISSN 2375-7086 from the
U.S. Library of Congress in October 2014. Got
News? Contact us at

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C4C Federal Exchange Newsletter (FAll 2018) ISSN 2375-7086

  • 1. The C4C Federal Exchange Newsletter – FALL 2018 Page 1 HIGHLIGHTS President Trump’s Executive Orders Salute To A Civil Rights Champion “Diane R. Williams, Esq.” Tools To Heal From Trauma Book Corner DID YOU KNOW . . . On July 20th, the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee moved forward three of President Donald Trump's nominees to serve on the Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB). The nomination included Dennis Kirk as Chairman, Andrew Maunz as Vice Chairman; and Julia Clark as Member of the Board. The MSPB “is to protect the merit system principles and promote an effective Federal workforce free of political interference, cronyism, discrimination and other prohibited personnel practices.” The MSPB, which is to have three board members, has lacked a quorum since January 2017. Therefore, it has been unable to issue decisions on appeals from employees that require a vote. Reportedly, as of June 2018, the Board had a “backlog of more than 1,200 cases.” According to an article in the Government Executive, Andrew Maunz, an attorney with the Social Security Administration and a Trump nominee for the Board, has a “checkered past with protecting employees.”  Read more about status of MSPB nominees at -congress/1716 YOU BETTER RECOGNIZE! (Pictured from left to right - Paulette Taylor, Joyce Megginson, Tanya Ward Jordan and Dr. Keesha Karriem) During the month of August, The Coalition For Change, Inc. (C4C) members, pictured above, held a workshop at the Blacks In Government (BIG) 4oth National Training Institute in New Orleans. The workshop was entitled: You Better Recognize: Obstacles and Opportunities in the Federal Workplace. The workshop offered participants insight on the topics below. [Topic headings are embedded with clickable links.]  Federal Employment Opportunity Recruitment Program;  Pay For Performance Compensation System;  Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s African-American Workgroup Report;  Notification and Federal Employee Antidiscrimination and Retaliation Act (No FEAR) of 2002; and  H.R. 702 - Federal Employment Anti- discrimination Act. To view related video click link below. THE C4C FEDERAL EXCHANGE The Coalition For Change, Inc. (C4C) Volume 5, Number 2 (Fall 2018) ISSN 2375-7086 (Online)
  • 2. The C4C Federal Exchange Newsletter – FALL 2018 Page 2 Salute To A Civil Rights Champion “Diane R. Williams” Tanya Ward Jordan, M.S., President, The Coalition For Change, Inc. (C4C) My friend, my colleague, and our Coalition For Change, Legislative Chair before her passing in 2016, was a quiet giant in the civil rights movement. Long before the #metoo era, Diane R. Williams, Esq., confronted sexual harass- ment in the workplace against unfathomable odds. She was a trailblazer. Diane R. Williams, Esq. In 1972, a young Williams served as a communication specialist with the U.S. Department of Justice’s Community Relations Service. Not long after coming on board, she filed an EEO complaint and named her supervisor (Harvey Brinson) as a discriminating official. Brinson fired Williams after she refused his sexual advances. Williams lost her EEO complaint on appeal, however, she went on to file suit in a Washington Federal court. In 1976, Diane Williams won her case. Williams’ victory resulted in the first U.S. District Court ruling that quid pro quo sexual harassment constitutes sex or gender based discrimination under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The landmark case against the U.S. Department of Justice is known as Williams v. Saxbe. [Quid pro quo harassment occurs when an employer requires an employee to submit to unwelcome sexual advances, or other conduct of a sexual nature as a condition of employment.] In 1981, Williams entered law school and graduated with her JD from George Washington University. For over 30 years, she faithfully served as an EEO attorney in both the federal and private sector. This past August, organizers of the 2018 Whistleblower Summit for Civil and Human Rights awarded Diane R. Williams, with a posthumous “Pillar Award” for upholding and protecting First Amendment rights. As President of the Coalition For Change, Inc. (C4C), I had the honor to speak before an assembly of whistleblowers on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC. I proudly spoke of Diane R. Williams’ invaluable contribution in advancing the rights of persons challenging sexual harassment in the workplace. Marcel Reid and Michael McCray, Esq, presented the posthumous award to Williams’ son, Kyle White. CIVIL RIGHTS CORNER The President’s May 25th Executive Orders Paulette Taylor Chair, Civil and Human Rights Coalition For Change, Inc. (C4C) On May 25, 2018 President Trump signed the following three Executive Orders: Executive Order 13836 Developing Efficient, effective, and Cost-reducing Approaches To Federal Sector Collective Bargaining Executive Order 13837 Ensuring Transparency, Accountability, and Efficiency in Taxpayer-Funded Union Time Use
  • 3. The C4C Federal Exchange Newsletter – FALL 2018 Page 3 Executive Order 13839 Promoting Accountability and Streamlining Removal Procedures Consistent With Merit System Principles Some of the provisions prescribed in the President’s executive orders are bulleted below. Made Firing Easier  Discouraged progressive discipline for removing or suspending poor performers;  Prescribed for Performance Improvement Plans 30 days’ long;  Pushed probationary period for new hires;  Made performance greater than tenure for reductions in force purposes;  Required performance and conduct information in personnel files. Impacted Union Operations  Encouraged less than one hour of official time per employee per bargaining unit;  Prescribed that employees must spend at least 75 percent of time on “agency business;”  Restricted federal union reps from using government property for free or at discount;  Prohibited unions from using official time to prepare grievances;  Set deadlines to complete collective bargaining agreement negotiations; and  Status of executive orders: On June 13, 2018, thirteen federal employee unions jointly sued the Trump administration and the Office of Personnel Management challenging the legality of the three (3) controversial workforce executive orders. Resultantly, on August 25, 2018, U.S. Federal Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson struck down most of the President’s executive orders limiting the power of federal employee unions. The D.C. Circuit court ruling is a victory for the labor unions that sued to block the executive orders on the grounds the President lacked authority to make the changes without Congressional approval. *See court ruling at bin/show_public_doc?2018cv1261-58 Tools To Heal From Trauma Arthuretta Holmes Martin, M.S. Chair, Health and Wellness, Coalition For Change, Inc. (C4C); and Certified Stress and Wellness Coach (SWC) – Canadian Center on Stress STRESS – the thing that happens when life falls apart and when the ground beneath you begins to shake. Your heart begins to beat fast. Beads of perspiration pop up first around your nose, then on your forehead. Before you know it -- you are pouring sweat. Your joints ache, your stomach aches, you can’t sleep, you begin to crave carbohydrates, or you can’t eat. These are just some symptoms of stress. Everyone experiences stress at some point in life. However, for some people life events move from stressful to traumatizing. TRAUMA is more than stress. Trauma is when stress causes an injury. Prolonged stress can cause long-term and even permanent damage to your body. Trauma is deeply disturbing or life threatening. Trauma is wounding. For those of us who have been bullied and abused in the workplace and later harmed by the processes meant to aid us, the trauma can devastate our overall health and well-being. With that said, I have good news. You can do things to heal from trauma. Recently, I participated in a four-part meditation series through the IGK Meditation Group. Dr. Jerome S. Paige facilitated the Integrative Restoration (iRest) program and Yoga Nidra. It is a state of consciousness between being a sleep and being awake right before you fall asleep. Your body is completely relaxed. Your focus is on what is going on inside of you as opposed to the world outside. IGK places an afro-centric focus to
  • 4. The C4C Federal Exchange Newsletter – FALL 2018 Page 4 the practice to help those of us in the African Diaspora address the effects of generational traumas. The great benefit of this practice is that it helps participants address traumas from present situations as well traumas from past situations. My first session was on “clinging.” We all cling to things. There are advantages and disadvantages to holding on to things. In the session, I identified the good things I cling to, like my faith in God. I also learned which things I was clinging to that were unrealistic and unhealthy for my overall well-being. For example, I found at times I know what I should do; but I don’t always “just do it.” Some things we cling to hinder our progress into healing. To un-cling, you must first accept that it is human nature to resist change. We hold on to the past. We don’t like to re-engineer ourselves to create a new future. I did this for a long time when it came to my career with the federal government. I held expectations of the “system.” When the system repeatedly failed me, I became disillusioned, frustrated and stressed. I was not acting in my best self-interest. Opportunities outside of the federal government passed me by because I was risk-averse. The session on clinging helped me to become self-aware of those things I was clinging to that hindered my progress and prolonged my experience with trauma. Healing from trauma without tools or with only medication and talk therapy was difficult for me. With the aid of Yoga Nidra and the iRest program, “the cycle of dwelling on the loss” has broken. I am now able to better navigate the stressors in my life, so they do not cycle into additional trauma triggers. I have a new tool to approach life from an economic perspective. My time is more valuable than money. I can make money, but I can’t make time. Despite what is going on around me, I frequently take the internal exploration and evaluate my state of mind and its effects on my well-being. This article is the first in a series to introduce C4C members to tools that have been proven to heal the effects of trauma to the human psyche. The next topic in the series will focus on resilience through stressful situations. Here’s to your Health! IN THE NEWS Complaint Against the U.S. Department of Commerce Edgar D. Lee v Wilbur L. Ross, Jr. Case Number: 1:2018cv02159 Civil Rights: Americans With Disabilities Click here - Filed September 18, 2018 Complaint Against the U.S. Department of the Navy Katrina L. Webster, v Richard V. Spencer et al. Civil Action No. 17-1472 Click here – Filed June 27, 2018. Complaint Against the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.(EEOC) Case Number: 16-2480 An African American female attorney employed at the EEOC files lawsuit claiming hostile and adverse work environment and names Carlton Hadden, EEOC ‘s Director–Office of Federal Operations, in complaint. Menoken v. Lipnic, Click here. Memorandum Opinion July 2018 Click here. Memorandum Opinion March 2018. National Geospatial Agency (NGA) Admits to Years of Racial Discrimination. A self-study ordered by the agency revealed that NGAs black employees have a harder time getting a promotion than the agency's white employees. Read more Video: The EEOC’s Deputy General Counsel James L. Lee and National Geospatial Agency’s Assistant General Counsel Jack Rickert Connection.
  • 5. The C4C Federal Exchange Newsletter – FALL 2018 Page 5 C4C Fellowship –Supporting One Another! Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Philipians 2:4 (ESV) This is what the LORD Says: "Uphold justice and righteousness. Deliver from their oppressor those who have been robbed,” Jeremiah 22:3 (ISV) Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But, pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up. Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 (NIV) He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us. 2 Corinthians 1:4 (NLT) Book Corner President Ward Jordan met with C4C advocate and author Veteran Karl MacDonald at Bowie Library. MacDonald is finalizing his book entitled: Veterans Under Siege. Pictured: Civil rights activists Sheila White and Tanya Ward Jordan at Civil and Human Rights Whistleblower Summit 2018. In her book entitled Fighting The Giant, Sheila White tells of her landmark U.S. Supreme Court case -- Burlington Northern & Santa Fe (BNSF) Railway Co. v. White, 548 U.S. 53 (2006). The labor law U.S. Supreme Court case on sexual harassment and retaliatory discrimination set a precedent for claims, which could be considered retaliatory under the Civil Rights Act.
  • 6. The C4C Federal Exchange Newsletter – FALL 2018 Page 6 Arthuretta Holmes Martin, M.S., a Certified Stress and Wellness Coach (SWC) – Canadian Center on Stress, is finalizing her book entitled: Public Service Private Pain. The book serves as a survivor’s guide on how to heal from workplace abuse by embracing your story. A self-help guide by Tanya Ward Jordan, M.S., President/Founder of the Coalition For Change, Inc. (C4C) is available through AMAZON in paperback and e-book. Read book review by Dennis Moore, Associate Editor of the East County Magazine in San Diego at the link below. parks-federal-government No FEAR: A Whistleblower's Triumph Over Corruption and Retaliation at the EPA, by Dr. Marsha Coleman-Adebayo, is available on Amazon. In her book, Dr. Coleman- Adebayo chronicles her experiences including the discrimination lawsuit against the U.S. Environ- mental Protection Agency (EPA). In 2000, she won the case and later successfully advocated for a special whistleblower protection law -- The Notification and Federal Employee Antidiscrimination and Retaliation Act (The No FEAR Act) of 2002. To learn more, visit RACISM So tired of that same old story . . . where people are treated like they deserve no glory. Our forefathers bled and died to simply vote. For that reason, let me be the first to denote . . . We are a people that have suffered violence, hatred, and weathered many storms. We are a people that have talents beyond the norm. We are a people that deserve the very best like everyone else. Sometimes the stains of racism seem to be continuously felt. It’s time for society to understand our future should be better than the slavery of our past. It’s time for the plagues of Racism to die and eternally rest. No matter the stigma of Color, we are still doing our very best. For the inspiration inside of us will always keep us free, Racism is the one evil intent that only a racist can see. We can endure whatever battle that comes our way, May our future children never experience racism the way ….we encounter it today! For education is power and gives us the key The key to a Free…..Empowering Society! - Juanita W. Kennedy The C4C Federal Exchange Newsletter is a publication of The Coalition For Change, Inc. (C4C). The internet publication, which shares information on race discrimination and retaliation in the federal sector, obtained its ISSN 2375-7086 from the U.S. Library of Congress in October 2014. Got News? Contact us at